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The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 48

Salt Lake City, Utah
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TaE SALT I4AKli1 HE SNAX DECEMBER 31 1899 4 Progress in Western Wyomi lg EJINTAII COUNTYS RESOURCES I I Ideal CouiltryFo Stock RaisingGreat Mineral Wealth EVlmston Prosperous I Ifl By virtue of its financial and industrial fl ncllvIt Evanston tile county seat of Uinta county situated In them western part of Wyomlznc jusUy cIams recognition as the third city of Importance In the confines of a fiourif1h1Ilg state Being the center of I a large grazing minIng and farmlng sectIon the town receIves steady substantial I patronage from these sources The year 1899 has markod an epoch I In the industrial advancement of thIs section of Womingone that portends I 1 a glorious future for its commercial I welfare Evanston is the home of a progressive cItizenship Some of the IIi I finest business structures and resI I grace an entire block on the prin pal thoroughfare and the city is filled with splendid busIness houses and residences The city government of Evanston is under tIle gUidance of Mayor A BecKwith a well known banker and the county is i1 no lese able hands All professIons and lInes of business are well represented but there is yet room for more good citizens A Railroad Town Evanstcn is division headquarters of the UnIon Pacific and the shops of thIs powerful corporation form an important adjunct to the place With a monthlr payroll of over 40000 Its in I I I I II I PRANK FOOTE rReceiver Land Office Evanston fiuence is greatly noticeable and appreciated As the merchants are not slow in their sales the company In return receives early 100000 In revenues from freight and eqJress These figures show up the industrial importance of Evanston With tho advent of 1000 UInta i count is classed as a firstrate county with a valuation of over 5000000 This amount is large represented In real estate and the stock busIness while about onethird of the asstssed valuation is taxed against cor 1ra igie Mineml Wealth at Rand Being just in the edge of a territory of fabulous mIneral wealth we of UIntJ count will some day in the not distant future wield he magic wand of our prodUctive genIus When capItal sees the great undeveloped wealth of one of the richest regions of the west lying dormant great mining projects and enticing dIvidends will surely be the speed result While actual rescnrches do not warrant such glowing account In thIs article it Is but just say that YeQ little pros 1 pecUng has been done Yet the fact remains that rich gold ore copper slIver and Iron have been unearthed coal abounds In untold quantities and coal oil has been dIscovered Scores of mInerals that are making our sIster stateS Utah a capitalists Mecca are awaiting the arrival of a scheduled prosperIty Stock Raising Uinta county is devoted principally to the raisIng of cattle and sheep Many fortunes are being made from I these industries in which marked advances have becn made Cattle and sheep have adanced fully 25 per cent in value during the past year and even at thIs advance they are held at a premIum As the leadIng industry of this growIng community the stuck busIness aids all classes of trade As In the case of the eastern farmer when the stock grower is prosperous all other classes share in the benefits With over 50000 head of cattle and 25000 head of sheep and goats Uinta county is destined to lead In the stock I growing industry Few cattle but I many thousands of sheep are controlled I in this vicinity by residents of Utah The sheep IntereSts are In a sound and prosperous condition no branch of the livestock busIness is more prosperous and the rapIdIty with whIch the county has become the land of the golden fleece is an open secret of the cause of much of its thrift Sheep receive a little more attention than cattle but up to date small allowances I of hay have been gIven herds The great extent of and wonderful nutrItion in our native ranges together wIth the favorable climate have given UInta county a wide reputation as one of the leading stockraisIng sections of the west and which by reason of Its superior advantages it wlll always maintain But in the future the farm of the valley will supplant the pasture of the hllls and plains and the value and usefulness of both be enhanced The anImals raised on the mountain ranges are unsurpassed in quality Long observation has shown beyond question that dIfferent types are produced by the continued operation of cllmatio influences In lowlying countries where the soil Is wet the atmosphere heavy with moIsture and the growth of vegetation rapId coarse breeds of large build are produced with loose soft and flabby muscles poor flat feet and