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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 14

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'H 7 14 Thursday -Evening 0 AJv LAND TRIBU MAY 23. 1513. ni! "T'l GOSSIP St SOdAL PERSONAL 4 urwa a a. 3 mill! IF linii! Ill'jiiiiilii. 1I1 .1 1 1 .1 III 'jt a.

.11 II 'I I. II III II If ilk tlV 111 iMHMHIIIt JJIJ ENLARGE AGRICULTURE COLLEGE BERKELEY SCHOO FRENCH SCHOLAR WILD FLOWER PAGEANT, IS PLANNED -FOR FAIR Courses for Next Term TO GIVE OPERA aV 4 SEEK MA TERIAL ALAMEDA GUY -r DAY ARRANGED PUPILS SEE FAIR Children Visit Exposition in Quest of First-hand Knowledge BERKELEY May 20. Two hundred pupils of -h the' Lincoln school crossed the ha visit' the exposition as a lesson In geography. The visit Is the first a series to be 'made by Krai school children. Superintendent M.

C. baa arranged for a spAcial their transportation, with the Key Koute company. The party was chaperoned by several teachers 0 the school. Tomorrow party will so in which will be other children from same school, V-i from the Columbus, and 1 00 from fnej Jefferson school. Before the close of the school vear pupils of other schools will mnke the same trip.

Sfmcial trains are provided for I he children by the Key Koute DR. VIGNIER SENTENCED TO SIX MONTHS IN 3AIL ALAMEDA. Mav 20, il)r. L. Vlgnler, who pleaded guilty to" a 1 charge of bat-tciy, preferred against Jilm as a result of the complaint of foureei boys, waa this morning sentenced to s'x months th the county Jail.

Police -Judge L. K. Welnmann said, that owing to the seriousness of the offence, he wa.s sorry that a longer sentence could not eiven Dr. Vignier. Six months is the limit un der the law.

Jijdge, Welnnmnii said that society must be protected, and for that reeeon he ordered the extreme, term. Joseph Tobln of San Francisco who was arrested for vagrancy, It helmr claimed that he waa a known associate of pkk- was also six rnunth.3 In the county Jail, He was arrested at the. recent Moose carnival, Policeman Chas Keyes testifying he saw Tublu trying to rob a Chinese. Unmerqed, Berthal Proves Dad of Joy Riding Berthal, Jr, The police spent last night iinravpl-Ing a Chinese puzzle of how they 'riarl arrested a man for stenline: an nolo- mobile, when the man In question had himself reported the theft of his own automobile, and In disentangling three? nuLoiiiuoues rrom the AMICK. AMUCK, HAS POLICE JI1TTLED was formerly In the service of tha United Bll.

ffnvurntnenf nntl then entered jhe university as a professor. Irrigation and drainage problems will-be treated In the division of the college of agriculture, of which he will be in charge. Dr. -H. J.

Quayle has been raised to the rank of a full professor to permit hia continuing more advantageously his studies of Insect pests in crops. In. all, 14 new men have been added to the faculty of the department, to have their offices both here In Berkeley and at the various experiment station. Dr. Donald IHruce will lit aid to the newly instituted division of forestry, which Is now doing much actual work of M.

A. Klein will conduct experiments in soil chemistry. A number former Instructors, well known to farmers about the atate. have been advanced In W. G.

Hummel, W. II. Herms, and J. K. who have been advanced to associated professorships.

Grand Lodge Session Results in Selection of Full List of Officers. Tollce Judge George Samuels, of. this city today Is one of the supreme representatives to the national of the "California Grand Lodge, wf lie Kiiisht of Pvthla's. James B.4- Sloan, also of Is grand master of the exchecquer, a-result of lat evening's election at the Orand Tidge session held in San Francisco. The full list of officers as elected js aa follows" Herbert J.

Croghan, San Lilego. grand chancellor: Herman Schaffner, San Francisco, keeper of seals and records: c. C. alton of Los Angeles, grand master of arms: Robert Burns of Auburn and George Samuels of Oakland, supreme representatives to the national convention; C. Vermsoh of Perris, grand inner guard; George D.

Dickson' of San Francisco, grand outer guard, and James H. Sloan- of Oakland, grand master of the exchequer. The annual report of Grand Keeber of the Itecords and Seals Schaffner allowed an increase. members In California for the last year. The ceremonial session of the Pra-matlc Order, Knights of Khorassan, under the auspices of Kerln Kapi Temple No.

