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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 14

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DECEMBER 30,, 1916. 14 SATUimAT EVEMNG Dab Ian 0 Crfbunc rotiDrnoH SPECIAL SERVICES NEWS OF THE FACTORIES CLOSING OF THE EAST BAY'S MOST SUCCESFUL INDUSTRIAL YEAR. NEW YEAR FDR MOSIWAY All Factories Prosperous, With Work Ahead Industrial Well Into the New Year Covering All Lines of Endeavor. algnhoerris; onlv three mllea fsrther than by Mountain Houre cutoff; perfect road In anv weather. Pacheco Paaa to Qllroy te Fraeno Thla route not advisable during -lnter month.

To Del Monte Paved entire dlatance, In rm-llent rotiHIHon. Today marks the business close of Oakland and the east bay cities' most suc- a year fraught with prosperity, not in a few lines of endeavor, but Napa Valley Rod-In fair condition cessful Mlildletown, pneRahle to lkeport: Ht. i in every one of Alameda County's one Europe, but of the eastern United States and as for the romantically idealized civilizations of Florence, Rome and Greece hardly the. meanest Californian would have cared to be a patrician among the Caesars. To some extent, of course, this is due to climate to some extent to soil, but some folks think a good deal of it is due to the intelligence with which the affairs of human society have been treated in California for some years past." It is an honest tribute to an honest civilization and citizenry what has been accomplished in the past but presages a greater future and every inhabitant can pull together looking to the day of even greater prosperity.

1 Here are the words that express the real situation as printed in a recent issue of an eastern publication: "California, as it stands today, is the most successful experiment in human society that has ever existed on earth. It has no poverty; it has no slums; it has the maximum of political freedom; the wealth is generally distributed. The average family living in' California today has access to comforts and material pleasures such as are utterly unknown to large portions of the population, not only of prospers and Ihe OAK.LAINU lKIb-'l St. Mary's Church Will Hold Masses and Ceremonies. To oWn-e tlie closlnr of the O'o Tear ff Tliaiiksclvlnr at fit i.aiith and iteMeraoO siren lew win cetmlst of rteToiirms, a amnnn mi the 'TaeMna Tear" hr the Rev.

R. lrnipey. Benedletlon and the sltiglug Ihe Teleum bv the rnnfregst Ion. These will rninmenre at o'clara. At I clock In the afternoon there will be Rt.

Hit deroilona, meditation and rtene-iliiMion of Ihe Weseed Pa.Tament. These nfternoon r.Ha devoilona will ba ron-I Inued on tverr 8.indar dartns the rem- nar 'ear. (in New Tear's Ia; whleli Is regarded a holv day In I'atbolle rlrrlea, there will l.e services, aa on Pundaj- nioni-li. 1-ininWllnr ftf manse at -a9. 9, in.

and U.lfl o'clock it eerrlce will be a high mum with the music of OiHettnaa nniriiln)t repealed li? St. Marv's Cnneervalnrt' of Mrtelr eholn under Hie direct Imt of Professor Mnrmin Wllklr, with Mra. Florence IJmrnrr the The soloists nf the mass will he Mien. Ueorglna I.

Wllkle, Mlaa Resltm VI euro nnil l. Oliver These will he assisted hr the Meadifnea V. P. Belev, W. Flils.

H. Mallork, PharVi N-T, Wllklef the Misses' Natalia 1 emro, Miller, Anna tVTewle. Caroline Rran, (Irnineepaeher, Helen F.lllott. H. Walk-it, Meeera.

1. Oliver, H. Bi-ley, i. 1). Thomas.

A. Tula, N. I'eeiiiHral. 1" Heynolda. Fi Camphell.

The Christmas I'rlh. which porlraya the eenea at Helhlehem on Christmas inorn-Int. will remain In place wntll the Feaat of the Kplphany, whlrh falla on January 1th. The iYIUtJ the handiwork of the Iter. Thomas Kennedy and has been the cij.tect of vlelt by hunilieda people I'ally, Music Teachers Hold Convention in North NORTH TAKIMA.

aah Iee. 10, Routine Inialneaa, cninmlttee reporla Mill levtlnn nf offli-era onnfrnnted the-flel eaatea atlendlna the aevond annual eon vent Ion of the Waeblnaton Hlate Muala Teavhara' Aaeoi'lallon, when they met here tadar. After the bualneea waa atlended to, Mra Iiiea Ilarer (llbann and l'r. Charlea K. Kealar ot North Yakima vocal eleotlmia and Orrllle Htaw af Meat tie lead a paper on "The Place wf Muala In Kduoatlun," The afternoon aeaelun waa devoted to a profram of aelectlone Waahliia'ton compoeera.

Thoea repreaented were Clifford W. Kantner nf Heat lie, Walter luerniwv Keynolda of Heattle, IJef rl. Haalund of Hoattle, Ferdinand Fllllutt of nlle Vt'alla, Jir. Ferdinand iunkley of Heattle and Profeeaor Olaaon of Heattle. ter In the afternoon luTfa Kllla Per-field cave a chalk talk on "Pedaauay, Applied to Mualo." The convention oon-cluded with a concert In the evening.

