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The Hawaiian Star from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 12

The Hawaiian Stari
Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lis mm AGANS I A Eears of a Persian Missionary An Eccentric ArchdukeNovelties at a Smart Wedding in London LONDON. April 15. The American vlull of Abdul Uaha, head of Bohalsm to the United States hes aroused the Iro of the Kov. Peter Z. Easton, who has bech a missionary slnco 1873 at Tabriz, In northern Persia, and who la now In London.

In speaking to a -nrrrvitvindrmt. Mr. Easton, who Is shortly to leave London for Persia, said: "I am firmly convinced that strong utterances should bo made to awaken -American Christians to the truth of Abdul Baha's propaganda. Bahalsm la not Christian, It 1b not Mohammedan: on the contrary It Is essentially antl-Chrlstian and antl-Mohammcdan and the manner 'n which men liko Dr. Campbell and Archdeacon Wilber-force In England have taken up Abdul Baha simply proves them to be as credulous as the lawyer In a pending case who sent Ave pound notes to spirits.

I greatly fear that this cult of Bahalsm may find fruitful grounds In tho United States and I am anxious to raise my voice and urge Christiana to crush it in Its infancy. "Last September I called on Abdul Baha, the hcadot the Bahaatlc sect, in London to tell me what was the creed, a now gospel or -what. I found him a man of great affability and courtesy. He "was glad to meet with an 'Occidental who could talk with him In Tatar Turkish, the language of Aver beljan, Persia, In which and In the ad joining Caucasus I have been laboring as a missionary since 1873. "After some Introductory converse tlon I asked him what hlo messago was, had he anything to add to tho Now Testament teaching of repent ance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ? "Instead of answering my question ho turned the conversation Into an other channel.

Several I en deavored to bring it back to the orlgl nal topic, but beyond certain general statements as to his belief In all the prophets, I could get no definite reply. So far, therefore, as an answer to my question was concerned my visit was a failure. "Let ra now see what can bo dono In other directions. On pago -8 of Sprague's 'Story of tho Bahai Move a -work written by a man who la himself a Bahai, Comte de Goblneau is mentioned as one of those who have spoken favorably of the Bahals' or Be-hals, as they are now called. Batilsm, according to the Comte, is "tho latest expression of the eclectic evolution growing out of the innate pantheism of tho Iranian Hero then wo have an important statement in regard to the character of tho movement "It is a pantheistic, not a Christian, not even a Mohammedan movement; lUrtr kwMli mil wisps of ribbon with fMUhtir Hi the side, which In tho opinion of soma observers wre hard I j- enough to take litem outside tho eeclMlastlowl prohibition of women np- poorliiK with uncovered beads In church.

Tho quontlou of bridesmaids' honddross Is known to bo much oxer clslng tho bishops. Thoro had been sonio gorslp about tho word "obey" not appearing In the service ycstordayi but. It was noticed ntio iha. wore anollcd -to hlm-'Our thnt tho word was emphasized both by God HI 'Tho everlasting the Archbishop of Armagh and by tho 'Tho Lord of tho One of his bride. followers waB allowed to address him Another' thtag riotice about the with tho saying that It was shamo wedding Was tho great number or to compare God with him.

In short ho taxlcabs used by tho guoBts who was a moral and spiritual monster who were, of course, composed by tho elite exalted himself against all that la of society. There seems to bo a grow. called Ood or that Is worshipped. To Ins tendency for rich people to de- n. Unhal means to nut this Pond upon taxlcabB In town and to Antichrist In tho place of God and keep their motors for country -work.

Father of Our Lord. That Is what tho noticed too tnat me guests wno people of Great Britain and the United wont on froth tho church to tho restates are Invited to do. coptlon In Grosvenor House In taxi- But It may bo objected that it Is cb arrived long beforo tho peoplo lmnosslblo to bollovo that such a dem- wh nnd to wait or search for their I Li a i on In human form could exist and cv6n I carnages una motors, If this were nonslblo a systom bo awful, so ahomlnnliln. wnnld nnd nn ewit-T t-Mtrxon uiinuh. I Trt rp- rrl adherents.

