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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 52

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


3r" e- I i THE LAKE SHORE organlcatlons can take hold of, Which does not require any outlay, but may be brought about through the cooperation of existing agencies as is shown by the activity of the pupils of I the public schools In Dayton, Ohio, where 10,000 children have been enlisted In a city beautiful" campaign under the dl rectlon of the members'of the 'women's clubs and wltfh. the co-operation oflne i teachers and board of education. BOOST. PWomaJ-o Oakland have shown them selves to be enthusiastic boosters. Particularly in the Oakland club haa the spirit been shown of late.

Miss Bessie Wood stirred the pride of the members In their city and its advantages by de- Uvering a lecture, In which the women 1 tod of the great waterfront construction work, the possibilities Inner harbor, the Key Houte pier, the longest in the wbrldTt'he Western Paclflo, Santa Fe and Southern Paclflo stations, the new city hall, "municipal auditorium. k. the new school nouses, various parks and playgrounda, new rtyrapers, handsome residences. Hotel Oakland, and the varl-. of these and many other Oakland attran tlons were thrown on a screen.

Miss Wood tirged the further beautifying of the city by the planting of trees. ELLIS LANDING IN i BROADWAY EXTENSION TO No 1 Clubhouse, Seawall Construction and Park Water Sys- tern Projects. ALAMEDA, April 11. Several big tm Pro-ements are being contemplated by the city council, these Inoludfhg a new club house in Uncnln Pak, several along the shores of Washington Park and Bay Island avenue, and water systems in PLANS funs OMLMW SHOULD MfiKE APPEAL TO 1915 VISITOR Trees, Plants and Grass Should Be Grown Ml Over the City FURNISH HEW DRIVEWAYS City Council Tskes Step Looking Toward Big Improvement PARKING IS BEING DONE. CREAIIO SPOT IS LURE A beautiful scenic trip for Sunday, an easy and Inexpensive trip? Is not that what you are looking for almost i i mountain and wood, of orchard and mea dow and green rolling hill.

A ride through the foothills past rocky fastnesses and well-tilled valley lands, past deep gorges and past vistas that take the breath with their grandeur and immensity. With the rapidity of the photos film, the views flash before, the eye In rich and infinite variety. Nothing is lacking, it Is all In the picture; all the diversified beauties of nature are spread out in maarniflcent extravagance to feast the eye that has wearied of root and towering wall and to refresh the soul-harried and'tlred from unceasing toll. Qo any Sunday at reduced railway fare. Wander through the quiet paths shadowed by great oaks that were big trees before Columbus was born- Let the little ones gather the flowers, run through the meadows or play on the banks of the little creek that winds through the valley.

Take your basket and spread your lunch under the trees. There will be hundreds of similar parties, but you will have a great variety ofospots to choose from cosy nooks Just made for picnickers. The almonds and peaches are In blossom, the orchards are drifts of snowy white bloom and the air -is sweet with perrfume of these promises of a bountiful harvest HILLS EXTEND WELCOME. "Valley and hill sre alive with verdure, with green gladness again thus season will It be Just as. fine a sight as now, San" franci stlf- Key Route, th tourist bound tor Redwood Canyon, Walnnt Creek or Concord boards one of the roomy, comfortable electric cars of the Oakland, Antioch Eastern Rnilway on the Key Route pier on the Oakland Side of the bay.

If in Oakland he can board an excursion train at any of the A. E. stations. first stae of the trip leads thrgugh Oakland's prettiest residential communities and It Is a matter of only a few minutes until th train In the foothills. With unexpected rapidity It shoots out past Lake Temescal, between the hills.

Then on again, climbing steadily and rapidly, "Cape Horn Oakland in the distance," calls the conductor and a tnaaftnlflcent vista breaks on the alght through a hollow in the hills. "Oakland is seen lying far mellowed and beautified distance and beyond is the long stretch of the blue waters of the bay. Now we pass green hillsides sprinkled over with countless thousands of the brilliant orange It Is poppies, jjepplea, popples in plaoes their vivid coloring ems ua a mas againsi us green. THROUGH LONG TUrJNEU Into, a tunnel th road lead three-quarters ef a mile of darkneas a th road passes beneath a spur of mountain. Then out Into the sunshine and the realisation of a superb panorama.

