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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 EVENING OAKLAND TRIBUNE AUGUST GIPAL HEADS POLITICAL CONTROL OF UNIVERSITIES SCORED POLITICS FIX BUDGET; FAVORS ARE SHOWN Slashes Saved for Baccus and Anderson; Others Given Increases BESUKIE COLOBADO MILITIA PBOBE Court of Inquiry 'Investigates Charges Against Adjutant-General Chase and Others (Continued From Page 1) imately J82.000 more, than, Commissioner which was attended only by delegates, President Wheeltr made the annual president's address. The business report was presented by President Guy Potter Benton of the University of Vermont, the secretary-treasurer. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. Committee chairmen reported on various subjects assigned them, aa follows: (a) Standards ot the American Universities and the A. 1).

Decree. President George hi Vincent of. the University of Minnesota; (b) JNatlonal University and Legislation, President Edmund J. Jame tnhn Chaw and other the University ot Illinois. lc Confer- Adjutant-General John Chaw ana otner ence With Other Associations of Colleges officers of the National Guard or tUo-and Preparatory Schools, President A.

ra(jo resumed taking testimony behind Ross Hill of the University Of Missouri; Tho court consists (d) Reorganization ot Education, Presl- closed doors today. The court c0" dent Frank McVey of the University of Major E. J. Houghton. Captain P.

North Dakota; (e) University mier- Hersey and Captain Henry M. Plngree. communication. President Guy Potter' It was eUted that a partial report Berton of the University of Vermont. might be submitted to the governor be--Thl afternoon was devoted to a dls-lfore the cju of the day, although there cuaaion of the function of the university V'as little rospect that the court would the preparation of high school teach-: complete Us work by that time, era.

It was led by President Robert J. i The appointment of the court of 1n-Aloy of the University of Maine. Among; W(u tne culmlnaUon of publlc and the. phases of the subject treated wete charKeg aa1nst the ShSl tl'e university offer Instruction In I al and other officer, of the militia subjects which the high school may (trowing largely out of the military ad-choose to teach? The relation of the ministration during the recent strike of. school of education to other depigments coal miners.

Published statements re-of the university giving Instruction In cently declared that certain departments the subjects taken by candidates for of -the federal government were lnvestl-teachership; where Is vested control ot gating the charges. A detective agency such courses and Judgment as to tnelr aiso wa8 to working on the case." efficiency for the purpose In hand? HliOi satUrday night, a fewjioura after its shall constitute the faculty of the school app0iritment by-the gVntOv the court education? inquiry Belied a large numW of let- from the file, of the WILL-MEET HERE 'raft Will Open Program of League at Auditorium Saturday. Heads of city governments from the Principal municipalities of the state, will assemble in Oakland September 7, to participate In the eighteenth annual convention of the. League of California Municipalities. The convention, which is to he-held In the Municipal Auditorium, will la8t until Saturday.

Alva E. Snow, mayor of Fresno, president of the will deliver the opening address. A. L. Cowell, of the Panama-Paciflo International Exposition bureau of congresses, and Mayor Davie will welcome delegates In the name of the Exposition and of Oakland.

Percy V. Long, of San Francisco, past dent of the will respond. i William Howard Taft, former Presl- dent of the United States, will be the first to open the program of addresses, He will speak on "The City Planning Idea." W. j. Locke, president of the bureau of municipal reference, Ala-1 meda, will have as his theme "Value of the New City Planning Laws." i State Controller John 8.

Chambers will 1 talk on "What the Jteports Fcom Our Municipalities Show." Roy S. Smith, vice-presiuenL oi me American vny bureau. New York, will speak about "Preparing the Public for Progress." The afternoon session will be devoted to a Joint session with the department: of health officials In charge of Charles S. GreT and Mrs. Emily Overstreet, a reception Is to be accorded delegates and women folk on the opening at the municipal reference library in the city hall here.

