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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 1

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i Lt 1NG i UYtls An AnDEC rDrc9 DEC Drc9 9 1904 1904Fair I 04 DEO DE qC3ti 9 1804 1804FOUR C3ti tntry tntryC 1 rI Uir of ofCary I I i Fnirt Fair fair 4 today tocln and yt ytM colder colderNUMBER colderNUMBER tomorrow tomorrowfair Cary Hjf it 4Da a fitng on Lt Ltmr mt FOUR UR URSECTNS URSECTNSNUMBER SECTIONS SECTIONSPRICE CT CTI 7 I NUMBER 3814 iy VASHINGltN II TGTO UNDAY NorE 10VEMBER iBER 20 1994rfORr 19o41t OBTYrOBTY PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS BUFF UUI I AND nliU Bl BLUE BLUESNOWED ULUL ULULGeorge BLUEGeorge IIF SNOWED UNDER UNDERBY UNDERI I BY BYQEQRGETON BYQEQRGETONI GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWNGeorge I George Washington WashingtonSNOIVED Is IsDowned IsDovned Downed on Gridiron Gridironby Gridironby Gridironto by 60 to 0 0OUTCLASSED OOUTCLASSED OUTCLASSED BY RIVALS RIVALSBI RIVALSBIUre RIVALSBliie BI BIUre tie and Gray Players MadeRunaway Made MadeRunaway IadeRJuna Runaway RJuna bp lay Game of An Annual Annual nual Match MatchAs As a a tidal wave ae strikes a crumbling crumblingdyke ClulRbllngdke orumblingdyke dyke pouring Pourl through great holes 1101 and andwashing aDdSAg andwaalting washing SAg above it so Georgetowns Geergetownxhsavy Georgetownsheavy GeorgetowniIhvy heavy football team struck th the eleven elevenof eleenof elevenof of Qeorge Washington and buried the theBuff thaButt theBuft Buff and Blue Blu beneath a flood ood of touch touchdowns touchdoVM touchdowns downs Whan en the pale le rays of the monn monnghown moftfthown moenshown shown down upon the battered and andbleeding andbleeding andt bleeding players yers and the referees whis whiele whistle whlllIe tle Ie heralded the end of the game the thescore thescor thescore score scor stood CHHl I to 0 in fgvpr favor of the Blueand Blue Blueand Btuean4 and Gray Gr yRaat 1 Hasnt Georgetown leorf own discovered discovered a new newwrinkle ne1 ne1rtkltt newwrinkle wrinkle rtkltt In burying burjn the hatchet bateJtutVashington hatchetWashington rWashington Washington Outplayed OutplayedAlthough OutplayedAltItoutft OutplayedAlthough Although the score StOI of a a football game gameoften gamentt6tft gameoften often does not give a correct impression impressionof of 0 the real strength of the opposing team teama this tltl was not the ease ea yesterday Oeora 1J6ftI George Waakingt Washington Vultlft was outplayed at atevery atvery atevery every pntat Her line went nt down like likecard llktrardM lutentrda card ntrda in a wind before the fierce nre rushes rushesof MMb MMbot ruchesof of the Blue and Gray Ora Not once during uriftS the entire game ft did George Washington hold Qeertefown for downs do Nor did the deeat downtown eleven elev jcln In the requisite fly five yards bjr rushing tshlnl the ball Holding Holdl In the Hue 1ty Georgetown was respons responsasngon Ible for tile only first down a accredited r8dlte4 to GenMge a Wa Wuhbtat asngon asngonAIthotn btgten btgtenMtholrg1 ft ftAlthotlllJ AIthotn AlthotlllJ itti overwhelming defeat It was not dishonorable 4Ilabo orable George Wash ington fottfrht fiercely yielding dose dogged ddenerv 1 tin a tg tfoam atn of ypt40ritn who otw ogtwef4h p1 04 them twenty pnufUEI to the Mara They wore re IdayM fId oft thr test from the lINt blot cr t1N tereei Whlstle hiatus 1 until JttJ JttJr time timeIoR IoR IoRThe ti tir The hlP rM qrh work ork a fat for from wMeh ten teams denerv rv credit creditTiters There I had bee been nnyi many urty rumors which hinted work ork of th the roughest 1CiQJht 8 kind On the Held however a clean sporting sftortln spirit was in I evidence and only neee was the umpire compelled to interfere rfere and send Kligoure George Go Washingtons left guard to the aid aide lines linesHwl Un linesTub Hwl H1FIar Tub Hart McGettignn MoGetU Mahoney honey Car roll and an Marttll did most me of the ground grou nd galnlag gall fur Georgetown Hart was fast gtttwg ttg unfler tgtdir lft4 way and kept his feet well 11 I Ta tact It WM notkeable tle eable aWe that all the Georgetown Qr orpetown etow men were hard to bring ring down and Aft when tackled tAckl were nw er thrown back The Interference Iftterf JfttCe on end runs was geed Had 77 It ROt not been i een no McGotUgan would 141 have been thrown for a loon several times on Quarterback runs of which there was a a great plenty In the game game The Georgetown quarter quartermn quart Ic I a fast mn and Jld gets ets th the work out ou of his team in a masterly MAsterl atyl style but bu occasionally in I his effort to get way wayft round tieend 8ftC he runs back too tar Ae a huitfter be was WM ally 1 the star tr of the the1 th 1 game gameCafutain Cafutain 1 In Mbo Mahoney 1y fnade le a record for 1 Ifat intestf as a goal Meker kw Ho kicked no USB tH 1 nine Reals from touchdowns touC dQWfUI and would 141 have lndovbt4 undoubtedly dly made mad a dean ha sweep had Jure he been in the game when ft Ute tJwJaat mat touchdown was mad madDazzling made madeD madeDazzling Dazzling zzling Long Runs RunaT RunsYAftK RunsLong Long rnic runs na followed each otb outer with tli suck uek dftszltaK frequency that Hurts HKrt yard run for a touchdown tou bcIoyn hardly stands out prominently IM ftt1F from the 14 rest re George Washington 8tOft was lamentably weak in her tackling klK department Itnnt The men did not tackle hard or low and many of otwniJ Oeonrotowns wniJ gain gaum were due to thanerloua this thiseerieus thl thlfort eerieus fort defect There was entirely enUr ly toomuch too toomuch toomueh much high tackling While then was wasroueh wa wamueit wamuch much open play there lh was little ttU kick ing Georgetown putting tt1ftg only once and Geo George Washington twice the last time timeafter UftMatter timealter after a Hue An kick from close CJos behind the th line l1n by Carroll wbWfh resulted In a atouchlMtck touchlMtck touetackFwaWin touehbaekFumbling touchlMtckFumbling Fumbling FwaWin was a Georgetown fault Its 1 ts inability to hold the pigskin pipit securely test wt the boll once and only OI clever work workIn workIn wor worIn In recovering Itl QVrhlg made dtt this hie weakness less lessharmful JbarMtvJ 1harmful eaa harmful But the wont orwt and most costly