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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 5

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PATRIOT DEAD REMEMBERED. Memorial Day Fittingly Observed Yesterday. The Parade and the Services at Simpson Tabernacle. Tha Decoration of the Graves at tha Cemeteries by the Q. A.

K. Tha at the Soldiers' Home. The skies were lowering yesterday, as il tilled with a flood of unshed tbe silent, deep, but undemonstrative Brief for the heroes who laid down their lives (or their country. The observance of Memorial day was narked by a more than usual interest among the younger generation, who manifested a lively sense of what was due to the men who marched to the Iront in the dais of '61. One of the most interesting ceremonies of the day was the decoration of the graves at Evergreen cemetery.

Frank Bartlett and Kenesaw posts of the Orand Army conducted the services here, and one of the striking ieatures was the presenoe of several hundred school ohildren from tbe Boyle Heights schools and the members of the Women's Relief corps. Tbe members of Frank Bartlett post concluded the exercises at tbe Post monument and the services were read by Commander F. VV. Stein, with the aeaiatance of Adjutant Davia. The choir, eoneiating of Mrs.

Whelan, Mra. Hemb, Mrs. Reel, Mra. Ruyle, Dr. Parker, Mr.

farkhuret and George Hanna, made sweet music daring the services. The address was delivered by Chaplain Fairbanks, who spoke ol the general oh servance of tbe day and the fact that even if the veterana were dying oat the coming race of Americans were perpetuating the custom of commemorating tbe brave deeds of tbe dead. A mournful feature of the ceremony was the reading by Adjutant Davis of the list oi old aoldiera who bave died during the past year aud who were buried in the G. A. R.

section of Evergreen cemetery: Carlos Beaeey, First lowa cavalry; A. R. Jones, Twenty-first lowa cavalry; John Schneider, Fifth United Statea cavalry; John Reding, New York heavy artillery; David Hoover, Second California volunteers; E. Kotchwitz, Twenty-eighth Ohio volnnteera; H. O.

Steele, One Hundred and Sixty-first New York volnnteera; H. P. Perry, Fourteenth Maine volunteera; John Cargill, Forty-seventh Wisconsin volunteers. Joseph Busbey, Missouri cavalry, buried at Roaedale. Jacob Stengle, Oue Hundred and Sixteenth New York volnnteera, and Wilson Slater, One Hundred and Eightyaecond Ohio volunteers, buried at Newhall.

Nathaniel Sherman, Ninty-Sixth Illinois volunteers, buried near the A. K. plot in Evergreen. Edward Reed, Fourth Massachusetts artillery, buried at the National home. After the impressive ritual of the G- A.

a aquad of National guardsmen from Company A of the Seventh infantry fired a volley over the graves. The aervices observed at the plot of Keneaaw poat, in the cemetery, were equally of an impressive character, and were conducted by Commander Muasey. An earneat addreas was delivered by Comrade S. M. Dodge of Lincoln poat No.

1 of San Francisco. The music waa rendered by the First ward quartette K. M. Flood, O. 8.

Laws, jr J. B. Elmore and S. P. Binoot.

Miss Vernie Koeberlein delivered a selected poem, and the tiring squad was made up of the third company ol tbe Boya' brigade, under command of Captain Muaaey. AT ROBEDALK CEMETERY. The ceremonies over tbe fallen soldiers at Roaedale cemetery were conducted under tbe auaplcea of Stanton poat of the G. K. and were of a singularly impressive character.

The children of the Pico Heights and Roaedale scboole were present to participate in tbe obaervancea of tbe exercises in honor of tbe boya in blue. After each and every grave had been decked with (lowers, Coiaiade Thomas Bounded tbe bugle oall and then Commander J. A. Osgood delivered a feeling address, in which he paid just tribute to the glorious dead. Ihe school children sang a patriotic song and prayer was offered by Captain Baxter.

The address of tbe day was delivered by Comrade Will Knighten, who told of the trials of bivouac and battle, and the brave deeds of tbe comrades who bad crossed tbe mystic sea of eternity. Allot the members of tbe post then joined in singing, Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground. A poem was read by Comrade J. A. Pugh, a(ter which followed the beautiful ritual.

America was sung, and after the pronouncing of tbe benediction Comrade Thomas Bounded taps on the bugle and the ceremonies ended. THE OLD CITY CEMETERY. Out at the old City cemetery tbe ceremonies were under the charge ol John A. Logan post. Early in the morning the post, preceded by a squad of Sons oi Veterans, marched to the cemetery under command of Comrade Walsh.

