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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 2

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY DISPATCH- Nenttoi, We are gratified to learn that the of nd Wiu probably be totaled tbU epUoo in Virginia, la mm of lu by of Central to It wIH be, when tb. 'h" aimo.t Chariotte.Tllle to iffl ovcment which, ta a direct line wU I form the chitf arnnitlng with vlrfinU and will In connection with Taller onlleli lbe immen.e -hlob will, be Ured tr nwi 1 help to accommodate the vast 'beDanviile and the Central, and of the canal trade, lu Richmond depot being on the dock, of the James River Comnanr and arrangement, can be made so as to unload the can.l boat, directly into the Great Ucllitle. wUI be afforded by this route, for tbe delivery of coal In Richmond, from IU relative position to tbe now opening in Henrico by wealthy and which are to be unlimited. The Mattaponl and Pamucky, at tbe mouth of which stream, the Vork ltiver terminus I. fimated, are navigable for some distance above the (West Point,) and penetrate a rich country, whose trade will all be made tributary to Richmond.

We fully appreciate the importance of the James r'ver outlet, to the trade of this city, but, in the course of time, more tbaa one outlet will be necesaary. It 1. astonishing how little is known of that splendid stream, tbe Vork river, which, by tbe railroad now in process of be brought within an hour and a half of Richmond. A President of an important Northern railroad who visited this city a few days ago, be had never heard of the Vork river There to such a stream nevertheless, and one of the deepest, atraightest, and most beautiful rivers on tbe rican continent. By tbe Vork River Railroad, It is bat 38 miles from Richmond to this noble river, or, rather arm of the sea, which, at the Weat Point terminus, gives a depth of water of twenty two feet at high tide.

Eight miles below West Point, there to thirty four feet water at high tide, deep enough for tbe monster steamer now building in England. It is stated, on what we regard good authority, that that steamer will visit tbe waters of the Chesapeake, and she ought by all means to be brought up York river. We commend this matter to the Railroad Convention which is to be held on this subject, and to the city of Richmond, which ought to be represented In that Convention. From Weat Point to Chesapeake Bay Is only about thirty miles, tbe stream running straight, broad and deep between the two points, and from Weat Point to tbe Capes It is only fifty four miles. The whole distance from to tbe Capes by tbe York River Railroad and York river is only a hundred and twenty-two miles.

If Richmond, with such facilities of access to the oceaa as the James and York rivers afford, shall not become an important commercial city, it will certainly be from any other cause than the want of natural advantages. The Atlantic Telegraph. It Is aaid that the cable for tbis telegraph is being manufactured at Liverpool and London, at the rate of fifteen miles per day at each factory, and expected to be completed and laid down before the end of June. CoL Fremont is aaid to be actively employed in getting up a history of his expeditions of late We are not informed whether this includes hia late expedition to the White House. He seems t) have been snowed under on that memorable occasion, and to have just emerged from tbe drift.

We trait be comes out a wiser, if not a better man, and that hereafter he will confine his to tbe more familiar realms of science, of the dubious patbs of politics. The have from the editors the numbers of this medical monthly for February and March. They are well printed, bearing the imprint of H.K ELLYSON. The contents embrace themes highly important to the faculty, and we notice some papers that appear to a layman to be interesting, especially one by Dr. Watkins, of Goochland, on the "Diseases of Women." Ex President Pierce in Virginia On day night last, Ex-President Pierce arrived in Fredericksburg, Va en route for the residence of W.

P. Taylor, Esq Caroline county. Learning that Mr. Taylor wan absent from home, he returned to Washington Wednesday morning. The Mayor and Council of that city met on hearing of bia presence there, for the purpose of tendering htm the hospitality of the city, but before they eonld make the call, the Ex-President had left for Washington He will visit Caroline county in a weak or two.

Many citizens of Fredericksburg took advantage of the opportunity to prfy their repects to General Pierce Burial of Wm. t. Sheriurd remains of William Sherrard, who was killed in Kansas reached Winchester, Va, on Friday last, accom panied by Bam'l J. Cramer, formerly of Frederick eonuty, Va, and Tboi. N.

Crowder, formerly of Norfolk, and late a member of the Legislature. A large concourse of citizens followed the remains to the grave Sherrard was shot on bat did not die until the following Sunday He tent a message to his father, telling Lim he had been shot down in defence of the rights of the South. Ex-Secretary Dobbin left Portsmouth, Wednesday morning for home, accompanied by Hon. Mr. Wioslow, of North Carolina, and bis at.

tending physician. He was quite ill, and nnable to respond to a public reception which had been prepared for him at Weldon, North Carelina. Richmond Vessel Suitosed to be Schooner New York, Bingham, belonging to C. Pieraon's line of Richmond packets, from Rich, mond for New York, sailed from Hampton Roads prior to the storm of the 2d in company with schooner Surprise, from Petersburg, which has arrived at that port. Capt Allen, of the Surprise, that he saw tbe New York Immediately previous to the gale, and after it cleared off, he saw a schooner dismasted, which he believes was the New York.

The New York haa a large amount of tobacco on board, valued at aome (50 000. intared In New York and Riohmond. Tbe New York is 230 tons register, built at Baltimore in 1P49, owned in Richmond, valned at abont $7,000, and supposed uninsured Wealth of thk New York per the wealth of Mr. Cabinet General Cats, Howell Oobb, Jacob Thompaon, John Floyd, Tuucey, Black, and Brown, $500,000. Total, Land Bali in Culpkpek Jobn Taylor, late of "Uailewood," Caroline oounty, baa purehaied a fioe farm from Jeremiah Mortoa, Iylnf within come fire or of Brandy Station, Culpeper county, Va- Tbe farm TOOaeraa and waa aoid at $10 an acre or for the parchaae.

