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The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota • 5

Minneapolis, Minnesota
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jS 1111 11 niii juans eavb iVMr City News BOUTELL'S GOOD FURNITURE SWINDLES EVADES NET-SETDY FARGO VETERANS PLAN TO' CAPTURE THE FAIR Ho Chanco In FoUcp of Flaring TV School Fond Pierre Aug 29Stiite Land Commissioner Dokken Continuing the policy of the atate land department of several yoara in giving preference to farm loam aa far aa possible in plaeing the atate achool fund Bev-wnryenrtago nearly 9500-000 of this fund lying idlcin the itatej rearary forth glBS-nbTneohie to' the schools of the atate About that' time a SAILS FORFEITS BAIL AMD (BOSSES MEXICAN LXKE SB day will GENERALLY OBSERVEdT Grand Veteran Boblwd of 91000 Waa Back of Clalrvbyant Traced -to CWIfomta Xi Frond to Hava Boon Amstedon' Another Charge and to Sava Jumped Hla Ball Tr Memben of Minnesota Boglmmts Will Hold Bennlona oaWednesdayjSepV 4 and Will Then Go to Fair Grounds Wham Thoy WUl Bo Admitted Free In addition to the pieces unsold during the first few days of the sole the following goods which have just arrived' make a splen- did selection to choose from Remember these goods were purchased at 50c on the dollar and -will be sold to you at constitutional amendment wna aecured to reduce the annual intereat rate from 6 to 9 per cent About tho name time systematic effort was begun to place thia fund where it would be of benefit to the schools and with the lower intereat rate to work- upon the fund on hand waa Boon put out and ever sines that time with the people educated to the -state loan idea there haa been no aurptua all that cornea in being applied for long before it can be furnished and the farm loana take the moat of it For the first ix montha of 1907 the loana have amounted to 9862300 andof -thia all but about 20000 haa been lamia the rest going plaeed on farm vfrts into 910000-achool bond loana an Voterana A Minnesota Regiment of the -civil rwato aW arranging for Old Bay at the atate fair Wednea-- -day Hept 4 Thru the courteayof-the atate fair management all veteran of Minnesota regimenta who diiplay regimental badgea add "march with their regimental organisations will admitted free to the "fdir ground and a grand reunion of the Minnesota regimental orgmnixation will be held on the grounds on 'that day A- committee of- voterana consisting of A Connolly Pride and Cnl-' vin -R Fix haa arranged for the -attendance of the veterans at the fair and haa announced a program The survivors of Minnesota regimenta will meet in the following place for their epa-nd raMt Teunions xnd will proeeed to the '99000 into municipal loans' that elustf of aeeuritiu being plaeed in Ubavlea Mix and Gregory eountiea The aehool loana were in ainall auma in a number of different eountiea of the atate -while nearly every1 county of the atate' haa taken a part of -the fond on farm loans RBMBMBBB LAST SHOW "-5 U-fe- 1 i 1 Pries 1 HitopLoj Commode 99000t I Mahogany Commode 280ft 1250 I bolden" Oak Chiffonier 1 5000 2500 1 Golden Oak Chiffonier a a a aaaaaaaa 5000 2500 1- Golden Onk Chiffonier 5000 2500 I Golden Onk Chiffonier 24D0 1JT 1 flnMw Oak Chiffonier 24A0 Iff 1 Golden Onk Chiffonier 8000 I Golden Onk Chiffonier a 1 8500 I Golden Oak Chiffonier 8700 1 Golden Oak Chiffonier 8500 8700 Inia a ecntraet Bailing Grade in Lftw CSonntry nCRMn or wlllWfl (j grounds in bodies: Firaflegimfnir grounda Reg Priee-' 1 Dressing Table 9 8SjOO 1 Mahogany Dressing Table 2801) 1 Mahogany Dressing Table 4OJ0O 1 Mahogany- Dressing Table 4000 1 Mahogany Dressing Table 2500 '1 Mahogany Dressing Table 4000 1 Mahogany 'Dresser 9000 I Mahogany-DreaeeTi-i i viiti nr n- 