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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 3

Los Angeles, California
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KLONDYKE GOLD MINERS ARRIVING FROM THE ALASKAN FIELDS MANY BRING FORTUNES OTHERS GLAD TO GET HOKE ALIVE DODGING THE CUSTOM DUTIES Exact Value of Oold Dust and Nuggets Brought Known but Exceeds Amount Given Associated Press Special Wire SEATTLE, July North American Trading and Transportation company's steamer Roanoke arrived here at 3:30 this afternoon from St. Michael, Alaska, with 240 passengers and with about four tons of gold, which, reduced to dollars, amounts to between a million and a half and two million. Of this amount, tne Canadian Bank of Commerce had 5,000 ounces and the North American Trading Transportation company 20,000 ounces. Probably 50 per cent, of the returning miners have fortunes averaging at least 110,000 each. The following is a list of those having the largest individual amounts: List of Lucky Ones William Sloan, N.

Barretts, Alexander Boudette, George N. Belden, H. C. Anderson, Frank Conrad, James Ladd, Edward Monahan, D. L.

Spencer, A. D. Gray, Joseph Chronlster, W. F. Cobb, Asa Mcintosh, J.

A. Miller, Oils Olson, Swan Peterson, J. S. Opdell, Frank Smith, H. Lackman, Robert Insley, Edward Simpeon, Charles Welsh, Robert G.

Walker, C. H. Cheatwood, Jack Shay, W. H. Dryden, Frank Leslie, J.

Merrltt, John White, E. Singleton, Charles Allen, J. C. Stewart, Thomas Beverldge, William Marshall, William Brlggs, W. J.

McAlpln, David Renick, Alex Little, James Reed, $1,600. Dodging ths Duty Tho miners were very reticent about amounts they brought. The reason for the observance of such secrecy lies In a desire to evade the payment of the 10 per cent, royalty exacted by the Canadian government. In a very few cases have the mlnei i paid royalty for the full amount taken out of their claims, and many of them have jggled out larger sums than they will admit. Joaquin Miller, the well-known poet, who was an jng the Roanoke's passengers, br'ifly expresses the general tenor of the stories told by the Roanoke's passengers as follows: 'The Klondike mines are certainly the richest ever found on ths face of the earth, but tho gold Is tenfold harder to get than in any camp I have ever known." It is stated that the shipment of gold on the Roanoke would have been much heavier had those In the Interior not felt some apprehension of an attack at sea by privateers.

The North American Trading and Transportation company will, It was stated, ship the most of Its gold on the lator boats. Some of the wealthiest miners will come out later tn the season. News From Dawson DAWSON CITY, June 25, via Seattle, July output of the mines of the Yukon district this year, while It has reached between $10,000,000 and $15,000,000, lias disappointed oven the more conservative estimates made last fall and based on the prospects then existing. Three things have contributed to shorten this spring's Canadian royalty, lack of men and lack of strengthening food. One of the most prominent civil engineers on the Pacific coast, who has spent this winter In the mines, has said: "Considering the fact that less than 2000 poorly fed men have gotten out this winter almost $15,000,000, the Klondike has made showing that entitles It to consideration as the greatest gravel deposit In existence end the richest in the world.

The placer mines of California In early days are Its only rivals." The great riches of the bench claims on French. Chief, Little and Big Skookum gulches continue to be the wonder of mining men tn the Interior of Alaska. A claim owner on French gulch offers a standing bet of $20,000 that he can rock out of his claim single handed $6000 on any glvon day. These benches are old river beds. Which have been broken up by an eruption of the earth.

Claims Not Cleaned Op A continuation of the old river bed has been found near Hunker oreek, and while but little prospecting has been done, It la thought that It will turn out very well. Eldorado and Bonanza creeks have proven ell that was expected of them. Much more could be seen In actual results If the clean up had been completed thia spring. But that royalty may be called off and the early drying up of the water, whloh could be used at sluclng, has caused many big claim owners to leave about a third of the dirt taken out on the dump. The wash-up has been completed on very few claims, and on fewer still can a statement be obtained as to the real amount of the cleanup.

