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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 1

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Fair tonight Ughtvanablewind light and variable slightly Thursday Thu winds I warmer warmertonight warmertonight fair fairlight GIn a ft tug on at tme LAST AST FINAYOIAL DITION DITIONUghtvanablewind DI ION IONlight WI With sv ta Closing rna IDsNYSIDkPrl IDsNYSIDkPrlNUMBER os IT Tf Stock Price PriceJSTJMBEB PrittNCTIiBER NUMBER 6090 WASHINGTON WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY EVE ETEISTTSfGr SEPTE10DBEB 1908 PRICE ONE CENT REPEATS HER TALE TALEMrs TALEOF OF ciiSUICIDE SUICIDE PACT PACTl1rs Mrs Rice Adds Sensation Sensationto to the Shooting of DrRustin Dr Dri DrRustin i Rustin RustinSAYS RustinSAYS RustinSAYS SAYS SHE REFUSED REFUSEDTO TO FIRE REVOL REVOLVER REVOLVERThird VEIl VEIlThird Third Member Mcrnb of Trio Also De Declares DeclareInnocence clares clareInnocence Innocence But Admits AdmitsReceiving AdmitsReceivin AdmitsReceiving i Receiving Receivin Deadly Drug DrugOMAHA DrugOKAHA DrugOIKAFIA OMAHA Neb Sept 1SenMtlo LSensationafter 1SenMtloafter Sensation Sensationafter after sonetitten is pouring forth at the thSinquiry theinquiry I inquiry today int Into the death of Dr DrFrederick DrFrederick I IFrederieJc Frederick Rustin the Omaha phy physician physician phyBlcian sician who was found fatally wounded woundedon on his doorstep a week ago With the thesame tit titame thet same deliberation with which she took tookthe tookthe tookthe the stand yesterday and told how she sheCharles MeCharle sheCharles Charles Davis Dav and Dr Rustin agreed agreedto agreedto to kill each other Mrs Abbte Rice Ricetoday Ricetoday Ricetoday today says that what she told was wastrue wastrue as astrue true and that she lib was prompted to laytare lay laybare layt4re bare all the facts in the suicide pact pactrather pactrather pactt rather than have the crime rest upon uponan uponan uponan an innocent Inn ct ent person enOn enOnHftMft Hansett Hansen Janitor of the th Chatham tcstiflAd tsU ftd that at 5 oclock oclo last Wednes day Davis door was open pcn and his bed had not been slept in Proprietor 1luinb of the Chatham testified that the day before the shooting Davis DavisCounty burned his letters and photographs photographsCouoty photographsCounty County Attorney Kngiish stated that the mystery will be placed before the thegrand thegrand thegrand grand jury which meets in two weeks Mrs Mr Rice and Davis are both closely guarded by police OIlce Cashier Fred Davis Davisof Davlof Davisof of th the First National Bank brother of of Charles is closely eloeet corect co cottiectsd tM with the Kounts family the wealthiest in this thiscity thi thicity thiscity city cityDavis Davis still maintains that he did not notshoot notsho notshoot shoot sho Dr Ruetin but says Yli that he se secured liecured cccured cured a a prescription rlptjon from him for a adrug adrur drug with Vi Vitells th which to commit suicide He tells teU of walking about that section of ofthe ofthe ofthe the city near the Rustin home but buttesta pro protests plOtfsta tests that he did not ft IIr lire re the fatal fatalshot fatal1hot fatalshot shot and that he does do not know who ho did Mrs Rites Stery SteryThe SteryThe StoryThe The story told in great detail at the thecoroners thecoroners thecoroners coroners inquest by Mrs Abate Rice RiceDr RiceDr RiceDr Dr Kustins affinity created a pro profound profound profound found sensation although some 80m hints hintsof hlntaot hintsof of it had been whispered about ever eversince everinee eversince since Sunday when Mrs Rice made a aconfesafcm aconteaalon aconteesk confesafcm to the police in the Jail Jailwhere Jl1wheN jailwhere where she was detained as a witness witnessBefore wttftssetore wttneasBefore Before etore Mrs Rice gave her startling startlingtestimony startUftgtestimony startlingtestimony testimony Mrs Rustle Rust ltuUnthe in the widow wk ow ofthey of ofthe otth the th they jPtjjer Jjgaftpi Ff oaM oaHfd to the tH wit wttuesi wita JI uesi 4eet eet ant swept sweptswift sweptt a swift glance lanee over the crowded room roomThen Then her look rested upon Mm Rice RlefMrs Mrs Rice Ric returned the Ease steadily Both women seemed calm but both bothwere bothwere bothwere were pale the face of Mrs Rustin looking loo as though it might hav have been beencarved b4Ktncarved beencarved carved from white marble marbleWife martaler marbleWife Wife Gives Testimony TestimonyWhile T68timonyWhile While Mrs Ira Rustin was giving her tea testimony tuUmOfty teaUmony timony about finding her husband husbandwounded ftUsMndwoutMted husbandwounded wounded on the porch of her home homeMrs homeMrs Mrs 111 Rice watched her with alert eyes eyesand eyuand and occasionally occaaionaU would turn and whis whisper wh whisper il ilper per to those OIIe about her Mrs Ira Rice is a adecided adecided adecided decided brunette small plump and of ofattractive ofattractive attractive appearance appearanceWh appearanceWhen I When Wh Mrs Rustin stepped down from the stand and her maid one or two twopolicemen twopol opolicemen pol policemen men and two physicians had hadgiven hadgiven had hadgiven given their testimony as to the facts in inthe inthe I the case Mrs Rice was Wt called to the thewitness thewitness i witness chair chairMrs chairirs chairMrs Mrs Rice gave her testimony te Umony in a aI at I clear straightforward and unhesitating unbe ttatlng way although once or twice she broke down and sobbed Bach time she quick qulck1y ly forced herself to composure oompo ure and went wenton wenton on with the tragic details of one of the theroost tbemollt thepost roost remarkable suicide contracts ever everentered evertntered everentered entered into There were three parties to the compact