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The San Francisco Call and Post from San Francisco, California • Page 10

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 COMMERCIAL WORLD. SIMMART. Silver a fraction lower. Wheat and Barley quiet. Oats.

Corn and Rye dull. Hay steady. Bran and Middlings lower. No change In Beans. Potatoes and Onions firmer.

Asparagus and Green Peas lower. Butter declined again. No change In Eggs. A car of Eastern Poultry In. Fresh and DVled Fruits unchanged.

Provisions ns before. Turpentine advanced. Mutton still higher. Hogs easy. No change In Coal.

EXPLANATION. fhe arrow files with the wind. The top figures at itatlon Indies maximum temperature for the days; those underneath It, If any, the amount of rainfall, of melted snow In Inches and hundredths during the past twelve hours. Isobars, or solid lines, connect points of equal air pressure; Isotherms, or dotted lines, equal temperature. The word "high" means high barometric pressure and Is usually accompanied by fair weather: "low" refers to low pressure and Is usually preceded and accompanied by cloudy weather and rains.

"Lows" usually first appear on the Washington coast. When the pressure Is high in the interior and low along the coast, and the isobars extend north and south along the coast, rain is probable; but when the "low" Is Inclosed with Isobars of marked curvature, rain south of Oregon Is Improbable. With a "high" in the vicinity of, and the pressure falling to the Callfornia coast, warmer weather maybe- expected In summer and colder weather In winter. The reverse of these conditions will produce as opposite result. WEATHER REPORT.

(120 th Pacific Time.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 7, 5 p. m. The following are the rainfalls for the past twenty-four hours and seasonal rainfalls to date, as compared with those of the same date last season: Past This Last 24 hours. Season. Season.

Eureka 0.02 26.77 40.11 I.luff Trace 11.99 22.22 Sacramento Trace 8.54 15.12 Ran Francisco 0.04 7.36 20.65 Fresno 0 8.45 9.25 Pan Luis Obispo 0 5.14 19.72 Los Angeles 0 4.27 16.08 San Diego 0 3.3S 10.91 Yuma 0 1.26 6.81 San Francisco data: Maximum temperature. 68: minimum. 50: mean, 54. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. The pressure has fallen rapidly over Southern Idaho.

Utah and Nevada. It has risen rapidly on the coast from Portland northward. The temperature hag fallen rapidly over Oregon. Idaho and Northwestern Montana. In the Sacramento Valley the temperature Is about normal: in the San Joaquln Valley it Is 34 degrees above the normal.

There lias been a marked Increase In cloudiness south of Roseburg and north of San Luis OblFpo. Light showers have occurred In Northern California. A maximum wind velocity of 84 miles an hour is reported from Tatoosh. and 28 miles southwest at Carson City. made at San Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight.

March 8. IS9S: Northern Light showers early Tuesday morning; cloudy Tuesday; northerly winds; colder in the San Joaquln Valley and east. Southern Cloudy and unsettled weather Tuesday; northerly, changing to westerly wind. Cloudy Tuesday; colder north. Clotidy Tuesday: much colder.

Cloudy Tuesday; colder west and north. Ban Francisco and vicinity Light showers early Tuesday morning; cloudy Tuesday; westerly winds. Special report from. Mount Tamalpals taken at sp. in.

Cloudy; wind south. 12 miles per hour; temperature, 46; maximum. 61; rainfall. 0.10. ALEXANDER Me A DIE.

Local Forecast Official. EASTERN MARKETS. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. NEW YORK. March relations between the United States and Spain caused apprehension in all circles in Wall street to-day.

That there were large sales of securities by the timid holders for the purpose of converting them Into actual money was doubtless true, but a large portion of the selling was due to the liquidation of speculative holdings, which have been strongly held through previous declines, but which were thrown over to-day to realize what they would bring. There was palpable maneuvers also by the bars to force the lowest possible range of quotations at the opening and their offerings to force down prices and their purchases at the decline to cover made up no small portion of the day's business. In this connection It is interesting 1 to-, note that the opening sales of Burlington were reported at from 90V4 to and this quotation was not corrected until the close of the market, when it was canceled with the explanation that the sales reported were of St. Paul of those quotations and not of Burlington. Instead of a break In Burlington of 4V4, at the opening, that stock's extreme decline from Saturday's close was Louisville was at one time four points off, its weakness developing later In the New York Central showed a loss of at the opening.

Otherwise the extreme declines In the railroad list were 1 restricted between 1 and points. Losses in the specialties wore great. Metropolitan failing. 8 points. Sugar 5 1 and Manhattan The bhorts were quick to cover at the' decline and a rally of 1 to 3 points was almost instantaneous.

The buying to cover short contracts was attributed to Washington sources, with other aggressive uelleru In the latter part of last London was a heavy seller of stock here during the morning, the sales for that account being estimated at 49,000 shares. London's pessimistic view of values was as much Influenced by the threatening outlook In China and the dispute in the Niger region as by the Cuban question. Local operators were quick to decide that no damage was threatened to American securities by this complication, and this encourage the absorption of London offer- Ings. Later In the day the introduction of Mr. Cannon's bill to appropriate $10,000,000 for national defense and the passage of the Hawley bill providing for two new artillery regiments renewed the early weakness and forced prices again to the lowest.

The latter break freer from bear nianlpulaion and represented more liquidation than the earlier one. The decision favoring the railroads in the Nebraska maximum freight rate cane was almost Ignored, and the news that Spain had withdrawn its request for Consul-General Lee's recall, although somewhat more efficacious in rallying the market, had but a temporary effect, the other threatening aspects of the situation regarded as more Important Money was rmtrked up to 3 per cent, in the early transactions, an Influence In Inducing liquidation which must not be overlooked. The rate eased off to, IV, per cent again before the close of the day. Closing prices in stocks were considerably above the lowest, but net declines In the standard shares are still from 1 to over 3 points. Prices for bonds yielded almost as sharply as those of stocks, but the smaller liquidation by comparison with stocks Indicated I greater underlying strength.

Total sales. $3,305,000. United States new' 4s and do old 4s declined old 4a coupon and the 5s 1 and the 2s per cent bid. The la coupon sold at Total sales of stocks were 601,900 shares, Including: Atchison preferred, Chesapeake and Ohio. 5020: Burlington.

64.928: L. Manhattan. 27.956; Metropolitan Street Hallway. 13.905: Reading, preferred. 8940; Missouri Pacific -6225; M.

K. T. preferred, 4470; New Jersey Central. 3215; New York Central. 21.840; Northern Pacific.

14.920; do preferred, Ontario and Western, 3540; Reading, 3945; Rock Island, U. P. D. 4040; American Tobacco. 11.115; People's Gas, American Sugar, Western Union, CLOSING STOCKS.

