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The Times from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

The Timesi
Washington, District of Columbia
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rniDYY SEPTEMBER 14 1900 JuWlroiton QJlce xixe ircncciiixs PtHNSYLYASIi AVEKUE Subscription by Mull OncTnt NonsiMl EvcxiMJ asdScsdat Sfl00 NoiusixaAJDScfDr EVISINO AND bUNOAY -00 fcuMJAY OMV 10 Monthly by Carrier Moitsiya IM MNOANDbONDAr Ftttycents Mon MaADfcciVY Thirlv flcc rents EvjctQANDStMAV Thirty Ace cents Editorial Rooms iiumoeri Circulation Department SOJ THE TIMES COMPANY TVALTTU ST1LSOS UUTCIIINS IrttidtnU tireulntlnn Statement The Hrculitlon of The Times for the week end ed September 8 IWI Kit as lollons Sunday September 2 110 Monday September 3 Tuesda September 4 31161 Wednesday September 4Q0U Thursday September 8 39116 Tridiy beptember 7 SJSaJ Saturday September 8 5st Total 2l Bally ai erase Sunday 19410 excepted 30614 The Icnimj Ivnnln ConI MrlUc Private Information from New York and Philadelphia leads us to believe that the Republican National Committee Is making strenuous appeals to the magnates of the Coal Trust begging them to mako some concession to the miners of the anthracite region In order to save the McKInley and Roosevelt ticket from the destruction that the partys political experts predict for It If the great coal strike ordered for Monday Is allowed to get under way Bo far the trust has not shown the slightest disposition to como to terms but on the contrary Is displaying Irritation over the attempt of Its Republican associates to dominate Its course In what the coal barons Insist Is utrlctly a business matter Therefore It Is Iho general consensus of opinion that matters hae gone too far to make nn accommodation presently possible and that the strike Mill occur as ordered In view of the gravity of the approaching struggle between the anthracite Coal Trust and its armr of nearly or quite one hundred and fifty thousand employes struggle which will affect the livelihood or bread of almost a million peoples it Is well for tho public to understand the miners position and what they deniairU and why Nominally a good coal miner Is able to earn about one dollar and seventy five cents a day out of which he must pay for his powder In practice his earnings will average about one dollar and thirty five cents a day But what the miner earns by the hardest and most dangerous kind of labor does not represent to him what tie same sum would to a free laborer who receives his wages In cash weekly and Is able to buy the necessaries of Hfo In open market wherever he can buy the cheapest The anthracite coal miner is paid only ence month Between pay Jays be Is obliged to draw pay checks from his employer good only at the ccmpans store where profits arc said to range from fifty to one hundred per cent Dy the time his month ly wage Is due It Is generally exhausted i by the truck store debits against him Considering tho extortion pratlced under this system It is dcubtful If in the long run the purchasing power of the miners dally earning of one dollar and thirty five cents Is much if any greater than that of one dollar would be In the hands of a mechanic employed in a city like Washington Injustice to the man who spends half or more of his life in the bowels of the earth to provide warmth for happy homes and energy to turn the wheels of Industry docs not stop with the swindle of the company stcre Every miner must furnish his own powder for blasting In the open market if permitted he could buy It for one dollar and fifty cents per keg The trust will not allow him to do this He must take 11 from his cmplojer at two dollars and seventy five cents per keg The Coal Trust furnishes its customer with two thousand pounds of coal and calls that a ton The legal ton is two thousand two hundred and forty pounds Hut when It comes to paying the miner for mining a ton of coal he must show for It three thousand three hundred pounds screened The fine coal which drops through the screen is waste as tar as the miner Is concerned but it Is not so to the Coal Trust which ships and sells It as pea coil at a good price So all the way up end down the trust lakes It out of the roor miner The miner must submit to have his voces docked so much per rnonta to support the company doctor who cot infrequently is a beardless youth Just out of medical school -a hose chief qualification for iho position he holds is relationship to some trust director or officer The foregoing In brief represents the grievances and oppressions under which the miners of tho anthracite region or the greater part of It are suffering It only requires a plain statement of the facts to demonstrate the Justice of their claim to redress What tbiy have asked and will strike for because their respectful representations have been treated with contemptuous silence by a great trust which but recently donated a fortune to the Republican corruption fund may be ieEy stated The miners demands are The abolition of the company stores reduction In the price of pooler to one dollar and fifty cents a keg aboil Ion of company doctors semi monthly payment of wrges abolition of tho eliding scale wages to be paid in cash twenty two hundred and forty pounds to tho ton an ad lanco cf twenty per cent in wages Ices than one dollar tnd fifty cents that all classes of day labor now receiving one dollar and fifty sents and not exceeding one dollar andevrnty fhe cents shall recchc fifteen per cent over present wages that all day labor now receiving on dollar and seventy five cents shall be advanced ten per cent and that no miner shall have at ny time zsoro than one breast sang or other class of work and shall get only bis legal ebaro of cars What the miners havo been getting has for a year past amounted to What they strike for would not much more than keep body and soul decently together remembering that nn everage family of from three to five persons must bo supported out of each mans earnings The trust has been ruining money out of tho misery and arduous ibor of Its serfs Tho price of