Call Rev L. Q. Haley, at preaant a atudent of tbe Unlveralty of Virginia, aceapud an Invitation to become tba of Elk-Creak Baptlat Church, in Louiaa county. entirely destroyed by fire on Sunday laat. $50,000.

baa kJau Hampabire Rail ro 4 contract, ao far aa Wincbaater. klD through mmnicr Thr BIM Wo bappy to that a report of Col. of Blue Tunnel, that the beading of tunnal to all through and two hundred of bottrm only to remove Tkrrt uno doubt that the c-ari vill throMgk by tbe of Jitlf TbU The bnoineu of the Company will be mocb Increased, the expenaei reduced, public conveniMce enhanced, and one of the greate.t works upon wblch Virginia ever entered, triumphantly completed. Tlieatrr. To night Mr.

Jack take. ti. benefit. He to one of the bard working men of the one of those who bear the burthen and fatigue of nightly tbem.elve. to tbe evervarying dramas of the aura, and helping them to with and alacrity, notwith- standing their efforts go to swell the applause of Shall we "muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn Mr.

Jack present, an interesting programme. Including a new King'a Rival," we hope will have a fall house. The Wheat gentleman of much observation, residing in Caroline county, informs us that all the guanoed and fallowed wheat look. well, but that wheat on com land has fared badly, presenting a seared leaf, wl'hont root in the ground, and much of it Notes. Thb Baltimore and Onto Dividend of Wheeling, Virginia, has applied in the United States Circuit Court fir an li jnnction the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to prevent tbe resc'ndiog or repeal of the resolutions adopted in December declaring an extra dividend.

The application was set for a hearing on the 7th of April The of the Railroad Board yesterday, indicate the reason, wfcich have prompted this action on the part of Wheeling- It appears that some action had been meditated by on the part of the city of Baltimore, or gome of those of the State of Maryland, for rescinding the dividend or taking such other steps as would virtually accomplish that end, if votes enongh could be obtained in the Board to carry it. Of this the Wheeling authorities seem to have had foreknowledge. Post Office Robbery final hearing took place in Philadelphia Wednesday, before the United States Commission, in the case of Mc- Fettridge cb.rged with robbing the mails while a clerk in the Cincinnati post office. The postmaster testified to the fact that COO were stolen, part belonging to the post office. The prisoner was remanded to custody and will be conveyed to Ohio fjr trial.

Later FROM Rio bave been received from Rio Janeiro to the 21st of January. Tbe United States frigate St. Lawrence sailed for the river Plat'e on tbe 14th. Commodore Forrest, Captain Hull, with eight other officers, not having been formally presorted to the Emperor, called to see his Majesty in a free and easy way. and were well received.

Many Brazilian naval officers visited the St' Lawrence in return. Don Pedro was very well disposed towards our countrymen. The new steamer Teutonia, the first the Hamburg line, bad arrived from Southampton It was thought that government would encouraee the proposed line of steamers from Rio to the United States. The state of the coffee market is not re ported. Mr Peabody the Submarine Telegraph learned from Mr duricg a vist to him at tbe Mill's House, wl ile be was in tbis city, that the English terminus of the great submarine telegraph which is to flash intelligence from Kurope to America and vice versa in the twinkling of an eye, is at his private residence in Cour.

Punishment with Pepper in Africa of the common and terrible kinds of punish ment inflicted upon disobedient boys is to rub red pepper into their eyes. Their screams and yells under the operation are savage beyond description, and it is a wonder that their s'gbt is not entirely stroyed- Adult offenders are son et'mes subjected to a still severer punishcieit. Tbey are mide fast in the rocf cf a house, thoroughly smoked with pepper. Hard Cooper, a colored man, of Buffalo, N. a fugitive slave, fcas endeavored, it is said, to betray bis twen years legally slavery.

Tbe colored citizens of BufTa'o have, therefore, held a meeting and denounced said Cooper, declaring that tbey will not associate with nor permit him to enter their house, and that they will discountenance any colored person who shall hereafter associate with or permit Lira on their premises. Protracted Murder Trial the case of George Kuight, indicted fcr the murder of bis wife, which has been on trial for twenty days at Auburn, Me, the jury Monday, after being cut twenty-five hours returned a verdict of "Murder in the firtt degree Iliscoume have filed exceptions. Canadian Banks and Currency Canadian government is nuking efforts to abolish the free banking system, and aUo pounds, shillings a id pence, and substituting dollars and cents. Colored Chizens in Knout constitution of Rhoie Is'srd i-nitsthe right of suffrage 10 citizens of the United States. As such colored men have been considered in that State aud allowed to vote.

As, however, the States Supreme Court bus just decided that they are not citizens, it is supposed they will hereafter be denied the right of suffrage, unless the Slate constitution is changed. Kansas Constitutional Convention Le.islsture of Kansas, atits late session, ptused, in rife of Governor's ve'o. an act to provide for the estion of a Convention to form a State Government. Gov. Geary's objections, briefly stated, tirst that the act contained do provition for submitting the constitution, when framed, to the consideiafion of tha peopie for their ratification or rejection; ana, secondly, that the territory is vet in a condition to assume the responsibilities and sovereignty o' a State Yhe fai'ure to provide for submitting the constitution, lian frcraed, to ths people for retificatinn, is not only contrary to all precedent, but in disregard of that popular suvereiinty which has been so much laudod of late, and vhich served for a sea son, especially in the tffairs of Kauas, to have a taiismanic influence.