Atchison Om Do pref Do pref 150 Baltimore Ohio St 130 Canada Pacific So Pacific 16 Canada Southern. So 'Railway 7 4 i Ches Ohio Do pref 4 Chi Alton 155 Texas Pacific. Chi Union Pacific 26 i Chi 111 PD 8 29 Wabaeh Do pref 77 Do pref 15 I Del (Wheel Del 150 i Do pref Den 12 Express Companies- i Do pref Adams Ex 10 2 Erie (new) 12Vi American Ex 123 Do Ist pref United States 40 Ft Wayne 169 Wells Fargo 115 Gt Nor pref 15S Miscellaneous- Hocking Val 6 A Cot Oil Illinois Cent 99 Do prof Lake Erie 14 Amn Spirits Do pref 68 Do pref Lake Shore 189 Am Tobacco Louis Do pref 112 Manhattan People's Gas Met St Ry 141 Cons Gas 1.9 I Mich Cent 104 Com Cab Co ICO Minn St Col Iron 19 Do Ist pref 85 Do pref Mo Pacific I Gen Electric Mobile 26 Illinois Stoel 47s Mo Laelede Gas i Do pref 34 Lead Chi In.l 7 Do pref 102 Do nref 25 Nat Lin Oil lo Central SI Or Imp Co 25 Central Pacific Mail NY Chi St L. Pullman Pal Do Ist pref 65 Silver Cert 54 Do 2d pref 31 Stand Nor West Sugar 124 No Amer Co Do pref I No Pacific 21 Iron Do pref 8 Leather Ontario Do pref Or Nay 45 US Rubber Or Short Line Do pref Pittsburg 163 West Union 86 Reading Chi A 119 Do Ist pref I Do pref 174 Rock Island iSt 4 St I Do pref 9 Do Ist pref I 23 Do 2d pref I Do pref 67 St Paul Chi 10 Do pref 145 i Haw Com Co 29 CLOSING BONDS. new 4s Carolina 6a 125 Do coup Do 4s 103 4s No Pac lsts 117 Do coup 11l Do 3s Do 2ds Do 4s 94 US 5s reg 11l NYC 45..

Do 5s coup 11l Nor 6s District 3.65s 103 Northwstrn cons. 141 Ala class A Do deb 5s Do 107 Nay lsts 113 Do 100 Nay 4s Do Currency 98 OB Line 6s tr 123 Atchison 4s 8 Line 5s 100 Do adj 4s Imp Ist 10S Can So 2ds 108 Do 6s tr 56 Chi Term 4s Pacific 6s of 95.. 103 Ohio 4s 115 Reading 4s S2 CH I lsts IS I 55.. SS 4s 90 IS 65.. 118 East Term 105 St Con 141 Erie Gen 4s 70 St PC lFts tr.

69 Do 5s 116 Gen Elec 6s So Ry 5s A 65.... 104 Stan A 59 Do 2Js 105 Term new set 3s. 60 6s 110 Do con 105 Do Rg Ms 33 lowa lsts 100 Union Pac Kail Con 100 UPD Pac Ist DD tr. Do pref 50 La new cons 45.. 100 Do 4s Uni 4s 85 Wab Ist 5s Missouri 6s 100 Do 2ds A Shore 4s 87 jVa Centuries 70 Central lsts.

Do deferred 4 08 112 MINING STOCKS. Chollar 80 Ontario 2 50 Crown Point 15 I Ophlr 40 I Con Cal Va 75 1 Plymouth OS Deadwood 7," Quicksilver 1 00 Gould IE Do pref 250 Hale Norcross. 130 i Sierra Nevada SO Homestake 39 00 I Standard 150 Iron Silver 40 Union Con 30 Mexican 30 Yellow Jacket 30 BOSTON. March Atchison, Bell Telephone. 253; Burlington.

Mexican Central, Oregon Short Line. 27; San Diego. LONDON MARKET. NEW YORK. March The Evening Post's London financial cablegram says: The stock markets here were flat and demoralized to-day by political scares, consols and similar securities closing quiet at the lowest.

The scares were all the more potent, coming on the eve of the settlement. Americans opened flat and gave way steadily on home and Continental selling The arbitrage houses gave no support until afternoon, when the support was considerable. Prices closed practically at the lowest. Including foreigners. Spanish securities were Vt lower.

There much pressure from Paris to sell Spanish securities, as also Turkish securities, and all International and South American stocks. Still, considering the Intricacies of the political complications, to-day's fall was no more than could be expected. Trouble Is feared at the settlement if there is no recovery prior thereto. Bar gold Is in dmand for American Importers at about 77s lOd. Most of the gold arrivals by the Cape boat are believed to have been sold to New York.

Of about £500.000 of Japanese yen in the open market, a considerable portion la believed to have been bought by New York, but the Bank of England has raised the buy- ing price of yen to 76s sd, and some may go to the bank. Probably £400.000 in ail was bought here to-day. It Is not generally known that one clause of the Japanese loan contract provided for the withdrawal of European bankers from the contracts. If at the time of Issue the political situation should be critical. The loan probably would have been issued next Saturday, and it Is believed in city circles that Russia's demand that China shall settle the points raised by the former within live days Is significant, Including, among other objects, the defeat of the loan project.

The position of Spain and the United States attracted most attention. City financiers attach much Importance to the desperate condition of Spanish finances, and believe that this may prompt Spain to aggressive action, or. at least, that Spain might not withdraw from the position taken up. If the worst happened. It is believed that Paris might render financial assistance to Spain, French Interest In Spanish stocks being large.

At the same time Spanish are not held quite so largely In France as they were a few years ago. The February trade returns are unsatisfactory. Imports having decreased £1,300,000. or 4 per cent and exports £220.000. or about WAW A per cent.

The chief decline in Imports Is textile materials from the United States and elsewhere. CLOSE. CLOSE. Canadian Pacific. 84 1 Grand Trunk.

Bar Silver, weak. 26 3-16 per ounce: Money. per cent. NEW YORK GRAIN AND PRODUCE. NEW YORK.

March Receipts, 29.293 barrels: exports, 17.187 barrels. Inactive and barely steady. 89,700 bushels: exports. 125.000 bushels. Spot easy; No.

2 red. $1 f. o. b. afloat to arrive.

Options opened easy, with the break in stocks, rallied on European war news, but again weakened under bearish weekly statistics and light export demand. The only afternoon feature was a ppurt in September, due to- crop scares. It closed lc higher, against Vie decline In other months. No. 2 red March $1 CWHigl closed $1 06H: May, $1 00 15-16, closed $1 Quiet.

Dull. NominaI." METALS week opened the Metal I market in generally promising condition. The Metal Exchange reports to-day's closing tones and prices as follows: PIOIRON'-Warrants steady at $6 75 bid and $6 85 nuked. LAKE COPPER- Strong at $11 bid and $12 asked. i TIN Firm at $4 2T.

bid and 14 30 asked. LEA Firm at $3 80- bid and $3 874 asked. The firm that fixes the settling price for miners and smelters calls, Lead steady at $3 60. Options closed dull at unchanged prices. Sales.

6250 including May, $5 53. Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6Hc; No. 7 Jobbing, mild, steady: Cordova.

Raw. barely, steady: fair refining, i 11- 16 centrifugal, 86 test, 4V4c; refined, quiet. 8815 packages. Steady: Western creamery, Elgins, 20c; factory. Receipts.

12.626 packages. Steady; State and Pennsylvania, Western, lie; Southern, DRIED FRUITS. NEW YORK, 'March California Dried Strong: other fruits about steady. EVAPORATED prime wire tray, wood dried prime. choice.

fancy. Royal, Moorpark. 10c. peeled. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET.

CHICAGO, March A good deal of nerv- ousness was shown at the opening In wheat. The start was lower. July at showing an initial decline, while May was lower, tit $1 For the moment traders fell under the Influence of the grave condition of affairs between the United States and Spain and the big break In the London and New York stock markets. The effect thin was la a measure counteracted the new complications between Russia and England and prices rallied for a few minutes. July getting up to 90T4c and May to $1 0014.

