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The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 2

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2 THE SALT LAKE HERALD TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4 1902 i they begin lgj to discuss dincu the thet constitution constitutionand and nd we tk take them up on that they theyM 1 I cOmetocensorship come to toceuorthip ceqo15 hl When we say ay that thatone tIlatUq 4J to I Uq one Fe exlgt4 eI I Ihen cn they gq to war warWoodshed wart rJ tJ Woodshed bIOodsledIUS jilllfiisp ifltg a au4 4 murdej murdejWhere nure urdi SQ i 1 Where Wfre Seports Jor Reorts Originate OriginatetJLftfer Orgiae OrgiaeAtr tJLftfer Atr kZtkr some 8me rne thap sharp colloquy clouy in which whichtne diic diic1r 4 tne tte Indiana In nulano laua and South Carolina ca rUna sen senators senrs 1r ators rs ridiculed rIdlcllod each euh other Mr 11 JBev JBeverldge Beveridge ecridge erldge proceeded pro eed to relate an anincident anincidentt incident incidentoC tt I oC 0 the the burning of 0 avilage a v1Iage iage and said saidthat sid sidh saidI I I that tat upon up investigation Invetgton i I proved that thatit tbatIt thKtI I i it was the act Ac of th th the Insurgents Ilurge his hispurpose hIspre I purpose pre PIWpO bemg bfg to disprove dtprove some reports reportstKlnst i tKlnst athst lnst the American mrIcn soldiers 8ldlers Mr MrTUIman 1r 1rrUman TUIman rUman WAS wq on his hl feet fet again and andaked andJ andI I aked cod Mr IT Beveridge BeveridgeFrom BnerldgeFom 1 From Fom whom hom do we get the state statements statemints mints met that tat the insurgents Insurgent or rebels rebelsor I or 0 whatever whtee they are did all al this thisburning thisbli I 3 burning burningThe bli bliI i I The uhe 2he American Amtncan authorities authortes replied repliedMr repJed repJedt Mr I f4 BeverMge BeverMgeAnd Bweri And is it customary cmstmry Inquired Mr MrTjllnian MrI 11 jl i I Tjllnian TJan to detmln determine a a case cse from froinex frm fromex 1 ex Dare statementWhy 8tatm statement tathnifltlWhy nt1 nt1Vhy Why does doe the th senator rnator alwaya alwaYa in intet inaat 8 aat tet retorted retrted Mr Beveridge that thatauy thatI I 1 a auy 17 7 authority luthOrty which comes cme from from an anAmerican anf anAmoricap American Amlrn source surc is I a a falsehood faehood while whileeverything whncYtlng whileevrything everything cYtlng that tlat comes come from fom the enemy is the th ht truth truthFor trth trthy truthiI 1 For 10 or the sane re reason ren replied repled the theSouth theSutl South Sutl Carolina CaroH senator senaor that In my myown 1 1 own state alte when ft I Wi capital dplal was burned burnedin burn burni i I in lpS 18JJ5 there tere was an infamous thfumousticit asser assertion aer aeri i tA tion that we burned burne it i when every eery body bOy knew we did not do so soNow soNuw Now Nw Mr lr President Preident saId sll Mr 11r Bev Beveridge Be Bet eridge 1aulhtng laughing we are art back again againon on ancient ancent history which I decline deine to todiscuss tod I discuss discussMr Mr Allison lln of Iowa a member of ofthe ofth I the Philippine Phippine committee cmmItee said ld that so sofar sof 4 far as he was concerned he bad given giventhe givente giventhe the te Philippine PhUpplne tariff tarJ the most careful carefulconsideration careulcOllderaton consideration cOllderaton of which he vas wa capable capableHeTjad capableHO HeTjad HO iaa gone overthe over the schedules ahedule thor thorough thorlug thoroug ough lug oug and was as satisfied fcd that the scale scaleW 1 as 6 good perhaps erhlps as a could be de devised det vised visedAfter iso After At some incidental Incidentl discussion by bySir byML Sir 1 Foraker FOnkeroC of Ohio Mr Ir Teller Teler of ofColorado otColorado Colorado and Mr 11 Carmack the zen senate zennt umL ate a nt at 445 4t 44 went wet into executive executve ses session sesalan sonalan alan and a few feW minutes mln te later ad adjourned adj journed journedWANT dourne ilournadWANT i WANT HIGH BIC TO PAY TAXES TAJCESMembers TAiES TAiESf TAXES2Iembers Members Make a a Minority Mnority Report eport Ap Approving Apt Approving proving Seductions SeductionsWashington eductons eductonsVuhlngon 1 Washington Vuhlngon Feb 3 SBoth Both majority majorityanfl ma mairityt rt3 anfl nd nd minority mlnorlt reports were welf filed fed ou 01 the thewar thear thewar war ar revenue rvenue bll today toda The majority majorityreport majoriy majoriyreot majorityl reot report says ys the probability probabity of early earlywithdrawal wlthdrawfl withdrawal or troops from Cuba and andthe the reduction reducton of the force in the Philip Philippines Phtp Phtpif Philippines if pines pine will wl make further reductions reductons pos possible poet 7 sible able and also reviews the te condition conditionof conditon conditonI I of the treasury In conclusion the ma majority mujority jority jorty report says saysIt sasI sayss It I cannot Cnnot be denied thata large sur surplus surpm surplus plus furnishes furishes temptation temptato for extrava extmvagant extravagnt extravagant gant gnt expenditure While Whle congress may maygenerally mayenerly mayenem1iy generally enerly be relied reled upon to keep the thenational thenatonal thentlonal national natonal expenses within reasonable reasonablebounds rcasonablei i bounds bond it I should be relieved releved from the thepressure thejresre thepreesure pressure jresre which hlch comes with wih plausible plausiblescheme plauii1e plauii1esherC plausiblecheme scheme sherC from every quarter to raid an anoverflowing ant Loverflowing i overflowing overfowlng treasury tresury tresuryto treasuryf 4 to The minority report approves the theproposed therP0e theproposed proposed rP0e reductions reductons but asserts they theyShould thc thchoul theyihould Should houl have havE been made long lo ago It Italso Iiy also al advocates ad locates a general generl revision of oftariff ofI ol oltariff I tariff trf taxation taxaton with the retention retenton of oftaxes ofr 01taxes II taxes txes on in accumulated 8ccumulated wealth There Ther is isii hU ii general gon rl denunciation denunciaton of the Dingle Dingleytaw Dinglei 2 i1 i taw as the mother of trusts and the thereport therlport thereport report rlport says it I enables en bles the manufacturer manufacturerto i to charge far greater prices to home homeconsumers homecnsumers homeS consumers cnsumers than are received abroad for forthe forte fo 1 the te same me goods which is characterized characterizedas tas It as plain robbery robberyThe robberyThe robberyThe The minority minorI report adds While ap approving approving I proving prlng in general the policy polcy of repeal repealJng reealJng repeale Jng the war taxes we insist that the thecertain thei Ccertain i certain crtain taxes on accumulated wealth wealthshould wealh wealhi tI i I should be allowed alowed to remain We rer rerfee re refer reft fee to such ueh taxes as are imosed on onsugar ono or Lsugar sugar sugr and petroleum refiners refners The tax taxof taxt ta of onehalf of 1 per cent cnt on the gross grossreceipts grossreIpts grosreceipts tC receipts reIpts of sugar sugr and petroleum re rentiers renoers rei i liners In excess of 26PSOO 2i yields about aboulr 1000000 100000 annually annuallyThte annualy annualyThr annuallyThP Thte tax has been paid without wihout de demurrer lemrfer 1 murrer or protest and there is noreason noreasonwhy no rason rasonI reaso reasoI I why the great combinations combinatons which mo monopolize mor 4 i nopolize these bignesses bt tnesse and from fromwhich fromr fronwbieh I which colossnl COlo Sline111ua1 incvMual fortunes have haveIteen haven havb ben built buI up should thould not pay pa some somepart Ie part prt of the national natonal expenses expense as well wellas wel wela I as a a the te masses maSSeI of the people who use useand useand usi usiand and consume cnsume the various things which whichare whichI 1 1r are tho subjects subjets of customs and inter internal Inernal Internai I nal revenue taxation taxationAs taxaton i As A the supreme court has denied to tocongress toh sctngresa congress lg 5 the to right to tax incomes for forthe fo or ortho rth the th support of the government it is iswell iswel well wel to place accumulated acumulated wealth wealh under undersome undersomt Cr some somt form of contribution contrbuton and we weknow weknow I know of non more just or equitable equitablethan equltble equltblet equitablithan than tln ta ta such as that imposed by bythe bythe bi1 i1 the war wlr revenue enue act ac on oil oi and sugar sugarreflners sUgari rr rTOTAL i reflners reflnersTOTAL rj 1fne 1fnenlJi TOTAL OF TWENTY TW NTY MILLIONS MILLIONSUrgent MLLIONSr1 MILLIONSI I r1 Urgent Deciency DeficiencyBill Deficiency Bill Di Appropria Appropriations Appropliatons ppropriations nlJi tions tons Are A Increased IncreasedWashington Increasedphfn IncreasedWashington Washington phfn on Feb 3 itThe The net in increase Inf Inllcaee crease 11Ct of appropriations approPliat ns recommended recommendedby lccommend I Iby by the senate committee on the de deJlciency deco ICliclency co Jlciency lienc bill bi is 3163150 16150 bringing brInging it ittotal ittotal total to 20389620 9620 The lctl up Te present presentitems tItems i items of Increase Incres are the following fOlowing i Payment PaYm nt of Mexico lIexlco on account of oi the theLa th CLa La Aura and Weil claims 142572 rI 1 A1l Ptl pay payment IaYmeat meat of rebate tobacco 100000 let cu 1 1000 re reimbursement rel relrubursement imbursement trburscmlnt of Philippine Phlppine insular Inular lnsularfuii fund fundfor fundfor dfor for gunboats unboAt turned over to the navy navy52V8SW naY naYS navu 52V8SW gi purchase of coal for the navy navyr nav 500090 OO equipment of naval vessels yes vessdh4OOOO ls lst 450000 refunding refundtt to states stute money ex expanded expltde cxpnded panded pltde in raising volunteers volunteer In the thecivil thecivi th Ccivil civil civi Tar ar Maine 131515 Pennsylva Pennsylvania Penns Pennmlvak ha hai i lila BttU48 5 IH New Hampshire 108872 108872Rhode 105312f i if Rhode IUtoe island 124617 124617Theappropriation 12617 12617r1 124617I r1 I Theappropriation The he at1Iropriatnn aproprlatInn of 500000 OOO for the theshelter th eI shelter sheter of troops In the Philippine Phfppin is islands isp I 1 lands 1an is retained rQtlne but tee tbf wording woring of ofthe ofj dtli the th provision olsIon is I changed to read rnd as fol follows fol10W8 follows lows 3 lowsFor For the establishment tnblshmcnt in the vicin vicinity YicinIt vicinIty ity It of Manila Inn I of a military mlt post postincluding pst pstIncluding pos posincluding including the construction nstructon of barracks barracksquarters barrcks barrcksII barrnckII II quarters for dfikers fters storehouses storehouse hos hospitals hosi hoeTil