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The San Francisco Call and Post from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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The wonderful memorial windows of Mare island chapel have become; noted among lovers of art. If you cannot visit them you can learn about them in The Sunday Call VOLUME NO. 4 YELL REVEALS THE GREED OF STATE CLIQUE Loss of Wardenship at Folsom f' Due to Refusal to Turn Over Patronage Aguirre, Formerly of San Quentin, Slated fpr Turnkey More Berths to Be Provided for Friends of the Administration Bosses SITCIAT, DISPATCH TO THE CAIX SACRAMENTO, June Fresh details concerning the political patronage scandal, which has been revived to fat berths at prisons friends of the state administration; bosses, have come to light through a declaration made by former Warden Yell of Folsom that he was approached by agents of the organization and told he "would be reappointedj if be would consent to allow thej that be all of the patronage of' the prison and the appointment of all subordinates. This statement followed Quick on the heels of the news today Martin Aguirre, who, warden San Quentfn, was Involved In scandal at the Marin county penitentiary. Is slated for the job of turnkey at Folsom.

The Information that a determination had reached to give Aguirre a choice slice of the patronage pie was ladled out today, and it is said that the- goods will be delivered just as as the prison directors can get to it and comply "with the formalities. Agruirre's brother was given the job of overseer a few and it Is generally understood that Lieutenant Governor 'Warren Porter balancing: come political accounts securing- rheni eoft berths and that he is losing pending- the Cnal arrangements will make things pleasant arar comfortable for KEIM.Y~S nAXDS ARE TIED Reilly of Folsom has stated his friends that he Is opposed to. the rlianges now being made at the prison, that hands are tied and that he im powerless to keep efficient men cfiice in the face of the demands of the republican machine organization for patronage. The story comes from the prison that he a mere- figurehead, and this he practically 'admits iiimself. Captain Cochrane and- Guard Jolly, who distinguished themselves in the break of 1903.

are Reilly's personal friends and he made a fight to keep them in their positions, but without Although both are men of the greatest efficiency end with thebest of records. Cochrane has been let out entirely aod Jolly hae been reduced from a $125 position to one that pays him but $65 a month, with the evident intention of forcing him to resign. But most Interesting of all the is Yell's story of being approached with a proposition that in exchange for his reappointment lie. turn over the patronage of the prison to the party bosses. Tell refused to consider such a demand, ajjd successor was appointed -at the meeting of the prison board.

Yell declares that the story Js true In every detaiL OFFERS COMPROMISE It is known that Governor Gtllett called Tell into conference and offered to compromise and guarantee his retention in office If would surrender I the patronage of. the prison. When Tell refused to consider this proposl- i ilon another compromise was oSered. Jle was told that If the "push" could name a successor to Turnkey JLaxnphrey And Captain Cochrane It would be satisfied and he could stay, but still refused. Then the dealings were called off and Tell was ousted without further parley.

Aguirre, who is now slated- for. turnkey, Is a close friend of Warren Porter, but. his political reputation suffered a Might while he wu in office at San Quentin. There, it is, asserted, he had the convicts build a considerable quantity of furniture which he presented to former 'Jofernor Gage as a gift. Governor Glllett denied last nightiat Fairmont that be had held a conference with Yell at which a had been offered for the delivery df patronage of the prison.

He dec-ared that he had always held aloof from the politics of the institution. only time I talked' with Tell his office was time when 'he dropped in to me i Sacramento" said the governor. "At that time I knew was a plan afoot to dis- Tell, and I told him that I was very satisfled with his adminSstrat.on of the prison, and hoped he would be retained. The matter of patronage not why, for that matt-r. It would not have been necessary him to offer me patronage or any.tWng else, for he had my good will ready.

never my choice, and I had nothing to do with his ad ministration of the prison, nbr have I tried to. I always kept out their squabbles. I know-absolutely nothing of this Aguirre matter. As I understand the situation. Tell' was let out" because of the bitter personal enmity of one member of the board you recolloct Wjo was that membfrT" he was interrupted "No: I can't say that I do," replied Porter.

