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Decatur Daily Republican from Decatur, Illinois • Page 2

Decatur, Illinois
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HAMSHER Sc PKOATtTB, ILUNOIS. tlif )'3t Oftice at I)Bcatui, Illinois, second ciais null roaUrr. WEDNESDAY A PHIL 30, 1890. R. HOOVEK, of the Lincoln Memorial League, is in letter from Kobert T.

Lincoln wiyiDg that no arrangements have yet been msideforthe burial at Springfield of the regains of yonng Abraham Lincoln. FKEB-TKADE whieli howl obout American iiiannfactnrcrs earning ppr cent on their invested cnpiti.1 iiro very quiet about the Lancash're spinners in free trade England who earn from 10 to 3 per cent by keeping their employes on starvation wages. KIMMLEP. has had another brief lease of life, through the interposition of Chief Fuller, who has granted a writ of habeas corpus returnable at Canandaigmi on the 17th of Jans. he will not be to-morrow, and the newspaper reporters will have to wsit for another court to take its guess on the much disputed ease.

MILLS, the liery, untamed Texas steer, embraced the privilege of "sasemg" Speaker yesterday, nnd beyond drawing from thut level-headed official the stereotyped request that "The gentleman from Texas will please in 1 the gentleman from Corsicantt made nothing by his attempt to be impudent and unmannerly. NEW YOISK hue got BO far with the greatest municipal project yet proposed on this continent. FSB to pass through the lower house of the New York legislature the bill creating a conomibsion to inquire into the exped ency of Andrew H. Green's scheme to fonsolidttte fill of New York's neighboring lirootlyn nnd others --witu New York itself. A PitKE-rittUi Ihnt the propccx'd Unil uf,i on sugar of lehil will luiTease to 11 burdensome extent the cost of hcnieopathio medicines.

As a ponnil of 1 'I would make from 8100 to SHW.I wurUi homeopathic pills the extent to winch the tariff of 10 cents on the "raw material" would increase tlie cost of the manufactured nrtiele may be estimated. And of such incomparable absurdities are the most of the free-trade arguments composed. To-Morrow's Strike. The threatened stnKe of the carpenters which WHS promised to take place iu Chicago to-morrow, seems to lifue been settled by mutual Bgreement, though the procwwion which was advertised to take place will probably be cftrried out. Kv- erybody in the, country, not only in Ohijugo bat elsewhere, will bail with the liveliest eHtisfuction this new evidence of the of arbitiation to settle disputes lietween workingmen and their empkers.

No amount of violence anil excitement conld accomplish hiilf natch. McLean Republicans. The McLean county Kepubhcans liekl their convention yepteiclay and it was attended by an unusually larfje representation from all the. townships, the number of delegates present being 150). The candidates for county county clerk and treasurer, C.

1). Myers, liobert Maxton and J. Douglnss, were nominated for these offices respectively, and J. Miller was nominated for superintendent of schools. Win.

J. liiahop was nominated for shemT after protracted struggle, thirty-nine ballots being necessary to decide. H. L. 'IVrpmning iiml Edmund O'Connell were, nominated for Representatives.

The delegates to the congressional convantion were instructed to support J. H. Rewell. The temper of the convention was all that tbe most enthusiastic Ivepnblican conld desire, ami gave promise of Hn old-fat-lnoned victory in November. Good Templar Officers.

The election of oflicvrs at the meeting of the Decfttur of Good Templars held last Eight resulted ns follows: Clnef Teiiiplar, Will Sherman; V. Nettie Stnropf; Kec. Charles C. Biirn- ard; Fin. D.

L. Buiin: Dr. H. U. Heil; Marshal, Will Andrews; Guard, Goldie Miller; Sentinel, MIES Emma Weigand.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The BasT SAI.VB in for Drniaee, sores, nloers, tew Sores, tetter, chapped ham i corns, and all skin eruptions, tivfcly cures no pay reqm, "Sis guaranteed to give perfect satist or your money refunded. Price, i- per boi. For sale b) King i Druggists. The Comedy.

An audience of fair size lie Mrs-. George S. Knight comedy-coin in "Over the Gurdeu Wtill" at tlie last night and all enjcived the fun mueic of the three-act play, with MM. Knight Be 11" ut, i'i in crisp ill logueancl bright music. Mr.

i who will be remembered as one of tin. cleverebt German actors in America, i not traveling with the company. He is an invalid and his brave wife is doing I level to provide for his wants in Ins flfihction. Tne comedy WHS received itli entnusiBBin. Senator Johns, win bus long been a persocal fneml of and Mrs.

