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Richmond Dispatch du lieu suivant : Richmond, Virginia • Page 3

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

Coatireoa, Yooterday member, of the ot iiTea vestrrd 1 tn tT rIZ mS room fonaerty occ.pted by U-. rad the hall re.c, Tly vaeetedby the Honse cf Iteiegatea of ttIMRII chant, aaeaw the Bouse witha somethiag. aad to discard the tMK all do-noibing policy which termed tta proceedings. Uf gUli waa aa abundance. tat it attended with nt semblance oS important bill under bob aswtetuay.

aad probably the most tha; has engaged the attention of voi ci seeati te the comraeacemeat of cession, was the bill reported by Mr. Garaett, from the remittee of Ways aad en- Matedaaaai admit impoeta duty such may be imported from tho Unite, i states uf America. The debates upon thla measure were interesting, perhaps able, both stdeo. Aa a financial question, it hi 1.0 merit, at least so for ths. ent Uconcerned, and it was not eonteaued by its advocates that any benefit In that spect woald be derived from lie was supposed, however, by those who it, that policy ha sM iw egeot In propltUtlng pubftt sea ot European Powers, a ssnti ment vti to as rnuoh regarded InJCuglaad dud in tbe Culled or Confederate jStates ffaO iriends of free trade per of gave ihe bill their sanction, although w6sUsci.eted the floor of the lionae known advocates of that policy, that the Incurred la tbe prosecution of ths war its teimlaatiou, require for iU li-iUtdaUon.

Tbe or; of the bill thought it calculated ta bAbos tjovernment In a humlilating tbe commerctal Governmenu of The meaeure, however, reoelved the sanction of the Bouse, and we give it as it passed that body i A to be entitled an actj to admit lm- IsjsCs such may be mporied trOBB ihe United ttates of America Ssggjl Tht Gongreai of tkt Conftdtrau Mates of jutwfra do Inatoll laws, and parts cf whiiu nre laid and collectett on foreign goois, wares, or marchandixs imported from foreign ore hereby except tut regards those imported from it. (tatted States of America. Mac. i. ThUact shall take affect from and ktfter Its but the provisions of this act not tpply to goods, or merchandise, heretofore or now in bond.

The following la bill which passed the for the protection of the frontier of tho State of Texas. It was advocated the of that State with h. of a-uestnets which their devotion to the Commonwealth which keBOXOd them with her eorafidecce. lt was introduced m.r. Herbert, of that State Act to the Stcretary of War to rooeive service ef the Confederate States a Regiment of Volunteers lor the protection el i.iie frontier of Texaa.

Uec 1. lit of tht Conftdtf do trrtft. Itsai thn Sccittaryof War ia hereby to lecelve tn'o ths service of the a reeiment ot volunteers that nre now la in tbeState of Texas, for the prptcctioa of the frontier of said Steteagaiaat Ir.dlan depredation, regiment shall constitute a put of the Provision "i altar of the and to the governing the some. Tin- untitled in the Valley rteaStaunton of yeeterday, contotae ii Hat Of the Rounded in the hospital In that in cumber. Among these are Waltoc, Co.

regiment, and Oapt. X- t- Cjwan.Cj. I. 'me lataurdted on th-? Sv.h, one week after tte fl'3. Captain (Jowun was high-toned and ctivalr us and we deeply regr-t to ibe fall of so noble a spi frem Preston repre seated count-' few yesrs ago in the L- of the State.

We hear IhatOapt Baford, of Bedford, bad I it -ii atoaad in flic thigh, which is thought be Col. Burks, of Beiford, coanuandipc the third ef ibnTlal legliaoill.ftel 424 regiment, Lteat-OOt, Littiztxotue -b'M regiment, Col. battalion, Major nad teres ballses -shot through his clothes but aaaajsefi nuAarii Lieut Lasghorne jh koraa shot under him. Theentlie waa engaged, except, perhaps, the -fa ni, wMca, with Marye's battery, Id to ye tie en in reserve. Th I- I.

idles' Del'euce axdstetaad that ths patriotic ladies who constitute the "defence Witk view of that most eff.c- BvWteaaeh of onr naval steaafawx will hold another meeting in thi ettf These meetings ore, we esWOtj tiey certainly are sacred hut ths termination of the noble Southern amawa xaogfro them uuimation is all the" men Clearly expressed by this method of uoadacuag th 4 gioiious task. They will act with xuore effective energy, and the put they have In view requires all theeauttoti thus evinced. Ladles who devote L-uit-. i-j such efforts never fall 1 Indeed, udles a.tempt any good which they do aot a.tneve, tl the history of triaunphant Koine, of struggling Greece, or cf aching -nay, ri the whole world of heroic mil of examples of powers cf prcwes- sitallarly exercised. We have itbij tn the coasuaunatloa ot tb v.oiK they attempt.

are glad to Bote ate tact that the owner of the musical aaervei, Blind Tom, naa volunteored a benefit to aid their (fl'jrto. ara wa presume Bxaata is one wlnca wkl te cheerfully follow-1' by all the other funusement managora who luive it la tneii power to contrlbnts matt' to tuts noly ciuw. The tedtaa, we are told, contemplate some of the most dlstlnguUhed cur navy. They are la earnest, and to no muans antrisd to further their obtest. It ie rumored that an officer, 1 -c name is with tke late i.a>*l at Hampton tendered tbe honor of conducting work art? perfecting.

1 The Gunboat Bund. We insert pat-lotte response of Col. icnud Fontaine, president of the Virginia -uimi BaasbwAuV to tbe proposition fur building a gunboat ar gunboats for tbe of BtcaasOUd. Ilia name will bs placed In haaorabla contrast with thotaof Messrw. Uhirlesti.

