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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 8

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a ag ir 8 THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JANUARY 21 2U 2 1U07 19U 19UBOWLING 1901BOWLING BOWLING RACING GOLF BOXING A ATHLETICS I MANAGER EXPLAINS EXPLAINSGEORGETOWN EXPLAINSGEOIIGETOINACTION GEORGETOWN GEOIIGETOINACTION GEOIIGETOINACTIONRelay ACTION ACTIONRelay Relay Team Not in Condi Condition Condition Conchtion tion to Run Against Johns JohnsHopkins JohnsH9pkins JohnsHopkins Hopkins H9pkins at Richmond RichmondBASKETBALL Ri RichmondBASKETBALL hmond hmondBASKETBALL BASKETBALL DATE CHANGED CHANGEDv CHANGEDGeorge 1 1George i George Ge01 Washington Will Be Played PlayedFebruary PlayedFebruary PlayedFebruary February 16 Instead of February Februarya February2Three February2Three a 2Three Three Baseball Tripealanaet Tripe TripeManager TripiI1HIHN Manager I1HIHN Bdward xtwa Crummey Cru Crummyf of the theGeorgetown theGeorwetown theGeorgetown Georgetown University lt track team RI last lastnlgtit laIttnIght set setnight nIght explained why lIl lie Ie refused to place placehis pIaoehi pacehis hi his team against John Job Hopkins in the themeet tbemeet themeet meet at Richmond last oat Saturday night nightWe aillbLWe nishLdVe We had everything to gain ga and noth notbing nothing Jt th th1ng ing Ie lose Jo MId Manager Ma Crammey Crummeyand Crammeyand CrulRM8Yand and I dont see why anyone should shouldcensure eIIOUIdcensure ihouklcenUN censure our action The Georgetown Georgetowtrteam Georgetownteam OSetatWtlteam team has only onl been out a little over a aweek aweek aweek week now and was In 11 no condition at atall atall atalt all to raee raoa again a inst a team of Jehus Hop Hopkin JI8fkina IIepktna kina kin eaUbre eaHb Hbre We were a Nee North NorthCarolina NOItkaroU NorthCareUna Carolina aroU and ad when that tell through I Ithought Ithou Ithought thought thou ht that wa was all 11 there was ta it IL I Ihad Ihad Ihad had fully tulI decided to enter t8l my 1 men In Inthe lRthe nthe the individiial events evaSatisfied only onlySatisfied oalySatisfied Satisfied With Shewing ShewingIt It seem though that Dr ReWy had hadbilled hA4lbilled hadbilled billed our quartet aa one of the feature featureof featuraaof tw twof of the evening eveal and when wh he saw we wewere wewere were unwilling unwtlU to compete agalnet alJ ft8t the theBaltimore tbeaIUmore theBaltimore Baltimore aggregation tlon he imbetitutad imbetitutadRichmond pabatitetadRtcbmonf tit titRlchmonft Richmond College 1 did not know that that3eorge that3eorge at at3rorce 3eorge Washington counted cm that thatr thatrae rae te I raeI teI I am IA satisfied tladed with tb the showing IIhowIa ocr ocrteam eurteam I Itfam team made conaidering COIUIldertn how it Itrippled was waacrippled wascrippled crippled Sullivan and Devtne were not notIn notIn I In condition to run and will moet likely likelynot tkelytrot not compete co until the middle of Petoru Petoruary Psbruary ary Miller waa troubled with a badleg bad hadleg leg 1 but ran a good race nevertheless neverthelessWill neveetkeeiaWill eotertheleNWill Will Eater Ferdbam Meet MeetIt MeetIt It Is more than likely that some of ofthe ofthe ofthe I the Georgetown Oe rptown men will be seen in ac action soon e1Ion tion on at BaHtnwo Ba tttIIIM8 next Saturday nightIn night nightIn In the Fifth Regiment MeDt games March MarchS 1trehthe Marchthe I the ertttre team tea will go to the Ford Kordham Por Porham Fordham ham meet la Maiitoon adtllon Square Garden GardenAll GanleftAll GardenAll All hope of vending a team tea to the Hoe ton A A meet has ha been abandoned oed by Manager Crummey The be met melt would wouldmiss wouldmlB woukmien miss toe many claaeea citaeaAccording claaeeaAccording cAcrordtng According to late latent at developments Georgetown may send representative eII tattVell to the Pennsylvania relay carnival ta April New Basketball Date DateThe DattaThe DatesThe The date of the ant Oeorgetown tleorgMowaGeorge OeorgetownGeorge OeoIptowRGeorge George Washington Wuhl basketball game has hasbeen hasbeen beebeen been changed from February JI Druary 2 to toPeb toPebrURry February Feb February ruary 1C 1CThe 1 1The ILThe The University U1 venity of Virginia VI1 basketball basketballteam baaketballteam IMaJrettJaUteam team cornea to Washington Wuhlll on February 7 for three days My playtnr playtnrington pia a Week ington that night and andruary 04I0r Fit Fitmar Feb February ruary mar fl in the Washl WashlBaseball Light 111 tantry hall tleorgetowa eft erpteets to a go goto to CharlettNYII for a return game March 1t 1tBasebail IL ILBaseball Baseball Schedule Shift ShiftManager ShiftManager ShiftManager Manager McLaughlin of the baseball baseballteam baMbUteam baseballteam team baa completed arranges arrangeweta rra Mta I for a agame agame game with Fordham in New York city eityMay May lay 30 Georgetown waa scheduled to tomeet tolTleet tomeet meet George Geor Washington in Washington Waehingtoncm cm that date dat This insures Georgetown Georgetownthree Oecwgetownthrte Georgetownthree three baseball trips next xt spring springHoly springHolyTOSS Holy Holyrose rose Virginia and Fordham with the thepossibility thepossibility possibility SSlbiUty of a journey joume to Jamestown Exposition The Fordham game me willmost will willmost most likely close Georgetown twn twnunlellll season seasonunless aesonunless unless Notre Dame conies forward with withan withto an to earlier date than June 8 So which was wasproposed weeproposed proposed a week ago 0 by the Western Westernschool Weaternschool Westernsrhttot school schoolWALLACH schoolWALLACH srhttotWALLACH WALLACH SCHOOL TEAM TEAMDEFEATED TEAMDEFEATED TEAMDEFEATED DEFEATED BY YANKEES YANKEESThe The Yankee basketball team of the theYoung theYoung theYoung Young Mens Christian Association Associationboys AuoeIaUonboya Associationboys boys department defeated the team teamrepreeentlag teamrepreMfttlar teamrepreentlag repreeentlag the Waliach School in the theformers theformer theformera formers gymnacium maadum yesterday aHay by 17 to 4 in an IU interesting and 1Id well played playedgame playedgame playedgame game The basket shooting Uftg of Hiidreth Hiidrethand Hildrethand Htldrethand and Pattern were the features The Thelineup Thelineup lineupYankees lineup lineupYankees lineupyaBk Yankees yaBk Positions Wallaeh aJlAch Furma FurmageR Furmage 1 Ahern AhernL AM