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Decatur Daily Republican from Decatur, Illinois • Page 1

Decatur, Illinois
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R. RACE CO. GENTS' FURNISHERS FINE MER Home-Made CANDIES Every AT WOOD'S, 142 Merchant Street. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. In All Our Departments.

HEAVY Gloves, Caps, At Greatly Reduced Prices. Call and icet our prices on Overcoats. We will place them so Cheap you can't afford to go without one. The Best $1.50 Child's Suit ever shown in the State. Call and see it.


P. 1). Spoonfr returned this morning from a buBinesB trip to Palmyra. Wm. Morgan, P.

M. at Morganville, iiiie iu town this morning. Mutt Scott has had a severe attack of congestion of the lungs, but was reported better yesterday. J. B.

Howen, of West Plains, was hern Satnrduy Eight, the guest of T. Clements. Miss Lola Pdber is visiting old friends at Mt. Xmu tine week. Fred.

Guilds, who has been attending school at Palmyra this winter returned this morning to resume work on the Jiitli'pi'ndi'iit. Harnuel il. House, eldest son of the late E. House, IB eofalined to hie bed in the hist stage of consumption. He made his will a few days ago, and also arranged for hie burial, which is to be conducted In his Masonic brethren.

He tolk Kev. B'unkson yesterday that he realized he could not "live but a few days more--that he wab ready and willing to die. The meeting being held by Keva. Jiankbou and Willard, now in the third week, is increasing in interest. Six persons went forward for the prayers of the church last night, nod the brethren are greatly encouraged.

There is' an average of one public sale per da in this neighborhood this week anil property as a thing IB bringing all it is worth. school in Masonry, which has been conducted by Mr. James, of Decatur, during the last'ten days, closed last night. lihiB Mound, Feb. 12.

liEi'ORTEit, TKOl A Our i ice men are in hard luck this winter, tim weather is beautiful and fine, and trade is begmuingto boom. Drs. Kimdall and Walston, of Deeatur, made a professional visit in the suburbs jesterday, and after their return spent their waiting time with Postmaster Troutman. S. Troutman, of liearsdale, shipped a carload of hogs from that place this week.

U. Park and family were in town i week; also Mr. and Mrs. Guliek. Itoherr Holderness is not expected to live; he is weak and growing worse, Sharon board of trustees met last Monday on tire, lightning and cyclones; only four attended; the P.

M. one. Mr. Glasgow is reported better. Sharon singing class meet at William Kaylor's to-night.

Mr, LemCarr 13 the happy father of a bran-new baby, born Thursday--it's a boy. Prof. Funk's family have reoovered from la grippe. Miss Chamberlain, teacher of Sunnyside, will continue her winter school awhile longer than first contemplated. She visited friends in Decatur last Satur- I dav and Sunday.

The band of the town will assist Prof. Tandy's i class in the future concert tinder Piof. Funk. Sru. Pino be Sold Regardless of Costs LJ IT U.

HUDut, "TEMPLE OF MUSIC," 237 North'Mam Street. N. B. Watch this space for SPECIAL SALE of Musical Instruments. It means that you can get unheard of Bargains in the line offered in the Special Sale, for the time only.

B. BULLARD, FUNERAL iHRECTOR, S. Water -tiwt. i fvi' Ml 1- l.t 1 i r- i- i i rr, i a TeifDhotlf, Ofllcc. Notic UtMleinption Xoticc Notice.

ul ill a s.i 'i 1 mum ml cm l.iu ni tm- i i i on ilk' i it t.IVs Inl I I I 11 1 I i i I I I i I I I I i i i i i i M.l.'U'l I ll.u 1 1 1 1 mil HI tl.i-iruf tiuni in in ul ul Ml Kl'im Kedemiition Notice. i i i 'till' l.ui'K ol lull i i i i il. .1.1 i i i i il tli.u a i 1 iv fur i i t.lM-N i uf lav, in tin- i i i i i Mil .1 i i i i on I'ir M'coml l.i of i A for tlif law. fur the 1 i 1 the fullovMPt: lles.nlifll hit li.uf lot H.I, ut-k sei'cii i7i, in I i lilue MrtC-on coun', I i i-. I.i^t-d in Hie iirtine ol Tlioinas Mo.Mbhan, 1 tlie imie redciiiption thereof nu ale tne st-conil (Itiv ol ML'Kl'HEV.

