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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEDNESDAY EVENING OAKLAND TRIBUNE APRIL 28, 1913: GRACEFUL TALE IN COLLEGE MAIDS' ''-0 ECHOES PETER PAN'S PLEA FOR THE FAIRIES Says South Has Room Aplenty for Colonists By Anocttte4 Ptms. MUSKOGEE, April Jl The -8outh offers solution of -the occupational un New YorK Mayor Will Hunt in West By AancUted Press. NEW YORK, April 28." Mayor John Furroy accompanied by Mrs. Mltchel and aeveral friends, will leave York Sunday for-a month's vacation In the -West. Cody, is announced as the first stop, where Mayor Mltchel will go on a hunting trip with bears as his particular game.

The party will then visit the rauama-Pacifle imposition. During Mr. Mitchels absence President McAneny of the Hoard of Aldermen, will be acting mayor. rest I rvothr states of the union. R.

D. Elmore of Dallas, industrial commissioner of the Texas Immigration Information Bureafy, fid delegates to the Charles F. of Many Local Buildings, Is Dead. "1 irT2: Southern Commercial Congress here today. In his address Mr.

Ktmore asserted uch Immigration would exploit the undeveloped resources of the section. He slso urged thst the South go after Immigrants from Europe when peace Is Flood Crisis "Over, Is Belief in Texas By Atssctirtd Frtft' Texas, April 28. Central and South Texas flood conditions improved steadily last night and today, strengthening the belief that tho worst is over, although all trans-state streams are out of their banks at many points and damage is continuing. No rain, however, has fallen along tho lower reaches of the rlvci" In more than thirty-eight hours and the WHters are receding slowly. Crests of north Texas floods will not arrive for several days and by that time it Is believed the southern rivers will have fallen enough to enable the water to pass Into 'the gulf without trouble.

Oovernment officials reiterate tho warning that the chief center of disturbance la along1 'the lower sweep of the Colorado river. DANCE IS PLANNED. The members of Psttery Field Artillery, will give an Informal dance at their anniry. Twenty-fourth near Telegraph this evening. The dance will be preceded by a full drets Inspection and ex "One of the greatest obstacles In the way of our obtaining immigrants has been the so-called colonisation companies," he said.

of these, by selling fake irrigation, oil and townshlt) properties, have swindled thousands of farmers who' might have become Weful eltlsens of the south." BIG CLAREM0NT HOTEL WILL OPEN SATURDAY True to her promise, Miss Florence M. Naee will have the Hotel Claremont ready for Its formal opening on next Saturday evening. May 1. The big hostelry, which, through various causes, has been nine years In preparation, has been completed and furnished with furniture made from lumber from the hotel grounds In a period of less than three months. Credit for this achievement Is due to Miss Naee, who.

Is to be the manager of the Claremont. Saturday's opening will be a formal one, with dancing, muslo and table d'hote on the big balconies looking toward the bay. "TAKE A TIP" for a Tribune Trip. fi-. 4 A STORK IS HOVERING ildeVit WASHINGTON.

April 28. Presl hibition drill preparatory to the work of A WW, Wilson expects to become a grandfather again with In a month, as a happy event is anticipated at the home of the Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. William O. McAdoo. who Is the second daughter Of Mr.

Wilson. Friday evening, when the battery will have the honor of leading the grand march at the Hnll of a Thousand Colors. Clmrles p. Mau. one of the well known architects of the coast and since 1873 a resident of Oakland, died last evening at his home nt 825 Filbert street, after an lasting since January, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis.

Mau was 78 years of age. Funeral services will he conducted tomorrow. Born in Hamburg, Germany, In 1839, Mau his manhood when 'the war tin ke out- and served in that conflict to its close, lie then came to enter-Ins; the practice ol his profession In Chicago In .1 173. After but a brief-stay" in tiat city be came to Oakland at the close of the same 'year and has made his residence herw ever, since. He lias been prominent In public affairs at various times, and his name has commonly muntioned as among the builders 'l'teiitsi'eneil number' of' Iw'ttlr buildinKS and residences, including the AbraliainHun-'sbulldiug, the Cliff, Reliance anil Aetna Club buildinRS, the Masonic Temple- in Alameda, the residence Mrs.