T. Smith, Postmaster at Lcwisburg, died suddenly on Satnrdav last. An Alabama paper suggest" tbe name of Capt. Bird Young (the original Simon Suggs) for Governor of that State. The Democracy of Caroline county, Virginia, have nominated D.

C. Dejarnette for the House Delegates. Mr. Lee, who killed David Htirae, of Alexandria, engaged the services of John Janney, of Loudoun county, Va, and Hon Wm. Smith, counsel.

George E. Vose, confidential clerk of Messrs. Charles Lane produce dealers, Boston, has absconded, having embezzled 010,000 from his employers. ITAti Mi.KTi.NG of tne Local Board of Directors for tha Mew York Life Insurance Company, at tbe Capital in the ci of Richmond, on Wednesday, March 11th, 1857, ths following was unanimously adopted: The undersigned President and Directors of tie Company have examined the report and tbe New York Life Insurance Company, for the year endiogthe first of January. 18.57, and be in? satisfied with its prosperous condition, cordially recommend it to ths encouragement and support of the community.

capital now attained the mm of 1,200,000 inverted in State and Boodi and on Real Ertata. We think it a mart profitable and mode of inverting nuney. The profita inore to tie benefit of the iutured, and have averaged not on than tbiity per cent, per annnm on the prem omi paid tieaidai theis lnveitmenti in Ac, the of New York aa addition, aeeurity tint $100,000 ahall be depoaitad with the Btate Comptroller, to meet any lawful demand! which the Company may faii t3 pay. We invite attention to tbe nature, and cf Life Insurance aet forth by Initiation. GEO.


W. CLUTTKR, I JAB B. TAYLOR, THOB P. AUGUST, JOHN BAOSY WM O. PAINE, I It will be by the above itatement, that Company ia in a flaunafciag condition.

Thoae deairing information ia regaid to Lira liouaAHCB, would do well to apply to Mr. Chaa. Wortham, Lo oil Agent, SO3 Main atreet, or to JS. Wortham. General Agent and Attorney for Virginia, or to E.

W. Trotter, General Agent. Or for refereaee, apply to either member of tbe Local Board. Wa alto give the of their Marfieal who are anoegtbe firat ia oar eity, via; Dra A WORTHAM, RGBT. T.


arrival ok the kangaroo. Hpanlah Troope nnd Sbipa to be seat te Mexico New York. March steamship garoo hai arrlvrd. with datee from Liverpool to Wednesday, the 23th February. GREAT BRITAIN.

There 1a a prospect of an amicable settlement of the Persian difficulty with England la tbe British Parliament, Mr. D'ltreall's amendment declaring a want of confidence in tbe financial powers of tbe ministry was negatived, so the budget of expenses for 1857 Is virtually pasted. The London Times has a leader od the virtnsl rejection of tbe Clarendoo-Dallaa Central Araeri can Ueaty by tbe 8- which it deprecates the renewal of on Central American affairs. SPAIN. The Madrid papers the outrages on Spa niab citizens in Mexico.

It announced that BCOO troops will be sent immediately to Cuba, to re place those sent to Mexico. Fears of another insurrection at Madrid were entertained, a large quantity of arms and am munition having been found bidden in that It is believed that the Democrats and Progressionists have conspired together against the government. Orders have been sent to the squadron lying at Teuton to proceed to Cadiz, to join the expedition against Mexico. A line of battle ships and thiee war steamers are destined for the same expedition. THE LATEST.

PARIS, settlement ban taken place between England aud Persia. The conditions were agreed to on Friday. It rumored that Ru-ssian troops have been disembarked at Balfrak, on the Caspian Sea. and that tbe Rusfiaus have forwarded ammunition to Teheran. London, Derby made a speech In Parliament, in mppoit cf tbe the Chinese COMMERCIAL.

Liverpool, Feb dull, with a declining for three days of 000 bales at unchanged prices. Flour declined 61 tl Is. Consols 95j Money firic and nothing done under 6 per cent There have been Urge arrival! of gold from Australia STILL. LATKK KKU.tI KUKOPK. ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA! Halifax, March steamship America, with dates from Liverpool to the2Bih ot February, has arrived Later advices from China Rtate that the five port 3 in the Empire, into which Europe aa vessels were admitted, are in a 6tateof siege.

COMMERCIAL. Liverpool, Feb. 28 decided 1-1G Sales for the week ol 44,000 bales. The market cloard steady Breadstutfs dull Consols for money quoted at dispatch ENGLAND. The arrangement of the Persian difficulty was proceeding satisfactorily, but the treaty was yet unsigned The proposed Convention specifies that England shall enjoy commercial privileges equal to the most favored nations.

Persia forbids the residence of Enirlish Con-u's on the Caspian, which with Russia forbid In Parliament, the debate on Lord Derby's of censure with regard to the Chinese war, resulted in a division, and the motion wa3 rt jacted by 36 majority. Mr. Cobdsn brought forward a similar motion in the House of Commons ADDITIONAL COMMERCIAL NEWS. In the Liverpool ma'kef, the decline in Cotton i on fair and 1-16 on lower qualities. Breadsinfff nominal Ohio 31s 325.

61; Canal 2i)j Wheat declined 2d and Corn Gi Market easier. American stocks inactive and unchanged, except Illinois Central, which was slightly easier. Funeral ol Kane. PHILADELPHIA. March immense procession escorted Dr Kane's remains to the 24 Presbyterian Church, where tbe funeral services were performed.

The military display was unusually imposing The procession took 45 minutes to pass a given point. Tbe sidewalks were thronged with spectators. The bells of tbe city tolled during the movement of tbe cortege. Tbe iiags in the city are at half-mast, and tbe public buildings are draped with crape. Jlllwnukle and Kailroad.