Lee I Haynie Haynie Hiidreth Center Newham14eteelit Xewham XewhamYankees Wttsel 14eteelit i Vareda Mattern Matter Vogeleon VogeleonField YeaonField NF Field Htdvetth goals Knrmage 1 I Jege egge I Wetsel 2 Metttern MettternHaynie 4 Hiidreth I Wetsel Mattern SJiaynie Jiaynie Haynie 1 Free tosses tossesWetsel Wetsel a 1 1Ahfrn 1Ahern Ah Ahfrn rn ReerMr Referee Mr Furmage FurmageScorer Jiuflfta Furm ge geScorerMr Scorer ScorerMr orer1Ir Mr Loehl Tlm Time of halv halvminutes halvlS halveISminutes minutes LOWE GETS A DRAW DRAWWITH DRAWWITH WITH BILLY RYANWILXESBARRE RYANWILKESBARRE W1LKRSBARRE Pa Jan a STom STommy 21Tommy Tom Tommy my Lowe of Washington and andBilly andBlUy andBilly Billy Ryan of Syracuse fought a fast fastsix tutsix feetsix six rounds to a draw last night before beforethe beforethe the Feerleee Pewle Athletic Club They met metat metat at catch weights with Ith Ryan the heavier heavierand heavierand heavierand and were In fine condition conditionFor renditionFor For the th Ant three rounds Ryan bad badthe the best of it ate la oUvemaos ca enabling enablinghim enablln enabllnhim enablinghim him to toatncl stand off his harder hitting op opponent opTJonent opponent ponent but in the last three rounds roundsLowe Lowe got to him frequently and punched him considerably considerablylie OINIIderablylie lie came ea back strong however sal anilthe aRdtin salthe the last round was the he fastest of the thesix theIlx thesix six each ach man lighting hU hard and doing doingexecution dolnlE execution executionBoth executionBoth fU tion tionBoth Both were en their feet and able te tetravel tetfluel travel some IIOf distance at the finish nnlshPREPARING finlahPREPARING finishPREPARING PREPARING TO HONOR HONORARCHBISHOP HONORARCHBISHOP HONORARCHBISHOP ARCHBISHOP IRELAND IRELANDCINCINNATI IRELANDINCINNATI IRELANDINCIANATI CINCINNATI Ohio Jan 2 3A A ban banquet MnQuet banquct quet in honor of Archbishop Ireland of ofSt otSt oftit St Paul wilt be given by the Knights Knightsof of St John on Wednesday Wed evening eveningJanuary evean eveanf eveaingJanuary January aaThe when th the lJiW lJiWr archbishop wilt wilteptlon wiltvi fet vi tt CIdnnU to attend the grand re ren eptlon Ion to ConunanderntChief It Bitr BHrwn BUrown Hrwn itr awnr of the Grand Army Arm ot the He Hepublic HelubUc Requbltc public qubltcTHE publicTHE 0 0t THE BEST OF FOODS FOODSARE FOODSARE FOODSARE ARE SERVED HERE HEREWE HEREWE HEREWE WE SERVE THE 1ESTALA BEST A LA CARTE MEALS MEALSj MEALSBfg MEALSROILED ROILED Bfg nr LOE5TEESLOBSTEIC 3UOESTEB3 scmCX1Uf XOBSTZR SATtT 8ALWSCIr2CXEN 3 3CltlCKEW CltlCKEW SATaADS SATaADSCLTLB 8 AS ADS ADST ADSCLJm CUJTB SANDWICHES SANDWICHESLND SAHUWICHES SJUlDWICRDSUfD AJID STEAMSD OYSTERS OYSTEKSf OYSTERSfJLLAGHANS 09TEx8C CAILAGHANS 7th and andU I sa 5t5 1 1II II AUTO AUTO SHOW INSTRUCTIVE INSTRUCTIVEIN IN MATTER OF DETAIL DETAILFew DETAILChanges Few Radical Changes in Construction But Many Im Improvements Imin provements provementsAUTO in Comfort and Serviceableness Serviceablenesscx Serviceablenesscxhibits Ex Exhibits hibits Well Arranged ArrangedAMONG ArrangedAMONG Arrangedi ArrangedAMONG i AMONG THE EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORSPope Pope Autoraollle utomo4iJ Company of Washington nine modalt Pope TopeToledo PopeTolto PopeToledo Toledo PopeHartford Pupe llartford PopoTrllmne Pope PopoWaverly Vaverly LocomobllftCommercial JocomobUgConuoerclRl Locomobllft LocomobtjCommercial Commercial Auto and Supply Company four models 1Vuynq11asldngton Wuyno WuynoWashington WunuWahin Washington Wahin ton Electric Vehicle and Transportation Company Compu 1 six alxmodels tx txinooel models Columbia a aThe gasolene and eloctrk electrkThe eloctrkThe The Cook Stoddard Company twelve module Piarao Arrow ArrowFranklin ArrowFranklin rrow rrowPl8Bkltn Franklin White Cadillac Bakor BakorMotor n8kor n8korMotor llxkorMotor Motor Car Company four models Paarlaw leorl Thomas Stevens StovansDuryea StQonlDuryC8 StevensDuryos Duryea DuryeaNational DuryC8XaUonal DuryosNational National Automobile Company Baiok Studulmker Studubuk anti OldHmo OldHmobile Ol Oldemobile llmo llmobile bile models mod l8 delayed in transit transitDupont tra86ltDupont transitDupont Dupont Garage Gara Company two modote Waltham Oriqnt OriqntGeorge OriQntOeorco Orient OrientOcorge George Sacks tea two models Rambler RambhrAuto I IAuto IAuto Auto Supply mud IUN Storage St ra 8 Company two two modals InUdQIs Hol Holman HolmanLogaR HousmanLogea man manLogan Logan LoganCharluc LogaRClutrllt5 LogeaCharles Charles Hughoe Ifllg tW th Co one 0 model Elmore ElmoreCarter ElmoreCArter ElmoreCarter Carter Motor Mot Car Company one model Carton CartonHamilton CartorI1amilton Carterlfamilton Hamilton Auto Company three thr8 models StoddnrdDayton StoddnrdDaytonC Stolllrd DtoD DtoDC Hamilton two models American A lerioan Meraodos MeraodosCharles MorcgdaeCharles IorQQd IorQQdCharles Charles Miller A Mro five models rnodollll Ford Iteo eo Columbus ColumbusJ ColumbuJ 11 Thomas five models Maxwell MaxwellF JC Cycle Company motorcycle motorciolePennsylvania Pennsylvania 18RBIalll 1 Rubber Company taros tirosElectric tirOfllXlootrlc tarosEleetric Electric Storage Battery Company oxide lde bfttttriOli bfttttriOliU lrattririosltudolph bfltt rioe rioeItndolph Itndolph 1dolpl West A Co sundries sundriesNational sundrleXUonal sundriesNational National Electric Supply Stlppl Company ComptuTIiJMlrl ComptuTIiJMlrlAutomobile Comprtsysendrles ComprtsysendrlesAutomobile sundries sundriesAutomobile Automobile Tire and Itopair Company CompanyCharles CompanyCharles 1NtD 1NtDChrleA Charles Fleming Fle vehicle chock I For the seventh veatk time in as a many manyyear ManYW year Washing Waeblagton Is having an asmobile auto automoblle aut autMO automobile mobile MO mobileyears show and stands out sharply sharplyas uraythe of them themWhile aU aUWhile eAWhile a as the Mistiest and nd beat While fewer cars are on exhibition exhibitionthis exhibit exhibittb exhibitionthis this tb year more different dUr Nftt makers make are arerepresented arerepreaeated arerepresented represented and the quality of the cars carsto eal1lis oarsIs is far ta advance of those tho of previous previousyears prevIoUsyrs previousyears years Tlte show opsned last night in inthe Inthe Inthe the Dupont garage 7iwi Sss f1 I street un under uder under der the auspices of the Washington WashingtonAutomobile Was Wasbtn WasbtnAutomobile lnnon lnnonAutOlftObtle Automobile Dealers