The Strathearn Herald from Crieff, Tayside, Scotland • 3
- Publication:
- The Strathearn Heraldi
- Location:
- Crieff, Tayside, Scotland
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
VISITORS AT CRIEFF. CV To ensure cornet spellirts owl genteel amine, Visitors an i.rited to leave Nooses and Addresses at the Herald Osee, Cowrie Street AN, Names omitted from the list well be inserted Gy sending thews to the (Ike. ANCASTER ROAD. Ire and Mrs Andrew Billet and family, Dundee. A DDISON TERRACE.
No. 7--Mr ar.d Mrs James Alexander and family. Mansfield Avenue, lnYeresk Road, Musselburgh. Row Earn -Mrs Cliniming and the AIiFSeS Cunnin i g. 174 Crossloan Road.
Govan. rs and Siit. Corbett. 21i Parliamentary Road. Glasgow (o.
14-Mr and Mrs Merry. Motherwell. Mrs Misses Miller, Dunduc. BANK PLACE. Ilank Cottage --Mr and Mrs Sturdy.
Shr.w• lands. tilasgow Mrs Anderson and family. Ulasgow. BURRELL SQUARE. and Mrs Robertson and family, angeinom Mr and Mrs Fulton and tllasgow: Miss Stewart.
tiovan- Misses Millar. Paisley. 411enclocin Mr and Mrs Calcutta: Mr and Mrs Mullen., Suanylea- -Miss lialdiing and Miss liwirnemouth. 14 --Mr and Mrs Samuel and Muster saninel.
Larbert. Fendoeh Wright and the Misses Wafter's. Glasgow. Anniston and Mrs Clark and Miss Clark, Glasgow. BURRELL STREET.
No. and Mrs Muddle. Eiliobargh; Mrs Thomson and family, Leith; the Misses Christie. Branton. and Mrs IWKentie and family, Olatmow; Sirs and Mien Williamson, Itaintlton.
and Miss Macartney Itill, Dam- Druinmond and Urs Knox and family. Carmylie; Mr and Mrs Munn and party. Sbettleston. Laurel and Mrs Campbell and Master Campbell, Broughty-Ferry. and family.
Perth. Milton and "Mrs Macgregor and family. Port -Glasgow; Elr and Mrs Duthie, Aberdeen. and Mrs Dundee. Montreal Villa (No.
and Mrs Watt and family. Glasgow; Miss Counts, Glasgow. Montreal Villa I No. and Mrs Munn and family. Fern Misses Murray, Taybank, inrergoZwrie.
No. 2 Meadow head and Mrs Wilrtm and family. Hamilton. No. 70 (34i.
Mercer. Craigneuk. tiourock. Oregon Mouse (No. and Mrs Morton and the Misses Morton.
Dundee; Mr and Mrs Gray, Mr Robert Gray, and Mr Jas. Gray. Glasgow. Oregon House (No. iked Mrs Hutcheson Ulundee.
Harthain and Mrs M'Lcod and Meadowhead Seath and Mrs Rintoul Rick and Miss Knox, tilautlow: the Missen Macfarlane. Glasgow. CARRINGTON TERRACE. and Mrs Mae Gibbon. Edinburgh St and Mrs Humphreys and Miss Conyers.
Demerara. St BsldretEs---Misses Murdoch. Redholm. Ayr. Glen and Mrs Harris, Somerset.
Wilson. Glasgow. and Mrs A. M. Stevenson and Inglisgreen.
Slateford. -Judge Dick and family, and Miss Dirk, Grangemouth. David Ferguson and family. Newport-on-Tay. Rose and Miss Illiddow ricd Mins Whitehead.
Trinity, Edinburgh; Miss Sin- Clair, Glo w. Home and D. J. Tweedie and family. Dundee; Misses Tseedie, Invergowrie.
Turret and Mrs G. Mure Ritchie. London. COLDWELI.S ROAD. -Miss Ewan.
Glasgow; Miss M'llterson and iss Kinnenr, Edinburgh; Rev. Alex. An Mrs Buchan an and party. Eqpt. Bate and Miss 111.auchlan, Stirling.
Coldwells 110111.0 Wishart. Edinburgh. COMRIE STREET. llnnve--Mr and Mr. Govan and family, Falkirk.
WrAoe and Mrs Taylor and family. Dundee. Nn. Robertmon. Glasgow.
'No. 40 illre and Mrs Brown, Edinburgh. filenturra A and Mr. Taylor and family. Mr and Mrs Davie baby, Larbert.
comnii: ROAD. Leven (Boarding-Hensel Mrs Porteous and Miss A. Porteous. Alloa; Miss Hardie. Coatbridge; the Hamilton.
Coathridge; Mrs Thorn and friend. Glasgow; Miss Gatlin and Miss Grierson. Melbourne. No. I Marshall Place Premperanee Hotel and Mercer.
Liverpool; Miss Shornley. Liverpool. a i rmoun Mr Charles Scott. Iquique; Mr and Mrs Scott. Burntisland.
Crain Henry Davis and Miss Davis. Glasgow. Grampian Hills II yd Bruce. Edinburgh: Miss Taylor and Miss Bessie Taylor. Glasgow: Mr J.
W. Hunter and Miss Hunter. Edinburgh; Miss WlCay. Glasgow; Mr Seaton. England; Mrs Ireland.
Kirkcaldy; Mrs Alexander, Edinburgh; Miss Ray Strwart, Edinbur Mr Mackay. Mr end Mrs illscorks. Nnwry. I rOund. The Blacklork, Glasgow.
CRAIGARD ROAD. Clifton and Mrs Mitchell and family. Glasgow: Mrs Littlejohn and family. St Andrews. and Mrs Martin and family.