The veterans formed a hollow square, and prayer was offered by Rev. ti. B. Morrison, tbe obaplain of the post. The ritual was then read by Commander Walsh, and then, after a song, an interesting address was delivered by Chaplain Morrison, which closed the exercises.

AT SIMPSON TABERNACLE. Tha tha Addresses and tha Servloea. Tbe parade formed at the corner of Main and Fifth streets and started at 2 o'clock prompt, following the itinerary which had been advertised. It was made np of: Mountoi squad of police, headed by Chief mass. Two platoons of foot odineri, commanded by Captain Grand ioarthai aud stall.

A battalion of the Seventh regiment N. 9. MaJ. L. Starin commanding.

Boys' brigade, Col. X. K. Han lot in commanding. Stanton post, J.

A Osgood commander. Kenesaw N. I). Munsey commaudei. Logan post.

G. Waish commander. Frank Uartiett post, K. W. Stern co Sous ol Veterans, C.

Koifl'commander. The ladies of the VV. B. C. and ti.

A. R. joined tbe prunes don at tha corner of Sixth and Olive streets, and they were so numerous as to materially lengthen the parade. Long before it reached Simpson tabernacle, large crowds of people had been pouring into that spacious church, tue auditorium having been reserved exclusively lor the members of the Grand Army, and when tho galleries were filled to overcrowding, further access was refused to the tabernacle. The interior waa oue mass of stars and stripes, and ttie rostrum waa loaded with flowers.

It took quite a wtiile before all the eeata in tbe auditorium were tilled, but as aoon aa this was done, the impressive exercises were inaugurated by bugle calls by Comrade 0. I'iiouiua Tbe Lorelei club, composed of Elizabeth ti. Kimball, Mary L. Young, Alice It. Eaton ond-Edith Gardner sang Lead Kindly Light.

Major Daniel Jones, president of the day, then read the general orders, and the Lorelei quartette gave Arrow and the Song. Rev. Will A. Knighten made an impreesive and loving invocation which waa haiened to witli reverent attention. Then came Mrs.

Kate Tupper Galoin, who delivered an addreas to the boya ol '94 about tbe boya of 'til. Mre. Galpiu'e voice ia very clear, and ahe waa beard without any difficulty whatever throughout the large tabernacle. She is a very goud speaker, and her addreas was co much relished that she was many times forced to pause because of tbe applause, which ahe teceived at telling paasagea. Mra.

Galpin said: A year ago I was in a bleak Michigan village. Tbe timid wild flowers had scarcely budded the plants of tbe gardens blossomed sparingly, and each struggling flower waa watched with anxious solicitude. The single cluster of bloom on the potted geranium, tbe lonely calla lily, even the Bad-colored leaves of tbe foliage planta which under our akiea aeeume the huea of flame, were gathered together to be again co placed tbat tbe soldiers' graves on the bleak hillside might not aeem to be forgotten. To my California eyes the scanty supply of bloom, tbe dull colore aoemed patbetic, pitiful almost. Yet the spirit ol aelfaacritice, of reverence aud of patriotism was none tbe less manliest than in our own lavish florai od'eringa todai, aa those old placed a (lower on each grace-grown mound saying, "This I do in memory of tbe deeds that were dune," and those younger placed a blossom at each simple headstone, saying, "This Ido in reverence for tbem tbat are dead, though their deeds 1 do not remember." A generation bas ariseu since tbe war who have no memories of the struggle.

A gay procession, witb music sounding, flags waving, crowda surging, aa tlie boya of 'til prepared lor tbe conflict; a dark morning, witb tears in the sky. aa a sobbing mother and children go slowly down tbe lave aud stand in the dreary dampness to watch a father out of sight. over the bill, on his way "to tbe war;" a midnight awakeuing to ace witb wondering, terror-tilled eyea the mother aitting by the candle poring with tearataiued face over tbe paper on the table before ber, and to bear in answer to the question, "Why, mamma, what is tbe matter?" tbe agonized cry, my child, my child, 'Old Abe' ia dead 1" the return of a neighbor's boy mortally wounded, hia subsequent death and military funeral; this ia what tbe war meant to me. Mnntha of privation, days of dreary ma clung, nights of loneliness and dmuouragemeut, battles, prison life, wounds, death ol comrades, heart sick weeks in comtortless boapitals, thia ia what it means to sume ol yon, Tbe giving up of lather, sous or brothers, years ol anxiety, of hope deterred, and care, daya ol dread only equalled in pain by the nights of sleepless agony that followed, weeks of waiting waiting until your sick heart found ita wjrat ears realized iv the death ol the hero who-e fate bad been co anxiously followe ia what it means to others of you. The preeervation of the union and the freeing of human beings from the bonda ol slavery by means of an beroio atruggle in which the bsst blood of the land waa ia what it means to us all.