Dealer Association AaoCtalionthe and andthe Ilndthe the attendance was very vet pleasing pMa Rg te the theexhibitors theexhlWten theexhibitors exhibitors pre presaging artng splendid 14 weeks tlek business bNbt for 1 1Promptly tbeIn tbeIn1I6R1pU tbamPromptly Promptly at oclock President CRoyce CXoye CRoyce Royce Hough of the Dealers Assorts Association ANOCIaUoa Assortslion lion in stentorian tones tone invited the theshow thebOw theshow show bOw visitors to 0 gather ther at the tb far end endof endot endof of the garage garagwhere where a platform to ac accommodate lieeOlftModat eceommodale commodate the music had been erected erectedIn erect erectI erectedIn In I a few wellchosen remarks Mr MrHough MrHuP MrTrough Hough introduced Intr dueed Robert Ro Caverly Caverlypresident CaverlypreMdent Caverlypresident president president of th the Automobile Club of ofYaab ofW ofWasajaltea Wasajaltea Yaab ftR who formally torMl lr opened the theshow theshow theshow show Mr Caverty Caverl made a clever five nveminute fivette fiveminute minute tte speech saying In part partPresident partPresident partPresident President Caverly Gives FiguresThese Figures FiguresThese FiguresTh These Th annual automobile exhibitions exhibitionshave exblblUonahave exhibitionshave have come to mark for us the automo automobile auto autobI autemobile bile bI New Year the time for a summing summingup up of past achievements and for the theprophecy tbet tbetpropheey theprophecy prophecy of what is i to coma No sane saneperson sanepetSOft saneperson person will UI deny den that the automobile automobilewhether automobilewhether automobilewhether whether for business buaIIHI or for pleasure pleasurehas pleaaureI pleasurehas has come to stay tay but I venture to state statethat atatethat statethat I that comparatively few here tonight tonighteven tonightev tonighteven even ev of those actively engaged enl8 in the theindustry theIindulltr theindustry Iindulltr industry clearly realise the enormous enormousextent eftormoWiextent enormousextent extent to which it has grown grownOver grownOver grownOver Over 360000 roo automobiles are in use usein UHle assin in le this country today and when we real realise reallie lie the foot that six i years ago perhaps perhapsI000 1009 would have been a large estimate estimateof 1lJRate 1lJRateof of the total number of machines in this thiscountry th thI thiscountry country you can have some Idea of the theindustrial theindustrial arcIs v8e v8eI I industrial importance it bears to our ourmanufacturing ourmanufacturing manufacturing wealth The amount of ofcapital otcapital ofcapital I capital invested in manufacturing these thesecars tcars thesecars cars in the United States Stat alone is about abouttCTMAMft aboutWi aboutwiOei4 tCTMAMft Wi and the total value of the theproduct th thproduct II product to date is about 275609000 P75000000This 275609000This l75CIOOOOlTbl Tbl This country leads the world In the thenumber thenumber I number of of automobiles made and in inuse Inuse Inuse use Government statistics show that thatS3M that12In that2Fe 12In S3M pleasure re cars and 1441 trucks and delivery wagons were produced in MflS MflSand 1M 1 1and and in MflS that number was exceeded exceededby exceededI exceededby I by more than IS per cent centPlenty centPlosty tPlety Plenty of He Room far All AllThe AllThe AllThe The show in well laid out and visitors visitorsfound vitorstound visitorsfound found it an easy manner to 0 get around aroundamong alOllndIImonc arotnndamong among the th edIWerent different dt erenl exhibits The aUlea aUleaare aisleseare are very wide wid and the Jostling lg which whichhas whichhas has been such a disagreeable feature featureof teatureot featureof of previous pr Ytoutl shows has Iu been eliminated eliminatedThe eliminatedThe The show occupies two doors of the thegarage tkee thegarage garage which lleh lends Jend itself admirably to I i I the display of ears and accessories tU accessories C8 6rJ Nt No Noattempts NoI I i attempts were made to secure uniform uniformity uniformIcy lform lformIt1 Icy hi the decorative scheme each In Individual IndhWI Individes divides exhibitor being left to his hisown hison hisown own devices in desorattng his booth boothThe boothTke boothThe The effect however is not displeasing displeasingto d8 dlapleaulnto lftg lftgto to the eye eyeIt eyeIt It is truly trol a representative repreaent tlve exhibit exhibitof exhibitof exhibitof of the best products of American America teak makers teakera k61iI ers Highpowered cars limousines limousinesbroughams Umou limousinesbroughama lnlill lnlillbroughams broughams ard other expensive ull lllve oars oarsas oarsas oarsas I as well as the moderate priced runa runabouts runanllh runebouts bouts and 1 electrics are scattered scatteredthroughout scatteredthroughout throughout nllh the th two eaftoo eaftooe floes floors Fiftyeight Fiftyeightears Ft FtDi Fiftyeighare ears Di representing repre enUng twentyseven twenty ev8 makersareos makers makersare makersat at areos are on exhibition and several severe that wore woreed Wfreed wereed ed in transit are i expected to behi be belee bepia hi pia lee this thl eveningInterest evening eveningInterest pvenlqInterest Interest in RacersMaggots Racers RacersMagnets RacersMawaetil Magnets that drew the attention of ofevery ofevery ofevery every visitor last ast night were the Thomas Thomasand Thomasnd Thomasend and nd Locomobile racing ears er The Thebattlescarred ThebattJellCarred Thebattlescarred battlescarred Thomas racer used by bythe bt bytlse the French driver Le Sloe DID In the last lastAmerican lutAmerican lastAmerican American Cigar Gos GosINSURES CO STriangle 51 51Triangle Triangle A AHONEST AMERIT MERIT MARK MARKINSURES INSURES HONEST CIGAR VALUES 1 Vanderbilt cup race held the place of ofCompany honor at the st stand er 1M Motor Car Company Rlllfiny while In the adjoining Jo6Rc Jo6Rcoe stmoe epnoeoeeupied stmoeoccupied occupied oe Upied by 11 the Pope Pop AutameWIe Com Company CcmpaRY Company pany of Washington aahlngtOft the th Locomobile racing racia machine of the intrepid Joe Tracy Trc was exhibited These speed mar vels vel made a big hit with last la nights nl ht crowa crowd crowdJlJOIII crowdFrom JlJOIII a cursory curlof ii inspection peitIen of the cars ara exhibited at this skew Iew it Ik ii apparent that there have not been many radical changes in construction as a matter of fact moet JRO of the makers have Tell contest St to devote