Cilaagow. CORNTON PLACE. Mrs Cairroe-- Mr and Mrs W. S. Wore, Dim.
kaftan; Mrs Bremner and Mr Kidd. Dun. dee. Condon and Mre child. end friend.
Uotrnfield. Dinidee. Mr. Itrnnimo. and Mr.
P. Kelly end child. 17 Ttainard Avenue. COMMISSIONER STREET. 12 (Mrs Pringle's)--Mr and Mrs Henderson and family.
Dundee. No. George Miller and family, Hamilton. No. Whyte, Mrs Gray, and Miss Wil- NOV, Glasgow.
and Mrs Campbell. Glasgow. Broach View (so. (iarriek and MIPS Christie. Dennistoun, Glasgow.
No. Duncan and party, and Mrs White and family. Glasgow. No. and Mrs Soutar and family, Dundee.
Ellislie liars (M is and ae mi. ken. Glasgow; Mr and Mrs Wilson and Miss Wilson, Airdrie. DRUMMOND TERRACE. The Handyride.
Edinburgh: Mra Hay. Edinburh; Mira Mrr and Misres I.indray. thinder; Mir. liathlrrn Wiggleaworth and maid. London.
Mimes Marshall. Edinburgh; the Andnraoti. Stirling. W. Inles and the Misses funks.
Ban unfermline; aml Mrs D. Forbes and family. Brooklyn. U.S.A. Mimes Miller.
BroulfatY-Ferry DUCHLAGE D. No. and Mrs Forgan and family, Mount Florida. Glasgow. Balmoral Cottage (No.
and Mrs M'Nair Caiorrnn and fimilr. Glasgow. Balmoral Cottage (No. 21--Mr and Mrs Wm. Brouiti and family, Grangemouth.
IXU.I.ERIE TERRACE. and Nlrs James Millar and family. Clarkston Schoolhouse. Airdrie; Mies Pm. Chapman, Conimonhead Mouse.
Airdrie. Walton Thorburu Brown. Milo- gavie. Mra, nud Miss Service. Greenock.
Bower and Mrs Bartlett and family. Dundee. No. Kirkpatrick. Motherwell; Mr and Mrs Auderroo, Falkirk.
Myrtle Smith and family Gorr ock; Mr and rid. West Kilbriur and Mira Wilkie and family. Jordanhill. Glasgow. Conscher and Miaa Smith.
Shanklin. Isle of Wight. and Mrs Lindsay and family. Manua-on-Tar. Western Mrs, nod Miaa Kennedy.
and friend. Johnstone; Miss Campbell, Bridge of Allan. Garry Cottage--Mr nni! Mrs J. Kennedy and family; Pairs anti maid. Glens cairn Polloksliields.
and Mrs Walker and family, Airdrie. St and Mrn Rabb. Edinburgh. Mr.ckay and M'Donald, and Mrs A. C.
White and fnmily, and Mra Nevall, Langsicie. and Mra Fergus and family. Gowan and family. Glasgow. No.
and Mrs Currie. Port Glasgow; Miss Greenhill. Port Glaswiw. then. tionrock.
end Mrs James Willienison and Mr George J. Williamson. Greenock. EAST HIGH STREET. 8111.1 1 No: 4.
COI 11011-4 C. F. Corilqn 1111 ming: the Mines Perth; Mr Struthers and Pe. Strnth in: Mr and Mrs Wardrop. and Mra Bruce, Wialtaw.
College Cottage--Itr and Yrs Gall. Partick; lira and the Hutton, Dundee. Mrs Wiiinnie'a--The Misses Curley, tirtintrin Miss Mr and Mrs Cairns, fatuity, and maid, Falkirk. EARNBANK ROAD. Earnbank and Mrs White and Leith: Rev.
J. C. Neill. alma Neill: and Nina Neill. Earnork James Conley and family, Glasgow.
Drummond Lloyd. EWANFIELD. Beaty and Glerdon, Lnusanoc; Mrs and the Misses WCroeken. Gircnn. Mrs.
and Mis ryfr, Greenock. VICTORIA TERRACE. Adams, Olsagow. Misses Crows. England.
Shaw and Mrs Matthew, Glasgow. and Miss Buchanan, Glasgow. THE STRATHEARN HERALD, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1909. VIELTOR3 AT BLACKFORD. Names of Visitors omitted from the following List will be inserted by leaving these with Mr D.
Lawson, merchant, era the Ashwood -Mrs B. Wallace mid ittaflew. Middleton House-Mr and Mrs W. L. 'Befell and family.
Cathcart, Glasgow. Schoolhouse--Mr and Ales Jack and family, Glasgow. Mrs Fairley's-Mr and Mr Abernethy and family. Perth. Aunfield-Mrs R.
B. Galbraith and family. Dennistoun, Glasgow. Stirling Street-Mr John Witityre and family, Glasgow. Stirling Streetkirk.
Stirling Street-Miss N. Henderson. Crieff, Stirling Street -Mr and Mr M. Weir, MitagavlP. Cross Ifonse-Mr and Mrs Dobbin and family, Clydelmok.
Glasgow. Cross Heise -Mr and Mrs Wilattie and family, Clydebank. Olosgow. Cross and Mrs Cockburn ar.d family, Larbert. Trllibarcline Praise -Mr lmit, era?) Glam.
elmhire. Strathallan House-Mrs Ronald. Glasgow. Loehleven Cottage-Mr and Mrs Fraser and family. Glasgow.