12500 1 Mahogany Dresser': 4500 1 Mahogany Dreaaer 6000 1 Mahogany Dresser 8000 -1 Mahogany Dresser 5400 1 Golden Oak Chiffonnier fi000 1 Golden-Oak Chiffonnier: 5000 1 Mahogany Chiffonnier 4000 1 Mahogany Chiffonnier 6800 1 Mahogany Chiffonnier 4000 I Mahogany Chiffonnier 4000 Yae satla- rtb i main entrance to the fair grounda 1:31 ni aeeond regiment court room No aourthhonae St Paul 10 am third regiment' women room -eourthouae Minneapolis 9 ainr fourth reghnent-G A R- memorial hall courthouse Minneapolis 9 am fifth regiment -banouet hall old capitalist Paul 10 am sixth regiment -house of representatives hall old' eapitol St Paul tnar nneap--eourt room No 4 eourthouae 8fc Paul 10 ninth regiment offices of Dean A Co 404 Washini nea etna ington avenne Min polis 10 am tenth regiment vet-n hull qld eapitol St PauL 10 1 QoldStt OlA ChiffOniflfo I 0 9 1 Ooldu Oik Chiffonier VSaOO 1 Golden Onk Chiffoni6TiM KifniiM BSaOO 1 Mtplir Chiffonier i 70M 1 Bird eEye Maple Chiffonier 4040 1 EirdVEyi Maple Chiffonieraasoaa S200 1 Bird's-Eye Maple Chiffonier 4040 1 Bird 'a-Eye BCiple CMffodier SOaOO A Meple 'jftpser aaaara -8040 Maple A)resseroaBata 4700 A Maple Commode 204CT Ji 1 Biri-Eye Maple a a a A 400 A Maple Drimr 4840 Maple Prineees Drsseer 4840 A Bird Maple Commode A875 A Maplf GpmmodeaA9is A840 Maple Commode 1575 Qptflil liIki 7mhiL Fargo-Kr-D Aug 29 Edward Earle tho clairviygnt who swindled Brown a civil war veteran out of 91000 ia atill at large Home time ago he waa in Fargo and pretending to be a clairvoyant got Brown intereated and worked a substitution nponhim for the money Mora recently Brown removed to California and afterwards located Earle working the name graft there He notified Fargo officials who asked the arrvat of Earle Armed 'with tho aeeeasai? paperiBherifi Hunt want went for hia man On arrival there he found 1 that Earle had not been a treated -on -hia-Complnintbut -on another ehatging him with awintlling a Californian out of $300 The defendant had been per- 'mitted to 'give eaah bail and fled to Mexico before the Fargo officer could reach him Boo twtttww trNbrth' Dakota' ia "now' tributary to Fargo aa the reault of the completion of the negotiation that have been ia progress between the Fargo Cbm-mereial-elub-end the offieiala of the Boo and the Milwaukee roada Under the saw deal the Boo will ahip directly from ita territory to Fargo from Fuirmount the Junction point over the Milwaukee to Fargo The Boo will alao receive ahipmenta fRufTfirgoTMIbei and wholesalers for all- ita territory in thia atate by the aame route and charge for only the ahort-line haul to Bogera thia state?" tha direct route over the Northern Pacific where it baa been the enatom to hip freight Thia will open new territory to Fargo and ia regarded aa the nqxt beat thing to getting the Boo road itaelf into the city TOUHO MAH FATALLY HUBT Frank Kaksxman Dlaa From Znjorlaa i Received at Bhaldoa fatal to Tha JmaL Bheldon Aug While attempting to lead a team of eolta over a wire ronee which had been fastened down Frank Wekerman a young man from Reed City Mich employed by Auguat Weatphal a farmer waa ao badly injured yeaterday that he died laat evening While driving- team hitched to a bundle wagon Archie Lang of Anoka Minn waa eeriroaly injured laat evening Tha young man waa employed by William Fraedneh a farmer hauling bnndlea to i threshing machine While on the wagon pole the team became freightened and ran away throwing him under tho wagon: Ho waa' picked np uneonaeioua and remained ao for over -----two hours Aaide a--badly eut bead and a seriously bruiaod limb ho will- aot -sustain permanent injuries 1 Mahogany Chiffonnier "12500 1 Mahogany Chiffonnier 5000 2 Mahogany Chiffonnier 1 9300 1 Mahpgany Chiffonnier 