Delegates' will have departmental meetings throughout the convention, such aa the department of department of city attorneys, department of street superintendents and councllmen, department of city clerks and auditors. Thursday, September 9, has been set aside for the delegates to participate In San observance of Admission day. On the following Saturday all delegates will participate In municipal day at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. LOOK FOR MAN WHO 1 BnOKE LEG OF CHILD Search Is beine made by the police for a man who on Saturday afternoon pulled Il-year-old Arthur Bulflnch, 3503 East Eighth street, from the top of a high-, board fence, the boy suffering a fractured leg in the fall. The boy, with a party of others of his, age, were playing In a lot which tjronts on the estuary at the foot of Thlr-l jV-thlrd avenue when a man walked by.

i 'llulflnch is said to have thrown a rock at the stranger, whereupon the latter gave( pursuit The boys sought to clam- ber over a fence, when their pursuer; caught up with them. RISKS HER OWN LIFE TO SAVE AGED LANDLORD, Mrs. Rosa Guargana, who conducts a maternity hospital at 702 West street, risked her life to save that ofMoses Goldstein, the owner of the building. In a fire late last night The place broke out in flames Of lindcte'r-mtned origin shortly after 10 o'clock. After seeing all of the Inmates removed, Mrs.

Guargana remembered that Goldstein was asleep In an attic. She dashed through the flames and smoke to the top of the Jpulldlng- and awakened the aged 'man. She then assisted htm to the street. The Are was extinguished soon after. The damage is nominal.

OTF.STA PLANNED. An annual fiesta will be held at Shell Mound Park next Sunday by the combined Swedish singing societies of San Francisco and Oakland. Character dances and songs, athletlo events, racing, games and an open-air carnival will be staged. Emil Hog-berg Is chairman of jthe committee. I Three Performances Dai Mutliwo, 2:30.

Evenlngn, 9 o'clock Prices Mats. 10c evening 10c, 20c, Sue Special Matinee Fridays Ladles Only. Phon Oak. Til W. Twelfth snd Cl titrtsts Evening Price JOc.

25c. S0c: Box Seats, T5C. Matin. Prices 25c. 60c.

Matinee Every Day MA GALE OF VAUDEVILLE GAYETY. 12th at' Broadway. WEftTALED VAUDEVILLE. Hatluee I Night and 20c I A WONDKRFUIi 8-ACT SHOW! I CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY r-30 TO ILKM Z--'irr Change of Program Every iiiEEiaassaaai LL'stsA 8. of of he of 1 of R.

In An University of California in honor of the i dfiiecateii I TOMORROW'S PLANS. a ruMNO. Pr.l,1en l.Ivinmti.n KarraM oC the Uni- versity of Colorado will open a discussion the problem of "The Relation of Pro- feasors to Outside Employment," taKlng up for consideration the following prob- Llmitatlon. upon occupation by Drofeiisors of remunerative positions out- the university; employment of pro feasor, as expert witnesses In the Interest one of and tha ineylt- able use of the university, name therein; obligation of the professor to render eervlce tn6 state government and the nf therein: .1 vice to the public In assaying and cheml cal analysis, similar to the service rendered regarding by the agricultural department. At noon Tuesday, th.

Faculty club will give a luncheon in honor of the delegates. At th. closing aesston, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, August 31, Chancellor Samuel Avery of the University of Nebraska will discuss "Th. University of Wisconsin Survey and Legislation," and Pean George C. Comstock of the University of "The Reasons why the State University, as Distinguished From Other State Institutions, Deserves Gov ernment by a Distinct and Separate Board of Regents.

by an address by President 'A. Ross Hill of the University of Missouri on "The Junior College: It. Curriculum In Reference to the Prerequisites jjf the University Curriculum, and Conflict of the Nearer and Farther Aim. In the Shaping of a Student's Course." DELEGATE PRESENT. The delegates present at this 20th annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities are as follows: Arizona, President Rufus von Klelnsmld; Arkansas, President John Clinton Futrall; California, President Benjamin Ide Wheeler; Colorado, President Livingston Farrand; Cornell, Profes sor James Crelghton; Illinois, Dean Kend rlck Babcock; Iowa, President Thoma.

Frank Blackmar: Ita anT President Frank Blackmar: Louisiana. President Thomas Duckett Boyd; Maine, President Robert Judson Aley; Michigan, Dean Karl Guthe; Minnesota, President George Edgar Vincent; Missouri. President Albert Ross Hill; Nebraska, Chancellor Samuel Avery; New Mexico, PresldenJDavId Ross Boyd; Oregon, President Prince Lu-clan Campbell; South CaroOha, President William Spenser Ourrell; ITtah, President Joseph Thomas Klnshury; Vermont, President Ouy Potter Benton'; Washington, President Henry Suzzallo; Wisconsin, Dean George jComstock: W'yofnlng. President Clyde- Augustus Dunlway; Swarth-more College, President Joseph Swain; Henry Smith Pritehett, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance-, ment bf Teaching. Anfested for Killing 0n Mexican Border By Aatonitted Preu.

