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The Macon Republican from Macon, Missouri • Page 6

Macon, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TIB UACOM CIKCUCAtl UACCN, UUSOUXI, FRIDAY, FESSUART 3, Itti ELT.IER NEWS VCd Ei Lti ua tun iti I TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas Erastus R. Wilcox and Mary E. Wilcox, husband and wife, by their certain Deed of Trust, dated the 10th day of July 1925, and recorded in Book 183 at page 169 record of Trust Deeds, in Mr. Mm Grayble at the home of Mr. Honor Bailey.

J. H. Lee went to La PlaU Saturday to visit at the Char lea Maaon noma. Bora to Mr. and Mr.

T. L. PyU-Saturday Jan. 28, a 10-lb baby girL The little Miai will answer to the precis lxctdt-: I name of Floy May. the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Macon County, Missouri, conveyed to Fred F.

Kaser trustee, the following described real estate in Macon County, Missouri, to-wit The South Karl Sheets refuses to act, and the deed of trust providing that in such event, the actus sheriff of Maeon County may proceed to sell the property therein deecribed. Therefore by virtue of the authority given me In Mid deed of trust and at the request of the legal holder of said note. I will on Monday, the 27th day of February, 1928, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. nu, and 6 o'clock p. of that day at the south front door of the court house In the City of Macon.

Macon County, Missouri, expose to sale, said real estate to the highest bidder for cash to pay said note and the cost of this trust. MORTON S. ME1SNER, Sheriff of Macon County, Missouri. First insertion February 3, 1928. 27-F-102 Mrs Martna ureenstreet return ea to her home Sunday after spending; the past six weks with her daughter, Mr.

WiUard Clapp. Mrs. Lola WUber and daughter, Gladys returned to their home in NORTHEAST EXCELLO Roy Mayden got his mouth pretty badly cut while playing ball Sunday. Will McGhee and son, Lloyd spent Thursday evening with Harvey Moss and family. Mr.

J. M. Butler is staying in Ex-cello keeping house for Wesley Butler while bis wife is at the hospital in Macon. J. M.

Butler spent Saurday night in Exeello. Mrs. M. S. Jones, Mrs.

Allen Brooks and Mrs. Leonard Lucas spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Butler. Harvey Moss was a Macon caller Saturday. Mrs.

Lea and daughter. Virginia called on Mr. Mattie Halley of Ex-cello Saturday evening. Homer Jones and Kinnie Lucaa spent Monday evening with Herschel Moss. Mrs.

Cora Lea visited Mrs. Forest west quarter of the northeast quarter and the west half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section one in township fifty-tight north and in rang fifteen west also the southwest quar liucklin Sunday after spending a few Miccouri Accredited Chiclio LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS Barred P. Rocks or R. -600 Chicks and 600 Chick Brooder 63.74 Rod 1000 Chicks and 1000 Chick Brooder 1IS.60 Baff or White P. Rocks, White Waadottes or Baff 600 Chicks and 600 Chick Brooder 68.76 OrsdagtoM 1000 Chicks and 1000 Chick Brooder 133.60 White or Brown Legboras or Heavy Mixed for 600 Chicks and 600 Chick Brooder 69.76 Broiler 1000 Chicks and 1000 Chick Brooder 116.61 All Chicks shipped by prepaid parcel post or express, 100 per cent live delivery guaranteed.

Brooders shipped by prepaid frlgaht Order direct from this paper and send for FREE CATOLOG showing 16 varieties of poultry in natural colon. Tb tZh fctdaris, Box 551, Lrrccr, 1 days with her and Mrs. Roe Carter Mrs. Allie Manka returned to her Mil tb Biswell, Reporter. Mrs.

C. N. Clinkenbard, Mrs. W. II.

Agee, Mrs. C. I. Marry, Mrs. J.

L. WH Miss Ruth Elliott and Famous McNeely went to Macon to attend the O. k. S. School of Instruction.

R07 Henderson and daughter, MiM Edna weet to La Data Monday after spending since Taday week on the farm. Mr. and Mr. Harry Buck returned to their home in Kirksville Monday after speeding a few dayt hero with relatives. Mr.

Allie Manka returned to her home ia Lovelake Monday after pen dine a few dayi with her parent, Mr. ttd Mr. J. D. Russell.

