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The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 8

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THE SALT LATHE HERALD TUESDAY SDAY OCTOBER OOB 30 1900 1900I I THEY KNE KEtL1 I GEN FAGIN FAGINSalt gait a1t Lake Colored People Talk TalkAbout TalkAbout TalkAbout About Filipino Officer OfficerWAS Of1ic OfilcerWAS lWAS WAS AT FOJIT RT DOUGLAS DOUGLASKLBSS DOUGLASECLSS I 1 ECLSS KLBSS BUT LUCKY GAMBLER GAMBLERWOT GA3iIBLE1iOT NOT SUSPBISED AT ATTh1 ATTh1David GAMBLmt1 HIM HTTVTDavid HIMI I David FaRln the story of wh whose ee ee de desertion deeertion I I8rtiOl1 sertion from the Twentyfourth infan infantry InfanZry try bio h1 escapades a aa general in the theFilipino theFilIpln theFilipiflo Filipino army and culwequent capture capturewas capturevq i was vq 18 told in a dispatch from Manila yes yesterday yegterday eterday terday was well known knoi among amongthe the col colored coltrd I IOfl ored people of this thtaclty city He joined the theregiment thti thtirpghneat th thrghnent regiment while it wa W8II wae stationed at atFort a aFort atFort Fort Dou DouJ88 la and during its stay there thereivas theretva ivas tva a frtjuent visitor of the gambling gamblingresorts gamblingTfSOrts gamblingrpsorta I resorts on Commercial street where he hevas hewas hava vas va known as a jovial OyiaI reckless player playertvith pJKYC1with playerwith with a penchant for stud poker and an ancxhausUesB ancxhaustle8 antxhaueUeegnd cxhausUesB txhaueUeegnd und nd of luck luckAmong JuckAmong luckAmong Among his hi former comrades many of ofvhom or orhorn ofvhom vhom horn are now residing re In Salt Lake he Paed for a very poor excuse for a asoldier aoldieI aF1dier soldier Sergeant Se eant Williams of No 49 491rank1in Franklin avenue a veteran of the Twentyfourth regiment of more than thanenty thancntyyeare twenty enty cntyyeare years service and recently re DAVID PAGDT PAGDTturn FAGINturnd turn turnd rnpd from Manila wore a very dls dlsxusted dlsgURtfd itsgusted gusted look yesterday while discussing discussinghis dl cusslnghi his hi former companion la arms arm who had hadcajoled hadcajold hadajnlPd cajoled the Filipinos into making him himgpntraL a ageneral general generalThat gpntraLThat generaLTbat That man Fagin was wa no soldier soldierexclaimed soldiertxdaimed oldterelamed exclaimed elamed the grayhaired veteran veteranHe veteranHe veteranlie He never would make a soldier He Heuas HUR Hwas was UR just naturally too lazY and had too toomuch toomuch toomuch much book teaming Ing 1n ate head He Hehad HelIad had been through thE university at atNashville atuhville atashvIfle Nashville uhville and when he joined the regi regiment regltllfnt regimnt ment here be wanted to be giving or orders ort1s ders 1 and didnt like to take them themThats themrrhat themrhate Thats rrhat what made him Join the Flu FIHjinos Fm1ino Fluinns jinos inns He wanted a a chance to be a high highJjoss highboss highboss boss bossLooks Ix Looks oks like Filipino KlipinoAccording FilipinoAccording PilipinoAccording According to Williams description descriptionFagin descriptionFagin descriptionragin Fagin is a man of medium height and andjn andjn andin jn complexion halfway between mu mulatto muhttdanf muEttd latto httdanf Ettd and gingerbread He added addedthat addedt addedthat that ha the man looked enough like a FlU Filipino FlUId FILLFifl pino Id Fifl no to pass for one if he donned the thenative theJ1atlve thejative native costume co When the sergeant sergeantwas was a8 retired tlred last March Fagin was wa still stillw sUIlith stillvith vith ith the regiment but Williams heard heardl heard1pfnrf heardlfore 1pfnrf pfor the boat left of the desertion desertionund desertionnd desertionrind und nd the threats made by the deserter desertertt tt 1 spare pa none of the men of the Twen Twentyfourth Twentfourth Twentyfourth tyfourth regiment ment should he capture captureliny captureun liny un ny linyBefore Before Hefo quitting his regiment to don donthe donthp donthe the epaulettes of a native general Fa Fatrin Fain Fagin gin in took advantage of a layoff last lastMarch lastlarch IatMarch March and his usual run of luck at atstud atrud atstud stud rud poker to take about ZOO 200 from his hiscomrades hisomradell hisumrades comrades This was only one of his hisregular hisr hisregular regular gular winnings 1II every time there was wasa a payday He was as similarly successful successfulhlle auccee successfulhUe ful fulhUe hUe in Sfiit Lake on Commercial Commercialstreet Commercialtrlet Commercialtrit street but the money slipped through throughhis his hi fingers as fast as he won it and andlr andh lr 11 seldom had any In his pocket pocketV Robertson on a colored milkman milkmanwho milkmanhn who vh hn used to catei cat 1 tQ the men of the theTventyfourth theIwfntytourth theIventyfourth Tventyfourth when they were sta stationed at statioed tioned tio 11 at Fort Douglas Douts remembers remembr Fa Facia Fagui cia i well wel as a a one of his bestpaying btpying cue customers CUI cuet tomers lOm4r Robertson Robrtn says sys it was like likevining lke lkeinin likeining vining inin ining money to lend Fagin a few dol dollars dollar dol1ar lars lar to stake sake him in a game gme of stud studIoker studjukcr Ioker 10111 10111Wa Was Wa Always Aways Good Pay PayIn PayIn PayIn In five minutes minute hed give me back backtwice bck bcktwke backtwie twice as 8 a much Huch as 8 I let him have said saidthe 8ld 8ldth saidth the th milk nl vendor lIe was always good goodjay goodIay jay wbn he had ad the money mone and he heould heuld heuld ould uld borrowfrom brrwtm borrow frum almost anybody anyboy be beanse belse beaiislw anse aiislw lse he was wa solucky soluckys sJucky sJuckyWhfn oiuckyVhen Whfn hen off tT duty Fn Fagin seemed me to have havebeen bavebtn havebeen been btn always aways lighthearted Jghtbrted careless treJess and andiull andlul andlull lull lul of jokes gambling gblng or drinking drinkingwhen drinkingehen when he 1 couldget ould get the nt mrR rurney aey In the therestraint therstrlnt therestraint restraint rstrlnt of camp cap life though thouh he was wassullen was1m wassiilln sullen 1m len in ml had ha the reputation reputtln for forshirking forJhirkln forshirking shirking Jhirkln drill dri for a bed In the hospital hospitalevery hospitaltPQ hospitalcvry every tPQ time tii he could culd impose Imp on the sur surton curt ton During the encampment encmplt near nearManila nr nranla nearManila Manila anla he ht got int several Bverl scrapes scrapeswhich scrapeshich rps rpshlh which hlh hich brought him hi ii into the guard guardhouse gard gardlul guardu lul house use Jtifi ni finally tnal when his company companyv compny compnyas as Rent some Iome ton miles mil from frm the city cityi cl i took tok the thf opporlnrity opprluriy to slip slp through throughth trough trought th lines In and win fvo favor in ttte thmp tbeeamp camp of ofthe ortlw oft the ilf enemy emm fromwhich from whh which point of van vaniiwre vanht van1ge iiwre ht tit would wouldtake wouJdt take every eer pnt occasion olon to toFend toenll toerit Fend threatening tbnatpnin messages to the men mennf menf menof nf the rtuiinent rt iment he had ad deserted desertedZriends dere desertedPriends Zriends Frends Wont Believe eleve It ItSome It ItSome Some nr Fagins Fagn boon bn companions cpnion on onCommercial onmmeldal onmmeriai Commercial mmeldal street ltret refused refu to credit crdi the thereport therpor trtport report rpor his hif hi desertion descr They Thy were of ofthe ottl olth the tl th opinion thPt thst he knew too muchto muchtoilo do ilo Io anything an hing like lke that tht and they ex exjlained exIblne cx1ltinod jlained Iblne his hi presence among aong the natives nativesy tijy ijy saying that he had probably got sying pobably gt sep separated sp spHIa septza HIa arated tza tf ted from his company ompy and was wa made madeu madepriseier prisoner pr ler and forced fore to fight to save savehis 8ve 8veJlii savehis his Jlii life nttbera I Ht er looked Jooke upon on his hi as asiutiiptlin a aitnptiifl iutiiptlin lmptn of the rank rnk of general gneral as a a aaige aligt aige algt ligt joke jokeFagin jukFagin jokeFagfl I Fagin would sho make mke a wild wid gen genITI gunri gn gnra ITI ra I natd I one exmember txmbr of the regi regijient regirlent i jient Int Why Wb that boy by didnt know reg a aiilumn aplum iilumn plum of jos oc from a a box bx of hard hardiuk har hardI iuk tk I IU Thats Tts right he didnt dint know knowuhin knowu knoeukhin uhin hln at a about abut soldiering soJdlrng an he hea a too to blame lazy to learn lrn But I Ikon 1kon I Ikop kon his eoldterin sllrlo days dy are a about abouter abut abutnow aboutnov er now for when the cot ct marshal marshalKets marahajafter Kets after him hell shoe take ke the th ele elevator elePost vator vatorPost vatrPost Post yourself yourlf Copies Cop of theDemo theDemocratic th the therrttlc Dm cratic rTatc campaign cmp book bk for sate at this thisc thiscme I Itthcy cme itice at 26c 2 per pr copy copyBLACK cpy cpyc copyBLACK BLACK DRESS GOODS GODS SALE SALEMonday SA SAMonay SALEMowlay Monday Monay and andLiiesday Tuesday day Only OnlyTwentyfive Ony OnyTwetyfve OnlyTwentyflve Twentyfive Twetyfve pieces pie black back prJa parola ral suit suiting sul suitings ing Inp all new nw and chic design dlcL Val Values Va Valn4 ues up to 9250 n5 256 for only 9Sc 9 a a yard yardAT yardAT AT 1 AUERBACH BRO BRODr BROc BItODr Dr fiJ Keysor XeYr method meth of filling fJni teeth fppth Lach is I bIIDZ bIIDZDrnkees hUIIdInr paUUeas paiaIe IK 11 Main street steet or Auer