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The San Francisco Call and Post from San Francisco, California • Page 13

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SAN FRANeiSGO CALL, FRIDAY; OGTOBERv 1908; 13 CITY REAL ESTATE 1 BETTER THAN A BANKII Tntt Is What Your" Investment Means in LOEWE TRACT. In the Excelsior District, San Francisco. Tbe lot doesn't "bust op" and nobody goes to Jail for mishandling your saving Yon control part of it yourself, and before your lot is paid for it returns you a far greater interest than compounded in a savings institu- tion. Four rarllnea and 2 schools. Lots 25x100; $10 down, $10 a month.

Take Onondaga, Polk. Lai kin. Ingleslde. Ban or cetttoteriee car to Mission -st end ay. Come today.

Come Sunday. Tract of- jce corner Vienna st and Russia ay. T. F. A.

OBERMEYER, Agent. 270 Van Nees ay. corner Grove st Tel. Market 3229. Seed for descriptive folder NORTHERN BUILDING COMPANY, General We will funiis'n plans and specifications and build cottage.

Oats store building for you and rtirnlsU all the money if necessary. You repay it you fit. Interest at 7 per cent per annum. NORTHERN COMPANY, Suite 710. Humboldt Bank building.

Phone Douglas 3611. JOHN H. GRADY. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 151 Suiter Formerly 720 Golden Gate ay. City building lots on easy terms.

We are lnstrurted to submit any of- fer made, which Indicates owner mutt sell at some price; nwcll home, 4 rooms, 1 block carline; lot 25x112 mortgage of $SOO can remain; don't overlook this opportunity to se- a home yonr own price. FYFE I'EPAOLI. Mission st. How does this strike yon? New story and a half cottage: 5 rooinx. ttath; 2 blocks st.

rar Hoe; lot 34x100 ft; $20 per month: interest 6 percent; the owner's misfortune is your gain. FYFE A DE- PAUU. with Mission branch. Bank of Italy. Mission st.

X'p to date cottage, 7 rooms, batb; 1 Work 30th and Mission lot 25il00; street wrvrk done; sewor; water: gas; easy terms: a real bargain: will po quick. FYFE DEPAOLI, with Mission branch. Bank of Italy. 3343 Mission st Lot and building, 60xS3 feet: side of Turk et, '27 ft. east of Polk; rents SIMO per month; bank mortgage, In- terest 7 cent- gross; owner will take fec- mortgage $5,300 at 6 per cent net.

In- SBl Turk SAN FRANCISCO BUILDING LOTS. $200 AND CP. Cash payment as low as $10. Mcsthly payment as low as $3. ROUNDEY REALTY COMPANY.

CCO Market st. room 255. UONEY made daily, and Call Want Ads help to make it Advertise your wants; make them known to tbe public through a Call Want Ad. An investment, sot sn expense. For full par- ticulars read Call Wants Ads dally.

f'OH sale 3 modern 6 room flats, panhandle dis- trict; marine view; rood Investment; easy terms; wilt exchange building lota. Apply owner. 1230 Ist ay. TIXK home. 6 rooms and furnished; new piano and rarpete; fine view; cars to door; leaving city; gee and make offer.

Address box 5307. Call offlce. TOR sale Up to date residence, large lots, from cars and Golden Gate park, 12tn ay. and 1 Sunset district See E. B.

Hallett on premises. t. BHACTIFI'L. large lots, each 38th v. near Fulton as a whole or $023 McEaemey title.

See owner, 1950 st. Small cottage; corner lot 25x100; half down, balance on easy terms. Northeast cor- ner 41st ay. and A Richmond district BARGAIN elegant, modern cottage, 5 r. and large basement.

4200 17tii nr. Douglass. cash, balance terms; new. 5 room cottage: 13 th ay. near st.

Box 500. Call office. FOB sale cheap 3 room cottage near Geary and Setter cars. 917 Presidio ay. J.

A. ADAMS, surveyor, 523 Bush st Phone COUNTRY HEAL ESTATE SMALL alftlfa and hog ranch under irrigation for eale; near San Francisco; all under hog tight fence; fairly good bouse, built 2 years ago. when I planted the alfalfa. There are also come chicken houses and breeding houses for pigs. I will sell the ranch with the stock or without it including about 00 Plymouth Ro'-k hens; price terms one-fifth cash.

talance In 4 equal annual payments; all cash I will sell this place for $1,700: or to a Feod farmer I will take tiie first year's crop. Write me onre. I am going to the Philip- pines October 21 and must st-ll this place be- fore I start. Address box 1023. Call offlce.

DNE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per acre per year for 10 years buys the finest winter wheat land Jn Alberta, located on main line of Canadian Pacific railway; grows 60 bushels wheat. 120 bushels oats. 90 bnsliels barley. 20 tons sugar beets. 8 tons alfalfa.

500 bushels ptr Irrigable and nonlrrlgable reducfd rates on excursion days: rebate transportation to purchasers. Get full par tlcu.ars writing to FRANCIS FERRIES. Gen. Land Canadian Pacific Railway, IS Gesry st. San, Francisco.

EXCURSION will leave October 9 to open tbe choicest lands In the state for crange and Jraon culture; near tfce bead waters ot Irri- gation; earning capacity when matured from to $1,500 per acre. Lands to be divided into 5 acre tracts and at very and on long time. In- quire of DR. DE WITT. 232S Blake st, Berke- Cal.

CALIFORNIA Und, $1 per acre cash payment tislsnce purchase 90 cents month per acre: n- San Francisco; no taxes, no Interest; 5 tcre tracts; level, rich, clear, ready to plow, liTipsted; perpetcal water rirbts: immediate particulars, maps, photographs free. STEVINSON COLONY. 1414 Market St. S. F.

FOR SALE 20 seres rich land 4 miles from Merced; adjoins land making $150 per acre; wati-r right: small house, on shady avenne: $1,000, down; aim 10 good land 3 EJiles out: water right; $400, $300 down. J. E. RirSSELL. Merced.

Cal. 20 ACRE alfalfa farms, planted. Irrigated, cantged if desired by us for yoo: all crops credited on your contract of purchase; easy terms of payment Alfalfa Farms 403 Mom 4 nock bldg. MONEY made dally and Call Want Ads help to make it Advertise your wants: make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An investment, not an expense.

For full par- ticclars read Call Want Ads dally. THOUSANDS of Bny a chicken farm on tbe Cotatl ranch sear Petaluma; several hundred famlllea already raising thousands. Apply to the COTATI SlO California st. San Francisco, owners cf property. CKIDLEY.

Biggs and Sunset colonies Choice fruit, alfalfa and orange irrigated lands, sold on easy terms. For particulars call or address T. F. A. OBERMEYER.

270 Van Ness ay. 8 and 10 acre homes la Alameda rich, level land with 2 railroads, 2 stations on the Und; cheap, $25 down and per month. Klcb Valley Land Company. 546 Market et. 515 cash and $10 monthly will bny 5.

10. or IS acres rich, level land in Alameda coonty; new S. and W. P. R.