Til i pitals pitJs and ao other buildings buidings as well wel as aswater ast a afLter i water watr fLter supply lighting htnS sewerage swerage and anddrainage anddmnage art drainage nec necessary for the accommo accmmo accmmoI accommetttim dation dMfn tttim of a garrison grrl of two full ful regl reglmanta lmet I I 1 manta of infantry two met infnt squadrons squadrns of ofcavalry 1 cavalry cva lry and two to batteries Dtere of artillery Art artilfer artilferto Ufer to be available klable until untl expended expendedThe expendedf expendedti ti The committee cmmitee also at struck out the Ui house hous provision prvison limiting Umtng the number of land la offices OftH in Alaska Alafka to one and re re I duced noed the appropriation apPlOPInton made by the Ui IC ICou 1 house ou bill bi for ernerimental prlmetal rural rrl free fre Ire 2 i delivery doUer service srice from rom 491040 lOtO to 217 309 27 ci cip 309MILITARY 3 bH MILITARY MLTARY WAS WEMPTUOUS CONTEMPTUOUS CONTEMPTUOUSControl SControl 1 Control Contol of the te Purse Pure Charged the theAspect te teI ti lie lieAspcrt I Aspect of the Matter MatterWashington Mater MaterVuhlngton Mattcri i Washington Feb 3 iDecribing Describing con conj co a ai ditions dtons in the Philippines Phlpplne Governor Goveror Govern 0 1 i rC fift ft in the course courc of a long IOlg talk said saidThe saidThe sat UThe The subordinate suborinate military mitar officers ofcers were werea we 14 14a I a little ltUe bit contemptuous of what we wewere wewere ye yeI I were doing because beause it i seemed to play playso playso ph I Iso so Hnlmoortant tnlmortant a part prt in the situation situationbut situaton situatonbr i ibut but br whnn th ti power pwer over the purse pursestrings IJrse 1 4 strings strng began gn to tighten in the te matter matterof matt er erof of appropriations approprIaton those os gentlemen ntlemen who whowere whoi wi ho hovere i were spending the islands funds fun began beganto begn begnt begi nt to appreciate appr clate that th there then was wa some somepower somepwer nor power pwer behind the commission commissionBILL mmissIonL 1 BILL TO INOIIEASE IOASE SALABIES SALABIESDetailed SAAS SAASDebi Sa I i Detailed Debi Vote te on Amendment Carry Carr Carri a i ing More Pay for Congressmen CongressmenWashington Congesmen CongesmenWashngton CongressmenWashington Washington Washngton Feb 3 Consideration 3onsIderton of ofthe ofth ofthe the th bill bi to increase increa the salaries salarIe of ofUnited otUnted ofUnited United States tes courts cur then was resumed resumedThe resume med medTh dTh 1 The Th pending pdmg amendment amedment was that of offered oftered If Iffered fered by Mr Stewart increasing incrasing the thesalaries te he hesalaries salaries salare of senators snator and member membt of the thehouse th thM be behouse I house 1 U5C of representatives reprsentat1ve to 7i00 7i an annually anfl a nnually fl nually nuab beginning begnning on March 4 1903 Aft After Af Al rt rter 1 er brief discussion dlcUlon the amendment was wasrejected as usrejected asreetpd ii rejected reetpd fifteen to fortyfour fortyfourThe fortfoU 2 The detailed delan vote follows fUows Yefe YefeBurton Y4mThirton Burton Buron Clark Wyo Dubois Gallln Galllngfer nger 1 gfer gfr Gamble Kansbrough Hawley HawleyHeitfeld Hawle Hawk ty tyLy 3 4 Heitfeld leitfeld KIttredge Kttrege Quarles Quale Quay QuayStewart Qur QurStewart Ly Stewart Stewrt Turner Turne Warren Varr Wetmore 5 I 15 Ii 15Nays Nays Na NaysBaCOn saon Bacon Bard Berry nerr Black Blackbyrn Blackt Blac Blacik I bin Burnham Burlbam Burrows BUlrows Carmaok Crmaok Crmaoka Carmac Carmaca ik a a jr I I rlapp i lapj Clay Cl Curberson Cullom Culom Deboe DeboeMallory Deboej DebosDletrieb Dfetrirh Dletrieb DiJnghan Dilliogham DoUver DoUJer Fair Fairasks ajr ajrbaqkS baqkS asks Frye Ie GJbsQn Glbsqn Hale te Hars HarsHoar Taris TarisHoar Hoar Jono Jonas 1Ak i Ktgti Kenrn5 Kenrn5edge 4rn8 4rn81dge 1dge edge ICLurtn So MctIiltn MctIiltnMallory I tnln tnlnlIaJor Mallory lIaJor Martin IarttiiMlthelt fMifpheir Money rone Mor Morgan Morn Moran gan an Nelson el5on Iartnitohe1 Bater01r attersonv Pettus ttu Platt PlattN Prltchard Prichard Proctor Simmons SimmonsSpooner SJmmonsSpooner Simmonspooner Spooner pooner Talferro Tai ero Teller Teler TlUman TlUmanWellington TUmn TUmnVelngtonH TilinsanWelllngton44 Wellington Welllngton44 VelngtonH VelngtonHNomiatons 44 44Nominations Nominations Nomiatons Sent to Senate SenateWashington ente enteWasblngtoir tenfte tenfteWashington Washington Feb 3 1Th ZThe The president presidenttoday presidentI presidentoday today to sent the following folowIng nominations nominationsto I to the te senate Postmasters Pstmaster1Vashlng Pstmaster1Vashlngtn postmastersWashIng postmastersWashIngon Washing Washington ton tn on Laurence A A Ainsker Davenport DavenportWar DazenportVar Var second ond lieutenants leutenants of infantry infantryJames Infantr James ames Fulton Fulon MeEntee McEnte jr jrAustin jrAu jrAustin Austin Au Un I Pardee Noble Wiley WU all allat aUat allt at a large Ordnance department first firstlieutenant frt frtUeutenant lieutenant Kenneth Morton Moron to be cap captain cp cptin capam tain tainWOOL tin tinWOOL am amwool WOOL GROWERS GROWERSOF OF THE THENORTHWEST THENORTHWEST NORTHWEST IN SESSION SESSIONHelena SESSIONHelena Helena Mont Feb 3 3Delegate 3Delegates Delegates to tothe to the te meeting meetng of the Pacific Pacfc Northwest NorthwestWool Northwet NorthwetWool Wool Growers Grower association nS8oiaton convention conventionwhich conyeton conyetonwhich which begins begns a three days dassesslon session here heretomorrow heretomorow hereomorrow tomorrow tomorow omorrow have been arriving arrving all al day dayand da3 and Secretary Scretar Bailey estimates estimatesthat estmates estmatesthat that 1000 sheep breeders and wool woolgrowers woolSowers growers Sowers will be in attendance attendanceThe atendance atendanceThe The local locl committees commitees have made ev every ecr ery cr ry arrangement arrngement for the entertainment entertainmentof of the visitors visitor and both the leading leadingclubs leadingclubs clubs ct have announced they tey will I enter entertain entertain tain am the thl visitors The t1e association aociaton com comprises comprllcs prises prllcs rison sheep growers in Montana 1ontana Ida Idaho Idaho ho Oregon Washington lVashington Utah and andWyoming andVomlng Wyoming In the three states stte there thereare thereare are a re 20000000 200000 sheep and the wool ool out output output put ut last year was 160000000 1600000 pounds poundsThe punds pundsThe The most important question queston that thatwill thatvi will vi come up will wi be the passage of a alaw I law lc aw by congress requiring that tat goods goodscontaining goodscontaining containing shoddy shall be marked markedAction marltCl marltClActon Action Acton will wJ also be taken tn the land landleasing lan1leasing leasing question queton It I is the intention intentionnow intent nnow now for the association assocation to select an anagent anagent agent who will wi represent the interests interestsof interts intertsof of the wool 001 growers rqwer at WashingtonHIT Washington yaFlllngtonHIT aFhingtonHIT HIT WITH STUFFED CLUB CLUBNeill CLUBNeil Neil Neil Tells Tels Why Wy He HeBacked Backed Out fInitiation fiiaton Initiation InitiationSpecial iiaton iiatonSpecal Special Specal to The Herald HeraldButte HeraldBute Butte Bute Mont Feb 3 3James James Neill Neillthe Nei the actor who refused to go through throughwith throughwih throughwith with wih initiation initaton ceremonies cer monIes of the Elks Elkslodge I lodge at Spokane made the following followingstatement fOlOWIng fOlOWIngstatement followlnstatement statement today todayReflection toay toayRefecton Reflection Refecton convinces me that my myprotest myprotest myprotest protest against personal indignity Indigniy and andcoarse andcoarse coarse buffonery bUfoncr was timely tmely and en entirely entlreiy tirely justifiable justfable For the first frst time tme in inits InIs its Is history hi8tor a member of my family famiy has hasreceived hal received an insulting insultng blow and been beenpowerless I powerless to resent it itThey it4They 4They have ha protested against the theword I Iord word ord Indignity indignit but I have been so far farunableto unableto find fnd a a softer sofer word to describe describethe descrbe descrbeth I the th infliction inlcUofunder under the th circumstances circumstancesof I of a blow with wih a stuffed stured club I con congratulate I Igratulate I gratulate myself that I was not intim intimidated intmI intmIIdated intimidated idated into the customary cowardly cowardlysubmission cowardlYI cowardlyI submission to indignities Indignite the first frst and andprobably andprobably andprobably I I probably the mildest midest of which was suf sufficient suffcient ficient fcient to make me declare myself and andwithdraw andwihdraw I withdraw withdrawIt wihdraw wihdrawI It I was only onl because of the solemn solemnassurance solemnassurance I assurance that I had received in the theanteroom theanteroom theC anteroom that no indignities indignites would be beoffered beoffered beC offered that I allowed alowed myself to be beblindfolded beblndfolded beC blindfolded blndfolded and led into the lodge lodgeroom lodgeroom lodgeC room I am convinced lJnvinced that when time timeand tme tmeand and sober reason have removed the last lastvestige lat latvestge vestige vestge of the undignified undigifed and debasing debasingpractices debasingpractces debasintpractices practices practces that disgraced Isgaced the order in its itsprimitive isprimiUe is primitive days that I shall shal be asked askedagain askedagain again to present myself mysel for initiation initiationbut Initaton Initatonbut but until unti then ten I prefer preer to preserve my mypersonal mypersonal mlpersonal personal dignity dgIty and American Aercan manll manllTEACHER manUness ness nessTEACHER nessTEACHER TEACHER AND A PREACHER PREACHERAfeat PREACHERf Afeat eatsworcW atSwordat Swords1 Points Point Because Decse BecauseScandal 6f 6fT fs Scandal dai 3lumorsv Bumors BumorsSpecial vSpecial Special special to to Tho luots luotsspecial Herald HeraldRock Herld HerldRock HeraldRock Rock Springs rings Wyo Vo Feb 3 3A A scan scandal scan scandal scandal dal Involving the reputation reputaton of the theprincipal theprincipal theprincipal principal of the Rock Springs Sprins public publicschools publc publcsciools publicschools schools and a reverend gentleman gent man de developed developed veloped here tere last week and the te school schoolthe I I teacher threatens to bring suit against againstthe againstthe the defamers of his character characterFor cl1aracterFor characterFor For some time past slanderous re reports reports reports ports have been in circulation circulaton con