their time their shops shop and their Ingenuity Ingellutt to improving IIIIJIO their lr ears In refinement in bettering bete quality In increasing power in making more mo re comfortable and serviceable serviceableFewer servic ftU cars carsPewor a aPewer Fewer Increased IncreasedPower IncreasedPower IncreasedPower Power has been increased by tr enlarg lag the cylinder here re but not alt altering the stroke Magnates MaJ et8l are coming Into Intogeneral latoeaval islegeaerel general eaval use and double tIouW ignition Ipltlenre systems systemsare systemsre are re very common COmm fl two sets I of spark sparkplugs IIpfUItplup plugs being used on some rRe of the ears canotor Motor otor lubrication Is improved the oilers being carried under the bonnet or In the crankcase thus simplifying Ilk mg Carburetors are all improved the uux ax Wary air valve being generally used and andwith a awith Dd DdP1av with multiple P1av jet easels gradually growing in favor The 1eeJi modlncations i made in carburetors are in the direction direct of securing a mixture which whlc will 111 vary in proportion according to the varying conditions of engine speed and an loadSelective load Selective transmissions tran ml ton with 1ttt four speeds are gaining ground Chrome Chromeh nickel steel is used generally inand In gears and shafts Shaft drive rfe rfecardan with improved I cardan Is becoming mbr mbre popular popularnumber fMIlar A number of manufacturers of chain driven cars now use the shaft drive on their lower ewer powered models while whit by bJ other manufacturers it is being applied a to the heaviest heale cars carsMore carsMore careMore More Comfort and LuxuryThere Luxury LuxuryThere LuxuryTlere There is no general change chaR to tonoted be benoted benoted noted in the construction of the chassis A number of manufacturers are supply aupplIng ing larger arger wheels giving increased roadclearance road roadclearance roadclearance clearance Improvements in the body bodyof bod bodot bodof of the machines tend toward greater greatercomfort greatercomfort great ye comfort and convenience more grace fat fatinsets lines and more luxurious appoint appointments appointm8ftts insets mentsIn m8fttsIn insetsIn In general there is a marked mark tendency toward the use of the finest materials materialsana materialaapu materialsape ana most approved methods and the themanufacturers themanufacturere th thmanufacturers manufacturers of highclass ears giv givevidence give giveevidence evidence that they are constantly striv ing to raise the standard ef their cars carsand earsand ca caand to and make them still more efficient and andreliable andrettable a areliable ai reliableThe reliable reliableThe rettableThe The show all in all is something more morethan MONtban nor northan than a trade affair aftalrIt It is I more mor of a show showfur showfor how I fur the public a show for Washtngtoabeet Washingtons Washingtonsbest ablngtGftsbeilt best a show of Interest and education educationSHAMROCK educationSHAMROCK educationSHAMROCK SHAMROCK FIVE MEETS MEETSGEORGETOWN MEETSGEORGETOWN I IGEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN TOMORROW TOMORROWThe The Shamrock basketball team will willplsv willplay wi wiplay i play the Georgetown University team teamWednesday teamVcdnHdIl Wednesday VcdnHdIl evening in the latters gym gymnasium gymnasium gymnaaium nasium and an interesting contest is islooked iiilooked looked for The Shamrocks have won wonthe wonthe wo wothe the last six games and will iU have her herbest herbeet he hebeet beet men in the game with Georgetown OeorgetownThe The lineup of the Shamrocks will be beward beFuse Fuse rhht right forward Sullivan left for torward forItilkerson ward wilkerfion center Harris arrla right rightback rlghtback rightback back Repeal or Carroll left back CHICAGO AND YALE YALEI YALEJAY I JAY MAY ARRANGE DATE DATEOverthrov DATEOverthrow Overthrow of WesternConference Western WesternConference WesternConference Conference Makes Way Wayfor Wayfor Wayfor for Game in the thept1st thept1stFIVE East EastFIVE EastFIVE FIVE COLLEGES CONSIDEREDElis CONSIDERED I Ii IBUll i II I BUll Pennsylvania Cornell Annapolisand Annapolis Annapolisand AnnapoUsand and Carlisle Would Take Up an anOffer anOaer anOffer Offer ImmediatelyCIIICAO0 Immediately ImmediatelyCHICAGO ImmediatelrC1UCOO CHICAGO Jan MWK tole ie return returnfrom returntrorl returnfrom from the But of Ooaeh A A Stags University of Chicago fans yesterday yesterdaygrew yesterdaystew eMerdaygrew grew enthliunssUc over the prospects of ofa ofa ofa a football game with Pennsylvania Yale Yaleor Yaker Yaleor or Annapolis AnnapolisWhen tanapoUaWhett po When the Ms WS nine eaUege confer conference eaafereec fer fer8MCIe I eec ence went we out of hustosss and there therearse thereupoa thereerr err arse upon the ruble the new big tour tourX Chicago Minnesota Michigan and cadWieoeastntin Wieoeastntin Wtaoesta etathe the maroons reserved NMlYed NMlYedon one I date on its I program with the hope 11 of oftying efI7Iq oftying tying up with one on of the JC JCYCer wrtern lead leaders Iead8IIL Iaaders ers ersFive 8IILI ersFive I Five Elevens EJew Want DatePenal Date DatePennsylvania DateI I Penal Pennsylvania lvania ae and Annapolis poa have ha both bothashed lIoUII 110thasked asked Stags tor dates The subject subjs ttJect has haskeen hMIOUbed he hekeen I keen broached by the Yale authorities authoritiesthough autboritleLf authorlthatbeggh though aOIIIIb Stags has not received deficits denniteeverturee deficitspvertur tfrom pvertur everturee from the rats With Cornell CoraeuI I and Carlisle also in sight bt the maroon I rooters expect little trouble la I getting UU the desired tleairedi game gameAccording i According to the present presenteMdnis schedule the theaniy thei theonly i only date we could have for the Eastern Ea EasternC ent entprobably ssse probably would ould be November l0YelaberI ssaU I saU Coach StaCK rtaigi We Wey play Minnesota Minnesotaan Innsota Innsotaop 1 an the Saturday before that and Michi Michigan Mlehlpa gan on the Saturday following tO I do donot doDOt donot not Me why wb the tb added game with the East would wain make the schedule too tooY1 heavy hea Y1 Y1Ne No date has been made as yet The Thesenate Thesenate senate te has ha not given vea me permission toarrange to toarrange toIU arrange IU a date But this doss not 1m 1my IatI Imave pi ave avethat that pits it wouW be refused tor we win winive willI I I bv ive