R. LIVERMORE VAL- LEY LAND Llvermore. Cal. IF you want to know what yon are buying yon most see H. C.

WELLS. Sebastonol. Cat MARIX COUNTY -KEAL ESTATE TERMS 1-5 CASH, BALANCE $10 MONTH TAMAU'AIS VALLEY. Acres at $250 and op within 8 mties of Rnn Kraaclsco and convenient to the electric trains. Beautifully wooded; grand view of mountain end bey; roads and water to every lot; elec- tric light and telephone serrlee assured.

See tUIs property. Ifa selling fast Bend for il- lustrated booklet CRANSTON, BFJ.VEL ft DWYER. 673 California et. S. F.

Phone Kcarny 4198. Buys beautiful, wooded lot. GOxTVO; tratpr. rtrwt work, done; 4 mia- walk to station; talinw of $245 Jn ments to owner innst sell. H.

F. opposite depot. NEW 5 room house, bath; double lot. 40 fruit trees, for sale: price. $2,200: $4,100: mre for Box 17.

Kentfield. SAN ANSELMO REAL ESTATE Jl7O earli San Anw-lmo; 2 beautiful wooded lots; superb marine and mountain view; 50x150; water, etrett work, 5 minutes' walk to niHP. H. F. MANN, opportta depot.

BURLINGAME IIEAL' ESTATE PINE lot in Kust.m addition No. 2 for $400; all Box REDWOOD CITY REAL ESTATE VILLA tract Redwood City; choice residence lots; C. R. Wllcox A K37 O. G.

SAATA CnUZ REAL ESTATE RANCHES, 2 a. up, improved; town property; lots. F. n. Parker.

125 Pac Santa Craa. REAL, ESTATE TO EXCHANGE COTTAGES, flats, lota. Imp. and unlpm. farms to V-tiange.

Paul Bossier, S3C Pine st. S. F. A TUH annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bank of California will be held at the banking bouse at the northwest corner -of California and Sansoine San Francisco. on TUES- DAY, October 13, 1908, at 11 o'clock a.

m. By order of the board of directors. ALLEN M. CLAY. Secretary.

PROPOSALS AND BIDS SEALED bids will be received at tbe offlce of tbe secretary, of tbe regants, Cnirerslty of California, Berkeley, on or before 4:30 -p. October 12, 1908, for the marble and terazzo work for tbe new library on the university' campus at Berkeley, as per plans and speci- fications on file at said office. Separate bids are invited also for the plumb- ing tor tbe new library. Separate bids are Invited also for certain car- i pentry work on the president's bouse. Nokia's will be received unless accompanied by a certified check or bond in favor of the undersigned equal to 10 per cent of tbe bid.

to assure execution of contract by successful bid- der. Tbe right to reject any or all bids is re- served. the regents of the university of california. notices of assessment SUNSET MONARCH OIL COMPANY, location of principal place of being city and county of San Francisco, CaL Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the held on the day of Sep- tember, 190 S. an assessment of ten cents (10c) a share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately In lawful money of tbe United States to the secretary at the.

offlce of the company. 90 Clay San FranMsco, Cal. Any- stock upon which thin assessment shall remain unpaid on the 15th- day of October. 190 S. win be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will be sold on the 2d day of November.

1908, at' 12 o'clock noon, at the offlce of toe company, to pay the delinquent' assessment. together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. GEORGE A. DOUGLAS 3. Secretary of Sunset Monarch OH Company.

on nay ft. OAKLAND AUMEDA ffiUITYALf ROOMS AND BOARD ROOMS TO LET Oakland ALICE 5t.71037. Nicely furnished sun- ny front room, half block from 12th st. and close to S. F.

locals; nice location; rent $12 per month. AA 2 nicely furnished rooms; also large base- ment for storage; rent very low. 264 11th st. CLAY 961. Oakland Rooms to rent in very center of town; close to all trains and electric cars; very reasonable; 2 blocks to Broadway; den only.

CHANNING way. 5632. ln private home; fine location; board near by. JEFFERSON Large, front room, suit- able for running water; bath and telephone. FRANKLIN 1453, cor.

Of Beautiful location near Key Route" station; 2 fine rooms; plenty of light; suitable for 2 or tingle; run- ning water; bath; reasonable; excellent board just a few doors away. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 12th corner Rooms 60c a day np, $2.50 week up; special rate by the month. Open all night.

JACKSON 1052. corner 11th, Large corner front room; best location; fine neighborhood; bath, hot and cold water; close to electric cars end S. P. depot. JACKSON 877 Sunny front room for rent; $10 per month; convenient to trains: phone Oakland 964.

JEFFERSON 969. Nicely furnished bay window front room, suitable for 2 gentle- men; central location; 1 block from station and close S. P. locals. JONES 79, near Grove.

1. Mock from Key Route Very neatly furnished room, suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen; phone Home A 3277. LARGE airy room, in good location; close to trains and only 3 blocks from Broadway; large enough for 2 people; price $12 per month. 1007 Harrison Oakland. MADISON Bachelor's barn, also elegant apartments, sunny corner near depot, electric and park; central; children taken; gas free.

NICELY furnished, sunny outside rooms, situated In best location: close to S. P. local and all electric cars; restaurant across the street frtm rooms; very reasonable. 122 12th Oakland. NEATLY furnished back parlor, 16xlS; flreplace.

gas, use of batb and telephone; gentlemen preferred. 518 23d st. near Telegraph ay. and Key Route station. NICELY furnished room for 1 man; close to S.

P. station and 2 minutes' walk to Broadway; good location and a nlcv quiet home. 170 6th Oakland. STATION HOTEL At $5 a month up. 472 7th st.

Furnished out- side and Inside rooms 35c to 50c night, $1.50 to $15 per month. SAN PABLO Neatly furnished room, or en suite; rent reasonable. SUNNY front bedroom, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; rent $12. 600 19th st TWO sunny, furnished rooms; clone to car line and near S. P.

locals; centrally located- rent reasonable. 602 6th Bt. between Grove and Castro. TWO uicely furtUhtd front rooms; near car line and Key Route. 10S9 53d Oakland.

WEST 1214 Nice sunny rooms; equally dis- tant from local trains; references; single or for 2 people; board If desired. Phone A 4401. TWO nicely furnished sunny house keeping rcjs clone to car line; near S. P. depot and not far from center of town.

562 Brush Oakland. 4TII 614. Oakland 1 nicely furnished sunny room for bouse keeping, and 1 furnished room; 2 block to car line and S. P. locals; cen- trally located.

660, Nice, clean," sunny rooms for gentlemen; close In and convenient to S. P. train and electric cars; very reasonable. 7TH Nicely furnished sunny room; -very convenient; suitable for 2 gentlemen; close to car line and 6 minutes' walk to S. P.

depot; rent reasonable. BTU 150. Floe, sunny house keep- Ing apartments; in best neighborhood; central location; close to Oak ft. eta tlon and close to buxtaess center. BTH 071.