Knight, having ILein tue East, bad theatre par the pnr- qaette, numbering 1'2 pi r-oi ncd Dr. Uoakins had a party in of the boxes. Mrs. Knight has a clever oupportmg company, including Mr. Fitzgerald End Miee Lewis, the lightning costume change REED AND MILLS.

la the House at Washington yesterday Speaker Reed and Windy Mills had a few words, Bonn. In the House Mr. Pierce (Tcnn.) rising to a question of porsonal privilege, denied a ata.ement mado a tew Ujys ago by Mr. Evans (Tcnu to the effect that there cad been ballox-uox stuffing In his district. The Speaker ruled that this dlilEOt present a matter for personal privilege.

Mr. Pierce responded sharply that he thought it did. The Speak said that the gentleman had no right to make a sharp response to the Chair. Mr. Mills hy did not the Speaker stop the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr Evans) the other The Speaker--The Speaker was not present when that occurred.

Mr Mills--Then you ought not to stop thB gentleman from Tennessee now The Speaker--That does not follow. Mr Mills-It does follow. The Speaker--Tne Chair doei not desire to enter Into any personal controversy with the gentleman, and he thinks that if tbe ntleman will reflect he not persist In the impropriety. Mr. Mills--I do not see the Impropriety when one gentleman charges another with fraud.

The Speaker--The gentleman from Texas please be In order. Mr. Mills--I am In order and tbe Speaker Is more out of order than tfce gentleman from THUS. The ruling Is simply an out- ItKj matter was then dropped. THE NATIONAL GAME.

Yesterday's Beoord In the Bate-Ball Arena. A I A LEAGUE. At hlcngo- OlncttKiis .2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 9 1'ltttuurchi 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 llits-thlcagos, 10 Pittsburghs, 5. Bat and Nagle; Daniels and Miller. At Cleveland-- CluMland? 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 Cincinnati, 7.

Bat tcrles--(Jilka and Zlinmor; Foreman and Keenan At 1'hiladflphl'i-- 1'hiladolptnus. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 5 Yorks 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 Hils-PhlludclphlaB, New Yorks, ft Bat- teries--Olcason and Clements, Kusle lluckley. At Brooklyn-Brooklyn 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 --5 Ilostons 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Hits--Brooklyns, 4, Bostons, 7. Batteries-Hughes and Daly Nichols anclGaozol. I'LAYEKS' LEAGUE.

At BllffUlO- liuffalo Chicago--flam. At Pittsburgh-Cleveland-. 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1-- 7 Pittsburgh-) II II 0 1 0 0 2 1-- 6 Plttsburgba, 11. Batteries-- liakcly and Suteliffe; Oalvin and Hurley At 0 5 0 4 0 3 2 0 1--15 New Yorka 0 0 3 0 0 1--13 Hits-- liostnni, Yiirks, 'i. Batterleii --Muilden and Day and Ewlng.

At Brookl a-- Philiidclphlui 2 0 2 3 1 4 0 2 Brooklyns 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 7 Hits--Philadi lphlK8.11, 7. Bat a Powders and Dalj A I A ASSOCIATION. At M-racvisp-- A nu use--Haln At -t St. I.IMUS 2 (I 1 0 0 0 0 0 2-- Culunibus 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-- Hits--st Louis, li, Columbus, 1. Batterle Itiuusey and Gustrlglit and U'Con I A i I -I i 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 i -Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 I I i -Hits-- LouiiA illcs, rj, Battorle --(joodall and Wvchbackor, feprague an Itogers At llodiestil Kochester Brooklyn--Rain Games To-Day.

A I A A at Chleugp, Cincinnati a CK New Yorhs at Philadelphia, Bos tons ut Brooklyn, I'LAVERS 1 LEAGUE. New oiks at llrooklyn, Bontons at Phlla i i a Huffalos at Pittsburgh, Chlcagoa AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. at st Louis, Brooklyns lliithest-jr, Philadolphlas at Syracuse. ledos at Lmnbvillf To --Juuic 1 i I II. Ill .) hnson, atfed llfteen, wa ti In II and James Rltchl' i Pariah, L.i, bj i i i they wcie chanvar on nte $10O REWARD $100 ThB rsiulare of the KETUBLIOAN will pleased to that there is at least on dreaded disense that science hab beei able to cure in all its stages, and that i Catarrh.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is the onl positive cure now known to the medica fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitu tiomil disease, requires a oonstitutiona treatment. Hall's Catarrh Clire ir take internally, acting directly upon the bloo and mnous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the die eiiMe, and giving the patient strength, building up the constitution and assist ing niiture in doing its work. The pro have so much faith in its ctira tive power tusit they offer One Hundre Dollars for case that it fails to ciire Send for testimonials. Address, F.