52 of San Francisco, was held in the evening at the Pythian Temple and 100 candidates were initiated Into the aide degree of the order. The initiation were followed by a banquet at. which Edward mas'ter of ceremonle. Business followed yesterday' brief vacation, by the Pythlans to enjoy the special day arranged for them at the Exposition. Medals were presented the otllciala In token of the occasion by the ''tofcposiiion official and speeches were made.

A medal was alfo presented the Pythian Sisters. ALAMEDANS TO ATTEND PAVL0WA PERFORMANCE ALAMEDA, May. 20. -X Mr. and Mrs.

PYTHIAN KNIGHTS HOLD ELECIi 7 1 T1 TO MISS EI.FISiED.Y STEINDOnFF BERKELEY, May During the vacation of the University of California, wTfilch' tSS 'JUl young college women will be casting about. for an opera which the Treble Clef society may present In the fall semester after college has re-opened will start soon aftr the opening of tl' semester, and efforts vill he made to give aa finished a performance as possible, i Treble Clef Includes the women of the university who are specially Interested in music. operatic productions alternate witu convert recital, and at either uccasion the organization la given wide support by the college public. Miss Helen Tlathawav Is to guide the destinies of Tn-nie Clef next aeinester as president with Mis EUried Meln-tiorti, daughter of Paul titelndortf, choragus of the university, aa vice-Pjesident. Among the" "Other officer elected at" the close of the term were the following: Becretary.

Miss Camilla Abhay; treasurer. Miss Claire Tucker; executive committee. Miss lla Smith. Miss JlaJys Chaney and Mlsa Helen Slaughter. ALAMEDANSTOHELP -WEST OAKLAND HOME 9 I DEATH OF Stockton Authorities Scent Irregularity in Demise of F.

S. Ettinger. BERKELEY, May 10. The funeral of Frederick S. Bdlnger, "engineer, whose death occurred under peculiar circumstances suddenly nt Stockton, last Tuesday, wa held tills afternoon from hia late residence at 2103 Bowditch street, this city.

Meanwhile, at Stockton, investigation continues to clear tthe suspicion of poisoning which has hung about the case since F.dinger's death. The stomach was '-removed and is In, the hands of chemists who ore making an extensive analvsis. Allhotigh the post-mortem examination revealed neither organic trour ble nor trace of toxic materials, the Stockton authorities are not yet convinced of the naturalness of Kdinger's death. Fdlnger was a civil engineer and railroad contractor, who had made his res idence- in thle city for several years while his daughter, Miss Dorothy Kdin-ger, one of the most prominent members of the class graduated at the University of California, completed her course. He wan born in this State and was 50 years of age." Until recently he was junior member of the engineering firm of Shattuck Edinger, builders of the Anileoh tunnel and other construction work for coast railroad.

i aaen to-'CMOCKton dv nusiness impr ests, Kdlnger took --apartments at Stockton hotel, where be waa fon dead In bed Tuesday morning. In I room wag a small pill box. bearing the name of a Los Angeles nod directions' for e-xternnl use only, with the, added warning that it contained poison. In response, to a telegram -lo Los Angelea, the druggist replied that the pills had ben compounded for bay fever. An Investigation waa at once by Coroner Warren of county.

"Fdlnger Is survived by bis widow, Mr-Mnrpnret F.dinger. and two chWdren, Mis PprotIiya.rid Fred F.dingef. His mot her, Mrs. S. P.r'Ii-ving.

made her residence his home, and two brothers also survive him. Frank Hi and William A. J. Kdlnger. Y.


jrnrai sprptay of the loral V. M. A. toRpther with'W. SoawriRlit, phypf' director: work rf'tor; Ira D.

Vavhinr, assistant retary, and K. A. Porev, mmtiei slii'1 ppcretfiry, have left fnr Asilomar to attend the nnnnnl rnnferenre of the Employed fffirrrs' Association of the Y. M. A.

of North America. Spveroi hundred delep-aten will be present and will Hnten to plans fnr njrirrpHtve association wmU. The party, together vplth mnmbprA nf the conferen, will roine to San on-a special train on Monday, to be In attendnnee at the V. M. A.

dav at the Exposition, Tuepdny, May 2n, at which time the feature of the day will be 'mi address by John R. Mott at Festival hnll, at 3:30 o'elork. Mott as a ClkTisHon statesman Is unparalleled in any part of the world, and bis address Is to he one of the main features of the entire Expo sition. NOTED ARTIST TELLS OF LIFE WORK IN LECTURE ALAMEDA, May 10. A large r.yi-hlage listened to Darius Cobb.

tli MJ-ist of. Tloston, at the Cottu'reVa-tionsl church. Tie spoke on h'is life and exhibited the work of 34 years, the paint- paintings of Europe, and gave a short nn the 'anvas that Cohb had painted. Cnbtl. 'WllO i.S VeSTS Of OCC.