Oakland 2 separate rooms; gen- tlemen preferred; line location; close to busi- ness center and local 8. P. trains; electric cars pass the door. 7TH 160, Fine outside sunny room; close to Oak 6t. station and convenient to Oakland business center; bath Included.

Nicely furnished sunny front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; gas and electric light; close to car line and S. P. depot; use of phone; price reasonable. 10TH 726. Fine sunny outelde room in the best neighborhood in Oakland; convenient to S.

P. local and all streetcars; private family; close to business center; rea- sonable. 10TH Et. 719, Good outside funny room in private family; best neighborhood; close to business center of Oakland; reasonable. 10TH et, 512, hear Large, sunay, cold water; bath and phone; central location.

12TH'St. 215, Oakland Sunny furnished rooms for bouse keeping, or suitable for 2 gentle- men; central location; on carllne and close to B. P. depot; rent reasonable. 13TX st.

Large, sunny front room; also 1 small, sunny-r oom, neatly furnished; close care anfl S. P. locals; bath included. 13TH 316 1 nicely furnished sunny room and rooms for light house keeping; on carllne; minutes' walk to narrow gauge and cen- trally located. 15TH i Nice, large front room, half block from city hall; gentlemen only; reason- able.

15TH et, 417. bet Broadway and Franklin 3 completely furnished house keeping rooms; also single rooms. Phone Home A 16TII S1O 2 elegant -rooms, or en fulte; with batb; pletssnt and suany; on car- line; very reasonable; single Udlea preferred. 17TH Bt, Just San Pablo ay. A Bunny room, nicely furnished; suitable for 1 or 2 per- sons; also nice rooms -for light bouse keeping.

17TII et, 678, cor. Fine large room suitable for gentleman. Phone Oakland 9133. 17TH 516 Large, sunny front room for also other pleasant rooms; reasonable; 1 block from postofflce. 19T1I st, 855, near Market Large, sunny room, suitable for also 1 tingle room; bath; hot I and cold, water in rooms; reasonable; conven- ient to business 19TH st.

413 3 nanny, furnished rooms; house keeping or single: half block from carllne; central location; reasonable prices. 20TH 719 Large, sunny, front room; large closets and fireplace' for, heating; convenient to business center; reat reasonable; suitable I or 2 gentlemen. 19TH st, Very pleasant single and double rooms; reflned people only need apply; moder- ate, and near carllne. and Key Route. 21ST 633.

2 blocks from Key Neatly furnished room, single or for 2, with or without house keeping facilities and sB -to $25 per month. 22D 670. cor. San Pablo Neatly or- nisiied, bay window, rooms; rent reduced. am, qmCAMi 46S 11 3T kVJTffIJT' ROOmY JTO -Continued 23T11 90 Large snnny front room, -suitable for 2 between 2 car llnesand with- in 5 minutes' walk of 22d Bt' Key Route; board if desired; phone Oakland 7032; refer- 29TH st, 563.

bet Grove and Telegraph. Oak- Modern, sunny, furnished room; running water, elefctrle light gas, 30TH 563, Large, sunny, front room in private home; board If desired; con- vpn lent to 2 car lines and 5 minutes to Key Route; references. S6TH 2 partly furnished rooms; can be used for 'house keeping. 3STII; st, 540, nicely furnished room In new cottage; bath, gas, electricity; suitable for 1 or 2 men; beautiful home, near Key Route and carllne; phone. A 3078.

THE Oakland Branch 'of Call 'is at 46S Eleventh Bt. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 1083. Home OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPIXG ROOMS 2- nicely furnished, sunny rooms for house keeping; buy use ot phone, laundry and nice big yard; good neigh- borhood; close 'to can and centrally located. Phone Oakland 9287.

FURNISHED house keeping. rooms; suite or Bin-! gle; close to Market st station and on electric car line. 014 Bth Oakland. SUNNY rooms, $3.50 up, 'with, or without house keeping: 3 minutes to 14th and Franklin depot. 1220 Harrison st.

TWO or 3 sunny nicely furnished rooms; laun- dry, riitfnlng water; single or light house keep- ing; also 1 large bay window front rooto, sult- flble for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1222 st 2 HOUSE KEEPING rooms In new cottage; beautiful place; near Key Route and car line. 540 3Sth st. Oakland. 2 FURNISHED house keeping rooms; pantry, laundry; $15.

2013 Brook. Phone Oakland 5988. 3 NICELY furnished bouse keeping rooms; rent $10; near station. S2l Market st 10TH st, 822. corner Myrtle I or 2 large, sunuy frcnt rooms for bouse keeping; and laundry; near Market st station and electric- car line.

15TH Et, G15 2 connecting, sunny rooms; pri- vate entrance; cozy home. ll'lll a 1253, East 2 bay window uotine keeping rooms; batb; gas meter; fine location; near local and electric cart; A3O7S Home. 17TH st. 770 2 unfurnished rooms for light bouse keeping; nice neighborhood; near Key Route; rent reasonable. Apply 769 17th opposite.

19X11 Newly furnished bouse keeping rooms; 2 and 4 room suites; every convenience; central. 22D G79. cor. San Selte rooms for house keeping; reasonable; Key -Route station. THE Oakland Branch of The Call Is at.

468 Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3. Home A 2375. OAKLAND AXDBOAHD.

ALCATRAZ Elegant front room with board for 2 gentlemen; private family; 5 min- utes' walk to Key Ifoute. FRONT room, with or without board, 1 or 2 ladies employed home comforts; piano; private no children; 5 minutes to Key Route and B. P. depot: block from Bhattuck ay. cars.

Oakland. HARRISON st, 1210. -rear 2 nicely fur- nitihed rooms, suitable foe. 3 gentlemen, or will rent separately; first Class table board; tele- phene Oakland 5840. HOUSE KEEPING rooms, gas and electric lights.

852 Franklin Oakland. JACKSON et, 1304 A neatly furnished room, suitable for 2 ladles; also room for 2 gentU- men; near carilne; Sno table board; reasonable. Telephone Oakland 6703. MADISON st. Near carline; -beautiful lo- cation; bright, cheerful room; hot and cold running water; double or single, with best table board; homelike; convenient to narrow gauge.

MARKET st. 1496, Oakland Furnished room to let; private family; board; near Key Route and within walking distance of town. PARTY 2 to sunuy rooras. good board; -pri- vate; 1 block to cars: choice location; ences. 173 Santa Rosa Oakland.

PLEASANT home; sunny, front rooms; running water; rooms heated; excellent home cooking; convenient to all lines; terms reasonable. 1217 Filbert st SUNNY, furnished rooms, with board or table board by meal or week; near S. P. local and centrally located. 272 11th st.

Oakland. TELEGRAPH 2 large sunny front rooms with board In private family; -use of phone and Telegraph ay. near 39th st, 1 block from Key Route station; no signs. WKBSTER st, Neatly furnished room, suitable for gentlemen, with best board; private family; hot and cold water; bath; use of phone. Tel.