Louis Ohirurdelli and many others. He Is a member of the American Institute of AivMttus. Mau is survived by a widow, Airs. Louise Mau, and iwo Louis and Carl F. Mau.

He wus a member of Koyul Arch VUiftoits. Funeial seiMcea will be held at 1 p. m. tomorrow from the late A. II C.

CAPWELL CO. II. C. CAP WELL CO. QAKLANIX lifts Chic New "Tf'i i 2 miss nmii i innn.Ki) (Left) I A n'' 4 4 MISS I1EI.EN Jf- LAX'IMW (Kluht) Who Will Take Wf jpi Tart in the Mills Coicfo May Fete I fcyf, Next Saturday.

IMPRESSIVE G. A. R. SERVICE IS HELD, seek will be Miss Helen Llsta. Miss Llsta is to whistle among the trees, furing- the, Mortal Maiden in her Gnomes onrl trolls, fairies and nixlos will reanimate the shores of Lake Alviso, Mills College, next Saturday afternoon when the annum May fete will be celebrated by fha stuilents under -the auspices of thn senior class and in the presence of hundreds of1 visitors.

This year's dramatic presentation is expected to prove the most picturesque ever held at the college. The ptay is a fairy tale, not allegorical, but from the childish point of view, it will picture in a series of dances and choruses the visit of a mortal maiden among" tflithe nature spirits, and it concludes with the reminder that Fairyland Js everywhere if one knuws how to see it. -Abandoning the campus where the. May fete is usually Lake Alvlao, one of the most charming spotsi on the he used a nei-tins. The spectacle will be watched from across the little sheet of water by crowds seated on bleachers specially erected.

As there will be no words spoken lona Pircher, Anne Ford, Frieda Som-mer, Polly Adams. The Trolls Misses Helen Landon. Inez Noterer, Anita Cauzza, Ethel Hibbard, Madeline Cowan, Marlon Pirkey. Marjoria Howkins, Laura Atherton: The Fairies Misses Hilda Clute, Genevieve Cauzza, Violet Clark, Ruth Hibbard, Constance King, Gladys Ordway, Thelitis Riley, Joan Stokes, Florence Cole, Helen Orlffts, Anita Gladdinp, Marguret Wood, Mary Gilbert, Norma Wheeler, Louise Moore, Helena Braunt Edith parvey, Beatrice Castor; The Misses Ando Cross, Pauline Simon, Beth Prudder, Jean-nette Gay. Marion McClatchy, Grace Rosslter, Retilsh Cardwell, Marjorio Heitmsn, Kthelyn Rosenthal, Grace Gladding.

With full honors) of the Grand Army of the Republic, the remains of William P. liuklll, veteran of the Civil war, and for many years a resident of Oakland, were laid to rest at an Impressive ceremony tlile-afternoon at the First M. E. church, Hev. Gcurge W.

White officiating. The local vttcrans turned out In force te do honor to their dead comrade, and members of Oakland Court, Tribe of lien llur, -and other orKwniza-tlons to which the deceased had belonged took part in the obsequies. William P. Hulilll died at his Oakland home after three months' illness, at the ebo of He served with the Ohio Volunteers in the Civil War and was a member of L-yon Tost of the 1. A.

R. He resided in California since 1S88. Many of them unpacked from theyr-bojres only yesterday. All replsenting the most advanced ideas of the Beason in cut, fabrics and style. A most inviting assortment at a most inviting price.

The styles are so varied and different from many, you have seen. jChecks and golid colors in tailored and novelty effects. Suits that possess more distinction and value at tjie price than any we have previously seen. shallop across the lake after tne rany revel at dawn. Dawn Is to be 3:30 o'clock, in the afternoon, when the production begins.