Kfdcinption 'l Isn 1 Xoticc, I I I only relialile veRetable anbatitute for culoaiel, which nets on the liver.blood, kidneyB iincl stomach, and best anti-bilious purgative is M(iK'TM re 8 Onnclurango, Indorsed by Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia; Rev. McNnlly, of St. Louis, and a host of prominent people. Amusements Next Week. Tnesdin evening, Feb.

18, Will L. anc Clms. E. Smith's Pantomime and Vaudeville eompimy. This is the home of this organization and they should have packed house.

Since their last appearance hero they have changed their style of entertainment entirely. They now give a first-claps specialty performance anc are meeting with great success every where. Wednesday evening, Feb. 1H, the Gran Opera Company in the New York Casino's latest success, "The Brigands." The Atlanta Constitution of Oct. 17 says: "The Brigands" made a decided hi' with the big audience which gathered tc greet the Gmu Opera company upon its second evening performance.

It was an other brilliant audience and the success which the company scored was pro nonnoed. Offenbach never wrote music that WBI not beautiful, and that of "The Brig anils" is up to his usually high standard Mime of the Milos are particularly catchy mill pretty; the choruses are grand. Th opera nunes along with dast, the Grai company gu a very fine presentation of the great Casino success. There i some suggestion of "Erminie" in the foil brigands whose antics furnish the bulk the fun. Miss Greenwood and Mies Hosme divided the honors, accorded the fern portion of the, both by thei nging and acting.

Miss Aldrich mad a prett) onng farmer; Mies West wa a solid-looking page. Harry Brown, the comedian, kept everybody laughing from the time the curtain rose. lie is ucdoiibtly the best comedian Grau has eier had. His top- pica! song, "It's a Matter of Taste," is one of the best of the many with which btage is lloodeu each ear. Saturday night evening Feb.

'-21 Washington's i a the comedians Hallen A- Hard, supported by a strictly first-class company the musical comedy by H. Grr.tton Donnely, "Later This corn- pans and comedy is pronounced by the press of Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and all the large cities as one of the finest ill the country. Williams' Australian Herb Pills. If yon are yellow, bilious, constipated, with headache, bad breath, drowsy, no appetite, look out. your liver is out of order.

One box of these Pills will drive all the trouble away and make a new being of you. Price, 25 cents. John Swearingen, agent. "Dutch" Treat" "Theatre Partite. The theatre party, which for some rea- on fell into sort of semi-decline toward he end of last winter, is being revived, nd the excellence of the present attrac- ions at the theatres is perhaps responsi- Je for its resuscitation.

Parties of six, ight, ten and a dozen have been fre- uent during the week and have doubt- ess been welcomed by the managers, ho are thankful, of course, for the add- 1 brilliance lent to their audiences hereby. The latter day theatre party the one the most popular, so far as I an see, is a very matter of fact affair. burdensome practice--burdensome a double sense--of loading down he ladkri with cumbersome hand xaiquets has gone out, something i jouns; men are no lou'it a and it is no thi- corroi tiling, I understand, the party to monopolize the attention the audience, lo the fxrluMon of the icople on tho stage, by loud convcrsa- iun on commonplace subjects during he performance, The "Dutch" theatre jarly-ii growing in popularity. It Benin's its n.inie liom the principle of Dutch treat. on hich it is organized.

Jach gentleman purchases his own ticket uid that of the lady it is his privilege to and the inevitable btipper after lie performance is conducted on the line. The privilege of paying for chaperon'h ticket and supper is usually lecided by casting lots, and it goes without saying that, the inner of that luxury is keenly envied by his competitors. --Chicago Times. for I i i A htory is told in an Allahabad paper of a Brahmin, who, living at Monghvr, rejoiced in the possession of an amulet which had fallen to him from long gfn- of ancestors. Like most aruu- ets, however, it proved no charm against pou-rty, and, reduced by the langs of hunger to tho last extremity, Brahmin wont to a goldsmith and offered his arauli't for sale.

The goldsmith broke it up to test the quality of the metal, and discovered within its hollow center a scrap of paper covered with reading, which recorded that to the shrine of Pir Shah Xapol there lay buried treasure to the, value of ourteen lacs of The Brahmin ias now obtained the sanction of the government to have the plot of ground excavated. A rich Mahajan of Monghyr ias taken a contract for digging the ground, on condition that a six anna of tha entire property bo given to lim. The government will take one- 'uurth and tlie remainder be the Many laborers have been engaged to dig up the pldce, but no trace jf the money has yet been 'incinnati Commercial Gazette. ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN CLUBS. OFFICIAL CALL.