Oakland 0662. 7TH 1014, near Clinton 2or 4 furnished house keeping rooms. 51S lfcth st Room and board In up to date cen- trally located, house; near Telegraph ay. cars and S. P.

station: without board If desired; rnomw ROOMS TO LET Berkeley BANCROFT way, 2320, opp. Chapel st, on car- line, 5 minutes from Berkeley station Neatly furnished rooms; single or for also bouse keeping rooms; every convenience; reasonable. BANCROFT way. 2233, bet. Ellsworth and Ath- crton 2 mlnutes-frum Berkeley station 3 completely furnished, sunny house keeping rooms, suitable for gentleman CHANNING way, 2116, nr.

Shattnck ay. and 2 blocks S. P. and Key Route Neatly furnished rooms; sunny; suitable for 2 people or can be rented single; use of phone and bath; board near, reasonable. DANA 2229, near Bancroft way.

half block from university Neatly furnished rooms, $0 and np; 3 room suite; completely furnished or unfurnished: also house keeping rooms; moder- ate prices to suitable persons. KITTREDGE st. 0n1y 2 minutes' walk from station; nicely furnished room with board; good home cooking; near university. 1, 2 or 3 fine rooms, with exclusive bath, in pri- vate family of 2 adults: finely located; board next Phone Berkeley 3803. Roonwi io Tlerkeley IN North Berkeley; 1 block from 3 room apartment, partly or completely arnlshed" for house keeping.

2320 Hllgard a Berkeley. PRINCE st. 1547, Berkeley i furnished house koenfnsf rooms. Call mornings. ROOMS AXD BOARD Berkeley DWIGHT way.

blocks from Dwight way station Nicer sunny rooms, single or double; with the best table board home cooking: Berkeley. LARGE, sunny with board, in private family; convenient to cars and trains, 1634 Walnut' Berkeley. Phone Berkeley IT3O. SH ATTUCK 1335, 1 block from Berryman station Most select rooms and board; refined home comforts: furnace heat. 2SII Channlng Front alcove suited with board: running water; near university campus; cars convenient: references.

ROOMS TO LINCOLN Neatly furnished sunny front room; electric Ibrht, bath; close to cara anfl half block to Willow station; of phone. ALAMEDA HOUSE KEEPIXG ROOMS SANTA CLARA large gunny rooms for bonce keeping on lower floor; 2 blocks to st. st 1 tlon; car passes door; opposite city to lihrwry: every convenience. ROOMS AXD LINCOLN 903 (Mastlck Roo and board. $46 for French cooking; large grounds; close to carltne and 40 minutes to San Francisco.

ROOMS and board or board without rooms; pri- vate family. 1438 Walnut Alameda. SUNNY- rooms and 2101 Clement ay. cor Willow Alsmeda. Cat.


410-412'Xan Pablo Oakland. Cal. FLATS TO FurnlHhed CEDAR Upper furnished apartment of .4 and bath for house 24; water and electric light; ilH blocks from North Berkeley 8. station: children 'permitted. COTTAGES ItO FOR rbomsfand 2 blocks "froiq' 22d st" Key; Route; rent Inquire 'ISIO Market betwueu 2 and 5.

HOUSES TO LET- -Alnmedn- -Furnlahcd 7 1 ROOM cottage partly" furnished all' carpeted rent 'reasonable; beautiful grounds; adults. Owner. 1530 St. Charles Oakland HOLLYWOOD INN apartments; newly furnished suites. 2-3 rooms, $25 and $35.

003 San Pablo. ROYAL (The), 25tfi and Grove, Ele- gantly.fnrn. 2 and' 3 room $25 np. THE MOLJTOR Furnished house teeplng rooms; also transient; 2 blocks from 22d st. Key Route.

San Pablo, av Oakland. houses-- THR-SEVERN Elegantly urn. and un- furn. apts. of 2, 3," 4 rooms.

32a st. and Tele- graph Piedmont 3202. FOR FURXITURB IFOR SALE AND many homes made happy by the old reliable furniture dealer. Give us a call week. SCHELLHAAS, 11th and Franklin Oakland, at the busy corner.

FOR PIANO coupon good for $90 at Kllers Music sell chenp. REDDING, 815 GBth. Oakland. SKWING machines at -a bargain; must be sola nt once. sfiO 15th Oakland.

GEO. rOLDESY, OAKLAND FURRIER, manu- acturer of all kinds of furs; iremodeling and dyeing. G3l ICth st. corner San Pablo ay. FURS REPAIRED AND REALTEHBD Into latest style.

Washington Oakland. AUTOMOBILES Runabouts and up, and touring 1 cars; repairs our specialty. Imperial Garage, G6B 18th gt. west of Ban Pablo Oakland. sale A bargain In; a.

Maxwell touring car; two ruuabout Maxwells cheap; Al condl- tlon; guaranteed by; agents. A. O. HULL and FRANK HOWES, agents Maxwells, 155 12th Onklnnd. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES $'J guaranteed puncture proof tire for Hud- son and Republic bicycles 2d hand wheels, $5 and up.

BERG'S, IC3 12th st. near Madison. S. motor cycles, twin and single cylinder; motor supplies; vulcanized second hand motor bikes cheap. SOLeMONSON, 1057 Franklin st.

NEW YORK Bicycle 972 7th st. near Filbert; new and second hand bicycles bought and sold; all repair work reasonably done. CURTIS' SINGLE AND DOUBLE CYLINDER MOTOR CYCLES; Rampler bicycles. GEO. A.

FAULKNER. 351 12th Oakland. Vn'DIAN motorcycles end Columbia bicycles. E. V.

ROSE. 821 San Pablo Oakland. THE Oakland Branch of The. Call' is at 4CB Eleventh st. near Broadway.

Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3. Home A 2375. AUTO PAIXTfXG CHAPPELL'S carriage and auto painting works. 2124 Kirn phone Piedmont 3280. Oakland.

TVrEAVniTERS AXD SUPPLIES NEW and second hand typewriters bought and told, rented, repaired, exchanged. SMITH 402 13th gt. Phone Oakland 12. miiLOisns Ayp JACKS, the house houses' raised land I moved. 48tn nt.

and Strn Pablo," Emeryville P. O. Phone Piedmont HCSO. LI THK "Green Wagon" cleans, relays and delivers carpets at 9e a yard; carpets cleaned on the floor, '8c; very low estimates given. Phones Piedmont 3283, H-3131.

MRS. J. J. LERRI; phones. Oakland 2034.

Home I A 3011; now at 612 2d; steam carpet cleaning cleaned, renovated, sewed and laid; not- associated wltb A. 3- Lester. 1 GOLD MEDAL Steam Carpet Cleaning and Reno- vuting Works; 950 Clay- st. first class work guar. Phones Oak.

A. LESTER. MATHEWSON'3 Carpet Beating Works, 315 East 12th DRESS MAKING MARIE ROMELLi modiste of Chicago; tailor made miltn spec'y. 571 Telegraph: Oak. 7284.

shampoo'thays Hair dressers send for clrc." showing latest sham- poo tray. Rms. 27-28. 72 San Pahlo Oakl'd. SPIRELLA CORSETS SPIRELLA corsets; 'only parlors- west of Chi- cago: onr boning cunran'teed.

