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The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota • 5

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i'O SATURDAY EVENING JANUARY 14 1899 THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL FIRST LECTURE T0-NIGHT THE CITYIBISTEBED 16 io wmiwusiSBC BlLi the thqr''SoelolovIeai Conroe T'sltwlas Church THSS STANDARD OIL OFFICES I jL J- i TALK Minnesota LoanGTrustCo MincirouM CAPITAL 50000000 I Combine Aldermen Mode an Unex-1 pected Show of Strength There Are Abeet lOO Employes Who Will Prebebly-Remove From Feel Retail Grocw' AidcUuii Alked 1 I United States Is Dr John Graham Brooks I who begins a oours of lectures under the auspiesq of Stanley Hall at' the Uni church this evening i iv i The following notices -are Indicative of BUILD UP OUR SHIPPING AND FOfeCED AN ADJOURNMENT TWOULD iSSKfi Carefully Valley Invest you i savings In a good farm mort gage through Harass Bros Oneida blocs" Aladdin Tent Knights of Maccabees- at Camden Place Installed officers last even ln Two hundred second-hand Ooo pel Itymna 1 tl land 4 will buy small or large quantities I Seventh street 8L Members of Itasca Council 1 No 1208 Royal Arcanum are requested to meet at the' hall corner bf Central avenue and Ladles Homo Journal' etc etc It per year Subscribe at the Century News Store Third street Open Sun- 6 fied River irtgagee All (leases TrHl (tnlallf A Qa jpeopty In the coming course' -The' address of Dr Brooks was entitled 'Ths -Heart of the Social Ho has been heard -wltn attention with attraction and with Instruction by auatances of men and- women in Manhattan In Brooklyn in Boston and In other communities during- the present year ana in Wsrklsgmcs ss tho Farms lx tho Mines tho Forests and tho Fee-" (Cries Woold Bo BoaoSttod Aid Adame Votes With the as Do Five Other Rri publicans Bt Paul Is to loss on of Its Important commercial concerns From an entirely credible source It la learned that the Standard Oil Company -la preparing to remove Ita general northwestern headquarters now located In 8b Paul to -this city It Is understood that tho intention is to erect a building for office and warehouse purposes The Standard OH Company has a large and 6 motif jr to lo i on first class mortgages prevleun yeses and he: seems tot have made or to have found hie mission to be the stimulation of thought upon eoonomlc huidii' or Co hAvi fouri the stimulation of tho Interest Allowed ee Depfsits Municipal and ana other High The Ki Grade nds bought and spliL Some kind of a "comblns" dominated last a council masting but whether It was a combine to have a Uttle fun a "bluff to scars President Crosby Into making some committee changes or tho real article still remains to be" seen Certain It to that Aldermen Adams -Main Powers Sibley Currier and Suth- 11 In -Aha current number of the Commsiv I 1 al Bulletin It la stated that the Hanna subjects of thosi Mt mvbiTtb was brought to the notice of the asocla- women of society of fion of rtoigtous them will remove witn tne headquarters 1 nf Tark I orthodoxy and or a more or less real ethl- Where the company will build In this city I fLfTwSn I S4 to whom the pleasures of life when active ooeratlona will be Inauau rated I wbo tlM tbat -tb pumgo of the bHl I have been quite as aUpHdeant as Its duties when news oyraions wui oe inauguratca I wu Mnpti th uUdlng of JSOOOOOOO I have -sn addressed by Dr BrqokS ln a knointoet now hor can anv nchr wlu compel tho building of fSOOOOOOOhavehesn addressed" by of ths Fifth Avenue Congregational church will bear watching they promise a surprise for Washington's birthday Dr Joseph Baldjwln of the University of Safety DeeesHi Beaee Fer 1 ill: Axis mt ii 'ildixu hOAX fatwTn ffi B-rT i tlIt I rinnd Joined hands with the democrats I i tm jBtatee during the next ftva yean nd I iuaowSecwe to'quicken 4n-Theri tha't American Instaad -of foreign workingmen I coasaiemlousnMk of obligation to- human-iupon the farms In tha mines the- forest I ity which tooltttls In the pam has stirred the factories in tho shinvards and- on I action Dtj Brook ta gltted -with uh- the factories tn the shlpyarda-andon I and that In the near future SB 69- HAD A NARROW ESCAPE board tho ships will be tho beneflclartoa 1 tng tt on with a simplicity a sincerity It will make great maritime power of I sagacity that are excellent ne lmprea-the United States and arlve additional lm-1 Sion which ho mikes should ba profound the United States and give additional to" week before anything had been transacted Ten republlcana opposed such action as there was a great deal of business that needed attention While there is much significance la such action It does not necessarily Imply' that the six men named have sold out to the democrats soul and body and can be counted upon lo disregard their word ofj honor and vole to dethrone Freeldent Crosby and vacate the council committees for tho purpose of distributing the aa- Quicke petua to our rapidly expanding foreign Tho Chlleoot glide Barely Mlesed Mlnneapolle Man Lansing tho well-known Minneapolis builder and contractor who went to tho Klondike last April la home for a short lime expecting soon to return to iSt Safest Cheapest aignments dhfereiMly ttflaimirn