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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 1

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THK DAILY DISPATCH. BY JAB. A. OOWARDIN. The Dalit Diepntch IIID A FBX Witt, payable tbe Carrier weakly.

Price for maillag. 01 SI-V for ili la advance Of Weekly IHapnlrh Iwsjewj and mailed to cuheerl at per aaoam KKRT AND MAI BKO KR nut table for atorage. or a (table on tf'-ii reet, between and Franklin. to EDWIN A SMITH. cult A Krnmed an Marsha 1 street, nearly opposite Mr Williams, contains eg four rooms, kitchen with two hjdrant lie the yard.

JNO COOK Je 10 Tomer Msia and Pearl KOK -The upper pnri iTVhi house over mt itore- kitchen at a a warehouse ia the resr suitable for a use or Workshop Entrance on Bank street ALSO. FOR RVNT-A Dwelling House on Navy Hill, suitable for a small family. Thsre Is a good well and a Isrgo garden cn the Apply tj C. WENOLINGER, Main street HIH K.NT I.KAHK The brick INE Tfcement. with front, on -Oat door from Wall containing a ore.

ana suitable rooms for a dwelling Kor apply to THOS. ROACH, je street, above Clay. K'K large front room HH 83 Mam s'reet, over Dove St Drug Store. -BES. witk gag futures Fine location for a iawyerl Poaseastoo given immediately.

Apply on the premjl my ivK-, KuK House cn tnlon Hill, BE contain eg four ipsu s. viih basement, with a garden attached, and a well of excellent water cn th-i prendtes. Kent persnnuin. Apply to ts JAMES CARTER. KKNT liocd r.oT)<; ROOM, on the cornero' llth and Mate streets.

fJise Apply to 6 Harris ji kchols FtiK The house ou illnin een Adams and Setson streets, at pre sent occupied by Mrs Quarles. The house is io good repair, end well fitted up for a fan.i-ly residence given Immediately Also for hire for 'he ba'anee of tbe a good fe ir.aie Houis Servant. Kor terms, app'y st my foun 6 tt DtNnpN. MKUK hK.NT-Aitil given ircnedistely, the c-at House on 2nd street, between Brosdsnd Ma ahall. rtn hjdrant, in the yard.

Apply on thu premises, or to W'. Tavlor. je 9 ts t'( It And given Hp between the Ist snd 10th of Ju a large aud degiitful brisk residence, witn furnace or fireplaces atii'ic the whole houss Double porch in rear with ihower and piunse bath and water In tha house. and all other modern improvements; large yard; kitchen and servant's detached fiorn heme; is cool iu summer snd warm ia winter; located on Ktanklio street; and ts ccs the snoit eligible cuveoiant and comfortable residences in the city. For terms apply to No.

-l Msia street, opposite Corinthian Hall, or at the hfO'e je 5 tf KUK excellent iirlrk Bgg Tenement, with buck kitchen and garden at -E3 tached situated cn the corner of Leish and S7ih streeis. on Chnrch Hi.l. Possession given the loth Jar.a Apply to LARUS ii SHINK, je 74 Main street jfirt 't hat verj (Unliable Kfci Dwelling situated cn Vocable street, Use. recently tccuj isd hy Mr. F.

A Blankinshtp There are five rooms 1c the main bnildlrg and four in the house in the yard There is a good well of water on the premises, a large lot attached To a good tenant, the rent will be very low Apolv to D. WALFORD, At the office of Valley Insurance Company, tny be three utory Teuem-nt, cow occupied by Mr. Belvtn, on Afain street, between Second and Third. It contains ten or eievej rootm, with gas fixtures throughout. Tbe kitchen has four rooms Being in a pleassat and convenient fart of tin city, it wi'l be found a residi-nc-i.

Possession fiven the first of June at Worcham's Bookstore, on Main street. ray ts IUK large uart ran veniect Ktore Room, with cellar attached, next to the office of H. Pairs corner of '4th and Main, occupied by the Methodist Book Concern It is a cheap andfirsi rate business stand Pocsesiion given atonce. Apply on ray MI'OK Kfc.M' -And poaseiMloD forthwith, a new Prick Tenem-nt with fjur rooms, and double-porch, frtnt and rear. Each room i.a 9 a fire Tlis hcJuie is situated on the alley immediately in rear of the Soutbside House, aad between 9 and 10th streets.

for terms, ire-, apply to subscriber No. 103 Cary afreet or to Mr James Conway, proprietor of the Bouthslde House Bvrd street. je 4-ts TQTTY KtMT-Tbe on Mayo street, recently eccupied by Mrs Is Juki'- bill, adjoining Mr. A ex Nutt's resideuca Possession given immediate y. Apply to Je 4 ts JAMES THOMAS, Ja MFUK ill'.

store and corner Ist and Main ftreet. To a good tenantthe rent will ba modeiate. App'yto iny 15- ADAM, 171 Main it. isoi It b. uuve lor sale teus.e or BBS font, Houses, Lots from Ist to 33d street, and in (he county of Henriaj, some of whiob Lets cannot be surpatsad for beamy and locality by any within the corporation limits; and when you come county Lota, for soap candle factorial could have done more on her part for the convenience of oian for tc ereot such es'abllsbmenta upon all o' any of the above 1 chair be pleased tc have the views of operators upon the subject now before them Apply to H.

TYLER, Atent for the Trustees ALAND'S LIMbKH UOUSJK, South side of Basin, FOR lomior house, the pr perty of the Jas i nearly rebuilt, and will be ready for a tenant by the lit of April. The bouse is large and commodious; well suited for a storage house or a tobacco factory For terma, apply to the undersigned A MICHAELS, eah Agent for T. W. Connection I HA AC J. iHKKCKK CO.

LUMBER DEALERS, (SOUTH SIDE SFTHS MATO'S BRIDGE,) Have just received- A of Superior Heart Flooring, dressed. Step Boards And -ve in their yard, White Pine, Poplar, Oak, Cypress Shingios and Cedar Also, a good assortment of Virginia Lumber. Having the Agency of several Saw we are prepared to offer to builders and others in furnishiag ail descriptions of Sill Timber, at short notice We resrectfuliy solit a call from all in waatof Lumber. ISAAC J. MERCER, GE W.

