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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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TnunCDAY EVENING 0 is Irmune 1 a JrT aspen SIIIKE 3 FED 'UNITED ENGINEERING PLANT SOLD TO UNION IRON WORKS FOR $1,000,000 Feminist Program A rrives, Says Kin C. of C. Member Talks to Women SOUGHT SCENES AT UNITED ENGINEERING WORKS TAKEN OVER BY UNION IRON WORKS. -3 a tvrj, "TP it I 1 -J-v-AMM iiflfij-iipjlsiy Bethlehem Steel Co. Is BacK of the Local 4 Purchase Following the annotineement of the purchase of theFnited Engineering Works of this; 'city by tho Union Iron "Works of JSkn Francisco, whereby the local plant becomes a part of the groat chain of, Industries owned by the Steel Company, It was declared todayithat more than $250,000 would be expended In Improvements on the Oakland estuary.

begun Immediately. According to President J. A. McGregor of the Union Iron Works, more than $1,000,000 Is Involved in the deal. The plant of the local concern Is the largest on the Pacific Coast outside that of the Union Iron Works.

More than 1200 men will be given employment when the contemplated improvements have been completed. SALE IS CONFIRMED. Announcement of tho merger was made to The TRIBUNE fete yesterday by President McGregor of the Union Iron Works, following an em-pjihatlc denial of the gale, made by the Inra 1 nlnnf mono era local Dlnnt maniinr Christy, who declared that, as man ager, lie knew nothing of the deal whereby the local plant was taken over. A short time later McGregor announced that the deal had been completed. Christy, It announced.

innnnn imr iiiirnuvtini PL1EDF0R 11, a at BIG IfJCREASE 1 SUSISS SHOWN will ho r.n.7 ration na up an 0veT the country local 8 manager of the which has been so strong that It has in-ioai piant. i fluenced of home dealers HALF MILLION AID FOR III. POSTOFFIG Wire Sent Elston SeeKs Preparation Bill Million-Dollar Structure Sought on Valid Grounds The first step toward acquiring a new million-dollar postofflce building for Oakland, to be erected on the present site at Seventeenth street and Broadway, was taken today when Postmaster Joseph J. Rosborough and J. R.

Knowlandt acting for the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce, forwarded a telegram to Congressman J. Arthur Elston asking him to prepare a bill for presentation to the public buildings committee of the House in the event a general omnibus public buildings bill is decided upon during the present session. Congressman Elston is a member of the public buildings committee. which will, make recommendation on Oakland's request should the bill be Introduced. The bill, upon its prepa ration, will be submitted to the treas ury department for a recommenda tion, If the telegraphic request of Ros borough and Knowland is carried out.

This was asked because of the state ment of Assistant Secretary to the Treasurer Newton on his recent visit here that he believed Oakland's claim to a new postofflce to be a just one. A favorable report Is expected from the treasury department. The sending of the telegram follows the action of the Chamber of Commerce directorate in discussing the question thoroughly at Its meeting last Tuesday night. After approving the project the executive committee placed the mafter of details in the hands of Knowland and Rosborough, who today decided on sending the telegram. OMNIBUS BILL UNCERTAIN.

Congress has not yet agreed whether a general omnibus public buildings bill shall be introduced at this session. Elston's bill, asking the appropriation for Oakland, would become a part of this bill, to be discussed by the public buildings committee, which would make its recommendation to Congress. In the event that it Is decided not to have a public buildings bill and that emergency bills will be considered in caBes' where it is deemed necessary to relieve certain situations, Elston has been asked to notify the Chamber of Commerce to this effect, that plans may be made for further procedure. Newton of the treasury department, on his recent visit to Oakland, was' taken through the postofflce building by Rosborough. He told that official that he believed Oakland needed a new postofflce, agreeing that the present quarters were inadequate to care for the city's postal needs.

WOULD LOSE BUILDING. Should Congress authorize the appropriation, it is planned to tear down the present postofflce building and erect a modern structure to cover the entire site at Seventeenth street and Broadway. This site has recently been increased and has a frontage of 300 feet on Seventeenth street, 180 feet on Broadway and 190 feet on Franklin street. A two-story building erected on this site, Rosborough says, would Tsorve the postal needs of Oakland for many years to come. "The present building Was too small to care for Oaland's business when tt was erected in 1903," Rosborough said today.