Prospects of war between two of the foreign: nations almost invariably has a favorable effect on the local wheat market and' to-day wan no exception to the rule. selling pressure was soon renewed. The- news from Washington was of too grave a character to be overlooked, and besides this nearly all the ordinary news of the day was of an bearish nature. THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1898. Northwest receipts were very large.

apolis and Duluth reported 560 cars, compared I with" 362 last week and year ago. The i world's shipments were large, amounting to i 7,524,000 bushels, and an Increase on passage was reported of 1.680.000 bushels. A signifi- I cant factor in the world's shipments was the big Russian movement, nearly five times in I excess of what it was 'a. year ago. Chicago receipts were 105 cars.

Letter brokers gave the' market some support at first, but soon withdrew It and market deprived of this sustaining feature slowly declined and grew quite dull." July finally sold down to i 90c and May to $1 About the mid-day a I new feature developed in the buying by Letter 'of the September and December futures. I Shorts hardly understood this at first, but when buying orders of those deliveries were I received from St. Louis, accompanied by reports of very poor conditions of wheat In Illinois and Missouri, the crowd came Into the market. For a time the September and De! cember prices showed 2c advance and the strength was In a measure communicated to the near-by futures. July rallying to and May to $1 The very boldness of the Letter operations In the face of what was considered a naturally bearish market startled shorts into covering and gave the market for a time a good deal of strength.

Toward the close all the futures dropped a little, and the market was quite irregular, July closed at May lc lower at September and December, on the other hand, closed about higher each, September at and December at 77Vic. Corn was fairly active and steady. The Cuban war news and the weakness in wheat induced more or less liquidation by holders. Prices tended downward until near the close, when covering caused a slight improvement. The market for oats was slow, with very little trade either- way.

May closed a shade lower. Provisions were weak after a little momentary firmness at the start, caused by higher hog prices. May pork closed lc lower. May lard lower and May ribs 5c lower. Open.

High. Low. Close. Wheat No. March May July 90 Corn No.

May 30 30 July 31 September oats No. May July Mess Pork, per May 10 40 10 40 10 10 25 July 10 10 45 10 25 10 30 Lard, per 100 May 515 6 5 5 July 6 526 620 6 Short Ribs, per 100 May 6 5 505 510 July 5 520 5 515 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, quiet; No. 2 spring wheat, No. 3 spring wheat. No.

2 red, $1 No. 2 corn, No. 2 oats, No. 2 white, f. o.

29c; No. 3 white, f. o. (5 29c: No. 2 Rye, No.

2 barley, f. o. 1 No. 1 flaxseed, $1 19; prime timothy seed, $2 95; mess pork, per bbl, $10 25; lard, per 100 lbs, $5 10; short ribs sides 1 (loose). $4 25: dry salted shoulders (boxed).

$4 75(56; short clear sides (boxed), $5 30 (go 50; whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gallon, $1 Receipts. Shipments. Four, bble 29,000 27.000 Wheat, bu 63,000 109.000 Corn, bu 547.000 191.000 Oats, bu 355.000 317,000 Rye. bu 13.000 600 Barley, bu 64,000 2G.000 On the Produce Exchange to-day the Butter market was steady; Creameries, 13(520c: dairies. Cheese, quiet, Eggs, steady, fresh, lOVic.

WHEAT MOVEMENTS. Receipts. Shlpmts. Bushels. Bushels.

Minneapolis 377,430 34 040 Duluth 14.573 Milwaukee 24.700 Chicago 62.1 MS Toledo 19,783 9-000 St. Louis 28,000 7.000 getroit i 3.572. 5 72 6.015 Kansas City 6R.000 36,500 Totals 609,161 201. 150 Tidewater- Boston 37,932 New York 89. 725 Philadelphia 21.854 4 Baltimore 40.658 New Orleans 25 299 Totals 190.199 160,059 PARIS FUTURES.

March. May. Opening 6145 59 25 Closing 6150 59 35 Flour- Opening 2S 5 5 27 45 Closing 28 60 27 45 LIVERPOOL WHEAT FUTURES. March. May.

July. Sent. Dec. Opening 710 7 5 6 6 Closing. 7 6 ''6 EASTERN LIVESTOCK MARKET.

CHICAGO. March Buyers of Cattle to-day were inclined to hold back from purchasing the commoner droves, as it was thought that the bountiful supply would cause prices to rule lower, but the general demand proved to be exceptionally good and prices were not very much different from those of last week's late sales. Salt's were largely at $4 5 10; commonest dressed beef steers, H94; stockers and feders, $3 60; calves, $6 6 75 for the best grades. Active at strong prices. Common.

$3 86; prime heavy, $4 bulk, (3 4 05. Sheep and lambs were in good demand. Poor sheep. $3Q3 50; choice to extra, $4 MliA bulk. J4 50; lambs.

$4 50 lor Inferior to choice, sales being largely at $5 50. Cattle. Hogs, Sheep, DENVER. DENVER. March Receipts.

1300. Market steady to firm. Beef steers. $3 SQO4. JO; cows, stockers, 70, freight paid to river: feeders.

$3 30, freight paid; calves, bulls and stags, $2 3 25. Receipts, 200. Market steady; demand strong. Light packers, $3 90; mixed. $8 80 85; heavy, $3 SO.

Receipts. 700. Market firm. Wethers. $3 ewes.

90; lambs, $4 50(gi5 25. OMAHA. OMAHA. March Receipts. 3200.

Market steady for best. Common, 10c lower. Native beef steers, $3 90: Western steers, $3 eO'tH 50; cowh and heifers, stockers and feeders. $3 4 85; bulls, stags, $2 3 70. Receipts, 3200.

Market closed a shade lower. Heavy, $3 So; mixed, $3 light. $3 So(fi3 85; bulk of sales. $3 85. Receipts.

3600. Market steady. Fair to choice natives, $3 75; fair to choice Westerns. $3 4 50; common and stock sheep. 90; lambs, $4 30.

KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY. March 5200. Market about 10c lower: choice cattle scarce; best, $5 active at decline: bulk selling above $4 50. Cows and heifers, active, $2 stockers and feeders, unchanged, $3 5 50; Southern cattle, active, $3 75; bulls and oxen, 60.

Receipts, official, 6300. Market active. Bulk, $3 95: heavies and packers, $3 86434; medium and mixed, $8 02; lights, $3 50(53 80; pigs. $3 65. Receipts.

2400. Sheep active; iambs, 5c higher. Western muttons, $3 40; lambs, $4 40. 'v VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. NEW YORK.

March The statement of the visible supply of grain In store and afloat Saturday. March 5. as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, is as follows: Increase. Decrease. Bush.

Bush. Bush. Wheat 83.012.000 1,760.000 Corn 41.471.000 601.000 Oats 13.184.000 289.000 Rye 3.567.000 84.000 Barley 1, 891.000 274,000 FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON, March Consols, Silver, 25 3-1G; French rentes, 104-10. LIVERPOOL, March Wheat, dull; No.

1 standard California' wheat, 36; cargoes off coast, nothing doing; cargoes on passage, buyers and sellers apart; English country markets, easy; French country markets, quiet; wheat in Paris, steady: flour in Paris, steady; quantity wheat and flour on passage to U. 3.350.000; quantity wheat and flour on passage to Continent. Indian shipments wheat to U. Indian shipments wheat to Continent. 2000; import Into U.

K. for Week, 293 000 bbls flour: 271.000 quarters wheat. 'Uplands. 3 7-16. Futures, quiet; March, 3s May 3s July, 3s Imports of wheat Into Liverpool for the week: From Atlantic ports, 24,500 quarters; from Pacific ports.

