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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 2

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUESDAY MORNING APRIL Present nn Km ef Cnexameled Pregreea fbr tke Ssath. ithont regard to the recently by seven of her States, which will at give a new impetus to all their Indus-1 interests, the present is an era of unexampled progress to the South, through the agency of her Mayo very agency which Virginia asked to stampede from her iirdera, by remaining In political aasoclatlon ith the abolition portion of the Union that ia been dissolved. Her commercial vnaialage to the North has ng hung like a mill stone about her neck, id kept her back a century behind her true stage of advancement; but. still, her progress in wealth has been moat rapid and most sure. Aa the exports of a conn try mark its economical condition more decidedly than any other feature of ite industrial development, let na ace the progress which these indicate for oar fifteen elaveholding States.

The exports of these elaveholding States of the products exclusively ot Southern cotton, sugar, tobacco, rice, and naval each tenth year from the beginning of the century, and '41 and and the number of their slave population, have been aa follows of Fire Value per Exports In Slaves. Slave. au.jss.ooe sw.ea tte.ti lflO 23,256,000 19.50 37,014,111 1.54»,«*« 24 93 20 11 M.SM.ISO 37.1t 13 51 3,200,000 61.H0 r.5.23 Aa already shown, the value, per Inhabitant, of the whole production of States In 1840, was From the foregoing statement it is seen that the surplus products which these States raised for exportation in 1860, amounted to 143 per head of the blacks. But the most remarkable feature of this table is the Increase of value per slave, which it gives in the export production of the South, counting only the Aye leading of exportation. While this value was in lIM but per slave, it had risen in 1559 to four umes that value, or W6.25.

No array of statistics that could be produced, wonld afford a more conclusive indication of progress than the fact here disclosed, that the value of the surplus products of the South, raised by- its labor system, for exportation to foreign conntries had run up from the high flgnre of ilfi.lo per head of the laboring population, to the amount unparalleled iv any other country, of per head. If slavery be a curse to the is certainly the most profitable curse that haa ever befallen a community in the tide of curse such as the gold discoveries have proved to California and Australia; and only short of that which the insulted god indicted upon Midas, converted everything he touched into gold, even to his food, which became Inconveniently indigestible. Is Virginia willing to strike down her interest in this system of enriching than the mines of California or the wand of the god I The increase in the value of farm lands of the South has been equally as striking. According to the valuations of the census in and the assessments of eight of the Southern States in 1858, this increase was most remarkable. 1333.

Virginia 1216,401,513 ttUMI Ml Georgia 03.733,445 Florida ls.Olo.Dsi Texas 16,165,245 asaat'iei Tennessee Kentucky Missouri Here is an increase in eight years of in the value of farm lands in eight of the Southern States, or more than The Increase in the other six Southern States has bean doubtless as great; but their State aaaeasments for 1868, if made at all, are inaccessible. The figures given are sufficient to ahow the rapid progress of the South in wealth. Does any one pretend that this increase could have occurred without the agency of her system of slave labor? Five of the eight States in which it has taken place are still in political affiliation with the North; and it is proposed by their sHbmissionists that they shall remain In that affiliation at the certain cost of thereby destroying their institution of labor. The slaves of Virginia were valued in ISSB at ttlS, 148.275; they are now worth four hundred millions of dollars. It Is proposed by her sunmissionists that she ebould eacriflce this whole property; and also that she shall, by losing half a million of laborers, not only check this rapid increase which is going on in her farm lands, bnt also, by doubling the taxation upon them and depriving herselfof the means of tilling them to a fraction of their present value.

In all the history of national folly and judicial blindness there has never been an instance of so monstrous a measure so gravely contemplated, as has been this frightful proposition of submission, by the majority of the body now gloomily in session at the Capitol. Secession Prelection to the Virginia Manufacturer. The most impotent of all the arguments against secession, is that which pretends that the manufacturing interests of Virginia will suffer nnder the liberal, free trade principles of the Southern Confederacy. It is not pretended that these principles will be enforced to the absolute release of all impost duties upon foreign merchandize. A Eederal revenue be as necessary to the Government at Montgomery, as it has been to that at Washington.

A tariff for revenue will be an essential institution of the new Government; and IU tariff policy will only differ from that of Ike old Union in being devised exclusively for revenue, and not at all for protection. A tariff for revenue will scarcely be lewer than an average of fifteen per cent. Doubtless ten per cent, would'produce all the revenue demanded for the ordinary requirements of the Government; but there are contingencies for war, armament, fortifications, and public debt that will probably bring up the rate of impost to an average of fifteen per cent. Not that the revenue principle will require a horizontal duty upon all imports, of fifteen per for a tariff, levied for revenue, must neede differ In its rates with the various goods on which it Is levied and probably this discrimination would produce a rate of impost on articles in which Virginia is interested, of twenty or twenty-flve, or even thirty per cent. Under the revenue policy of the Southern Confederacy, Virginia would certainly find an advantage over the foreign manufacturer of from 16 to 30 per But who in that case would be embraced under the designation ot foreigner, and bave to bear the burden of this Impost duty Why, It would not merely be tbe Engliahman, the Frenchman, and the German, but it would be the Yankee also, the man who baa heretofore sold his goods in Virginia, and to her Southern customers, The quantity of merchandize, of foreign manufacture, consumed per aunum by the South, hae been about; while the quantity of Northern merchandize which she has consumed has been three times aa much.

Under the old Union the Virginia manufacturer was protected to the extent of about thirty-ttve per cent, on one dollar against the foreigner and subjected to free competition with the Yankee on three dollars In every four of importations. Under tha Southern Confederacy he would be protected against the foreigner, but, I what ie vastly more Important tohlm, against the Northerner also, to ths extant of from 16 to BO per cent. Ia there anybody so stolid as not to see that, on the question of protection, and of prosperity to her manufacturers, the interests of Virginia are largely In favor of se eeselon It la the mlafortuse of men engaged In upholding a wrong cause, always to bring forward arguments for their courae, which, if rightly applied, baat ont their own brains Tble argnmentof aubajitting to tbe North. tor the sake ot securing protection to Virginia manufaetnrera, is precisely aeaeeof this sort- It is a club furnished by the aiibmissionhUs for their own braining. We must remain, forsooth, la free trade with tbe North, who sell va aad our Southern cnetomtr R500.000.000 of their wares duty free, In order that our Virglnia manufacturer may get the benefit of a tariff which only applies to one-third that quantity of merchandize Imported from abroad: The stupidity of the argument is sublime.