eoetl eoetlfault lJtly fault of the Blue and Gray Ora was their theirtoo thetrtoo thei theitoo too great eagerness Mgel ftlM which hleh resulted in inpenalties InpenruM 1 1penattlee penalties amounting AJD unting to about eight eightPardo eighty eightyyards Ightys yards These undoubtedly kept the thescore th thscore score 01 from being mg larger tlrKtr than it ItVeather wasWeather was wasWeather Weather Too Hot HotTwo HotThe HotThe The day cia was fair but too hot lor or fast fastfootball tutfootball factfootball football Both teams felt the heat but butespecially bute buteapedally especially pedalty was this the case ea with George GeorgeM 01 01ICII rWasntaxton ge Wasntaxton ftlnvtoii ICII whose physical condition conditionwa eoMlUon1aa eondtioTag Tag wa apparently appalt nUy much inferior to that of ofth ofthe othe tCf th the Georgetown men Two of the Buff Buffand Burtand Bu Buand Cf and Blue players play It were carried of the theflt thufield 11 11nctld field flt Id and nd several others retired on ac account accout account count of Injuries Prank West fullbackRae fullback fullbackwas tullback1oaa was removed to the th college coile buildings buildingswith butktin butldtnbwith li lilt1 with lt1 what WAS thought a broken hrok rib ribAn ribAft ribAn An examination mllUltloft however evw showed no nofracture JaOtracture nfracture fracture The Th other man carried ea off th thfold the theflld uft ft fold 14 was Law Captain Blelaskl was wasretired WaS WaSroUred a aeared retired early rly In the game Both teams teamsplayed tat tatl 4rft8 4rft8lAYtd played lAYtd air nlreieeii nt eteeu men ea out Georgetown Georgetownsubstitutes HorxetoynuMdtutta horgetowrutttltutes substitutes were used 4 the last half trave to tosave toa save a th the regulars tor the Lehigh gameIt game gameIt gaeIt It is probable that the tit original eleven elevencould clevercould Ien IenoouJ4 could have rtntehed hct tM th game gameFor ga gaF gameFor For George Washington Si hlnston Woods wa waespetdellY was wasespecially wu1I especially 1I Jly good He gave Georgetowns Georgetownsgiant GeorgliKownsJiant GorgasiownGant giant eontor utv Given 01 all the trouble hw he hewatf bWILlI watf looking Iooklll for and at times played playedJjiw play playhim 11 him 111 to a standstill Frank West and andFwrr JindPr a aparr parr Pr at guard aDd Billy West at atri Jitrla1tt a aright Lk right ri kt N1d 0dt mud lude good records Prank PrankWo FrankVt 1ran 1ranWert Wo Wert Vt jwovoii Frov it valiMiWo valua the aoeoRd lid Hue Hueof lineot lintof of 4ttt de ffMSP fed liStI st upon which Coaeh Rorke dContinued de detContinued daContlnued Continued on Third Pag Pagi COLORADO COURT COURTSENDS COUHTSENDS SENDS TO PRISON PRISONTHREE THREE DE 1OCRATS 1OCRATSround 1 1m Found Guilty of oplicitY Com Complicity Complici Co plicity plici in Election ElectionFrauds ElectionFrauds ElectionFrauds Frauds FraudsMUST FraudsI Frauds1UST I MUST ALSO PAY FINES FINESCharged FINESCha FINESh Charged Cha ged With ith Substituting SubstitutingBallots SubstitutingBfll1otsSvore CaredBallotsSwore Ballots Bfll1otsSvore Swore in Clerk ClerkFalsely ClerkFalsely ClerkFalsely Falsely FalselyDKNVBR FalselyDJCNV11R FalselyDll Dll DKNVBR NSBR Col Nov No 1IThe The supreme supremecourt supremecourt supremecourt court this afternoon found three of the themeR themen men accused ae ed of election frauds on elec election ele ele1Ion election tion day dB guilty gWJt and sentenced all three threeto threeto to terms In prison and to pay large largefines larg largfiRes largefines fiResMlehael fines finesMichael Michael Dowd Democratic election electionconstable eIsUonconstable electlonconstable constable was sentenced to sixty daysin days daysIn daysIn In the county jail and to pay larg large fine fineThomas fineThomas floeThomas Thomas Shepardson and Peter Miller MillerDemocratic MUlerDemoeratlc MillerDenoeratic Democratic election judges were wer sen sentenced senteneed sentenced tenced to one year each and to pay afind a afine afine fine of ilt 51000 1000 00 each eachThe etlchThe eachThe The court decided that the mon were wereguilty WPrtgIUty wereguilty guilty of substituting ballots and of ofswearing oriwetiTlnC ofswearing swearing In an election clerk falsely falselyJudge talsel talselJudge falselyJudge Judge Steele said he concurred fullyin fully fullyIn rUn rUnIn In the decision of the judges but he hewould heW howould would uId have dissented if the defendantstad defendants defendantsJiad detendtsitad Jiad tad not objected to the ballot box beingbrought being beingbrought Mingbrought brought in as evidence Judge Camp Campbell Campbell Campbelt bell said he concurred and the ballot ballotbox ballotNx ballotbug box would have been brought in if the thedefendants thedefendants thedefedtianta defendants had not made objection objectionWill obJeetlcmWill objectionWill Will Take Appeal AppealAtorney AppealAtGrne AppealAtorney AtGrne Atorney Samuel Belford gave notice of ofan ofan ofan an appeal to the Federal Court and andasked andasked andasked asked the court to fix bond so that a de dectatea deeWeo deeielen ctatea on the appeal could be given be before beor beore fore or ore the defendants would have to goto go goto gt to prison prlssppThe prisonThe prt OJl OJlrne The court denied permission to appeal appealand aplHH11and appealand and Mr Ir Belford said he would appeal appealto to the Supreme Court of the UnitedStales United UnitedStates UAlttNlsea States StatesXo sea StalesNo tS tSNo No actioi IU ctloa tJo1 was taken in the th thq eases of oftfc oftl ofhe tfc tl he tnr tttr three men who have 1t disappeared dlstppearedThere disappearedThere dppearedMMre There are still twon tw twontyt lefondaati 4etopdnlJt lefondaatiBaCBfarats al alAIglorata Jt BaCBfarats to bj qq 14 trfa trfaWho trf trtg rlthqaetfen Who astien atJenot af of thesupremeoduct thesupremeoducthave the supreme o5brtwJlt o5brtwJltJlitv ojfartvrjllr ojfartvrjllrHave ttilllr Have Jlitv ao bearing Ing ondewflnktha on cd ln ing rt the qtteation qtteationof Qtt gd11etlon gd11etlone1 ion iont of the thevalld validity 06 the seleotlen sol oUen of either eitherPeftbady eitherPHbody eitherPeabody Peabody or Adams but great gr6 moral effect ef effect tteet fect on 01 the Legislature the umpire umpirebody umpirebod umpirebody body bod will no doubt be potent