according to the young womans testimony testimonYDr Dr Rustin Ru Un Charles Edward Davis connected with the First National Bank of Omaha and a brother brotherof of the vice president of that bank Frederick Davis Da via and the witness Un herself Shot By Another AnotherFrom AnotherFr AnotherFrom From Fr the first ft the surgeons who at attended attndfMl attended tended Dr Rustin after the shooting shootingagreed shootingagreed hootIngagreecI agreed that his wound could not have been selfinflicted and the only one thing that Dr Rustin said to his wife wife when she found him sitting tUn wounded on the porch was uA A man shot hot me meA mtlIln mestain A stain tain there were no marks of pow der on Dr Rustins clothing and the thenature thenatuN thenature nature of the wound showed that the bullet had been fired from a distance farther Than would have been possible had be shot himself And the pistol never was found foundMrs foundMu foundMrs Mrs Rice testified that Dr Ruetin was so worried over his financial diffi difficulties dlftlcultl4h difficult1o culties and so despondent that he drank dranknearly dranknear dranknears nearly near a quart of whisky a day al though it had little apparent effect on him She She1d said said that he had begged beg ed her he to shoot him hlmln in the abdomen so that tha he would live for a few das day an have time to arrange arran his affairs before hContinued he heContinued beContinued Continued on Ninth Page PageWEATHER Pa PaXlEA PageWEATHER WEATHER XlEA THER REPORT REPORTMuch Much cooler weather has overspread the northern Rocky i iing mountain region regioRand regionand and the MllI80urt valley and this morn ing frost and freeslng temperatures are arereported arereported ar arreported reported from Montana The tempera temperature temperaturf temperature ture has risen in the Lake region and an the upper Mississippi valley Fair weather is general neral over the en entirf ontire tire country except exce the south Atlantic Atlanticand Atlanticand AUantiand and Gulf coasts Florida Florida western Colo Colorado Colora1o Coloand rado and northern Arizona where whereshowers whereshowers whershowers showers have fallen fallenThe fallenThe fallenThe The indications are that the weather weatherwill weatherwUl weathewill will continue fair tonight and Thursday Thursda in the Middle Atlantic and North At Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic 1 lantic States Stat the ugperOhto upper Ohio valley vaUeYl and andin andth4t an anthe the Lake region on showers are prooa prohttbl prohttblin le in Florida and on the south Atlantic Atlanticand Atlanticand Atlanticand and east Gulf coastsThe coasts coaataThe coastsThe The temperature temperature will rise in the th North Atlantic and the interior of the middle Atlantic States 9tat tonight nt The tempera temneraTKMPKRATURK temperature temperature ture will continue mild through Thur Thurday day dayr TEMPERATURE TKMPKRATURKWeather TEMPERATUREWeather TEMPERATURFWeather Weather Bureau Afflecks Afflecksa 8 a ra gl 9 a 10 a TttlO II a a 7 11 a Ttni 11 1 a 11 12 nova 7r 77111 1i neon neonp nc et et1p 1 1p yi 1 in int TS1 2 11I4 3 7li 111 mSUN MSUN mSUN SUN TABLJB TABLJBSun TABLJISun TABLy1rSun Sun rices ricesSun is i3i i3iSun is 3 i Sun sets se I SII SIITroll 6 TIDE TABLE TABLEHigh TABLEHigh TABLHigh High water today 646 a mr mLow mow Low ow water today toda 1250 L34High mHigh mHigh High water tmrw743 a 806 mLaw mLow Low water wat tnVrwli2 tmrw 142 a 41S iii Breaking Break ng Worlds Aeroplane Record JIi I Ii i tIs IiIIJ ot 1U 1 I lOrville Orville Wright as He Was Flying Over thjpParaCe th ara araiie Ground at Fort Myer This Mc Horning rning Jgstablishing tabl1sh1 a Record That JfJaed America in Lead in Aeronautics A ronauucs 0 LILLEY LILLEYNOMINATED LILLEYNOMINATEDFOR NOMINATEU NOMINATEUFOR FOR GOVERNORSHIP GOVERNORSHIIPr Chosen by Connecticut COIn ConnecticutP Connecticute Connecticutubllcan cti Re Republican publican ubllcan Convention fry byBig YBig I IBig Big Majority MajorityNEW NEW NJt HAVEN HA VJtN Conn Sept I tCOft tCOftgrm LCongreesutan Con Congreeeman grm greeeman LIUey was wa this morning item iteminated Jt noesated tIt tItinated inated ated for governor of ConneoUettt by bythe bythe bythe the Republican State convention by avote a avote avote vote of MB Lake received reeelv lll 1 andWoodruff and andWoodruff andVoodrufl Woodruff 43 4 votes YOl There were 177 Er votes votesin vol volin votesn in i the convention AtnvntlonF I IF Weeks of 1Uddlton Middle 1Uddltonnominaled town WM WMnominated wasnominated nominated for lieutenant governor vernor vernoraoolama by byacclamation byacclamation acclamationBurr acclamation acclamationBurr aoolama Uon UonBurr Burr Loses His Fight FightFor FightFor FiidhtFor For a Renomination RenominationRIVERHBAD RenoTTlinationRIYERHEAD RenorrcirrationRIVERHIrAD RIVERHBAD I Sept 9Senator 9SenatorCarl 9 Senator SenatorCarl SenatorCarl Carl Bur Jr after a after a lo Iou and pro protracted protracted protracted tracted fight in which he took the floorand floor floorand flOOrand and defended himself and his legislative legislativerecord le legislativerecord 1slatfve 1slatfvereeord record Joel his fight for a renomination renomlnationthrough renominationthrough renominationthrough through losing 10 tng his home county dele delegates delegatea delegates gates to the Republican senatorial die dietrict district dlstrict trict conventionOrlando convention conventionOrlando convenUonOrlando Orlando Hubbs who made the fight fightAgainst tightngal fightagaitiat Against ngal Burr because becau the latter refusedtt refused refusedracing refuliedto to tt support governor liovemor Hugh Hughes on the thenetn theracin racing netn bills carried the delegates delegates fav favorable favorable favorable orable to him When the senator