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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 8

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MATTERS OF INTEREST. LATE NEWS FROM PASADENA. A Complete Synopsis of the New City Charter. A Pleasant Entertainment at Hotel Green. Prof.

Lowe Kotertalna at. n. Young oi the Old Wigwam Torn Down Kventl- Notes. Pasadena, Nov. stated in this i rning's Herald, the completed new charter was turned over to the president of tbe council today.

It is a formidable document, covering 67 closely typewritten pages, and must bave entai.ed much work on the prrt of the board of freeholders in its construction. All the changes, mentioned exclusively in yesterday's Herald, are incorporated in tha new charter, which is of special interest to our citizens from the faot that they will be called upon shortly to pais their opinion on it at the polls. The opening seotionS are devoted to defining the city boundaries, whioh remain as at present. Tbe first important change comes under the head ef city council, which provides that tbe council of the city shall consist of five members, one from each ward, and a mayor shall be elected by the whole oity. The mayor's term of office is made two years, that of ths council four years each and every two years, in addition (on the first Tuesday in April), there shall be elected a treasurer, an aasessor, wbo shall be ex-officio tax collector, a clerk, who shall be exofficio auditor, a marshal, who shall be ex-offioio licenae tax collector, an engineer and city superintendent of streets.

An attorney and a recorder are also provided for, to be appointed by the mayor and council every two years. Tbe firat eleotion occurs the firat Tuesday in April, '95, two of the councilman will bold for two years and the rest for four. Tbe property tax shall never exceed $1 on eacb $100 valuation, exclusive of bonded indebtedness, principal and in' tereat. Tbe city shall have power to issue bonda upon a two-tbirda vote of the electors, for the purpose of acquiring water, water-rights, ami construction of water ayatems, sewers, protection against fire, purchasing aud maintaining electrio-light plants, buying real eetate for public buildings and erecting buildings thereon, or for any other purpoae authorized by law. The mayor aball receive no pay.

Conaeilmen shall receive $3 for each day'a session, the total compensation of each not to exceed $200 per annum. The treasurer Bhail be paid $300 a year; the aasessor $900; the clerk $1000; the attorney $900; tbe marshal $900; the recorder a fee of $3 for each case tried, the total monthly pay not to exceed $50; the engineer $4 a day for each day's work done, bis total pay not to exosed $1200 per year; the superintendent of streets, $900 per year. Perhaps the most interesting section ia the following relative to the Bale of liquors: Section the corporate limits of the city of Pasadena no person or persona, either as owner, prinoipal, agent, servant or employee, thai! establish, open, keep, maintain, or carry on any tippling bouse, dramshop, cellar, saloon, bar room, sample room or other place where spiritoua, vinous, malt or mixed are sold or given away; provided, that tbis section does not apply to hotels or restaurants, who may furnish to guests or customers vinous or malt liquors with legitimate meals; also, providing, tbat tbis section does not apply to a regularly licensed druggist who may sell either spirituous, vinous or malt liquors in quantities not to exceed one quart at any one sale, upon the prescription of a physician entitled to practice medicine under the laws of tbe state of California. The above synopsis contains all the important changes which are made by tbe new charter, and should be carefully read oyer. A PLEASANT AFFAIR, Tbe muaio room of Hotel Green was well filled laat evening at the entertainment given by tbe Ladies' league ol tho Univerealiet church.

The programme consisted of musical and literary numbers, closing with a laughable farce, The Happy Family, which was well rendered. Miss Pearl nave two pleasing recitations, and Mr. Sloan ol l.os Angeles rendered a couple of piano solob in an enjoyable manner, Mrs. Collette of Los Angeles gave two vocal solos that were highly appreciated. The farce went off very the following cast: Mr.

Benjamin Bibbs Frof. O. W. Kyle Mr. Uarnaby Bibbs Brown Mr.

i'etsr Parker Charles Green Grumpy Hal Green Mrs. Renjamln Bibbs Miss i.iennie Pearl Mrs. Barnaby Bibbs Mrs. B. O.

Kendall Miss Seliua (jammers Miss Westover Bnarley Mrs. Clara B. Green PROF. LOWE KNTKItTAINM. M.

H. de Young, propriator of the San Francisco Chron'cle, and wife were the guests of Prof, and Mrs. T. S. C.

Lowe today. The professor took the visitors up over the mountain road to Echo mountain, returning iv time for luncheon at his elegant home on South Orange Grove avenue. Both Mr. and Mra. de Young were delighted with Pasadena and the suDerb view of the valley obtained from the top of the great incline.