concerning concerning cerning Professor Dunbar principal conI of ofthe ofthe I the schools and his relations relaton with wih the theyoung theoung thet young lady pupils pupl of his schools schols It Itwas I was reported that Professor Dunbar Dunbarwas Dunbarwas Dunbaiwas was not only taking takng undue liberties libertieswith Ubertes Uberteswith with the young ladies but that one oneyoung oneyoung 0Th young lady vas in trouble as a the result resultof resultof resulof 0Tht of the IntimacyThe Intmuc Intimacy I The Rev A Lyman was alleged allegedto aleged alegedto allegetto I i to be the one that first frst started the re reports reprt ree ports and he hay h8 gained gaine considerable considerablenotoriety considerablenotoriety considerablinotoriety notoriety prt as a result reul Professor Prfesor Dun Dunbar Dunbar Dunbar bar last lat week demanded an official ofcal in investigation inYestgaton investigation vestigation Yestgaton of the charges charge A commit committee commi committee tee consisting consistng of Robert Smith Smih Chas ChasWassung ChasVasung ChatWassung Wassung Vasung and Moses Harvey Hare was ap appointed ap1oilted appolieted pointed 1oilted After Afer a careful investigation investigationInterviews Investgaton Investgatonintrviews investigationInterviews Interviews intrviews with wi the parents parent of the thevoung theyoung th thyoung young girls gl ls and talks talk with wih the young youngladies youngladie yound ladies ladie themselves themselve ant the committee commitee found foundthere foundI bun there was absolutely abs olutely no truth in the thestories thestres th thstories I stories storiesProfessor stres stresProfessor storiesProfessor Professor Punbar Junbar has said if he hehears hehear Is Ishears hears hear any an more orc such reports report about abouthimself abouthimself abonhimself himself he 1e will wi have the scandal mon mongers monger monger ger arrested and make them prove provewhat procwhat provci what they said The affair has stirred stirredthe str dthe the people peop of Rock Springs as never neverbafore never neverbefore nevebefore before and people are afraid to even evenmention cenmenton eve evemention mention the professors name for fear fearof fearof tea of menton being thrown into jail jai The investi investigation incU incUcation I gation showed that Mr 11 Lyman only onlyrepeated onbrepeted onl 3 repeated cation repeted what he had heard in the thestreets thestreet tI tIstreets te streets streetsFOUR street streetFOUR FOUR KILLED BY BYEXPLOSIO EXPLOSION EXPLOSIONGasoline EXPLOSIONGaolie I Gasoline Gaolie Causes an Accident ia 13Balnery a aBakery Bakery BakeryBoycrtown aer Boycrtown Bo crtown Pa Feb 3Four 3Four persons personswere persor persorevens were killed kie and one probably probably fatally fatallyinjured fataly fatalyjnure fatali injured er by an explosion explollon of gasoline gasolne to toThe tonldt rt rtr 5 jnure night in the bakery of George Carver CarverThe CarveI nldt The dead ded Henry Hent baker Shaner 3S 3 years er old oldFrank oldFrank oh ohre I Frank Fhaner ihan his hI son aged 18 George GeorgeGormln Geor re eGormln Gormln aged 35 3 3 Charles Charle aJ Hough ogh aged 13 13Injured 13Inurd I IInjured 13 Injured Inurd AJe George Gerge Fry Injured eUnion internally internallyUnion interaly interalyt InternailyUnion Union Pacific aifc Debt DehtWashington Debt Washington Feb 8 gIn In response rponse to a arequest arequet request requet for information as to what whatsteps whatsteps steps steps had been taken tken looking to the tbecoleton thecollection Ui Uid collection coleton of interest due the Unite UnitfedStates Unit UnitStte UniteLC States Stte from the Kansas Kans8s division of the theUnion theUnion Ui LC Union Pacific Pacifc railroad rirod Attorney torne Gen General Generl 5 oral erl Knox today toda sent a communication communicton communictonto a to the senate sente giving gfing the status of the thegovernments thegOernlents th thI governments gOernlents account acount with wih that road roadHe roadHe roa I roati He says SR that in 1S98 there ther was received receivedon ti on account ot the te subsidy subsid claim of the thegovernment thegoernpent tI se government goernpent 64751223 64151223 64Th1 t3 leaving 6500000 0 in iI interest unpaid unpid Of this latter later lateramount latt amount S21SS7 was paid pid in 1S09 and an 133942 13942 in 1900 190 He also says that a asuit suit i is pending In the United Unite States Statescircuit a circuit court of Massachusetts Masschusets against againstthe aginst aginstthe the American Loan Lan Trust company companyfor cmpny cmpnyfor for 548000 80 on account of the proceeds proceedsreceived proceedscele Is received cele by that company compan3 on securities securitiesheld seuriti secunitkheld held by it itDeath i itDeath eDeat 1 Death Deat of FamoUs Trapper TrapperButte Tapper TapperBute Butte Bute Mont Feb 3 3Xews News hasbeen hasbeenjeeelved has been been1ehed bee jeeelved in this city clt of the te th death of ofGeorge ofGerge George Gerge Rea Re a famous trapper trppr and pio pioneer pioneer pieneer 5 neer of Montana at Glen Gen Rca Rea Ida Ida1t Ida1tThursda last lastThursday 1e et etit Thursday Rea was one bf the first frt frtto fire it to enter eter the Snake river rer country cont and andexplor an anexplore explore explor the tic Yellowstone Yelowstone national nton park pk pkSevertlIe partSeveral Severaltimes SevertlIe Several tines he was wa President Presl ent Roose Roosevelts Roosevelts Cveits velts guide when whe the te latter was tak tk tkIng ta talug ing hisannual hi al bunt inthat in th part of the thecounty tI se seit country county anl Reas home hote is I situated about aboutfifty abut abutft abet abetfifty it fifty ft miles mie from fom Spencer Spencr Ida and an dur during durIng duiIng ing the te winter wintr can en only be reached by bydog ydog dog team or snow suw shoes shoesDont shoe shoeDarn shoesDont Dont let the th hand nd of time tme paint paintwrinkles pl pali it itwrinkles twrnkle wrinkles wrnkle on your ur fac faC face Keep Kcep young youngr youn i iby by keeping keping the te blood pure and the di dlgestl I Igestive gestlve gestl organs in a healthful healhful condi condition onditon I Ition tion ton HBRBHvS REPIE HEP43I will wl do this tis Health HealthIs Helh HelhI Healt his Is youth outh disease disee and sickness slckn ss brines brinesold brngS brngSold brine rs rsold I old age age Price Pri so cents cent YDrug I I IDrug Drug rug Dep Dept WIND AND WAVE WAVEWRECK WAVEWRECK WAVEWRECK WRECK SHIPS SHIPSStorm Storm torm Plays Havoc With Vessels Vesselson on Atlantic Coast CoastNARROW Coast CoastNARROW NARROW ESCAPE ESCAPEOF OF CREWS CREWSSAILOES CREWSl CREWSSALORSHOW SAILOES SALORSHOW SHOW COXTBAQE COURQE COUBA AND ANDSTICK AD ADSTIC STICK TO SCHOONER I STIC SCHOONR SCHOONRI i iNew New York Feb 3 3TLe The gale gle which whichhas whichhas I has as been sweeping the coasts coast of Long Lon LonIslad Island Islad Is Ist land and nd New Jersey Jerey for more than thantwentyfour thantwentyfour thanwentyfour twentyfour hours and is continuing contnuIng tonight tonight though with abating abatng force has hasbrought hasbrought brought death and disaster to sailors sailorsand and a nd their craft craftReports crft crftReports Reports of of loss 10s of life lfe are are confined confinedto confned confnedto to the eastern end of Long Lng Island Islandwhence Islandwhence whence comes news that several bodies bodieshave bodiesave have le ave been washed wahed ashore It I was not notknown notknown nOtnown known nown up to 10 oclock tonight what whatvessels whatese whatessels vessels ese Is the men who lost their telr lives livescame livesame came cme from They may have been beeneither beeneiher beenither either eiher on barges towed by the tug tugRichmond tugRichmond tugichmond Richmond reported as passing Block Blockisland Blockisland Blockland island is land without wihout tow to bound for New NewYork NewYork Nework York ork to Newport Newport I I or the tug tugCuba tugCuba tuguba Cuba uba which passed Block island two twohours twohoul hours houl ours later and which left Ne Nef Lon London London Lonon don on Conn yesterday for Newport NewportNews I News ews and was wa returning without wihout tow towWhen towWhen When Wt hen leaving port the Richmond had hadthree hadthree three barges and ad the Cuba Cuba two twoWreckage tw twVrckage Wreckage Vrckage reckage strews the shore in the vi vicinity vicniy cinity cniy of the Bellport Belport I lifesaving lifesavingstation Ufesavingstaton station staton and one body came cme ashore ashoreeast ashoreeast east ast of this station staton One barge was wasthreshing threshing about the ship near Forge ForgeRiver ForgeRiver River iver station staton The finding fnding of two other otherbodies otherbodies bodies was reported later from the thesame thesame theame same point pointThe pointThe The life lfe savers sver of Captain Captin Rhoades Rhoadesstation RhoaQosstton ss station stton and those of the Long Beach Beachstation Beachstaton station staton under Captain Van Winklen Winklenmade Vinklenmade made ade attempts atempt to shoot the life le lines linesover lnes lnesover over ver the Schepp but the afternoons afternoonsefforts aternoon aternoonefort efforts efort were not successful They thentied then thentried tried tied to launch the lifeboat Ueboat but this thisproved thisproved proved impossible impossibleThe The crews of the seagoing tugs John JohnE Ev Berwind and Atwood had hada hadaery a aVery aery Very ery narrow escape from going to the thebottom thebotom jtheottom bottom botom bk Sunday afternoon afernoon Nothing was wasknown wasknown wasnown known nown of their plight plght until unt the the arrival arrivalof of the German steamer Barcelona the thecrew thecrew oc crew of which rescued the tugmen tugmenThe tugmenThe The tugs had been delivering delvering provi provisions provisIons sions to the stranded steamer Cavour Cavourashore Cavourashore ashore a at Long Beach I and were wereproceeding wereproceeding proceeding proceeding back to this port when the thegale thegale theale gale ale struck strck them The waves not only swept off of everything movable movable but butooded flooded fooded fl their holds and got into the thereboxes fireboxes freboxes fi The seven men on each tug were in imminent danger of death for forover forover forver over ver two hours hoursPhiladelphia hoursPhiadelphia Philadelphia Phiadelphia Feb 3 3The The windstorm windstormwhich windstormwhich windstormwhich which began yesterday yesteday afternoon afernoon and andwhich andwhich which reached a a velocity ociy of fifty ffty miles milesalong mUe along a the southern New Jersey Jerse coast coastand coastnd I and a nd in the vicinity vicnity of the Delaware Delawarereakwater breakwater has greatly geatb diminished diminishedand and a nd tonight is blowing