This makes It Impossible to state positively the output of tha mines. Of the less known streams, Dominion creek Is giving evidence of mineral deposits which may make It known ac the richest strike yet made. The conflict of claims, owing to two discoveries allowed, Is about settled and there ts nothing to Interfere with the development of the mines. Hunker creek Is rich In placers, but, unlike the rest of the country, is spotted. Cold Bottom Is not turning out as well as expected.

Many other creeks which promise well have not been sufficiently developed to make an estimate of their wealth safe. So many are the disadvantages In mining In the Northwest Territory that attention Is once more being directed to mines on the American side. Surprises in Store It Is believed that many surprises are in Store In this direction. Forty Mile creek has been relocated, and many new claims are recorded. Chicken creek, which has been known for the last two years, but not worked, will be developed this year.

Canyon, Nugget Gulch and Franklin creeks and the bars on Forty Mile will be worked by the tydsAuito process, aad there will be a good camp at the mouth of the river within two years. American creek, 40 miles down from Forty Mile, is known to be good; the ground Is high and well laid out. Pans are taken running from 5 cents to 35. The Mission creek district has three quartz and coal. At its mouth Is Eagle City, in which will be established the United States barracks and the customs house.

Twenty miles below Eagle City is Star City, guarding the mouth of Seventy Mile river. Tributaries of this river ha'ic been worked for many years. On Barney creek from 3 to 6 ounces per day to the shovel have been taken for tho last three years. The other tributaries ore as good as Barney, but It is only now, when people are spreading out, that much work will be done. Numbers of men are now at Star getting their outfits up to the mines.

From Seventy Mile to Clrole City is being prospected, and creeks are found here and there which give good indications. New Diggings Coal and Sheep creeks promise especially well, and so also does the Charley river. Circle City has been practically deserted since the rush to Dawson, but the riches of Mastadon, Independence, Eagle, Deadwopd and a dozen lesser gulches In the Birch creek district will revive the town. A moderate fortune can be made In that district in two ycurs of hard work. Miners are returning to Birch creek from Dawson.

They appreciate a district In which there Is no royalty, no wood and log tax and no timber grants. Across from Clrole Olty is Jefferson creek, which is now being prospected for Its whole length. It will be cheaply worked because of being so readily accessible from the Yukon river. Further down Is the Mlnook oreek district, which has been so thoroughly advertised this year. It has developed some claims which have paid 326,000 and 115,000 the first winter's work.

The oountry Is to a great extent an unknown quantity. The discovery of Idaho bar, from which men have taken out 1100 a day with a rocker, Is a great boon for the district, and the prospects of the camp are extremely bright. A Rich Country A great country will be opened up In the Koyukuk. It has been known to miners for ten years, and any prospector who went In there haa never failed to bring out a good grub stake. The territory to be worked is of vast extent and offers many opportunities to the newcomer.

The Tanana, Kuskoquoim and Chandler rivers have all been brought prominently to the notice of mining men this year. All things considered, the American side will seem to be the place of the future. As for Dawson City itself, is unquestionably the greatest mining camp today In the world. Frank Canton, United States deputy marshal In Circle City, and In former years an officer of the peaoe In many of the largest camps of the west, has said that nothing he has ever seen approached Dawson as a model mining camp. Accuatomed as he has been to dealing with the roughtest class ot criminals, his commendation of Dawson as a law-abiding town has great weight.

An Exodus This Tall The sidewalks are crowded with men and women from morning to night. People are even forced to walk In the middle of the streets to make progress. It Is a great Jumble ot the good and the bad, and the only pledge of respectability required Is regular attendance at dhurch. Dawson's population has grown until It Is now between 8000 and 10,000 people. Nine-tenths of the newcomers are not In the country to work, and when they find that success In the Klondike can only be bought by hard labor, they will be ready to come out.

A great exodus ef unsuccessful men Witt LOS ANGELES HERALD WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 2a 1898 OFFICERS WHO WERE KILLED NEAR SANTIAGO take place this fall, and the cities of the Pacific coast to wlhlch these people will go will be overrun with a rough, desperate and altogether undesirable class. They are now In Dawson, and as the advance guard ot the more substantial men to follow. It is a repetition of the history of Circle City. When the Birch Creek mines were discovered two years ago double the usual Invoice of people went there, but soon disgusted.