I knew, was frankly for Reilly." he continued. wanted -TeJl retained and did all I could 10 further that I secured' the" promise. of who. was a member of the board, to aid Yell, and Mr. Clinch did "vote for hlm-untl! he that even the only democrat on.

the board. was not ving his VQitS The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHONE KEABST JUNE 4, 1908 WEATHER CONDITIONS rrttt wind; mxxlmain tcmperatiuv, 00; mlnimara, 48. FOKECAST FOX FmIr; light north EDITORIAL An plainly, presented. Pace 6 Sprinx Ttlley's tajptT tbrnt.

6 United TUUroeds plaj-lnc desperate 'game to the to its traction Page 6 Good roads noremest snre general coaixaradatlon thronjbout the state. Pace 6 GRAFT M. H. de Ttmnr. editor of organ of "hifher of craft, arrested for on W.

1. Bnrna. Pase 16 Graft prosecutors shift Ecef to police court to make sore of Gallagher's Page POLITICS Rig laflaence will back Hammond boom for rlce president. Page 1 Allison wins nomination by 10,000 cPajorlty and Coogreasman Hull may be defeated. 1 Gorernor Hnghcs probably.

will not permit hi 3 name be mentioned'ln the republican national coareDtion. Pajje 2 Bryan Taft la net a reformer eelofixea' La 'Fotlette for emergency. corrwy.biU. Put 3 Idaho democrats- itpllt OTer MortaoElstu two conrentions' held in one hall. Page 2 CITY Walter ntilmann, popoli ltudent of Soerwl Heart college.

drowned by the capalslng sailboat on bay. 'and his eompanionsi are rescued. 'Paire. 1 Vital lesne between the city and- the', United Railroads in the Sbtter street line controTersy centers about the excluslre nature of the francolte! demanded by corporation: Pagre -Robert tlantell to close tngagement 'at Van Ness with Nine jnrors finally sworn to try 'Walter J. Bartnett and eTtdence will taken probably this, afternoon.

Page 7 Pastor Hongo Congregationallsts declares Japanese respond to church. 15: Sanctuary sociaty of St. Mary's cathedral i plans big reunion in near furore. Pace 3 Policemen Gaylord i and Clark braTely rescne IS children from burning tomes on Langteu street. Page 16 Board of education accepts compromise of company for toes of school property at' Fifth and Market streets.

Page 11 Mrs. Mary O'Brien grows lachrymose and adjournment of case results. Piipe 16 Psysiclaas report water front lln unsanitary condition and recommend seawall aa ultimate remedy." 11 Mystery of mlsslag $37,572 partially cleared aad date cheek was deposited is fixed Page; priittcians throaghoot worried by actjTities- or re- publican Page "Rich men in attfmpti to loot homes hire priTate pollra patrol for PaeifiV: beighls. will bear, at cjii! WtEt I CapUin S. D.

ti ace conrt mart Ist Presidio for absence Triaioijt Vare. riora.Jaae Long sernres from lnmN-ruar. en of desertion. Page 5 Flret crop'of le rerde manifest by.thVarriTal of "fruirhappr rouplea at.tbe^ Fraaris." i Page I. SUBURBAN James.

Carpenter it appointed fire Page 4 Key Route proposes to build lice en Sacramento atreet, Berkeley. Page 4 Kcney ctolen from united cigar found apartmrct hoate. former' arrested. Page 4 rf Oakland mm organize to 'nsht for coir of ciry acd cranty gor. of Taroma with tbe snanner in which funds for entertainment of Atlantic Ceet were expended.

Page 1 Warden Tell turned, out because, refused to permit atate administration bosses gobble paironaga at' Folsom prison; Martin. Agnirre, former warden at San Quentin inrolred in farnltare scandal, slated for turnkey Folrom prison. Page 1 George Weedon, former maaager for Nat denies be erer intended to Edna Goodricb's mother. -Page'l Typhoon strikes pearling Ceet off Australia 270 HTes are lost. Page 2 Two maafcrd men' rob clerks and gvmn st the Rawhide hotel and raid the pamblinir room.