Tn the Republican Clubs of the Stale of lllmnk: There ill be a convention of the delegates representing the Clubs ol this League, in Kepre- seutatives Ua.ll, Springfield, on Tuesday, February ffitli, 1890, at 12 o'clock, noon, continuing in thereafter during such hours as said convention snail determine. You are requested to elect delegates to this conventiou at once, according to the constitution restricts each club to three delegates. The business which will come before the con- ventiou will include the reports of officers of the League, the election of officers and members of the executive committee for tbe ensuing year, the election of delegates to the National League Convention, to be held iu the city of NasliMlle, March 4,1890, and such other business as may come before the convention. In order that the business of the convention may be expedited, It is desirable that the names of all delegates, certified by the president and secretary of each Club, be sent into headquarters not later than February 15th, 1890. WILLIAM W.

Tracy, Pres't. JA.MKS W. I'ATnsKsoif, Sec'y. TO ALL REPUBLICAN CLUBS IN MACON COUNTY UECAIUK, Feb. 7th, 1890.

Pursuant to official call of the Republican League of Illinois, all Republican Clubs of Macon county are requested to select delegates (three for each club) to represent their respective clubs in the State League Convention to be held at Springfield February 25tli, isflfl. Lists of Delegates properly certified to by the president and secretary of each club will be sent to the secretary of the Macou County League not later than February I4th, 1890. Let Macon county send a large delegation. 1). A.

MAFTIT, ('resident Macon County Republican League. H. K. EIUOIAN, Sec. TO YOUN'U MEN'S KEFl'BLIGAN CLUB: DKCATI'H, ILI, Feb.

7, isno. In accordance with the above official call, a meeting of the Young Men's Republican Club is called for Wednesday night, at 7:30 p. February 12th, at the Office of J. M. Clokey, Court House Block, for the purposes set forth In said official call, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting.

A full attendance is desired. 11. F. EHH.IMN, Ties. F.

SKKi.LY.Sec. Famine in Guliuia. According to the Polish press famine las already broken out in Austria's great province of tlalicia. In eighteen listricts of that province the crops this rear have been entirely lost. The harvest as, moreover, very bad in forty- tight other districts.

Only in twenty- districts did the peasantry get enough food for themselves and their ivo stock for the winter. It is announced hat in many places the peasants are kill- Ing their horses rather than bee them itarve, Nearly horses are said to already been thus destroyed, and their carcasses sold as manure. In some larts there are large heaps of the bodies horses now i on the roadside. In jnu district 1,300 horses are said to have Been sold at the price of sixpence a head lo a manufacturer of compost, as the ailway rates are too high to make the ixport of the emaciated animals kmdon Standard. When Baby was sick, we gave her Costoria.

When sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them ITCHING- Irritating eEruptioufl and every form oC Bkiu and blood dloCtwe.IrornnconiuionPimplototho worst cosoofSorofu an bo cured by bo use of BludbildtT, the new vest-to ulo Blood Purifier, Internally nnl Cute sCarbolIsnlve, tbe Great Skin, externally. Bludbiider la a concentrated vegetable eitract and possesses tonic, altoratlvo and blood purifyini? qualities. 1 renews and enriches the Woo through It reaches every port of tbo lx)dy, iir.purta life anil vigor to nil its fu ctions an! strengtbcnt and builds up Hi syste-i.

ItistbobcsJ known remedy for nil Scrofulous CompZafiitu Erysipelas, Bails, Tumors, Poison: wj a ml ConslttutlonalDisordcrs, Blotches, P.mifes a nil Erupt ions of the shin, Rheumatism, and nil diseases caused by an impoverished or corrupt cd condition of tho blood. Small doses and pleasant to tako. Prieo fix for $5. Prepared only by J. W.

Colo Dlack liiver Falls, WIs. Bold by Drugfiats and Dealers in Medicine. GEO.P.BLOIE, --The Pioneer Dealer in-SEWING- MACHINES. Established 1872. THE LIGHT-RUNNING "DOMESTIC," Is acknowledged by all to be tbe most PERFECT MACHINE, and will perform the greatest range of work possible.

The "Domestic" hns been tried for TWENTY-SIX YEARS, find to-diiy is largely copied by most all machines of note now on the market. REMEMBER ALSO, that The "Domestic" is guaranteed by first-class house, whose permanency is fissured, and whose success has been gained by honest effort. l)ee 14-dwlm POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, streDtfth and Wore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powdm.

tiiMimlu BAKING 1'OH )06 Wall N. Y. BOYAL Executor's Notice. Kslall'Ot Newell A. i DeiTaswl.