A fifteen or twenty per cent, duty on the enormous quantity of Northern merchandise which is scut to the South, would be equivalent to a bonus of that amount paid to the Virginia manufacturer, where he now gets. nothing. Suppose Virginia to furnish the South only fifty millions of this three hundred, a duty of fifteen per cent, would give her a profit of seven millions' and a half of a duty of twenty per cent, a profit of ten of dollars, where she now gets nothing. The Yankee Is the chief competitor of the manufacturer ot the South everywhere In her borders. It he that nndersells him; It is he that destroys market, and rnlns his investments in manufacturing Under the old TTntou he came down, free of all duty and all taxes, to peddle hia goods up and down, high and low, throughout the land.

Lean, hungry, and penurious, ravenous as a wolf, and cunning as a fox, he entered the market, everywhere underselling and driving out his more honest and loss impertinent and importunate competitor. Secession will build a wall against him on Mason's and Dixon's wall of Imposts' more effectual for the protection of the Virginia manufacturer than the wall of stone which the ancient Romans built to hold back the barbarous Piers and Scotts, from those depredations, plundenngs and with which that ra'wnous people were wont to afflict the Lowlanders of Cheat Britain. What Does He Menu by It When a reckless and dangerous man, who has proclaimed that between you and him there Is an "irrepressible conflict," "draws a bead on you with a rifle, it Is of course your duty to advance towards him in .1 polite and deferential mannan, and ask him what he means by if When a robber aims a sitingshot at your head, or a burglar breaks the fastenings of your door, or an incendiary applies the match to the Inflammable materials which he has prepared for a conflagration, by all means, before you prepare to defend your life and property, ask him what he. means by it Ten to one, in each of these en see, he will assure yon, as Abb Lincoln does his Southern interrogators, that he means no harm whatever, and that his intentions are of the most paciltc character. Three thousand and a squadron of war ships sent to the South, are such evident measure of conciliation and compromise that, but for politeness sake, we can't conceive why Virginia should inquire of the Black Republican President what he means by it.

His purpose is just as plain as was that of his illustrious prototype, Joxa Brown, when he proceeded to "occupy and crn stronghold. When Gov. Wisk heard that Gen. Brown, with pikes and men, had invaded Virginia, he ought to have sent a deputation and inquired what he meant by it. Brown would no doubt have informed him that he meant peace, for he always protested that, if the slaveholders would lie still and be plucked without remonstrance, he would'nt I hnrt a hair of their heads.

The legatee of John Brown, who now has possession of liar- per's Ferry aud Old Point, means no more i harm than his testator. He is only adopting means to come into peaceable possession of his estate, and, unless he is resisted as old John was by Gov. Wise, not a drop of blood will be shed. Captain U. S.

Engineer, who goes out from New York with the peace-making deputation of three thousand, was asked what it meant. He replied, "In about ten days you will know." That Is about the length "of time of the voyage by sea from New York to Pensacola. Russian Serfs. The emancipation of 25,000,000 serfs at a single dash by the present Emperor of Russia, is one of the boldest strokes of policy ever attempted. Its effect is to reduce at ouce to beggary nearly the whole of the Russian nobility, hitherto the ruling power in the State.

lis understood that almost all of them are debt, to several times the value of their lole estates, leaving out the serfs. These istituted the principal capital of the whole country. The emancipation act, therefore, destroys at a single blow so much capital, and so much credit. This cannot be done, in any Ift world, without producing a shock lich must bo felt throughout the whole ige of civilized society. We know not at int value per soul the Russian serf may estimated.

We cannot suppose, however, it it is less than At this rate, the iperor of Russia strikes dead, at a single five thousand millions of capital in I hands of his subjects. All Russia let stagger under such a blow. The lole world must feel it. Commercial re- Isions must inevitably ensue. Credit Ist be tried to its utmost capacity of bearing train.

There never was such an expertnt before upon the prosperity of a nation, round numbers, the entire superficial area of European Russia is square miles. Every square mile contains 640 acres. Consequently the enllre superficies of Europe. 11 Russia is about acres. The Czar has thus destroyed at a blow property equal in value to all the land in his European empire at four dollars an acre a price which we are assured it will not average.

The pmnilation of Russia in Europe is about The Czar destroys property equal to about eighty dollars for every human being living in his dominions. There is some recompense, we scarcely know whai, for this enormous sacrifice of the property held by the Russian nobles. It can be, however, but inconsiderable. There is also Ine provision for exacting a certain amount labor. The hope is even entertained, that re will be no scarcity of labor.

The hope 1 lost hope. The example of the negroes in the "West Indies shows that men who have been slaves all their lives, will not work, when released from bondage. "We have been told that this is a peculiar trait of the African. It is no such thing. It is a trait as much of the Russian.

We have read many descriptions of the serf, lie is the laziest and moat thoughtless of mortals. He delights in nothing so much as sleep, lfe will sleep upon the slightest opportunity, in the most dangerous situation, sometimes on the very eaves of a house, or in a street where thousands of carriages are passing. He cannot be made to work, unless by some one having the authority of a master over Money cannot Induce him to do it, neither can good will or Set him free, and get any work out of him if you can. If we be not mistaken, Ai.bxa.nhkb 11. will find this job the worst he ever undertook.

He will find his revenues falling off, agriculture neglected, manufactures brought to a dead halt and his whole Empire threatened with ruin. If revolution should come at the btck of all this, he will have nobody to blame but himself. The Russian serfs are white men, of the same blood with their masters. Wo do not therefore pretend to say that they ought to be treated as African slaves that is, never to be emancipated at all. Ear from it.

We think they should be gradually absorbed into the class of free white men. Many of them are allowed to exercise their own talents by their masters. They are merchants, lawyers, divines, and everj-thing else that a man can be iv Russia. A owns a wealthy merchant in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

They are of the same color, and the same blood with their masters, and therefore they ought to be emancipated. But not after this fashion. Not so suddenly aa to produce a dearth of labor to cultivate the earib, and carry on the varioua avocations of civilized life. Humiliating sf The everlasting appeals of Virginia to Lincoln are a aource of profound kumillation to the people of this once majestic Commonwealth. In the name of all that is proud and glorious in the put history of Virginia, let us invoke her official tlvee to appear no more as petitioners and soppiunui at the bar of the Joan lUowic Admlnietraiton.

If the Suite is to fall, let herat least tall with Roman dignity, and refrain from piling np dishonor upon tha graves of Webb a Prorliet. at present oaly blood and thunder against tke Sonth, said, twenty-live fears ago, that if the Unlou were broken up by the spread of "Our sod on would be reduced I De-tenths of onr shipping would be rotting at onr of oar population, nrw supported by commerce sad the weslth It and the 'industry It would be driven to u.iiimi the I of Northern scrimltare command hut ices sbrosd. and tney would find bin Tew rs at home; grow In the snd village-, aud general poverty and desolation would follow our unexampled prosperity and generally ray the Abolition Administration has ts reign, it will not be two years ben. Wkub may set up for a prophet. England and France.

