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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 3

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NBWBe iR-porieu for the Ricltmotd IATIR rROM VI ROPE. OFTHK HY oFFALTIMOSF. ,1 York. Woe. Oily of vri.h I.iterivool to the loth, on Wed- Naarlvad sold to llietrnde 1 a I attM CBveltaaa.

V1 A SO, ttom am ati- Before the Legislature ntany bvai aad s-ateafs He ibis laastoa of thp 31 As wl hive to pave wili Europe, aim a.i-:. a f. net for gr(toaa by the project' 'J on tbey raiyioake postal matters, heaaaa he is hi he Postmaster at Charleatoe ha the State seceoea lie will li-aeral elTer htssenrtees io the State. tHe resignation ol fee poetaaaaiera ci.ah.c -be be unem-erraaaed in eataMtaS. postal arrai gements.

bate aea ma and tbe Federal rernmeot ea tieie, or until tbe other States sera Ooafaderaej la tei Insists apt a hi rol na la UteUaiea after tba seceei I amm sball cease, aad ate Ix Bubatitated ernor tba prohibition of trom States not Southern Confederacy, and he borttei Statea. Me aril-da tiu-ir own al ci aativea will tbeil Mot, or by lbearo I.ii." He hopes, hovvtl abokUnK Statea wiil nlederacy. Ifn aai ihn most ample Bad stringent a diartea io it win of the law reliable and irernor, referrn.g te ibe action tt sending Hon.O. O. Meat.

sed his t.uiure lo obtain SUta i a I. Cailere of the ell of i the part el the uthi there is bat one coarse i consistently wiih her I tale ty, aad that is, to look or lo left, bnt lo ko ward of her i its low to rreeive fereace, an.l Soath Uarolma in self-respect to entertain fi to a C-iiiiuuacce of the fl vernor entertalas no reiuonable Alabama, Mississippi, rei is and Arkansas, will nth Uaroliaa, and other States will eveatnally complete the It is gratifyieg to kiuw thai if a rehe Bcceaeary, we hive the tender all tbeSouibern aad to rejiair promptly to share ihe for tones of i thus permil mj self to believe that, in the isai ib, an attempt will be made it or next Administration toco. (Jsrolina after secession, by Oder tha harbor or in tmr imports and exports; bnt if i we mast accept tbe issne, and meet mea men and freemen, who liiflnuely I refer B-Juhilation to disgrace." The ry Raid. M.O- Nov. of i meryl band visited Fort Scott after ers and court dispersed, but did not be town or citizens.

There haa been irsion into BLissonri, The party rl ilt'sMills wereG-vernment troops. Southern Financial News. Nov. broken boy il Backs outside of Georgia. The rers 1 probably wind ap.

Tbe s. Nov. Leglslatara ganlwd Tf.e Its. tone is nncompromieing. ire aaaaimoaa for niaination for -K.

s. Toby has received I Mayor of Uosion by the ute Or. im tee. WOOD, dtp. jliM-.

euVcriber 1 tfully anooanoe to the public that ps ul band large stock oi INE WOtil). whic i he a deliver ill zcetdingiy ow i delivered, e-tw per cord. ia 94 -0 tl.O.Haskins' il. llee.leston's, prompti. C.

SKINNER, Aaeat for Mra. M. Skinner. Stt I li SUPER fOX BEASONEJO 1 OAK WOOD. Prices as md St 60for Wood i ard, Cnurcii Hill, cur atreets, or to J.

Mo.NKOi: CARTER. i 'ON prioea of CARBON HILL COKE, wili be as loiioWB: KE, 60 per load. CORE. ver load. per load.

JN O. J. vV RTH, i B. LIPSCOMB. "ri Uth opp.

Mayo's "Wa.ehouse.) MIDLOTHIAN, LUMP, HAIL AND IOAL. AND WHITE ASH sold by weight, Sat O'-k ARO plre Bossoned andai" ier, for sale at Coke I JNO. J. WKBTH.Ai't. THF CREDiTORS OF hA.v ANU OF HAGERTY A DANIEL HAGERT I by sa' tra payment ol the 's oi if HIBeRTV be-BBer the earns oontraet, to the tae me concern, inc'uding debts due it, rtj deed dated the iMnt reoorded on the same day in the tbe Hustings Court for the city rtnveyed itock of goods, and all mats of ever? description, real the undersigned, in trust, for the realtors and the credito-s of ni to certain thrrfin said deed providing, ani'inthat no creditor shall be entitled to erefrom ne assents to tiie ii saidderd by signing ttie wine within in ta date rivei to all persons indebted to I Hagerty, or to the said f.rni, to set the undersigned, ami to uodei ha terms ol said deed, to pre Botice is also given that aaid i Clerk's Offioe ot the Coart i the preaonbed tune.

by --an aie wi.iing to accept the terms V. HARGA.MIN. Trus-ee. MACHIFIU ANO N' 11 E8 MADE PON BOUTHKfiN SOIL. Ti '-l- UNION MANUF AOTUAIMQ a to tne r.elebrated WOODl! MACHINES, which re' ree, than tneir io STATIONARY of from SB to horse powt at a firire per aa i furnishoA lyttny nmiAmn iii.i*.

under tiie persona! ti Ll i 88. as a m-Bufaoturer, ie well li. iwn, and they re warranted to iiive LAIB ITBKfT. i. RICHMOND.

VIRGINIA. riptive Pamahkt no2l-ts 'i" FINE BETS OF LS AM) I OK I have Bnd egant assortment of ail kinds ''RATI rj a-irh FENDERS; every and piam No pokers, coai. SHOVELS, BLOWER "tands for and Tongs, i footmen, Pire-flnck Slabs aad slikinds of Eend-rs, Ac, toordsi at the loweat Northern prices. No as 8 DENOON, "ii between Bth and 9th, 3 MALK 0 lhe atxive factory. PLAT' 1 SCALES of every variety, and minufacturers are prepared to i'wwb.

"Bd track, depot and hich for neatness, darabilitj "I cannot be surpaseed, VAN LEW, TAYLOB A T- DI reeve at their Office, No. 95 in auma of Five Dollars and which will be allowed interest at per allowed to li'lef. and er for a shorter pc- acini-annually. PAtiE. Treasurer.

(J JK, No Bt Mjoibib. WOOD or COAL YARD. store, on tbe Canal, It wiil nolo thousand buah ni tjvtu the tat January WM.OKAY.ofR. i i weighing imufeUs tc the yard, af City Point For DUNLOP I'l, feter.hnrr. WO i ul Prsaeh Window for Alio" MILL INERT ft DHBtstt iUAKINO.

PRKWII it MAn ha. received, na4 a large of HEAD DRESHKS. FRENCH H.iiWKII ported RIBBtiN. IIONNhfs Itteat Virgminand North Carolina mnuSt ekanst pir Great indmem-nu va "ftanmT.b the above gooda. M.

A a Nearh epaA NF V--" SM and GOODS at cat. for cT'h-are Xum no -2-2w A it TO TH kADIKS AND the iV.he_ -n inn t-olies and genileinen that she has 'tiTTr lv st KAL) WIN I'XT H.y.con.pnsiii- the ZoVtve JaeaatoVferK. dies; Jaeaneee Watkint-trostand forlittu hota; Garrieh Coart. Spa Dross iVt l.ennet Coat and Dress Jacket, and a Patterns littto Alio, the LafJ and ir-tona ait.ii-« lutle sirls- tr Aprou a oi Draea hr uV i ')- iv i rfr-n A V- Ok A Ivi'-sanl ohll- MUe Flannels; naoksand I ir lutmn En.broi- Seredtor little boys, alao, Piakint done at -he shortett entice a ber room at her residence, donrVb-low Rise REBECCA BBIIOR uooTrt, baoLu, io. The attention ofthe ladiea ia respectfttllj i.

ariiclea from that juaily man a lecturer, Hkxry of I beyond a doubt, the very best inanufactnrerof LADIES' SHOES In the United Ladiea' (Jlnve Kid Cork Sole Button GAITERS; Patent Leather Balmoral BOOTS; goatUkia tlo French Rid Congress GAITERS; Preset I-rench do Button do. Vanoi Easbr'd BLIPS, wooden heels; White Batin ko do. do. 1 1 wth cork Boles; pleck Kid SLIPS, with and without i with a ireal variety of other ar make raj asaortatent very cnipiete, aid tsvonna me with a call cannot fall to be suited. PHILIP K.