THE WIOWAM FALLS, The Republican wigwam in a thing of tbe peat, the two ends which formed tbe barracks having been pulled down yeaterday. With all due respect to the gentlemen whose brilliant braine evolved this wigwam noheme, we hope that i'asadena will never be indicted with such a production. Memory of the playful way the north winda had of meandering down one's back in that historic wigwam still haunts the dreams of many a wary politician on both sides of the fence. I'be babit tbat the big electric lights had of going out just at a critical moment when the fate ot tho nation or a candidete bung trembling in tbe balance was another of the attractions which the wigwam may lay claim to. But it is gone.

Let it rest in peace give ug no more of tbem. TUB HOY PHENOMENON. The opera house was li I led to overflowing tbil eveuing at the first appearance oi the boy phenomenon in this oity. No admission fee was charged, and the people generally took advantage of the opportunity to witness the peculiar power which be exhibits. A number of wondorfnl cures, in people well known, were effected during the evening, ail applying being treated free, and much interest was taken in the exhibition by all present.

NOTES. Prof. Kramer's dancing classes met In his new quarters iv the Wooster block this afternoon and evening. Mr. A.

Clare of the New York Wall Paper compnnv is back from a business trip to Francisco. Mrs. Whitmore. late president of the Colorado-Street Railway oompany, gave an annual dinner to the employees of the line at her liome on Euclid avenue last evening. A special meeting of the board of trade is called for tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.

P. Buchanan, one of the linemen employed by the electric light company, fell from a tree while stringing a wire on South Raymond avenue yesterday afternoon and broke his leg. A pleasant reception was given by the young people oi the Friends church, tbis evening, to the members of the Christian Endeavor conference, at the home of Dr. R. Townaend, on North Lob avenue.

Among tbe many attractions at the forthcoming fair under the auspices of the 1 guild, for the benefit of All Saints' church, in Woostar block, next Thursday and Friday, will be table i devoted entirely to the sale of bags, and hero will be found, at remarkably low prices, every description of bag. from the big tirummors' sample grip down to a neat little button or shopping I bag. The club gave a concert in the Congregational church tbis evening, i The audience was not as large as the i quality of the entertainment deserved. 1 The distance to the church from the I center of the oity, and oouuter attrac- I tions also, tended to lessen the size of the audience, but those present enjoyed a rare treat in the musical line. POMONA.

The Meeting or the Poniuloglcal Society. Local Happ-niugo. Pomona, Nov. meeting of the Pomological aociety was held at the board of trade rooms, Fomona, November 15th and 16th. The call to order was made by the president, Mr.

L. M. Holt of Los Angeles. Prof. Calvin Esterly of Pomona made the address of welcome.

The response wbb made by President Holt in his njraal charming way, and brought forth great applause. There was a large attendance, and at noon over 240 bad gathered in the hall. The report of Prof. A. G.

Cook of Pomoma college, who iB the entomologist of the eociety, brought forth a great deal of discussion. The question before the meeting was: Is the rhizobius a success as an insect destroyer." (referring to black scale.) The professor acknowled with good grace that the enemies of the rhizobiue bad made damaging inroads, and that the future of the rhizobius is uncertain. Commissioner Collins and others stated in their reports that of tbe 200,000 rhizobius brought to San Bernardino county, none were left, which is a very much lamented fact. Scale Ipeects, by Miss Loomis of Claremont brought forth great applause, and it was a most excellent paper, showing Miss a line student of entomology. Tbe paper of Edward F.

Adams of the California Fruit exchange of San Francisco, was read next. It made au excellent showing of what fruit exchanges could do by unitiug the fruit growers. Tbe evening Beasiou was well attended, the irrigation question being well discussed by Mr, Fred. L. Fills, wbo haa besn the secretary of the national executine conimitUe to the irrigation congress.

The Two Systems of Government Irrigation, by C. M. Heintz of Los Angeles, delegate to the late national irrigation congress at Denver, brought forth quite a heated discussion. It was an able paper. L.

M. Holt's paper on Irrigation Systems, Their Defecta and Remedies, waa excellent, and some new and important points were brought out. The first paper read at tbe morning session of tbe 16th was on Orange Exchanges, by T. H. B.