4500 1 Mahogany Chiffonnier 5000 1 Mahogany Chiffonnier 5000" 1 Mahogany Cbiffonpier 6000 1 Mahogany Princess Dreaaer 4800 1 Mahogany Princess Dreaaer: 5000 1 Mahogany Princess Dreaaer 5000 1 Mahogany Commode 8500 2500 2500 3000 2400 eleventh regiment eonneil eham- am first Paul 9 eity hall St 17J Closing Out 2S0 Pairs Bast Qualltyi fv Savoy Curtains FhmT 1 In white only beautiful tpsslsl to Tha 7saaaC Grafton Ang 29 A Urge crew of ----itesd aategmahovel arc at work abbot three miles northeast of Grafton raising the Northern" Paeifie track iwthwlow plaeea where the snow eauaed ao many blockades laat winter- Roadmuater-Carney-anya- it will taka at leaet forty day to eomplete the work Major Jobirlh-- been elected judge advocate general of the Borioty of the Army of the Philippines' lie ia a member of Company of thia eity Rev Dr McDonald paator of the Preahvteriaa church for fifteen yearn haa resigned He haa aot accepted a eall to a now field David Rogers had hia leg broken jnat above the ankle in a runaway near CaaheL BATHER IN A TIGHT PLACE Mattlion Want to tha -Bottom With Azmi Caught in Shirt Arlington 8 Ana 29 Henry Mattiaon nearly loat hU life in a Uke eouth of here Ho waa undreaaing preparatory to bathing and waa standing ia a email boat about 100 feet from tha chore Aa ha waa attempting to diveat hlmaelf of hia ahrit the boat gave a lurch and he' waa thrown into the water with hia arma above hU head eanght in the ehirt He went to the bottom and waa unable to extricate himself from the weeds A companion aeeing hu predicament swam to hia aaaiatance and succeeded in getting him out FOBESTBY SCHOOL STARTED Bottineau Ang The foundation atone of tne atate aehool of forestry at Bottinenn waa laid yeaterday by Governor Burke in tha presence of a large gathering Gwing to the rain the exereiara were held in the opera houae where mddreeeee were delivered by 8 Mnhaney of Willow Judge Burr "State Senator ihelm or' WaMroa of cultural eollege Superintendent of the aehool of aeience Wahpo-ton Superintendent Stickvill Brtiator Hanabrough and Governor Burke The Omemee band furniahed the muaie Ladies9 Sewing Baskets ber regiment Pan! and of cavalry and the companies of sharpshooters main' Minneapolis entrance to the fair grounds 10 am first and aeeond batteries old eapitol St Pnnl 10 am All the organisations will meet at the main entrance to the fair grounda at 1:30 pm After entering the veterans will march in body to a tent pre Krel for the purpose where there will a reunion of all the regimental organizations An appropriate program has boen arranged Nelson president of the State Fair aaaoeiatic deliver an address of welcome will be an address by Lai St Paul in behalf or Governor Johnson and there will be ah dreeeee by several veterans LABOR DAT FBOGLmTIOH Waalvo Folding Work Basket Steel frame Mack enamel fiaiah fancy cretooe pocket all Uimd worth $L50 while they laat only Savoy In lota 2 8 and 4 pairs of a kind regular 1744 ISU and 110 one price SS-00 pair Fine hemstitched Muailn Curtains for tooa than coat bf eome 144 palm 1J4 qualities reduced to $100 itnnante Curtain Nets by tha yard 404 tOo and tke qual-- Itlea to ctoee-yard SBo- Cretonne In Remnants from I to yards quallttea tram Ito to 50c yard to 15 yard Closing -out a lot Imported Tapeqtoy Portieres In flue Ar-mures Rngllsh Tapeatrlsa alao Peraton- Wert 11284 and 81244 pair now 88 Were 2420 and $1044 uow tV ere $424 now fall to aak to sea tha bargains in Couch $1200 qualities now SO-SO 2254 qualities HS-SO 2244 qualities- IMWi eeeVt'iJelei te'ilwiS 8S0 QQlikkl BOWiiMseseiie eaiS5v About II Rope Portieres samples slightly salted 9446 and 14-44 qualities $1-60 pale Binde Door Bop PortiifMi mmmimi emeaff a-00 Vkloneo Ropo Fortlraa