AuerDrunkenness AuerLach AuerLach Drunkenness DrunkennessA Drnkees A Re safeand afe and a permanent nt cure cur for todrunk todrunkr fordrunk fordrunkrjsr arunk arunkrirjs rirjs 1WSr rjsr iuri drug drg addictions adicton Address AddressK Addrs Addrsh leY Institute IUte First Firt North Norh and an West WestTmple Vet Vetmplp tr Tmple mplp ft 01 Bo fleX 4 4 Salt Sl Lake Le Utah UtahEXTRA Ut UtEXTJtA Gl GlEXT EXTRA EXT SPECIAL SPECIALMonday SPECA SPECAX SPECIALMonday Monday ndy an anl a Tuesday Teday Only Onlyyiive Ony OnyT OnlyTvelI TvelI yiive te tive pieces vl black imported importedxls impre I 1 idaall xls all alntV new and an choice Val Valup Valup Valup up tu 250 a yard YIr pale fale sai for 9So a ail aHII1 I IT HII1 il AT if 1P JUXBRSACU RBACl BRO litRY llNIYrNHIr1 ONHEIM WANTS DIVO DIVOC DIVOCFRi CE I IfROM FROM HIS rn IS WIFE ADA WILSON Wll ON Henry Henr Monheim who is known I about abut town tow as a a broker brker and young man of wealth welt has as concluded cnclude all is not gold that glitters fl god gUttr He yesterday yeterda commenced commened suit BUi for divorce against his wife anst wire who wit no Is bttter 1ter known as a Ada Ada WHswT Wiison rUSn than Airs Monheim llr lonhelm and who under her maid mai name directs the affair hpl male dlre afair of The The Palace at 83 3 Pct 1 Commercial Cimecial street st Mr Monheim IOhehn avers aver In plain English that plin AIlss JU tisa Ada has been untrue 11te Englh to bins tht and tohb that tht is one onereOloe reasonhe wants want to be re leased Je from the matrimonial existence Into which he plunged plunged 1unge ratrmontl a year1 year1jfea ieg estenle jfea last May Ma He doe do meg like lk fits partfcuiar jarUcur Jat kind of donrAUe dOte life and the thf prtlr eompraint an so intimates intimatesIt InUlnat inUmatIt sI It I was a on the the 17th 1th of May 189 1S09 on of those th thosebaimy balmy spring trng days dy described once by a discouraged poet In I ix the eO ed mid die of the romantic period that el Mon helm then only to 0 months mnths over the age of 20 2 and an his betrothed then about UI I betne 1 according accrding to th the complaint journey joure abut I ed to Brigham City I 1 in Box Bo Elder county cunty procured procure a marriage mrrage license Jcenle and were married mrrie The future con fronting frntng them thPO was not very ver bright bright on the i I aemen agreement being it Is i said sd that tht Mrs WileonMoriheim VllonMmheim should continue contnue 10 be I i landlady over on the avenue and that thathe thathe thatbe he would not molest her in her chosen chosenlife chosenlfhey chosenlife life lifeThey lifeTheygot They Theygot got ot along alng splendidly for a 3 short shorttime shortme shorttime time tme Then it I is said sid the young yung hus husband husbnd husband band bnd made a demand upon upn her to leave leavethe leaethe ieavethe the Palace She wouldnt or didnt didntlisten dldn didntlisten tHsten listen to the proposition propstin and a big fuss fusscame fusscame came cme up breeding breeing things thlpg not of the thepleasahtest thepleant thepleaSafltest pleasahtest pleant et between bete them tem O5 Olate late Mr MrMonheim Mr3lonheim lr lrMonhelm Monheim has ha visited visle his wifes home homei homenot homenot i not very ver frequently fruenUyand and she shtha sh has gone goneriht goneright right riht along In the business bUlness He le tired tr tiredof of her he propensities prpensite and the he suit tiled tiledyesterday tle fliedyesterday yesterday tterday begins beins the next chapter chapterMonheim chapterMonheim haptr haptrMonhelm Monheim Is the son 5n of the thebltt theblttwho architect architectwho who conceived the te city cIt and county count countybuiidlng building buiding and who left considerable cnslderbl cnslderblmn money mn It I all al went to the te wife wUe But Butth Butthe the th young man had enough ugh rnoneyi mone of ofhis ofhis ofhis his own otn to get along on and when whenwithin whenwUhln whenwithin within the past year yer Ada Wilson Wilsonwhose WIlsonwhose Vlson whose folks folk were weT rich rle came into pos session seln of something lmethlng like lke 160900 liQtO they theywere I were each ech fairly independent Indepedent Which Whichcondition Whichcondition Vhlchconditon condition conditon was not calculated clculate to bring bringthem bringth bringthem them th nearer together togeth Th ThV Tlie grew gre far fartiter titer apart aprt aprtThe apartThe The complaint was flied te in the dls distriet trict court curl Allen Aln San SanfQd Sanford ford being beingplaintiffs bing bingaInt beingpiaintifs plaintiffs aInt attorney TWO SALT LAKE WOMEN TRAVEL TRAVELITO IRA 1IAVLTO VEL VELTO ITO TO CHICAGO CHICAGOTO TO SEE MARK HA II4NNA ANNA I Two fair repres2ntatlves of Salt cJo Lake tt I INews City according a to the Chicago a Daily News News furnished furnishe one of the important Importnt 51 incidents Incdnt in the prosperity Jlroperlty parade paradewhich paradewhich pare parewhleh which proved proe such suCh a boomerang bomerng to the Rpublcns Republicans of Cook county Two blushing bullng young women says the News Ne stood sto on tiptoe tptoe at the extreme extremeedge extremeedge xtr me meege edge ege of the sidewalk sidewlk while the te parade paradewaa parde pardewas paradewas was pang passing and begged begg piteously for fora fora fora a glimpse gmp of the only Mark Hanna lanna For the sake ske of seeing sing him they skid id they the had traveled travele all al the way from Salt La LaL A A police plce officer ofcer was so impressed ImprSd Slt I with wih their zeal zea that tha he took tk them them un under under under der his wing and an led Je them to the side sideof sidefy sideof of the carriage 1 where jat fa Mr McKin McKinleys i ioung leys fy fyhef hef foremost 1e friend Whether ih rCK the theyoung theyoung young women fainted falnf or went wCt Into bye hysterics hy byeterics terics terc the News dens doE not aay sy but it is isevident isevident isevident evident that one lnofcAthe lnohit 1 Jte toe face ace of ofMarcus ofMarcus ofMarcus Marcus Aurelius Aurelus was Wal wa sufQinent genttO entto to ghake ghakethe ge i ithe the political poltlKI allegiance al gllc of these the two ar ardent a ardent dent Republicans for the benighted benightedChicago benighte benightedIticago Chicago Chlcgo officer otrr is i quoted fuot as a saying sayingwhen sying syingwhen sayingwhen I IThpres when he led If them awav awavTheres a wa waTheres Theres no ha harm done done They Tley cant cantvote 1 vote anyway cntj QUARANTINED FAMILY MAKES MARESDEMAND MAKESDEMAND DEMAND FOR LIVING SUPPLIES Clerk Smith of the health healh department departmentwas dpjaltment dpjaltmentwas was startled trUel beyqnd expression xIrelln yes yesterday yesterday terday teday morning upon upn receiving rehlng a let letter lette ter te er directed direted to Dr King the Ue health healthcommissioner helth helthcmml healthommisoneror commissioner cmml ommisoneror oner 01 the board brd of health healthfrom healt healthrom from rom John Williams VllaI of 1015 West rest First FIrt FIrtSuth South Suth street str et makig making requisition requiiton for a alot lot ot of provisions provlilons for TiHiams Wiiiams family faml familywhose whose whO home honteis is under quarantine quarntne oh on ac account accunt acount count cunt of smallpox smlpx two of his children childrenhaving chidrn chidrnhaving chiidrenhaving having been tn sent Bnt to the th isolation iRlaton hos hospital hosptal hospital pital ptal The letter leter read rad as a follows followsAs folows folowsA followsAs As A you ou will wil not nt raise rlR the quarantine quarantineon Quarntne Quarntneon on my house hou so I can cn return to work workIt workyou you must send me pie the following arti articles artiIes cles Ies towit It engn One ton oBck of coal 100pound 100poundsack 100poundsack sack Bck of Hour four 35 pounds sugar SO 5 cents centsof centsof centsof of wheaten wheten 1 ham 1 can an baking pow powder powder powder der 54 5 cents laundry Jaundr soap sol 4 dozen dozeneKgs dozeneg dozeneggs eggs eg 1 sack sck salt sl 1 bushel potatoes potatoeshalf ptatos ptatoshair potatoeshalf half bushel bu hel turnips quarter pound pep pepper peppr pepper per pr half ha bushel bUlbl onions 2 pounds pound cheese cheeseGOAL che cheesepounds pund pounds cfe coffee half pound te tea 2 cans cansoyter cansoysters oyter oysters 3 cns tomatoes 3 cans crn crnLOCA corn LOCA LOCA1 GOAL BRIEFS BRIEFSBANK BANK CLEARINGS CLEARINGSTe CLEARINGSThe The bank bnk clear clearings cler clerInp clearings ings yesterday etr were K7283772 78i compared comparedwith cpared cparedvlth romparsdwith with t47871Keo t17f8 for the corresponding crrepoldlng day dayof da dao deyof of last year Jt yer yerDR DR WHITNEY rHITNE RESIGNS I Dr Jr WVhlay WWhitsey Whitney Vhlay has hs resigned resgne the position Itlton of ofquarantine oftluntln oftlUZSfltifle quarantine tluntln oflicer ofl tin account aeut of a press pressof lrfIS lrfISof pressof of private vte business businessMRS busnell busnellMRS businessMRS MRS POLLOCK I STILL IMPROVING IMPROVINGThere IlPIOVING IlPIOVINGThere IMPROVINGThere There There was WIS still Kil a vli II slight ht improvement improvementreported Improvemtnt Improvemtntreprte Improvementreported reported reprte In the condition contoR of Of Mrs Mr 1 A Acannot APolok APollock Polok Pollock lat last night although the doctom doctomcannot cannot cnnot say Just what the outcome outcme will wil be beBOUGHT beBOtGH beISOLGIT BOUGHT BOtGH BENNETTS BENNES HOMEJ HOlE HBennett HBnnet HBennett Bennett Bnnet has hs sold ld his hl home hme together tOJether with with56x132 Wth