"The San Francisco fire shoved Oakland ahead ten years in one Jump, and that, being unforseen, made it all the more difficult for the city's postal Dusiness to receive proper attention in the existing building. We need fully three times as much floor space as Is now available, i "If the government will provide this money and it is badly needed Oakland will have one of the most modern postofflce buildings in the It will be modern in every respect Scores of innovations, improvements in the handling of malls, that facilitate their distribution, would' be included in the plans. The entire I llrst floor would be given over to pos-! tal business, 'including the parcels! post, the money order, the mailing rooms, the distributing plants and all) other such departments. The second I floor would be reserved for all federal officers and ofllces." Seeks Guardianship of Roosevelt Johnson Efforts to recover $15,000 for the estate of the late Joseph Worcester from Roose- velt Johnson, former manager of the Realty Union of- San Francisco, today resulted lu a patltlon for guardianship over Johnson being filed by Osgood Putnam, executor of the Worcester estate. Johnson was recently before the Superior Court on Incompetency proceed -lnss after his business affairs had become highly Involved.

GREAT CHEMICAL WORKS The feminist movement is on in Oakland. Joseph H. King, president of the Chamber of Commerce, told the members of the Women's Bureau of that organization yesterday afternoon the details of the job confronting them regarding the work of civic development. Here Is what he told them: "You are a brand-new factor In Chamber of Commerce activity. It is certain that vou have- come to stay and I consider you already a most Important detail in our organization.

Oakland haa had a great many business women who paid their share of taxes but whd had no voice In community -affairs beyond a vote. In the future, I trust there be no woman in business in this city who will not have something to say and something to do toward the bet terment of the whole community. "You wtll have to make a study, of Industrial conditions and gain an understanding of the intimate rela tion of certain apparently uninter esting facts to your own private af fairs. "Above all, you must learn that organization is everything and that we must all pull together for the common good. The Women's Bureau Is a department of the Cham ber of.

Commerce and must work with that body at all times and. never Independent of it." The following three new members of tile Women's Bureau wereC announced today: Jessie G. Campbell, Bessie JH. Webster and Mrs. Mary C.

Hough. Great Period of Prosperity Ahead of East Bay Section. Is (Continued From Page 1) the appropriation. This move was authorized by the Chamber of Commerce. Then comr the important announcement that the manufacturers' committee of the Chamber of Com merce has set in motion a project to acquire a permanent exhibit building for Oakland, to be erected by the state at a cost of $250,000.

All civic and commercial organizations In the county will be asked to petition the legislature for the appropriation. It is proposed to put t'ne building on a site to be donated by the city near the Munipipal Auditorium. The fourth project Is the announcement that work of construction has been begun on a $500,000 electrochemical jrtanufactury at Pittsburg, Contra Costa' county. This will be completed by summer and the manufacture of electro-chemicals begun. This will mark the beginning, It is said, of one of the largest Industries of the West.

Aged Man Is Found Dying in a Doorway While the thermometer was hovering at a point which made the early morning hours keenly felt in the wet and windy downtown streets, Patrolman Stephen Connolly heard a groan while passing a lodging house doorway. Investigating he discovered aniold man huddled in a corner, his well-worn overcoat drawn close about him and with his knees well upward to his chin. The officer called the patrol wagon and had the sleeper removed to tho Emergency hospital. He was near his last sleep when he arrived and was placed In a warm bed. "Sam McOurich, 71 years, a native of Scotland, occupation shoemaker, residence Twenty-third and San Pablo avenue," reads the record at the hospital.

The record also relates that Sam had taken a "wee drap" or two. Maybe he was earlier fortified against exposure, but at o'clock this morning It took more than a knocks behind 71 years, and Sam is reported In a serious condition. Thirty Hurt When Powder Car Burns BIXTCFTELD, W. Jan. 27.

More than thirty persons were Injured, five seriously, last niRht when a carload of black powder exploded In the local yards of the Norfolk and Western Railroad. Fire followed and before the flames could be controlled several cars loaded with merchandise had been destroyed. The shock was felt for miles and hundreds of windows were broken. The cause has not yet been determined. Six Feet of Boy Is Lost by Parents Carl Ahbolin, aged 15 years, and 6 feet 1 Inch In helnht, was reported missing today by his father, C.