Protests Mote Mail Trucks in New York NEW YORK. Dec. 80 Paalnit hie action upon the contention that automobile mafl trucka conatttute "the moet obatrua-tue factor" In New York atreet traiftc. Mayor Mltchel haa aent to Speaker Champ Clark of the Houae of Repieaentattvea a letter protratln agalnet the enactment of VKiplatlon depriving the city of part of Ita pneumatic mall tune service. The mayor pointed out that the city' reel a now are au conaeated with trafflo that laet year 6:.9 peraona were killed and Injured In atreet acctdenta.

To ln-ireaae the number of mall trucka would Increase the danfter, he declared. Ship's Fireman Killed; Falls in Crank Shaft SAX Fit A NCI SCO, eo. AV aldbertt. 89 years old, fireman on the Ntenm achooner gulnalt, v. aa killed last night when he fell Into the trank shaft and waa ground plecea.

The eicl. en route to XVrtlnpn harbor, waa thirty mllea north of l'oint Keyea. Captain Adolph Ahlln deemed bent' to coma back to thla port. The (Jul-nalt arrived Bt 6 o'clock thla niorn-Inif and the remalna turned over to I'pputy Coroner Thomaa Gaven. The Uuinalt Is owned by the Har-ood Lumber Company and Balled from San Franlaco ul 2:30 yesterday afternoon.

Burglar and Cold Air Enter House Together SAN T-F-KANCiSc'U, Dec. 30. Mrs. M. of 1400 Jones Street, opened the front door of her apartment shortly after midnight to ad- 'mil some cold air.

She tllil not figure on the entrance of a burglar, who was busy ransacking the front room when he discovered hiin. The man ran hastily down the stairs and made his' "Scape. He obtained J- In coin. Hotel Man Robbed by Masked Fotpads tlXXARn, 1 Pec. SO.

Two masked men held up Q. R. Pdlrkhahn. proprietor of the Hotel Oxnard. early today as he was counting the contents of his open took 1300, slugged Ulickhahn Into unconsciousness and ilcd.

TO KRFTT MKMOUm. YORK. Pec. SO.r-The spot near Weehanken. N.

where Alexander Hamilton fell in a duel with Aaron Burr will he marked bv a me morial to be erected by the Alexander! Hamilton institute, It was announced today. Drinkers and Drug Users Need Genuine Neal Treatment Imitation and substitution' are the highest form nf flattery. The great Miwefss of the Neal 3-day treatment for drink has numerous Imitators. Put there i only one Neal Institute In Kan Kran-cls'o where the genuine Neal Remedies are administered. It Is located at l.i.'iO Pell ftreet.

M) Neal Institutes In principal cities. T. Iterative and information address W. S. Wallace.

Mgr ISiO Pell Sc. San Pisnclsco. Phone West 66S. Open day and night. Free auto service.

vertjaement. ATCVAC UnMrtCD I 1 dy.0 VV VyilUHrV I The Texas Wonder cures kidney and 1 I cures diabetes, weak and lame hacks, rheumatism and irregularities of the Sidneys and bladder in both men and nomen RenuIatM bladder lr.mhln.ln 1 children. If not sold by your drug- giaf. will be sent by. mall on receipt of Jl.OC f'ne small bottle Is two months' treatment, and seldom fails to perfect cure.

Send for sworn testimonials, lr. W. Hall. 29J6 (Vlive street. Ht l-nniK.

Mo. Sold bv drutrrista. AdvL. children. If not sold Louia, Mo.

Sold by drutfiisu. AdrL of i Th following road report Is compiled from the latest bulletins received al the touring bureau of the California Hlale Automobile AHHOi latlcn Valley Road South Foothill boulevard to llayward. turn left from Hay ward to I'ublln buuJevard and ontinue on. road through I Evermore, Tracy lo mon- iale school. Take -rlght-hanil fork arid Hl.r.

I. Hough tour from Kliicehurg to Travel. nigimay, leaua. nirt rond Vlsnita t'i Uelano, mudily, or dirt raail via J'nrtcr- vllle, twenty mllea longer. Hlichway Delano to fiakerafleld and outh to Rem county line, eceptlnc over the Teton Paaa, which la graveled and In good condition, thence hlghwav to Halley'a ranch and new highway grade via Ridge route to Caetlac, with rnuuh atretch at Caatiac, thence ttave In A t.

'line hen on Ridge route, very ellpfierv on cultv (ci-t ting through. llouiiuet canyon route not advlaable. Coaat Route South leave via paved highway to Han June, SHllnaa and Chua-lar Dirt rad to Caniphora; thence highway to within three mllea of King City, dirt road to King Cltv. At Junction of made Juat wnat King Cltv bridge, the preferred route la to the left vln dirt road to King Cltv and Han Ardo: thence highway to Hradlev. Hojd to riant at thja Junction la via Ion grade and la ien milea longer.

Hrndlev to roimtv line, dirt mad. J'aved hlgliway to Kan Lula ohlepo and Arrovo Urande. Uraveled dirt road to Santa Maria; hlghwav to Orcutt, dirt road to Itlake. hlgnwav to lxa Alit-tiine, Mior dirt road to i Olivoa. I' (illvn to I.aa f'rin-ea and Klwoml, md practically lmtHHNHhle durlni; rainy Few mai lilnea getting through with difficulty.

Flwood to Snnta Parbara and Ventura hlghwav. From Ventura de'our to Ktlcov croaalng hlghwav at Kl Klo, niaklna detour thmiiL'h Oxnanl And b.ick to Camiarlllo. Com Jo liraile not paved, but In good condition; thenio paved highway to Ijnn 'Angelea. Coaat Route North lve San Frnn-claco on aneclal auto Ijiiata at 6:10, 1:00. 4 no n.

m. Leavo Sauaallto, di'O, 11.20, a. 1:20, 3:20. p. m.

Sundays and holiday only at 00 and 9:30 p. m. from San Franrlacn, and fi.Eti and 10:20 111. from Sauaallto. No automobile will bi handled on regulnr paaeenger from Snunalito daily until after 7:80 p.

m. Sundaya and holiday until after 10:20 p. 111. Excepting from SnuaaJlto at 6:03 and a. nor on regular pafaencer boats from San Franclaco datlv until after oc p.

m. Sunday and holidays until after p. m. East Bay Motorlatt Take the Richmond. San Rafael Ferry, winter Schedule 1 Pi.

Richmond So. 11:20 a. 1:30. 4:00 p. m.

Sunday onlv at 6:0 p. m. Ieava Pt. San yuentln 15, 10:06 a. 12:16, 2:15, p.

m. Sundaya only at p. in. Route Paved In Sausnlito; highway to Alto, nvw road over hill being paved. Take right-hand road under railroad hrtdgo and come back to new highway at Corte Madera; thence Improved road to Sun Anaelmo and Sun Kafael.

San Anaelmo to Sonoma county line rougu. excepting new highway grade which haa been graveled. and In good condition; highway to Petnliima rouKh dirt road to Santa Rim, paved to Heuldnburg; good dirt road to Cloverdale; new highway grade not pavd to I'klaJi, excepting three mllea. Croaa river at llopland. going on eaat aide to Umn atatlon: thence back to eaat aide and via new grade to Vklah.

New hlghwav grade Ik lull to Wllllta, exoept ten mllea. north from Wllllts, not advlaable Paclflo Highway North Take Valley route eolith out of Oakland lo Mossdule chool; take left-tuind fork to Stockton and Sacramento; pawd to und Uncoln. oin Lincoln to Muryavllle now paved excepting 'for shorter detours around bridge and through town. Marvs-vllle 10 l.lve link hiuhwav; theme dirt road to new highway to Tehama, H' conntv line: rtlrt road 10 i rnoer dirt road to ronerts; mgii- n'av Ia Itluff new hllfhwav I 'mimiu'Kul 'riirl road to Heridlng North of Redding not advisable on account of ralna and mud. Pacific Hlghwav Noth from eenicia Kenlcla to I'oidelia.

paved with short detour In Cordelia; thence highway to Fairfield, Vacavllle, Hutavia; dirt roau Pavls, hlghwav to Woodland, ollnw 01a road through Volo county; fair condition If dry to llerehev; thence highway to Orland and Corning: dirt road to Pro-berta and highway to tted Uluff. To Sacramento via Tunnel ana way lave oukiana via luunei nnu 10 Walnut Creek; paved, dirt road to Ferry running between Martinez and Henlcia everv two hours on half hour from starting 7. SO a. m. to p.

111 South hound from Henlcia every two houra on even hour, from 7 m. Id 6 00 p. 111. Leave Henlcia 011 Main and airretN; thence highway to Cordelia llh detour at ineuce to Vacavllle. Untavla, dirt road to uavia ami I'auaeway to 1 Sacramento.

To Santa crtit sunnyvaie 10 r-araioKa dtlll closed. Take oust route 10 an Jose, Ihen over good road to lxis Cau'H; thence Olenwood road If dry. Not advisable route within three days after .1 ralnJ Hlg lutein Hcute closed. Most ad-vlmt'tile route 10 Santa Cms 111 et estber Is via Route to Sar- ilent to Vatsonvllle. Itoad via Juan and Dumbarton in good condition.

Snnta Cms to Walsonvllle fair. Castiovillo lo Del Monte paved. (, To Byron Hot Sprlngt I 'urlng wet weather continue on highway from Mountain House ore-half mile. Turn t.iere for Kethany. Then follow new Gasoline Supply Grave Problem Alarm Is Sounded by Expert to Engineers CHICAGO.

