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The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 1

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I II I THE SALT LJKE flERALIX flERALIXr4v r4v Lf ESBL8HED dUNE 6 1870 I PtICE FIVE CIENES i Srer per ounce SALT LAI OIT ULUL IJthDAY SEPTEMBER 16 1904 ATLANTIC COAST COASTSWEPT SWEPT BY GALE GALEi GALEGreat i Great Damage to Property in 4 Vicinity of New York1 York1BALTIMORE BALTIMORE ALSO SUFFERED 4 4VBBAL VBBAL LIVBS LOST DUBmG DUBmGUHE UHE STORM 4 4RI RI EW YORK Sept 15A nunber ot otI I ILes were bet much propertY propertYdmaged dmaged IM1 evera1 sIiIp sIiIpwreokod wreokod In the storm which ravagefi ravagefithe the Atlantic coast ast iilght and LOU LOUI I wE one of the fIercest September Septembertomi tomi on record thunder and light lightthig thig adding terrors to a howling gale galewhich which carried drenching sheets of rain rainover over and land Tonight telegraphic telegraphiceports eports say that the mtorm was wet wetout out 1to the ocean and from the Cana Canadian dian coast coastPhe Phe greatest lose of life swas near near1lm1ngton 1lm1ngton Del The tug IHrael IV IVDurham Durham with a crew of six men and andouz ouz other men employee of the Amer Amerlean lean DEedgIng company was swamped swampedIn In the Delaware river early today dur durlug lug the height of the storm Eight of ofth th ten persons on the little craft were weredrwned drwned From iarther tl wn thd c9ast c9astJaeknopv11Ieomos Jaeknopv11Ieomos the report that thatftvr ftvr men were drowned oft Chn1lestoim Chn1lestoimrhim rhim report wan brought lit by one of ofthe the eot liners linersSmall Small Craft Adrift AdriftNew New York suffered comparatively lit littie tie The wind and rain afld thunder thunderind ind lightning were terrific but little littleactual actual damage was tdone Nineteen Nineteencoal coal barges went adrift In the bay and andtonight tonight their wreckage strows the theL miore rom the Battery to the Narrows Narrowsbt bt no lives were lost Several small 1 esel also went ashore on various variouspartg partg ol the coast near New York One Oneatal1ty atal1ty was reported In this city when whena a piece of cast Iron fire escape was wasblown blown from a building and struck Carl CarlBertznock Bertznock killing him instantly A Afibbing fibbing steamboat the Joseph Church Churchof of Greenport struck on Peaks PeaksBill Bill bar todey and was smashed to topecos pecos The captain and crew of twen twentyone tyone men were saved savedFrom From Wilmington Del tonight tonightcomes comes the news that greet destruction destructionwas was cauceil by the storm Trees were wereuprooted uprooted houses flooded and crops cropsruined ruined I IHAVOC HAVOC AT BALTThORE BALTThOREw wharves Badly Damaged and Many ManySmafl Smafl Vessels Wrecked WreckedBaltimore Baltimore Sept 15Reporta from fromdown down the Closapeake bay mdl mdlcat cat that last nights storm was unprec unprecdented dented In Its fury and long continuance continuanceYor Yor nearly ten hoyrs last night and early earlythIs thIs morning the hey was swept by a rain rainsud sud wind stortt that for a Ume raged ragednore nore fierce jtaim any other storm in inthe the memo Of the oldest Chesapeake Chesapeakemariner mariner rJstorm was mvidently more moreurtlir urtlir down the bay thami at itJ itJSttITh SttITh PIMved bavoc with the ship La hi the nortbssn part of4he ha psr psrilculady ilculady The wharves at both BettertOn BettertOniuid iuid Toichestet were iartially washed washedaway away while sail boats steam launches launchesusa usa all liiht craft around ToIcbestr ToIcbestr3tti 3tti de irkce and Bettorton were baLI baLIIs Is danieged In many oases the boats boatswCr wCr washed away and lost lostThe The eteamer Joppa from Easton to Ba Battmore ttmore tried In vain to make landings landingson on the bay shore Her cargo listed and andfor for hours she pitched and rolled with with4atr 4atr dsahlng Into her cabins amid amiddrenching drenching the pankistricken passengers passengersiesching iesching this city safely after several severalbours bours delay On the lower Suquehanna a schooner schoonerand and yacht were bidiva ashore a tug sunk sunkand and in the bay a dozen bar and andsmaller smaller craft were drtvei ashore lit this thiscity city today one man WiWam Norton was wasinstantly instantly killed by coining In contact wIth wItha a Ifro wire blown down by the storm stormDispatches Dispatches from western Maryland re report port serIous damage to growing crops 5 ad fruits Maxt fields were beaten down down1i 1i the wind and rain The rainfall during Ilie pyniralence of the storm foroMentoen bur was 50 inches inchest1NPBECEDENTED t1NPBECEDENTED RAINFALL RAINFALLtorni torni flaged For Eleven sours at atPhiladelphia Philadelphia PhiladelphiaPhladelpliIa PhladelpliIa Sept ILDuring a rain rainsaid said windstorm in thIs vicinity of eleven elevenhOurs hOurs duration the rainfall was 54 Inches the heaviest over registered at at121e 121e local weather bureau Streets In all alleetlons eetlons of time city were flooded and the theepflars epflars of hualness houses and dwellings dwellingsI I IP ted Trees in the city parks were wereI I Instances Uprooted UprootedR rts front Delaware breakwater breakwatereIwmwe eIwmwe Indicate that the storm as asrumed rumed hurricane proporitions at that thatlwInt lwInt flie schooner 1i Allen front frontBjJqeIph1a BjJqeIph1a for Gardiner Me was wasbIQcn bIQcn ashore and omo of her crew was 1 hilled hilledQao Qao sloop three schooners and a pilot xe aaiore near the breakwater breakwaterSchooner Schooner Wrecked WreckedOyster Oyster Baty Sept 15A big lumber lumberladen laden schoaer bound for ew York Yorkwas was wreeked sear Center island last lastnigtiL nigtiL The crew of four men wire wiredwa dwa clinging to the wreck They were weretakss takss off by tV fatlieson rear corn cornin4ore in4ore ot jhe SeawgnhktiCorlntkltn SeawgnhktiCorlntkltnYibt Yibt Smb 4a a launch launchrho rho Spendthrift a sloop yacht was wasdriven driven aahore on the Meadows in Oyster OysterBay Bay Th owner asd hwIfesntl ilawgh ilawghicr icr 4 were on boera boerawith with dXulculty dXulcultyGale Gale at i3ton i3tonBoston Boston Sept ILMuch damage ivag deoo to the fruit trees in aothera Iew Iew3gInd 3gInd the storm last night asdto asdtoday day At Newport It I the wind rehed reheda a velocity of eighty miles an hour Sires Sireswere