WHITK.MMain st. wim hive leen in tbehaiitof their Mi-es made Philadelphia Mr iri vi vn. can order then, tur, u.h ate, as I have with uiin to have tiiem made m. 1 1011 1 Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, N0.190 Mam Street. ald hex leave I liafora ins burner patrons arid tna hP i mmenced the manufacUirj oi BOOTS and t-flilhS in all their branches, at no.

Mam nnd would ask a call from a I wai.t ng gooes in line. A aasortnen! of Ladiea', r.nd Clnl dren Goods always on hand, which will be sold tt ye ible prices. co PRICE OF HATS AKD rromletoMfei cent, saved by in. J. Jl.

ARTHON Columbian Hotel imiidirg. hiOieakin Hats of beat quality. 9S 60; da. SOU; faahionable Silk Hate, s-i; firec.a.f akin eevred 800... 60; Congress Gaiter Beets, 3 JS; me ealfakin Shoes.

2 36. H. made arrarjtementswith ot Oie beat makers in the city ot Philadelphia to supply bim with handsome and eal-tantial call Sim aewed BOOTS, which he will ceil at the Mdeated low pnae of 's'HREE DOLLA H8 AND A RALF. aoU- dfcwta WORTH OI- Ail) TRUNK- AT US BAR RIS A No VI. Miin street, next to the Ainpr.i-'m Hotel.

With a view of makinc a ihani in our Imsiress by nexl Jar nary, wewiH. from day. oiler attractive stook of fresh and so ible comprising a ceneral variet. ol the latest and most aparoved sty les of hints Shoes Tranks, both of our own, Riohmond asade, and Lest of Northern nianufactnres, at prime cist, for oash only. The pubiio would do well to avail theaaaetves of tht preseiit very rare opportunity of procurina the liest u'lautv nf roods Btfiratooat MARCUS HARRIS A H1.0., No 17.

Main next to the Araari-aajHotel. BROAD-TREAD IJOOTS- Very s.ipenor and cheap, at No. 4.1 Main tne Big Boot, by WM ALS If. BOOTS li SHOES. KAT EDUOTIO I ICES.

CHAB. BEHLE, Broa'. strerit. l.e'wien 2C ami -i M.vk'-t aad Wear on hand, and defies anybody in Richmond to coinpet. wi'li him in his Be manufactures to order, and superintends himself.

Oreat bargains in Ladies' .1.1 Misses' colored Oaiters, Morocco Bootees. Blippera and i.eutlernTi'B city-made Patent Leather Oa tore, Oxford Tics anii Clippers I will sell Summer atock of Gooda at below cost. Call soon, it you wish to pet a uoo.i hargtun. CHaS. BEHLE.

BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN VEH HKI CO. are now Boots tir'i) Sinifs cheaper than ever. Havir-r just received an entire new supply, purchased at the cri 1 ir oash, tbey are now id io fe all nda ol gioods in their line than lieretofore. find a lew of tine entire terse stock ia offered m. pro r-io--, as cheap: Ladiea' fine quality HeeeJ at 91.

finer tlmr. ever al that price; Con cress llee'rd (jailers at and $1A0; Ladies' Morocco Boots with heels, a' 1 Chi dren's Bhoes from S7Kc. np. a large of all of Trunks, Bonnet-Boxes, Valiees, just received, and selling cheaper than ever, nt G. HELLER 181 Broad st bet sth and 6th sts N.

Caro'iua notes taken at par for gooda. TO FARMERS-NEGRO SHOES eatar 3 Farmers ar.J o-ners wanting 0 SHOES are invited to call at N0.93 Main street, whfre vill be lound the 'ar-es' an.) best assortment ever offered in Richmond. Mv aesortii.ent 003 pairs of heavy Revved Brorans, ol tti. OWB make: Men's Army Bronana; Men's higheat very ihiolv. nailed with hob nails; best tiiek penned BroKrans: Derrick" best thick pecged Brogana; Planters' and Dntoh Boots for women, together wuh all other for servants, men, women and Fanuere will do well to give me a call, at No.

ya Vain st. JOHN C. PAGE.Ja. RUNAWAY-. away on SaturflV day, tbe il inst iron, the employment oi loba Eaaiham.

ol Louisa county, a JPh NEGRO MAN. named KALI'D. belonging to the estats of Jesse Perkins, deo'd. RaLI'H is about twenty two years of axe. black, aboat live leet five inches high one ol his Iron! teeth oat, nnd the rest are very broad and white.

No peculiar mark about him is re mem bered, bat flunk he nas a between aad thumb oa one of his Eav winch. He. it ib ran wrne a good hand, and probably making hia way to a free fhe reward will be paid for bia api-rehen sioti in the St ite and delivery to va i phced a jail so that we get him; or, if taken out ofthe Sate end delivered to us, or placed in a jail in this tntf, to that we tct luin. a reward of SI(J. Willie paid.

WM. ORAWKiRD, JOHN R. KS, FRANK T. WEST, Ex'otaoi Jesse Perkins, deed. Treviiiian'a Depot, Louisa Nov.

12th l-iio. Eol4-t3 SSVKKTY-FIVS DOLLARS will pay g'7s 00 for the ap- JmiVwaa absconded almut three aaa. She a low. thick sat mulatto, with short carl) hair, and is about sixteen years old. Her cannot '-c described, as siie him tieen aeeneeveral in tha citystneo she left, and had on different dress each time.

E. L. CHINN. Richmond. Oct.

26. 1-60. PIANO POHJBALB OOBPIAN SALE PRIVATELY -I offers at private aale. lor few days only, one hand-, me round corner. seven octave, RUSEWOOn NO.

made in the aitf. Tnih is an ii.atrun.oatof superior tone 4 finish, and warranted by trramatiufaoiurer for one year. It will t-e sold low to any person early application. InoU-Ul J. PIW--S-.

KKHMOMIM.tIIi: HI A FIIK BELOW NORTHERN PRICES iT. -Ili'ha stitrscribdr has oa hand three new very superior 7 octave PIANOS, which he war rante to be equal, if not nupf-nor. to any instrument of the same quality fioui Northern mauufac onea. He also offers his services to tne pubiio aa rUNKHand REPAIRER OF PIANOS, rea aouable rates. CON RA FK El MAN South side Broad between 2d and id.

F. i.efebvrr, Prof E. W. Thilow. i'rof.

W. F. Ural au Ac. no 11-6 WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. A V.LEUANT AND THE largest assortment of jfrl J.

ver WATCiIE. and JEW i ever offered in cny, wholesale and retail, at LEWIS HYMAN'B, Pebble GLASSES, to salt any be bad at reduced price from LEWIS HYMAN, 98 Main "'wat'ehes and Jewelry REPAIRED by skillful workmen at a low price by I.EWIB HVMaNi Main s'reet. And the cheapest WA. CH ES and JBWELRY in the State to se 4- LE A IS il BIA-vB. CHAMLBIR LUMBDI-N the mar who repairs WATCHES.

JEWELRY CLOCKS SPECTACLES. in the best mtimt manner and at prices. WATCttES aud CLOCKS repaired and war rauted. JEWELRY repaired in tie beat manner. SPECTACLES fitted with new el-Bses and war ranted to auit.

at am street. ichiiiond. M. FRANKLIN A tm'lbwb, ollerto the public theti improved CRYSTAL PERISCOPIC SPLCfACLEB, lor preserving and restoring the unpaired vision to lUpuuie vigor. CRYSTALS inserted in old frames.

A fine assortment of MICHOSCOPES rEI-ESC'PKS, MARIN Hand OPERA ULASS KS. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, STE Rfc'OSCOPEH and Ste.reoacopio VIEWS, alwayi band No HOSIKKr. tanJed I onr own importation I.WC doa. Ladies' OOTTON HOSE, all qualities MiMBB' all a B-a an BAteP SHIPPING. Ac.

HAmoR FOR IMHTsVuri-ij B8 i MORNINGS, at o'ci. ek Iv for ths above plaesa. and return asms hour. e'ofoek. and at regitiar leadings on and re ti Pl'-LK wil.

niter VfKDSKS next the Ml fa be taken the line fietween thia place and to tt mi LlliL for be dis- The line lr bUrg. Lexington at" Buchanan; will continue a. usual. aaeti atrraoao to J-exington tt LjwihhuM loj Buchanan 'J Eh. edmond A CO A LI.