If a 0 con contest contest contest test should be brought before it itCalls itBRYAN itBRYAN BRYAN IS AT WORK WORKON OllK OllKalls ON REORGANIZATION REORGANIZATIONC Calls alls UB Upon Friends to Meet Him in inWashington inWasbingtonDate inWashingtonDate Washington WasbingtonDate Date Is Not NotYet NotYet NotYet Yet Named NamedA A conference of prominent Democrats Democratsof of the Bryan stripe will probably pre ty be beheM beh8ld heM during th the earning eomf sg winter to de decide decide deolds cide upon a plan for the rehabilitation rehabilitationof of the apparently wrecked wrHkedDemoeratJu wrHkedDemoeratJuparty Democratic Democraticparty party partyMr partyMr partyMr Mr Bryan has written letters to a anumber a anumber number of his friends suggesting such sucha a meeting meetingThat meeUn meeUnIhat That the Nebraska Nebla ktu would play aa aaimportant asImpOrtant anImportant important part In the proposed reorganization reor reorganization reergantzatlon ganization of the party baa been the theopinion theopinion theopinion opinion of all unbiased observers of ofthings otthings ofthings things political since the rolling up ofthe of ofthe otthe the overwhelming overwhelm In Roosevelt Roo velt majorities majoritieson majorltt tl tlon on November I resulting reJiultln in the utterrout utter utterrout rout 1 Ut of the Parker and Davis Da forces forcesbat toreubut forcesbut but no one thought that the Nebraakanwould Nebraakan Nebraakanwould Nebntskanwould would begin the work of rebuilding the thedemolished thedemoUshed thedemullshed demolished Democratic structure until untilthe uhtllthe uAtllthe the defeated party had time to get its itsbreath ItabrMth Itsbreath breath breathThis brMthrhlfl This however ho Yer is what he has done doneThe doneThe doneThe The votes otUIJ were hardly hardl counted before beforeBryan hetortBryan Bryan began casting around for the thefuture thefuture thefuture future and at present he is busy with withschemes with5ehemes withschemes schemes to lead the Democrats Dem Crt in 1M8 1803To 1M8To 1JOITo To those influential ones on6 of the party partywhom partywhom whom he believes beUu a to be in sympathy sympathywith lIymlthywith with his doctrines Bryan has ha written writtenletters written19ttrw writtenletters letters suggesting a mooting of the thefaithful thefaithtul thefaithful faithful for the discussion of the future futureof futuraot futureof of the Democratic party partyThese partyThtflle These letters have gene to such men menas Mena as a James Jones Jon Gum Shoe Bill BillStone BillStonlS Stone Judge Parker Dr Gardner of ofNew otNew New York and Woodson Wood GOdson son The letters letterswere letteMiwere were written in delicate lloate terms most of oftKem ottnem them being personal lrs i ersnal 1 letters regarding regardingthe rigardhgthe the outcome of the recent campaign campaignIn In an almost offhand manner mAnner Bryanhints Bryan Bryanhints Bru1dntJI hints at the advisability advl abUity of an early earlyconference earlyconferenee earlyconference conference of the leaders of his I party partybut partybut Mrt Mrtbut but the UI Intent Is net to be disguised disguisedSome dIS1ulsedSom Some of tho those to whom these the Utters Uttershave IUtMihave letterwhave have corns com are not overenthusiastic overenthusiasticand and none are willing at this early ear date dateto dateto to express an opinion upon the meritsof merits meritsof manteor of Mr Bryans schemeMEN scheme schemeWEN schemeMEN MEN LURED BOY HERE HEREAND HEREAND AND THEN DESERT HIM HIMAfter HIMtt After tt luring Kdward OConnor Hbrighteyed Illbright1td brighteyed lad of fifteen from his horn hornand home honvM homeand and parents in I New York city with withtheir 1th 1thth their th lr highly colored eolor tales tal of success UC II in inhorse InorM horse ores racing two men connected with withthe withM withthe the BennlHr ft races last 8t night Ight called at atthe attlMt atthe the Ninth precinct station with 1dmand him himand hn hnand and said he wan wa a fugitive from his hisparents hJWr parents JWr tI They The went away way leaving him himwfepin hi hiwftflng wfepin Utterly and declaring larlnC they had lieddone haddon done don hint an QJ outrage tM by deserting him himPolice himl himPolice Police olk of the th Ninth precinct pr nct learned learnedthat I learnedthat Ita Mhwt MhwtUlt that the lad lived ai a A Seventyseventh SeventyseventhStreet Sy SeventyseventbStreet teenth teenthStrt Street New York and hN parents parents have havebeen hav havtttI been tttI informed intorn of orbls his arrwt arrQ Jt here hereCreator h8 h8Cre hereCreator Creator Cre tor of ofStyJes Styles Winemaa Win man 914 91 4 FAdv FAdv Adv I That Government of th the People Shall Not ot Perish From This Earth Ulll GUlL ryri REGKINRIDGE BRECKINRIDGEDIES bnLbMPrnlUht bnLbMPrnlUhtLong REGKINRIDGEDIES rf jiiiFisnnf DIES IN KENTUCKY KENTUCKYLong Long Fight for Life With WithStimulants WithStimulants WithStimulants Stimulants Fails FailsSOLDIER FailsSOLDIER FailsSOLDIER SOLDIER AND STATESMAN STATESMANConfederate STATESMANConfederate STATESMANConfederate Confederate Colonel and Long a Promi Prominent Pro Pronent Prominent nent Member of the House Houseof Houseof Houseof of Representatives RepresentativesUBXBtQTON RepresentativesLBXING RepresentativesLKTNGTON LBXING UBXBtQTON ON Ky Nov No 19 19001 Ool Zi ZiC WC YC Breekinridge died at 1140 ocldok ocldoktonight oclooktoltlght oclocktonight tonight tonightColonel toltlghtColonl tonightColonel Colonel Braokinridge Br dnr1lJg was only kept koptalive kQptalhe keptalive alive for hours by a vigorous application appUoutloR applica applicutlon tion of salt It solutions ujd nd oxygen oxygenHe oXlceftHe oxygenHe He rallied early this morning but the theeffect thQeffect theeffect effect was as slight The Th doctors soon gave gaveup gav gavup gaveup up all hope hopeWilliam hopeWilliam hopeWilliam William Campbell Preatot Pre toJ1 BreeKin BreeKinrldge BreeJlnrfdg Breekinridge ridge rfdg was born In Baltimore August 38 9616ti7 107 He graduated from Center Col College College I Ilege lege at Danville Ky April SO a 1885 and andthe andthe andthe the University of Louisville In 1m Sf7 He Heentered Heentered Heentered entered the Confederate Army ns a a acapuin acaptdu acaptaht capuin and was later made mBd colonel col ntl