were prostrated Fifteen small boats boatswore wore driven ashore or damaged The Theflagship flagship iIinneapolIs and the CoumbJs CoumbJsand and Prairie of the North Atlantic train training ing squadron caught the full force of ofthe the gale and were obliged to let go all allanchors anchors The war vessels were not dam damaged aged agedMISSOURI MISSOURI GRAIN MAN MANIN IN SERIOUS TROUBLE TROUBLESt St Joseph Mo Sept lW HBarroun Barroun the elevator man surren surrenderad derad hiniseif to Sheriff Spencer today todayamid amid will appear before a special grand grandjury jury summoned to Investigate his acts actsIn In connection with the forging of hills hillsof of lading and warehouse receipts ag aggregatlng gregatlng nearly a million dolIar Hat Hatroust roust learned of the rrant upon his hisreturg returg from Chicega vJiere he had hadgon gon to arrange to get money with withwhich which to compromise with hl credi creditots tots ROBBER KILLED KILLEDCoshocton Coshocton 0 ScpL 15Alve Rttevs Rttevswa wa instantly killed while robliing the thebank bank at Warsaw last night Tbe vii viiingo ingo marshal emptied a shotgun Into Intobun bun His two companions escaped but butare are being followed by a posse possei posseBURNED i BURNED IN THEIR BEDS BEDSColumbia Columbia ICy Sept liFlve liFlvecmhiIdren cmhiIdren were burned to doatli and andI I their parents Mr ami MrJosse MrJosseftpp ftpp fatally tnjlrEid at folly follyMalr Malr county xy tody All were 4 44asleP 4asleP 4 BRYAN DREW A AGREAT GREAT CROWD CROWDDemocraticCarnpain DemocraticCarnpain in Cob Cobr do Opened1 Opened1HUNDREQSTURNED HUNDREQSTURNED AWAY AWAYNDBRSK4N NDBRSK4N BELIEVES ROoSE ROoSEVEI2 VEI2 ADANGEBOTJS MAN 4 4D Sept 1ZiWIlthm Jon Jonnings nings Bryaii oehed the Demo Democratic cratic campaign in Colorado with witha a spemch at Coliseum Imli toniglt By Byfar far the largest crowd assembled thus thusfaa faa during the campaign turned out to toliette liette the d1 thguished Nornskan and andmany many hundreds were unable to get in inside side the denejy packed hail Mr MrBryan Bryan dwelt at length upon what he hetermed termed the policy of militarism of the theRepublican Republican party which was nbt In Influenced fluenced alone by imperialism but that thatthe the strngthenjng of the army was as asmuch much for the purpose of aiding capital capitalIn In enforcing its demands against labor laboras as anything else He characterized characterizedPresident President Roosevelt as a dangerous dangerousman man because of his love of pqwer and andwarlike warlike demonstrations and unsuitable unsuitableto to be at the bead of a nation that thatwanted wanted to be great in moral force and andnot not physjbal force forceYou You ask me a believer in free all allver ver how I can bring myself to sup support port a man who favors the gold stand standarcL arcL I say that I love peace and the thegospel gospel cif peace infinitely mor than I Ilove love either gold or silver silverMr Mr Bryan assured his hearers that thatIf If Mr Parker was elected president presidentpeace peace woulcrrelgn In the United States Statesduring during the nexj four years yearsMr Mr Bryan spoke of the labor troll trollbles bles and consequent occurrences In this thisstate state and saId that the eye of the theCountry Country wa upon Colorado and the thepeople people wergflxious to learn the re resuit suit of the vote for governor governorWENT WENT DO WN TO DEATH DEATHCrowdRushecl CrowdRushecl Onto a Burning BurningBridge Bridge Which Sank Be BeneathThem neathThem neathThemS neathThemStlllwnter Stlllwnter Minn Sept 15Thr half halfmile mile bridge across Lake St Croix cx cxtending tending to the Wisconsin side caught fire firethis this afternoon The fire created some somecommotion commotion and the fire apparatus in ro roaponding aponding to the aIrm wan fololwed by the thensuai nsuai crowd of persona The fire had So Soweakened weakened on uf the spans of the bridge bridgethat that when tIme lire apparus and the thecrowd crowd attempted to eres ft fell into the water about twenty fect below belowAbout About twenty persons wee precipitated precipitatedwith with the wreckuge Into the wa amid amidtwo two were killed and five seriously In InureJ ureJ The Dead Dead4tdolph 4tdolph Boo aged 2 years mon of a alocal local hotelkeopbr hotelkeopbrGeorge George McGrtftli aged 1 of An Andrew2dcGratht drew2dcGratht drew2dcGrathtTheThjditL TheThjditL TheThjditLBay Bay French probably fatally InSured Bdward McPeter5 McPeter5James James McCann firem firem1ouis 1ouis 3erurtins 3erurtinsFinancial Financial loss 2OOO 2OOOLAND LAND COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONERAGAIN AGAIN IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTONSpecial Special to The herald heraldWashIngton WashIngton Sept 1gLand tom tommissioner missioner Richards absent on official officialbusiubss busiubss several months has returned returnedto to Washington The land commission commissionof of Which he is a member created to toformulate formulate recommendations for the theamendniezt amendniezt for the timber and stone stoneact act desert land law and commute commutetion tion clause of the homestead law col colleetea leetea voluminous data The corn cornmission mission will soon hold Its final meeting meetingand and complete its report to the president presidentwho who villdIsdus5 the subject gf umend umendmotile motile to the publit land las In his hismessage message to congress congressHONOR HONOR GIVEN WHERE WHEREIT IT CERTAINLY WAS DUE DUEWashington Washington Sept 13Secrets ry Morton hti addressed letter of corn cornmendatlon mendatlon to Midshipman Reidy a amember member of th third class at the naval navalacademy academy In recognition of the bravery braverylie lie recently displayed in jumping over overboard board and rescuing from drowning CH Bobman a heamnaa in the navy The secretarys attention also has hasbeen been called to a similar act of bray braycry cry on lhepart of Midshipman John JohnRodgers Rodgers who reaoued am seaman from fromdrowning drowning in the harbor of 1iemu1o 1iemu1oKOes KOes while jlie CincinnatI was therd therdand and of Ensign Enocha for jump lug overboavd and swimmiiig to the thelife life boat and taking chargk of it The Thesecretary secretary will snd similar letters to totheoe theoe offleers offleersTRIXE TRIXE TIIItEATENED TIIItEATENEDPittsburg Pittsburg Pa sept 15A strike is isthreatened