SUIIMNide Cottage--Mrs and Mackay Stirs Jane Ritchie, Bohm-raft. Dantilone. Burnside Hone--Mr and Mrs Barber and family, Perth. Bowles Cottage-Idr John Melville and Mrs Burnside Cottage-Mr and Mrs H. ltroau, Troop; Mr and Mrs A.
Blown. ('rail. Ilridgend Home- Mr and Mrs Hope and family. nail Miss Annan, Glasgow. Ochil Vies--Mr Selkirk.
Mr and Mrs Smith and family. Glasgow. Mr Jalapa Fox, Campion, Fal- AT ST FILLANS. Names of Visitors omitted from the following List sill be inserted hy these with Miss Creror, merchant, agent for the lirrald. Holly and Mrs Bannerman and family.
Glasgow. and Mrs Farquharson and family. Buthcrglen. Braehead Cottage and Mine Black and Miss Wilson. Tay port.
and Mrs Pirie and family. Bea radon. Corranour--Captain and Mrs Captrin and Mrs Kilvert and Mester Clive Havert, Dundee. IT. Findlay and family.
Mount Florida. Glasgow; Misses Cowrie. Pollakshields. Glasgow. Oak David and Mrs Macdonald and family.
Glasgow. and T. C. Tier and the Misses Keay. Dondee; Mr need Mrs John Donholui and Miss Isotholni.
Bo'oesa; Misses Mrs and Verr willisons. Loudon. Glen and Mrs 'rhos. Miller and family, Dowanhill. Glastrow; Welber, Newcastle-on-Tyne: Miss Herbert-son, Hillhead.
Glass-aw; Mr Bantle. Dowaithill, Glasgow. J. Steel. Hama-tend.
London. Earnerove--Mr and Mrs ArEwan and wan and Mr Aird, VISITORS AT LOCEIZARNIIZAD Names of Vbitors omitted from the following Lid will be inserted by leaving them with Mre Stewart. agrut Or the Herold at Lochearithead nail the Musses Hay, alum Geor-e and family, Montrose. Post (Mier--Mr and Mrs Murdoch and family, share. Briar Cot and Misses Donaldson, Carmunnock.
Gowanbrae (Mrs Ritchie. Mr F. Ritchie, and Miss Edith Ritchie, t)nndce. Loch View and Mrs John Crawford. Ibrox, Glasgow; Miss Hirai'.; Mr Hotson. Ghsgow. View R. 0. Henderson, Mt; Iferderson and family, Glasgow.
and Mrs Thomson, Giarqust Mr end Mr. Pattie, Miss Pattie, an) Master Bettie, Scotrtoun. Railway Cottage--Mr and Mrs Strachiot sod Larbert. Old Darling and family, Paitirk. Glasow.
Rowan and Mrs Paton, Edin burgh. R. Hay Mastic and family. hill. di rtes BP Kay and family, Pollok.hields.
Glasgow. Dalreirli Cottage--Mr Mrs Lander and family. Pat Dalreich Linsey and family, Wasp Loorhkin Form'-Mr and Mrs John White. and the Misses Maclean, Glasgow. "1116 CLIIMFDO OF THE TEMPLE." AN OUTSPOKEN ADDRESS TO PROFESSING CHRISTIANS IN GENERAL.
AND THOSE IN CRIEFF TOWN COUNCIL IN PARTICULAR LAST Sunday afternodn, we were rather agree. ably surprised to listen to a very outspoken address on the above subject by the Rev. W. R. Simpson, Crief, nod alsays det irons to pass on a good thing to others.
se bare pleasure in giving the following thareforo. He wets risen from the dead, dis6ylect remembered that Ho had this unto tbent: and they beliesed the rc'ethre, area the lined wh'eh Jesus had 11. 22. I wish, rid Mr on, to tele this ver-e in cennection with the clearing of the Temple, for it is welly the eampknient of it, th owe Hoed of light upen 'hat ttrikieg incident. rune arc some re meek itile things in the nerreline of the eleamite of the Temple, and r.inie vet ettnificant taueh: therein.
Of tot ft Wt.rds of truth end 111 tI are Token, but rot dented until 101110 futtre pceted, when a illuednation reed': than to the and reveals their meaning. Jieue on thin fleece to Hie disciples truth: of the fine inirortaree, and they untilsteed them not until He hod rirn (rem the tomb. go, too, there are ir.eidents in our life which we limy met riukeetand -nay, which we tarty reared AS ead calamilice, let which underateoil later confirm our faith in God and in Ilse riOlllK 5 of hires. We may rot, at first eight, pererne ranee the ht and wherefore of a lake the ceeneirez of the Temple: we me, tthred 1,411 the outline of "rignifieenee Hut. let ra study it mere closely and tanwetly, ureic: euidarec, and wo pees ire mere .1 an mine.
Heien dear, the dieciplen eteeet it. rot mid the Master hod triumphed ever et, its won't and over eeath. let re butefly cony ler the Temple at that rerieel. Abtrea Of it corrupt tied crept in the precircta of God's sanctuary had Fen pelhateil. People carte front all quertere from the remotest parts of Iralcedine, from the eneieea beyond, and from the eidee of foresee ceemtrice where Jews raided and err iged in intmeree for the of worshipping God in the Tenirle.
