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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 3

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PASADENA. Thro op mxiqnarteri-The Fortnightly Club. Pasadena, Jan. opportunity, such as has neyer before been ottered to bright young men and women, to gain aa education free of expense, will be given by Throop Polytechnic institute, to the young people of this city and county. The scholarship! which have been so generously subscribed to by citizens of this city and vicinity, are distributed in the most equable manner possible.

The competitive examination will be entirely, and the prizes awardeV to those standing best. Al will ba Been by tbe following notice, however, the various Hchohirships are 10 separated into daces, by which nient ihnse winning to compete who have uot had the advantage of a preparatory edacation will oe given an equal shuw. The-e scholarship-, for each of which $1000 has been subscribed. for life aud will entitle the holder to a lull course in tbe institute, 11 long as he or she, as the may be, Is. able i.i keep up in the studies taken.

Tne prize is one welt worth gaining by any young person desiring an education in this excellent institution, find many will doubtle take the examinations. The' notice issued is as follows: "The executive committee of the faculty of Throop poiyUciini'' inaitute will receive applications from candidates for a number of scholarships, whloh have been opened to competition among per ons not now enrolled iv tbe institute sb follows: No. 1, open to deserving graduates of tho Pnsadeua High scbool; No. op' to deserving graduates of any Pasadena grammar school; No. open lo deserving graduates of any MM Angeles county high school; No.

4 open to dt.B rving graduates of any I.os Angeles county grsmnmr scuoot; Nos. and 7, open to deserving men and wom-jn not under Hi yearn of age. without regard io where previous training has beau obtain d. Candidates will apply tn person at the office in east hall be fore nooi of Monday. January 'JOih, at which nlace conditions ol tbe competition will be matte THE LAHOK IIEA DQU A RTSP.S.

Things have at tart tangible form in the movement to provide food, work and shelter for the honest who hRS drifted into our city and to drive out the tramps. The committee of couneilmen, co anting of Judge Weed, JosepuClarke and John We been hard at work, in connection With the City marshal, yesterday and today, arranging A room has been leised on the corner of and Mil's streets for nominal sum, which Is being lltted up with tables, disher, a stove, bed drug, when; those malting application and witling to work wiil be caie of. Two special policemen. T. K.

Darracott and George A. Hlehardsou. have been appointed take charge of tho quarters at salaries of per uiOiitii. it is expected that the room wiT be ready tomorrow, after which no citizen need called ucon to feed an? applicant for aid, as by so doing they will encouiaga ih trampelement and tbo very object wuich this movement Ib striving to attain. The committee wlnh it understood that no encouragement will be held out to tramps, but only temporary relief afforded to strangers iv the city, hungry, out of work and willing to do something in return for what they get.

Bedding and blankets are needed, and citizens having articles and wishing to help the movement, shotjtd notify city marshal or leave at the rooms. THE FOHTNIC lITXY CLUB. The regular meeting of the Fort.lightly club was held last evening in the assembly hall of Tbroop Polytechnic institute. A good sized audience wal ror.ent snd much interest taken ln the proceedings. 1 heyes presided aud Prof Con -nt acted as secretary, in th'i absence of Mr.

Policy. The principal paper of lbs evening was by Sties Alice i ook of Sandwicu, thj of Insanity. lue article was carefully prepared, but was disappointing to mauy of tlie audience who had expected something upon tbe Beleutii.e Bide of the question, whereas thu raperdfklt. almost wiioliy with the workingsof the private asylum with which Mies Cook was connected. There were, however, a numbnr of excellent points given as to the treatment of insane people.

Following the reading of the papers officers ior the ensuing year wore elected as Theo. Coleman, president; Mrs. Louisa Conger, Geo. Conaut and Miss Lenz, i Geo. Oonant, secretary; Geo.