threatened on the Fort Wayne system systemancj ancj its branches of the Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaroad road The mntrnbers of the Brotherhood Brotherhoodo Railway Trainmen are now taking takinga a vote on th strike proposition andtbe andtberesult result 1li he announced noc Nonday is understood that the Pennsylvaiiie Pennsylvaiiievi1I vi1I not accept the new vage schedule scheduleTRIPLE TRIPLE TRAGEDY TRAGEDYSeattle Seattle Wash Sept 15A special to tothe the Times front Hoquiam Wash says saysJames James Milei last night shot and killed killedthe the woman with whon he lived and andthen then fatally wounded Ole Sand a log logger ger and ended the shooting by killing killinghimself himself Jealoy is supposed to have havecaused caused the shcting SS SLEADER LEADER APTURED APTUREDHamilton Hamilton Ga Spt lE11jah je jea a negro preacher who It is charged is isthe the leader of a Before Day club clubwhich which has planned it is alleged the themurder murder of promtiient white men has hasbeen been ctptured The negro was ordered orderedto to leave the vicinity vicinityREJECTED REJECTED LOVER KILLS KILLSBRIDE BRIDE OF A FEW HOURS HOURSSpokane Spokane iVash Spt 15A 4 4 double trady took place this thismnornimig mnornimig ncir Mead Mrs Henry 4 Heft ii bride of one diiy was 4 thurtleil by a rejected lover lovernamed named 1loiTman ivlo then corn 4 muted Suicide The wethilng of 4 Miss Emma Light to Henry Ijoft 4 topIc place yesterday This morn 4 big the bride left her husbands husbandsfam fam hobse on Gxeen Bluff prairie prairieto to go a short distance away Be tcoming coming worried i3 her failure to toreturn return Hoft started tt search A 4 4 short distance from the house he hepodth podth bqdY of his bride who whoS who1ikbfl 1ikbfl sl4lt to death Nearby 4 45 vus th od4t of Hoitnian with a 4 revolver still in his band 4 4t SH1FTOfWIND SH1FTOfWINDSAVDTH SAVDTH TOWN TOWNHalifax Halifax In Danger of ofDestructi Destructi by Fire FireC FireLOSS LOSS IS HALF A MlLLION MlLLIONS MlLLIONSOLDIERS SOLDIERS CALLEDOUT TO PBE PBESERVEORDEB SERVEORDEB SI I I AJAFAN NSSept 15A fortu fortuIi Ii nate shift cf vInd saved Halifax Halifaxrota rota destructIojj by tlit tdttY tdttYNevertheless Nevertheless the city suffered a qsa of ofoooo oooo in the buvine parL ot the theter ter front ana the progress of th liames liameswas was only stayed by the dynamiting of 1 dozen bulIdlng bi he dIlOr fern fernthe the fleet and soldiers from the garrl garrlson son SBetween Between and 4 ociock thIs rwhen when the fire ivits at its height ann a afearful fearful southerly gale wiu pushing it itstraight straight toward the heart of the buslneso buslnesocenter center consternation reigned throughout throughoutthe the entire city Shortiy after 4 oelsck oelsckowever owever the wind suddenly slmifte1 Li Lithe the west and tursed the flumes aIon aIontIo tIo wharves and warehouses warehousesUsed Used Dynathfte DynathfteThere There the lire raged on lower Water Waterstreet street pract1caflybeyend control ufltii zoc1omk oc1omk tonight when OO sailots vIta vItatorpedo torpedo apparatus landed from SAriadne Ariadne and Imidefatigaije apd WItIL the theassistance assistance of 200 troop from the gurri gurrison son checked further progress by rcmnov rcmnoving ing with the iic1 of dynamite a dozen dozensmall small buildings buildingsThe The fire consumed six wharves two twocoal coal piers two hotels a dozen ware warehouses houses and a numberotretaii shops shopsDuring During the fire a large tree fell ki1iing Flora Ring 28 years of age and wound woundlair lair two others othersThe The entire city denartrnent was en engaged gaged at the fIre Admiral Sir Archibald ArchibaldDouglas Douglas personally direted the sailors in inprotecting protecting imperial property and 200 ma matines tines natrolled the street One fireman firemanwas was fatally injured by live wire amid amidanother another was badly hurt by falling slate slateThe The Burned District Districtrime rime burned district whhh covered coveredabout about two acres was one of wooden buildings three and f6iff stories high highmany many of them built years ago when Hall fax merchants dealt heavily In fish The buildings were sftturated with fish oil oiland and btrned fiercely Crowds of people who had rushed down Swith wharf found thenselvos hmmed in with the fireon onoide and the liar bor on the other and all had to be takcn takcnoff off by launches from the warships Ii Iithis this time the entire city had begun to torealize realize the gravity of the situation At i It looked as it nothing could couldstay stay the progress of the flames from the themain main business sectiOn of time qitv and into the reiddentini section l3end vey veyeffort effort on the part of the firemen to stag the flames was futile Thm caipe a pror idontia1 hift or the witid witidS Sailors FlghtFire SBy By this time the government officials had assumed full charge of tha situation for not far Shead was th brg ordnauce ordnauceyards yards with thousands ot tons of power dill explosives A party of sailors to together gether with a company of royal engmn engmntors tors landed to the nortli of the fire and andbegan began blowing up buildings For an hour hourthe the entire city was shook with the ter terr4 r4 exlosIqns hove than a 1050111 1050111an1t an1t ftt7 ociork ociorkth th fire had reached the cleared space spacevbere vbere it stopped 5 5MONTANA MONTANA DEMOCRATS DEMOCRATSGovernor Governor Toole Will Again Lead LeadHis His Party PartyHelens Helens Mont Se4Jt 1Twice today the Democratic state eoiivention voted voteddown down propositions to make an effort to tofuse fuse with the Labor Populist and Anti AntiTrust Trust iartlos amid the work of iwmnat iwmnatlug lug a state ticket is promressing whime whimeOther Other futile attomnts aeniade to get getanother another vote on fusiomi The first time timethe the proposition to fuse ns defeated ott otta a viva yore vote Time second time there therewas was roll trail and Thstmi was detested detestedby by twenLytwo votes out of a total vote voteof of over 500 500The The mmix pknks In the platform on which whichthe the Democrats wilt make their fight are areits its initiative anti referendum amendment amendmentto to the constitution a state raiirad corn cornmission mission the members be eleited by the peopk a ditect primary nomination nominationlaw law a fellow servant law the election