Thecae wer hipper found it very to purehere on the epee enamels rrd birds reed in racrifice, end the nrcewory meteriall nteh es raft. meal, ell, and frankincense. Now, there wits nothinn wrong in matirt preneion ter the eme.eierce• of worshippeee from eetarat parts. Then IT men c.a tree eectiont sore enite reel lewful in themselves. and might been been kept.
ro. But, unfortunately, they did not con. Crete Jere, inn-cent. and lawful. The for supply woo tweet, and, in order to ewe, it.
trad. :4 1W their opportiteity of carrying on a lurratiye ard the eased neee'nets ware invaded, roam- sly, erectly fellow, unr the waterer of dieting in an animal for emeriti ere rffreting a wile within the court. Think ef it. What de we ere here' It shown es that a pure and inreernt and lawful traneaction may be turned into en alum and sin: and, to eur 11 hr it said we here many Mete neon of thee in our (hie But (lees it not no that ween 'trete, eirecieree leeerd the Diane law Ain and sheen fallow? Then, in meeitien to the cattle-dealre and piee an.rclhwe. there wt re the iteney-elearetere Tits moncy-eltangera nude pry e'en for the enteturt of 7.
he tat of isif a That tax rested le paid in no oel. coin than the eacred currency. A forteem even souk' pollute the Trample; sod. as the mar. eein-ge wan in use not.
erly in forrien peed, tut in Palestine, the money charter wa. al a felt need end The chargine or melee' woo ruite innocent and lawful: hit lyre it-, the por.t—in tryiter to prevent one poltu'inn, woo irtredneed. Chrintian peruke Oda. We lire in an age of ime.vetion end toleration ct douttfol thirma; and net meny of these have crept. into the that prepte fail to perceive that they really ere ahe ar and eine The keeettee, eye eennot tingneh the difference between organized Chit beefily and the world.
The spiritual. it At. if by the materiel. Cattledealers, and nenweeeltsreere weee tereetery and Istrfnl, lint they were where they eneht not to have bon: err, in their erred of eleer eliametelly cheated the poor and turned the house of as Jun reathingly pot it, into a den of therea." The inseeeet eieeyetiee ee nue atmeee, and the al-me. hicente rent tut what eared the tureen an leate as they retained the teoak of re Utica and filled their pockets with told at the seine time.
Th's grad elate of affairs sent have shocked and greyed sincere and honest worshippers cf Gad; but evidently there were none counievetts eineeigit to expo-e the wrorie-doire need purify the Ten-ph. I -t re net shirk the appheetion to mei ra orgeneed Christianity. What do we filet smarm profc-eire Cerefeses Tho lords buy is lively profaned in luetstive trading, in Nemo ton end pleaeireee.kint, in week, which cermet, in any weer. be deserroted "the works ef remeeity and and thatch many reriou p. 11,1713 deplore this few have the moral it, or male.
the elightert attempt to it. The fir reen of the chureltee mutt and i therefore the neristo.o meet keep silent. What is the reeult Aberes and aim are winked at, toter- I and the doers of them, brearei they rtterd chtreh, ere seaweed to it worthieperA of Gee' in spirit and in truth. Is it any wonder that meteria'iem thinairatee the epitetural to-day? Behold what lows did I Ho cornea in ometect with the be Clint semen of commerce add corruption. He ie greeted it, the covet of the hottee.
of God with lewine of cattle, the tketirg of sheep. the eccene of dram end the clink of money. What an right in the house of God The nobility of character-to all that. make Ffe worth living. Hot is 21.4 dehltcrately repudiated to- day.
Athe'-sn (nee. a force to ho feared and rectored with; Atheism is an effete force to-day. Who pays any attention to the ravings cf Atheism new No; what we have to leer is the caLlourneal and infidelity of prac.ring Many of Jesus' avowed disciples am Hes let They have the form of Ciedlire 3, the cloak of religion, tut deny the thereof. They want nothing but the form, and grow angry shoeld you mach anything elm. And these are the peop she, wink at end atuses and If you iek reform and purity, you are and denounced es rude and violent ligdators.
you are secured of trim intemperete langegye. Brt be net astoni.heel at this hostile altitude of prefe. Chrtzvians. If Jeans were on earth today- and make as ho spete to the religious trying reform, de-randier: purity of life and thrush out evil, 3 chief opponenta would be prefer; iny end He would be reginds steel by them net. lie was rejectati by the tolighten claw a of the Holy City.
We Ird a illustration el that in our town lately, and exactly the same be the feeling is throughout Scotian I. Open-air toretmge we ro conrkeme4 at a Town Council me: tiny. The auents of the devil. teffeceta, and mountebanks em do as they phase in the Amen; and park, and a certain religions swiss keep bet hold a temperance or gospel meeting reel they are ininvediatey up in arms. And who ere the Members--olio-bearer: et cherches--Christ hen Churches if you rleese; them are the men who call these whe a-s dolt's; the work of Jeans howling Aye in I env.
be not entookited at His. Every act of re ferination sill have ita critics, pt 4 ea the deeming s.f the Temple bud its critics. And she- are the erites Rel'ymeas men--ignemet of apirituslity: men who have donned the chat, and imagine they le, '3 the Jems used violent mums Lai mat-neonate beetrum in the opinion of the emo.thtongue and oolimestniainy those who eel en under the torque as a mead; both were needed People may sink she pit of immorality, or MI a craw and dime Chri-tiara say and do nothing But let yea to roecue prri4hiez, and you erg brander as a disteeter of ten peace." erd lawful had into a 11,111:11 of corruption throuih the creed of men. Hi-rhteora irdiznalMn Wirt the, acid of heats, and dar.hea front his eve. He must set Zeal for the homier of Hi: Fathers WOW naakc, every necre to throb and tingle.
to tied demands immediate action. formidable whip, and drive; Him cattle and traders. Tabk.a are overturned. the cairs roll and scatter all dinetM es. The ctrl) traders stsot ut Him in awed r.ntsreteent.