011 14th st. Japanese bouse cleaning, washing and gardening, Oakland 5371, A 1245. 934 Telegraph. Oakland. JAPANESE Emp.

and Houso Cleaning 811 7th st. Phones. Oakland 5522. Home A3r.22. AATIQ.UE FURXITURE YE-OLDE CURIOSITE Mabog.

tables, chairs, bureaus. desks, davenports and curios bought and Cor. 7th and Brush. ROUGH dry family washing; 40 cents per dozen; no Ink marks on goods; each washing done sep- MANHATTAN LAUNDRY 1813- way: phone Berkeley 4753. STORAGE AXD MOVIXG VAXS WE win store your piano and furniture In fire- proof iron, warehouse: separate rooms; reason- able rates.

Porter, 4CG.Sth Oak. phone 1990. LYON Storage and Moving Co. Packing and shipping. 4CS 11th phone Oakland- 2071.

HS KEYS furnished at' factory Key 855 Clay Phone Oaa. 6717. A 2574. lippFl'xO; ANY kind roofs repaired or A. HIL- East 12th phone Merrltt 450.

PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS' DE VERB architect. 578 9th LANGAN 202-203 Bacon building: 1 phonp -Oakland EDUCATIOXAL-T-Oaklaad HEALD-DIXON COLLEGE, San Pablo ay. and 16th New and modern; 12 schools; facilities and strongest Influence. SHORT- HAND. TYPING.

NORMAL. SHORTHANDS and tangbt person- a.llr. as nsed jby professional stenog- rapher; snecess assured; terms reasonable. 924 rove corner COME to Oak.T for bus. edu.

Polytechnic Business the great bus. sch. of west free cat. and name cards. 308 12th Oakland.

THE branch of The Call- Is at '46B Eleventh Phones Sunset Oakland TEACHERS THORVALD ANDERSON.VvtoIin and piano stn- dlo. Ik at 57S gablo ay. ROBERT. G. KULTON.

leading specialist for i women. 518 11 near Washington, i 1 DR. Fi- MAIN, 6027 TELEGRAPH OAK- PHONE PIEDMONT PRIVATE I home for) confinement adoption; best --'of care. 1303; Market Oakland. ARNOLD-DICKSONS glve.advlce on air affairs of life: also seance tonight.

Oakland. I I'rof. 53." lfith'': Readings I horoscopes $3 up, 12 questions 51; no sign; WANTED i' Amounts up to $10,000" at -8 per cent for'mtge. loans. DU RAY.

SMITH. 1015 Broadway. Oak. -INVESTMENTS and loans, 333 First Ntl. Bk.

Oakland. Pettis Burbeck. THE Oakland Branch of The call Is at 488 near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland. 1083; Home ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE L.

W. McGLAUFLIN. real estate and Insurance, 2407 Santa Clara ay. phone Alameda 1039; Alameda 340. Call at offlce for BARGAINS IN.

HOUSES OR LOTS. CERTIFICATE $112, good for purchase price on any piano: in music make offer; cash or trade. -Box 2282, Call of BERKELEY REAL ESTATE FIVE foom sunny cottage: corner; 50x100; elec- trie fixtures, toilet and bath: terms $300 balance easy monthly payments. '1330 Virginia Berkeley. FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE want; a- good: buy, see this best corner on San Leandro road, 52 ft.

on E. 14th 25 ft. on Highland ay. and 25 ft. on Oakland all- county roads; -partly, covered with modern -Improvements, grocery, delicatessen, fix- tures, carpets, range, etc; Buy, and you take cash right back; $6,000 handles this.

A beautiful with high basement. 2 '-story -barn, fruit trees, flowers. on best part of -Frultvale lot $3,000 handles this. 'Best business, location on Frultvale ay. now occupied by Garden meat market; lot 25x110; handles this.

See owner, Robinson's corner. 5 Highland ay. and San Leandro road, Elrnburst. BEAUTIFUL LOTS IN NEW TRACT IN SUNNY FRUITVALE Prospect Park (formerly Morgan Park). Sit- uated on East 14th st.

or 41st on the electric carline. Cars pass the property every 5 the property has been surveyed, stacked and numbered. and now ready for sale. Several, lots have been sold. Many choice lots left to choose from; Coma out today and Inspect these beautiful park lots and make your eelec- Take Hayward or Melrose car from Oakland.

EDWIN W. WOODWARD, Agent on tjie tract Want seU my place on High bouse of 5 rooms, basement; large lot. 150 260; l.acre garden; land well watered; will divide If needed; cash $1,000, 'balance to suit. Apply owner. 1545 Moaart Alameda.

down. $30 per month for 4 room 'cottage; lust close to -cars. Addrtsir box 1014. HAYWAHD REAL ESTATE FROM 1 lot up to -10 acre tract In center of Hayward and HOUSES and LOTS. 'J.

P. SlL- owner. and Main Haywnrd. Cal. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE) $1,750 KARNS 12 PKR CENT NET.

WHO WANTS IT Proposition: cash at once begins to earn 12 per cent net per annum or 1 per cent per Income Payable Monthly In advance. Security and Modern 2 year old 9 homo In Vernon Ueight9 district; on carllne; Easy walk to business; high base- ment. concrete- foundation; gas and 'electric lights; modem bath, water closet, laundry tubs, street "work, cement, walks, near Grand public school. as; certified to by Alameda County Abstract Co. Gibraltar Becanse the basis Is im- 'proved Income modern realty and recognized by banks and trust companies a3 the safest security.

Act- As this clean cut Investment will be "snapped $, Exclusive Sale On written, contract by own- er's agent. HOLCOMB REALTY (Investor of Capital). 30C San Pablo a Oakland. Cal. FLATS PAYING North side of street between Grove St.

and Telegraph ay. new 5 and room aad bath each; Income. $730; built like a. ship; stone entrance steps; beam dining room cell- ings; nothing better in. flats 1 built for the same money.

001 Broadway, Oakland. room bungalow, living room full width building, cozy seats at flreplace, flashed wood- almost ready; close S. and Key Route." RICHARD J. MONTGOMERY, Telegraph a y. and 40th Central Oakland, Cal.

ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST HOME SITE IN ALL LINDA VISTA On Bayo Vista avenue, at the head El Dorado. For sale by the owner, CHAS. H. CONKLIN. 1218 Broadway, HOMES on monthly payments; banking will buy a -Home Building .952 Broadway.

Oakland. LOT for sale; on 2Sth between Lln- "T.den.and Filbert; half cash. A. TULIN, 1022 West Oakland. L.

L.M.SALSBURY. notary; agent Sather es- tate. BroiKiwny: phone Oailanrt 4813. REAL ESTATE TO i EXCHANGE WILL exchange 20 acres for a lot with Im- provements; value $1,500. 2728 Fraitvale Fruitvale.

