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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 11

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I rTAE rTHE THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY OCTOBER 30 1904 11 BOWLING RACING RACI ATHLETICS OXINO FOOTBALl Washington Played Tie TieWith TieWith With Maryland Varsity VarsityTeams VarsityTeams VarsityTeams Teams Evenly Matched But Game Was Not NotParticularly NolParticulrarly Notr Particularly Interesting InterestingVisitors Visitors Made MadeTwo MadoTwo MackTwo Two Long Runs George Washington played a tie of 0 to towith 0 with the University UnJvt7of of Maryland at atVan atVan atf Van an Ness Nu Park yesterday afternoon afternoonAlthough attenaooDAlthoup attrnoanAlthough Although the game was close it Itnut was wasnut wasnut nut particularly Interesting IDt lna Neither Neitherteam NeltMrtm 4 team distinguished Itself by brilliant brilliantvork brilliantwork brillianturk work urk and there were many raw spot spotWashington spots 8POtaahll1lfton spotsWashington Washington ahll1lfton wa was lacking In animation animationand aDbnaUona animationturd and a lid spirit while the Marylanders were werein wereI in I poor physical condition co and were wweManU eon eonstanily eony stanily ManU being laid up The frequentwile frequent frequentalls frequentls alls ls for timeout caused the th game to be bedelayed bejelaed bedelayed delayed until Ion Ionthe long after 6 ocIock ocIockthc and andthe the twinkling star stan were as plentiful dfta1 a aat as asIt II IIt at It a chorus IPrr girls sir benefit before thegame the thegame thegamt game wa was over overMaryland oerJ overMaryland Maryland rylaB4l SluggM SluggMMaryland SluuLfaryland S1upNdMaryland Maryland was frequently accused of ofslugging ofBluggtng ofslugging slugging and there the ware thaes tIaM1Ie when the thevisitors tJaedsttora thefsitors visitors did not appear to he aa that thatwag uatWas thatWas Was desirable in the matter of ladylike ladylikeaction Jatyllkeaction ladylikeaction action on the gridiron la I the second secondhalf aecoadhtAlt secondhalf half a Maryland player Interfered with withthe withthe withthe the catch of a punt and atIaeN there were loud loudcries loudcries loudcries cries of foul but Referee Jack Qass did didnot cUdnot didnot not see the offense and refused to give givethe Ptht givethe the fifteen yards that was demanded by bythe bythe bythe the rooters for the home team teamOn tMmIn teamOn On In the whole the teams were evenly evenlymatched evenlymate evenlymatched matched mate hoo The backs managed to get getthrough ptthrough getthrough through the opposing lines for only onlysmalt ODIymall onlyantalt smalt mall gains until the last few minute minuteof stlnutaSof lnue lnueof of play pia when Hala broke loose for thir thirty thirty thhrty ty yards for Maryland aad ad a little later laterStone Ia IaStone haterStone Stone got through for tweatjMlve ve yard yardin yanlain in i a general mixup These were tolungrst the thelongest UImgrst longest runs of the came hat they were werepossible wlJussible wereyussible possible largtly on scrouat at of the dark darkness daIttness darkneea ness nessStevenson nessStn neeaStevenson Stevenson Stn StroDeStevenllOD StrongStevenson Strong StrongStevenson Stevenson made a a810n saiendiif implies impliesorlon impression sion for George Washington He ran ranvll Jft1I1 rantit 1I1 tit vll ll with the ball and an tackled tacktetSttoenerflOn hard hardSteenerson hardSteeneraon Steenerson handled the team in excel excellent acell asoelltot lent l1t fashion and was a constant factor factoron factorn factoron on the defense His quarterback run rundid ruts JUnBdid rutsdid did not produce the results 18 expected expectedbut expeetedbut expsetdbut but that was largely beea because his team teammates teaDam teammatt mates matt tps seemed to be in a trance when it itcame Itame Itcame came to forming interference to protect protecthim pIOteethim pnteethim him He made a quarterback kick that thatnetted thatnetted tretted netted a substantial gain and the ball ballis ballas ballwas was as is recovered recoveredMorris recovtredMorris recoveredMorris Morris at right tackle was ODe of the thestars thetary he heta stars ta tary for George Washington oa both botht bothth jthf th thf hf offense and defense dete He was an ex I tellent jellent ItllHlt ellent line gainer In Inthe rl running aing througthe throttgU throttgUthe the other tackle with Ida the hall uof and rush maehof rusheat of the Washington ashing1on showing was to be beattributed beattlbuted beattributed attributed to him himXrylABd himary1u4 hintYafylagd XrylABd ary1u4 Back Osoi OsoiStone OMIStone idedStone Stone HiUa lL a and Watts the Mary Maryland JIaryland Maryland land backs ba each put up a aand gees game gameand gameand and kept working world all the time uehttd the They Theyhad Theylad had a a hard line to go I Iwag agaktst AOfis AOfisH wag its 18 probably the best In hi his work a at atfullback atfullback fullback hurdling 1urdl1l1 well and keeping his hisfed hisfeet I Ifeot fed with 1 surprising number of op opponeiits opl1ell upyunents poneiits l1ell ts singing to his shoulders shouldersStone shouldersStone I IStouP Stone at ieft half and Brent at left leftad leftnd leftud ad were ere tearless tackier ck1en and stopped stoppedmany toppeduuny I Iruuny many of the most promising plO Washing Waahingtrn iIIatr iIIatrJII 1 1uii uii JII runs Halts was strong on the at attivk atId att tivk i and he and Mason were a tower towerstrength toWelJ strength on the defense defencein def defIII in the flrat half Mary MarrtaaeV pld kicked 1 ekeCJ ekeCJht and andUic apdt Uic ht ball was downed on the theb Kyard KyardA A try at nntrnr oento oeD nfmd and ad it ItHowe was wasIlowe 1 Howe uowei by a ilo ls Bsss to Seven Bteveai St SevenThat ve i That able bl athlete tb1ete fumbled but re reAerd reyrtj renered Aerd iii time te make ake ke nine yards yardsMaryland yardaMrylanda yardsM Maryland arylandu i right sssjs de appeared weak weakbut weaktJ weakbut but tJ the team tea took a brace and held for fordowns fordvwu fordowns downs Hate made five yards 7IU I on the right tand side sideand sideand and Stone made a perilous hurdle for forfive