sawhe saw sawhe aw awhe he had lost he withdrew and made thechoice the thechoice thechoice choice of Mr Hubbs unanimous unanimousYates unanimousYales unanimousYates Yates Leaders Absent AbsentFrom AbsentFrom AbsentFrom From the ConventionSPRINGFIELD Convention ConventionSPRINGFIELD ConventionSPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Ill Sept 5Con 5Conspicuous Con Conspicuous Conplcuous spicuous by their absence from the Republican Re Republican Republican publican State convention today wer weremost wermMt wermost most of the Yates lenders This ere created ereated ereated ated the greatest sensation of Illinois Illinoispolitics 1I1InoI6Jpolitics Illinoispolitics politics in yearsSpeaker years yearsSpeaker NSIIe Speaker SIIe kfT Joseph Cannon and former formerSecretary form formerSecretary rSecret1llry Secretary of the Treasury tuJur Leslie Shaw were the keynoters The plat platform pl platform tform form indorses A Hopkins Hopkins for re reelection rfttlecUon reelection election to the United States Senate SenateGovernor Senat6Governor Governor Deneen is also Indorsed Speaker Cannon was temporary and per permanent manent chairman chairmanREPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS EPUBLI AN NS FEAR FEARGOV FEARGOV FEARGOV GOV HUGHES DEFEAT DEFEATResults DEFEATResulti DEFEATResults Results of Primaries Show New NewYork NewYork York Executive Not Certain Certainof Certain of Election ElectionNEJW EleotionNmW NEJW YORK Sept tAfter 9 After sleeping sleepingover gleaningover leeplngover over the results of the primaries which whichtested whichte whichtested tested te ted Republican sentiment on the gov governorship governorahlp goveinorshlp ernorship in several districts dlstrl ts the Re Republican RepubUcr publican leaders today came around to ioconcede toconcede toconeede concede that Hughes Hugh will have to be berenominated berenonllnated renominated and to say ay privately that thatit it looks like losing jn the StateThe State StateThe StateThe The governor developed unexpected unexpectedweakness unexpecledweakne ed weakness in the primary showing This Thisand Thtand Thisand is and the apathy were the striking Pea features futures Peatures tures turesThe turesThe turesThe The one cheering thing for the Re Republic Republlcanc Reblirxt public publlcanc blirxt was the big victory of Mc McCarren McCarren Carren wren ever Tammany in Brooklyn in inthe Inthe i ithe a the Brooklyn primaries Tf Murphy will willnow willnow ill illnow now proceed at the State convention conventionnext conventionnExt conventionnext next week to throw out the McCarren McCarrendelegates McCarrendelegates McCamrre McCamrredelegates delegates by dint of a series of trumped trumpedup tru truup put up contests con ts the Republicans figure It Itwill itm fwill will make troubles enough to 0 rectorUse restore restorethe restorethe te the normal equilibrium between the th par parties parU ties The trouble is that report today indicates IIKlI te that Tammany is likely likelyatilt to toquit toquit quit and let McCarren atone in ordcto order orderto orduto to avoid this very action actionThe actionThe actionThe The average New Yorker up State or ordoWD odown i down State Republican or Democrat Democratdeclares Democratdeclares declares today that the Republicans Republicanscant cant elect the next governor whether whetherHughes whetherHughes wheth Hughes is nominated or not They say as ast it was certain before yesterdays ye terdays teat teatthat t881that tthat that anybody aside from Hughes would wouidbe wouldbe wouibe be defeated now they th say th the primaries primariesproved primariesproved primariproved proved that Hughes is no better betterHoses Advt Hoses 14th Annual AnnualSt September Jtember Sale 1 AFT WILL CARRY FIGHT FIGHTINTO FIGHTIN FIGHTINTO INTO IN rO THE ENEM ENEMYS 3 CAMP Plans to Make Aggressive Aggressivek Call Campaign U1Paign A ABln al and Attack AttackWILL AttackB Bln rRnl Jph tPhearies tPheariesWILL ories oriesWILL WILL PUT NEBRASKAN NEBRASKANON ON THE DEFENSIVE DEFENSIVEWill Will Try to Explode Democratic DemocraticIdea DemocraticIdea DemocraticIdea Idea for Government Guarantee Guaran Guarantee Guarantee tee of Del sitsCINCINNiTI sits sitsCINCINNATI sitsClNCINNATI CINCINNATI Ohio Sept 9William 9WilliamHoward 9WilliamHoward PJIIIm PJIIImHoward Howard Taft will meke his campaign campaignon campaignoneof oneof on of aggression aggr entirely He will notalbw not notallow allow himself to to be put on the defensive defensiveby detvitby I by Bryan but he will devote his htaspeeches hMaspeecbM hisspeeches speeches to attacking the 8 theories of ofthe ofthe I the Nebraskan and compelling him to todefend todefend i idefend defend his hI attitude attlt1 on public question questionThe queatloMThe The Republican candidate feeling that thatthere thatthere there is nothing in the record of his hisparty hparty hisparty I party that needs defense deten thinks theonly the theonly only thing thln to do is to force Bryan to todefend todefend todefend I defend himself himselfIn In the the speeches sp ehes which he will deliver deliverin i iIr I in the future Taft will attack the theDemocratic theDemCratfe theDemocratic Democratic plan for a Government Governmentguarantee Goyernmentgoarantee Governmentguarantee guarantee of bank deposits the th Demo Democratic Democratic Demoeratic cratic cry that thoy are the only friends friendsof of organized labor labc and the DemocraticaM4rtlon Democraticassertion Democratic Democraticassertion assertion the people can rule only onlythrough onlythrough I through the election of Bryan BryanAccording BryanAceordlng BryanAccording According to the present plans Judge JudgeTaft JudgeTaft JudgeTaft Taft will not be in this city more thantwo than thantwo thantwo two weeks at the most His friends are