Chamberlain of Riverside. The gentleman brought out some strung arguments why frait men should unite and market their own fruit. Olive Pruning, by A. Hayne ol Berkeley, was anew subject and listened to very attentively. I'ollenization of the olive llower, showing that it ie necessary to plaut different varieties in one olive grove, was not alone scientific, but very practicable.

There is no better posted man on olive culture than John S. Calkins of Pomona. and American Forestry p.b It Can Be Practiced in California, by Prof. Charles H. Shinn of Berkeley, was very interesting.

The professor knows how to win the hearts of the horticulturists by his practical demonstrations, ThiDning the Fruit, by J. Milie, foreman of the Tailed States experimental station of Pomona, was very practical, and he was applauded by the audience. Tbe selection of tha next place of meeting next spring ib Lacondido, San I'iego county. Sunday the Right Rev. Biahop Montgomery will administer tbe sacrament of confirmation to a large at St.

Joseph's Catholic church immediately alter the 10 a. m. mass, winch will be sung Dy a select choir. The mass will be Le famous mass iv ti. At 7:30 p.

m. there will be a erand vesper service, during which a lecture on the important subject, The Church and Society, will be given by the same learned and patriotic American divine. The ladies of the Kpiscopal church may well congratulate taernselvea upon ttie marked success of their annual bazaar, concluded by the dinnar on Thnrs day, for never before have they better met tbe expectations of the publio thau on this occasion in their pretty new parish hall. The young ladies of the Firat Presbyterian church gave a most interesting entertainment in the church parlors laet Mozart which all the recitals and rendered were biographical sketches and compositions oi this great character. A dense fog last night brought disappointment to many who bad anticipated a good time sitting up and watching for the prophesied shower of stars.

A big time tonight is anticipated at the Presbyterian oyetei sup par, Ivory loan having a b.aid anpuld keep it au eveu and natural c.lor. and if it is not so already, UuckinKtiam'B Dye aud appear tidy LO9 ANGELES ITERALPx SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1804. HEMET. Gllropae at lti Imprortmtnti and or Ita ButnrprllKd. Hemet, Not.

natural fertility and admirable location of the great Sin Jacinto and Pleaaant valley country is destined to make it one of the leading 1 agricultural and horticultural district! Southern California. The soil is admirably adapted to the raising of all grains, vegetables and fruits grown in the atate, with the possible exception of citrus fruits on the low lands, but even and oranges can be grown to perfection upon side hiils and south slopes. Much of this territory is watered by artesian welis, which abound in large numbers in the vicinity ol San Jacinto and Lakeview. Where these wells do not exist it was next to impossible tn cultivate fruit orchards with urotit until after the advent of the Hemet Water company. Since the completion of this company's pipe line the development of the valley has beeu rapid and sure.

The Lake Ilemet Laud company aud Hemet Water company are two separate companies, but with practically the same set of officers and directors. The Bt active and important members of these companies are the president, W. T. A'hittier of San Francisco, and the resident manager, Col. E.

L. Mayberiy, formerly of Alhambra but now a restdent oi Hemet. The town of Hemet is the headquarters of the two companies and tbe home of tbe principal officers. Space will permit but a very limited description of the little city of Hemet, its history and present attractions. Two years ago the ground upon which tbe town now stands was a dry plain covered with sage and wild oats Soon after, however, tbe Hemet companies began their work of reclaiming that portion of the "footstool." The laud company owned 8000 acres, which has already been brought under the revivfying influence of water, and plenty of it.

The source of the Lake Hemet Water company's snpply of water is developed by tbe great Bear valley dam, 110 feet. A great many excellent descriptions of this famous piece of masonry have beej written and the dam itself should be seen to be appreciated. Hemet ie situated on a branch of the Soutbern California railroad, which leaves the main line at Perrll and runs to San Jacinto. It is distant two and a half miles from this place, and already a very strong feeling of rivalry has grown up between the two places, which bids fair to grow instetd of receding. Tbe most pretentious building in Hemet is the Hotel Mayberry, a fine two etory brick building, buili by Messrs.

Mayberry aud Whittier at a cost of $25,009 and thrown open to the public ou Juue 7tb, of tbis year. The notel is supplied will all the modern conveniences usually found iv tiret-clAss hostleriert, including stationary water, baths, and a complete electric light system, the power for whioh is furnished hy the company's private plant. Another important institution is tbe Hemet flouring mills, John McCool, proprietor. The mill, which is the only one in this section, occupies a line brick building and has a capacity of 50 barrels of flour per day. The plant cost $20,000.