Bwerdfingcr, treasurer; Judge Dtley, cbairman of section of ecruomics; Miss Montgomery, chairman of literary section; Professor McClatchle, Chairman of science sco ion. solos by Mrs. Green and Mr. Swerdflnger were enjoyed during the evening TUB FORKSTKRS INSTALL OK PICK IIS. Court Pasadena, No.

8303. A. O. F. of heM sn lusiallation of officers last cveniug.

The following officiali were placed in office for the ensuing term: J. P. C. H. W.

R. H. L. C. 8., J.

K. Todd; F. 8., K. H. Miller; Geo.

B. McLaughlin; K. 8., if. Andrews: H. J.

M. Mclntrye; J. F. B. Tromb'y; H.

8., K. D. J. Henry Newby; trustees. P.

T. J. De Huff, C. J. ('randall.

This court is one of our latest additions ln Ihe lodge lin but it is rapidly coming the front wnh a large which lududei a very desirable class of citizens. NOTES. i Revivals are being held nightly tbis week in both the Presbyterian and Methodist No one should fall to see Fauny Rice and her excellent company at the opera house on tho '-'iii inst. A son is announced at the homfr of Mr. and Mrs.

entries Harris. W. C. T. will hold its regular meeting Thursday afternoon at when Mrs.

kyrgn- Ron of Los n. will be present and give a Bib reading. The business meeting of tbe union will he held 11Mrs. Teipennlng'a home, 290 Concord cuurt. The Yonntr Men's Christian Association Ljoeum No 500, L.

L. A hold their regular meeilnit Thursday evening at As thia in the annual meeting for the election of officers, repot ts, it is hoped tbat every member will -i present. SANTA MONICA. Pleasure Wtiarf N'rwH VAjffA Monica, Jan. interest in the pleasure wharf quuEtlon is the all-absorbing onu still amoiw our people.

I give the soco'-d batch of C. Hchradcr Is a pronounced advocate building the whaif, and "Build it by all means. It would oe a 10-strike." Juan de Battdhtl Baid: "lam in of aft public aud private improvements, and count a pleasure wharf aB among tbe chief of them now needed here." W. f. Wawter thinks we should build a wharf and sewer at the Hume lime.

A. Jackson wanted io know if he wonld 1 more UfcJKAi.o.s if w. a pleasure wharf in frontof an 1 wh-n as i. red by Harry Opponhuimer ho would, was all light on the abtorhlng 'lucstlon. J.

J. Carrill. president of the board of trustees, said: "I am favor of every possible Improvement, am willing to pay my share of lucrtased lon and will be happy to do what ran further wharr-bmidiug." gw H. Wilson is in favor of the pleasure wharf F'twing built. Tlut editorial In Herald, Great I Things Alu for tho City by tho Sea, Ib evtviiitf ma encomiums from our citizens, i wao hare the warmest words of praise for the a champion of onr interest Truly can It bo said that It haa mapy good words and news Items of city by the sea, and is deserving of our support.

g.m McFadden has a flno walnut nursery of thrifty trees, but he seems to have forgotten of late to their vir'ue, bis all absorbing theme being, boy who arrived reoently who, although only 3 weeks old, Is already asking pa for a wheel. Sam is proud of the lad, wbo deserves it. A NKW JOUKNAI. The arrival of Judge T. 11.

Wells with his plant for bis new toml-weekly, to bo oalled the ICnterprlse, the first isiue of which will bepublished on the will bo a seven column quarto, four same slzeot tbe H.rald. It wiil be fearless, faithful and true to every Interest of Santa Monica and Southern California; independent in while fearlessly discussing the live issues of the day; Judge Wells' recrrd of many years on the coast being a sufficient guarantee in that respect of tbe fuflllment of tbe pledge. Its local columns will be breezy and contain the entire happenings of the citizens of the city by the and the Judge evidently believes in the g. Idea future in store for SantaMonlca, and wishes not only to enjoy It but to hasten the era by his pan. LOCALS AND PERSONALS.