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 80. Victor-lano Hernandez was arrested in a motion picture theater today on the charge of having killed Joaquin Gry-aloa, a Mexican factional commander, at Swansea, on the Arizona-Mexican border, two years ago. According to officers Hernandez admitted having shot Gryaloa, but declared that he fired in self-defense, Gryaloa having threatened to kill him for refusing to contribute to a war fund. CHARGES BATTERY.

SAN FRANCISCO, 80. A warrant was Issued by Police Judge Oppenhelm today for the arrest of ti hvk1 George Fobor. Mrs. ac- cuslng her husband of beating -her, preferred a battery complaint. I i.

GIL DDT TO Action Reversed; "Too Much Criticism," Is Explanation of Davie. (Continued From Page 1) can drive my own automobile now. I may boy a tin lizzie. "I have decided on tills course In the interests of ecenomy. Aim, the criticism of the press has aided me in making up my mind." "Uavent others beside the press eriticiHed your actions?" the question was asked.

"Oh, yes, hundreds," was the) reply. EXPLAIN TAX VOTE. Three members of the council Commissioners Anderson, Baccus and Jackson explained their votes in favoring the adoption of the $1.85 tax levy this morning. An ordinance was adopted for the purpose. "I'll vote 'yes' on that," announced Commissioner Anderson, "but I want to say right now tliat while I aiu In favor of a low tax rate, I am opposed to Uio budget for the reason that my department was cut in appropriation more than others." liaccus was more emphatic.

"111 also vote ho said, "but think that each deNu-tmcnt should have stood Its prorata of the cuts instead of putting all of the burden on a feH departments. "I vote 'yes' Jackson explained, "but I want to say a word. There been newspaper criticism that I got the best of the deal, but I want to say that the only Increases! got was for the purpose of supplying I better fire apparatus. I told the other councllmen that I would vote against the budget ff provision was not made for additional fire protection in the annexed district" Mayor Davie and Cohimlssioner Edwards did not explain their voffes. W.

H. Holman, secretary-treasurer of the Vernon-Rockridge Improvement Club, filed a letter with the council protesting against the proposed grant of (1500 to the Alameda county publicity commission for the celebration of the Skyline City Clerk L. W. Cummirigs was instructed to answer the letter, which said, in part: "We have heard considerable of late relative to the necessary cuts in the various municipal estimates and some of the officials have claimed that there would have to be a sharp curtailment of activities in their departments. Under the present circumstances, and in view of the city's financial needs, a useless expenditure of $1500, or any for a display in celebration of the Skyline boulevard opening would be a gross vfolatibn of the principles of wise and thoughtful action.

"We trust will see to It that the people's money is not squandered in any such manner as the demand upon you will indicate. We believe that any appropriation for the ohnvo nnrnivu would Via ati Inlimttnn to tne various city aeparcmenis ana i to the of the city of Oakland." BACCUS THANKS JACKSON. "I wish to thank Dr. Jackson at this point," said' Commissioner Baccus, "for saving my department from ruin. It was through his insistence with Mayor Davie and Commissioner Edwards that the street department was granted an additional 3 cents.

With this additional sum I can keep my office together during the year." A protest against the action of the Oakland, Antioch Eastern Railway in cleaning Its cars in Shatter avenue, above Forty-second street, and against the switching-' of cars at this point was referred to the" city clerk with instructions to take the matter up I with the railway officials. Judge Mortimer Smith, appearing as attorney for Mrs. Catherine Ken-1 nedy in her protest against the improvement of Twenty-fifth avenue, told the council that the street would be fenced in if the work was gone ahead with. Judge Smith claimed that the street had never been dedicated to the city. Baccus said the records contradicted this statement and the work was ordered done.