at a a rate of ofabout ofabut about abut a bout twenty miles mies an hour hourReports hourReport Reports Report from the south Jersey Jersc3 coast coastand coastand coastnd and a nd Delaware Delawar river rver points point indicate that the he vessels that were exposed exosed to the thegale Lale gale ale weathered the te storm fairly falr1 well wel Two vessels are ashore on Brigantine Brigantineshoal Brigntne Brigntneshoal shoal a short distance north of At antic lantc City Ci and two steamers are re reported reported reorted ported orted aground in Delaware bay about fifty ffty miles mies below this city ciy The Brit Brt Bnitsh ish i sh steamer Cloverdale from Asiatic Asiaticports Asiaticports Atatc Atatcports ports for New York which grounded groundedon gounded goundedon on Brigantine Brigntne shoals yesterday Is still sti fast The wind and sea are unfavor unfavorable unfavorable able and during the last twentyfour twentyf hours she has been swung around by by bythe the elements until unt she now no lies les broad broadside broadside broadside side on deep in the sand Wrecking tugs are ar with wih her herLondon herLondon herLondon VrecJng I London Feb 3 3Report 3Reports Reports of damage damagecaused Scaused I caused by the wind and snowstorms snowstors on ot I the continent contnent and in Great Britain Briain con i tinue tnue to be received rceived Carriage and andstreet andstreet ant I Istreet street car traffic trafc in Madrid has ha been beenstopped beenstopped I Istopped stopped and railroad rairoad trains are de layed la ed Some of the towns town in northern northernSpain northernSpain northertSpain Spain are isolated and fruit fruittreesbave trees have been destroyed destro ed In Switzerland Swizerland many manyvillages manyviages maw I Ivillages villages are cut off from viages tion of communica communication communic tionTelegraphic Telegraphic Telegaphic communication communiaton with withItaly wIt wItIaly iltItaly Italy Ialy is interrupted There is now nowmore nowmore no nomore more snow in Venice than at any an time timeduring tme tmedurng timduring during durng the past twentyfive twent fve years ears The Theriver Therher Tb Tbriver river Tiber rose thirtyfive thirtyfve feet feet The Thelower Thelower Tb Tblower lower portion porton of Rome is flooded fooded as aswell aswel a 5 5well well wel as the Forum the Pantheon and andthe andthe an dthe the Temple of Vesta The water of the theTiber theTiber tb eTlber Tiber ig I now receding Several Severl more morewrecks morewrecks ewrecks wrecks off of the British Britsh and French Frenchcoasts Frenchcoasts ic iccoasts coasts are reported and the crews of ofsome ofsome If Ifsome some of these vessels yess ls have been lost lostMontreal lost1ontrea lostMontreal Montreal 1ontrea Quebec Queb Feb 3 3The The snow snowstorm snowstorm snonstorm storm which started yesterday contin continues cop tn tnues Lues ues Railroad Riroad traffic trafc is from four to toeight toeIght 0 0eight eight hours hour late lateACCUSED lateACCUSED lateACCUSED ACCUSED OF POISONING POISONINGHER HER WEALTHY HUSBAND HUSBANDButte HUSBANDBute Butte Bute Mont 1ont Feb 3 3A A special spcial to tothe tothe tthe the Miner 1ner from Bozeman says the trial trialof trialof trk of 3lis Irs Lucy Luc Black who is charged chargedwith chal chaie chaiewith td with ih po poaeoning oning her husband a a wealthy wealthyranchman wqaith althy althyranchman yranchman ranchman of the Gallatin Galatn valley ale was wascommenced wa wacommenced va vacommenced commenced in the district court there theretoday thert then 0 0C today toda Few cases In the criminal his history Msto tory to of Montana have furnished more moreof moreof moe of a a sensation sensaton than this one moeS Mrs MrsBlack 31cBlack rs rsBlack Black is charged with wih having havng admin administered adlIn adlInistered istered poison poisn to her husband on Oct Oc Ocand Lt 4 and for each day from then until untiland unti lint IIr II and including the 10th day da3 of October OctQer Oct be 1901 John Black the man alleged aleged to tohave tohave 0 have been murdered was one of the thebest tli he hebest tliI best Known ranchmen In central centrl Mon Montana Montana Ion Iontan I tana tan a and was reputed rputed to be worth worthover worthoer wort hover over 100000 100000Chess 100000Cess 100000Chess Chess Cess Tournament Tourament Results ResultsMonte Resultstonte esuls esuls1onte Monte 1onte Carlo Feb 3 3Ro RoUnd nd 16th 16tlof 16tlofthe of ofthe if ifthe the BeVger Be Beigertables ger tables served for the pair pairing pairIng pateing ing of the first frst round of the inter international inte inteenational national natonal chess ches masters master tournament tournamentwhich 1 1e which was wa begun begn here today toda A At the thefirst thelsl tli tlifirst first lsl adjournment at 1 oclock this aft afternoon afternoon afternoon ernoon the following folowing results result had been beenrecorded beenrecorded bee a arecorded recorded Maroczy Iarczy had beaten Pills Pillsbury Pis Pisbur Pillsbury bury bur PetroCs Petroffs defense thirtythree thirtythreemoves tbirtthreemoes emoves moves Janowski had disposed dispse of ofGunsberg ofGunsberg If IfGunsberg Gunsberg Napier had the better beter game gameagainst gameaginst gani te teagainst against aginst Eisenberg and Wolf had a agio asuperior I superior positon position In his gme game wih with Reg Reggio Reigio gio In the te afternoon afernoon and evening ses sessions sessions seeslons sions these results were scored rsls sore Tchi Tchigorin Tchigorln Tchgorin gorin defeated Tarrasch Tarr8h Marshall 1arhan and andAlbin ad adAlbin an anAlbin Albin drew Wolf disposed dispsed of Reggio ReggioMelses Reggio1elses 3 3Meises Melses 1elses beat Mortimer artmer Schlechter and andTeichmann andTeichmann an anTeichmann Teichmann drew Papiel defeated Mar Marco Malc Matye co and Napier won from Eisenberg Eisenber It I was wa announced that both bth Black BaeIburn burn bur and Tubienhaus had ad withdrawn withdrawnfrom dthdrwn dthdrwnfrm a from frm the th tournament tournamentj touramet tourametTeegph tournamentTelegraph Telegraph Teegph in i the te Par North Nor NorthDawson I Dawson via ia Seattle Seatle Wash al Feb 3 3 3Permanent i Permanent telegraphic telegphic communication communicationbetween en enbetween between Valdes and Eagle City Clt will wl be beestablished beetablshe 1 eestablished established etablshe by next July JulyBelieves JulyBelieves 0 i iDeieves Believes Deieves He Was Poisoned PoisonedButte Poisoned PoisoneButte i Butte Bute Mont ont Feb 3 3A A special to the theMiner tI e3tIner Miner from frm Helena says ss the wife wie of ofThomas ofThomas Cf CfThomas Thomas Flynn who last lat week expired expiredon eired eiredon don on the street stret has caused a sensation sensationby sesaUon sesaUonb nby by applying to the te county count commission commissioners cmmis lon lones Cnis ers es for authority autort to have ave the te body bd of her husband husbnd exhumed ehume and examined examine to determine deterine whether whete he died of poison Mrs Ir Flynn refuses rerus to divulge the ex exact eact act at nature of her suspicions supicion until untl an anexamination a nexamjnation examination sminaton of the remains has been beenmade bn bee Uinaae made maae but hints int at some sme mystery mysteryWhen mste msteWen mysteryWhen When Wen painor pan or irritation iritton exists eIst on any 3ny at part pr oC the tbebd body the application applcatQl of BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT LNIi gii giigive le ii iigive give prompt prmpt relief lef Price Prce Pr1e 10 cents ce MI Drug Drb Dept Det 1 ILSS LOSS IS IN I MILLIONSi MILLIONSDamage MILLIONS i 10NS 10NSw Damage amage Done 6y toe Waterbury WaterburyFire Fire Reaches Big Sums SumsFirebugs SumsFirebugs SumsFirebugs Firebugs FirebugsVatorbury FirebugsWaterbury FirebugsWaterbury Waterbury Conn Conl Feb SThe 3Theruins ruins rins of the he Sooviile SOvUle house bou blazed bla up agin again this evaning i and caused ct ome alarm alar but the renewed re ed activity actvity of the lames fame was caused only onl nly By the heavy hea wind from frm the west wnd Wet blowing bii BIS ns the smoking smokingembere embers There was little ltle ii iif tUe to burn buronl only the cbT lrnt front doors door and a I iiea lew cw window frames remaining uncon frame sumed sume ea rned at a the time tme when whe the blaze broke qijt 0 j1 afresh afreshA freh frehrevise A revised revise list Ist list ot the heaviest heviest losses oy the fire follows Ue bo fre oIo SCoville SCovIc House loss on Ol bb il building buidinJ thd hd tQCk 100000 Old Ab bott ott loss 20000 tck 00 bt los Reid Hughes HURhe loss on tock Ito on building buiding 210000 91 Masonic tem ple ie value J500OV loss los total Jones Mor or pn an Co loss SO008 New England 108 80 nuUdlnsr buUdlnS owned by the New England Eu ineer1ng neerng 0 compaI COmpane vtmiauji IUKO Joss ItO000 IVVW OO A New VW En Eng CJliK lang ang Engineering company loss 20000 Engineering Jos Franklin Ff rnln House Jos40000 JOi cmpany Judd build buildug 0Q buid buidng ing ng loss tO 59000 Estimates Estmate by experts xper tonight tonlJht place the total totl loss at close clo to 2500000 it I Is believed beleyed one of of the 5O fires firs at least was as the work of Incendiaries IncendiariesWARDEN IncendiariesWARDEN WARDEN WAS WASWARNED WARNED HIS HISWIFE HISWIFE WIFE WAS INFATUATED INFATUATEDContinued INFATUATEDnU Continued nU ued from Page PageI PageIghen3 I Igheny 1heny gheny ghen3 heny attheir at their friends rieds house Well Ten Tellve we ve could not remain CQul re ain there and we were soon oon put out ut oiuthe olthe on the road again again We se cured urea a sleigh sleIghnd and drove drve through the country countr all al night nIght The night nght was wa bit bi ter er cold There was no robe in the sleigh and I suffered terribly When sufered daylight da Ught came I was nearly perished by the th cold The wa next day brought us to the terrible terrbte scene We drove through Butler Buter and knew that we had been een suspected suspecteduTh vThen uTh Then We soon reached Mount Chest Chestnut Chet Chetnut nut ut and getting gettng something to eat eatstarted eatftr started ftr ed out again I Was as feelng feeling ill illand i and a nd was wa frightened The boys learned that the te detectives qetectve were after afer bY5 us and they consulted consuled about defending them themselves th themelves melves elves Ed said to Jack It I is a life lifeor lfe for or a life lets lets shoot them down The hoys oys drove on They were bewildered bewilderedabout bew bewil dered deredabout ered about a the whereabouts of the detec detectives detectives tives Feared Feaed the Detectives DetectivesThey Detectves DetectvesuThe3 uThe3 They thought the Pittsburg Pitsburg detec tues the ires were wer behind them the When they theysaw