of ofthe otthe ofthe the Ninth 2nth Kentucky Cavalry Cavalr He was wasin wasIn wasIn in command eomnsanI of the Kentucky Cavalry CavalryBrigade CavalryQripdtr CavalryBrigade Brigade when It surrendered surrender He was wasafterward wa wacafterward afterward professor prote or of law in te the 1 Ken Kentucky RemtUCky 1entucky tucky University tJnlvvh He lI represented rltprbSt nted the theSeventh thoSeventh thlS Seventh venth district In Congress froth 1rornto 1SW 1SWto 1Sbito to Ittf 1 He was defeated for reelection reelectionIn In 199 fri and had since Inc devotl himself himselfto to the th practice of law lawWITH lawHORSE rVTH HORSE SHOW Sllt1 ENOS EffilS1T WITH 1T GREAT CROWD CROWDLargest CROWOLargest ROD RODLarkest Largest Attendance Since Marlborough MarlborougbYear MarlboroughYear MarlboroughYear Year in I892Exbibits 1892 Exhibits Came CameUp CameUp CameUp Up to Expectations ExpectationsNEW ExpectationsN Nie NEW YORK Nov 19 19Wlth WUh the single singleexception Mingleexo sing singexception exo exception ptlon of Ji hq famous Marlborough Year 1 lJtt the twentieth annual show showof MOWor sho shoof of the National Horse Show Associa Association Aiociatioa Aoclu110ft tion of Amfcrica Arn rlclL which vas finished to tonight to tonight tonight night at the JladisonSCllt9r Madison Square Garden Garden attracted at attracted attracted tracted a greater gr ltter number of spectators spectatorsthan ipliCtatorlithan apeetatorthan a than any Itll of Its predecessors predecessorsThe pred predecessorsThe luloril luloriljh The jh official returns from the turn turnstiles turnfttU turnstiles stiles fttU placed the number numb dt spot POCtGrs utters art aCt aCtO sf sf7i 71000 7i oc but these the figures were given be before bftfore before fore the crowds which attended th thnight the thenight thnight night exhibition had been admitted tthe to tothe tothe the big structureAt structure structureAt HtrueturAt At midnight the greatest horse show showor ahowor Mw Mwor or millinery and dressmakers dre smnkor show that thatHas thathu the thehas Has ever bun held In America Al tAriea became b6 Um Uma na a memory memory To give society society and the thehoree thehorae th thhorse horse a fair Air deal It must be said that thatboth thatboth tha thaboth both horse and society et ty came came me up to th thtop the thlttoP thetop top notch mark markIn mllrkIn markIn In every way fa fbis hits his ytjars Q1lrJI exhibition exhibitionwas ttxhlblUon11UI exhibitionwas was the greatest over hold la tits big bigamphitheater bileampklthrater hisamphitheater amphitheater The exhibits tJ hlblts wore car carttttiUy otautly thhy ttttiUy the tlneai yetsaoii yet SHn in this hl o9n o9ntl ooon ooontry piontry try tl and Jt4 this tJt shew shy IhoV1tas has really bosomy biieo nt the theBill theBillai th thBiUc Bill BiUc Bridge of America I 0 fHnM SMGREn nPLACED PLACED IN JAIL jtArrested JAILArreste JAiLy I IArrested Arrested in Washington ashirlfeu ashiugton in inHis inHis iiiHis His Brothers House HouseINVOLVED Housei HouseINVOLVED I II IfNVOLVED I INVOLVED IN POSTAL FRAUD FRAUDWas FRAUDWas FRAUDWas Was Packing Suit SuitCase Case to Leave the theCity theCity theCity City When Deputy Dep ty Mar Marshals ra rasbals Marshale shale Called CalledHonied CalledIr1 1Jed 1Jeda I Ir1 Honied a new trial on a charge ohar ef efeoMipiriicy ofcoariI9lrkcy lc eoMipiriicy cy by the United States Stat Court Courtor CourtorAPlf Courtof or orAPlf Appeals altJ Thomas McGregor tOfoi forsmerly for formerly tOfoimrt merly mrt btnpleyad niptey in the rural free dllvery 411 411Jtv dolivery livery Jtv branch of the Postoilice tofflce Depart Department Department Departmept ment was Ii rearrested arr stcd In Washington 1Yaahingtonyesterday Washingtonyesterday llllling1on llllling1onHtardllY yesterday and taken to Baltimore BaltimoreTomorrow llaltlmo BaltimoreTomorrow cTomorrow Tomorrow morning mornht he will viII hel bein ohln his hissentence hisntwn hissentence sentence ntwn in Itlh the penitentiary McGregor McGregorwas McGllKflrwa McGregorwas was wa convicted convlct in Baltimore more mol than thana a year al ago with with Upton who has almost almostfinished almOlitnnfah almostfitIhed nnfah finished ct his term termThe termThe termThe The arrest was made mad at the home of ofthe otthe ofthe the prisoners prl oners brother 1711 FourthStreet Fourth FourthStreet FourthStreet Street northwest about 410 oetock inthe in inthe InU4t the xft afternoon rnoon Shortly after 6 oclock oclockhe oclookhe oclocklie he was a sent to a Baltimore jail where wherehe wherehe wheretae he will be kept until transferred to the thepenitentiary theJHmltenUar thepenitentiary penitentiary At the time United States StatesMarshal StAt StatenMarshal i ihtnlhal Marshal John Langhammer of Balti Baltimore DaIUJnor Baltimore more Jnor urn and Deputy United States Mar Marshal Marahal Marchat chat Cuslck of Washington SS lt asiington hln ton made ml 1 the th arreat McGregor was alii packing his hissatchel hisIlttelJel hissatchel satchel ostensibly CNtten lbly for a long trip tripBrother tripBrother tripBrother Brother Answers Bell BellWhen Benhen BelltVhen When hen they rang the bell McGregorsbrother McGregors McGregorsbrother JeGrgor JeGrgorlw brother lw her came C8Jft to the UI door dO and saidWhat said saidWhat aidWtt What do you wanti want 1 want your brother Thomas said saidCiwick saidCusick Id IdCu Ciwick Cu tek as ut i forced his way wa passed I tl theman the theman theJfta1I man who held the door partly open open andcontinued and andcontinued ItndconUnu continued conUnu continued his hi way up the stairs lltalr to Me McGregori MeGgcr MeGtMgora Gregori room roomWell roomI tooenWelt Well you gentlemen got here Just in inthe inthe inthe I the nick of time as he was packing packln up uphis his 11 grip to return return to Baltimore when whe wheOU whenou 1 ou rang the bell ll said aId the brother of ofthe orthtt ofthe the convicted man manIs manIs wan wanthat Is that so lOT querrled one of the mar marshals matrahal marshale shale ahal well we will keep him company companyen comJlutcn companyen en the way over et to Baltimore to pre prevent prttvent prevent vent him from getting ttlng lonesome lonesomatPreparing lonesomePreparing lon6flOmPreparing Preparing to Leave LeaveIt It Is il said McGregor received private