A VII I A HHV I- TI ISA R.W-"-_.4" In.ii.Pi'kl.'" t. Man VOBKTiuvn )WN 'T w.ll wive Rich' Bend for New York, atoiiping at Nor folk both spins aad vir The Pan-U-B, every day afternoon, at. 1 every fn. Returning from New York and Saturday, at. fJ Steeraue 1 asaage to New Yurk only to Norfolk the lame as by fhe river aeai ou UrSion CkeU i li i 8 rYP L.

nex nexseahon. LUDLAM WATSON, Opposite Wharves. P1 9 ION BTEAMBHIP some GlMA.ehe wni be taken off the line until about the inst and notice wi'l Iks given when she will rPKuni- lier regular trips. C. CARDOZfJ, Agent.

OK -nn Schooner 'DANIEL I'OWN 1 Capt. Towbsbub, bavins the greater portion ol cargo en-aged, will have quick dispainh for the above port Kur Ii to COLQUITT co. BUit LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL PACK i TLINK -The a slop of tins line, the VIRGINIA IJAKK. aptam J. Cm, will load at this port for Liverpool on or about the totfa of next month Shippers will bear in mind that, by special act of the LegisU-ure.

flour can lie shipped on tins ship, owned in irginia. without inspection A larae part of her freight alrraly l-alance ol ireifcht anp'v to ts DAVID W.M.CURRIE. yPH BALBAJyp RBI7T. A HOUSK and f.TnTncreTof KS LAND in Sidney, ne.irlv npposKC Sid.iev Rap Church, now by Mr. Bennett ihe liouse is brick, and has several rooms, I thlot is beautiful and in a huh state of cultivation.

will lie given nt. once. A poly to GODDIN APPERSON. KgNT-A very desirable FAMILY ln a yen v' neighbor-1 "-iiocd, on Broad, near Foushee street, containing hveor six the ritv water ir. too yard.

The is now bin. thoroughly possession will be given on the Ist day of December next. BoST-St JAS M. ft SON. nf 2Si, -r-.

npat COTTAGE Rival mm fiEftCE. corner ol Clay aad streets, is for Uas and or. the premises. Apply to DAVfI) E. LACY, no Brooke Avenue.

FOB LEASE OR HK r-A HOI. SK. wtm above 3d street, containing rooms, water nnd nas in the house, and in perfect order kitchen, coal and house. There is a garden connected to the premises, with a va riety ol select fruit trees, To rt. good tenant it Will he leased upon very moderate 'erins.

Apply to IJ. LYNE, n026-ts Hall. vt, FOR A brick SCHOOLROOM, lea corner ol Clay and Ei-htu streets. Posset iiiiniedia For furtiier information, apply to I no 38 K. EAi-HO.

-ti lil RRI IB T-The MARRET AROEN fcjnj around "Buchanan's Spring," now in the oc- oi Mr. Bine, containing from iti to l.aer>*3. The HOUSK is comfortab for a sin all and the land is productive. Apply to Dr. CRENSHAW, or Dr.

POLLARD, no a ts -gj l-ott RKNT-Anew brick DWELLING, -sth street. Union Hill, near tho Methodist Poasesaioa to given, to a good tenant, Hie lhth oi 18-1. A.3 i. a HOUSE on 7th atreet, suitable for a factory or worksh-p. Apply to aoM-ts JAMBS H.

POINDEXTER. HOUSK FOR ENT-At .12 per of 6th and Cary sts Apply to GREEN Ac ALLIEN, rr artt sts. Xi FUR possession riven at raonoe-aneat BRICK TEN KM ENT. on 15th in rear of the Lancasterian School. The building is new.

ami hast rooms. Fnce $160 par year. lap R. CAUTHORN. Ktl ti A NT- The large at spacioua BASEMENT, corner of llth and is iy 21.

two entrances on llth and is suitable lor most any kind of business. Tn a good ten int the rent will be moderate. Possession given immediately. Apply ti MARCUS HARRIS no Main street. on 32i and streets, containing ten or twelve rooms, ho'isc and stable on the lot, and a weil of good water in the yard 'i here is a lir.e narden c.innected with the For terms, Ac, apply to fiu.

ti. i NE, Agent for hiring out Negroes, renting out Houses, fee.Metropolitan Hall. no FOlt RENT OR a term oi Kj3 years, the very oentrally located LOTon s'rei-t, 7ti leet ln.nt. and about 140 feet deep, with an alley in common.on the uorthside ofthe same, from Marshal! to Broad, and also an alley in common on the rear, through to College street. There is astnill BRICK HOUSE on the premises, next adjoining the Riclini-nd -Medical College.

or three good ROOMS in tie buildings corner firoad and lltnstreets. ac routed to professional or single gentlemen only, who can accommodate themselves as to their meals. c. or three well-! red NATIVE COWS, raited at BlaadortfFarm. about two miles west of this city.

Appy'iitthe residence corner of Broad and llth streets, to aaM-atawts P. M. TABB.Jk. it'll and convenient HKICK Grace street, out Bbova Foushee, for several past cccupied as a parsonage for Oentenary This iiuse has untie thorough repairin-, and is. altogether, one of the most located and conveniently arranged in thectv.

Is adniifalilv suited for -i laree family. Poasesaioa can he had on the llth Dec. For le'ins, PKI'Kk TLNSLh. rOR first STORY above a store, containing two rooms and hall or I passace. To a good tenant, necessary repiirs will be made.

Al.t?o.—The Kitchen in the rear will be rented separately. Appiy to J. MONROE CARTER, On Cary, 2d door heow 12th no 5-is And next above bank of lltchiiiond. Rt-OM FOR large eomforta, ROOM over my store, suitable for a doc- oifice or lodging-room J. W.PRAVSER.

Druggist, )7th oc 23-ts Near corner of Broad. ROOHrFOR a. tTSTT CIS comfortable ROOM- lately occupied by the Rh-er Railroad the atore of the subscribers is now for rent. P.JOHNSTON A BROTHER, au lis Stain street. J-EAL ESTATE FOR VALUABLE IHAKKET FARM IN 51 KN RICO FIVE MILES BELOW RICH MO.ND, FOR Witn a view of in mot'er business than farming, the sutrsc.pbor for aale his FARM, known as -DOVE aboat aores, the lamer portion oX-red and is well set in clover, aud prodaoes of the usual crop i.

tue hast ol Tne improveateata ooastst of a framed building, with lour rooms aad the usual with a well of excellent water in the The location is healthy and society very good. A can be had if immediate application be made to tne siilsi-riber. living on the prerrii.ea. or to Dr. Ro.

Lvsk, fieneral Agett, Metropolitan Hall. noia-du HOPPE. SUHO AM ILA'KI IN THK COUNTY OF AMELIA, FOR SALE PRIVATELY. -The devisees of John rt- Steger, deed, offer for sale privately a valuable TRACT OF LAND, lying on the Appomattox river, in the county Amelia, five miles from Mattoax Depot, on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, containing, by estimation, IJBB acres. The land is admirably adapted to the production of Corn, Wheat aud Tobacco, and the tract is regarded as one of the beat in the oounty.

If desired, i twill be divided into two tracts. The neighborhood is most excellent. Possession will tie delivered at r.noe; the devisees reserving the right to cultivate and gather the growing rope, il a satisfactory an a.i. amentcanuot be made with the purchaser to take then. The purchaser of the land, ii he desirea them for his own use.

can also purohase a larve number of valuable SLAVES. The terms will Imade accommodating. Apply to WILLIAM E. MEADE or JOHN B. De pot.

A metis; or to R. W. STEUER, Mattoax Depot.Amelia. HORSES, d-c, POR BstkltM goo.l Buegy HORIK. gentle, trots unite last, and will atand tying.

Having no further use for him, he will I sold on moderate terms, no ETI'ENHEEA F.DMONP. j-v SA E-A fine,, Tijg-fJHEY HO RISC, tiy Major Doswell, who will give his pedigree -o any one wish ing to purchase. He wis 6 years old last June, and a about Id hands high is a remarkably fine bar horae, and goes well under the saddle; can eaaiiy well five miles an hour, and aoundiu every oar tiou lir Nil. on 11 is -th and Cart at Haxall's Mills. ttZmtk LtSW BUB, have for sale a i.i.e MH.CH COW, with a younj calf st R.OAUTHORN.

it tnmwmkn. FUTURE DATS. By Re It. Lyne, Aaet'r. A nLK MA RM.