What mcanth this iclonze Who lets audacity to treat us in this manner?" ask the amazed traders and Temple officials. And yst, oven tho telicious authorities teem powerkre to rvitt His lenient interference. flow was this? He had with kingly authority, for who but a King would dare to meddle with the recognised custom; or the Teraple--a Irtifie tolerated by re lioions ciders 9 But pos.ibly an awakened ron.eie..ce and the votive of wren: doing for it, for COM Tif TICV, when it avert, itself. often turns uwn cowards. And dotiblicss the told and TANKEItViLtE T.MBEI 1)1 4 PU1 Ps.
JUDGMENT OF THE 00ITIIT. IirEFES JONES, lAREFAT, EXONERATED AND ALLOWED DAMAGES. IN the Chtnerry Walden, Linton, yeActday, Ifr Verte deliv.rcd h. rtoerved judssotnt in the action which and increannts, Larbcrt, Stirlinatirr, raisa kninat the Earl 9f lanktrrille foe sptcific per ate' ralitt in respect of three contracts for the cf thulxr from the Eaai oft elmPao3- estate; in A LOT.I.Iiip sod that the plamteffa prior to tract to turcheso timber fahnila rbrclu ahrdolri Octcbcr. 1,107, had tritend into various contrceila with the Earl for the pumismic el timber irons the ham e.t.aks, and in November, 1907, they entered into a contract to timber for £1593, Melodist, the whole of the timber in one certain userkoil timber.
It was nut in dispute his was a. perfectly hireling Intro was that it fai an karaal(tat Cmtr.tzt for the Earl to have midi wag no doubt that the Earl's financial pocitios was emilerareed, but. that did net affect the contract. if the Earl had any renuoy au respect of that custiact it arts againat his and ad- ViatfK, and ho could not rciicf in recpect of the contract ag.l.Met the plaintiffs, In thy antamit 19t7 the Earl's eccennt at the Lank win by sweral thestienstils, and the bank Sere by appointing own IbC4lLirv.o agent of the Cbillinghain estates. Ncarly £5OO a- sr was required to kegs down the charge, the bank were in.i 4ino, ow the castle boirg ht.
The we ansime tc got bark La the cattle himself, Pall the titaat arra tints wino' the Earl wan bnueat into contact with Mr Janwa and Mr lom Jones by ler'en introduced to them by his Burr, in November. 1907. He thought it was aboolittely clear that the Ms-au- Josue would rot consent to associate time naves with the Earl's with any idea of obtaining ailvautage to thcenseivre, and Mr Jones would not have carnoretel, hut that he felt a gscel deal of eympathy for the dcfeadant and his difficulties. No doubt Mr Jones id by being brought into ea intimate contact with a meinter of the ari st ocracy. The first contract eauld not be impeached in any way, and he had tha Oupresnrci that, the farther contracts were rut schist by Mr Jones, but enterci into by him with reluctance.
because Lo had already largo titubrr cantrazta in hand. He thought that nano of the contracts cook' bo impose -lard, and that the Mr f-Nr3 compktely fulfilled any duty that they have owed to the Earl. unclouded attack triumphed, az it has so often deco over evil-docra But is there not amactinng even greater bshitil it This wee one of the n-eastors when the deity of Jesus flashed from Him, dazzled, awed, and paralrcd Once He eroused the wrath ef His opponent bemire of His teaching, and they would hive kitten Him; bolt He passed through their midst, and na men had the power to lay a hand on Him. In Gethsemane, too, when the arnird band wee to arrest Him, they stood cowed and holpkna in His majestic presence. So.
I believe, that it was the consciousness of a more than human pre DC ROO that terrified the descenders of the Temple. When God speaks the pride of man is hombled. and he statute abashed and powerkm. Coetriente gives the am sc ef wrorti.doing. and wrone-doing will assuredly bring its own punishment.
No nom can sin again emetsciense without fettling its sting. Now, what was this incident to sly to in in tts to renott day religion Ito nse-t lesson is tint Jesuit sought to and purify the house in God. The Temple was. 'in a sense, the hen. and life ef the notion.
Here innovation and abuses were and religion had ceased to pure and spiritual. It had deers orated into mere formality, anal the religious CIiA CIII either lacked the moral couraged to fire, or were blind to the state of The thin end of the wedge bad teen driven in. and the as suit was disastrous. We might seriously ask, Is not that the Mate of organised as resented by the churches of to-day? People never dream of finding purity and spiritual worship in the ehurches, and they shut their eyes, accept things as they are and remain silent. But was that the attitude of Jesus He begun at the house of Gel: He vigorously attacked unrighteousness in the high places, So tong es sin reigned theni purity or life and wership rere impossible.
There is a startling verse in the hist ep.otle of titter which goes ring i ng through my soul whoever I think of the abnoss and which ant tolerate! in modern Chrictian ty--" The terms is mine that. judgment must begin et the of God: and if it. first begin at shot shall to the end of them that obey not the gamest of God Dot the question is, Who secs the abuie end tins of the present day, and who has the me courage to demand reform end purity To 1 and keep silent is eonaidered the safest and a. Belief in God, obedience to God, and pure worAlp of God wery the strength. the end the rschility of the Jewish life.
Is rot 1 true of our life 1 Faith, reverence, piety. rigl doing, and clean-living are the hope-411e the hope of our national existence. woo imagine life without these Can you the state of society Without these, how barren, feeble. dark, and cheerless Social life a hideout conception A world wthout Christ would scarce ly be worth living in; and let many people at doing their utmost to banish Him from it. Christ, and then farewell to polity, beauty, vlims Tow ER ROAD.