The last sad rites took place over the remains ol Oeorge B. Lester at the family residence, Key. J. M. Merlin-Jones officiating and Mrs.

Washington Berry singing very feelingly Abide Witb Me and Kearer My God to Thee. Tbe remains were taken to San Francisco on the morning train for interment in the family vault In Lone Mountain cemetery. Thursday (tomorrow) night will be ladies' night at the Whist club, when the most suacessful lady will be presented with a handsome trophy. R. H.

Witheral is getting bis jewelry establishment in the Enterprise office in the bank block in shape to open up for business. Mrs. L. M. Davlfl is at last convalescing from heriate serious nine is.

R. D. Wyatt of san Francisco is at the beach for a few days, Among yesterday's additions to the Hotel Jackson were T. H. Hayes, San Trancisco: M.

Gay ley. University of California; N. F. Smith, city; M. M.

Barnett, t. W. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. J.

IS. Brown, 11. McF.rloy, George Temple, Jamea Booth, W. 0. Samson, M.

C. Favenly, Lob Angeles; J. A. Porter, Portland, T. Shorek, Oakland.

Tbe North Beach management has extended the time for bidding on the new bathing ettablishment io Tuesday, the 23d at 1 p. to accommodate Sauta Monica bidders. N. s. Lane, who lives ou the Crippi.

tract, had a ion ol hay taken from his Darn by some light-flnijerod gent. Work is progressing ou tbe foundation for the Hodge block ou Third street. Street Superintendent Lowman keeps pegging away on the streets improrlng them. He now busy laying new crosswalks on Third street, at the Intersections of Oregon aud Arizona avenue. POMONA.

Brooks for Another Trip. Pomona, Jan. a very cool, clear night, we have had one of the loveliest days of tbe season. Our townsman, X- A. Padgham received the sad intelligence of lbs death of hit brother, J.

U. Padgham in danta Ana. The funeral will take place there tomorrow. Miss joaua White was buried this morning at the Pomona cemetery. The rooms just vacated on the second floor of the First National bank building, recently occupied an a dress muking establishment! art) to be Uv as dental rooms shortly.

Mrs Josle Lee who bas been visiting her old borne Pomona, left this morning ior her present home in KeJlandn. The bakery recently owned by Mr. McClln-ocic, on Hjcond streat, haa changed hands. Tbo purchasers ara late from Indlsua. 'ihe fiimily of Mr.

J. riwiga.l.of Cleveland, who has been in Los Angeles for some days, is expected to arrive in Pomona this evening or loin arrow. They have many friends here, and a very fine orange rancu proper.y in the northwestern suburbs. many i -en, especially olives, are being daily Kin pud from this point, Mr. jhu O'Dunuell was in town today, ln his usual jolly mood.

Col. T. W. many of whosg interesting articles from the mining regions of Nevftdn, Death valley, the readers of the Hubai.d have from lime to time perused with Interest, dropped Inio our office for a few minutes today. He has been quite sick for some fact, ever since li is return.

Ue had with him a piece of ore taken from the very top of Funeral mountain, overlooking Death valley, which he says will assay about $57 to the ton, nearly all gold. Besides he had his Ingenious device In tbe way of an overhead sunshade which straps to tbe body, and lathe only thing that enables one to stand the heat of that fearml desert; also, his prospecting pick and canteen, ul. of rvhtch he was having put In trim, for a visit to the Colorado region which he anticipates inn king at an early day. The colonel has had a hard prospecting tour of it for the past year, but be "'there's life in tbe old man yet," and he most be soon moving ahead for he cannot qu.t-uy contain himself in these quiet hamuaof civilization. He must pioneer hims-lf through in nearer commune with natuie aud ua turn's God.

lie has auotber long and Interesting article which he carrying ln to the Urr.u.l) on hia intended visit to Los Angeles shortly. Mr. L. 8. Thacker and family from the Lv verve aeUlemeut was in town today.