tori faAve i five yard He followed with a gain of ofnine ofnine ofnine nine yards in he left side of the Wash Washiagtoa WaaIampon Washington iagtoa kite Watts tried for a aI Mid goal goalbut pealbut I but it was too low and atesaeraen 11 was wasdowned waacIownecl wasdowned downed with the ball behind the tbepoata pal palposts gasJposts posts for a touchback The ban ballkicked was waskicked wgs wgskicked kicked out from the Kyard yard IbM and andwas aB4OD andwas was downed on the Ityard Mae bat batMaryland liMItManancl lootMaryland Maryland could co ld not gain and Watts Wattskicked Wat WatI Wattskicked kicked I cked for twenty yards yardsStevenson ySteveaMD yardsStevenson Stevenson made a scant ave yard buck buckTwo buckTwo buckTwo Two more ore plunges pI netted Ave yards and andthen andthen andthen then Taylor was thrown back for Ave flveyards ftveanIa Aveyards yards anIa by Mason Steenerson fumbled fumbledand twabledand fumbledand and it was Marylands ball on the theyard 40 40yard 0 0yard yard line Hala Halal Stone Ston and Measmore Measmoremade Meumoremade Messmoremade made a short series of small gains and andthen andtbea andthea then the ball was fumbled bqt Steener Steeserton Steenerson tee teedid son did not have his eye on his hlanUlllber hlanUlllberand number numberand numberand and failed to get the pisahinLocal pigskin pigskinLocal p1pIdDLocal Local Oval is UMtsjgor UMtsjgorThese Daa a aTb sr srThese These Tb small but constant gains in inwhich litwhlela Inwhich which the referee wa was constantly coaetat17ViIIC mess messurias mesawing 1 wing to see if the ave yards 1 had been beenmade Meamade beenmade made carried the ball to George Gear WJncton WashIngtons Wash Washingtons Jncton ingtons Kyard line where the theteaa local localteam localteam team held manfully and got It on doThat downs downsThat do doThat That was the nearest approach to toB a aSteenerson aaeon aeon aeonSteveeson Steenerson eaenon made a quarterback kickpf kick kickOf kick Jdck9t Of twentyfive yards anIa and Taylor recov recovered recovered recovseed ered the ball West made four yards yardsMorris prdaMorn yardsMorris Morris collected ten ten and this with a few fewShort fewMort fewshort Short line plunges carried the ball to toMarylands toMaryluwl toMarylands Marylands 45yard line When time was wascalled W8ca1lecL wascaned called calledIn ca1lecLlit canedIn In the second half Washington Waahla on kickedand kicked kickedand kiclu1ad and ad Watts was downed on the a Kyard Kyardmark Siyardnark yard yardark mark ark Watts kicked to the center of the theHeld OWAekL theacid Held Winston made de eight yards arcIa and andWest andWeat an anWest West added four and Ave while Law Lawfailed Lawfailed Lawfailed failed to gain Winston made five av Xligore Kil KUIIOre I Igore gore two and Steenerson Steene got around left leftend ktftend 141ftend end for Ave taking the ball bIlland to Maryi Maryiland Mary Marylands lands land Isyard yard line Un where Maryland MaI7 MaI7the sotthe sot jthe the leather on downs downsTwo downsTwo oTwo Two Long 1 Jbras RvttgThe JbrasThe bTIle The career cf the visitors was cut cutshort cutabort cutabort abort after a few gates when Van Valet VMetthrew VlietthNw Valetthrew threw HaM HaI for a loss and it was Wash Wubball Washingtons Washingtons ingtons ball en downs Washington Washingtongot Wpt Washingtongot got five 6 yards 7ar a for offside play pIa Watts Wattsthrew Watblthrew Wattsthrew threw Stevenson back dE for a loss and andand andand ncl ncland and It was Marylands ball on downs etownaMaryland 4IMJ 4IMJMarylaad downsMaryland Maryland kicked on its IByard yard line and andrs ancICaptaJa andcaptain rs captain patq Brent interfered but the ret referee reteree retcree eree failed to see it and the protest protestwas poteatwaa protestwas was not allowed Morris made flfteen flfteenyards 6lteeny Sfteeayards yards before Maryland Mary got the ball 1 ra radowns fdow1 indowns dow1 downs a on its own 30yard 70 yard line lineHala IiDeHala1lrlcckd tineHalo Halo Hala1lrlcckd wriggled out of a scrimmage llert and andr andIaD andcan can thiRy thIft yards before being do set eeIby eel eelby dby by Bttenervon Stone shortly bortlJ followed followedwith tonowed1dth followedwith with a dash of twentyfive yards sar sarquarte A Aquarterback Aquarterback quarterback quarte a ran tailed and fhe game gameended game gameended pmcnadMd ended with the hall on Woshsagtoas Woshsagtoas26yard WUDe 26yard 6 line UaeThe UDeTM The 1IVw 7iaVWashington tiaeUa tiaeUaWashington Washington Posittosv PosittosvWinston PoailopWinston1IC Winston Winston1IC UVan tV tVan Van Vtlt VtltLaw VtteC VtteCLaw VlietlAw Law 1 1Kll carnal CaraalKllgore carnalore Kllgore Kll ore ore Perry PerI7J Peery CL CLater I Bevel BevelWaons aeUn aeUBtaatq Waons Center ater Bssjjghnisn BssjjghnisnStanley aagbman aagbmanG Stanley DaviaMorrta DavisMorris Davis DavisMorris Morris TMessmore TMessmoreW Messmore MessmoreMason aore aoreW WeaR Wesw Mason MawaQ MasonQ BteeAelllCM SloanTaylor Sloan SloanTaylor oon oonTayJ TayJ Taylor Kirkscan LH StoneStevenson Stone StoneStevenson Stevenson Ii vt i iIns oHaI oHaIWt ia a aWinston Winston WinstonF Ins InsF West Watts WattsReferee WattsRefereeTack I Referee RefereeTack efereeJack Jack Ones Oass 0 LeMgh tJ Umpire UmpireW VplnJL re reW JL Whanon Dd DeUwmre neta CoUege CoUegeLinesmen Uce UceV Linesmen dneeenIa asWhlyatI Dr Valentine University Untverdtiaryland of of ofMaryland otI Maryland aryland and Mr BoUand BO BOW Oeorgu OeorguWashington Georsugta Washington gta on andUniversity University Uft1venit tp tpavis ra raKI I Krnestuavls KI avis VSa I CTuiveriflty TalvetJ of Ilarit1cIpd MaYVU Marytond Marytondand nd ndp and Mr 1 Cottiu Col1u a George Ws Washinjnoo WuldaaweUn1vendty WashinjnooUniversity University Time Piste of horve halvasJI hlv heel es rai minutes a tM Keenes Kee nes Israelit IsraelitGamara IsraeliteWins IsraelitTZT TZT Wins lnS tl the Soutr au j1OtU j1OtUGamSira ThLZat i Gamara at Good Odds Cap Caiprei res ho Cut Cutctouc CutomicogJu1o Gutnxhtogauie ctouc Handlcap Hand HandicapTwo C8PTwo Two wr vot Jle JleShow eSho1 Show In FYfSnt 1t JAMAICA RACK ACIG TRACK NEW NEW70RK NEWYORK NEWYORK YORK Oct aIIM The South tit Hold II I4 Handi Handicap HaQ41p cap at a mile and a siwtfeath