coil is higher and the margin of profit higher than for yeats The anthracite coal combination monopolising Hit only field In America producing that particular commodity quantity It exempt from competition It has tho market to Itself and can and dots fix the cost to the whole saler retailer and consumer arbitrarily But with all these advantages and in unquestioned ability to do labor Justice without injury to itself the trust not only refuses to allow to the men upon whose toil its prosperity rests a small share In that prosperity but actually grinds them down with exactions and extortions until they are no longer able to give a full meal of tho coarsest food to their wives and little ones This is what happens when unbridled power is given Into the hands of trusts which Marcus A Hanna himself coal baron describes as beneficent Institutions We have stated the case of the miners without the slightest exaggeration and exactly In accordance with the faciis as we understand them These humble down trodden brothers of ours sincerely believe that the American people will sympathize with and justify them In the course they feel they have been forced to adopt Trobably they are right for all decent Americans have a common Interest In opposing trust greed and slavery The bewn of the Galvenlim Trnited Thcro Is one peculiar feature of the situation In Galveston as reported In recent despatches It Is that some of the business men of that cits are actually con templtting rebuilding it repairing those edifices which are not wholly destroyed and making the city larger and more pros perous than before This to an one who has read newsnancr accounts of the recent terrible calamity seems almost criminal follv This isnot the first time Galveston has suffered from flood There was an event almost like this on a small scale a generation ago and several similar disasters along the coast should have made it plain to the pecplo of Texas that there Is no safety In a city built on sand and only a little above sea level on an Island exposed to the violence of every great storm In the Gulf of Mexico These warnings how over have been disregarded by the responsible people of the community and the result is tho horrible condition of things now existing in that seaport It is to be hoped that the harbor has been rendered unavailable by being fllled in with sand as has been reported for this will effectually prevent a repetition fifty or seventy five years hence of the present fearful state of affairs A city Is not a thine of a day Its lite outlasts that of many generations and it cannot afford to take risks that the Idual may blamelessly assume The makers of a city have no moral right to place the lives and interests of their descendants la jeopardy by any short sighted policy which may suit their own convenience With a singular disregard of propriety some Galveston business men who have sot suffered seriously from the fiood are said to have remarked that the loss was probably exaggerated and that the city would be rebuilt as It was after the storm of ilitS stronger than before They say thatyOUhoagh there may be much suffering among the poor for a the prosperous will he able to relieve It This kind or talk ts foolishness Allowing for all possible exeggc ation in the number of dead and it is probable that there has been none the loss of life has been something fearful What can make up to the unfortunate men who lost their families in the disaster for lives blasted and haunted by such a horror Who can estimate the misery caused by families broken up mothers without children children escaping as by a miracle when all their relatives have been swept away There Is no excuse for allowing the repetition of such a tragedy When the Johnstown Jlood occurred It wes plainly the result of carelessness and as plainly could be avoided In the future But there la no surety that this Galveston horror may not be repeated The city Is exposed to tidal waves to hurricanes to n3jlbingwbtch may send the waves dashing up on the mainland with irresistible fury No property Interests should be allowed Ao count cgalnst the safety of human Hfo It Is to be hoped that the experience of the past week may so Impress tbepubHc that no sensible man henceforth will consent to risk his life and that of his family in a town placed in such a precarious roslttun The Hcimlillcnn AInrni i Evidences multiply dally Indicating th tho more the Republican managers reaC reflect and Inwardly digest the returns from Vermont and Maine the greater becomes their trepidation As cautious as they are In the public expression of opinion every little something escapes from the prison of their minds revealing a condition which Is cot as conducivo to imperturbability as they could wish or as they profess to feel Even the close mouthed and astute Hanna has felt impelled to proclaim within the past few da that the Republicans must wake up and fight every Inch of the ground with the Democrats In New York Maryland Delaware Illinois and Indiana The results in Vermont and Maine are Important only as they show that the Democracys old time spirit of resistance lias returned and that the party once more Is In fighting mood The Democracy has never lost any Important fight when it was dominated by this spirit The citizenship of Maine and Vermont is less diluted with foreign blood than that of any other section of tho country When therefore there Is such an unexpected assertion of natural political sentiment as Is shown by the returns from those States it Is time for the ltannaltes to become startled It demonstrates beyond perad renture that the American people are alive to the new Issues forced Into national politics by the McKInley Administration and that questions of the past which produced Irritation and schism In both of the great parties no longer are frettlug the public conscience and harrjiog the public Judgment In the great Middle West the battle will rage furiously from now until tho close of tho campaign The Democrats of New England have set an example to the Democrats of Indiana of Illinois of Michigan Wisconsin and