Wth5xl3 with5xl 56x132 5xl3 5xl feet fet of ground grn facing south uth on onSouth onn onIz onSouth South Temple street between and 0to Otion to Helene Iz Veil W1 fbr 7109 Fh rho ta taUon transec transection tion took place pbce on Saturday Sttuny and anl the deed deedwas was tiled fie tor rPn rwrd nl yesterday yesterdayACREAGE yesterdayACIIIeAGE eterdy eterdyACUEAGE ACREAGE SOLD CHEAP CHEAPA A warran warranty wnn warranti ty 1 deed was med for record rtrd with wih the thecounty thef thecounty county recowler reco der yesterday conveying from James a Sami Sarnpsoit 8ttrg to Bothweh Bothwehfor rfor for a a consideration CsldenUon lt of 1300 1 lot 2 2 block blok blokfnacre 12 12fiveacre fiveacre fnacre plat A facing flcnF fctngwest west anil RUI iiil south southon suth suthon southon on State and Id Eleventh Elev South uth streets Ktref KtrefERAL streetsINSRAI KINEKAL ERAL OF GEORGE ILAYTKlt lLAYnm lLAYnmhe The he funeral services rle uv over the Ih rtmaliiK rtmih1 of olUfle George Ufle 1 Play Ibter Iiayter ter will wi be I held at the thechapel theehapl hchapel chapel ehapl ot Lnaertaker Lrnoeraker Jbe lbselh Ih UHHHm UHHHmTaylor WlittaniTaylor Vllm Vllmrr Taylor on Wednewilay at 2i3u The Thelunerul Thetunerigi rr lunerul 1 1V1 will I V1 be under rltu the auspice a ae aI of ofSalt ofSalt Salt Lake Typographical I union I and it is isunderstood understood the ritual ot lt ltI ltthe the Woodmen of ofthe ofthe the World will 1 IK observed obrve at tl the grave graveMr gIe gIeMr gravetr Mr No tr SX 55CONTRACT Playter Py tEl being bng a member membr of lodge lodgeNo lodgeNo ge geo geCOlRAC CONTRACT COlRAC FOR VALVK VALVI 11OUSBS 11OUSBSThe HOUSE IIOIJSESThe The board br ot public pub works work yesterday yeerR let letsubject 1t1 letsubject subject 8ubjt 10 the council tonl a approval a IP rv 1 tli tlicontract the thecntract tie tiecontract contract cntract to Andrew Anre Grantor lnor ttwe Ipwtsi JWl JWlof lOWest of four bidders bidder lor constructing cou trcuns brick brickvalve b4ckvalve kvalve valve houses hOut according Mccrln to the city ciy pn pnsnrl esgiueers nSineers Sineers plans Ians and specifications 8plftonlor For the thevalv thewaive snrl valv waive house at 1 the new re reaervoir rvojr on onFirst tiltFirst First South sat and a Thirteenth hr hthe Kast streets streetsthe trpetsthe the contract price prce ia i IsiS and ald lor the te three threealong tr tralon threealong along alon the tnt Parleys rks conduit cndun at points 01 otconnections 01connetous 01Conhlettlotts connections Wri WriSTlDKNTS Ji JiSTIDKNT tor pipes plps the te cost ct pnt will ll be beWri be11i STlDKNTS STIDKNT STl rKNTS AT MIN I KS gSIrofessor Pror lrlr ssor RR I HIt Lymati a I and ad his senior snlur engineers ot otthe oflh 1 1the the lh iiuor murshy iiy returned retured yeater yeatcrdiy elea engr uiy merit moruinj Iru Iruinl meritmc inj inl mc tram IrO their ttU trip ot inspection iOpuon to tl tOe tnemines lnenunes mines of Kurekii burka AH were well we pleased pleasedwitn pleasedvita vita the resuts 0 their Visit and pe fIKicially es esiecially IKicially Itlal no with wth the kind treatment trtment an thy thyreceived ty tyrccPIed thYreceived received from the In manatcetntut manault ol flit tb va vsiLou a aI rious mines The scnior nlol were wer pleased pleasedwith pleasedWith with wih the Ul practical 1nCUlll lessons they tbe MiV in inmachinery Inmhlur liisnahiiiery I machinery mhlur and an mliwtlrabtrmg rlDtmb The Theparty TheI ThcI party I rl Was especially III attracted atrcte by thw thwCentennlaiKureka tht thtCentennIalEureka I CentennlaiKureka CnttnnlalEurka the UI nMtcbtnery machiny at tif lne lneKurtall 10 10Eurekahut ei i Kurekalllll Kurtall mill and nd the tb lower levels leve 1eve of ofth i the th Mammoth MaIUotb Mt MJ Messrs srM lloklen Hoklen Ailen AilenW Ain Ainand A Aand and Brown 01 the teDtennialrurk tenteniiiairurska 1 1w Kittr ier of the th Cureka urka Hill HU and an A A 2 2Critmon UCrisinon OCrismon Crisinon of the th Mammoth Mamloh all al aided ake in inmaking inmlung in inmking making the th top tnI pruliiable pruliiablevvisity pnfliuibielIiE rnabe rnabel lIiE VNlERSTY TY PAPItTbeilnt PAPItTbeilntvity PAPEbeunl vvisity 11 lNIXER students tudent mt in general eller5l rl assembly assemblyyesterday assemblyyesterday mhl mhltttrday yesterday tttrday at 15 noon Bn i iti qtoetfbd ectiIjitW thjr iwiu iwiuilJiil Itll Itlldlal ilJiil omcers otcer oi 41 the Chronieie ltrmu al lot totf8 bc the comiim cm cmil com cOinSlug lug il year Kitas las HaUf llUion Hatsonot ot the tl Mmml Mmmllas 1enual 1enualI 11011151ilast ilast las I ot 59 was WI eleted t1te cie ted eUltorutolMi eUltorutolMiami elurelHI elurelHIh ami Leroy Sanders iMwhMtts nwuMKer nwuMKerHoth niassgcrBoth Both are well el known to the students or ortheir ortheir their activity activit in IUtle college events eent CVeII Tliey Tlieywere rhe rheacre I were re given th the privilege prllte of naming nming their Uietrown ttr theirown I own altantl ataistants iKsl tant8 ni Ultn upon on the tU Chronicle Chrnle stuff stuffand star tatf tatfsnd I IMnd and th tMI these In 1 turn will wil IMS puswed paces upon uponun ulmandtupprte ui III IIIUni un andtupprte Uni i supported by tn th the student Ituent body boy Over Ot er I 14 HI students stUttnts sulmcrttxd 8Ubr for the Hilir JIIHrdlr JIIHrdlrIng dir diring diring ing the tb meetinc IDelne so 8 that tht its It svccew le 5UCCtI i iinsured IKI IKIotsurd lassured insured otsurd The Th students tudent also at elected Harry HarryHolmes arry arryHolmes Holmes a aa as president of the th et Field Fil FIeI 1 club clubIn cul I In i 1lae 115cc lae of Nelnon IID Dickerman Dlckman WhO has hasnot lliOnot I not returned rfturw to school Ihol this tbl year yearTHE yer yerTHB yearTHE THE SCHOOL sriERINTKNDBNTS sriERINTKNDBNTSVISITS SIPEdINT1NDENn SIPEdINT1NDENnYJ6ITSSuue srlEthNTgNDISNrs srlEthNTgNDISNrsVISITStiutte I VISITS YJ6ITSSuue State Superintendent 8uprntt McVtcker McVtckerof llcVker ZticViCkeot I Ior of the department depmnt or i lu liu5dc uMtc luatmetiun luatmetiunhas IUln lustruetlorIms has hs returned returl irpza apm a visit sit of iiupeetion iiupeetionto i lon to the puMie Imblc sihoolM Ihool in Sanprte Sevicr SevicraiiU Sicr Sicrln S01Clcud I cud ln Wttixe Va 11 Ve counties cuDtl and Influte in kat clete le enty entyI esSilt esSiltat ty tyas as I at far south luth as Maryxvate 11tvai traveling 1veir travetilWerel travetilWereli ever every 1 i miles by atag tge Mrs MeWckar 1tckt re reports reilorts ports lorts hutma la UI heel ha a warm wam reception rtlon by byschool ty tychoul 10choui school trustees trustt and an educator plucto Who take takean tk tkan takean an tntbusltU enthusiasttr iithu iuxUc interest Intret in school thl work workliiny workalany liiny un meetinas runp were held at the te places placesvisited p1es p1esd plcrevlsitedl visited I and questions almost innumer innumerable innunerable able were aimed and nd answered a relating relatingto reintiflIi lf lfto to Ii the better bter conduct co diict lct ot school hol work work In Inseveral InttTerl Irseveral several ttTerl of theaouthern the aut rn cities ctes the super superintendeni supr suprInt superintefldeni intendeni Int nf found fun ucbool cbol buildings bldlDgt of such suchhigh sck scknigh high typ that they Would wol do credit cret to tocity a acity aely city ely ris is large larBt nrgc as Salt dlt Lake Lk Mrs 11 Mc McVliker Me Vliker ikr will wil insi inspect ct the tIC schools shnll in Weber Webercounty WeoeiC eOr eOrcuult county cuult ill i1t th tatter ater part prt ot this vr waSh 4k and andait andBI1 Soc ait BI1 slur lei tour tourVKATI loU eUton ci to she lhe will 11 start Iart on wH another anotherlor aother anothetlei WjATIIR WtATItlR VKATI iR FOR NOVEMBER 1OVBAUISRFor 1OVBAUISRForth NOVtMlLFoi For Fortbose I those th anxi anx afixtous to know kn the poMiMHttas POIaib1U ot otNovember ofNofrr tbe November Nofrr weather th the United LnlN pblt States Statesweather Sttes 3 i iwtattr weather wtattr bureau has compiled cum ple utatieties utatietiesruwriiK Iti8t statislicteuveriti I IovO ruwriiK ovO iA 1 iitysix Il ysix six yeers wr of ol oh olesrvthi olesrvthiis eratn eratnIf rvat in inIK IK If Halt II Lakefity Iakt I uke ih it The mean normal normaltemiKralun normaltmllrat norms IC I temiKralun tmllrat 11 oi i 1 an I average anrugt November tiax tiaxt ha habn habeen bn been 44 d5i wih with aserege ege rt non il 111 lou of I I Iud lies Th Yolrmft ysrmiet Novr Nov rri her WU wits il iii wih slit an arag 1 erage 01 il tdegre i dgr Ih ti that oT 1SSO 1 win wiunat a nthe the aVr nrg at 3t 3 The Tk weui weuifith tOtt tOttmth tmoeth mth moeth WHM ws In i with wih a precipitation of I 3 3l cans peas roast ralt of beef 11 ff 10 pounds poundsliard liard I lard 1 sack sck white whie xtyrnmeal 26 cents centscabbage cabbage cbbage 50 I cents cnts rice I package soda sodaI 1 bottle btte lemon lemn extract extrct 5 pounds ounds dried driedapples driedaJples driedapples apples 1 package pekage starch strch 1 bushel bushelwheat busheJwhEat wheat whEat 1 plug horseshoe horshoe tobacco 2 gal gl glIons galone I Ions one coal al oil 01 half hal gallon syrup 1 box boxI boxoda i I soda soda crackers crcker 1 gross glS matches matche 1 peck pek peckcarrots 1 carrots cnots i pound butter buter 1 pair No 3 3bys boys bys shoes shoes 1 pair pll shoes TCo o7 7 300 300pounds 30ti pounds punds hay and 200 pounds Punds bran for the thecow tbecw thecow i I cow cw Please Pleae send at once onceInasmuch onceIn onceInasmuch Inasmuch In much as Willinms family famly is be being beIng beng ing i iI ng provided with the necessaries of oflife ofI 01ife