SMITH. jg 2 VV. HAKWOOD 'YmIK PAKTVKKMIiIP lIKKKTOKOUfc" i ixisiins under the name, stjie, and firm uf Woodward Newman is dissolved by mutual con sent. All doe to the firm of N. are payable to VV.

Newman, who has assumed the payment of all the liabilities of the said firm of Wood ward It Newman. J- WOODWARD, June 1,1857. VV. N.NEWMAN. N.

NEWMAN' bit thanka to the pnb- Uc for heir liberal pttronsge of the 8t Hotel, end aolicitt a continuance of that patronage un de the auperviaion and control of d2w W.N NEWMAN CO. FXCHANOE BANK VI. OIMA, i Bichmojiii 23d May 1557 5 rpHl umlemlisned is ituihorlzr-d to Bell 1 Strekof tbla Bank for the purpoae inoreaaing capital, at with intereet on its par value from of January W. Kit. Caeh'r jjlr SUMMER CLOTHING AT N- WALK EM CO'B black Alpaca Buita, 5,00 to $10 Thin Summer Suite.

3' oto $10 Caaaimef 8 .00 to $10 chect Maraeillea Suite, 4.00 to Black Silk Alpaca Coata, to Linen do 200 to White Duek do 2 Drap d'etn do 450 to Caarmere Buaiceaa do SSO to Black Krock do 6.00 to 020 Hummer Raglan 2(0 to $10 Thin 1 00 14 Standing Collar Mareeillee veate, 1 50 to At WALKf.R je 6 and Main op rat present bunlnean utar-d I on the fi'et of July. 1 olfar ijjj aiock is in Begaia 4c, at All thote in waul wi.l Sad it to intereat to give meaoall P. WILB ACH Main IJO I'll. AKi'l tl 11; IN 1 1 the povu lar patent of the day, warranted genuine at by NNETP. BKEBS FIBHEK, Ove'Wm TfkPKIUfcKATUKH- received, of EEPRIOEHATOKi, of diftr which will be eold low.

14-Un DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. 141. THE DAILY DISPATCH Friday HortilnM, June 12, 1859. Extraordinary incidents or i Ddsl -The New Orleans Bm, of the 'Jdlost-, in reapongible far the following: "A duel was fought near this city yesterday t'Mooday) morning.

which, for the singularity of dtnoutmrJit is perhaps unparalleled iu the annals of single combat A well kuowu gentleman in community, whom we shall call Mr feeling himself aggrieved by the conduct of another gen tleman, wbom we aball as Mr 8., sent him a cbnlleuge, wbicb was pistols; distance, twelve paces; time, six o'clock in the looming. The usual preliminaries were and at the word lire both pistols exploded At the same instant B. wss seen to sraggar The aeoonds rushed up, when it was found ttiat the bad struct the outer case of hU hunting from wbichit bad glanced at ueariy a rigbt angle, passing ttrcugb the lappel of his coat Ttie watch was worn ou pocket, and was almost directly on the heart The case wu found to be considerably battered, but otherwise the watch had bus ained no trjury, although it bad gained three hours In as many minutes, ihe bands, which a ni ment before had stood at twenty minutes past tlx, now marked half pas; nine. Ho. perhaps the most curious part of the atoryis to come Ou king round to gne what had become ol A the seconds discovered hita leaning over, in the act of picking up something fiom the ground aod on approacbiDg nearer, to their astonishment that one of his whiskers, which he wore usually lai aud heavy, had beer, a joru comple'e fr.mfcigtac that with as muta piecUioii as though It had been by ibe most skilful barber.

It was Itight hat somt I ecu! arty in the re of A pigiui tiad nicated to ball a rotary coliuu, whict), combine ed its great velocity, could necessarily pro dace an effect atmiiar to that caused by gome thirp culling instrument. Tne result of the duel, so far, had been so utterly singular, that it precluded all thoughts of pushing it to a further and perhaps more disastrous issue The secjnds interposed aud reconciled their principals A Determined London, da, Press gives the following cf thu suicide of a Seatcbman named John Koas, whose body found in the wood 3 near on tbe Ist instant, hanging by the neck ft young sapling: "It appears that the wretched man mast firs' have attempted suicide by stabbing himself in th iwfls five nuccesaive times, wilt, a smali knife Finding that death did not ensue, he must hare proceeded (an shown by the tracks of blood some yards off, where be cut himself in tha throat, and made a second gash, completely severing his windpipe. Here another pool of blood was found He must then havo gone, wounded as ho was, to a which he clitued, evidently with a view to banging, but finding it not suitable to his purpose be descended, leaving the treeovered with blood i he blcod track next showed that he went soma little distance iff and selected a young sapling, to which he tied his handkerchief, and, throwing himself on his hands and knees, he effectually committed his purpose-" Death ok the Oldest Soldier in the Army Gen. John B. Walbach, oldest oftioer jn the United States Army, died at bia residence, in Baltimore, Wednesday night, la the year of his age, after an illness of three days.