FIVK JL Lt-S HKI.OW HI'HMONH. ON THK CHAWI.KB CITY ROMJ. CONT "Ji RK.s. FOR BALR AT PUBLIC AUCTION At ihe Theodore I ahall I nil lie aurt.on.on the of DEC! upon tv if rot, th. next fair day t' ereifter.i tnat i valuable Fa in sitiivrd aa deserilied ove eontainint 15 tird BBjn'na the landaof'Ko' rarrar ard otheri about half the ba'ance i Wooi'a 'I he mesied land ia well adapted to the i jtr.iwth of the props, vceetaVc Ihe iiiproveiuen a ire tor the aocorn- i Ttereisa i pump of in the yard.

The loca- i tion ii healthy good. Imniediately afier the aale of the fa-m, will he Bolu all Stoi I'tensils. crop tf i Coin f-odd-r, Ac Mr. ii-K. living on the awiiaaa.

Bill perifute in thowiag it to any one wishini, to pur cr-ite. Tl Xl -Made known on day of sile ao-8-dtda Ro. 11 LYNE.AtU-t, Br Anct'r. faOOIM, RIEB. be sold et section.

r. i store, corner of and 15 Ms THURSDAY MORNlNG.the»ihday ofNoven i man a aasortmenl of new and aecond hand FURNITURE. STuy ks. CAR i i I 4c. i IJHY Ca.iiii»rf.i., Flannels, i Costs, Vc-ts.

Rents. Shoes. Cips. Tobai butter, Chaaiaagne, An a X'R JNOTT, Auct. VAi.r.

OV PBRSORAI. PROPEKTV, IN THE COUNTY OK AMF.LIA.~On TUKSDAY.thettii day of Deoemlier next 1 shall otter fir at the firm of the late Jus Hrani! si'iiated two miles from Aitielia Criurt- Hoiirs, ail the PROPRRTY, inelading Mu'es. Oxen, fcfilch Cows, Hoes, Sheep. Corn, Oats, Wagons, Thrrshing Fan Mill, and otner Farminu Implements. Tko.ii.-- Under .80.

cafh ard over, sis I credit without inteiest. Dimc.tualiv paid I at materity. otherwise interest will He ch-raed i lrom day of aale. tor whiei bords, with satibia--- i tory security, he ie.iuired. JOS B.

DUNN, i BQBB- it.WFtVI l-x'or of Jos. Uraiit. deed. i VTIRGINIA SI'GAR RI.II.IKRV. Ihe proprietor takes pieature in announcing to the lublic ttiat tne VIRiiIMA -TEAM SUGAR REFINERY I is full and regular baaea- paoitj si.tii'-ient for a very lar.r.

demand. His aim will be to render satisfaction to all of hiri rustoiners. and he that will with a hlieral patronaite trom the merchants of the Southern Btates. Tiie Refinery ik located immediately on the wliarf at Rocketts. ar.d is eonvenientja situated for sHpmmtain direction.

For Ac present only white and yellow Coffee wiil be aau ii "he entnipiise with that the pro. hope- to deserve, he will, in i he Spring, ealatge the buildings, put on additional machine- ry. and manufacture Loal md Crusheo Sugars. ing governed in Ins bi the New York pnrea. he hopes the merclnii of his own State and other Southern will patronise him liiie- rally, at.d bs guaranties that his fugars are bsu i to ami'lar manufactured North.

Orders will be received for iv bbls. Sugar and 5 rup and upwards. Sugars and 8y rup delivered any store in the city, irat any ol the Railroad I'epol-, Wharves, or on Canal Boats, free ol cuarge. by mail or te'egraph promptly attended to et sel'ing arioes of the day on which they are reer-ived. limited.

Samples of each day's reflcicc will be exhibited at tbe office, No. 43 Main street, under tlie Bt. Charles Hotel. CHAS. V.

MORRISS, Proprietor of the Va. Sutar Refinery. no 1 In view of the prest-nt monetary and unwi.ling to submit to ruinous ratcn oi intere-t. or to subject our to heavy lueses on the aaleol property, winch they i are anwilling to sustain, we have concluded to temporarily -Ufpend We impelled to this ourae from a due to our own snd to the interest of those eh have Negroes on band intended ou- aalea, ami which in most ises we have made large aava ces. V.

will re.nine payment ol ou obligations -tt the earlr compatible with ths intrrost ol which public notice will We are confident our will be We shall continue business, and will be glad to sr-rve t'lt-se lling to submit to prices, i and wiil promptly apph the proeeel- by those favor us with iheir patronage i ta DAVIS, CO. 1 K0.190 Broad sth and 6th manufacturer of STKAM RKFINED, FRENCH, and FANCY CANDIES, oi all descriptions, wholesale and retail, and dealer in FANCY GOODS, TOVB.FOREION FRUITS, and CitiAri-, of every variety, respectiuiiy invites the public to examine his new and beautiful stook City and meruhants will fir.d it to tiieir interest examine Ins cone's before par- i chasing lie leels he o-in of far aa -reat inducements as oan be had by iheir pur. hasing North. no BOLLAI-S RE AX 1 the old jail ol Henrico en the night oi the Uth JOSEfU EURaNK.b white man. convicted by tae Court of Henrico county of a misdemeanor, and sentenced to six months' itnprtscament.

The said RIIBaNK is about ti tears old. 6 feet iv inches high, witb a very full black beard, coven v.h li whole face. Ho was dressed in a Wick I rock oo tt grey and slouched wtute hat. Whoev.rwil return the said KU BANK to the jail of said County, will receive the above 1 i JOHN A. HUTCHESON, 8.

H. POT swo oit I RICHMOND, VA. nev Hotel at the oorner oi Alum nndSth just finished and elegantly now open tor the accommodaiion of guests. The location the best in tne every e.ffirt wili be made to please the patrons ol the iioine. I have secured of Mr- T.

W. HoKB- late of the tSferett House, Now York. BoC-ly JOSEPH H. CRENSHAW. Bi: Al TIF AX i FN Tii BUILD- I ING LOTS, CORNER UROAD AND AND IUTH FOR BENT OR SALE There buiiditit: lots, fronting 51 feet on Capitol and Rroad streets respectively, and 140 leet i 10th street, are, for private or pu purposes, unequalled by any other in the Surrounded by I streeta on tii-ee sides, and fronting the Capitol Square, they prteent rare attractions.

They will tie oa liberal or I on long credit, no 19-ta J. B. WATKTN.v M.i.i. IT I It GIN lAS A I I- ie a b. i Chartered by thi Legislaturi CAPITA! 100,000.

MON KY received on deposit in turns oi FIVK DOLLARS and upwards on which interest at'he rate of per centum per annum i for sums remaining six or longer; for shorter periods, interest at the rate ofS pet centum. The whole joint stook bound for the deposits. Deposits received and certificates issued by the Cashier, T. B. the store of E.

B. Spence, corner of Ma.n and Governor streets, Richmond, Va. SAM'L 8. COTI'RI-LL, Fres't, T. STARKF, ('is DAVID BAKKR .1..

Dill HI.II Rfcl'ltLHSltlXll i factory is now complete. by far the largest establishment of the kind south of An of twt-nty aided with oompetent workmen, enables nic to offer to tne ir-ido of VIRGINIA. NORTH CAROLINA. mii TBNNEB-RB, also the an article of city-mace, i STEAM-REFINED SI'CAH CANDY, warranted to stand in any climate, much be- i low the Northern price for an, arti.le of like -tandard. Call and examine it at mv Factory.

No. 80 am street. LOU IS J. EVX. have room I Storage of the bulk of 10,000 barrels, at our Warehouse, corner Dock ar.d Cary streets.

We have aleo on hand and for sale on consignment. 2 000 bbls. of Fish, comprising Cut Herrings, Shad. Salmon. Mackerel, Nos.

1, 2 and White F'sli acd Herrim-s. Aiso, 2.000 bbls. James River Cement; CiO bbls. Rosendale Cement; -i) 0 tibls.Ca'uiaed plaster; i(JO bbls. Tar; 1 fHSJ bids Rockiand Liv 100 bushels I'iasterintz Hair; 30 000 Howard's Al'itches.