weak lung power I On the other hand the opposite climatic conditions produce exactly the opposite animals of compact buIld with fine clean bones muscles of Iron great lung power and constitutions that withstand the greatest strain Such is the character of animals raised in Uinta county This section has no superIor as a grazIng region The thousands of acres of grazing lands are covered with nutritious hh nnlT1 n1 ntn fattening qualities are only second to grain and curing as they grow In an atmosphere whIch scarcely admits of decay are better food In December than in May The large herds of horses and cattle are seldom fed and sheep rarely but roam in theIr fatness the year around upon the carpets of luxuriant bunch grass Stockmen in UInta county are much encouraged by the steady advance In the price of theIr products The wInter thus far has been attended with mUd weather fortune has smiled upon their Industry and the completIon of another sIx months will find stock upon a thousand hills baskIng in the sunshine of an early spring and fattenIng on the fruItful yield of the rejuvenated earth Uintah County WeLI Irigated Irrigation is necessary to the successful cultivation of most of the valleys and wo cannot call to mind any of the populated valleys In the country in whIch canals and dItches do not thread the surface from north to south and froni east to west To the eastern farmer the Idea of irrigating Is one whIch strikes his mind with a certain repulsiveness but the rancher of Uinta county contemplates his crops with a degree of absolute certainty whIch the eastern farmer can never do He possesses the power of reguIat ing the moIsture to be conveyed to his land found by experience that irrigation not only keeps the land up to its original fertility but constantly improves it In quality Bridger Bench Fort BrItger of today In southwestern Wyoming is only a relic of Its former greatness Where once were stationed thousands of Uncle Sams soldIers are now located prosperous ranchers Bridger bench Is a most desirable place In that country Its story Is full of hope and the narrative Is one of progress During the past I year many have settled on thIs strip of land which Is about fifteen miles In length and ten miles wide The years progress haS brought many fields of waving grain to view and the rich soil Is more successfullY tilled than in any other portion of the county Smiths Fork It Is only a step from the Brldger bench into the valley of SmIths Fork where Mormon settlers from Utah have succeeded In makIng a scene of rural loveliness The valley is a narrow one through whIch wInds the little creek that gives the place its name Vegetation Is dense along Its banks and on each sIde are found broad natural meadows from whIch large crops or the very best of wIld hay are cut every summer Rye oatS and wheat are also grown wIth success and the efficacy of Utah methods are amply demonstrated by the success or the industrious settlers Bearing close relationship In an agricultural way to the above localities hi Star Valley a settlement largely coin I I I i I 1j 1 I I I 3 sI i ZIP i Lii Pl Jz1 4 Ii 4 4 i i STATE INSANE ASYLUM EVANSTON I 1 I deuces i1 the state are found here and capItal for years to come will find abundant opportunIties for investment The town proper has a population of 3000 and Is steadIly growIng Here the newcomer may find employment In magnificent railway shops and on the railroad in the Almy coal mines five mIles dIstant or he may settle on a tract of most desIrable land of which there is a Vast amount left In thIs 10 cality for industrious people Fine Public Buildings The state Insane asylum Is situated on a pIcturesque lull overlookIng Evanston The city also has a magnificent school house whIch represents an outlay of 35000 and is conceded to be i one of the best educational Institutions ipthe state A large commodious court house I JOhN WARD Sheriff of Uintah County Wyoming posed of former residents of Utah whose energies have made of it a garden spot Evidence of Mineral Wealth Possibly no section of the Rocky MountaIn regIon has been less prospected than northern UInta county The mountains east of Star valley bear every evidence of having minerals In them and in a few Instances claims have been staked off and some work done In Dry Creek canyon several miles southeast of Afton prospectors have struck and successfully worked a lead of copper ore running over 50 per ton and carrying some sliver Located directly north of Star valley is a beautiful Valley Imown as Jack sons Hole some day destined to be tho home of thousands of people An un 3 ALLRED dN Publisher and Proprietor Evanston News Register usual activity has permeated that see tion during the past year and the po si1Ion enjoyed by stockmen In this valley Is a