Bad Edmund of OoL Blaatoa Uuncyi, ct Kentucky, Mlltoa P. Garulgaa, of Tennessee, and others wao hive stepped forward In aid of the pro- tact with aamteaagte generosity that needs no Let eeaatete Col. Fontsine'a letter reads as fol lows- BGivsaoAM, HAMorca, Hk the Editor uf the Dispatch, you to be the organ for jrsuoecrlptlons for the proposed Rub mood." you will put my name $260. if the enterprise goes forward It be neceearary; Will double AUbotgb youarojaatlned toying a seeming i-k the etetoaoa of Ricbraofid to this rrevectAon, if or Woald call a i 1 bj LBtoyua would fled lt other- wise. J- law a BBtAM tfuptrty bolder in.tßk city, tea mfederocy to steeply Very reapoctf ullv, B.

iMO 0 mU thou boil ito two la which twtwaY Taw servtoM rendered by date ta tae Valley have act only sim to psagde of that bat edmirAtloa of hlaloot. attooool aad determlaed courage, aad ate taAcmtaahte energy, have oaaeaa them to quail i hte command, aad to dread him with that terror of which guilty alone ssmooptlbta. A correspondent of the Philadelphia feeuvsr, writing from Wlncbsatsr, thaa cf Colonel la Its Issue of foot alt; morning that our troupe An tared Winchester, at about half-past eight o'clock, houre after latently and had evacuated the plane, Ucl cavalry up la line oa one of the streets, and leisurely waited to aaareh, tea aad Lteo tenon ta Lincoln, cousin Of the President.) and Mar ray, oaaatly oapTared) belag the to teave labby much detecwd, and ao unwilling waa ha to te.n»e thai when our op oaared upon the brow of hill ut the north Jnarf tbitowu, be waa slowly riding along the "treat, sight, and not yet half way tnrouxb place. BAhbj's regiment to about twelve hundred tJong, well srmedaad well clothed, aad au Irs devotodte attacked to their commander, who a wealthy resident of county, and knows not meaning of the word Several of oar officers are anxious that he should be captured, merely to sue the aaaa, who, thsy say, haa beea fighting them all the winter In whatsoever direction they marched. i at txb aiocra or Gbauds -The Galvsston Newt, of 10th nit, has private advtoes direct from Brownsville, from which we learn that there are aow 16 foreign vessels loaded with meiohan- to Matamoraa, but none of thearare allowed by the Lincoln block aders to enter or to discharge their unless the different foreign Consuls will give bonds that goods shall not cross the river Into Texas.

Tke Conauta are awaiting Instructions from their respective Governments. Nearly all the churches of Barbour county, have tendered their belle to the Government, and every housewife constituted herself aa agent for the collection ot braes. Cotton seed to recommended aa a substitute for aeeu former to be washed and parched before rinding, like coffee. The buildings of East Tennessee at have been given up to the military for hospital purposes. Why do usually wear their In the streets, while tallois neve' wear their eheara, nor bricklayers their trowels! Hugh Nelson, Esq old and highly Yespec ted cltlssn of Petersburg, died In I that dry on Tuesday tart.

I OF FLOUR In the of Richmond for the quarter ending April 1, Family barrels. Exura Muperfloe Extra (iia.ll) 410 tk Middlings rte Total 70,553 ap 3-11 A. T. MITCHELL, D. I.

I 1 i I Fi RHT RBS'T VA. VOL9. Persons having letters for soy member of reg.meat, now sue. loted near Orange Oouxt House, them dsllvsred at once by leaving them to Jay. at the office of Me-sra.

Sebaer, Eohler A 00-. Osry street, I will take charge of thsu, and tahe In delivering them. G. A. EOL.TINB, Oo Vs.

Tola. BSSS a jl.u AUst -Airjc) tor me TEUY, at Jamaatoern, tU will be delivered to Mr. O. Games, at Richmond Post Offioe sp Oapt. tt Battery.

"rrr tSSBXSn iIOTICBM. auT AUCTION SALU CF VALUABLE XtMi ESTATE, THIS particular attention of the public is respectfully colled to the sale of valuable Real Estate to at auotiox TO-DAY, at 12 oMock ii to the valuable brick Tenement, or. the west line of lb between Main and Franklin streets; 2d, at one o'clock to the valuable Lots pa the Norfb side of Franklin, between and Sate afreets; 3 at same boar, to the vulaubte Lot on the r-ortb side otMaic, betuemn fib and 26th streets; and 4J o'clock P. Sd the lohandecme Lots on Brook read, ncr the residences cf Mr. Wm.

Sledd and Mr. Wm Wayne. For further particulars see auction head. QODDIN A APPERSON, Auctioneers. aWWB IHVITE MtteaaW attention to lbs sals of those two vsiuabls Brick T--ih ncintg, on tie Horth tide of Broad otreet.tuxt to al Church, to take TBIB May.

P. M. For particular, see aoation Used. JAMBS M. A SOB, op 3 -it acai AdT SPECIAL NO Tip E- We will continue our sale THIB MORNING, commencing at 10 o'clock.

We hove yet to sell our entire stock of White Goods, choice lot of Bmck Silk, Black Bombs sines, and Black Also, a splendid lot of Dress Buttons and Em broideries, bo. INTER, ALVBY A ARENTS, E. Ooon. Aact. 1 1 NOTICE.

Attention asked to my sale of Household aid Kitchen FURNITURE, PIANO, THIS MORNING, at te at the residence of Eev A. Polndexter, on Grace, between tat and 3d eta. THOS. W. KEf SEE, ap Auctioneer.

jSBC ESTATE FOB FARM OF to ACRES OF LAND, on New Read, near the Fair Grounds, for sale. We are authortaed to sail tbe valuable Farm, (in rear cf farm recently owned by Robert a. Lancaster, Eiq ,) containing 40 acres, within three hundred at the new Fair Grounds. There has recently been erected on lt a new dwelling and an excellent barn. This Is really a beautiful location for a suburban residence.