areanxious areanxious areanxious anxious to have him start on the road roadWhile roadVhJle roadWhile While he is hero however he will make makemany makemany makemany many speeches Of receiving delegations delegationsfrom delegatfonfrom from cities and Congressional districts districtsThis districtsfhls districtsThis This is i the tip given out at his offices officesin otfte otftein in the Sinton nton Hotel and it is borne out outby outby tby by the tenor of the speeches he made madeyesterday madeyesterday yesterday 3 t8Y during duringhis his trip from San SanUtlBHj ndUiik ndueky this city and In the speech he hemade lieSandusky dUiik dueky UtlBHj to tU LlliO fcj Mpv vmade made at Sandusky there was the con constant constant stant note of challenge to Bryan to tojustify tojustify justify his position He referred to toBrvan toB toBryan Bryan Bryanjustify an as ashis a closet statesman and anddescribed andde anddescribed described de cribed him as a man who dwelt dweltamong dweltamong dweltamong among the light fancies of the eeru eerulean ru rulean lean blue instead of dealing dcalln with fig figures ft fture figures ures and facts factsAttacks factsAttacks actsAttacks Attacks Bryans Views ViewsTaking ViewsTaking ViewsTaking Taking up the trust Question he at attacked attacked attacked tacked Bryans views aloni alon that line lineand ItneanI lineand and anI declared that the steps the Nebrasi Nebrasikan Nebraa Nebraakan Nabr Nabrtan a kan tan would take have been found byj byjRoosevelt by byROMev byRe Roosevelt ROMev 1t to be ineffectual and the Re Sepublican Republican Rpublican publican publican party has devised the only onlypractical onlypractical onlypractical practical method of preventing corpor corporate cO corporate por porate ate interests breaking the law and andplundering audplundering an anplundering plundering the people pe peopleAnother pleJ tAnother Another Ohio 0 Tour TourAlthough TourAlthough TourAlthough Although no definite plan has been beenmade bftenmade made for such a move it is more more tha thalikely than thanlikely thanlikely likely that he will make another tour tourthrough tou I through Ohio One reason for this Is Isthe 1 the belief that that he should do everything everythingpossible everythingpo everythinpassible I possible po elhle to make the Republican majority majorityin I in this State a big one Judson HarmonDemocratic Harmon HarmonDemocratic HarmonDetnOCratic Democratic candidate for governor is isbilled IsbUled fbilled billed to tour Columbus Dayton and andCincinnati andCincnnati Cincinnati with Bryan and Governor GovernorJohnson GovernorJohn GovernorJohnson John Johnson of Minnesota September Septemberand 23 23and 2Jand and 24 Tafts tour therefore will be bearranged liBarranged arranged so as to come near the time timeof timeof of the Democratic onslaught onslaughtThe onslaughtTho onslaughtThe The candidate had a late breakfast today at the home of his brothan broth Charles Charl Taft and at 1086 oclock oclockwalked oclockwalked walked to the Sinton Hotel where he has a suite of six office rooms He im immediately humediately ku mediately began the work of trying tryin to tocatch tocatch catch up with his correspondence correspondencewhich corr lSpondnce lSpondncewhleb which has accumulated since sll1c he left leti tt Hot Springs Va to rest and fish a at ttt Middle Bass Island At noon he re received rtceived received ceived a a delegation from Louis headed by Foetus Fe tus Wade the banker bankerwho bankerwho who invited him to address the Deep Dee Waterways Congress In Chicago Octo Oct ber 7 Taft whil Judge while making no nopromise nopromise npromise promise intimated that no no would ac accent accant cent the invitation Tafts Campaign nplan nplanI Plan PlanAggres Planbetie Aggres A miva iv I indict etJe to be motaUuta motaUutathM main mainthaougbset InkL betie I ItltlOUtrtaotttbe thM tltlOUtrtaotttbe thaougbset usio the fib apt lightSpeseba flgittSpeeches apt8peeob Speeches 8peeob to be devoted to attackon attack attacheon on Bryans theories theoriesBryan tlteorJMBryan theoriesBryan Bryan to be forced to defend his hisattitude hisattitude I8 I8tUtu4 attitude tUtu4 on public questionsPlan questions questionsPlan qUMUOftfilPIn Plan for Government guarantee rante of ofbank otbatk ofbank bank deposits especially lany to be as assailed aslkCI assalkd salkdClaims sailed sailedClaims lkCI lkCIClahrs Claims of Democrat that they are areonly areOftly areonly only friends of organized labor to be belied bealied beassailed assailed assailedMOB aliedMOB lied liedMOB MOB MOB BREAKS IN JAIL JAILAND JAILAND JAILNEGRO AND tYNCHES YN HE HEVictim NEGRO NEGROVictim NEGROIi Ii IiVictim Victim Had Attacked and Killed KilledWhite KiUedWhHeVomanSheriff KilledWhite White WhHeVomanSheriff WomanSheriff Woman Sheriff Deserted De Deserted Deserted serted Prison PrisonOXFORD PrisonOXFORD PrisonOXFORD OXFORD MkH 111 Sept tA A mob mobhammered mobhamMered mobhammered hammered its it way into jail here last lastnight 18t1tnight lastnight night and lynched Lawson Patton a anegro a anegro snegro negro who attacked and then killed killeda kllJe kllJeMrII a Mrs McMuUIn yesterday ye terdlty afternoon afternoonMrs aftelnOOQh afternoonMts Mrs MeMullms husband hu who wasprisoner was a a aprisoner aprtaoner prisoner at the jail sent the negro a atrusty atrulity atrusty trusty to his home with a message mes age to tohis tohis tohis his wife and while there the attack attackwat attackWaG attackwar WaG made madeTb madeThe Tb The sheriff abandoned the jail to keep keepfrom keepfrom keepfrom from being forced to give sive up the pris prisoner prisoner prisoner oner but the mob broke in inPatton inPadon inPatton Patton appeared to be drinking ounder or orunder orunder under the influence inftu nc of some drug whenbe when whenhe