Pec. SO. A note of alarm concerning the gasoline, supply of tH country was sounded at the convention of the So-cletj' of Agricultural Kngtneers here today by Ir. Oscar K. Hran-sky of the Htundard Oil Company.

He declared that production was not keeping pace with con- sumption and that exhaustion of the supply was drawing near. The tension was relieved, however, when it was calculated that the estimated remaining supply of crude oil, visible and Invisible, 7,629.000,000 liarreU in all. would last for 1S8 years at the 1916 rate of consumption of 55,000,000 barrels. Pr. Hransky said that next year there would be 3.000.

000 automo-bilea in operation in the I'nited States, or 7 50.000 more than this year. He estimated that Knstern oil fields are 76 per cent ex-haustod; mid-continental fields 50 per cent Texas fields 80 per cent snd the California fields 35 per cent exhausted. Telephone Order Is Appealed in Court LINCOLN. Neb. Pec.

In an; opinion rendered today the Nebraska Supreme Court upheld me consiuu-, ttonallty of tiie legislative enactment 1909 requiring railroad companies, express and telegraph companies to install telephone instruments in their depots and public offices for the con- ei.ieui 1. 1 dered hy the state railway commis sion. The rase was one in which the Missouri Pacific railroad resisted the oruT 01 me commission ana appealed carriers duty Is not limited to transportation and property; the furnishing of adequate for Ihe transaction of public buniness is a portion of common carrier's duly. I carrier's dutj. I 1 thousand two hundred-factories.

California is expending $18,000,000 on two main highways reaching from Oregon to the Mexican line. The Realty Syndicate is Installing a horsepower steam plant this Is the largest plain- of the kind in Oakland used for heating purposes. The National Combination Auto Iock Company, under the management of J. F. Chambers will erect at once a factory on their own property at College and Clifton streets.

City Purchasing Agent Kalis Is tie only purohaslng agent in California under civil service ruling and his office is commented upon as being one that is conducted strictly along commercial and butlntsH principles. The Senn Concentrator Company are supplying ten concentrators to the Yellow Astor mines of Randsburg to supplant stationary plates that heretofore has handled the ore from their one hundred-stamp mill a.nd two machines to Wuartiburg, Idaho. The Kaustlne Chemical Company have a sewerage aispomi system ill the 8chool at 1'ecoto. This system Is taiciuny jimiJecieu ujr Dtuwi boards generally with the idea of employing; principles where no direct connections may be had with city sewerage. The Trego Klectrlc Company have work In their shops as follows.

The Fred Nelson Adams Point Apartments, the Booth Apartments on loth styeet, and the Crawford Apartments, at 24th and Telegrapfa avenu; the five new retail butcher shops in the market section and several- residences In Piedmont and Adams Point, The federal government, states, counties arid townships, will expend, collectively, )1, 600,000,000 for road construction work" during the coming five years; or an average of $260,000,000 annually. This bespeaks incieatied opportunities for firms engaged In the manufacture of road machinery, equipment, corrugated culverts and rock crustiinS machines. The new Beklns warehouse at 22nd and San Pablo Is nearing completion and goods are being already received for storage. This splendid reinforced con crete warehouse contains approximately 120,000 square feet of floor space In the eight stories and basement. The elevators reach alt floors one of which is of unusual slue.

Automatic fire protection is generously provided. The smoking of meat and sausages is quite a local Industry. The meat is hung in large iron vaults closely sealed. In the center Is a pan filled with hardwood sawdust such as oak. The pan is set over a gas burner thus producing a smudge.

Tne door 01 the vault Is auto matically arranged to open a. top vent when the door is opened so tie smudge win not come into the operators race ana wnen tne aoor closes the vent seals. The California Paint Company are entertaining their Australian agent. J. P.

Ward, who comes to the factory for mora direct knowledge of the firm abil Hy to Bhlp larger quantities. The California Paint Company have purchased the Berry Brothers Varnish factory, for years located in Alameda, near the Park street bridge. The Berry Brothers' plant was a subsidiary to the main plant In uetrolt, and wnicn tne property was re-cently sold on which toe factory was lo cated the owners decided to sell rattles than rebuild at a new site. Factories for ripening bananas may aniar as a novel industry In Oakland. Bananas are generally shipped while green for the reason of being- lens liable to crush.

Also the dealer Is given more time to market. The bananas are hung in in ftie ripening "room as wanted. Here gas lights are maintained night and day. The mellow light with the slight warmth brings the fruit into ripeness with natural color and also protects the fruit from frost. Many of the produce markets at the foot of Franklin street are equipped with banana rooms.

In using steel there are generally two properties required. One Is hardnss to prevent wear and the second Is softness to give toughness. These are opposite conditions. This necessitates the hardening of the surface which is exposed to the wear while the- Inside remains soft. This process Is called ease hardening.

Success in the treatment depends upon the use of definite temperature kept uniform. Heretofore this work could be done only by an expensive and lorg drawn out process. However, the Introduction of fuel gas Into factory work has made this a simpVe process. A small factory can now do Its -own case hardening at a very low cost. Get Your Stoves and Heaters Ready for Winter i Most complete stock of parts In Oakland.