Mr. Dave Ulos, formerly of thia place but more recently of Los Angeles, has returned to Pomona. Some of the finest oianges we have seen this season were brought down today from the Hivigart ranch, formerly one of Judge Firey'a. They are orobahly too large a navel for market. Mr.

John Johnston bas had his 2-story building ou Gordon near corner of Second street, remodeled, renovated and refitted ln such ama-Hier that it now presents an altogether different appearance. Ho will lease tho upper rooms for dwelling purposes. A MUltou Friends. A frlen 1 in need is a friend indeed, and not less tbuu one million people have found just such a tuend in Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds.

If you have never used this groat cough medicine one trial will convince you that it bas wonderful curative powers in all diseases of throat, chest and Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed, or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at 0, F. Heiuzeman's drug store, 222 North Main street. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. HOTEL A Kit IVA 1.9.

HOLLENBECK. Mr. and Mrs. H. B.

Buckiu, Mrs. Judge Brown, Mrs. Waterman, Hoekford, Mrs J. A. i'ickhaver, Michigan: H.

A. Archibald, Minneapolis; Lvncb, Jay Park hurst, Chicago; Mi L. Cray, Mlsu Eva Gray; T. M. McLean, A.

Glasgow, Bt. Louis; no. Smith, TJ. H. (J.

A. Hauover, New York; Dr. C. A. Rugbies.

Bioekion; L. Rich Bheldon, E. J. httuiton, Willlama: Mr. aud Mrs.

W. T. McFie, Saura Paula; J. B. Gregory, Omnrio: Mtb.

K. A. hloan, Redlands; tv. A. Greene, M.

Gilcrest, Oakland; and Mrs. J. Bley, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. E.

O. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Detro D. Pi Conroy, Phumix; 0 C.

Williams G. Larssn, Boston; G. B. Ferguson, W. J.

Hoffrnar, J. Komseu. tS. Ponton, H. G.

Howell, W. F. Alex iiider, A. etillman: W. K.

Carroll, G. Miiler, J. Spencer, P. Harvey. K.

J. Catley, G. L. Alexander, R. 8.

Buck. W. J. J. P.

Dredeo, W. P. Thomas, J. Moyerfctetu; Ban Krauoisco; 8. L.

Carter, W. 11. Welch, Fresno; G. W. WMtora, Flrdisy, Mr.

and Mrs. B. Welnb rger, Mrs, 11. Robin, Idaho, hpriugs. Mr.

and Mrs. B. H. Abbott. Mrs.

D. Crane. Weir, V. Wmfieigh, Topefca; R. K.

Brooke, Daggett. W. Phelps, G. W. Dickson.

Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. D. Meeker, Greenville: L. Mast, Kansas OHy W.

W. Harker. East Ltverpm 1, 8. W. Greene, M.

Ontario; H. Scharwoiika, New York. Imperial Hair liazaar- Longeat established and the moit reliable! ladles Jnat arriving here, will Und the most competunt services in atylish hair dressing and BhftmDOOlng at New York prioev Human hair good Custom wig making a Bpeciaity. 224 and 220 Becond Street D. B.

UifTeubachar, Dentist. No. S. Spring Btreel; rooma 4 and 5. 2SO envelopes.

50c: rm writing paper, 25c. Laugstadtor, 214 W. Second, Holleubeok hotel. Rheumatism positively cured by Prentl as Rectifying Pills. Try them.

250, druggists. Use German Family Boat. LOS" ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY IS, 1894. SANTA ANA. A Daylight of H.

Padgbam Today. Savta Ana, Jan. night at tho regular meeting of Banta Ana Connoll No. 052, National Union, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year: Frank Ky, president; VY. W.

Anderson, vice-president; 1. 6, Marks, ex-president; J. G. Besnick, speaker: G. 8.