Gen. was bora at Alsace, on the Rhine, in Oc tober, 1764. Atsn early age be entered the Aus service ss bunar, ttsii was in the company appointed to receive Louis XVI, at the frontier when he made the attempt to lire irom France. He sub seqaently joined the Krai cli armv. and was detailed to service with bis regiment in Nearly the wh of the regiment died and he came to this country, landing in His father was tbe possessor cf a Inrge es.stein this country, located in the city of Philadelphia and in Virginia, and the son, then a young man.

deter -rind to study law, and for that puiposj went into tha office of Alexander Hamilton, in New York Having fondness for the llfs of a soldier he applied for tt coiEUiission in the army of the Uaited States, and'eceived ono from General Washington. The Fugitive Slave Case in to present indications, the late collision betiseea the Federal and State autherities la Ohio will cot teiminste without some farther The Colnmbus Stale Jcurntii undurstar ds thai Gov Cbasn, at the earliest possible moment after reaching ibe city from Cincinnati, had an interview with 3trs. Maioa and Good, who represent the prosecuting atterney of Clark county, in the case before the federal judge at Cincinnati, involving the right of the State to enforce her own criminal laws within her own jurisdiction, Bgaicit violators, whether federal or official or other; and that he immediately telegraphed to Attorney General VVolcott to appear in the case on the part of the State, in conjunction with gentlemen. KILLED BY LfctcHts the village of Martigny la Marc, near l'aris, Lacquie, a druggist, lately established a cur-try of ltecbes in a marsh or pond, where he was accustomed to feed them by driving an old worn out horse, purchased at a kuacker's yard, every morning into the muddy water, and allowing the letcheg to themselves at tue expense of the horse'a I His aon, a boy of thirteen, used to ride the horse Into the pond A few days the boy havinggone aloce upon that frracd, the family were terrified by the, tiorse coming back without the rider; its legs were bletdiog profusely and covered with leeches Peo pie went to the pond to look fjr the child, and found him immersed there, struggling feebly to extricate himself from the mire, and defend himself from the hundreds of voracious creatures which bad crftnltd under his clothes, (for he wore neither aaoes cor stockings.) and had fixed upon every limb of bis body. Hu had probably been thrown o3' the back by tie restlessness of the a.iuial The poor boy wag exhausted and speechless when he was got out, and died iu a few hours.

A Woman's Tkick. Painting is said to be carried to great at ihe present nine amuug the of Paris notwici (finding tire use of paint the natural complexion A practical joke which an English lady divised to torment the painted beauties, la thus made a note of" in a Paris letter to the New Orleans Picayune They tell a very good joke here of an elaerly Knit lish woman who bad trained a little Havaaa dog tj lick the face of the per who kissed it They say thai whenever sin mee a with a lady under fa se cot ihe her jump on the lap; the lady carssses the d-ar litpe creature, without pecting th-titis a perfidioos little scroundrei, whi unf aints her cheek its ilse but vigorous lickins. Not long ago this English woman was et a iliiac party iu the faubourg Stint Hunura singlt cut among al- the guests at Italian lady of coble rih, who is sddictei to paint, at the conven ttonal signal, Btbi jumped imo ihe Italian's lap end began play tongue witn great oe of the Florentine', cheek was like a -ach snuin ered in cream, the complexion of street sixteen the other side was shrivelr rink led and yellow. It require! aii the Kren dexteri of laurh ter to suppress the peals of merriment, which this sUbt excited to explosion and the malice of the En womrn was celighted the laugoing eyes of the wh.le room but that ifrfci was en sioa with violent gattritit wo days afterwards it grotiled last bow wow-wow iu the of weeping and a Jute who told eve jb thai it was paint of the liali-n killed angelic pug and this repori industricusly. it is said iliere is no amail chsnoe of getting into the court heme in toe shape of a suit for slander Mobb or IHC PaMlwf II iitjj Michigan pictured a writer Detroit, who uyi that in tiratiot county ha taw a woman who her aiek band and two children on maple augar and aev era! before aba could get other relief; the tbec to carry proviiioDifevertl on beck Tola wan bad taken care of her alok huaband iaat and ter family of two children, bealde waich aba maao 0 pouodf of maple auger, cleared gioand aad boed in two aeieaof apnng wheat, at planted umt corn And po.atoe*.

Bhe waa habited iu tatten-a Acotber family tf a father and three trad tilteen, taelve and ten, they lived on milk map augar aid leeka for a week after cmid bjuow noibiog more, before auppltea reached tbeiu Two other eor elating of lour grown and e-ven children, aad who we 101 had no breadatuffa eioeFt two buabe of wheat and a like quantity of oau, which they 10- for nd. lh a ibey rnned nd grou'd in a cotfee nil Milk, and a few caa caught cona'lluted aupp iee iLivikV in The Repub liean, publiabed at Bt AHhony, that whe (lave property, io Miuneaota Every yt at min who cuuie front ihe fioutb bfiflj tbelr to the and take them away again. And It information lhat utb now holding at Still water, and en ela that onder the Dred ttcott declaion he the aatl.oiitin*'o interfere He to remain in the Mrntuy, and thai to render elavery a permaneut HICHMONI). FKIPA Y.JUNE 12 1857. A Summtr Escaptfrom Richmond-A Trip and Day Adventuru in (As Country.

coiiisroKDiict or tub dispatch Nottow tfth, 1657. riaviog an hoar or two to spend in or nome otb-r way, we have concluded to give you the news, io. We left Richmond on the Cib Instant, per Richmoud aod Danville Railroad, for the country Having been cooped up for si veral In Richmond, we conid appreciate the beautiful country scenery, and enjoyed ourseif very much. The crops along road were lookiag tolerably well, a tbougo the of that great pest, the ''chinch might be plainly seen Arriving at the Juuctluu about clock, we, with many others, partook of an excellent breakfast, prepared by mine best of the "Junction Hotel," Col Burkf, who can always hetouud at his pout with a emiLing ready and willing to attend to the wants ot tne uungry traveller A few minutes past 9 clock tbeUmi sound ol the engine bell, and tbe "all aboa of Conductor an obliging mp-tei offic was heard, and off we started for Charlotte county, Virgioia The land aioug the road generally poor, but many of the are bigbly improved by tne use of Guano, and other manures obtained in your city, and are producing floe crops Oa Key svllle, we met an old friend from Richmond, wbom call' Charlie Webad to apeud several hours here, trying to got a conveyance across the country, and had an opportuni ty of conversing witb several farmers, were c-otnplaining of the dry weather. The moat portant topic of conversation seems to be the Tobacco crop.