A civil war in which one half of a great republic took up arms. the other, not iv defense of principalities, but iv defense of ie what it means to the world. the marvel of that conflict! How little tbe boye of 'tiu knew themselves! Did they love their country? They perhaps nad never asked themselves that question. They could not have answered it if they had. The passive months moved on aimlessly, aa do tbe months of most young men.

Suddenly tbey realized tbat their country waa in danger. Dissolution, ruin and disgrace threatened it. Then they knew by a divine awakening that love of country waa greater than love of parent, brother, child or than iove of life iteelf; that iove of country includes all other loves. How true tbey were to thia great love, the years that followed atteat. How much they sacrificed for it, the graves you have today strewn LOS ANGELES HERALD, MORNING, MAY 31.

1894. with roses and lilies bear witness, bat not these graves alone. Look at the veterans before forms too early bent, their hair too early gray, their faces writ with the hieroglyph of suffering, bear more eloquent testimony to those of us who will read aright. While we pay our tribute of respect to tbe heroes dead, let us not forget tbe heroes living, whose lives were as ireely offered, and have been as ireely e'veu for their country's good, although not yielded up in one supreme moment. And bow, boys of '95, with the great white future before you, longing for battles to fight, tor victories to win, are you jealous for the sake of the possible hero within you, of the opportunities for heroism which were offered the boys of '017 Are you saying to yourselves: "All the battles are fought; all opportunities for heroism bave Do you wish, with a young man I know, "tbat there was something for a fellow to go in for nowadays?" Know thia of a truth, ye potential heroes, it is not great men's deaths but great men's lives, that have made our country glorious; tbe bloodless rather than the bloody battles, tbat have made it truly great.

The heorism of so-called great deeds needs little emphasis, hut the heroism of the greater deeds men call little, cannot too strongly be made clear. Truth to the small fidelities, cheer under straining of burdens of weariness or pain, privation or disappointments, faithfulness to the unpopular conviction requires a greater and a rarer courage than that which holds a man before a cannon's mouth. Do not mourn because all the great things were done before you were. born. The beet has not been, but is to be.

Never were there greater opportunities for achievement than now. Our country is still in the infancy of ita development; acience has but begun to reveal ita wonders; unaolved problems of humanity cry ont for solution; wrong and Buffering wage deadly war, and the cry goes out for "one hundred thoueand more" to meet them in battle to the death the public Bcboola are to be defended againat their active foea, and the education of the whole people to be accomplished; there are great wronga in partiaan politics to be righted there are tremendous battles between labor and capital to be fought. God grant that tbey may be bloodless battles! Intemperance with ita awful allies is to be overthrown. There is a great conflict waging against war itself. Opportunities for beroiam passed! They are innumerable.

On to battle, ye boya of '94, aud let ttiis be your war cry We'll make our country as great aB it ia big." It was given tbe heroes who sleep on tbe hill top yonder, kissed by the sunabine and caressed by the sea breeze, to die for our dear motheiland. Remember there ia given you the much more trying duty of living for her. God grant tbat you may do your part aa heroically and aa well aa tbey did tbelra The boys of '7ti established thia government and freed it from old world control; the boya of 'til preserved ua a nation aud broke the chains of the slave, so that today we stand a free people. And aa freedom ia echoed aud re-echoed in your hearts, ye of 1894, from the dying lipa of the heroea who bave given ua tbia liberty, will yon not, "having your loins girt about with truth, aud having ou tbe breaatplate of rigbteouaneea," enlist for a new conflict, aud never desert and never ask lor discharge until the American is not only a free man, but a noble, wise, temperate, honest, God fearing man, in whose heart shall reign aud in wboee face shall be pictured, his kinahip witb tbe Maker and Ruler of the nniveree. After the applauae had died away tbe Lorelei club, in tbe abeeuee of Mrs.