P. F. Wi(fJ went to Ft Madison Monday to attend to ome A. T. and S.

F. buataeae. Mrs. Or Mills returned to her borne la Lindon, Monday after visiting her brother, S. 8.

Buck and family. It haa been 14 years since Mr. Mills waa here. Mr. Donald Dale went to La rUU Tuesday to hare tome dental work done.

Mr. and Mr. Paulson and son John Norman and niece Kote Mary Tray went to Love Lake Tuesday to visit Vn Allie Manka. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE Vansickle Friday. beta Little Norma Moss who has auite sick is still improving home in Love Lake Sunday after spending a few days with her parents Mr.

and Mr. J. V. RusaelL Mrs. M.

II. Matticks and son Lira returned to their home in Knox City, Sunday after spending the night with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matticks at Mrs. Harry Mattick's mothers, Mrs.

Effie Berrj. Calyen returnedto his work In Mulvane, after spending the week end with his wife and family. Louis Hill of Boaworth, came Sun day to spend the day with Miss Lillian White. Mrs. Iva Ilahne and baby son.

MU1UJM.M III! I.Wil M.tUuU I.M 0 OP APPOINTMEN1 Notice Is hereby given that letter, of guardianship upon the estate ol Benjamin F. Hamilton an insane person have been nrnnted to the undersigned, by the Probate Court of Mo-con County, Missouri, bearing date the 4th day of January. 1928. All persona having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to guardian and curatrix for allowance, within one yeaf from the date of said letters or they may bo precluded from any benefit of such estate: and if aaid claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the publication of this notice, they shall be forever barred. ADA MAE HAMILTON, Guardian and Curatrix.

Attested by me, this 4th day of January, 1928. (SEAL) ALBIRTIE WRIGHT, F-89-95. Probate Judge. Merle, returned to their home in Kansas City Sunday after spending the Chope Dodcon HARNESS OF ALL KINDS We can end do sell for less Compere our prices. Vfc inch Concord Harness, without back beeftd J45e00 to eS0e50 1'.

inch Harness with beck band $60.00 to SS3.C0 pant two weeks with her parents, nr. D. L. Doner had the misfortune of throwing his knee can out of place nd Mrs. Da Gambling ofGifford.

returned Harry Matticks to his Tuesday and went to La Plata to have We are glad to know that Mrs. W. T. Butler who was operated on for appendicitis at the People'! Hospital in Macon is recovering nicely. Dorothy Lawrence of Macon spent Sunday night with Jane Lamb.

The Sunday schol at Exeello was well attended Sunday there being At present. Rev. Haynes of Macon preached in the Methodist church at Exeello Sunday. His sermon waa very much appreciated by all present Herschel Moss is spending Monday night in Exeello. LAGONDA Work has started on the Macon and Chariton county bridge over the drainage ditch.

The mine has started up again and coal is selling fine. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hays announce the birth of a new baby girL Earl Howard of Carrollton visited son, Jim and family in liynumville, his mother here over Sunday. Riley Corey an wife visited their Saturday.

Dan Sharp and Riley Chrisman bulcnered this week. ter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-one in township fifty-nine north and in range fourteen west in Macon County, Missouri. Containing 181.13 acre more or lesa, in trust to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes described in said deed of trust; and whereas the aaid deed of trust provides that in case the second party should fail to perform this trust, then the legal holder of aaid notes may substitute any other person in his stead, and whereas the said Fred F. Kaser trustee is absent from the State and cannot act, the legal holder of aaid notes has appointed the undersigned as substitute trustee, and whereas default has een made in the payment of Interest and the installment on commission note due September 1st, 1927, therefore notice is hereby given that at the request of the legal holder of said notes, I will on the 25th day of February 1928, at the court house door in the City of Macon, Macon County, Missouri between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m.

and 6 o'clock p. sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right, title and interest of said Erastus R. Wilcox and Mary E. Wilcox, husband and wife, in and to said real estate, or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay said notes and the expense of sale. CHARLES F.

GARDNER. Substitute Trustee. Whereas Erastus R. Wilcox and Mary E. Wilcox, husband and wife, by their certain Deed of Trust, dated the 10th day of July 11(25, and recorded in Book 183 at page 1(59 record of Trust Deeds, in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Maron County, Missouri, conveyed to Fred F.