csrno from iliUr 1 Slty which he believes WUI be the The motion to adjourn tame from Alder-1 Plnii nf cieikirk terrltorv recontlvcre capital of Selkirk territory recently commerce 1 side with him In order to obtain the earliest poaslblel thorough and unquestioning action pursuant to tha policy of the United Spates tho bill provides for bring-1 'jEdllratfon th 1a tor Ing under our flag and the protection of I eight addressed on so our laws tho few foreign-built ships now fore audiences bf many Bundrsda lAgaln faiiv mininpuii far I and again have the more thoughtful critics actually owned ana contracted for by clergyman of tne city had American dtixens and in which and In I those -four montnn their trade American capital haa been I the conduct of Ilfs and la actually Invested Tho American I registry of these foraign-huUt ships TOtthat tSemlnil welfw tKfouTflSds conditioned upon their otoners raHdlng its largo reward la hearing JUm These coasMeraltees as wsN as I the meet satisfactory! amass of created by the Canadian government Mr Lansing conducted a general atone at that point during the summer and sold out Just before" returning He expects to open another store on a bigger scale Mr "Lansing visited Dawson City but left In a (hurry on account of the typhoid fovefi epidemic He has great faith In the ex In Auidn Texas The annual meeting of the Old Soldiers' Antl-Eustls Club will be held this evening at Alexander's hall as Sixth street S- Officers will bs elected went y-second1' avenue NE Sunday at sharp anil attend the funeral ln a body of Walter! Cunlee which will be hold at Shllo Pmbytertan church -T5e will bind a volume of the Century Review of Kevlepvs or elmllar else Call and sea samples! Missing numbers supplied Century News Store No Id st 8 The Union Leiwtue will hold Us annual meeting next Monday evening to elect officers for the ensuing year and to transact other Important Business A large attendance at Ita members Is expected -Dr II bridge ot Lennox years old died laqt night at tho Murray in-stltuis whsre ho had been undergoing treatment for thf morphine habit lie leaves a widow wid two children John Coughllnj who was arrested a short time- ago on suspicion of being mentally deranged was rearrested last night by Officer Matt Jfctca When taken to tho central station ht became violent and it was necessary to put him in straps and remove him to-tbeijaii Another minor phange was made in the personnel of the police department to-dap Janltresa Mrs Mary Hawley of tho cen- seedisg messeseare ed by the Long-Distance Telephone man Adams the keyetone to tho combine if there to any alliance such as appears on the surface Alderman Lloyd objected on the plea that there were matters of public moment requiring attention Alderman Powers wanted an earlier day tiign next Friday fixed upon as several members could not be In the city at that time The original motion to adjourn fori one week was carried however the roll being called on demand of Alderman Lloyd and Rand And that la all there was to It for tho time being I hero and putting Into our own -trade at tha earliest practicable time new vessels tent 'of" the" gold deposits In 'the Klondike I of tonnage fairly proportionate to that and In the Atlin I of -the admitted shlpa None of those Mr Lansing saw and barely -escaped the I foreign -buHt ships or of tho new ships to tremendous avalanche In ChDkoot pats I to built here are permitted to engage In which last April killed fifty-nine people I our coasting trade but they are permit-lie was only 200 feet from tho mighty moving maas -The most painful expert- once In his llfo was the digging out of bPo under foreign flags are permitted and Lettors wsajo hays been tbo tocture io had been over- I to trade with All the owners of Amerl-1 by Dr Edward Everett Hale but as Dr MISS FIELD'S READING DassMer oC Field Agy Here Jtt Saturday Tbs next entertainment In Popular tad to engago In trade with aueh other I Courae" under the Joint auspices ef the ports belonging to tho United States ss Teachers Club and tha Institute of Arts the poor fellows who had been The BMees rM and sertsia the of icsmwaaicatlea tm stored the nmre salistactorv wMI he the hestoese transacted to sheer tally I fernishsd lerxettae Condensed Milk CHUCK STETSON'S LAST overwhelmed They found one man who had dug hla way almost to tho surface of the anow when he waa at laat suffocated i brh Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co can trading ships now existing are re-1 HaU found It necessary Jo change hla Iqulred to undertake the construction of I dats to March the reading by Mim Mary new tonnage fairly pee port toned to that I French Field wlH come next in the oouree of tho ships claiming the benefit of this I Mlaa Fleld will appear next Saturday act I evening at the Lyeefcm theater In read- All these ships are required to carry I ing from tho writings of her father tho malls of the United States whenever I Epgaqo Field THE ZEISLER RECITAL LittueBook INFANT ShouMbu fu Every Heufa px'cmDCMUD'rniuCcoj 'y ymvKyonk vvwvvvia Ho Submits Ilia Farewell Report ns Fire Chief Trank Stetson the retiring chief of tl flro department tn hla annual report tral station was discharged by the chief of I announces