Smith, secretary; D. F. Jones; financial secretary; lm K. Stack, treasurer: a 11. Meueftie, usher; Kossoup, sergeanl-atarma; Geo.B.

Roth, doorkeeper; K. O., chaplain; G. a Wilsan, J. West, and B.

W. Scheurer, trustees. There would bs bnt little importance connected witb the above association if it were not iorthefaot that among the members of the order there are represented more than $105,000 of life iusurance. and the insurance Is as good as any old line company ln distance. The funeral of tba late J.

H. Padgham will take place at the family residence, on Bush street near the corner.of Ninth street, at 10 o'clock January 18th, Rev. B. O. Mclutler officiating.

Friends oi the fAmliy ate respectfully invited to be present, 1 rieudi who wish to view the face of their Mend J. H. Padgnam for the last time can do so tomorrow morulng, between 8:30 and 0:30. Santa Ana has what would be termed a monstrosity in the way of a Chinese tramp rr rather a vag. He is too lazy to be a tramp, for he will not go away from his house long enough to "tramp." Tue other Chinese have to have the city marshal arrest the "vug." because he will no! work and the rest of them are obliged to feed him.

This tame Chinaman is one of the largest Chinamen on the coast, weighing about iOO pounds. A good house witnessed the play last night at Rpurgeon's opera house of Peck's Bad Boy, by the Comedy company. HOLD MIDDAY ROBDERY. This afternoon while Mrs. M.

V. Lyors was outdrivlug, burglars pried open the back door of her dwelling and ransacked the house from cellar to garret, and in their search found three gold watches and about $30 In a little bank belonging to the little girl, which had been accummulatlng uickels for the past three or four years. They also took a fine suit of clothes belonging to Arthur Lyons, Jtvery drawer in the house was emptied out on the floor and everything valuable to the burglars was taken. At thia writing it is impossible to tell just what was stolen, but they got a good haul. Am yet there is no clue to the burglars.

It was all done in about one hour's time. A brother of our townsman, T. E. Cone, and his wife are visiting our city, and perhaps wiil loctte with us, Tbe Manley block Is being repainted, which makes a great improvement ln the looks of the building. M.

Mendelson and Louis of Caplsttano were in our city today on H. A. Peabody, who has been visiting in the northern part of the utate, returned home this morning. The Philomathean cJi.b meet at tbe residence of Mrs. Belle Buck in Tustin next Friday.

Tom Fine of Ukiah Is in the city visiting H. A. Peabody. A Los whist tesm played a Sanla Ana whist team the other night, and, as usual, i.os Angeics got away with the whole shooting you can't do it again. Mr.

Games, the man, is Buffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. O'Brien, formerly proprietor of the Semi-Tropic, has derided to return to his former home in Missouri. Mr. Thompson, formerly a resident of Santa Ana but now of Santa Barbara, was in the city yesterday.

MesdamcsGeo. and Dora ChaflVe of Garden Grove are reported as silll quite sick. J. Bill of Garden Grove is making aome noticeable improvements on his ranch west of town. Walter Bf, John suffered a serious accident last evening.

While scuttling he got his ankle twisted and fell on it, smashing som-i small bones. He is confined to his room and will not be able to ba out for some weeks. The Ladles' Social club of Garden Grove had pleasant meeting at tbe residence of Mrs. C. A.

on last Thursday. About 17 ladies were present and had an interesting time. The programme consisted of readings and general discussion. Their next meeting wilt be with Mrs. Kate Head, January 2Mh.

There is nothing that connects neighbors together more than just such social gatherings. REDONDO. Shipping. Arrival, and Nolctt. Rkdondo, Jan.

noi'wester went down with tbe sun and tbis morning was clear and calm: and the warm weather after the rain of Monday night has caused the gross to spring np, and the fields and lawns present a fre.h appearance. The anaina s'eamer Keweenaw arrived here at noon yesterday and came alongside this and la rapidly discharging ber cargo of hardwood and general nierohandlsd. She cargo of 91 tons and left for Ban Francisco at 4 p. m. The steam lumber-EChooner Hoyo arrived from Newport this morning and is lying at her anchorage waiting for her turn to discharge ber cargo of lumber.