'Ul been an artist all his life, and for a time in the army, lie has rao SOTTlft WOoderflli CflllVaSCS. but llie- shown last night la the hfst or ins worKS. SLEEPLESSNESS Are ynn Ono of 'the unfortunate (hnt lie iwnk itfUr a bii'y Hay, rolling rikI foailng. when you ulionld be wmppfd In otind Bliiibr? If ymi are. we want, you to try Brown' Celery sad Tooa- plUtr.

Brown' Celprr ind Phosphnle Comhlnttlnn of nBtorf' wonderful rmdy. rWy with the of Iron, Soda, f.1m and Majrnfiiift. A hot plain takn each night hfnr rftlflnff will insure a nound. rfntful nlfht' Mn. Opt hftlp tMar.

ON SALE ALL DRUGGIST'S numWOBM LOCAL ENGINEER irr ri utiiicuittea in wrtun they had bocQini lramn t'aaao are excellent examples involve! through changes In nf ultra-modern treatment of the rir- threporf XtoSS' V. activities of th After such musical eccentricities a night watch, detailing; that Ilerthal characterize the larger part of these Anilck, 855 Fifty-fifth street, had re- sketches, the overture aiid the two tone ported the theft of his Ford aufomo- Pu('m's hY the rlnigh composer, bile, and that Herth-ii were welcome. A master musical liiind arrested at FnfervvHH J1 6e" revealed in the thli tom-arrested at LnienMlle for the theft of poser. He speaks with powet both ms i atifonirtbile, and had been melodies and their orchestral treatment Placed In detintie.i Later another- re- Home of the orchestral sonority as well port showed thaM' Berthal Amtck'n which Wagner possessed ford had been recovered bv Patrol "s'r'h great measure are noticeable in man Will at riihelius' orchestral w'brk. nmn Wilis at Seventeenth and Broad- i The of the pieces played last night, "The San 'of Tuonela," Is one its got me buffaloed." declared -of the--timet fascinating tone pictures Captain of Inspectors Agncw.

(for orchestra which I have, ever heard. The mystery began to clear llttlo11 was exquisitely played by Dr. Muc le gallery, lives at 734 Tenth avenue. wife an1 a 5on' Walter F. lla Bigger Faculty and More May 20 In continued recognition of the dominance In thla state of agricultural interests, the University of California will open Its next semester with an enlarged faculty in the department of agriculture and with equipment for more work and new An Important new department to-be added Is that of agricultural engineering.

Professor J. H. Davidson will be In charge of this department. An Investigating nlant for the testing in detail of Hxricultural machinery will be Installed. This work has had to be neglected by the unitersity in the past because of lack of room and more pressing problem, but la now to be taken up and considered in detail.

Tbevreturn of Professor Elwoqd Mead to the. teaching staff of the department is considered of great moment. Professor Mead's contributions to the knowl-, edge of irrigation methods and purpose has brought him wide recognition not only In fhis country, but abroad. He 1 Dr. Muck Presents Work as Backbone of Program at Exposition.

(By ALEXANDER STEWARTS The Symphony No. 8 -which Beethoveh himself fSymtihony na doubt because- of, II bro.vi1ty,1;was the symphonic backbone of th Boston or- chafctra's program at tha exposition lafct evening. (Ls the iwirk-ivu played by the Coot on players under IJjt. Muck, it to Interest, a -whole, aa much iu tne totner symphonies these concerts have brougnt vs. lie most rhuracterisiio movement la the second, the allegretto which shows in one of his lighitlr moods.

As an introduction to the rymphony had the Weber "Uer FreichuU" overture. It waa Indeed a delight 10 luur -tiitH'-'fitnittia'r''WOVk- orchestra ns-tiie Boston players. The quartet for i-ricn horns which has been made familiar lo much 'of the public in America by church i hymn arrangement. played as It ia seldom heard, as none but orchostraj of the standard of the Huston symphony tossess a quartet horns of eiuai excelleiico. 'One of tiie low composiltonK by an Aiiuricah composer wlilcb these programs was heard laisl n'Bbt In the symphonic sketches by Geoi-cs Chadwick, Or.