theysaw saw aw them appear Ed told Jack to get getready getready ready He reepgnized re gized Detective Detectve Roach Detective Detectve McGovern got out of the thesleigh thesleigh i sleigh and was followed folowed by the other othertwo othertwo two wo I saw McGovern fire fre The shots shotswere shotswere were returned by Ed and Jack Jack Then Thenthere Thenthee there thee was fusillade a fusiade of or bullets bulets I saw Ed and nd Jack fall out of the sleigh I Iwas Iwas I Iwas was shot shot The horse hore took fright and andran andran andan ran an away awayDetective awa awaDetectve Detective Detectve McGovern McGoven said Kill Ki all allthe al allhe the he damn rascals scals and pointed his gun gunat gUl gutit at a me Detective Swinehart called caled to tohim Chim 11 him to have mercy on me that I was wasonly wasonly Cnly only nly a woman and not to shoot me meThe meuThe The horse turned into a a field feld and andmade andmade made a a circle circlt into to the road again againThat againThat That was all al I remember Detective DetectiveSwinehart Detetve DetetveSwinehart Swinehart fan tj me and calling caJng to tome tome teI me he asked aked If JL 1 was hurt and I said saidI I saidI I was shot shot He raised rIsed me up and held heldmy heldmY heldmy I my head on his is knees ke Then I felt feltmyself feltmyself myself fainting fairUn fainflngand and Jnd the th next thing I Iknew Inew knew new I was wa inthe in the sleigh sleighWe sleighTe We Te were forced to leave the jail jai be before before fore ore our arrangements arrngement were complete completer I Ilearned earned on Wednesday that the bars barson barson on teared the doors on onthe the cells cels on that range rangewere rangewere were to be inspected on Thursday Thurday Thursdayknew rangeC I Iknew Iknew knew the te sawed swed bars on Ed and Jacks Jackscell Jackscel cell cel would be found I gained admit admittance admittance tance ance to the jail jai and conveyed this in information informaton inormation formation formaton to the te boys Os We then agreed agreedto ageed ageedto agree to togo go go that tatnlghL night I did not intend togo to togo go with wilthem them They The were to make makethe maketo maketheir to toelr their elr tIIgbtnlp igPt I int intended nded to go to tothe te the country countr for fOta tO a few days da and nd then thenmeet thenmeet I meet them themTo themTo themTo To prevent the demolition demolion of the cof coffins coffn cofP fins fn fifl and the mutilating mutiatng of the bodies of ofEdward OfEdward 0 Edward and John Biddle which in all allprobability al al I probability plobabit would wou Id follow foUo their burial bural if ifthe Ifthe I I the spot were known generally Harry HarryBiddle Hry HryBiddle Harr Biddle has arranged a secret plan todispose to todispose tt ttdispose dispose of his hisbr brothers ther remains with without wih wihout withr out letting letng the public publc know where or orwhen orwhen 0 0when when the interment InterJent will wi take place placeSCANDAL plfce plfceSCANDAL placeSCANDAL SCANDAL OV OVER RTHE RTHEPRICE THE THEPRICE THEPRICE PRICE PAID FOR HORSES HORSESLondon HORSESLondon HORSELondon London Feb3 FeD 3The The scandal sandal arising arisingfrom arisingtrom arlsin cI from the proceedings brought against againstBritish aganst aganstBrjUsh againalBritish I British officers ofcersb by Sir Si John Maples laplesP MP MC over the purchase of horses for the thearmy thearlY thearniy army arlY caused further acrimonious com comment comment cornment ment in the house of commons today todayIt todayI It was announced that Major General GeneralWilliam Generl GenerlWUUam GeneraI I William Trumann inspector general generalof generl generlof generar I of the remount department asked for forthe forthe ho hothe the appointment of a court of inquiry inquiryThe Inquir inquiryThe The Te war secretary secretar3 Mr Ir Broderick re replying replyIng replying plying said he agreed that It was wa de desirable desirable sirable that a thorough investigation investigationshould investgaton investgatonshould investigatlotshould 1 should be made of the whole subject subjectand subjectand subjectand and promised that the inquiry should shouldbe shouldbe I Ibe be opened without wihout delay delayLIMIT delayLMIT delayLIMiT LIMIT LMIT JUDGES POWERS POWERSHew New Bill Bil Relating Reltg to the Issuance Issuace of ofInjunctions ofIjuctons cInjunctions If Injunctions InjunctionsWashington Ijuctons IjuctonsVashington Injunctionsrasleington Washington Feb 3 3Senator Senator Hoar Hoarfrom Hoarfrom Hoatfrom from the commission on the judiciary judiciarytoday judiciar I today toda3 reported favorably the bill bl to tolimit toUm1t tlimit 0 limit the meaning meanng of the word con conspiracy eonspiracy mpirac spiracy pirac and the te use of restraining restrainingorders retraining retrainingorers reztraininordeIs orders orers and injunctions unctons in certain certaincases certaincases certaicases cases The bill bi provides that that a com combination cm cmbinaton cornLt bination binaton to do an act or not to do it itshall i I Ishall Lt shall shal not be punished more severely severelythan seerelytan severel ytitan than tan the he act itself and that combina combinations cmbina cmbinatpns tions tpns of this tis character charcter between be ween em employers emplop ployers plop rs and employes engaged In in interstate intertate interstate 1 terstate tertate commerce shall shal not be con considered considered eonsidered sidered in restraint retraint of trade tradeMakes trde trdeI trades tradeMakes I I Ie Makes a New ew Record EecordNew ecord New York Feb 3 3In In the annual annualmidwinter annualmidwinter annun annunmidwinter Li midwinter indoor lndool carnival carival of athletic athleticsports athletc athletcsports athletisports sports held by the Knickerbocker Ath AthIqtic Athl Atha Iqtic tc club in Madison Square Garden Gardentonight Gardent0 a tonight t0 ight John Flanagan of the Greater GreaterNew GreaterXew GreateNew New York Irish Athletic Alhlet association associationmade asociaton asociatonmade lmade made a a new worlds record by throw throwing throwIng ing in the fiftysixpound ff sipound weight from a astand astand stand a distance distnce of twentyeight feet feetfive feetfve feefive five fve inches which beats beat the best prev previoup pre preiou prerV ioup iou record reord of James Jame Mitchell Utch by bythirteen bytirteen bthirteen thirteen tirteen inches inchesFor InchesFor inchesFor For Hself Himself and the King KingVictoria Kg KgVictori Zingrictor Victoria Victori rictor Feb 3 3Yrits 3Writs Writs have havebeen havc havcbeen bar been issued for a suit taken tken by A AI AE CL I Neill Nei of this city ci who sues for him himself himself himI I self and the king against the new ne Van Vancouver Yancuver Vann I couver cuver Coal company and the Nelson NelsonElectric NelsonElectrl Electrl Electric Tramway company Neili Neiliclaims Nei Net CL claims forfeitures forfeiturs and penalties penales under underI underthe undethe I the Dominion railway riw ay act for infrac infractions Inr infractions tions to on the part prt of the companies cmpanies the thesum thesm lb esum sum sm total sued sed for being 94900 94900General 9490 94900General 3 3Geeral General Geeral Miles Mles Injured InjuredWashington Injured Washington Wahingon Feb eb 3 3 3WhIle While Ile driving his hisfast hisfnt hie is fast trotter toter Gold Gld Pebble on the White Whitelot 1rnitc 1rnitclot Vhii Vhiilot ie lot General Miles Ies met with wih an a accident accidenthis acident his sleigh collided clde with Wth the rear of an another anoter at 1 other oter and being belnS overturned overured General GeneralMiles Geerl atal al Miles was thrown to the ground gun but butdun bt btcnI be beceng it cnI ceng dun to the rein reins ins and managed maaged to con control cont cottrol trol ol the frightened tr htened animal although athough he hewas hews I Ise was ws dragged drged about fifty tit yards yard over the theIcy tbeIcy tI tIid se Icy ground jround The cutter cuter was then the righted rightedand rigkte id and the general geerl drove away awy Tonight night he hewas hewa I Iwas te was wa cident suffering sferlng no ill 1 e1ect effects from frm the ac accident acident a aaident I Hurt Hur in i an a Explosion ExplosionNew Exlosion Exlosionew New ew York York Feb Two men were se severely evorely verely erel wounded this ti afternoon afernoon by a heavy hev heat blast b1t of dynamite dymte on the site sie of the te old ol l1 A Stewart Stert mansion mion Thirtyfourth Thirtyfourthstreet Thryfour ii iistreet street and Fifth Fit avenue avenueTo avenueTo vene veneTo To Cure aCold a Cold in i One Day DayTake Davnke Daylake Take nke Laxatives Lxtv IBromo Bromo Quinine Qulninew QulninewTab Tab lets lef AU druggists df refund rund the monte monevIfitfairs montef CV Ifitfairs Jftfafs itfajls t6 cure cur ggt Groves Gres sig signature signattre sispature I nature nattre Is on each box bx 2eCV 2i 2e I GIRL IRL TIRED OF LIFE LIFERash LIFERash Rash ash Act of ofa a Young Woman WomanStudentt WomanStu WomanStude Studentt Stu Stude nt at Ann AnnArbor AnnArbor AnnArbor Arbor ArborI ArborAnn ArborAnn I Ann Ann Arbor Mich tch Feb 3 3Miss Miss Iss Ag Agnes Agnes nes es Ingles Igle a a ne sophomore student In the themedical themelcal medical melcal edical department departJent of the University Universityof Universiy 1 of Michigan chign committed mmited suicide here herei i this afternoon afteroon She was a daughter of ofDr ofDr Dr David Ingles a 3 prominent prminent physi physij physician clan ian of Iowa and was a 23 years ears of age ag The young woman was unusually unusual bright and a promising prQmtsing student and andhad andhad had ad already made made aqe a name for herself I among among a her professors professor She was promi prominent promInent promiont nent ont in athletics athletcs being coach cach of the thefreshmen tbefrehmen freshmen frehmen basket baket ball bal team and ad taking takinggreat tking tkinggat great gat reat interest In gymnasium gmnasium work workNo ork No motive motve for the deed has been dis discovered discovered covered but it is known kown aiown that she was wassubject subject to attacks atacs of great geat mental mentl de depresolon depresulon dereesilon presolon At such times tmes she has ha often oftenthreatened ofen ofenthreatened threatened to take her life lfe Worry Worryover Worryover over ver examination examinaton does not seem to be bethe bethe the he cause cuse for she passed pased with wih high highmarks highmark marks mark all al zme de dhe had taken up to this thistime thistme thisime time tme After examination examInaton she went wentdown wentdon down own town returned to her room and andshot andshot shot herself herel the bullet bulet penetrating penetratingnear penetrtng penetrtngnear near ear the heart heart She then