permission JIIt to schedule as any yother of of the theother theI I other games too tooMar tooi tooMay i Mar Ma May Be Peas or Navy NavyThe flavyThe NavyThe The maroon students student believe NIt that the theYsle theYale I Yale game talked of some time ego egoIs ago agois 0 0I I is not a back number and ad that the thecago I Ells may ret schedule a gems with ChI ChII Cblcago I cago qo In case they the do not Pennsylvania JWIuIrlwaalaI I Ior I or Annapolis ADDapoU Anaa It Ile need only a word from role Stags It is I believed lieved that either ettb of ofthese ofttiPH ofthese these schools hoola would come COI half way in fixing ax up their dates date for a aA game Anew A new angle to the big nine situ situation sltution situation ation tion appeared today toda when hen lt it was learn learned learaI I ed that the two indoor track meets meetsbc meetsbctween be between I tween Michigan Ktchl and Chicago which whichwere whichwere I were thought to be well en along are now aewI nowbeing I being held up up pending cUaa Michigans MIe de decision decisien I cision on the conference qveetloa It Itunlikely Is Isunlikely 4unlikely unlikely that the nests JD88 will willIt materialise materialiseIf If Michigan Mlcb withdraws from rasa be big bignine bI bIIne Idsoboe nine nineHo oboeN Ine IneX Ho Baseball Ba MU Dates DatesThe Daterbe Datesrho The same thing thm applies to the tileaebedule 1 1ball ball schedule No dates with Mich Michhave KlchI have been made as yet and the maroon maroonrooters I11AIec I11AIecroote I rooters roote believe Chicago would ould have haYeule a aficbtganesa akichigaalea ficbtganesa schedule ule altogether jf jfthe fthe fthe the Wolverines pull out outCtach Oute outC Ctach rash Btagg taa took a fleeting look at athis athi his hi baseball as ball and track athletics at Bart Bartlett BartItt Ilsrtlett lett gymnasium and pronounced the out outlook outlook outlook look as a good 004 ss could be expected expectedHe expeetecLH4 expecteds He Ifsto intends to return to 0 Indiana 1n4 today todayu tocIa tocIat to continue his hi treatment lie added to tohis tohi tohis his hi department by engaging Fred Baird Bairdcaptain Bairdcaptain Blindcaptain captain of the 10 1101 team as coach of the thefreshman thefrellhmaa freshman baseball team teamCARROLLS teamCAR CARROLLS CAR ROLLS WIN FROM FROMU AND I FRATERNITY FRATERNITYThe The Cfrroll Institute basketball nve nveeasily five ftveny fiveeasily easily ny defeated the and I Fraternity Fraternityquint Fratemttyqulat Fraternityquint quint in the formers hall laM night nightby nightby tby by to i Herbert CoUlnower and asdDowney aadDonef andDownsy Downey Donef played the best game I lIDe for their theirrespective theirn respective teams The lineup lineupCarrolls Carrolls Position li and Dd ICroganright I ICrogan ICropa Crogan Croganright right forwnrd forwardDuaean forwardDuaeanKeqher forwardDuncenKedber Duncan DuncanKeUber KeUber KeUberJ ColllAowerbift forward lrwanNewelJ lrwanNewelJI Xewell XewellDowney Downey I owaey center Herbert HerbertG i iG CoUinowr Cowaofrl8ht ColUaow etigiht right guard gicardlloppe gicardlloppeIiolisaderlett Hoppe HoppeHolhinder HoppelfotJandffJett Holhinder lfotJandffJett left guard suan ginardJennee ginardJenneeHeron Jones JOII JOIIHeron Heron HeronGoals HeronGoatsDowney HerontloalaDowsep Goals GoatsDowney Downey i Collinower CKeUber I i KeUber 4 CoUiAower I Crogan cr Cro 4 4Heron 4Baron I Inroa Heron 2 Herbert Fri tosses toesest Crogan ogan roltan I 4 CoUlfiower 2 Newell Herbert and i iJones Jones Jon8 Referee RefereeWI Mr Pimptr Seonr SeonrMr 8corrHr Seorf Mr Howell Timers TlmM TimersMessrs Messrs McCor McCormkk XcCormlek click and Teneby Tet1ebyBUCK TenebyBUCK I IBUCK BUCK FREEMAN SIGNS tl i iWITH jWITH WITH BOSTON CLUBWILKES CLUB CLUBWILKES CLUBWILKES WILKES BARRE Pa Jan JanDucky JanDucky JanBucky Ducky Freeman of the Boston Amerl Amerlcan Amerlcaa Amenlcan can team yesterday decided to sign anew a anew anew new proposition that Owner John I ITaylor ITaylor Taylor of the team has sent him and andhe and1M I he will be with the tb team tea this thi comingseason coming comingseason con ng I I1ieIUIOI1 season playing either first are base ba or In Inright Inrillht Inright right field He has aaa also agreed lReed with withOwner withOwner Owner Taylor to search the country countryover CQuntryove over ove in an It effort to And new players forhim for forhim torhim him his long experience in the game gameand pmeand and his knowledge knowled of it making him himthoroughly hllftthoroucbly himthoroughly thoroughly well fitted for such ueh a task taskHe taakHe He says ays 18 he Ie in ftrstcMes tc condition eeadittoahaving conditionhaving eo diUoll diUollhaving having worked in a gymnasium all win winter winter wintar ter RJjlH RHEUMKflS NMI NMIRheumatism NRAN RAN ACID BLOOD POISON POISONheumatism Rheumatism is an acid blood poison and the causes tha produce it itare itare itare are often silently accumulating in the system for years Poor digestion digestionstomach digestionstomach digestionstomach stomach troubles weak kidneys torpid liver and a general inactive inactivecondition innetiveconditiQn inactivecondition condition of the system leaves the refuse and waste matter which whichshould whichshould whichshould should be carried off to sour and form uric acid which is absorbed into the blood When the blood is in this acidcharged acidchar ed condition it deposits the poisons oisons and irritating particles with which it is loaded in the muscles nerves joints and bones Then Rheumatism rets retspossession ets etspo etspossession po possession session of the system and life is made miserable by its pains painsaches piunsaches painsaches aches and discomforts The changing of the weather exposure cxpo ure to cold coldand coinand coldand and dampness etc always increase the trouble and so severe does the pain become that quick relief must be had A good liniment or orplaster orplaster orplaster plaster is often helpful but it should be remembered that relief from fromsuch fromsuch fromsuch such treatment is only temporary 4 be because cause the trouble is in Iu the blood and andcannot andcannot andcannot cannot be removed by external appli aPPIfcations applications applicatiOIlS cations cures Rheumatism by 0 1 ridding the blood of the cause It goes goesdwn goesdown goesdown down into the circulation and by in inrURELY PURELY PUREL VEGETABLE vigorating vigor fting and purifying the th blood of ofthe ofthe ofthe