Page EASTERN Harrimau may sell whole $50,000,000 bond Ucuetbrncgn Co. pagp 1 Rxxwertlt hai escape from death. when toppfes cirtr bank Into bat" micaes. rider lii 'Page 3 Physiciaiis caatigaU women for Vace. eulcidc and taggpit punishment frr wires to child res.

Page 3 Bontella costlnned attacks made fey RepresesU tiTe Ulir are not bonor 3 District attoraejr accuses witness in land frauds case of eoDcealing testimony. Page's Southern sUtes eelebrata anniTersarx cf btrtl of Jefferson' Page 4 Mootesa' railway runs tcroogh la in darkness through bursting of power Cxtsl. Page 4 FOREIGN Lewis Nikon's torpedo boats bring censure near Russian ministry of marine. Pace 2 nonors for, remains Emile Zola reopen old cores, of. Dreyfus affair.

in Pace 4 Moroccan "-tribesmen' are defeated in bloodr bettle losses are hearr. Page 5 SPORTS Local autolsts discuss the" controTersy bPtweon the American automobile and tte Abtomobile club of; America. Page: After orcrlooklng manyjehencea for a rictory. 1 Oakland beats San FraDclsco inning. 'v Page 9 Bag punchlnjt by bull terriers to" be feature of benefit for Colnia Protestant Scnd'ar schooJ.

Page, 8 J. Jackson 'ol the Hoooluln kennel club Is lierp arranging details of the bench to be Robs 'Fenton: beats JBlackfcrd: Mini-' hanset stake i Pace 0 Christy Boston to- four hits' and strikes 'out 1 1 men. Page 9 Public where three second and 'two outsiders to; l'sbot. irlns Entcltcb derby 'duke- Portlaod'a Primer and LJanirtrm. owned by' Barclay Walker.

the American Jockey rraa' third. Promoter; Sam "sops to Los 'A to Boxer Freddie -Welsh' for natch' Farland. 8 i union re-elects eecretajT for- another term. 'V: ti Scbumer W. Bartlett' ascbof iin'a aod drifU Into collision Harrf-' SjDCIAI; Is Iscid et- Palrtaont in honor of Eagfada Critchcr," engagement was SAN; FRANCISCO; 1908 HAMMOND IS SUPPORTED BY BIG INFLUENCE Friends Declare "Influential Him in- Washington Announces That? He Has Quit the Guggenheimers and Will Make Fight Is Native Son and Many West; erners Advise Him to Enter Race SPECIAL DISPATCH TO, THE CALL -NEW YORK, June Hays Hammond's vice i presidential boom has all the politicians." guessing.

'That Hammond has strong men behind him was intimated at his office today by. his colleagues, Turner and TriusselL; Hammond lives where; he'has voted eight He is a close friend of Senator Crane; who is slated orj, chairman of the national "Mr. Hammond got into this race," said Turner, "at the solicitation of a of his are influential in politics and i who want: a man like 'hlm" at can tell you' that was as skeptical any. one when. 1 matter: was first broached at He did.

not begin to think of the for jsome, time. has received -many "requests -from California. and the west, vwhere he is to- enter' the lie was born Jn. California." QriTS THE GUGGBTTHIEISIS Hammond, through" his attorney. Charles W.

Truslow, announced today that; he had the' asl, consulting was free to make an aggressive cam pa ign or the vice the'i republican I ticket. want Jfto- say Cthat Mr.vHammohd a' helm company" an other; company -in In eariif' eat i efforts Jto'lbe the candidate the. presidency." v- ALLISON BEATS CUMAIINS Hull' of Military Co mm ittee 'Defeated MOINES, June returns; from' primary election held show that United States 1 Senator B. to; succeed himself, defeating GovernorJA: by. majority in the of 10.000.