J. CHEMiY Toledo, O. by ts, 75o. Chicago Grain Market. The following were the closing quota lions in Chicago at 1:15 p.

m. to-day, revived by B. Z. Taylor, Secretary Deoa tur Grain April; 80 May; 875 8 Jul OOBH--ittl, April; 32U May; 381( Jul OATS-- 21H April; May; Jul POBK--8 Apr; $13,05 May; July. LABI-S- Apr; 8C.32 May; 86.4 July.

KIDS- $-- Apnl; 85.30 May; $5. July. Live Stock--Estimated HOK market steady. Cattle, 1'iOCO; market strong. Car Lots--Wheat: Winter, Spring It; Crrn, 435: 3S8 THE latest novelty--a Door Cheo.

F.verjboily ought to have them. bj Henry Bros. apr22-dtf M. L. Blair, Alderman, 5th Ward.Soran- ton, Pau, stBted 7 ov.

9, '83: He had nsej Dr. Thomas Ecli-clne Oil for sprains, borne, cuts, braises aad rheumatism. Cored erery time. Will Close on Sunday. On and after May 4 my store, 142 Merchant atreet, will be closed on Sunday.

PartMi wishing cream for Sunday will please orders Saturday and oream delivered np till noon on Simdnv A. J. WOOD." MONEY TO LOAN Rates, FARM AJJD CITY PKOPERTT. BUBKOWS CO. BAXUBS, PSOATUB, FROM WASHINGTON.

'avorable Outlook for the Tellei Free-Coinage Bill mum AWAITING TRIAL The Bearing Sea Queation-Diicussed in Caucus--The Albatross and the Ranger --Artesian Irrigation In Dakota and Other States. The Free Coinage Question. WASHISGTOS, April looks to- ight as though the Senate would pass he Teller Free Coinage bill or aome- hing very like it. To-morrow the Caserns Administration bill will likely be lisposed of, and the next business on the calendar to be considered under the or- ler arranged by tho steering committee 3 the Jones Silver bill. Tho attempt to-day to get the caucus committee to- rether to pass upon the silver question vas a failure, and it does not seem ikely that the committee will be able to do any thing before the matter comos up for consideration in the Senate.

As was stated in the United Press dispatches nearly a month ago, the Democrats in the Senate will vote for roe coinage--that is, enough of them will vote for free coinage to put upon the Republican members frem the West the onus of rejecting free coinage if it is rejected. The silver men, with the exception of Mr. Teller, are willing to accept a compromise for the sake oi getting some legislation on tho subject through Congress and past the Execu tive, but one of them said to a United Press reporter yesterday afternoon: There is no use in putting through a free coinage measure to bo vetoed by President, for then we would have no legislation at all. We are willing to accept something which we are sure the Administration will approve, and which will increase the volume of currency." But now it seems inevitable that the matter will come before the Senate in such form that the Republicans from the Western States will have to vote for free coinage or appear in a false light before their people. If a free- Coinage poposition is made in the Senate it will command tho votes of the Senators from Oregon, Nevada, Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas; at least one from Minnesota, Mr.

Stanford, of California, Mr. Evarts, of New York, and possibly both Mr. Cameron and Mr. Quay of Pennsylvania. With a few the Senators will pass a "free-coinage bill.

The Western Senators confidently look lor this result in the Senate. They expect the House to pass tho caucus measure, and when both houses have acted, they will feel free to vote for a compromise proposition without injuring their political standing at homo. Chinaman In Jail. WASHINGTON, April Coon, Chinese inspector at San Diego, reports to Chief Inspector Tingle, of the Treasury Department that he has now in jail waiting trial twenty-six Chinamen, one Portuguese and the captain of tho sloop "Benicia Boy," for violations of tho Chinese Exclusion act. Theocaptain of the Benicia Boy confessed that he was employed by parties in San Francisco, and that regular contracts are entered into in China by which, for the safe delivery in the United United States, the contracting parties are to receive 8149 por head for Chinamen.

Inspector Coon says he has now under arrest one of the principal parties and is on the track of others. Whether Chinamen land in Mexico or British Columbia, he says their ultimate destination is to tho United States, and it is almost impossible to prevent them from coming over the border by night. The Behrln? Sea Question. WASHINGTON, April is apparently good authority for the statement that tho governments of the United States and Great Britain are now further apart in their negotiations in regard to the question as to whether or not Behring Sea is a closed sea, than they have been at any time since the negotiations were begun. The United States maintains that it it a closed sea, and was mado so by the treaty of 1825, while the British Government contends that that treaty does not at all cover the case.