that the department responded police She haa tjeen In the employ of the I to SOI alarms In 1898 The total loss was city for a number of years snd Is a widow I aU26LM The council had appro prla tad depending upon tbs small salary which la 1 1330000 for the maintenance of the depart attached to the position I ment and S3ZTTS5 had been disbursed as Judge Charles II Woods of this city re-1 follows: Salaries 233604 forage 113-celvsd word on Wodnesday last of tho01SE fuel and light 11030666 horses death of hla dnly brother Edward 200050 lire alarm telegraph 86SSSD Mias Field 1a an accomplished reader having met with great mfScaes In tne Interpretation of her fathers poems she needed for such purposes When needed they can to taken or employed by the United States at any time m- I This Remarkable Woman Plaalat Will Retura Next Friday The long period of Inactivity In tho musl-loal-season will be moat agreeably relieved next Friday evening by the reappearance All these ships are bohnd (in addttlon I were hot an accomplished reader het pop- err to tho indispensable training of their ulatlty would not be eo lasting Yet It I mnet be conoeded that the fact that aha inmnaiHamiaraMB I "Til mI hoM and olnea MRS 74 atoreromn '(iinll et Mtaas Bloomfleld-Zcisler the remarkable 1 crews) to constantly educate and train of wSBlwd PllH nirrairXhop BWho PanlBt whose playing at the ATM Phllhar- American boys for the various necmeltiea 1 JOeno daughter other things a member of thejflrm of woow BnarwoMPvwmrjir anoR imwnOTao- MTUart aUf4 a unurlnn I of naval Derations I belrig equal quahflaa her to read her monks concert created suck a sensation I vr IneM es iMavAif Qmly Red Star 1 fataei's vend far bettor than another A Co manufactiurcrs of wire ware and I shoeing Slee7ta repairs to buildings was prominent Uq business circles In Low- WIM02 mlacellaneoua supplies 480804 ARCADE F-Lenoxl THE LUMBER MEETING SLUMP IN SUGAR i 'Comprossod Yeast Tli only pule reliable brand See I Those who heard her on that occasion were so anxious to hear her In a full recital that the club members undertook the work of bringing tier back for a special concert! I and the recital at the Lyceum next Friday evening will be under Philharmonic aus- pices The program for the recital will be of much Interest to all music lovers It fn- 3YNDI0ATE ARCADE i Northwestern Retail Dealers Gather Here Next Week Wednesday Thursday and Friday of jpxt week U- la expected that 500 retstll A Preapeetlve War Likely to Riiog Down Prises Thi repoit comes- from Now York that There had been flve fatalities resulting from fires: Mrs Ida Peterson Mrs Mabel Baehr and Baby Ambrey Peterson on March Baby Loys Willard on April 31 and Mrs Betchcr on Aug 36 Seven reeuea had been made at various fires by members of the department Mr Stetson states that the water supply has been greatly Improved by using the sew reservoir ell He-was -otto Of the first projectors and managers of the A in America At a meeting of the board of trustees of the Bt Peter the Insane to be held acme time next week the death of Adolph Wlnqulat kill bo Investigated Nora Lodge of KJ to which Wlnqutat belonged instate onl an Inveeilgailon In the lodge that an Investigation will be held President Mason complains that no representative! of the trustees waa Invited to appear al tho Wlnqutat autopay Walter CurtlasJ plpeman of 'No 1 en- I lumber dealers from various points In the I thejhlg men ef the sugar trust met there cTudes "an entirely replete I northwest 'will visit Minneapolis The an- yesterday and put into Hayermeyar'a hands I with opportunmes such aa only Zetaler gathering of the Northwestern Retail to enttreauiplus the trust amoantlng Pga4-hl IFamAmma Association ta always well I to jmimona of dollars wlfli the avowed I attended but reasons attach which lead purpose of going after the Arbuckto Inter- to the presumption that this 'occasion Is I esta Instead of allowing the Arbuokle intsr-to be marked hy a larger turn-out of the I seta to go after them as they did recently'! can make the most of Hor wonderful power of expression astonished all who heard her baton From the deep Interest taken In the Coming recital It 1a evident IX A XITSIIKLL 1 The repent storms caused the urns of- many Uvjm and much property ortamouth and Southampton are Hooded Mau The jmsyur ahd city couiidl 5 City Coert Janitors Weinberg and James Danaher 'Swan have been selected commit-1 thmt audience will be largely composed I purveyors of boards and shingles- than I Whether the trust or its competitors do tho I SlPOUrtllSt fl TTIllIlflETtn1tN students of stiano music who can hardly I uwusL Secretary Hollta said yesterday cutjllng and slashing -which ta anticipated of students of piano music who can hardly liave msignvd because ot i Uielr inability rales auttlclupt (funds untier tne present afford to miss a lesson of such value and such rare occurrence Tho boxes and loges I are nearly all taken at this eariy date ln-v surlng a handsome society patronage glue company and a member of the depart- rt: vau-a mi hto I puoiic arounae ana home 43 Twent-fflTurfli avenue NE last I lBltor al tb municipal court rooms JlSi MR MEDAL children The fiineral will be held to-mar- I row to be under! the auspices