From the farmers, we learn, that plants were plentiful, hut small; consequently, the plaatinn will be late. Corn is looking very well, and if lot alone by tbe ''chinch bug," there will be a good crop made It is very tcarce about at present and many of the are buying mea. in Richmond At tail place we hired a two horse stage lo take uj ab iut fifteen miles across the country arriving near i.ivbt at Mr. 'a, a thriving farmer and at; old Virginia geutleman And here, Mr Editor, we were amply repaid for cur journey, meeting several young iadies, acd enjoying ourselves in many ays, sometimes listening to sweet of tbe accmpiished daughter of our friend, Mr. a in favorite song, until business cuded us to Lunenburg Courthouse, whither we jnmeyed, re u-ning our baggy, so kindly furnished by Mr we were again on loot.

Lunenburg Courtbomo is a small, dry looking village, wiih about one bundled and fifty Inhabitants, one store, three hotels cr bar rooms, where the best "lightning" is extensively Having transacted our business, we were ready for our jiurney. Hut now for she difficulties: we could neither hire nor borrow a couv-yance. So after consulting with 'Charlie." who is go ahead ot a follow, we concluded to walk so off we started. Mr Editor, wi stout hearts and twenty long miles to walk. We amused ourselves in many ways while travelling on foot Often resting at tLe many springs that abound in this section of couutry on reaching mai of thorn, we but stop and admire the beautiful scenery (one particularly) calltd Snead's Spring, surrounded by oaks that tempt the weary traveller to rest beneath the shaue, while our nasal organs were regaled with perfume wafted by the gentle breoae from a neighboring Laurel Swamp Here, Mr Editor, we could have exclaimed in the language of Itidian, Alabama! Alabama! (Here we rem!) (Here we rest I) Ariiving at Nottoway Courihouse, we were not long iu seeking the arms of Morpheus, to rest cur weary limbs This naoruing, wc felt quite refreshed, and will coon retuoie our journey per R.

R. to Petersburg. Yours truly," R. A Chapter on Crops 6fC CORRESPONDENCE OK THE DISPATCH. Junction, Nottoway Co, Va, June 10tb, 1657. two or tbree days of oppressive heat, we have a fine bracing morning; had quite a storm on yesterday afternoon, with a heavy wi and hail Ca i S'e the farmers, as 1 write, hurrying i.h iheir earn to and fro, iu search of tobacco of their friends woo were more fortunate than themselves in raiding them Season a delight ful one. and learn that the farmers will make a finish'" tbis season. 1 hecropg of tvery deseript on look well with a rery few exceptions One of the farmers near here told us on yesterday that be bkd tue finest prospect a heavy crop of wheat be had ever bad; a field containing some CO acres, averaging feet in height, and as luxuriant as he could wiah, and entirely free from chinch bug, or joint worm. Quite a crowd en-route for H. Sydney anticipating an interesting time I at the Hotel this morning the It-v.

Mr. Kirkpairick and family of Danville, and Rev. Mr Nay lor of Mecklenburg. i he Young American portion of tbis village gave a grand serenade last night, and I learn this morning were very much pleased with their trip; music good, timers abundant, but the smiled of the fair ones, whew don't say a word. Your's truly, Sesex.

The Franco-G'rman Statement. CORRESPONDENCE UK THE DISPATCH. Richmond, June 10,1857 1 have seen a statement in the Daily Dispatch in which it is mentioned ihat the whole party be longing to the Franco-German Company reside now at Richmond, Va this is a complete error I shall, therofoie. give you the names of those col oniiu who actually rt tide here Touruier Ph Tontnier Lcuii, Berneil Prosper Prevut Keiamety Gaatave, Taquea arrived iaat Saturday Some of the party that left Wytheville are at Ntw Orleans, tome at Nashville, aud others at Kuoxville. I send you, therefore, the of every one who belonged formerly to that Com pany, so that you may Insert them iu your valuable pspsr: Os sniiinn WytheviHe; Tbschinger, do; Gs-ek iNaur Kisesus; Bivost Knexvi le; Rodius Uythaville; Pa'Uiaur Ke Nashville; Ssbreiber Cuibiner.

Lynchburg; Wyt.baville; Acbar, New Orleai agrer. Kcoivillr; ittaer A Wytbeviile; Toashan, le; maif A Barbrau, Buj-uet ville; Gaillardet, briaiol, Tenn Ad, Knoavllle Qua or Tin ruTT The Steamer Canadian cargo of the steamship Canadian ia all saved aud farwarded to Montreal and Quebec; the portion that waa in her fore compartment, chietiy dry goads, is damaged The vessel being very large, aud a rock briug tbiough her bottom it will be a costly job to her They are building a platform arouud her, and steam pumps have been brought down from Lake Ontario, and have gone to the steamer The reports of the vessel being so badly injured are untrue The interest of ihe New York underwriters ou the cargo would uot be over 000, and on the vessel nothing is insured in this oouutry. Rat STORY lady in upper town was awakened from her bleep night betore last by a sharp pain ou her forehead, aud on putting her band to her head, it came In contact with a large rat. As a matter of course she jumped up quickly, and on procuring a light, discovered that the rat Lad gnawed a bole in her and yesterday the injured part was swol'en, and caused her much Paul (Minnnota) Times, 29th.

Advance Fay of merchants in Boston, Wednesday, in relation to the discontinuance of tbe advance wages to aeameD, referred the subject to a committee of tea. read from tbe of oommerce of Li verpool aod Mew York, requesting cooperaiiou in futherance of tbe object, as a benefit to seamen welJ as to tbe ablpping interest Hail Storm Spotsylvania Court House aDd Fredericksburg, Va, along tbe Massaponix Creek, hailstone fell on Tuesday evening as laige as Guinea eggs, entirely destroying the crops, and doing serious damage to dwellings la ijnie places were knocked off ibe and window saabes completely cut out. HtAvr Bail stockholders of tbe Richmond, Fredericksburg and Fotomac Railroad Co, at thtir late meeting determined to continue lay-1 tbe heavy the entire distance to Aoquia Creek. tbe siave aenteucud to be hung at the April term of Ca'cliue, Va Court, for attempting to take the life ol Mrs. Clift, suffered full penalty of tbe law la the Jail at the Bowling Green on Friday last.