To thU I rontv thU April so. ine sieamsnip what has happened over and over Frnnce of the Frencu Transatlantic again in the history of Persia and llne- whioh stnrtcd yrto.y on her other orlnntnl innH ond Mn, Hidden voyage to New York, is the kanna and Bablk and Karninth test and finest of the French ocean Hassan Sabah and the founder of the Druses were just such men, "As to tho system, it is to bo borno in mind that is It an woteric system, ono thing to tho outside world and another to thoso who aro Initiated, liners. Moreover, sho Is expected to be a rival of tho fleet- Cunarders Maurctanla nnd Lusitanla. her trial spins she made an average of twenty-six and a. half knots and her speed at times reached twenty-seven ono thing again to tho catechumen ltnots- Sho is 723 feet IonS.

or nft- who is yet In tho Initial stage and an- leet less tnan 1110 U'E uunnraora, other to the adont who has cone Is of about 30000 tons- can carr more throuch all- the decrees. As to ere- than 2000 Passengers, and dullty. this is what Canon Sell has to 00- Sho madruplo screws and say of the Druses: 'That a raUglon enSines of both the reciprocating and should grow out of the caprices of a tho turbine type. Among tho luxuries madman and that generation after for passengers aro elevators, two palm generation should see in a bloodthirsty Gardens, a cafo on tho top deck con- despof tho incarnation of tho Divine, ducted on tho plan of thewo on tho chows to what an extent men maybe boulevards In Paris, and Turkish and deluded when they close their eyes to electric baths. Among tho passengers the true light which Hghteth every sho bringing 4o New York aro tho man that cometh into tho distinguished Frenchmen who are to "I hope I have said enough to rouse present to tho Champlaln monument tho Christians of America to a sense commltteo tho memorial of Samuel de of danger In encouraging or tolerating Champlaln designed by Rodin.

Abdul Baha's propaganda. It strikes at the basis of Christianity." ECCENTRIC THEY CALL HIM. RACE PRIORITY PROBLEM BERLIN, April 12. An attempt is to be" made at the Imperial Research LONDON, April Laboratory at Munich to determine, by blood-preclpltln experiments, which of tho living races of men bears tho closest blood relationship to tho ape, Should the experiment succeed It BY AUTHORITY BonUil propositi win be received by the Loan Fund Commission of tho City nnd County of Honolulu up to Twelve O'olock Noon of Saturday, May 18, 1912. for tho construction of Twenty- Six Thousand, Throo Hundred Fifty- Eight and Sovcn Tenths (26,368.7) lin ear foot of highway designated as Section Ono of tho Oahu Bolt Road, and extending from tho North end of tho Hool'a Rico FleldB to tho In tho District of Koo-luupoko, City and County of Honolulu.

Proposals shall 'bo on forms fur nished by tho Commission, Each bidder shall state in his pro posal: (1) A specific sum for which he will furnish all labqr, tools and materials, except as 'specified to bo fur nished by the City and County of Ho nolulu, hdcoBsary to complete tho work accordanco with tho plans and spe cifications. (2)' The date upon which ho will agrco to havo tho work completed. The Commission, In determining which bid is tho lowest will consider the difference In tlmo of promised completion stated In tho bids at tho rato of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each day. Proposals shall be In a sealed enve lope addressed to T. H.

Petrie, Sccrc-tnry of theLoan Fund Commission, City and County of Honolulu, jioom 01 Young. Building, Honolulu, and plainly marked qn the outside "Pro posal for tho Construction of Section 1, Oahu Belt Road." All proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per cent (5) of the tender. Plans, specifications and forms of tenders can bo had on application to the Engineer of tho Commission, H. Stuart Johnson, Room CI Young Building, Honolulu. A deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) will bo required on each set of plans and specifications taken.