A protest against the establishment of a dyeing and cleaning establishment at 6024 Claremont avenue will be heard on September 13th. On recommendation of Chief of Police W. F. Woods, the council denied the application for a liquor license made by the Corinthian Social Club, at the northwest corner of Eighth street and Broadway. Also on Woods' recommendation, a restaurant with bar license was refused to Felice Nestl, E51 Center street.

Commissioner Baccus reDorted on jthe complaint of the San Francisco Board of Health that Oakland's garbage was drifting upon the shores of the transbay city after it had been dumped at sea, saying that most of this garbage came from the bay and not the city's dumping ground. He explained that a city inspector accompanied each boat and saw that no dumping was done until a spot at least twenty miles from shore had been reached. The contractor has agreed, however, to tarfte the garbage five miles further out to sea. Baccus instructed to answer a letter from the State Board of Health asking whsEff steps the city was taking toward the establishment of a garbage incineratpr. A resolution was adopted extending an Invitation to all California cities to send delegates to the convention of the League of California Municipalities to He held in this city September 7th to 10th.

Permission was granted the San Francisco Oakland Terminal 'Railways to construct a spur track In Twenty-second street, at Brush. On recommendation of Mayor Davie, the I Sons of Veterans were granted per mission to use tne Memorial Hall in the city hall next Friday evening. LICENSE TRANSFERS ALLOWED The council today allowed the following saloon license transfers: Trans- fer of ownership Fillp M. Cucko-vich, 1616 San Pablo avenue, successor to J. V.

Lopes, same address; restaurant with bar. Transfer of ownership J. T. Her man Janssen, 1620 Telegraph avenue, successor to A. P.

Johnson, same ad dress, saloon. Transfer of ownership John Ko- lich, 1650 Seventh street, successor to Moos Johnston, same address, saloon. CAR REPAIRER INJURED. R. I.

Davs, a car repairer, of 659 Twenty-fourth street, was seriously Injured late yesterday while working in the Southern Pacific yards at the foot of Wood street, when a car-lifting jack broke and the handle struck him over the head. He was removed to the Merrltt Hospital in the police ambulance. Davis is suffering from concussion of the brain. con ship is confused -Hit rclisloiw theories we shall not be able to administer peaceably and hence prolltably, church or cliapel in the state university. Tills is deplorable, but the loss we experience wlil probably soi he more, than offset by the Wti which the different religious bodies, through our lack, will be stimulated to do each for its own.

"(e) The emergence of compulsory military drill in the midst of a presumptively educational Institution where otherwise everybody, except the president, does pretty much what ho wants' to. Is really a blessing and a relief to teacher and taught. "(f) The absence of a robust and frank tuition fee, gnch a one as would meet, for instance, ono-half the cost of educating a student, undoubtedly encourages a sentiment which lurks inarticulate In the atmosphere of the place, to the effect that the student has conferred a favor on the state by recofrnrzinir the wisdom of its provisions, and may, therefore, exioct to be nurtured, protected and ultimately aided to employment. These observations must ever press home uixm us the query whether It would noft bo better, whether it would noti be fairer to the state and all its taxpayers, whether it wpuld not be better for the students themselvesif we compelled the few the relatively few, who avail themselves of the (state's provisions, to pay a part, e. a half or a third of what their education costs the state.

ADVISES TUITION. All tXlll 1C auu a. ii jo vt. 1 1 t-hips might then be used to Prevent. excellent students from losing, through lack of means, the benefits of an education they deserve.

Such abuses a. dropping out of the uni- (-n nr thre weekn after reg- Kn, wnuM hi Checked There lsterlng. would be checked, would be less floating in and floating UUl. JXLUl tt WUU1U liliUH fcvwc rate, it is a fact that lack of the tuition fee conditions to lome degree the peculiar atmosphere of the state university. WHOXG KIND OF CONTROL.

"Wherever such direct application in the form of legislative interference or control has been attempted, the result has scarcely, ever escaped some form or degree of disaster. Politics as represented hy the legislative is in mood and manner so radically estranged from education and research as represented by the university; that is, the voltage is so different that tho two must in operation be firmly differentiated and a transformer introduced between them. Tills transformer has been found In the form of a commission called the Board of Regents, and the-roecliaiusm has been mounted and use on the whole with most benejticicnt results. "Under existing mundane conditions it is plainly essential to the quietude and effectivenesa of the university that tho board -w 1 ,1 1. 1 1 A should exist, and that it should not be forced to share its powers with another state body like a Board of Control.