electionof of all important stato officers by direct directvote vote jjf the people putting in tje con cont1tut1on t1tut1on the eighthour law and a con constitutlonal stitutlonal amendment empowering the thestate state iiard of equalization Ie eiuallzc eiuallzcassessnients assessnients The tlckt nomiint Is IsCongressman Congressman A Gormley governor Toole ebief jntlee SmIth SmIthpresidential presidential electors iat Carney Pant A Jusa and ldward Cardweii ileimienant ileimienantgovernor governor Edwin Norls NorlsThe The ticket iviil not be completed until untilearly early In the morning Cierk supreme court Finley McRae McRaesecretary secretary of state Mites Romney audit auditor or Phil Goodwin treasurer David Browne attorney general Charles ji liali superintendent of public bsotruc bsotruction tion lit Kay KayThe The convention adjourned at 1 oclock this morning SMcCARTHY McCARTHY KNOCKS KNOCKSMUSE MUSE LAFONTISE OUT OUTButt Butt lnnt iiijerr McCarthy McCarthywon won the Montana weiLerwelght chain chainIdomisimil Idomisimil from Mose La Pontiac in the theeighth eighth round of what was to have been a atwentyround twentyround go by ii knockout In Inthe the seventh McCarthy knocked Pen Pentise tise down three times fr the count an i iIn In time eighth tho 1rsnehman was tired tiredaitd aitd though game Could not recover trout trouttnc tnc punishnient hi lund rotmOived A right rightswing swing by McCarthy failed to land whit whittlia tlia glove but as La iOntic ditched he hecaugt caugt the force of theblow in the baca bacaof of the neck and Wit down amid out IIc IIcstaggered staggered to 1is feet jut after the cinmnt cinmntof of ten looking for more but was taken takento to lila corner by his IThere was wasa a long delay before tjme principals ap peared in the ring and tije fight was not notover over until midnight 4 fair sized crowd crowdattended attended and about IOO ebangI hands handsitt itt the ringside Moite was a shade tne tnefaior1t faior1t but toniht the betting was even It was a fierce fight ut botii long longand and alien range botlj then fighting all allthe the time McCarthy landed repeatedly and covered well La Fgdtse looking for a chance to uppercut loft himsf himsfopen open many times and this was the cause causeof of his losina 4 4I 4BANKERSCONVENTION BANKERSCONVENTION BANKERSCONVENTIONWestern I Western Financiers Occupied Most of ofS the Time TimeNew New York Sept lWestern bank bankera era had the floor at todays session of ofthe the convention of the American Bank Bankem em association The principal speak speakers ers were Frame president of the theVaukesha Vaukesha National bapk of Wauke Waukeshe she Wis Robinson president presidentof of the First National bank ofWinfleld ofWinfleldICan ICan and Eugepe Prussing of Chi Chicago cago whose topic was National Banks Banksand and the Trucii Company Problem Problemfeature feature of the day was the call tf tfeetionsnorth eetionsnorth south cant and west westwhIcl whIcl brought forth five tatementh by bybankers bankers on the encouraging condition conditionof of business in various parts of the thecountry country from which they came cameImmediately Immediately after the adjournment adjournmenttime time nominating cornrntttee of state statedelegates delegates nnd the nominating commit committee tee at large met and nominated their theircandidaes candidaes for tomprzyata1eectIon tomprzyata1eectIonThe The committee at la ge nominated nominatedthe the following candidattd candidattdor or PresidentB FwlzxroypresI FwlzxroypresIdent dent of First Nat1onaib iik ofKan 505 City i iVice Vice PresidentJohn Jlahiilton JlahiiltonBoomstun Boomstun LIls 5V 5 5S 5t 4 SI I SCARED RooseveltSay Dont YotiKnow You Could Be Fired For Pernicious Activity ARMED TRANSPORT Will REMAIN REMAINPresident President Has Issued An Od That the Lena Be Dis Dismantled mantled and Tiep at San FranCisco FranCiscoS Untilthe War Ends LI ASlilTON Set 1Aeting 1Aetingfv fv I Secretary State Adee today todayL gave out th9 foilowliig stateinqiit stateinqiitregarding regarding the Russian ship Lena njw njwat at San Francisco SThe The president has tQday Issued an anorder order through the acting secretary ot otstate state directing that the Russlan rmed rmedtransport transport Lena now at SJitazcieco be taken in custody by the naval au thorities of the United States and din diniraied iraied Tue main features of the on onS dltlwis prear1bed rot thJetu1ih thJetu1ihS taken to iie Hare Island iivy yard yardand and there disarmed by reimoval ot otsmallguns smallguns breech Jocks oflarge guns gunssmall small arms ammunition and ordnancef ordnancefstores stores and such other dismantlement smay may be prescribed by the commandant commandantof of the navy yard that the captain give givea a written guarantee that the Lena shal shalnot not leave San Franeisc until peace peaceshhi shhi flave been concluded that the of officers ficers and creivs shall be paroiied not notto to leave San Francisco until same other otherunderstanding understanding as to their disposal may be reached between the United States Statesgovernment government and both the belligerents belligerentsthat that after disarmament th vessel may be removed to a private dock for such resonahle repairs as will make tier tierseavortiy seavortiy and preserve her iii good goodcouiditiomi couiditiomi during her detention may be beso so repaired at the navy yard If the theflussian flussian commander shtuid elect electthat that while at a private dock time corn corninandant inandant of the navy yard at Mare 1st 1stand and shailliave custody the h1p and andthe the repairs shall be oteo by an anengineer engineer officer to be detgllod by the thecarnrnaztthnt carnrnaztthnt and that When so re repaired paired if peace shall not have been beenooncIudeI ooncIudeI 11w vesdt shah be taken takenjek jek to the MasJr1awLnayprt MasJr1awLnayprttimid timid be thereheld Jn custody untiFtiI untiFtiIendof endof the war SThis This action has been taken UJOfl the thewritten written request of the commander of ofthe the Lenit addressed to Rear AdnilraI AdnilraIGoodrich Goodrich setting forth that as the yes yesad ad is incapable of putting to sea with without out needful regalrs she must disarm disarmand and asking thai needful repaigs be per permitted mitted after disarmament disarmamentThe The secretary of the navy haS tel telegraphed egraphed the presidebts order to San