ANDREW Chairman, Loan Fund Commission, City and County of Honolulu. nounced the other day that tho Em peror Francis Joseph had not only consented to but haa apparently been his eranclrtiiiiPhtpr in tinn.rnvnt UBUiioAiUK muuiuniB count, her brother's military tutor. of sclcnco and may revolutionize the Pnnnt. Wniriiiiirn- theories of evolutionists as well as Princess Elizabeth Francolso is tho theologians. daughter of tho Archduke Louis Sal- As 010 caso now stands there is vator.

who IB if not tho most eccen- general agreement among scientists trie certainly the most unconventional man and tho ape are descended member of tho Austrian royal family, from a common ancestor; but as to Ho cares nothing for the court and Its whether the black, the white, the red surroundings and has spent practically or tho yellow tho pigmy, tho h's whole life In geographical research giant or the medium sized man; was and yachting. the original human typo there are His, favorite residence Is Mlraman, strong differences of opinion. Ono In the, Island of Majorca. It is a plain body of theorists holds that the negro one of the long series of such move-, looking house surrounded by olive and Is a degenerated' whlto type; while Winnln tinnlnnlnff TT.ttT. Vl nAMf tlifl T1- fn traOfl Htll, vtaffnt tlflttln- tn- I 1 uicuio uc6iumu6 cj' "-q." ui.ui, uu nnomer insists mat wnuo man is jiing or Persian nistory ana continuing seuieu tnerj to a man areKsea in a evolved from air ancient black type, 10 mo present nay, a movement pnoi jacKei ana cap, an over ain, To aDDiv ha blood-nreclnltln tests Wise akin to tho pantheistic sects of with his hair unkempt and his to the Bettlement of this problem It other lands such as Mormons, Spirit- somewhat uncouth features looked liko b0 neoessary onIy to aavance a few steps further on 'experiments IBIS, etc.

vvuai men is me usaeuiiui ouumibcu iu luuru iuui mis was ra Imado by Prof. Nuttall of tho Unlver- tw lo r.nnni Ttnf i of ht of Cambridge, England a 1 ut Sir Ray Lankester gives the follow- Irnla oil flitn hnnnlv Hlvlri5 fis- He sneaks dozpn lnntnins InoliM. "CCOUnt Of these experiments ISannrA nnt of which, all thlncs are fnir Enellsh. fluentlv. and is nerhans aon mK wo DI0M a uve rau Revolved, the various orders of tho, the mott Intellectual member of his Dlt a Bmau QwanV or me Diood or world markine tho staces of ovolu- ancient famfly.

He calls his yacht. serum separatea rrom mo mood tion first mineral, then plant, animal which always lies with steam up, his clot of a man introduced by injec- and finally man. only real home. He has described his (Continued on page thirteen.) "In every age this Impersonal es- experiences when ho was wrecked in finds expression in some Individ- her off tho coast of Africa and narrow- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE -who is to dl intents and purposes the god of that ago. In some cases theso persons call themselves God, In Others they do not, but in every caso they' claim supreme authority and de-mand blind obedience from their dls- jf'clples.

i'Who then In this Bchal movement is this head? Is It Abbas Eflendl Ab- I'dql Bahn, the present leader? No, for Xbdul Baha means the servant of Baha "the father of the present leader, who Mled at Acre, Syria, in 1892. Tho Imovement is also called, from him, the Bahai movement. "What sort of man was this Baha? fiHIs first prominent rolo was that of ari Absdom. After tho death of the Bab, the of the movement, In lv1850 Baha's half-brother, Suth-l-Ezel, febecamo the head of the sect, holding undisputed and absolute sway over tho Babist Church. Baha, joining him after Ihls flight to Bagdad in 1852, was en- trusted bv Suth-i-Ezol with tho nrac- IftJcal direction of affairs, aSposltlon 1.

1 T- t. 1 x- 1 4U- Itnnta tofiN UgiHj vauu. UbCU IU fiicui tuu ueiuw sorspis urotner followers. JWhen banished to Acre along -with pomo of the followers of Suth-l-Ezel, gtyho were sent there by tho Turkish government to -watch his' movements, jeveryono of these men was assassin-ted by tho followers of Baha. Tho I same Is true of almost all tho prominent leaders of Ezel's movement, who one by ono disappeared by foul play oriHho part of too zealous Behals.

VHIs next rolo, that In which he was above all preeminent, wrs that of a blasphemer. These are some of the I 1 ly escaped capture by tho Riffs In a charming book called "Shipwreck, or a Midsummer Night's Dream." Although not royal, the family of Count Wddburg Is of great Import ance. Tho Emperor's advocacy of tho match Is alone sufficient testimony of this. Tho Waldburcs have an unchal lenced twelfth century descent and 0n reading and filing tho petition FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. TER-RITORY OF HAWAII.