GO VERN3IENT, HOMESTEADS FREE FREE LAND. GOOD' FERTILE LAND. Honey Lake Valley Land now open. For Rich valley land. Volcanic ash soil.

No alkali. "Water in abundance. Railroad within 2 miles. Good general merchandise store. We locate you properly for a very small fee.

Join our specially, arranged excursion, which leaves every Tuesday and Friday evening. Call or write and our agent will call. LASSEN LAND i 41 Bacon Block, 12th and Washington Oakland, Ctl. THE Oakland Branch The Call at 408 Eleventh near Broadway. Phones Sunset Onklwnil 1053.

Home A 2375. MARRIAGE LICENSES; following "marriage licenses were i issued In i Francisco Thursday, October 1908:, Julius Appmanu. and Annie I. Stewart, both. of San Benjamin C.

24, and May 1. Do- lan; both of. 20 Middle George Alger; 42, and Leila Krause, 40, both of 53, and Tong Fook, 37; 020 Sacramento James J. 81, 422 Valencia and Jeanette McKeever, 25. 147 California aye.

'Joseph Myers, Benlcla, and Kate dl Vec- chlo. IS," 123 Duncan' st. Keller, 23, and Jennie Sangalli, 23, both of 444 Union st. 1 r-'Attllio Pedronl, 25. 460 Vallejo and Maria Camplni.

27. 720 Halght'st. Eugene Prat. 82, Rose 21, both of 2449 Mission st. Henry M.

31 565 Duboce a ye. and Vesta Thomas; 42," 21 Klssling st. OAKLAND, The following marriage licenses were issued -i Dantel 21. San Francisco, and Katherine Gallagher, Berkeley. Samuel Nusso, and Grace Lucle, both of i- John Rodrigues, 26, and Maria Pitta, 18, both of "Oakland.V-^ Thomas Moore, 43, North Yakima, and Nannie Hoyle, 42; Oakland.

Earl M.I Pierce, 21, and Lizzlnette Hoyle, 21," both of Oakland, i-- Adolfo Manf redlnl, ,1 42, and Annie 82, both of San Frank i.V.i Kenlston, 26, Taeoma; and Bertha Orey.v 23," 1 Oakland." "Julius Costa, Rose Borge, 22," both of- t' -V BIRTHS, DEATHS Blrthj' marriage and death" notices seat by mall "will not be, lnserted. They handed In at el tber of i the publication 1 offices and indorsed with the name 'and residence of persons author- ized I have the same published. Notices re- stric ted simply to the announcement of the event are published once In this column free ot charge. BIETHS In this city, October 4. 1908, to the '-wife of Wallet Bours, a soa.

In thU elty. September 19. 1908, to the wife of F. W. Wagner, a daughter.

In Oakland. October 2, 1908, to tbe wife of R. B. Wharton (formerly Julia a son." MARRIAGES In thla city, October 8. 190S, by the Rev.

J. H. Sehroeder. Julius App- mann and Annie L- Stewart, both of San Francisco. In thla city.

October $, '190S, by the Rev. James M. MoElhlnney, James J.Turney and Jeanette C. McKeever. I both of San Francisco.

DEATHS Altenbcrg, 83 Jeffery, Alfred 73 Anderson, John 0... 42 Kennedy (Infant) Batey, E. H. Klemeler, 74 Bouquet, Emille 21 Bresard. Emlle 6S Ksfre, Charlea 77 Cahn.

Martha Levy. Charles 74 Carrere. Catherine. 44 Mason. Grant 39 Mrs.

McCurdy. E. 27 Cooney, Margaret J. OS 63 Dalton, Thomas Parliars. George TV SO Eastman, Helen 53 Peterson, Edward E.

35 Fahlburg. Dora 17 Rebn. Adelhetd .....50 Frisble, .81 Rlckmann, Erich 8.. 31 Gabrlelson. 'Arthur, ai Ruddea, Kate .....67 Hannan, Frances M.

3S Sqtlcr. Florence 40 Harper, John 67 Tledemnnn. 75 Hickey, Thomas (White. Horace 32 Hlller. Adolph ..54 Whitehead, Hueter.

G. 40 Williams. 79 Humphreys, Maria. 83 YouDg, Fanny ......07 Hutehlnson, W. In this city, October 8.

1008, Charles Altenberg, a native of Germany, aged S3 years. In Seattle. October 5. 190 S. John dearly- beloved son of Nels and Helena Anderson of Oland.

Sweden, and brother of Albert Anderson. Mrs. Mary Jeper- son. Mrs. Mathilda Llndberg and Gnstave Fait, a native of Oland, Sweden, aged 42 years 1 month and 6 days.

In, this" city, October 7, 1908. Edward 11. C. Batey, beloved husband of Batey, and father of Ralph Batey, a native Of Mis- souri, aged 40 years. In this city, October 7, 1908.

Emllie Bouquet (nee beloved wife of Ernest Bouquet, beloved mother Of Etnlle Bouquet, and beloved daughter or Marls Quenel and the late Emlle C. Quenel, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 3l years 9 months and 1 day. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe fnneral tomorrow (Sat- urday). October 10, 190S, at 9 o'clock a. from her lato residence.

3439 Twenty-sixth street, thence to French church of Notre Dame dcs Victoires, where a solemn requiem high mass will celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. Inter- ment Holy Cross cemetery, by funeral Twenty-eighth -and Valencia streets. In this city. October 7. 1908.

Emfle a native of France, aged 53 A member of Fidelity lodge No. 23, K. of of Napa. Cal. Friends; and acquaintances are respectfully -invited to attend funeral today (Fri- day), at 10 o'clock a.

from the funeral parlors of Theodor Dierits 900 Devlsa- dero street corner of McAllister. Cremation, Odd cemetery. In Pasadena. October 8. 1903, Martha, beloved wife of Henry S.

Cahn. mother of Sanford A. Calm, daughter of E. D. Block, and slater of Dr.

S. D. Block. Notice of funeral Entered Into' rest. In this city.

Oc- tober 8. 190 ft, Catherine, dearly beloved wife of Jean Carrere. mother of Marie, Anna, Catherine, John and Blanche Carrere. and sls- tcr of Mrs. A.

a native of France, aged 44 years. In Palo Alto, October. 8. 190S, Miss Hannah Keziab Clapp. a native of Al- bany, n.

y. 'Friends ami acquaintances are respectfully to- attend the- funeral services, which will take -place from her. late residence, 553 Lytton avenue. Palo- Alto, tomorrow (Sat- October 10, 1908, at 10:45 a. m.

Interment private; Cypress Lawn qemetery, via 12:30 train. In Berkeley. October 8. 100 S. Margaret Jane Cooney, dearly beloved wife of the late John and dearly beloved mother of Joseph Virginia C.

Ada T. and John F. Ctiouey, a native of New Orleans, acr-il years 9 months and 8 Friends anrt acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sat- -nrday), at 8:30 a. from her late residence. "-2515 Cherry Berkeley, thence Holy Cross church.