of the Fire I Awarded by the Caaadlaw Govern-Department Relief Association and the meat for Military Services by the council tee on public grounds snd buildings that In general" the same program Ob-1 by action tho consumer Is bound to served In other years would he followed I bexlsflt and tho jobber io suffer so the pub-out this Wednesday 'the first day' will I lief can look on contentedly at any 'sugar be devoted to tho election of officers and I war that breaks out Jobbers are rather the presentation of annual reports and I disconsolate over the sugar situation anyth two remaining days to the discussion I Maiming that tho profit per hundred of papers on subjects of interest to tho I pounds handled is usually about oents trade Not the least Important item of I and oay that a further reduction would cut I 1 IH ABHQfjTATTftlf business will to tbs consideration of the out the element Ot profit altogether Wtfswef Jw MW ifA NNNyiNNN PAID EM CLAIM SMOM report of the Joint- commKtoe the body which adjusts all difficulties between wholesalers and retailers which might ds- PLAYED WITH PILLSBURY taring New Thb d'reitolrs of the St I'auIrMInncapolls A Manitoba declared a quarterly tiividriifl ot ifo Per cent on its pri-ferred stock I i Havana-Pour new canes ot nmsllpoa -developed In Ah tine Hundred and Slaty first Indiana rKlfnnl yesterday and sav eral othsra are siispected Paducah Ashcraft has been commissioner ot the Shiloh military park by Hid secretary of war The position pays SWII jer year The L'anarilun manufacturers lidve deuliied not to exhibit at the world's cycle show to be held here They do not Chess Roy ai Arcanum 1 The Bulletin says that a The remains of Mrs Selina Sullivan were I medal ta soon to bo presented to Wm A removed to tho ijounty morgue this morning where Coroner Nelson will hold a pxt mortem examination Mrs Sullivan' was Broom of this city by the Canadian government for distinguished' services rendered during the Fenian raid of thirty-two Dr Fores Praa Wallace CsmpbellVlce-Pres Force Sec FATRONTNN A XOIKH OOIKPAITY 1 So 1 years ago Mr Broom ta at present with Wyman Partridge A Co aa head of their I local sales department Mr Broom enlisted st Vienna Ont at tho age of 14 In the local militia company and was only IS yeans ot age when or-dered Into service at Port Sarnia opposite Port Huron where It was anticipated the Invaders Would make a stand Hs was! takenMI! yesterjay afternoon and some time during tha might expired The cause unknown The deceased tru a yrars) old and resided at 1034 Blattf 1ui5 cillton halT mL litnrnl Hucaer about tow) tne talance I Blie leaves thraej brothers also due rruut him to Lhe state fun Ms shortage c-are to compete with trie United States I Sill bit 1 I widow 96T 1 iiarleston WJ-Va--Kx-Becretary nf The meeting te be held In the board of velop friction The conten tion is not to bo unmarked by social Indulgence There wiU be a concatenation by the Hoo-Hooa Wednesday evening "on which occasion several novitiates will he inside to repent that they I ever consented to jolq tho order Thun-1 tot the Third regiment In anthripetlon of I day evening the traveling lumber and I the call Which has now oomo and in the few sash and door salesmen will banquet the I days that intervene "befaWeen tha a convention at the Masonlo Temple 1 departure for Manilla the society Will get INDRNBNDHNCB NEST of over 5DWW trade room on Monday evening Jan IS by Euslvne lllggiiis democrat- sis Checker Mew Try Preweis Harry Plltabury the champion chessplayer of America dallied at the Minneapolis Chess and 'Checker Club yesterday afternoon with six chess and twelve checker players of Minneapolis In the chess games aa fast as oaa player had enough be resigned and let some one else take his place Elliott A Robinson of Fargo Stacy EL Plummer and EL Lewis resigned and McLeod lost Stacy made the best showing staying in for 44 moves in the checker play Albert Titus won the first game In SO moves and played two draws George Kehoe- fireman won one and lost two games A Bcrlm-gcour Splayed two draws and lost one to Plltabury Rain won one lost onn Davis played a draw Coatafn lost three gimen A Horton Charles Robinson Pickett William Fltchctt A and Grlmshaw each lost a Thursday morning meeting will tellnirithe usual working order Yesterday ItoskheUcn Deelde to Hald the Raees Special to Tho Journal Independence Iowa' Jan By vote A lYnir'ffhiTn to Hunters and Anglers Pro state convention and was known ail I gallon has beenj-postponed to some future I under the command of Captain Twecdnle over the country! dldd yesterday of pnou-dato to ho announced by the secretary-1 who was billeted with one of the best snoitla aseuei'l I when the togtaldtlve committee will be I families In Port Sarnia and who asked Pit I convention of l'ulied I ready to report jlt 'ta desired that any one I that Private Broom an account of his ex- nv I having any suggeetlone or amendments to I ireme youth given the same billet anwra-s uauvwu iwih anv nrtmilnni preceded by a brief meeting of the Retail Lumbermen's Insurance Association ilMufiSSS jmr ute1t-tta I I Writing rigorous snd DEFEATED AT CHICAGO tbfc-fort was visited by -Mrs -EL Ballsy nijd Mrs Cora Jobnsoq of the B-h Fhul tool tty and -tho soldiers expressed great appreciation of the work-whlch ls being and toi bo done for them They are to to gone Debates! I a llong time and wll have io to supplied 1 with a greater quantity of bandages ffchn any other regiment that" has left the state Cl ilverslty at Mi Moot Defeat With Hoaor loaota of tho otoakliolders of the Driving -Club it) been decided 50 to-8-to give tbo annual race meeting The association will again take its place In the western cult and hold a meet In August between -the Dubuque and Hamlin meetings Following are the directors chosen: 3L Stout A Farwetl Cuttta TrSsk EL Raustar Jonas WDor-mon Tabor Rmulg The program will Include two 6000 atakao and ton 1600 stakes University of -Minnesota debate re met Materiel for work will be supplied try Mira Bailey at 468 Holly avenue St -Paul any time next week i- I I defeat In Chicago last night In a debate wltfi the University of Chicago A Finch Jerome and EL McGinnis represented -Minnesota: Thomas Glen-denning 1 01 Maurice Man-dervllle represented Chicago The question was the election of United States lnatyrrs by popular vot Minnesota had the affirmative Professor James of the GEN NETTLETON FAILS File a Petition la Bnakawptoy GiNNER TALKS OF SUING 1 1 Iatlssatee He Will Bring bait Against others iisving wjUhdrswni secretary In the youthful soldier -stood Springfield Jdi-S I Usselions who At next regular meeting of the Min- otbelfdltle- wae elected to the forty-seventh cousress lu --4 tirocers' Association to I Canadian army This wss from Missouri the greenback lu-Xet is RetMl Mrocers Awoctatton to U( and on rjny And lt aeutl st ms fruit) fsrm near here He was I held Monday evening in tne xyxee diock 1 sufficient to laet a llfatlin burn at Aniloveri VI In U21 the matter ot admltlng the oil vendors to I uracenl 10 111 a ralun- Jaiistng The anll-1'lngree sens toie yeaierdav secured tne adoption of a resolution Increasing the senate standing committees so eta to secure a two-thlrua vote against all iPlngree measures Subdivision of lauthority delays urge Suiting Havana in tlret-claaa sanitary I be condition The Sanitation ot the custom-1 iunch -will be eeived by Regan Brothers boar tha uwiai Iiouee was -not carried out because of a I I 1 o- oeare tno usual imperial army long liiiMunderstundiiik as to wlw was In au-l President Baldwin of tho Young Mens I service medal design the' standard thorny I I Democratic Cleb has appointed commit-1 Queen's head The name of the recipient I New York-AJ 8 Adams counsel for I tees for thedub as 'follows: Program rwlll bo stamped on the medal round thoMf" -LSwn 1 William Daniel Sam Robb George edge 1 PaUl naa oovn iakefi rom he bank Achard yrank Lenhart Fred It Is probable that Mr Broom ta the "only Bowers ock Edwin Connor Da- cltlxen of Minneapolis who will receive one I vis James Kt Mehxn O'Connor of heaa and In all likelihood nq James O'Brien to revise the constltu-1 otb ritlsen of the state of Minnesota tlon and by-laWs Lewis Bchwager Harry venVldsiits o7thJ Lund I Eastman Mrior-1 BlYn residents of tho United States gams and Horton EL Merrill game Samuel the In a above and In on tiie 1 la Now York fi Nettleton formerly part A Railroad Ofllecsa Blcetcd Special to Tbo Journall 1 Ames lows Jan Tho annual -V Gen: Cosaailsatoaov Dearth Glnner supreme president of Order of Minnehaha formerly of St now of New Jersey or Philadelphia recent call upon the members of the University of Chicago who presided said I owner of tho Tribune In-Minneapolis and I Ing of the stockholders of tbo said that tho debate was one of UuPgreatest subsequently a federal office holder and I College railway woo hold tn-thto city and In tho history of American coll egos Tho I Wail street promoter residing in the east I tho following "officers Mooted: -President' order for their duea for January I audlence generally thought Minnesota had I hhs just filed -in New York a petition In I Greeley vloe president EL Stan-- VIWI WB" RGUtoGi I tV Waa a I aA ka -a I iv a MR AAA a-A damiMslIi if s-n TR the best of It the and and Judges were not bankruptcy liabilities 70000 itomlnxi ton Manager-M Smith George France unanimous the ivots being to absents 90000 The -liabilities are said to I of Dee Moines was eleated a dlreooor la the COFFEE FROM HAWAII be due to persons and banka In Mjnnrap- I plaoa of "Tuna Jim" Wilson otto Washington and Philadelphia I Henry Wilkinson for thirty years a rasi-Bhrinluge in values of real estate in tbs dentof this county died at his home north northwest and failure of persdns for I of Ontario at noon yesterday Mr Whom he indorsed are given as causes for Ison was born in Cambridgeshire Eng lx (Bing tbe petition 11821 In 1801 he moved to this country end General Nettleton ta well known (q bust-1 In 'A settled near Ames He leasts a wife neee and newspaper circles in the- north-1 and six children Saw Fru to else Jobbers Arrange Introdnee It Hero' FOR DISTRICT JAILS February intimates that a suit may ba store for Receiver Hodgson and Insurance Commissioner Dearth Mr Dearth other hand suggests that the Ram-syfeounty grand Jury may take a hand In thewffair and see If It cannot get Mr dinner baric to Minnesota not In the oaparity of an Insurance company president however i The