57.000 quarters; from other ports. 33.000 quarters. Imports of corn Into Liverpool for the week from Atlantic ports were 67,300 quarters. CLOSE. Spot, dull; No.

1 red northern' spring, 8s Id. Spot, quiet; American mixed new, 3s PORTLAND'S BUSINESS. PORTLAND. March Exchanges, $460 027: balances, $20,343. NORTHERN WHEAT MARKET.

PORTLAND, March Eastern Wheat buyers were at work in the Palouse country again to-day, and consequently trade was at a standstill, as exporters unable to do business on the figures that are now being paid for Wheat for Eastern shipment. Nominal quotations of for Walla Walla are given out, but there Is absolutely nothing doing. British ship Clan Robertson, 92,942 bushels Wheat. WASHINGTON. TACOIIA.

March The large receipts of Wheat was the only feature of the grain market. No. 1 club, 75c; No. 1 blue stem. 78c LOCAL MARKETS.

EXCHANGE AND BULLION. i Sterling Exchange, sight rt Sterling Exchange, 60 days sterling Cables I New York Exchange, New York Exchange, telegraphic. ay, Fine Silver, per ounce 54 Mexican Dollars 4b WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. An-lesey takes for Cork ctls, valued at Othmarschen, for Cape Town, 61,215 ctls, at $93,353. Futures opened weak, but recovered.

There was no change In spot, prices, and 1 trade wag tali. Tidewater quotations are as follows: $140 for No. 1. 42U for choice and 11 1 per ctl for extra choice for milling. CALL BOARD SALES.

Informal ctls. $1 Second ctls. $1 2000. tl 2000 $1 800, $1 2000. $1 Regular morning 2ooo ctls, $1 2000, $1 391-.

6000. $1 2000, $1 32: 2000 $1 Afternoon Ma ctls. $1 000, $1 39. December-2000, 32: 44.000, $1 Futures were weaker, owing to the cloudy and threatening weather, but there i was no change In the spot market, which ruled I dull and nominal. Feed, i 0714 or dark to good and $1 10- for "Brewing.

$115(8120 for No. 1. $1 1 12V4 for Dark Coast. CALL SALES. Informal ctls.

$1 6000, $1 Second 4ooo ctls, $1 10,000, $1 4000, $1 2000, $1 OS. Regular morning lfi, ooo, ctls. $1 04; 8000, $1 2ooo. 6000, i c. Afternoon 4000 ctls, 93c.

2ooo. $1 The market continued lifeless at unchanged quotations. Fancy feed. 25 per, ctl: good to choice, $1 common. $1 15; Surprise.

$1 30- r-d, $1 45; gray, $1 15 milling. $1 25: black, for seed. $1 3501 n. Clipped Oats sell at per ton over the raw product. Is no demand of any consequence, and trade rules dull.

Small round yellow, per ctl; large yellow. $1 white. $1 sl per ctl. NominaI: none here. FLOUR AND MILLSTUFFS.

Net cash prices are: Family $4 65: Bakers' extras. $4 4 40 per bbl. Prices In sacks are as follows, usual discount to the trade: Graham Flour. $3 per 100 lbs: Rye Flour. $2 50 per 100: Rice Flour, $3 75; Cornmeal, $2 25: extra cream do, $3: Oatmeal, $3 50: Oat Groats, Hominy.

$3 30; Buckwheat Flour, $4: Cracked Wheat, $3 50; Farina. $4 50: Wheat Flour. $3 25: Rolled Oats (bbls), $5 65: in packs, $5 45; Pearl Barley, Split Peas. $3 75; Green Peas. $4 25 per 100 lbs.

HAY AND FEEDSTUFFS. There is no further weakness apparent in Hay, and Saturday's prices were quoted. Bran and Middlings declined. per ton. 50 per ton.

RoIIed Barley. $21 per ton: Oilcake Meal at the mill. 50023 50; Jobbing. $30; Cocoanut Cake. $21 50; Cottonseed Meal.

per ton; Corn Meal. 24: Cracked Corn, $23 50: Chopped Feed. (Ex-car In round Wheat. 18 50 per ton: Wheat and Oat. 50; Oat.

$14 50: Barley. 50; compressed, $17 Alfalfa, stock, Clover, $11 per bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. Previous prices rule for all description's. Bayos, $2 Small Whites.

$1 Large Whites. $1 65; Pinks, $2 6092 65: Reds. 25: Blaekeye. $2 50; Butters. 51 SO: Llmas.

$2 liMi2 15: Pea. 50; Red Kidneys, $2 2502 50 per ctl. SEEDS- Brown I' $2 75 per Mustard. 50; Flax. $2 35; Canary Seed, per lb; Alfalfa, Rape.

Hemp, 3c; Timothy. DRIED $1 65; Green, $1 60 per ctl. POTATOES. ONIONS. VEGETABLES.

Potatoes and Onions are firmer, but no higher. Asparagus and Peas are lower under larger receipts. Rhubarb is steady. EarIy Hose, River Reds, River Burbanks, per sack; Oregon Burbanks, Salinas Burbanks, 10; Petaluma Burbanks, Sweet Potatoes, per lor Rivera and for Merced, new Volunteer Potatoes per Ib. S2 60 per ctl; Oregon.

$2 2 86; cut Onions. $202 25 per sack. Asparagus, per lb for No. 1 and No. 2: Rhubarb, $1 per box; Alwneda.7 Peas, per lb: Mushrooms, Marrowfat Squash.

$25 (330 per ton: Dried Peppers, 6ifJ7c per lb; Dried Okra, Cabbage, per ctl: Carrots. 25 per Back; Oarllc. per lb. Los Angeles Green Peas, 3c String Beans, Tomatoes, 25: Green Penoers. per lb; Summer Squash, Egg Plant, 15c; per lb; Hothouse Cucumbers.

per dozen. EVAPORATED Potatoes, sliced raw, 12c per lb in lots of 25 lbs; sliced desiccated. granulated raw, 13c; Onions. 60c: Carrots, old, 13c: new, 18c; Cabbage, 30c; Sweet Potatoes, 30c: turnips. String Beans, 30c: Tomatoes.

50c. POULTRY AND GAME. A car of Eastern sold at for Turkeys. $5 25 for Ducks. $." 50 for Hens, $6 50 for young Roosters, $4 50 for old Roosters and $6 for Fryers.

Local stock was nominal In the absence of receipts. Live Turkeys, for Gobblers and 12013 for Hens; dressed Turkeys. per Ib; Geese, per pair, $1 50; Goslings, $2 50fi3: Ducks, for old and $6 i 8 50 for young; Hens, Boosters, young, 1797 50: Roosters, old. Fryers, Broilers. 50Q6 for large and 50 for smajl.

Pigeons, $2 25 per dozen for young and $1 25 for old. Gray Geese. $1 75: White, 60c: Brant, 25; Honkers, $2 50; Hare, Rabbits, 50 for Cottontails and $1 for small; English Snipe, 50; Jack Snips, $1 per dozen. BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. Butter Is again lower.

Eggs are the same, I but receipts are heavy and stocks are large. BUTTER- Fancy creameries, seconds, 17c. Choice to fancy, second grades. per lb. Eastern Creamery, ladlepacked.

per lb. Choice mild common to good. Cream Cheddar, Young America, lujjlle; Western. 11(3' 12c; Eastern, i per lb. Ranch Eggs, per dozen; store Eggs, DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS.