Eddy and Scott streets, San Francisco, where a solemn reqniem high mass will celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing 10:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, -via electric funeral car from Valencia and Twenty-nfth streets. DALTON In this city. October 8.

1908, Thomas, beloved son of Thomas and Mamie Dalton. loving: brother of Dalton. grandson of Mrs. Julia and nephew of William, James. Josephine and I.lllie O'Hara, a na- tive of Sau Francisco, Cal.

In Chleo. October 8, 1909, Helen, beloved wife Of George S. Eastman, and loving mother of Carl A. and Harry A. Eastman, a native of Wisconsin, aged 53 years.

Notice of funeral hereafter. In Frultvale, October a 1908, Dora beloved daughter of Alfred and Augusta Fahlburg, and sister of Ruth Fehlburg, a native of aged 17 years. In Oakland. October 7. 190 S.

Edward Frisble, husband of Laura Walden Frlsble. brother, of General John B. Frlsble of the City of Mexico and Henry Blackman of San Francisco, and loving father of Mrs. -Julia." King." Frisble of San Fran- clsco, O-" Frlsble, Mrs. Alvin Dozler, "Carrie Bornecke, Mrs.

Louise Walden, Mrs. Arthur Barnes, N. B. Frlsble of San Fran- elsco.H. B.

Frlsble. Miss Fay Friable and J. Bernard Frlsble and the late Mrs. Anna Bailey and Levl C. Frlsble, aged 81 and 10 months.

(Vallejo, Napa, Redding, Anderson. and Albany and Syracuse, N. papers please copy.) Funeral and Interment (private) thla (Fri- day) morning, October 9, at Vallejo. GABRIELSON In Phoenix. October 3, 1908, Arthur, dearly beloved husband of Edna A.

Gabrlelson. belowd father of Edmund and Arthur Gabrielson, devoted soa of Mrs. A. Goodwin," and brother of Mrs. Carrie Hall and the late Elmer and Ernest Gabrlelson.

a na- tive of San Francisco. aged 31 years and 6- months. (Seattle, Portland and Spo- kane papers please copy. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited attend the funeral Sunday, at 1:30 o'clock p. from the parlors F.

"Suhr 2919 Mission street between Twen- ty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by carriage. HANNAN In this city, October 7, 1008, dearly beloved wife of Mark J. Hannan. and loving mother of Margaret, Mark, Ed- ward and Frances and sister of Loots and Nell Noel and Mrs.

1 Qulnn, a native of aged 3S years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited "to attend the funeral today (Frl- October 9, 1908. at 10. o'clock 1. from the fnneral parlors of P.

F. Green northeast corner of Sixteenth and Guerrero streets. Interment Holy, Cross cemetery. this city, October 7, 1908, John Harper, a native ot England, aged 67 years. In this city, October 8, 1908, Thomas Michael, dearly, beloved son of Patrick P.

and Hickey, and beloved of Dr. John Frank P. and Joseph M. Hickey, a native Mass. aged.

38 yean 10 months', and 5 days. (Providence. R. and Oakland, papers please copy.) Notice of fnneral hereafter. -In city, October 7, 1908, Adolph Hlller, beloved husband of Amelia Hlller, and loving father of Mrs.

Fannie Wleman and Bcnnle and Henrietta Hlller. a native of Ger- many, aged -54 years 10 months and 4 and' acquaintances and members of Unity lodge, O. B. Golden' Gate lodge, O. -i and Court Golden West No.

20, F. of are Jcvltcd to attend the funeral today (Friday) at 2 o'clock from the funeral parlors of Theodor 0.." UOO Devlsadero street corner ef McAllister, where services will be held under the auspices of saa Francisco aerie 0, Cremation, Odd, cemetery. In this Vclty. October 1908, Gus- tave beloved husband of Mac and loving father of Eleanor and Noble llceter, a native of San Francisco." aged 40 years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral.

services today (Friday), Qcto- "ber p. at hU late residence. 2220 Twenty- fourth street corner -of Rhode Island. Please; omit flowers. r.

private. in 1 this, city, October i.T.iaOS, Jlarla, beloved mother of George aad James H. Humphreys, M. A. Curraa San Francisco and Thomas 11.

Humphreys of Wash- ington," 'D. a native of England, aged S3 years .1 month and 22 day Friends and are respectfully" invited -to attend the fnneral tomorrow (Sat- urday) October j. 10,7 1908, at 1 :30 o'clock p. 7--. from her late 806 Oak street Interment Cypress Lawn by electric 'car from Twenty-eighth and Va- vilenelafitreetF.

In: thIs city. October William 7- H. Hutehlnson, a native Nova Scotia." aged; 64 Notice ot funeral hereafter. In this elty. October 8.

190 S. "Alfred. 1 beloved husband "of Emily Jeffery. father of J. B.

and Mary C. Jeffery, C. E. Julian and J. Reeve.

and brother of John and Mary 'A. Jeffery. a native -of England, aged 75 years 3 mouths and 8 Friends acquaintances are respectfully Invited attend the fnneral services tomor- row (Saturday). October ,10. at o'clock p.

at the chapel of Odd Interaaent private. Remains at parlors of tbe Western Addition funeral di- rectors, 1724 Devlaadero street between Sut- and -Bush. In the Crocker tract Sun Mateo county, CaL. September 2S. 190N, Infant of Thomas J.

and Eleanor -Kennedy man), a native of San Francisco. CaL In. this city, October 8. .1908. Her- man belove.l uncla of Herman and Ernest Klemeler.

ft native of Hanover. Ger- many, aged 74 years 3 months and 1 day. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at parlors of the United Undertakers. Ucw- i ard street Twenty-second.

In mis city. October 7. 1909. Syl- valn Kralmer. beloted ion of Helena and tUe late Isaac Kralmer, and brother of Blanche and Julian Kralmer.

a native of San k'rau- eweo. aged 21 years 6 months and 7 days. Friends and an; respectfully invited to attend the fnneral today tFrl- day). October 9. at a.

from the parlors of Porter A White, 1214 Eddy street near Laguna. Interment Odd Fellows'. tery. In this city, October 7. 1903.

Charlea Fhfderick Kurre. a native of Germany, aged 77 years 0 months and '3 A member Genaanla lodge So. I. O. O.

and Walhalla encampment No. 7. -I. O. O.

F. Frlenda and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the fuuvral- tomorrow (Sat- urday), at jUSO p. from funeral pxrlors the 11. F. Maass company.

1333 Golden Gate avenue, where will be held under the ausptce3 of Germanla No. lie, 1. 0.0. T. Incineration 1.

O. O. V. crematory. In this elty.

October 7. 1908, Charlei Levy, beloved husband cf Hannah Levy, and I father Of Abe Levy and Mrs. L. Llppman. and Crandf ather of Clara and Etta Mayer, a na- tive Of Nakel, Germany, aged 74 years.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral today (Krl- 10 a. from bin late residence. 18.0 gutter street. Interment Eternal Home cemetery, by 11:30 a. m.

trmln from Third and Townsend streets. omit In this city. October 7,. UW9, Grant Mason, a native df aged 39 years. McCCRD In this city.