Discussed In Caucus. WASHINGTON, April McComas bill to prevent tho "Gerrymandering" ol Congressional election districts, and tho Merrill Service-pension bill were the subjects discussed by the cau- cuSof Republican members of the House last night. The Gerrymandering bill went over until another caucus. The Merrill Pension bill was amended by a proposition to flx the age limitation at bixty years, and the caucus at midnight adjourned. The Albatross and tho Ranter.

WASHINGTON, April Navy Department is informed that the Fish Commission steamer Albatross having bee thoroughly repaired at Maro Island Navy-yard, California, will now proceed to tho Aleutian Islands. The Ranger was Monday put on dock at Mare Island, and the work of refitting her wiLl be continued night and day. Artesian Irrigation. WASHINGTON, April 30. -Colonel Richard Hinton has been appointed Superintendent of Artesian Irrigation, Department of Agriculture, and has an appropriation of to expend before July 1 proximo, in ascertaining whether the agriculture of the Dakotas and adjacent States can be benefited by the artesian system.

CAPITAL CHAT. --The Exchange National Bank of Canal Dover, capital $50,000 was yesterday authorized to begin business --H n. Smith and his associates have made application for authority to establish tho Peoples' National Bank of Monmouth, 111 --The bill creating the Territory or Oklahoma i was passed by tlie House and Senate and sent to the President Friday, must be referred again to Congress bee HUM a fatal defect In phraseology. --Mr. McPnerton Introduced In the Senate feiterday ablll granting a pension of 12,500 a year to the widow of General George B.

UcClellan. --The Treasury Department purchased 1370,000 four-and-a-half per cent, bond at 10M, and (173,400 four per cent bonda at 122. --51 las Clara Barton, president, ana Mrs. 8. E.

Fuller, secretary of the National Relief Corps, each addressed tbe House committee on Invalid pensions, yesterday. In support of the bill tor the relief of women enrolled as army nurses. --H. Clay Grey, a well-known commission merchant, shot himself through tbe head about eleven o'clock, Monday night. In a faro bank at tbe south end of the Long Bridge.

He had been drinking, anil presumably losing heavily. His wound, located over the left temple, Is an exceedingly dan geroui. one, but the physicians say he may recover. REHHLER WILL STAY The Case to Qo to the United States Supreme Court F8R FfflAL REVIEW MD ADJDDICATIOS The Prisoner Taken from the Custody of Warden Duraton oo Writ of Habeas Corpus--The Action a Surprise. LABOR MATTERS.

of Probable Strikes. CHICAGO. April was reported yesterday afternoon that the sixteen hundred employes of the McCormack Harvesting Machine Company were ready to strike on May 1 for higher wages and eight hours a day. Mr. Butler, the general manager of the company, stated to a United Press reporter last evening that there is no foundation to the rumor; that the men had made no complaint, and as far as he knew were perfectly satisfied.

Several of the workmen, however, expressed their belief that there would be trouble on May 1. It is also reported the one thou sand men employed in the Malleable Iron-works will strike May 1 for the eight-hour day. Nothing to be Apprehended. CHICAGO, April there has been an order issued calling upon the militia to hold themselves in readiness in anticipation of trouble on May 1, the officers know nothing ol it Colonel Zcig- fiold, of the Second regiment, said yesterday he did not believe any such order had been issued. There is nothing to apprehend, he continued, from the parade of the workingmen.

The only disturbance at all likely to occur is from the Socialist and Anarchist factions. Colonel Zeigfleld said under the present condition of things two hours would suffice to have the whole regiment ready for duty. Will Boycott Their Employers. BOSTON, April secret meeting ot the striking employes of J. P.

Squires Company was held yesterday morning. Master-workman Mellen said to a reporter that the workmen find that the conciliatory spirit goes for naught with Mr. Squires, so "fight" must be the word. "The men said Mr. Mellen "have prepared a list of all grocers and provision dealers who have dealt with J.

P. Squires, and organized labor will be asked to co-operate with them in im preasing these dealers with tho justness of letting Squires alone. Lumber Interests Seriously Afieoted. CHICAGO, April carpenters strike has seriously affected the lumber interests at this port. Lumber vessels have been lying at the lumber market from four to five days, there being sale at any price.

At present there are ten million feet of lumber on the mar ket. The stocks on hand in the yards show an increase of twelve million feet ef hard-wood lumber over that of a yeai ago, and a decrease of thirty million feet of pine. The Independent Order ol Machinists LYNN, April organiza tion to be known as the Independen Order of Machinists of the United States was instituted in this city Mon day evening with a charter list of 180 members. A full board of officers wa chosen. It is the intention to have thi Supreme Lodge in Lynn, and to organ ize one or more lodges in every city in the country.