All descriptions remain as previously quoted DECIIAuLb Apples, 40(g50c per box for common, 65(S'90c for good to choice and 25 for fancy CITRUS FRUITS Navel Oranges. Seedlings. 50; Mandarins. $101 25 for large and iofi7sc tor small Japanese Mandarins, 50; Grape Fruit, $1 per box; Lemons. for common and $1 for good to choice; Mexican Limes oOCflfi; California Limes, in small boxes 125; Bananas.

$1 25 per bunch; Pineapples. $3Q4 per dozen. DRIED FRUITS, NUTS. RAISINS. ETC.

DRIED Prunes, carload lots, for 40-50' s. for 50-60' s. for SO-TO's. lor TO-SO's. for 80-90s, for 90-iOO's; Peaches, peeled, Apricots, 6M6cfor Royals and for Rood to Moor' parka; Evaporated Apples.

sun-dried black 1-lgs, In sacks. Pluma I for pitted and Kgl'ic for unp tied'bleached Plums, 50Ric; Nectarines. for prime, to fancy; ears for quarters and 3(aoViiO for halves, according to color for two-crown. 3o for three: I crown. for four-crown.

4V4c for Sultanas. 4 for Seedless Muscatels and 1 10 for London layers; dried grapes. 2Hc Chestnuts are quotable in Sc ID; Walnuts, for hardshell and Mile for softshell; Almonds. for hardshell for and for paper-shell- for Eastern and 4V4C for Pecans. Filberts.

Brazil per Cocoanuts. Jl per 100 New Comb. for bright and 6O 7c for lower new water, white extract cd. light amber extracted. per Ib.

23(g2Sc per PROVISIONS. CURED Bacon, 'Ib for heavy. for light medium. for light lie i for extra light and for sugar-cured Eastern sugar-cured Hams. Calif or! Hams.

10c; Mess Beef. $9 per bbl; extra mess, do, family do, Salt Pork W. extra prime Pork. $10; extra clear. $is" mess, $16; Smoked Beef, per LAP.D— Eastern tierces quoted at SUcper Ib for -compound and- 7c for -pure; palls, California tierces.

per Ib for compound and for pure; half-barrels, 10-lb tins, do 5-lb, Be. Tierces, packages, less than palls, 60 In a case. J-Ib palls, 20 in a case. 5-Tb pails. 12 in a case, 10-lb palls, 6 In a case.

BV4c; tins, one or two In a case, wooden bucki ets, 20 tbs fancy tubs. 80 net. 7Hc; half-bbls, about 110 lbs, 7Hc per Tb. HIDES, TALLOW. WOOL AND HOPS.

HIDES AND Culls and brands sell If under souri stock. Heavy salt-'d stairs, lOHc; medium 914 light, 9c; Cowhides. 309ftc; stags, 6c, salted Kip, 10c; Calf, lie; dry Hides. culls and brands. UVfc ant.

Veal, dry-Calf. 2uc; Goatskins. each; Kids, good summer, per Ib; medium, 20c; winter, 10c; Sheepskins, shearlings. each; short wool. each; medium, lons wools.

30 each. No. 1 rendered, per Kb; No. 2, 1 refined, sc; Grease. i Fall San.

Joaquln. defective. 9c: Southern Mountain, free Northern, 12 OUc; do defective, SS'llc per lb. HOPS-Old crop. for poor to fair and 80 10c for good; new crop, per lb.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Calcutta Grain Bags, nominal; Wool Bags, nominal; San Quentln, $5 30. COAL. Wellington, $10 per. ton; New Wellington.

$10: Seattle. $6 50: Bryant. $6 50: Coos Bay, $5 50; Wallsend, Scotch, $10; Cumberland. HO in bulk and $11 in sacks: Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg. $15: Cannel.

$10 per ton: Rock Springs. Castle Gate and Pleasant Coke, $12 per ton in bulk and $14 In sacks. Western Sugar Refinery Company quotes terms net cash: Cube Crushed and Fine. Crushed. Powdered.

Dry. Granulated. Confectioners' A. Magnolia A. Extra C.

Golden C. 5Hc: Candy Granulated. California A. per i id: half barrels more than barrels, and Uo Is again 57c In cases, in wooden barrels and 52c per gallon in Iron tanks. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET.

Mutton has again advanced, as foreshadowed on Saturday. Hogs are easy, but no lower. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from ElaUKhterers are as follows: First quality. second do, Cc: third do, per rb. A small.

per lb. ML Wethers. 10c; Ewes. per lb. Spring.

per lb. Live Hogs, for large. for small and 4 for medium; stock Hogs, dressed Hogs, per Ib. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. For Monday.

March 7. Flour, qr sks 25.623 Eggs, dox 14.550 Barley, ctls 385 Hay, tons 563 Butter, ctls 179 Straw, tons 35 Cheese, ctls 31 Shorts, sks 25 Powder, car i Middlings, sks 300 Lime, bbls 162 Bran, sks Raisins, bxs 794 Onions, sks 59 Wine, gals 36,000 Potatoes, sks 951 Hides, no 342 Beans, sks 600 Leather, rolls 72 Lime, bbls 162 Pelts, bdls 270 OREGON. Oats, ctls 530 Potatoes, cks 248 EASTERN. Corn, ctls 400! THE STOCK MARKET. Changes in mining stocks were small and few and trade was dull, usual.

Andes is assessed 5 cents. The Potosl assessment falls delinquent in board and the Alpha assessment In office today and the Chollar delinquent sale takes place also. The Dexter Mining: Company of Tuscarora, New. has levied an assessment of 16 cents per share, delinquent April 4. The assessment for the month of February shows that the mill turned out gold bullion of the value of $13,000.

It is understood that on April Ist the company will begin the erection of an electric plant at the De Frees spring, from which additional energy will be obtained for milling, hoisting, pumping and lighting. The Le Roi Mining Company of British Columbia declared another $60,000 dividend recently. This makes $800,000 paid In dividends by that property. The Pennsylvania Mining Company of Nevada County has declared the usual monthly dividend of 5 cents per snare. Weekly reports from the mines are as follows: Con.

Cal. 1650 From the north drift skirting along the footwall from the incline upraise at a point 17S feet on the slope above this level 300 feet in from its mouth, the east crosscut has been advanced IS feat, passing through porphyry showing narrow lines of quartz asoaying $1 5u per ton; total length teet. I'rom the incline upraise No. 1 at a point 112 above the sill floor of this level, the south drift has been advanced 27 feet, passing through porphyry streaked with quartz assaying il per ton; total length 28s feet. 1600 From Incline upraise No.

1, at a point 60 feet above the sill floor of this level, from the south drift skirting along the footwall, at a point 178 feet in from its mouth, from the top of the upraise which has been carried up 4D feet from the south drift 100 feet in from its mouth, the upraise has been carried up 14 feet, passing through quartz assaying $1 and $4 per ton; total height 40 feet. From the old east crosscut on the sill floor of this level, at a point 93 feet In form Its mouth, the upraise started from the north drtft 26 leet in from Its mouth has been earned up 6 feet total height 21 feet; connected with the work downward from the end of the northwest drift from the upraise carried up 30 feet from the old east croHSciu. From these two openings we have extracted seven tons of ore assaying per mine car sample $30 S6 per ton, 1750 On the eleventh floor north from the top of the upraise from the north drift. 40 feet In from its mouth, the east drift has been advanced 3 feet, passing through porphyry: total length, 68 feet. From this drift at a point 26 feet in from its mouth a north drift has been started and advanced 14 feet, passlntr through porphyry and quartz assaying from $1 to $4 per ton.