for all allwaM allj gee waM wa won roe today by James RKfnei Bne RDes Kfnei Des ne threeyearold IsraeliteT Israelite IsraeliteTc raeJlte raeJlteT1 Tc T1 Cuichosjue CutC Handicap for torI two terovaiolds twoS vaiolds ca I ol olds at six furlong fH was won bar barTwo batI I WU Weon jr Oamara at II 1C lT Two II 0 favorite fa vori vorihlners weal Phitttps rod rode two twovluners twovltners vluners hlnersllre BuaMBaries kiuminriea1Irst 1 llre ire rate ralas ffJtx furioags Monet 4 4won 4 tW twon won New Not York 7 I to 1 snosit A Ai Iit 1 1itln i ioa it it 4 to toJ third Tkeis iSI 1IISlcutchews iSIi 1 1Joutlheou i Joutlheou cutcheon and Blucher SlueberSc amo also taa taaSecond maSecond Second Sc nd race raceOne raceOnerd One mile sad sev sevira se serefs ira rd refs ua Laud Badge even ev woa Tneither Ofi i iii ii neither i ther il to 0 0I 5 second secondtaare Toata ToataiMrd iMrd I ad Tim Time 1 Hossostsal Hossostsaliiriug JIo JIolrraKta PIrangta iiriug lrraKta Alas ran ranThird IBT ranthird Third Ir drIll rr ue eWII Sly furlongs I It Or OrIf tifI tifIt If i woi OJorifler to touandrlton 1 1Dandelion Dandelion 1J1 ntldloft I to 1 1I Ii third I iidena Austin ABen sf Mkch sfi i kch hi and AngwF Aagwr A AFlJrih also alsoK FlJrih irth foeIIIIe tuoe MUeaadsix MUeaadsixa sad ll41dst ll41dsti ini ini4to1wen a i 4to1wen to i won woni Agile 4 4Ire i Ire xk 7 to 6 third thirdOin tbr4Unrdu tGgseede Unrdu OftIIrt OftIIrtIndlj li lirL Oin rL Indlj nrrUG licr also ran ranFifth nulFlft ranFifth Fifth Flft ree rn rnSi IeMile IeMileJJ and vb Si tl i won wonl vonulfaat amtor I to toI II IIJat I Jat aiy al ll tiro in en en to 1 third thirdMidshipman tdt rd rlsriartwrpr T1M tj Princetdt Midshipman hhlpmalt Prince PriDceHriiirtol Prince Cn Cnliriartiiorp A liriartiiorp Hriiirtol and Water WaterSixth Wa Wa1311th I IMlxth Sixth ra raveFive erty Five and andoxford oAtold oxford 4 Atold turd 4 vo 0 6 won Supr SuprI Supreme I It 0 ytrcond icon Courier IS to 1 1uw I thM xi uJ ul ul1OT i 1OT 07 4i 4 Gold ld Fleur YMetruuule Yorkshire Lwd LwdMttruuole La4letrvP Mttruuole letrvP le Master of Crefk Craft f1 f1Hhick JrJr JrJrlilack ot otItlek Hhick Ph eeentrlcal nU1eal KMrt 1r 1rr 1rr1Ke eTijje Tijje 1Ke 1 Ligt ikote Rote Modest and D4I daft gal a aI i iiv jIpptor iv Ipptor I per sit al ran ranlomonows raGlomonowia ran1omorlowa lomonows lomonowia gsjtrlsi gsjtrlsiFirst KIItd KIItdiMlt etdog etdogtint First ra rose rosetapid Haadtoap sU as ftgjUSr ftgjUSrlapld lapld Water 1 Iice IiceSynlour ThJOTlS HlMfclfc HlMfclfctMyiuour Vnuour 1 tMyiuour nuour 100 Hose Metebts sea 100 Mi Monet Monetrwit crwtl tit titruwii ruwii Praise Mi Miscond 1 1lond 196r scond lond raceSelling Jftce8eJl mUe and pea pea1e eeveiay eeveiaya I a 1e Lord Advocate AllY Advoc4eL 0 Ofcsjs 0IMIa 0IMIaof 1 MS MSrJnc rJnc of eateat Life a 108 1i3 The TheI RmrusMt WTo i iT To I Uc eat KB 1 6 6b Reveille Revelers Iff 1M 1MtiJmour VUMadkfi VUMadkfiyinour tiJmour yinour tnour South Triasbie TnbIev lef Palette PaletteX Dimpl mpltt ii Ii King IOn Popper Pae8erirwcr April AprUi irwcr QI i wcr 101 Homestead Homt Itt Montetriu Monte Monteurlo Jate 1 urlo Ki KiTiard 11Tllrtl 101Gird Tiard Gird rsce6eiling race ra eSdUnc Selling five ftv and onehaU onehaUr one onerungs rungs roug vl Munieodor mitOdor 106 1 i Far JaXW TlijWert TlijWerttt West 17 17xacii 1111i xacii tt 1i ttrester i4atr ster 1v low ljtuca 3 Tricaa 108 Flinders ru SSl SSlIVncy KFancy Fancy Fat 11 DreM Dris tJ i ftecreo 100 Nlhflea NlhfleaJr Mucal Nlb ick Jr I rbnteeur ontet ooteur ur ue Queen Qu ea Rose 0 Shaw Shaaijisld 1IItaa1de Shawt ijisld Istde 1de pi to i l3eiie 5 8auvag 8auv 100 Blue Blueoat BlueUdr BlueCoat Coat oat 103 Ihlutnvy Sweep eep 3 Belliger Belligerlil Bdl Bdle et I lilt Thifiyiitirii ll7ljifd Murih 1w 1wiearth iearth 1 urih racfc JIChHandtcap Handicap six Ix furlongs4ttubur furlongs turton turtonnlhburc 4ttubur nlhburc gelie ne l4 Mamie Wortb Wort 116 116IPPP IPPP 0aI IIf Chan ChaneSa 1 eSa PBer 1 nCluul nCluulc 00 f4aJr DIck DIckrll rll Ber ai 1 GeM Saint Samtflve SaintP1 P1 P1Ii 1 1 flve a and one one5wir oneb Ii 1 I 5wir ad 1M Trespper Tra Tramhsrjacb PQer t1 1 1ttnberl mhsrjacb mhsrjacbi ck It DU Olfj DUJU i seutcbeon Ill Ill1st uUt uiM 1st Floraua Florauajr rIOn Ia IaJ 16B 16Bd jr one mile and one one Oa OaI 00 fi tUpaway I tepayp pawaL riA 67Lawson iA Lawson 17 7 Iftcaie Iftcaiem XC XCt sie 1 16s Duchess OUi 0 0a OWe OWer OWe1st T3K JfJmrtan a lee 104ntktki 1stK ntktki SS Destin DestinShp Oestiny It Itf Shp 1 13 8 i1TI1flhJi i1TI1flhJiLlItK WITHOUT WITHOUTLUCK WlITH 0 UT tLUCK LUCK AT ST LOUIS LOUISBJuCK I uS ils a 1tta was0sti QNIl QNIltM TYsA TYsAT 1L tM tMj ne nei 1 tt JLI BJuCK TmACK ft Aclf CK lit Louis Louisisjs Lou Louti li ti i isjs are results of todays todaysa today 4 a Ap and A awif furlongs turlOQ I U400 tJlr 111 1 earn I to I won IgLatle JJtt ff 1 Ter I tecond Flor 10 4 tfJ L1t otv tv 1 a half urions urionswoa 0 I Iis A 3 woa fcibador fcibadorAns dor i is rater tw to 1 third tlUrdI I Ans AnarcO AnarcOIbe arco 4 4e itS Bye 4 to 1 ito 4 toe 1 3to to 1 third thirda thJrdIte thkdIFM IFM Ite sad a sixteenth sixteenthIRhts teenth 4 IRhts Fa Fag 00 to toa a half furiooKs furiooKswe ore wa we One More 6 6te to ie te tt ty 1 third thirdI nil I seventy ev enty vards arda I jep Lasso ii to 1 iA aeeN taped Time 141 1 141PWO PWO a and A threesix threesixwoa tNnthc won Prank Prankogal Fr nk 1 regal 7 to 6 6e 6oS 6ii oS ii ru ISHA1ANW1 ISHA1ANW1Defeats S1 RBAN WINS WINSGOLF 1NS GOLF GOLFDefeats TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENTDefeats Defeats 0 Horstmann in inColumbia inCol inColumbia Columbia Col umbia Tourney TourneyCOMMISSIONER TourneyCOMMISSIONER TourneyCOMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER WEST VICTOR VICTORCapture VICTORCapt VICTORCaptured Capture Capt Mandicp 4icp Match Wltk 8 Qeed Qeedlist dXet dfet list fet Seer ti SbctyJMgmt SixtyEirletPoor SbctyJMgmtAll Sbtyi tPI Poor PI Plql PlqlAU Playing PlayingAll All UM pow tournaments tot ra nta of the fall fallseason WIMa80It fallseason season in Washington a have been won wonby wonlIy wonby by the under do dog and the Columbia ColumbiaCoif ColumWaColt ColumbiaColt Colt Club tourney which clotted yes yesterda 7 yesterday terday terda at Brightwood was no excep