SanFrancisco Francisco and given instructions to tottdinlrai ttdinlrai Goodrich and to Captak Me MeCelIa CelIa the commandant of the Mare MareIsland Island navy yard to carry out its pro provislon vislon MMBERSOF TIlE 11OB iNDCTD iNDCTDState State Militia Sent to Huntsville Ala to Assistin fiakIng fiakIngArrests Arrests andPrevent the Resc of ofI Accused Persons I Aia Sept iThe iTheS Madls6pgounty jail Is guard to tonight night by Companies cii KThird Third Alabama infantry qpta1n Lu Lucien cien Brown because threats mave been beenmade made ti1at persons Indicted by the thegrad grad jtfry foi ConnectiOii vitli the theljnehing ljnehing ofHoraea Mg1es in1 plnced plncedin in this jail vould be taken their friends and set at liberty Bemm BemmHill Hill one of the alleged lynliers vas vascaptured captured and lodged iii jail today and andthe the oflicers are looking for time others otherswho who have been indkted Judge Spenic Spenicof of the circuit court heard rumos ott impending trouble and telegraphed to toDR DR AMES WILL HAVETO HAVETOSTANDANOTHER STANDANOTHER TRIAL TRIALIWnneapohis IWnneapohis Minn Sept 15Judgt 15JudgtHarrison Harrison todnydenltd the motion made madeby by County Attorney Boardman to floP floPthe the ten Indictments standing against againstFormer Former Mayor A A Ames for bribery briberyand and corruption The court handed handeddown down a memorandum in which itthts itthtspointed pointed out that Am en had once lcen lcenconvicted convicted that the reversal the si sipromo promo court was on teehnfeal giotindg giotindgnot not affecting the merita of the cand and that on rtria1 there had been a adIsngreenent dIsngreenent of th9 jury does not notappear appear that any ofthe witn sss have havedisappeared disappeared or that there is auiytgqqd auiytgqqdreason reason why the evidence should zi tbe tbesubmitted submitted tO a jury juryo juryROOSEVELTSCHOICE ROOSEVELTSCHOICE ROOSEVELTSCHOICEPresident President Pleased With the N6min N6mination ation of Higgins HigginsS Oyster Bay SepL 15President 15PresidentRobsevelt Robsevelt was Informed today of the thenomination nomination by the Republican state cot cotventlbn ventlbn of Frank IV Higgins for gpv5 gpv5ernor ernor of New York SThe The president has followed the pro proceedings ceedings of the convention with deep Interest hut while he refused to take takepart part Ja any way for or against anycan anycandidat didat he expressed himself tonIght as aspleased pleased that Mr Higgins had been beennamed named for governor lit HIggins was wasihaIrman ihaIrman of tho financecommtttee of th thsUtto sUtto senate while Ir Jtoo veIt was wasgovernor governor and their relations were very veryclose close 5 5 5S 4 4 5 4 EIGHT MEN DROWNED 4 Wilmington Del Sept 15 15Eight Eight men iseredrowned todayby 4 4the the sinking of tIe tug 1sael IV 4 4Durham Durham In the Delaware river op 4 posite this city The tug was 4 swamped during the heavy stqrzp 4 4Her Her captain and crew of five n4 n4and and four employcs of tltn 4 can Dredgimig 4 toftrd when the tug uukt Onf 4 tvo were saved 4 4 Acting Governor Cunningham asking for militia The troops reached here hereon on aspecial train late today and pick ets guard afl alPLOtLches to the jail No trouble is antleipate4 so long as the jail is guarded Iii this manner Cptaht Brown has orders to preserve the peace of this community even if tile city be placed under martial law He has camp equipment und is pro propared pared or a long stay Solicitor Peters detiles the rutnom that Sheriff Rogers anfi Mayor Smith have been Indicted fte only foundation for this report is time fact that the grand jury has asked for instructlon SS to proceed to bring about the Impeah Impeahrnezt rnezt of these oiileers if such action be deernedadvisable deernedadvisableRIVAL RIVAL IN LOVE BLOWS BLOWSUP UP A SALOONKEEpER SALOONKEEpERSilverton Silverton ColoSept l5Peter Dal In ii saloon keeper was tssaajnated early today by means of dynamite ex explodecl plodecl In his bedroom His hotly was terribly rnutilatetk The buildiuig was waswrecked wrecked and a dozem others were Ini porilled Posses are searching the lulls for Bernardo Fueri Dahla and Flier had quarreled it Is said over tl latters attentions to the formers fiancee Daila was to have been mar martied tied within a fortnight fortnightCOAL COAL MINERS WILL WILLJOiNFEDERATION JOiNFEDERATION JOiNFEDERATIONPueblo Pueblo Cob Sept 15Rumor is Cur Current rent tonight to the effect that the United Iine Workers of district No 15 now in inSession Session here w1l peet tomorrow with Fresidert Moyer of the Vestcrn Fedora tion of 4lners for the purpose of perfect lug plans for an affiliation of the tnited Mine Workers of the district wit the Western Federation of Miners It Is said that the convention is Indignant at the theaction action of the national organization for forwithdrawing withdrawing support from strikers In the thesouthern southern coal fields of Colorado and that thatthe the district organization wifl surrender its charter and ally itself with the West Westera era Federation Mr Moyer addresscd the theconventIon conventIon in secret session and will willagain again meet with them tomorrow WTTT REMATN OUT OUTChicago Chicago Sept 15Because of al alleged leged discrimination against sheep sheepS butciters employed at the Union stock stockyards yards the sheep butcher workmen have havedecided decided to remain on a strike All of ofthepackirg thepackirg companies exceptIng Ar Armout mout Co are alleged to be discrim discrimintting intting Acc9rding to the packers aoo aoonomiunlon nomiunlon men are still being housed In Inthe the stock yards but all will have left leftatthe atthe end of this week weekS NEW JERSRY DEMOCRATS DEMOCRATSiiton iiton eptITlie Demoeratle I titonontion met here and pafztfhated pafztfhated1arles 1arles Black of IIudson for iovernor iovernorriTe riTe iilatform arraigns mne Republican Republicanstat stat ailminisiration fot extravagance TESTIMONY OF OFLIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK MEN MENRates Rates Are Higher and Service ServiceS Getting Worse WorseRAILROADS RAILROADS WANT TOO MUCH MUCHS MUCHKEARIN KEARIN BEORE COMMISSION COMMISSIONBR BR PItOUTY PItOUTYlYeamzcr lYeamzcr Cob Sept 15A Ie IeRiplep Riplep amual jnanager of tio Live Liveoit oit Le or orSwas Swas the first witness lit the heasing be beffre ffre Interstate CO11see CantMIion CantMIioner er Charles APr4utj on the