Tbe steam schooner Albion is also waiting her turn at the The lumber schooner William Renton will finish dlschsrging today and the schooner Sdwara Parke will take hor place at the wharf. Tbe members of the batebelor'B home of P. Lacy are soon to be increased by a lovely bride, Miss Grace Hamar by name. The marriage will take place about February Ist C. Leonards, who did tbe cement work ou the hot salt bath, is in town today and has taken a contract for laying a oement walk in front of J.

Bracewell's house, tbo Davis house and Wagner Orachard's billard and pool hall. Mr. and W. B. Williams of tbe Walden house have just returned from a trip of four months.

The friends of this old pioaeor are delighted to see htm. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were well satisfied with tbeir trip and are much improved in health, Mr. J.

W. Aitderson, who has been oonflned with a severe attack of la grippe, is rapidly recovering and is again at bis post of duly as bookkeeper in the Redondo Beach company's office. The city board of trustees met Monday evening and demanded warrants to be drawn on the treasury to pay City Attorney STieldon Boiden $270 lorserviotts tendered and lo the rent of the building now used ns a city hall. board ordered that the bonds for proenring fire apparatus be Issued and sold, aud ordertd tbat the bonds for building a city hall be not Issued. Tbe board decided to vacate the hall now used as a city ball and to occupy a room ln ths Kngllsh block.

DOWNEY. The Farmed all Itmj local News Jan. with a skin of Ice, good show i of rsin on Monday night, with a stiff wind on Tuesday to dry up the mud. Plowing is progressing nicely. Some of the barley fields aro looking well.

Most of the are sowing alfalfa alreudy and all ate pretty Wsll advanced with fanning. The street leading from the station northward is being graded, and Irain di east, its fall length, will now coudi and waste water, used in Irrigating, lug that itrcet. This Is private om is a good job. Mrs. Joau Fuller was out from 1 vis! lug Mrs.

Soott and uncle, John Li-la Crawford, aecoinpauii-'u by her btoiber, L. Ardis and his children, arrived last Frldny from Arizona. Born to the wife of J. Mulreln, a daughter, Friday, 13th. Tho marriage of Mr.

Fred Bryant and Miss Jo PaulseH was celebrated at the residence of John Simmons, on Thursday, llth lust. Mrs. ti 0. Hammer is still confined to her loom. D.

D. DeNure is in on a visit to relatives an a lot of business. His affairs keep bim st Vekol mines. Miss Clara and his son Walter, who were h.Me already, will accompany him to Han Francisco and vicit the midwinter show before returning to Aiizoua. Mr.

and Mrs. C. F- Harper of Los Angeles are out vlsitlug their son, Roy. Harper and family. Hugh B.

Rice of Pasadena, agent of the Oceanic Steamship company, was on our streets today. Postmaster Foster of Lubee, Mc, writes that after the Grip, Hood's Barsapanlla brought him out of a feeble, nervousconditlon, into complete Btrungth and hetlth. Hood's Pills have won high praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy action. ABOUT JAPAN. Key.

Lecture on Japan and 111 Feature. Laet evening an exceedingly interesting discourse on Japan waa delivered at the Broadway M. E. church. The speaker waa Rev.

Alexander Hardie, ol Monrovia. Not as a missionary, bnt aa a teacher, Mr. Hardie went to Japan and Berved lour aB a professor in the college ol Tokio. Tbe speaker described the geography of the empire and tbe topography and products of the country. The dwellings of the people, the furniture of the hounes, the social customs and manners were briefly but clearly explained.