iefeiliM4lilfaaiie4iiMlltiMi ftampa MILLER STORE BURGLARIZED Three Boys AxraaUd for Thaft of 960 From a Miller 4 Ang The Hanaon hardware store near here waa burglarised of 950 worth of goods and money Three boy fromU to 17 yeara old were Opening Diaplay of amated yeaterday eha rged eriaw They will have a nearing and if -fonndgniltjt-WiU probably bejsentto tha training aehool at Plankinton with the man a Tbc Jmj -Itat-arlmtoc-AiBW tusUPca Jp tag sad killlac thmatT Ucary Special Sate Genuine Ranges Special eaay fonns at paytoent "Wo are offorlng limited number of these celebrated MeHt Stewart Ranges with Ugh warming closet all complete at these splendid bargain ovea 18-lneh ova IH MINNESOTA Governor Johnson today issued hia Labor Day proclamation designating Monday Sept 2 as a public holiday It ia aa follows: Sept 2 1907 is Labor Day one of the holidays set apart by national and state law for general observance No holiday is more typieal-ly American and none ia more calen-iteot- luted to bring our people to 'a serious of the rights and dutiea and pritilegeo ol i the the man in the shop in" the factory and on the farm dependa for weal or for woe the entire structure of onr civilisation and it ia in the degree that that man secures hia rights and he CTforms the duties which fall to hia that progreaa ia made along the lines that inure to our country's greatness and its material and moral welfare that tha nation possesses no better nor worthier eitizen than the man who earns hia daily bread by the sweat of hia brow it is eminently fitting that on thia occasion we should lay aside onr accustomed employments to join in a fitting had proper celebration Therefore I John A Johnson govornor of Minnesota do hereby designate and set apart the 2d day of September an Labor 'Day Let there- be a proper celebration of the purpose of the dav and that social meetings of friends lend cheer and enjoyment John A Johnson Jennings Stewart Heating Stoves SpleaM $MSjH SUM 9SUS and 99SA9 Had amt S9MS and 98KM Prise $49 $48 and 998 -Special terms of $5 down and $1 1 i Jell V-Vl fT iLa-c li A3 fi S3 gri A 23 ddh Vi 707 Nicollet Apparel We wiah to call the attention of Minneapolis women to our Advance Showing of Stunning Models in Fall Suita The newest creations beautifully illustrating the trend of fashion can he seen at our popular-price store We have also- jnst received the Latest Autumn Models in Walking Skirts Notice the Three Extra Special Values described below ESTABLISHED IN 1871 Largeat ttamr- Hotel and ClmS FeraHSere la the Nerthweat A Minneapolis Institution Owned by Minneapolis People New Fall Walking Suits nro abasing a good assortment of Now Fall king Suita in all the correct fabrics Broad- £4 ha Serna plain and fancy Che riots fancy $1 CUU pea Worsteds ranging in price from 960 to A New Fall -Walking Skirts IS BDRGLAB BACK IN MIHSEIFOUS PACKAGE BATE INCREASE RAILROAD COMMISSION SAYS NO CHANGE HAS BEEN PERMITTED ON STATE BUSINESS FILISG-FEES JHCHiSGHP DISCOVERY OF OUTTED COMMA CHANGES BUXZHG OH FBXMABY ELECTION LAW AMENDMENT ENVELOPES ABE 80ABCE Hew Contractor or Govexnmaiit Supplies Haa Trouble With Machinery After waiting two montha for apeeial request envelopes Minneapolis users of that kind of envelope which has the buaiueai card and return request printed- free- by the- department were today appraiaed of the cause of the delay thru a communication received from Washington by Assistant Poatmaater llugnea The contract for manufacturing these envelopes waa let to a new firm at Dayton Ohio for fouf years beginning July About 3000000 envelopM a day Sre demand cdWitSBew mfi agement and" new machinery the production fell below this and the- orders piled up Congroaa at ita laat session ordered that all supplies 