Alkant, March Milwackie ami Mis. atpsippi Railroad is complete within a mile of Prairie du Chien, on the bank of the Upper Mississippi river, and opens for through business on the Ist of April. Tbe ('Htril American Tr en ty A in en ta The Mexican Treaty Hejected WASHINGTON, March 12 Senate in Executive session to day ratified the Central American Treaty in an amended form, by a vote of 31 to 15 Sam'l Medary, of Ohio, has been appointed Governor of Minnesota Mr. Anderson, ex-delegate from Washington territory, bas been appointed Governor of tbat territory at the expiration of Stevens'term. The Fresident re jected the Mexican treaty without sending it to the Senate.

Drkd Scott in Dred Scott, who bas just come out of tbe Court, bas got into tne legislative halls of In the House, an order was adopted instructing the committee on federal relations to consider the expediency of instructing our Senators and requesting its Representatives in Congress to propose an amendment of the constitution of the United States electing judges of the supreme and inferior courts by the people fir a term cf The House also appointed a committee to consider and report what niessures should be taken in view of the decision of the Supreme in the Dred Scott case Bishop Atkinson, of North Carolina, lcctured in Norfolk, Tuesday night. The store of Anthony Sben, Norfolk, was robbed of $200 worth of goodt Sunday night. The schooner Bryant, of Elizabeth City, N. laden with salt, has been wrecked off Cape teras rr-To Merchants and and others wishing Cheek cr Draft Bookg. engraved in a atyle of elegance uasurpaaaed anywhere, can obtain them at this office.

Persona desiring CHECKS ENGRAVED, BILL HEADS, 4ie, aurpaaang any thing in nse here, abould call and examine at the D'apatch Counting F.oom. They can have them with auch vignetteg and ornamenta aa are in the apecimena, or with any otbera that their fancy may auggeat Ordera for Checka, of Depoalt, Corporation Bill ko can be filled in the moat aatiafastory manner and at anrpnaingly low. Merchanta, Corporation OftUera and ahonid examine our NlfW SVHI'P. for Cougln, CoMa, Aithma i C-, the greateat remedy the world ever poaseiaed fjr tha above complaints.

For aal- hy DUVAL NORTON. Diuggiats, mh 13 10th and Main and Cigar 1 uhea: Cigir T.icbtera; Cigar Caaea, and Turkey Virginia Smoking Tobacco. For gale at cim, at RICHAn DSON'S Cigar Store. American Hotel. Richmond Va.

ALSO fjraale. 'wo Show agea, made of French Plata uiio Silver mh 13 jtr uouii.9, GEO M. WEST'S. 14th at. BOOKS, wet aalt wnter on the ateamer Virginia, from Philadelphia, will ba aold in front of my atore, at 37 centa each.

Mo of them worth and VI 25. when in (oid order. Alao, a large lot of SCHOOL BOOKS, damaged, and will be aold low, anch aa and Engliah Gramma-, Carneil'a and Geography and Atlaa, Companion, lie. Ac. mh ol ever) Juat received by tha gteamer City of Kiehmood.

3 of the above odi We would juat aay to tboae that have called, that wa hava them No 2to nice artieie Alao, by the itcamer, a lot of C. B. MAURICE, nrli IS Metropolitan Store, 151 Main at SKKI) nice MKKD OATS, for ule at Virginia Central Railroad, by ft. V. TYLER, mb Officeoppotite tha Depot.

UKMhUALLV -A mil atock of Li all conataotly on hand, at loweat market for gale by feSI WINSTON PI; HK hat laygrlie Old Whig key. now over aine to tea year a old, can Mill be bad of aa. It la too well known to gey any more, far'her thaa we wauraat It to please or take It back. For by WINSTON A POWEAS, A Comer Cary aad Pearl gig. DUO, evening.

THOMAS. aged run and in con of Patrlak and Mm Dnookaa The Antral will take place Evening at 24 oVock. fram mMinai of on Valley street, to which the and acquaintances of lha family are requested to attend. On Thursday morning, March 12, at 2 o'clock, VICTORIA youngest daughter of Jacob Woodton. la the 20th year rf her age.

The and arquaiataaeei of the family are requested to attead her fnaeral at 4 o'clock, this (FRIDAY) afternoon. at hir residsnee, oa Broad street, without farther aotice. Ia Washington, D. on the 11th at the of Joba W. Calley, JAMES BAIN aged will be brought to Richmond, F'iday, ISih March, for Interment.

funeral will take place at Cbarab, Thin Morning. Or FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral of the lateC. LONG will take ace Eveniag. 3 o'clotk. at Grace Btreet Baptiit Church.

The of the are Invit'd to attend. LUHT. CHECK on the Rank of Virginia, dated t2tb Ma'ch, 18.57, drawn by El'en 8 Harvie, Guardian, in favor of Jamei Brown, for thousand and been ttopped it the Bank. Tbe fiodir will pleaaa leave the check at mv offire JAMES BROWN. nh Stock i-Un ike eveoino ol the I Its between the corner of Main and 7th and Franklin and a bundle of ACCOUNTS end TICKETS be to the Tno finder will confer a favor by returning the to office or at the Coal Yard, near Tetirehorg Depot.

mh 13 C.l MACMURDO. Ja. LOST between the I4tk a packase of directed to me under They can be of no va'ue to any one but The fuder will be liberally rewarded on delivering them to me. mh 12- 3t- JOHN O. WILLIAMS LOWT--A UertlHcate oi Five of Bank Stock, No.