Mr. Whittier is now building a twoetory brick block, 100 feet Bquare. The lo.rer part will be used for store buildings and thssecond story will be ueed as on opera bouse. Hemet has a good newspaper, the Hemet news, published by Joe Kerr. There are several general stores, tbe largest of which is that oi Hefl'elfinger oi who also occupy a brick block.

I here is a drug store, an excellent barber shop, two harness shop, shoe repairing house, two real estate offices and two lumber yards, the Willamette Lumber Co. and the Newport Wharf and Lumber Co. There are two excellent school buildings, costing $4000 and $3500 respectively, and the district employs four teacbere to instruct the pupils, wbo number about 100 at present. The railroad people have erected a very attractive depot here, and the land oomoany has just finished building four handsome cottages, two of which aro occupied. A large brick block is one of the enterprises of the Hemet company which is down for the near future.

A visit to Hemet will well repay the trouble taken, arid the tourist or homeseeker may find something to please him, CHINO. Over 0000 Aorat to Be Planted to Kota'. Chino, Nov. the factory season has ended and tomorrow will see garnered the laet sheaves oi a rich aftermath iv the shape of checks for tbe October delivery of beets, the farmers are busily engaged plowing and clearing new lands preparatory to next season's sowing. Next summer tbe factory Beason will probably uomtnence about the firat of .1 uly and continue until the end of November or later.

There will be over (1000 acres planted to beets on the Chino ranch and the factory will contract with farmers in Anaheim and other localities lor the crop from 3000 to 4000 acres. In addition to the acreage planted to beets next season several thousand acres will be broken so as to meet the requirements ot the succeeding season. The new school house will be finished before the first of January. When complete it will be the finest school building in the oounty outside of San Bernardino. A force of men are still at work at the sugar factory, and will probably be employed until the opening oi next campaign.

Richard Gird lias several thousand head of cattle fattening on beet pulp. The new gasoline motor being used on the ('hino valley narrow gauge railroad will, if demonstrated to be a complete success, supsrsede the Bteatn engine iv handling the passenger traffic on tiie line. evening the residence of Andrew Andersou was completely destroyed by lire. Though Andersou is not a rich man, the loss will not entail any particular hard-hip. Next Monday evening Rev.

P. B. Mall of the Christian church will begin a course of special meetings to continue through the week. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Shone and Miss Cora Shone will leave in a few days for Bakersfield, where they will visit J. R. Simmons ou his big ranch. Mr. Shone, who is superintendent ol ttie Chino ranch, has well earned his vacation.

tisorge B. Frink ol San Francisco, Col. T. J. Wilson Mid William (iird of it Bern irditiu, Fred A.

Pollock oi Riverside, Rev. ana Mrs. A. B. Orgren and Deputy Revenue Collector Fredericks of San Diego and a large number of others have visited Chino during the past week.

Lewis Hsndrick of San Francisco and 11. G. Lovell and family of Lit Angeleleft for their respective homea last Sunday. Mr. and Mm.

chard Gird are in San Bernardino today. Judge Rhodes, of the Chino Champion, furnished considerable amusement for the frequenters ol Seventh street. The judge tl unused to assisting equestriennes ia alighting from their steeds, and, being pressed into service Thursday alternonn, was so embarrassed as to lose his hold of his charming burden, who was compelled to grasp him about hi 9 neck to escape a fall. This she did promptly and fervently, to the judge's everlasting discomfiture. SANTA ANA.

Hume Starting in Kxnenaei. Santa Ana, Nov. 16 the late fall and winter seasons our city always has a great many laud buyers aud borne seekers who are looking tbe country over, but tbis season they bave started in earlier than usual. A great many new-comers are iv the city looking for property. A few years ago few sales were made except what were known as snap bargains, i'eoule have quit looking for such bargains and are looking for such a place as they would like to make their home.

Qiite a number of sales have been made in tbe past few days, aud the prices are being kept about the same. We look for more sales to be made this winter than lave been known in this valley for the past six years. Every day brings in new-comers looking lor homes. Toe Initio and Orange street cars will run tomorrow night for the accommodation of those wbo wish to attend the Lew Wallace lecture. William Berkenstock, aged 23, of EI Modina, and Josie Wagner, aged 18, of Piacentia, were today licensed to wed.