the acidpoison acidpoi on and sending a stream litr rn of fresh rich blood to all parts relieves the pain reduces the inflammation inflammationand inflammationand inflammationand and permanently cures this painful disease is the onlysafe treatment for Rheumatism because it does not contain a particle of ofmineral ofmineral ofmineral mineral in any form to damage the system Book on Rheumatism and andany andany andany any medical advice desired sent freeTHE free freeTHE freeTHE THE SWIFT SPECIFIC SPECI JC CO MTLFJTA GA SCOOL FOR FO BOYS BOYSON BOYSON ON TOME TOMESCHEDULE TOMESCHEDULEashington SCHEDULE SCHEDULEWashington Washington ashington Plays Thej There ThereMay eMay WMay May 8 81piscopal piscopaI High HighMake HighMake HighMake Make Trip May 18 18IOnP 18IOR J8FORT FORT IOR DKPOB1T Xd Jan at 9Tama 9Tamabee Tome Tomehas TeM TeMhu has this year 1 the strerussst and most mostattractive mostttttccdve tat attractive at a baseball 1 scLtdnle In Its Ms leisTbt MsI hiltg I The Tbt prospects tI for a Nod wd team are sx exJII ercetaBsent leeNent etaBsent Last years battery Williams WUIMmaand Williamsand tt ttare and Lamina JII and about half of the team teamare team teamare are here again this year while there t1NreOO4I nil nila ka a good OO4I dafitete dearof Iot nretcfatsa material MAterialthe among the new JMI PuJtl PuJtlThe pupilsThe pupils pupilsThe The Schedule ScheduleThe ScheduleThe ScheduleThe The schedule is as foilowgi foilowgiApril follows followslute April I Baltimore PoItecatllO IMtI IMtItute Insduk lute uk at Tome TomeApril TAprtt ToneApril April IS IL Baltimore City at Cortege at Tome TOIIt8prU TonesA TomeApril April A prU Mumy Ifc Frankihnsad FmnklMt and Marshall Acade Academy AtlffMY my at atAtilt Tome TomeApril ToMeAprU April 84 LawisneeHBe gqhssl at Law Lawrencevilte LawreaeeriUe Lawreacevllle rencevilte rencevilteApril reaeeriUeAprli reacevllleApril April Wtlmmgisw Wi His High Xehosi Xehosiit IehottIat sehoNat at it Tosjie TosjieMay ToIIHtMar atMay May 4 the HIM ncheol at HOI HOIMay HIlIWgCcIa Hillalarm May alarm Washington Mtooei for Boys Boysat Boysa BoysMay i at a Tome TomeMay TOmelay May no game the big intsreehslss intsreehslssUc Uc west westMay 1ftee 1fteea Ma May a If Faun Charter Behest OIIoII at PhII BtHadelphia PhIIa hll hlladelphia adelphia adelphiaMay a adelphiaMay eJphla eJphlaMay May Episcopal I High School at atTome atTOMe atTome Tome TomeKay TOMeMay TomeMay May JS Haverford at Tome TomeJune TomeJuno June JUII i Swarthmore Prep at Tome TomsLIGHTNING TomeLIGHTNING To ToLIGHTNING 1 LIGHTNING GLIMMERS GLIMMERSFROM GLIMMERSFROM GLIMMERSFROM FROM THE WILD WEST WESTThe WESTThe WESTThe The chicken i chow how was a moderate are aresag re reeees eees but there was wa a great deal of otlICraehlftl ofscratching I scratching amonf a FeeceordHenleCluck the euries CluckcluckChicago Cluck Chacktauck i aFeeceordHenle FeeceordHenle tauck cluckChicago Ina RecordHualcl INDOOR BASEBALL BASEBALLBOOM DOOM DUUm BOOM MM AT AT JY 1 i 111 ft ftOnce A AOnce A rOnce Once Popular Game Re Revived Revived Revived vived and Dates With Bal Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore timore Teams Arranged ArrangedThe The Washington A has ha at atlast atlaat atlast last kueeeeded Itueeeed in 1 getting tUg together tep Ie1 an anIndoor fmhNIoor anindoor Indoor fraasbnil It Itn team teamThis teamThis This start has had a lsrg large renewing IWIewtnrIq Iq the part lI and same of the th4tJargeet th4tJargeetero theargentcrowd Jargest Jargestcrowd crowd ero that ever eft attended as It of UM UMIndoor tINtIndoor theindoor Indoor contests coate la this th city eft have at attend attended tended tend the games of the thet indoor bass basspall baseball pall team at the th4 local assoeJattoB tto in inHOC 1105 when it had hadne pas site of the best bestIII nine nunss ninein in this tbl section sectionIn seelonIn eUor eUorIII In belt klthnore I more this tbl sport iSSle 18 a also being beingrevived helltIfltriYed beingrevived revived by team representing the theToung tile10IIftC theYoung Young Mens leRs Association 4 JoII Baltimore BaltimoreCity Baltl BaltlCIt IlaldmoreCity City CIt College and Central Branch MC MC I IC A With these teams the local localIIOdIttJen as association asaotdatlan sociation is trying to arrange a schedule scheduleof aebed1eof scheduleof of games IJ and has succeeded thus far in inarranging IIIrraltglc hiarranging arranging the following dates dalesThe a aThe 1 The Schedule ScheduleFebruary ScheduleFruary ScheduleFebruary February ZCwUral Branch Bra elt in Wash Washmgum wJlebluary Waekbaton baton mgumFebruary batonFebruary February 16Young 1 Yeung Msna Association Associationin A oeIatJoa oeIatJoal in a Baltimore BaltimoreMarch BaltJmorrCJh BaltimoreMarch March rCJh 2Central 8HtnaI Branch in WaebMgtwt Waahing WaahingMarch twt twtMarch March 8Cental Branch in Baltimore BaltimoreNo altJltIOttto No definite date has hubeen yet been settled settledupon aettIedupoft settledu upon with lth Baltimore City College COI It Itis Itaa Iti is i li likely tkel that the Baltimore JeJU ION Athletic AthleticClub AthletJcChait AthleticClub Club of Baltimore will organic or anK4t a ateam ateam team and if this te done 101M a series of ofgames ofwill ofgames games will be arranged with that or organisatlon orS orhaI ganisatlon haI atioa It to also hoped that thateJeorgetowe Georgetown University ana Sc Carroll Carrollinstitute Carrollinstitute fIaatltut institute will be able ta get together toseeMt1Ra togetbaresates teams and thus increase the interest in fathis inthis Jatn this tn game in Washington Waflhl 8toR I IThings Personal Pers nal Comment on Men and andThings I Things in the Field Fi ld of Sports I BOXING BOXINGWllne BOXINGWillis I Willis Lewis will meet Billy Rboades Rboadesthe JUaoadMXauu Rhoadesthe the Kansas City fighter tar ahem ahemrounds nfteenrounds ftIMenrouadat rounds before Uw lb Rochester A AC AC on February 1 11 WwIe ewU has agreed to tomeet toat tomeet meet Rhnailes at 1H rounds OllJlda weigh in at atIIft 1 IIft He will have about eight poundsi pounds i on Lewis LewisDenver LewtaDeaver LewisDenver Denver Col CoL wOl be another anothercity other great llreateltJ greatcity city for lark battles tit a the future if ifthey Iftb Uthey they tb do not kill the sport out there therewitneaaed tbeleThe thereThe The Jarllellt crowd that ever witneaaed witneaaeda wltDea8edboxlD a boxing boxlD bout in that city clt was present presentai at the contest between Harry