MANTEL GRATES We make anything In foundry work. EMPIRE FOUNDRY 1429 FACTORYSITES Iwes and Sale Buildings Financed Maiden, Rittigstein Co. Bell Eitata and Iniuraao 1310 Broadway. Tnkeedrle 4300 "Centrally located opposite U-rrton Iron Works In Alameda Spur track. 2 wells: local and S.

F. car service. Advertising feat, ures unexcelled. Owner LARGE SITE GAI may build for lessee. LEASE Fred Le Ball later.

Mgr. (Industrial Department) 15th and Broadway. Uookbindins at TRIBUNE Office. llflrna to Hanta Kna via Petrified For-cel, poor: Nana to Mnntlrello. poor; Napa to Pope a Valley, poor; Napa, to I'elaluma, gooii.

Holllater to Coalings and Fresno HnllisWr to cok. good; thence good dirt road to IMtterwater and I'rlest Valley to f'onllnga: Coallnga to Fresno go via Helm fWheatvllle load under water). San Mateo County Paved In San Msteo rd Helm'nnt to Crystal Sprlnns; new highway open from summit to Hnlf-n oon Hay; lallonda to Peacadcro, to San C.regorlo, good; San firegorlo to Redwood City, very good. FACTORY NEWS The Pure Carbonic Company of West Perkeley la adding a warehouse to Its already extensive factory at 642 Virginia etreet. Spott.

tlrothers are Inxtalllng original llglitJng llxturtu in the twenty-seven apartment building under erection bv Welder and tlold.neln at loth and Madison. The Vftlvilesa Rofary Pump Company made shipments of pumps during the week to Vancouver BJid Aukland, Nw Zealand, their force of mechanics have been added to and Saaaoe iaj been selected as foreman. Orders continue to com In and a night shift la contemplated at 1111 early date. The New Cardlnet Candy Factory at Twenty-seiwnd and Market streets Is now (ompltned and Immediately after the holidays will be occupied by the firm, who will remove from tfieir old location at Twelfth and Klrkham. where they have been ao successful for twelve years.

The Judson Iron Works purchase annually several carloads of automobile chaf sia anil worn out cars of other days that go Into the melting pot and come out-In the form of metal to be remade 1fTo tractor frames. Thla part of their Hislness requires several expert iron workers and the finished frames are ipped to a Stockton company and oter concerns who build tractors. he Hammer-Bray Company built an unuHiiully big number of stoves early In the season, anticipating generous ordi is, but now find they uiiuerestl-mated fhe buvlng power of the Pacific, States and are finding themselves short of materlaJa with trie possibility of being unable to care for all demands. The 1-you warehouse la planning a novel arrangement In thnt all ahelves throughout their new building will be made of Iron aa an additional fire precaution. In the construction and completion of the building none but Oakland merchandise, supplies or work are used.

The Pacific Gas and Electric Company has completed the work of raising their lake Spauldlng dam 35 feet, now making the total height 260 feet. The completion of this work and the putting of their new Halsey power plant into operation, adds 16,750 horsepower of electrical energy to their lines. The American Kubber Company received a euble from Persia asking the Immediate shipment of a quantity of oil hose. Tlv order conies unsolicited from Mm. Vk.

HriJ, tt nruii on I jn rmrion imimn. i no inenia rtdlse was forwarded to New York for ocean shipment to Persia. The Miller Creamery Company of 2941 Proadway, starts the new year with two rrovernment contracts of Importance. To supply the war department and transports with supplies for twelve months, and the second Is a three months' contract With the navy. The first order Vear's at Verba Buana.

atatlon. The Years' at Yerba Buena etntlon. The Miller, company has some fifty-six employees with a pay roll exceeding 16000 monthly and Is showing an unusual growth. Forty-two ocean-going vessels have heen built during, 1016 In the Oakland Rtilp-buihllng yards. The total tonnage was While some nf this work was completed In the San Francisco yards of the Cnlon Iron Works It will hereafier he largely transferred to the Alntneda branch during 1017.

Forty-five new ships are under contract for next yenr al two yards slone. bespeaking continued prosperity In this line of con strnctlon. The Judson Iron Works have In operation tio most powerful plate shearing machines on the Pacific Const. With these machines it Is possible to cut metal of unusual weight and Width. These machines are only a portion of the new equipment that Is arriving for general Installation in the Improved and enlnrged plant.

Arrangements are under way to add some ten thousand additional electric, power. will make this plsnt one of the most extensive users of electricity on San Francisco bsv. ASK YOUR DKALEE FOR BORADEfJT TOOTH PASTE MADE IN OAKLAND. TREGO ELECTRIC COMPANY EI.FTTniCAT CONTRACTORS For Llfht, Ht aad Powwr. Licentd ElKitrtoiaiit In Oakland, Alamada, Brka-ey and Piedmont.