110,781 February 15, belonfing to the of the late Wm. Gouldin for the of which there will be an application made to the President and of (aid Bank at the end of thirty R. 8. BROADDUS. Administrator, By Wm it Agent.

iIIAKIKK Port of Water 6 o'clock' Fchr Roach, New York, hay, Edmond, Divenport Co. Steamer ghen'elder, Phecfelder, Cabin Point, luur.ber. SAILED, Bark A-n Grant, Rio, flour, Crecshaw Scbr Miller. Goodrich. Clareraont.

light. Fchr Fivi Claremont, Schr Lake, Scu 1. Botton mdzs Rankin. Reh- Edwin, Hampton Roedi, flour, Warwick 4i Pcbr Rirhmond, B1 zzard, New York, mdze, Currie Steamer Vi'gin'a. Philadelphia, mdze aod psueogeri, Tattle New York March 10th -Cleared, bark Rebecca, Stoter, and schr.

A R- Wetmore. Bogert, for schr Rebecca, Wrglam. City Point. Buenos A yxes, Jan. 2 bark Cora, Richmond vj.

HKNKICO jHI in front o' tbe rity on Jgg) TW IS DAY (lSihiost.) at 1J o'clock I "TO in full uniform and fully equipped, with on 'eft arm and three rounds blank cartridge, to act as funeral assort to our late comrade, C. L. Long By order cf tbe Ccmranding mh IS-lt C.HANEB 8 KIKiV UKWAhD. away, on the night of the 11th inst a Jfffa negr girl ramed NANCY, about 20 yea's of daik brown comp exion ani S'lall siza. Fifty dollars will he paid if taken out of the State, and twenty five dollars if taken in the State, i delivered tome, mh 13 WM.

ail. A KiIIVVAUt, CHINA AM) or, ass SPKIMCJ, 1557. F. BUTLER) Importer, 7U Vail ttrect, Richmond. Is now receiving per ships "Andrew Foster" acd "America," a full supply of English goods of new patterns, and fiom various manufactories and auction trade sales in this couatiy, a very large st'ck of French China Looking Glasses, Castors and Farcy Gooas, which he iffjrs for sale upon tha moit favorable terms.

The merchants of Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina, are invited to examine his CUT Special pains taken to pack ail goods securely and orders promptly filled. mh HTKAMKK HKI.V lllnKK ip. rs PGR MmJKXatMba ceived to-day, (F IDAV.) and op to the hour of 2 o'clock P. SATURDAY, the i4th inst Consignees are requested to send for their goods to-dav. Shippers are requeated to aend in the name" of their coosigneea Saturday afternoon, or thsir shipments will be consigned to order mh 13 2t LUDLAM THK MbAtlSHIf KOASP NOKK leaves POINT.

BAT- morning for NEW YORK, NORFOLK fKit-ogart soing by her, mutt leave hire at 5) o'clock, by'hi Petersburg Saturday morning, and care their Ticket! to-day. at our effice, Scutb rd'of LUDLAM WATSON, mil Wfer-trrrriTk KOK LYNtllltUKu-i -jleive fl Canal HMBBI Tn LYNCHBURG will leave above. For fre'gbt, app'v to WM P. COX.

Agent, mh Dock afreet, in rfarnf Gas House. PhIAW 1557. ff Country mercbanta supplied at the lowkt prices. UK) BOVNET BOARDS ENVELOPES, variety and style, and at varioua pricea 1000 Rea-i aof CAP and LETTER PAPERB, at all 100 gross aaaorted Memorandum Booka STEEL PENS aaaorted qualities 101) PEN HANDLES, Rrama Manilla WRAPPING PAPERS SOO Pag 100 Anz. SLATES veri-na a'vlea VIOLINS, FLUTES ACCOJWEONS VIOLIN STRINGS, Toaether wi'h a full and complete assortment of the leading St.HOOL 800K 8 which will be ao'd to tbe trade at the lowest possible Call at 97 Main (tieet A.

MORRH, mh IS -ta Bookaeiler and Publisher 'IUI r. l'UMUDA'ruih OK 1 "IIAKSIFOttI)," Wll. BE THE MIDDLE OF NEXT WEEK, March 18th, 1857 "lIANBFORD." a Tale t-f Rebellion; bv Bt. George Tucier, sq 1 volume, Unio S6O pages Mualin. gilt backs, SI The machinery of the (where the pap waa being made fjr the above work) waa br.kea by aa causing a in the issue.

GEO. M. WEST, Publisher. mhlS-2t 14th at, Richmond, Va. L'lltt ii without Incum-T be'ance, and a Bey sbint 15 aecuatomed to driving a Carriage; and a Man servant of good character.

Apply to JOHN it V. DARRACOTT, Office on Bank (treet, oppoaita mh Phreaix Engine Company (' I'AMI. Bml t'eruviuo not iUexlcnn. I landing for low lor cuh. by HUGH KBV WK have in lurge n'ock of 11am, Trunka and Carpel Baga.

fir which we are agents Ihe Metropolitan Store tbe plaea to get a Trunk at factory piicea mh 13 S. MAURICR. 151 Main reel PrriM'd 5 4 FLOORING for sale a' (124 per 10(0 feet, at tbe aoioc Mill, Petersburg, Va mh 13 -dim THOS SHKDnVN CO. HINUAKIArt I'iOiAUb for filing the moustaches. by LAIDLEY fc ROBINSON, Cheml.t*, mh 11 4'h and Franklin all wKKDWIn A warranted fresh, for ai'e by LAIDLEY A ROBINSON,, mh 13 4th and Franklin atg.

the UXUHNAL PEaFUME for tale by LAIDLEY A ROBINSON, Chemiata, 13 4th and Franklin ata. OlilMiNK, which irna awarded the JSrit premium at the laiefalr, for in all by LAIDLEY ROBINSON, Chemiita, mh 13 4tli enA Franklin ata VKKITABLK PLANTATION Is.ARC. Thege tru'y delicious which universal satisfaction. are again in atore, tnd will be aaldin quantities to autt purchasers, at ROBINSON'S mh 18 New Drug Store. and Franklin phKHIAN BALn frrah supply tf Ihla M.

invaluable preparation for the leatoratioo aad preaervatlcn of Hair, received by mh 13 P. JOHNaTON A BRO UATKNT NIPPLK MHIKI.O; UK MO. THER DON'T YOU CRY -The perf-ellon of ievantioa the imitation of nature. No n-in ia aspnritaeed from whea thig Shield la used. For P.