call above referred to dated at Philadelphia 1s the third since Mr Glnner'a unexpected departure for the east with tho order under his arm To the formal call ta attached this postscript: The Board of Charities and tlone Favors This Play In the biennial repoit of the state board of corrections and charities the district Jail system will again be advocated as an A representative of the firm of Tillman A Bendel large wholesalers of Hawaiian coffee in Bail Francisco was in tho city this week making arrangements to have it handled by one of the leading retail dealers It ta hto Intention to sell direct to tho retail merchants until the demand shall west He was assistant secretary of tbo treasury during the administration of President Harrison Iirleoiuirs held by the insurgents in tnl w-m iBoweraock a'hiiipptn Islands 1 mack Fred HjBoweraoca Thi Spanish transport Mun-1 At the annual meeting of the-Security rhvn which sailed (rum Jiavuna on Dec I bank stockholders tho following directors S4 tor this portJiiMViog qn board repatri- were re-slectedi IVlnston 11 Thompson ilA Carpenter JW Kendrick LrriveU iwre yramdSyT I Bennett Hull A Clutmber- DtHputches from the Herald's 4an EL yachts Thomas corresiNiudeul at Uuayaqull fekiuador Perry Harrison Nsw directors chosen state that ilia insurgent Headed ny tne were 9 Not( BWinston and James clerical party tomch Is utrivlng to over- 'QU(rka The'dlrfectors tat turn re-eleeted the throw the Alfaro admlntstrstioti havdl Hank as follows reached Quito the capital and heavy entire official slaffot tne panx as roiiows hghiing Is -mm rieniariiy 1 expected In the I President A Chamberlain -vice preel-pioviiicss 1 I I dent Perry Hsfrison vice president EL Thieves-stole six rare gold lMearkle cashier Thomas Hurley 1 cuuis (ruin tin Carnegie museum wniie I At the regular semi-monthly session of Uw attention o( tlw gui was attracted I th Minneapolis lodge of Elks last might two wumwii lu Ot the coins It improvement over the county Jail system as a ffrxix Tho I I BROUGHT BACK THE BODY Cask to Roepcx Mixes Bn octal to The Journal Houghton Mich Jan R-The Victoria Mitring company organised in Boston' has raised kXMXN in cash for the purpose of reopening the Victoria or Forest mine In Ontonagon county Tbo Ovondaga Land and Copper company Is organising hers with 800000 cash to reopen the Shel-den and Columbian mines located here have become great enough to malm it county Jails Jails of Olmsted Folk kindly send as they wm be I worth while for some local brokerage firm Otter Tall Goodhje Bt Louis Yellow I required In evidence when we sue for dam- to handle the coffee Medicine and Xoblea counties have already I age been designated by the board as district DIED AT DAWSON jails and during the last two years county have been The Hawaiian coffee retails at about 16 I cento a pound and comes In orglnal pack-I ages It Is claimed that lp many respects 1 Reaalai of Dr Dxxferth Re- taraed From Ci The remains of Dr Harry- Danforth it Is superior to tho Brasilian snd other grades sold In this country 1 lk rom well broa 1 gulm-at one ot the live the program ws contributed to cy an ex- Blirard Lannara -West for Geld sad Fesxd Death Jails constructed In Stearns Cottonwood McLeod Beltrami and Roseau counties and the plane for a county jail for Lae qul Parle wore submitted but not approved Tho board would like to have tho sama right to condemn village lockups as lt has ic only Wisconsin men to be killed in the storming of Ban Juan hill July have "been brought to this country after some weeks of futile endeavor It was not known in the' first place Just where Dr Dasforth was shot down while oaring known 10 tiXlNi aTid almost above price I tehsiw array of tg lent and after the pro- ii ta (eared th thieves bi tneir Ignorance gram refreshments wers served Of the av melted lid corns for the gold I numbers furnished there were few better HAD BOGUS COIN Bmbcnlemext Charged Esu Claire Wla Jan 14 The arrest of Charles SsxhuelS oa a charge of embesslemsnt preferred 'by" for the wounded and there was difficulty I great excitement here Mr Samuels was EM Lawrence fomerly of this city died on Oct 19 In St hospital Dawson City He left five city some time sgo to it lban John Armstrong's Impersonation of the failure of ihe hnusis tq complete IterAnna Held and the exhibition of thq klne- Cavelesa Shop feallc Loads to ax I pootxat Arrost to regulate the building of county Jalta go to Alaska In search of gold and after irKanlxaiion due to the contest over I matographe wds feature which Charles seats If itwluvmovniuc house unseats In Barry contributed to win applause I Nolan appear with to stock of good stories a Si tbs Palace Museum furnished Archie) McKennon Tom Burns In locating his grave though -fortunately Joseph Smith and Stanley Sutherland I rough sketch had been preserved which were arrested by Inspector Morrissey I sided In Its ultimate discovery It ta pro-Thursday night on a charge of counter- posed that the Interment shall he at Mll-feifhig The officer overheard the two I Waukee from which city Dr" Danforth men talking myi following them caught I halls He ta a brother of -E Danforth them pasaing bad dollars When searched of Mlnneapolle formerly secretary of the hi- many