lucrative one as the ranges abound with nutritious grasses upon which stock grow lazy fat As a revenue yielder the valley is one of great importanceThousands Thousands of Elk Probably no country In the world can boast of the amount of elk found at Jackson Hole A low estimate placed upon the number at present wIntering in the Immediate vicinity of the ranches is 25000 head The officers are as a rule on the alert for game VIolators and for vIolations of thIs offense anq licenses th1 county treasury has been enrIched at least 19000 durIng the past year It is but a few days run from Jack sons Hole to the Yellowstone National park the playground of the gods and I AmerIcas wonderland a part of whIch overlap Uinta county In nil the world there is a no more bewItchIngly beautiful spot and such fantastic creations of nature as are here found cannot be equaled elsewhere upon this or any Other continent Nowhere else In the known universe are there such magnIficent riweinspir ing manIfestations of the Internal I forces of nature as are to be found In the geysers of the Yellowstone park I Countless able writers have attempted to describe the beauties of the park but theIr efforts have all proved futIle f01 these wonders of naturethey are indescribable With these enumerated resources shakIng hands with the prospective future Evanston and UInta county close a most prosperous year and render thanks to the natural advantages whIch have made a successful year possIble Assessed Valuation The followIng table showing In detail the valuations placed on Uinta county property for 1899 wln readIly demonstrate just how great has been the prosperity enjoyed by this section of Wyoming No I Value Acres of land listed87O fS06O91 14 Improvements on bands164605 00 Town lots 331t95 00 Improvements on tosri lots 1050 00 I Neat cattle 38144 G95i500 Horses 671j 1tS61 00 Iules and asses 92 374000 Sheep and goats 45 4991a3 to Swine 6400 Dogs 33300 Clocks watches and jewelry I 6212 Musical Instruments 1063 50 Stocks In corporations and companies 1255 00 Capital employed in manufacturing and merchandIse 31727 29 Money and credits291296 00 Carriages and agons 43 00 Farming utensils and tools 21000 00 Housfhbld furniture 15ro 00 Other property not enumerated a 4651500 Private lIbraries 21iSO 00 I Total 13390311 OS Railway Lines Assessment of raIlroad and telegraph lines In UInta county for the year 1Sro IMileIValii 1 Piiiii i1p lace rCO li307IH574 07 Wagner Palace Car Co SJSS 103152 UnIon Pacific 1allroad Co Main line S3 71S9S0 00 UnIon PacIfic Railroad Co Almy sJ ur 388 1290100 Oregon Short Line RailJ road nC 8985 5407000 Rocky MountaIn Coal 1 Iron Co 172 5719 00 Central IncIfic Railroo Co 552 cars 130 82S 00 Wtstcrn Uniolr Telegraph Co 172001 1764730 1 Total sinsoii 39 County abstract 339031103 Total valuation 47 WHAT RQOKSP1UINGS HAS llEEN DOING Most Falllous Coal Town in the West WhIle perhaps there arecIties in the mountaIn region that apparently have been treated with ore generosity by kInd nature than has Rock Springs yet there Is none at least along the UnIon Pacific that has the natural resources When in a late campaIgn a political orator who anted to say something to comDI1nent hIs audience here in Rock Springs informed them that25 per cent ot the entire freIght business that orIginated along the le of the UnIon Pacific railioad came from Rock SprIngs it waS genernlly supposed that he was somewhat mistaken but your correspondent on meeting SuperIntendents Harris and Hay a fey days later learned from thEo gentlemen that the figures were correct I Great Coal Camp The year just losed has been for us one of unprecedented prosperIty Rock I springs cmU is famous and a few figures obtained from Agent LeugI1e are quIte Interering at this time It appears that during the year the nwrolber ot cars of coal shipped was 59200 creating a revenue of 2500000 agaInst 5355 cars of coal shipped durIng the year ISiS with a revenue of fl940000 During the eat just closed there wns received at Rock Springs station 1100 carloads of freIght and thIs wIth the local freIght created a revenue of 200 000 neainst 1000 ear durin lRJS with a revenue of 149000 The miners era plo ed by the UnIon Pacific are paid liberal wages irnd no reduction hns ever been made since the canto was first opened some twentyfive years ago The payroll during the year just closed averaged between 5000 and 100000 a montH with no show of decreasIng during the next three months Another great industry centering here Is the sheep business more than 5OOO sheep beIng owned by people getting theIr mall in Rock Springs Dostoffice Last spring the cUp amounted to about 2000000 pounds that sold at an average price of 12 cents and brought to RON TIM KINNEY President Rock Springs National Bank and Othier of 50000 Sheep