The New York Trihune, in reference to the report that England and France have assured agents of the Administration of their hostility to the Southern Confederacy, says it is altogether Improbable that any such agents have been sent, lor the simple reason that ample means are possessed by the Administration of learning the intentions of France and England without employing secret agents, and it has been well known from the beginning that the slaveholders possess no hold whatever on the sympathy or respect of any pan of the civilized world. The slaveholders hold them by their interests Ihough, which is the onlyrule of action which nations recognize. The Convention. The whole of yesterday was devoted to the consideration of the resolutions to appoint three Commissioners to wait on the President of the Northern States, for of requesting him to disclose his policy towards the seceded States. They passed by a vote of 88 to and Mr.

Pkksto.n, of Montgomery, (Conservative,) Mr. Stiaht, of Augusta, (extreme Union,) and Mr. Randolph, of Richmond city, (Secession,) were appointed to convey the message of the Convention to Mr. Ltacour. We understand that they will leave for Washington this morning.

Nku ledger" is the name of a new and sprightly weekly paper just published at Weston, Lewis Va. It advocates State-Rights in an able manner. Moep.lpset, the famous pugilist, died in New York Saturday night, of dlptheria. icii a ifii' Hall. grand kk opening THIS (TUESDAY; EVENING, April I'm, OK SANDERSON'S COLOSSAL KfCVOLVfXG DIOBAMAM OF THK RUSSIAN WAR CRIMEAN SCENERY.

Commencing 1 with Her Majesty Qneen Victoria reviewing her troops at Chobha'm, and the British fleet at epithead. BOMBARDMENT OF ODESSA, DESTRUCTION THE FORTS, SILISTRIA, so gallantly defended hy the Turks. Embarkation of the French troops from CRONSTADT; BOMBARDMENT OF BOMARsr.Mi. CAMP OF THE ALLIED ARMY AT VARNA. GREAT FIRE AT VARXA.

THE BATTLE OF ALMA. Grand charge of the British up the of Alma; Balaklava; Cape Chersonese Exterior and Interior of the Harbor of Sevastopol; Fortileatlona Bhips-of-Wsr, BATTLE OF BALAKLAVA. DREADFI'L TORNADO OH LAND AND SEA. RATTLE OF INKERMANN. Grand Changing Scene, terminating with a Terriiic Explosion, and Ural DESTRUCTION OF SEBASTOPOL.

25 cents Children II cents. MgDoora open at 7 o'clock Dioramas move at I o'clock. I CHM oy Thkatkb. KrsKEL Lessees and Managers. I.

B. Phillips IMMENsITsUCCESS Of Dumas' Great Work of the THREE GUARDSMEN', Received on its revival, with UNBOUNDED APPLAUSE. It will be repeated TO-NIGHT, with ALL ITS SPLENDOR, Including the GREAT CARXIVAL SCENE, In which the beautiful Daaaeose, MISS MAKY PARTINGTON, Will appear in ELEGANT DANCES. And also as MTITILLO, THE DUMB BOY, In the powerful Drama of the BROKEN SWORD. The ENTIRE COMPANY will appear in this GALA ENTERTAINMENT.

For Sai.b.-One of HOE'S LARGE CYLINDER PRINTING PRESSES, 4jxo7. This Press is nearly new, and will bo warranted in perfect Condition. Anolv at this ofllre mh MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, April 8, IBBL High Water thin day (Twsday) at 3g o'clock. ARRITRD, Steamship Torktown, Panish, mils and passengers, Lndlaui 4t Watson.

Steamship City of Richmond, Philadelphia, in and passengers, c. P. Cardoso Meamer Geo. Peabody, Ptitchiird, Baltimore KMlza. and passengers, li.

W. Came Bakr. Dei. Farmer, Baltimore, lumber. Jno.

Abrahams. Schr Auiythis, Gates, Portland, planter. Robertson Miller. Schr. Danville, Chester, New York, mdze 4c W.

Currie. Schr. and Ready, Moore, Lantern Shorn potatoes, a. atillapaagh. Schr.

Champ, James Rivor, blileta and hoop poles. Sloop S. M. Herman, Rowe, Ssrvan River, oysters. thr 8 Xiu Andrews, Baltimore, rcdze D.

Colquitt it Co. Schr. Ashland, Graves, Baltimore, guano, Bentley. Schr. Clara Belle, Mitchell, Baltimore, cuauo, Bacon ti Bas.kervill.

Schr Florida, Hayes, Jacksonville, lumber, J. A. Uelvin. Schr'Nelly Studdauis, Philadelphia, coal, 8. J.

Hawse Son. SAILED, Schr. Hope, Frank, down the river, litfht. aaaenaatia. Capt.

Gates, of schr. Amy this, reports March 31rt. off Cape Cod, passed a large fore aud aft schooner, sunk, with ouly mast heads out of water, which were painted wind X. blowing a heavy gale at tbe time. City Toiut, April fi, ARRIVKD, American shin Argo.

Ballard, master, from Liverpool, with suit, to Schaer, Kohler Co Richmond. Bremen ship Herzagia Yon Brabant, Helms mauler, via Hampton Koads, to Schaer. Kohler si Richmond. sTeareut, April T. K.

Hewlett, bound to put in to finish loadin" Cleared, schr. Mary Jane, Hirhmood. Bkkmi-ua, March Virginia Dare, Richmond, for Liverpool, re-loaded her cargo and sailed to-day. IBW Yokk, Aim! Hi-hrn. Rich mond Leroy, Norfolk.

Kllea Maria, of Richmond, from Liverpool, for Mobile, March 5, lon. 3d CnAKi.K*rox, April schr. H. Pitts. Norfolk.

Sava.n.vah. April schr. Messenger, Elizabeth City, N. C. FaSUKXOKRS PER hTriJISIHP Parkish, Master, from New York W.

H. Kaiser. Wat. Farren, Win. Pierce, Jas Smith.

J. O. Bedford, J. C. Pegrain, Dederer, Samuel E.

Snyder, Charles J.Newton I) DeLong, R. Sullivan, J. Kelchum, H. Rittrcnu Mrs M. Connerton, Cornell, Mrs Mary Cornell, Mrs.

K. L. Hart, Ksyton Dannenberg, H. Colgan, H. AlUtt, A.

Matthew B. Taylor, Duuwell, R. Abbott, S. West Andrew J. Smith, Miss Florence Wolfe, Adelaide Wolfe, Midclitt, W.