Carlyle Bell and Nurse Scott. Stirling: Mrs H. A. Thompson. Dumfries.
and Mrs and family. irkrot rick. and Mrs Oliphant and family, Suanyride. Glasgow. Egroniont James and Lady Wilson.
India: Mr and the Misses Smith, Pollok- nhcilds. Kemp, Mrs and Miss Kemp. Edinburgh. The and Mrs Still. The and Mires Goodall, Kew Terrare.
Glasgow. Carmichael and family. Mrs Macfarlane, and Miss Clapperton, Green- ock. Martin and family and Mrs M'Master, Carliike. Simpson and Mr A.
Simpson, Edinburgh; Mr and Mrs and Miss Wal lace. Glasgow. Freebnirn. West Dug. lhrox; Miss Annan.
Knock Mcglaughlin. Gartmorran, Albert Drive. Maxwell Park. Glasgow. Thorn'''.
and Miaa Fernie. l)alkeith; Mi.s Doff. Scone; Mr and Mrs Forguron and Mr Ferguson. Glasgow. Beni and the Misses Brune, Caldercruis; Mr and Miss Twcedie.
GALVELMORE STREET. No. 13 (31r, Misses Hepburn. Stirling. No.
Percival, Edinburgh. GORDON ROAD. Muftis, Masters Robert and James Glegg. Aberdeen, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Ness. and 1)r Barclay Ness, Glasgow.
IIEATACOTE ROA1). TobTrfunt: T. Stanley. and Ilra ley. Glasgow.
and Mrs Crawford and the Mimeo Crawford. Kiltnaleelrn. tuehesigr.y--Miw. Ps ndersain. Kdi to be rgh Miss Considine.
FAinburgh; Mr Robson. Mrs llogarth and Mnster llogarth. Clynder; Mrs arid it Darin. Kennoway. Fife.
Jas. Roberson and two maids, and Miss ilrll. Glasgow. Itarohnwk --Mrs JRll3es Watson and maid, Gourock. LODGE STREET.
Mtn Serimceour's -Mr and Mrn Jamienen and Maker Jamieson, Partick. Claegow. KING STREIiT. No. St 17(1r Thomas Shearer, and Mrs John Rennie Kirkenliy: No.USI NIr and Mrs llorwytaan and family FigMirk.
0.129 (Mr. and Mrs I)rred ak nod Stenhonsrmuir. VICKIRIA Mrs l's Barnride and Allan. lahrm Mrs It rot Scotland and family, Mrs Dunlop. Glasgow.
MILLER STREET. No. Haig. Dalkeith. Isla and Mrs Wilson and family.
India. Duns and Mrs M'Gregor, Glasgow. No. Johnstone, Dueztee. MILLAR STREET.
G. Thomson, Glasgow; the Misses Thomann. Cnlrons. and Mrs T. Atholl Robertson, London; Mr and Mi 96 Lathed.
MITCHELL STREET. No. Hutcheson, Glasgow. Ocbil Rank--Mr and Mrs Jack and Mimi Jack, Masson. Ward and family.
Glasgow. Oronsay and Mrs Sneddon and family, Falkirk. l'itemirn Purvis and family, Glavow. The (chi Mr. Mrs, and Shepherd, NORTH BRIDGE STREET.
Ivy Notman and family. Edinburgh. Bridgend Blouse- Or and Mn; Lloyd. family, and nurae. Eaat London.
No. Mr and Mra Marna. tiranurnsiouth. Gormley. Port Glaagow.
PERTH ROAD. Rork James Sim and family. Cam. llawthornden I Boa rd Residence) -31 trio, Dundee. PVITENZIE STREET: and Mrs Wink and Mr Wink.
etreeneek. Blantyre Bonier (No. Witthiman and Mews Wisshtmae. FAinborst. Brodie.
Kelty. Fife. PITTENZIE PLACE. No. and Allan and Miss Hunter, Port-Glenna.
STRATIMARN TEROACE. and Mrs Mlienzie, family. and nitrar. Neaport; Mr and Mrs MRirdy, GoniOrk. Btown.
Golan. Keir Villa -314 m-es Thom-on, l'aihler; Mrs Srotland and Mi-r. Fcotlaud. tlinslaw; Dr Saftley and Mn, Saffley, Lirerpual. SAITRIE ROAD.
and Mrs J. B. Soutar and Miss Phyllis Soutar and Mr Thomas Buik, Dundee. Turret and Mrs Westwood and family. Airlie Terrare, Dundee.
Milford and Mr T. Bennett. Motherwell. MiPt4 Pollock. Shettleeton.
Auchorrge J. B. and Miss Thomeon. Edinburgh: Mr T. R.
Thomson. Liverpool; Mr and Mrs W. la. Bruce, Edinburgh. THE COUNTRY.
Rosh Charles Lawrie, and Mra Wm. Lawrie and family, Dundee; Miss Violet Parry, Arbroath. (L.irliltth-Mrs James and family, KelvinNide. and Mrs Morri.on. Glasgow.
Milton of Cultoquhey ii kr. Mr and Nf rs Largo. I sit.ff ray Schoolhousefroi turd and Vic Mires Crawford, Glasgow. VISITORi AT MUTHILL. Nnones of Viwitoro omitted from Hie follow- INT List will be inserted by 'raring theme with M'Gregor, stationer.
agent for the Willoughby and Mrs Frank Ilanhell a baby. FAlitiburgh. Willoughby James Wright and Mrs Wright. Edinburgh. Willoughby and Mrs Thos.
and family. Willoughby and Mrs M'Oriat and family. Olosgow. Willoughby Street (Mrs S. Torrance.
tilnejow. Willoughby aml sirs W. and Slrti ford. FwlitLct ol. II Street (Xtra awl Mrs Rae rut family.