Hon George Bancroft was at LcuUvllle on Sunday, en ronte to the Mammoth Watermelons have made their appearance In the Savannah Passed assistant surgeon, United Statu navy, Jaoies Heusiis, has resigned. Monday last was tlte anniversary of the of Gen Jackion, twelye years ago. Mom BH.UNO Dead Bodies poor bouae of Cbtcago have now got themselves Into trouble about telling the bodies of dead Ii tbat they bare beea Id the hab of pack log up the bodies of th whi died in the house pork, and seadlog them to the medical coilegt in that vlcnity for disposition. 8 jme time since several of barrels of "proriaions" were found In a war. hjnss in Chicago, whither tbey had itrayed.

Tfce discovery was flaslly made by a wsgon driver, who was employed in hauling tue barrels from the almshouse, and who took tte liberty of examinitg his freight The Muperviaera at once met and reconimendt-d that the Physician, Warden, anil a 1 concerned, be renuved from cffise foitliwih It was shown that price aaktd ter bodies to go to Michigan was S-0 delivered at the bey could not tell mauy hud been taken; as the business had been carried on tor souie time. it will not tie sa.d hereafter that we have no use for io this couatrj, foreign" ornauve Wheo dead the- are $20 i iece in Chicago, and we know not bow tnucb in Pbilsdelpuia I. is foriuuate these tilings occaired on the other of 4 Dixon's line. We have not yet heard of a slavebolJer selling hit dead negro. Arrest of 'Hon" John Wintworth on a CHAKOK OF STEALING THfc MalL John Wentworih, Mayor of the city of Chicago, was arrested Tuesday morning by the States Marshal, charged with stealing the mail bags, aud was hell to bail in the sum ot $3,000.

The mail bags were found on bis and the proof agalosl him is raid to be positive An examination was held in the afierm oa, and Mr VVentworh was discharged from rustody by Judge mnd He decided tbat Mr Wentworth, in his i ticiai capacity of Congressman, received the mail aud that unless a special dutuaaa was made them, he ha; ar pth m. of tbe Agricallur" al Bureau, at Washington, writing from Illinois, stare that tbe prospects lor a largn yield of wbeat aod other small grains, In that State are excellent The corn crop will, however, be small, and in many cages it has been planted a second time Hay will also be produced abundantly, aod the fiuiu, generally, promise well Thw cold, damp weather there has beea of much ben- 4'. Dos Give the Ntw Cent to the Baby A fine litlie girl, daughter of James Cragie of the Seventh ward, swsllowedoneof the new on Monday, to the ureat dismay of the Suitable remedies facilitated the passage of the cirty little coin, which saw day light just fourteen hours I'he satce physician who put this eagle through has a child now under bis care in Wiiitamebutg swallowed one of the new cents about a week since A 1 cmetics and have thm far proved useless The patient suSVrs immensely from giddiness and nerv. us irritability The new cent is a bad plaything for children Timtt. Thref.

Persons Drown pleasure boat was capsized in Buffalo harbor ou last, and ttrea persons drowned, viz: Richard ick, a cierk, with Sidney Shephard, hard mercbam; clerk with Cone, Levir i- Co and Garret Hays, a clerk. GEN Storr at Boston -General Scott is to receive sii offi ial welcome to Boston on the occasion of his visit to that city on tbe 17ib instant, to at tend the celebration at Bunker Hill Governor Gardner hasordere 1 out the First Brigade to escort him to tbe House, where he will be officially received on behalf of tbe Commonwealth ot Massachusetts. A. Rapid Youth contemporary ho would willing to put bis young friend, Purdon, editor of the Port Gibson Miss, against the fastest youog American in any ether State of tbe Confederacy He is not yet nineteen years old; has been editing a newspaper for nearly four years, has courted and been accepted by at Ik: s. a dozen of the most Intelligent and handsome yoting Udies in marry either of them; and last, though not met the chivalrous aod valiant editor of the Natchez Free Trader, Jtmes McDonald, in moat, got wounded in tbe arm, returned to his post, and went to woik as if nothing had happened He will do to bet on certain.

Municipal Election ine fourth trial to elect a Mayor ot Providence, took place Tuesday. iug in no choice. Olney Americas and republican. received Francis, domocrat, scattering, 518. PoPl'LAa of ths CoMiT lii Englan Jthe fear ot harm from tba epiTo-ch of the etpeeteti comet prtvaiird an not oa ant ing the but cu tlvated and tin arwtocratie Many bve 'lieve i ihat word woo co ne t'j an end oa the 14 of June; th- scrip turashavi searched for pr- stiunsof ine event.

ths cod hsve been tormooted witn questions Some male for the ca tstruphe by a fast ng i.nd prayer; others hive foolishly squandered their bslievmg in good sooth tuat tliey would have uo further need of it The betief has prevailed tbat on the day named the n-ry mcrseng'is of doom woald he en nearer ana nearer to our ea th; that its ma.r.To bulk 'i sa i anH fi. 1 the whole visis'i horizon en.t'op ng this in tei dartmsi, th water of oor seas v. and finally converting the wo la into abeapof cioae.s The SHol Ta tut Traaacipt sa bransbo' bus nesssutfera aeverely om tv depres i of ibr.n the alios manu faatniar la itisuy of h-s large shoe tovm of the Hta'S hundred! of wmiaeii thrown oat of em pioyment ny the temporaiy susp- nai. of manufacturers rtuclioe to in the sant uncertain atate of alt.ira.and with the ici of rather ti from tho bignea: point to what ate ie garced aa fair rat a Irish Emighat In the liiai House of Con? at on a leCiat occasion Mr tgwell aik whether tha scv-rnmenc hud received nj intoraia tioti aa to theieoorted coutinu nee and incease emi'ra ion from Ireland Mr Horstnan aaid that 'h goverrmant v. aa in poasessioa of very preci and oa thi subject.