Alto, 100 000 Cigars, some ol which are the finest imported; all of wr.ich will be low to close sa as, I BKOiG A CO. OVERCOATS I OV-KiOATfi I-Cheip. fine and superfine, and Pallot, with nnd without, capes; Pilot, Beaver and Cloth, made uj. in goo I sty le and for site to suit. Rl'-rt VELVET good and le breast, tip u.p nnalitr.

SHaWLS AND Underwear for U3e; also Meek Ties, Scarf, and Comforts; also, Shirt Collars and Drawers; Gloves. Socks and Suspenders; also, Money Helta. Sto-ksand Handkerchiefs A fail atfortment.and -old -heap. VV. S.

TLP.M A.N Agent. 109 Main street. rOHK STOCK OF t'Lti I i A at the old and favorite stand. Ml Mam street, fvr in extent and variety any hereto- i foreshown by us. Owing to the tirthine.s in the ii oney market, and wrh a view to meet the views of purrliasers, we ahall offer very great inducements to ali who may favor va with a call We, simply direct your attention to the fact- that now as heretofore, your inrere.t will be and time and money saved by calling on ft WILLIAMS.

TfO FALLL TRADE. i BQ SHAFER, HALBBY CO Manufacturers of, and Wholesale and Dealers in, CLOTHING and FINE Fi RNIHHING GOODS, 110 Main Richmond, Va now opening for the Fall and Winter Trade, a tar, and desirable stock of OT 1 and FURNISHING GOODS, to which we invite tue attention. SHAFER, HALSE- ft ii-iiiiiond, Va. Harris ft v- 1 have on hand a large Biock ot CLOTHINO, auoh as Orlotf Beaver Overoeata; Moscow Beaver do Whitney oo Drab Beaver Black Petersham Garnoks; Silver Mixed Caaaimere Fancy Nobby Suits; Velveteen Hunting Suits: Black iluits; which we are selling very low. For ou DARRACOTT, HARRIS ft CO, 112 Main atreet PitEPAKE POII IOI.D persons in want of CLOTHING, will find at 108 Main street, every article oi wearing apparel to auit the approaohtng aeason.

Our goods are stylish and durable. Call and see fur yourse.veß. NOAII WALKER 108. corner Main and Pearl sts. A.

HULKLEY CO. are now receiving afresh stock of rtea Plated Tea Sets. Tea and Coffee Urns, Butter Diaties, Candleaticks, loe Water Puohera, Cake Baskets, Gobieu, Mags, Spoons and Forka, Castors. Ac. The above gooda are made expreasly for our end we warrant them to be tbe teat suality.and worthy the attaation of CQ IMO wii, AUCTION By M.

Tayler Ir Son, Aect's. TRISTFEU BALK (II PKRIOtII, I (ft- THE CITY OP virtue at a deed o' trust executed to the Y. and wife, 19th May and re oorded in Henrico Court. atttere- U'jf-t ri'i parties wili se'! auction, on tl o'clock A M.ii fair; It BOt. thea o-i the i.rxt fair day thereafter, iat the hnur, at the farm on which aaid Lardrum reaidee.

at Tree Hill race course, two iiuina lielow tbe the folloe ins to vrit Five BORPKB; SCAR 1 Si I A (JON. with ard-ill th- FAR Vi ING IMf'i and the B'ockofIIOCSKHOLO ana KITCHEN FURNITI'KK. corsiatirii; ofthe usual ranety. Tbb reriuired hy thn deed -re but pro ii it will be bo as to allow res. a able i r.d.t*.

B. W.LLlAMd.Trastae. M. rAvt.oß Son, uc'rs. 19 -BL-Will be a-fdad to tha above saU betwaea ar.d BN beautiful wiite Irak HOoTf, for torn lata -Tt-l-i-rTEf-'fli BALK i

F.STATK fiITVAL virtae of a deed of treat froml'eter (jwinn and vv fe to the u'aeiilc. dated the day of May, recorded in Richmond Court. 1 proceed io -eliat cmi i the premises on MON Da V. tne id Decera'ier, ul fair; if the uext day tbsreaiter.) commencing st io'ettx p. ten! estnto conveyed in dnid rollovrs One cert.iiii or ptircel ol land in the i-iti ni Richacnd, improve therenn, berfinnint at a po'nt dl tast 113 lert r.

rtheast from the west iina feter's rannins along fronting on Duval street;! 6 leches nnd run-in. on em Hoe IS-feet 9inches, and on Its vtestr-rn line let reel 9 inches to an slley it) fct wide, and frontin on said ai ej .7 6 inrhfs. The house is now in the occupancy of said Qwinn and rooms lie made knrwn on tho day of sale. TIM uhKliC.Kl-, Irustce. M.

Taylor Ho.n, Aucts. SILi: OV A LOT ON THK -I EAST SiDE tiF Ties in a cc. tain of trust, dated the 20th iy of March. JBwi) aridnui-, reooroed. at the request, of the holder of the Bote.

1 shall proceed to tell at pab'i. auctior-, upon the premises, on BATOR day I Decernbar at to clock P. the property conveyed ia sairi deed, be ma two Lota ol barn on the eset side ot street, trout inst together 50 fer-t. ar.d running 120 leet to at' 2o feet wide. Tih-i- En.

ii-li in to the expenses of tale t.i.d a negotiable note for 26 witb mtei est thereon rrnm ths Mth Maroh, till paid; aad tbe remainder upon such terms as shall be nr.retd upon at tiie JAB M. TAYLOR, Tntstee. Jas. M. Tatlob A Son, Am 'c Ily Robt.


iCfWS I'AT ON CROPS OF CORN, SHUCK-. FODDER, STRAW, Ac, A i' AU I will the Ji ha Braokett.deceased, sell on TUfcS- the of Ueeember. 1860 Bt hia late d.n.e, at tne hoar oi il o'clock, (if fair; il not, the next fair day thereafter, that valuable rA RM fiich tbe said Bracket! lesided atthetima death, litnati 11 iteming al out acres ol red, a i ef which is meadow, rich and p'odoei Ihe balance ol the land ia well set in nnd oak. The impiovementa o. a frarn 11n containine ror 8 tjuariers.

barn, etar le, earn as houae, Ac. 1 location is considered yon healthy acd society tocbniehesand And immediately alter the sale ot the Farm, will be Be (Joas, Plantation Carriaceand Harness (nearly iosein nd Kitohen Furniture.eropa of Corn, Shacks, Fodder Tci.v-s or the land, one third cash; balance urn -i crpiiit oi one. two and th. yeaia, to bear tercet fi today ol which is to be pafd Bemi-annaally. For personal proiierr.y.

ail mmi oi twenti doilara snd under, over twenty dollars, I For tp proved paper, to be riven before property if- delivered. I BRACKE IT, Ez'or 1.1 Br icke tit I Rale conducted by il" Ltsb luct By Ouiiiop,' Anct's. COFFER, SUGAR Aft MOLASSES, AT FRIDAY.the at 11 o'clcck, vc will sell, at cur auction liags new crop Rio COFF- 21 Porto Rioo 21 hhds. Wnscovai MOLASSES.

WHISKEY. BRANDY. 1 nder JIOO, credit t'ir approvt paper. BY Bale without retard lather. no 17 I) I EOP.

MOW CU I. A acta. rpRUSTEE'S SALE Of' LAND LYING 1 'N THE COUNTY OF K'l-m, to the provisions a Deed of Trust executed on the 3-ta day oi March, 1880, by .1 ibn H. Waring, for tne benefit of i. ii, and dv aJ.iii it-d to ri i ord in the offioe of the Clerk mr the Count' Court of King William tne unJ ned Trustee, DAY, ihe 24th ol W6O proceed, King to sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, t-7 ing aaid eunntj ol King William.

joining the lands ol Thoma, Stark. Egbert i ipseomb and others, i. ileafrom I oud ana York Ktver i.i, and ab ml he a public lan the I river ci ed Hall The improvements thereon oi nf a comfortable WcLLf No, a K'TCHKN and several otkei buildinxa. There is npon the lam! an tb in la ol grey marl, a one thousand cords pine wood m-rht cue tberefr. niter leaving an abundance for the a ibport lie slaee.

Any one wishing to view tlfe premiaes will be shown them by Mr James Towerp. who now resides upon tt.o place. li' or i. iii the rnnne- aa may be neee sary to defray iheexaenses attend ng the es oution ol the trusta an said deed, will be required in c.aah oi tl ir part tforeofaa will be auffioient to aattafythe claims of tha said 80. A.