Minnesota and sent them a message of cheer The followers of Jefferson and Jackson In Vermont and Maine arc confronted by a multitude of obstacles which do not hamper the energies and discourage the hope of tho Democrats of tho Middle West On the other side of the Alleghcnles there Is tho Incentive of sharing In the frulta of victory which Is not presented to Vic Democrats of Maine and Vermont It is confidently believed that Mr Hanna anl his associates In the management of Mr McKlnleys campaign are now energetically engaged In a radical revision of tbclr proxratumo since they heard from Vermont and Maine It Is known that the amiable Chief Magistrate was quick to scent the danger and that he accordingly baa applied himself to a closer Investigation of conditions than he heretofore had thought was necessary Nearly a week ago the alarm belli were set Jangling loudly TEE TIMES WASHINGTON FEIDAY SEPTEMBER 1900 at the White House and word was sent to the faithful all down the line to awake and get on guard vIt would not be surprising in view of recent events if the President soon should be flooded with urgent requests to visit various parts of the country particularly the Middle West and New York and while unable to resist these pressing invitations it would be the most natural thing In the world if he should also find It impossible to forego the pleasure of speaking to his fellow citizens as he traveled from point to point in his Imperial domain And so while Maine and Vermont do not occupy a great deal of space In the Electoral College and while they are hidebound in their Republicanism jet when the people of those States speak In so unmistak able a way preceding a national election as they have spoken recently the party managers hear them and heed their warning AiTniri In Chlnn As Chinese officials guilty of crimes against the hated foreigner are rarely aught and still more rarely punished It Is matter for congratulation that the murderer of Baron von Kctteler has been apprehended by the Japanese and turned over to the German commander His confession that he assassinated the Kaisers Minister under an order from the Chinese Government will not tend to render a settlement with Germany any easier for China Nor will It be a comfortable thing for the Adminlstratlonrto reflect upon as it drives anjthcr nail In the coffin of the old pretence that the Imperial authorities of the Empire are not responsible for the war they have been waging for three months against the civilized States and more particularly against the legations and women missionaries Uj children As we remarked yesterday the sitir tlon is not jet cleared of contusion Th appointment of General Yung Lu as a third peace envoy to act in concert with LI Hung Chang and Prince Chlng will prove embarrassing to Mr McKInley His most recent Intention to find some excuse for scuttling out of China regardless of the continued massacre of American missionaries and their converts and of the certain butchery of the native Methodist and Presbyterian Christians in Pekin In case that city should be abandoned has received a severe check in this new development Its Immediate effect appears to be to awaken the Administration to a realization of the fart that independent negotiations with the Chinese must necessarily prove abortive There is an apparent disposition now to favor the establishment of an International commission for the purpose of agreeing upon a common bill of damages including the claims of all parties In Interest It is understood that Acting Secretary Hill will try to bring this about but that if the other powers do not act quickly In the matter some sort of terms will be made with tho Chinese peace envoys and the Amcricai troops will be withdrawn no matter what effect that step may have upon the fate of Americans still In China or of the native Christians Whatever happens It Is evident that Mr McKInley Is determined cot to closely approach election day with any China on his head There may be questions of national dignity and honor and of humanity at stake but necessarily they are as nothing compared with othcrsQtdo mestlc politics affecting the prospects of the Republican ticket If Xr McKInley should dually decide to scuttle out of Pekln at the tall of ths Russian column perhaps be could be In duced to beg the Czar to prevent such i atrocities by his troops on the march to Tientsin as they are reported to have perpetrated In Tung Chow the other day People who havef In our army of Invasion will feel more comfortable in knowing that tho latter will not be com- Pclled to stand Idly by and watch the murder and worse of unoffending women i and girls Our Tartar alliance exposes us to be eye witnesses of things that rather go against the grain of our Acglo Saxou civilization Republican organs continue to deplore the apathy in their which is reported from every part of the country Perhaps they arc unduly alarmed Republican apathy genrally means ocij I that the falthrul are waiting for the Hanna barrel to roll along as It did In ISM That and nothing else Is likely to wake them up The trouble Is that may have largely enhanced the market price of Republican votes this year Earl LI has given his solemn word that American lives and property in China will be respected and protected from date and it is said that the assurance is regarded as eminently satisfactory by the Pre- 1 dent It does cot take much to convin one who Is determined to be convinced The Republican campaign managers aided by the party press are maklnr desperate efforts to make the country be- Ilevc that the German American clement has not bolted Mr McKInley but wltn little success The despatches whicu are published from day to day in machlno organs designed to create such in pression are too evidently manufactured at committee headquarters to carry much weight And then ah unbiased i ties admit that from seventy to eighty rer cent of the German American vote in the Middle West will go to Mr Brj an on the issues of Imperialism and militarism All fit ten FToni the Halt mere Vt orMA If tttt letbttetui bare dreided vipen A