Lewis Lew oi oiPhiladelphia 0 0PbUadeJDbI ofPhlladiphla Philadelphia and Babe Sarith of ofDenver viDefty ofIleavee Denver Defty but week The Th gross OIIa receipts receiptsat receiptsof at the show amounted to HTS7 51 Lewta LewtawmnlM Lewllla77IH Lewis1r 1r wmnlM ot A771M and Smith th re reKid re rered red red redKid lJU lJUKtd Kid Ktd JVWwms 4vut ama will meet Sam Lang ford the colored middleweight In a anrteenronnd afltteaa fltteaa nrteenronnd wd bout before bef the Dukelow DukelowA A Jt ofRiichester ot or cheMer er on Wednes Wedneeday Wednesday WedaMatpt I day sight Sailor Burke the middle middleweight middleweight ldd ldditff weight fighter who easily bested Jim JimJeffords JimJetorda itff ta taaaxd Jeffords the California ct heavyweight in ina Ina a aaxd ex sixround rousd bout on Saturday night nightwas nightwas rBurke was advertised to box ho Laagford rl but as asBurke asBurke Burke said ad be knew mew nothing about the thebout thebout thebout bout Williams 1U1ama waa substituted for him himJoe iii iiiJoe himJoe Joe Wagner fM the bantamweight baatamwtpractJealb is ispractically ispractically practically matched tc1Mcl to dash with withpinkey withPInk withPlnkey pinkey PInk Plnkey Evans gy of Yonkers for twenty twentyrounds twtyrouadtl twentyrounds rounds at 11 lit pounds patsds at Albany for foraide aside a aside side bet of IMH 0 during the second a week weekw weekIII rdo February FebruaryJack FebruaryJck FebruaryJack Jack Los of New York will meet meetWillie meetWillie twmte Willie Hosey Ho of Albany to apt nghttwenty apttty fighttwenty twenty rounds In private JN1 for a aidebet aideNt aide adobet bet of ofilWS Rest 1 the battle to take place the thelatter thelatter thelatter latter part otsfebruary otsfebruarySpike ofiFebruarySpike Spike Spiken Robson the been English bbeesegeed lacpound lacpoundchampion with withmatches matches champion 10 hxer boxer has been besieged eatc with withBtotches Btotches atc He made a goal goo i impression impressionwilling impreplonon 011 his first visit last year and is now nowwUJine nowwilling willing to met met 1 any an man in America Americat3 I i II 33 pounds Hlnds but it must be ringsideweight ringside I I Iweight weight I hLU 1 BASEBALL BASEBALLOld BASEBALLI Old Joe Ooar once a fainotts slimes pitcher pitcherto Is still in the game Gear will manage managen managean an Independent team tea at Newcastle Ind Indnext IndIleXt ledneat next IleXtKgeae season seasonEugene Eugene De Montreville will iU break into intothe intoY Intothe the Eastern Leaeue League again iI after tCoM an ab absence Abeeaoe sence or severaf several I years The National atfonal Commission CoM has turned down Toledos Toledosclaim ToledoclaiM Toledosclaim claim and awarded a De Montreville to Rochester where he played before go ing to the big leagues leaguesBilly leagueBilly guM guMBIll Billy BIll Phyle who once pitched for the Gloat Hants ha has been released by the St 5L Loins LDaI Nationals It is said that Malaehl Khuedpe KJt eclp will stYe Phyle PIt yl a chance tplay to toplay toplar play third base ba with the Montreal MotItr team teamBMly tealftDOly teamBilly Billy Hart rt who has pitched atebe4 in big and little tde leagues for nearly rl twenty years yearsoccasionally yetiillooc yearsoccasionally occasionally ooc lonally putting in a se season umpir tag te beck in the game again apintwirler ae a at atwirler twirler tor the Little Utt Rock club of the Southern League LeagueThe Lgu8The LeagueThe The Indianapolis club cI ha lies asked ked for forwaivers fnrwlv forwaivers waivers wlv on Catcher Mike Kaboe He Id Idtoo I ItOf letoe too tOf slow for the American Association Associationthey A Associationthey taUon taUonthey they say All of the association oriaUon clubs have waived claim on two other vet veterans vetstainBilly erans stainBilly Billy Nance and ad Billy dtagman dtagmanJake ClingmanJake ategmanJake Jake Weimer We the Cincinnati clubs clubssouthpaw club clublIOutbpew clubssouthpaw southpaw who was traded to the Reds Red Red1ea by Chicago 1ea last year threatened to give giveP the National League tfe for semipro semi pro fessional fe tonal baseball He will be part partowner partowner I owner and nd manager of a prominent Chi Chioago Chicago Chicage cage team teamMANITOBA teamMANITOBA teatMANITOBA MANITOBA IS HOPEFUL HOPEFULOF HOPEFULOF HOPEFULOF OF OWNING TELEPHONES TELEPHONESMINNEAPOLIS TELEPHON TELEPHONEMINNEAPOLIS SMINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS Jan S9 Premier Itabltn of Manitoba passing through here gave out an interview regarding regardIn stateowned telephones He says they ge are fighting for it in Manitoba and have havegood havegood hav havgood good prospects of getting it I I IAutomobile 1907 1907POPE Pope PopeYT POPE POPETOI Automobile AutomobileCo YT TOI EDO EDOChrome Chrome Chrome1Vlckei Chrome1VlckeiSteel Nickel NickelSteel Steel Co of Washington 819 1 FOURTEENTH STREET STREETC Cs Royce Hough Mgr MgrHave MgrNave i iRave Have One of the Largest and an Most Interesting Inielest ng Ex Exhibits Ertwits Exl1ibits twits at the Automobile Shod ShoTtoType Shodnrr I IINCLUDED nrr I II I Type XV PopeToledo 50 4250 4250INCLUDED 4250INCLUDED INCLUDED IN OUR 1907 CARS ARE AREPopeHartford AREPope AR ARP ARb PopeHartford Pope tla a tford Pope oPeaaveels Waverley WaverleyPope WaverIeyPope Yope Pope ope Tribune TribuneWo rl une uneWe I Wo Ve Have Also Taken Takenthe the Agency Agee Washington fob for the theA TakenLocomobile Locomobile Lo omobde eI 2800 and 4500 4500A I I I I IA A careful study of thase models will demonstrate their sr i 1 1PERIOR I IPERIOn PERIOB MECHAXICAL CONSTRUCTION PERFECT CONTKOL CO TnOI iSPEED I I ISPEED I SPEED C03IFOBT and GENERAL EQUIP3IENT EQ QIP3IE IPMEST IPMESTh NT I I II 1 The Dope IJopeon on SquiresImp Squires jImp I Imp Snoires fa dssrrtned in tie tieAnstraHnn theAwtralan hI hIAtra AnstraHnn Atra herd book as iKhis kaa lm lmrancr IIJg IIJgra 1nograngy rangy ra Ut harreled with ie Ie whi whifoot IIHe ufoot i foot high arched cr cast at grf grcit ditu dituthrough dIlIlUtIOll8ll dp ptu ptutlsroegh through the heart promiini shouhi ahouItIt i 1 1sr sr points andtUfles ad Wlea broad br itdftat fist i I ki Una ingrowing hocks imd 411 siiagg tfetlocks i ifetlocks I fetlocks In addition it I add nthere i ithere there is eenstdcrable of him back ck off offthe fthe I Itbe the saddle and that he merles aurichand Ii IiJtw thead hand so high doer act be heard fr frahjrems it itfthyeit rRIIJ ahjrems RIIJ that it is necessary to eq eqhim mhint hint with standing 1ItuIcIInsTOM mardagleTOM ssardacales ssardacalesTOM i i TOM SULLIVAN FOULSBARTLEY FOULS FOULSBARTLEY FOULSBARTLEY BARTLEY CONNELLY CONNELLYPORTLAKD CONNELLYPOftTLAXD CONNELLYPORTLAND PORTLAND Maine Jan 29 29seven A Aseven 0 0rouada seven rounds of whirlwind rlwIDd flghtinK flghtinKof ft8bUnof of the test ring Ac battles batu ever pull pulk pulkIII pullfhi i iIn In this city came acne to a diaapp dleplelLt dleplelLtdoes i I I Iclose close hut night when when Tommy guiiu guiiuof 8utIIof of Lawrence accidentally foul uulli foul1opponent i iOBf i iClptHM OBf ClptHM opponent ontmt BkrUey Connelly Coo of UiU UiUIn UII tbrin In th the eighth tit round of their sch sched schedAtaeereund i iMrteen Ataeereund Mrteen round host The I1Ie men hay mt mtea i ion on three tit tire former occasions oOC1 Bulin a awtouUng lwbuIhIlf rwinning winning pack isnch time timeConnelr weCoa timeCannel Cannel Coa Connelr was struck low by hyswing Ii It It101g it itswing swing 101g which he was trying to 11 avl avlLast a aLaat 3Last Last night OoaasJly Coenen showed owed imi Impr ImprJINIat nv nvment tmeat meat ever lW his previous tights ftA and andagely andagely lId lIdqely agely fought gullivan at his own ti VKIS VKISgame nI nITnt sgame game Tnt TheLawrence Lawrence La DH man was cli li iy iymore LJIIOI8 i utaora more aggressive but Connelly Ulij UlijIII a vii I jin JIn in the infighting infightingThe inacb inacbThe la fighdag fighdagThe The men were bitter in their attnil ati aUmIt aUmItput myto mytot fte te put one another away and aDdcllftelwl evfn tcline In Inclinches clinches cllftelwl cline fought like wildcats On Htile ire irethe a the seventh Sullivan landed a UK UKswing flKtn tK tKswing swing to Connelly jaw that mad i iUitter 1mtter tlatter latter stall tall for the last half of tround tround round but ut he came back strongSPALDING strong strongSPALDING troocSPALDING SPALDING DEFEATSCOMPANY DEFEATS DEFEATSCOMPANY DEFEATSCOMPANY COMPANY QUINT QUINTIn In the best yoller roilerpoio polo leaguethat league rue gi githat g11 g11tbat rr rrat that at has been played at the skating tmg i ithta rtldll rt rtthis this thtatram season die Company team ntrsrm 1 1freIa tram the gpaldhig Athletic Club Clubcioaeecire 1LP 1LPot tt cioaeecire ciootrFcDre of 1 to The winning ng gonds I Iwaa lwas was fIIIot by BNIIft Breidord jII lest a Ii fcw frwbed cbetoee onds bed before the end of the sseoud oDd 1 lThe rTIle PThe The Hneap HneapCo JtuupCo theupCo Co PoIII Positions PositionsBrentford Ildin IldinDrWord raidiny raidinyBrelutord Brentford center centerWnsnley oodtt ooj 1 1Wllanleyarc i1 iSRr Wnsnley Wllanleyarc nrst fiwh Lin LinOrtddal LIIIIZ I IOrtdda1 Ortddal second rue rueCentos Collins i goal goalmar SRr Sttiei SttieiReferee Sh Jrd JrdRemarkable fRefereeDr Referee RefereeDr RefereeDrCollins Dr DrRemarkable Remarkable mar a Reductions Reductionsla tic ions ionsla I la our entire line of cloths doth fran 1 wM In ti I Iwe fwe cwe we make ak your ClUJ overcoats and lid suits wt tmmeare umoacur to to5UnIo moacur 5UnIo 5UnIound i 25 and 30 Overcwit ie ieAND Ings redHod teo teoAND to toAND 15 AND ANDand 10 and t224 DiO Suit Saltirirs SuitWrit 5 fngs reduced ao aoWrits oWrite Writs Writ for emplo emploNEWCORN Scmpi ScmpiNEWCORN 11I 11INEW NEWCORN NEW CORN GREEN 1002 100 St St It ItOpen IT ITi WaIIIIE20pen Open i Open Saturday Bvenlaj BvenlajChr Even1aCsChr BvenaasChr Chr Heurich Brewing Co CoPurity CoPurity CoPurity Purity and Excellence ExcellenceTbese Excellenceoao lThese These oao Beverages Stand on Their TheirOwn TaelzMAERZEN rhebOwn Own Merit MeritMAERZEN MeritsMAERZEN MAERZEN MAERZENand and andSENATE SENATE SENATEAwarded SENATE4lIIlUded SENATEAwarded Awarded Gold Medal da1 fer Purity Purityend lnzU7rnd Purityend end EzceUenee Ez at Liege Ex ExpaeltloB 1 1posUB ExDositdoc paeltloB BelgtamtaPhone Belfinsu BelfinsutSThone Ee1g1amrBPhone tSThone West 34 for a Caa Caarne Can Canhe Casstie rne he Regan ReganS250 S250 S250SHOES 260 260SHOES SHOES SHOESB43 B43 PS PL ova Lv 9 wS WPARKLIIG 57PARKLINQ PARKLINQ I gcto ALE ALEis is not only a delirious beverage beverageii it jr a a I HIM tonic A beverase hoes which in nen a aan with tCue an may drink with pleasure and jsj jr jrCase pCase Case of DOz 200B1BArD 200REBATE 200 200aZBATB REBATE of 560 SOo for for retara retera of bottles bottlesWashington 1tottlelWashington bottlesWashington Washington Brewery Oo Oorifth jrifth iPtfth rifth and 7 Sts Phone hone 1 254 254Every ZS4Every Every woman loves to tothnk totht think nk of the thatlmo theUmo thetime time when a soft tt little body all her herown herown herown own will nestle In her bosom fay fuJysatisfying faysatisfying ly lynUsfylng satisfying the yearning which lies In Inthe tothe nthe the heart of every good woman an But Butyet Butyet Butyet yet there Is a black cloud hovering hoveringabout hoveringa hoverin hoverinabout about a ut the pretty picture In her mina minawhich mindwhich mm mmwhich which fills her with terror The Theof Thodrnd Thedread dread of childbirth tak taken away much muchof muchof of the joy of motherhood And yet it itneed itneed itneed need not bo so For sometime rote ume there therehas therehas therehas has been upon the market wellknown wellknownand wellknownand wellknownand and recommended by physicians ptyaJct1nsItnimont a aliniment aliniment liniment called calledwhich calledMOlhers calledMoers MOlhers Moerswhich friend friendwhJcb which makes childbirth as simple and andeasy andeasy andeasy easy as nature Inumdod It is a astrcngtheningV aatregthcninL astreagthcnintl strcngtheningV penetrating llnimant llnimantwhich ltlmsnlwhich ltnimsntwhich which the skin readily absorbs abeort Ugives I Igives 11gives gives the muscles elasticity and vigor vigorprevents vltorprevonts fprevents prevents sore breasts morning sick sickness slckn aickness ness sad id the loss of the girlish figure figureAa flgueBai figtreAn Aa intelligent mother in Batter Pa eaysr Bai Were fltei I taneedMothef toaeedllothrsFrie3 toaeedllothrsFrie3again eL Vi Fne dagain dalain again I would obtain 9 bottles bottl if I bad to pay 6 per bottle for it itGet itGet it itGot Get Alothsrs Friend at th the drug 4ru store SI 1 per bottle bottleTHE betUeTHE bottlehE THE BRADFIFLB REGUUTOR CO COAtlanta COAtlanta COAtlonta Atlanta Ga GaWrit GaWrnef Writ Wrnef eorIreIllustrtodbookPefere book Ulclllr risey i is tier tierA A i.

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