whenhe he called at the McMullin home at the theoutskirts theoutltklrts theoutskirts outskirts of town and nd after delivering deliveringthe the message he refused to leave leaveMrs leaveMrs leaveMrs Mrs McMullin Iumn suggested to he hedaughter rdaughter rdaghter daughter that she get the gun and andfrighten andfri an anfrighten frighten fri hten him away whereupon the thenegro then th thnegro negro ro slashed sia ihed the mother across the thethroat thethrogt thethroat throat and grabbed grabb the daughter She Sheescaped Sheescapfd Sh Shescaped escaped and the negro fled Mrs Mc McMullin McMulHn McMullin Mullin ran about 300 OO yards ards and dropped droppeduead droppedtleAd droppeddead dead The alarm was given and neighhors neigh neighbors noJghbon bon and officers offlct r8 pursued the negro and andcaptured andc an captured ptured him in a field fieldGAINS fieldGAINS fieldGAINS GAINS ARE CLAIMED CLAIMEDBY BY CUMMINS ME MEN MENSay1 MEN MENS Say1 Sa Six of Standpatters Will WillVote WillVote fi11 fi11Vote Vote for Governor for forSenator forSenator forSenator Senator SenatorDBS SenatorDES DES MOINES Iowa Sept 9 9Wh 9Whthe Whenthe When Whentha en the Iowa house and senate met In joint jointdiscussion Jolatdlsculon joindiscussion te discussion today the Cummins men de declared declared dGlared clared that six of the standpatters standpatterswho who yesterday ye terday voted against the gover governor governor nor for the short term In the United Unit States Senate had promised to sup sunport support port Cummins giving him seventy votes votesof votesof voteof of the seventyseven Hventys8vennec6ssery necessary to elect oleoCummins Cummins received sixtyfour votes votesClaude and Claude Porter Porter the Democratic can candidate candidate candilate didate fortyftve forty flv with fortythree votes votesscattered votesJlCattered scattered yesterday The scattering bal ballots ballots lots were cast by the standpatters standpattersIt It was expected that 164 members would wouldattend wouldattend wou wouend ld attend alt altCummins end today making it neccessary neceessar for forCummins forCumBJlna Cummins to get seventyseven to belected be beelected elected electedILL electedILL electedILL ILL WITH A CANCER CANCERMAN CAN CER CERMAN MAN ENDS HIS LIFE LIFEDespondent LIFEDeapond LIF Despondent Deapond because of a cancer on hi hiface his hisface hiface face that had become incurable Judson JudsonColumbus JudsonColumbus JudsoColumbus Columbus Simpson Bixtyflve years old oldcommitted oldcommitted committed suicide about 830 oclocsat oclock oclocklast oclocklaat last night In the tbrear rear yard rd of his home home1S28 1S28 Potomac avenue southeast LYIn LYInupon LYing Lyineupon LYingupon upon his carbolicand rho back and writhing with the th burns of 1 carbolic acid he a was found by Mrs Mary Cto toColin Colin hdaughter his daughter He Hewas Heas Ii was as hurried to th tly Washington Asy lum Hospital but died three hourlater hour hourlater hourl3ter later without regaining consciousness FIGHT ON BOYCOTT BOYCOTTRESUMED BOYCOTTRESUMED RESUMED IN COURT COURTg Justice ustlee stice QjHiIci Jiit1d9rants Grants Thirty ThirtyDays ThIrtyDays ThirtyDays Days in Case Cas Against A Fof Fa Faof Fof of for Contempt ContemptPresident ContemptSMn ContemptPresident President Swnwt SMn Sa mi Gompers Vice Prey pr iciest John Mitchell and Secretary Frank Morrison of the American Federation lI lIenrtlOft Fed Iederallon eration of Labor Lal or appeared in court this thismorning thymorAlng thismorning morning to fight Ute battle between the lheaautaotur Maautastures Ma aautaotur ttifa ttirws Association Aaeoct oa and the thetIo federationThe federation federationThe tIo tIoThe The Buck Stove and Range Company CotDPIUYor of St Louis IA td a member 1 of the associa NHclaUon tion was W1iIlUmMl lined up in opposition to these the three leading ftxjwm ft sekiiigto Nelda seeking to have MV them punJ punished hed for an alleged l1es contempt eoDtJttet et courtAt court courtAt courLAt At the close of the hearing heart today tod todwhlc4 which wa wu was but a a preliminary one 0 Jus tice Gould ordered the matter referred relerredtc to tc vi examiner in chancery efeao ry to take tee timony tlnt allowing each aide thirty days fa which to submit their evidence evidenceCase eyJclefteeCase eyide ee eeCase Case to be Hard Fought PaughtOn On either lth side a notable array of ofcounsel ofcounsel fCooR1 counsel gave indication that the he hewould eae ca caWOUld saes would be bitted contested Far saess the thestove tItetOft th thstove stove company Daniel DaD Davenport ef Bridgeport Con Conn counsel UIUtM for tho ManufactureT a Association Asttod anon and ad CL a Sullivan appeared and t3Ie labor union unionmen HAIenmen unionmen men were represented by Judge Al Alton ton Parker of New York Pr Presidential Presidentialcandidate oldettl oldettlcandidate ttl ttlcandldte 1 candidate on the Dnoeto De oerat4c ticket in i 1904 001 and the Washington Ann of Rain Ralston Rainton ton Siddons SlddonsAttorney SiddonsAttorney SIddonsAttoney Attorney Davenport scored the labor leaders in severe terms for their alleged disregard dl regard of the injunction is IHtMd ued by Justice Gould last December C6ftlber and tak takrag ing rag up the answers of the three defend defendant del defendanti nd ndant ant anti I flle filed 3 this ssrtnlng attempted tpick to topick topick pick then to pieces He paid particular particularattention particularattention attention to the answer of John Mitchell Mitchellwhich which denied that he had taken an ac active active i tive active part in presenting pre efttJng the alleged a1k giNl oon eontemptuous oontemptuous temptuous resolutions before the con convention eonvention vention of the Mine Min Workers Union at atIndianapolis atIndlanapoUs a Indianapolis Mr