tion tionDr Dr Walter Harban Har of Columbia Colum Columclefeated defeated de feat Oden Horstmann Ho naqn of Chevy Chase In the final for the Club Cup Cu Cu1up by 1 1up up The Consolation Cua was won by If IfT HT 11T Harding of ColumMa uta IL Vho If beat beat Cr 1 OwaebrookTW CJlPeblook brook Chevy Chase by Sup iup 6up up and 1 to play pia piaB Danforth of Getumbia plum de defeated detested wteated tested Newbold of Qhev Obevy Cha Ch ChlIy thane thaneby by 1 up in If holes ho ea In the third sixteen sixteenCemiaeie Mxt MxtWi sixteenwigs Cemiaeie wigs Wi WiDIstrict wigsDistrict District Commissioner West of ofColumbia ofColuMbia ofColumbia Columbia won first prise for lowest lowestnet lOwtaet lowestnet net score in the handicap match with withtt witband withiR tt and Oden Horstmann of Chary Chase captured first prise pets for lowest lowestgross Jo lowest lowestgror taro gross aro score in this contest with TL 11 Mr MrWest West who had a handicap of 24 4 Yo went wentaround cot entalOW14 cotaround around in 92 strokes strokesW strokesW trokesW Carnegie of St Andrews ndrew who had next beat score of 7f In the bat handicap batp hsndtcap cap performed a feat that was never er before and probably never will again againbe aplnbe againbe be equaled on the Columbia course He Hemade IielAade Iistoads made the third hole bolebotde bogie 4 IIn in two twostrokes twotrok twostrokes strokes trok The distance between the tee teeand teeand teeand and tttt hole is 2 y8 8 yards arda Mr Car Carnegies Carnelde Carnegles negies nelde drive was 170 yards In ap approaching approachlDl proaching ing his ball balltanded landed 12 1 inches from fromthe fromT the hole feU almost dead and rolled in inThe iftTbe inbe The be principal match of the day that thatbetween thatbeTwem thatbetween between Dr Harban and Mr MrHorstmann MrHoratJaann MrHorstmann Horstmann was exciting because of its itscloseness ltitcI Itscloseness closeness cI but there its good points pointsended poInblead pointsended ended ead 4 The play was the worst ever evern everseen seen In a championship match in Wash Washigton W8hIIon Washington IIon igton Mr Horstmann could not drive driveand drivean and id put any too well and Dr Idartmncould Harban HarbanTactically HIubaJapracflcaUJ Tactically practicallywo could not put at alL The Thethat 11ae 11aei i two wo oppoeJte fault of the contestants eon1ntsenDed contestantsevened I enDed ue match tch and kept Ute thethat gallery galleryMatey that followed tta tbs play Interested InterestedMany InterecdJay In Many Jay Bad Drive DriveMr DtiY DtiYMr DtiverMr Mr Horstmt HontJlUonn nn madeeight made fight bad drives drivesand drlv drlval1d drivesand and was plairly plait ly disgusted With tit his lose 10Mof lostof jof of form Each time me the Chevy Chase Chaseman ctaa Chaseman eJDaQ man would miss his drive Dr DrD Harban lfarhanwould IlarMnwould Harbanwould would respond poncl with a poor put and ad the thetwo thetwo etwo two would compliment each other on ontheir ontheir ontheir their poor or work workThe workThe workThe The first hole was halved In four but butDr butDr butiban Dr Harbaa forged ahead bead at the secondwinning second secondwinning 4 winning it four to to1x six The third wa wavie wen was wascicQ vie cicQ versa en Mr Horstmann taking takinrstrokes lour lourrokH tourstrokes strokes rokH and Dr Dreven Harba six making DI it iteven iteven even up Mr Mrdrive Honatmann missed his hisdme hisdrive drive on the seeoud IMeOUd bole and drove into intothe IntQthe Intothe the trees on the third but extricated extricatedhimself extricatedIWaaelf extricatedhimself himself nicely Mr Horstmann drove drovcinto drov drovInto into the high grass going olne to No 4 but ut i Dr Harban missed an easy put andaUowed and andallowed aadaDow allowed aDow hi Ida opponent to halve halve it ItHarbans Dr DrHarbans DrBar Harbans Bar excellent excellent drive which hlch landed landedi asdedon ed edOD i on toe fair green ffn enabled him to win wini wbsthe winthe i the next hole ile le also won the sixth sixthwhen alxtkwhn sixthwhen when both made short drives and hi hiI his hiolopponent hisopponent I opponent missed an ordinarily a easy put Mr Hor Hortmann tmann won the seven seventh veftt Ja Jalost but butHorstmann butlost lost the eighth by a bad drive driveto doing to the ninth bole III Horstmann drove into the tall t1l grass ra and in extricating extricatingte extr himself drove into the grass on the he op rlM poslte te side of the course co but Dr Wal Iter ter drove into to the ditch in front nt the I bunker and after getting well out outmissed outI tautmissed missed I iae4 a aa easy easya put loata the he bole by bI byroe I a stroke Dr Harban wa roe one up pat at the turnComing turn turnComiaf turnCoaiaCI Coming CoaiaCI CoaiaCIMr IB IBMr InMr Mr Horstmann won the first holecoming hole holecoming coming 0 la by three to flour Dr Hartaan Harbsarimming Hartaanrtmminjr HarIaaarilamirur rimming the cup on No 10 No 11 was washalved wasbnived aa aaved halved bnived ved Both drove into the bank The twelfth and thirteenth holes were wr also aIeoved I halved ved but Mr Horstmann won the fourteenth by two strokes cr by superior superioriblng lAI rEhiD hang At the fifteenth hole both bothwould bothyer th thy EhiD yer would have put a beginner be DeI to toi toe toe Mr fr Horstmann as usual uaI sttlrt rt It with 3 i drive among amon the rocks Nebn Then each aeh made several bad outs Dut al though Dr Harban finished in bogie boPtwon and sadwon andwon won Another bad drive by Mr Horstmann Horst Homnft Horstmann mann nft at the sixteenth teth hole enabled Dr Harban to win it by to 5 This Thl put the Columbia golfer one up Dr Harban thr had the seventeenth enteenth enteentheneI ehtehed etneheder ehteheditcr eneI itcr er Mr Horstmann Horntma inn had made two badguts bad badnuts bad1MIta nuts but the doctor was there with his ae od fault and the hole was halved i 7 play Harban was one up with one hole holeplay hol holplay holeplay Afrer the drive Mr Horstmann bad an anebance May chance to halve the match but butoa butshoed shoed Koad on the approach Again ain Dr Har hans a bad bady approaching roachintr loomed up and the Chev Chevbut Chevy Chase man still un bad a chance but Dr Drand Huban rban laid him a halt stymie