'1 lie undersigned i been appointed i i I i eslate of Newell A. Wlnle, late or tin 1 of Jliicoii and slale of Illinois, de- easetl, hereby notice Ihat he will appear eloie i Court of Maeon tile ourt house, in 1 ee.itui, ill the A i i on he lust Monilav In a i i i i lersolis i i claims against said estate are i a to a puipose if having the same adiusted. All pel sons In- lelited lo saltl estate ale iciniesled to make ini- nediate pavineut to the i signed. Dated tins day of l-'ebnuiry, i A. (J.

A lixecutoi. Brazil's New Hauklng Scheme, The Brazilian government has issued a lecree dividing tho country into three! tanking districts and providing for three asue banks i capital of government stock, llie circulation of lach bank's notes In lip confined to its, AMI district. Ten per cent, of the earn-' ngs will applied to the redemption of lie capital Letter. Horehonnd far Whooping Cough. There ii no remedy in the world which will such prompt relief Whooping Cough as Battard'i Jlorehound Syrup.

It will positivtly cure it. If you will try it, your children will not keep you awake all night coughing Ballard's Horehound Syrup is tho most cooling and soothing remedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Asthma, in the world. It is free from opium. It builds up new tissue, strengthens the Lungs, and is an incomparable remedy, made of the best and purest materials. If your Lungs are weak and you have a tickling in your Throat, you need it.

Sold bv John A. Sweanneen. DruKKist. Ground Iloff Iaj. The ground hog theorists will tell one that the ground hog comes from out the earth invariably on Feb.

'2, and never before. He comes out wall the break of day, anil if the weather be such that he can at any time during the day see his shadow he hies him hack into his hole, and sleeps for MX weeks longer. But if the weather he gloomy, rainy, snowy, cir if, in shoit. the i-un is not wen all day, the ground hog knows the rigors of i are over, and he stays i tu enjoy the early spring. The ground hug prophecy was founded on the i ild English saying regarding Candlemas day, for Feb.

2 is Candlemas day. The folk always put much faith in the supplied by the -tate of the weather that day. A old adage illustrates the mode in the day told the sturdy British future weather. It is as "follows If Candlemas day tie fair and bright, Winter will tiavo another tight If C-ujdleinas day be clouds and rain, Winter la goue and i not come again, --Louisville Courier-Journal. ROBERT KRAFT, Furniture Gilded and Colored FIliST HOOK SOUTH OF N1KDEU- MEYEK'S STOKE ON 'HIE Notice ot Final Settlement.

Estate' or Ani'a Hill, Dccoitsed. Yon lu-n-hy notified that on Monday, the thml tla of a i i A. 1). IttKi, tin 1 Administrator ot said estate, i to the County I'nnrtof Macon county, at the County i ofllcc in Der.iUir, Illinois, i i a rcpoit ot Ins and donnjs as such A i i a ana nsk to be discharged i i any all i i i limit's and responsibilities connected with said estate, and Ills administration thereof, at which time and place von may be piesent anil resist such application, if you choose so to 4 i feb4-d2w A i i a of said Kstnle, THIS IS Low Prices Are Always Interesting. PEOPLE ALWAYHEAD THEM.

We are the Pioneers of LOW PRICES IN DECATUR. We have forced down the figures on Staple Groceries and our competitors have had to follow in our lead; so that we can consistently claim that all the people of Decatur are getting their groceries for less money than they did a few weeks ago, because we set the example that other dealers were forced to follow. And we have still other surprises in store for our customers. Watch our published price list and study our figure. SEE THESE Notice.

I i i rM.iti tin 1 ov, HITS and i i i i i i i ilu- mils 01 lots lielelli- i i i of lands taxes, Ot i i i of M.i- lllmoi-, mi Hie s-i'imd daj of A. Ii. 1---, fur i I.IM- fm the 1--7, I muTlia-eil i ile-ciibt'il Uinl I i i i i i "Uf h.ilf of the norHi a i the east half ol the i of M-, turn ii, i -rt'i'tei-ii i 7 i a tlin-e tin- Thiul in the name of 1. ll. smith rotate, and the i of the redemption thereof 110,11 said Mile ill expire on the February 12th, 1890.