i life ife fe at the citys expense during the theperiod thepriod period priod of quarantine quarantne noeffort no effort will wi be bemade bei mad made to furnish the complaining mpla nlng ones oneswith oneswtth i with the articles artcles that go to make up upepicurean upepleurn I epicurean meals The quarantine quarantne over overthe overthe the stricken household will wi be lifted lted as assoon ast0n I soon t0n as it I is safe sfe to do so but when whenthe whenthe whezithe asI I the relief relef comes it I is feared Mr Wil Williatns Willlama VI Hams will wf be more disappointed than thanif I Iif if his requisition rquisition for groceries etc etcwere etcwere etcvere I were promptly prompty filled flled to the letter letter8I 581 58 8I inches while whie ISOd was visited with 16 wih the dryest drYtst November pr 1 record the rain rainthat rainthat I Ithat that fell fel being too meagre mege to admit of ofmeasurement ofmiurment 01 I Imeasurement measurement miurment The highest temperature temperaturerecorded temperture temperturererdedwI I Ireqorded recorded rerdedwI was 74 degrees degree on Nov 6 9S 9Sand 98and Hand and Nov No two years ers previous holds holdsthe holdsI holdspr holdithe the palm I for the lowest notch the mer merracy I racy dropping pr to 2 negroes below I zero i The day day blended bllltd with wit the th greatest greattst fall fallof tal fal I Iof of rain was Nov No 18 1S76 1 when 155 1 inches Inchts fell itJI The greatest greltest snowfall snovfa1 for one Oe day was that of Nov 21 4 92 9 being belng97 9l7 InchesUth inches inchesCoaL inchesUtah Uth Utah CoaL CoaLCastle Coa CoaLCastle Castle Caste Gate Sunny Side and Clear Creek Creek lump lup 5500 50 50O per ton on Winter Winterj WinterQuarters Inter InterIQuarter IQuarter Quarters lump and all al nut Iut coal 475 47iper 75 75IDR IDR IDRI per ton tonAnthracite tonAnthracite Anthracite Athracite all sizes 1350 90 0 per ton tonD ton tonD SHARP Agt SHRP gt I 73 7 South Main ain street stIetTeieDbone Telenhone 430 430TTtah 43 5 5Utah 0 Utah tah Commercial and Savings Svngs Bank BankGeneral BankGeneral General banking business interest interestpaid intereHpaid Lpaid paid on savings Slngs deposits depois Arm Armstrong Ar Armstrong I strong president prldent a Caine cashier cahier cahierTCT cashiera cashierLEE TCT TCTLEE LEE ORDERED FROM CUBA CUBAGeneral CUBAGeneral I I II General Gnerl Is Transferred Trnsfered to Headquar Headquarj Headqua I ters tels at Omaha OmahaAVashington Omah OmahaWashington Washington Yahlngton Oct Oct 29 tOAn Anorder An order was wasIssued wasIsued tissued I Issued Isued today tfda by direction dirton of the presi president presldent president dent discontinuing discontnuin the te division of Cuba Cubaand I Iand I and the eastern and western depart departj departnnts departmeats mints nnts of of that division divillon and establishing establishingard stabIshlng stabIshlngI the department of Cub Cuba Generl General Leon Leonrood Leonard ard Wood rood is placed placd In command of tht thtnew tht thinew new department department General Fitzhugh Fizhugh Lee Le is ordered orred to command cOmman the depart departmerit depar department I merit mert of the Missouri I sfurl with wth headauart headauarters headquarter ers er at Omaha OmahaGeneral OmahaGeDI OmahaGeneral General GeDI El Elwel well Otis has ba been or orfte fte ditetZ ted to Chicago Chl Rb to command cmmandthe the de depnrthieat dePMut dopertinent pertinent PMut of the lake lakO lakes The depart department departm dpartmerit merit nt of the Missouri Mlsourl has been ben bnde bndetie tindethe trnder trnderthe the tie command Cnmant of General Genfrallerm Merrtam and andthe anflI an I Ithe I the department deprtmnt of the lakes Jke under the thecommand th thI Pcommand command omnnd of General Generl Wade dC both bth of ofwhom ofwhom 0 i iwhom I whom rarily rarilyj riy have been hn In command commad tempo temporarily temporiy temporarliy 1 First Firt and ad Foremost ForemostI I In the he field tpld of medicine meicine is Hoods Sex SarI Sa SexsapaHila I saparitta sprUI It possesses poe ss actual actaJ and ad un unequalled uneuale unequalled i equalled euale merit by which it cures all al a I diseases dl aRf caused au ed or promoted promote by Impure Impureor Impuror or impoverished Impverishe blood blo If I you have haverheumatism haverheumtlm liarrheumatism rheumatism rheumtlm dyspepsia dyspepia scrofula scrful yu or 01 ca catarrh catrrb entstrrh tarrh trrb you may ma take tke Hoods Hoos SarsaparH SArsparJ la and be cured ure If I you yu are run down downand downand a aand and feel fel weak wfak ana ani tired Ure you may be besure besure esure sure It will wi do you good goodThe go goThe goodThe The favorite favorte family famlI cathartic cataric is i Hoods Hods Pills Pil PilThetricl Theatrical Thetricl Manager nager Dies Diewthkngo Chicago Chigo Oct Oct 29 29George 9Geowebunlap George ihinlap ihinlapwho Dunlai Dunlaiwho who was at one onf time tme t1m na neof naof of the thf most mostprominent DloStprminent nioz it itprominent prominent prminent theatrical thetrical nn nln inthe In the United UnitedStates Un1tedStates 17nte dStates States Is dead at the th Aiaxian A dan Brothers Brother 1 hospital hospitl Mr Dunlap tls aj3 the manager managerof manageof of the McCaull IcCaul Opera company when De Wolf Hopper Digby Bell Bel and Mme a Cotrelly Cotrely were wer among Its It members membErs Be fore entering enterng the theatrical theatcal business busineS he Ii had made made a fortune as a druggist dr st in inewYork i i New ewYork York The remains rmains will wil be sent sentto sentto set It Itto to Danville Danvle Ky 1 for burial burial15O 1150 150 to 100 30O a Yard Silks Siks 85c 85cSaid S5c 0 Said Sl begins bgns today AT ATVALKERS ATVALKERSLCK WALKERS WALKERsBLACK BLACK LCK DRESS DRSS GOODS SALE SALEMonday SALEMonday SALEIilonday Monday and TuesdayOnly TuesdayOnlyTwentyJive TesdayOny TesdayOnyTwentyfve Tuesday Only OnlyTwentyfive TwentyJive Twentyfve pieces ees black perola suit suitings sultIng suitings ings Ing all al new and chio designs Val Values Value Vaues ues ue up to 250 for ony on only 98c a yard yardAT yardAT ard ardAT AT AUERBACH BRO BROFire BROFire BROFire Fire Sale Sae of Sheet Shet Music MusicDamage Music Damage by smoke smoke For one week weekonly weekonly wee 11 only any piece of muslc 10 cents cent each eachretail eachretai eac eacretail retail retai price pric pO 0 cents cent 3000 3O to select selectfrom selet selettrom selei tfrom from Beesleys opposite oppsie I IThe LC Ls a aThe The Curse Cure of lomankind lomankindis omakd omakdI niankIid is I sick sck and nervousheadaches neroushe aces Sher Shermans Shermans Sheti mans Headache Cure gives give instant Instnt re relief retef ri i lief tef One dose cures cures Guaranteed Gua anteed per perfectly pertety rir fectly tety harmless armles Immediate Immelnta relef rel pciC 23c 23canOIOc 2e 2eanlL 2t 2tantIIOc anOIOc anlL 10e a it box It I cures cures neuralgia neuralgiaEvery neursilgiEvery Every Ever box guaranteed guarnteed For sale sle by byUodbePUts tGodbePitts UodbePUts City HudbfP Utah Uth t8 Drug company 11 a Salt Snl Lake LakeCity Lke LkeCity Lal tPalm Palm Fern er andBulb zd dulb Bulb Sale Sa Priees Prlef a third lesfe totsjIirth han 1nr usual today todayand toda todaand fodaand and the week AT tT WALKERS WAUEItSL JKns I FTCH F1T FRCED FO8ED I ICoerel TO BET Covered Coerel The TIe Heralds Heral Sl 1000 1000Offer OOO OOOOffer Offer Yesterday YesterdayCOULD ester ny nyC01LD 5 COULD C01LD HAVE GOT oDDS oDDSONS ODDS ODDSBONTTS ODDSBONUS BONUS ONS OP 1OO OFFERED OFE FOB FOBTHE FORTH THE TH WAGER WAGERForced AGER AGERI AGERForc I Forced Forc by The Herald Held publication publcaton of ofSunday ofSundl Sunday Sundl Into a plac placl place where where he either eitherhad eiher eiherha eitherhnd had ha to put up his money mone or be beIaughe beIaugheout laughed laughedout laugh out of town twn Tom Fitch yesterday eterda ac accepted accepte ancepted cepted cepte the wager of fl000 1000 10 posted psted for fo forten ten days dayln daysijin in The Herald window that thatMcKintey thatMcKinley Ierld tat tatMcKinly McKinley McKinly will wi not carry ery Utah Mr MrFitch 11 Fitch Fich deposited depe a a certified crtfed check che for the themoce themoney i money moce In the office ofce of the Tribune Tbune and andthat andthat that organ orn yesterday yeterday announced that It was wa there tere As soon as an agreement agreementcould agrement could culd be le drawn drwn up the wager was com completed cm cmpletE cornpieted pleted pletE and It i is now deposited in re reliable rei i liable lable hands to awaijt awa the outcome outcme of ofthe the the election lecton Thpre Is plenty more cash cashto csb csbto 1 to wager ort or oh the proposition propositon that Bryan Bryanwill an will wi carry crr Utah Uth or 01 that tat McKinley McKinle will wU willnot not carry Ccr it itOne it itOne One On of the sore men in Sal Salt Lake Lakewhen Lke Lkewhtn when whtn he heard her of the Fitch Fich bet was Peery Peer jr Why didnt Fitch Fich Fichcme come cme to me meT said sid Mr 11 Peery I would have given him odds of JlOCO 100 to 900 90 Another Anutherwel well known citizen ctzen and a Re Republican Republcan Republician publican publcan at that offered ofered a bonus bQuS of 100 10 for or the wager The Te proposal proposl was declined deUne with thanks More Bryan ra Money MoneyShould Should any Republican Republcan desire to post postmore postmore more money mone on the national natonal ticket tcket In Inthis Inthis inthis this state Ktat he will wi find fnd Matt 1lat Qullen Culen uuen a ready