Had they remained they would have been in on the ground floor of the Klondike district. From Circle City PORT TOvVNSEND, July schooner Dora Bluhm, sailing from St. Michael on June 28, arrived with miners from Circle City, Alaska, as follows: I.ouls Mark Cristobal, Tacoma; Robert Dumas, Tulare, CaL; E. E. Glralkowski, San Francisco; G.

Q. Btixiton, Arizona; Geo. S. Lefoard, Boston, and C. V.

Blgelow, Seattle. Most of the party have claims near Circle City on Eagle and Mastodon creeks. The most successful was Louis Christobal, the well known wrestler, who brought out 800 ounces ot gold as a result of the clean-up of his claim on Eagle creek. The others averaged 400 ounces In line dust. Mr.

Cristobal says that 300 people wintered at Circle City. Cristobal prospected one season on the Tanana river, sinking thirty prospect holes without finding color. He then went to Circle City, where he says many good claims were abandoned for the rush to Dawson. Reports of the starvation of the Tanana Indians reached Circle City In February, and J. W.

Duke of Pennsylvania started to their relief with provisions, but never reached his destination, being found on the trail frosen. He was burled on his claim. Eagle No. 2. Only two other occurred during the winter, these being James Barker of Fuget and Di H.

Harris of California. Morrow's Murderer CHICAGO. July mystery In the shooting of Walter Morrow In Washington Park Sunday night is claimed by tbe police to have been solved. Edward Payne, a negro Janitor, has been arretted charged with firing the shorn. Miss Foley, who was with Morrow when he was shot, has Identified' Payne as the man who did the shooting.

The police think Payno is the man who shot Nelson In the famous Nelson-Staples affair of a year ago. Morrow Is almost dead, and It is feared that he will not rally sufficiently to furnish assistance to the Identification of Payne. Payne was arrested last winter on the charge of stabbing an Italian frulS vender with a pair of scissors. An examination of Payne's room revealed a revolver with one exploded shell. He admitted having been In Park on Sunday night, saying he was one of the crowd attracted to the spot by the sound of the revolver.

The Chickamauga Troops CHATTANOOGA, July officials of the Queen and Crescent route hove been notified to hold themselves in readiness to load 3009 soldiers for Newport News within twenty-four hours. The men compose Gen. Haines' Second Brigade, First Division, First Corps. The regiments In this brigade are the Fourth Ohio, Third Illinois and Fourth Pennsylvania. No regiments are expected to receive moving orders, however, until the arrival of General Brooke at camp tomorrow morning.

At least 25,000 men are now in shape to leave here on 24 'hours' notice. Troops From the North VANCOUVER BARRACKS, July Third battalion Washington volunteers will leave here for San Francisco tomorrow to Join tha First and Seoond bat. teUlona, RUSH TO PORTO RICO GOVERNMENT URGING MILES TO MOVE AT ONCE He Will Not Wait for Troops From Not Expect a Vigorous Resistance WASHINGTON, July Is regarded as certain by the officers of the war department that General Miles and the first contingent of the Porto Rlcnn expedition are now en route from Santiago to the point in Porto Rico where a landing is to be effected. Secretary Alger said this evening that he hoped and expected that General Miles with his forces from Cuba would get away tonight. At 8 o'clock tonight General Miles was still in Cuban waters, but so far ns the war officials here are informed, the vanguard of the Porto Rlcnn expedition was finally prepared to leave.

The war deportment exchanged several cable messages with General Miles during tho late afternoon and early evening regarding the details of tho expedition, but in none of the dispatches did the general indicate the precise hour of his departure. Tho Impression conveyed is that he was awaiting the naval vessels which are to act as convoys. It Is stated definitely that General Miles has no Intention to await the arrival of the several ports of the expedition from the United States before moving upon Porto Rico. It. is, In fact, his purpose, with such troops as he now has, to break ground on the Island for the forces that will arrive later from this country.

His landing will be effected, If necessary, under the guns of tho vessels of tho navy. It Is not anticipated that serious resistance will be encountered, as the Spanish force on the entire Island Is only slightly larger than the foroe which accompnnles aenoral Miles. Arrangements for the departure of the troops from this country which are to comprise the greater part of the expedition, arc being pressed with the utmost vigor. Difficulty Is being experienced in securing proper transports, but that, In a measure, has been overcome. Within a day or two 10,000 men, It 1b expected, will be afloat for Porto Rico, and tho remainder of the expedition will be sent forward as rapidly as possible.