Ahbolin. 3120 Hast Ktghth etreet. The boy left home yestor-day and his parents are at a loss as to wfit has become of him. He Is described asjwelghlng 150, fair hair, blue eyes, and than he Is." MILLIONS TO AIO LOCAL INDUSTRY IF TO BUILD Norway and Sweden In electro-chem leal manufacturing. One of the richest electro-chemical possibilities of the Pacific Coast States, said Beckman, is that of an iron Industry growing up, similar to that of Sweden.

He points to the fact that the three costal States-California, Washington and Oregon have practically as much tirnper land as Sweden, and that power in the timbered districts, where the charcoal needed for iron reduction could be cheaply made, Is obtainable at prices which will make electric shaft furnace operations not only successful but financiallv Tirofitable. NEED ATMOSPHERE, "We need an electro-chemical atmosphere on the Pacific said Beckman. to the present time gold "mining has been the atmosphere. Without fear of being refuted I will say that the Pacific Coast has more potential wealthy in its eleven million horsepower, which 93 per cent goes to "waste today, than all the gold that ever was mined, or ia still to be m'ined in these States. Mortimer Fleischhaeker, Herbert Fleischhacker, John Bush, vice-president and manager of the- Hopker Company, of New York, and a number of Michigan capitalists are behind the new company.

Under its cliarter the new concern is authorized to manufacture nil kinds of heavy chemicals, including high explosives such as are being used by the warring nations of Europe. The company is capitalized for in 7 per cent preferied stock and $1,500,000 in common stock. of each section. These deputies, he suggested, should be "chosen from among members of improvement clubs. "This will result in these organizations becoTntng affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce and will be productive of immediate benefit to both," Rosborough said.

The duty of the district deputies will be to adjust all grievances that may arise against the Chamber of Commerce in their respective sections. Further organization will be effected at next Wednesday's lunch eon, at which time arrangements will be tnade- to swell Uio.janUstQ150pr 200 members. i 4- 1 Progress of Western Industry Marked By Vew tare of Fleischhackers at Pittsburg Members of the manufacturers' com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce hav started a movement to request the state legislature at its next session to appro priate $250,000 for the erection of a per- manent exhibit palace in Oakland. The legislators will also, be asked to provide a fund for the maintenance of the building. All other civic and commercial organi zations In the county will be asked to get behind the move, as well as the Oakland city authorities and the county Board pff Supervisors.

It is believed that the main body of the Chamber of Commerce will endorse and work for the proposition. The city will be asked to donate land' for a site. It is tnougnt mat me prupn i i the south of the municipal auditorium, on which the city's corporation yard is now located, may be chosen as a site. If tha building is erected, it may be that the publlo museum and the municipal gallery of fine arts will be housed in the structure. An exhibit of all Alameda county products and cases containing samples of articles manufactured in this county, will be Included In a permanent exhibit.

The appropriation to be asked for is similar to that granted by the state to Los Angeles, where a permanent ex hibit building haa been maintained lor several years. "We can set this appropriation If we go after it properly," states J. A. Fenton, a member of the manufacturers' commit tee. "There Is no reason why Oakland should not get It.

This city has the largest manufacturing area of, any city west of the Rocky mountains; we have every natural advantage for the promotion or industry and commerce; we are in central California, In the very heart of the big things of the west, ard, surely we are as much entitled to such a building and such an appropriation as Los Angeles Is. Why, right now, there are over 1200 manufac tories in Alameda county, almost all of them in Oakland. Many of them, too, are big concerns, with great plants. Hun dreds of others will locate here In the immediate' future. "I am certain -that we can have the support of the entire county In this cam paign," Fenton continued.

"The Chamber of Commerce, I feel confident, will get behind the move, as will all other or ganizations in the county. We can get this if we go after It properly." All other members of the manufactur ers committee agree with Fenton, and they are now preparing to plan out a course of campaign. Fred Boegle, the secretary, has been detailed to plan the essential features. The proposition will soon be broached to other organizations, and all asked to get behind the move ment, and work for the appropriation. The first step to be taken will be the enlistment of the aid of the Alameda county legislative delegation.