con1paInts con1paIntsof of the livestock shppers against the theratiroatis ratiroatis In regard to rates and service serviceW teotlrnony broughto the fact that thatfor for f1se years previous to this year the therates rates on cattle front the Texas Pan Panhand1e hand1e to Colorado points hail been beenraised raised a car annually and the ship shipmeats meats decreased from 418000 in 1Il to toless less thami 2OOUO thb year The iate iatefrom from the Panhandle to uth Dakota Dakotafeeding feeding grourtdp he said was less than thanfront front the same point to Colorado and andstockmeii stockmeii Iost money lii attempting to tobring bring stock to this state for feeding feedingIncreased Increased Cost CostRichard Richard Walsh general manager of ofthe the 1 A ranch of SVO000 acres in Texas Texastestilled testilled that the rate for shipping vat vattie tie to Kansas City bad been increased increasedfrom from 2Sc 344c within the last few fewyears years amid that it costs 143O a car carmore more to ship now than formerly He Hesaid said that it had of latalso cost more moreto to send cuttle 10 Momtana and other otherfeeding feeding Points PointsLatyer Latyer had bad service said saidMr Mr Walsh We never sent a ship shipS shipmnetit mnetit without having to unload for feed feedor or vater whereas 1efure we sent ship shipmeats meats tirough Ih bout thirtysix thirtysixhours hours td Kansas City This zuade a adifference difference of at least 150 a head We Wegenerally generally shipped fly the tra1nload tra1nloadve ve bad grbat difllcuity In getting gettingthe the ruIlroam to fdflsish cars herds herdshaving having beemi 6layed days By the thetime time wc got cars onethird of time cat cattie tie were unfit to shuim shuimNo No Competition iir Wai declared there wag wagcompetition competition among th railreadti fthe the business He said that a Texas Texasrailroad railroad vlien asked by hint the rca rcason son or advancing rates rejdted rejdtedOh Oh Iou fellows dre Iwetty aoaper aoaperous ous and we think we should have a ashare share shareMr Mr Walsh said that in recent years yearsowing owing to high freight rates and low lowr1cert r1cert fixed by beef trust few fewcattle cattle growers liav beemi able to break breakeven even evenS RIGHTMNTHISTIME RIGHTMNTHISTIMEWilliam William ThomasGiven Five Years YearsPenal Penal Servitude SLondon London Sept 15William Thomae Thomaealias alias JOhn Smith who pleaded guilty guiltyat at the Old Balky ysterday to charges chargesagainst against him including the admission admissionthat that he was convicted In 1877 tinder tinderthe the name of John Smith and served a aterm term of five years Imprisonment for forobtaining obtaining money and jewelry from wo women men under alse pretenses wa today todaysentenced sentenced to five years penal jiervitude jiervitudeIt It was 1n i for William WilliamThomas Thomas that a man named Adolf Peck Peckserved served tWos terms of imprisonment on onthe the charge of obtaining money and andjewelry jewelry from women under fals6 pre pretenses tenses owing It Is asserted to pollee polleeconspiracy conspiracy SANOTHER ANOTHER RUSSIAN RUSSIANWARSIIP WARSIIP OVER HERE HEREVictoria Victoria Sept l5emm 4 bers of the crew of the SGrafton Grafton just returned from Ce Cemex mex report the presence of the 4 Russian armed auxiliary vessel 4 Korea in the Pacific off the north 4 4em em coast of Vancouver Island 4 steaming 1owly southward They 4 expect that the Korea will corn 4 to Esqujmnault or Victoria She 4 described asa larger vessel than thanthe the Lena and is commanded by 4 4 an officer of high rank in the Rus Rusiai iai navy The news has caueed 4 4 muPle9Ijqxpenj Lit Esqunault 4 4 wiiempfafhtton to 115th r4Ih r4Ihher her 4iib houId she enter are 4 now being made 4 QUIET IN INTHE THE WAR ZONE ZONEJapanese Japanese Will Take Their Time TimeBefore Before Advancing AdvancingRUSSIANS RUSSIANS ALSO PREPARING 5 5DEsTJLToJ DEsTJLToJ BOMBARThIEN2 OP OPIO IO RT ABTUUR ST 4 PBTimRsBURG Sept 1 I3S a aS inThe almost conplete quiet quietS prevailing at Liso Ynog rimd Mask Maskden den Is acceed here ah th Ilaturdi mind mindS inevitable calsequesmee of tM Ldous Ldouslictivity lictivity of the past three weerhe weerheview view taken at Mukdezi that there is isnot not likely to be a reaumptig of ght ghtiig iig in that Immediate 1Ocatty fr a affionth ffionth Is regarded here as moat prob probably ably correct It can har1Y br ox oxported ported that much actual news wlIj dc dcvelep velep in central Manchu ia for some sometime time to come and attention is now nowturning turning toward Port Arthur where as asGeera1 Geera1 Stoessels latest report nd1 nd1estee estee the Japanese are gsthertng gsthertngstrength strength for another spring at the thefortress fortress it Is taken for granted here herejhat jhat there will sooi be news of im imliortanee liortanee from Pqrt Arthur since the Spanese throughout the war have haveseiuetl seiuetl to alternate the attentions attentionsbetween between the beleagured fortress and andthe the Russian army toward tI rth rthIt It thus appears thatit Is 7ert 7ertArthurs Arthurs turn to keep te excite excitemeat meat while Field Marshal Oyamn Is IsIroparing Iroparing for the fall campaign campaignGrand Grand Duke Alexander Michelo Michelovitch vitch bead of the Russian mercantile mercantilemurine murine has gone to Libsu to inspect inspectthe the converted cruisers there before beforethey they depart for lOrelgn wters wtersThe The Baltic fleet remains at Libau Libauawaiting awaiting orders I IILAID ILAID ON KAMSCBATiA KAMSCBATiAJapanese Japanese Did Not Meet With Much MuchSuccess Success Petersburg Sept 1The emp empror ror has received the following dispatch dispatchfrom from Viceroy AIexieK dated Sept 14 14I I have received the following report reportfrom from General Stoeseel jiated Port Ar Arthur thur Aug 31 31A A dispatch from Yakutak Eastern EasternSiberia Siberia dated Aug 13 says the KOm KOmumiander umiander islands off the coast oIKam oIKamschatka schatka have been besieged by Japan Japaneec eec and BritIsh schooners jnd steam steamirs irs uI to July 2S Two of these aehoon aehoonera era and the steamers were armed with withguns guns In driving them off ten Japan 050 were killed and many wounded woundedWe We sustained no loss lossNear Near Kamsehatka five Japaneee Japaneeelishing lishing sehooners have been burned burnedTheir Their crews were annihilated