privateinformation prla1IntonnlttJon information by telegraph to the effect effectthat etteetu that he had been denied a new triad triadanti trl tr dmtcl lnnd anti that the ruling ot the court which whichconvicted whichconvicted convicted Ivited him would have ha to stand Al AItltotiKh Although 11 11h I though the marshals do not know it to tohe toh he a tact they the say at they believe bell Mc McGregor MI MItHgor Airr Gregor had his mind set on going oing tocome to tosome 0 0IIIOm some IIIOm pace a little IIUt more ore distant from fromWashington trolRW Washington hlnKton than Baltimore Ills satchel satchelwas satchelwas ntehelWIU was packed for a lonst Ion Dolt journey and they theyny theyy theysay say ny he looked much disappointed ami amidepressed amid depressed dypt ered when they htfy put In an aplsearanee appear appearance PINtAr PINtAranee anee anti ami apprised him of the fact that thatthey thatbP thatthey they bP name nMnt to take him to Baltimore BaltimoreWhy Why 11 I was AIII packing up to go overthere over overthere overthe there the myself said McGregor McGregorWell MeOrugorVeU Well we shut change your leur plan planabout planaBout planabout about where wlu re you OU tire going but we want wantto wantto to see you ou safely aatolytutru there than and will 111 111 accomparry accom accompany HccompaN parry paN yyou sfou ou Please hurry a ailttle little as we weHave Witlave thehave Have just time Um to catch the next train trainfor traintor trainfor for Baltimore said the marshal draw drawInghlB drawIngJels draw1nghls InghlB watch to see what time It was wasMcGregor aH aHMeOregor McGregor took his time and after afterpaokJng afterg paokJng His satehel liO htd went downstairs downstairsContinued do downstairsContinued naitalrM naitalrMContinued Continued on Second Page SOn ao1niD Nn OF OF BumArmies BA Bum BATTLHEARD TTl TTlHEARD HEARD IN MUKU MUKUArmi MUKDt1 MUKDt1Armies Armies Armi May lay Have Hv Clashed ClashedUpon OlashedUpon Clashed6t Upon 6t on the ShahkeDEEP ShahkeDEEP Shahke SiiahheDEEP DEEP ROAR OF ARTILLERY ARTILLERYGeneral ARTILLERGeneral General Sakharoff Reports Capturand Capture Captureand Captureand and Burning Bumi of Two Villages Villagesen en Hun River RiverST RiverSl RiverST ST PETERSBURG PETmnS PETI USBURG URG Nov 10A A tele telegrain telegram tolegrain grain from Mukden says it Is believed believedthere believedtitre believetitre titre that an important battle has be begun bb begun gun gun on the Shatike River RiverTne Rh RiverTb rTbe Tne Tb echoes of a terrific cannonade the thedlepatah thedlepatoh tls tlsdispatch dispatch states are heard at Mukden MukdenA A report has been received from Gen General Genend Genera end era Sukhtiroff relating to the th opera operations operations operations tions of the Russian Rus Jan forces on the right rightbank rightbAnk rlgh rlghbank bank of the Hun lun River It is very ery san sanguine sunIufne canpdne guine Iufne in tone and the newspapers newsp pers see in init InIt 1 I Iit it a a positive Indication of a turn of tha thafortunes thofort th thfortunes fortunes fort of war in favor tav of the RUM Russians RUMstaN Rimsetas staN siansThe staNThe etasThe The report describes dNCllb two engagements engagementson on the right J1 ht bank of the th Hun River one oneat oneat on onat at Manyoukai and the other oUt 1 at Chlt Chlttatsl Chlt11I121 Chitislet islet both village li affording consider considerable ooftsld4itrable considerable able strategic advantages to the occu occupying occupying occupying pying forces forcesThe fOrcyIhe forcesThe The Japanese had captured thesesitions these po positions pOsitions sitions a few days dAY ago but yecterdasimultaneous yesterday yesterdaysimultaneous yutrdayImultanoouti simultaneous attacks were made by byRussian bRUNian bRuselan Russian detachments both resulting nsulUn in inthe Inthe tte the evacuation of the positions by th thJapanese tbJltpan6 itsJapanese Japanese Jltpan6 te Maryouka Mar Jirouka youka wa Wag burned to the theground UHfgJOund tground ground by the Ruselane RWl lani and andChlUstsl andChlUstslJ Chitistsi Chitistsiwas swas was partially rtlally destroyed by tire tireThe drerhe lireThe The dispatch dlptt Iso adds add that a large largenumber larcenumbI larg largnumber number of brWse brlh oo leading over the Hu HuRiver Hun HunRiver HunRiver River have LPen en destroyed dMtroM thereby re reducing roo rooduclng rductng ducing the dinner of further successful successfulattacks suC succaeofattacks ul ulattacks attacks upon up the right side I by the Jap Japanese JapaneM Ja Jaanese aneseIn anese aneseIn aneMIn In another report General SaklmroK SaklmroKstates Saklutrotrstatu Sakherostates states that a aluperim superior force of Japanese Japaneseoutnumber JapencNoutnumber1C Japonc Japoncoutnumber aa outnumber1C outnumber Hf tt Russians RUMI rive to tv tvrepulaed twi twirepulsed i irepulsed repulsed repulsed a 1 socttia of jt Cowaeks in a san sanguinary sangutnary canguinary guinary lanjraKemenc uanwn roar Daplng Dan Danshan nnIIthan leanahan shan forty vents OrttC youth of Sinl SmtintJin SmtintJinFIERCE SlntlnlnFIERCE lnai lnaiFIERCE FIERCE IER FIGHTING FIGHTINGON FIGHTINGON ON THE SHAHKE SHAHKEMUKDSN SHAHKE1IIUJCDXN SHAH MUKDSN Nov No 38 3OWounded Wounded oillee oilleewho oillcers oillcerswho omeerawho who arrived here ysrday eli rda state tato that tluxtfurious thatCUrlOUIl Uia Uiasirloin furious sirloin righting ooctirr occurred on Friday Frlda and andearly ande an anearly early rly Saturday on both the th right on onleft unJeft usleft i left whig tng of the ltusei Russian ii army the Japanese Jalanea Jap anese axyeuting ex xett1U cnitlHg swift attacks with tho thoevident th thcklent thevident evident purpose IMII of concealing con nn their rported rwrtoo rported ported Indent of preparing a general as assault toSault It ItRult sault upon up the center MMitionc namitlonsThere MMitioncThere OIIftlolUljhet There jhet is every 1 iiMtl Indlitjn iU JLUrm that thattilitU8 ha hug hugtilitirc h41tUitlt1I tilitU8 on onli a lance scale li ale will roon lw tf re resumed rt rtsumod resumod sumod sumedi sumodarglt sumodarge i arga bodies of the enemy nnl are ad adva advaing ada6 ada6In a atag a tag In upon Lone Tree Hill which is in inths inthe i a athe the direct line lln of Japanese batteries tn tnenemys i iett Cenemys