Falkirk. 1111 mond str eet--The iases Noble and Miss Fii rI a tie. I rennin. k. Wardside and Mrs Walter Paton and family.
and Mboi Kendal. Carlis e. Wirt End and Mrs Martin and family. Glasgow. James Barr and Mias Barr, ilasgow.
Kemp and Miss Robertson, Glasgow. Jessiefield Middle and family, Airdrie. Pitkelfony Street (Mrs ren, Perth. and Mrs Menzies and family. lAlagaow.
Lower Oakfield (Mrs and Mna M'ldillan and family. Falkirk; Mr Thos. Webster. Campion. Schoolhouse.
Fens- -Mr J. Clerk. Grange month. ily ant Mni Wm. Mark stud ily.
Clvdebn Pett George Reith Sutherland. Dundee. VISITOR 4 AT AUCHTERARDER. Names of Visitors omitted from the fidlowing List will be inserted by leaving these with Mr IL H. Eason.
Mr A. Yonng, Mr A. D. Carrie, Mr A. Brown, or Miss Adamson, agents for the Herald.
and Mrs James Midland, Gartagyre, Pollokshields, Glasgow. No. 56 Townhead (Miss and Mrs Allan and family. liddrogston. No.
11 Townhead (Mrs Badeoek, London. Miss Belvidere Mrs Miller and the Misses Miller, Glasgow. Woodend Dove. Langaide, Glasgow. Denchars' Cottages (Mrs and Mrs G.
E. Davidson and Master Willie Davidson. Sinclair Drive, Langside, Glasgow. Fenton Platt and Messrs D. and J.
Platt. Kelly Street. Greenock. Garth (Mrs and Mrs 11. 0.
Holmes. and the Misers Boluses Wctford, mar London. WESTERN ROAD. The and Mrs Ralph R. Stewart and family, Athale Kelvinside, Gift Prow.
Halstead and Mrs C. A. Mackenzie and family. Kelvinside, Ewan, Elie; Mr and Mrs Weir. Akth.
Drysdale and Mr T. Drysdale, Morningside Place, Edinburgh. RUTRVENT STREET. and titre M'Laughlan and 111isa Illythswood Drive, Glasgow. Rowlett and the Misses Taylor, liillhead, ti lasgow.
and Miss Thomson, Carnarron Street. Glasgow. and the Mil4Sefl Fairley, Glasgow. Miss Malttau'srrMr and Mrs Macleod and family. Shettleston.
and the Misses Miller, Florence Place, Glasgow; Miss Drysdale, Joppa. HIGH STREET. Deanaland Mrs and Mrs D. Stewart and farnilv. Perth.
Abbotsfield Gardens (itri and Mrs Richardson and family. Renfrew. Greenhcad and Mr. Sharp and family. Aberdeen; Mr and bliss Do 06de, Kira.
No. MS (Mra Crawford. Dennis- toun. tilanow. and thc Bliss.
Ewing. Mary Arrnue. Croishill. Glakgow. Dot-trot (Nlrs Sloan, West la'brick; Miss Cockburn.
Croydon. Clifton (Miss rs Cooper and family. Incergovrrie. No. 208 (Mrs Wm.
Nirorrl -Mr and Mrs Wilson and Partick. Glas- gow. No. 44 Pena (Miss W. Smith and falsity, 8 Scotia Street w.
Loagsbot (Mrs Dew and Mr. Cswe and baby. Roseburn Gardens. Edinburgh. aUN'TER STREET.
Mrs and the Mimes Herd, 18 Viewforth, and Mr. Jamea Moir, Hamilton Drive, Pollokahielthi, Olnegow: Mr and Miss Spence, Dunervon, Port-Glasgow. COUNTRY. Loehie and Mrs J. Goodwin and family.
Onolow Drive. Dennistonn. Broadfold and Mrs Davidson and family. Arlington Street. Glasgow.
Aberuthven Watson and party, Whitehill. Newlands. Glasgow. Gallo J. 5.7.
Baird and Mr Jark Baird. Craigandro. Renton. Easthill and Mrs Fred Crnietcshank and family, and Mrs Gordon, Dowanhill. Glasgow.
and Mrs S. Chapman. Perth. -Mr and Mrs T. L.
Anderson and family. Bowinoni Terrace. Glasgow. and Mrs J. Brough and Dennistonn.
Glavccs: Mr and Mrs J. Hewitt and family. Parkhead. Glasgow. Kirktnnpark and Mrs l'anl bell and family.
Pollokshields. Glasgow. VISITORS AT DUNNINO. Names of Visitors omitted from the following List will be inserted by leaving these with Mr D. Hogg, merchant, agent fur the Herald.
Allan 1101114. (Mill Davies, and Master Erie if.P. India. Bridge of Earn Russell, gew. Perth and Mrs Lannon and Mn' 7ohnstoneTeilapirttt.
Park Diekie and flintily. Park Phillips and faintly, (flas gow. Newton of Piteairns (Mimi and Mrs Dunlop and family. Glasgow. Mrs Neil's, Castli--31r and Mrs Laurie and family, Roeebank, Grangemouth.
Mrs Milner Lower and Ilethven. Craigtnn. Govan. Perth Toad-lfrs Risk, Miss Fisk, and Mr Glainw. Burnride, and Commercial Barr and family, Glasgow.
Muekhart J. Weir and family Gloag and ante, Echo. burgh Mrs Anderson's. True Donaldson and family. Mrs iluteheson's.
Newton of end Mrs Milne. reith. Christie's Buildings, Street -Mrs Gillies and family. Glasgow. Kro he-d F-em--Mr and Mrs Beveridge and family, Glasgow.