A. Buwron Win Potts, Thos. Crogan, aud lv lv steerage, Also, from N. Banin, W. M.Gordon Meecham, Chas.

Treske. 22 'GILAR MOXTHL MEETING OF THE YoUNti MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION will be held In their in QOPDIR'N HALL, this (TUESDAY) evening, at o'clock. By ordor of the President Ml RICHARDSON, Ssc'y. tHIRt II 1111.L. consequence ot the inclmnent weather, "THE CHIL- FRIEND" will postpone his LECTURES to ths Children on Church Hill, cutll further ap MEETING ot the wToCKIIoLUKKs OF THETRADKRe' BANK of the city of Richmond, will be held at their BANKING HOUSE on ths isth (third THURSPAY.) for the purpose of acting Directors for the eueuing year, at 12 o'clk I.

A full and puuctual attendance requested either in person or by proxy. Power nf Kaow all mea by these That have constituted and appointed, and by theee pre. do constitute and appoint, true ana law fol attorney for and lo stead to vote a tha next Annual Meeting of the the Bsnk of the city of Richmond, to be held on the lath day ot April next, iv said city tv the election of Directors, sad on sll other mat which may bs bsoaght before them, hereby ratifying and counrmleg sll that said attorney, may lawfully do In ths witness hand and seal, tbts day 3t MARRIED. In Richmond, the id day or April, Hit, at St. arrll bTKey.

W7c. Butler. Mr C. E. EITZWILSOE sniMlM MARY I.

CRANE, both of Khhmond. 89rWaehiagtoa8tarand Baltimore Snn please copy. DIED, April the residence or Marvin, 2d MACRICE BoWBN. in the 75th year of aire. May be rest in Amen.

funeral will take place from St. Cathedral at 9 o'clock afternoon. 0 the JAMES HEATH, ion of Peyton and Anne M. Jehnrtz, aged 13 His funeral will lake place from the Monumental Church this evening all o'clock The of the family are luvited lo attend, without further notice PARIS fashions: ttQ MISS REBECCA SKM remrued with her cowJjfciiS STYLES OF PARIS FASHIONS For Lad and Children, And respectfully invite the Ladies and Gentlemen down to examine her complete stock of NEW PATTERNS, comprising the following named styles, such Spanish for Boys; Zouave and Josephine Sacque for Toiuas and Hoplane Jacket for Boys: Mazzeppa and Priuce Albert Apron for Boys; Circular Blouse for Princes Paletat for Girls; Frankiiu Dress, beautiful; St. Lawrence Dress for little Girls: Cherub S.icque, Plccolomiul Apron for Girls; Children's Flantra Apron; the Palmetto Apron: the Misses' Tulio Waist; a variety of Waist and Sleeve Patterns: a variety of Walking for Misses; a Gared Brass for Misses; an Arabian Mantle for Spring, for Ladies; a new style Zouave for Ladies; Zouave Shin for little Boys: Palmetto Walking Sacque for Misses; also, a great many other new style patterns now ready.

Persons' in want of something handsome will call down soon. MIsSSEMON is now ready to EMBROID and BRAID all styles of Xeedle STAMPIXG. PINKING aud MARKING done Rt the shortest notice. An entire wardrobe, for Infants: Ladies' Flannel Shirts embroidered. Country promptly attended to.

On hand and lor sale, all colors of French aud German Embroidery Ladies, now call down and see for is my motto lo please. Thankful for yoarpnat patrouajre I a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place, at Mr. Sr.MON's residence, two doors below the St. Charles Hotel, (up stairs.) REBECCA SKMON.

a fo the Ladies and gentlfif MEN OF THE CITY OF RICH- 1 STATE OF AND ALL OTHER are now prepared to mannlactiire Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses', Boys', Children's, snd Servants' BOOI'S, SHOES, aud GAITERS of every descriolon. Wo have almost an entire new set of workmen in our employment that cannot be surpassed here or elsewhere. ALEX. HILL A U'T Main Richmond, Va. EST All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES made to orderas heretofore.

We have on hand the best matenals, imported direct. A.H.&CO. 1,. Jf The nadersignad wishes to inform cv toiners and the public generally, that he has aken the store on the corner of Main and IMb streets for the purpose of into the manafaetaringof BOOTS AND SHOES, of all kinds and varieties, on a more extensive scale, where he hopes by strict attention to business he will be able to compete with any of the Aortheru mane factories. THOS.

WKsTERMAX. H. The old stand, Re. 10 Main, between 17th and is for RENT. ap E-TI ATETr ig Hf VF.

I v-r WCHMOJfD ON THE Itini desirous of attending the 'State-Rights Convention" to assemble in Richnond on the 10th are herehy informed of he following reduction of fare by this Company the Hue of their Road between Acquia Creek nd Ashland: Upon paying ther Ft LL FARE own aud HALF FARE back, they will be furtubed by tke Agent at tke station or Condnctor 0 Tickets will bo issued on MONDAY, 15th inst nd good Iroin Monday, lSih to Friday lKth delusive. SAML. RUTH, Mi'pt. othce i. P.

R. R. Richmond. April 3th. ap STEAMS HTP ESfoWII vn ROANOKE has been withdrawn from the line gain, between RICHMOND and NEW YORK.

111 and the orki apt. Parmsh, will continue their egnlar trips between the two places, stoppius- st orlolk each way. Tbev will leave New York Richmond every TUESDAY and SATURDAY FTERNOOX, at a o'clock. Returning they will rk eVtfiy TL DAY to' New York, including meals and tate-room oulv Steerage assage only For feather information apply to the underslKDof Do LUDLAM WATSON. Opposite Wharves.

FOX LVM HBI K(i-Tn KAVK WEDNESDAY EVENING The Caual Boat BRISTOL, Cant. Johnson will leave as shore. For freight, apply to Captain, at Uoxs shed, or to A. S. LEE.

NOTICE arrived at BABHBST'B STABLE. if" lot of ciooD HORSES, suited for light and heavy draught. They are Western ai.d will he sold on ap -STORE FOX HE NT OPPOSITE EXCHANGE 11 OTII AND BALLARD Jot rent, that handsome STORE in the new baiHtteg on the coiner of lnh and Fr.tnkiin stieets, immediately opposite the Exchange Hotel and Ballard House, it is considered well adapted for the basfaess of a Merchsnt Tailor, Geuilemen's Furnishing Goods fewstrr Millinery, Ginsmith, Cigar dealer, Ac fee sad will be rented low to a good teuant. The BASEMENT of the same will be rented with the Store, or fitted no for a Barber Shop if desired. Apply to J.

A. INLOEs' sB -est FAMILY REBIJH.DENCE on the east side ol Mayo, between rx, Bt "eta, now iv the occupancy of Mr. B. Joyuer. The bonse contains six with gas aud water in most of them and rick kitchen attached.