The total extraction of ore for the week amounted to 7 tons, the average assay value of which, per samples taken from the cars when raised to the surface, was $30 09 per ton. We also extracted from the 1650 level 24 tons of low grade ore, the average assay value of which, per samples from taken from cars when raised to the surface, was $10 46 per ton. In the Ophlr mine, on the 1000 level, west crosscut No. 3 is in 938 feet; the face is in porphyry showing clay and narrow seams of vein matter assayinK 50 cents per ton. In the old Central tunnel workings of the Ophir, from the sill floor from the west crosscut from the Mexican shaft, started at a point 225 feet in from its mouth, the crosscut has been extended 10 feet through porphyry mixed with quartz assaying nominally; total length, 452 feet.

In the Sierra Nevada mine work in the face of the Rlley tunnel was resumed and It has been advanced during the 'week 15 feet; total length, 757 feet; face in porphyry with seams of quartz through it. Have completed the chute In the raise and are easing the timbers In the tunnel. Are moving the ore house from ihe Layton tunnel to the Rlley tunnel. When it is moved and in place they will resume work In the raise. On the 900-foot level of the Union shaft workings of the Sierra Nevada the north lateral drift has been extended during the week 20 feet; total length.

535 feet north from Sierra Nevada shaft: face In porphyry. Brunswick lode. Consolidated California "and Virginia, Best Belcher and Gould Curry 600-foot level West crosscut No. 1 started In south drift 420 feet from the shaft station haa been advanced 14 feet; total length. 306 feet; face in porphyry.

The Joint south drift from the station was advanced 30 feet; total length, 533 feet: face In porphyry and stringers of quartz. The shaft has been punk 10 feet on the incline; total depth, 827 feet; bottom in porpliyry. Chollar Incline shaft No. 1 -was advanced 16 feet; total depth. 1108 feet on the slope; bottom In porphyry.

300 level The streaks of ore between this level and the 200 level are exhausted, and they are now following a narrow btit high grade seam of ore above the latter level. They are doing the usual amount of repairing throughout the mine. Potosl. 500-foot Shaft No. 1 has been sunk 16 feet for the week and Is now down 1108 feet on the slope: bottom in porphyry.

600 level The main south drift has been advanced 7 feet; total length from the north line. 193 feet: face in porphyry and quartz assaying low. They have started east crosscut No. 1 from this drift at a point 150 feet smith of the line: It la out 15 feet In porphyry. Will start west crosscut No.

1 opposite It this week. Occidental The official letter for the past week says: "SH level West crosscut No. l. started at a point In the lower tunnel 1300 feet from the mouth, has been driven 10 feet through hard porphyry; total length. HE feet.

650 level West crosscut No. 1. started at a point 360 feet from the station, has hern extended 17 feet through low grade quartz. The main south drift haa been extended 20 feet through fair (trade ore: total length. 914 feet.

750 level The north drift from west crosscut No. 1 han been extended 25 feet along the footwall of the and Is showing seams of high grade ore; total length. 43 feet." MINING STOCKS. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: Morning Sepsion. POO Best Belcher 33 500 Ophlr 43 200 Bullion 07 300 Overman 10 200 Chollar 33 Snvage 22 100 Crown Point 141300 Union Con 34 100 Hale Norcrs.l 45 1 Afternoon Session.

1400 Andes 10 200 Crown Point 14 200 Best Belrher 31 500 ttould Curry. IS 200 Bullion 08 100 Mexican 29 300 Caledonia 29 Overman 10 800 Chollar 36 Pntosl 16 150 Con Col Utah io Following were the sales In the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: Morning Session. 400 Best Belcher 32 1600 GouJd Curry. 18 100 Chollar 34 400 Hale Norcrs.l 50 1300 3." 600 Mexican 30 200 36 300 Ophlr 44 200 Con Cal SO Potosl 17 200 77 300 Savage 23 200 Confidence 6C11500S 04 100 65 .100 Sierra 96 1000 Crown Point 13i50D 97 Afternoon Session. 500 Best Belcher.

31 200 Gould 18 100 Chollar 3i 400 Mexican 30 500 36 150 Ophlr 44 100 Con Cal 7S 200 Potosi 17 100 77 100 Silver Hill 02 SOO Crown Point Hi STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, MONDAY, March p. m. Bid. Ask. Bid.

Ask. Oakland 49 4s quar 112 Gas 90V4 4a quar Co 64)4 66 quar new. ..125 IS San Fran Cal-st Cab 65. Stock 10 Cal El 6s Wat 55. Firem's Fund.

l9s Dup-st ex c. Bank Anglo-Cal 65 70 Rv 6s. 117 Bank of Ca1. .247 250 Geary-et-R ss. 102 Cal SD First Nat ....205 LA Co 65..

100 Do gntd 65. .100 Mer 15 Market-st Nat 8...155 Do Ist ss. 113 Savings Banks- Nat Vln 6s Ist 100 Ger 1665 "5.102 Hum L.1050 1160 Ry Cal I Mutual Say. 35 40 Ry Cal Say U-. 4SO 405 NPC 65.104% Li 50....

100 Ry 55. Security 250 Cal Union Co. 1010 Oak Gas 55. ..104 Street Railroad- Do 2d Is 05. .111 California Om Ry 6s Geary 40 6s 110 Market-st 34 Ry 65.108% Presidio Powell-st 6s 120 Reno California ....110 Sac 100 Dynamite 90 55.

107 107 Vi Giant Con Co. of Ar Vlgorit 3T4 Cal 65.... 113 SPC Is eg 55.. Al Pac 93 99 S.P Br 6s Ger Ld 150 i Wat 65. ..118 Hana 0...

20 Wat 45... HC Stock Gas 65.. Hutch Co. 44 Ex Assn. 90 Contra 65 Nat Vtn 0...

Marln Co i 50 Oceanic Co. 58 Spring Val ...100 Pac A Gas Pac Bor 0... Cent Gaslight. Par Paint Co. 7 MEL 0.....

MORNING SESSION. $1000 Spring Valley 6s Bonds 117 50 275 Hutchinson Co 40 00 55 Gas Electric Co 90 75 100 S- Gaslight 3 75 10 Spring Valley Water 191 01 $1000 Spring Valley 4s Bonds 103 25 $5000 do do 103 00 $4000 Northern Ry of Cal 5s Bonds 102 50 $4000 5s Bonds 100 50 AFTERNOON SESSION. 25 Alaska Packers' Association 98 00 5 Giant Powder Con 43 50 5 do do b3 43 50 5 do do 43 75 250 Hawaiian Commercial St Sugar 30 00 5 Oceanic Steamship Co 57 00 30 Electric Co 90 75 120 do do 90 S5 do do 3 90 75 $1000 Spring Valley 4s Bonds 103 00 $10,000 Market-street Cable Bonds 6s 127 Oil $4000 Spring Valley 4s Bonds 103 00 INVESTMENT BOARD. Morning $2000 Spring Valley Water 4s 103 75 10 Gas Electric, 30 90 75 20 do do 90 874 10 do do 9100 10 Market-street Railway Co 54 00 Afternoon Session. $2000 Spring Valley Water 4s 103 25 $2000 Spring Valley Water 6s 117 10 Gas Electric 90 CLOSING QUOTATIONS.