Rock SprIng about 240000 This does not include the increase In lambs II New Wool Warehouse The sheep owners before another clIp are goIng to build a large wool warehouse so they can hold their wool here without paying storage and freIght to hold 1t in an eastern market The money for thIs enterprIse Is already subscribed The prospects for 1900 for Rock SprIngs are very bright The UnIon PacIfic is unable to supply the demand for coal from Its four large mInes whIch are In operation nIght and day and intends openIng a new mIne very shortly whICh will give employment to many menThe financIal condItion of the cIty of Rock SprIngs shows that during 1V Lees admInIstration as mayor the cIty accumulated about 18000 In the cIty treasury without any dIrect tDttatlon whIle during the two admInistrations precedIng Mr Lee a specIal tax of some iOOO to 8000 had to be levied early to keep the cIty even 4 a i 4 dEi di ii IJf 1 Fill ifV ill I UNION PACIFIC MINE ITO 1 ltOeX SPRINGS ol 6 Prosperous Year For Montana I I ALL DUSTRJES I fLOURISH IN TUtS GREAT YOUNG STATE SixtYSix MilliOn Dollars Worth of Metals Produced 0 During Year Just Ended Butte Mont Dec 2SNo western state has shown a greater material advancement I vancement during the past year than has Montana and withIn Its own history no other year has wItnessed half the progress and development of Its resources Although the states greatest wealth lies in Its mines and mineral deposits the developments of other resources has demonstrated that Its prosperity Is no longer absolutely depEndent upon its mInes The stock and wool Industries agriculture and horticulture and inanufacturies of many kinds though still In their infancy have been developed to such an extent as to demonstrate that the state may be a great commonwealth Independent of Its mInes and that with them It must always be one of the roost prosperous and progressive in the UnIon In a few years Montana wIll be rec ognized as one of the greatest stock I raIsIng fruIt growIng and agrIcultural states In the west and among Its most promInent Industries will be that or beet sugar growing The possIbIlIties of Montana In this latter respect have long been discussed but only in the past rear have any attempts been made to demonstrate what mIght be done in thIs part of the country in that respect About a year ago Henry Altebrant of New York president of the Manhattan Malting company became interested In the question lIe was convInced from what he saW on his companys bIg farm at Manhattan In the Gallatin valley that thIs state offered exceptional facIlIties for raIsIng sugar beets and he sent to Germany for an expert on beet raIsIng and the manufacture of sugar The expert visited different parts of Montana and examined the soil and secured a number of beet samples whIch he took away wIth him and had analyzed on hIs return to German HIs report was very favorable and sInce then a number of capitalists and men Interested In the sugar industry have been at work lo establish the industry In this state wIth present prospects of success The department of agriculture has also been investigating the matter and In Its recently publIshed report speaks of Montana as a promIsing field though the government experts do not speak so well of the Montana beet as dId the German expert One of the new and important industries of the state Is the paver mill whIch has just been started up at Manhattan It is said to be one of the largest In the country and since the enterprIse was first started it has become necessary to Increase the capacIty of the mill and it was buIlt much larger than was at first contemplated The mill Is owned and operated by the Montana Pulp Paper company and all grade of paper is to be manufactured Big Irrigation Scheme The state arid land cormnission has just Inaugurated a scheme that will result In the greatest good to the state The commIssIon has succeeded In interesting Butte capItal In a proposItion to construct an irrigating canal by which 15000 acres of land in the eastern part of the state will be reclaimed It Is the plan of the commissIon to issue bonds In order to raise the necessary money and the Butte capitalists will take them at par The commls I aba has already let a contract for I time farms there will be as valuable as those In the Mississippi valley I SIngular to say the valley lands east of the Rocky mountains need irrigatIng while the benches or mountaIn slopes will produce large crops of grain without Irrigating Canals or ditches for irrigating are mades in the Milk river valley at a cost of about 4 per acre mostly labor There are now eIght or ten dItches In operation I never saw finer crops of clover timothy grain and potatoes than in the vicinity of Chinook A Year of Prosperity The prosperity of the state is