Possession liudiatelv. Apply to JAE. M. TAYLOR A SON: 4t Ov.Jovaaa Ce. MFOK RIAGE HOUsE in the rear of the resideuce lormerly occupied by Dr.

J. V. Hobsoa on sth street, near Main street, between Main aud Cart street. Apply to ap REDWOOD REACH. Main MFOK tipper part of tka HOUSE on Sixth street, six looms, snuable lor family residence, sad from the Vegetable Market.

Possession can be had immediately. Apply to WM. TYREE 1 ifoen ou Mam street, above luauire at the Family Grocery, aDd Maiu or Photographic Gallery of v. W. MINNIs) 117 Main st.

jowl's gjODciE, no. are to attend a meeting of St. John's Lodgo Ho at their Hsli Room, on TUESDAY evening 'at I) o'clock. By order of the Worshipful Master' T) JAMES R. FISlikR, Secy.

Richmond. April A. tan. ap ATTENTiOfI! TBEtINA TftOOK Meet in RocKetts Old on DAY next, at a o'clock, a. oa ortant business.

ay order of Lieutenant commanding. "jT ATTENTION, FO fkV.W ba leva REgt. mili 111 1 'A for instroetion in drill the of and Canal streets, on THURSDA i Uth of April, at o'clock P. M. This Company district is bounded as follows Commeiieing at the soutbssst corner of 4th aiid Csry streets thence south side of Cary street to River; thence up James River to Corporal ion line thence with said line la the sontli side of the James River and Kanawha Canal: thence witn ihe south side of said Canal to ila I tion with A street: sjid thence with the north side 01 re ata street, and thanes with the east tide cT 4th street to the beginning.

All persons snbtect to militia duty within this district will report promptly fK 'red oylaw, and all will be flued to the lull extent. By order of Cent. J. R. apa-ets wm.

O. jj "TOfJaO Richmond, April 9. IMI. Order Na. 13.

This eesannuid arill assemble at their Anno- Drill and Business. Members will appear in Fatigue and Jackets. By order of A. Chautkrs, Lt. Corn's ap ABXER V.


RiCHMo.M), April sih, isti. FT Order No. Zi. iIL This command will assemble for drill at nail, on TUESDAY, tho nth iuaUnt, at clock P. M.

Hy order of the Captain. EDWARD MAYO, Ist Ser'yt. OOK AT fHIS! XJ THE EFFECTS OP THB PANIC: Articles of JEWELRY that nsually rtHsil from to now selling at ONLY OAK DOLLAR EACH, At the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR STORE, Ho. ins Main street, c. al received a large assortment of SILVER-PLATED WARE, as TEA BITS CASTORS, ICE PITCHERS, CKbaM POTS.

BUTTER COOLERS, LIMUOK STANDS, LADLES FORKS, SPOONS, Ac, that we oiler to our at abont halt the usual price. Remember, THE ALMIGHT. DOLLAR STORK No. Main street. LEWIS CO.

Merchsnu, AttoriTy." sad all other persons doing any ior a license required, and who reside in UPPER DISTRICT OF COUNTV'aad who expect to continue that business lor tue'uext twelve are reauectfully rennevted lo call on the Commissioner of the Revenue of said District sad obtain liceuie for the same dorinir the present moath. (April,) otherwUe the law them to be double the amount of taxes otherwise impoaed. J. B. KEhSKE Com.

Rev. Upper Dut. of Henrico eprieo April ap RED JttAITLE nI'AMPa HIS luOl NaiioNs FEEL THE baXL; To. OROUND ALUM SALT. Now landing, per ship A wo, from Liverpool for ifcHAka, Koll.EK■* Co I.ORDEAH FLUMS-V5 half AJ by i.

4q, DAVENPORT. SPECIALWOTICES. 9V on 99 Ty by HteamirrrttTa DATBLACK SILK MAXTLKS, nearest styles ana! patterns. Besntlful HERNANI SHAWLS. I TIHBRT BUAWts, rare article.

Rlegant WALKIMG SCITB. Splendid HERN AXIS, a further hesnMfnl ORGANDIES, cheap. FRENCH JAOONKTS In great variety, very rhsap. MOITRNINiI CJOOIW In variety, among which sre BERAGES, GRENADINE BERAOES. CHALLIES, he ap SsM'L M.

PRICE CO. R-C Extraordinary CHEAP BLACK SILKS. THE CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. 10,000 yards splendid high lustre, full width BLACK ITALIAN SILK At the astonishing low price ef T5 GENTS THR ARD Warranted e.iual to any dollar Silk in the city! Those in want will please call early. MILLHISER af 1M Broad street.

Renl Estate, situaied to Sidney, advertised to take place on yesterday afternoon, were postponed Indefinitely. OODDIN APPERSON, One of the Resnlts of the GREAT POLITICAL PANIC. UITY GOODS AT A WORTH OF FRESH AND DESIRABLE WHITE QOODS AND HOSIERY, I Purchased last week, at an sale, for At less than one-half the original cost of importation and iv order to meet the views of close CASH BWERS the entire lot will be offered st prices that will defy competition. Amongst the variety will he founti the cheapest WHITE GOODS ever seen or heard of, such JACONET CAMBRICS; MUSLIXS; SWISS MUSLIN'S FURNITURE DIMITIES; ROBE URILLIAXTEh, lor Skirts WHITE BIULLIANTEs; TOWELS; DOYLIES; NAPKINS; TABLE CLOTHS; LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS; CHECKED MUSLINS; MAR.NEILLEts QUILTS; VICTORIA LAWNS PRINTS. LAWNS, and PRINTED CAMBRICS; REAL FRENCH OROANDU.S, alls, aud HOSIERY.

Ac. determined to make quick sales, the Goods will be ottered at the very lowest for cash only, or to former prompt customers. Dou't miss Mich a. rare opportuaity to wave inonev, rti times. ALFRED MOSES, ap Main street.

EST Watkins A Fickleu 11 THIS MORNING, more of those iEN SETS (Collars n.nd at SSeanta. iiitiful BROGUE BERAGE ANGLAISE, very cheap, gaol FRENCH ORGANDIES. eCK BERAGE HERXA.M. ILLIANT LUnTREand heavy BLACK SILKS, a great bargain. EMBROIDERED HERNANIS.