AT CHAMBERS. IN PROBATE. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas F. McTlgho, Deceased. Administration.

have played a great part in lmperld and accounts of Alice P. McTlgho, politics since that date. wherein she asks to bo allowed noth- They havo great posserslons in Ger- Ing and to be charged with $804.00, many and Austria and are now a and asks that the same bo examined mediatised family, which gives them and approved, and that a final order the right, according to German ideas, be made of distribution of tho remaln- of being allied with royal, most inB Dronerty to tho persons thereto of whom they probably regard as par- entttied( ana dJsoharglnB her from an veuu muiuitu. further responBibiiity herein: NOVELTIES AT A SMART TrderC? Jt Monday, the 10th WEDDING IN LONDON, d.ay 0f June'A' at 10 clock LONDON. Anrll of hd ffi.

er9r9 np pnorame w. in most fashionable of the "soaBon's wed- Whitney, second Judge presiding, nt dings took place yesterday at St. Pe- Chamber of said court, at his coun ter's, Eaton Square, when the Marquis room In tho old Y. C. A.

building, of Stafford, son of the Duko and at. tho corner of Alakea and Hotel Duchess of Sutherland, was married streets, bo and the samo is hereby ap- to Lady Eileen Butler, daughter of pointed tho time and place for hear- the Earl and Countess of Lanesbor- ing said petition and nccounts, and 0UBh. that all persons Interested may then People were Interested to notice and thoro apPear.and show cause, if mat tne Marquis weaaing garment any thoy haye why tho Bamo Bhould mciuaea a snort, oouoie Dreastea pea- graned Jacket Instead of the now customary court. morning coat. But in this it seems 0 tho Marquis was merely following tho "OMINIS, tradition of his father, whoso Jacket Clerk' 'of much the samo cut at his own Honolulu, May 3, 1912.

wedding gave him an old fashioned E. PETERS, look even In those days. Attorney 'for Petitioner, Sealed proposals will bo received by the Loan Fund Commission of tho City and County of Honolulu up to Twelve O'clock noon of Saturday, May 18, 1912, for tho construction of Fifty-Ave thoUsand, five hundred and twen tv-four and three-tenths lineal feet or ten and fifty-two hun dredths miles of highway, designated aa Section Two of tho Oahu Belt Road, and extending from the end of the present macadamized road In Wal olua District, through Walanae-uka, and Wdplo Districts, to the macad amlzed road at Klpapa Gulch, In tho Dlttrict of Waiplo, City and County of Honolulu. Proposals shall bo forms furnished by the Commission. Each bidder shall state In his proposal: (1).

A specific sum for wnich he will furnish all labor, tools and material, except as specified to bo furnished by the City and County of Hono lulu, necessary, to complete the work in accordance with tho plans and specifications. (2). Tho date upon which he will agree to have the work completed. The Commission, In determining which bid is the lowest will consider the difference in time of promised completion stated In the bids at tho rate of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each day. Proposals shall be In a sealed envelope addressed to T.

Petrie, Secretary of the Loan Fund Commission, City and County of Honolulu, Room 61 Young Building, Honolulu, and I-lalnly marked on tho. outside "Proposal for the construction pf Section 2. Oahu Belt Road." All proposals shall be accomplished by a certified check for a sum equal to five (5) per cent of the tender. Plans, specifications and forms of tenders can be had on application to the Engineer of the Commission, Stuart Johnson, Room 61 Young Build ing, Honolulu. A deposit of -Ten (HOMO) Dollars will be required for each set of planB nnd specifications taken.

ANDREW ADAMS, Chairman, Loan Fund Commission, City and County of Honolulu. Tho bridesmaids yesterday wore 6n 4ts- "7 1 Territorial Govemmont whnrves wlth In (he following number of days, to commenco on tho day upon whloh tho vessel completes dlsohargo: Cargoes up to 2000 ton, delivered nt any ono wharf, must bo removed from said wharf throo days after completion of dlschargo of vcssol. Cargoes from 2001 tons up to 3000 tons, dollvored at any ono wharf, must bo removed from said wharf four days after completion of discharge of vessel. Cargoes Irom 3001 MP to 4000 tons, (iollyoro'd any ono must bo removed from said six days after completion of discharge pt vessol. Cargoes from 4001 tons up to 6000.

tons, delivered at any ono wharf, must be- removed from said wharf eight days after completion ot dis charge of vessel. Tho abovo does hot apply to freight consigned to any person, when such freight is destined -for. transshipment to any port in the Territory of Hawaii. In such cases demurrage will bo waived up to tho time of the sailing of tho first vessel whoso destination is the port for which, tho freight is intended. No.