rarv palgn luue at si they ihouM mate ptie lrli speaker ba a different view at the raatltf SteXinley record Im bn iwt franl ai the paramount lur but ke repudiated that in Ms letter cf acceptance and declared that the mala lfrMC writ free tiivcr in the face of the fact that lie recently id a Rokl HaiHtard tttll paased by Ooturmt In liia tjxvch it Murfe Hall Uit nlfht Senator JtciVro pronounced free wlver the lied rock Utu of tj rtiwpslcn A few raiaues later frcsator lVer of Okie declared that 10 to 1 wta as dead Julioa Caeur IM riwitt ti well as the public are all at sea rer thr real ie ot the Itembliemi party A Word In One Njllnlilc Prom the Loulu lite Courier -Journal Tiie New Wrk tatei a third of a column to evplaia what the ticket ol OM and WiMdntil atanda Inr This ii a bad thowinc lor tuck an advocate of ten wruiff Sun I It eoald hate iut the cxpUmiion la one Piatt 1NMI ninl lHH Prom tho lUltlincn Sua A vote for Mr MtMnlry now Is a very difler rut thins- frein a vote for itr Mckmiej in XkH Mr Mthioley if now tnVtrtf a re election which will riccrtMrtly lx an cruliroeuwnt or at leut a condonation ol all tho acta of hit Admlaltlratten lined lu llelleve iKrom Tit mis lie Cretumtd Irom tour around the warlj Awfully ugly lull besxaw the Jar Why I ni coiwidered caiIu a skhI IwMc chap out there tlit NOTES OP THE CAMPAIGN Depew Weak en Inc Too The Hon Chauncey Mitchell Depew vby of those accidents that have contrl utod so much to the greatness and renown uf this international orator boarded an ele vatcd train in New York the othar day that was occupied exclusively by the delegates to a national convention of some labor organization When the Senators presence was made known to the visitors to the metropolis of loursc there was a sensation It was not known by his ad- inkers and who Is not his admirer I whether it would be the proper thing to speak to him or to permit him to enjoy his pparent incognito Finally it was de- ciaeu to Doidiy confront film wltn me evidences of his identity and seek from him Information on the most Interesting topic if the time to wit Who is going to be elected President of the United States in November next Tremblingly he was approached by 3 picked oody of the delegates Their spokesman summoned courage enough to ask him timidly what he thought would be tho outcome of tho Presidential contest Before answering their question Dr Depew asked his In terogators who they were and what they represented When he learned that they represented a society of stationary engin eers he assured them that he was surprised but delighted to meet them and that for rnnny jcars he had maintained pleasant relations with men of their craft Now said the Senator suavelj what jou want to- know as I understand It Is who will be elected President In November I do not hesitate to assure jou that if all the peo ic hold my views of this coated William McKInley would be re elected overwhclmlnglj Just at this point the train stopped and Dr JDepcw dashed out of the car leav ing hU anxious admirers quite as much in the dark on the main point as they were when they asked him for light It is true as they granted that the eminent New Yorker had taken advantage the tempting opportunity to make a littls stump speech for his candidate but he fayed utterly to enlighten them wlta hls opinion on the subject of Interest to them It is argued from this Incident that Dr Depew gave a Scotch answer to the plain question because he did not want to deceive his new found friends droticnor Found Asaln Every newspaper man in Washington knows that the Hon Cbarc3 Henry Grosvenor is one of the hardest statesmen in the United States to interview His modesty is the cause of this And then too General Gresvenor doesnt talk much tnd when he does become tnlkatlve he is made cautious by the dread that his words will find their way into print After a chase that caused the interviewer to lose his breath General Grosvenor was encoun tered yesterday at Athens Ohio and was asked this qqcstlrn by his relentless Journalistic pursue What do you think of William Jennings Brj an The Administrations mouthpiece blushed rnd stammered and before answering told his tormentor that he did not care to be quoted in the public prints But said the doughty general if you insist and will cot leave me until I say something to jou for publication I dont mind telling you that Bryan Is worse than a boss He Is tyrant He is a despot- He is a Pooh Bah He is a high cockalorum The Sultan of Turkey Is a mild mannered constitutional governor compared with Bryan It would be flattery to call him a boss Ho is a czar a tyrant He has no appreciation of anybody but himself would not give a cent for the judgment of a whole national convention rather have hU own Judgment than the judgment of his entire party And after producing this powerful argument against the I tion of the Democratic standard bearer I General Grosvenors again over- como him and he lapsed Into silence for a consecutive second At the same time the general failed to give out one of his famous estimates which he is supposed to be authtrlzed to make at a moments notice as Mr Hannas lightning calculator The fact seems to Ije that General Irrnwnnr In been deD060d from thi3 office Early the caf3palgnEe gave ourt un estimate IiVrSbica he placed iiaryana in the Democratic column He soon repudiated this and took a long sea voyage to regain his composure But It Is said that Mr Hanaa has not reinstated him Wherefore General Grosvenor is so ready with hi estimates as has been his wont for a year or more Colurndo All HIkiI Coloradoans In Washington declare that the Fusion ticket nominated yesterday at Denver Is one of the strongest that- could have been formed It represents an equitable distribution of the ofilces among the elements constituting the party and is headed by the Hon James Orman of Pueblo a Democrat of distinction and pronounced lovalty The Populists and Free Sliver Republicans were given tne oiner places on the ticket excert the audltorshlp The feature of greatest importance discerned bv the Coloradcams liere Is that the convention was