FOREIGN FLASHES. --Tbe Delagoa Bay railway has been com pitted to the Transvaal frontier. --The Socialists of Silesia have not to observe May 1 a holiday. --The Shah ot Persia haa vetoed the pro Ject for the construction of a Russian rail way between the cities of Enzlll and Resht --The state of selge having been ralsec and martial law abandoned on tbe Island Crete, the Christian Inhabitants are Jubl lant --Disastrous conflagrations have occurrei at Czortkow, JeElcrzany and Bolechow Tbe flres were undoubtedly of Incondlarj origin. --The Hamburg Nachrlchten repeats the assertion that Prince Bismarck will appea In Parliament, but says he will do so only lend his counsel to the state.

--The speedy publication of Llentenan Rust's narrative of theEmln expedition I announced. The book will give a detallet description of the Journey of Dr. Peters. --The negotiations conducted with tli Vatican by General Simmons have resulte In an agreement by which Malta is constl tuted a Roman Catholic missionary center --4 deputation from Blala waited upo the Emperor ot Austria Monday and aske that a garrison be permanently located a that place. The Emperor requested th deputation to inform him as to tho real caus of the recent outbreak In that locality.

managers of the railways, work shops and gas-works and the leading man nlacturers ol Konlgibnrg, have entered Int an agreement to refuse work to men wh may be discharged by any employer on ac count of participation in the May-Da demonstrations. --It Is reported In Paris that the Boulang 1st leaders, MM. Naquet, DeRoulede and La Guerre, are In the Island of Jersey arrang Ing for the return to Paris on May-Day General Doulanger. It is represented to the General's Intention to participate in th demonstrations of the city. --In tho Spanish Cortez a bill has been In troduced which prohibits the employmen of boys under ten and girls under twelv years of age.

Tba measure also prohibit all minors from being employed in mine circuses or any unhealthy occupation. A- holldays, Sundays and fete days are to secured to minors, and the maxlmu day's labor IB to be nve hours. Bank Closed. NEW YoitK. April Home stead Bank closed its doors yesterday and is now in the hands of N.

A. Chap man. Bad business is said to be th cause of its suspension. The bank ha i capital of 8100,000. It is said the de positors will be paid in full.

Bank Examiner Trenholra will xak of the Homestead Bank close up the concern, relieving Mr Chapman. MARRIED. AUGUSTUS--KVLB--At the residence of the ride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K.

M. Kyle, four miles east of Argenta, on Thursday, April 34th, occurred tlie marriage of their daughter, Ktta, to Mr. Edgar Augustus. Her. K.

M. Jeflers, ot Mansfield, spoke the lystfc words that joined their lives at high noon, In the presence of a large number ol relr- Ives and friends. The hearty coneratulattons ere followed by a dinner. The bride and groom are young people in tlie ommunlty, and have Hie best wishes of al'. The entrance upon new lite is over a threshold ol On Friiiay, April the elatives and fi lends again assembled at the esldeiu'c ot the groom's mother, where th-y lartook of an excellent collation, to which all dlil ample Justice.

Tlie happy couple were ot many beautiful and iiactul cseut-s. begin housekeeping at once. JANAUSCHEK. UTIPA, N. April dooo- ments in the Kemmler habeas corpus proceedings were received by Clerk )oolittle of the United States Circuit Jourt at half-past ten o'clock last night They came from Kemmler's attorney, Roger M.

Sherman, and were mailed at Syracuse. A letter accompanied the papers In which Clerk Doo- ittle was informed that Mr. Sherman had arranged to dispense with formal service, and requesting him to mail the writs to Warden Durston, saying that would be sufficient The writ dirt-eta the Warden to produce the body of Kemmler before the United States Circuit Court at 10 a. at Canandiagua, Tuesday, June 17. The petition upon which the writ was granted Is as follows: To the Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern ol Nuw York- The petition ol William Kemmler respectfully shows 1.

That he Is a citizen of the United Statei and Is deprived of hli liberty by F. Durston, agent and warden of Aubbrn prison, at Auburn, In the said Northern District of New York, who threatens and Is about to put him, said Kemmler, to death by causing to pass through the body of said Kommler a current of electricity of sufficient Intensity, In the opinion ol Durston, to cause death, and that tbe said Kemmler la there held In custody and deprived of his liberty against his will and In violation of tbe Constitution of the United States. 2. The facts concerning the detention of him, said Kemmler, and tbe olalmor ot authority by of which he it detained are is follows: He was convicted In the Court of Oyer and Termlner and the County of Erie, In the State of New York, of the crime of murder In the first degree, committed March 29, 1S88; and a warrant has been Issued upon the Judgment of said conviction to said Durston, appointing the week within which sentence must be executed, commanding said Durston to do execution upon some day within the said eek by causing to pass through the body ol him, the William Kemmler, current of electricity of sufficient Intensity to cause death, and that the application of such current of electricity to be continued until he, the said William Kemmler, be dead. Said week expires on the third day ot May, 1890: a.