JOHNSTON A BRO, 13 Pruggl'lt. 7 A SIDN UFFMIA LHATUKII for aale by lO mh IS CftftMSUAW A CO. CANDIDATES FOR Or Aim Meetfnaaf ike mfmhe City of Klehmoad. heTd oa Monday the 9th day of March. 1857, the following were sppoiaUd Commissioners and Conducto-a for the Charier E'eetlons, to he held on Wednesday.

the let day of April la the year; and the following plaaee designated for holding laid Elections. via: FOR JtrrKHBOIf WARD. Committioneri -Joseph Brammell. C. B.Hill.

Ed A. "miih K. Sadler end Patrick H. Batler. Conductor Reaben T.

leal. Place of holding over the Market. FOR MADISON WARD. W. Gilliam.

W. F. J. bmith, Geo. W.

Randolph and Elisha C. Johneon. Place of boldlnc Hall. FORMOSKOK WARD fMiaintoiMri -Thoi J. f.vaa*, Barnee, Daniel Iruaheart, Jamee Thomas, and Barbam ranductOT-OtiOtf vv, Tyler.

Plaoe of holding Lajy's shop, corner of Broad and mh 13 tde THUS. LAWBON, C. C. R. OT To the Xdltors of the Diapntrh this time li oeir at sand for me election of City Seraesnt and other officers.

we (many of the First Ward.) have determined to express oar pref-jrenoe for JAM EH 0. ELLETT for that of Cltj no one can question wbiiit courteous and gentlemanly together with a large share of popularity, render him peculiarly fitted for 'he place. From our asqaaie'soae with the belWve he will be accc ptable to a majority. At tbe reqneit of many Mr. Ellett wm present-d a candidate previous to tbe election con doct then, in retiring fron thj field, won tbe approbation of amy.

lone if whom were then to him, all of whim determined to him at tbe approaching election, for Sergeant, an! it waa then generally understood he wju'd be a candidate He also the fint in the field for election With due deference to all of the gentlemen Dauiea have been nrtaented. none bsve more or Jamrs 0 Ellett. few ire presented by many rf the Ward determined to support Mr. Ellett; they reipectfully recommend him to all. MANY VOTERS.

mh Of First Ward. Foliowlrg Ticket will he Cop. ported in Jefferson Ward by MANY VOTERS For T'ylor. Daniels. Cle-k Hustings Curt Chas Howard.

High Fr-d Botler. City Be-gf Doswell. City A. Hokson. City Assessor City Surveyor- Ladd.

City Fox Sunt. M. Satei. Fupt Wi'jr Works-- L. Davli.

Supt Gas Works 1 Wynne. Poor Hoate- -John Pearee Eegister Water Stratton. ain Neunrer-Jas B. Gibb. Capt.

Night Wafoh-- A Wilkinson Membertof City Council Uembert rf Ilutlinni Court Richard Haikins, Richard D. ftanxsy, John W. McKiel, Geo. A Pearce, Thos. Hardgrove, Chas.

Millspaugh, Andrew R. Ellett, Geo. E. Sadler, N.B.Hill. Jai.

oyster, mh OrOTiullaon Ward- CITIZENS' TICKET FOR CITY COUNCII.MEN Dr. Conway, J. A.Cowardin. Wm. Paine, George Whitfield, Thomas Piice.

The above ticket will be supported by merchants and working men of Malison Ward fjr the City Council TAX PAYERS AND REFORMERS, mh Jfflerson Wnrrt The sulijolne-f tleliet will be cheerfully supported by the rs of Jefferson Ward, at the April Ward election FOR UNCILMEM. O. Haskins, John Graenor, N. B. Hill, Alfred Inioes, O.

P. Baldwin. MANY REFORMERS AND VOTERS mh OF JEFFERSON WARD. tW High Voters of the City of Richmond-Fellow Citizem I have had many preaslni applications made to me in private, to declare myself a candidate far the above, office, and havaread in the Dispatch of this morning, a public sail made upon me by many voters to the same I therefore declare myself a candidate ssain for fffise, the duties of which I believe I to the satisfaction of tbe public; and i promise, the event of mv election, to bring to tbe performance of my all th? skill, en-rgy, and industry of which 1 am capable, acd to discharge them without fear, favor, or affeetion, Very respectfully, yrur fellow mh 12-td IAMEB P. TYLER.

theflty of Hirhmond I am office of CITY SS.RGF.AN at the Spring election s'ibjaot to tne oail of a norninatins Convention of the Democratic party To those who may notknow me, and who to be governed in their election by and fitness for beg leave to aay. thaf I have had experience in the dutiea of Sheriff; and have ever been a Democ-at. Keapestfully, rrh 11-tde R. JONEB. SPECIAL, NOTIOKN.

tf Powers' Vie Foliar Ambroty row introducing a moat beautiful a'yie uf PICTURE. to invi'e particular attention. The Picture when completed, presents to view a person rtting io a magnificent cluster of overlooking a beautiful lake. They are to be aeen to be representing, ea they do tbe varlona solo'i of nature. Call and aee at mh POWERS', 151 Main (t.

tFSt. James' Church. -Thr Rey. will preaoh in James' Cburcti, on SATURDAY evening, the 14th Service to commerce at a quarter before cloak. it.