Kaser trustee, the following described real estate in Macon County. Missouri, to-wit: The South 1 Concord Herneas without back band 1 inch Concord Harness with back band $70.09 Wo carry the Walter Boyd Harness in IV. inch rvt at $S8J l4 inch at $90.1 v. ork in Mulvane, after spending the week end with his wife and son at the home of her mother, Mm. Effie Barry.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore and children spent Sunday with Mr. Moore's brother, Sephus Moore and family. Mr.

and Mrs. P. R. Wright and daughters Kuby and Jane of La PlaU spent Sunday with Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. IL H.Enyart Mr. and Mrs. C. L.

Cockran and dauKhter, Miss Ksta and son, Klz.i went to Henrietta Sunday to spend the day with homefolks. 11. S. Barnes is here from Vibbard NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate of John William Patton, deccas-that Emma J. Fatten, executrix of said estate, intend to make fin it set.

Dave Williams went to Macon Tuesday on business. Clay Franks and Curtis Knyart went to La Hat Tuenday. Mrs. S. J.

Logic returned to her home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bell.Mrs. Bell being poorly. It re-ported she in on the mend now.

Mr. Charles Dennis came from Nilota, 111., Tuesday to spend a few days at home and to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B.

Mendenhnll. W. T. Calyen came from Kirkxville Tuesday to spend a few days here with friends and relatives. Mrs.

Lorn ICyaN returned to her home in Kirksviile Tuesday after -i I. 1 1 TIRES 1 al settlement thereof at the next 30x3V, Fabric Clincher $5.85 30x3Va Cord Clincher $6.80 32x4 Cord, straight side $13.35. Cord Balloon $7.95 TUBES 30x3t Grey Tubes $1.47 30x3Vi Grey Tubos $1.49 32x4 Gray Tubes $2.15 We meet competition in Price and Quality. Now is the time to get your repair work done before the spring rush. i on account of his wife's

I Wayne Mentis died Sunday at term of the Probate Court of Macon County, State of Missouri, to be held at the Court House of said county on the 13th day of February, 11'28. EMMA J. PATTON, Executrix. (SEAL) ALBIRTIE WRIGHT. Attest: Probate Jude F-91-97 (penning uie enu mi hit jiur- home of his grandparents, M.

and Mrs. W. H. Buck. He was 13 rill), air.

aim ituit-y. Mrs. W. II. went to Macon Tue-iLiy to attend the M.

W. U. MU- days old. Thomas Mager. On Saturday.

Jan. 1128 at 2 ilber Hoyaid has been on the sick list, Mr. and Mrs. McSpairen viiited Sunday in liynumville. Tiie old lagrippe i visiting everybody in this vicinity.

lira. J. li. Ffeifer spent Saturd: evening the guest of Mrs. Dan Sharp.

Mrs. Sadie Comealius vUited Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. George Howard. Society Tuesday. Mrs.

Nellie t.reur, Win. T. Chester, o'clock Mies l.ora 'i nomas became the bride of Ralph Mugers. Mrs. tiger is, the only daughter of Mr.

und Mrs. Henry inoinas and a graduate of the Kliner High School. Mr. Makers is the only son of Mr. and Mrs.

Dell Makers. The couple were witnessed west quarter of the northeast quarter and the half of the northwest Miu Jim Met ks, Mrs. K. li. Whitman, Mi.

Ola l'nyart Mrs. J. 1'. Thurmon, Miss I-ela Knyart, Mrs. J.

P. Thur-niaii, Miiy. la Knyitrt and Mrs. 1. K.

WikuI went to I l'latu to uttend the Mrawinp Wednesday. Mrs. II. M. Peyton went to La Pla- uarter of the northeast quarter and City by the illness of his brother, Dr.

jtne northeas-t quarter of the west in town- 7 james iice iusi ee. quarter of section one in marriage Mlis uoldie dray, a Lu 'ilnestiav to sneml a few NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate of Alice (. Dimmick, deceased, that Owen G. Dimmick and i.ila M. Dimmick, executors of said estate, intend to make final settlement thereof at the next term of the Probate Court of Macon County, State of Missouri, to be held at the Court House of said county on the 13th day of February, 1928.

OWEN G. DIMMICK, and ELLA M. DIMMICK, Executors. (SEAL) ALBIRTIE WRIGHT, Attest: Probate Judge. F-91-97 DaD" sIud fifty-eight north and in range roommate of Mrs.

Magcrs while in iiirs. uoscoe nrisn.uii anu Roxie left Monday for a short with her daughter, Mrs. Bernlre fifteen west, also the southwest quar ter of the southwest quarter of. sec tion thirty-one in township fifty-nine kirksvillc as a trained nurse. The probate judge of Kirk.i;le performed the ceremony und the whole community extend congratulations.