Tho only authority of law for said sen tence Is a statute of tho State of New York chapter 489 of the laws of 1B88 entitled an act to amend sections 483,498, 903, 604, 506,507, DOS 509 of the Code ot Criminal Procedure In relation to the infiiction of tbe death penalty and provide means for the infliction of such penalty. 4, Said statute In conflict with the on stltutlon of tho United States, In that tho punishment Imposed thereby Is cruel anc unusual; and In that thereby tbe said State the Immunities of him, the sale' William Kommler, to be exempt from crue and unusual punishment for crime. 5, Said statute, moreover, Is iq confllc with the Constitution of the United States In that the punishment Imposed thereby deprives him, said William Kemmler, of hi life without due process of law; i this, that the said mode of putting him to death is unlawful, but also In this that thti judicial function of fixing the time of Ills thereby taken from the court and delegated to an executive ofllccr or some uncertain substitute upon some undeflnet and unaccountable cause. Your petitioner, thercfore.lallegres that th committment of the aforesaid Wllllan Kemmler and his detention under the war rant aforesaid are null, void and of no forci or validity, and prays that this honorable court do forthwith Isiue the writ ot haben corpus to the said Charles F. Durston, agen and warden as aforesaid, requiring him t( produce the body of him, said Wllllan Kemmler, before this court at some time tc designated In said writ, there to abld uutit hull be awarded by said court In th premises.

And at the same time he pray your honors to Issue out of said court th writ of certiorarl to the Court of Oyer an Terminer of tbe County of Erie and th clerk thereof, commanding him forthwith tc certify to said Circuit Court of the Unltci States, true copies ot the indictment record orders and in said court re malnlug under or by virtue of which said William Kemmler is now deprived ol 1)1 liberty by authority of that court. And your petitioner wi 11 ever pray, etc. County Cayuga, S. S. William Kemmler being duly sworn, says "1 am the petitioner named In the aforugo lug petition.

I have read the same, know its contents, and the same Is true to tho bes of my knowledge, Information and belief. WILLIAM KEHHLKH. Sworn by me this 24th day of April, 18'JO. U. li.

MCNIKL, Notary Public, Cayuga County. Judge Wallace's Reason. NEW YOHK, April Wallac says that in granting the Kemmle habeas corpus writ he upheld views counsel making the application, tha inasmuch as the case was one of lifi and death the question involved shoul' bo passed upon by the highest tribuna in the land. The question as to th validity of the delegation of power to a sheriff to fix the time and circumstance of the death of a condemned man, wa a serious one. The Judge intimated that the restric tion of the liberty of the press was also question to be considered, but ho did no say positively that this was one of tho reasons for granting the writ.

Tho question of the cruelty or unusual nature of the punishment would be considered by the Supreme Court There wore other questions involved, but the Judge did not care to extend the interview which was granted at a very late hour. DETERMINED To Close Out our Stock! of CI-. O-A. We have to-day reduced Stock of Jackets, Wraps and New- markets, and all our Children's and Misses' Cloaks to A Cunning Trlok In Opium CHICAOO, April clever smuggling scheme was brought to light in Justice Bradwell's court yesterday morning. Jack Lee's opium den at No.

479 Clark street was raided Monday night, and among the smoking paraphernalia were found several lemon rinds containing about two ounces ol the narcotic paste. The lemons had been cut at tbe end, the pulp and seeds removed and the opium packed in. The cover is then sealed with colored cement and all traces of the cut obliterated. EHRHART Headquarters for Fruits. We receive oar fruite direct from headquarters in oar lots, and have the exclusive sale in Central Illinois for the cele- rated PORT LIMON BANANAS, Which are without doubt the very beet bananas grown on this continent.

We have a large stock of bananas, oranges and lemons, and are in position to give you bargains. Why not deal at headquarters nnd get in on the ground floor? We also have a nn rtook of Fancy te" Nnte, OEO. W. EHBHABT CO. ODR LAUNDRY i WORK Is Second to None in the State.

-i-FRED. Door East of Post Office. Goods Called For and Delivered. EASTEJLSALE! Miss Annie McDonald Is back from Chicago, her Beautliul Selections received and put on Sale with previous large purchases, making ours the LARGEST and Host Attractive STOCK in Central Illinois. ORDERS VOR EASTER HATS and BONNETS, receive prompt attention.