This aft' moon and evening the commissary department of the army was engaged In making preparations for the subsistence of the Porto Rican expedition. It is an enormous task and General Egan, the commissary general, Is still busily engaged In perfecting plans. Practically all the necessary supplier, except fresh beef, have been provided for. TROUBLE SOME NATIVES Government Fears Aguinaldo May Not Be Able ir.Rtt His People WASHINGTON, July It was stoat the Navy Department today that no dispatches havf beer, race!" id from Admiral Dewey relating to the Important events In the Philippines described In the press cables. It is evident.

wever, that the officials do not fed ihe ne concern relative to the attitude ot the German naval force at Manila that I'- 1 did when the Admiral's last MSpStch was received. It was not stated officially but there is good reason to believe Uiat eltl 'hrough Embaesader White at Bailie tbe repreeer, tatlves of the German government here, the State Department has received some assurances as to the attitude of Germany toward the Philippines that have In a large measure removed the grave apprehension heretofore entertained that Germany would offer obstacles to the execution of our plans. It Is not known just what the nature of these assurances are, and it may be that Lhey are based upon some facts communicated by Admiral Dewey as to the exchanges which have taken place between himself and the German Admiral in the Philippines, for it Is known that for political reasons, the Navy Department withheld from publication a large and Important section of Dewey's cablegrams received several days ago. Tho reported negotiations between the insurgent leader Aguinaldo and the Spanish Captain-General have not yet been reported officially to our government. It Is, however, a matter of congratulation to the officials here that in all the relations we have had so far with the Insurgents, Admiral Dewey has carefully refrained from committing the United States In any way and has never In the slightest degree relaxed the extreme caution he adopted originally aa his guiding principle In dealing with the insurgents.

Unsavory stories of previous exhibitions of lack of integrity on the part of the insurgent leaders had led the government here to adopt a very wary attitude in all communications with these people, and the same rule of action now governs Its conduct. It does not follow from this that the government is convinced that Aguinaldo is ploying false. There is no doubt that the pro-Spanish element In the Philippines and In Asia would lose no opportunity to create that Impression with a view to causing a breach between the United States military and naval commanders and the Insurgents, but the very suggestion of the adoption tar the Insurgents of the course attributed to them tends very strongly to retard the preparation of plans by tbe administration to govern the future of the Philippines. A BAD MAN Sacramento's Prize in Another Bow SACRAMENTO. July Nineteenth and streets this evening Minott Young shot and wounded A.

T. West The bullet passed through West's left arm and into his side, whence It was extracted. Young was arrested. The shooting was the outgrowth of a drunken row a couple of days ago. Young Is a troublesome character.

A few years ago he bit off a man's ear In a row. Again he out a man and on another occasion beat a woman on the head with a club. He Is a big six-footer. West's wound Is slight. The Chess Tournament VIENNA, July thirty-fourth round of the international chess masters' tournament was begun today.

When the first adjournment was taken, Plllsbury had beaten Alapln, Schlechter had worsted Trenchard, Marco had vanquished Balrd and Marocsy and Llpke had drawn. After recess Janowskt beat Tarraseh, Blackburn lost to Wolbrodt, Showalter won from Burn, Stelnltz and Caro drew, and Schlffers beat Tschlgorln. Four Girls Drowned SALT LAKE CITY. July special to the Tribune from Payson. Utah, Bays: Four girls were drowned In Utah lake this afternoon.

Their names were Lucy Keel, Emma Keel. Susie Keel and Steener Bauer, their ages ranging from 16 tf' 20 years. The girls were floating on a plank. One fell off and was drowned and the others lost their lives In trying to rescue her. Tbe bodies have not yet been recovered.