stymieand tymleond and the last bole wa halved balv tn tnstrokes i In six sixstrokes xatrolle8 strokes and Dr Harhsn Ifa aa had won by one oneup oneUQ oneup up upThe UQTJN upTLe The TJNTbetr Seers aoseesTheir SeersTheir Their scores IICOI follow followDr followDr followDr Dr Wa ft 11a 1 Ilartoa Iarbaa aa Out 44i 4 6 611 I l4 I 4 II 7 IB 4 0 I 6 6 I 5 Ctt CttF 588FOI1ontaaana 686F FOI1ontaaana Horstmann Out 4 I Ii 5 5 Jr Sftft4 I I 6 I 4 6 6 6 Ia IaDr 668Dr 8 8Dr Dr liarding Ilanll winner of the Consola Consolap tion Cup and Dr I Olasebrook his opponent did not hand in cards intheir in intheir intheir their match matchIn matchIn tela telaJ In the Special Prise for the third six sixteen adxtHn sixteen teen Messrs Me Datort Danforth the winner w1a er and Newbold railed to turn in cant CI CIC9mmlutolaer Commissioner West made his hi best bestof bstKO bestscope scope KO of the tournament going lIoln oin thecourse the thelining theCOUIIIe COUIIIe lit 8 strokes and eaally esily winning lining first prIM for lowest net score In the thehandicap thehaadAcap thehandicap handicap His hardlcap haTdtell of twentytour twentyfourgave twentytourpve twentytourgave gave him a net score qre of 0 08 08His fIBa His a card rd follow followO folio folioOat followsOat Oat 5 i i a I 4 6 6 In i 47Z565419 7 I 6 5 4 4Kvery tl 1 1Every Every 1 citisen should take an activeinterest active activelnteret activeI interest I in the pubtyc IN athletic field agita agitation agta agtaint lI1ta lI1tatMD tion A All Dr Grant says say Washing Washington Whlructen Washlneten ten should lead in such obviously neo neory nee neer neceasary easary ry Improvement instead in8te of hang han hanI hanlug I lug back In the rlaas of prairie tit titlsges vil vilNeed Uta ta taI lsges lsgestO I tO Football FootballNeeci Footbalij FootbalijNeed Need a second outfit Hun any anything an anUur artything thing Uur been torn lost or stolen stolenWe 5tolnWe stolenWe We can supply upply the right article at atthe atthe atthe the right price priceM priceM priceM A ATappan Tappan 61 6 Co 1339 FFULL FFULL FFULL FULL DRESS and andTUXEDO andTUXEDO TUXEDO SUITS SUITSFOR SUITSFOIt SUITStroIe I FOR HIRE HIRETEHHILLE7097ttStHW HIRETENNlllE HIE HIETENNILLEi TEHHILLE7097ttStHW TENNlllE 709 09 7 ilk Sf 1 W1r 1r Georgetown Defeated DefeatedHoly DefeatedHoly DefeatedHoly Holy Cross With Ease EaseWashington EaseWashington EaseWashington Washington Team Irresistible on Defense Defenseand Defenseand Defenseand and Offense OffenseMahono Mahone Star for Winners Winnersby Winnersby Winnersby by General Workan Work anrd a ld Sensational Run PHILADELPHIA PHlL DELPHIA Oct 28 aIn In the first ftNttoetbalt Aratfootball i ifootball football game ever played plalro between the thetwo thetwo thetwo two institution Georgetown triumphed triumphedover triuaapbedover triumphedover over Holy Cross this afternoon at Co Columbia eo1Dia Colambla lumbia Park by 17 to 4 4Two I 1Two Two touchdowns and a goal a in the thefirst theANt theAret first half and a a touchdown and Del a aIn goal goalin pealin in the second represented the Blue and andGrays andGrays Grays Gray points while whll Holy Hol Cross ero eroobIt was wasobliged wasobliged obIt obliged to be content with a goal from fromthe rrc rrcthe frontthe the field in the second coa4 half which Reid IteldcoNd Reidscored Reidscored scored from the Uyard yld line after a aHoly aRot aholy Holy Rot Cross player had recovered a fum fumble fumble fumble ble bleGame bleGame bleGame Game Interesting iBterestiagAlthough IBtertta IBterttaAltlaoulrh InterestingAlthough Although Holy Hot Crows Cro was 8 outclassed outclassedIn In Hearty It every respect the game never neverlagged neverlagged lagged 1 but was interesting tntenl from troIato root begja begjaning ba nnlng ning to end 4 A crowd of about five fivethousand ayethou Avethousand thousand thou mostly supporters of either eitherof eIaheIof etherof of the teams assembled mbled for the contest contestA coateetcJeleptIoIl A delegation of about two hundred hundredGeorgetown hundredQeoraetown hundredGeorgetown Georgetown undergraduates made the thetrh thetrtp thetrip trh trip up from Washington to cheer their theirfavorites tlMlrraTorit theirfavorites favorites raTorit They established a cheering cheeringsection chee cheeIleCt cheeringsection section IleCt OR In the the east stand and supported supportedtheir supportedtheir upportedtheir their team royally In the second econd half halfwhen halfwh halfwhen when wh victory seemed aee assured red the vie visitors va vaitonl vieItem Item sang to their hearts content and andcheered andeheere4 andcheered cheered the coaches and the players playersHoly piaYenHol playersHoly Holy Hol Cross had few students atu4en at the thegame thegaJIte thegame game so their team wa was not as well welllooked wdllooked welllooked looked after from the rooters stand standpoint standpoint taAd taAdpolat point as 8 wa W8 that of uetr Heir opponent opponentFive oppoaenuFlve opponentsFive Five hundred Pennsylvania PeaDa7lva ala men turned turnedout turn turnedout lout out to watch the return 8 of the Penn PennsylvaniaHarvard PWIUylvaniaHarvard PennsylvaniaHarvard sylvaniaHarvard gans pea to and whenever wheneverthe wheneverthe wheneverthe the Quakers made ground against the theCrimson theCrtnulOn theCrimson Crimson the park resounded with the thecheers uecheen thecheers cheers of the happy Quaker student studentGoe atu4enGootl studentsGood Good Goe AH Around AtwuM1An AnuiAn AroundAn An rrealtibie attack against which whichthe whichthe whichthe the Hue men of Holy Cross ero were helD heloles helDleM heroless les less together with a defense del which kept kepther kepther kepther her rivals from making any an extended extendedgain extendedUuo extendedpins gain through Uuo cll the line gave George aeoraetown Georgetown town a victory in the moat coveted covetedgame covetedgame veted vetedIrMe game on her schedule The whole team teamplayed teamplayed teamplayed played well I together There was little littlestar littletar littlestar star tar work done by any members of the theBlue theBlue theBlue Blue and Gray aggregation but what whatever whatever hat hatever ever special credit should be given vtn isdue is isdue due Captain Ca Mahoney In carrying