opened her herdoor herdoor door di oor walked out into the hall hal and fell fellin feUin dl in i a swoon She died half an hour hourlater hourlater later without wihout recovering conscious consciousness consclouness ness nessROYALTY nessROYALTY ess ROYALTY WILL NOT CAUSE CAUSEEXTRA CAUSEEXTRA EXTRA APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONSWashington APPROPRIA TIONS TIONSI I Washington Feb tIn In response to toinquiries toinquires inquiries inquires i the state ttt department today todaynotified todaynotfed notified notfed the senate committee commitee on ap appropriations appropriatons propriations propriatons that the department departmentwould departmentwould would ould be able to make provision provI5on for forthe forthe the he expenses eenses of the representatives repreentatives of ofthis ofthi ofhis this thi country count in Epgland incident to tothe tothe tohe the coronation of King Edward VII VIIfrom VI VIIrom from rom its resources resourc and that therefore thereforeno no special appropriation apprpriaton would be nec necessary necessar necsary essary essar sary for 01 that purpose purposeThe purose puroseThe purposelhe The committee commitee therefore therefore did not notmake notmake notmake make provision rovision vin jI Ip the urgency deficiency det delI ciency cienc bill bi as reported to the senate to today toda day da ay for this item iem of expense pelse as it i had hadagreed hadagred agreed agred a on Saturday Saturdaylastto lastto at to do doThe doThe The committee commitee also directed that the theprovision theprovIsion provision In the te bill bU as it comes comesfrom comesfrom comesrom from rom the te house use for an appropriation appropriationof appropriaton appropriatonof of 40000 4000 tQ be used sed By the president presidentin in i meeting metng these emergencies would be besufficient besufcient beufficient sufficient sufcient to cover the expense of the thegovernment thegoerment government goerment in connection connecton with wih the ap approaching approaching proaching visit of Prince Henry Henr3 and andno andno no specific specifc appropriation appropriaton was wa made on onthat onthat that account accountENEMIES accountENEMIES ENEMIES OF IRRIGATION IRRIGATIONInterpose IRRIGATIONInterose Interpose Interose I a a Technical Techncl Objection Objecton to toHeasure teSpecial Measure HeasureSpecial Special to The Herald HeraldWashington Herld HerldWashington Washington Feb 3 3The The house com comI commitee I mittee mitee i on irrigation irrIaton held its it first frst meet meeting meeting ing i ng today and discussed informally informaly the thegeneral te tegenerl general generl Irrigation Irrigaton hill bi framed by the thecaucus thecaucus caucus of western members membr Repre Representative Representtve sentative senttve Ray Ry of New Net York one of ofthe ofthe the he most bitter biter opponents of irrigation irrigationin irgaton irgatonin in i the house and its is said instigated instgated by Speaker Henderson to oppose irri irrigtIon gatlon gtIon gb measures contended that the bill bi ill under discussion dlsc sslon Is unconstitu unconsttu un onstltu tional tonal He held that that the general gen ral gov government go goernent ernment ernent cannot appropriate approprate money to tomprove improve I mprove the public publc domain for mone3 the pur purpose purpse punose pose pse ose of selling selng It ItWhile ItWhie itWhite While Whie no vote ote was taken on this thispropositioh thispropoitoh propositioh propoitoh it was evident Ray was wasalone wasalone alone a in his contention contentionThe contenton The committee commiteewi will meet again agin Sat Saturday Saturday Satrday I urday next net when Chairman Charman Lacey Lace of the he public publc lands committee cmmtee will wl be begiven begiven given a 3 hearing on his bill bi appropriat ing i ng 1000000 1000 for fr experimental expermental approprat Irriga irig ion ton work in the tle west westThe westThe The committee commitee will wi hold its regular regularmeetings reglar reglarmeetng meetings meetng Mondays Monda for further consid consideration consideraton considration ration eraton of the general generl irrigation irrigaton bill bi Senator Warren today tody filed fled with wih the thesecretary th thsecretar theecretary secretary secretar of the interior the protest of ofresidents ofresident ofesidents residents resident of northern TJinta Uint county Wyoming omlng against the proposed propoed eaten extension eten etension sion ioji of the te Teton forest reserve reserveRailway reserveRaiway reserveRailway Railway Raiway to Aid Sheepmen SheepmenSpecial SheepmenSpecial Special to The To Herald HeraldwUns HeraldRwlins i iRawlins Rawlins wUns Wyo Feb 3 3Wilam 3William William Da Daey ley ey the flockmaster fockmaster has ha returned from fromOmaha fromOmaha fromOmaha Omaha Omaha where whre he conferredwith confered wIth the Union Pacific Pacifc officials ofcials with wih reference referenceto to the company cmpan protecting protectng the Carbon rbon County Count Wool Growers association associationfrom associaton associatonfrom Lfrom from the encroachments encrachments of sheepmen I from Utah Mr Daley states that the thecompany thecompan Scompany company assured him lImeerthing everything pos possible possible poesible sible will wi be done to protect the range rangeof rnge rangeof of the local association associationOn fsociaUon fsociaUonOn pseociationOn On Southern Souther Representation BeprenentationWashington RepresentationWashington presentton Washington ahlngton Feb sThe The Republican Republicanmembers Republcn Republcnmembers Cmembers members of the te house held a caucus cucus to tonight tonl tonight night nl ht to consider a line Jne ef policy polCj to be beadopted hi adopted aopted concerning the te alleged aleged dlsfran dlsfranchisement disfrn disfrnchiement distranchlsement chisement chiement of voters voter in the south The Thecaucus Thecaucu Ccaucus caucus lasted from oclock until caucu lated ocloc shortly I adjourn after afer 11 1 oclock ocock for one when week it I to was consider unti decided decded ShOrt3J more to toadjourn toadjourn te fully ful the te different diteren propositions propositon brought forward forr Ko NodeclIon decision was reached reachedDance rachedC reachedDance I Dance Dace Hall Hal Girls Die DieSeattle Seattle Sette Wash Feb 3 ZAdices Advices from a 1 Nome state two girls connected with a dance hall hal committed cm mitted suicide SICide by taking takingcarbolic takin gcarbolic carbolic carbolc acid acId Despondency ijfascribed ijfascribedas is acribed acribedas ci cias I as the cause caus They heJr were known as the th Carlisle Carlsle sIsters elster but their real names namesare are unknown unknownMaoris unkown unkownMaor Maoris Maor for South Africa AfricaWellington Aric AfricaWellington Wellington Telngon Feb 3 3A A thou thousand thousnd thousend sand snd Maoris 1aori 3iaori have ave volunteered to do dogarrison dbgarIson di 3 3garrison garrison garIson duty anywhere a wbere in the te British Brish 1 dominion with Wih the object of relieving releving a like lke number of British Briish troops for forservice forsenlc 10 rservice service senlc in South Africa AfricaJleniber Africae AfricaMember AfricaMember Member of National Natonal Committee CommitteeButte Commitee CommiteeBute CommitteeButte Butte Mont Feb 3 3A A Bute Mont special secIal from fromahngton I Washington ahngton Cf state tte tates that I Bonner of Missoula has been appoint appointed ed by Senator Hanna as a a member of I the Republican Republcn national natonl committee committe from Montana in place of the late Judge SI Dewitt DewittAlmost Dewitt DewittAlmost lat I 1 I Almost A10st Beady to Launch LaunchNew LaunchNew LaunchNew New York Feb 3 3Gay Gay in a dress dre of ofWant fresh paint its hul hull moulded into Ionni for Emperor mperor WIUams Williams yacht acht the Meteor leter IS rad ready for the water at Shoote island islandWant Shoter I Want a Postofflce Posofc Named Naed Eoosevelt EooseveltSpecial Rosevel BoosevellSpecIal I Special Speal to The Herald HeraldWashington Herld HerldWahjn HeraldWashington Washington Wahjn Feb 2A A large larJe number of Pt Idaho citizens cltens have hae sent to Senator Hell feld a petition for the Het a nUCon establishment estblshment of ei if the Roosevelt postofflce with wit I Cuddy Cudd postmaster postmater and asking aJng that 1 a special gpeeal mail mal route be established etbliled from trot Idaho City Ciy to Miller Mier 1 1Thunder Mountain MountainThunder MountainThunder IotntIn Thunder 2Tountain Moutan Mail Boute BouteSpecial RauteSpec1 BeuteSpecial Special Spec1 to The Herald HeraldWashington Heradl HeradlWahlr HenaidWashington Washington Wahlr on Feb Activity Achi in the th Thunder mountain mountin region causes much niuc ii competition competton for the te establishment estblshment regon cue of mail na routes and an inspector Inper will wl be sent mt Im in I mediately medatey to examine and report upon the tIe a repr best bet route rute tf ruteAt At the te Lace Lco House HouseFor Houe HoueFor HouseFor For two days a3s only ont we offer ofer our entire stock stok of Ladies Ldl Winter inte Jackets Jacket worth etr up to 1800 8o3t at 447 47 47 each eachTo eachTo eachTo To Finish Fsh His Th Airship Aihp AirshipMonte Monte Carlo Feb 3 corresponl Calo 3The The correspozi I dent dnt here of the New Ne York Herald Herld corespn ca bles his paper pe A heavy hea sea se has ha Inter fered with wIt the construction constructon of the jetty Jett jett in the port of Monaco onco but Santos Dumont has ha determined deterined to finish fnih the theconstruction Ui Cconstruction construction cntructon of his hiane new airship irhlp He Het left for Paris whence he he will wI gd to toLondon toLdon 0 0London London Ldon returning to Monte Carlo Crlo on onFriday onridy a aPnid Friday FridayG Pnid PnidG ridy ridyG iaso assous i CoPersian Persia and andOriental I I Oriental Orental rugs rgs Removed Remoted to 74 1 3d So I MEN ME NI INSIDE INSIDETHE SI DE THE TH EM MINE MINEEightyfour EI I Eightyfour Bodies Recovered Recoveredand and a Number NJmber of Others OthersInjured OthersInjured OthersInjured Injured InjuredHouston InjuredHoust InjuredHoust Houston Houst Tex Te Feb 3 A special specialfrom speial speialfrom I from rom Eagle Pass Tex Te says saysEightyfour sys sysEightvfour Eightyfour bodies bodie and sixteenjnen sixteenjnenbarely sixteen men menbrely I barely brely arely alive alhe some of them tem horribly horriblymangled horblY horblYmangled horriblyangled mangled have been taken ten fcwn fm tn tnHondo te teHondo the Search for the bodies bodiesbut Hondo ondo mines Seach fr ha Hh as stopped on accunt account of the stech stechbut stench but ut disinfectants disinectant stoEe arrived arrive this tdl thl afternpoji afternpojiand aftelnPQt and a nd search