The Santa Ana Gun club will bold its turkey shoot east of El Modina on the 27 th. Truman and family of Alton, together with Miss Florence Donahue aud R. Lockrie, arrived here last night. Mr. Truman and family will live on the Chadwick placs.

D. H. Thomas and Mrs. Whitmore, who has been visiting the Thomas family, will start lor Arkansas on the 24th. Mr.

Thomas goes ou a business trip. His daughter Ada will probably accompany bim. The followins have tiled a schedule of campaign expenditures as follows: J. H. Hail, $70 65; H.

S. I'ankey, S. Armor, $19; VV. G. Potter, V.

P. Nickey. $30.50: C. W. Humphreys, $10; 0.

Groat, $7.76 H. A. Young, $22. A great portion of the above includes the amount subscribed to tho central committee to help defray the of the general campaign, as in the case of C. Humphreys, wbo nave $10 to the central committee for general purpurposes and contributed nothing to his personal canvass.

A large audienca greeted Bishop Nichols last night at the Church of the Messiah, and heard one of the ol sermons. The choir outdid itself. Miss Olney sang the offertory. The bishop went Bouth today. Rev.

W. Wendt of Oakland, superiutendent of the Pacific coast Unitarian churches, is visiting friends in this city. Herman, Paul and H. T. Thomson, three brothers of Buena Park, and Charles Dussoort, were admitted to today.

Tbe Monday club met at the residence of J. A. Hankey Wednesday night and organized for the winter by electing J. A. Hankey president, F.

E. Perhom vice-president, Dr. J. G. Bernuke secretary, R.

A. Wade treasurer. Next meeting will be beld on next Wednesday night. The Boys' brigade met this evening and concluded to disband for the present until they can secure a captain. Mr.

J. F. Patterson and Misa Virgie Carlyle were married Wednesday night at tbo home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.

H. Carlyle. REDLANDS. A Perioual Encounter and Redlands, Nov. 16.

This morning Dr. Oswald Taylor was on the streets rehearsing the particulars relating to a whipping he bad given one Mr. Woodruff, and Btating he expected to be areated therefor, although be only did, he said, that which he considered be had a perfect right to do. Woodruff lives on a ranch in Terracina, and early this morning Taylor went over to collect a sum of money' which be claimed Woodruff owed bim. The latter not only refused to pay, but indulged in the use ol language that was far from satisfactory to Taylor, who retaliated by causing the debtor to meet the ground a tew times.

Wednesday, November 28tb, is the time set for Redland's "clean-up day," as respects and rubbish. The chamber of commerce put tbe man-ttcript for their descriptive pamphlet in the bands of the printer, September 19th; and there's where it is today. A Young of San Diego is to open a restauraut in the Walsh block, State street. The ladies of the First Oonereeatinnal church expect to held a ohryianthe mum fair in tbe auditorium of the Y.M. C.A., next Tuesday afternoon and evening.

Antonio Carlon was beld to answer in fudge Camp's court this morning for burglarizing Mrs. Vandervnnter's house, bail being tixed at $600. He was unable to give the bond and consequently went to jail. A special religions meeting will be held by the V.M.C.A., Batuniay night, at 8 o'clock. Miasea Lottie and Lulu Bishop are enjoying a viait from their mother, Mrs.

C. B. Bishop of Moreno. Mra. C.

F. Bailey today attended the chrysanthemum fair at San Bernardino. A quantity of cbemioals and chemical apparatus have been purchaaed by the Union high school. DOWNEY. Item Greatly Needed-Local Newt Matters.

Downby, Nov. 10 appearance of rain and we would berald a good downpour with pleasure. The dust ii almost unbearable, and then the health of our valley is always much better after a good rain. Onr valley is steadily improving new houses, barns and fencing are under way. Newcomers are still to he seeu looking aronnd in company with real estate agents.

Mrs. Mat Pendleton, Miss Etta Barnett and Mrs. Rowley are on the sick list. Mr. Chapman, the postmaster bere, relieves Mr.

Jas. Smith oi duties. Both have been first class men in that important office. Dr. Kd Brunson is off for hia mines this week.

There was a recent disturbance in the Alameda school, in which tbe principal and a patron resorted to blows, the result of which is there is to be an arrest and trial. A number of the Downey Masonic fraternity went down to Wilmington on Friday evening to see the third degree conferred on two aandidates in the Wilmington lodge, THE CROPS. Tha Weather Baraau'a Kaport of Their Comlltlon. The local weather bureau furnishes the following weather-crop bulletin of Southern California, for the week ending Monday, November 12th. No changes of a material character occurred in the weather during the week, which added one more to the long continued dry period.