Mii'k'n Boston cillcague and head of Ihe Coiwetva-tory of Music, LVcentrlc and bizzarre as tlae pieces. Chadwick at times rises fertivelv "dcvelooedi- Tbe last two nients torgonun and toe n1 -his plkyers. symphonlo poem. JLJ 2j mooa ana one mav reauny imoine r.r whiei, thi. -omnoinn I fervor which this composIon might arouse in an audience of the coun trymen ni It composer.

The program tonight preseh'fs one or the. most composite of the with the Ib-ahm's Syuuihojiv No. 2 syin-phonh poem "Les'- aiid Kich-arrl Strauss' "Death and Trirnpfigura-tion" and Wagner's prelude to "Ler Meisterslr.gers." Toniorrowiieveiiiiig will he devoted to Italian composers represented by Sgambatl, Cherubinl, ilosl and Sinlg'agiia. v. -( A Watprfrfint FamiliPK TT ttlCril UIIJ UliUUCS Must Give Up Homes Aiociffted Fren.

SEATTLE, May Three hundred shacks along the waterfront of Seattle, some containing; families, other single Inhabitants, and together giving shelter to a population that would, If a seem Dieo, maae a 1 mm TOimnuiiui, ore about to be dwlroyefl by the board of wlllch house are bre.d- ng-Places for files, rats and other ver- mln. Notice to remove or-demolish were Li-u. ani tne remainder will receive almUar attention. BISHOP-NICHOLS WILL CONDUCT SERVICES Impressive ceremonies tomorrow afterivoon will be held In'trlemory of the late Mrs. John wife of Rev.

John Bake'cii, former rector of Trinity Kpiseopal The fti-neral services, which will be held promptly at 3 o'clock In the church where Pr. Bakewell once occupied he pulpit, will be conducted by William Ford Nicholn ot thl uiooeae, anu ciiiimi motuii pre ent rector of the church. Mrs. Hakewell. who had lived In Oakland since 1895, waa prominent In women' organisation and charity work in thi city and about the bay.

She was Miss Harriet Wlnslow before her. marriage, and daughter of a famous New England family. Her husband for some years occupied the pulpit of the local church before retiring to private life. RII WNOV INDICTED. MARY6V1LLK, May 20.

William Shannon, who ha been In custody here since May 3, waa Indicted by the Yuba county grand Jury yesterday for the murder of Kmlle and Ellen Picard on the night of April 2. NEWSBOY IS GUEST. MARE ISLANU. Mav 20. Lieutenant Commander Martin K.

Metcalf. lT. fl. commander of the flagship Stewart of the Pacific reserve flotilla, is rntetralnlng A. T.

Uanner, a 14-year-old eastern newa-boy on board the mosquito craft. Dinner ill remain on board the Stewart for several weeks at least, a he Is anxious to visit both th San Francisco and San Hlego evnottfAr Don't Visit the California Expositions Without a eupply of Allen's Foot-Ea, the antiseptic powder to be Shaken Into the Shoe, or dissolved In the foot-bath. The Standard Remedy for the feet for 25 year. -gives Instant relief to tired, aching feet and prevent swollen, hot feet. On lady writes: "I enjoyed every minute of my stay at the Exposition, thanks to Allen's Knot-Ke In my shoes.

Uat it TOKAY, Advertisement. BEETHOVEN EIGHTH SIPHON TO GIVE COURSES Summer Language Classes Are Planned by University Extension Department. BERKELEY, May 10. Although It is vacation at' the University of California. In response1 In great demand from the Unlversitv Kxteusion it has been decided to continue the University Rxtension class work throughout May and June.

A number of new Unlversitv Kxtension classes are ro he organized at once. Classes 1n the speaking o' French and a lecture course which will give opportunity to hear lectures In French are to he conducted by Ir. Jeanne. Contard, formerly professor in the T.ycee Ampers. In Lyons, and the I.ycee Csrnot.

in Paris. A beginners' course in French will be organized at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening, and beginners' courses in Hpanish at fi and 7 p. m. Tuesday. June 1: a.

teachers' course, at p. m. Erldav. June 4. and a course of lectures In French on contemporary movements in French literature at 8 p.

m. Monday, June 7. at 51 Underwood building, Market street, San Frsncisco. Fourteen lectures in French on the French exhlhits at the Exposition will be inaugurated at o'clock noon on Thurs day, May iJT, by Miss Faith Hunter Dodge. Heglnner classes In French and in.

Spanish will be organized at 7 and p. m. Wednesday, June 2, at Plymouth Outer, Piedmont and iurel avenues, Oakland. Courses in public speaking will be or ganized bv J. 0.