'As a board of audit, i. post-audit, the Board of Control will servo excellent purpose as assuring publicity and security, and unifying the state's financial administration, tut the assumption of the right of pre-audit means inevitably a crippling- of tho Board of Regent which will reduce It into something analogous to the position of the Harvard Board of Overseers. "Power drifts toward tlie money-bags. ON "FIRING" PROFESSORS. "The right attitude pf service In tho manifold demands of the university cannot be obtained or expected from men uncertain of their tenure; neither can freedom of thought, research or expression, especially in subjects traversed by the daily thought of the community.

Without such freedom we lose the full value of the teacher's presence among us. If the teacher is hampered, whose ideas does he teach? Those of the regents, of the presl- dent, or of the legislature? But science docs not follow ttie- election returns. Within the range of the teaclier's special equipment and knowledge, not as oracle at large nor as bearing an arbitrary license, but in the) name of Ids science, he must be free to teach. Otherwise the university is an imitation and a sham. We can better afford to be patient and tolerate a considerable degree of Inefficiency in this or that cliair than incur the suspicion of unseating a teacher for the views ho may hold.

"Tho Udrd chief factor in the university organization is the presidency. Tliis office is not to be viewed either as the residence of power or tho fountain of educational policy. As correctly viewed, it is set in the center of the university, not at, its top, and is set there as an Integrating force and a regulator; It holds equal relations to students, faculty and regents, and maintains by natural right a mcmltershlp in each of the three bodies. No president can give an institution his best service where his tenure stands in continual Jeopardy." Many of the dlelegates arrived In time to attend the Anglin performance at the Greek theater Saturday night ag guests of the university regents. Other affairs of a social nature are.

also devised for them for the two days they will be In session and Yesterday, along with the general university convention delegates, they were Mrs1. Hearst's guest, at Pleasanton. At the opening session this morning, Mayerle's New Double Vision is Combine both reading and distance corrections in one lens -avoiding tha annoyance of changing glasses when you wish to see far or near. Mayerle's glasses rolleve eye strain, freshen your memory and strengthen your eyes. Two gold medals and diploma of honor awarded at California Industrial Exposition.

George Mayerle, graduate optometrist and optician, established 20 years, 960 Market street, San, Francisco. Mayerle eyewater freshens and strengthens the eyes, at druggists', BOc; by mail, 65c. Advertisement of of In all of of of Careful comparison of the budget adopted by Mayor John L. Davie and the two other new members of the city council at Its special session last Thursday afternoon, and upon which this year's tax rate of $1-85 was based, shows that politics, and not executive efficiency; gov- I erned the motives of the new admlnls- 1 tration In this, the most Important work which It has done since It assumed control of the municipal government less than two months ago. This Is shown by the fact that every deep slash made In departmental appro-, priatlons was made in the vital depart- ments headed by Commissioners Harry Anderson and W.

J. Baccus' the holdover council members of the old administration. With very few exceptions, the department directly under the hand of Mayor Davie and Commissioners W. H. Edwards and F.

F. Jackson, wese more than adequately provided for. So cuts any significance were made In the municipal departments for which the majority members may be held responsible. On the other hand, the departments of Anderson and Baccus have been so deeply gashed that the functions of their offices cannot be properly carried out during the coming twelve months. In other words, while the departments of the majority members should be making splendid efficiency records as their funds will be ample those of Anderson and Baccus will probably make sorry showings because of the handicap of Insufficient funds.

The fact exhibits the obvious Intention of the mayor and his two followers. INCREASE IS $74,000. Proof of this contention is shown In the fact that nine of the departments under control of the three new officials are given this year. In round numbers, 74,000 more than these same departments were run on during the past fiscal year, under the administration of the Mott council. Yet the tax rate has been lowered thirteen cents.

The money, therefore, must have necessarily been taken from the vital departments under Anderson and Baccus the auditorium, waterfront, street and engineering departments. The park department also suffered woefully, as did the publlo library. The' sum of 100 was out of the budget which would have- gone toward the support of the Baby Hospital In Installments of $50 monthly. The budget, however, Includes Items totaling more than JS800 as salaries for M. K.