The deficiency in rainfall is becoming marked as tbe season advances, and is causing some anxiety to farmers wbo are desirous to begin farm work, bnt which cannot bs started till generous rains fall. Hie temperature in the interior was higher than the eeasonal average, elsewhere it was about normal, except in the immediate coast ssotions where it was Blightly below. Nigbt fogs were frequent along the coast and were beneficial to grass crops and young barley. Oranges were benefited by the warm weather, as also the last of the raisin crop. SAN LUIS OBISPO.

Rain is much needed ior grata, which is somewhat retarded by the warm, dry weather. Dense logs prevailed the early part of the week. Flowing continues. Highest temperature, 90 degrees; lowest, 42. VENTURA COUNTY.

weather continues normal; 000 nights and pleasant days prevail. Corn is about gathered, and ie an average orop where irrigated. Feed is very scarce and high. The weather seems settled, and with better hopes ol rain. LOS ANGELES COUNTY.

temperature has been a little above tbe normal; tha highest was 90 degreos; lowest, 45. Oranges are growing nicely and promise a good crop. Not much farm work can be done until the rain comes. past week was similar to the previous one; warm daya and 000 nigbta with occasional fogs in the morning prevailed. Farmers are experiencing some anxiety regarding the rains, which hold off so long.

Hay ia somewhat higher on account ol continued fair weather. RIVERSIDE COUNTY. The past week was very warm; the maximum temperature ranged Irom 3 to 5 degrees above the average for the last 10 years. The orange crop will be light as regards seedlings; budded varieties will be a full average. The fruit looks well.

ORANGE COUNTY. Santa Ana temperature Ira's very even daring tbe week, ranging irom to 80 degrees at 1 p.m, Heavy fogs prevailed eaoh night, and were beneficial to alfalfa and young barley. Orangea are looking exceedingly fine, and promise a good crop. Shipping of celery haa commeuced. The weather waa characterized by an unusual auoceaaion of heavy night foga, which lasted till the middle of the forenoon.

The remainder of the days was clear and pleasant. A few daya more will complete the harvesting of walnuts and peanuts, and all intereats will be ready for rain. Tha walnut crop would bave been larger than last year but for some loss bsoauae of hot winds. I'eannts are turning out well, with a prospect for fair returns. Barley growers are dry plowing, and the acreage will be large if the weather becomes favorable.

highest temperature during the week waa degrees; 54 degreea. THE NORTH WESTERNERS. New Msmbxi Join Candldataa to Hoard. The Northwest Los Angeles Improvement association met in regular weekly session Tuesday evening. The following new members were admitted Messrs.

John Burns, Frank M. Erwin, R. Phillips, William Bollinger, James Thomas, David Mulrein, Walter F'erris and C. Donnatin. The principal topic of the evening was a lengthy discussion on the chance of grade of Hill Btreet from Rock street lo Bellevue avenue.

The secretary was instructed to notify tbe candidates for the council to meet with the association and express themselves on matters concerning the welfare of the city. The oil industry in for a scoring and resulted in the appointment of a committee to suggest measures for regulating the working of tbe THE CAR MOG. Waa For Onre Hat I'pon to Considerable Kxtrnt. Tho Ij ear hop; Is ho who trios to occupy, to tho exclusion of anyone ono of Vac scuts In tho center of tho ottr. Ho utterly ignores tho fact that theso seate aro "built for two" and is a crusty, crowding neighbor to any ono who has r.ho audacity to sit bosido bim.

Kegulur patrons of the 1. roads know this though his name is almost usually givo bin wide berth. On a recent afternoon just as an up town train was leaving Twelfth street, a young ninn entered one of tho ears. He sauntered through find found that the only vacnnt place wns beside ono of these typical hogs In a cross seat. Tho young lnnn paused nnd looked at the other man, hut tho hog sat squarely in the center of tho seat and looked uneoneornodl.v out of tho window, po the young mnn, rather than take tho crowding Which tho hog would bo sure to Inflict, passed through uml stood on tho platform.

When the train stopped at Eighteenth street, tho only passenger to get aboard was a rather rusty looking man who certainly weighed over 1100 pounds. Tho young man was quick wlttcd enough to see his chance. "Do you want to earn half dollar?" ho demanded. "Sure." "See that man in tho cross seat only ono who is sitting alone?" "I see him." "Well, take this half dollar nnd then go nnd sit in the same seat with him. Don't be afraid of crowding him." Tho rusty looking Individual obeyed.