Mo dini Wood, again Bang deligbltully, 'and President of tne Day Jonee made some appropriate remarks. Gen. A. Pierce, the orator of the day, waa then introduced, who took for theme Monumental Dave, or in other worda, the innate desire of humanity to preaerve or commemorate by monuments the atory of evente tbat had paeaed. He dwelt on the aucienty of tbe custom, of which the Sanekrit writers, eeveral thouaand years ago, have kept record.

The impulse to hoi.l alive tbe atory of humanity by the erection of monuments of atone, iron und other metala is not confined to clime or time. Tbe of Egypt, tbe temples of India, tbe exhumed cities of the new continent, the masonry of China, all these are fingeiboarda on tbe field oi time, pointing eloquently, if silently, to deeda of beroiam which happened centuries ago. Even thus has Nature ita "monumental daya." The track of tbe glacier, the impriaoned shell, tbe coalhed tbat now give back to ua tbe buried (ems of millions of years ago. all these to us are wonderful lessons by which the earth's ancient history stands levealed. By grand monuments also ia the history of the church made plain to ua.

And thus also around the monumental days of history are clustered the garlands of eacred and glorious memo.v by which humanity recorda tbe illuatiious deeda of toe father to instill into the miudof the eon the lessons taught by those deeda. The speaker then reverted to the heroic atrugglea of the revolution and tbo rebellion, and concluded hia remarks with a reference to Memorial day, which haa been consecrated by the love and revereuce ol sixty million people. ifter more vocal music by tbe Lorelei club, a beuediction by Comrade Kuighten, tbe exercises came to a close with tapa by Bugler Thomas. SOLDIERS' HOME. The Veterans Had Snn.

Good Addressee Yesterday. The services were the most interesting held in a long time and were attended by perhape the largest crowd known in the history of the home on a similar occasion. Tbe viaitora from this city left the Arcade depot at 9:30 a. reaching the home at 10 o'clock Iv addition to those on the train about 50 carriage loada of people came from Los Angeles and Santa Monica. The party were met by the aoldi ere, 700 being in line.

The parade waa soon formed and shortly in tor 10 o'clock the march to the cemetery was made. Ihe parade waa over half a mile in length and included beaidea the inmates of tbe home viaiting members of the G. A. and VV. K.

0. aud varioua citizens. At tbe cemetery the aervicea were conducted by John A. Martin post No. 153, A.

and consisted of tbe regular ritual and choral aervicea. At the close the craves were properly decorated with many beautiful flowera. A apeciai feature waa several baeketa of flow era cent by the kindergarten department of the city schoola. The flowera were tied in bouqueta with email flags bearing tbe name of the giver. Alter the aervicea at the cemetery the party returned to the home, where lunch was served.

At o'clock exercises ere held in the dinmg hall, Col. E. F. Brown, the acting governor of the home, presiding. Alter a few introductory remarks from the governor the home band played a medley of national aire.

Maj. J. A. Donnell then delivered the memorial address. His speech was one of the most eloquent ever delivered at tbe home, and abounded in noble and patriotic sentiments.

He told of the prominent military men and civilians of the late war, and compared them with the generals and statesmen of past ages. He was followed by Miss Grace Remington Davie, the daughter of the adjutant at the home, who sang The Star Bpaugled Banner. 001, G. Wiley Wells was on the programme for an address on Ttie Unknown Dead, but was detained at borne from illness. His place was taken by Mrs.

0. F. Bicknell, a prominent member ot the W. R. O.

She spoke with much feeling, and treated tbe subject in an impressive and charming manner. Miss Dsvib nextsang, For All Eternity, after which playing by the band concluded the exercises. MOUNT LOWE. How Memorial Day Was Celebrated on Krho Mouataln. Delighted throngs crowded tbe cars of the Mount Lowe railway yesterday, and visited the various points of interest in Rubio cafion and on Echo mountain.

Among the 200 visitors were Judge J. A. Graves and wife, of Alharabra, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T.

J. Griffith. A party of officials consisted of Geo. K. Kernaghan, of Pasadena, M.

H. Flint of Los Angelea, and Robert Munro, poetothce inspect of San Francieco. Mine Louise A. Otf, editor of tbe New Californian, waa among the Mr. and Mre.

W. C. Patte.son were accompanied by Miss Patterson and Gregory Perkins, secretary of the Los ingeies board of trade. A party consisted of Mr. T.