searh will wi be renewed The shaft shafthad shat shathad had ad US 18 men embodied ebodied and a eighteen eigteen are arestill ae aesti still sti till inside The dead mules mule have been beentaken taken tken from frm the shaft shaftThe shaf The damageto damage to the property is very verygreat great reat damag The company compan bas summoned smmoned all allthe al althe the he physicians physicans and nurses that tht can cn be besecured esecured secured and is doing everything possi possible pSI pSIble poeSile ble le to save any of the miners miner who are arestill arestm still till alive aliveThe alve alveThe The scene at the opening ef the te mine minewas mmewa was wa as heartrending Wives Wive mothers mot er and andchildren andchidren children chidren of the dead ded and mangled mangle were werescreaming werescreaming werecreaming screaming and crying and an refused refse tp tQretre tpretire retire retireOf retre retreOf Of those known to have goneinto gone into te temine theine mine ine about forty are still stn to be accounted accountedif accunteafor a aor for or They ae are not Ikel likely to be lving Ilvifig for rI if I I not killed kle outright outrght the deadly dedly carbonic carbonicoxide crbonIc crbonIcode would un unquestionably unQuestonablY oxide following follwIng the explosion expio wod questionably have suffocated sufocate them themThe tem themThe QuestonablY The direct cause of the te explosion is not notyet notyet yet et known The accepted acpted theory theor is ij ijnition ig ignIon nition nIon by a naked nake lamp The mine ml is Isfeet 375 375fluently Th Theet feet eet dee deep and i is a dr dry mine con cosine fluently fine explosive coal dust found foundan foundlodJent Quenty fne lodJent i odgment on ledge and for floor an and Is oren orenan often an a unsuspected unsuspecte danger The combination cmbinaton cmbinatonof combinationf ao ap of gas Ja and dust may ma account for the ex plosion General Generl Manager Johnson Johnsn othe of ofthe ofhe the he Mexican International railroad Is also alsogeneral alsoeneral Mexlcn Intertonl ralroad i ao aoJenerl tg tt general Jenerl eneral manager of the mines mine He went wentto wentto to the mine on a special spcIal engine on Satur Saturday Saturday SaturaY day aY and is stilt there A dozen surgeons surgeonssecured fUrgeoDs fUrgeoDssecured surgeonsecured along the theroad theroad theoad secured from accessible points point road and ad the frontier fronter are doing all a1 that tat tatis is i possible for the te living lving The dead ded are arebeing areeIng being buried a QA A FAKE FA SALE SALESensational SAE SAESenaton SALEensational Sensational Senaton Idea of Salvation Savaton Army ArmyCaptain Ary AryCaptn ArmyCaptain Captain Captn Fell Fel Through ThroughNew Though ThroughNew New York Tribune TribuneThe Trbune TrbuneThe TribuneThe The socalled socaled sale sae of children chidren by the theSalvation theSalvaton thealvation Salvation Salvaton Army Am people of Youngstown YoungstpwnO Youngst Youngstownturns wn 0 turns out to have hae been simply smplY a aclever alever clever ruse for sensational sensatonal advertising advertisingover advertsing advertsingSuch Such uch a storm of protest arose from al all over ver the te country untry that Captain Captin McDiar McDiarmid 1clar 1clarmid MeDiarmid mid was wa forced to explain and so sospoiled sospoied sopoiled spoiled spoied the plan of the te sale saleThe saleThe The captain cptin has all al along said that thatthe thatte the te sale would be a bona fide fde one and anda as a a a result protests protest came cme came in from many manyflcials manycies cies ities societes societies anarchists and of offcIas oficlals flcials fcIas calling clilg upon local men in official officialj ofcial ofcialcapaciy officialapacity capacity capaciy to prevent the sale So hot hotwas hotwas I was it i being made mae for the captain who whoI whois I is i on the te sensational sensatonal order more or orless orless oress less ess that that the mayor ma3or and the captain captainwere cap captainrene ln lnwere were I compelled compeled to tell tel the true state stte of ofaffairs ofatIr affairs affairsThe atIr a ffairsThe The sale was merely in the te nature of ofan fan an a object lesson to the audience at attending attendingad tending tendingad to and consisted in bids being beingoffered beingofered beingffered offered ofered for the children chldren by ten speak speakers speaker speakns ers er ns all of whom submitted submited offers ofer along alongdifferent alongdifernt alongifferent different difernt lines lnes One promised wealth wealthanother wealh wealhanother wealthnother another a pleasure and so on until unti Chris Christianity Chrs Chrstanlr tianity tanlr was reached and the child chid re reclaimed reclaimed relaimed claimed There was no transfer of ofchildren ofchidren ofhildren cc children chidren nor adoption adopton papers issued issuednor Isued Isuednor Issuedor nor or any an3 violation iolaton of thelaw thela th law The chil children chi chilren dren ren were wer those of poor families famies and andwere andwere were accompanied by their parents parent and andremained andreained andemained remained reained in their charge It I was wassimply wassImply simply a scheme on the part of the cap captain captain tain of the te Salvation Salvaton Army to arouse arouseinterest arouseInteret i interest Interet I in his work here hereAmong hereAmong hereAmong Among the th complaints complaint received reeived last lastweek lat latweek week was wa a letter from fromJ Byers Byer sec secretary se retary rtan of the board bard of church charities charitiesof chaites chaiteso i of Jersey City Ciy To his communication communicationthe communicaton communicatonthe the he mayor replied repled that tht no violation of ofthe ofI the he law was wa intended intended The local loal Grand GrandArmy Grnd GrndAry GrandArmy I Army Ary post avowed that trouble would wouldcertainly wou1certalnb wouldertainly certainly ensue should the sale sle of chil children chi chilren dren ren be permitted permited and the manager managr of ofthe ofhe the the he theatre where the meeting metng wa waheld waheld waeld held eld was as compelled comeled to come out with witha withcard a card crd that no violation violaton of the law was wasintended wasIntended wasntended intended intendedThe IntendedThe i ntendedThe The Salvation Army Ar captain cptin has hascaused hascused caused cused some talk here by a recent reCEt in invitation invitatIon vitation he extended to James JamesJ Cor Corbett Corbett Conbett bett to be head waiter at a Christmas Christmasdinner Chrstmas ChrstmasdInner Christmasdinner dinner given by the Salvatlou Slatlo Army ArmyLeading ArmyLeading Leading Christians Chritans objected objecte to Cor Corbetts Corbets Conbetts betts bets presence and refused to aid fur further furthet further ther thet in the affair afair The Te captain captin said saidthat saidthat I that Corbett was present just the same sameand sme smeand and the children chidren were greatly great amused amusedSHE amusd amusdSH SHE IS BOOSEVELTS APPOINTEE APPOINTEEA I IA SH ISROOSEVS APOITEE I IIndan A Woman Womn Chosen to Superintend Supertend the theIndian CIndian Indian Indan Schools in i the WestChIcgo WestChicago West WestChicago Chicago ChIcgo Chronicle Chronicl ChronicleThe The honorable honorble distinction distncton of being bng the first frst woman woma appointed appinted to an office ofc o1Te o1Teby by President Presidet Roosevelt belongs to Miss MissEstelle 1lss 1lssEstele MissEstelle Estelle Estele Reel of Wyoming who has hasbeen ba hasbeen been named as superintendent of In Indian Indian Indian dian schools Miss Reel is now the na I tional superintendent of Indian schools schoolsfor Cor I for or the United Unied States and travels con cn constantiy I stanty stantiy over the length and breadth of 01 I Ithe the land visiting visitng schools and organic orgniz II ing and establishing etabUshin innovations innovatons in the theline theline line lne of manual training tr nlng on the various variousreservations variousreservations reservations reservaton Miss Iss Reel Rel is young and andenthusiastic andenthusiastc ant I Ienthusiastic I enthusiastic enthusiastc and has ha force forc enough for forseveral forseverl rseveral several severl women but no more than she sheneeds sh Cneeds I Ineeds needs in her work of inspiring the se red redman re Lman I man to better beter living lving and ad a a greater geat de degree degree gree gee of Industry Industl She traveled trvel4 24100 24100miles 4 I Imiles miles mies last year yearmore more than half hal the dis tance tanc by stage coach coachMy cach cachU1 U1 My work is simply simpl the extension eteIion ef I the work ork alread already done in te the govrn govrnment ment schools shols and shops she said In it I Cr 1ing of her experIence amo among saj the thi Indians It I requires require the utmost utQst per i suasive suaive power and nd plenty of devising devJSg vIsini pr and original thinking tnking to do the te work orl laid out for me The he fact that I have haveaccOmplished accomplished accomplshed something smething in the te west we is I apparent in comparing paring the life of In dians dia who live within wihin a nights ride of rtll Chicago icago 0 T1 with tC VVrt 4T 4TOregon wit that of so some who lve live in lx 1 I Oregon The former are In as a barbar barbarous barba barbarous ous a condition condion as a they the were when hen a America Americ was discovered disovered Much of my work is far farrom from being bng technical edu technileu cation caton The Te girls must be taught ght the tb rudiments rudiment of homemaking homemakng and the tb boys bO Ts the trades trdes so that they the can cn take their places place in civilization civizaton When I Whe find fnd a school schol excelling eceUng I carry cary its it work around aro to show to some other school and in that tat way wa inspire inspie all to sCh01 good god gooc I work workMiss work worksIlss Miss Reels Reels success scces is a a strong argu I arg ment in favor of her sex occupying the Ui high places p1ace in the te 4 4Piertons ranks rnk of education educationPinkertons eucaton I IPinkertons I Pinkertons Piertons Joke JokeCNew Joke JoketNew I Iew CNew ew York Times TimesWilliam TIme TimesWilliam William Wilam Pinkerton Pinkeron the detective has ha I detetve perhaps pehap a wider wier circle crcle of acquaintances a than thn any an other man mn In the world aCuantnce orld He not ne it only knows kows intimately intmately crooks of I crok every ever kind kind but wherever wberver he goesand goaRq he ever mat i els most of his hi time tmehe timehe he is i friendly trenly tv with withProfessions wit I elubmen politicians clubme pltcians an and lee leaders In malr man I Professions and an branches brnhe of business bualne The Te other