dojunrJi by Gov Chiries Thomas who vj made temporary chairman of the Kansas City Convention nt the request of Mr Bryan Governor Thomas Is slated to succeed the Hon Edward Oliver Wolcott In the Senate and his complete control of the Fusion forces in his State indicates that he will encounter no considerable opposition in the Legislature at Denver next winter It is also said to denote that the Fusion party will enter the eampalgn thoroughly harmon ised and will elect the Legislature without any trouble Whether or not Senator Wol coit Is going to make a determined fight for re election cannot be Judged jet He his made no movement Indicating his par pose The general opinion Is that he recognizes the situation in his State as utterly hopeless and therefore will not waste his time or money in attempting to better it If Mr McKInley Is re elected It Is understood that he will take good care of Senator Wolcott by sending him as an Ambassador to Europe either to nce or German Or It Is considered to oenot Improbable that Mr McKInley might call him to the Cabinet cither as Secretary of the Interior or Postmaster General Mr Wolcott Is familiar with the dulici of both of these petitions as he has long been prominent In potofitce legislation and has also had occasion to acquaint himself with the Interior Department if Mr McKInley Is defeated It Is said that Senator Wolcott will desert Colorado and resume his citizenship among hi relatives and boyhood friends In Massachusetts It Is pointed out that In tastes and temperament he is more of an Easterner than a Westerner anyhow and It Is stated that his rch brother the well known banker of Denver has been trying for ears to induce Urn to quit politics and go with him back to Massachusetts lillilnsr Hard News comes from the Twentj -seventh Pennsylvania District that the Hon loseph Crocker Sib ley ts having a hard rub In his race for re election to Congresi Though avowedly a Rep iMlcan when he last had occasion to decide himself ani te nominee of that party he la being opposed by a Republican ex State Senator Emory It ttirns out that while the fcreat Sibley was disporting himself In the plain garb of a Democrat he was all the time in a secret Aliance with the Hon Matthew Stanley Quay and the Standard Oil Company Now that Quays star Is on the wane It appears that Sibley has about lost his bearing and Is floundering around In a kind of loos ard reckless way without kuovtag exactly what path to take The Standard Oil Company Is still true to him but Kinorj is making It so warm for that monopoly that Uncle Joe seems doomed to suOcr The Democrats of the district whom Sibley once led have turned against him and endorsed his independent Republican opponent It is thought that this combination will be too much for Slblej and that the halls of Congress will not again be IllumlLacd by hi poetic fire Still there Is hope for Washington even In this distressing and gloomy outlook for Sibley has defiantly declared his Intention of permanently residing here whether or ot he returned to Congress THE PRESIDENT AT CANTON Demonstration Upon HU llctnrn to Ills Home CANTON Ohiq Sept 13 -President and Mrs McKInley returned to their Canton homo thl3 evening without any demonstration Nevertheless there were many old friends and neighbors at the station when the special steamed In and there was quite a little handshaking by the President with old friends before he reached his carriage With the President and Mrs MeKlnlej came their niece Miss Mary Barber of his city and many others The President has no definite plans ahead Unless the unforeseen happens to call him back to Washington to attend to official matters the stay will be protracted and not entirely free from poll tics Some political conferences will be held here without doubt Cleveland the home of Chairman Hanna Is done much to revive talk that there will be visiting delegations by the announcement that a crowd of a thousand people is coming here soon to pay their respects to the President There is every Indication that If the Ice Is once broken 4he campaign would soon assume lines similar to those of 1S9S DEPASTURE FEOM SOffiCERSET Special Train for the Prcildent and Mri McKInley ALTOONA Pa Sept 13 President and Mrs McKInley left Somerset for tbelt home in Canton at 11 oclock thl morning A special Baltimore and Ohio tram carried the party to Joanstown whence they continued west over the Pennsj Ivania In this party were Miss Helen McKInley Mrs Duncan Mr and Mrs Hawk Rev Dr Parker Morgan Miss Mary Rarber Dr Rixey Secretary Cortel you Col Montgomery A Leon ard Nelson Webster Hon Charles A Moore Major Miller Mr and Mrs IL Endsley and Misses Gretchen arinesand Margaret Endsley Nearly all of these will be gaests of the President during the remainder of the week A large crowd gathered at Somerset station to bid the President and Mrs Mc KInley farewell When their carriage drove up near the train one of the horses became frightened and for a moment a serious runaway seemed Imminent Secret Service Officer Foster saw the danger and plunging through the crowd seized ths animal and held It quiet until the President and Mrs McKInley alighted Mrs McKinley was considerably frightened but fortunately did not sutler from toe excitement The trip from Somerset to Johnstown was a continuous ovation At every little hamlet crowds gathered along the railway to cheer the train as it sped by The Presl dent shook hands at every possible opportunity A crowd of about JOOO people met the special at Johnstown BOOTS PAINFUL AFFLICTION Vnderpjoe nn Operation for the He mom of Cnrbnnclet SOUTHAMPTON Sept 13 Edhu Root Secretary of War who left Wa3h icgtoa last week and went to his cottage at Southampton underwent an operation Sunday for the rcmov al of three carbunclts which had gathered under his left arm Tee Secretary had been in Washington working very hard all summer and had become greatly run down In general health A little over a wek ago he noticed the risings under his arm They gave him some pain but he thought they were boils and tried only the ordinary remedies in such cases Last