M. Martin of San Francisco and hie friends Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Bowen and Dr. and Mra. J. M. Mansfield of Los Angelea.

A. P. West, cashier of the Columbia Savinga bank, wae accompanied by J. P. Oharhart, one of Burbauk'a prominent citizens.

Mr Geo. T. Hanly, editor of the Loa Angeles Star, was escort for Mre. Hanly, ber mother, Mra. Udell, and her relatives, Dr.

Wm. Watson and wife of Dubuque, lowa. Milion Fiah of Pasadena was delighted to meet hia old friends, Dr. and Mrs. Swift.

A FAKE DOCTOR. His Namn Is Own, aud He Has Gone Witb His Vi.tun's (lain. A person calling himself Dr. Goera haa lived up to the significance of hia name, and ia gone. He held out at Music hall for three weeks, giving a varied entertainment and collecting the hard-earned 'coin of the gullible.

He gave free but private consultations at the cloee of tbe entertainment, and charged from $1 to $150 be could advice and colored water labeled medicine. He "treated" George l'rauli and got $150, a Mr. Shepard and got $15, and 25 othera irom whom he collected various suma, Mr. Traub waa treated for nervous prostration, but he haa been attacked by financial prostration aa well, and while Mr. Shepard's rheumatism was very painful, it ia doubly ao now.

Dr. Goera ia Bnppoaed to have left the city very abruotly, for he forgot to return the money for the unexpired terms of treatment which he promiaed. Hie failure to show up was reported to the police. MR RANSOM'S MAIL. Au Unknown Man Takes a Chuck Belonging to a Clilcac-oau.

At 11:30 Tuesday night a tall, well dressed man called at the Nadeau hotel and asked tbe night clerk for the mail of J. E. Ransom of Cbicago. Paying no particular attention to the individual, the clerk handed the mail in the box to the man who looked over it arid took out four letters. Yesterday morning Ransom of Chicago arrived on the overland train and went, to the Nadeau.

Upon inquiry at the office for hia mail he waa informed come one had gotten it in hia name the evening before. Mr. Ransom at once declared the man an impoeter and reported the facte to fhe police. In one of the letters was a check for $200 on the Commercial National bank of Chicago. The payment of the check lias been ordered stopped.

FAILURE TO PROVIDE. The Chats worth Hotel Keeper In the Tolls. W. H. Cooper, proprietor of the hotel at Chatewortb Park, was arrested yesterday morning by Constable Richardson upon complaint of Mrs.Alice Cooper, his wife.

The complaint charges Cooper with failure to provide for hia two children. Tbe trouble is said to have been brought about by tbe instituting of divorce proceedings by the wife, who claima Cooper agreed to pay $10 a mouth for tbe aupport of the children but failed to stand by bis promise. Cooper waa brought to the city and placed under bonds. Persona who sympathize with the afflicted will rejoice with E. Carr of 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City, He ia au old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not hereeofore been troubled in thia climate.

Laat winter he went up into Wisconsin, and iv consequence has had anothe: attack. "It came upon me aigain very acute and severe," he Baid. 'My jointa swelled and became inflamed; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent requtat of my mother-in-law, I tr ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable surprise, it did both. I bave u-e I three 50 cent bottlea and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swellings extant.

For sale oy Off Vaughn Fourth aud Soring streets, and C. F. Hemzemau, -22 North Main atreet, Kent Tenmln Man. T. W.

C. Stowell, witb the dignity rf a millionaire, called for 20 centa worth of tamalee at a tamale stand at Spring and First streets at 9 o'clock last night. He ate the toothsome Mexican dish and refused to pay the vender. He created a row by abusing him, and attempted to run away. Detective Bosqui took Stowell to the station and charged him with a in beating the tamale man.

Thin or gray hair and bald hearts, so dls- Kleiistug to in ny ojof a.m irks otage. may averted lor a mug time by using Hall's Hair Kenewer. A. A. Kckstroiu, 309 S.

Main street, is where you want to go looking for good wall paper at the tight prioe. Wall paper, Sc. 73-io per roll; 326 8. Spring. THE NINTH ANNUAL FIELD DAY.

Interesting Events by the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Bicycle Races, Running Races and Baseball Yesterday. Summary of Wheal Races at San Diego, Ban Francisco, Chicago and Other Khatern Excellent Day's Sport. The ninth annual field day of the Los Angeles Athletio club took place at Athletic park yesterday afternoon. The attendance, while not as large as at some previous field days, was made up of a jolly crowd of about 400.