Apply to us. QOUDIN A APPRRSON. BEAUTIFUL LOT. on line of Gary and Canal streets, ter are authortaed to sell that most beautiful lot located aa above, adjornlag the reddenoe ot Mrs C. S.

lot has a front of S2I feet, and a depti of 140 teat to an alley 10 feet This ta truly a moat beautiful lot in every respect. Apply to GODDIN A APPERSON, ap 3-at Aaotloneufu. OR FARM, containing 100 acres; SO of whiob cleared, the remainder In wood, eight miles iw the city, on Central road. The buildings constat of large framed Dwell I eg. four rooms, two brick chimneys; Barn; Htable, and a well of good water In the yard.

Thoee wishing to pur will call on ap 3-1 THO i. W. P. GOODMAN. FOR MaSIfT.

RBBT-Ths neat iron Front aad Cellar, above ths creek on Franklin street, fcr any retail bu'lnaaa. Apply V. Ho. 4J Mala ta WM. WALSIT P.

to slcss np my business, those tesebtsd wilt plasm call as abevs and tile. sp w. W. 1 HOUBB i reoeatly occupied by Cupt G. oa Oarr atreet, between 4th and etreete.

Apply to j. j. ap 3 loj AUia atreet. OL AT FORM ALES. flft aale, three Platform SCALES, Fairbanks and others.

In order, Weighing 400,1.000, and lbs. ALkZaNDEtt NO IT, Ho. 6 loth street. ClOkX, 66K8 now taming, at Pits, Chem-sfijld county, the fiaeet quality of bom Soft and Hard CCKB thn omas to this mariift. It to free frem popjlag qmllty.

A trial all that Is neeca-ory to the. most skeptiaal of Uabeteg tor to aay te market. SOOT A fiMYTfI, Bftrah site Baste beak, aarweoa Bte Ptb sts. alUa- gloat's BUptta gEWSG MAOBIMiBn. to In pti order, aad besa used abeat xacauks.

Oaa bs asaa st the Jewelry 0. WALTER jT A I -t'XM 4. five can obtain BOARD, i at. P-P i i i ji -a TCTKQRAPHIO NEWiy, La4w Fartbocn matt tiiiafii Nonrotx, April of the 1 tl, alt. hare hnen rcoMved Thry oont-tln nothing from Oaa.

McCtoilan's departmeat. Fort Mouor wee still held by the bsigarrteoa, five haadred etroag. q-u flurtl commaad of kta army ta patooa, sad te flftesa aaitaa from Oartatk, whore tho Boaoto largo forces. It to stated taat Oaa Btauregard i pacta a flght hourly. firlag at Istond Mo.

10 contlsoad on Friday with great spirit Babels. Great preparations are mak- leg by Confederates for a protracted aad i de ermtned Tkey moaattag a number of heavy Iroaaladgua- boa wore advancing dowa tao river. ottos aad tobacco from bed arrived te Mow York la an titles, consisting chiefly of the ot steamer Magnolls and schoo valla. Tha atsaaualp City of New York had arrived at New York from Southampton oaths bringing later aowo. la thedtaeasstoe ta Parliaxaeat relative to tho arrest of the Lieutenant of theflumter, It stated that bs bad not beea retaaead, but waa oa his way to America aa a political prisoner.

Tao London News predicts aa aiatoet lees war ta thla country, aad the to- bullion wiU and In die tatorahlp of a tary leader. The Paris correspondent of the London says that rosea success of Union had created the belief among tha French merchants that war would soon and commercial rotations be resumed. Authentic reports from tho North confirm the eecaao of the Nashville. The Ron. Edward H.

Bast keen appolntod Secretary of of Government securities ye declined at New fork one-fourth per cant. Exchange was quoted at US. The stock market, generally, was dalL aad declining. Cotton was steady. Seven hundred bales Saturday at 271 orate.

Herald says that conspirators in Federal Congiees are every day becoming more desperate and violent A terrible disaster has occurred at the Pyrotechnic factory la Philadelphia. Some sixty persons were killed aad wounded. The owners of slaves in the District of Columbia were rapidly removing them. Chattanooga Railroad has repaired, and communication to Louisville restored. Gen.

Shields ta Improving slowly. Tho teat specie average of the in New York was Tbeflsraidhasa long money article la which It says that Chose will soon want more Treasury notes, and cry will soon raised In North for mors currency. In London on the 17th. funds were steadily tending upward. Consols closed at The sales of cotton on the 18th and lath amounted to bales, of which were taken on speculation and for export.

A dispatch, dated at Fortress nroe, auih that Gen. Burnslde had taksn possession of Beaufort. No resistance was made, and no property burnt. Tbe Lincoln gun moan tod carries a ball of 97 pounds, called "Lincoln pills, to be taken the Merrtmac. The American troubles excite great Interest in India.

a British war ship anchored in Hampton Reads yesterday. The Federal officers en a visit to Foitress Monroe from Washington left this morning; heavy eelates were fired. LOST. A common black TRUNK, having va nosh cud a card, marked "Id. 0 A.

KuftK, I7ih Gs. 1 The Trunk was cerer-ily to at Weidon, and placed In the baggage car On at ftieisbnrgit waa not bo fonud. ion havhur tlila Trunk will please forward lt to J. MAKOQVSk 91 Mala street, All erpenses will be paid by J. Maxchcse.

3 Broad streot, between Monroe Madison, a Brown LINEN APRON, In the pocket of which was a Pocket-RyM and a Dogusrreotype. A liberal reward wav be given finder If left at this office. ap On Monday last, a small leather POOKET-BOOK, containing filS in notes Hnd two cappers; also, my Free Papers. A reward of tl will be paid far the papers, if left at tibia office. ELTZABhTH STUDY.

ap A tree woman of color. To ixth March, my WZESEZ JL They were ta pocket book with $5 la The nnder la welcome to tbe money If they deileer he Papers at thto OBABLBS THURSTOH. A man aeAsr. On Monday afternoon. 311 anvTaTeu of MONBT, containing about A24Q, mostly te Confederate bills, there ben but one ot, two notea of fOO eaoh.