The foad Is built 'on the side of the hill, the tops of th tall redwood below ar level with tfca' ear window and th unurslonut r- -M has a view of the famous Redwood Canyon. An Ideal plonlc spol, within a few minutes' ride pfipa.k(a,ntl. Then more orchards, all white with broom and, here and there, nestling in' the gorges that seam the shies of the hills, numbers of picturesque summer camps, such as one might see in Switzerland. There are a number of stops along this prettiest of Contra Costa county's route Canyon, a spot of the wildest natural beauty, Plnehurst, a more fertile section a little further on. Between Oakland and Plnehurst, a distance of only a few miles, the scenery is in such great variety as can be seen In few places in less than a day's ride.

ENTER MORAOA VALLEY. Beyond Plnehurst the view again change with the rapidity of an animated film and the train shoots out Into a wide valley, by sloping hills, carpeted with brilliant green. Ten thou- sald acres lie within the confines of this valley alone. It is the famous Moraga Vallum, onoe the home of the Spanish family of that name which owned all these broad In the early days this valley was the scene of many a dispute and even armed conflict between the adherents of the orlirlnal owners and newcomers who- dis puted their title. The old adobe house that was once the home of one of the Moraga family may be seen on a spur of the hill to the north of the.

roaa. Rleht in the center of this valley there isl now being carried put one of the uftftest projects yet attempted In this section of the country. It is the building of a town that will, it Is claimed, reach the acme of excellence In scientific city-planning. From the car windows the excursionist can see the result of the activity of Its builders, the R. N.

Burgess Company of Francisco Already several miles of concrete sidewalk and curb have been laid along rows of sturdy palm trees mark the street of, Moraga, the twenty-first century city. Moraga is laid out like an bctaeon, with wide streets running in six different directions toward the hlUs. Beautiful arches will mark the entrance to the town's main thoroughfare, business and residential sections will he separated and will be kept so by building restrictions. All the chief thoroughfares will end in a clvto center about which will grouped the public buildings. Moraga is but a part of" a vast scheme of development that will turn this great valley into an orchard Immense in productiveness and supporting a large population.

The valley will be divided into farms ranging in size from one to twen ty acres. The greater part will be in comparatively small villa sites, and it ft here that It is latended to bring a large and enthusiastic population of people who are now living in th cities. Lower cost of better health for. the wife and children. Ideal conditions, a little land with a lot of advantages thes ar the theories that hav put Moraga on the map, and that will make Moraga vall.y into a big garden, PICTURESQUE Then on through the town of Lafayette and Rnllea, both picturesque and prosperous.

Walnut Creek is reached and th excursionist has the choioe of a dosen pleasant ways In which to spend the On all sides ar the open fields, green and inviting, studded with great oaks. There are walnut orchards, pear orchards, peach orchards. And, most particular of all, there are the walnut groves, than which there are none better in the ta tei than those In Walnut-Creek, Treas there are ber.e planted fifty to the acre and paring HI per tree; a fact which shows how th two-acre businessman farmer can help out hi weekly stipend. Three miles front Walnut Creek la the famous St. Ignaclo Valley, a favorite spot with sightseers, and reached by a pretty a walk a one JeouM wish for a summer Sunday afternoon.

Then there are the walnut grove down the old San Ramon road, another typical and wonderful hike. Fourteen miles away and seemingly only five, Is Mount Diablo, tcwsrlng to a height of 3876 Everywhere along the line and In th oaunlry aurrotuuilng Walnut Crk thiti SB A wsningtoa.j,anJ:.., Jackson Parks. The leveryweekT council last Tuesday niht received bids' i. vx UMW mi: xm "he answer Is an excursion to Walnut tn 7 on" oth" eotlon. of the ML L-I- to the recreation commission and the able county street committee.

The contracts will be sixteen miles throurt the Eden of awarded at the next meeting of the rhiirnmia. doned CallfornlarNevada railroad. From that point the road will swing off through the Carpentier Grant to Mo- raga, then back through Redwood can- yon and down over the state road to con-. nect with Thirteenth avenue and terml- nating at the Hotel Oakland. This will be known as the Outside drive.

The most beautiful drive to be known as the Hill drive will be the one to Claremont to connect with the tunnel road. A little later on this will be continued up Fifty-ninth street, easterly along the north side of Temescal lake, on through the Plngee property, paral-lellngthe Oakland, Antioch Eastern railroad to the head of Thirteenth avenue, which runs through Dlmond canyon. Coming back through this canyon, th road will pass Bather park, run through, the chain of Wildwood parks, through Indian- gulch along, Grand avenue, through Lakeside park and terminating at the HoteLX)aklanl One of the benefits to be derived from this extension of Broadway will be direot, routing from the Heights to Oakland." This is of Interest to Oakland merchants. It will provide a more direct -line to- Contra Costa county, reducing the distance by a mile. It is proposed to have this extension completed by January 1, 1916.