Mii, a edit of six months be given; and on the residue thereof a credit of twelve months. The instalments to be secured 'iv nils, with aoproved security, and Deed ol Trust upon the (rH-'-UKY, oe Trustee. 1 MFOKTANT TO BAS H. ViU.l-'.Y, G.A" FITTER. TINNER AND COFP KB SMITH, Wi ild inform the public that he is sols agent for HaWleY'S IMPROVED CYLINDER CAS BURNKRB, and is prepared to put them up at the shortest and on the reasonable terms, 'llu- vantagesi these 'utrners are: To prevent and of gas to give a more clear and uniform light, to regu ate the Quantity consumed with tha in Iheadl irned on to fur, desired amount, and to save at least twenty-five per cent, over the ordinary Darners.

Mr J. I. Baown.ia charge of the Washington City Works, haa certified that they r-re vnh- itntengly lest Burners he has seen daring of I weltre vf-urs witn those uorks nnd trie of the Hiehmond (las Worki asserts thtit he tried them, and ths theyaave at Icist twenty per cent over other Banters, l'hanklul for peat favors, the mv-ttes orders for ail work l.r.e, fet lingassered that he can give entire satisfaction r.s to quantv and price. CHAS. LANGLEY, oo ISth liet.wcen Mam aril Cary, UTOGftl EUR SAL 30,000 Roanoke VALLEi RAILROAD Ist Mortgage 8 per cent, Bonds coiinecraii-'v-irh lie Richmond and Danville, and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads, iihlsb long, costing over one million of dollars, with a mortgage ol Ij JUO 000.

For a minute description oi the present condition ant future rroa- company pamphlets can te bad at our office. VIRGINIA and TENNESSEE 3d Mortgaeo Bonds. 3.000 ORK I VER 8 cant. Roads. VIRGINIA Snereent 60 shares RICHMOND FIRE ASSOCIATION Nahare.

VIRGINIA FIRE and KAXRfE gtooft-40 shares BANK of the COM MONWEAUB Stook. C. W. PURCELL ft JO. se 22 -is RTI STS' AND PAINTKJU' I'l'LV A.

LVHROOK the firm of DP. Battler ft 0..) desires to inform htafrienda aad tha public generally, that be the Maw Store, No. JM Maia atreet, under Spol wood Hotel, for the sale of PAINTR, OU GLASS, VARNISHES, all ma for Bee of Pa atere, Carriage and Fom tare man ufacturerf.ftc Also, Artists' Materi-la, Engraviaaa, etara Frames 'iiii everything for Artiau, Anaalenra. Architects, Engineers and generally Teachers and Bt hoois espeeiHlLi are invited to exainirie my -toc-x of for II leo, aaa Grecian will La supplied the lowest and most mvorable rates, ihe patronage of itie pujiiic ri i.e.-'iu. solicitee.

WEOIIING is emblematic ofthe marria.e relation. Gold wiii wear out by fr abrasion. tint never tarnistiea alwaya bright. '1 liutiVrtUi life, the King is wi'liout end; so likewise is the union without interruption or end, except by the death of the Tne Wedding Ring being plain, shows that the fair one to it t.veu is, in the estimation of the giver, the moat Liveable of ncr sex, needing not the fo'eign atd nf ornament to render her the Woman for iinii to love and nlsarish all his days. A food assortment of plain Gold Rings, suitable forWedJnt iust fintsftPd, car.

le found at MAIN STREET.where will be Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware. Oliver ilit'd Ware, Spectacles, Ac Ac. Watches, Jewelry and Apectacles repaired in the beat maaner. AND WIfCfEM IQOO AT SIMPSON A MILLKR'B, itpiN STKF.FT.-Clothing of every atyle and price; Overcoats.

Ita.iueaa Coats and Freii-li, Eugliah and Ainenoan Casaimere Pants; Cissiinere, Silk and Velvet Vests Furnishing Go sty and price Cravats, Ties. Scarfs, Gloves, Haif-Ilnae. Ac; Wooden Shirts and Drawers, and everything that a man weara, excep' Hats and Shoes. Call at il. Main atreet, Richmond, oppoane Tyler's, and get supplied SIMPSON A MILLER, 119 Mam at reel.

4 INTOPH-WHOLKSALE AND A RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONERY. Ac. importer Prenclr Candiea, Cordials. Ac Manufaotprer ol Double Hefined Candies also, parnes sad weddings, in town or country, supplied with Ornamental Confeotionerr.fce, Ac. No.

Mala street, next door Exchange Hank, Hiohmond. Va. AVA llliTt -f SilW tli mi PVTERE DATB. Br Goddin A i AocTTI OP RE At. I- EBTAT-l IN THB TO.n NfcAR TO R'H KK.Ti*.-A« Oomro the Circuit ear toi Uennci, appointed loadsc ea ci on the lit Novemtwr.

in the e-teofVnr Bergmaa.Ae., we rhili n- lie i-n 'be premiaes. on 'Almy. the Mth Deeeraber. MM at 3 0 P. lifiiri it not.

the first lairdav.i the real eit ite ioca'f-d aa a have, el wnich the Fre.l. died seized, and rccupied by his widow are sevrrai boHC.t liil buildin-- lola. Hnd an excellent si- ilr.i-k Ten-inert, uted a Dwelling, and cii-ideicd an excellent for I'lis-iie ti in caah to tiio exrenaea of Bale an! au'f; b.lacce at 6 and 12 montba, for negotiable notea, interest added, f'o'en'vend title routined till the further o.cer oi CCurf. P. 11 AY'LKTT.

cannon, Comr'a 801 OP 111-a. ACHPB.IN COUfiTY, IWi.l.iK MILES BORTHKABT OF KICH- lETHPR WITH HtlfSE. Ml', KB. SHEI P. I -t OF CORN, LB AT A UuriO the rets Mr.

Henry Briel, we wil'ae'l st public audita, on tin- prem'acs. on '1 liUll- ibe a-th Nov ISM at il -v. lai': it nfxt fair day i the vatnable Farm oa which hen-w aides contain oa HO es.oi which ak-mt half ia he lit tat rind timber The Bio lexeeptihe dwelliasiaie new. and are sufficient ior the use oi Tne farm adjoint aof tae eatate ol rhoa, rmsler, Janes Smith, inn. Qreen.

Sainnel Atmasc-n, and othera, ab. twelve miles nth east i Richmond. elter the sale bud. the followins personal estate will via: Eicht has MOLES. well broke tn bj Kossuth COLT, two old: 2 OORBI 8: I yoke OXEN; a fine HOGS: teversl SHFFP: bar-els URN A AW.

all the FARMING 1.1■ i first rate Mccormick reateb i ma- CHINE. the real estate, one third ba.aoce at 1 and 2 years, tor boads bear in i in- tercet. seen red bt tmatdeed For es tate, alt earns under ft.i cis -r arnoun 8 tor bonds, interest, with fo it noH GODDIN A APi'KRBOtN. Aaata. U.I IIFTHI VAI.L.viILE 1 PROP ERTY NA! a vi ILL, IN HENRI O.

AR TO trustees a certain trust, executed b) R-agg for the be ol I' 1 dated Aaguai doiy recorded ib i Coootj oc.rr. we shall prooreo to sell at ml i tne preruiaea.on a Now er, 1860, fair; if not, tbe rext fair day thereafter i the real est its conveyed tne said deed, the valuables II as Rlalrey'a Mill." to.ether with the millei 1,, use. ard Ihe privilec-SSBd sa.nee* tint s-oii ncil. This is Justly rtgarded aa moat valuable mill ti the deed, requires a oash aale; bum is more I pro ran intent will be mads al tha time oi aaie to make the terms ti era! -he title to the is good, hit we shall convey v. th the usual special vy GRIP DIN.

i.L APPERSON.f n.1u.•;.-,! b. 1,,..,.. Ar-pgaaoa Ino.o tl vBLv.I -KM AND f.1Kt.1.% A FOB BAI K. IN THE COUNTY Commissioner appointed by irtof Hanover county, by adr ree he ii 1860, in the surot i sail No 7k VIBER nexi fair; if uot.the ni fair the premies theTraetol 1 snd on which John Tallai deed latelj 25---aorea within 13 miles ol Riohmond. and 3 miles oi the Old Chutch, nnd adjoining the lands oi a.