A hberai will bo n-itd for Its return to tke owner, at taU office. Left in my store a VALISE, several months ago, containing sundry articles of clothing and a prayer book, with Michael E. Shea's in lt. Ths owner will please come and prove property. B3S I I I I rVST RECEIVED.

6 0 pieces amerioaa Prints; SCO pieces English Prints; 700 Fancy Lawns; pieces Fancy organdies; Ito Blsa. had Cotton; ItO places Slock Ito pieces Blank Prints; 79 places neck Ginghams, 100 pieces Fancy Ginghams, 100 places Llnsn Chesme; pieces Check Domestic; 2d pieces Black Alpaca; pieces Cotocodee; 50 Striped Usnaburgs; ii.o doaen Coau'a Cotton, No. too doaen Half Hose, all colore; 300 dt men Ladies' Horn, all colors; dcasu Spool all colon; 200 doaen Oo ton ft, el 1 colors; 140 doaen Suspenders; 10 bales 4 4 Brown whirling, 10 bales S-4 6 bales Brown Jeans; bales Brown Duofe; 4 balsa No 1 Osnaburgs; A large stock of Ready-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods, at the new store, 333 Broad street, between Si and 4th, Richmond. JULIUS BYOEL. 00-partnerahlp ot II ELLBTT A WBISIGER expired by limitation the let dor April, IM3 books and accounts will be fpaira at the old atead, Nd 137 Malnstreet.

All poraous having against the said firm ore requested to present them for sett lament, aad thoee requested to make Immedln paymeat BUber ot tho are authoriaud i to use tin of firm in liquidation only. THOMAS ELLErT, POWHATAN WBISIGER April 3d, under ned having purchased the interest of Thorn as El lett la late conoei of Bitoti. A Wetolger, wiU oontinne the business, at same old stand, Ho. U7 Main street, aad hopes, by personal atuutton, to merit the patronage of the houssvaad the pubile generally. POWHATAIT WEISD3ER ap NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS TBE UHION SAVINGS BARK consequence of the teebiiity to unaf of depositors, tao Board of of the Union Beak request all holding CERTIFICATES to present them for payment on or before ths lath all in.

i will oe-ae that day. OH AS. bTEBBJMS. I April 3. UkM.

ap 3- dtlsA OYSTERS 11 Btevtetauaaaated te tateteg bto.kad*, a fatt at axaw abb i ar bbcx eaaaot ho awed. LaTWBABATsXBJ, qgiiiia, 1 thto otty, oa Moaday, Mat at n'coa Jougkter Mr. Kobert C. BauawaV all of this city. Obituary.

Dted, on Monday, March irth. in uu aoth year Mr C. CHfLDBBSB of Chnrlet'eevilla Ta. A good maa kas telton In leraal. Tha com.

aaaaity will Mm and Charoh wilt mourn. My la hte dOath bo th snstsiaed a serious A awutteaaan, dledlamsatsd by all who knew Mm. P.cstratafi by a attack of paeaaaenla, he suffered excrntiatlng pain, bat endured hia suffsrings with Chrtatiaa fortitude aad algaaUoa Me patiently waited fax ate anal summons, and was fully urapared to go when Gcd called. Ua eth day after his alckneaar spirit returned to, God who It Farewell, aay dear brother; wo shad hear thy ao more la the assembly of saints, bat with aagslic thou art swelling notes of praise to Saviour you loved aad praised sad worshipped Brother wifoaadslx little children. God of tathattesa, comfort heart of hte bereaved companion, and bless children, that thoy may imitate tho worthy example of their ptoaa fatkar and him in the home of the receemed L.

A. C. WaX'nm n. IAT sail, a aloe little FARM JfY of acree, at Amelia Coart-Bouee plane nlcsly fitted and entirely new. dwellng to oa cottage order, contains five good, convenient rooma, two paaaages, aad seven closets, and a aloe yard and garden, with all then ecessary out place ta well enclosed; the cars pans twice every day for Richmond.

This place will suit aay person wishing to live in country aad attend lo their bustness In Richmond. Possession given at any time. Address ''FARM," Amelia Court- W- A TM 8808 UIT 8 lam authorised by the Screamer of Virginia to enUs'. compontot frem the Milttte. not mvafered la the Confederate ter vise, nor under anwehteg orders, to complete the tcth Msgbnant Virginia Volunteers, now in the— the naaal bounty ef giO will bs paid to the men.

flaawaw Bauauaug to raise acmpantea, or hcring ewmpantee already enlisted bnt not te say can eerrespoed witk undwalgned at fftokmend. Va MAT. TTLM, Sp3-lm tfiTANTED-A BLAcKSMIFat A good BLACXBMiIH to wanted, for the balance of year, by a gentleman residing a few miles la country, for which a liberal hire will be paid. Apply to CARLTUaV, CHuMBfeHLAIN A CO No. 11l Main street; or to ED.

D. OHO. near ap 3-tewaw Exchange Hotel. To MEDIO 4.L Two additional BBATDENT 6TUOBMTB will be reeeteid at the Medical Go 1 ge Hospital. 1 se who have attended a couraaof Lectures at the Oollege will have Apply, aabaw ta person or by letter to L.

8. JOY allS, M. President of the Hospital, WANTED- To MI MB, lor the baton ceo? the present, and for the year IMS, irom lpo to 100 able-bodied NBORO MEN, To work at our Bloat Furnaces in itotetourt eoanty. Wanted, also. Furnace MANAGERS and COLLIERS.

np 8-dAwts J. R. ANDERSON AOO WASTED- DRUaI.YjEBS, FIFERS and i BUGLERS, for the xd Beg't Virginia lv the batteries aronnd Richmond, aptly Immediately at the headquarters of tho regiment, 17, Law Building. apgasOt BO TANSILL, 001. Ooiad'g.