MONDAY. March p. m. Alpha 08 09 Justice 30 Alta 15 16 Kentuck 02 03 Andes 09 10 Lady Wash 03 Belcher 23 24 Mexican 28 30 Best Belchr. 30 32! Occidental 155 Bullion 08 09jOphlr 44 45 Caledonia 28 2J I Overman 10 11 Chollar 35 37 Potosl 16 17 Con Cal Va.

76 77 Savage 23 24 Challenge 25 39 Seg Belcher ..03 05 Con 01 (Scorpion 06 Crown Point 13 14 Sierra Nevada. 96 98 Con New York. 03 ISilver Hill 02 Eureka 25 Syndicate 01 05 Exchequer 54 06 Standard 155 Gould Curry. IS 19 Union Con 33 34 Hale Norcrs. Utah 09 Julia 01 03 Yellow Jacket.

23 24 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Olive J. Clark, Mary E. Pleasant, Eastern Eldrldge and Peter Tautphaus (by R. I.

Whelan, sheriff) to Lucius L. Solomons, lot on line of Sutter street, 137:6 or Octavia, 77:6, 137:6, 39:9, N. 187:6. 37:8, 275; $13,466. Delia Beretta to Angelo Beretta, lot on NW corner of Sacramento and Steiner streets, 31:9 by 103; $10.

Angelo Beretta to Letitia Beretta. same; 410. Letitia Beretta to John Bulotti. same; $10. George L.

and Mary E. Carroll to Gertrude M. O'Brien, lot on line of Devisadero street, 75 of McAllister. 20 by 100; $10. William and Josephine A.

Cummings to Henry Esberg, lot on line of Mission street, 6S of Eighteenth, 23 by 100; $10. P. H. Kenny to Katie E. Matthews, lot on SW corner of Twenty-first and Church streets, 152 by 114; also lot on SW corner of London street and France avenue.

300 by 100, lots 7 and 8, block 6, Excelsior Homestead Association; gift. Patrick and Mary E. O' Bryan to Henry O. Ramsey, lot on line of Day street, 205 of Sanchez, 25 by 114; $10. Frances A.

Aitcbison (wife of John) to David L. Farnsworth, lot on line of Sanchez street. 64 of Army, 50 by 110, quitclaim deed; $io. David L. and Fannie P.

Farnsworth to Jeremiah and Margaret Crowley, same; $10. Mary Keegan (wife of James) to Mary Clifford (wife of Jeremiah lot on line of Clipper street, 152:6 of Sanchez, 26:1 by 114; $10. Francois and Mary Curdy to Edward J. Le Breton, lot on XE corner of Sacramento and Dupont streets, 46:9 by 55; $10. Patrick J.

Horan to Mary Horan, all property, real and personal, at 858 Mission street and 741 Howard; also all property which he may now or hereafter possess; gift. William D. and Rosa J. Thomas to Florlnda Thomas, lot on line of Vermont street, 100 of Twenty-fourth (Sonoma). 25 by 200; also lot on line of Kansas street, 274:9 from the line of Yolo or Twenty-fifth.

0:3 by 100; also lot on line of Day stret, 230 of Church 25 by 114; also lot on line of Shields' street, 25 of Ford, 50 by 100. block IS. City Land Association; $1. Maud H. Wieland to Annie H.

Cantin, lot on line of Rhode Island street. 50 of Yolo. 50 75, 100, 25, 150, 100; also lot on line of Vlsitacion street, 136 of Mllllken, 136 by 276, lot 39, Visitaclon Valley Homestead; $10. Virginia Nlppert to Virginia M. and Augustus Nlppert and Lucie D.

Dlttmann (wife of Emil). loi on line of Third avenue. 225 of California street south, 25 by 120; gift. Estate of Owen Clements (by A. C.

Fresse, administrator) to W. C. Billington. lot on line of Eighth avenue, 75 of Clement street, i 25 by 120; $650. Clinton M.

Hardman to Isabella A. Hardman lot on line of Eleventh avenue. 100 of street, 25 by 120: $1. Petersen to E. H.

Rasmussen. undivided half of lot on line of Eighth avenue, 100 of I street. 50 by 120; $10. John and Katherine J. Doering to Alvin and Elizabeth A.

Sercander, on SW line of Seventh avenue south. 60 NW of street. NW 30 SW 100. block 141, Central Park Homestead; Martin to John Nielson, lot on line of Porter street. 12.1 of Benton, 25 by 70 lot SS, Hollidav map $10.

Sunnyside Land Company and California Title Insurance and Trust Company to Abe and Sarah Goodman, lot 35, block 48. Sunny-9 Sunnyside Land Company and California Title Insurance and Trust Company to Abe and Sarah Goodman. SW corner of lot 35. block 48 171 to Circular avenue. NE 2R.

7:2 1 4. 25, being a portion of lot 28, block 48. Sunny- Slde: $1 ALAMEDA COUNTY. Fry to Nancy A. and Samuel Stevens! lot' on line of Fifteenth street, 150 of Campbell.

25 by 62:6, being the half of I lot 36, block 727-A. Oakland: $10. H. and Rosa E. Mayhew to J.

M. Barti lett lot on line of First avenue. 500 of 1 Summer street. 33 by 100 being lot 11. Locksley Square Tract, Oakland Annex: $10.

Willis M. and Effle M. Brown to Eliza, J. McChesney (wife of H. lot on NE line of Fast Twenty-fourth street.

140 NW of Eleventh avenue, NW 60 by NE 150. block 149. Clinton. East Oakland: $10. William H.

Knight (administrator of estate 'X BIIUAI (auittj to 1 Interest In lot on NE line of East Twenty-fourth street 140 NW of Eleventh avenue, NW 60 by NF 150 block 140. same. East Oakland; $1800. I James R. Maxwell to Peter Qulnn.

lot on i line of Russell street, 275 of Fulton. 50 by being lot 29. block H. map of south- I crn portion of Blake estate. Berkeley; $10.

W. and Annie E. Sears to K. L. Fitz 1 (wife of G.

I lot on line of California I street 116.48 of Bancroft way. 50 by 129 25 block Spauldlng Tract, subject quitclaim deed. Berkeley; $1 George H. to same, lot 3, block Roonev Tract. Berkeley: $10.

Almon B. and Sarah B. Dixon to Chlo Derickson lot on line of Adeline street. 144:4 8 of Falrview. 148:6.

40.55. to line of Adeline. 45 to beglnlng. Berkeley: also lot on NW corner of Fair-view and Hooper streets, 100 by 50. Berkeley: gift.

Frank and Nina Watson to A. Jacobs, lot on line of Snyder avenue. 200 of San Pablo," 25 by 118.5. being lot 2. blockA-178.

map subdivision of lot and S. half of corrected map of Snyder Homestead Tract. Berkeley: $10. Mary 3- Moss, Jessie E. and Perry H.

Auseon. Lulu S. and -L. Taylor, to Ellen Carroll, lot 25. block Amended Map of Moss Tract.

Brooklyn Township: $10. Same Kate Bowen, lots, block IT, same, Brooklyn Township; $10. Same to James Bowen. lot '4, block same. Brooklyn Township; $10 James Bowen to Catherine Bowen, same, Brooklyn Township; $10.

Mary J. Moss. Jessie E. and Perry H. Auseon.

Lulu S. and William L. Taylor to John Me- Gee. lots 8 and 9. block lot 3, block same, Brooklyn Township; $10.

John McGee Agnes McGce. same. Brooklyn Township: Rift. Arthur R. and "Alice Wilson to Leo C.