Mitchell in his an answer answer anewer i swer denied that the resolutions tuoluU ftS wer werpresented ware warepresented presented by him to the convention a adeclared and anddeolared I declared that he neither denied or af affirmed affirmed offirmed I firmed that he presided at the conven convention eonvenUon conventon ton which adopted the resolutions resolutionsRaps r8l91utlonRaps Raps at MitchellMr Mitchell MitchellMr MitchellMr Mr Mitchell it would seem Is try tryng in ing ng to make this court believe that hwi he hewafe hewa wafe wa in a state ef coma at the timethat time timethat Unitthat that convention oor venUon was in progress said saidAttorney MidAttorn sa saAttorney Attorney Attorn Davenport DavenportYour DavenportYour DavenportYour Your honor has seen the allegation allegationin in our petition tlUO that Samuel Comp Compsaid Gompars Gomparssaid Gomparssaid ors said that notwithstanding the injuno injunotion Jnjunotion tion the names am of the concern would wou be treated as a unfair by organized la labor Jabor laboy bor In America AmericaJohn AmarJeaJohn AmericaJohn John Mitchell when he goes on the thestand thestand th thstand stand will have many questions que tJena to an ants answer anawer swer as tQ whether that answer of bls ts true or wilfully false falseSays tat tatSays falseThere Says There heze Is Conspiracy ConspiracyThere There exists a oonsplraey bet between betweenthese beteetth te I Ithese these th men to injure the plaintiff by dis disregarding dt dtregarding regarding the Injunction and dohir doIIIg tie tae8C tiltacts tieacts acts 8C which you specifically peet I prohibited prohibitedthem ed dthem them from doing dQln exclaimed the attor attorney att attorney rney ney from Connecticut ConnecticutMr Mr Davenport had ad just launched fp fpa into intoB a general gen ral excoriation af tIN til thus labor laborleaders Jltbor Jltborteader loboloaders nr leaders for their boyoott of the stove stovecompany stovecompanyand company companyand and of Mr Mltqfeeu for pre presenting Itre Itresenting senting the resolutions at the Indian Ingkuiapolis IndlanpolJs Indianapolfa apolis convention when he was stepped steppedby stoPDidby ntopp I by Justice Gould who called his att atttfon attetn ntion tion to the fact that the court must mustfirst rau i ifirst first pass on the question of Its juris diction to hear a contested awes in thp thpvacation UI tlivacation vacation Vacation period periodMy periQdMy My disposition dls is os1Uon at this time Of said the th Is to refer this justice matter to toContinu A AContinued 4n Continued on Eleventh Page i WRIGHT AEROPLANE AEROPLANEIN AEROPLANEMINUTES IN THE AIR 57 MINUTES MINUTESAyiator MINUTESMAkES MAkES WORLD RECORD RECORDI I Aviator AYl tor Conducts Wonderful Flight Early This Morning Morningat at Fort Myer Excelling Best Efforts ofAll of ofAll ofAll All Competitors CompetitorsHuge CompetitorsirUgeBirdlike CompetitorsHuge Huge irUgeBirdlike Birdlike Machine Soars Majestically OverJParade OverJParadeGround Over Parade ParadeGround 4 Ground at All Times Responsive to Willof Will WilKof Willof of Operator OperatorOrville Orville Wright In his new newaeropJane aeroplane sbatttr all the th wellld rldV rsc rscidrds rec1jjr rorris jjr orris idrds Cpr heavierthanalr machines this laoraiafc whoa hhe he aailad UG iled over orerthe oyerfhenarnde overthe the fhenarnde parade ground at Fort Myer for flftyseyea raiBtitMf IIIhl aDd thirtyone thirtyoneseconds t41rtyonos8C1ond8 thillyoneseconds seconds secondsThis s8C1ond8ThiH secondsThe This flight which surpasses that of the French aviator Da Lcgraage Lcgraagewho Legraqwho Ls grange grangewho who made a flight of thirtyone minutes over the fl 111 held ld 1 oC Imy andwhich and andwhloh andwhloh whloh topped the previous record of the Wright by a little more than thannineteen thannIneteen thannineteen nineteen minutes was made without a hitch hitchIt hitchJt hitchIt It was not an official test and there was not an officer of the Sig Signal Signal Signal nal Corps on the ground at the time Mr Wright was flying 71n but the thepresence thepresenoe thepresence presence of Augustus Post of the Aero Club of America and ad severalother several severalother Hveralothor other experts will assure the world of the correctness of the record recordMr recordMr recordMr Mr Wright did not end his flight because he xmld act have stayed gtayedup etayedup up longer The first thing he said after Mr Post shook Il OOk ha hd ds with withhim withhim withhim him was fo his chief meJianlc mo hanic Mr Mr Ir Taylor who informed him that he hehad hehad hehad had been up within a few minutes of a full ull hour hourWell hourVell hourWell Well he said smmn srailins happily happUyU if I had known that at I wouldnt wouldnthave wouldnthave wouldnthave have come down quite so soon I THE NEW RECORD RECORDMade Made by Orville Wright WrightTim WrightTfm WrightTime Tim September 9 1908 1008Place 1908Ptaoo 1908Placo Place Fort Myer Va VaIn VaIn VaIn In air eo 57 min 31 sec secdrauitw seeCireuib secCireuitet drauitw about field SeldMiles 53 53Milestraveled Milestraveled Miles traveled estimated ostimat td 40 40Average 40Avaragq 40AveragQ Average miles per hour 38 38Average 38Average Average height 150 lfeet lfeetBEST feet feetBEST feetBEST BEST PREVIOUS RECORD RECORDMade RECORDMade RECORDMade Made by Len DeLagrange DeLagrangeTime DeLagrangeTime DeLagrangei7r Time September 77 7 1008 1008Place 1908sy 1008Place Place ilasyj sy i Ijfranae IjfranaeMinutes Jlran 1 anee aneeMinutes eItnutos Minutes dn an air 28 28Qirouits 28Oirouits 8 8Oirouita Qirouits about flelo 1I81 i8 18Miles sales traveled IS ISAverage ISAVQrago Average miles par hour 35 35Average 3bAverage Average height 13 feetOrville feet feetOrville feetOrville Orville Wrignl Vrighbolds holds the record recordfor