WihTlu- A good, NTJKSB For Children. None Baud apply nutate well recommended. Call at Mo. 10, Hotel and Ballard House. We wish to buy.

for cur ewu vi Four o. Aye young Negro BltYB cr HAN. from Id old A- Y. BTOKBB A ANTE MACHINISTS aid BLACKSMITHS, wbich tbe ktekext will be paid. ap3--dtwts AMDKBSON a CC.

VV PURCHASE, From fifty tv ono hundred Yonng MULES. ap 3-dAwts J. ANDERSON A CO. ta; AwteDVV To purchase, RICHMOND CITY STOCK Address A at the Dispatch office. WANTED- By a young man, Of sober, Induetri habiu, a SIT OAT ION ir some buaineas.

Good references given. If tfealred. Address "1 P. through Blebmoad Post Office. sn VV SITUATION.

in a Shoe, Qrooary store, by young man exempt from military duty. The best ox referent' given. Address 'Box 44." so Pet-rsbrrg Vs. a young a thorough pruciteal BOOR-KBBPBB, a altuatiou as such In henae In thla city. Ihe beat of slvwn, if required.

The applicant la aKb 1 pnuaaa, and would acoept a Mtcatloc wrltfolb Address '-T." Bispatoh offioe. spa CARPVNTRBS. Two hundred Ship Carpenters, to work at Richmond, wnnted, to whom tbe highest current wages will be given. Apply to W. A Navy Department, mh Richmond.

rive nun red (TfAs ef -aX BABE at Blehmond Tannery, on Brook Avenue, for which I will pey per cordalso, for Ooamnt Spavlah Oak, and $6 tor Ked and Black Oak. Having purchased he entire la the shore Tannery, I chall continue the bastaeia en the system In my own Persons having Bark or Hide, for sals will please call at the Tannery, or address me by mall, ataUnx quantity and qasJlty of each. 1 will pay th highest market prices Bw tildes and Sates, either green or dry. I nepecefuly refer to J. W.

Bey Bridge or LOUIS QIMaTJ. AMTBD--LARORBTMS itextoSktore having an appropriation to enable the James River and Kanawha Company to keep open the navigation of tbe canal, and to improve the sluice navigation of and Jackson's rivers, from Buchanan to Covington, a number of laborers ore required for those purposes. Persons baring slaves to hire for the residue of this year, or for a shorter period, will please address the undersigned, at the office of the company, Blehmond. Va. WM P.

MUHFOBD. Score tery Of the Jas. Rirer and Kanawha Co. mh i iip i i i ii JP A NURSB or MOUSE SERVANT, I have for hire, tor the batanoe ot 'be year, a yoang Woman, about 10 or 30 years old. I can with.

Aleo-A FURNTBHED BOOM for suitable for two single gentlemen. Apply to R. L. TJGHM, ap Franklin, net Oth aad 7th ate. uR the month or for the malndar of the rear, a very good and IBONEB.

a child olx years old with Oa account of this encumbrance she WIU be hired low. Apply BROWN A MoCLELLAND. On the Basin; iV-'B BaVHcuhand, VV wsale, aboai 600 lba OAAT BTBBL. large A gesaral ascoi of PThBB. LAU A SBUaAN, Pita ufaesurara, on 3 Ilk street, above Mate.

PApKB. PRINTING net received, teams Printing Paper, 34xA9 iflso. Is dos. buck PURSES, various Also, for rant a good PIANO- W. HAROBATR WHITE, lit MaJAstreet.

and tafiwmiilin loraoj. Ak ft fefcg I Batavas; Ottt Bad Bflias AaUHast Itepwt, MAIN atreet. apl 1 UAVAtar aUariwa i Camp Bartow, nonr aVsAartckaburg, I TO ALL WHOM (kBTBCiAur Poem Caboicxa Votajvxaxr tk to Piato rack axn Guarsvtu.BDlsrr.oT7-Recent legtotattoc ha rletwd It If not quite impracticable for companies now In serricMo return to Sooth i irclira aad therb. Moreover, the Army of the Potomac needs our eervioss now. proposed to raorgaalaa the BBOORB TROOP, aad to effect isaindM on fluid.

Ha term of eer- 1 vice ex.lrea oa sixth day of at which time those of namber who do aot feel that they onght to revolantear will be discharged and sept home. ail. who re enlist are allowed te chooee thasr fflahganles, I wUI reoelre Into Troop, as it sach rerolaateoro from dtabaaded may prtaaat thr pro-' vlded they ere of good oharactar andooma furnished with scoff aa together with the reroiaateere from the present members, reach the equlstte number, the Troop will eieotlng thilr officers In conformity with tae reorganisation may be effected by tbe middle or teat of May; It will go late operation on fth of June. Applteante may communicate with me by addressing their te Richmond, i forwarded by the Postmaster. They may report to me in person, after expiration of i their present term of service, by finding their i way to the camp of the Bamutoa Transportation can capered.

JNO. F. LAN Captaia Brooks Troop. Hampton Legion. KMJMtnTn FOB HAMPDRN ARrILLBRT.

recruits from Hanover county who hare enlisted in this company, will report at tbe Recruiting In street, opposite Mew Market, oa day, the Bth Inst, at 11 o'clock M. from Spotsylvania will meet at the of John L. Jnarye, la Fredericksburg, on the same day, by a o'clock A.M., aad under charge of a Seigeant, to theCrendexvons In Richmond. Those from I aad along the line of the Central rail oad, will report at stations on thla road recited their eeveral of absence, on Wednesday morning, aslant. In time to take for Staunton.

Every maa meat observe title order. Bo kind of will be taken for violation of it. It 'woald bs well for saob recruit to bring two odd a tervtoeabls pair of ehoea or boots A uniform cap, knapsack, haversack, canteen, thick blanket, two nnder-shlrts, and two palia of woollen drawers wUI be furnished each recruit at Staunton. LAW. S.

MA RTB, Captain Bampden Artillery. ISA A afl undersigned to eul'stldg a company of Infantry for the 20th Beglmeut Virginia Volunteers, called the WISE ZOUAVES, In compliment of the memory of tho late Captain Wise. company will be Inatrncted by Mr. C. Paidigon In the Zouave drill of the French Infantry, and tought by him the bayonet exercise.