taker of the Bryan Brn end up to a areasonably alesoRnbl reasonably lesoRnbl large amount Mr lr Cullen Culen isone is one of the most enthusiastic enthusiastc sup porters Pre of Mr Bryan Bran As an old mln man who hasBy haBy haab diligenceand digence and far farsigmedness fslgntednes sigmedness slgntednes an amassed ased a competency he heVoted heVoted heoted Voted for Bryan ran in 1895 1891 and has seen seenno fen fenno no reason to change hang his opinion of the thegreat thegrt thegreat great grt leader lcdfr since then thenAnother thenAnother thenAnolher Another prominent Deiroerat DNrocrt desires to say that he has 5000 500 to bet that Bryan Bryn carries Utah Pth His name will wi be furnished on application I furnishe appleaton and his Is check is good for ten times tme the amount he goQ I I desires to wager wagerA I A novel election eleton bet was madeyes madeyesterday made Yt yes StCrday terday between 1 Peterson Peteron and I Elijah Eljah Sheets Sheet both bth of the Mine MineSmelter Smelter Supply company company Under a I forfeit forfei of 5 it I was wa agreed age that the loser losershould loserhould should wheel the th winner from frr Walkers Walkersdry Walkersry dry ry goods store to the Pioneer monu I merit rnf and dJ back on the tV Saturday mn night nightafter nightfter tafer after afer a ae fter election el Uon Sheets Shets took the Bryan Bryani Bran Branend I i end nd of the wager and Peterson banks his faith on McKinley winning I i At Park City Ciy yesterday yeterday a group of ofDalyWest I goup i DalyWest miners miner took the short end endof endor endof of a bet bt of 255 25 to 510 that at Bryan will willI wf I I be elected electedMETEOROIOGICAI electe i I cMTOROLOGICA METEOROLOGICAL MTOROLOGICA REPORT BEPOKTYesterdays REPORTYerdys REPORTYesterdays I I Yesterdays Yerdys Record RecoX at the te Local Office Offlceof Ofce Ofceof of the Weather Weather Bureau BureauMaximum ueau ueaufaxlmum ureau Maximum Maximumimum temperature jraturc erturf 33 degrees deges min inindegrees minimum mm mmmum imum i mum tei teitcmperatui te ur 3 32 degrees degees mean meanj men mentlmpertu meantemperatu tcmperatui tcmperatuigrees tlmpertu iiHiiJgramtjagfjjyiegrees gets grees which is 16 dt dt do dogrees grees se beloSSIf8Snormal belo beloSALT flormel accumulated a ex excess cxcess cess of temperature 1rd 1rdm since 1st of month nlt 3S degree degr degretsi5 accumulated a umullted excess of tem temperaturesince peraturesince peratureslnc Jan jan I I ill il degrees degees xces TfatSl TfatSlprecipitation teQ tkI tkIr I precipitation from 6 to 6 4 inch accumulated excess of precipitaI PI 1 1a i lion sfnce 1st of month 55 inch accu accumulateddetlcienoy accumutated mulateddetlcienoy mutated a deficiency ei lec ot rt rte precipitation II III since i I Jan 1 3 12 I Inches Oh jMaximum I I SALT SAT LCITYS LAKE A KK CITYS ENYON ENYONAdvertises HEW NW HOTEI HOTEIAdvertises HO HOTLENYON LH KNON I Advertises Advertse tself tlf as a high class cl I hotel of merit and Don Porter sees to it I that the hotel is as good in every everyparticular evr everyparticular particular rUculara as advertised erUse a rule that thatwill thatwi thatwill will wi apply to the ie hotel business with withspecial withsDecial withspecial special force forceThe forceThe a rThe The sample ballot balot as a published publsh in inthis I Ithis this mornings morlings Herald is that of thp th i I I I First Firt precinct precinct We Ve mention menton this in ah ahswer ai I swer to 0 the many man inquiries Inlulrle we have ha re received ruceived ceived as to why Morris lIors Sommers name namedoes namedoes 1 1does does not appear as justice justce of the peace peaceMorris pa paloris peaceMorris Morris loris many Dany friends will wU have a achance achance a achance chance to vote for him hlr qn the regular regularoriginal reglar reglarorginal regularoriginal original orginal ballot bal of aea aeaSee the th I Second precinCt precinqtSee ircin precinCtaea tI See Hehesy the Furrier Furrierfor Furer Furerfor FurrierI for I furs Knutsford Knut InutsfordSecial ford 1 1pecial Special Notice NoticeNational NoticeNatonaJ NotIceNational National NatonaJ and local lol election elellon returns by byspecial byspecial bspecial special wire will wi be received at the theWalker theYaJker theWalker Walker House Pools Pols now being sold soldMailed sld sldcommissions soldMailed Mailed commissions will wil receive strict strictattention strictatenton striciattention attention atenton Telephone 20S 20SPalm 208Palm 205a 205Palm a Palm Fern er and ad Bulb ulb Sale SalePrices Sae SaePrices SalePrices Prices a third less les than usual today todayand todayand toda9and and the week AT ATVALKRS ATVALKRSWANEDHEL WALKERS WALKERSWAN7EDHELP WALKERSWANTEDHEIR WAN7EDHELP WAN7EDHELPGOOD WANEDHEL WANTEDHEIRGOOD GOOD GIRL for general generl housework housework No Nowashing Nowahln Ni I Iwashier II IIGOOD I wahln washing 500 0 per pr week BIT 1 Second Send st stBOY st stBOY BOY ta tf assist a8lst in office offce Good refer refe referericea i iel encet el requIred reuired Address Addres 157 10 Herald Herld HeraldAGIINT AGENT AGl to do soliciting solcitng 171 AV So Temple TempleTAILORS TempleTAILORSne TempleTAILORSOne I 1 TAILORS TAILORSne One coatmaker andone anti one all al I Iround I Iround al round tailor talkr good goo wages wag steady stead work i Apply Clark the tailor Park AIJpy Clrk tior City CityGIRL CI CIGIRL CityGIRL GIRL for general generl housework housewbrk Good Goodwages Goodwales 1 1wages wages wales No washing whing 773 7 East Et First lrst SoUth SotuhGIRI Softh SofthGJUI SoUthGIRL GIRL for general genenl housework houswork 57 South I State street streetCOMPETENT street streetCOMPETINT COMPETENT COlPETT NURSE girl grl not under under 18 year ers old for a child chid 2 years ean of age agepplY agetpply Apply pplY Mrs Mr Hughes HUgh 316 Fourth Fourh East EastEXPERT East EastEXPERT EXPERT FUR sewer good wages no noapprentices noaprentCwRnted a aapprentices apprentices aprentCwRnted wanted Mehesy llehesy Furrier Furier Furriet1total Hotel tctel Knutuford KnutufordEXPERIENCED Knutford KnutfordEXERIENCED KnulafordEXPERIENCED EXPERIENCED EXERIENCED ACTRESS to play pla old oldwoman ohwomn 01 1 1woman woman womn characters chracters good god juvenile juvenie roan roanand manand runtand and character charatter comedian must havo good goodmodern goo i imodern lood loodmofrn modern mofrn wardrobe wardrob Address Addre John Lind Lindsay say Idaho Falls Ida IdaGIRL IdaEiiit GIRL Eiiit FOR general housework 124 12 Yo 17th th South SouthGOOD SouthG SouthGOOD GOOD COOK no washing Apply Mr 1 ila iol lr lrGIRL George Wallace Poppertoh Place PlaceGIRL I lace laceGIRL clr GIRL WANTED WANTEDfor ATEDfor for general generl housework Apply at 23 2 Third Thir street streetI street streetA I A A WOMAN YOMA chambermaid hamberaid at 1 Id East Ea First South South SouthPIST SouthPIANIST PIANIST PIST IMMEDIATELY UIEDITELY to travel trnv i iwith lwltl wltl with a strictly strctI firstclass frtlal theatrical thetricl com company compn conpony pony Must Iust be a sight sight reader reder and play pin pn specialties speialtes at sight Salary Sala sure Ad A dress dre immediately Immeatel Manager Theatrlca Theatrlcacompany Thetlc Theatrlrcompany company Rock Rok Springs Sprns Wyo WyoGIRL WyoGIRL yo yoGIRL GIRL for EoI general enerl housework also aI nurs nursgirl nU lit litgirl egrJ girl grJ 971 9 5th So SoLARGE SoLARGE SoLARGE LARGE HOUSE wants want capable cpabe men and andwomen andwomen an i iwomen women to act as general generl agents agent 900 year ear ly salary saar expenses expenles extra commissions brilliant briiant opportunity opporunity Stafford Press Pres Co Now Haven Conn ConnTWO ConnTO ConnTWO TWO TO GOOD pants makers maker maersat at once onc Wal 1 lace Sr Co 10 18 Main street streetGIRL street streetGIRL StreetGIRL once GIRL for general gener housework and cook Ing Apply ppJy C70 Brigham BrighamW Brgha BrghaSALT BrighamSALT SALT LAKE Employment A Agency Second South Sout phone 6S52 62 Help nC of 6 i all al kinds knds promptly ompty supplied supplcd A reliable relable rellab rellabmedium medIm medium between betwen employer employe and ad employee Place wants want with wth us usSTROCKS us usSTROCKS usSTROCKS STROCKS STROCKSEmployment STROCKSEmploent STROCKSEmployment Employment Agency Agenc Successor Succt sor to the Herkelrath Herkelath Co Strock Strck Proprietor PrDretor PrDretorl All kinds of help promptly supplied 3 iol ti fJou South Main aY hr Basement ty Tel r1 r1lOS 4C 4CLOST iL iLPAIR lOS lOSPAR LOST LOSTPAIR PAIR PAR GOLDRIMMED IED GLASSES IASS on on Suite sute between belw oLDRf Third Thir and nnl Fourth South flout out reward Return Retur to 5H South Suth State st st st and andrfCelv receive rcei Co I HELP HEP AND A SITUATIONS SIATONS RANT RANTED WATED WANT WANTD ED ADVTS AVS WILL BE ACCEPTED ACCEPTEDIN ACCEPED ACCEPEDL IN 1 THESE TSE COLUMNS COLUS FREE FRE OF OFCHARGE OFCHAGE OFHARGE CHARGE CHARGESHERWOODS CB CHAGE CHAGERAC BACE OFCES OPFI i FOR BECEI1 BECEI1OPWANT RAC OF OPWANT v5n1E TS TSSHERWOODS WA AVTES AVTESSHWOODS SHERWOODS SHWOODS PHARMACr pHoC Fifth Fift South Sout outh and State Stte street HAZEL HAEL DRUG stet CO corner core of West WestFirst Wet WetFrt WEStirst First Frt irst South Sout and ad Fourth Four Wet Wetcors West WestMCOYS Third Thirdouth MCOYS cors PHARMACY PHR corner crer South Sout outh and ad Fifth Flth East EastFOULGER Et EtFOULER EastFOULGER FOULGER FOULER BROS BROE CO 68 6 I street stret I COUL COULAM Eighth Et EaSt and andFIrt First FIrt irst South SouthA Sout A DAVIS DA V1S CO corner core Seventh SeventhSouth Sevent Seventhouth