But the Kiystery of the surroundings is- exp'scted -lv give the illusion of any hour, and the spectators are to abandon literal for the afternoon. CAPABLE CIIOKFSES. The four spirits will bo the brown gnomes, appearing from the stumps and tho earth, the trolls, the winged fairies and the nixies. The trolls, all in green, will frolic among the eucalyptus trees and will venture out of the lake. Tho cast is to be as follows: -The Gnoroo! Misses Corinth Ter-rette, Poiis Alexander, Margaret Curtis, lren Ateheson, Edith Beam, Ve- throughout the performance, the participants have been chosen largely for their tcrpsA'horonn skill.

Miss Margaret Andjws, physical director, 3D DC 30 DC 3CIC 300C 3(1 OCT He Is survived lir a widow, Mrs, Sarah ftrolnlnsr tho ncers, uml M. K. jjSOCC Hukill, past, of l.yon Women's KTifflcliard ircrllng the singing. 'Miss rteiief Corus. and 'fw daughter.

-M'fSf'f' K'uth -C'rni member of the senior M. JlcConnell and Mrs. M. L. Brooks.

Children's class, haxbecn selected for the Mor- taL-AiTTUen. Miss Katherine fieuddar 40c Luncheon What's nhnt In shoes and stockings ill take the part of the Witch, the hee bunday Tribune swloe-al fas other principal part. A bird that Is to be heard but not page. ALLEGES SON INDUCED TRANSFER BY FRAUDS Alleging that his aon had fraudulently induced him to sign deeds to property valued at nearly JGO.OOO, I. Button, 80 years of ape, living at 2306 Ashby street, tterkeley'' has commenced suit in the Superior Court asalrust I.

E. V. Button to have the transfers set Aside. Alllpd with the father In the action Is his dauKhter, Mrs. A.

Brown who, upon Investigating his affairs Tet'ently, discovered that papers had ben recorded whereby her brother was niven full control erf tho property, consisting of noteiB WILL ADDRESS WOMEN DEMOCRATS AT LUNCHEON Dr. Kate Waller Barrett and Anthony Camlnettl will be quests of honor and speakers at the next regular luncheon of the executive board of the Woman's State Democratlo Club of California next Friday at 12 o'clock in Hale's Pompeilan Court, San Francisco. Pr. Barrett is the president of tls National Council 'of Women, president 'of the national Florence Crittenden Mission and special commission from the United States Department of Labor to the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Her- topio-will he "Some of the Social Activities of the AMUSEMENTS Trtrlox ANn A1- WESK Endlne SundiT I UUtly 4 V.

M. mid PAIIA' gi-luml flillilren 4 1- Only 'Pr. I.po!inr'l Snfr'V'P Prrfoimllr Tells The TTotold Tn'th Jlbout Alka Hii Wonderful TRAY IX FILM 85o and mortgages. Picture Making Contest Going On Have yottr boy or girl enter nt once. The time Is growing short.

Nothingr to draw or trace or color. Nothing to do but cut out outlines already printed on colored papers and paste them In place. Learn alt about it in our Toy department Here are the prizes: 3 Prizes Each for Boys and Girls FIRST PRIZE Choice of any Capwell Toys of $8.00 valut. SECOND PRIZEChoice of any Capwell Toys of $5.00 value. THIRD PRIZEChoice of any Capwell Toys of According to the" comDlalnt.

the aeed President Administration." Anthony i resident LURE -OF -ALASKA" i parent had utyen (conducting his business faminetti Interests through George ll. DeKay of! the commissioner of labor, in our Tip Top Inn Home Cooking and quick service. Here la tomorrow's menu: Vegetable, or Chicken Toms to Soup CHOICE OF ONE. Fried aDdit TsrU Bsnee Bkd Uatlbbt, Spiulub Hiuce Oarmss Pot Koaat iutato Pancake Short Bibi Beef, Sanliti Sauce l3olld Ham sud New Spinach Cbkken Pit Df rrlcadellea Tomato Sasee riot Chicken Sandwich 'Cream Orsty Hot Koaat Beat Sandwich. Brows OraTJ Boaton Beans.