WPRICE8 always 26 per cent. BELOW all competition. SOLICITED. Respectfully, S. 6.

Hatch Bro, MBBBTLIES." The above is a picture of Janaushecfc, who will appear at the Grand to-morrow night in her own character, "Meg Mer- riliee," in which she combines all the fascinating elements of opera, comedy and tragedy. Sales of Real Estate. Rudolph Kreesin to John Kieesin, deed to the north half of Jot 9, block 5, Pedde- oord Burrows' addition--8125. J. M.

Clokey to Mary A. Evey, deed to lot 5, block 1, East Park Boulevards Brueck to Wm Montgomery, deed to lot 18, block 2, Brneck's first addition, 8100. Harry Btephenson to A. D. Cfttlin, the of the and the of the of the also the north half of the of the the neAj; also the north 15 acres of tbe east halt of the of tbe neJ4--all the above land being in section 83, 17, 2 Hickory Point township, about four miles northeast of Decatnr, $2550.

CHICAGO Journal: Dr. J. West, a leading Salt Lake physician, WHB p'aced on trial yesterday at that charged with being too much Two weeks ago he married Miss June Everill, a pretty girl of 18. Last Saturday he was arrested at the instance of his first wife, and the 18-year old second wife promptly went into hysterics and has not yet recovered. Dr.

West claimed on the trial that he believed wife No. 1 was dead and buried when he married wife No. 2. bis statement was under consideration in court when a third lady appeared and claimed prior rights over both the other wives. At this climax the doctor relapsed into a tit of sham insanity, from which he was euddenly awakened by the point of a revolver in the hands of a brother of his 18-year old victim being thrust under his nose.

The yonng man was prevented from doing him an injury but the too affectionate physician is safe for a long term in prieon. Diseases of Women, nausea, indigestion, bloating, general debility, DEPRESSION, SLEEPLESSNESS, liver and kidney troubles and kindred affections, permanently cured by using Magnire's Gnndnrango. The inos-t of the slock is New aad Desirable, and at the Half Price Hecluo.tioii you can save from Five to Ten Dollars on a Good Cloak. Our Genuine Plush Sacque is equal to any 820 one in the city. About a dozen pieces ot Heavy Colored Cloaking and nil-wool Black Beaver we will close out at HALF ICE.

F.L.HAYSCO. VAN DYKE DBE8S TRIMMINGS ceived at New and handsome, juet re- Lnra SOBUOSB. The Eppler Carriage Line. LEAVE all calls for tbe John H. Eppler carriage line at the New Deming Hotel.

Calls made promptly in any part of the city night and day. Telephone 49--will receive prompt attention. Also leave orders at Elaine's drag etore; telephone 18. Apr 8-dlm Mr. J.

F. Maelera, cashier of Emmitt bank at Waverly, Ohio, says: "I consider Chamberlain's Coufch the I have ever uef d. After Heine several other kinds, without benefit, I tried it and it quickly cured me, after years of Buffering with an obstinate conith and throat trouble." 50 cent bottles for sale by John A. Sweaiingen, druggist. dw.

I I A large assortment, suitable for dw Opera and ordinary use, nt LINN SCKTMGS. Sole Agents, US Vain ttntt, A KID CLOVED PERFECTION DF FIT 'Y tun Ht-Nii BEWAEE OF IMITATIONS. April FOR REHT, FOR SALE, WANTED, In this column, ot Ore lines or leu will tm Inserted one week for 'K c'cnla, payable In ANTKD-A -talesman, at "The Won't apply Holms yon pan sell Hoods WKAVEK LEWIS. T70B SALE--Several pieces ot city proj JD at a bargal n. Can be seen at Sax ton's booV store.

A. W. MILLER. aprSWe OR BENT-One suite suite ol rooms, suitable Jor one or two gentlemen, nicely furnished, with privilege of bath room. Apply at No.

429 North Water street. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! ONE WEEK, Commencing Monday, May 5th, GRiHD SATURDAY MATIHEE! Engagement of the Wonderful Boy Actor, Master Frankie Jones, Supported by HOHENBTEIN-FISHER'8 Company Including Helen Vaughn, Walter Lawrence, and Lew Warner, a Repertoire of Standard Dramas. PICTURESQUE SCENIC EFFECTS STAKTLING DKAMAT1C CLIMAXES WHOLESOME COMEDY! EXQUISITE MUSIC! FAULTLESS TOILETS! GORGEOUS STAGE SETTINGS 1 Popular aad 3O Oenta Mle tbe Qrud Opm BOOM, DOLLAR. rousr And secure a FINE WATCH on Weekly Payments of ONE Ladies as well as G-entlemen can become members. New Club Ready in a Few Days.