South Sout outh and Seventh Senth East EastWANTEDL Dt DtWAD WANTED WANTEDLGEJCTLEMAN WAD GEJCTLEMAN L3iN AND WIFE want fuj ur urnishe nished nishe ni shed house hous of about abut eight rooms roms Ad Address Adress Addrs5 dress drs5 ress 1SS li Herald HeraldTHEATRICAL Hcrald Hcraldt THEATRICAL people ladles dpany and gen gentfemen tfemen tl exnen with fJC fJCcrW specialties crW for comedy com company cornAnswer pany Answer to 1 care ce Herald Herld office officeer oac oacggt ggt tOPPER scrap a at 1214 centS per er rUnd rUndRe pound poundOkJ I OkJ rubber atS at P8 P8a cents per zt pound poundHeavy polinti1teavy Re Heavy brass brs at 11 1 cents per poundF pund pound pouruLF Roberts ber 521 5i Wet West Second SndSouth SndSouthGIRL South SouthGIRL GIRL FOR light housework houework Go home homenights homenlshts lght nights Call Cl Monday Mrs lln Reed Ree 321 321South mSouti Souti South outh West Vet Temple TempleTO Temple TempleTO TO RENT REl four foul to seven room rom house housefurnished boue bouefnrlshe housernished uip furnished fnrlshe ui rnished or unfurnished unfurishe Address Adde with withpjirticulars wlUrpnrtfmlar withnrtlculars pjirticulars pnrtfmlar 1 Herald Herld office officeIF otce otceF IF YOU want wantto to sell your household householdfurniture hOUSEhold hOUSEholdfuritur householdurniture furniture furitur fS carpets crtt stoves st el etc etc call cal at 2VJ 2VJSouth 219outh t3 t3fouth South fouth outh State bst prices pricespaid paid Neve NeveBUSINESS NeeBUSINESS BUSINESS MEN IEN and women to take takesubagents tke tkeexclush exclush xclusive agency for a state and contl contlsupagent control controlubagents subagents supagent handling hatdUng Dr Whites hles Electric ElectricComb Eectrc EectrcComb Electricomb Comb omb 53000 3000 0 per month compensation compensationWrite Write Vrle yrlte and ad Ill Il prove it It David Rose Rse D7 D7Water oi oiN Water St St Decatur lit 111the IL ILLDIE litLADIES LDIE LADIES AND lentemcn gentlemen to Itruc ifltrOdUCO ifltrOdUCOhe the the he hottest seller seler on earth eath Dr Whites WhitesEleotric Whiteslectric sElectric Electric Comb Patented Patente 1SSO 1S Cures all allforms al fy forms fors orms of scalp slp ajlments Iment headaches etc etcyet etc yet et costs coste the same sme as a an ordinary orinar comb combSend combN combend Send end SOc in stamps for sample David DavidRose DavidV Davidose Rose ose 757 Water Decatur III IIIWANTED IiiWANTEDSECONDHAND rl WANTED WANTEDSECONDHAND AlEDSECONDHD SECONDHAND FURNI FURNIt FURNItra ture tra ure amid nd ld stoves stove at 44 I 1st 1t So Mirrors Mirrorsrepaired MIrr repaired repairedALL repair repairALL epairedALL ALL KINDS ICINDS0Z of mining mln machinery marhlner and andieols andtools tools at the Acme Mining Machinery Machner Co 327 3 3 So Temple TempleCUSTOMERS Temple TempleCIYSTOMERS lnlhg CUSTOMERS I at Deskeys Dekes Vacating Vactn VactnCOLLECS Cloihlng Sale SaleCOLLECTS SaleCOLLECTS COLLECTS COLLECS anywhere ann rc everywhere everywhereUtah everywhereltali velher velherUt Utah Ut Collection Coiecton Agency 10 Eagle Eglo block blockCARPENTERING I CARPENTERING CAPENTERING PLASTERING PiASEI NG and andpainting andpaintn andainting painting paintn for merchandise merchandise 64 5 Yo 1st Sroom 13oam room ram ramUNGLE 2CG 2CGUNCLE UNCLE UNGLE SAM loans money mone on diamonds diamondswatches watches jewelry jewelr instruments Instrments clothing clothingetc cothln cothlnetc etc etc tc at half hllf interest Intfrpst Great bargains in inunredeemed ianredeemed unredeemed unrfdeeme overcoats oVtlcoat clothing clothng barns and andwatches ad adwtc andatches watches wtc es 26 1st South SouthSECONDHANO SouthSECONUA SECONDHANO SECONUA GOODS Webber Webbe 266 2 6 66 State 51 t8 street streetTO strept TO BUT BU all al the secondhand furniture furniturestoves fUlure stoves and carpets clet for sale In city Get Getour Getou our ou 0 03 price before selling sellng I Is 45 8 East EastSecond Et Second ond South Sout street streetNEW steet streetNEW NEW and SECONDHAND goods goodsbought gods bought ugh sold and nd SECONHD jxchanced xchamed Bargains Bargainseven Barln3 I even ever day SecondHand SecondHad Co 78 ESd Fd eI tny A ZdSoulb ZdSoulbFOR Sd I South SouthFOR FOR SALEREAL SAlEIEl ESTATE ESTATEWE EATE EATEWE ESTATEWE WE SELL real estate esttethas estatethats thats all al Tuttle Tutte Tuttleros Bro ros 149 Main street street Red Re ball bal signs signsALL sigs sigsALL I ALL KINDS all parts prts of the city ciy Houston HOlstoa Real eJ Estate Estt Inv Co 244 4 Main Mainv aln alnANTEDProDer WANTEDpropertY ANTED ANTEDProDer Property owners to know knowthat knowthat knowhat that that I have a great geat many many owner customers customer for torhouses lorhoose forhouses houses hoose and lots In all parts part of the city al et etI If I I you yu care cre to sell you cannot cnnot do any bet better betterthan ter terthan than list Jst it with A A Richter Rchter Home HomeInvetment Homenvestment I Investment Invetment I Co 6 8 10 10Yetls West 1st SouthHuttle South SoutiLHuttie outh outhHutte Huttle Hutte Bros Bros THE REAL REAL REA ES ESTATE ESTATE ESTATE TATE PEOPLE PEOPLEProgesHerld Progress ProgesHerld ProgressHerald Herald Bldg Bldg4or J4SOCor 4or lot lot 4x10 8th and sts stsr ats45OIr 000 45OIr 3r fr cot cot and storeS store WS750 VSr VtTul4r S750 Sr tTul4r lr fr cot 2x20 2d and 6th WJBOO WS9r JBOO S9r BO04r lr bk bk 3d 3 J10 10 per pr mo moJ1500 mobk mo515005r J1500 515005r 6r bk bk cot 15 per mo moC100 moJ rnoEjOo1r C100 EjOo1r 7r mod fr close E2rOO Hgtroozyi gtroozyi 2rOO r2 250 ft front 4th 4h close closegreat closegreat closegreat great bargain for investment investmentTuttle invstment investmentTuttle Tuttle Tuttc Bros Bros 148 Main aln St 8t Alright AlrightDo AlrightDo lright lrightDo Do you OU want anything better bter for or 3000 3000than 0 I Ithan than a hew modern mder brick brck of 7 rooms roms Oak Oakmantel tmantel mantel bath toilet toiet fine fne laundry laund room roomdrive rom roomdrive drive etc tc only onl 3000 3000Ve 3000lYe 0 Ve have five fvecholce flvechoice choice 3000 0 bargains bargainsChoice barinf bargainsChoice Choice lot 4x10 4x0 and neat brick brck good goo lo location Pcation cation caton a snap Only 2000 2000Wehave 20 2000We Wehave We have ten tfn choice 2000 bargains bargainsrCroom barins barinsGrm bargainsrIroom rCroom Grm mmlerji er brick brick lot talC 4O shade shadechoice shadechoice choice location locaton SE 52JOO E500E 2nd South brick lot 6x10 2400 2400Modern 2100Modern Suth 240 Modern 1oern brick brtk on Brigham St St 7 rooms roomsexcellent roomsexcelent roomsexcellent excellent excelent furnace furac only 4109 4109Several 410 1100Several Several eerJc choice llce homes home all al the heart could coulddexire culd culddere couledesire desire dere from frm 3000 0 to 6500 6500Cottage 65 6100Cottage Cottage and goodlot godiot Side 1330 1330A 13 1250A A neat n4t home homl and choice cholc lot 1500 1500Close 1500Close 5 Close Clost in 10room 10rm house and ard barn bar lot lot3x10 10 10IxlQ 3x10 shade etc a snap 2500 2500Iffiroom 25001Wroom 1 Iffiroom 1r brick close ar in only 4500 i5 1500E 4500E 1st South 7room rfm room brick brik modern dern hot hotwater hotwntpr ho twater water heat het large barn bar lot 3x10 3x19Twplve 4250 4250Twelve 4250Twelve Twelve bouIes houses 630 6 to S5 550 each fch Modern oder brick brik on the East Side 10 rooms roomsalso roms romslso roomsalsobarn also alsobarn lso barn bar corner corer lot S5 55500 55500hoice 6500 6500Choice Choice hole hoice building buiding lots in all al parts pars of the thecity thecl tb a acity city cl Loans for building build1n build1nMcqurrin dl 10 10o McGurrin Mcqurrin Co 38 2d 21 South SouthFOR South SouthFOR FOR SALh 10 100 TONS FIRSTCLAS37 FIRSTCLSS FIRSTCLASS first frt crop crp dry dI dr I land baled bale alfalfa alala hay ha at 19 9 per perton ton in inP Inr ii Scarload carload a lots 0 ii italt Lake Addr a box 16 1015 Salt Lake City cityThREE THREE THOUSAND TIOUSAD copies music mUlie musicworth worth 50 5 cents cent each ech 10 1 cents entl a copy CP for or orone 0 one week only at Beesleys Bele Beesl ys opposite oppsU ZUROOM ZCML 2sROOM CML CMLROO UROOM ROO I MODERN IDEk house ou nice location locationcorner locationcorner ton toncrer corner crer 2d and sts st call cU afternoons aferoons aferoonsHAIR afternoonsHAIR HAIR DRESSING DR1SING and manicuring manicurng bus business busincst busmess mess good established business Address AddressB S4 this office officeFIRE of officeFIRE tic ticJo FIRE Jo IRB SALE OF Pianos Pl nis and Organs OrgansLast JgansLast OrgansLast Last week Only a few pianos and organs or nf left Instruments new and of standard standardmakes fi fimakes makes damaged In 1 1iOca cases only You can canwave cai a asave tlinoY ms7f iOca saO aO tlinoYd wave from 1 7o to 150 on a piano and 25 25to 2 a ato I to 40 on an organ The insurance ad adjusters adJUS adjusters justers JUS ters were liberal with us If you really reall reallwant want a bargain do not delay dlla but see them themfor themlor thenfor for yourself quickly quIck or you ou may be too toos to late Cable Piano Organ company 32 12A I ISlain I ItLcoIntpan LcoIntpan Main street opposite It ML MLA LA A GOOD PAYING PA YING grocery business businessApply buslnesAppl businesresidence Apply residence 34 Floral avenue Best Bestof Bes i iof I of reasons for or selling sellingFINE 1 1a FINE TEAM of young tnules Good eod size sizeand sh shand and a perfectly rf sound 3un 3una Can a be seen at 1 sifJ El Bgin 1 Kin Creamery 207 State at If a mALL mALL I I II IALL ALL KINDS Kt DS of mining mlnin machinery gas guioline I Ioline Iollne oline