Birthday Surprisa. fourteen west in north and in range with her mother in Chicago. Mraml Mrs. Theo White are anJ nouncing the birth of a baby girl. Porter Rice and children have the whooping cough.

It has in the schools all full an winter. Mrs. Mattie Pfeifer has been sick Buy Meats that are prepared under United States government inspection. Macon County, Missouri. Containing 131.13 acres more or less, In trust to secure the p.

yn.eiit of two certain promissory no! described in said deed of and whereas the said deed of trust provides that in case the On Thursday, Jan. 25, Mrs. Alma i Elliott was surprised by the members I of the Eastern Star giving h- a ur-I prise on her birthday, coming with jwell filled basket-. Those present i were Mi sdames, P. F.

Wigal, li. F. I. -se Wooden and Marshall Parks aent to llurdlmid Wednesday to drive Mr. Parks car back here.

Mrs. Kissie Smedley and son, G. T. Lynch went to 1-u I'hita to Mi. and Mrs.

Clarence Suarthout. Mr. nml Mrs. J. D.

Makers of Kirks ville tme Wednesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Jim Culver mid family. Mi. W. II.

Gooch went to Kirks-villi- Wi-dlie-day to i0it her daughter, 1. ivim Shumate and family. Charles Carter returtnd from ilan-liibal Wediienduy after spending thiv' ith a cold. i Virgniia Hewitt iiu-d hcer over Sunday. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all cred i second party should fail to perform Virginia Hewitt visitd here over this trust, then the legal holder of said itors and others interested in the estate of Margaret M.

Love, deceased, any other trip to MuniiK JMiumay. I notes may We are glad to report tha tiie lit- 1 person in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny najj Fred F. that Dan R.

Hughes, executor stead, and whereas the Ka trustee is absent of said estate, intend to make fin Placklcdgu, G. H. Pri-ntiee Swanson Smith, T. 1. Murry, 1.

II. Gruhb.s. C. N. Clinkenbeard, Fred Smith, Alice Kichaid-on, .1.

Wo J. O. Atter- i berry, Densil llailey, llonora Bailey, j.M. E. Schindhclm, 1.

W. Johnson und S. L. (Ireen. A lovely feast was al settlement thereof at the next i from the Slat Therefore 1.

Charles C. Gardner, term of the Probate Court of Macon weeks with relatives. the legal holder of above described County, State of Missouri, to be held at the Court House of said county on notes, do hereby appoint you, Charles Uysart of New I ambna, who had infantile paralysis is able to sit up. H. F.

Pfeifer has lagrippc. Cleave Barton and lainliy spent Sunday ut Win. Cupp's. Mrs. Dug Jennings visited Monday in ltevier.

Mr. and Mrs. Cauerbaum of Mob-erly visited Sunday at Henry Smith's. t. Gardner, a- substitute trustee, to You will find the United States government inspection stamp on the meats we sell.

This stamp is put on with a harmless vegetable coloring, and is your guarantee of wholesome meat. have the same power as the trustee named in said deed of trust. CHARLES C. GARDNER. 97-F-103 MILAM CHAPEL W.

II. King was in Atlanta Mon- day. deorgc Atterberry was delivering spread at high noon to which each one took pint in and enjoyed themselves, later wishing Alma many more happy birthdays. Altman-AIUn. A very surprising wedding took place Thursday Jan.

2'i at ti o'clock in Macon, when Miss Freda Altinan became the bride of Fred Allen. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A It man and is a graduate of the Elmer high school. The groom is the son of Ben Allen.

The young couple were married by Judge Alblrtio Wright of Macon and the witnesses were D. W. H. Gooch of Elmer and Miss Lottie Stacy of Macon. The whole community extends congratulations towards the young couple.

Mm. Fannie Warren returned to her home in Gibbs Saturday after apendin gtbe past two weeks with her sons, Lester Warren and family oil in this neighborhood Tuesday. P. N. Flower and Charles Hoffman wi-nt to I Plata on a pipe line leak Thursday.

K. II. Morris went to I Plata Thursday to visit his son L. V. Morris and family.

H. P. Paulson returned to his home in Denver, Thursday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J.

I). Russell. Mrs. Paulson will stay for an extended visit with relatives. Mrs.

Oscar Edge returned to La Plata Thursday and her new home. Mrs. Allie Manka was through here Thursday cn route to Love Lake. C. M.