R. Horr. B. W. Talley It has upon it a Dwelling with ox rooms, aad all necessary oathouses.

It lies well for improvement, and is well aui ed for marketing, is well as farming purposes; is in a good hood and ecnvenienf to i mills. Loving, on the ire in showing it Also, I the prem sea ten lik Btofwh'ehare good i.sld a No. 1 and Ti -For the laves, cash. For the Lead, urd o.i-hioue tnird in oneyear and the re- mamma ore third in two yeara, the deferred pay- ments carry ing interest trom da' of aale, and the erexecu in? his bonds with good and aufri ci-ti' security, i the title retained until tie I win eof the purchase money is paid, aeon- i veyanoe directed the Ci ivt i T. W.

i.V'.t FV, Commissioner. At the same time will he sold all tbe HOUBFHOLD FFKN'TITRE, CROPS, BTOI RandFARMINGIiNPLKMKNiS i ol sveo desertptioa, belonging to the estate oi i John Taller, dee v. Txaxs-On day of sale. ti VV. TALLEY, i CjI.VTY NIX NCQHO-g, ANB LARfll AMOUNT OF OTHFR PERSONAL FKO PERTY, FOR virtue ot a deed of trust exec ted to the subscribe-a by Was.J.Wat kins of Charlotte county, they will proceed, on TUESDAY; the 18th rtaj oi Decem next.

Of I ir; the next fair thereafter, lat taidence five miles from ou the Riebrnocd and Danville Railroad, to make sale of theSTOnif.i I-. HOUSEHOLD snd KITCHEN FURNITURE, iteiy owned by him conaisfin. of-0 bead valus ie Horgea -mi t6O bead of i Oxen and MichCowa; 69 hi I H.rfJt rii 2-1 head Sheep also run ber of Carta I wagons; a Carriage and Buggy; a vary aupe- rior ac in octave Piano, md such artiolea i ol 1-iiiiKture as iiKtfiit'ieuian's i Tbe. will also.on WWDNE.D 19th December next, iif fair; not. the next sell -or.

the same place, atpu and I.IRKLY KGRoES. me Men.WnmenacdCh Idren. i amoni them three practised Intii eof steam and circa- i aarw v- hits under c'tsh for all auras i.i'ir that amount, credit of sis months will be ta.lßg f.oaa the I arith approved he-ring interest from tiio elate. THQB. WAI KINS, Mount I Va.

RICH'D V. Drake Branch, Charlotte, no in- t-f i CALK Or ATOCK, FAR.tllNfl -J IMPLKME ITS Ac -On WKONESDAY, tha --h cty of December next.dl r'nir; if not, the itn ibii the the residencenl John Pte.ger. deed I. a'l the stock ol BORPE3 CAT- KH "i the crops of 10---fJACCO. ORB i.i tv -trd the FARM IN I Mi LEMF.N every descripti-w rae wi 1 commence at 11 o'cbyik A i'nd tue from day ti day until comi eted krms.

for aI ma i i 920 under, oash will required for over S3O, moaths' win be rivei the purchaser witl. ipprnvi security. By order nf the P. the same time n'-ir-e, the of John Stegc, deed will ofler for ssle the vala-. -de FARM known as i an S3-dtd sal-is otyvri'in I AN SAW trustee in a otrtain deed Booth 1 i.pnn.

ot record in Hanover Court-House, and r'oorded in Kb'rt Court Bouse, by of ms ia said deed. I flf i rsa TLiSDAY. lii oi Daoemher, latm, vitb.tut reserve for easti. one-half of f.anl Hti am I Saw-Miu. inciudiri- all Cxtures thereto be the preniis--8.

theleadaol Keuben L. walker, in Kent ooaaty, about half a mile from tba Fork Ku-er Kailr.iad. aale io commence rvl f- o'clock. ROBERT W.ROBINSON, Truaiee. nn ACtRIJ.

reque-t. customera aiid who tiiveimr tCSBi to us full of il ready to send 't, or empty, by the next train. We are audennf sreal isnce for want of our that are idle in rati is hands who nave neal.ettdto resura them, vi a we unrst i.ake up charge the holdeis with them. v-Vhcn i-rnil beta to any person, they ahould lm re arned promptly. Muohof the wheat we receive is dan.

p. Farmera on flit to dry it at home. Barns, Kranarieaano i --al out of doors" are big enough spread itin. Farmers Use immensely tiy inattention to this po.n We fallen on perilous times, wnen debt ia fear.n! Ptmag orders for guano, thf Ist'hi gr owing evo as, won't do rortaoss who have lo out i 'it rti on time. A iedindaa ao my is to ittake money before we SBCI it ma inn ca BtVBM B-atl-B-Biaok Cloth.

Lioa Skli Fancy Caaaiuiere. tar live to irs; INVEHNESE MANTLE lor from luet fiiteea a. over foi ronth prorlueed this i A no Main sa Vt.v. have received iv Urae atock uf superior READY MADE this aad the approaching reads of: beat materials and latest which we warrant equal to any sold. Call and examine our DARRACOTT, ARRIBA It? Main st.

OLD AM) LIQtURB. A luil on hand, including tne finest Madeira and Soerry wtaea nr ported into this ooiatry. For sale ia ajaaotrties te aaii p-nh-sera. MILLER, Corner Pearl aid Cary eta. BBdalher parties, ir.

town md suupiied with Or Coniecionerv. lee Cieani, Oraugeade. Cakes, at short notice terms ANDREW ANTONI. Saloon, next doorjKxrhance Rvtk RMJ-tJMATISM AND GOVT. -Seyaelde' npeciho- the celebrated Enriish reinau-, for these ta an almost infallible cure fresh lot of English aruile.

forsaie by AII the Red Mortar, Mb, aad sts. QtV tSSINU I ASKS-Very complete: Hnir, ihe teat quality; Hand Mirrors; Shell. Horn and Outta Monnaies et Ho ionaooo, amleuutf over, tor sale by W. PETERSEN A Main street. t) Mr atine.

for convenience, strength, beaa. cheapness, ia unrivalled. A freah on hand at POWERS' DruiMore. Corner Main and streeta I pare Trull's RUM, fortoheeooniatr, proof and flavor, sals WUMRI.Et Pearl st. lot o( this VSiuable iii-dtoiti- iust reasivej by DOVk A Wholesale Druggists.

Oafi BULB. SU'iAR; Crushed. powdered. A and extra 0 potfe- tt WW ACF acwHriadia, D.nt,W«.9ittii|, haiOs I and By T. Wonhnm A i Aaet ffl'Dl ESUAt.

2'b 10 oVI-ok. we will offer lor at car tr.ur.* tto'kof OOU' 8. i Marsh ol SALT. bi, c. No 1 Ur WHIN.iS.

WHISKEY. half iibla. Bait rtiver HTjrbon WPfiKr.Y no bbia. esaca and WINKS, -0 BFtTKR. Frf.ich BRANDIES.

moW 1 Waacfd TOBACCO, A 2WO Mercer POTATOM Tne Office FURNITUH f- BCALES, A AS of the House vie (ucupy, on 1-01. between Mimq snd Cary sts. I Ml an. I lUH.M.S,* I bkbeb For allaaa-BUBder in I'iiikable over that Kiirn, I crtdit. lor ti.e 'ess-Will ho known or the diy of sale.

-NOIiGRASS Sale to be ci ii-iieted by C. T. a ft 27- Ily A A -eersoa, CALK OKI OH HAY, P-iBMIM MULKO, HOGS, CATTLE. Ac, the quest oi Mr Ldward P. t'hamberJayne, wbo sold bia Gagas, we Shall aell.

et auction, at "I evel ij eeri." re i orlh of nea' liio-ke flank Read.aa wEDNLUDAY, tea SMh November. at 11 A. AL. uf fair; if or. tiia rext tiir day.) ail of the on tho estate, a 1 fine brood Mares, I Oeloing.

2S vara. I Irtooded iJo'i. aged years. 2 yokes fin Oxen, ft Milch (Juts, and with a Ca I year lid Durham BhII 1 hall liester H. sr I Sew, Slioars.

1 Minuy's nnd Mower oominfJ in order. I tin it I Ox 'art, 1 Tumbril, I Smith'- er Uteiist a 3 lame of bla-k Oa a. 8 stacks of Fodder, a of nice Clover Hay. MM barrels nl Corn.