ett enemys mrl attempt to secure aa uro the ran ranat ranij ranijt JflJue JflJuet at th the nail Mtennitely ttIt hiving vlg evidently evidentlyFly ldt1 ldeatlbeen ldt1n been geneaiful geneaifulFlynns tl tlFlynns Fly Flynns nns Business I usines College Cole 8th and andBtulnfeM KBttaln SBeslnd BtulnfeM Bttaln lu tbanhand typtnvrtlln tP rypwrttlog55 rttJD Ji5 ATr ATrAh a aAdv yr Ah PEMEIM PEACE MM THEME OF OFOFTIPfiESBT OFUNVEILING OFUNVEILING UNVEILING SPEECH SPEECHOFTHE SPEECHTHEPRESIDENT OFTIPfiESBT OFTIPfiESBTHints OFTHE PRESIDENT PRESIDENTHints Hints at Mediation ediation to toEnd toEnd toEnd End the War an in the theFar theFar theFar Far East EastCEREMONY EastCERE1ONY EastCEREMONY CEREMONY IS NOTABLE NOTABLEGift NOTABLEGif NOTABLEGift Gift of Kaiser Acceped AccepedWith Accep eAith eWith With Pomp and Cere Ceremeny Ueren1cuy CaerenliIllr meny menyMediation n1cuyI nliIllr nliIllrMddIaUon Mediation I ceded xbo Itb abea a Wary ry et3i et3isentiment otliar otliarsfnthnent otJtreftut sentiment 1n Prealdant PreeW wtt Roosevelts RO ts adress vl vldroae 1JdOE droae dOE at the tle unveflln unvetitng ot th ue statue statueFrederick ta of ofFrederick rlSCk Frederick the Great tefflay after afusri afUrlObe afternoon i noon nooRThe The great crowd laatantZr iastant eaught eauhtirferoee I the theirforajte thefrttGlOIKe irforajte Ct the United States Statesrattly stood stoodrefdy Moo4r refdy to IOH 1 lend a helping hand in bring brlngIrjiir 1M1n 1M1nIfl bringin in Irjiir Ifl th the war in tie tile Far Hast to an anand an end endand OftdainI and chaired with enthusiasm enthuill greater greaterOMER grantert1MDt grsatetbmt OMER in amy flY other otherrt part of the emoray eere eeremoiry eeremOtl7 ero moray moiryi i A Peace Congress CongressFor CongressPor CongressFor For a moment the demonstration in inhonor Inh rhonor honor of a great military here en onviz the thevery thevr very vr viz alto where future tu ure American Amerteanenl1 can ssn ssnamis goeels eels enl1 are to be trained in the art of ofttr etzar 1 tzar war ttr was turned into a peace congress congressThe COftgr COftgrrhe congre congrerho The Presidents definition of the aril attitude attlde ariltrade trade de ot the United States was perfectly perfectlyin pertee perteein in harmony with the AdmlnJotra AdmlnJotrattoft A Adrninltratint mlDletra mlDletraU tint policy as set forth on several severalaions severalslope ooea ooeaat aions at slope bf Soeretary SoeretaJ Hay and shows that thatth otthe the thethe th the United States will miss no opp oppor opportwsty rtunUy tunlly to restore peace between RuSSIa Ruafiwand RuSSIaand Ra Raand st9ba and Japan JapanThe JapanThe The Presidents ReferenceAfter Reference ReferenceAfter ReferenceUteI After telling what a composite eomIJoslte nation nationth nano nanothe tSon tSonthe th the United States is 1 the President ex expressed exlMe5fed oxpressed pressed the friendiinasg trtendUn S3 of this nation nationfor nationfor nano nanofor for all powers and then the uttered the fol following fellowing 01 01lowlg lowing suggesthe suggest words which called calledforth calledforth calledforth forth the emphatic approval of the eposed pro proposed JXOp posed ed interference of other otb otherthe povfllra povfllrathe po pottie the Far Eastern struggle struggleAs strogg1eAs As such is the case it is natural that thatwe thatwe twe we should have a peculiar feeling teeU a anearness of ofI otnenrnltSS I nearness to each ch of many patlple op pl ucrow ucrowth ue uet aeth roe th tvatertits vater tel We must mu earnestly ear estI wish notohl notonli not ohl 0816 to to keep unbroken Unbrokeno1lrtliElldftktp Unbrokeno1lrtliElldftktptH our oirftitntd oirftitntdices friendship friendshipfvr aldp aldpt ices iceseach each ea lift 1 ssu aoJr jM jar lr awp JjoWlt tfVf gan nJ7t nJ7tgiving felt oft oftgiving oUi oUigiving giving offense by an appoaihbae appoaihbaemeddling afipaara appeaT hoe hoemeddlinG 0fi TJf TJfmeddling meddling to seek to bring bring about a bet beti better better i ter understanding and a 0 broader atdr atdrall ss rtITlt rtITltottAlr irtt irttof of ottAlr fair dealing and toleration among a aatlons aH aHmitlons fallaUons mitlons Worlds War Heroes BeroesWith HeroesWith HeroesWith With a fearlessness fearlessness characteristic of ofall oall all 111 his utterances President Pr sldent Roosevelt Rooseveltnamed RO RoosevelHamad Beyelt Beyeltnamed named the military geniuses who will willprobably willproabJr witlprobably probably be honored with statues on onthe ontho otime the terrace of the War Var College beside besidetlie beak1etIle bthe calls tIle figure of Frederick the Great Great He Hesaid HaW Hsaid said saidAs As Asrooky a soldier Frederick the Great Greatranks Gratra i ra ranks ks in that very ery very lry small group groupwhich gTUPwhich area areawhich which includes Alexander Caesar Ca sar an anHannibal and andHannibal adHannibal Hannibal in antiquity and Napoleon Napoleonand Napol1npnd and pod possibly Gustavus Adolphus Adolphusmodern in inmodern 1ftmod modern mod rn times timesThree iime iimeThree timesThree Three Three months ago ag an international internationaldiscussion Internationaldiscussion internationaldiscussion discussion was called forth by the sug suggestion su sugestion suggestion gestion that Wellington von on Moltke MoltkeBlgmarek MoltkeBlimarck MoltkeBiemarek Blgmarek and many other European Europeanmilitary Europeanmmttlr Europeanmilitary can military mmttlr men were to be slighted The Theslight Theslight Th Thslight slight which the Administration was wasabout Wtu1ftbout about to offer to foreigners dwindled dwindledInto dwindledJnto dwindleinto Into insignificance however In the opin opinion opinIon opinIon ion of many Americans when compared eomparedwith eompa comparedwith with the failure to name some Unit UnitState United UnitedStates ed 1 1Statea States officers fflcer for a place on the Yar YarCollege xCollage ar arCollege College terraceChaffee terrace terraceChaffee rrac I IChaffee Chaffee Names Washington WashingtonYesterday I Yesterday Yestorda however the President Presld nt did didnot didnot didnot not see fit to alter the list of men to towhom towhom twhom whom statues should be erected in hhi hhioplnlun 1 1opinion opinion It I remained for Lieutenant LieutenantGeneral IleutentQemtral LieutenantGeneral