A synopsis of Japanese history was given, explaining the peculiar government under two rulers. Then ue revolution that abolished the old system and made tbe mikado, or emperor, sola ruler. Thia freed the or nobles, from the thraldom in which they had been held and gained tbeir good will, as wall ac tbat of the emperor, for American and European civilization. Some of tbe folklore and fairy stories ol the people were told, and the ol ladies and gentlemen were clearly described by tbe aid ol pictures. Tba phiioiopby and religious ideas ol tbe people were explained, and thus made more clear the reason why tbe Christian religion and Christian philosophy were readily received in Japan.

Tbis very interesting disconrse was made doubly attractive by the manner of the speaker, which was in a very pleasant conversational style, as il he were addressing a few personal friends at an informal evening meeting. This was one of a series ol entertainments given by the ladies of the Epworth League on the third Wednesday of each month. A repetition ol the lecture by Mr. Hardie wonld certainly draw out large audience, now tbat hia power to entertain ie better known. 8 PET iHt are: th-e (vi to re tha the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS.

Tbey ato made from tho very highest cost Gold Leal grown in Virginia and are aneqnaled for their dclicato aroma and rare fragrance and are absolutely wftAuuf adulteration or drugs. Ailkm as Gintkb, Manufacturers. Blchntond. Va. for Infants and Children.

that CantoHa cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it oa superior to any proscription Sour Stomach, Dlarrhma, Eructation, known to mo." H. A-Ahohkb, M. Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes 111 So. Oxford Brooklyn, ft gestion. Without injurious medication.

use of 'Castorla In so unlvpnvd and "For wMrrral years I have recommended Its merits so well known that it scorns a work your nnd ehall always continue to of supererogation to endorse it. lew are the do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial intelligent families who do not keep Castoria results," Tfithln easy roach." Kowin F. Tardee, M. Carlos Mahttn, D. 120 th street and 7th AvCm New York New York City.

TnE CEiTTArn. Company, 77 Murray Street, New York Citt. lilfe MatSINOOft RESTORED! mm PI aCI eases, such as Weak Meraorv, I.nssof Brain Tower. Wakefulness mW -T3 LostManknea, NlKhtly Kmlsslons. NervousiieM.alldralnsßiul lobb of pow'n liM.r'm.ratKoortffttisnfelthm-Kexc.ausedbyovcrexertl'iri.youthrulerrorß.

1 use of tf.hacco, opium or Htlmulants, whleh lead to Infirmity, Con ran bo carried In vest pocket. pnrbox, Of 01 lillaaMiia, niftll Avlth ti order wotrlvo a wit-in siuronteetocnr, Ihemonfr- Ctlrritlnrfree. Sold by all drucalftn. Ask for It. take Address klh .3 Masonic Temple, Chicago, itx For Sale in Los Angsles.Cal., by GODFREY MOORE, Druggists, 10S Souti Spring Btreet.

1 "We always fry is? Cottoleoe." Our Meat, Fish, Oysters, Saratoga Chips, Eggs, Doughnuts.Vegetables, etc. Like most other people, our folks formerly used lard forall such purposes. When it disagreed with any of the family (which it often did,) we said it was "tod rich." We finally ti ied arid not us has had an dili since. irther found that, unlike iard, Cottolene had no unpleasant odor when cooking, and lastly Mother's favorite and conservative cooking autiiority came out and gave it a big recommendation which clinched the jriatter. So that's why we always fry ours in Cottolene.

Sold grocers. RPFURE All SiI3STiTUTEB. N. K. FAIRBANK 4, ST.

LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, EOSTON. Convenience and Economy effected la every household by the use of Liebig Company's! Extract of Beef The bast way to improve and strengthen 5 Soups and Sauces of all ki ids Ib to add a I little of this famous product A Iff DEPARTURE Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Os For Treatment of Rupture Until Cure Is Effected. DR. C. EDGUR SMITH I CO.