in 1852 the number of eir'grants ficm Irish por waa it was 43; in 1854, 140 555; in 1855 91 9 ana In 185 showing a decrease of 133 a. coo.psrea with ibe previ us year ana a decrease of 49,774 aa compared with Tha population o' th Ist o' January of tha pr-s nt year uai 047 193 agate st (17 7 283 en the 'st cf Jaiiua'y, IJS-; and siuce 'ha year 1821 tee populat.on had decreaaed by 754, 334 lNii'ft'NCZ are only seven ty-f iur inau.anee companlea in Great Br tain Of these th re are sixty-live ia Engand acd Wales Vthiity nine of them in aeveu in Scotland aud two in ire aud. The amount of property of all imurt ia i.5 4'j 0D OtO. 7h fi at In suraoes policies in England were issued in IBfO In Eranc-t thire taluauranca ou property amount icg to In Helaiuoi the amount in aared is bout Jn Hwed-n there are liva Uaurmoa sampu ies Stockholm iocs uunor li cai' associations in the ovi oes The late Cut if Ruaaia, in forbade the insurance of property situ-ted in with foreign ofiicea, under the fine of threa p-r on the auw insur d. it is esnmated that $150 OIK) 0 0 ate insuied iu Russia, and 0 in the kingdom or land.

InGa mai.y. it appears twenty prupriaiary oftic a Insure I 4 00 010 the ruu ual $2 0' overnment offices $2 250 000,000 Total, I'OO'. the an imuranse loss's In all chantries are estimated to Be the itnmecss aam of twsnty ihrae mil ion dol'a a. RacH'L a artist baa reaeD'ly return from toe Kati who toeompa nted from Kgvutto Ma seillcs He nays mat ibe celebrated tragedienne in inch delicate health daring the thit she could not opon dook witooui itipport. Ruu.or has often skid that Rachel bad converted According to the was upon the point of avowing the Catho faith at thi time of her sister Kebeoca's obe i a marble bust i Christ and rhe constant a ehsp'et blessed by the Pope.

One wbeo itebecaa sutler-d tne of the crisis of her sickueas, Rachel In despair ossed the chaplet her ex claiming, Alas! then bringeat and fhe that moment ren iunced all th njhts of conversion Bnt iUiaor now says that her determine ton has returned. Tbe ioi ibe bas jrc Pellerln, aposioMe visa-, during her journal from Alesaidria to Marseilles may have i a to the report. FiLfcS BV M.chi If jt years past, mechanics exerciied all their ingiuulty In trying to discover a proem manufacturing flirs so as to lessen the co.t ofirodaetiun a math.ui whltih has ance-asful, is that muD'ss lured by a Mr Ross, of Ulaigow. feeoilanff. It stated that by its ageney can be stinck in a very auperlcr manner, with an advantage labor atone oi at least 5(0" per cent over tbe od oe of striking A skilled fie entfer wi strike by tne baad tereaty common 40 taen flat biata files in a day.

while with one these ma chines six'y files, it is said, may be straek in the same time. Thi Comet storjr tuat the eminent French savant, Babinet, bad txprt a belief that tbe world wonld be burnt op by coauct with a comet about these days is entirely without foundation. PRICE ONE CENT hOCAI- atATTflaa Riotout Conduct -The heinous ted by i hornas Hard 7. en the A Bennett a litUa girl up the bile of the ot 17th street ny of them teem bent oo applying lynch Uwf" hio, if they manage by any meats 10 in their power. So indeed hu been the eitemeot, that ropes have been purchased to him wltb; a3d on Wadaeaday night last, a crowd of some huudredor mxe persots surrounded the jail where the prisoner cocfiaed, and rowed tftai they would take him i.otana execute him in deflate: ibel law.

Aooot 10 o'clock that night, Miyor uf the cuy. on iaaruing what going on, went to the jail, ana there iouud an yoaogmeo a mea with picks, spades aod rope T. Toi the prison doortnn seouriog Hardy the imposul'ility cf pr- viuierce witti hi.hand tail, Hjaor l. tbH assemblage in 10 Tr bum .1 as-ured tuf sbonli br de.ll with rMC ib th assurances the Ufjre lb,) "ajir let: groaud, he heara a ujnch larger gang werlying in waiutill 12 o'clock, when they wou.d rush UD, orm uk the pti.M)n«r, mo 1 he deserved Wiib 1 1 be Honorcalied on the 1 5 Bluea, aod Arti.Ury to protev. the a.

soon after, detachments of these com pao es were on the ground, foraetion, ifn'cessarv 0 wbo orlffiuated the mob, 0t temPted We have no idea that the mob, as it was called forcin the mob h.H UDk If the attempt had beeu made, the police military would bavr defended the prison to the death csn never tolerated ia Richmond, and tbosa who attempt it, l.i flad, to cost, that 'he law-abl or of me communi-y i 1 rihit them with such punishment as tbey are not apt to forget laws of ttie tjiate will punish ibec imeot rape as sever- as the masses can, and for that reason, we feel surprised that any set of be ti.uud in our who will bold advocaie the plan lynching Let the laws of the land take their course, say we aDd let peaceable citizaDS stay at home when street rows are cccurriug, and we are almost ready to guarantee that the aisturbauces, if be spetdi'y quelled. James Rirer The City Counci' have at length made an appropriation for dredging the bar at Trent's Rach, and the gentlemen who have charge rf work will now push it aberd with all poss dispatch Whether the Genern Govarrmeot lerds its aid to the Improvement of James River or not, the work ought to be pushed irward to completion, even though the Piry and State have to bear the entire burthen The lines of improvements now terminating here, will, when completed, pour such a vast amount of into Richmond, that she will be compelled to have ft suitable outlet for it, and we do rot believe tbat any cheaper one can b' secured than by deepeninn the channel of the river, so as to eeable sa vessels of a large class to cone to our wharves to load and unload. Creating Pan Ci Council through the Cominttt' es, aie taking eft'-ctuil steps to preveu the wathing of loose dirt into James river, and thus creating bars that will have to ha removed hereafter by a dredging machine. At a lute roe- ting, several approptistinns were made for raisine walls, so as to prevent the earth from wishing off and if tbe improvements thus commenced are continued, the deep rati-ies along tbe suburbs will be eventually filled and rendered valuable. Union Street-fmm Franklin to Grace, needs paving and guttering to prevent fts becoming a uuisance in bad weather.