Carroll wag nominated for a majority close to George Clarke defeated font Page Coloram 2 Policeitnan Killed by Barbary Coast Thug Bullet Fired by James pYoung to Patrol man -In Barbary 'coast; riot- after 1 o'clock thin. morning, Patrolman- popu-l lar members of tha San Francisco police department, i was shot and fatally wounded Just front of the O. saloon. In Pacific street near i Montgomery to James Young, whom he was trying to arrest. Young is.

believed 5 to have- been one trio'of yegmen'who were attempting to. hold -up three'sailors-in-the-saloon. rHe captured af tier the shooting and'taken tothe city.prison. 7 died: 10: minutes while he was. being hurried to v.the,v central emergency-h ospital in -an 4 The bullets which from -a i gun of big caliber, entered V- Hines' body the right, armband jagged wound 1 through' his liings; Fainting from loss of blood.

Hines' own'revolverV dropped his 'hand and he fell to while with half scream the his smoking -revolver at thecrowd that gathered as if iby-imagic v'andi- darted across i the v. Chief of Police? Biggj-'and Detective -the and hurried run saloonr Rocca dashed- after As entered-, the Young was emerging 'fromt 1 resistance when thei detective, clapped handcuffs The with one; empty," chamber, onnd in the toilet; by 1 Chiefs Blggy' Jumped Into the in which Hines hurried Cto the thospital and; tried itoTsecure- ing he died.wlthout regaining con- i BROTHER Aj few, minutes Young. I a brother 'arrested, was taken! by the-V pollce.f wUhf bullet" wound his According, to the eye witnesses, 4 there! had 'been a scuffle in. which the were' badgering a crowdJoffsailors.V.'lt 'devel-' I VI saw a man lbreak -i Just. Hines, passed Ton -i his said i iWlUiam i a i- pain of ee an ree a ffai r.

"Sdmeb'od yell ed li I and'f Hines 'turned'- about a CAPSIZED BOAT CLAIMS LIFE OF A BRIGHT STUDENT WalterHeilmannof Sacred Heart College Perishes in Bay Disaster Three Companions in Tiny Sloop Are Rescued After Being I Thrown in Water' Catastrophe Follows Attempt of Inexperienced tads to Man Sail Craft Walter a young student of Sacred Heart college, was drowned and three of his fellow members of the graduating classjof the institution narrowly escaped death in a sad accident yesterday on the- bay off Sixth avenue," South San Francisco. The four students were enjoying a holiday in a tiny werejon their way. to visit the battleship Connecticut in the drydock at Hunters 'point when a sudden 'squall swept over them, capsizing the frail craft Francis Derhan of 121 A Liberty George H. Bohra of 1 457 street tarid Thomas of 1560 Kentucky street, Hellmann's companions, were rescued by one of; a dozen boats that to the rescue when their The" mishap occurred in full" view of the and docks along the southern arm of the bay and was witnessed; by a hundred persons. Every available boat, manned by.

men who had seen- the sloop overturn, was put out to; assist shipwrecked lads. Far ahead in the race the the -boat- of the steamer in which Captain; O. Waltaner and J. "Joedensan "of "904 Ninth avenue, and. but their lead mishap "would have claimed- twdt victims instead, of CIRC LE "A 4 the youngest the cold 'and 'dragKed down was, or the.

last when a npose hurled Joedehsan jencircled his up-, stretched i arm.V He was dragged Into the 'boat in its bottom' until! the" shore? was. -reached. almost his efforts to 'keep afloat," was next'-- saved' -and Ryan, 'who hadi seiredj.hold- of I the overturned era ft, was taken up as the rescue began to,be".the.'strongest swimmer of the without of and have been seized with While; the', three lads who were saved being- revived at the emergency grapplers "set searching; for" Heilmann's body, but Their were long into the night, "but- at a late hour the body had hot been; found. STRIKES BOAT 'sThe -tragedy was the outcome of an attempt, hands tomanage. a A party in Lewis -of "Sacred Heart.