TO PR HAD AT STR.4THEARN HERALD OFFICE, AND LocAt. EHOUILLEPIL BROWNED. DISTIM6BIIIO tragedy occurred on Thuisday night at Brodbury, Storkport, resulting in the drowning of two well-krown hat manufacturers, Frederick and Charles Robinson, twin brothers, aged fifty-four years. Frederick. who was ex-Chairman of the District Council.
had been suffering from a nervous breakdown. but he insisted on going out to visit his brother. Both were together in the garden. when a vire'. saw Frederick run towards a deep pit filled with water, and then Charles Lumped in to save bun.
but disappeared. The bodies were recovered. VI3ITO3S AT RIMY. Names of Visitors omitted from the following List be inserted by leaving these with Mr Ro-o, stationer, ezent for the lii rigid. Rose G.
L. Ellis. Miss Budges, Miss and Miss Terrier, College. Cambridge. Inchbuie Mr and Mrs Sinnett, Dr Sinitett, snd Miss Sinnett, Glasgow; Mr Logan.
Glasgow. Rnhoy Aitken, Glasgow. Laurel M'Kerrell and family, 22 Coates Edinburgh. Monemore and Mrs James Menzies and family, and Master Robert Larbsrt. Fitzroy.
Miss E. Fitzroy. Miss G. Fitzroy. and Miss D.
Fitzroy, Craigdont. Kingussie, Inverness-shire. Dreadnought and Mrs A. K. Christie.
Edinburgh. Mr and Mrs Norton and family, Teignmouth. England. Craigrimi Cottage--Mr and Mrs Anderson and Stmihensensuir. Miss A Ilan.
Craigard, Edinburgh. Chmhaig Mrs, end Miss Henderson, Forbes and no ri Edinburgh, Mrs Cow'sp---M and Mrs Allison and family, River and Mrw T. Mitchell and Civility. Leith; Mr Alexniider Mitchell and Mr Hubert Dicknin. Edinburgh.
THE DAME OP CIIILLINGHAM. Dee.l,ng with the battle of October, 1808. Ws Tordchip raid ereturd ineredille that such a thing could hare been tolerated. He thought' that the alleTatien 3 to the fraudulent marking of timber by the plaintiffs had been entirely dispened. The Court had jurisdiction to grant the injunctions asked for and restrain the Earl from preNcrsting the plaintiffs using on with the eon The Court had a discretion to award datnarea in lien of an injunction.
but in this ease the Court ettrht not to ext.eise the discretion and the Farl to retain the lea-fits he bad obtained by hie high handed and illegal seta would the at £2300, en the footing that the injunction would go. but be had hem asked also to await On the lotting that there would be no injunction in care o-nwi arrangeawnt might be 0033 to whereby tney would be rendered tinnrecarairl. In that cant. he a.kressed the damages at £lBOO. Though.
in his opinion, the Earl succeeded in one minor poisit in the counter claim. enre niti-st be for the plaatiffs in both eases, with costs. Stay of execution was granted for a HONOUR TO FORTINGALL MAN. WELL-KNOWN VOLUNTEER OFFICER. Demo his seven years tenancy of Fortingall Hotel.
Contain R. Stewart made many friends, not only in the Fortingall and Aberfeldy die tricts, hut throughout Central and Western Perthshire, and regret was expressed when it became known sometime ago that health considerations rendered it iniperative that he should relinquish. far a time at least. any active participation in business affairs. The feelings of friendship entertained towards Captain Stewart were fittingly expressed on Tuesday, whorl he was to a complimentary dinner in Fortingall Hotel, and presented with a large and handsome silver epergne of classic antique design.
standing on a solid plinth. with silver ga rter bearing a suitable inscription. Colonel W. J. B.
Stewart Menzies of Chesthill presided. and the croupiers were Major Scott of Eastertyre, and and Mr I). Campbell. Bnloracraig, Fortingall. Those present Mackay, Aber' Mr James Glen, factor, Breadalbane; Mr Wm.
Bell, C.E., Aberfeldy, and many farmers and others. After dinner, Major Scott. in making the presentation. referred to the fact that Captain Stewart's father spent his boyhood at Croftwren-, on the Chesthill property, as well as his grandfather and great-grandfather, and to-day the same stork of Stewarts were cultivating the old lands. Captain Stewart had been an ideal hotel proprietor.
No better testimony to him could be found than to find his old clients and customers return year by year. (Applause.) As a neighbour he identified himself with ever ything that tended toward improving and benefiting the district and the people among whom he went in and out. As an officer in the Imperial forces no one made himself more popular or efficient than Captain Stewart. He passed his esaminationa second to none in the regiment. and on suceeeding to the command of the Aberfeldy Company, he brought it to such a state of efficiency and strength as was never known in the records of the battalion.
Captain Stewart said it was a matter of to him to leave the Fortingall district, where he had so many good friends. He would always look back with happy memories to the days he bad spent in that lovely valley. (Applause.) Other toasts followed. EXECUTION AT WAKEFIELD. bur.efi nAvta (371, painter.
1,88 executed at Lzae Wakefield arriet vesteritay morning for the murder of Esther Richards at Middlesborough he The deceased woman was the wife of a ga g- I the worker, and the condemned man lodged vr ith th them. On March 34) she was found dead with her head battered in after she had been .0 et alone with Davies in the house. Pierpont was the executioner. seine seen, thous wee- QPICCTAOLIrB 611rts Chest are 17 Vigieo. 9 tied es the peseeie lee en' at Moder Pri KIPPEN, I Wise aed BIOS dint; Clain.
I I.
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