The travel over it now Is very great, and will continue to increase, because of its proximity to the Central Railroad df pot from and to which a vast amount of traveling is daily carried ou. Lgt improvement be made by all meaud. A'tat and Tidy white fellow, who sells milk about the streets, and always has with him one or iwo curs, was noticed to set his cans on tbe ground a few moroiugs since, when the dogs approached them and licked the spouts as clean as if rbey i ad been washed Tbe gentleman who bad wit esgw.j ccurrence, ks the dogs are trained to the business, judging from the promptness with which they did the licking when the milk vesse's placed within their reach Doubtless the dogs were as clean as master, but a man would ueed a good slomach to driak the milk sold by such si dirty wretch. Valuable much persuasion and begging, tbe Cry Council Uave at length an appropriation to have Mill alley, from 14th to Virginia street, paved, bo as to enabU teams to haul to and froai theDinvitle depot, without miring in the lake of mud usually st that particular spot It is gratify iug to every tsz payer to the most rigid economy exetclsed when the fiaances of the ciiy are uneasy and depressed, but improvement I ke the ve shonld oe made when needed, even though the taxi are high and money tight. Getting are gratified to learn (hat Mr Bap Ist, tbe watchman woo was ao seriou-lv injured by a blow from a sane, given him on lay night last, is gradually recovering from his ii juries, and will be out i i a few days.

Nice Snack A Ford, corner Cary and Vi ginia rmtf, a nt us from bid iraut. yes terday an exc- llent snack of good surrtuud td by a platoon of juleps, which esge-ly devoured by "poor eedera" ot oar iiibmen', aided by a few visitors. If you abect loncb time to-day. gite him a call and ast your xtKiuaih oj the iceduilik and other good things with which bis house abounds. Put Scott, a free negro, was brought before the Mayor yesterday and ordered to b- rt eg' for the mean act of beating his wife Ail such fellow a ought to be in 'he chain gang tor at leant a year, aa the surest means of breaking tht of their cowardly habits Fatt Driving dark akin mule driveri came bi-lore ihe- Mayor yeHterday mori iog, aiid received a sound for driving their teams in the ttreei fatter than a walk, thing like rawhide to keep uuruly eboa In their places.

Tht Basin is getting to be a complete horses aud other animsls that have to pass about it On W-duesday last twoh 'rseg overboard and were drowned, and yesterday mnri ing a mule took a dip in the near the Gaiiego Mills but was re-cued before he had taken on enough to send him to the bottom. Not Dead negro man, Elijah Bailey, who was seriously tj'jred by the falling of a brick cornice, on Main street, last Wednesday af ernoon, was not dead when we beard from him afternoon Dr Harwell, one of bis physicians, says bis skull is slightly fractured but thinks that bis most serious on his neck. The unfortunate man has not spoken the accident aud bis injuries are so great that the ehauees of his recovery are very slight. Knight are Infirmed that Rlch- ID' nd irumautlery No 2, Kolifht Temp'ara, ad invitation from Waahingtnn Commaudery No unite with them lo a to the tomb of Washington, on tbe 24 ins both Commanderiea acting ait an escort to tbe Grand Lodge of tbe District of Columbia on tbat occasion. Handsome real estate belonging to the late George Carri-jrtnn of thU city, has been estimated in value at 143 623.

A large por tion oi thU property lies along the rive and dock, aod on street, and will increase In value every year Tht Hustings Court was In session yesterday disposing of civil business, tbe criminal docket taviDg been cleared of every case but one- at of Joho Houseman, Indicted for altering tbe boar in a negro's waa continued until tbe next term Musical Entertainment understand tbat a large uarnter of ibe young ladlrs of Mr classes, In music, is preparing, aod will la a few dajs a puUio performance of a Can tat-, arranged by bim, which is said to be very be-u" A part of tbia Caniata. was recen'iy rt uy ibe youiig ladies of tbe Richmond Female I a iru'e to their relatives and aud by e'al qumt, waa repeated Friday eveoicg- hall of tbe Institute was crowded on both C(i to Its and a great many were unable to gala admittance nave beeu told hy many, tbat It waa tbe beaa'lfal exbi bl'ion they ever atteudtd. We are glad that an opportunity will be afforded all, to hear ana tola beautiful performance. Vie Weather, yesterday, waa charming aabaait eo ild wUh. The season eoald not be belter for vegetation, as the around tht city bear wit- MM.

THE DAILY DISPATCH' KHT i.TTJo-.a.. Ino -r ma i 76 1 i tw ual Uma mu H.u per N.U. of wmtinUK Rtturmi tr Baku ineir sooner tab and for that reason will to the of their Hmdn mml 'aorfcrto meet the dnoiw) thm aud who may to i ipewlv of tseir dim, wiU kaow tee reason. Q'ttinf A Beoaett, the little child, person rt lated on Tdmilit Im, aod Kl" lr -l ar welf, trd to wrtn next her" wretch who I. jared RI IRTAL A CHOW THE bb (rf Oobfeet week.

tW troat iUr Tbta tb4l ELI ThaTIR ln u- Coderwod the Emigrant AM -ciery no lt itM nortant maLUfcearioir (tie it the on pabannock rifer, in Virginia, be-n for improvement, ai be pnhlikhM a letter tbe mayor of Frederlck-ibn'g, eonreylog to northern capita ins and emigra.t-i who to a sarancea of fraternal feeling and cordial good will. ichnouer Louisiana. Captain Totr, of Cherrv 8 or arrived New York a few days since from Antigua. wl the first of oew potatoes brought 650 bbU. Some or the potatoes weiat.