Miller and C. Stuart McMullen, old friends of Mayor Davie's, for whom positions were created. Although the Baby Hospital Is sorely In need of the small appropriation, the $600 had to be considered as one the "luxuries" named by the mayor, that $3000 might be Included In the budget for an automobile for that official's exclusive use, and an additional $1500 as salary for his son, Fred, whom had appointed as his chauffeur. With this year's malntenence-and other expenses in the street and engineering departments greatly Increased over last year's. Commissioner Baccus' appropriations were cut down something over an important item In consideration the fact that much new street work needed this coming year.

The cut is far greater than this, but cannot be properly estimated now, as a peculiar cunning was shown by the majority members in the Juggling and tangling up of funds, For Instance, Commissioner Baccus Is allowed $114,0,46 In the engineering fund. Yet this fund includes the publia betterment fund which was last year a separate and distinct appropriation. In other words out of this fund from which should be taken moneys for exclusive use In engineering projects, will be taken the money with which the paving of the Twelfth street dam, the Improvement of Oak and Eighth streets and several other "outside" Im provements should be made. JACKSON GIVEN FUNDS. In glaring contrast to the treatment of Baccus' departments Is the action taken with regard to those under the control Dr.

Jackson, the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. That dignitary. Instead of suffering decrease, vat presented with Increases totalling appro. NOW PLAYING! The World's Woodfrpisn ALEXANDER And Ills Own Company in Ills World Fame? CIMI A PANrP 0mil ZlljIL, The Peerless Queen of fh Mjilern Psnre, MISS JOAN SAWYER, asilated br GEORGE HARCOURT: At. I.MAN DODY, In GRACE CARLISLE and JfLKS ROlfTR otfer "Jii8t a Song at KINGSTON and GEORGE KBNER "A Vauacrille Flirtation" MOTION PICTURES, Including two Mary Pickford itihjK-u.

Initial Apnarance of fis VIOLA 1JCACH sod MR. HOWARD RUSSELL, with the 20 ORPHEUXf PLAYERS In tha famous French Fares In three acts, "THE GIRL IN, TUB TAXI." Edmund Hayes and Company In Mr. Hnyea' Latest Satire "THE PIANO MOVEHS" BELLE OLIVER "The Qnesn of Syncopation," 81nglng H'r Own Original Songs 9 ROYAL ITALIAN EXTETTE (Late- 8tars LoinhardI Opera "GEMS FKOM GRAND 0PEA" TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY! All-Star Cast of Sella- players In the 'Sensational Feature Photo Play "In Defiance of the Law" In Conjunction with the Usual BIG VAUDEVILLE BILL Matinee Dally 10c, Any Seat (except Sundays and Holidays). CTenlngs. 13c.


Mitineei, 10c, Evening, 10o nd lBo riCTlTRES )IUJIUISTRA EVENINGS. By Aiiocited PreM. DENVER, Aug. 30. The military court of Inquiry, appointed by Governor Geo.

A Carlson to Investigate charges aginst fsency. office. These letterfrAccordlng to njember. of the court, indicated that the detective agency had been employed f. TInited Mln Wnrkr nf 4mHML uusru.

Iur. "ler eK Purposes Prose'ion" flng the. coal strike. Officer, of the United ueiueu mai mey na n- ployed detective, to prevent militia Shortly before noon It became known that C. B.

Elliott, former adjutant teenVubnenaed to.TtZ HVT military court. It was said th. ubpna a. issued on Information that Elliott been in th emnlov of th TInit.i Mine Worker, of America and. haa been in Colorado for several months.

The deliberation, of th. court were be-ln guarded closely. Say Contractor Owns To Arson Attempts By AMOclated Prats. PORTLAND, Aug, SO Sanford W. Currier, wealthy -contractor, 1.

alleged to have confessed to Deputy District Attftmcv Rrthtnann In th. Mtintv i-n a ring that ha', been rslbl. Tfor at least BO different fire, in vartou. Pacific Coast cities. According to his alleged confession he started hi.

achem. of defrauding Insurance companies in Lo Angeles ten year. ago. Underwood Named State's First Citizen By Auoolited Press, MONTGOMERY, tha annnlntmpnt nf Henntnr TTnr- wood tp represent Alabama as her CfUien at Panama-Paciflo Exposition. CnRMFR PRPQinFWT TACT TO SPEAK AT CONCLAVE Former President Taft Is to he one of the principal speakers at the opening session of the League of California Municipalities in eighteenth annual convention at the Oakland Municipal Auditorium commencing September 7.