Brown Bread Macaroni sod Cheaaa. Combination Salad CHOICE Or ONE. Home Made Dnnghniits Homa-Made Layer Cise Fruit Gelatine with Whipped Cream Bananas and Cretin le Cream and Tees Tee Coffee Milk Buttermilk will present "Employment and Beneficial, Recently he complained to his rn.trthimn ALSO SENSATION AT. PICTURES OF ART SMITH. TAMOUS AVIATOR AT 7 Bwiay POTASH AND PERLMUTER Stti TSuv BrlHnj for Griffith' Stirtlir.j Production, son that he was unable to obtain a satis-.

Qther epeaker, w), be Prof- Bar. factory settlement from DeKay and asked rasari Iecturer of the Nationa, Ownership his advice. The son volunteered to handle league, and Mrs. Mavzellia McCarthy, the matter and on -March 10. it ia al-1 Tne latter wlU discuss "Travelers' Aid." leged, he handed his father a document The meeting wm be conducted by' Mrs.

requesting him to sign it. The document; rharles Eplnks and is' open to the pub-turned out to be a deed to practically ilc all of his property, the complaint, sets I I -an maV If mi This deed wss.Biph-rt by the father and VARIOUS BURGLARIES THE WORLD'S GREATEST MOTION TICTURE 1'2 llfeh-Aiitfiii-Mifpfl orrllPsfl-ft. pflly nml "0o. nnr. 21 Duya Com.

Mny 10. $3.00 value. REPORTED 'TO POLICE Pl'M. wiui iy. I ri.

nctii na nnu, aim was also signed by Mrs. Ellen H. Button, the wife of the assignor. 300cJ3 30 DC 300C ottc 30 OC mc VAUDEVILLE SUPREME REMFKBER! Etory Moudar Nitht ll Th Tribnoo'a "DicoTory Nifht." $7.50 and $8.50 Hats for Pbon Oak 7U. Twelfth nd CUf iti.

Every Rtplla TrareT and Victor Ston Frd J. Ardath Co. In "Hiram." Roner a id Sister. Cro. N.

In "Ham th Itefl Bkln." A new lih'ito, fable hy Ufo. 'AilP. Prloei: JCo. tbo. 60c.

75o. Box Sta 1. TOc. Me. fKicept Kolldnysl Burglars last hight broke Into the home of Julius Spitz, So70 Fourteenth avenue and stole Jewelry and ooln amounting to $1 15.

Entrance was gained by forcing the rear door. Chicken thefts were reported to the police last night by Frank Moore, 2253 Fast Flfteneth street, from whose yard hens were wtolen, and by M. Evans, East Fourteenth street, from whose chicken house 3" hens were Mrs. II. O.

Thompson, School street, reported the theft of from a bureau drawer. A telephone coin box belonging to the Pacific Telephone and Telecranh Company at a booth In the Southern Pacific station. Fourteenth and Franklin streets, was looted last night. Dr. W.

H. Rutherford, Thayer building, reported the theft of a case of supgical instruments from his auto. Una Abarbaneli iluslcrl Comedy' Ftrorlte Prima lnnnt. The Bride Shop' With 18 Girl. fVnturintr Anflrcw Tonthpn.

$3.. New Thing in Art Needlework Ready-to-Use Pillow' Slips and Scarfs 25c Very effective nnd very specially priced. Made of scrim trimmed with blue and pink bands of. rretoane. Just what you'll want'Ior the summer btingnlow.