Saturday the carbuncles became so painful that Dr Dixon of Southampton was called in to examine them He advised that thev be removed by an opjra tion and Dr Markoe New York was telegraphed for He arrived on Sunday looming and at oclock Mr Root was under the influence of an anesthetic and the carbuncles removed While the operation was not dangerous the wound Is painful and Mr Root will be confined to his cottage for some time When seen this afternoon Mrs Root said that the Secretary as resting easily and was only suffering slight pain EMPEKOB vrilXIAM AMUSED Laneln at the Conlrmeriy Over the fiaencerfest lrle NEW YORK Sept 13 Emperor William of Cermany is said to have laughed heartily and treated S3 a great joke the lively controversy which his 10000 prize aroused araorg the singers who contested for It at the National Saengerfest held In this borough last July This Is the Interpretation brought home yesterday by Messrs Otto Wlss ner Arthur Classen and Saenger the delegates selected to convey to tne Emperor the thanks of the singing societies for the prire which he donated The Anon Slng inj Society of Biookljn now has the prize CHINESE IiEVTT BLACKHAIL Searl All Celestial- to turtle ni From the Pall Hall Gazette Monnler the well known French Asiatic traveler vouches for the truth of tho following A short time ar the Emperor of China made up his mind that the street of the legations in Pekm should at last paved To ensure the work being done he himielf provided the money some iJHMS This sum was handed to a high offlcia of the public roads and highways department It entered into the mind of this dignitary that the work could be done lor much less He very soon found an enterprising contractor who undertook the task for ltX No I had however views similar to those of No and was equaly successful In finding a No 3 who In his turn considered 500 an extravagant sum for so insignificant an undertaking The street was eventually paved a cost of 3 Is A Chinese gentleman Hop Sing a traveled Oriental a man of means and refinement a personal friend of Moaner was on one occasion sorely victimized Hop Sing lived la the street of the Roasted Corn unsavory and ill paved a street a an in all Pekln The local mandarin was an intimate friend of his and Hop Sing himself of this friendship to pres the mandarin to have the street re paved Certainly At once The men would be at work nn it before Hop Sing returned home A week passed then another Mil and so on until in despair Hop Slag determined to have the street repaired at his own expense The work was satisfactorilr cKuleJed The surprize of Hop Sing was only equaled by hU indignation when on awaklm one morning he found a gang of coolUs upheaving the newlj flagged sireet His surprise grew when he heard from the mandarins own lips that the men were there at hl orders You see my dear friend said the mandarin I sea expettlng the head Inspector around hr In a few days Now If he were to see the beautiful pavement you have laid down In your street he would come to the conclusion that there was money about and he would assuredly beed every vein In my body This would mean my ruin Dont you see why your pavement must come upT It cost me one fortune to secure my pot I dont want to spend another in keeping it lurto lllrnn AntUcm My country tis of thee That set Hawaii free Of thee I sing I em a slave no more Ive dumped the load I bora And ceased to kneel before A queen or king Land of the brave and just Land of the Sugar Trust How sweet to be Held up outilJe the gate And made to par the freight I tell you whit Its great And tickles mel Saa Juan Nttrt GOVERNOR WOOD IN HAVANA Contentment nnd Indifference to Pol itics In the Isle of Ilne HAVANA Sep 13 Governor General Wood has returned from the Isle of Pines where he found the people contented and quite Indifferent to politics They will however be afforded a chance to vote for delegates to the constitutional convention Facilities will be offered to colonists tvho desire to settle on the Island Ex Postmaster Thompsoi has tjen Indicted by the Fiscal for a misappropriation of funds It Is charged that he obtained drafts to the amount of 137 against 27 la cash and a note of hand for 100 The officials ask that he be fined JIOO and in the event of his being unable to pay It that he be Imprisoned CUTTER GALVESTON SAFE Six Cm eminent Veitela to Aid Teina Sturm Sotleren An unsigned telegram received yesterday by Capt Shoemaker of the Treasury Department announced that tho revenue cutter Galveston had escaped the fury of the Texas hurricane The boat was stationed at the port after which she was named and appears to have been the only vessel of any size that outrode the storm She is commanded by Lieutenant Brian Immediately on receiving the message Captain Shoemaker who is chief of the Revenue Cutter Service wired the commander Why do you not utilize Ga veston He is much surprised that the boat had not been put In service for the relief of the sufferers Captain Shoemaker also wired Governor Sayers announcing that the boat was at his disposal Captain Shoemaker has ordered the lighthouse tender Mangrove from Mobil to Galveston with supplies for the lighthouse on the Island The Algonquin the Onondaga the Winona and the Arbutus of the Government service are all inder way for the wrecked city and with the Galveston will make a fleet or six boats that will be placed at the disposal of the relief committee They will do a great deal of good In handling supplies and in carrying people from the island to the mainland Chief Kimball of the Life Saving Service has received two messages from Superintendent Hutchlngs who has charge of the life saving stations along the Texas coast Both despatches were filed on Tuesday The first message was as follows GVTiston Via Homton Sept li Keeper and re of crew of Galreson station landed at Texas City ore nrhnan aad keepers wife miM irur rappo ed lost No word from other Etatioas IVir tiie Am asuthiir a far as riojibe Mrl extra men cinfcot estimate loss of life thousand Coromuucaiion through Houston Shall make effort to reach baa Law tcmorrow litrrciiixcSw