theball the theball theball ball he was one of the most reliable nn nnoa sign signon oa the team while hi bin long 1011 run for a atouchdown atouchdown i itoue touchdown toue in the second half was wa the themost tMmoat themost most spectacular work ork done by any anyplayer anyee I Iplaper player playerThe ee eePhe I The ball was 8 on Georgetown 50yard 50yardline 0yardline 1 1hoMY line third tld down Ave yard to gain Ma Mahoney Mahoney honey was brought over on the tackle tackleback tacklel tackleback back Ick foinrtlon fomt Uoo for a plunge through left I lefttackle efttackle tt tttaclde tackle He got through tbJou 1 a bole between betweenguard betweenguard ween weennard guard and ad tackle and pulling himself himselfloose bltluelt100M himselfloose loose from the opposing oahaa forwards forwardssprinted forwardsted forwardssprinted sprinted ted up the field McMaaua lIIdlCaptatn lIIdlCaptatnLarkiD Captain CptainLarkln CaptainLarfcin Larfcin anti three other Holy Cre ts tsplayers raplay seaplayers players play jumped for the Georgetown load loader loadtr loader er but he succeeded in escaping and andstaggering aadtqprtnc andstaggering staggering across the goal line planted plantedthe pLwtedtile plantedthe the oval directly behind the i hits Uc Ucwas UWU fitwas was so fagged out by this tfous 1ntbat 1ntbatPr that thatDr thatDr Dr Reilly Rem deemed it advJsabW adv vJaa zabi to take takehtm tUeim takehim him im out He wa was Purled rried off the th lirtd lirtdprotesting 2ndprotesting MI MIproteatlnc protesting against aiD his removal and andMonahan aDdMonahan andMonahan Monahan was substituted This Tbi was the thecnly thecoy coy 017 change in th tbbu university Ueup UeupYaifbndig Ut 11 11KaIfbadta up upGeorgetowns KaIfbadta Yaifbndig 1J1dnut 1J1dnutOeor UtdttutGeorgetowns Georgetowns Oeor towns haltbsttsHart halfbacks haJfba aHart Hart and andLarkin aa aaLartdQtbe andLarkinthe Larkin LartdQtbe the two men who it waft feared fearedwould fearedwould Irei1 Irei1would would net be able to go through the thewhole thewhole thewhole whole game survived and played well wellboth wellboth Uboth both on the offensive eamve and defensive deeatrMeOettigan dele deleMeOett defensiveMcGettigan MeOettigan MeOett wa was given a tree hand handin u4in bandin in the running of the team and hi higeneralship his 1aJageneJ1Lla hisgeneralship generalship geneJ1Lla was UI exeeMsst He varied variedhis var variedhis e4 his 111 attack so that the Us necessary neceaaa dis distance diataDee dlstastee tance wa was nearly always al forthcoming fort fortand forthceiugand forthcomingand and seemed cd to know just what man to tocall toeal1 tocan call open for eaeh play ilia Marten MarteRpla was wasplayed wsaplayed played pla on end whoa Holy Cress bad badthe ba4Ute hadthe the ball and only onee ODe oacg WIN wa a asmetaa aa lal gain aln made by way of his hi wing wingThat wIItat wingThat That wa was when Captain Larkin on a atrick atrick atrick trick drvw do the Georgetown team tea to one oneaide oneaI oneside aide aI and then took the ball around aroundright arouedrlwbt aroundright right end pfd by 1 himself Marten wa was runwith run runwKh IQftwith with the ball oftener than in any aD other othergame otbertbi8 othergame game this season and usually ualb gained necJ a ayard ayard ayard yard or more McCarthy and net Fitapat Fitapatrick Jrlupatrick Fitapatrict rick the th latter a freshman tr both did didgood didgood J4 J4pol good work at the tlteCatnll eass eassCarreil ends endsCarroll Carroll Geld Pt PtCarroll Pastor PastorCarroll tr trCarroll Carroll more ore than held hi I his a own In his hispunting hpunUq hispunting punting duel duels with Larkin aDd was wasmost waaJII08t wasmost most effective when advancing the ban ballfrom banfrom banfrom from his position in the line or from fromthe fromthe the tackleback formation The center centertrio centertrio centertrio trio Ovine Ona Given Glv Given and Neal presented presenteda ntecl ntecla a strong front through which hlch the Wor Worceeterite Worfew Worcesterites cesterites ceeterite made few gain oa Given ex exeeUed exhIa excelled celled his partners and so BOO1Itplaed oesapletety ceetpletelyoutplayed oesapletetyoutplayed outplayed Carrigan hi his opponent that thatIt thatIt thatit It was always alwa a serious now question qu when whenthe wllntlte whenthe the Purple wa was on the offensive wheth whether er Captain Larku would receive the ball ballsafely ballaty ballsafely safely enough to get It to his backs backswithout bacJulWIthout backswithout without a fumble fumbleCaptain fumbleCaptain fumblefoe Captain Larkin played the best game gameoe fo foe oe his team tea He made three pretty prettybig prett prettruaa runs tackled wen and was very ate8d st ta holding the ball for Reid Relda goal 1fben beer beere the Blue and Ora Gray forwards were rush rushthrough big in through to block the kick Mc McMssits Maaus Mssits ais and ReId also did good work wo buttbecause but because of the fierce taeUhur taeldla taskl trap of Hart and Larkin were unable to make makeany Jllakeof makeany any of the long runs for which they theyare the thear theyare are ar famous famousClean famouaau famouscwt Clean Contest ContestThe CeateIItTIte ContestThe The game ame wa was hard fought from the thebegiaaing thelIut thebeginning beginning but was aaasnsBy clean It Ithad Itbeen Itbad had been noised about the city elt that thatboth ttI thatboth both I otb team would go in for roughing It Itbut Itbut Itbut but there were no evidences of any anyslugging anyslugging slugging 1 Mike Bennett Peons JIemt fa famonc famoue a astone moue fullback was appointed appolate4Ii head headlimsmao headlinesman linesman Ii with the power po to disqualify disqualifythe disqualifythe utJ utJthe the first man who attempted to rough roughI roUChan roughan I an opponent but not once was he heoMfged beo heolPiged oMfged to call down any of the players playersbecause playenMcaJlle playersbecause because of unfair tactics tacticsHOT tacticsHoly cUcs HOT Holy Cross won the too toes and andGeorgetown pn pnGeoJoDtown gaveown Georgetown own the kickoff kickoffthe Reid reeelYecl reeelYeclthe the hall 1 on the iyaftl yard line and run it ItIn itIn in fifteen ttf yard Holy Cross tried triedGeorgetowns