Williams, lots 36 and 37. block 24, North "Alameda'Trnet I "'East Oakland: $10 NOTICE TO MARINERS. A branch of the United States Hydrographlc Of lice, located In the Merchants' Exchange, is maintained In San Francisco for the benefit of mariners without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators cordially Invited to rtalt office, where complete sets of charts sail- Ing directions of the world are kept on hand for comparison and reference, and the latest Information can always be obtained regarding lights, dangers to navigation and all matters of tntertst to commerce. The time ball on top of the building on Telegraph Hill Is hoisted about ten minutea befora noon and Is dropped at noon.

120 th meridian, by telegraphic signal received eacb day from the United States Naval Observatory at Island. Cal. A notice stating whether the time ball wai dropped on time or giving the error. any. ia published the same day by the and by the morn Ins: papers the Ing day.

W. S. HUGHES. Lieutenant. V.

8. N- In chargo. THE CALL March. 1898. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE.

STEAMERS TO SUN. MOON AND TIDE. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Times and Heights of High and Low Waters at Fort Point Entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by Official Authority of Superintendent.

The high and low waters occur at the city front (Mission-street wharf) about twenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point; the height of tide Is the same at both places. MABCH-IS'JS. NOTE. In the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides are given in the left hand column and the successive tides of day in the order of occurrence as to time. second time column gives the second tide of.

the day, the third time column the third tide, and the last or right hand i ilumn gives the last tide of the day. except when there are but three tides, as sometimes occurs. The given are additions to the soundings on the United Coast Survey charts, except when a minus sign precedes the height and then the number given is subtractlve froni the given by the charts. TIME BALL. Branch Hydrographlc Office, U.

8. Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco, March 7, IS9B. The time ball on Telegraph Hill was dropped exactly at noon l. at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at exactly 8 p. ni Greenwich time.

VST. 8. HIXJHES. Lieutenant. U.


I Stmr Homer, Jessen, 28 hours from Eureka. Stmr Jewel, Madsen, 38 hours from Hu.i i neme. i Stmr Crescent City, Stockfieth, 78 hours fniK Grays Harbor. Ship Charmer. Holmes, 113 days from new York.

Bktn Willie Hume, Brig-man, 8 days from San Pedro. Bktn Addenda, Delano, 53 days from Caleta I Buena. CLEARED. Monday. March 7.

Stmr North Fork, Bash, Eureka; Charles Nelson. Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, San Diego; Goodall. Perkins Co. Ship Glory. of the Seas.

Freeman, Nanalmo; Dunsmuir Sons Co. SAILED. Monday, March T. Stmr North Fork, Bash. Eureka.

Whal stmr Wm Baylies, Devoll. whaling. Stmr Alex Duncan, Parsons. Stmr Umatllla, Cousins, Victoria and Port Townsend. Stmr Greenwood.

Fagerlund. Schr Hattie I Phillips, Blackburn, Astoria. Schr Nettie Low. Low. Point Reyes.

TELEGRAPHIC. POINT LOBOS. March p. Weather, thick; wind, calm. DOMESTIC PORTS.

Passed March US stmr Oregon from Seattle, for San Francisco. SAN Sailed March Schr Lucy, for Umpqua. FORT Arrived March Stmr Laguna. hence March 4. SaiIed March Stm Whitesboro, for Port Harford.

Arrived March Stmr "Alliance, from Copper River. TATOOSH Passed March 7 Stmr Mackinaw from Tacoma. for San Francisco. COOS Sailed March Stmr Empire, for San Francisco. Arrived March Schr Sadie, fm San Pedro.

Sailed March Schr Lily, for San Fran- March Stmr George Loomls. for San Francisco. March Stmr Westport, from Fort Bragg; stmr Samoa, hence Arrived March Br ship Zlnita, fr March 7-Schr Rio Rey. for Siuslaw River; Br schr Hatzlc, for stmr Oregon. March Stmr Samoa, for San Diego.

STERN' PORTS. EASTERN PORTS. Cleared March Stmr Ohio, for San Francisco. TRANS-ATLANTIC STEAMERS. Arrived March Stmr Fulda.

fm I Arrived March 7-Stmr Ceph Arri ved March 7-Stmr Furst B1 ASG6w2- 7-Stmr Romania fr hl a Salled March 7-Stmr Cuflc. fo Stmr Mtnnewaska. from London: stmr Peninsula, from London. MARSEILLES-Sailed March 5-Sunr March Stmr Berlin. fr oTBRALTAR-Arrlved March 7- Stmr Ems, rom New FOREIGP PORTS.

NEWCASTLE, Arrived March Baric General Falrchild. from Adelaide, to load for DUNKIRK-Arrived March 4-Br ship Ken-81 Arrived Jan 30-Schr Tho. a from New Haven, for San Francisco. Port Feb 4-Br ship Auldgirth. QjEENSTOWN-Salled March 5-Br ship March 4-Br ship March 4-Br ship Euphre- -lalled March S-Schr King Cyrus, for Honolulu.

i 6 13 14 20 21 23 1 I i We Th. 2 3 9 10 16 17 24 30 31 Fr 4 Sa. 5 12 Quarter Mar. New Moon, i Mar. 22.

Moon's PhMea. Mar 8. Coos Bay Newport State ot Cai Portiana Crescent City. Crescent City Zealandla Honolulu City Victoria and Puiret Sound Empire 'Coos Bay Weeott jHuinboldt Humboldt. 'Alaska Moana ISvdney Pomona.

San Diero Mackinaw Tacoma Are.ita Coos Bay City of Sydney Panama North Porte lumnoidt Wellington Departure Bay WDiamette. Seattle Coin oia Portland China China and Japan Walla (Victoria and Pupet Homer I Newport Santa Rosa. Dleg-o STKAMKB. I DEBTIX Panama I Kosa omer Hurnboldt I ulton Alaska Mexico oom Bay Newport iate of Cal Portland Humbldt 83y. oinona san Diegro iumooldt.

Alaska Sydney iorlc ity Puebla I Vie Sna Coos Bay i olumDia. IPortlana I unoa Humboldt onh Fork Humboloi I Mar 8. VI I Mar S. 11 am I Mar 9. 10 AM Mar Mar 10.

10 am Mar 10. am! Mar Hi. 10 AM Mar 11, Mar IS. 11 am Mar 12 Mar 12. 2 pm Mar 12.

1 pm 12. 10 am Mar 13. 10 am Mar H. 10 am Mar 14 I Mar 1 pm Pier Pier 9 Pier 11 Pier 21 Pier Pier 11 I Pier 7 S3 Pier a Pier 13 jPler 21 I Pier" Tuesday. March 8.

rises sets 6: rises P- I Time Feet Pe et I vv! Feet 5:11 5:54 1.6 Li 5.2 5.H 5.4 11:18 7:24 8:22 o. i 5.1 6:24 5.0 6:01 0.7 1 :00 0.4 2:00 0.2 3:09 U. 4 0.8 1.2 4.5 7:19 4.1 8:02 SWISS-AMERICAN BANK Of Locarno. Switzerland. and CALIFORNIA MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK, 514 Montgomery street.

San Francisco. Paid up'capitar and 000 A General Savings and Commercial Banking business transacted. A Interest paid on -savings deposits. Loans on approved real estate security and on commercial DIRECTORS: Ernst A. Denicke, A.

Sbarboro. J. C. Rued. E.

Martinonl. F. C. Slebe, A. Tognazzlnl.

Brunner. McD. Venable, G. Wleland. F.

Kronenberg, Chas. Martin, C. Gehrat. P. 8.

Orandl, G. Hottaxul..

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