New style black and colored PARASOLS. With many other now SPRING GOODS. RICH SILKS. BERAGE ROBES, DELAINES, Left from onr auction sale, will be sold onourse eond floor, at a great sacrifice, WATKIXS FICKLEX. A SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL OPTICIANS No.

tot, Richmond, Have received to-day a very fine collection of STEREOSCOPES STEr.r^SJ^Or^ICJYIEWH (iiul Stationer) SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS CAP, LETTER AND XOTE PAPER; and all other kinds of STATIOXERV, MFSIC, he can be bought on the best terms at 121 Main st ap J. W. RAX DOLPH. rent a AT REDUCED PRICES OF A LARGE PORTION OF OUR STOCK DRESS GOODS tjM On our own counters, In the large Shawl Room to our store. In order to reduce our stock and business to a seal demanded by the altered condition of the the GOODS Now offered Beautiful SILK DRESSES, at 10, 12, 13 and Beautiful SILK ROBES, at lo to BAREGE ROBES, at Sand Splendid HERN DRESSES, at fIS.

A great variety of BAREGES, GREXADINES CH ALLIES, Pi-PLIXS, ORGANDIES LAWNS to bo sold without regard to cost. SAM M. PRICE CO. X. The NEW GOODS of ihe season receiv Ing by every staamsr.

a 5 BOARDINQ a verr fine furnished ROOM can be obtained br applying at this office. 1 occupied by two persons the board will he very moderate, aoe! the room rented by the month 1 desired. DAY BOARDERS will also beaccommo dated on very reasonable terms. ap HOARsN large ea tke ond floor, siiilable for families, aud one or two smaller ROOMS for young meu. Also, BOARD can le obtained at Mrs.

bARAB A KARNES', on Grace street, -d door above st Pjtul's Church. ap 4UU'JIXE AND TALLOW Bjo Mekagea reflaed SUGAR, all grades, 100 bbls. Mountiiin WHISKEY, some of extra superior uualitv. 300 bbls o.uimon WHISKEY, GIN and BRAN-300 bbls. 2 and 3 MACKEREL, extra quality.

ICO bbls. family HERRINGS. bags Lagnayra, Rio and Java COFFEE. 100 bbis. N.

O. MOLASSES. bbls P. R. 50 packages fine Green TEA.

PICKLES. SOAP, TOBACCO, BUCKETS. BROOMS. 40 casks fine Cognac BRANDY. 25 tierces five If AMs.

Choice new BUTTER: German BITTERS; Ginger and Blackberry BRANDY; very Bae ApplsTad Peach BRANDY. For sale by. WM. li. JONES ft ap ft-st between Main and Gary.

I laf 1000 BARRELS ROCKLAND LIME, Now uudinu' from eekr. Cerve, For sale low from vessel, by ap9-6t LEE. ARI EWfcrlTAlS Writs. At. KIT tke sole agents for K.

A STUART'S celebrated call particular attention to it. aud hope that all those wanting Whiskey wirh a good flavor, body, and age, will give a trial. We guarantee ft superior to any fit market. WM. U.

Jones l.Vh between Main and Gary. INTO THE JAWS OF THE SIX HU.NDUfcD; Charge of the Light Brigade at B.ilakUiva, showu at MECHANICS' iKbTITUTB. a HOKRIBLE.MIROER -IMMENSE SAtiT Rl thuii-aud perfect to sold at per cent, below the usual prices. LEVY has jnst received the following lot of and having purchased them at much below their value, he is enabled to offer great inducements Linen Htudkercbie's, st lv, and cts. worth f.i and cts Grass Linen Handkerchiefs at 2o worth fro Hemstitched at cents, worth 4u cents Thread Cambric Hdkfs at 2a cents, would be cheap at So cents Eml-roide're' Udkts.

at ceuts, wor'h 76 cents; Embroidercc Hdkfs. at wel, worth Embroidered at so. AUo, vsiioss other oril.ikts., all of which will be sold very rhes'pat Dry store. No 15 Main eireet. IM vT Checked Silks at jo aud "5 dress Red Silk at 841, and 100 rich bilk at and ViZ, worth the money lto Berege and Organdie at half price; Berege Anglais at per ysrd; rich Embroidered and Printed Berege AoglaU; Kroche Hlies and plain Jeregeal woith a7J aad 50 For barm ail of Dress Call st Main t.

CHRIsTLANjfc LATH HOP i titi tit: A cheap article of CAMPHOR; excelleat for up Winter and clothlnu. For sale by EDWARD T. ROBIN.SON 4th and Frankliu streets. MAS.SIE offeTTol'saUrioo whole and half boxes Adamautine Tallow CaanUeei boxes Brown Hoao ages Western aud Refined hard 25 boxes lease cases p. A.

Cheese. su it The Oaken Walla of Knglauj Life on je MECHANICS 11 ALL tt LA cli on-jii; nod Pla.ler. It Is round at the UttMr el in New BrnnswWik. aud we would specialty rl. commend it to farmers as being fresh and 7 RKIDGFORD CO.

Oi the Dock. MEE kiUVIM6 Miff, dreat JUuur. iletSoap; uenoine Brown'winasorSosD hharlnK Cream; Violin etrinxs A ors, WAdITER, DrujOJi.t. Broad sireets VAMILV re sol Hams, SleVau smli' and nice, per atesmer to-day! WALLACE SO.NB. of the tubs, choice article n.

CEEtV cer for sale by WUBn au BRIDOFORD ACO iKD aUO bkla. eat. leaf sal jar, per ttesntor to-day WM. WALLACE PONS. km' b.

f- Brsndy lor t'P'i BA VEX PORT. COLE ffrsise'. Oforsaleby 1. B. DAVhaPoRT.

WAHTS THE PRICE for doing up LACK CLRTAJRg. fcrssll So esnts I'srlor 7. each and finished In patent like new. E. RING A Premium Wtb 3 Between Main and Cary.

TIT a negro aboat 01 of age, a dining-room Tao la tha country; also, a good COOK, and aa Intelligent GIRL, about IS ye.r* old, iron lbs conntry. Address box No. Richmond, Va. COOK, IRONBR. for one that can come well recommended, good will be paid.

White preferred. Apply 2d door from on Main street. ap Wnpttatla-At the tV Main street, a MULATTO BOY, to assist in the Bar and do general work. W. Proprietor.

TBTAnTED-A YOUNG MAX, TV to act canvassing agent for the city of Richmond, for which a liberal salary or compensation will be For full partfcnUrs, apply at the office of VIRTUE ft coiner of Governor and streets.fup stairs. Office till and a till 5. J. 1,. CAPSTUX, Agent.

ap wish to hire, for theTalancTof TT the year, two No. 1 COLORED DRIVERS, accustomed to driving street Apply to apfl-at EDMftXD WAN TE HODS to rent a DWELLING-HOUSE sgek between this lime and the Ist of Jnly next He would prefer one North of Broad Htieet. 1 and West of street. ANDREW Jonx.STOX, Corner Leigh and wl at tbe Carbon Hill Mines, in Henrico, for the balance or the year, a first-rate CARPENTER, rr.r general wor JNO. J.