15 nir ef The PnaMtiit of ibe Uuiird bat. remitted the flue imposed upon Capaln Sraiih 'rird some limn ago for implication in the slave trade. The grand jury of Louisville have indicted for murder fifteen persons, aod all tbty conld discover as participants In the recent lynching of four slave) Benjamin McCnllccb, will, it ig sa'd, be a candidate fir the United States Senate, from Texas against (ien. Houston. It ia rumored that Hon Isaac E.

lielst" Lancaster, Pa baa been tendered the ship of Utah bas been appointed a thltd clerkship (1 600) clerk ia th- D'partmentof the In erior, vice Simeon Smith, removed. Wm Strong, of Berks county, and Jai Thompson, of rave been nominated by ibe cratg of Pennsylvania for Judaea of the Mefioo't of flute. Ktchxoad. luo-11 7 5 -The Trimeter at ffioe will be aloiei on tad after tuo last. uattl the 6th July next These holding Cert'fi-ates o'Dabtofthe t9 which fall dua on ha Ist Jniy '85' or aocb Certificates as may have becou.n due fore that irno, are no'iiied ilia; th must than pretenc ra 'or payment, at noiateres; will be allowjd a ter 'bat tHOS B'N je 11 -d2awkctJyl hsmbeilaia.

VIUUIMA LIT KY Th Board ol Visitois will ai on 22i Juoa, to make appointments of Cadets in the Vi gin a H'y inUuu.e. Appiiea lon, for ray as well as State appointments will b- ada eased to th-n State Cade's axis from he allowing Senatorial Lhs riets, under the old Cmutttution ti Bedford aid Franklin, Hp itsylvan aCa oline and Kasex, XVIII Patiick. Henry, Pittej'vaMa, XIX Cry of Richmond, Charles City, New Kent, XX Kuoain.ham and Perdl ton, XXIIt Harris Lewis. ord XXX Alleghany Bath, XXXI Ohio, Maishali, XXXII Kanawha Mmod.s.® Tliosi dasiring teachrrs from the graduating c'ass raj be supplied by app.iea on to the tuperiutand nt. Tbe graduatoiy wi I take on of luiy on the Literary oele.i-s wih be iddrested by the Hon.

K. T. Li-ut M. Miviy. Navy, () U.

Arm? cjrrpose 'he Board of tx'mlners inv.ted by the Bosrd of Visitors to attend the annual examination. Tiie uaua! ciaply rf Kirs Worii on tb 4th of Ja'y. Th- Alumni will be eldreeeed bv J. W. Masiib, on 'be3-d of July.

U. SMITH Principal. 11 Oillft ill 111 B-iaAs i au horded 'o offer, at private us, tha old BKiCKi imeriv (atholis Col Ifse the Mc hau'eavilio Turi pike one frooi oity. of ibou. 40 The in very good order, and euitable for large or other mei.

aLEX try at -U VOl'K --(fur ofll tor preaeut, otD hr Our itore now over the Dry (i Hoara of P. 'erkina fc Co (up a few doora a bore 0 Lon uu'i corner Cur Irlenda wii alwaya find ut at one or 'be oth of ibma ea ana hi pn toev will ntluj to vur Hith their tie ofjre we rtune 'or eve our bulHlrg, in wbieb hav long a rved our puat. fire hxv- bein put tu Inc and naiderablo de ay 1' rar araeia bm beea no atary cooiequ-nee But in happy to aay, that stook tin hern aim at fully rrplrniahe' and w- eat now (hip ail articlea with our cuato ni promptneaa We ho in a ahort time to oar old at and fullv repairrd ren wed confidently hope for a full abire of wiirb been eo liberally beatcwed on ua 4 'I'H'K. 'lillf Of 1 Mitii-1 KUSD The having iiuiiMto ami from ia their large and tea itifal a oak of Douirgtio Gooda at re auionf which will t-e found vary pUM cd atripei rtl a' 3 and 50 an dr, black at 75 worthagrea I more; be-utim paitrin. Oraeartet Jaeorec Lawae; Ltaiuaa; Mi ahatna; great barga'na in and Wu ia Co at a all irate; Cambria and Mua in Bar da it ard Bwlaa ltd Dot ed sdutiini t.ambiic riped bl ek and colored fcilt Matiiiuaa ISO and the k'aach and brown Domi-atle ever tff-rfd befot-; Ciap- Bhaw a at ard b' wn Towela iud tMaperaj Hoa etln; "Ilk itc.

gl. who with to aave oney, wii do well to give u-a call at No 27 Main je 8 dim fc 11, tKA I. tr 414 kagg lay Praa la Mo for ale by j.g i J. W1 wru ton i MM TO Hmo u- ng I FALLIBLE K'Nii aa wall aa tho.a ths-nia the ution of the eitj will ft'd at th- Drug Mtore ot Maada Bfiktr, corner loth and a' tfta JNtJ fUHMrH, ja 8 -Iw and "ole Pro rltt-ir riTSITS POWIIKK. rtie deatiustion of Mo'ha, lied Fleaa" Koaobna and othir ioaee a It only to he Powder ab the infeetcd by th eo vermia K.r OArH ES-ap UHe el he of ffcm and in the blrh The fime ioo nouM r.f A Po? BL 18 it nwvj to -datead w.

with eold and dapoa tne Powd-r freely of the If thi ed my whleb may be d.M fo riM by LAOO It Ricbumod Vft. tt(J We irom to day to ml on of Hobtt ud other etylf a of Uipm below at In the early pert of tne eeaeoa Thoee who hive eappliad tbaouaWaa art' 1 their to call end eiamlae oar of A HARWOOD, 5 No. Tt ijllTllH liftS IVBAOAD BTRKfcf ILWAY Kr-in end after end no il fjuber ootiee. the Acejmmodelon ibe Depot ard inood oilege be in be'ween the A.M. end il, A end between o'oloet, 10 atoppief ei any the Ctreet for pa.M3i»ri (jtni fare 5 WM.

N. BRAOO. je 8 PIiUK WATKH BArkilrg fiethftui autf a warranted inferior to neae- at (be I for at 080. DOWDrh'e ja Bora. ATKrt Water Slterere of a 'f kltd te 8 Iw A CO.

C'IiKNK Reeetred thU morning. one caee Cheaa bame, at 124 eaeU par yard, at tjha Ewabtlahed Chaaf of ALFRED ja 8 MtK..

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