3. Inter-Island Cargoes: Domestic froight from Inter-Island ports, for delivery within the City and County of Honolulu, must bo re moved within two (2) working days after thoday- of tho arrival pt tho vessol bringing such freight. No. 4. Outgoing Freight Originating In the City and County of Honolulu: On all outgoing in, tho City and Count of Hondlulu, three (3) days' free storage, on wharf will be allowed prior to the com mencement of loading of vessel.

No. 5. Gasoline, Gasoline, kerosene, distillate, ben zine and other productsof petroleum; also pdnt and paint oils, -if in leaky containers, must be removed by tho consignees from tho wharf, by 5 o'clock p. m. of tho day of their being discharged.

None of the above articles shall bo discharged from any vessel, except between tho -hours of 7 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. of any day.

Upon failure to so remove said articles prior to 5 o'clock p. m. of any day, the Harbor Master must remove said articles; all charges In connection therewith being borno by tho consignee. No. 6.

Demurrage: Demurrage will be charged at tho following rates per ton per day: On freight originating In the City and County of Honolulu, or destined for Honolulu delivery, 25 cents. No freight, subject to demurrage, shall be removed from tho dock by the consignee or other person until all charges thereon shall have been paid and a written release given by the Harbdr Master. No. 7. Definition of a Ton: For the purpose ot computing demurrage, a ton Is 2000 pounds, or 40 cubic feet, ub listed on a ship's manifest which discharges such freight.

No. 8. Definition of "a Day: Twenty-four (24) hours shall con stitute a day, commencing at 12 o'clock midnight; and fractional parts thereof shall be charged as a fulLday, No. 9. Penalty for Violation of Rules andRegulatlons: Any person or persons who shall violate any of tho above Rules or Regulations Bhlll be guilty of a mis demeanor and shall be subject to the penalties as provided, by Section 9, Act 163 of tho Session' Laws ot 1911.

Approved Wednesday, May 8, 1912, MARSTON CAMPBELL, Chairman, Board of Harbor Commls sioners. EMIL A. BERNDT, Secretary, Board of Harbor Commis sioners. IN THE CIRCUIT OOUnT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL OIROUIT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. HOLDING TERMS IN THE 'CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU TERRITORY OF HAWAII, by Mars-ton Campbell, Superintendent of Public Works, Plaintiff and Potltlonor, vs.

GOO WAN HOY, ET Dofondants and Respondents; Emlnont Domain. Term THE TtoRRWtonv.fS,HAWAn: Td the man sHisuiityF the TERRITORY OF HAWAII, or his the Sheriff of mo City and. uountyoi uonoiuiu or uiu in.itrment entered thore6n. IN W1TNRS8 W1IMIWOK. I mm hereunto set my hfttul flonl of sold Olroult Court, this Utfc day ot April, 1012.

(Seal, J- A- D0M1N.8, Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tne Flrtt ALEXANDER LINDSAY Attorney General; and" B. W. Deputy Attorney Gcnflral-Att? ncy for 'Petitioner. notice," RULE8 AND REGULATIONS GOV. ERNING THE STORAGE OF FREIGHT ON TERRITQRIAL GOVERNMENT WHARVES, A8 AMENDED MAY 8, 1912.

No. 1. Foreign Cargoes: Foreign freight may remain on tho wharf, after a General Order has been issued by tho Custom House, as fol lows: Cargoes of less than 2500 tons, forty-eight hours. Cargoes of over 2500 tons, seventy- two hours. The nbovo does not apply to freight for trans-shipment when such trans shipment is designated In original hills of lading and on packages.

No. 2. Cargoes from Outside the Ter ritory: Freight must bo romoyjed from tho NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. Certificate Np. 6167 for 20 shares of the capital stock of Ewa Planta tion has been lost or destroyed.