WERtH, VirA NT purchase, a likely OKOEs. Any person basing servants to find a pun-baser by addressing "Box Richmond Post-office, giving a fnll description of the The subscriber will call on peraeaa, either in city or country, thus enabling sellers to save commissions and "trouble, mh WANTED wish to sell mv ran of nershio in the RICHMOND STEAM SNUFF and SMOKING TOBACCO MILL. It is business well established, and Is profitable. For particulars, apply at the Factory, on between Main i and Franklin sts. J.

MORRIS, mh 2 ANTED-TO HIRE wish to hire 100 NEGROES, (MEN and BOYS,) for the remainder of this year, to work on a Railroad in North Carolina, principally between the of Rockingham and Charlotte, and Iving west ot Danville, in this State. The country li nigh and healthy. Apply to WM. S. PHILLIPis.

ol Richmond, or myself. ROBERT HARVEY. Contractor merchants of Rich- i mondtoknow that 8. bTRIDER bas taken the honse No. 87 Main street, next door to i R.

Price ft for the purpose of making CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, DRESSES and HOOP SKIRTS. Also, room over Messrs. Wafklns ft Ficklen, for the accommodation of their customers. Mrs. 8.

having had tt-n years' experience in Paltimore. and having made in the past year over IVE THOUSAND CLOAKS and MA.NTLES for the merchants and ladies of Richmond, confident of glvlugenttre satisfaction in all work Btrusted to her. DRESSES and MANTLES CUT. so, old HOOP SKIRTS male over, making them tterthan when first made. Thankful for the patronage bestowed on her, she a continuance of the same.

Mrs. 6. STRIDER. i 3F WAaN tel)i Immediately, a No. 1.

DRESS WCITTERaud FITTER. To such an one a good salary and oonstant employment will be given. AH persous to KnowTnaTf mauuracturoall and qualities of TRUNKS and have always on hand the largest stock to be found in the South, embracing superior Iron- Frame Sole Leather Trunks ladies' French Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes also, all the common styles, all sold at manufacturers' prices, wholesale and retail, salesrooms 114 Main street nearly opposite Dispatch oliice. Factory Cary street, below 13th. AT Trunks Repaired.

fe 2a-mr. KXOTTB. WANTED-SIGHT EXCHANGEon Philadelphia and New York. and SILVER, for which the high est will be paid. R.

H. MADKY ft CO de The subscriber wishes to employ I a first-class CONFECTIONER, to whom he will gtve the highest price. AND. ANTONI SCJVioholas Saloon. WANTED-TIME on 'BALTIMORE I PHILADELPHIA.XEW YORK and BObTON tor which a liberal premium will be paid, by fe PATXE ft CO.


COXSEQUR.XCE IS That the diseased part becomes worse, and more raveled, and very often the patient finds himin a worse condition than ever, AS THE IOXOEANOE Of these IMPOSTORS is only equalled by tfielr IMPCDEXCE. Everyone take a razor or scissors and cut 08 the top of the Com, and obtain relief for a short time HIT WHAT IS THE MXSVLTt By reason of cutting, the excrescence has the I opportunity of expanding, bordering and rooting itself hence the one Corn causes several ai'ier which it will be useless to shave it off as at first or to plaster It. The use of acids produce tefsnmattna swelling, fever of no orlinary description. To obviate this, the COfi.Y.s MIST BE EXTHACTED. DR.

SCHLOSSER will do this by a system of his own, which is at once novel, based UPON LONG EXPERIENCE, AND APPROVED BY MEDICAL AUTHORTIES IMUHt This can only He cabme!) oit ny himself. DR. SCHLOSSER, Author of several works on I A 6 OF THE FEET burgeon Who ECHIROP 0 I study and practice, ral Diplomas from Medical thousands or amongst raphs from sty, NAPOLEON 111., Emperor of tbe ty, the King or Bavarii. ihe Oueen of Greece rial Highness, JEROME NAPOLEON, fiug to skill, are in his i seen by any one VORING HIM WITH A CALL ox 1 AT RICHMOND mtends i nStTLXU SHONT7.Y. TIEIH (TaUTION, Jga Ike published iv all 'he principal ps- IS SOT OCT OE MA LIVE, unt of parties having the iuipudeuee his advertisement, ar 1 pretend to iiu! u-rring practice, det adlng by the an an devoted so many years 0 study Die are liable to nt practitioner iroiu kV Further will b.

publUhcd N. SCHLOSSBR will remain ia Rich mondonlyanhort time, to attend LHw-a' be duly THOtsXNJDICEjin am uck 1 RttoJ'ivA'? ll Uy ttl UUTTA li. DATRICK KAIn" a. of Bd JCLi LE sTEv -T iat asaaattnM 1 LI lawful Ageat. is the city of OU Iy ttt rf the'tusme-or DRY ,1 "'i bnvandeell for BOOTS, SHOES, HaTs, 7 RaTrii 11 oru at MS HALL.

ap NO I My UEoEGE FoiT having left without my cvnaent, I hereby fotewara all per from employing or harboring him, and will enforce the law against any one who may osVad by doing. FRBDERICR FOY A for sale by 1 AG "aVENPORTT thirty prims brlsht Mola.ies! landing, for sale by H. SKINKSR vEit "tASUAYkA'voi xN per steamer today. Waf WALLACE 80R8. A NO OKNiINE MURTARD-Rs.

eeivlugdirect Irom the for LAG B. DAVENPORT )LD per 10-day WH. WALLACE RONS. AMTTSBMEIfTai, Comraeaelng on MONDAY, April LHi SAY RANT'S GORGEOUS ILLUSTRATION aad DIORAMIC or OKT THE DAKTUBR Together with all the and of in RUSSIAN WAR GALLOP ASTO P0 With a of all BLOODY BATTLES, TERRIFIC CHARGES STORMS AT SEA, and ir MASMACRFS witft the beantifnl Mechanical ganra of Fairy on WKDXBBDAY. at aUMisaioy-ag ckxts.

OST-On Sunday. March Sat ia or assr HcCy" AA wood CetastefyVa SILVER 0 Little Xorrm. from engraved on Lin ut The tnt-'r Hr Itattn, I e.legjraph ap th 4th A ol December COWS, one a red bnffalo, cron notch In left ear. crop and two Km one a red Cow, in r.ght ear or sawed off, and one red and whits' mark. The owner are ded to come forward, prove property i ges and take them they will with as the law They were takes ly Cedar Hill Plantation, in Henrxv, eouutr Richmond.

CIIAS. BALE. A FAMILY MOKSEAND CAR. I OR have for sale Umily HORSE and CARRIAGE, In which a bargain may he had, by early application to aeverai other Saddle and UoKdrJ and a well-broke young MULE. N.