0klnd Mlt 810 FHANRLIV FACTORY COSTS Our engineers will survey your factory, make sketches and give detailed written report for economies in operation. FREE FOR THE ASKING. Pacific Gas Electric Co. 1 1.1th and Clay Oakland, lakeside 5000, local 88 rSTANDARDFffiCe 3I0TWELFTH ST. OAKLAND.CAL.

Fences we look different. There's A I Season. I'hone Oakland 57X1 I Larj 1 iTWj, I i jli 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 i-iJ-Hi I f-- -i Jvjjr? i "8 i i mii-iir iumiihih 1 Win 11 aahmj CI mm When factories prosper, every one UNE wishes you all a Happy New The Steffens-Hall Jewelry Company of 1621 Broadway, presented Christinas turkeys to each of their employees. Romalne W. Myers has received notification of his selection as California repiesentatlve of ttie Illuminating KnKi- neers bociety.

Th Nevada Mineral Paint Company, at Fortieth and Linden streets, will in stall new equipment early in tho year for tfie grinding and grading of graphite, which comes from min'es in Nevada direct their Oakland factory. The United Canneries Company are getting busy looklrg to the immediate construction of a half million dollar plant at the; foot of 86th avenue. A spur track Is being completed for the delivery of materials, wnicn are aireaay on tne way The Hall-Scott Motors Company have recently sold fifty-four aeroplane-motors to trie united states Aerial Service, rne Hall-Sebtt factory continues a night and day force with work ahead well into 1918. Moore and Scott will launch next Sat urday noon, the giant all steel ship. Tho Thordls, from their ways at the foot of Market street.

Ttiis boat has tons capacity. It will ply between Oakland ana rsorway ports. Th Wilson Wire Works has eornnleted about J5.00O square feet of wire screens for tho new produce markets. On account of a specific delivery date half of tne contract was relet to other shops. Tfre general contractors were Christian- son Brothers.

The Brleit and Miller sausaee manu facturing plant at 6th and Castro, are planning a new plant for erection after tne new year. Their business Increased from $94,000 In 1915 to business exceed ing S150.000 for the year just closing and the field justifies an even greater show ign during 1917. The Tfev system Is expending over $9,000 dally In operating expenses in the east bay cities. Also during the pnst year have expended 1424.K08.Z9 for arldl. tlons and betterments.

Other Items are Klectrtc power. general shop expense, llfi. 490.97: salaries amounted to. station expense, miscellaneous wm.jtz.n. The Cheney Photo Advertising Company, of 1S3S Fourth avenue, are nreoar- ing the largest photograph ever made for exhibition and when finished will have a permanent place In the rooms of the Alameda County Commission.

The picture has been taken from the Piedmont hills giving a sweep of the entire country west, south and southeast. Tho Key Route put Into service this week two new cars, being the first of thirty-four yet to arrive. Those to arrive will be put on the Oakland streets gradually during the next three months. A splendid Increase of rtreet car traffic has been noted since early In September which Is a barometer, to the growth Oak land IS making. The California Steel Company closes their first year In Oakland with a busi ness record exceeding their fondest plans.

Durlnw the year several notable structures wvre built from oreel fabricated hy them. The Breuner Oakland build Ing, two eight-story business blocks In Stockton, one building in- Fresno, three buildings Irt Honolulu, the Magner block being erected In San Francisco and the work on the new Federal building. Thev have contracts on hand covering six months of 1917. The California Packing Association, embracing the Alaska Salmon Packers, will launch an advertslng campaign during 1917 to popularize standard brands of food products supplied generally to "tores in the United States. They "n'an to Increase sales five million dollars through the use of daily newspapers.

Sales during the present year exceeded Mo. 000.000. They operate some forty fruit canneries and fourteen Alaska salmon canneries, owning some thirty shins and a force or six thousand men in the latter portion of their enterprise. While the Federal Census Bureau Is flgiring on the development of Pacific Coast industries. It may be well to mention acain that Oakland and neighboring manufacturing bay cities have added some eighty-eight factories during the present year with an Impetus that in drawing others for the coming year.

Another year of such Increase as witnessed during the year drawing to a close will make the east bay communities by far the greatest manufacturing center of the entire bay district. Vision, hope and opportunity also nre cn the east side of the bay, attributes of progress that are not affected by federal statistics of a I past era. Secure Satisfactory Service Phone Oakland 201 for trained office employees. Heald's Business College T. B.

BRIDGES. Manager. 1 6th and San Pablo. Oakland. J.

Hunter Smith MECHAXICATi AXt CONSTJITINQ ENGINEER 225 Broadway. Phone Lakeside 259 Phone Mcrrltt 4133. YAGER SHEET METAL CO. PREPA RE DNESS Tour, furnaces need attention and your roofs and piping. Always first-class work at reasonable prices.

3509 CHESTNUT ST. Phones Piedmont 471-12 Baker-Hansen Mfg. Co. ffrp a fx Air Compressors K01AKY PiTpT vacuum Stationary Vacuum Cleaners 744-758 23rd Ave. Telephone, wire, write or call.