annihilatedAnnexation Annexation Proclaimed ProclaimedS The Japanese announced the an annexatton nexatton of the terrltoky and ro roelsjmeil elsjmeil It a Japagese peOtctorte peOtctorteThey They were subsequently eaptured by byU Russian xeagvys xeagvysKamchatka Kamchatka reniaihs true to her herold old traditions The inabitants have havetakeu takeu up arms and are reahv to shed shedtheir their blood for their faith thetr esar esarand and their fatherland fatherlandGene Gene ai Stoessel sees In these proc proclantatlons lantatlons an lndicatloa of the enemys enemysconsciousness consciousness of failure failureSOn SOn Sept 3 the ijy received re reinforcements inforcements on the west front of the thefortress fortress Duml the bombardment Of OfSept Sept 2 the Jalanese squndrn re remaimed maimed the whole time in view of the thefortress fortress The Kommander islands are the is ishands hands for whose protection against againstthese these very expeditions arrangements arrangementswere were made by Russia with Great Emit Emitala ala and the United States StatesAffair Affair on West Coast CoastIt It is not supposed that the affair will willleod leod to a diplomatic incident An out outcliii cliii report ha also been received of ofthe the landing of a Japaiae force 150 150naval naval reserve men on the west ost ostof of Kamschatka who deIared the sow sowereignty ereignty of Japan over time peninsula peninsulabut but were afterwards defated hi a aRussian Russian force as announes in the As Assedated sedated Prom dispatches received receivedfrom from Petropavlovsk yesterday The Theofficial official report agrees with the details detailscontained contained In the Petropsvlovsk dia diapatch patch lo the Associated Press PressThe The reference of Viceroy Alexieff to tothe the view taken by General Stoeee1 of ofthese these proclamat ions Is somewhat somewhatvague vague but It would seem that he does doesmit mit refer the Drocigmations of the theJapaneseprotectorate Japaneseprotectorate over the Kant Kantschat schat peninsula and apparently over overthe the Komnmandr im4iuids bitt to the theproclamations proclamations issued by the Japanese Japaneseto to the Russian troojae at Port Arthur Arthurdemanding demanding their surrender surrenderQUIET QUIET AT JflTKDEN JflTKDENLi1U Li1U Likely to Continue For Sevaral SevaralS Weeks WeeksMukdez Mukdez Sept 14Wedneody 14Wedneodyiiierything iiierything is quiet here The Japan Japaneso eso have retired southward and it is iseYeii eYeii reported that they have evacu evacuated ated Yen Tat The beftef prevails here herejhat jhat the lull may continue for several severalveeks veeks veeksStirring Stirring events at the battle of Line LineYaiig Yaiig are the sole topics among tlwof tlwoffleets fleets ana soldiers herC HeoIe feats featsare are recounted and the desperate nature natureor or the Japanese charges south of LIao LIaoY4tg Y4tg ard their incredible advanee re repeatedly peatedly over the dead bodies of their theircomrades comrades are constantly alluded to toThe The Russians also made several bay bayonet onet charges among the most brilliant brilliantbeing being that of tire Morshausk regiment regimentheaded headed bY Its wounded colonel The Theyouthfulness youthfulness of the Japanese soldiers soldierssurprised surprised the Russians Some of them themare are not more than 1 yearn old oldThe The report that the Japanese hot hotstered stered up their courage with intoxi intoxicantsare cantsare classed as nonsense tte bent bentevidence evidence to the contmry being the re remarkable markable endurance which they die dieplayed played SurrenderDethanded SurrenderDethandedSt St Peterburg Sept iLA pMeb pMebfrom from Lieutenant OenOral StoeseI corn cornmander mander othe Russian mllitay forces forcesat at Port Arthur says the Japanese are areactively actively cdnatructing fortifications on onthe the Sambon mountain arid at tber tberpoints points and that they continue to bom bombard bard the torts and harbor On Sept 2 2they they threw 2fO shells Into the town townThe The nose the dispatch adds addshttve httve issued a proclamation to thu Rias Riassian sian troops demanding their purre der derALLEGED ALLEGED INTENTIqNS INTENTIqNSWhat What Japan is Wiflhiig to Do With WithManchuria Manchuria ManchuriaLondon London Sept 16The Daily Tele Telegntphs gntphs Tien TsIn correspondent tele telegraphs graphs that lie hears fym a trugt trugtworthy worthy source that the Japanese tur tureign eign ministr has IsSied a circular an announcing nouncing the it is Japans intention intentionto to turn Port Arthur when it is corn cornp1ted p1ted and tim whole of ttme liai Tun Tunpeninsula peninsula over to theChIqaese wire the ontinupI Fage TVm SMOOF LAUGHS LAUGHSAT AT NWi PARTY PARTYSays Says the Movement i Nof NofWorth Worth Discussing DiscussingINJURE INJURE REPUBLICANS MOST 4 4SENATOR SENATOR SHOWS SIGNS OP HIGE HIGEGOOD GOOD HUMOR HUMORS 4 4C ONCEDING that the nw arty artywould would take two viitct frnni frnnithe the Republkans fo eviry O1 O1it it secured front the Democratr th Upublican publican loaders about state beaius beaiustees tees yesterday were nevertheless opt optinistic inistic not to my gay in thcir corn cornmerit merit the movement movementSenator Senator Smoot treated the tpi nt hmach mach mirth When the nmattc was wasbrought brought asp he tightened his grasp uthe the inquirers hand his smile hfarn hfarnbroader broader and he radiated mcrrirnt mcrrirntNo No no my dear fellew hc sail sailwhen when atsd fora formal statemuit utheAmeriean theAmeriean party I have i tat tatmont mont to make its riot inportaii inportaiienough enough to oe wrtim while srs srsThen Then still smiling as one who has hasten ten a particularly line dinner 1mm ui uiridmially ridmially congenial company the set setator ator changed the subject and thc cci cciversation versation took another drertioi drertioiMr Mr Sutherland Inclined ii ih beli belitbt tbt th importance of the novern it ha habeen been overetimated hii mci inviig inviigthat that the attendance wits large ad er erthasiastle thasiastle he took the poMtion thai man manof of those who voted for the a4iopti of I hreport report Wednesday night werc arrm arrmaway away by the4r emoUons arid upen sobr sobrreflection reflection would destine to vote the tiek tieket et that sift be named namedChairman Chairman Spry Not Worrying WorryingMr Mr Callisters view was mitch the sarn