engines electric machinery wagon wagonscales wagoscales scales platform scales anything you youwant youwant ye Uwant I want 40 per cent saved Acme Mining Minla 5 Machinery Co 327 So Temple Templeheadquarters TemplenOM TemplerIOI nOM ESEEKERS headquarters under une rr Walker kr Bros bank AMvach AIt ach Mgr MgrHIGHEST rHIGHEST HIGHEST PRICE paid for alfalfa seed seedHalley see i iBailey Bailey Sons C3 3 East 2d So SoBASEBURNERS 1500 BASEBURNERS and heating heatingstoves hpllUngstoves heatin heatinstoves stoves for half price I 48 East Sec Second Second Se Seond ond South street A Sorenen SorenenTYPEWRITER SorenenTYPERITER SorensenTYPEIVRITER TYPEWRITER and office supplies suppliesblank suppliesblank blank books Margetts Bros 49 4 Main MainPhone MaInPhone MaliPhone Ii Phone 774 ElI r43CLEANING ElICLEANINCIAND 3 3CLEANING CLEANING CLEANINCIAND AND DYEING DYEINGLADIES DYEINGLADIES DYEINGLADIES LADIES JACKETS JACKETS dry cleaned lean Is Isup Lup 1J5 1J5up up Gents overcoats cleaned and pres pressed prEsed mud ed 123 up Descret Dye Works orks 1251 1251So IS ISSo I ISo i So West est Temple TempleUTAH TempleUTAH TempleUTAH UTAH UTAH Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Co 57 Richards St Highclass work moder moderate moderate modeate ate prices Telephone No 6S2 6S2 NAUCTION NAUCTION NAuCTION AUCTION SALES SALESFOR SALESFOR SALESFOR FOR ONE WEEK ENDING SATUR SATURday SATURday SATUItie day Oct 27 will sell at actual half price priceall pricenB prii priialt tie all Iron Beds all 1 Rockers rs Sideboards SideboardsExtension Extension nB Tables tl etc In rsn AntiqueOak AntiqueOakThousands AntiqueOaThousands Sideboardit gThOUSBnds it Thousands of bargains I 1 Furni Furniture Furniture Purrtur ture tur and Carpet Ca Installment House PSorensen A ASorensen ASorensen Sorensen proprietor proprietorliCOO proprietorooo proprietorlt000 liCOO ooo BASE BURNERS and heating heatingutoves heaUngstons bestir bestirre utoves to at half nrice I 1 Furniture Furnitureand Furnitureand re and Carpet Installment House No Nor 4S 4Sf 48f OANn crnii Pouth outh 1th street eet A A Sorensen SorensenFOUND a aFOUND FOUND FOUNDiCEAR FOUNDNEAR FOUNDOwner NEAR 2d So and State small locket locketOwner locketOwn Owner Own mayhave same by by ailing at this thisotQce thiso 11 11091cc So otQce 091cc and paying cost co of 0 art SITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDA A MIDDLEAGED LADY Scandinav Scandinavn ian Ia Iaw would like a place as housek housekeeper eper or orwork orwork orork Iadr work ork in some Scandinavian homo Ad Adess dress dr ess Herald HeraldGD3L HeraldGIRL HeraldGIRL GIRL WANTS ANTS a few small washliuts Rshhu ti to toS take home Apply at SO East Sixth Sixthouth South outh street streetGIRL streetGIRL streetGIRL GIRL WANTS TS good Pace to assist with housework ho usework Apply at a 2U East Sixth So 13051 13051BY 0 St StB stBY BY ELDERLY intelligent lady ay posl posion tion on as companion to invalid or house houseeeping keeping kto eeping for two or three gentlemen in town to wn or out Apply MS i West 3d 3douth Soutli outh st Salt Lake City CityEXPERIENCED Clt CltE CityEXPERIENCED EXPERIENCED LADY stenographer st stenographerghiy grapber highly bi ghiy endorsed wishes permaneat post poston lip Uen li on at reasonable salary or wilt work workpart workart liH part art of time for Jril free ril roe of office flee eo eoev room oev 1J Berald 88 Herald HeraldASSESSMENT HeraJdot erald eraldASSESSMENT ot ASSESSMENT 3 WORK to toof da by reaR of 20 1i years experience A Acare Addtoss YB nr 154 154are care Herald HeraldPOSITION HeraldPOSITION HeraldPOSITION POSITION IN restaurant waiting on ta Iae ble bl by woman of experience riCt Address Addressroom Addr Addrroom Addressom room ro om I I 261 Ijl South Main street streetreferences streetcI streetGENTLEMAN GENTLEMAN 1k ago 30 marz4ed first firstass cI clr ass office man widZy ry experiCheed ri best besteferences treerence5 references sole heir to considerable con Jderabk prop erty ert rty will guarantee good reward for po position p0 sition si tion In Or near city to tide over family dd disagreement dlsagre meut Strictly confidential Ad Adress dress ress 10SS Herald Heraldments Hera14FIRS1CLASS HeraldFIRSTCLASS FIRS1CLASS NURSE URSE wishes engage engageeats ments eats nt5 or will take lady to home for con eonnernrsflL I flnemsnt Zi nernrsflL Address A Herald ileraldCLERICAL 11craMCLERICAL I ICLERICAL CLERICAL POSITION by a young man manof of business ln ability Writes a good band bandand headnd and a nd is a competent co nt stenographer Ia Can Canurnish furnish best of references Address 7 7of 75 75A I IA A POSITION a8 sheepherder by a ma man of experience Address 41 4 Herald HeraldPOSITION HeraldSh HeraldPOSITION II IIof ShIi POSITION Ii AS HELPER in blacksmith blacksmithshop blacksmith1op Sh shop 1op Address eC Hl 100 Herald HeraldBY HeraldBY i I IBY BY RESPECTABLE woman work by I Ithe the he day No washing washln Mrs Brown 424 42 43 South State street streetSEWING streetSEWI streetSEWING SEWING SEWI BY the day by rtrst class classressmaker dressmaker iPDIt pply 242 West tat So st stPOSITION atPOSITION St StPOSITION POSITION AS stationary engineer or orreman fireman fi reman 78 Herald bUy tt ttBY i istay BY A BOY 16 years of age ag aplace to stay sta ta and go to school AddreS 1B4 I South SOuthecond Second econd West ast I IGOOD GOOD GIRL ast1g 1g wants Itft place in a good Qod fam I Hy il good wages Apply 23 nS 4ih East Eastecond I Isecond second floor floorBY floorBY BY YOUNG man as collector has ka knowledge of shorthand and typewriting ewrlting and a nd can also okeep keep small set of books Ad AdilWest dress 464 ilWest West Third South street City CityBY CityliIO cityBY BY liIO liIOO liIOheM YOUNG heM MAN of 0 6r respectability a aposition aosition position on the read as 6 traveling com companion mpallion panion anioa for some one Address IS care Herald HeraldBY HeraldBY erald eraldBY BY A YOUNG lady work at stenogra atenograph phy ph pc ity typewriting or book keeping or clerk references given 61 3d South SoUtiLYOUNG SouthYOUNG YOUNG MAN 2S would like to obtain a agood agood good ood article that will sell commission lon on only onI ony ly I or salary and commission efficient efficientest best est references Address Addre 83 care Her Herald Herald ald a id YOUNG LADY would like a place In a aaundry laundry good ironer Address 164 East Eastecond Second econd South SouthA A A POSITION as nurse in case of con finement by a practical middleaged lady Address 131 West Yest Third North city cityDRESSMAKING cityRESSMAIGG DRESSMAKING to do at home 151 161outh South Second East street str StreetSITUATION tSITtJATION SITUATION at mostany most any kinrl of res respectable espectable resectabie pectable ectabie work by young man ot steady habits Address 8S ss care Herald HeraldA HeraIdA A SITUATION TU TION to work about house houseand houseand houseand and take cars chra of horses by an elderly man city references Address 99 care Herald HeraldDELIVERY He HeralitDELIVERY dDELIVERY DELIVERY of some kind wanted t6 t6lIer 45ncr I Ioer ncr month horse and wagon furnished Good gY experience In taking orders espec i tally in I xr grocery notions ge etc All 1 kinds kindsof icladsof i of upholstering work Good buy speaks speaksthree sp three languages Address Herald 9L 9LBY StBY I BY YOUNG lady lad position as stenog rapher ra pher and typewrltnr tpe writor one in law office officepreferred oUJeepreferred officepreferred preferred Address letter box C35 city cityBY cityBY cItyBY BY FIRSTCLASS hotel cook and wife best of reference glveri small town pre preerred I ferred Address A A A 30 Sl let West WestSt Westat Vestst St Salt Lake City CityENGINEER CityENGINEER CityENGINEER ENGINEER with good references de desires deI deIslres desires sires situation Address 93 care Her Herald tieraId ald aldEXPERI EXPERIENCED EXPERI CEi WOMAN wishes to keep house for party part or cook for a few fewmen fewmen II men No objections to leaving leavln city Ad JressB dress 89 9 Herald HeraldA 1 A YOUNG MAN IA desires a position as assalesman assalesman salesman in city or on the road beet beetreferences beetreferences treere1ces I references reere1ces can sell or introduce anything Address i 102 102 Herald HeraldSITUATION HeraldSITUATION I SITUATION to work ork for board by I Ioung young man desirous ot attending school 5 11001 i Address 99 care Herald HeraldNURSE HeraldNURSE HeraldNURSE NURSE or companion to an invalid or lady also governess by the day to child childre childreferences references re rences given Address A Herald HeroldRESPECTABLE HeraldRESPECTABLE RESPECTABLE work of any kind kindwanted kindanted kindwanted wanted by a boy of 16 Address Herald HeraldBO Heroilb Heraldno BO d4wt wt WANTS place to work for hts board d4 while attending en school Tk Enquire II 270 7 South Temple TempleYOUNG TempleYOUNG TempleYOUNG YOUNG MAN sober good character characterwould characterwould characterwould would like position as man of all work Would uld be satisfied with small salary Ad Address Address Au Auar dress ar 101 10 Herald HeraldBARN HeraldFORREa HeralitFORRENT FORREa FORREaBARN FORRENTINFIRNISIIED BARN 5S South Fourth East EastUNFURNISHED Ea tINFlRNISHED UNFURNISHED three rooms or small I house no children Address it Herald Heraldi HeraldTuttle 11craidTuttle i Tuttle Bros THE REAL READ ES ESja ESc ESTATE ja TATE PEOPLE PEOPLEtill PEOPLEtlfr 00 down and 115 per mo no iterest iteresttill es essh till tlfr paid dnf dnfd for buys you a 5r bk est cot cotsbcde cotshade shade sh a and flowing flowingwell flowingwell flowingwell well part ot dIv Why rent rentTuttle rentTuttle