day da at the Palace bune hotel in i Pace hte a San Francisco Flcio he was telling tellng of a a cele 5 brated brte London Lnon detective detetve who had a fad ha for collecting Cleng curios crio His Hi office is full fit 11 oc I tul or of them Some time tme ago he asked Pink erton 6ton to pick pk up a bowie bwie ao knff klf knife ake and the th a latter lter promised promi to send him one when he returned retured to America Aerc Pinkerton Pinketn wb was ws in inbowie I New Oren Onloam one da day and In a pawn sho Pw wIndow he saw a foridable forniidabje lookin sho bowie bwIe He boyght bght it and ad rent rent It lking to the Ui detective dete detpetive in London non with wih a letter te reciting rectn I i iST1 a wU wholly imagInr Imaginary histor history of the weapo Pneron Pinkerton ST1 we wrote that tht it was made mad ma4 out of ef a file by the ile te celebrated elebrted Colonel Colnel Bowie in inand I a Habur Harrisburg KY and presentee by hh presente a I tu Da Davy Crockett hi Crett Te The latter tter carn1 I It to the cr I war for th the Independence of Texa Inpnce I and aD when found foud dead de on the betMrttalH Tea eld the he bowie bwie was clutched cutche in his hVnSTand hnd bnd btt an I I I Mexicans Mecns was surrounded suronde by twentyseven twetysee dead dd den an I 1 iP UDnt Dont lose i It were wee th th the words with wit I word wh which whih Pinkerton Pinkeon closed close his hi letter I lt 1 thought hewoul be wo would ld i i US0 take tael takeit it aa as a efce aa said sai Pinkerton Pinken liit butth tbt thij jussi time te Iwnt I wes it i to London Lndon I saw sw that he had framed bth beth the letter and the knife bd I Ineer leter and I have hat never dared dare to tell tel 4 the te a aAt truth trth truthAt aD At At the te Lace House HouseFor Roue RoueFor BouseFor For For two days d8 only we offer our entire stock of Ladies Ldie Winter Ja Jaup Jackete wont entre up to 1500 180 at 447 14 each aeketwor KILL 1 IL1QHINASRu IL1QHINASRuIotto CHINAS RULER RULERPlot RUl I Plot Piotto Iotto to Assassinate the Empre EmpreExposed Empress Empressposed Empreexposed Exposed posed by Tortured Con Conspirator Conspirator Conspirath spirator spiratorVictoria spiratorVictoria spirathVictoria Victoria Feb 3 3Xfw 3N 3Nost Xeu Xeumost most ost extensive conspiracy to tte I i cnsprcy to as asate a a ate a te the te empress empre dowager of rhin rhinHi hha hi hiembers emember member embers of he her curt Court ad and andidezpread for wldeprea idezpread reblin rebellion which whichohe a 01 ohe the whOle Chinese en eneceived Hi pi re trl trlreceived received by the steamer Glenesfc The discovery of the plot plothile was while hile the court was at Katfeng Katfengan Katf1 Katf1n an a unsuccessful attempt was made1 made1destroy Triad destroy the palaces and thtir th thy iurat by fire After the failure of th he heempt i itempt tempt some of the incendiari incendiariarrested incendiarrrested arrested a by the Honest provincial previr a acials fi cials and torture was at once apnij riii I with ith a view of extorting confessions cnnf5 One of ofthe the conspirators aged 1 Is veaV ynly only nly at last broke down and andossed fessed He told of attempts that wo to be made to wreck the imperial irai Tr and a nd fire on It from the side of fA the in A search of the captured men houses ouses resulted in the discoverr discoverrcorrespondence disoy5 disoy5orrespondence correspondence and detailed detailedthe report reporti i the strength of garrisons of all the th thes I ies es of importance in China and all tar tieulars relating to their strength strengthefense anj ar MI defense efenseThe The books of the society fltdjr I the he names of the members a ere er eround aif i found and there will be wholesnie ar a rests Correspondence was also ai loumi 1uu i I from rom the China Reform association i the he conspirators conspiratorsWhen Jviceroy I When the plot was discove art1 uards were placed along tie i Ote viceroy Yuan Shikal and the theot court srai not ot molested en route routeWELL routeWELLKNOWNIN WELL WELLKNOWNIN KNOWN IN BOISE BOISEMan BOISEMan 1 Man Arrested for Using UsingFraudulently Ma MaFraudulently Fraudulently Has a aHistory aHistory History HistoryBoise Boise Ida Feb 9 LIt It transpiresthu I the arrest of Woodward WoodwardBig ala I Big Hawley and Otto Soheuler a Boston a short time ago go on a charge chargesing of ofusing I using the mails for fraudulent per perposes perposes poses was brought about on inform informaI ion from Boise A package was wa waelved re received ceived a short time before at the Pa Paa ific Express office here for delirene delirenea a a Boise man on the payment of jiw jiwThe 10 10The The sender gave his name as CCannister rCannister Cannister the package being from frr frrBeverly Beverly Mass He asked that umoney th thmoney money be returned by wire wireThat wireThat That being contrary to the rules of ofthe ohe the he company Agent Lundy de declined dochinned chinned to comply with the request requestsending ruestending sending the money by express in in the thecustomary theustomary customary manner His suspicions suspicionswere suspicionswere were aroused by the transaction Two Twodays Twedays days later a second box came for an another another other man with a of ofWhen J21 J21When When the man for whom this was sacntended intended i appeared he said he though thoughthere thoughthere there might be a swindle about the thematter thematter matter and asked that the package te teopened tQpened opened openedThe QpenedThe The box was found empty Mr Lunor Lunorthen Lundithen then took the man to United State StateMarshal StatesMarshal Marshal Ramsey to whom the intend intended intendd ed victim delivered the correspondence correspondencewhich correspondencewhich which showed that he was to get a boi boiof bif of green goods Through the seer seerservice secreservice service the delivery of the 100 aireadv aireadvsent aireadyent sent ent was stopped and the captures ef effected efected fected fectedThe ectedThe The marshal declines to make public publicthe pullthe the names of the two Boise men menthis a athis this time timeDIRECTORY timeDIRECTORY DIRECTORY OF DRUNKARDS DRUNKARDSA A SALVATION ARMY PUN PUNLondon RNLondon London Feb 3 3At At a mass meet meetIng awe aweng Ing i ng held in Exeter hall tonight Gen General Gertal eral tal Booth leader of the Salvation Ar Army tmy my opened a special temperance cam campaign canpaign paign as a feature of the work of ofthe efhe the he army during the present year yearGeneral yearGeneral General Booth said he relied cord confidently corddently dently upon the cooperation of sa saloonkeepers saoonkeepers loonkeepers in this work through throughtheir througiheir their indicating the habitual drunk drunkards drunkrds ards a rds insomuch as the supplying of ofhabitual habitual drunkards with liquor endan endangered endatgered gered the publicans license and that thathe trithe he Intended to compile a drunkards di directory drectory rectory in each town and follow the thehabitual th thhabitual habitual drunkards home and reform reformthem reformthem them there How it Pelt PeltBaltimore FeltBaltinsore Baltimore American AmericanYes AmericanYes Yes said the returned traveler point pointing int inting ing out the place on the map it vai vairight ti tiright right here that I slipped off th the moun mountain muttam tain tam and it was right here that I stopped stoppedsliding toppcdsliding sliding slidingMan Man alive we exelaim exelaimdpointed Soi Soipointed pointed at Switzerland first and then in indicated rdicated dicated Greece as your stopping point pointWell poittVolt Well he answered anyhow I ttli feitas as if there was only a grease spot ml leerwhen mlwhen when I hit hitAnd hitAnsI And when we explained our i 11ro3tl 11ro3tlto rovo atin atinto to the judge he made the man pay tho thofine Vfine fine that had been assessed against ufor tfor for striking him Poor Bessie BessieNew BessieNew New York Sun SunThe SunI SunIThe The big sister aged 22 2 was wa engas 5o 5osome msame same household duty that it took hr hteat a atoag teat while to accomplish accomplishyou i dyou you would be faster Bessie Beast 1 1mother rroether mother That evening the small brotifcr brotifcraeed hrttkaged aged 3 was beard to say in tlu th oourst ir irhis i ihis his nightly prajrer srar And I I Lord nrl nrlplease do please make Beesie fast fastA fastA A Cripple CrippleNew CrippleNew New York Weekly WeeklyTramp WeekiyITrampId Tramp TrampId Id like ter do something to Tfer TIcr fer all this but Im a cripple mum mumHousekeeper mumHousekeeperYost Housekeeper HousekeeperYost Yo dont look it I Ithe al althe the matter matterTramp metIerTrampWriters Tramp TrampWriters Writers cramp mum I ve be bekeepin ti tikeepin keepin a list of all th people wot Lme Kt Ktme me work mum muniIt mumIt It Depends on the tv tvNew ver verNew New York World Worlda i iThe The vegetarians say a man irJY li lia a hundred years on vegetable vegetablewater tI I Irater water But is it worth while nhiltor Vsor sor acceptable idesT idesTTHEPATESTREC9B i6E1j 1j kt State if patted pattedTHE THEPATESTREC9B THEPATESTREC9BBaltisweMi THE PATEWrRECO PATEWrRECOBalliee BaltisweMi Balliee Md MdUbe Ube iption prim of the Paimc BscO BscOnan seraxzram nan atnum SamjAeefree SamjAeefreeDelinquent Sam free freeDelinouent Delinquent Notice NoticeTHE NoticeTHE THE JEFFERSON GOLD ANI NI NIper rper per Mining Company Location Locaticipal cipal place of buelneas Salt LUtah Utah Location cf mines Big Bigwood rwood wood mining district Salt Lake LakUtah nnt nntUtah Utah UtahNotiee UtahNotJgeThere Notiee NotJgeThere There are delinquent delinquentfollowing tre trefollowing following described stock on a aassessment nt oassessment assessment No 4 whIch was i i ithe 3 the 13th dy of December 1901 1901enal enal amounts set oppdste the thethe the respectIve shav so4ders as asCortN CortN CortNName Name No Shar i 1 1L Windsor lIY IY Price 7 1 1W I Price IS ri riF Bachehansi 41 41GMClhae GMClhae ie er erChas Chas Relelt 9 9Emil Emil Pablftzeeh Au Pahiitzach I4 4 4na na Brunton i4 2tO 2tOAnd And in accordance with law ani an ander der of the board of directors n1the the 13th day of December 11131 a ashares shares of each parcel of such 5 5may may be necessary will be sold at PuTl Cauctiea auction at the office of the theroom ooni ooniCtty room 3 Progres Building Sat 1 City Utah en Saturday the let 1stthe letFebruary February at 2 oeloek rn rnthe the delinquent assessment thereon thereongether thert thertgether gether with the cost of advertising adyertisLriexpense i iexpense expense of sale saleH anteH WINDSOR Secretary SecretaryAt 5er 5erAt At a meeting of the board of dire dir dirhe 1 1held held he Feb I Mtt the above dtH dtHs 5 5sole sole ie was postponed until Feb Febp lP WINDSOR a.

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