All persons aro hereby warned against negotiating or otherwise dealing in or with such shares. Application has been made to tho treasurer of sdd company for the issuance of the now certificate. Date, May 4, 1912. MRS WONG ONG. ts May 4, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29.

NOTICE. Six hundred sprouted cocoanuts are wanted for planting on Kdakaua avenue by tho Outdoor Circle of Kllohana Art League. Anyone having any num ber to donate for this purpose will confer a groat favor by telephoning to any member of the commltteo, who will send for the same. CLIERELLA L. LOWREY, ANNA" O.


L. YOtf ARB COMMANDED to sum mon doo Wan HoyJ' Knoch Johnson; Katnaka Stlllman; noso Molnorny, wife i of E. A. Mclnerny; E. A.

Mcln-erny; Carl Ontal; George D. Robin son; George T. Robinson; J. A. Ma-goon; Lillknlonl; Thomas Lalakea; Rose K.

Alau; Lum Chan; Chlng Kwau Khl; Wqng Leong; Harry Doo Joe; Japanese Benevolent Socioty, a corporation; W. gmlth, S. M. Damon, E. Faxon Bishop, Albert F.

Judd and Alfred W. Carter, Trustees under the will and of the Estate of Ber-nlco Pauahl Bishop, deceased: John Doe, Mary Roe; Jane Bluo, nnd, John Black, unknown owners and claim ants, defendants and respondents, In case they shall file written answer within, twenty days after service hereof to be and appear before the said Circuit C8urt at tho( term thereof pending Immediately after the expiration of twenty days after service hereof; provided, no term be pending at such time, then td be and appear before tho said Circuit Court at, the next succeeding term therebf, to wit. tho January 1913 Term there of, to be holden at too City and Coun ty of Honolulu on Monday, the 13th day of January next at 10 o'clock a. to show cause why the claim of the Territory of Hawaii, plaintiff, should not be awarded to it pursu at to the tenor of annexed Pet! tion. And have you then there this Writ withv full return of your pro ccedlngs thereon.

WITNESS the Honorable Presiding- Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, at Honolulu aforesaid, this 16th day of February, 1912. (Sed) (Sgd.) J. A. DOMINIS, Clerk. Territory of Hawaii, )8S City and County of Honolulu.

J. A. DOMINIS, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of the original summons In the case of Territory of Hawaii, by "Marston Campbell, Sup erintendent of Public Works vs. Goo Wan Hoy, et as the same ap pears of record and on file In the of fice of the Clerk of said Court I further certify that the petition prays the condemnation for use as a public highway of the foil' wing de scribed land, situate In the City nnd County of Honolulu, Territory of Ha waii, to wit Beginning at a point in the south west property line of Kunkini Street, which point is Azimuth 318 46' 677.26 feet from tho line between the Gov ernment Street Survey Monument on Llllha Street at the northeast corner of School Street and the monument above Kuaklnl Street, opposite Kuna wal Lane, which survey line is seven teen feet (17) offset from the new south-east property -llne of Llllha Street, thence running by true azl muth and distances as follows 1. 47 10' 544.2 feet in a straight line to a point, thence: In curved lino to the left having a radius of 920,0 feet; 2.

42 39' 144.63 feet direct bearing and distance, thence; 3. 38 120.02 in a straigh't line to a point thence: In a curved line to the right, having a radius of 875.0 feet; 4. 44 29' 193.04 feet direct bearing and distance, thence; 6. 60 49' 131.47 feet to a point in tho north-east property line of School Street which point Is azi muth 322 29' 768.5 feet from the government street survey line on Llllha Street, thence; 6. 322 45' 50.0 feet along the north east property line of School Street and across Frog Lane to a point, thence; 7.

230 49' 133.0 feet in a straight line to a point, thence: In a curved line to the loft, having a radius of 925.0 feet; 8. 224 29' 204.07 feet direct bearing and distance, thence; 9. 218 120.02 feet In a straight line to a point, thence: In a curved lino to the right having a radluB of 870.0 feet; 10. 222" 39' 136.77 feet direct bearing and distance, thonce; 11. 227 10' 542.9 feet in a straight lino to a point In the south west property line of Kuaklnl Street, thence; 12.