'be sent by freight from the factory to Minneapolis anil other territorial distrabnfing points Delava ip getting out carioail lota haa adileq to the inconvenience of those ordering envelope Hesenfter the envelopes prill be sent "nr mail' anil" the deiav-maile aa amalla-poaaible New Walking Skirts made of fine Chiffon Panina 19 gores trimiud with group of tucka or folds we hgve them in all lengths Black only extra special valne at New Walking Skirts several new styles to Heleei from made of gjade chiffon rown Panama colon black brot blneall $595 3SST sixes splendid 81250 valnee for only eeeeeeee New Walking Skirtafine high grade garments splendid range of styles Panamas voiles ailka and serges also fancy mixtures values $1600 to $1650 an extra special at JO 12 Vi'1 Did the famous pot" burglar return to the city last night and rob the residence of Peter Le Claire 1234 Chestnut avenue! Whoever committed the erime has tho police guessing nnd some of the detectives think theif enemy has returned The burglar looted wore than a dozen residences about four years ago taking rings from sleepers and other valuables from their hiding places He wss as noiseless as a rubber man and lighted his way thru heripoms with'andle jn-a teapot lYhefi victim'haiipgpedcto awake ho wiubl' pWeu -rovolvr st hi7beadod command him lo reveal his treasures The thief who' worked last night was noiseless and his method was like that of the oldtimcr tho tha police have not yet found the -teapot- He entered the resilience' "probably by springihgalbck' in the front door but left no scratches Then he went directly to the rooms of the occupants and took what eash he could find disdaining even to examine the more bulky valuables From Mr La Claire's room he obtained about 910 and from Mrs Le room amount "lie" also" "entered "the room of ixup-ovtr -chapter 226 of the laws bf l9Ui relating to filing fees of esndidstes in the primaries has been straightened out It was recently construed by the attorney office to increase -all fees to-lib) cxcfpt those of legislative candidates This opinion wss reversed today Weeks who gave the first opinon i afterward made an examination of the original enrolled bill and found that a epmma 1iaiJcev tniii4''Jnidwt prinrtel bill- which changed 3 i6mih-Ing entirely Hc' CslIcir th'mV'th the-attention of Attorney Ucnersl Young who now rnlcH that the law makes no ehange in filing fees except to put all legislative candidates on the 91(1 basis: The only offices requiring 920 fee are congressmen and district judges voted for iu more than one county The rqmnin that was omitted rumes after the word the following sentence the office be one for which po th NAME! SWEET ONAPHOIOCRAPHl ISAGUARANTEE' OF ITS ARTISTIC-' EXCELLENCE iSWEET g-ST UDIO Jl JKlfiSCIxf I IBIIl Compiaints ar4comipgf rom several points in Minnesota of sa increase in the freight rate on small packages Judge Mills of tho railroad eommifl-iion said today-that no -ehange has been authorised between Minnesota points but on interstate business the roads have raised the minimum from 25 to 40 eents If higher rates are being collected within the state it ia done without authority as" the commission sdonied the application for a similar increase in minuhuma on stats busifieas One complaint from Minnciskn reached the rsilmnd commission It was taken up with tho Milwaukee officials who said that the collection of a aras-a-mistake- of -the- -agent was unauthorised and would be crrrcrted It is probable thqt other agents havo made thq- same mistake on account of the ineresse ia the interstate rate BULLET: AIIED AT BBIHGS-BOWABOBSE Wa will offer for three days onlyk about 60 doxen white Lawn Waists with fine Swifa all over em- mm broidery fronts sixes 