"Now that we hare had the development of-the Hegemann plana, following the Chnrlaa Mulford RoWnaon plane, and a City riannlnj exhibit, let ua make aome practical application of the matter," 1 on of the Chamber of Commerce. To thli end he la urging that the waate place of Oakland be made beautiful by the planting of graas, flowers and enrobe On vacant lota, the removal of weeds from curb spaces, the expanding of lawns and the creation of an attractive environment. Attention is being called to the possibility of beautifying the surround tngs of the nubile achool bv the' Dlantlnc of vines and flowers. In this work the care, takers of the school properties are requested to oo-operaU with the City Park department eo that economies can be effected Jn the nOrfation jrf clty nurwirj' stock. TREES AND ORAS8, ASSET.

Secretary Denison lately returned from Pan Diego and Los' Angeles where he flnde that every palm tree and every bit fc. ii avscuudu li wp.iifc. out Olego, the elty haa made a census of trees and no tree may be destroyed even on private property without an option being given to the city "to remove and preserve It The thing which Impresses the east erner." said a prominent newspaper man of Los Angeies, In talking with Secretary Ienton, 1s not the buildings, the stores or the city streets, but the boulevards and the trees and the plant life of the back country, "If Oakland wants to Impress the tourist It should be by the conservation of plant life and the embellishment of every by-way. Oakland's scenlo boulevards are one of its best assets In creating favorable Impressions upon the visitor the tourist" i During the coming yea there will be thousands of visitors to tne world's fair who will see In Pan Francisco only the conventional city- pile of brick and mortar and concrete. This the average visitor can see in any great center ef pop- ulntinn Oakland should take advantage of the appeal to the esthetic, through her boule vards, parka and background of bills, and by making every tree, every public subway, playground and school yard in Oakland a thing: of Here in a practical work that our clubs, and civic USE oINUL 1849 Th 'ves have been washing the banks (along the shore at this point and in order RICHMOND, April 11-In looking over 19 protect the street the bulkhead was the situation of the new harbor at Rich- ordered.

I mond. the Important fact must be borne I Jackson and Washington park are to in mind that a shipping port has existed be thoroughly eqdlpped with water sys-at Ellis Landing alnce 1849. In those. terns, ft Is possible that the schools will days a line of schooners ran between this also take water from these plants. A resolution directing the city engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the extension of Broadway was passed by the city council last week-and within the next day or two another road to connect with' the extension will be ordered opened up from Fifty-ninth street to connect with Roble road in Claremont, which will complete Oakland's main artery tp the, hills.

This is one of the most Important things ever done In the way of street construction in the city, and for twenty years has been the desired project of the Chamber of Commerce, the Merchants' Exchange and property owners along the route. The Vernon Kockrldge Improvement Club presented a petition last week signed by a long list of proporty owners. With the proposed extension of Broadway" three of scenic and Commercial value are made possible. The simplest ot these Is -a direct ten-minute ride from downtown into the heights of Claremont, from which point an extensive view of Oakland and vicinity, the ba of San Francisco, with the Golden Gate and Marin hills, may be had. Another drive made possible will be a road running up to and connecting with the Tunnel road, through the tunnel to old Bryant Station on the now aban CITY PL Modern, Scientific Community in Oakland Shaping Up in Splendid Style.

Th recent city planning; exhibitions on both sides of the bay have brought about a keen interest in movements of this nature and the public Is beginning to realize the great benefit that accrue to any community from the proper planning of business and residential sections. Beauty, hygiene. and utility isj the) battle-cry of the city planning enthusiast. The local city planning commission is doing nil In its power to spread the doctrine and are meeting with remarkably favorable results. One of the exhibits at th city plAnnlng exhibition consisted of a sst of fine photos of Rockridge, th new community exactly half way 1 between the business' hub of Oakland snd the University of California and bordering on Broadway.

Rockridge 1 being twed by the city planning experts for Histratlng purposes it extands from.Broadway Into the foothills and the sue Is one that nnbled the vn- promoters to us to are evidence of a new era-of progress. Large sums are being spent In the building of bridges and similar Improvement. county haa a newly organised chamber of commerce that will give It Influence to every scheme of development The family excursion on Sundays are meant to' show the scenic beauties that lie at the very borders of oucltles. within commuting distance ami within the city man's lone. It is strlp to-be remembered, one that every native of bay cities should take and.

one replete with all and every pie sure that an outing aould poaU4y alv. All THEORY SPREADS port and San Francisco, taking across the I bay produce from therleh fields of Contra Costa county and returning wtlh sup. councIL The recreation commission, at the In- VV. iS j. 7 iT ommended the rwlldlng of a club house In Lincoln Park.