The meeting will be called to order by resident Alva E. Snow, Mayor of Fresno. Besides Taft, the speakers will be Mayor Pavle of Oakland, Percy V. Long of San Francisco, W. J.

Locke of Alameda, John S. Chambers, State Controller; Roy S. Smith of New York and W. M. Shaughn-cssy of San Francisco.

"5IAY BUILD BOATSw MARE ISLAND, Aug. SO-Mare Island can have one orv more of the new torpedo boat destroyer according to unofficial received at the local government station this week. The proposals for constructing the mosquito craft, which are to be numbered from it will be- received by the Navy Department until 12 o'clock noon, October 6, Despondency Due to Indigestion. "About three month, ago, when I was suffering from indigestion which caused headache and dizxy and mad. me feel tired and despondent, I be- van t.Lln.

rV. TlKUt writes Mrs. George Macedon, JJ. 1f. medicine proved to be th.

very thJn needed, as one day I relieved me greatly. I used two bottles ot chamberlain's Tablet, and they rid me' of this trouble." For sale by Osgood Bros. Drug Stores. Advertisement. Ever" Stew Pan SPECIAL Ever" Sauce Pan gr Ever" Sauce Pan, mm ISTl 1-ff" t- 481 Fourteenth St.

Ware. F. C. Turner had with which conduct the same departments last year. The kindest treatment accorded Dr.

Jackson was In tha 'lire department, where he Is given an Increase of close to 2,000 over last year's appropriations. Where Commissioner Turner ran the fire department with the sum of J401.351, Dr. Jackson Is given More than 20,000 of this money Is said to have been provided that campaign pledges might bs kept namely, the construction of two ftrehouses In the annexed district. Many of Dr. Jackson's votes came from that part of the city.

Commissioner Turner ran the police department last year for $324,000. Doctor Jackson is to have $339,032 for the same purpose, and no Improvements are pro vlded for. The health "department, from. which some of the city's, besf employes have been discharged, and In which the new administration boasted that a "big saving" was to be made. Is to be conducted with $58,490.

Last year It cost but $53,000 to conduct' this department under the efficient management of Dr. A. F. GUlihan. BILL NOT ITEMIZED.

Commissioner Turner's office expenses last year were $75. Dr. Jackson will be given $500 to run hlB office with. His expenses in this respect were not itemized. The same applies to the office of Commissioner Edwards, who put himself down In the budget for $500 for office expenses, without first explaining what the "office expenses'" were to be.

Cor-mlssloner Forrest, Edward's predecessor, did not have "a cent with which to run his office. When asked at Thursday's torrid meetlmr what he Intended to do with the $500, Edwards' said that he would purchase "paraphernalia" with it. Another significant feature of the budget Is the fact that no money Is included to defray the expenses of -any election, special or otherwise, which may be called. When petitions were still being cir-. culated for the recall of Anderson and Baccus, the sum of $23,500 was included In the budget to defray the expected expenses.

With the dropping of this move, however, and the announcement that the recall of the entire Council would be sought in January of next year, nothing was left in the budget to defray any election expenses. The budget also gives $1010 more to the Treasurer's jpffice this year than was needed last This is one of Edwards' departments. He told Baccus Thursday that "we need the money" when the latter demanded to know what was to be done with the coin. That was his only answer. StIU another portion of the new budget which Mayor Davie and his two followers have failed to explain is that which provides $15,500 for water and road suits.

These suits last year were conducted with an appropriation of $8500. BACCUS ASKS EXPLANATION. The Mayor was very angry with Baccus Thursday when the latter demanded an explanation of him of the fact that the sum of $13,965 with which to conduct the chief executive's office. Mayor Mott's fund for the same purpose was $7386, or $5969 less. Mayor Davie did not answer Baccus' Insistent questions.

in nvs an unsatisfactory answer to Baccus regarding the sum of $5000 which his budget provides for the payment of certified public accountants. Two audits were made for the city nder the administration last year at a cost of $1200. That more than the thirteen cent rate reduction came from the departments of Anderson and Baccus, along with the all-Important park department and the library Is shown by the comparison. As the three majority officials gave themselves more than the corresponding three officials used last year, it follows that the corresponding difference In the tax rate cut must have come from the stricken departments not under the control of Mayor Pavle and Commissioners Edwards and Jackson, and for which, under the charter, they cannot be held responsible. Still another very Important item was cut out in this budget.