Bonifield went to La Plata Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mott went to La PlaU Friday on business. Mr.

and Airs. W. J. Shepherd and children Myron, Mary and Merle returned to their home in Hurdland Friday after spending a few days with Mrs. Shepherd's parents.

Mr. the 13th day of February, l'2b. DAN li. HUGHES, Executor. (SEAL) ALBIRTIE WRIGHT, Attest: Probate Judge.

F-91-97 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to ell creditors and others interested in the estate of Hannah G. Adams, deceased, that I Morris Kindle, administrator of said estate, intend to make final settlement thereof at the next term of the Probate Court of Macon County, State of Missouri, to be held at the Court House of said county on the 18th day of February, 1928. MORRIS KINDLE, Administrator. (SEAL) ALBIRTIE WRIGHT, Attest: Probate Judge. F-91-97 E.

E. Bolander and Lonme Lockett were trading in Atlanta Monday. Monroe Dye bought a fat hog from Fred Spencer Price not learned Mr. Harris and family spent Sun day evening with Mr. Ausmus and SHERIFF'S SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Whereas, F.

E. Weller, a single man by his certain deed of trust dated February 9th of record in book 240 at page 671 of the records in the recorder's office of Macon County, Missouri, conveyed to C. L. Moody, as trustee the following described real estate, lying and being in the County of Macon, Missouri, to-wit: All of a certain tract of land situate in the City of Macon, County of Maeon towit: beginning on the south line of Vine street at a point one hundred fifty-five (155) feet went of ea-t line of northeast qunrter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-one (21), township fifty-seven (SM, range fourteen (14) thence south parallel with said east line to the right of way of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Itailrond, thenco west along said right of way 104 feet, thence north to said south side of Vine street; thence east 104 feet to Chuck Pot Rout PortwbwiM Sim Sundlnj Rib Rot. FRITSCH MEAT MARKET Phone 194 Macon, Missouri For the Best in Meats For Over Sixty Years family.

Will Posey was trading in Atlanta one duy this week. Ransford Urugin and Monroe Dye wore in Atlanta one day lart wck John Wilcox was in Atlanta Tuesday. Erbic Ausinua and wife und Miss Eva Ausmus spent one day last week at A. R. Turner's.

'A. R. Turner and if was in Atlanta Monday. Clifford Helsher sawed wood for Monroe Dye nnd Will Riley Tues-lay. Coril Dethor was in jur neighbor and Mrs.

L. R. Thurston and sisters, i Mrs. Ernest Punch and family and Mrs. Chester Lounmster.

Mrs. Chwlts Grlbaeh and daughter I Shirley Ruth, went to Hurdland Fri-! Cabin Hospitality Hospitality to similiters m-ems to decrease In Inverse rsllo as extra room ore adired to the domicile. American Magazine. WHITE OAK Mrs. II.

T. Coleman who has been ijuilc sick is murh better. James Seney returned to her home Sunday after visiting Mrs. Coleman a wek. Mrs.

Fred Bell and son took dinner Friday with R. A. Coook. Mrs. I aura Rice took dinner Tui-s- day to visit her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Chadwick.

Mr. and Mr. E. Tate returned from Paring Friday where they have been Mrs. Tate's uncle, Mr.

hood Monday gathering up chickens dny witd Mrs. V. T. Coleman. Tom Bell bought cow from R.

D. iieorge acker of beginning being 104 feet by 205 feet. 1 Which said conveyance was made in tru to ecure the payment of on- and eggs. Herbert King sawed vood mr Lon Hundren Tuesday. Erble and ife ami sister Donald Tate went to Iji Plata Sat- iCook Thursday.

urday on business. R. A. Cook. Lniirn Riee und I.orene certain promissory note in said red i scribed, and which said note is no.v I Miss Eva spent Thursday with Mr.

nnd Mrs. Oscar Hughes north of Iiarnesville. Fin- is vlfitod with W. M. McDaniel and family Sunday.

Mrs. I). Williams who has been quite is reported to be much better. Miss Dorothy went to Iji Plata Sntunhy to have some d'-n-tal m-ork done. Master llennie Ball came from Ethel Saturday to visit his mother, due and unpaid.

1 And. whereas, the said trusty I C. L. Moody refuses to act, and the deed of trust providing that in such event, the acting sheriff of Macon County may proceed to sell the property therein described. Therefore by virtue of the author ity given me in said deed of trust and at the request of the legal holder of said note, I will on Monday, the 27th BEAR CREEK Mr.

and Mrs. Will Harrison were Atlanta shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Jim Peterson called on Mrs. C.