October 4. 19OS, Ed- rd 'A- beloved son of the Hon. William r. McCurdy and late- Elisabeth McCurdy. brother of Charles.

Clarke and Mabel B. Mc- turdy. and nephew Mrs. A. C.

Greenfield, a native of Baddeck. Cape Breton, aged 2T (Halifax and Baddeck papers please copy.) Friends tnd acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral today (Fri- day), at 2 o'clock p. from the funeral parlors of Bunker Lunt. 26Ctt Mission street between Twenty-second and Twenty-third (Mis- sion Masonic temple). Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery.

In this city, October 7, 1908. George, beloved Uunband of Annie L. Mcllugn. and nncle of William C. Riley, a native of Batb.

aged Xi Friends and acquaintances art respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Fri- day), at 10 a. from the parlors of D. I. Kenny 1719 Eddy street near Scott, thence to- Holy Cross church for services at 10:30 o'clock a. m.

Interment Holy Cross cemetery. PARI.IARi'— In thla city, October George Parliars, a native of Greece, CO years. In this city. October 8, IW, Ed- ward beloved bashand of Anna Paulina Peterson, father cf Edna and Charles A. E.

Peterson, and brother of Carl Peterson and Mrs. M. Peterson, a native of Oland. Sweden, aged So years 9 months and 15 days. At rest, in this city.

October 7, J903, at her late residence, 41(J Capp street. Adel- heid, dearly beloved wife of Charles Relin. Cevoted mother of Mrs. William Wankowskt Jr. and Charles George, rral ami Anna Rehn.

and lovtnj sinter of Mrs. Lens Bohr and the late Mrs. Enbi-tte Quellmalz. a native of Imsbach, Keiierlantarn. Germany, aged 50 years 3 months and IS days.

(St. papers please copy.) I IMenda and acquaintances are- respectfully Invited to attend tbe- tomorrow tSat- October 10. I'JOS. at 1:30 p. from her late residence.

41tt Capp street near Nine- teenth, where services will be nnder the ausplcea of Ivy chapter No. 27. v. E. S.

In- terment Woodlawn cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty-eljatn and Valencia streets. Ivy chapter No. 27, O. E- The of2eeni and members are hereby requested to as- semble at 41ft Capp street utar Nineteenth, tomorrow (Saturday). October 10.

lOCS, at 1 p. to conduct the services of our de- parted sister. Adelheid Rehu. By order BERTHA A. BRIUCS.

Worthy Matron. Corona court No. 10, Degree of The oftteers and members are hereby requested assembln at 41(i-Capp strtevt near Nine- teenth, tomorrow (Saturday). October at 1 o'clock p. to attend the funeral of our honored lady, Adelbehl Rebn.

By order BESSIE D. MUNROE, Royal Matron. In this city. October 8, VMis, Erich B. Rlckmann.

native ot StralsuiiU. Germany, aged 31 yvars 2 months and 2u Friends and acquaintances are rvspectfull7 Invited to attestl tbe funeral tomorrow (Sat- urday), at 10 o'clock a. from the funeral parlors of the H. F. Maass eompahy, GuMen Gate avenne near Fillmore street In- terment Mount Olivet cemetery.

In this city. October 6. 1909, Rudden, beloved sister of Mrs. Patrick Woods, a native 'of Ireland, aged 07 years. (Detroit.

papers please cvpy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today 1 i'ri- day). at o'clock, from her late residence. 822 Madrid avenue, thence 'to St. John's church, where a requiem mass will be cele- brated for tbe repOtttt of her soul, commencing at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy.

Cross cemetery. SQUIER In this elty. October 8, 1908. Flor- ence, beloved daughter of Mrs. Zdlmon Sqnler.

and sister of Mrs. A. C. True and K. K.

McLauchUn, a native of California, 40 years. In Oakland. October 19U9, Martin, beloved husband of Baoette Tlede- mann. -and beloved father of Adolph, Martin Jr. and Krvln Tledemann.

Mrs. George E. Kleetnan Mrs. Otto Colllschonn and Mrs. Fred A.

Hlnz. and beloved grandfather of Georse E. Klcemaa Jr. and Betake Col- llschonn, a native of Bremervoerde. Germany, aged 75 years 11 months and 4 A mem- ber of Germanla lodge No.

118. I. O. 0. and Walhalla encampment No.

7, O. O. F. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited -to attend the funeral today (Fri- day), at 10 o'clock 'a. from his late resi- dence, CSS Tbirty-flrst street near Grove.

Oak- land, where services will be conducted by Vor- waerts No. 313. I. O. O.

F. Cremation. Oakland 'crematory, corner of Howe and Ma- ther streets. Ia this city. October 1908, Hor- ace beloved husband of Mabel Tourny White, father of Irving son of Mrs.

Sarah White, and brother of M. 'S. E. and Dr. L.

White- and Mrs. C. D. Miner, a native of California, aged 32 Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend the fnneral today Fri- day), at 3 o'clock p. from Bethany Con- gregational church.

Bartlett street near Twen- ty-nfth. Interment Odd Fellows' cemetery. Re- mains at the funeral of Bunker A Lunt. 2668 Mission street between Twenty- second and Twenty-third (Mission Masonic temple). Ia thla city.

October 7. 19OS. Morris, dearly beloved husband of toe late Henrietta Whltehead. and tdollzed father of Abe. Loots, Sam.

Dan, Lottie and Helen, Whltehead. a native of Bohemia. (Amster- dam. N. papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral today (Frl- at 11 o'clock a.

from his late renl- dence. 571 Fourth avenne near street Rich- mond district Interment Salem cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty-eighth- and Valencia streets. In Mill Valley. October 6, 1908. William Williams, beloved brother of Mrs.

Mary Prior and the late Francis. Abraham and Joseph Williams, of Cornwall. aged years 8 months ami 24 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the' funeral services today (Friday). Octo- ber 9, 1908.

at 2 o'clock p. at the chapel of N. Gray 2196 Geary street corner, of Devlsadero. Interment private. In this city, October 6.

1903, Fanny Young. twlOTtd mother of George J. Daniels. Charles 11. Daniels, Mrs.

Helen House of New- York and tbe late Mrs. V. Mott Pierce of Buf- falo, N. native of England, aged 67 Friends and acquaintances are invited attend the funeral today (Fri- day). October 9.

lOCS, at 9:30 a. from her late residence. 4321 Twentieth street, thence to- the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer for services. Interment Holy. Cross cemetery.

INDEPENDENT CF THE TRUST Seventy-five Dollars I Will Furnish: CARRIAGES, EMBALMING, CASH JULIUS S. GODEAU Mats' 1 3123 Ensh 9 1. 2689. Aad 1306 Fraaklla St. nr.

17th, Oakland. none Oaklaad 4045. Braach 1 806 Moatgomery At. Twnp. SZtt I Ajnb aad to lUta.


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