The second mesrage reads Ciireston Via Hourton Sept li Keeper of fran Lui station two surfmro wife and tw children amTed beret in Ufcbeit Kepirt station wrecked Four aurfmen rwnaia in portion of Uidhcg till fUniieg Life boata tared Keeper returns tcmorrow IIlTCtnSGa The following was received yesterday Mflbile Ala Sept 13 Ilsi Secreta Treasury Vmhirgton Cutter Winona ckared eidock this mornins for Galveston with twenty fire torn general aup phes medicincF and disinfectants Anil load Onondaga and Algtvpila on arrtraL Citizens contributing Geaerouily Vteather squally TV BURKE Collector San Luis is the station at the western end of Galveston island twenty two miles from the city A crew of six men and a keeper was stationed there which Is the same number as were at Galveston Itself The loss of only one man out of the four teen in addition to the keepers wife is a much better record than officials here had hoped for THE BOASD OF CHARITIES Allotment of 31onrjr fnr the Cse of the- HcnltU Ofllcer The District Board of Charities held their second meeting yesterday afternoon in their rooms at the District building There were present Woodward President George Cook Charles Nelll and Simon Wolf The only absent member of the board was John Joy Ed son A communication frjm the Health Officer was considered by the Board in which request was made for an allotment of 79 for the physicians to the poor 2 4 SO tor medicines printing and nursing and C00 for coffins for the indigent dead The Board roted the allotment requested The communication from the Health Ofllcer was accompanied by numerous exhibits Including a list of physicians and druggists and enumerating the details of the service An allotment of MOO was -voted by the Board to the Womans Dispensary A form of clrcuar letter was prepared and passed upon to be sent to the various Institutions aud organizations coming under the jurisdiction of the Board and Informing those institutions and organizations of the Inauguration of the Board acdencIosmg lists of the committees and a copy of the law under which the Board comes Into existence and is empowered to assume jurisdiction The secretary was Instructed to request the institutions to remit at the earliest possible moment the annual reports for the fiscal year ending June 30 1500 The institutions are to be requested at the same time to make such suggestions as they may deem proper and to specify the amount considered necessary for the expenses ol the new fiscal year The present appropriation bill carries over STWOeO to be expended for the purposes of the Beard and it Is necesasry that the schedules of proposed expenditures be prepared by November Tho Board adjourned until Tuesday Septemoer S3 at 2 oclock Jadcre Brnillcyn Decision Froo the PruhdelpiiLa Record Nobody can deny tht a who his taken cp a perauacct residence in tins country has at least the rrht accorded natives of every other Usd except Croaw to decbtre his intention to become a citizen and ultimately be naturauzed S3 a citizen of the United states The trepidation et the officer and judge uf the Supreme Oomt of ths District af Ctaiusbn whea ft young rentleman from Vaito Rico appeared at the bar ef that tnbuzal on Tuesday last to for swear his allegiance to ill foreign pricces po tentates asd severeisaties showa the anomaly of treatinr the island aj beioczing to and yet not a Tjart of the dated State The decision of ie Bradley reqvuneg the applicant to abjure irr to the Kinplera of Spain wza a besyuig of ineetion for th jovereEty of the Catihaa i arrh ia Polto Rico is extinct The tatted Mjie are sovtreven ia Tort Rico but this ap plicant ccnld not forsvear allextance to the cotra try of which he wistsed to become a citizen The only fair alteixative wold hare been to let lura abjure Governor Allen but that weald kive implied an admi uioa of the truth of the anti imperialistic poseolate that the CoTtrrwr is an prince potentate or titrap Curloxltj ot Cratltlrd Frera the Uemphu Scimitar A tikic arxacf tUs city raise sp a iadr qiiatroe of his in Uoort Mreex setae diva ao but instead erf bef aewemur the pbvne herself her eidtr lr dli fto The onc man reowtz ed diffeience at oece tad mM in a antt atcllew voice wont jou Nease deliver a raeaife to Jtus Clara lVlurtited at ih neoewct ol caTrtnc a Mat mixta remit in rniT her some Ustiht tato the rtlatwn Oat lusted between her au er 4Sd the Toazi mta at ir eaa i me line she answered tertalnyr Wlta ine yrcaicsi ae Well tell her to come to bat He Meant From the rfclUAVlpkU rrezO rtnmwni were tisiz ei coctnhtuinf to the camr atf fund Rwty dceUred hed Ui ly put his hand ta Hi jvvket Yes zs twin re of precasttS im lie comatittM is tin la FILIPINOS STILL DEFIANT Two Proclamation IzMoed at Xnevzv Cneeres Randies postmaster at Nuevs Cacercs In the Philippines has forwarded to the postal officials copies of two proclamations Issued In his vicinity The first was posted by the American commander and is as follows The Americans have como to remain here and under their flag will be peace and protection Tho Insurgents who do not surrender will lose their property and lives Those who present themselves and deliver up their arms will be permitted to return to their respective occupations Tagal soldiers will be transported to their homes by the American Government The local governments of the towns will continue for the preaent as tber are now constituted Money and hemp belonging to the Insurgent government must be delivered to the American Government A reward will be given to any person who Informs the Government of hidden arms or property of the Insurgents American troops pay for all that they buy II any soldier shall take anything without paying for the same or shall molest the peoplo without reason it Is ordered that the matter shall be Immediately reported to the nearest military commander In answer to this the insurgents at ones issued the following counter proclamation All the Filipinos who may be spies of the Americans will be pardoned from the extreme penalty of death it they present themselves to the military militia or civil authority within