tJ1ecJGeorptown triedGeorgetowns Georgetowns line without gain Reid ReidI Rei4punted Reidpunted I punted fortyfive yards yard to Larkin who whowas whowas bo boWa was Wa downed by Campbell CaDpIM ll with a five fiveyard tlveId riveyard yard Id gain Georgetown then pounded poundedthe poun4e4the poundedthe the Worcester WO cester tackles taCld The ball was wascarried wurrieCI wascarried carried rrieCI down the field to the Idyard 16yardline Idyardline line where there was a short bort stand tand by I 7 i Holy Cross Croebut but Martell and Carroll Carrollgetbene to together tea teaether getbene getbeneb gether ether pushed the oval along 10 to toyew the theyard 5 5yaM yard line Mahoney KaboDeynht Mahoneyo plowed through throughright throughright right tackle for a touchdown He Helucked Sld Hekicked lucked ld ked goal Score tofa to A ALimeTe etion L1Iio LimeTe fa To ToCarrigan fires firesCarrUcan tion CarrUcan ran back the kickoff ten tenyards ten tenyards te teyar4 yards Georgetown line lineroved men IBeDroved again againproved proved roved MM tclt strong and ad after an three threedown tJaree4oWDli threedowns downs down add 14 panted DfD forty yards The Theball TIMbaU ball railed outnide With Wlt the tar tarand taekJQand and bank carrying the baa the BIu BIuand Blue Bluea4 and Gray again galloped through ttuopposing th thoppGaiJt opposing guards and tackles to Holy HolyCram Holyero HolyCrum Cram ero 14yard yard line Larkin circled right rightPOO riPtfD righend POO fD for to twenty yards yar and with the he ball ballon ball1ft ballon on 1ft the Syard yard line tliahoney Mahoney ahoney again nr1ed car carried caroled ried It over Score Georgetown Oeorpto UHot 11Holy uHoIl Holy Hot Cross Cr 0 There was no more ore sour soorins BCOIIn sourthe lug ins in the firvt period periodihortly periodIaortly Shortly Iaortly after the kick kickoff in the thehalf second aseosdhalf secondhalf half the Blue and Gray fumbled and andHoly aadHoly ad adHoly Holy Crow recovered on the Myard yard line lineThen 1Iaethe lineTblsn Then Tblsn the Worcester men gained ten tenyards tenyan tanyards yards yan on three downs dOWlUlG Georgetown made madea a grand grand rally Reid fell back to the 16 16varri 36rxrtl varri f1a line Un and kicked a goal from tro place placement placeent placement ment ent Score 11 to 4t 4 4VatimeJy fY1IItiIMI7 VatimeJy FmAte FmAteAfter Pw PwAfter wsrlis wsrlisAfter After Georgetown oeoo received the kick kickoff 1dckoff kickoff off the ball was slowly worked from fromthe troIDtlae fromthe the 10yard Uae to within fifteen yard yardsof yardof yof of ofc oftJK the tJK Holy HoI Cross goal oal when there theretbe was wasaa wasere aa untimely fumble and the Washing Washingtosdana Washlngtonians Waaltln WaaltlntoDJana tonians lost oat the ball under er the shadow shadowof shadowoft h40wat of tie goal tai I Una UnaThe utIMa Ilneljboe The bar wss wa the these worked werksdback back toward towardthe towardbe towardthe the be center of the field After three threeawaas tkrecea threeCopt awaas Captain ea Copt Mahanry made his pret tv pees get full value al Itle Itley ue hare oar oarPenney rmeney Penney buck on demand demandA 4enlalldA demandWINTER A SWELL SWELLWINTER SWELLWINTER WINTER SUIT SUITIn In the he new solid brawn brGwnand brawnand bn11and and nobby mixeJ mixeJfab fab fabksourhl febics ics ou ought ili to tobring tobrinC20special tobran bring brinC20special bran 20 special at 1500 ty run of sixty xt yard for the third andlast and andlast andat last at touchdown Carroll kicked Jdc goal goalIn goalla goalIn In the the last two minutes taut of play geld KeMtried geldtriet1 ltried tried for or a coal 1 from the 6yard yard line linebut lIMbut linebut but it fell snort and after It had been beenrun beenMID beenrun run runbath back the was called call with the theline thEball theon ball runi i Oft HoI Holy cro Cross Nyard rd line lineTa HneTiM lineTits TiM Ta LineUp LiaeTIpOrme Lbae LineUpGeorgetown tJp Georgetown Ptlse HoIyCrou HoIyCroun Holy Cross CrossL tJpn I ODonaell ODonnelltem CoanonI ConnorsC Orme 0 tem McCarthy Green GIv pst OMHar Callahan CallahanNettl IllahanNI nNeal Neal JL ODonnell ODonnellONeill CYDoDoeUONeUI ODonnelloNeUI ONeill ONeillMaloney ONeUIt oNeUI oNeUIMaloneyRrCarney Maloney MaloneyRrCarney Jt 1 Carney Carneyb CameyNauptO NauptO Naughtonla McCarthy It ECampbeli ECampbeli1otlet Campbefi CampbefiMoOetUpaa Campbell CampbellMoCJet MoOetUpaa MoCJet QB Larkin LarkloBLarlda7 LarkinB LarkinB BLarlda7 1awtdA LarkinL LTk Reid RecdHart ReidHart Hart KJilBCarrlgan BCarn Ford FordKartell FordMartell FordHastell Kartell HcManus HcManusTouchdowns Manua cManusom ManuaIouebclowrwMaIoDe Touchdowns IouebclowrwMaIoDe Maloney Goals Goal from fromtouchdowns tJomtouehcJownaIoa fronttouchdownsMaloney om touchdownsMaloney touchdowns touehcJownaIoa sfshxirj 1 Carroll 1 Goal Goalfrom Goalf Goalfrom from PMBald field Beta 1 Referee Jte RefereeC TGermantown Kc KcCaItJ cQermsatown CaItJ Germantown enqaatown Umpire tmpiree UmpirFred UmpirFred8teItIe Fred FredL 8teItIe Pennsylvania vaaIa Tinier and lines linesen lineamaaDeJlDftt linenmanKenn maaDeJlDftt manKenn tt PenuYlYallla Assistant Assistantlinesmen taDt taDtUnNlDenBojIe UnNlDenBojIe linesmen en Boyle and andI lioaaJaan If Time ot othalveea ofhalvesN oreGeorget0 I halves halveea If minute tee Score 8eoreOeoetOWD Georgetown 17 Holy Cross CramBack 4 4Back 4Back Back in I O7 when wIa Bill Baasamer was wason wuon wason on the Toledo team he was struck over overthe overlhe overthe the ear the ftVst 6nt time up in a game me with withNewcastle withNewcastle i Newcastle As Bill had swung 108 on the theball 1 1ball theball ball the Toledo players yen came to the con conelusion concluaion coteselusion elusion that Roaring William had not notbeen notbeen notbeen been to bed the ntgttt ht previous After AfterHasssmer AfterP AfterHas Hasssmer Has srer recovered nd bAa equilibrium equlUl rtu a Bob BobQilks BobGUb BobGUks Qilks remarked rtted that the opposing pitch pitchers pltche pitchers ers inshoot most 1IM have been very de deceptive dee decepttve ceptive cepttve cepttvegrowled uDee Deceptive Uve is no name for forit torIt forIt it growled growledDeceptive BB1 When that pitcher pitcherlet pUcherlet pitcherlet let his arm 11II go I saw two ball