rocordaJtituda recordfor for altitude and average speed as aswell aswell aswell well as time timejnipMTO tim timWRIGHTS timeRLGHTS WRIGHTS jnipMTO mum fi FLIGHT FLIGHTPLEASES FLIGHTPLEASES ilium iliumni IpMT IpMTf ni PLEASES fAoro SyUlEli SyUlEliIts onuirn U1ER U1ERHIts i HIts Its ItsJust Just Splendid Says SaysArmys SaysArmy SaysArmy Army Acting Chief ChiefSignal ChiefSignal Signal Officer OfficerHave JffitertHava 1 1 1Have Have I anything to say a7 remarked remarkedMajor TE remarkMajor mark gd dMaw Major George Squier acting uoUn chief chiefsignal chiefslpal chi signal officer today when asked for a astatement atemet statement temet of the attitude of the War WarDepartment YarDepvtm6nt Department over Wrlshtsj record recordbreaking recordbreaking ord ordbreaking breaking flight Well I should say so soIt soIt It is Just splendid We are greatiy greatiypleased greatiypleasftd greatlypleased pleased pleasftdThl8 pleasedThis pleasedThis This means that Fort 2tfyer Iye1 will have havethe havethe the attention of the whole world rld I ho hothe hope hopethe hopethe the news of the night get over to Ber Berlin Berlin lin andTaris and Parix right array ay We lead the theworld theworld theworld world now in aeronautical a supremacy supremacyIt It is just splendid splendidIt It is Intensely gratifying to me mecontinued mecontinued continued Major Squior to know that thatdespite thatdesnlle despite the drawbacks and adverse con conditions condlUons conditlons ditions under which lttoh th the Signal Corps Corpshaa Corpshas Co Cohas has been laboring laborin we are at the pros present proaent proseat ent moment leading the world in aero aeronautics 8erono1lllcs acrensatics nautics For years up to the presen presentime present presenttime presentUme time we have been way behind and andwere andwere an were considered as entirely out of the therunning tqerunning th thrunning running by France Germany Ger 8ny and En Eng Engrland England land where extensive experiments have havebe havebfM havbeen I be bfM been made madeThe madeTate I The night lght this morning gives the thetrials thetrials th thtrials trials at Fort Myer a a standing and andbrings an anbrings i ibrings brings them before the whole world worldIt I It is indeed pleasing to know that they theywill theywll1 the thewill will forever go down In history through throughMr througMr Mr Wrights tp efforts this morning morningThe morninguThe morningThe I The night lthk demonstrates American Americanskill i skill energy en rgy and resourcefulness fo fowhile for forwhile i while the other great powers hav nave navespent spent millions for aeronautics Congress Congresscould Congresscould Congrescould ex I could not be induced to appropriate one onecent onecent on oncent cent fArmy fArmy Army officers who have interested interestedthemselves intero tul tulthemHlvee themselves In aeronautics i especially especiallythose especiallyth061 especiallythose those who have been detailed to that thatbranch thatbranch thabranch branch of the work were highly plat platby elated elatedby elatedby by Wrights achievement aehlVQm nt today Gen General General GeeAllen eral Allen chief signal officer of the thaarmy thearmy th tharmy army is on his way tp Europe and so sohis sohia his onlnlon lnlol1 could not be It obtained obtainedCRAZED obtltnedCRAZED ubttittedCRAZED CRAZED USES USESSLEEPING AN A AX AXNO AXNO AXFA SLEEPINGA NO 0 SLEEPING FAMILY FAMILYWilmington FAMILYWilmington FA MIL Wilmington Man Attacks Wife WifeNiece VifeNiece I Niece and Man Who WhoMay WhoMay WhoMay May Die DieWILMINGTON DieVILMlNGTON WILMINGTON Del Sept fl 9DurlnG 9DurlnGij During Duringa a temporary fit of Insanity In nlty Pearson PearsonTalley Pe PearsoTalley rs nTalleysxty Talley Talleysxty sixty secured a broadax early earlythjs earlythis earl earlthis this morning while the members of his hlBfamily hfamily I Ifamily family were sleeping and murderously murderouslyattacked murderouslyattacked murderouslyattacked attacked his wife his niece and the th thIstters latters husband inflicting tntUoUn wounds wound from fromTalley fromwhich fro to which they are not expected expected to recover Talley was arrested and held without baiL baiLTalley balLTalley bailTalley Talley had been out of work for some me time and worry over this Is thought th ught to have weakened his mind mindMoses miRdMoses AdTh ftMdvtoses Moses Hth Annua September Sep embe Sals No Air Stirring The flight was mad under ideal condi tions tla Not a breath of air stirred oa the parade ground th the brec Meet at the thaelevation theelevation theelevation elevation at which Wright was flying was so light that the anemometer a emotaeter on onthe onthe onthe the water tower wer at the post po fatted to in dicate its veloeltyMr velocityMr velocity Mr Wright came out to the reserva re erva tion early confident after tb the perform performance performance performance ance of last night when ha stayed yed up more than eleven minutes mlDU that he couic do almost almo anything be pleased with thinmachine thin thtimachine th1SmachIne machine that seems almost to be a thing thh thhof of life itself itselfHe ItseltHe itselfHe He took his sat HataMtit afeottt S1C 1 1I oclock oclockand oclockand oclocicand and ten mintttae mt later the aeroplane aeroplaneskimmed aeroplaneskimmed aeroplaneskimmed skimmed down over th the yellow track trackobedient trackobedient trackobedient obedient to tn the will sf th the quiet little littleman 11tHeIIHLn littleman man at the helm It rose Into the air airwhen airwhen airwhen when he turned tur the th forward planes and andshot aldshot ardshot shot eat over tiM parade ground in oneof one oneof oneof of those aBrupt circles that at cannot but butremind butremhtd butremind remind the spectator Bpectatorof of the flight of ofmonster a amonster