138 46' 50.0 feet along the south west property lino of Kuaklnl Street to the point of beginning; Contdnlng an area of 56,787.0 squaro feet. All persons having any Interest in tho land sought to be condemned aro hereby warned that unless they ap pear at said Court on or beforo Au gust 5th, 1912, they will be forever barred from contesting said petition Durlnct mv abselcoLfforotho Terri tory, Mr. Charles car-ry on my buslnoas a usual. Tho embalming branch, 5111 con- tlnuo to be carried on by Vwo experienced assistants whoso specialty shipping ensos, and" work 'llrstMilaai as scores ot letters Oh file testify. H.

IL WILLIAMS. Honolulu, April 24, 1912. NOTICE OF 8ALE OF PUBLIC LANDS. Tho following Government rem- nonts situated at wuuanu vaiiey, Kona, Oahu, will bo offered for salo at public auction at tho following up set prlceB ht 12 o'clock nooh, Satur day, Juno 15, 1912, nt- tho front door to the Capitol Building, Honolulu: Terms of sde: Cash. Purchase to pay cost ot patent and stamp.

Purchaser to pay cost ot advertis ing. Lbt No. 1, situated at the corner ot Puunhl Avenue and Kauai Street, and containing an area of 7,736 square feet Upset price $387.00. lot No. -2, situated at Pallkea, and containing an area of 0.47 acre.

Up set iprico $50U00. For map and further particulars, apply at the office of the Commissioner of Public Luna's. JOSHUA D. TUCKER, 7 Commissioner of Public 'Lands. Datedt at Honolulu, April 12, 1912.

lOts Apr. 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, Juno 1, 8, 14. NOTICE OF SALtr 'Of GENERAL LEA8E OF PUBLIC LAND SITUATE AT KAPAA, ISLAND OF KAUAI. At 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May 25, 1912, at tho front door to tho Capitol Building, Honolulu, there will be sold at putillc auction cnaer Part Land Act of 1895, Sections 27S-285 Inclusive, Revised Laws of Hawaii, a general lease of that certain 'tract ot land lying betwen the Kapaa Homestead Tract and the land leased to the Makee Sugar Company, and containing an area of 390.3 acres, more or less. Upset rental, $1,618.00 per annum; payable semi-annually in advance.

Term, of lease, ten (10) years from May 25, 1912. This lease is sold upon the express condition that the lessee shall plant 50.0 acres In pineapples the first year; 50.0 acres the second year, and by the end of 'the third year havo 200.0 acres in pineapples; and by the end of the second year shall nave constructed a pineapple cannery capable of taking care of a product of 500.0 acrps ot pineapples. Reservations regarding" land required for reclamation, 'homestead or public purposes will be embodied in this leaso. Purchnser to pay cost of advertising. For maps and further particulars, apply at the office of the Commission er of Public Lands, Capitol Building, Honolulu.

JOSHUA D. TUCKER, Commissioner of Public Lands. A1 Honolulu, April 19. 1912. Gts April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 24.

THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT TERRITORY OF HAWAII. At Chambers In Probate. In the matter of tho Estate of Alia IC Keawe, late of Honolulu, Oahu, Intestate, Deceased. Order of Notlco of Hearing. Petition for Administration.

On reading and filing tho Petition of Joseph Taiko, of Honolulu, Oahu, alleging that Alia IC. Keawe, ot Honolulu, Oahu, died Intestate at Honolulu, on the 22d day of April, A. D. 1912, leaving property within tho jur isdiction ot this Court necessary to bo administered upon, and praying that Letters of Administration lssui to William R. Castle: It Is ordered, that Thursday, tho 30th day ot May, A.

b. 1912, at 9 o'clock a. be and hereby is appointed for hearing said Petition in the Court Room "of this Court in tho old Y. O. A.

Building in the City and County of Honolulu, at which tlmo and place all persons concerned may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said Petition should not be granted. By tho Court' -JOHty MARCALLINO, Clerk, First. Clrc Jit Court Dated Honolulu, Aril 26, 1912. 4ts April 27, May 4, 11, 18. Only fifteen cents a day for a three-line "Classified Ad." In The Think of Itl (i I May 4, 11, 18, 25, i- fi'J At-.

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