OT At a ir.Mtlag of the Mootgcmery Ou.iD, held at thetr Armory on the evening of tie 10th tne fo'iowicg preamble and ri adopter': hereaj, during our recent rWt to the city of Wsili ngt. the occasion rf the of President Horhanan we from tlioae with oai we bad eiMj of sucn marked attsmion and kinda-aa tha'we deem it hut just giva exoreaiioii to ourgra itarte Therefoie, Reaolved. we tendt rtothe military of the uf Washington, and to'ln Guard of tijat iiitj in pa'tiaular, onr gratt ful aeknowl-rlgmenta for kiodneaa to ua during our a' ay in their Io companies compoa ug the lit Regl'ien'oi Virginia Volunteers we beg to etpieaa our tha-ika their k'nd coneMnmli in giving ua uae of Lafayette Hall on iha nighte of their reape tivediil'a to onr viait to Washington To John P. Ballard. tha gentleman proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, we are tinder many ob'tga'iora.

for the conaiderate ar.d hoapitaf le manner in which he received our rf turn to tliia ty. Pub iahei by order of tbe Company. P. T. MOORE, Ch'n.

Attest: Siayers, Pes'y. gf pnpera pleaae copy. mh 13- It OT C'nriro of illolnatea Aurtlon--We ask the attention of dealers to the above comraeneingat 10 o'clock, morning, at the lower on the Dcck. mh 13 It DUNLOp, MONCURE CO. tW Auction nttcnllon to my aale of Kumituie.

Tills DAY. at id o'c ia Urge, and oompr evetya artlole for honaekeep-ra. R. CaUTHoAN, mh Auctioneer. Special T.

WoTtbnm A Co aak ihe (LitinUjD of the trade to Ihelr i Hugaraod THIS MOANING, a' II o'clock, on the ck mh 13 UPRtiIAL NOTl'iK-The MLTtAI, BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY annual 35 per and litem while the inanrnn living, helping him to pay over one-third of premiums Were the Company to retain the rtvidendg ontil the death of the inaured they eon aa well afford to pay from 70 to 80 per cant aa 35 per cent now NO COMPANY in the United btatea hat mora capital for the amount at riak. B. W. KNOWLES. Agent.

"Stati- nera' Hall," mh Ift 5t No. 21 Pearl ttreet. IMKNSKS. KOttKHT LtltiAN Ac I 1 AND JOHN LUCK. SONS A of the State of Virginia: Take notice, that on Thursday the 16ih day April, 1857, between the hiura of 8 A.

and 8 at the eventing room of itchell Pott, In the city ef New York, we ahall take the of William Alexander, and to be real aa evidence for et, in a gait now pending in the Circuit Ccurtof the City of Richmond, Va wherein we aie ard yen and Ard if, from any cauae, aaid depoaitlona ba not com meneed and completed on that day, the taking there of will be adjourned from tine to time, at tiie lame place, and bat wean the h'ura until rompleted. MITCHELL POTT, By ft. ft. Howlton, their Mb CIIAMTWSLI, 115 Mratd Street, la of stock of 8y rlat aad Summer DftY GOODS, so prising rich aid beautiful Drese Oocda of every description; alao, a complete aaeoitmentof Houtekteping to whieh be a call frem all in want of aneb, eatariog mh 13 DKKUVIAN AMI) 01KX1CAN UVANO. A Alao Agriaeltaxal Salt, tor tale ta to tuit CMMIHAW A CO.

CAW PIP ATEB fOK OFVICI. If 1 Vmtnm mf ikVl'ltr tf MM? rem-etfol'v mveeif date for the offieaofr.lty 9RAIM MEARUBER. yonr the elation mk 10-dU." RICHARD H. KIMBROCOB. to verf fl of 1 will 'hit I MBO th offiae of CITY raaarvina thaLmti.

of a a animation by the DomaerUn ui promi.e. If elected, to five kit wbols attantia.T, the faithful of I'iMh Ho Very retpeetfnllv. mh 12-dtd COWARD 0. RAWLINO9 rVTo the of City of Ri.k. mokd.

I moot an mwlf a candidate 'or the oin of INTENDfcNT Of WA'W WORKB, cad Elicit' your at the e'eetloa. If 0B I will discharge all the appertaining to the office faithfully and promptly. OEOBQE WALKER, mh Maahintat. To the Nad Amrrtmi of havirc been a candidate for the cffise of CITY RKROEaNT I feel It incumbent nnon me. In the prsasac of 'o declare my to robmf' my cleltif to the of the Whig aad Ameriean It tr.n»» he apparent to every obterri that (hoofd there be no 'or city rfflcera.

the are to earrv the at the election. Kor one aaa and American. I depr-eate thi. re.ult'anH think it the dntyo'every to um inflaeaee limited, to avert to treat a dUuter Let by all have a convention and that y.ntion pref-r any other gentleman to myteif. fo, therfficeof City I r.

Mt cheerfoP, bow to the will of my and endeavor to aaenre the of that gentleman. mh JOHN H. RICHARDSON. HT A rnrd nin iafIII a rnndMn'e for the office of CITY SERGEANT. end re.p,7Z fotlv the of mr ftl'ow mh THOMAS DUDLEY.