5 Eddie Boster, owner of 1 and at'the were included, had been organized to sail -over tot Hunters point the battleship Connecticut the ljftwis canceledt' his Boster failed I my pre-" ferrfd: trust himself; to seamanship I of -his less conservative, com-" who; decided Ho 'make- got. under waywhenthe squall struck 12 foot sloop spun around, -dipped, righted and dipped 1 a gain, acco rd i to other shouted to jump and himself water. swimming side Heilmann. He over on, his back ito: and vtbi disengage 1 his and 'did not- miss Heilmann until after being -lifted into the rescue-! boat." 1 was- the for; Sacred Heart's all BohmJs its first baseman and its i official scorer: Ryan member jjof the -'commercial school Sacred with the" next month! Byj a coincidence his graduating ,4 considered one of the cbest i eyar turned out pupil of the was publish edx in the Issue' Sacred" "the Blue i which made its first appeararic i 9: year's old. He prob-! ably was" 'th'e best known student at Sacredj? for: our.J years having been ra leader in both athletic and social $li £time I ago he took JPiper, of He ltyed'wlth" hisTwidowed moth an folder ENGINEERS vote of toJi's International of i of.

locomotive afternoon voted to -headquarters for the period vbeginning Detroit iwasj selected- as the place biennial, Kent Hof elected third shot i.over,'s -headland an adjoining building. man and to arrest i before the police could way i in; the he "rlared i He 'said I yernvont in. -nearly nienjafterithe shoot- 1 sweatihglthemVjto.Tdisi* coyerj wlio" Young's' possible '-Hi' been "Cm the i service since 139 5 andlwas 39 'years Walter Heilmann (upper left), a popular student of Sacred Heart college, who 'was drowned yesterday by the (capsizing" of sailboat; Francis-Derhan (right) arid George two of his companions, rescued. Severely Criticise Fleet ComniiM Residents oi Tacoma Dissatisfied With Manner Whith Funds Were DISPATCH THE 1 June Published; statements 'of in fund for 'entertainment the Atlantic was have caused many Tacpnia tojcf icise the 1 ocai havmg in- charge the expenditure of Among which have caused- comment are; tlireej payments of given no. the" UnionV.University and.

Country local, oYganirations of private, character- that entertained officers! of visiting? ships at of thV- local Renter-; tainment a concert at "the Tacomai theater. and took with them a from, the visiting cost 'of admissions; to the concert deducted from the; general "entertainment Perhaps the most severe criticism has come fr6rn. persons- who Ihave- learned that while, thousands visitors) the 'Entire; populationf of -itheiclty: and sailors, crowded' the tbluffs and heights; city Saturday Vnjght to witness the- dis-' play of: fireworks' planned by- residents'" "of privileged 'guests of club a' similar: 1 the Japahese3 hav-' lng.beehjrequested-itoTdlvideltheir^flre-* club? Because Jof' rangemeritVof Hhetr. thej provide their; share -of i 1 were "seye'rely scored Jby? many, visitors; who declared'- the did not come I their "No it" i.s'; that i a similar; display removed from LOUISIANAI-DELEGATION i IS LEFTUNINSTRUCTED Motion to Work' for Bryan to Lasti by Big OvefwfieirriingWote; BATON JROUGE, June VT. was tonight indorsed for the presidency by; state) cpnyentlori 'decided.

--however, 1 send to Denver Both and the idecisloni to Jsond: the delegation were rnously" Previously, a -Instructing the" delegation; Bryan, "as long -as '-his Louisiana; will 18 REDDING. iJ une Michael Carantan j'dled here ts tefnoonf as JatfKeswickJyesterdayJmbrning 'statementn husband fshbtjher iCarahtanlheard jaillthatlhlslc wife Americans, have crone to erica, where they are guaranteeing a national. debt with ball cartridges. about daring "work Mn The Sunday tell leedon Not to Wed fe.iGoddnch Eormer anager of Nat Good' Says He' Never Intended 'J- to Wed Actress 9 ther DISPATCH TO THF. CAIX REXO; June J.

Harry Edna' Goodrich will not" be married ont June will George Vw'eedon. 'reputed manager for Xat- C. wed Mrs. Goodrich. Both.ithesV denials uwere officiary given by -Weedon, vwho- arrived here toni'gh't'froin where he has been giylng.his attention: to mining interests from "San Francisco.