13w Redemption Notice. To.T. 1 and the interested in the land- juut-rs anil partie- or lots hereinafter 'i oiVare notilu-d that at a sale of kinds and lot- for state, eountj and special i i i i pursuance of law in the county of Ma- -unl of Illinois, on the second of Inlv A 1' isss, a I mir'c'liased the following described land to-wit rt of lot eighteen USl, in west Lull in Section tliirtv-three lii), township fifteen U3), range two of the Third P. taxed in the name of I) Hemphill. that the time of the re- ilenuition thereof from said sale vrill expire on tl second day of July, A.

February 12th, 1890. Crow Royalty in Maine. Capo Elizabeth conies along with a claim on the crow appropriation that exceeds the returns of any one town yet reported by at least 1,000 heads. One thousand four hundred and ninety-six crows have been killed in Cape Elizabeth in the pas: year. One boy in one day brought to the treasurer seventy-three crows' heads.

The crows flock ou the shores during certain seasons and they are caught in great numbers by poison arid different Journal. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The BEST BALVE in the world for onuses, scree, nleers, salt rhenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eraptions, and posi lively cores pilee, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to (five perfect satisfaction or your money refunded. Pnce, 25 eentf per boi.

For sale by Dr. A. J. Stoner, wholesale and retail druggist. si Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

WOOD PUM.TO, Cflain Jfnmpe, irjt Force Pomps, (or sale at Spencer Leh- nov5-dfrwtf Granulated Sugar, 13 Ibs for A Sugar, Ibe for 15 Ibs White'Extra Sugar, Ibs Sugar, Good Syrup, per gallon, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 40 Best roller process flour, per sack, oOlbs 81 05 OofTee XXXX 25c Arbuckles 25o Lion, 25c Queen 25c Bonola, 25c Good Coffee in bulk, 15c to DOo 6()e 35c toQOc 25c 25o 25c Japan Imperial, (best,) Y. Japan Tea, in 1 Ib cans, a SOjAJPS. bars Logan Beit's, bars Lantz Bros', Lenox soap, Kingan Hams, per Ib, California Hams, per Ib, Breakfast Bacon, Heavy Bacon, Best Lard, per Ib, Chipped Dried Beef, 10o 10c 20o 15o 20o lOo 25o 20c Beet Coal Oil, per pallon, Best Vinegar, per gallon, Fancy Kaisins, new, New French Prunes, Sardines, 7c, or 4 for Canned Peaches in syrup, Canned Blackberries, Sibley Canned Corn, 7c, or 4 for 2 Baking Powder, in lib cans, 2 for 2Tx) Baking Powder, in bulk Mackerel, in pound cans, Star Tobacco, Climax Tobacco Big 4 Tobacco, Horse Shoe Tobacco, per pound, Lemons, per dozen, Brooms, 25o Ifie lOc 45c 45o 30c 45o 20o 10o -THE'SE PRICES ARE FOR SPOT TO THE PUBLIC. The Firm of B. Stine, Boss Clothier, is this date dissolved, and in its stead is formed the WTHIG With B.

STINE, E. STURM and LEO GK HEILBRUN as members of same. The senior member, B. Stine, extends his sincere thanks to former patrons for their liberal patronage extended in past years and trusts they will continue with the new. The same principles practiced by the old firm are the mottoes of the new: HONEST DEALING, NO MISREPRESENTATION Fair Treatment of One and All, With our increased facilities we are better than ever prepared to please the public, and cordially invite you to give us a call.

YOURS, TO PLEASE, CLOTHING CO. FRESH OYSTERS and CELERY received every day, and all goods at proportionately Low Prices. Goods Delivered to all parts of the citv. SLOGAN 150 Merchant St. iTelephone 120.

REMNANTS! All Calico Remnants at 3 Ac yard. All Remnants, Brown Muslin, at a yard. All Remnants Bleached Muslin, a yard. At 8c all Remnants three-fourths Cashmeres At 15c One lot of Cloth Remnants. At 19c One lot of double-width Dress Goods, including Serges 36 inches wide.

At 39c Our entire lot oi 40-inch, all wool Fancy Plaid Dress Goods Remnants. At49cOnelct of Silk Velvet and Camel's Hair Remnants. At75c One of Bloadcloth, Plaids and Dress Saks, Remnants. At 90c our entire lot of Best Qualit" "ilk Remnants. One Case of Hill's 36-inch Bleached Muslins at 8c THIS WEEK.

NEW YORK STORE, of Water and William.

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