Sweet at m. on Tuesdav Mav at the Oakland Y. M. C. A.

and at 8 p. m. this evening at BIS Underwood building. San Francisco. New University Extension classes In stenography, anil typewriting ate to organized June 2 anil I at 221 Underwood building, 525 Market street, Skn Fran-.

Cisco. Th la past winter 1594 people have been enrolled in m8 dil'feient Unlversiiy Extension cla-sses conducted by the University of California. COXE DRUG CASE YSTIFIES SLEUTHS Sleuths Investigating Strange Affair of Gen. Coxe's v't. Daughter.

I (Continued From Page 13) action after hearing hia daughter's story. After being taken to her home In Walnut treet last night Mlsir Coxe told- a detailed story of her experience RETURNED TO STUDIO. The girl, who looka older than IS. finished her education under private tutors about two years ago and has since been living with her parent. For a time she worked in a modiste'a establishment, but was persuaded by her parents to give up the position.

Haussler, proprietor cf the photograph- lie lianas- ler, 22 years old. Apparently without reservation, the eldi Haussler told th story last night of Coxe's visit. "I never jaw the girl before yeaterdav atfernoon about 4:30 he said. "She came into my studio and had a half donen cheap pictures taken. She was all right at the time.

Phe said she would come back and have more picture taken in a dance costume. About half an hour later she returned. "My son says that he noticed that her face waa red and that she staggered sa she came up tha stairs on the second visit. There was girl friend of my son who noticed it. tooj' OFFICIALS INSPECT PLAYGROUND APPARATUS ATAMTTOA.

May Mrs. F.lleen Allen, with Councllmen E. J. Probst and William Hammond all members of the recreation commission, visited the carks and playgrounds of tne city, m- vestlgatlmr as 'to repairs needed for the pTay apparatu. Several improvements will made aa a result of the tour.

Mrs. Allen Is devoting much time and attention to the playgrounds and the supervised play of the ALAMEGiRrWILL AID MOOSE AFFAIR ALAMEDA. Mav 20. 'llni-harii versatile Miss Eugenia hardr veriktlle 'child actress, will tonis-ht at the Oak and Ornheum appear tonight at the Oakland Orpheum in a series or song aim im.i.e In which she 1 repr-sen the change for each. i he regular how ton ween win also ne i on the pregram.

and Miss llnchard Is an added Attraction for, the Miwse event. Her skit lasts half an hour and Is in a distinct and something that was never presented before. CLUB RECEPTION GUEST. ALAMEDA, May 20. Mrs.

A. .1 Kurgner "was a guest yesterday at tr. .1 llrt president of the laurel Hall club, at tne whi, ii maiked the close of a thini year'of the adm.mstrailon c' fbib aimirn uy mim nu. The held from 1 to 5 o'clock and was O'clock and was women fiom other parti of the State. PLAYERS TO PLAV WHIST.

I.KAN'PRO, May 20. a meetlbg of the Player' cbib at the home of Mrs. R. F. Mason l.tst night rlans -were made for a whist party to lie held at the Mason home on Kaat rou-tcenin street, June I.

Thi will be the first of a aeries of social affair the Hub will hold during the Mummer. PLANSCOMPLETED. ALAMEfiA, May 20. I'lans have been completed for the Installation cf a gallon tank In Lincoln park, to furnish water for the park and tho stadium. A sewer and catch basins will aNo be Installed In the athletis field, making It possible to drain off all rain water quickly.


May 20. Spruce Camp, Hooomen oi ne 10-, morrow evening enteriain with an labor-. ate vaudeville program at W'oodrr-Hn at ivijotimmi nan on I'ark street. La lies 'will he guests of the member of the camp at the affair. WILL PLAV AT RICHMOND.

ALAMEDA, May :0. The Alnmedos are to play at Richmond next Sunday, a the State league teams, Alameda ami Oakland, will pjay on the local grounds at Lincoln tallum. TO FACE INQUIRY. ALAMF.IiA. May 20.

Frirnk' Edward and Ifarry who are charged with robbing the Myer home Kernslde boulevard, will have their preliminary examination Monday. May 21. -i (an -yon spell It? -J till IMAH TIUULXK will tell It. James F. Moran will be among those Ing or Christ.

1 he speaiter louo-occupying boxea at the eveping perform- duo by Hev. C. II. Crathern of vTir-in. n- a ch itpr.

MflH. tvhn Is familiar til the Teacher Drills Children for the Novel Spectacle at Celebration. A TEAMED May An elaborate allegorical pageant. "The Wild jr'nwera California," hns been arranged by Mis Mary Mciiermott or tne 10cm scrooi department, for the open-air entertainment which this cltv will rlv Alameda ritv dav at the exposition. Thursrtny, June 3.