That was $10,000 wMnh flinched from the $14,000 ap propriation that should have been made for the liability Insurance of the city's employes. The city, therefore, cannot Insure its employes against accident. uv be lniured during the year. the money of recompense will have to come from the city treasury, and may result In the loss of many thousands of dollars which the old administration would have obviated through procuring- State insurance. THE COMPARISON.

A budget comparison follows: Department. 1914-15. 1915-16 Assessor $31,355 Auditor 18,270 26,070 (NVite: This includes $7000 for the Installation of new accounting Department, 1914-15. 1915-16 Clerk $11,615 City Council 61,530 6,980 (Note: Last year's council appropriation contained $14,400 in salaries of commissioners and two elections at and $10,000 was allowed for advertising, supplies, making a total of $48,900, which Is not Included in this year's estimate.) Department of Public Works: 1914-15. 1915-16 Office I 9,263 7,080 Harbor 66,783 56,860 (Note: Improvements lam year were done under bond moneys.) Department.

1914-13. 1915-16 City Hall $58,631 $56,640 (Note: Last year's fund included the maintenance of the annex.) Auditorium $29,406 Department of Revenue and Finance: Office None 600 Treasurer $15,030 16,040 Tax Collector 33,991 21,900 (Note: Ist year's appropriation Included $10,816 for bureau of permits, which was cut out In this year's budget.) Department of Public Health and Safety: 1914-15. 1915-16 Office 75 600 Pound 6,342 6,000 Building Dept 12,105 12,355 Electrical Dept 201,580 200,845 Fire Dept .....401,361 427,000 Health Dept 63,000 68,490 Police 324,000 339,032 (NcSfe: LaBl year's appropriation Included $6500 for betterments.) 1914-15 1915-16 Street Dept. $48,342 (Note: Last year, $42,459.71 was spent for new work and equipment.) 1914-15 1915-16 Engineering Dept $142,344 $114,046 (Note: This year's appropriation Includes the public betterment fund, which was last year a separate fund.) 1914-15 1915-16 Dept. of Public $20,432 $27,121 City Attorney 14,700 14,600 Water and Road Suits 8,500 15,500 Civil Service 12.550 11,530 Police Courts J.1,810 12,070 Cert.

Public Acct 6,000 Library and Museum 115.423 93.428 Park Dept 268,900 168.801 i'laygrounds 77 339 90.713 Garbage Disposal 32,310 27.410 Municipal Woodyard 15,000 19,315 (Note: This year's appropriation includes the cost ot as new building.) Department. 1914-16. 1915-16 Contingencies None $10,200 DENY S. P. APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE AGENCY SAN FRANCISCO, Aug.

80. Application of the Southern Pacific to discontinue its agency at Applegate, Placer county, was denied by the railroad commission this morning when it was announced that a permit to discontinue the agent would not be granted until November 1. The company must In all events maintain a station caretaker. The company had applied for permission to discontinue its agency at once. VISIT DEMONSTRATION "WEAR-E Mumimim Mrs.

Kinney, the factory representative, ia with us this week to explain why aluminum is not all the same and to prove the superior qualities of "Wear-Ever" by actual tests. Our stock of "Wear-Ever" is complete and now is the time to get a kitchen outfit which will last a lifetime and pay for itselfi several times over whili in use. 7 Replace "Utensils That "Wear "Out With Utensils That "Wear-Ever." Motion Picture Theaters 1 Quart "Wear REGULAR 1 Quart "Wear $2.00 Vi Quart "Wear i THIS WEEK ONLY ONE SET TO A CUSTOMER Covers furnished at extra cost if desired. Start to modernize your kitchen with this "Wear-Ever" set. hits wpymrFmm 'ii'11' CHANGE OF PROGRAM SUNDAY 4 ainu muiuuai Broadway at 15U St.

JPAKAMOU2JI 1320-1326 Washington St. i.

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