The bleachers were well filled, and there was quite a number of ladies in tbe grand stand. The programme had been very wisely shortened over previous field days, and all the events were finished by 5:15 o'clock. There is no reason why a half hoar could not have been saved from this time bad tbe races started at tbe advertised time, 1:30 o'clock but it was 2 o'clock when the boys in the opening event came to tbe scratch. The crowd was exceedingly good natured and enjoyed tbe interesting programme very much. Some of the bicycle racea were exciting, and although no recorda were broken, it was one of the most attractive field uaya the club has held.

The officers of the day were: Referee, A. 0. Way judgse, O. W. Chase, R.

W. Pridbam and C. P. Lyndall; D. Wiley, Th.

Beesing and W. Cosley; starter. W. F. Kennedy; cleric of oourae, A.

D. Comminge; assistant clerks, Ed Cook and George Miller: marehal, S. P. Henelev committee of arrangements, R. W.

Pndham. A. C. Way, 0- W. Chase, C.

P. Lyndall and J. S. Thayer. The drat event waa a hundred yard daab for novices.

Tbe entriea were A. Guthrie aud 0. E. Patterson. Guthrie waa an easy winner in 11 3 4 eeconds.

The in the one mile bicycle race, maiden, were: W. A. Taylor, A. Griffin, W. Moas, W.

B. Gard and E. L. De Blugeot. There was a false etart, Gard falling in the ten-yard limit.

The boys got away at the second attempt, however, and ran a very pretty race, that aroused the enthueiaem of tbe bleachers. They were all bunched together for tbe hrst three laps, but De Blugeot fell out. and iv tbe laat lap Griffin, Taylor and Gard came together down tbe atretch, witb Griffin'a legs working bim gradually to the front, and Moaa way behind. Tbey paaaed tne tiniah pretty cloee together. The men came in, Griffin first, Taylor second and Gard third.

A protest waa entered by Gard against Griffin, on the ground that he was not entitled to enter in the maiden class, as be rode in the fiesta racee. But the judgea decided ttiat those racea were not recognized and Griffin would not be barred unless their decision ehould be reversed on appeal. Griffin's time wbb 2:10 flat. C. V.

Howard and J. Ryan ran a spirited lUU-yard dash. Howard was the favorite, and justified ttie expectations of his friends by commit iv two feet ahead of Ryan in 10.., seconds There were four entries for the running high jump event, but only W. J. Bliesner aud M.

E. Riley appeared Bliesner won the contest, his high jump beinn 5 feet 4 J. Ryan, O. V. Howard and 0.

E. Pat terson contested the 2L'O-yard run, aud Howard was an easy winner in 24 sec onda. Ryan oame in second and I'atleraon waa left well behind. Considerable interest has been felt in the half-mile bicycle race, on account of the presence of E. Ulbricht among the entries.

Ttie were W. Taylor, H. E. Bundy and W. B.

Gard. The race was an exciting one. The men were together tbe first time around, hut on the last turn Bundy dropped hind. Taylor, Ulbricht and Gard, in the order named, passed over the finish co close together that there was great difference of opinion aa to who wm the winner. There waa a consultation of tbe judges, aud they fiuall decided that Taylor had won and that Ulbricht wae entitled to first place.

Taylor'e time was 1 in. W. J. Blieaner and M. E.

Riley were pitted against eaeb other for the running broad jump, and Bliesner made the winning jump of 17 feet 10 inches, although in another try afterwarda he made over 18 feet. Ulbricht played in hard luck again in the one-mile biocle race, 2:40 class. Ttie men who came to the scratch were Bundy, Griffin and Ulbricht. It was an interesting race, aud Griffin tried hard to keep up ttie hot pace set lor him, but tbe mile was too much for bim. He fell behind gradual.v, and Bundy won the race in 2:274, Ulbricht being close up as they went through the tape.

J. Ryan, F. L. Morrill, W. F.

Brosmer and Howard were contestants in the 410-yard dash, aud it was thought Howard would win, but he could not reach Ryan as the latter finished in 55 seconds, with Morrill tuird and Brosmer wav behind. The most amusing event of the day was the very unusual spectacle of a mile bicycle race by the entries were Wong Wong Gouie, Charlie Wong Foot aud Jauiej Wong. Tbey were intensely interested in tbe race themselves, aud appeared in full bicycle costume. Tliey were greeted with applause, and contributed largely to the interest of the programme. Wong Gouie could neither mount nor dismount from his wheel, but once on he could go like forty.