Nnthinsr like this speota-le ha been arranged thus far by nv cttie which have held days at the fair, and the i result will be that Alameda will entertain the thousands of visitors with omethlne new. Two hundred children, in hrla-ht colors. 1 will participate in the pageant. The. floppy will be Klven uv sirls of the Alameda hlirh gclio-il, in rofces fashioned to represent the California flower.

Mustard will be represented by Rlrl of the Hnlaht and Porter schnc la. I.upin by the dainty Mastlck scholars. Indian paint brushes by the Unrein girls and buttercups and bahy blue- eves bv the Halfjht frirts. Bovs ana Kins of the fifth prade of the Everett school will carry baskets of flowers. Mlsa Fulton Is to represent "Niirht." Followlne her appearance will come the "Earlv Morning Breexcs," represented bv Helen Cathrow.

Edith Lindner vand Phyllis Frost. Then will "Sun-shine" (Miss Eleanor OutsrM, when the flowers will wake up and perform their dances. Next- will appear a butterfly, represented hy Miss Eneenla Braue. PAGEANT IN MORNING, This papeant to take place at a. m.

sharp on the lawns of the exposition. At 2 in the afternoon a half hour of music will be held in California ball. The program will be rend-red by 45 singers of the Longfellow school, of the aes of eleht, nine and ten vears. and by the orchestra of the ashtnp-ton school. t-iAnHowiny Itii) it tjt -1 hot 1 a a dance in the California building, from 3 to 5 o'clock.

The athletic events of the school boys, tinder the direction of Otto Rlttler, will be interesting parts of the program. The Aeolian yachts, as well aa those of other clubs, will anchor In the Marina, off the fair grounds, and between these the swlrriminer races will take place. A meeting 0 the committee which Is arrane-inir the affair waa held yesterday and the transportation committee ra tioned that special cars are to he ata-tioned at the ferry racroaa the bay to take the Alameda crowds direct to the fair ground. The children 'will alao be admitted for 5c. Many other features are to be prepared for which will be one of the most eventful ever held by Alameaa.

COMMISSIONER CONSULTED. Rosslter commissioner of speTlal nays, waa present ai me iitouhi declared that Alameda city's spectaclo wl'l be one of the most elaborate held. Those who are assisting Mtas McDer-rabt are -Miss Ina Annette of Halfftvt dchool: Miss BrVsn. Mffstlck; Miss Thompson, Uncoln: Miss Bird. Everett: Mlsa Sohultz of Washington school and Miss Fine of I-onrfellow will have eharre cf the musical program In California hall.

davis toWscenYof "farm testing machinery FFRKETvEY, Mv 2n Tt Is announrSd at the University of fallfornla that the new department of agricultural enslneer-1ne 1s to be located at the state fartn at X'avla, and Its operation will commence with the opening of the fall semester. In chanre is to be Professor Jay Brownlee IiavidsOn. who is now In Iowa Agricultural Oolleffe, and who recently accepted institution. It is proposed to build at Davis a test-ng plant for machinery. Jlere, Investigatiniut as to the fundamental reasons for efficiency, or lack of It.

in farm implements will made. It I be-. Jieved the unlversitv farm, with its extent of land, furnishes admirable opportunity for the studying of these problems. Professor Pav1deon aTaduated from the Vnlversity of Nebraska in 194. There be was later Instructor In farm mechanics.

He was employed in the experimental department of Deere Company and afterwards hy the International Harvester Company. For the past ten years he has been In charire of axricultural engineering In Iowa State Professor Davidson Is the Joint author with Professor W. Chase of "Farm a text used generally throughout the United States, and he is the author of a text bonk for secondary schools entitled "Agricultural Engineering." He is also the author of several including "Modern Silo Con-ptrjuatlon." "Creamerv irganixation and Con st and "The. of Alcohol and, Gasoline Fue and several pieces cf agricultural engineering apparatus. Including the Iowa integrating traction 'Ivnfimnrr'ptT Try "GETS IT," It's Magic for Corns! Npw, Simple, Common Srnso Vay.

Vou will never know how really easy It In to get rid of a -orn. until ou have tried "IJKTS-IT." Nothing like It has ever been produced. If takes len time to apply It than it does to read this. It Kairlf Corn paint in Every Nerve I Use "TS4T" It "CU" Every Corn Sureljr. Quickly will dumfound you.

ejipecially If you have, tried everything else for ori.s. Two drops applied in a few seconds that's all. The corn shrivels, then comes right off, painlessly, without fussing or trouble. If you have ever made a fat bundle out of Jour toe with bandages: used thick. compressing cotton ringa: corn-pulling halves: corn-teasing plasters well, you'll appreciate th difference when you use "iETS-IT." Your corn agony will vanish.