balls coming comingI I hit at one and D4 the tit other hit me in the theWatfords tbebeacL thebead bead beacLI bead4e 4e I Watfords a ar JsW Two Stores StoresI I 1 1Why 1 I WhYbl Why Not ot Buy a tGood Good Razor RazorI I 1 I Wosteaholm 1 I make Xi half concave concavet 125 125I 1 iZ3 2 5 i iI I I I or Wosteaholm Mlteahobn 3 350 5 CA CAper 0 ODU ODUThe I per perMtr pair tall etmtsave etmtsaveThe esses veTIae ve 11 11I The Jubilee Bator Basorwarraatod Batorwarraated warraatod and bees hoasi for s250 0 5 0 A Aoae one year yearT A OU OUThe The New Odette atte it Safety ty 7 Razors Razorsrt ors ti IS blades never went hon 500 A TThe fI i I atg I It tThe The Star and Gem Safety Razors RazorsFine RazorsFine i it Fine 8bavm Shaving Brushes Bmshe35c 1 1t 1 35c SOc Oc and 60c 60cSUOP i it I It SUOP 25C 50 75C 75CKnives 75 75cKnives ti i Knives and caving Seta Bet8I Sets1Bads 1 1SBlado SBlado 1 Peeket tedkwt Knives KnivesZ7c Xarre2Sc tt I 2Sc and SOC I Iaad I Is 1 aad aloe4BladeKnives i Bw4e Knives 7 SC SCCarvias 5 5I I I It I Camq Sete SeteCawing 1 150 1 5 dt 2i 2 2Ii Ii i Cawing Sets lit graat variety varietyTabte varietyTablt tJ Tabte Ta Knives tram a per set setCameras setl seti 1 1 I PMtccrahic his boos boosCameras 7 fea 11 Cameras ea from rest tt to MB that will wfllertainly willthe i iesralnly ertainly plnas ease the thec want of every everypurchaser everypurchaser i purchaser Instruction free trePIIeto treee treePhoto 1 1Photo I Photo PIIeto50CtoS200 Aih Aasutrs ms 50 50CtoS200 toS200 toS200incl I IlBass j0IMit incl c0C I II 0IMit 1 no 1 pag ng Trays iw iw50C I 50C 50C65eand 5 0 0C ft fkiptis 65eand 6 65tand75c 65tand75cs 5c anti 75C 7 5c I IQC It i QC QC6C 9C 9Ct ci CaI4 ar8 Metrtnta gExsli dGRD 6C 6CAgent 6C1 1 PrintingPraaes Prtnu Yr lliidlE ash euItt ashAgent Agent for BUJtRfTirW BURBC POOL and aadBITJJ4Hi andi i BITJJ4Hi BfTTI kft TAJiUBaV T4BIdNLGUN TAJiUBaVQUN ft GUN GUNCABI CABTrrKTK CABTrrKTKH575 CASIIT TB TBilb75 1 1I H575 BICYCLE BICYCLJB8WoSfnrHo tT tr I WoSfnrHo HS tMi Dl625 625 626Pe I WalTord WaiTOIO PI AW i ia a Posner Sells Sellsoes 350 Shoes oes for or or25O 250 250And And Guarantees Them ThemYou ThemYou ThemYou You would never pay pa 350 for fora a pair of shoes again if you knew knewwhat knewwhat knewwhat what good goodshoes shoes we sell at 250 250The 230The 250The The equal in quality 1ity style lit litand fitand litand and comfort to the best 350 350you shoe shoeyou shoeyou you ever wore Highcut shoes shoeslowcut shoeslowcut shoeslowtilt lowcut winter shoes and 10inchstorm 10inch 10inchstorm 10inchstorm storm boots fift fifty stylish shapes shapesfor shapesfor shapesfor for selection and every leather leatherthats leatherttits leatherthat thats that fashionable and bear in inmind inmind inmind mind that if any Pat pair of these these25O 250 shoes does not prove abso absolutely absolutely absolutely lutely satisfactory you ou are to tobring tobring tobring bring them back and a get another anotherpair anotherpair anotherpair pair tree Thats our guarantee We not only oral ask you to compare this with ills 1e best 515 i 15 5 Suits you find elsewhere but butwe butwe butwe we go further up upand and ask you to put it against the best 20 Suits ever built There is no noquestion noquestion noquestion question but that we are saving you all of 5 in this transaction The fabrics have qualityand quality and stamina staminagood good enough eno gb to wear two seasons with reason reasonable able care Rich solid browns brownsand blacks and fancy effects The style is the new singlebreasted sin breasted squarefrout uarefront Ioacut ut sack sackand sackand and double breasted sack and no tailor could give you better tit or better style at double the theprice theprice theprice price a A lot of 25c Skis Suspenders SuspendersOdd end endOdd 17c 17c29c 17cGdel Odd sizes sizes in 50c Fancy erne Neglige lee Shirts Shirts50o Shirts290 Shia is 29c 29c39c 2 9c 9c50c I 50o Fleecelined Underwear TTnder err 39c 390I 250 Hats all the good ood Shapes ShapesS200 ShapesS200HATS Sher pHATS es 200 200HATS I HATS HATSSHOES HATSSHOES 923 923ON 923FURNISHINGS7 SHOES SHOESFURNISHINGS D1CTEDC n2 rSHINGS POSNERS FURNISHINGS FURNISHINGSCLOTHING J43I L11V AL ON THECLOTHING THE THEAVENUE CLOTHING I AVENUE AVENUEf PhysiciansRunabout Physicians JRunabout Runabout RunaboutDoctors Doctors are always looking lcokinCfor Icokingfa lookingfor for improved and more rapid rapidmeans rapidmeans rapidmans means of tnnsportation A Aphysician AI Aphysirian I physician must have a machine mac6lnethat machinethat macbinethat that will go every day and in intil inall intll all kinds of weather It must mustbe mustbe mustbe be more economical than the thehorsedriven theborsedriven trhorsedriven horsedriven vehicle veldeleAll vehicleAtt veIJeAD All the raq reqairan requirements reinents ds of the 1stPhYsician thephysidan thephysician physician are more than met in inthe inthe 6nthe the EC ECStation Station Wagon WagonA A New Member of oftM the tY Pep PepWaverly pWaverly Pigs Pigs4Vavarly Waverly Family FamilyThe PaByThe PawcsyThe The name Station Wagon Wagongives Wapgives on ongiver gives little hurt of the theappearance degfnt degfntappearance I jappearance appearance and superb a aments app appoint appointmeets lDt lDtments ments of this magnifkeat rt ve vehicle vehide vehidt hide hicleThe The deep plate glass the rich richupholstery richupholstery richupholstery upholstery and the superb finish finishof finishof fmis6of of this electric wagon make it itdesirable Itdesirable Itdesaable desirable in i every way for gen gooeral general general eral family use usePrice usePrice usePrice Price 2000 2000POPE 2U04PIPE 2000POPE POPE MF MFG COwhingto coW CO COWashington Washington ui agtoa Bnuufe Bnuufei i 81719 817 19 14th Street I 1 A SftntrRift SWlUtr R1tI S1 S1ciat 1 1 1f ciat as In I nAny 11 11Any I Any old tooseflowug garment tI is iscaled grslfcsd rslfcsd a raincoat natDco raincoatbed hot the t1ae1MDt rein cent eoatyoa centye yoa watttIs want i the kind we wecoat havetits havetitsBoat have the theoaat I coat thats eat right and looks looksstylish I lootstylish oka okakyUahand stylish kyUahand and swagger 15 to ft III IIIthe i I for forthe ferthe the 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