Being familiar la all its detail, and having aided Captain Car in the translation of the French works on Bayonet Exercise, bus ability to lnstraot in that drill cannot be questioned. Militiamen desiring to enter this service will apply to undersigned, on 13th street, one door above Main. bounty cf aoo will be paid the men when mustered into tne Confederate service ap 8-lm F. PARUIGUN. tteaYY artillery; substitutes, si bstitutbs.

I am autborixed by the Gjvernment to muster in Tbey will mustered tv daily. Those wanting submit utee.anrt subetltutee, will apply at my office, at corner 6" Franklin and 13th ctree SAM'L T. BAYLY, Captain. aj SUBSTITUTES 11 Three able substitutes may be had by immediate application, by letter or otherwise, to F. Norfolk, Va.

Persons in want will state what service and what they will pay, Norfolk, March 16.1843. mh EB wishing to jj.a the OTEY BATTERY will report Immediately to the Cant-in at Camp Lee, (New Fair Grounds.) Tbe company ia now under orders and will leave in a few days lor'the seat of war. SSI tAL'Li Btchniond, March xvth, 18fth i SPECIAL OBDKRM. 73. XXIX Army Bteratatters nnder authority from the Wa- lie pa tmeat, are now on sale by the puhli.her, W.

tiando ph, Klchmocd, at guftO, prise awtasantacd upon by au thwitiaa. Officers of tha Army thus iniornv ed, to eaahle them- to purchase, end acquaint ham-elves w. ththe reqmrenunta of the By command of the Secretary of War. JOHN WITHEES. mh Asalstant Ad)t ci.

RICHMOND VARIETIES THIS EVmNIMG, Apbil 3, SENEFIior MUsSli.4 Wrbs. PIZARRO; ox, txb DEvTH OF ROLLA. Bong JVliss Louise Clyde. tianoe Miss Partington To cor. eluded ah PERFECTION; in which Bias Wren sli.g the popular song of Book me to steer.

tJaT See Programme, jfm a rt i ti'u i 0 METROPOLITAN HAUL Biowait Lessee. (Also, proprietor of Academy ol Music, New Orleans, La.) Lob idaliobt Anting Manager. MAXINIFICENT SOEm'aC AUTOMATIC SPECTACLEI Fire Bundled Thousand Life like Figures. LEB WAR ILLUSTRATIONS. Benefit of the Ladles' National Defence Association, of Richmond.

Ail sold by the above asscoiation are good fur rirtmlaalon at any advertised exhiblr tion. This great work of art, unsurpassed, of its kind, either In the Old or the New World, and which was exhibited to crowded houses upwards of Cue Hundred Consecutive Sights In Orleans, Will be opened for tbe first in this city THURSDAY NIGHT, MARCH. And EVERY NIGHT until farther notice Also, on Wsosbsoat and Sstoabat, at 11 o'clock A M-, the accommodation of and Juveniles. The panoramic clews, showing gtimpsse of attractive localities in New Orleans; the departure of the Washington Artillery, and of rural Louisiana, and the beautiful moonlight of Pas. Maacbac, were painted by an artist from sketches maue on the spot, and aoknotrlodged true and natural transcripts by press and cltlseus Tbe auditor has before his eyes perfect Views ot Louisiana Prairie, Swamp, Sugar Plantation Lite.

SOLDIERS' LIFE lllu.tre.ted in ths bivouac, the march, aad the after tttte PYROTECHNIC DISPLAYS Introduced In the exhibition of BATTLE OF MANASSAS, Panoramic Views and number of figures Introduced are tiled. Among most superb TRIUMPHS OF ART the loading and fixiag of a detachment of WASHINGTON ARTILLERY and the WOUNDED OFFICER and hia FAITHFUL STJEED. Humorous from time to time afford a striking contrast to SERIOUS and PATHETIC. A foil Military Band In attendance nightly. Exhibitions EVBbT NIGHT, and Matinee every WEDNESDAY and oATURDAY, at 11 o'clock A.

M. Admission, AO cents. Children aad aw i rants, half price Res red seats, opsa at o'clock. Curtala rteea at a. Tickets for at tba Bookstores of West A- Johnston.

aCo Bandolph A Oo A Morris. O. L. Bidgood. and at tao BcV-Obboo HAH from 3 A.

till I F.M teAM-te U-I 'i I hoaats and eaeoabta ef tae tale of DAVIS HDrORuAON wffJ bo fauadattawoMMa'Be waWui.Al*BAaaA<Vi. ii iiltii vtiU sad and da- Mr. Wa. B. wsw se-pws sbbwibbu mm mwmmmMmt a MVuTTMNV i FfJTtrBB PAIS.

ate APPMUAtVt, dmpknmn, axb pcffaxaasrs to Tli DSIfBM. emutrU, 0 3S JffA the rear bulMlag, vrith kltchea ccaafotlcg, 0 wtih twowater ctooete, bath room, (with hot acdcolAwawT) To, vaults, and aa taSuoa: brick stable oa the rear alley There to a te which coaaecto with the stty culvert, aad which off thtog aad keeps tke tot asrteotly dry. Tawtis moatiu. for aagoilsbte Inures( Wit a traat deed, or title talaed. The toxm tor IM3 to be paid by tho GOODIM A APPBaUJOif.