amonster monster birdWright bird birdWright birdWrlgbt Wright was confident evidently of his full control of the machine for at times he sailed over th the utmost limits limitsof limitsof unitsof of the parade ground gro out over bushes bushesand buahesand bushesand and trees and JUi close cl to buildings bund which whicha whichweek a a week ago be seemed to fear At no time was the dipping motion the skim klm ming over unseen waves of the air to be noticed such as marred the airship progress in the previous attempts attemptsUnder attemptaUnder attemptsUnder Under Perfect Control CeatreLAt Co ControlAt trel trelAt At times Wright would rise to a height heightestimated heightesUmattld heightestimated estimated to be 110 feet above the thaground theIOUM theground ground IOUM and then half a lap further hi hiwould hwould hewould would some dt dpwn wn to within perhaps perhapstwenty perba perhapstwenty 8 8twenty twenty feet of the grass gra He sailed soclose so soclose 0 0close close to the trees of Arlington A Cemetery Cemeteryat at times Um that one could hardly hanil telL teliwhether telLw tellwhether whether ther or not he was over the close closestanding cloJ elosrstanding tstandlRg standing sentries sentriesToward sentriesToward sentriesToward Toward tbe end of the flight the engine enginemissed enginamissed enginemissed missed Ore a few times but for more morethan morethan morethan than halt of the fiftyseven minutes the theregular theregular theregular regular clacking clck1 of its exhaust came cameto cameto cameto to the ears of the few spectators spectatorsThe IiPeCtatorsThe spectatorsThe The ship shone out In the calm Sep St tember air clear cut like a white cameo against In the intense blue of the themorning thamorning thBmorning morning sky ky Down below in the valleys valleysthe aUy the mist that the sun had not reached hung like a pall and Wright high hl up In his machine could sec ne ne a said the Men Monument tment towering In the th distance like a giant pencil of stone but the city which didnt know what was transpiring tran plring over In the Virginia hills was hid hid vi 1 him In the smoky gray garment of tha fall fallBut But few persons saw this night the thenn erecord ere nn i Tsome re record Old of which doubtless will stand Osome osome some time at least it is believed until Wright himself empties mpliM with the Gov Governments Go Goemments Government ernments endurance test and a 4 stays up continuously contlnuou ly for one hour hourThe hourThe The usual Signal Corps men a ieT ieTnewspaper er ernewspaper Jnewspaptor newspaper writers a photographer two and Augustus Post the everfanL ful il who has been attending all tIp tlmtests tIptests ti tests were about the only ones present pr eseut A few negroes ne a sitting ltU in the su Sui Suiwatched suwatched i iwatched watched the tillrfit night with mouths vM vMopen ti tiopen lopen open and teeth glistening Wright forgot all about tft the in inventence it1Yt fm fmvenience ventence Yt nl nce of last nights flight and an vi 1 A I he 4 I i jhim went up this morning be took i him no goggles to protect his Nevertheless to the spectators below he appeared entirely entJ at ease Hb determined did not go to up uS for a record but 1A had determined det rmlnttd long rag ago a t9 that he would wouldro wouligo go ro up this t1 week and stay Just as long as he thought sufficient lctnt before under taking to comply vlin tft the Government requirements requirementsMade requirementsMade Made Graceful Descent DescentHe De eent He came down after circling clrclin the pa pa parade pagrouDd rade rade ground for the fiftyeighth time timeand hm hmand timeand and made one of the best descents he hahas hehR hehas has hR even made at Fort Myer He atat start staited started ed in a a long lon glide lide toward the earth Just Justalter Justalter alter he bad made the last turn at the thesoutheast thesoutheast thesoutheast southeast corner of tbe field and after breaking break ng his descent lleent now and then as if he were Jumping over little breakers in the air he landed a few score feet from the starting startin point without i inoticeable donoticeable a noticeable Jar As he climbed out of his hisseat blsefLt hisseat seat efLt Augustus Post hadto ran to him shook his hi hand before he had entirely freed himself and nd gave him the first congrat congratulation eongrtulaUOft congratulation ulation on his recordsmashing trip tripReceives tripReceives tripReceives Receives Congratulations His mechanic Taylor was the next nextman neJ neatman tman man and to him he expressed the be belief belief tRiot lief that Ulatbe he omM easily 11 nave JIa stayed in inthe inthe inthe the aIr for some time tonger loei er In Inminute 3 aminute 3minute minute Wright bt was the center of a alittle alfttt alittle little lfttt throng throngI I knew I was running a good whilesaid while whilesaid whilesaJd said Mr Wright but I had no wayof way wayof Wayor of telling tlII how long lOft I Had Ita been up I Isupposed IuppoHd supposed it had bean about potty trt min minutes minutes utes W8 ought to have some way of ofsignaling tslrnaUng signaling signalingApparently slrnaUngApparently signalingApparently Apparently Wright was not a a bit ex excited excited oxCited cited His nervousness had disappeared disappearedand and even his tiredout eyes 8Y snowing xbowin in inthe inthe eftthe the last few days the strain to which which he has been subjected were full of life this morning While Vh he didnt say saymuch 3aymuch much about hie feelings no one Who has Been him or talked with him titfore IIIrore tit 1ufore fore could help knowing that he was a avery avery avery very happy inventor inventorContinued inventorContinued inventorContinued Continued on Fourth Page.

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