"If the state will give us this appro priation," Boegle said today, "we'll see to it that a good site is provided. This site will probably be near the municipal aurtitorlum, and will provide for terraced lawns and flower gardens about the building. Alameda county needs this and is going out to get It." FICTSlTrlSiES "How many girls of marriageable nge are there in Oakland?" "How many tons of prunes does Oakland consume annually?" "How many ducks are there in Lake Merritt lietween 4 and 5. o'clock In the afternoon?" "How much peanut butter is made annually in Oakland?" "How many vessels use the Oakland estHRry daily?" "How many miles of streets has Oakland?" Suggestions for new Rotary Catechism. Lts of questions, foolish and oth erwise, will be asked in Oakland soon.

Don't be surprised If some member of the Oakland Rotary Club should suddenly dash across the street, collar a brother member and engage in the -following conversa tlon: How many trees are there on your street?" "Just exactly 1911. I counted 'em." "Do Oaklanders eat more food, per capita, than residents of other cities? "By Jove, you've got mo there. I'll look It up. Good-bye." No, this'll be no indication of In sanity. It will be merely carrying out the idea of J.

A. Fenton, another club member. Fenton thinks that Oaklanders know too few statistics regarding their city, so he Is framing up a catechism which he will ask the Rotarlans to memorize. The catechism, as prepared by Fenton, will only Include the questions, all kinds of 'em, and it'll be up to the club members to dig out the answers. Fenton says he will soon have the catechism completed.

oil nun Ned Jacco, of the Jackson Furniture company, returned yesterday from the furniture markets, Chicago and Grand Kaplds, and reports a remarkable business -om In the furniture Industry. "Never since I have been going to the market in the past fifteen years," said Jacco, "have I seen so manv buyers. They were there from every section of the United States. Grand Kapids, with their new 700-room hotel, could not accommodate them. Many stayed up all night in the hotel office.

And never since I have been going to the market have I known time before when there was no complaint about business conditions from anyone. Kvery furniture dealer had confidence la the business he expected tho coming year. An air of prosperity seemed prevail north, south, east and west a they were all buying heavier than usual and at the advanced price at that. "More furniture, In fact. Is being used the present time than ever before.

The styles have changed radically in the past two years and an Interest In good deco' a great mass everywhere to discard their old furniture for new and better types. CHAXGKS IX INDUSTRY. "It may lie well, perhaps, In this connection to mention some of the changes that have taken place in the furniture Industry during the past few seasons and to comment upon the type of 'goods now in Some years Ago tbe! modern- priced lines of furniture were considered from their utilitarian standpoint only. They Were judged high or low grade ac. cording to the practical points they possessed; no great thounht was given to the decorative features or beauty.

These conditions have greatly changed in the past two yenrs. The best things done by the old English. French, Italiun and Span, ish cabinet makers have been reproduced and adopted for modern uses in mSst of the medium lines, while in the past they were to he found only in the high-priced lines of furniture. Today, therefore, It is almost rpnsing to see ine wo, u- mat nasnee cabinet work. 1 he styles have gradually become more beautiful and typical of the finest In the furniture makers' art.

The designs have been worked up with care and the execution is almost marvelous. "American walnut Is again to have its day, this time to stay. Why it should have declined Irt popularity after being the most fashlonnllle furniture wood for 200 years Is hard to say. The mont common explanation Is that the overloading with ornaments, the use of metal ami shell Inlay, weird carving, marblo tops and horse hair upholHterlng In connection with ex. cesslve darK limsmng nrougnt anuui a r- actlon In favor or ugiurcotorea iurnuuro which included the use, of material of which it was made.

KUItOPE A PURCHASER. "Europe has kept on buying American walnut in recognition of its superior qualities as a cabinet wood and has bought all that this country could furnish. Changes In furniture styles in this country have called for woods that are best adapted to these styles. As black walnut was en-Joying Its greatest popularity in days of Queen Ann It is being used largely at the present time In the reproduction of Queen Ann period furniture. A high authority says a great and faithful reproduction of any period style requires the use of this wood because it was used in the original.

Aside from this, the character and tone of black walnut seems to fit Into the design perfectly and to harmonize with it. The rich coloring of the wood and its aristocratic appearance combined with the correct lines of perrod designs all create an impression of perfect taste and harmony. "Not many woods have so many good qualities as American walnut, which has been the favorite of the best cabinet makers- for pinny generations. It has a rich brown coloring unlilke any other wood, finished easily, is not susceptible to scratches and marks and holds its color admirably. The public Is more Interested in black walnut today than it has ever been In any other kind with the possible exeeption -uf which Is holding Its own, and the finishes white, cream and ivory." 1 he growth of the United Engineering.