rentTuttle Tuttle Bros the REAL REAL ESTATE ESTATEpeople ESTATEpeople ESTATEpeople people ProgressHeraid Bldg 149 MainHOUSE Main MalnHOUSE MainHOUSE HOUSE 7 rooms 1145 3d So bath bathhot bathhot bathhot hot and cold water electric lights 1Ightsm lightsOR lightsOR OR SALE new and condhaml sewi sewimachines sewint sewintmachines nJohnson machines all llnkfn kinds all prices Wiles WilesJohnson WILeSJohnson Johnson 111 1st So at atI 5tROOlI atROOM ROOM furnished or unfurnished with withor withor I Ior I or without board very cheap 256 South SouthSeventh S6uthSeventh SoulSeventh Seventh East EastI EastNEY EastNEW NEW 7room room modern dwelling dw l1lng 2d Hast BastS30 I S30 8room modern CSt St 25 Stringer StringerCo StringerCe34WdSo Co Ce34WdSo Ce34WdSoJs 34 2d So SoJOS SoJOS JOS A SILVErl residence No 633 3 NFirst NFirst NFirst First West est for rent ten rooms bath hot hotwater hotwater hotwater water heating electric lights barn and andall andall andall all modern improvements ImprovementsIS IS HOUSES all kInds priceS and loca locations lCCatlons locaUons tions Tuttle Bros 149 Main 1aln street streetFURNISHED streetfU streetFURNISHED FURNISHED fU NISHED ROOMS ROOMSTWO ROOMSTW ROOMSquired TW TWO ROOMS MS and dbrth dbrthquired bath references I quired S6T South Fourth East street streetFURNISHED streetFURNISHED streetFURNISHED FURNISHED ROOM with batt bat tor torgentaman torge forgentuman gentaman ge t2D1an close in references A A6J A6JHerald 3EJ 3EJHerald 259Herald Herald HeraldFURNISHED HeraldFUR HeraldFURNISHED FURNISHED FUR SHED ROOMS at 121 1st So SofOI So SoFOR SoFOR FOR RENT RENTFURNLSLIED RENTFURNLSLIEDTWO ENTmfU FURNISHED FURNISHEDTWO N1SHED N1SHEDTVO TWO SPITES of three and four fur furnished furnished furrtished nished rooms for light housekeeping Mrs MrsDavis MrsDavis Irs IrsDavis Davis 2S North First West WestTHREE WestHREE VestllIREE THREE ROOMS OMS furnished for er light lighthousekeeping lighthousekeeping lighthousekeeping housekeeping 142 North Main street streetBOARD streetBOARD streetBOARDAND BOARD BOARDAND AND ROOMS ROOMSTHE ROOMSEast OOr1S OOr1STHE THE NORMANDY NORMANDYEast 22 East Third South Newly furnished furnishedBaths fcrnlshedBaths fcrnisheBathe Baths Steam he het European J1uroRean plan planI planNICELY plan5ICELY I NICELY FURNISHED FURlnsinID rooms with withboard withboard withboard board at 158 Main Illn street streetWARMING StreetWARMING streetI I WARMING AND VENTILATING VENTILATINGGEQ VENTILATINGGEO1ISC VENTILATINGhARD GEQ GEO1ISC SCOTTSTREVELC TT REV HARD HARDWARE HARDWARECO hARDWARE WARE WARECO CO Warm Air Heating and Ven Ventilating Ventilating Ventilatlng tilating Apparatus for Churches Schools SchoolsResidences SchoolsResidences SchoolsResidences Residences etc 411 ll work Ik guaranteed guaranteedMORANrSteam guaranteedPJ guaranteedi PJ i MORANrSteam and and hot water heating beatln and ventilating ent liJUng apparatus No 79 West est Second South at 7 a i II i Four FourQuestions FourQucstioiis Questions Questionst That you want to knew Where Whexathe Wherethe WI1 WI1the the best cheapest mt reliable reliablenndonost reliableand 25iableanamost nndonost and most accommdmtteg accomm place placeto placeto 5 to toget togetOreiit get getWe getOriental Oriental Oreiit Rugs Rugsand Rugsdnd and Drapery DraperyWe We guarantee tofu to till this bill We have now in stock a par particularly particularly pticularly ticularly fine ne line It I far surpasses anything of tn the kind to tseen be beseen beseen seen in the state SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW wUT wUTDOW WNDOW wi wiDOW DOW These are a few samples from our regular stock To those thoseinterested t1oseinterested ti tiinterested interested in this line we invite an inspection of our goods goodsH goodsI I DINWOODEY FURNITURE CO COd JII do PERSONAL PERSONALNamar PERSONALA8 PERSONALALL ALL DISEASES A8 ScrR CURED at the 31cc 31ccamnara Iac IacNamara Namar amnara Healing Healln Institute 77 7 amia amiaWest and BYest 5 5est NW West est South Temple st The true cad tried triedB triecLE OOLSiifN OLSBN TAILOR 32S 3 Main St atUITS tSrITS i iSUITS SUITS JMW up TROUSERS 55CO up upFine 1111r niline Fine ine Hue wimples to select seJ from frol Clean CleanIns ClefiREASY Cleanag Ins ag and repairing repairingEASY repairingEASY taTrr EASY SHOES Our custom made Leath Leather Leater er and shoemakers supplies Mall orders orderstilled ordensClUed ordersilled tilled Co Cbristenson re 1st Se SoAN SeA SeANELEGANT AN A ANELEGANT ELEGANT line of suinnss 3SOQ eoo CW CoV cV Huhl 5S tat So street streetLADIES streetLADIE streetLADIES LADIES TAILOR MADE SUITS from fromelegant fr6Inelegant rota rotalegant elegant samples 1268 to 1500 less thaa tha1store thastore store prices prIceJO John Bergen Berg ira 1st So SoACCORDION SoACCORDION oACCORD1ON ACCORDION pleaUng samples In our ourf ourwindows windows 5c a yard and up Ph Phe PhHAIRDRESSING Deseret Dye DyeWorks DyeWorks Works Sis5cS 125 1 iva tv Temple I Phone X8G 585S 585SHAIRDRESSING 3 3HAIRDRESSING HAIRDRESSING Manicuring 1820 to top 6 Po not open Fridays 66 Hooper blk blkSHOES blkSHOES bIttSHOES SHOES FOR DEFORMED DE1 ORMED FEET Only Onlypractical Ol1TpractlcaJ Onlyractical practical shoemaker for or deformities John JohnCamencia JohnCamncln JohnCamencln Camencia corner First South and Main MainNot MaiDNot MainNot Not miraculous Healing HealingProfessor HealingProfessor BealingProfessor Professor MacMamaras Healing is con constant COIIstant contant stant and sure but not miraculous He Hewas Hewas Hewas was called to the bedside of A A New Newberger Sewerger wberger berger erger who was 1as down with a very severe severecase severecase severease case ase of rheumatism and he had him out outto eutto outo to his Institute 77 7 and 79 West South SouthTemple SouthTemple outbTemple Temple street the next day da Mr New Nfewberger Nwberger Newberger berger is now about his business busl as a usual usualMr usuaLMr Mr Kenn Kenney of Marysvale went in ina Ina ina a hack with hips and back full of rheu rheumatism rheumatism rheematisra I matism last Thursday Thun day and was cured In Inone inone one treatment He reported himself per perfectly pertartly rtd 1 tartly iI well werh the next day and he went nre nrehis to toProfessor tohis his work workProreS60r workProfessor Professor MscMamras wife Is the best beetfemale bestfemaJe bestfemale female mnsnetist in America and thor thoroughly thoroughly oughly posted IOste with Ith all the work of the theinstitute theInstitute thenstitute institute i and by her ladles are treated treateddaily tre treateddaily ted teddally daily MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSWELLINGTON MISCELLANEOUSWELLLGTO MISCELLANEOUSrow WELLINGTON typewriters typeriters sl Bar Barrow sar sarrow row Bros Agts 4S 2d Phone 7Ci 7S 7Spoultr 72Pou1tr Poultry poultr Pou1tr and Game GameCHEAPEST GameCHEAPEST GameCHEAPEST CHEAPEST PLACE in town today for forchickens forchickens or orchlckpns chickens turkeys wild ducks grouse grouseetc grouseetc grotmeetc etc etc Utah tah Poultry Produce Co 106 10 1st South St StLUMBER StLU StLUMBER LUMBER LU tBEJfDEAlE tBEJfDEAlEPARKER DEALER DEALERPARKER DEALERPARKER PARKER LUMBER CO wholefcTldealers wholeaJedealers wholefcTl tvhole2iledealers dealers In Windows Indos Doers Moulding MouldingBuilding MouldtRgBuilding MouldingBuilding Building and Roofing Papers Pape Mil Work Workestimates tVorkestimates yorkestimates estimates given Send for our prices and anddiscounts anddiscounts discounts Salt Lake City Utah UtahCASH UtahCASH UtahCASH CASH REGISTERS REGISTERSGroshell Rl REGISTERSGroshell lSTEISNAT NAT LCASHR ST OS iGroshell Groshell sole agent Utah 221 1 Main Ex Expert Expert Enpert pert cash register repairing repairingCL75SETS repairingSC repairingSCAVENGER SC SCAVENGER SCAVENGERcleaned VENGE VENGEc SETs cesspools oo gre grecleaned PScleaned cleaned City Clt Sear Sea Co 75S 8 6th Ea EaHILL Et EtHILL tHILL HILL SANITARY CO let So TeL Tel5tt Tel51i 512 Closets cesspools etc tc cleaned clenedSALT cleanedSALT fSALT SALT LAKE SCAVENGER CA VENGER CO Office Officeunder Offlceund Officeunder under und Walker Bros bank Telephone 273 273SOCIETIES mSOCIETIES 113SOCIETIES SOCIETIES SOCIETIESJVRGENTA SOCIETIESA A JVRGENTA fG TA LODGE No No3 3 A dA aad A 1 Stated communications held at atMasonic atMasonIc atMasonic Masonic hall the first Tuesday in each eachmonth eaehmonth eachmonth month Members of sister lodges and andsojourning andsojiumlng andI sojourning brethren in good standing are arecordially arecordially arecordially I cordially invited to attend attendWM attendrM ttend ttendWlL WM rM SHELTON MM lL lLC PHILLIPS Secretary SecretaryUTAH SecretaIUrAH SecretaryUA11 UTAH CHAPTER No No1 1 A A MStated MStatetl 3dStated Stated convocations held on the first firstWednesday firstWedada drstWednesday Wednesday Wedada in each month at Masonic Masonichall 1 MasonicItch IasolliehaJJ hall at 738 Sojourning comiian comiianions COIDllAnloolS coenpanions ions are cordially invited to attend attendIL attell4II attendIL IL CUSHING PM PC 1 PHILLIPS Secretary SecretaryMT Secr SecretaryMT tary taryMT MT MORIAH LODGE No Noand 2 Fand Fand and A A Regular communications held heldat heldat heldat at Masonic hall the second Monday Mondayof 1oeda5of of each month Members of sister lodges lodgesand 04g51and and sojourning brethren i in no good steading steadingare MndIn MndInare rare are cordially invited to attend attendCHAS attendCHAS attendCHAS CHAS H1GSON MCHRISTOPHER MCHRISTOPHER 3dCHRISTOPHER 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McCornkk building Salt.

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