Ulr.e scarf 18x64. Extra special at 25c. Stamped Guest Towela 25c A brand new assortment of flno liuck towels In guest size, stamped In attractive patterns for embroidering. Choice of several pretty patterns. White Centers and Scarfs 25c Slamped In simple cross-stitch designs suitable.

for beginners nnd children. New Cretonne Scarfs and Squares fiOc tcf 51.50 -Jrl ntlract'lva patterns end. colorings, soma trimmed with lace, others with scalloped edges. SAN LEANDR0 ARRANGING DAY AT EXPOSITION PAN LEANT) RO, April The Cherry Carnival ommittee will hold a conference with Exposition officials with the object i arranging a San1 Leandro dav at the Fair, It was decided at a meeting here Inst niaht. The committee agreed to take advantage of President Moore's Invitation to a day at the Exposition but Went on record as opposed to holding carnival outside of San Leandro.

(Sn Leandro day may be observed at the Fair about a week before the cherry carnival to advertise the event. The finance committee, --consisting of 3. Bailey, I. H. Begier, Fred Smith and S.

Kosers. reported that J3000 had been raised within the last Week and that the total carnival sum would probably reach J4'0. Dr. W. A.

Seahorn was made permanent chairman of the general committee, while Faustina was retained oj secretary. The various sub-comndttees are as follows: Pete Haggerty, W. H. Gannon, Walter Huston. Ike Ury, G.

U. Toffel-m and M. S. Rogers. Public)) L.

W. Rood. refer Van Breiky, V. J. Gannon and Peter 1 A clearance sale that involves about' one hundred Hats of "IIIMKKI.K" AVI) 10 DASHING ORIENTAL DANCING GIRLS 10 IN THE 'Serpent of the Nile A WONDERFUL 7-ACT SHOW TWELFTH AT ER6ADWAT.

OAKLAND VEER OF APRIL 25TI Bothwell Browne AUDITORIUM COMMITTEE -NAMED BY WAR VETERANS such astonishing value that women will be amazed -at this bargain. New effects4n dashing bows, in feather mounts, in flower 1D6RH I -PARK Lyon Post No. 8 and Lyon Corps, W. R. have made the' following aijtolntments of ladles and comrades to serve on the reception committee at the opening of the Oakland new Auditorium, viz: George V.

Keeller, commander: Walter R. Van kirk, John L. Hays. J. II.

Iiwrence, Free! MORSES Free I With Thr Famni? lluniHtt Pirfra Featurin: i.oiir:N. t.nnF.NZ See HOMBIR NN In 111" 1. Font Pi LAYS CRIME AT DOOR OF MAN POLICE SEEK Hair Dressing Parlors For the latest stylo hair dress for social functions, for scalp treatments, manlourlnc and facial massage, come to our sanitary Beauty Parlors on the Mezzanine Floor. Make appointments by telephone. Only experts montures, in colored cordings and combinations of silk and straw.

New sailor and turban shapes, new medium size Hats and large Don't miss this chance. (Socond Floor.) SAN FRANCISCO, April 28. Charged Theodore F. Hood. George A.

Blank, with the murder of Frank Mlralgla two Samuel Brown. Myron P. Cox. J. W.

months ago. Alphonse Serzlbio was Myrick. Bamuel C. Parker, II. I).

Crowe, placed on trial today before Superior Edwin Woodward, Mrs. Alice B. Cox, Judge Cabantss. Mlralgla was slain In a rr.sidPnt; Mrs. Carrie H.

Muller. Mrs. 1 1 1 gang fight on Telegraph hill and the ac 1 THWsllli nMlilTMr BeJle Tool, Mrs. Catherine Munson, Mrs. THIS WEEK! DiSSon 8z ICang rfoBentliiit the Musical Screanf "A CLOSE SHAVE" EOFSfiUSICAifnMEW IT a cused claims that th-crime was committed bv Frank Falcorfl, who is alleged to be a fugltls-e from Justice.

ANSA9-UTAH VoLK8OUeST3. Fxposllton visitors from Kansas and Vtaruwill be given a chance to relieve IMMER 1 fcKfflUSL nS Maude Goetxman, Mrs. Florence, Flleler, Mrs. Ella Wilson, Mrs. Sarah Mrs.