LIP3COMBB, td street, bet Broad and Grace FOR a hoTmI nnggy perfectly gentls, and trots quite fast. we have no use for him, be wilt be sold low Apply to KTTENGER A ESMOND. i -try FOR S.VLE.^rtl^l-.Hixhn^d'BßOoD 2C2A MAKi: pedigree H. SMITH, enr th rft RUNAWAYS. jpt TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD.

inaway Iroin the subscriber, on Monday Xmi't April, a NEGRO WOMAN, calls XANCY WERNER woman is sboal Iblrly-tre ypari. of rather ah the medium of women light ginKer-bread color, downcast loot spoken to, npper front teeth ant, broad, foil face. and xt to the little finger on the left tut pi at Ihe second joint. She is be lurking about the city, as she has a sister living at the Cotton House, and some living at Bracken's Tavern. She may have bor escape to Fredericksburg, as she from that place and has a mother ilvlug there I will gi vn the above reward, if she to me In Richmond.

R. H. HIQQIXs. g) Still KfcVt AKAi. Rauaway from tbe dW subscriber, va the first day ef this moalh.

WOMAN uamsdSARAH. 40 old. She i- Iroui tha tate of Leake, and is now hud by Walter D. Leake, Trustee. She now In Rich moud, with a forged has lived In Rich- Jid for several years.

She lived tor tbe last with Mr. L. B. Conway, on 2d, between id and Marshall streets She two daagh: tho oldest is an invalid, the other a uprightly 11 years old. She has two In Rlthid, one living on Marshall, between 2nd and Ist streets, the other on St.

James street, ths corporation tine. I will pay the above reward il sent to me at Ashland, or confined In Jull, to I can tfet her again. ana HKNRT SAUNDERS. Stfi fffW farm. Long Row, Hanover county, about sth of January, a NEGRO MAN, named PETER BROWN, about II old.

of a dark brown color one aids ol his neck; also a small on his knee; very long-legged, and six feet high. above reward will be paid, if delivered to me. or necured in jail. WM. J.

CARPENTER sent JD-MMITTEDTO JAIL AS A KLNenr A A committed to the jail of ths corporation of the city of Norfolk, un the day of January, Negro Man WM The said negro man la feet high, and abont UJ pounds has one on right arm aoovs his si bow; light complexion; about thirty years old. Had on when committed to jail, black sloth coat, black pants, cap, and he was born free, in Baltimore, Maryland THoS. J. CORPRRW, mh 8w Serjeant City Norfolk. MECHANICS' HA WaT Sieges, and Uon sag ml la ap fioLl'Tt iIHtRBMIS; MERCHANT TAILOR.

UTH 6t OPPOBITB Il IV.X HOTSLJ -JUL. Would most respectfully Inform and customers, and the public generally, tnat be has received his SPRING of GOODS, and Is prepared to make them up in the most superior style, and on reasonable He a call from all in want of any article in Ims. UA N-l Ol K.TT Oai.sgg, will eund this at ths Stables of his proprietor, nesr Branch. the season insurance Mares kept on usual By Imp. Glenros, dam by ager; Id, Lady Grey, by Sir Richard "tSU i 6th, Imp.

Dlomed DoN JLAN is a rich blood bay, without white, l't hands weight lbs. He ran abj proved himself a of speed snd boltors. Address, R. V. GAKNEa.

ap Branch. nssXITAsET KOi-tCnC ARMS FOR ft VOLUM'EER COMPANIBsTand COUNTIES DESIRING AKmT. Are hereby Informed that we hive made arraugemems fvr a supply of the best EMJLISH AND AMERICAN ODNB, Including the MINNIK MUSKET, ENGLISH ENFIELD RIFLE. RIFLED MC3EETB, with either A i Hi! OR SWORD BAYONETS. lINK NAVY CU CAVALRY a enperior article, at a low price.

Maniples of aboy 9 may be eeen at onr Store, tnr respectfully solicited. officers- 1 TarU of BELTs, 1 EPAULKTTEB. PAHS ANTS, Together with BPOM. BUTTONS, LACES, BINDINGS, TRIMMINGS FOR MITCHELL A TYLEJt. mh it, lj.

Vwim Mala stress. SA I oN. rlt It COMPAN GIMA MILITIA for Is itriu on street, between Cary Caoal on WEDNKSDAI loth April, at to clock This Company lijtrirt bound-d rnm.nclng at the Soslkwest corner of aad Cary thence South of VfetM Uie corporation line; thence wltb line the of the River aad Kuivti Canal; thence with the Northwest of said Oaanl aa with A stree theses with the South fids of A stieet to 4th ttreet. and thenc with the Western side of Ith to ths bcgtnnlog. All subject Ie Militia duty wltbia district will report promptly.

This is reqnired by law, Aad the maximum will be imposed all By order of Capt. M. Ist Serx't. il BAI TALIOV MMITII iTrrislt tjlfor lusiructioa in drill, at tbe corner of Mais I ron-hee streets, on TUESDAY. Auril.

at4o'clookP M. This company district is bounded (oinmeuctug at tbe Southwest corner of Broad and sth thenro South of Broad street lo corporation liae; thence with said line to Carr street; thsace with ths North aide of Csry to 4th Mreet. and thence with ths West j. 4th street to beginning. All kubiect tv niUtia duty wtlkla this district, will leport promptly.

paiade by law, aad Sre-sublect to heavy By order of Cspt Stepr. Murmax. M. CAWNoX, ut asrg't 1861. fmi BPRINO DRY GOODS.

Large asd of sewSPRINU GOODS bought prineipatty lor cash at panic Risk DRBSW la variety. MANTILLAS, in Silk, Lsce, Cloth HOCBEKERPINU GOODS, of I MJ jimbj PARaSoM. LADIKh' DMBRBLLAS Ac. i .1" a call froat our sad the public. bWoRDh A THAW.

US Broad Bslwsea rtk. Uw CRuPPKR a this day dUsotvod by weleal eoaseM. Either, lor ths present, iuay be fouad a 4 Bul Wlag, evrast titk aad Fraaklta Richmond. April bsUnWifT atuar, War, In tha ap By or v. 4 i 'treat exaeoisd to me by Ma Rita HARRIS a of rseord in lbs 1 ,2 ot Kickntosd.

1 hereby apso'ii MARCtS HARRIS my to dispose tbe of TRUNKS, acTaow aithe Mors No oa uhasd ttth.r-ivuuy oocupied by said tl a RAo. a Shoe Tbe wbols of ths stoeh. key of the will bo sold ekesp by applying to lbs Trustee, or to said M.iarf* I 4HO.iv barrels and psr itvttfniiOiui jJispiurh,.

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