General Chance Chief of Staff to tt sug suggest suggest susgest gest that Washington uhfnltOn should have havestatue a astatue astfttue statue at the War College Cll and that thatGrant thatGrat Grant should be honored in a like lee man manner manner manter ner nerNo No utterances were listened to more moreattentively mortatt rate rateattentively re attentively att nthely than these tho and the nevi Inevitable Jnoltable nevitable table renewal of the discussion which whichwas whichVI whlc was so general three months ago wlH wlHdoubtless wlMdoubtJeBIiJ iv Il doubtless be one of the most lnteraetln lnteraetlnaftereffects interesting interestingaftereffects I Iat1erttfttKts aftereffects of yesterdays 4 Sterdays ceremonies ceremoniesThe I The President used no gloves in dis discussing tlf UScuaslng cussing the part Frederick the Great Greatplayed GJNtplaecJ Greatplayed played in the seven years rli war and 1 in inthat 1ftthat that portion of his speech there was wa wasuneasiness an anuneasiness quneaillnes uneasiness in the ambassadorial section sectionof sectlotor sect of the grandstand grnnd tand which bras 9 amucln amusing amusingto I Ito to disinterested dl tnterested visitors who supposed supposedthe su suthe sup supthe the ability to conceal ones feelings is isthe lathe Ii the first qualification for a diplomat diplomatFrench diplomatFrench French Ambassador Displeased DispleasedThe The French ambassador squirmed un uneasily unHtaJly easily under the lavish praise of Fred Frederick Fredrick Fred rick the Great and his displeasure wait waitespecially weeespecially 6 688p 88p especially elall marked when the President Presidentsaid PresWentsa Presidentscald said sa saidThe dThe The memory of the Seven Years YearsWar yMIWar YearsW War a ar will last as a long as their th lr lives Ih In Inmankind Inmankind I Imankind mankind the love of heroipm and its itsoperations luopeJJitlon 1 1operations operations will 111 be studied to the ml mlnutapt mlnut6ft mlnuts nutapt nuts detail as long as the world worlda seep aeega seepIs a soldier Idlet worthy of the alms nm It Itdiltieult is isdifficult iiidltUcult difficult to know whether to admire most mostthe mNtthe mealthe cart the victories Ictorl of Leulhen and Prague PragueRossbach PragWRoubach Rossbach and Xorndorf sr 1 the heart heartbreaking hrtbrttaklnteamIJalgna brttaklnteamIJalgna breaking campaigns after tter KuiievsdAr KuiievsdArwhen KuueNlIrft KuueNlIrftwhtn Iunauw krf when the great are real king tins after att having Uvn Uvnbeftten been beenbeaten rea ea eabeaten beaten to the ground by the tmnled tmnledmight uanedmight twn9 twn9might ed might of Europe yet et rose ros again In and by byan bJan band an exhibit of skill tenacity energy ooerg a adaring and anddaring aoodallnc daring such as a had never ever before or been beenseen beOlllIten beesseen seen united In one person p8l On Anally Anallywrested AoaU AoaUwres1ed Anal Analwrested wrested triumph from defeat defeatLieutenant defeatLieutenant ft ftLieutenant Lieutenant General von OIl Lowenfeld the theGerman theGerman tGerman German ofllcer who came to the Unk United UnhedStates UnitedStatos States to formally present tro ont to Baron BaronSternburg DarollSturnburg BarerSternburg Sternburg the th statue which was vrna aM un unveiled unlIed uuveiled veiled lIed yesterday sLerda was wa listened to with withmore withmore wi more Interest perhaps It rhap8 than any ao of tb the theothar eQther anther speakers Ip krs with the exception of th thPresident tlttt tltttPrwldent ttrefiident hq President PresidentIlia trefiident trefiidentHis His Hf unusual uniform of many n1ft oolera ooleratopped 00 polo polotgpped IoN IoNtqpp topped tqpp off by a bright helmet ornament oraameatContmued ornameatCOnUnU6d ornamentContinued I Continued on Second Paej PaJ Page I PATTERSON JURY JURYOF JURYUNDER JURYUNDER UNDER SU SUSPICION SUSPICIONBEING PICION PICIONi i 1 OF BEING UNFIT OiiTRuinors UNFITRUinors UNFiTRumors Ruinors That Several SeveralAkist Severa11ltst SeveralMust Must Leave the Box Boxin Boxin ox oxin in Murder Trial TrialDETEGMES Tria1DETECrrVES TrialI DETEGMES I ON tNan WATCH WATCHNan WATCHNan Nan Has Enough of the thefegfcTGomhi theStageComfl1g StageComfl1g Stag fegfcTGomhi eCorn in to Washington Wash Washinton Washington ington to Live LiveKKW LiveNBW KKW fl YORK TOR Nov 19Seneadonal Seneftttonal re reforts refOth reports forts are current that several 3It member memberiof membenof of the Jury in the trial of tian an Patter Patterson Pat Pattersinii ttr ttr110ft son the th actress charged with the us4rder mur murder U1 rdel der of Frank Caesar Young had user useris er errequested trNflue8ted requested is uettd to retire retireCoincident rEtJreComcldmt Coincident with the reports report came the thenews thenew flitnews news new that the remaining taleemen on onthe IJDthe the panel had been ordered ord red to report ic icthe ttbe the court on Monday MoPda morning morni When Whenthe Vlunthe the reports ports were called to the attend attendof attention attentionof atlentwIof of Abe Levy LtV chief counsel for Miss 1 Pat Patterson Patterson Patterson terson he said ld there was no fountla foundationfor foundation foundationfor liun liunf for such reports reportsThere reportaTbtrr There is 1 reason to believe that ili iliJury the lhejury thejury Jury is not altogether satisfactory Jlat ltactory tc tcAssistant tiO tiOlalatant Assistant District Attorney Rand whs KhcIn whsis whceondulUn is conducting eondulUn the prosecution It is ex expected tXpectf expetted petted pectf that when wh the session Is resum resumMonday IfSUIDtMonday resumrc resumrcMonday Monday Mr Ir Rand wilt ak that uleast 1 1leaat ileast least one and possibly two of the jurors jurorsbe Jurlll2txcuaed be excused and others substituted ic icthir iDtheir lGtheir their places placesInvestigated placeBInyestigated Investigated by Police PoliceOwing PolkeOwing Owing however to the raft tL that each eachjuror eachjuror ch chjvrol i juror was sworn as be entire tnhnJ the th box boxthey lJvxthey bvxthey they can now no only be excused by consent consentof COUlientof of counsel eounw on both sidesliver side sideEver IIIdtaf IIIdtafEver Ever since ab1 tract the selection of a jury was wasbegan WISbegan began sleuths from the district dunr ct attorntya Attor Attorneys