trials and hardriilpsxhe with three companions mad a settlement and built their cabin He became ill and had to travel forty -flve miles on horseback to obtain medical assistance Mr Lawrence was born In this cty twenty-three years ago He was an only eon and Ms parents reside at 220 Cedar Late! Inst night tiie polios r-reileil "Dr" pkeUerk-k Mllyn 11 Da "Rube" Xewtdn "Bats" Zxronl Harry Howard Prior end Gates snd Manager Broderick formerly a well known railroad man of this city but now resides In Bt Paul has been brought hSre by the sheriff-He claims that" ss agent for the Kops Brothers hare he had nothing to do with their finances Oswald bis partner In ths agency was arrested bn a similar- complaint Efight hundred dollars to the amount named In (he chargee Malleieuk PrauSatlaa West Superior Wla Jan 14-The Eastern Minnesota railway has begun an action vis and two women wnouperate with Commercial Club about twenty counterfeits were found- In their pockets The prisoners were taken to Bt Paul yesterday by Government Inspector Lawrence them mi the t-hsrge ot swindling in doclor hallo from New Orleans and has been operating! a spirit medium assist-1 It ta said that at least one person is cremated In the wooden lockup of tho etat every year and the board would provide that village lockups to built of Iron anS tone They should not cost over HC00 each and one built the "black around the stats would disappear Of tho eighty-two counties blit tblrtj-slx have poorhouMa and of these Ramsey Goodhue Dakota and Olmsted counties have model Institutions In some of tho smaller poorhouses the standard of cleanliness is too low District poorhouses would be an Improvement on the present (dan but poorhouses are already needed In some of the most papulous counties among whom arc Nicollet Olmsted Itasca and Winona counties A BADJMIX UP Messrs Harsdaea sad Dsrss Have rt and t-y a wagon load of in which were fate beards ed by the 01 in-pHrapheriialla wigs etc Rt bishop of the cago will he pouitmeni ot church to l(l 1 hi (erred upon ftv William McLSurln Kpiscopal diocese of Chi-uiiabie uo accept the aj lali pedal Ueliigats for ttr Thieves Splrlied Faillox Oot EL Doran after being fined 10 or ten days by Judg Kerr this morning tor being dmnk wa 1 arraigned on a charge of 1 assault In the second degree upon George Harrison Doran boento with thoilfsrrl-I sons and tost 1 tight trouble of some nature ifiv IticuJ which was Had -Dealgxs Train Load A gigantic mheart steal at La Crosse was prevented by tbo alertness of the detectives nlm recently by a comniisMlon HISTORY OF LUMBERING At the annual meeting of the fitate Historical Society next Monday evening In (the hall of representatives Bt" Paul an address will be given by Alexander Ram- lualnet CunecSbla Frederick-suing him for Frog Held Jshx Cooper Till Fa-1 bey the president and there will be a hto-1 £mages -on the ground that by km the sail Jltorlcal address on lumbering in the Bt I rbad hi been maliciously prosecuted tolly Mangled 1 1 Croix valley by WHC Folsom of1 John Cooper 43 years old a Fall Another address on the of'ths Milwaukee road recently A train of man in the Great Northern waa Instantly I History of Lumbering In the- Upper killed In the Bt Paul yards last evening Mtastaslppl Region of Minnesota" Is being His foot caught In a frog and berors be prepared for one of the meeting of this could get out of the way of a train be society during the coming spring by appraise? mwit Thf bill li Af Itnoort dren Rtho reside at 867 Bradley streeftlSjO on the Mississippi river and Its trlbu-1 anc and Minneapolis 1 taries above 1 were diverted from their signers by the 'substitution of bills The swindlers weakened however before the deal fras consummated SxpoMxr a Port Washington Jan 14 Senator Spooner has introduced a bill to make Superior Wla a of entry) The effect will he to import goods at that ecleoteil by The general convention at New York I'reaaitiSt church Idulies prevent the biehop from cf ter ing upun the work SUPT GREGG'S REPORT J-1 1 Anicrlcan nblcs and coin are I arose Doran sras thrown out of the house selling at I per cent put-nil 11 in over the I and landed In a patrol wagon but not regular rut of forelsn exchange for Span-1 1 alleged intil succeeded In bresk-Isli and Amorti-un gnliL Onicnvs worth I Jnann tBnn mt rflainratln hi in New York to to id are receivable her I ng Harrlion 1 arm and dtaiocaung nu for customs duties it 'MX Conseiiuently I shoulder Dor an will have an examination Importers vould tathcr pay American I Jan 31 uendlng which hf was hold in currency at premium than part with cen-1 genn bonds 1 -tctics st 6 or nts discount -I Kshms John Wllkerson who I HAILRO AD NOTES "i gained reptrtatmn throughout tlw west sal mi imiusu -( gambler in the dnya wlicn the I 1 big aaintillng-houae was feature of ev- The regular meeting of the western DIED Horribly Moxgled Calumet Mich Jan 14 Stephen Xsistlg a "prominent Finn met a horrible deathr while at work' yesterday in- the branch of the Calumet and Heels mine 1 He was mining uv a Slope it of 8800 feet below the surface when a cry Tar western city and whose "marble I trunk lines sommlttee In Chicago next Stephen Little of New York tho expert accountant and authority- upon