"The marrlageTof Miss to has been said Weedon.v "A-s for and -Mrs. Goodrichjgoing to. marry, that is have friend Mrs. Gtfodrich and It-Is'ari'intimate friendship. and one I value very, but.

we "certainly have no intention of getting married. I do not know their "pIaKSTatV but 1 1 believe they going jfromj San i. Francisco to' Texas'oh -iof Miss decided asi am Goodwin's -manager and have for; threeimonths. He hla i Jpersonal thfe mining That's now. in rope; he's arranging to "establish offices HARRIMAN Vivi' JBONDS Reopens Can lace; lssue grECIAL" DISPATCH (TO: TnK CAIX.

NEW JuneV E.iH. HarrimanV has negotiations with Kuhn," Loeb or the sale lot; OOO.QOO;Of mortgage bonds re-; deal has companies and lnstitutions have.bean^ sounded "and Loebi where prac-; tlcallyyallfof issues can, be "W.hlle statement could i be obtained 3 of foreign that; all of bonds will "be of on' this HEARST GAINS PEW BALLOTS IN RECOUNT Early lncrease ls Cut Down by" ErrorsHonf OtKer Side of Ledger Later NEW; YORK, June. The 3 recount of ballots "in ithe disputed of -1905 proceeded with expedition today before Justice supreme courtf arid 29 ballot' boxes -w opened; which showed "a gain,; for William -boxes "have since 'the recount, was total; gain -for. Hearst Hearstmade large gains materially i reduced by! the the day. FIGHT SUFFRAGE LONDON.

jJu ne number countess of Humphry -Ward and several prominent social haves started organized movement oppose the granting of auffraeeito -women. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MARKET ST. GRAB PLOT OF CALHOUN Horsecars Used to Create Pablie Synjpathy and Hide Real Purpose Supervisors Insist on Power to Reserve Rights on Outside Tracks United Railroads Seeks to Perpetuate Monopoly of Lines Satter Street Company Kept Distinct to Bar Out Another Road again the tracks in Market street yesterday from- Sutter and Sansomc streets to the ferny. The supervisors and the United Railroads are as far apart as ever over the terms of the franchise in lower Market street, and from the sentiments expressed on both sides there is little likelihood that any agreement will be "reached for the present.

On the surface the controversy appears to be a simple difference of opinion on a matter little V- importance. That, is not the case; the prqbilem is a- and the very heart of the traction Question in San Francisco. Members of the board of supervisors fear that in its efforts to gain sympathy for its contentions the- United JRailroads will successfully-deflect attention from tha basic to the momentary consideration of the con venienco of, the public. Through the 'paid agents along the line of travel and megaphone artists at the. building, the United Railroads proclaimed day that, "it regreU the inconvenience to which tho public has been put by the board of supervisors." These agents stood at the intersection of Sutter and Market streets and at the ferry.

At the latter point they called through their long: pasteboard funnels, directing passengers the cars, ''incidentally, to disparage theboard of i In order to; impress the pubRQ still furthers -with the iences of; the altered situation th 4 company sent its up Sutter street with half the loads, allowing 'the passengers wait the. corner. Heretofore the corporation has! filled its ter street cars to their capacity, but yekterdayras soon a3 the seats were occupied "the -signal vra.a given and ithe cars shot" forward, while' the throngs gathered and congestion the representatives of pany, with much noise and -many gestures, attributed to the action of the icity authorities. The supervisors point out, on tHe other that the present deplorable situation has bech created, by the traction company, the purpose of: forcing the board to deliver to it. free of charge concessions whose value runs well up to the millions, AVAVTS COMPLETE first place it- Is pointed out that the United solva the In a few minutes by, "running; a switch from Sutter street connect 'with Its main In Market' street.

But the company does desire -t o. do It tha chise which will a monopoly over lower Market street 'and thereby assure lt complete domination over, I streetcar situation In Sah" Francisco' for." themext'SOjyears. Suck control the United Railroads pro-" poses to secure not 'only it" against iopposltion by a but also quite as effectually against anx municipal undertaking. supervisors offered the.

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