IN DIRE STRAITS THE SPANISH THRONE TOTTERING: TO ITS FALL) Ministers Adopting Stringent Measures to Keep the Truth From the I Risky Game NEW YORK, July dispatch to the Herald from Madrid says: In consequence of the reign of terror inaugurated by the papers, the people believe the wildest rumors afloat. Everybody sees that the papers hint much between the lines, affecting to know more than perliups they really do. The universal impresalon is that the government is acting dlctatorlally simple because It has grounds to believe that the monarchy Is menaced, not only by the Carllsts or the Republicans, but also by a widespread popular and military discontent, In consequenoe of which a high handed policy is deemed necessary In order to make peace quickly withotit the assistance of the Cortes, which will only be asked to pass a bill of Jnidemnlty when the nation is somewhat reconciled to the sacrifice of territory In the West Indies and in the Philippines. It Is further believed that France, Austria, Russia and Germany have again told the Queen and her ministers that it Is Indispensable to secure an early peace, which alone can save Spain from financial and commercial ruin. The Queen gave audiences to Romero Robledo and General Weyler expressly to obtain their neutrality, if not consent to negotiations for peaoe, and to persuade them to prevail upon the Generals to answer for the loyalty of the army in Spain.

The capital of Spain presents a strange aspect under the extraordinary measures taken by the government to impose silence upon the press. At first all the papers attempted to protest against the proceedings, which have no precedent since the last years of the rclgn of Isabella II on the eve of the revolution. Similar severities were resorted: to by the reactionary Cabinet leaders against the opposition, which at that time was headed by such leaders as Sagasta, Castellar, Serano and Perian. General Chlnnosela, the Captain General of Madrid, again summoned into his presence today ten of the principal editors In Madrid. He sternly warned them that he was not going to bo trilled with; that he would suppress the newspapers and imprison and courtmartlal the editors If they dared to disobey the rules laid down.

He even forbude them to publish papers with blanks In the spaces In their columns In which the censor had suppressed articles or paragraphs, intimating that the space must bo filled up anyhow. The public, however, Ignores the severity of the censorship, which is even worse In the provinces than In Madrid. One leading Liberal statesman explains the conduct of the government thus: Premier Sagasta had to resort to the severe policy of the state of siege (martial law) because several Weyler, Camipos, Polavieja and him they could not answer for the consequences of an agitation fomented by the press and Carltsts and the Republican conspirators. On the other hand, the papal nuncio and the foreign ambassadors told him that no step would be taken toward peace unless President McKlnlcy was assured that the government could enforce the conditions Imposed by For the same reasons Senor Sagasta and the Minister of War affected to Ignore the progress of the negotiations for the capitulation of Santiago, although Generals Blanco and Toral telegraphed every day tho successive stages of the parleying, Blanco washing his hands all. responsibility and Toral begging Sagasta to authorize him to act, while the government in Madrid took care to state officially that Toral acted entirely on his own responsibility, and could not undertake to offer to surrender all, the forces of the whole province of Santiago.

When all is over Sagasta will spring the news on the country. Ho intends to act In the same wuy In regard to the conditions of peace. He will only let them out when they are signed. It is a very risky game, but It Is the only means of saving the monarchy and the regency If the army remains loyal. THE VALLEY ROAD The Young Giant Who Competes With the Southern Pacific SAN FRANCISCO, July trustees and directors of the San Joaquin Valley railroad hold their annual meetings today.

The present officers were re-elected for another year, as follows: Prsldent, Claus Spreckels; first elce president, Robert Watts; second vice president. Capt. A. H. Payson; secretary, Alex McKay; counsel, E.

F. Preston. The remaining directors are: John D. Spreckels, J. B.

Stetson, Jas. B. Holbrook, Leon Sloss, Alvlnsa Hayward, Isaac Uphahl, Thomas Mageo and James A. Hooper. The financial report shows a considerably tnoreased net profit, notwithstanding the heavy expenses caused by the work of extending the lino.

Chief Engineer Storey In his report details the extensive Improvements which have been made. Extensions of the road will be followed as rapidly as possible by the opening of tho line for business. In the way of equipment 100 box cars have been added and four locomotives. In tha near future the rolling stock of tho company will be Increased by two locomotives, four cabooses and four coaches. Can Talk to Toral WASHINGTON, July Of the 'ablest members of the diplomatic corps in Washington, the Ambassador of a continental power, suggested today that If Spain or the United States were desirous of inaugurating a peace movement an easy and effectve means of so doing was now at band without recourse to a foreign intermediary.