Works frbm a small plant of little significance in the industrial world to the second largest shipbuilding plant on" the Pacific Coast, Is the etory of a business romance. Samuel J. Eva, president of the local plant, was twenty-five years uku a draughtsman for the Union Iron Works. He worked on the designs of the famous old Oregon, the 'harleston and the monitor Monterey. It was eighteen years ago that Eva decided to go Into the shipbuilding business for himself.

He organized the United Company, with himself as president and H. P. Gray as secre; tm The new concern decided upon k-ukland and the Oakland estuary as the location for their plant. Then followed a battle of wits against the other shipbuilders of the coast. Eva and his associates bid closely i on all work, contenting themselves mll hrnfit.

-Th Tni soon acquired a reputation for the class of work performed at its Oakland yards, and business grew to enormous proportions, until the plant became the second largest on the coast, and ultimately was purchased by Its nearest rival for $1,040,000. IMPKOVKMKNTS FOIt PLANT. Every modern Improvement is to be provided at the local plant. Three Blips are to be -built, and some of the contracts that the Union Iron Works has fur vessels will be transferred to the local yards. More than $250,000 will be spent in Improving the plant.

The slips can be made ready, McGregor says, by the time the steel orderedfor the new ships can reach the coast. The machine shops are adequate, and $60,000 worth of new tools which the owners had on the way here from the East have been taken over by the purchasers. The local plaint, situated on the south shore of tho estuary, comprises twenty-three acres, with a water frontage of 1 300 feet. It is triangular (n shape, the greatest depth being 1400 feet. McGregor said: "This expansion Is permanent.

We are In Oakland to stay. We bought this property because the yard can be developed quickly and enable us to go ahead with our contracts without unnecessary delay. The new branch will have all the work It can do when it Is developed to its fullest capacity." The payroll at the local plant will be doubled almost immediately, and will be, practically trebled In the very near future, according to the announcement of officials today. About 600 men are employed In the machine shops and yards at the present time. This number will be doubled very shortly, and probably trebled with the completion of the three additional ways.

Three and four big "vessels will the -WHys-at one time, when the $250,000 worth of Improvements have been made. I IHi)lMilftVi IMIHM I Work on a $600,000 plant for the manufacture of electro-chemical products, the first of its kind on the Pacific Coast, was begun on a sixty-acre site near the town of Pittsburg In Contra Costa county, yesterday by the Westet-n Electro-Chemical Company. Announcement of this work, which marks the beginning of what is ultimately expected to be one of the biggest Industries In the west, means much to Oakland and the other communities on this side of the bay. Franklin Remington, president of the Foundation Company of New York, is here to supervise personally the first work on the nlant. He announced today that it will be rushed to completion, and that the new company expects to be manufacturing heavy chemicals by electric processes by June 1st.

The specialties of the factory are to be caustic- soda and bleaching powders, chemicals extensively used in oil refining, paper mills and other Industries. In the beginning the plant will employ about 100 men, and will be run twenty-four hours a day the year around. DEVELOPMENT OF VEST. J. W.

Beckman, expert chemist with the -Great Western Power Company, and student of electro-chemistry, stated today that this modest beginning will ultimately develop into an industry which will make California one of the chemical manufactory centers of the world. Beckman predicted that In the next ten or fifteen years the Pacific Coast will become as imnortant as Improvement Clubs May Join Chamber Oakland improvement clubs may he affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce, if the plans of Postmaster Joseph J. Rosborough, outlined at a meeting of the Membership Council of the organization yesterday afternoon, are carried' out. Rosborough is chairman of this newly-organized branch. of the chamber.

Rosborough suggested that the clt.y should be districted and that a dis-trictdeputy for the council should be placed In charge ffiwS WAR All contributions (large or small) should be made today at the Headquarters, 1418 Broadway, Central BanK Building. ChecKs to be made payable to Frederick Kahn, treasurer, or to The TRIBUNE. In the event that anyone finds it impossible to give to this most worthy cause today, remember it can be done at any future time by sending your contribution to FredericK Kahn, care Kahn Department Store, or to Tfce TRIBUNE, who will see that the contribution reaches the proper source. HEADQUARTERS, 1418 BROADWAY, CENTRAL BANK BLDG..

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