attorneys neys office offl have been quietly Qui ly making makinginvestigations JniLkingInveatigatiofUi makingInvestigations investigations to ascertain lUIC rtain if there tbt re was wasany tl tlnny any reason other than could be lean learrtd learrtdIn Itan1tJt din In court why wh jurors were jvt quuliflJ quuliflJto qualifJto to ietwe ietweIt serve serveIt nIt It was said at the district attorne attorneys sme Yfltee Alee me that if Mr Rand nd asks thu th he at un unrdeular wUt1eular rdeular juror b4 be excus excuatj xeu i is wiii wi he heb enpe eb npe of fact toc taco disclosed 4Ileeto ec1 by thc WM la lahas UC ui1 Decides Decideshas 4e 4ebeen has been customary cU81 Jftary in the past not notI nffwear A At I to swear wear the jurors until the Jury Lux Luxtilled 1 tilled filledThat tilledThat tilledThat That gave counsel on both fides ide8 an up upportunity opportunity ups upsportunity portunity to challenge at thu last mr mrment mvment mumeat ment occupants who were found urd not i ibe i4j i4jbedealrabie be bedealrabie bedealrabiela desirable desirableIn In such cases all the jurors wsworn WC WCsworn wiresworn sworn at the same time Because ne nerule IUIe rule Ie was not followed this time it will willbe wiUbe be ditHcult for either side sid tu bring about abouta sbu a a change chaagej ekaageTIItafi changeThal The TIItafi Thal mt rejrt rer get woold Id be to appeal to tothe toUte the assort rt to imow show good gwwnds gtt8 ds why ajttror a ajwror juror should be dlwuulfAadLawyers d1lillUk11A d1lillUk11ALawyem dlwuulfAad Lawyers Lawyers Satisfied SatisfiedThe SatisfiedThe Satisfiedlie The lie Jury is very satisfactory sale suifiLawyer sa saLawyer Lawyer Levy and I know knowson ot no ra raIiOft reason son for such reports As 8 to gen generals gentralJknown generalsknown era ij ijknown known Foreman Biwood Hendricks Hendricksterday Hendricksterday rterday terday asked to be excused because cause lthe Ithe the serious III illness of his motherinlav motherinlavbut motherInIabut motherinleabut but Prosecutor Pro eeutor Hand and myself di dinot dinot not think the excuse exev sufilHent to rlease rlease rIHH lease him from he aiat lury As to sag tr trer ttar er members of the jury there has nevi nevdt nevibeen been Jt any question to my knowledge knu1JledgJ uc 1 1 certainly would have known knownProsecutors know knowProaeeuton Prosecutors Rand and tiarvan rf rfin TIn rtIn in New Haven today attending alt nJin the tl1 i iball Iban tr trhalt ball game me and the reports nuta rUld nut beverlited be beverified Lerflled verified In the district attorneys tt ttThe tlhj tlhjThe ta taThe The statement was intuit nll1 howeMr howeMrthat hOWn hoverrthat dthat that it was wa customary to request ust ts tsattendance hattfItSdaAee attendance of salesmen tae mcn 411 the lest Ty Tyof 1 1ot yof of tile taking takin of testimony tt sestmwt 8tmon MO 10 thi thithe th1Chee th tthe the Chee event nt of a jurors failurt to appci appcibecause sypr pp ppb because aawe of illness Ulat i or othcrvn uthrrNtsr his i a acould lcouJd could be quickly Ailed thereuy prcru prcruing a aIng llAC ing a delay In the trialMay trial trialMay lriadMay May Have Smith SmithA Smithrwport A report was also circulaed sr ulaad rudy tdLiythat rudytb4it tdythat that the prosecution ton will spring nK a 1 bu buprise lidi lidiP rprise prise on the defense by pruduciig jMorgan JMorsan Morgan Smith during the trial and nd uiut uiutSmith Jt JtSmith Smith is no nog practically 1 under the thtor a tOf a aof Of th the district attorney Officials uf the ihcprosecutors hIt08eCutor prosecutors othce would nut Ils6u8s 1IJu llasf uaF tport a areport areport report port Smith who Is i it a br bnUierlniuvV bnUierlniuvVof ttierInAw of aites Mime Patterson Pattc roan was WalUU suuy uuyorur enu IU IUtllNl8r tl 4 tappear tappear appear before tee STand jur but d3 13appeared d3appeored sappeared appeared taw day da that ttui body met metMother metMother Mother Very Ill 111The InTh Ill7ba The Th trial Is to be hurried by 0 the de defense defee decease fee so that Nan Patt rson re ofl may rush rushto tushto rushto to Midagtoft Con see her mother mot II who wll la lavery tovery a avery very III before It is i too lute luteHer Ja lateHer cHw Her mother Is far from fi ors being well weiloaM we wetd oaM aid td the father of the thtdrt1t lctrwa ictr toduy toduyand 1ochyaft aft and is aiudouu to see Nan a II 3i is tau it a is isto 021to to see her lirWe leesWe We have nodoubt of the result rc ult of the thetrial thotrlaI thetrial trial but that result ult must tome me suun suunif SUlnIt if a mother and ad daughter ore tu be bereunited beuplted reunited uplted to the life lifeDene JU JUDone ireDone Done With Stage StageAnd StageA And A once Nan aa i li In Washington Abe ahowill Abem will not leave therf Sb She will ill never goon go soon oon on the stage ta and her life WU will be Miuet Ssuatsustl Miuetand Iui tucI and secluded soeludcdNan MdlMkdNan Nan Patterson Patterson vat received twentytwo twentytwoletters twenttwOkotte letters kotte on the first a maO in litr cell mthe Intbe the Tombs Tom today tocl VlUle Ie must Qat of them themare themAre themare are from sympathizeisi mp thlztJS expressing expressmgcheer txpreBsJnScbeertour cheer cbeertour four were re from men who whQto wutt wuttto vntto to marry nuur her herShe berSht She has had hundreds of letters otters frum frummen frumIftO fromneon men who ho ore anxious tq marry rey her hersaid herId hersaid said Id her father tat today She Sb calls ail uilof ailof il ilot of these th bug letters tten she turns throe iheaiover tlltinover throeover over to me and 1 destroy them The Thewriters Thewnttni 1 no writers are strangers IIlnuue to her herWouldBe herWouldBe rWouldBe I WouldBe Suitors SuitorsThey SuitorsTh Th They have roiuj tuu about her have seen seenber spenher seenher her pictures In the newspaper and have havebecome haoeftt become ftt infatuated Some suv they tht ant urawealthy antWtaIU ewealthy wealthy WtaIU and lid others say they tht have forgo largefarms forgofarm llil llilfarms farm farms a and will come urn on Ii untl get her herthe hrthe herthe the minute she la i dis discharged dischargedBut dishargtdHut harged hargedlist But Nan is not thinking thinkin ot merryiag marr iiia Jg.

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