This building will not only accommodate the racquet wlelders, but wll-be iised by other athletes The building is to cost about $S00. The south end of Washington Park will be greatly lmporved by the Installation of tne DuiKneaa. i ms win permit or a large "nS being established and will be Pk banks. The recrea- park, the banks being terraced and planted in lawns and flowers. SEAWALL IMPROVEMENT.

The Pay iBland avenue seawall will permit of the Improvement, of thftV-thorough-fnrp into' a most attractive hnulevnrd. The postofflce is about complete, there being but 1 email amount or jntenor work to be finished. The lawns have been of tne city, the nunoing not Deing con- fined to.any one section. From the man ner in which the building haa started It Is likely that this will be a banner year lji Alameda. DISCOVERED AN HONEST MAN, POOR AMD-JOBLESS CHICAGO, April.

11. Who the most honest man in Chicago? Perhaps. John Saunders, who Is SO (years old and who lives at 225 East Sixtieth place. City Custodian De Witt Cregler thinks Eaundcrs should be so -characterized. Saunders hag been out of work all winter he hi a earpontor -and today he found 134 on the sidewalk In West Randolph street, between North Deaf-born ajid North Clark streets.

Saunders took It to the city hall and turned It over to the city custodian. '1 waited forty-five minutes for Some one to come back looking for It," he said, "but no one cafne." Cregter stared after him as he went out the Turning to a clerk the custodian asked: 1 "Have 1 lantern la tax plies for the mining districts up the river, put in and the structure placed snip-docks have been outgrown. task o' uliape urder. Local civic bodies are plan-Improving this natural harbor to meet ing a formal dedication of the new modern transportation requirement is re- building as soon as it is completed. ceivina; expert attention.

The AJsmeda Venice and Katths Com- EllH Landing and Dock Company, Pny has a large force of men at work which has aoqulred this historic its plant 6n the south shore weet of erty Is planning to erect docks, wharves Washington park. The company la to and warehouses "of a most modern type, a 1200.000 park by degrees. It Ferry service will connect with San Fran- expected that a portion of the plant Cisco. (Will beTenrty by May Work on dredging the old and "new Ellis "The buiMtmt inspector has Issued many Canal is steadily progressing and will permits for bungalows in various portions the full the beauties and environments given In a most lavish degree by nature. Kvery lot was planned with a view to follow the natural lines of beauty and I was not, a la usually the case, merely figured on a plan according to a given of measurement The result 1 that the lot are in a variety of sizes ranging from 60 feet frontage to 100 feet Rockridge is reached from Broadway by a wide curved approach, starting at an entrance marked by massive whit pillars.

The approach was originally straight but th plan was changed at the last moment and several thousand dollars sacrlfiid to pu In the 'curve Wide macadamized roads wind In and out and around the wide slopes with an always upward trend. Residences ranging from, the cosy chalet, costing perhaps $4000, to the mansion costing 5 0,000, nestle among the foliage or stand out boldly on some rwrged knoll. Everything that grows, from the daisy to the eucalyptus, has been used In an elaborate scheme of decoration. "We built an imaginary house on every lot oeforr-we-pltted-the lots," said Fred Reedy president of the Fred E. Reed Inc "and the development of today Is a result of our planning.

RockridKe has restrictions of a most remarkable character. The householder must improve his garden or the owners of the property will do It and send him the bliL He 1 not allowed tojeut down tree without the permission of th board that controls the decorative fea-tuie, The theory 1 that you must considet the other fellow even when dealing with what you own personally which Is one of the first precepts of city planning. Overlooking 89 miles of bey and with a view of seven counties from the highest point with a deep valley behind at the bottom ef which ilea Lake Temescal, Rockridge I Ideally situated for a modal of the city planners art. be completed in contract time. WHAT? WHERE? WIIEXT." Fill Your Purso with Profits 4 RECORD BUSINESS FOR EJ1 L0HMANN E.

Lohmann, the well-known broker, report extraordinary activity in loan's on real estate, he having; effected and placed on record loan aggregating $142,700 from March 1 to II. lneluxtvti E-L-T will open the door toopportunityv WATCH DAILY PAPERS, FOR THE DATE. 7.

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