M. Henry Wednesday afternoon. Roscoe Lea sawed wood for Willie and W. N. Lynch last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harrison were the guests of their son, Karl Harrison and family Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.

Charley Mettls were shopping in Atlanta Saturday. Robert White made a business trip to Sut City Monday. Mrs. Lixilie Biawell and daughter, Mrs. Maude Peterson called on Mrs.

vCisO day of February, 1928, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. end 6 o'clock p. of that day at the south front door of the court house in the City of Macon, Macon County, Missouri, expose to sale, said real estate to the highest bidder for cash to pay said note and the cost of this trust. W. A.

Collins Sunday afternoon. MORTON S. MEISNER, Sheriff of Macon County. Missouri. Little Lawrence and Donald Lea have the measles.

First insertion February 3, 1928. Miss Edna Lea who haa been auite B7-F-103 sick is reported to be Improving. Mary Mettis visited her uncle Bill Lynch and family last week. SHERIFFS SALE UNDER The disposal of your personal property at public auction the acceptance of the other fellow's price is a matter that should demand much consideration, if you are plenning a sale. Numerous things are responsible for a successful sale and one of the most important of all is the selection of an auctioneer.

The duties of an auctioneer are not limited to actually crying the sale, but really begin when he is employed. The date is to be selected a day when no other sale is being held in that vicinity the might Und to attract buyers from your sale. Your auctioneer should aid and advise in regard to the advertising of the sale, assist in the dis-trbution of bills, the selection of newspapers that will reach the most people interested, and countless other details that help in making a sale a success. With 18 years of experiecne as an autcioneer during which period I have handled over sales, with my knowledge of livestock and vaules, crop condition and markets, my experience In handling the advertising for hundreds of sale, I can render yon a real service that will start when selected to conduct your sale and ending only after every detail has been completed. If you are planning a public sale, I would be glad to discuss the matter with you.

DEED OF TRUST Whereas A. N. Elder and Stella El Mr. end Mrs. Chauncev Robertson and daughter and Mr.

end Mrs. Lowell Elliott were the guests of Mr. end der, husband and wife, by their certain deed of trust dated April 17th, 1928, of record in book 240 et pax Mrs. uud Collins Sunday. Mrs.

Steve Lynch and little son. When visits would otlierwise be lost 807 of the records in the recorder's office of Macon County, Missouri, conveyed to Karl Sheets as trustee the following described real estate, Willard Faye end Mrs. Tom Sholl ware the guests of Mrs. Dave Peterson Tuesday. situate, lyinjr ana eeing in me bounty Mrs.

Ernest FeterTson celled on Mrs. W. N. Lynch Mondey afternoon. Ota Harrison has returned from or Macon, Missouri, town: Beginning at a point three hundred eleven (811) feet west of northeast Iowe end is now ovine this family there to make their future home.

corner of section twenty-one (21), township fifty-seven (67), range Don't isolate your wife and family from outside 1 friendshipa. The miles and miles that may separate one neigh- i bor from another mean NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT fourteen (14) thence south parallel with east line of said section twenty, one (21) to rtaht of way of Hannibal Notice Is hereby given to ell cred-H i tors end outers interested in the es and St Joseph railroad thence along tate of Mahala E. Roberts, deceased, that Robert W. Collins administrator of said estate, intend to make fin saia right ol way west suny uu i feet, thence north to north line of said section twenty-one (21) theice al settlement thereof at the next east on said section line sixty (00) EBGM C. WALKER' term of the Probate Court of Macon County, State of Missouri, to be held at the Court House of said county on feet to point of beginning, in the city of Mnrnn.

Mo. I the homes are connected by telephone, I Your wile, your mother, your lister all women derive real pleasure and from telephone visiting. Yju owe your lamily thia enjoyment Install a 'phone today Macon Telephone Company MACON, MISSOURI Which said conveyance wee mods AUCTIONEER Macon, Mo. Phone 551 me istn any or reoruary, l'JZB. ROBERT W.

COLLINS, Administrator, (SEAL) ALBIRTIE WRIGHT, Attest: Probate Judire. in trust to secure the payment of one certain promissory note in said deed described, end which said note ia now due and unsaid. And, whereas, the -said trustee,) I F-91-97.

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