This he pointed out could be done through the American and Spanish generals at Santiago, who during recent days have been brought into close communication concerning details of the surrender of Santiago: The incident has served to show that Gen. Toral was In direct communication with Madrid and his action was responsive to the wish ot the Madrid government. On the other hand, it was pointed out tbot Gen. Shatter had at all been guided by the direct adivlce and instruction' of the Washington: government. This Ural time in the war brought the governments into direct communication, and while ths communication! haa thus far been confined to Santiago it baa been suggested that It affords the opportunity for a much wider range of inquiry between tbe two capitals.

If Madrid desires to take the Initiative In learning what peace terms are possible, such an official Inquiry through Gen. Toral through Gen. Shafter would doubtless bring a response. This mode of action was suggested tn a conjectural way, but as offering the most practical means of direct communication on the subject of peace. Whether either government will avail Itself of the opportunity to be seen, as mere Is no Intimation thus far that Madrid desires to make peace overtures, and certainly there Is no purpose at Washington to initiate such a movement.

Cunningham Graham Lied. LONDON, July First Lord of the Admiralty, replying in tha House of Commons today to Mr. Thomas Gibson Botles, Conservative member for King's Lynn, who asked whether there was any truth In the statement made by Mr. Cunningham Graham, a former membor of Parliament, in a letter to tbe St. James Gazette saying the excellent gunnery shown by Admiral Dewey's squadron due to the fact that most of tbe gunners were Englishmen, decoyed from the British Chinese squadron by promises of SSOO a month, said no one at the Admiralty ban beard such a rumor.

Continuing, Mr. Goschen said: "I may add with reference to the alleged enlistment of Signalman Matthews, lately court-martialed nt Pevonport for theft of a signal book of the commander of the United States ship Somers, that I have received a letter from Lieutenant Colwell, the United States naval attache. In which he writes: 'That any officer of tho United States navy would induce a man of a friendly power to desert I distinctly deny, and In nearly thirty years service I have never known a deserter from a foreign service knowingly enlisted In my country's service. Foreign trained men are not regarded favorably in the United States navy, and for several years a law existed formally forbidding the enlistment of any but American citizens or aliens who had already taken steps to become Crack Cowboy Company CHICKAMAUGA NATIONAL MILITARY PARK, July Otto L. Sues of Colonel Grlgsby's cowboys today began the Instruction of the officers of the regiment In saber movements.

This practice will be continued every day, Adjutant-General Sues instructing the officers and they in turn instructing their men. Adjutant Sues Is an experienced swordsman, probably one of the best in the country. The carbine scabbards for the regiment have been received at the camp and they ore now fully equipped with the exception of a few minor details. The men are also booming well drilled and Colonel Grlgsby says that his regiment is ready to go anywhere and do all kinds of fighting. It la claimed that ths regiment Is the best equipped and the finest drilled of any regiment of volunteer cavalry in the United States.

Presidential Appointments I WASHINGTON, July President today ordered the following appointments: Robert F. Frtedrlck, of California, to be United States Marshal for the District ef Alaska. Tsin Chlng Chung, interpreter to ths United States Consulate at Canton, China. Burial of Victims IRVINQTON, July C. Cemeron, one of the victims of the Melrose powder explosion, will be burled by the festive Sons at Centervllle, where his parents reside.

Three of his sisters, two of these from Sacramento, left here on Sunday te camp In the Santa Cruz mountains. A Two Killion Fire LONDON, July is estimated that thelessee sustained In the fire at funderlantt will amount to u.eoo.Nt. 3 Soiled Wash Dresses For Children Removal Reduced Prices If there are any mothers hereabouts who are interested in saving money on Children's Dresses, the Removal Sale offers an exceptional opportunity this morning. Quite a large lot of Infants' Long and Short Dresses of the finest cambrics and lawns, in plain white, beautifully made and trimmed. Some ot them are soiled and mussed from are last season's styles; they can never go in the new store.

Also a lot of Wash Dresses for Girls, in lawns, zephyrs, pretty colors; not enough of any one kind to pirblish a list of prices. Worth your while to come today. COULTER DRY QOODS CO. Corner Spring and Second.

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