Ac rionseholi umiture and Kitci.eii 1 eU hulky, 1 acre of Ruta Red Top Turnips ALSO- 1 Kosaata Horse aired I rears, 1 Morgan Wagoa II Waa iy'a Reaper, 1 hand Corn Sue Inr. 1 Sii'lo. Tbbms -All snma under $30 ca over that months aeproeed'nn endorsed Mgot at.le p.iper. OOUDIN ft APPKRtM'N. ill Auctioneers.

Hy 11. took. Auc'r. rtKN-TKI I. HOII-rt-HOLII KlTt'H-1 KI'RNITUEE.

AT TUESDAY at rk. wiiiaell at j-mea Harks, rsg oa lrrt. nd Marshall all ins llul'Si md KiiCttlN FURNITURE, ronslstios of a large variety nest e.tce tent rarlor and he aaaaleariatv of CHINA, OLAB3 WAttK. KITCHEN I TENBILB, HOURS F.R hoiisa containa tt rooms vv tn basements, gas in every room and iv He in esoallertt order, apply to Ino-H COOK, Auct. shove till riow i Nov.

vHi.i al ol E. B- COOK Ano'r. Ey Auct'r. THIS DAY. tt 1 k.

at mr atore. 1 will set at auction, a loot Haem KideaaadSti ulders. 4 hsese I uiter. lard. Whiskey, urn, 'i ira., Herrings. Ac ol -Sooud-asn-l consisting of Carpets, Tales several i.rtu.... Ptrrvaa, Feather Beds, Hair end tfhaeh Mattreates, fto. DO 18 H. CAL ifIORN, Aunt.

Hy J. 11. Auct'r. (id! I) MLVflt WATI IIES, JEWELRY, FANCY COOLS, Ac- will be aold at aa lion, every nifht tins week, at Auction Room -6 Main street. Also, a tot of U.ankst- Drawers Baa Table Gallery, Plated Spoons, Porks, AO.

Sale wi-l enre at 7 M. J. H. Dl GUI'S Auct 0 F. Roqtb.

Baleamaa. aa TAILORING, FALL ttIVT-ri I I OT 111 The attention of the citizens of Kiolinion.i and the is respectfully called to oar targe. varied, and eomn etc assortment of nnd y. CLOTHING and FURNISHING tiOODS, all of winch were maaulsotered hy ur. with a pleasing the iire'if.

uivermties of taste, in regard Battel aarselvaa tael style, dt, and durability .1 oar Bur passed by any honse in the city, and Ihat our In manufai Mr are such aa toena ileus I is inch reituced prirea i-e equalled. Raving made more extensive arranieintMits this aeaa.m for the sunply the treat deni-iudr! lor than ever before, we hope to receive a lar.ctJPp.-Ti lrom -il uantot articles in our 'uraiiahdf them all that we will do rfiem justice We are also prep-red to aaaba io order articla of Gent's Wc'irui- Apsarel, atahort n-t'ea. NOAH WM KF.R ft (Branoh ol Baltia-ora 1-3, coraer Main ami or leuists. BAD IH ISI Sf EGIAL NOTICE. 1 have nued on account of the falling of my atore.

I ta now loaated "ivb doobs above my old strind, nexi door to C.w. Puree 11A Rrol neirijovernor, itreet, I rJti.wheiel would be pleaaed to! old am' the customers gon- Phose in Ihe habit oi -ivnir. me their orders i ill d-. me a iavor to wait until I oan oall on i hem, or wi.r'i store when to call on them, and all in my hce will attended tc aa heretofore. 1 have not.and don't to discontinue bnaine.

a for any aaeh aaase. Call and ace me. Nt IBS Main atreet. lanrt-tal WM IRA SMITH W.iKK.-Elegaal Tea Sets: Water Pitohers; OoMetSi Waiters; Forks; Putt itands; wlae Sua: Kau Stands; and every o.her ire-ie th is manuftotared ia SILVER IM.ATKD WAKK Weiiivite the attention of pui-eha-era, feeiin- ansnred thai, can oiler inducements that p-mnnt fail to please. BfEBSiNS.

Pi LLEN Cor. Uth and Broad -ts. pTotTo Ol S. il tou wish, to huve v.ur Cahea, ii-ltt. ar.d digest'ble, use BoaeS'r'a '-scelaior Yeast Powders.

The. ooiitaiii no ingredient that in not perfei tiy harmli is, aod if u-ed mg to tin- dir-etrons will n-ve- fail tv I'nce 19 cents paper. Pie-ared Sy A. BODFKF.R Crtemiata. No lv atreet.

rpoTLBT MIiIHOKS, Toilet of all I To lei Waitera, Combs Colognea. llandkerchiet Kx'r-icta. Pematame. apd all her Hair preparatioea and i'oiiet reauisites, (Ml I A IIM FY'S Apotlie-ary, pignof Red Mortar. 6tb aen IRaia 91.0 he Virgiaia bia Hakias Powder acid at tear erioe or at 15 cents by the the heal a tiicii l.ii-n* w.f.oii' s.n -X nnd I SI Bt free of that odhasive odor: eeth $1 lergall.m.

1.. WAoNKR. Drug.i«t, ri-h iiul AP l.s siCiANs, FAMILIK- AND FARM.RB.— Having Iw.uci't a larva kkb these Chests for 1 rfer them for sale at lo- All etaasunba Jos i.Aitii.u.Y'd) i Family So. not Red f.f*i nnd Alain ats. I IRRUNT V.

The notes of tho Bolvaal Banks of Virginia, Nr.rth Cnroiia. Soath Ca olina.Georgia. Ai baata.aac received as heretofore for antes orjmaeroaal at KEEN. BALDWIN ft WILLUIIJ. t'K.

lUUUr.I'.B -At Id per box I rbey are cheaper than e-iuvi ibe lest. A 1..., acorn Cotiea: pure Cocoa; Broma. aad Coxa's Bperklini L. WAGNER. I Ist.

Corner rv'i aad Broad r'a. r-iHOICE BUSINESS si ITS Owiaed line day something entirely new. seat el in ases ai md the beat lot ol goods us (season. W. 3.

TUPMAN. Asci.t. li. aia UTIUITIiF Bf" fJHU own prepar ttion- Btriotll ard made Always on hand, prepared, for aale t.y P. JOHNSTON A me i MEM's of all steea, ami.Ha -'l for family and plantation tiae.

Also. atcans' Pocki't Oaaea, and lioiitai inatruiuo for sale at Philauelpiua ni 1-4 Mam stieet M. XX -vior-aTtiM FEW i iiifiaao, a Bti i oilier hraade oiu Wye -on bbla. brand i and Gin Cordial and Sweet bbla eommoa Wh vxnous tirands; Lne Brandies ami Win.a For WALLACE SONS. I 11 re" IB North Cam It.nk Notes for ourctiase'ii Ready- Vado Clotnins.Furutah at (io'iii, Ac.

DM! at it holl i raeetvad a I -t of prime BOLL BUTTER. PICKLED SAL.dON. For sale be F. McCARTttV. MEM fr-KOi COATS vriieh p'exse us, therefore we oau tnem auoh re.t daiionaswi Isatiafi lons it mem W.

9. TUPMAN, Agi. 1W Man at. BOYS' -API- OVfeKt.iA.S- Boys' Suck, overcoats, for all ai NoAii walker co.s. Corner of Mam ami 'I'O sVIOKKKS -A fresh of spl-u" a Lyaeh-Brg totmcco vow in atore.

Bead in your oidera to W. PETERSON ft CO at L'lNi: lltWl'l- TOiU iri.iii a and sol'-ft Msorliucnt ol must popular t.r.'.ads, wtiioa wo il ii at pricea. LOVE Roourn liVLST-V- CH -A Deah aupp'r this.eeiebratsd brand of Tobacco reit-ived ant tor hv W. PK i'EjOjQNft CO Main tt. 4 mtSSITR AND Bttl Bn consignment acd for safe ny WINSTON A POWERS, Corner Peal and Cary ate.

tU 1 HULS. EXTRA SIUAK, aad lot si- by LEWIBW. JOHN WADE. MAMIIM-' good -upply hand and lor sale low by A Mr P.iEt'D Druggists 124 gt. LBIKTi VBRIM -V tore, No.

tSS Main street, Bauer Hotel. I Vt Ull NAB ANO A auesttor Uraadyi ra stotw.for sa.s by Mbih yt TlVttibl foi .3.

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