sarnas as Mr 5tJs Chairman Spry asi asilittle little of the matter beyond that he was wasnot not worrying The chairman sod1ed his hisapproval approval of the view expressci by Mr MrSutherland Sutherland iMi Walton had nehing i isay say IIs just kept on with his vhjttling Slistened listened to the rim of the talk nd a aieared ieared to be doing a WE of thInkug for forhimself himself himselfAlL AlL however agreed that tlI chi chistrength strength of the movement woiij corn cornfrom from the Republican ranKs Thy the ratio at not less than to 1 1Senator Senator Sunset agreed with it xpressed pressed view that 11 who voteel tr ti tireport report in the meeting could 31t With Withhonor honor withdraw their support from hmovement movement Someone likened I ii i mint I Ito to that of a delegate to a political cci ccivenUes venUes which adoptp a piat fom art artnames names a ticket The uuanimeu pinin pininwas was that in a case like that i ry dci dcigate gate abouW stick to the piatforni ant antthe the candidate candidateBut But they dont always do it iiitcrjei iiitcrjeiOf Of one of the party partyl ahoilbi say not chimed in iTlothPr iTlothPrMte Mte could same iou a lou niri wwere were In the state convention utia ar arwith with the new party no noBut But for all that the ieai1et nre tin tindenlabty denlabty cheerful hi their sie th thsituation situation Democrats Say Nothfng NothfngChairman Chairman Baberger null Scretar ScretarCohen Cohen of the Democratic mmmi tee wr wrtoo too busy to talk much They did rt a a9rtnewpgh 9rtnewpgh qied VhjertlV aar aarmgslum5 mgslum5 mgslum5irma irma vsetwe ktpub11 i lee 4 4era era tbat the burden whatever sue suemn1gh mn1gh woeld have to be burr hiefy hiefybe be Ptepsllfcans PtepsllfcansA A member of the Young Mm lepul lepulIlean Ilean club feared iho effect if 1h ynov ynovmacnt macnt in several Rpubiican ts tsthe the county diii nut hita iii 5 5he he wasprcpsred 1 learn aft aftthat that several tf the Republican 51 lEghohl lEghohlhad had been iost beeatsc of the itivity itivitythe the new party Workers alrimdy alrimdyorganizing organizing th fors of th iow prty ii iihis his locality lie said and hi wits gloom gloomas as a result The at Republiean TflSjlF TflSjlFity ity In Salt Lake tunty he etI ci ciIn In experiencing a feeling of alram at atIn In experiencing a feechng airni tthe the prospect of defections defectionsSeine Seine of the more euthusiastk mmb cof of the new party were petomit ttc ttcthey they would carry the county ill less lesseithUSIastic eithUSIastic but still quite en ii siast i iwere were claiming not less than 3 otca ii iiSalt Salt Lake county a showing tr wprensunced prensunced sufficiently lathe meza mezabets bets of the old parties partiesCLAY CLAY IN TOWN TOWNIdho Idho Democratic Congressional Nom Nomlace lace Visits Zion ZionB Clay Democratic nominee for eo eogress gress in Idaho Is in Salt Lake to remam remamuntil until tonight or tomorrow on busines businesMr Mr Clay is more than hopeful for ii iiikcess ikcess of the Democratic ticket in Idi Idiho ho SWe We are making a clean aqi ic arm i ipidgs pidgs Jd he and If we I it WI WInot not be because we did nor mak a got gotfight fight I think the ticket tIIS a good goodchance chance to win Our tight is 4Hifl ifl4 5 5on on the pronosition hat I iorm I Icbuieh cbuieh must not be permittl ini inifere fere In iolitics In Idaho I ant tisti tistiwe we will gain a5great many Repchlican Repchlicanvotes votes on tide Ine IneMr Mr Clay cornea by his Demrary o0stIy 0stIy He was born and raise1 iii l3ir l3irboa boa county Kentucky bum has iycd iii iiithis this weSt for many years Ii reIed 1 ra a time in Salt Lake sad has many friend friendhere here Barbecue at Salt Palace PalaceA A barbecue for he success of hiVh at atleast least one ox and icveral shp are I IOffer Offer up thetr lives has heeui arranged bthe the YeUng htens l01n4sratie iiilh Tlm Tlmaffa1r affa1r sill be giveir at ifle tkmlt Ie1a Ie1aon on tbe evening of Sept 27 it is tpeetei tpeeteia a speaker of naUonal repute will be here hereto to Mr the faithful Demrai5 on Lii LiiS Liithe the barbecue NatiOnal Corn Cornml ml an Prery will taki up the mmii mmiiicr icr hlie in New York suit ii is lielievei lielieveihe he will 5UePtI in securing thi iegvics iegvicsof of a noted sian for the altair altairi i Political Notes Notestsrnpaigim tsrnpaigim buttons bearing ph ofrJudge Powers and Mr cy Ic Icsued sued iyesterdY and ninny of 1 rn coo coofound found their way to the coals ci loyal loyalDemocrats SThe Democrats The Demoerati itate eommittt addil addilanother another room it suitt yesterday Tim Timnew new room is at ibm intersection tb tbtwo two halls on the ground floor if th thAtlas Atlas block tnd will be used as a racer racertes tes room roomThe The Republican 4 the Fourth precinct precincthave have arranged to null off a meeting i inight night at the Twentkth ward annex mISecond ISecond strect The baked air vijil bcontributed contributed by Jmdge Frick James Dvine vine Judge Bowman Hudso HudsoThoinas Thoinas Hull and A Irvine There wi wibe be music a well wellIa Ia Youna Is receiving strong support supportIn In his race for the Democratic nmhit nmhitnon non for county treasure The shun shundance dance of YoungS has led the candidate candidatesupporters supporters to request that he be distimi distimigulahed gulahed by the announcement that he is isLow Low Young of toung Young for fornaerlymanarer naerlymanarer of the Brigham Youn YounTrust Trust company SChairman Chairman Eldredgo of the Republican Republicancounty county cunviittee has rented fur hc hccommittee committee tb suite in the Atlas bbsk bbskformerly formerly msed as Wells headquarter headquarterTb Tb headouarters will be opened tumor tumorrow row litany Republicans are ernauring Lb Lbco5nty co5nty ehairniaui for taking rooms thit thithave have had a liondoc put on them througim througimhaving having hotitd iIL unsuccessful candi candidatea datea bourn bournThe The American Paity has opened head headquarters quarters In suite the secon4 floor floorof of the Atles block blockOLNE1Y OLNE1Y DECLiNES DECLiNESBO5tiL BO5tiL Sod lAt a meeting of the theDemoeratk Demoeratk 5ttt OUViimtiQit tiic loiiav loiiavit it nounced tba Richard Oint Ointwhoili whoili nomination tot governor hams bcn bcnurget urget had ihsoimitely declined to the nominv aider any cirtumMatcS.

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