On the tiref lap abound James Wong unfortunately toast a tumble alou-ido the track, an 1 the subsequent proceedings in erected bim no re. The other three kept up their pace amidst the shouts and cheeis of tbe crowd. On the stretch Wong Ngui spurted and came in au easy winner at a slashing puce, his time being SlUoJf, with Wong Fook second and Gouie last. Taylor, Kundy, Griffin, Washburn, Gard and Ulbnoht were in the one mile bicycle r.ce. It wae ac tine a race ac was ever run ou ttie track in point of interest.

The men kept close together strung out like a string of runners for three laps, tjrat Taylor aud then Griffin forging ahead. Bundy went off the track into the weeds aud was foiced to drop out. On the etietch Griffin, with bis slim lojh working like piston rods drew away from the rest, and finished the winner by a neck over Taylor, Ulbricht third, in 2:37. Much interest was aroused in the pole vault. L.

Breer, O. P. Giddiugs and H. Mimmer contested. Mimmer dropped out early in the action, and Giddinge made a gallant struggle, hi nerve and staying powers being warm applauded.

Breer won, bis highest vault being 9 ieet 1 inch. Tbe mile run between Brosmer, How ard aud Patterson was a tame affair. Tbe men ambled around the track until the stretch, when with a Bpurt Patterson came in first. Time, 5:45. The last event was the two mile handicap.

The entries were yards Bundy, 125 yards; Washburn, 50 yards; Moss, 125; UlbrigOt, scratched, and De Blngeot, 150 yards. Bundy finished first, with TTlbright second and Griffin third. Time. 5:14, SOME BASEBALL FUN. An Interesting Game Bstwisn tha Ballroad and Postal Itoys.

The Southern Pacific Baseball nins and the employees of the mail service met on the diamond yeaterday at the First etreet grounds. Tbe railroad boys were lucky In the toss up, sending tbe mail boys to the bat. Gillingbam and Arkells composed the battery of the former nine while Holmes and Shannon for the latter. Yaeger of the Herald umpired the game to the satisfaction of both nines. In tha first inning Richards went ont on foal, followed by Holmes and Bchumaker who were thrown oat by two intield hits.

White, Bmithy and Kearny for the railroaders in this inning did some remarkable slick work. Phillips made a home run. Clever runs were made. In the second inning Miner scored, Tavlor touched ont at first, followed by Marcus. Shannon socured baee on balls svho was caught napping at first.

The inning ending disastrously to the postolfice lads The railroaders secured four more run when the chances of a few more were cat Bhort by Taylor, who distingn ahed himself by capturing an elegant foul fly, which retired the Bide In the third inning, Ilickam struck the ball for a two-bagger and came in through a passed ball, error of the catcher. Richards touched ont on first, Sclinmaker eecond and Miner was thrown out at home plate, retiring the side with two rune. Arkilla was put out running to third Gallup tallies White secures base on balls; Smith knocked oat a two-bagger; Kearney went out at second, while White and Smith scored; King struck oat, ending the inning. In ihe fourth inning the Postal boys were retired in one, two, three order. The railroaders had things their own way, tbe batting order having gone twice round.

The running was finally brought to a close by a beautiful double play by Holmes. The mail nine was again retired in the same order in tbe first half of the fifth inning. Again the railroaders came to tbe ICont nuert on Sixth pnge 5 CUT THIS OUT. 82 PART 14 GLIMPSES OF AMERICA, The Herald'a Unequaled Gift to Its Readers. YOTJCAN GET "Glimpsesof Am only thruugn the Hkiuld, but upon the fonowlu remarkably conditions, send or iiriii.

to his office six coupons cilpp-d ii iin paper, together With ten cents, and we will deliver to you Part 1, or any nub equent number that is ready, over our cotiiite or have the inai.ed to your address without funber expen c. These coupons will bt rlnted each day, uiru be ed cons cutlvely from I to ti. Tbe tuu ibe that the be none mining in the set of six .0 win the priz Coupons 1 to s-cui Hist pin, 0 to 12 second aud so ou until tne whole 112 pans ot tins mam fbent wort are l-smd. The complete work eomprl 32 psrts, o- 512 1111Incne. in nd wi Ihe em 1-lied WI 500 supe photo en Th pbotog sd done in tills remarkable oolleotloo.