XALUAbLM RuAL EBTAth o. Brook Avenue, and on atrert, tor at Auction -Win He aoM ut auction, on 1 IMI, at Sodcck P. va.uabte property at the corner of Leigh afreet and Broak Avenue, nowoccanted as a bakery ky Mr. snider lot fronts loi feet oa Ltigh suest aaa 71 test There staaaal brick derailing oa lot, aid an exoelleat framed bake-shop. Atoo, Lot tlo.

la Bullock aad Harris's addlt'oa, froatirg teat on south of Catharine BUeet, funalng back 100 to an alley. cash; balance nt 1 aad 3 for negotiable notes, interest payable annually, secured by a treat deed taxes and Insurance tor IMB to be paid by tbe purchaser. GODDUf A APPBRSON; 3 ar jamma m. TdTLoa i'ox. OWE AND LOT FOA SALB AT will aril oa ir the day of April, oa at o'clock P.

ktritM HUUSB aad! Lo a' situated oa snath aide of sum wood street, between Walnut and Park streets. The House has six rooms aad all access try oetbu 1 idlnge. Tbe lot oa Bteawood street. to tees, aad bach ito to aa alley. Tanas One-thlra cash; balaaee at aad IS monthi, ter notes, added, aad secured by tract ter to ao paid by purohasar.

JAB. M. TAYLOR A SON. aps PRaMED HOUSE AND Lor os Sraxxr, ir Sibxbt, 4sVOTiox Will sail upon he premises, on TUESDAY, tbe Bth day of April, commencisg at o'clock P. the framed HOC.

north cf Elmwood, near t) street, now lathececupancy ot A. -B Hall. It ssveral gopd rooms, Kltohea, and adapted a amall-auediamiiy, a well of water In the yard. Lot fro nts 30 tnd runs buck ISO test to an alley 20 wide. Tbxmb caah; the balance at aad 13 for negotiable notes, with intere-t added, and secured by a deed.

to pay for IMS. JAMES TAYLOR A bC'N, Auctioneers after above will be sold a large lot of GROUND, on north slds of -Wesiham Plank-rood, fronting leaf, and running back on tke eaet line tr Parkatreet ITB feet, to an alley feet wide. It will be divided Into of tao usual front ait. J. M.

a SON. auctioneers, A VALUaOLE at tri AND ON SHOOK AVENUB. NSAB TO BRO-D A AUCTION -W-' will on THURSDAY, tho lO.h day of aprl. ommeueing at oolocfc P. the valuabla three atory Bouse, en the mst side of Brook Avenue, near to Brood street, and new In cecupensy of Dr.

Dtllard. It Is adapted for any mcremt bualnaaa. and has ample emioaa above for a large family; to supplied with gas sad water, is la ptrf set order, having arreted. Ibe lot lea the oauai iront and depth, and 1 una bath to a wide allay. essh; the 13 months, for negotiable notes, with added, ana secured by a trust deed.

nor chaser to pay the tax's aad for 1664 JAMBS M. A SON, ap3 Auctioneers. By dusts (84 Bragg fJNUENITUBg, CHINA, AND I 1 CROCKEBY WAKE. TOBACCO, OIGA FBIDAY, April 4th, commencing at o'clook, we will sell at Btcre, r. large 10.

of desirable Goods. name in 1 splendid Mahogany Wurdioba, splendid Drsesing Bureaus, Mahoguuy Bedater.d, 1 Walnut Co 1 do Cribb Bed andMaltrass, 3 do ends, 1 Graver A Hiker's Sewing Machine, and a variety of other new and second-hand Fuintomu; White, French aad English Decorated Ten Sets, Colored Dinner Sets, Dessert Sets, Glaaa Dishes, Pis tee, Ac. REDWOOD A RGAfJH, ap Aootionears. Ay MICMAMO CAVTBOBN, Anst'r ACQ fIOM We wfU soil oar F.KlDaV commaaei at 11 vmtt £0 hbds. prime ta ittw Orlssns SU- OABi 103 boxea Ground 5 bags Grata 3 MACS I 40 bbls.

and tlsroaa Meas aad Family 5 ALCtPMaBi S5 TOBAGOa TtRXS cf OH AS T. WOBT BAM A 00. gale to be ooadaate by CauthoKN, ap3--tda By DViiLQP, MOO 'PffUi iaASBBS. Ac. AT -Ui TUBBBaAY, the en commencing at iCj o'cUck.

we will eail at tor suction hhda. Bagar, nun-teg from tut to quality. 73 10 to sosks Pepper, Ac. Ba'e witkout to weather. MONOUAE A ap By TROS t'EMSMM Auct corner ot 13th and Cary BALES DAJfIAOED HAY FOR -SALE AT.

sold on FRIDAY morning, April 4'b, commencing at 10 o'clock, on he B-slu ink, to 01 damaged Da Y. Trans -Cash on delivery THOS. W. REESRE. apJJ Aaottoneer.

1 1 mj. SPRING IS CCBING-I reapeetfeliy .11 the attention of ladies to the fact that I have lately enlarged my stock aad assortment of goods, among which at. Baones; BeonstSliks, plain and checked; lilaetona, black and wklu; aad a large oeaortment of Velvet and Bonnet Rlbo together with a number of artiolee not strictly in theMlHmry Hue; oil of which can be aaaa at No Broad atreel. ap V. A.

TEMPLBMAN UFFBJB AIO PU-JD i Btahm.nd. April i. 'fcterT i rpo THE VOLUNTEERS. I Comeaandants ef raited fa thto cTy, whose awsbsra siJated for war, will ptaase Bead a ear feet Sat of their respective tee, with plsiai of of eaek aaamber, cfltea, test aid ba properly dt.peaMd tq tbeD and chldrsn. bAM'f.

BABBISOM, Tr-ssnrar. IBGINI4 wUI be received until the 0 mm. ter Linen Clothing for tbe employ on this read, via 1,100 palm Paula, l.ioo Oottoa irhirto, Address Lynchburg, Va. THOS. DOOAM CAD, Qen'l Sup t.