84 to several atylea reg- 1 1 Cv ular value $L89 to $L75 for only Tax-Free Mjnseafcts i Mortffifes Aa act passed" by tha roeent tegtelatw parmlta ths payment of the aaertgage tag on mu Aa act paassf by tha rooant tegtelatars "be payment of already madw Go Shopping -4r i sij i-T to -T'-'i-y hereafter recorded nd ws aow offer far sate choir If InnMota farm loana witk aU personal tax paid lhascs MinafopoIiHTlBit'-CogaaBrT iot ms sir sTrT i Vi runiary compensation is provided upon payment of 429 except in the esse of candidates for the legislature who shall pay 610 onlv to the secretary of state thorn-son sml took bout 99 from his affidavit er- petitibn-is- filcd cwuscufa with him end 919 to ihs auditor when filed with him the auditor shall place the candidate's name upon the SUES HER FAhEIUN-LAW In spite of the fact that the robber took considerable time in completing the job nfj-onc was awakened and be -ft the house as be found it Detcc" tivos'wliowcre the plBee" todfi" KNEW HE WAS BOBBED Patrick Flan Made Good on Hla Story to Folic Patrick Finn knew he was robbed lsst night even if he wss bsilly intoxicated sml he could tell the psr-tirnlnr to the police who doubted his storv at first Finn went to the North 8ido police station last night hml told the officers in charge that WillismJLvIieh had fid-lowed him about frotlTone saloon to another and that while in ons- ef-tho-plscet he hsd taken his vratek "and pocjtetbook Ther policemen thought that possibly Finn hod loerhis watch but iicy investigated and found Lynch In a saloon: When he-was searched nt the'ststion the watch was found and ho "the "theft Immediately' asking for clemency When he -was arraigned today in po-Ijce court: he pleaded guilty and wps held to the grand jury in 9500 hail' The Erie Bsllroid Company -Offer very attractive" rates- to Him and all and 24 fr mton and all New England points Aug 20 and 24 flept 1914 24-snd" 8H-TTi riullyhbsrTSi Police Biiierintendent Corriston is trying to learn whether Patrolman Pat Pick out aerenl sood defitlUs amona the" number Include some of the lamer office get prlcee of them all on your work then com to onr office for our price and you need not tell us you have betn elsewhere we hare just one price for alL NO -MORI NO-LESS 22-k Slid Cr 7 $300 1 or whether iilir rwnlyrr shoirts rnrves- wi'rapuxzlcU-aniLajiearjeh'ofthoprcinr Hurley yhnt at a mad dog at Eighth isos revealed nothing that wonbl eivo street yester-them line on the mysterious visitor day and horse belonging to the North rate aate Bad II 1 ta Crowell Want 12004 Alleglhq eiandsr SsmUI tq TtM Dc Molncn Iowa Aug kfrtt Rm-mett---Crowell a young Widow? today started suit against her Brldp Work $300 Sat af Tistk that fit but' Malarial prloi $300 It $800 UNION PAINLESS DENTISTS lit Robert St JIINNEAPOUI OFFICES 243 Nicollet Are 041Y Ami II lirit Inn liai rc-cnllr Ijc qol 1'srl iwl wllii lmk irtnl from MSnrhriilcr Imrt i nd tn kml Ciitiji rrrek 1th 1licK tan ftem Miniicsiwlis lee Cream company was hit tqnan-ly between the eyes The (log for the eity limils fesrini Hurley might 'ghodt st 'the hone ani hgSi not' been (iccn since The home fell to the ground and the policeman discovered a bullet wound-! Journal want ads teU yMrwutrt ia it head jtwjbajigxiie wsUkcn to the stable aappareitfly waa not 2 suffering from tbs around 1 (-K C- Crowell for IIOWMI Xnrl'i unlovur damages-alleging slander 8lw: acruwd Bars t-o era 8prtngs Bent 3 6 and 7: Ask fi-By WNirTr PrArf £riqj 8t- Ptul-ct FtaL'VfMrbs TlyrutTor wtfcwWTntof brrd Hrhwisj a Ju-kcy Jtsts old tonpiwd dead tan toU refleettng upon hi1 wife' clukrartcr defewdsnt -is a Well-known financier U1 -V i-- Cd V- YV-T-F- 1 --vi Jt rri if- toAi.

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