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AMUSEMENTS. NKW LOS THK.TIR. Under direction uf Al Hay man. H. C.

WIATr, Manager- Three Nisrhts and Wednesday Matinee, Beginning' Tuesday, May 29. STUART ROBSON, DIRECTION OF WM. B. HAYDES. TUESDAY NIGHT AND WEDNESDAY MATt- NKK, Buckstons'sFamous Comedy, LEIAP YEAR Mr.

Bobaou as Mr. Dlonysiua Dimple, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Bronson HowarsYs Comedy of ttie Century, The HENRIETTA Mr. Robson aa Bertie the Lamb- THURSDAY EVKSIIQ, COMEDY OF ERRORS. Mr. Bobson rs the Dromio of Syracuse.

Seats ou sale Thursday. May 24. Special SO, $1, 7So, 50c an 1 25a. VfKW I.OS ANOSLKS IHSATEK. H.



Engagement Extraordinary of EUGENE SANDOW PHYSICALLY PERFECT. The Sensation of the Century, with tbe RefiDid Trocadero Vaudeville Company Uuder the Personal Management of Mr. F. FRitIjELD, Jr. Seals now on sale.

Regular 75c. 50c and 25c. G1 It AND UfIKA HOUSK. LAWRENCE HANLEY, Manager and Stage Director. Six Nights and Saturday Matinee, Commencing Juue 4th.

STOCK COMPANY Opening wltti Bronsoo Howard's great flvo-act comedy, A ATO A POPULAR gallery; 25c, balco.i}-; 50c, dre a ci cle aud parqiut; 75c, 1 tges; 01, boxes. A reserved at for 500. Season ticket at $10. -ntit ing holler to 20 res rv seats. Box office on ns Mouday, May BS, a' 10 a for sale season ti itets on.y.

Sale of regular tickets begins June Ist. Te 1345. HOUSE. Thursday Eveniutr, May 81, 1894. GRAND BENEFIT -GIVEN BYMISS RHE LORRAINE FOR THIS BENEFIT OF THE COUNCIL OF LABOR A Musical aud Dramatic Treat SCENES FROM LEAH.

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DOWLING, MISS MYRA DAVIS, In the great sensational drama, NOBODY'S CLAIM With in euttre Co.iper Company in the cast During the acdon of the play Miss Davis will sing "The noug for Me" an I "Mary 15e, 200 and 3t)o; box setts. 503 aud 75c Reserved siits ou sals at tne bjs oince one week in advance. Honrs open at 7:30: curtain rises at 8 o'clock. EXT aud Davis lv ha K-ntucky Girl" and flrst appearance of tha .1 comedians. Gilbert and Goldie.

BUFFET. Court st, bet. Msln and Spring sts, F. KERKOW, Propiifor and Manager. Free Refilled fo'ertaium ni Every Kvcnlna; from 7:30 until li and alurday Matinee From 1 to 4 p.

m. GREATEST ATTRACTION OF THE SEASON PROF. LUIGI DULL The greatest musical won ier of the nine, teeuth ceutury, in connection with the BISON CITY QUARTETTE And tbe celeb: eted BERTH FAMILY ORCHESTRA Miss MARGUKR. I BE TH, Directress. MISS SOPHIE BERTH, First Violin.

Mlja ELa.t B.E.tLIOH, 'Cello. i omme ial Lunch. The finest cuniai meals a I carte at all hours. 3 23 tf bTiaFfA It VY.jIjNE 2, 1894. BASE BALL QAMEI A Sac hi K7 M.

Benefit, Amciat'tt Canii bet ween tue Teams of 1 lie CaliftiMia Club and toncordia flab I F. A. H. J. Fleishman, aty eu, H.

Wooldar, il rry Le and, Pull Newmark, fts, Hermau Fra ik, P. John iv. Hauum, Phil 1. .1. Cartea.

N. ToW js. Maxwell, Al Ruwniteln, JM wards, Albert F.els:-man. H. P.

Andersou, Umpire. 'Ml Si BO CENTS I. T. MARTIN Dealer In New and lx.oond-b.au4 FUIJNITURB Carpets, Mating. Fo d-111 lv Bei Desks rtnJ S'oyes.

rrlees lew 44444 1 Ml lor cash or will sell en Jts 1 -MUIUjJ ustallraen.s. New Fur- iltiire exchanged fat 451 8. SPRING! STREET.

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