evident In every city and village Helena and Anaconda alone complain of poor business and dull times The condItions of the former are due to the fact that I there Is little to maIntain a big cIty I about Helena and the merchants of Anaconda complain that the depart I 4fTf 4r 4 4 ffvA 4 FLAZfXJh 4 4 I 1 I 1 ROBERT 13 SMITH Governor of Montana buIldIng a canal at Big TImber that will reclaim 50000 acres when completed and plans have been outlIned for reclaIming the whole of the mIlllon acres the state secured through the Carey act At present the prospects are very brIght for reapIng a vast benefit from the reclamation of these lands Agricultural Outlook EvIdence of the states outlook from an agricultural standpoInt Is gIven by Moses Folsom the Immigration agent of the Great Northern In a conversation with The Herald correspondent a few days ago lIe saId Montana is about as large as the origInal thIrteen states of the Union and contaIns a greater varIety of natural resources than can be found in the original UnlonL and for that matter In am state ear4t of the Mississippi river New and comparatively unknown excePt to those who hive kept pace with I northwEStern growth Jt may be a surprise to the general public when I say that Montana leads the Union in average I per capita wealth In the number I of sheep owned and in tho number of pounds or wool and in pounds of copper produced annually TheN Is room there for mllllono of people In all sorts of gainful occupations Along the MIlk river whIch the Great Northern follows for 180 mlles hundreds or farms can be taken up Insight and heaIngbVdaiiytrains In oJ mont store operated by the Anaconda company In that city Is responsible for condItions there Butte Is bIgger and better than Ever and thIs has been a recordbreaker In buIldIng and mining It Is not yet possIble to give an estimate of the total copper output of the Butte dIstrict for the past year but the fact that the Anaconda company alone wIll show net earnIngs of at least 9 000000 will gIve some idea of what the total of the dIstrictwhIch includes all of the Amalgamated properties the Clark mines and the properties of the Montana Ore PurchAsIng coibpany besides a score of smaller concernsmay be when Itig footed up More men are onplored In the mInes than ever and the only drawback Is the uncertaInty as to the Intentions of the Amalgamated Copper company which has now acquired nearly all the valuable properties in the diitrict except those controlled by the Heinzes and Senator Clark The amalgamation has not yet been altogether perfected and will not be until some settlement with hIgh figure and the assessed valuation I ot SIlver Bow county of whIch Butte is practically the whole Is In round num hers about 28000000 It is sate to say thit this represents not more han one third of the actual value which may be placed at 5000000 to SOoooooo The mines ole not Included In the assessment except to the extent of the surface improvements The enormous I ore deposits are no taxed The Anaconda company Is represented by 1200000 shares now quoted rp proxImately at 50 a share whIch makes an aggregate ot 60000100 for that compan mines The Boston Montana has 200000 shares quoted at 350 a share making a total of 52500 000 for that companys properties The Butte Boston mInes are valued at 15000000 th Parrot at 11500000 the Colorado properties at 2500000 The Montana Ore PurchasIng company Is organIzed with a capItal stock of SO GOO shares valued at about SoooOO mak lug a grand total of the properties ret ferred to or H7000COO Only aimlted quantity of th stocks are on the mar keto most of the shares being in the hands of persons who are holdIng them as a permanent investment and who would not thInk of selling them at present quotations It Is practically certain that the properties named could rot bo I purchased for anything less than 175 I 000000 rhen there are other Valuable mInes I The ColusaParrot the Stewart and other Clark properties besIdes the Soeculator thE All tnt Tylnt and many smaller ones To lump hat 10000000 would be a modes estimate but would raise the total valua tIon of mines to 185000000 and adding the valuation of iu city proper Jf 000000 the total valuation of the district Is 260000000 Deducting from thIs 10000000 for duplications there remains an even 250000000 or about 5000 for each man woman and child In Butte What other community Qf 55000 in the world can make such a phowing Amalgamated Compnnys Plant Marcus Dab presIdent of th Amalgamated Copper company In an intervIew stated that the mInes of Butte would be worked to a greater extent than ever and that the developments already made uncovered sufficient ore to keep operations goIng for fifty years and preparations are goIng on to do more extensIve development than has ever