TELEPHONE OAK. 540 Spott Bros. "Yonr for Service ENGINEERS. LIGHT'JiO rlXrl'ScS AMD FLUMBIlfO. JOBBING jb Year.

Alameda County lias 760 miles of good country roads. The Pacific Container Company of West Berkeley begin the Installation ot machinery in their new $150,000 plant planning for operation by the first of February. The Sindlar Pie Bakery has ended 1916 with the largest business since establishment. The management claims as the reason that prices have not been raised nor standards lowered. The Pacific Coast Rattan Company reports an increase of 10 per cent in wages of every employee In their factory.

This company -also reports the largest holiday business In the sale of rattan furniture ever experienced. The Hogan Lumber Company have disposed nt their ownership in several vessels, believing that as generous de-libery terms may be had under contract with regular freighters. The Hogan company has closed their most successful year In Oakland and anticipate an even larger business during 1917. The Aluminum Products Company are beginning to receive orders. Among those accepted during the week is one order amoupting to $10,000.

The raw materials and metals are now arriving and the plant will be in full operation by tho second week In January. The H. G. Prince Canning Company, under Manager Duncan, will at onoe begin the construction of an addition to their already extensive plant practically doubling capacltj'. The cost of the new building will be $75,000.

All the mechanical apparatus will be electric drive with independent motors. houses have been built during the present year at Saranap, a new town on the Oakland, Antloch and Eastern Railway in Contra Costa county, at the junction of the main line and the Mount Diablo branch. All of the lumber and other materials were shipped from Oakland. The Lawrence Warehouse Company has Inaugurated a new idea, that of giving a ten minutes recess to one-half of the office force at ten o'clock in the morning and at three o'clock In the afu ernoon. Immediately upon the return of the first section, the remainder of the force then take ten minutes' races.

It Is claimed that already tho plan has proven for higher efficiency. The First National Bank of Oakland has closed a very satisfactory year. During 1916 both earnings and deposits show a substantial increase, the latter more than 25 per cent over the previous year. During the period total dividends of lf per cent were also paid toholders 01 us capital stock. While the business of the past rear has been very pleasing to the officers ana stockholders 01 the bank, they are looking forward to thte coming year confident of even greater success.

The following firms and Individuals have taken membership in the Chamber of Commerce during the past two weeks: Mueller 61! Chestnut street: Pa cific Tank Pipe 318 Market street; Mercantile Box Oomoanv. 318 Market stree't: D. S. Terry. 6512 Grove street; M.

H. Hodkfhs. 1115 Seventh street; Alexander ('Hamilton Institute, 1520 Harrison Street; Boerlck Runyon, 1500 Broadway; Chevrolet Motor Foothill boulevard and Twenty-ninth' street; C. R. Dudley, First Savings Hank building; Harrv C.

Knieht. 1601 Tele graph; Angeles Soap 730 Fifty-fourth street: T. C. Drenrian, 2372 East Fourteenth: Paclflo Porcelain Ware Sixteenth and Barrett, Richmond; C. H.

Sindlar, 152S East Twelfth. The Senn Concentrator Comoanv of West Berkeley, under date of Novem ber 25th, received a letter from the Gold Hill ana Iowa Mines Company. Quartz- burg, Idaho saying: "Enclosed please find check covering bill for Batea; also please enter our order for two more. These machines will be used below a Hardinge Mill." The first Senn Panning Motion Batea Amalgamator shipped to the above company, arrived about the 1st of November and was installed to take a feed of about 60 tons per 2 hours from a Lane Mill. Practically the entire feed was minus 30 mesh, while 65 per cent of It was minus 80 mesh.

The increase in recovery made by the Senn Batea over-4 hat fcrmerly made bv stationary plates was pror.ounced. These Amalgamators 1 mi inc. ui iuiun vnm the silvered plates. The mechanical motion, together with' the continuous feed. discharges the pulp after It has been panned without depending on any flow of water to wash It away, saving goli.

amalgam, that could not be saved on stntlonnrv nlate. ASK TOUR DEAXEK TOR THE FAMOUS VlTlMf aVntllT-Slrl i OaYatiAaarf hw ill A CALIFORNIA PEANUT 4J0 SOtb Btntt. Day Call Phone Shop Night Call Phone Lakeild 168 Alimeda 047 R. H. CONRAD MOTOR EXPRRT MOTORS We Buy, Sell.

Brnt, Repair, Install and FlTrbanse. We Rewind Electric Motors an Guarantee Alt Repair Work. 1S1 TELEGRAPH OAKLAND FRAlfKLI IROK 'WORKS 214 Washington St. Pnons Oakland 8373 IVmgall. Prop.

Anto Machine and Shin Fbrglngs anif General Blacksmithlng. Anchor Bolts, Truaa Rods, Wall Plate and Tool Making. Steam Hammer Work a Specialty. The! Marrbant Calculating Machine, made Is Oakland, (old ererywhere. Multiplied divlden.

calculates Interest, percentage, etc. Thirty dare' free trial. Lot oar raprtuntatlra calj. Manufactured by Marchant Calculating Machine Co. Office.