Cutting and gauging with knives, lazors, files end scissors, and the danger blood-poisoning are done away with. 7ry tonight for anv i ctfUus wart or bunion. Never falls. "(JETS-IT Is sold by druggists ev ery-wheie, 26c a bottle, or rent direct E. Lawrence Chicago.

Sold in tiak-iand and recommended as the world's ur by Tha Owl Drug Co. "oVklind on Saturday net. The-v iii Schroeder and the Mtaae Helen and llarlnn V.nth t.mnl Iflll little. Haneera. who 'will heneflt bv the ner- formance of the great artist and lur oeaitunt In' 'ho twn i lrvl ances which are to be given on this side of the bay.

Mrs. J. P. Lindsay and n-ty, Mrs. W.

Frost and party and th talented daughters of both are amoiij the group. A feature of the performance will be the auction of a silver tag with Pav owa on It, for the beneM of the West Oakland Home tag day fund. mrs. wla1wen joying hawaiian jslands' tour, ALAMEDA. May 20.

Word hse been I received from Mrs. Knowland who, with Hon. J. R. Unowland is enjoying the wonder of the Hawaiian Islands.

In company with the congreasloiial patty. Mr. Knowland writes enthusiastically of the awe-inspiring volcano of Kiltiuea, which has been Included In the tour of the Hawaiian ialanda, mlnut. of which has been a 1ov. 4 when a man came to ih.

stated that he wanted hia automobile ottCK. stating that his name wan A.mick. "But I've got vou In said that, cell." the Agnew. "Here's the record shows you aref upstairs in tt "it jour, first "Kerthul Amlck," roaponded man. Agnew referred aiiain to his reports.

There was no doubt about it. limn "as in 1H11. and tnpro rnitM be no mistake as he appeared anions vw mo BlllttJi OOOK. Two inspectors were detailed to 'unnierge'" the Amlcks. Thev wont the city prison and there found Berthal Amick.

'ihe two Amlcks wee- confronted with each other. 'IJ0 rr lne thereby solving the mystery euo, said the vonniree aa to'lJeiitity. Amlck after hls-Jather'a automobile waa stolen laat night, decided io enjoy that hu look i 3I from Twentv utomobile eraph avenue h6' Tele- olXri Pli bfy pantion, Leslie tjorchsoii, rode about town until the gasoline gave out. Ho abandoned abandoned llHiiipton'H machine in r-inery vine, liampton lives at 2000, avenue.

.1 May no. Some of the charitable organization, are Mesdamea S. J. Conger, V. Clark, A.

J. Merle. W. H. L.

Hynes. Harry Bish 11. George Ka-bens, Charles Nelson. Hasry Uregg, C. K.

Hulce. Chariea Hogue. J. Hoyt, Geirge Lundt, W. A.

Lieber, John Nelson, H. P. Stow, Lonia Thoniaa, Carl Werner and J. R. Christy.

Many of these will be; workers on tag day, Saturday next, endeavoring to raise. In this way, the funds necessary for tha carrying On of the wort of providing home, food and the proper care lor tnesa destitute little children. Tags will he sold In all the business, residence and euhurhan districts by Ihe captains and their tides. Alrr Jchn Goodv will have charge at the Kast Oakland district at Twinty -third avenue, and Mbw Kuth Tlsdale of this 'it be one of her aide. CLUB TO PRESENT BIG BENEFIT SHOW ALAMEDA, May t.

The Raraoa, club will present a- show at Central hall tonight in which manv of the vounger set of thla city will participate. The following member of the liaraca aenior cIsas will take part: Artie Mobe, Lloyd Blttersbv, P. E. Craves. Will Durkee, Will rm, Krneat White, Miss Fern Frost.

Arthur Nelson, lieamy Homer Cornlck. Aubrey Hennett, F.rnest Vounger, Miss Kuth Gihson, Malcolm McKeniie, George Kn-slnger, Steve Hlsjglns. "ORIENTAL DANCE" TO BE GIVEN BY-IONIC CLUB May An oriental dnn in to prWn by the Ionic club at Natlvn Sons' hall tonight. It will crtf of the moat original of the eoclal affairs tit the ofRSon. All membern of the- Ionic rlub are bending every effort to make the danr a Hrilllant ocensiori and have tarefutly planned many novel deiatlfl in the way of dcoratiun favra and tlie hest of mus'r.