been known In the dIstrict The mines of the Jn onda company now a part of the Amalgamated and thE smelters at the city of Anaconda comprise the largest mining plants In the world The reduction works at Anaconda consist ot four separate plants whIch are known as the upper works the refiqery the lower works and the converter covering ground for a dIstance of a mIle and a half The upper works are a fully equIpped smelting plant comprisIng a concentrator for crushing and concentrating the ore roasters and matte furnaces The lower works are of the same character the converter takes the matte which Is about 50 per cent copper and reduces it to pIg copper or annodo plates about 98 per cent fine whIle the refinery as the name signifies reduces the anande plates to a condition of practical purity The concentrator has a capacity of over 4000 tons of ore a day The lower works Is the largest smelter of the company and is one of the largest In the arId NotwithstandIng the low price of silver several big silver mInes In the state Which had been idle for several years have started up and the outlook among the silver mine owners Is agaIn encouraging The mInes of the Gran iteBlIretailIc company near Phlllps burg probably the largest sliver mInes In the state are constantly Increaslng their output and the number of clen employed and the towns of Granite and Phllipsburg which had been prac treally deserted for several veers are agaIn prosperous communities On the other hand however the famous Elkhorn mine has recently been closed down the owners claimIng that owIng to the low price of silver the property had been operated at a loss for four or five ears The mIne was about the only thIng that malntained the town of Elkhorn and in consequence of the closing of the mIne the tewn has already beam practically deserted and the Northern Pacific has abandoned 18 branch road to that place Gold minIng has very much Increased in the state during the past year and a number or new and rich tiis coverles have been made whIle a number of the old placer beds which It was supposed had been worked out years ago are again being worked and are yieldIng grrot riches It Is estimated that the value ot the states gold production this year win exdeed 5i000000 itt silver about 20 000000 its copper OOOOOOO and lead about 9OCOOCO Last year the total 4 t1 9 4 4 4 i 5 4 I I 4 I ttT7i I MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MISSOULA I the Heinzes is made and an end put to the disastrous lItigation whIch is now goIng on between the two companies Whatever the purposes of the new corporation may be the fact will remaIn that for a century to come Butte wlll be the greatest mInIng camp on earth SVhile other dIstricts that are going to rival Butte are sprIngIng up In many places accordIng to reports of enthusiastic prospectors and speculators and while mining publications are talking learnedly about the Butte dIstrict having seen Its best days yet at no time within the past five years have the improvements In tIle equipments of the mines been upon so generous a scale or ro elaborate costly and substantial a character Judging from the changes being made one would suppose that the managers of the prIncipal mInes were preparing for half a century to come Wealth of Butte Eeryb9i1y understands In a very general way that the Butte mInIng district represents a great deal of wealth but few have anything like a clear concdp tlon of what the enormous aggregate is It is not an easy matter to get at It with closeness but a good general idea may be obtaIned by a glance at a few of the leading properties Cuttl proper Is a very fine city of nboat 55 000 InhabItants Property Is held at a 1 0 i value ot the states metal producthm II I was about OOOOOO An Old Story Adapted LouIille Times Then has the IrIshman ever lacked for the retort courteous or discour ttaus One was sitting In the mIddle of the seat on a street car when two women got on They looked at him as If demanding that be gIve them the seat ro they might sit together but he dIdnt se the hint and whIle one had to flounce herself down by him the other took a seat ju3t opposite Then the roast began DId you go away this summer Mrs Jones asked No Xo she said 1 was going to Atlantic City but I heard so many common Irish were there that I just stayed at home I couldnt stand them YOU know Thats just my case gIggled No 2 1 was goIng to Saratoga but someone said to me Dont you go ouU find nothing but low Irish there Faith mom suggested the gentleman who had tnscilred thIs conversation whY dont yea go to sqeol Theres no OirLsh there bedadr They mIght have added that the place named waS not numbered among the mmer resorts but they didni thInk of this until it was too late.

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