Floor. Federal Realty Building. MURRAY CO. HEATIMG AND VENTILATIMO And General Sheet Metal Work WIBSTER gT. PHONE 0AJU.AND 17 OAKLAND Waste Faper Co.

of Paper at Market Prices aui 1 niluig for Same, writ- MHtiuir Uiuil and muntlt! News Hems for piiblhutlon on this Mgt should be) mailed In not Utter Hum Wednesday, addressing the Kltnr of the Manufacturers' Depart inenL Alameda county is the third county of California In agricultural wealth and productiveness. Tie El Dorado Oil Works of West Herkel'ey are constructing a four-story, steel reinforced factory building ai 000 UrlBto1, the building to cost The Strable Hardwood Company who made a display at the Rotary Club exhibit, has turned the collection of woods over to the Alameda County Commission at 13th and Harrison. The Gould Milling Cotnpanv. after a three montha" test of electric motive fower as compared with steam accepted the electric system a hn now nd states me cnange makes a big saving and luwvra me nre hazard. Next Wednesday will practically be Riven over to a celebration of the open-of Oakland's new wholesale district.

The event Is backed by all the civic and general business associations. A parade, special programs and a ball at the Municipal Auditorium, will he features of the occasion. The Lawrence Warehouse Comnanv Ports, an increase of 150 per rent In their business during 1916 over the previous jt-ar, niasing tnem tne fastest growing vrurenoum company in the United States. In addition to the five warehouses In Oakland, thla company also operates two In Sacramento, and onoaln each of the lonowing places: Banker? Live Oak and jluon. S.

F. Orr, 1124 Thlrty-slxth street, has received notification of highest award ior muntaius, leeders and scrapers from me han Diego exposition. A similar awara came to him from the P. P. I.

K. It Is Ms plan to begin making his product in extensive quantities which up to now have only been made In a small way. Shipments made during the week neni 10 Man Mateo and Concord. Attention of business men is called to oate of The TRIBCNK ANNUAL. One section of this publication Is already on the press and those who hare not as yet taken advantage of semiring apace for their announcements should do so at once by application to the Promotion Department, Lakaslde 6000 The generous circulation of this edition of The TRIBUNE offers possibilities In securing wide publicity.

The Central Savings Bank has been successful in securing the co-operation of manufacturers in the encouraging of employees- to Join their Christmas Savings Cluby and to prepare for the unusual expenses of the holidays. This firlsfmas Savings Club is being extensively advertised in The TRIBUNE and other Oakland publications, and thla advertising Is being handled in the office of K. Lv Hamnian. Thosw who contemplate sending copies of The TRIBUNE ANNUAL to friends in ine nasi snouia send in their orders at once, enclosing 26c for each copy or requesting the number of copies desired to be delivered to your address upon publication. The first section of this publication Is already on tho press and will be followed at once by the second section.

This year's annual Is by far the most comprehensive and well planned edition ever, issued covering every phase of the various and diversified of Alameda co.untv and It will go far toward attracting 'favorable attention and valued citizens. Mr this section of the state. The Hunt SChmldt Advertising Service Is in receipt of several trade Information blanka from the Department of Commerce at Washington for their clients vvho are engaged In manufacturing articles for which there is a demand In foreign countries. The bureau of foreign and domflstic service of the Department of Commerce is doing everything possible toward developing thw various manufacturing industries of the United States, both at home and abroad. Aocordlng to Information received by the advertising concern any Alameda county manufacturer can obtain trade Information blanks and full Information aa to the bureau's activities by getting in touch with the bureau's commercial agent at room S07, United states Customhouse, Snn FrnncHco.

Gold Medal Waterproofing Co. 1156 25th Av. Phone Frultvale 244. Patronise home tnduatry. Secure the best on earth In Walrus Brand Waterproof Clothing.

On sale at the following stores: Houts namage. '1311 Washington St Roos 13th and Washington. J. T. Moran, 1031 Broadway.

Walter Isaacs. 1M2 7th St. C. C. Starr.

630 Broadway. Money Back Smith. 12th andWashlngton Fine Upholstering fcy Competent Workmen. PrWn RfOTttbl. R.

J. HUNTER 2156 Telegraph Ave. OakUad S7I5. Eit.bliih.d 1117 Copa de Oro Wines Tbree ilnd. Red.

White. Sweet. Irish Moss and Hoarhound A Ttluabl Toole anil Stimulant. Warren's Whiskey The Winedale Company WHOLESALE WINES AND LIQUORS 7S-S71I THIRTEENTH ST. Phon.

Oaklud Sa, AMERICAN RUBBER MFG COMPANY 'OAKLAND. CAL. Crackerjack Fire Hose is tht Best 1,1 II IsJSIiliiJIW 732 Firfr 9t PHOXK.

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