The hall wlU- turned Into a Jungle of bamboo and flowers. ALAMEDA SOON TO BOAST TOWN PUMP? ALAMEPA, May 50. Plana are being made for the boring of a well at tne rear of the city hall, so that building and the public library cn be furnished with water. It is estimated that this investment will pay a dividend to the city of from 12' to 15 per cent, represented by the vavlng in water bills. The Improvement will be installed a aoon as possible.

GORDON HEIR ARRIVES. ALA.MKDA, May L'ft. Congratulations are being sent the home of Mr. and Mr. Frank L.

Gordon, 1 A 1 2 Gould court, on the birth of 'a son. May IS. 'Hie new arrival has been named Frank Leslie (iordon Jr. MAYOR ON VACATION. ALAMK.IiA, May 2ft.

Mayor and Mrs, F. II. Hartlett have gone to the Yosemite valley for a visit of about- ten days. They will tour the various parla of tlw national park. ALAMEDA PERSONALS ALAMEDA.

Mav 0. Mr. and Mrs. Jj. C.

Spencer snd party, who have been enjriyliu; a week-end outing at Oranada Heafh. have returned much delighted with their trip aitd' stay at the seaside resort. Cards have been sent out -bv Mis Oladvs F.mirions for a tea to given tomorrow afternoon in compliment to -tier house guest. Claire Hurley I Louise. Countis.

I. who is visiting here from the east. Ms. Coogan will fcklsl her simei In entertaining the group of friends, of the 'guest of honor. Mr.

nod Mrs. Ib-rniann I'nna. who hHve lee'l In Seattle1 for the last thre -liv. fc-Morred to lludr hotvie, lll'i slreet. While I I S'-altle lllev were the ic-is of Jlra, isier of Mrs.

a i ....1 the Alamedans who are intefc'sted In the West Oakland Home aa members of EC ON 0 in FU I SHINQS (: The adequate and artistic furnishing: of a home need not involve tha lavish expenditure of money. Much depends upon the opportunity for intelligent selection and assemblage of the essentials Furniture, Floor Coverings, Draperies and Wall Papers or Fabrics. Our establishment affords these in splendid variety and volume, offer- ing1 the aid of experienced decorators and a servjee of unusual efficiency. I. lner 10K a The two luunng car ueionsing to O.

H. Acaeriuun, J4J3 Mixty-nlnth avenue, iroin ironi or tne fantages theater. This they also drove to" YoungAiaUk was captured by Marshal Carey and Officer Uickey in Emeryville, his companion, -Soreiikon, was arresteil-a-t. his home, i64 Oakland avenue, by Patt-olmon iMm and Long. The two boys are FreH r.t i a i reported the theft of' his autotnobila I from Flirbth iind Vt'nnH 1.

icuuYnt'u uy ine ponce at Eleventh and l-'ine streets EDUCATORS ROBBED. VALLK.IU, May The olfices of Cltv Superintendent of Schools Ouy V. Wha-ley and Principal. 1'. 1'tter, in the Lincoln Grammar sAiool.

were robbed -some time last Tuesday niRfht. the unwelcome, visitor Kecurlng a small sum of monev from I'tter desk and a quantity of postage stamps from Superintendent Whale) a dusk. MARF ISLAND NOTES MARE lSI-ANO, May 20. Preparations were made at Mare Island esterday afternoon for docking the navy collier" N'an-chan some time the latter part of the month. Authority waa received at Mare Island Wednesday from, the War lieparttnent to TlMtr rmv v.

i tV. The cruiser San Diego will leave cradle No. 2 at Mare Island next Tuesday and the dock will then be placed, in readiness to receive the navy repair ship Prometheus on Thursday of next week. The navy collier Saturn ha arrived at Manirttilllo according to radiogram picked up at Mare Inland. The destroyer Stewart, flagship of the LPscltbr reserve flotilla, will leave Mare Island on Frldv if the present plans of the navy yard officer are carried out.

The first of the steel ptatea for destroyer No. will arrive at Mare Island early next August. The so-called top half of the cruising turbine for destroyer lift was cast at Mare Island yesterday. The casting i wcigns- in in neignuornooa oi Zjuu i pounds. 1 Cretonnes and Sunfasts Special inducements this week in Cretonnes and plain and figured Sunfasts At Greatly Reduced Prices w.

J. SLOANE Carpets Draperies-Oriental Rugs Sutter1 Bet. Kearny and Grant Avenue, SAN FRANCISCO. iff.

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