FOB arjt-rato faaaay O- An elderly Women, wlnteat wall ins.ructod to all ike teaaahas of family Co-king an exeeltoat bra maker, will be sola at a mceVate pi toe to a good AM VJ'J la box aB, P. apr-Ata TkTOtICE Merrhaataaad othws reoaavtag IB and Petersburg Railroad Oompany are hereby kotfnod aot taken away tv twenty tear after their arrival, wiU bo stored at thwlr expaaaa aad risk. a ioWtL AAHa gIT TrBJglaAT. fimm mmr Moaameatsg April. ceurjauMeaur at iji'MlSTf BwVO aaaWaar ll bbbVVbbbbT JLaw naaapted inaial lii aanVlxXS mandleg mF fortebte rooaao wtab Oanuuuf AAXaft aBaaTsreBBBBBBBBBBBBBf bbbbbV eoaauaAafl OB rooms all aatoaaary to a story.

aay aaytaaasy furfauWlfl Ma racTABLAT TZyg yaurteatea at Mm A Bit aid- ef BateateawT ecd te teat aad UHatot, Tatate yd. saeurad by wast The UUtas i-Trjilitmikaaii Jiff. M. TAILOB A tamtoaaaltoy. Taxus-As sacra.

J-BL T. A sasas, UIBA ttODDBr A APPBaagB. TTALUABLB LOTS ox be cold at aa ttowa. 2 to aAvwrtawToa l'That beautiful Lot on north Fraaklla, between ftkh and atte aaV jolatDg property of Mr WUlsumllaW Trustee, fronting feet, tea fact to aa alley So foot wide. a.

That valuable Lot oa tho aat ah oNteaf Male, between 34th aid blockam'th running bach Itt feet to aatey teat WaaaT These both vary valaaeto tote. cash; reive months, for negotiabte tetaoaal added, and ssoared by a Must deed. Vtte teaaa tor IMS to paid by. the purehaeer. QOdDiN mh 17 Artiiaaiiia VALUABLE ARK tRNMWBWT, Off or Btasa BM Hoao, moot Bacox too Btroxa vax Lxaaa, Sals at wsold Mamaatea, on premlaea, on THUBSDAT, tao at at April, IV at 13 o'clock taut lavaaaant well built brick touoaaeat toeated above.

now in occupancy of Mr. W. te. and Nancy Vast, and adjotalag Bte aaaa. of Mr.

James Stetou. toaattea ef rroperty is a or private dwelling It has lately beea aaa to repair; on It a two new wood and coui bouses, aad a new hydrant. And on premises, at 4, o'clock P. IA beautiful lo's, frontlug on went of Brook aofid, and on both of Baeoa artjoining the Mr. Wm.

Simla, aad opposite to Mr. Wm Wayne's. Tbaae elevated and beautiful, aad aot oaky valuable for residences, but are ta ha remarkably valuable on acoouat of the exoellent.brlok clay wita Which they abounA. cash, or more, at tao option of the balance at aaa Ml months, for negotiable Intareat adetod, secured by a trust deed. The aad tasuranee for 1803 to be paid by tbe i arnkiasia tiUDDIN A APPBRSON, mh te Aaetloamaaa.


for the praaeak to stem busteea we shall, oa WCDNMr-DAT, tke 3B April, at public aae'ton at our Trarannaau. corner of Main and 13th rtraete, the fate to eaaashtmee at 10 autiieatcea wlthent ng n-rio porahsaaa In atoathaaa itia fall and Maeh cTnprisi" mwiy atylea of Goods that arc isarse and daalrabts anuunrate In para- Black Oro Black Blank Aloecas. Block Delaines. Black Orapas. Heavy Irish Unsna Pine Fronting Linen.

3 4 and 4 4 Blsy UcO. White end sak Beltaada. Fanny aad Black Omalnwrsa, Btask Italian Oletks. Black Worsted Fine Frenuk Jssoasta. Black a id Goto: ad Ohal'laa, A 4 aad 8-4 Barege Asglais.

tireen. Brown b-4 sad Jaseaeta, Swiss aad Mall Musltos. Doited aad Striped Hwtoa Maalka. Putid aad Chichsd Oamkrtos. and Oolorei lUnslaaa and Kseva Bete, Gambrle BdgtegsaaA Tassniaga Beal Thrtai I aaa sod Edgingv Oottoa and Ilk Bsmdkasaaaors.

LAaW and Gent's ii. 0. do. Bt eh, and Gray Oottoa Baaa Misses' White and Colored Hoes. Man's Brown, Wh'te, sad Mixed Bees.

Biak Oloves and Gantlets, Ladles' Glovea aad Baaullelk Men's Thread and Oattoa totevea. BuipeedenandNeck'Tten Linen Bosom Shirts. Fancy do. Lloea Threads and Spool Oettcna. Buy Bindings aad Skirl Braids Suipand.r.

and Veto Buttons. Sewing Bilk ant Cote atepktes and Tobta Maraallles aad Allanaals Tafietta aad Satin xTsboaa. and Bait Hocks end Eyes Pins and Mas dtoa. Ivory and Drortog lr.ii a Bobber, and Bound OaaAaf. Rok, Tootk, aad Shavteg "terta-laaawaua aad Pcskat-Ah a Btnskskta aad TbreaJ Umbrsllaa aad Pwasola.

Aa, AtVAY ABtBTB Oooa. A aaktM BaT The above sate will bo ona Baaed PO- DaY. By W. MMMIKM, da arte ia. corger lirteanAOary atresia! HOUSEHOLD AMO XItXMaBN FCBftl.

TUBE, AND PI A WO. FOt BALB 1 AUOTION -WlltsioUa. TBCBAB tV morning. Ap il 3J, at 14) vi A M- laauatei em Grace. between Ist and td eueete, (who tor- the city.) ha Beusahrld aad Bltehaa rdtuv, fsatoitteg te part ef Bnscwood Caas MAMO.

TABLES. Mahogany OB Bi eile CABPsrfl. ABM As. THUS. W.

mmm i ijii ITI ate B. B. COOK. BJfTIU. BB BOLD, at Oaatteteaute at Uu clock HOBS B.

Amoagst tot two w. s. wo --b. b. coca.

Auct. mkaWS 'r immmmmmumm We redeaaa, ia earreat temate, tha atk to BWLi a i -sTaWajS at received ky aa.

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