CALL, LEARN PARTICULARS and see the goods. CARPETS. Buy nothing in the line of Carpets, fall Papers, Cnrtains, Mattings or Linoleum until yon have seen the Nei Spring Styles and heard the Prices at BABEL'S CARPET HOUSE. aa vjy THE FINEST LADIES' HAND-TURNED SHOES IN THE CITY 3.OO THE LATEST STYLES IN-Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords. A FULL LINE OF Ladies', Hisses' and Children's MOOOASINS.

H. H. GRAY SON'S' S4.0O. Boots and Shoes HIDE TO ORDER. Repairing Head; Done.

'Woman's Exchange Lunch. Coffeee, Tea, Cocoa, Milk, each 5e; Paiker Honeo Bolls, Bread nnd Butter, Brown Brnfid, Suit-rising Broiid, Cookies, Douuhnutc, Vie, Cuke, Cold Moatn, Potato Chips, Cottage Cheese, each Ice Cream, lOe; Cream, lOo r'- -B; Btrawberru-B, 10i. 23-i Pensions For Pension nud Notarial writing, and all olaascB of War liiiniR, up nnd aee ins. Third stairs west ot Postoffice next to Irwin's Drug Store. 0.

B. SPOKE, Pension Attorney. marlO-d3mos THB Blnegraae Hoop will repaint youi oarringe or wagon cheaper than elsewhere. Remember this. Repairing promptly March 8-uwtf Bicycle and Lawn Tennis Suits just received at Linn Scruggs.

dw WE have been the restaurant Imei- nees a long time. Give us your patronage and we will try to please yon. Come in and take dinner to-day at Comba' Restaurant. marS-dawtf LECTURE COURSE Under the auspices of the Y. P.

S. C. Of The Goofiregational (M. For tbe Benettt of the BUILDING FUND. Friday Evening, May 2, REV, JOHN BARROWS, Subject, SAMUEL ADAMS, Friday Evening, May 16, Rev.

Frank Gnnsanlns, Subject, SAVONAKOLA. T6er Lectures will be delivered IN THE BAPTIST OHUROH Oouree Tickets 76 Oente, I Sheriff's Sale. liy virtue of one special execution to mo ill delivered by the Clerk the cln-uii court ot Macnu county, llllnol.i, In favor Charles h. Iliinklni and will M. ix-uis, c'o ners, rtolna liniiupvi HS Ix-wis Hunkina.

Aii'l againi! IIIDIIMI I'mlhii-i, Mam.irct A. I'll Itpi and John '1 owner, I will offer the loll, IIIE described proprrf, to-wlt: The iimliin I onr-lialf i4) lutercit In lots seven, eight -i i nine (7, 8 A 'J), in Hunter Bros, 1 Addition of IMs to the t'lty or Dewitur, in MACOII i the state ol Hie of Mure A. Phillips, which 1 shall oiler at public the west door of the urt lunua In the i "I Dfc.ilur, in Mucon coimlj, In said slate, i 21st day of May, A. 1). 1S90, at two o'clock i ol said day, for In hand to satisfy sain x- ciition.

This 30th day of April, A. I). 1890. J. H.

MAU7.Y. apr3(Ml3w Sheriff Hacou County, Illinois. Administratrix' Notici. Estate of Eva Hamburger, Deceased Tbe undersigned, having been appoints! Ail mlnistratOT of the estate of Eva late of the county of Macon and state ot Illmoli, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will ap pear before the County Court ol Macon at the court house In Uecatur, at the term, on Hie first Monday In July next, al winch time all persons having claims aga.n-i salu estate are notified and requested lo tend for the purpose of having the sai- adjusted. All persons Indebted to said are requested to make immediate payment the undersigned.

Dated this 29th day ol April, 1890. JtOSA ISAACS (iw Rosa llamlmrc'T aprZD-ddw Administratrix. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! DRAMATIC ETEIT OF THB SEASON. Pmitively hut Appearance In This fits Thursday, May lst.8 ONE NIGHT ONLY, Special Engagement Extraordinary of the Great est Living Tragic Actress. MAUAMK JANAUSGHEK! In Eer Wonderfully Realistic Impersonation tbe Great Romantic Character MEG MERRILIES, Combining all tlie Potent aad Fascinating Klc meats of Legitimate Opera, Comedy and Tragedy.

Most Ably and Admirably Supported by Her Own Large, Complete and excellent Company. In detail precisely played by the same im-exceHed company with enthusiastic success in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. 75c 81.00 SE OT Th IB! Pi Wl Which Tryou Oomj SHEL1 Now wit.

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