His more than 800 pounds of tissuo forced the glarino hog to tho window. Ho was crushed and squeezed liy his bulky neighbor. Tho hog began to fume, fuss and frown, but said never word, though ho was now able to occupy hut a quarter of the seat. The other pASJHngCH Were quick to note the discomforting of the hog and grinned their appreciation, Tho hog perceived this and fumed some inoTO Tho only ono who appeared Utterly unconscious was the rusty looklnrr man who weighed over 800. Hut the Ij ear bog never admits defeat.

This specimen didn't. He ItUck to his now narrow perch even after there wero other seats empty, and so liid the fat man. They rodo to Forty-third street together, and it was a very bad half hour for tho hoc. Tho young man who had instigated it nil trot off at Thirty-ninth street, and seraphic smilo was on his fat Times. To ami In other to exhibit, fortitude when en dnrlDK bodily pain of coursr, praiseworthy hut sufferers from rheumatism would undoubtedly forego ths praise which the exercise of this Spartan virtue ralla forth to obtain prompt and easy relief.

It Hat their very throthoM in the shape of Hosteller's Stomach arrest this dUoiso at the ou'wt and acls as au efficient anodyne uroit the atTltcted nervotn aystem. Take time by the if yon feel rheumatic twintie and giva them a quietude at once. Rheumatism is reader, you may pc uot be aware, liable toaitavk tin heart. a man and woman a heart thai a tacked haa "thaffled n(V Uih mortal coil." Tne al-o an excel 1 -nt remedy for kiJney treubl malar.a, countipotion, debility, sleeplessness aud ilya' Largest stock of wa'j piper At Kckstrom'a, Main at.

Right 1 Wall paner fie. per roll. H-8 s. Sorin Unlike the Dutch Process 9) No Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the fU preparation of Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It haa more than three times the strength, of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing than one cent a cup.

It is delicious, nourishing, and KASiLf PIOBSTED. Sold by Crccors evgrywhere. W. Baker Dorchester, Mass. THE GREAT A This extraordinary Rcjiivcnator ll the nnrt wonderful d.seovery of ttie It has been endorsed by the leading scier-ii tic men of Kuiupe A BKFOBK AFTER MANHOOD Constipation, Dtaatnatt, Falling Sensations, Nervous Twitching of the eyes and other parti.

Strengthens, invigorates and tones tbo entire system. Hudyan cutes Nrrvousncte, Emissions, and develi.pes ami restores weak organs. Pains In the back, losses hy day oi night are stopped quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. Premeturenesameans inpoteoey In the first stacre.

Xi Is a symptom of barrenness, if can Ye stopped iv 20 days by tho use of Hudyan, The new discovery was mnrto by the old famous Medical Itiatt tttte. It is the vitalizor made. It ia very powerful, but harmless. Sold for a package or packages for 15.00 (plain acfiled boxes). Written guarantee given tor a euro.

If you buy six boxes and are net entirely Ciircd, six more will be sent to you free of Ril charges. Send for circulars mid testimonlalh. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Junction Stockton, Market and Ellis Sa Frane.isco. After Dinner if you're a smoker there's no greater enjoyment than in smoking Carl Upmann's Bouquet Cigars Strictly Hand Made by Skilled Union Workmen.

Received HIGHEST AWARD FOR MERIT over all competitors at the World's Fair, Chicago. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. All genuine Carl T'priuinn Bouquet Cigars have a band bearing his name, No experimen made annually for past ia years, For sale hy nil first-class dealers, Manufactured under FIVE SIZES. BOUQtTBT PETITE, SO In box. BOtTQtTBT F.XTItA.

in a box. I.OMtHKS, In a box. KOI PERFEiTO, In a box. BOVUVRT IWINt lIU.FS, In a box. The tobacco used in maanfaotariftji ties fahioaa brand is purchased liv the world-renowned bouse Of 11.

Cptuunn At of Ilitvuiiit. rutin, nnd i the highest grade Vnelta Ahnjo grown in (libit. Ills stripped and cured in Ihe sun of Hint tropical ellmate, so essential to the hue aroma. Then It packed in zinc lined cases and forwarded Iron time to time its needed. This does away with tho process adopted by other inamilnctttrers In this country of casing their tobaooo la water, so detrimental to the manufacture of a cigar Kvery cigar and every box guaranteed lo ran uniform.