Fannie K. Jackson, Mrs. Mary Fran Owen, Mrs. Irene II. Woodhama, Mrs.

Ixiule B. George Mrs. Helen Luther, Mrs. Catherine Herkenfiam, Mrs, Kate Hen- iNEWSU MATINEE DAILY ItiB Wheri tbev will be tne guests or tne simw, m. local otganizatlons of natives of- those guerltte Cahlll, MrsT Anna Hayes, two stales.

The gatherings will be held Anna FE Dainty and Fresh Newest styles and best makes. High grade in every respect, OP at the Hotel inn rovrrai Hundred tourists now visiting; the fair are expected. Dr. P. Musser Is chairman of the committee of arrangements for the Utah society.

A Spectacular, Satirical, Costumed Musical Kxtravaganza IresenU-d nt Oakland's Municipal AUDITORIUM MAY 5-6 By flie Argonaut Amusement Association Hippodrome Production 32 Girls in 20 New Hours Initial Dramatic Presentation. Seats on Sale nt Sherman, Clnv A Co. CANADIAN FACTORIES BUSY MAKING SHELLS CLAY Piicei: 2Sc to SI A MX- tion Picture Theaters Ma sook ojid soft rsmhrlR in-sini-plo every day styles or lacy croBtlons to wear undor thin gowns 25c to $3.50 Munlln rcllU'onts Of nainsook find piquo snfl inuslin, Hlniple slyieq or with elaborate flouncing" OSo Drawers In strait'ht. circular and Knickerbocker with hemstitched henw, "others trimmed with lace or embroidery 2.1c toj 5 1 Ilouililr Caps FJve llfforent-styles to1 sefRct frtm At 60c. cpepe de chine, organdie, marquisette trimmed with lace, NiK'ilifown Tn slipover, high, low, square and V-neck styles.

Crepe and nainsook prettily trimmed with laces or embroideries. Prices $1.00 to Combine Ions Corset Cover nnd Drawer Combinations cut In latent styles. dnlnty" ond pretty, some fnncy orpiinrtle trlmme with lace. Prices $1.25 to $3.50. I'nvclopo Clicmlsoa Of crepe, nlrt.sook nnd dainty organdie with lacis and embroidery trimming and ribbon bead-Inflf $2.80.

'orscT TTtTpreOf linvfi. IKtlli- By Treti. OTTAWA. April 28. The business of manufacturing shells Is assuming very large proportion In Canada, Minister of Militia Hughes stated last night that 200 factories in the were engaged in this work.

The orders are placed through a central committee and now amount to 175,000,000. Arrangements have been 6Vnptted at Kydtiey, Nova Scotia, and at Sault-Ste-Marlo for refining copper and sine, and the manufacture of brass for shells. Heretofore the refined materials have been obtained from the. United Btates. A SEEK MIS8IN3 GIRL.

"The police were today asked to assist In the search for Rosje Koch, 19 years of Xntffuotii Perfirmnnno 1:90 to ll. -TTOJAV iaST TIM 10 TO SUE r-'f BETTY MANSEN In T.eo Tolstoi's nuterplece ANNA KARENINA" 1 ii '1 Smoker cf The Story of a Woman Who DarecT COM. TOMOllKOW AS. CHAPLIN IN "TIIK THAMI'." COXTlNt'OCS EVFHY DAT 4TKGM 1 To i J. Turkish Trophies Cigarettes fifteen jtmta KgO are smokers of Turkish Trophies Clfarettea today I TODAY AXI TOMORROW CLARA KIMHALL TOfXO i 1 In the TjJiUal 1'lny Agents for Hutterlck Patterns Clay.

Fourteenth and Fifteenth Oakland. sge, who disappeared last February from her home, 3817 Adeline street. Fhe had been corresponding with motion picture companies, seeking a position as an sc. tress, and It Is though that she may be with one of these concerns. Relatives asked the police to make the Hon.


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