corporation matters in an Interview In the New York Town Topics upon thfc general rail-sky conditions In the west and the" character of dut train service as eomphred with 'eastern states pays a glowing trlb- Tolls at Farmers lastltato Work Dnrlxsr tho Year The eleventh annual report of tho Minnesota Farmers Institute has appesreda book all told of over 150 pages Gregg the superintendent of the Institute 1s the compiler As le customary the report follow the plan of presenting papers on various subjects which Interest the farmers and stock raisers Thq contents this year Include contributions from Professor Thomas Shaw on ths experimental station at Crookston by Ove Ftaten on "Feeding Calves on Skimmed Milk from tho by Professor Shaw on "Grasses1 and on "Land Plaster ss a Fertiliser" and by Forest Henry on "Hog Raising for Profit "in Mexico SO-Dxyv Tear On one of the' finest! trains that cvm) left the north weL Lea vet Minneapolis February 10th via Chicago Great Western Railway (Maple Leaf Route) Price iof tickets Includes all' expenses E'er full Vi UCRTk I)AVUUUB sayvuevx xwt lll At his lumie MS Twenty-fourth avenue NE onj Friday evening WALTER CURTIS member of firs department No 16 engine house Funeral services at I (Slew xwuesi 1 Un li ill iiaU" was a border day attraction In Kansas City is dead of pileumonlu The fortune which Wllkerson acquired ns a gambler ho lost In later years as a race-course bookmaker week will be very Important An attempt will be made to map out an arrangement for maintaining ratee with the aeiustmne of the Inieretiate commerce commtasion Swan- formerly with the Burllng- ton Bjretem hat been appointed traveling TOLEDO freight ajtenl of the Indiana Illinois I a a MbrterUui church Twenty-! utc to the cclehrnted Pioneer Umlted I fnformntlon An4 Itinerary of tour apply ten-ton ploce of loose rock aunt down on Shlloh and -'I badly v- to Thompson City Ticket Agent I him killing him lastantly Nicollet and 6th st Minneapolis -Minn I mangling the body itpate or Ci no cn 1 sal FRANK JjCllKNlilf CITY lows road with headquarters xt 11 Guaranty Loan bplldlng trains bf the Milwaukee road They-are pronounced -truly "the only perfect trains In the world" and Mr Little found the dlnlng-rgr service equal to anything obtainable at tbe Waldorf-Astoria or other fampus New York hpstelries 1 makes oath that he la the senior partner of the firm of CHUNKY CO doing buslnese Iq the do City of Tole 'ounty end State afore- William A Fletcher western passenger agent of thel Florida Eaet Coast Railway land Steimship system is In the city Since Congressman and Heatwole were AH disorders caused by a bUlous state i among the -Invited guests at the dtaio-the system can be cured by I matic dinner riven last night by President I Little Liver Pills No- pitin 1 griping or I Ml Mrs McKinley discomfort attending their use Try them Sit Id and that SICK SOLDIERS COMING fourth and Central avenue Sunday afternoon at 2 tiO' i At the residence 1310 Eighth avenue of paralysis-of the throat-EDGAR TALLAXT EDINA aged months Funeral Sunday afternoon 'at 3 Interment at -Lakewood Jan 13 FRANK AYE age 7 years Funeral 8unday at 3 from Forest Heights EL church Jsn 14 at 8:45 a at her home SIS Plymouth avenue MRS ADDIE FROST --The deceased wSs 58 years of age and a stater of Mrs Neill the completion of Its road to dsen water I st Miami Fix the East Coast nxa put on ip stcameH line and ta offering a- service 1 to Nassau and the -Bahamas The-Milwaukee 1st eat advertising for ready ref- literature ta a book of maps Cat Rates East Buffalo Toronto Montreal Poston New York and many others points North- OAfOi xv Mlnhea polls irn Artieulin rail at til Nieoiletii inhrattollS TRY 8MH-PF TRY GRAIK-OI Bhamokln Is writes I am- eighty years I year bf age 1 have been troubled with Catarrh qbain-Ol groesr to-dey shew yse a psekess et ths-asw-fod drink that takas the said firm will pay the sum of 6NK lirNDKBU IKLXAK for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the! us of HALL'S CATARRH CUKKI I FRANK -CHKNfclY Sworn to I before me ana slrtipcrlbed In my presence thto Silt day of December A ls4 (Seal) I A TV GLEASON Notary Public Catarrh Cure ta taken Internally and ecte directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for monlatoj' COm Toledo for fifty years and in my time have used I ptam ot coffa'Tha chlldrae Xay driak It jittk-' event Mes ef the Thlrteexth Yew Ex Rente for Heme The Auxiliary Association Is contemplating sending committee' to San Francisco properly to welcome snd ears for seventy -Soldiers of the Thirteenth discharged for disability and dally expected to arrive In Ban Francisco At any rate they will bo given a fitting reception when they reach Minneapolis Trence It tonic )na mopa-of the entire States and of Cuba Porto Rico the Philippines snd the Hawaiian islands In audition there ta some statistical and general Inf ormitlon regard tng the pew Insit'aii senu'sltions of the United States The book ta of convenient slse for the desk and will prove handy to those who wish tjo keep abreast of tiie tlmee to political changes in terrl- with regard I fold by Druggists 75c Family Illls sre the heet '7 rrr 4: ssssa.

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