HAAS, HAlt t'II I.OM A VOKI.ES. Whoi. DlatrUmtors for aoatfaem J. M. Griffith, Pres.

John T. Orlttith, K. Orlfflth, Secretary and Treasurer. K. Chandler.

Superintendent. J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY LUMBER DEALERS And of DOORS, WINDOWS, iKD Mill wou of every description. 084 K.

A'amida Bt Loa Anxeiea. coweumr. There's hardly a housekeeper in the country but has heard of CottOlene the new vegetable shortening. It is a strictly natural product; composed only of clarified cotton seed oil, thickened for convenience in use, with refined beef and sweet. So composed, f.OIIOLENE Was bound to win, and to drive out lard from the kitchens of the world.

When housekeepers wish to get rid of the unpleasant features and results of lard, they should get Cottolene, taking care that they are not given cheap counterfeits with imitative names, spuriously compounded to sell ia the place of Cottolene. It's easy to avoid disappointment and insure satisfaction. Insist on having Cottolene. ana Pound pafea, if Made only by Tho N. K.

Fairbanks Company, WW ST. l.OflS and Chicago, New fork, Boston. GREBTA BLANCA SOUVENIR VINTAGES. Gold Medal Paris Exposition 1889. HIOIIBST AWARD WHEREVER 1 HIT lONS HAVE KEEN MADE.

CREST A ill li iltuated a few miles .1.1 of tbe town of l.lvermore, Alameda county. I. wt- specially selected on amount of soil 1 ehmatic cnuilltinns whlca (aye promise ol tho h'gtieit possible excellence la wines of tha BHUteniL' and claret types. No mistake waa made In thin seltoiloo, for today CREST A BI.AS"CA wines cotnpira ftvorably with tha Huptt vim ages of France and are served to tha sti Ms of all the leading hotels, restaurants and OlObi nn the Pacilic Coast. Only a limited quantity la made annually.

No exuenne is spared In the making and cars of lite wine', and when ready for consumption they arc carefully tttled. Parties order ntr these wine, should see thai the winds BI.ANCA are oa every bolt'e. new btaud of wine has lately beeu nut on the market and Is being sold aa Cruata BHnca or Wetmnre'a wines. Such wines should be refused If Crosta anca wines are urnered. A fac simile of a label oa the lno wlue is CHAS.

A. WETMORE, Jill San Francisco, CRESTA BLANCA PRICE LIST. In order to meet the requirements ot tha times a reduction lv prices has been made. SAUTERNE TYPES. 1 don.

dos. quarts Pints Sauterne Souvenir $0.00 $7 Haut Sattterne Sjuveulr 8 00 10 04 Chateau Yquem 11 12 00 CLARET TYPES. Tabled Hote Souvenir $5 50 St. Jullpu Souvoulr 7.00 S.i'O Margaux couvoulr 8.00 9. 00 H.

J. WOcTIA.COTT, 124 and 118 North firing Street, for Los Angele.Vounty. 11-1 cod 1 Tiie Herald I Reaches I People I Who Buy The Goods. WHICH ARE The 'Purchasing Classes "Peopltwho buy goods are divided into i three ela sat: A 'Theselect 10,000, tho well-io do Olio, and the more or leu pr, million. Nint-tentbg of all th) fortunes are mado from the trade of the 100,000 and the because they buy nine- tenths of the gools which are sold.

They are the ppop also who respond to adver- tisemert and who buy for cssh or pay tholr hi Is promptly. Ths merchant or t.n> adrerllser wbo osiers successfully lo the 100,001) and the million will get all he carts for of ths trade of the select 10,000. They rarely answer ao adver- tlsement, and are proverbially slow Tbe HERAI.Ii, daily and Sunday, not only bas a large circulation in Southern California, but reaches the homes of the 100,000 class and the "more ot leu pros- perous million." ALEXANDRE WEILLTRAC7 BEoT JNaTAI.LMi NT Pi.AtN Now in I. Ange en GASH AND MONTHLY NO INTEREST. NO INTEREST.

Lots from $225 to $950. Cement Sidewalks. Oity Water. Eltctric Caia. Good Ii yon want a good resldenne lot in the CENTRAL AVENUE DISTRICT, Get map and price list at our office, North Main St.

RICHARD 11l L. Sole) Agent. rl tea Urn.

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