5, ot th City of Rlrh. for I cffir a candidate for the oflica of CITY JULIL'3 A. HOBSON. mh To the Vote? nor the of Richmond. The ondemgned rMpeetfally annnnncM to the of the City, 'bat he it a candidate for the oUce of CITY SERGEANT at en.uing MnnS aad would be pleued fo receive their JOHN RICHARDSON.

VT of the Wight I am a candidate for election to offi-e cf CAPTAIN OK THE NIGHT WATCH aod your tnpport WILKINSON. To the Voters ot the City of am a candidate for re-election of CITY GRAIN MEASURER, and re.pectfully your at the eniuing charter mh B. 0188. IT" To the of ttie rliy of MOND very reapeotfully announce a candidate for re to the office of CITY ASSESSOR. M.

MILLER, mb 6- tWAt the of I announce a nandijuit) for office of CITY GAU3ERa the approaching election. Reipeotfully fe ALFREDT WILLIAMS, Grocer. Broad and 3d OT To the Klehmoml In ply to the call cf many of my demoaratic fiieodfc, of many waim of narty, to annonnce a for the CITY COLLECTORSHIP In the approach ine election. I have only to (ay. that aome men born (treat, aodiwit achieve and tome have it thrutt oponthein Not heing very n'ce ia sash matte I have a of Hobsm's choice ween the three.

If upon any ef In the of man''l am now all-at, it it known to 'he public, that for lome I have been either going, going or g'me. aod therefore can have hot little difficulty in keeping with the prngreM of the age. Having my position, I rraintain itwith all inflexible firmntwi pire'i bv a true devotion to ihe intereauof country at large, urder the auapiceso' the democratic party. Afrer the electiun my latitude ho 4 longitude in the official world may be known by a reference to the In Ihe day may accept gentlemen, for of jour favor, the of my highett regard. Your friend and fellow citizen.

me 6 A JOHN H. DIGGEB. fOT Enquirer and eory. tW To the or the City of Klrh. MOND again announce a candidate for the office of MANAGER THE POOR HOUSE.

mh JOHN PEARCE. ITTo the of the C'ty of Klrh. MOfrD-lam a candidate for rffije of HIGH CONSTABLE, and reapectfally your vmm at the April election mh WM. B. GAINES.

To the of the City of Klrbmon I would ctfa'ly announni a candidate for the PERINTENDENCY OF THK POOR HOUSE AND SHOCKOE HILL BURYING GROUNDS, and ehrneitly yonr vntn. mh JOHN TALMAN. tW For the of a rium'wrof I annonjce myself a candidate for the above office pledg-ng nnulf to my f-llow citiz that if electea I will discharge the dunes of the faithfully. ROBERT BRIGOB. mh ry To the Votrra of of Hlrhmond.

am a candidate for the offise of CITY ASSESSOR, imd respectfully solicit your at the April elections. mh 8. N. DAVIS. City (Jnuier llnvlng the dut'ea of the office to the sat sfaction of all (so fa' as I know,) I respectful announce mrs-lf meandldate for re election to the of CITY ER mb RICHARD FOX brra Imofctoraf Gat Works" in eity for nearly four years.

a large oumbcr of tiz -ps litve called upm me to offer myself a candidate for the office of BUTERINTENDBNT, which I now do, aad respectfully uk the voteri to sustain me. mh JOHN KNOWLEB. IV To the of the City of Hi- respectful amounts mvsalf a candidate for re-election to the tffiee of High Constable, tod tolielt tour FREDERICK BUTLER. TW conformity the expressed wishes of man? of friends I announce myself as a candidate for the office of CITY Sf.R--(l"'*NT. aad if it should be the pleasure of tny fel low citizens to elect me.

I tirornise to discharge tht duties to the best of my ability. fe (if.O. W. WILEY- tf To he Votern ol the City numerous personal apphcatloct to by my fellow-cit'zeDS. from various of the oily, to present myself at a candidate for he office ol MAYOR, and the very flittering manifestations of confidence in my ability to perform the duties of Inst trutt.

as expressed io a card signed "Many Voters or the three Wards," prompts me to respond, by returning my tincera for those ex pressuns of that and by announcing myself a candidate for thai be pleasure of my 'ellow citixeos to confer the office upon me, nothing shall be want'pg on ray part a faithful discharge of its duties. fe 'iS-dtde WH. TAYLOR. rtr To the Vof era of the "'ftij urn a candidate tor tbe offtsi of HRAin MfiASURfcR, and itapeatfully yoar at the unit AprU fe WATTb. tWTo the Vole mof the of 1 announce eenometefjw alee ion to the office of CITY SiiAOEANT.

A there ere to caodidatee is the fleid the citioe, all that i can uk a fair fidW, opea froe fight. MAXTJH MtRI iTU To Ike of the City of MONO. aua aaadidtte Of OAL'OtR. aid yoar Afr'l fe t-iU. VTo the ot 1 appearaseec mdtcatiof that thera will he ncmtnatiooa at the eiactioaa, a for the CITY SCKOKANT I make tftue anmoanceineai earrier than intended, ia ancwer to the juaaj qririee aa to whether 1 intend to a aeadidate- W.

foJ-dUI The aoOeralco ot the of many frieada, irrespective of preaente himaelf candidate tot (tea of CITY HERO KANT, acd aoiioiM the of Richmond generally Co him their ja 16-dU ar To the City am acandidate for tha oifiee ofCITi OK ANT. end re.peetfally aolieit you THOMAI W. DQ.WEM. (T for City reapaaifuily aaaoMaat binaeif CITY fMSROEANT, at tha "Karl'VAfflS..

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