the space of ten days from this date wber they present themselves The outlaw Marcelo Ablnsay an Ho- cano Is excluded from this amnesty and without fall will be condemned to death if be is captured and those In bis company will suffer a similar penalty Any Filipino whomsoever has the fight to apprehend the said Abinsay alive or dead Including his family and all those spies who do not present themselves In ten days will be condemned to death To the residents of Albar This said Abinsay Is a real traitor who cannot be believed In any way because be is an Hocano and because he is paid by our enemies Do not fear anr movement whatsoever of our enemies because for many months now tuer have not received nor ammunition nor food although tnose same enemies say they will come into the mountains to hunt ns down AH thU Is a lie for ther hare no more troons and wish to return to the towns to commit assassinations robberies and murders Do not believe in any way the wordr promises of tne enemy because the same Abinsay is paid by them The Anfricans say that if the Filipinos do not return to their respective towns within the space of ten days they will consider us outlaws and we the same Filipinos give the space of twenty four hours for the publication of this proclamation If the enemies do not present themselves to the superior authorities of 5ur naJoa The said Abinsay is the source of all the abuses the Americans make therefore all patriotic Filipinos of our beloved country where we were born have the right to apprehend the enemies and will be re warded by the Government KITES OF THE DRUIDS Reaction in the nelef Concerning the Ancient Religion From the Gentlemans Jlarazine That the Druidlc rites as practiced In Ireland and Scotland were neither Celtc nor Semitic but Turanian In origin appears to be highly probable The billet ia Druidism has undergone some violent fluctuations Two ensdred years ago it was rampant Toland and his wild theories were received with open arms A hundred years ago a complete reaction set in and some critics refused to accept the Druids -at any price no such organization they argued ever existed In a modified degree this is the modern attitude but the modification is of tome importance It is generally accepted as a fettled point that the so called Druidlc cjrrjs were by origin grave lnclosures but it is also freely admitted that at a subsequent period Druldla or other religions rites may have been performed within some at least of th groups of standing stones The Roman historians distinctly antra the prevalence of Druidirm In Britain and Irish and Highland traditions alike appear to offer ccsfirmatlon of heir accounts far as Ireland and Scotland are cocccrzei It is quite reasonable to give tome degee of credence to these evidences without accepting the elaborate system of Druidlsa which some writers have evolved from their imaginations We may believe tlat a comparatively pure form of PartheUm into which debasing Influences gradual crept may have prevailed and that its rites may have been conducted in consecrated groves and later possibly within the grave circles The latter were tainly used in hlstoris times for judicial and similar functions It may be remarked that the Sagas describe the primitive Toots temple as a structure similar to tne grave circles of this cojctry the dom rings of Scandlcavia are supposed to cave been used for the worship of Thor II also not Impossible of credence that the doctrine of the transmigration of souls ani other tenets of religious creeds In modern times may have been held by th Druids But It i3 clear that the most noteworthy feature of the Druidlc religion was its claim to magic arts The word Druid is probably derived from the Sanscrit root druh which according to Prof Max llu ler means mischief or power of darkness hence the Anglo Saxon form of dry a magician The Irish Flsgaltan legends are full of the magical exploits of the Druids They were reputed to have tho power to raise or allay tempests at their pleasure and to develop themselves or others in a magical fog thicker even than that which conceals their own history St Patrick in Ireland and St Columba in Scotland are related to have had cany encounters with their magical arts from all of which of course the saints emerged victorious We are told by Adamnan that the Pictish kings were the patrcnsinScct lasd of these magicians The Irish Ficra himself was a wizard not to be dessLed By sucking the thumb which had ssscd the Salmon of Knowledge he could sej every coicurrent event in Ireland The poor Druid Fion whom the youthful son of Cumhail robbed both of his name and his Salmonscope Is deserving of our sympathy The Danaans who a ccordlng to Irish came ia Ireland fr Denmark and Sweden were mighty magi clan They ejected heir kinsfolk the Firbolgs from the kland and were themselves subsequently deprived of their possessions by the Mllealau Scots against whom their Druidlc arts ultlmitey prove unavailing We are told that the Danaans taught the simple Gothic Scandinavians their black magic If we examine the primitive religien of Scandinavia as set forth In the Eddas we find a close simifsrhy between it and the fragmentary- traditions of DrukHsm which have been preserveJ The Eddas supplemented br the Sagas gives ns a picture of magic similar to that of tfee Druids of giants ghosts fairies witchcraft and second sight which is faithful rejected in Scottish and Irish legends an I sepersOtioas Even the mistletoe wbi i Is exclusively associated with th Drnjile religion of Btii sr with its accretfctru mast perhaps go to she credit of Scaadinz vta for we find that it was this apparently insignificant but actually potent plant that was he instrument of the death of Bsldir Odins sox whose memory even at tho present may be nawittingir perpetuated la sesse parts of the Highlands by tie May Day fires which were and perhaps stltt are lit on the hilltops Of Course He Believed From the Ra Ttinzcript Van Kyr itiXXT TOtt De- Here ts tie CB curef have an zwnt ret visit and ia rnvinr leaoa ox zazy.

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