SPECIALISTS Positively cure in from thirty to sixty daya all kinds of KUPTURE VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE, PILES AND FISSURE, FISTULA, ULCERATIONS, without the use of knife, drawing blood 01 detention from business. Diseases of Women Skillfully Treattii CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Can refer interested parties lo prominent Los Angeles cltixeus wbo have been treated by them. Cure guaranteed. HSC, 3.

MAIN COR. SEVENTH, 3 7 I Urn LOS ANOKLga, CAL. Incubators, Bone Mills, Alfalfa JOHN MERCER, 117 East Second sere, t. e-l 6m Anielea. HARD WOODS, IRON, STEEL, Horseshoes and Nails, Blacksmith's Coal, Tools, Eta, JOHN WIGMORB, 117, and 121 Baulk Loa Angolra atMOk AULANCK at the SHOW WINDOW of H.

M. SAMS ft SON'S DKUtf STORK will convince ytui that they arc in Holiday Novelties. Watuk tor our display next week. 11-18 tf Baker Ironworks 930 to buena vista los'anqells, cal. AdJaHUc the ftoathern grounds, Telesasais 7-2 a BANKING THE NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFfIfiMIA A Epport for Year Ending: Dec.

30, 1893. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Cash on baud andln $120,483 38 Capital stock paid ln ln coin $860,000 00 United States bond. 159.500 00 surplus 6,000 00 Uemand loans 113,622 98 Undivided profits.

2.177 00 Regular loans 105,497 24 Circulation 185 VOO 00 Hcbool bonds and other 20,401 05 Depoaita 250,226 90 Furniture and llitorea 6,045 00 Real eatate 27,954 20 I 9643,403 SO The National Bank of California Is one of tbe few banks that saeceslfully atOod IhtsJ-OCIf of the late panic, and maintained full coin paymenu right through. The National Bank of California pays no Interest ou depoaita ln any form, offers no special inducements for business other than reliability when the customers exercise right tad. maud their rrmn, y. In the matter of loans It looks more to reliability than high rate, of Interest, and desires no loans except from good and reliable parlies, and then exacts good seourlty, believing thit net bank ia better or more reliable than its loans. DIRECTORS H.




XHWI.IN, HA JIHII M. 0 QTATE LOAN AND TRUST CO. N. W. Comer Second and Spring Los Angeles, Oal.

SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. PAID-UP CAPITAL, $700,000. A General Banking Bualnesa Tranaacted. Interest at Five Pet Cent Paid on Title Depoaita, OFFICERS. W.


DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Bonebrake, W. H.

Crocker, A. A. Hubbard, 0, T. Johnson. P.

M. Green, Telfair relghton, W. (J. B. F.

Ball. H. Wonllacott. P. Gardiner.

James F. Tovvell. 1 Plaster. Bent remedy ou earth; no pay until veil. Hook with California in I vetirs exporionrp.

fj Jl B.R.CHAMLEY.M.U "biTT Hiiro W. LO3 ANGELES, alease send thin to some erne with 1 818 If tie aftaftan une e( LOS ANGKI-KH DIVISION, SOOTH MAIN STREET. YOUTHS suffering from results of foil lei or excesses, causing; nervous debility, semia il weakness, loss of vigor and memory, despondency, diseases of the kidneys, blood and productive orgaus, gleet, gouorrboaa, syphilis, varicocele, stricture and many chronic and destroying MKN older in years, havin? too frequent evacuations of bladder, with loss of vital material, phosphates, etc, woolly or brick dust deposits In urine, which are symptomsof rbo oudary seminal weakness, the loss impovoriaaing the vital organs. reason thousands cannot get cured of above complaints Ib owing to complications not understood by ordinary doctors. Dr.

Liebig Co, have discovered the secret of curing the complications. FREK-Oqc confidential book anddlagnosls sheet sent free on application, securely sealed. OFFICE a-m to 9 p.m. Sun daya, 10 to 12. TO THE UNFORTUNATE.

oonar of Commercial, WoSBBSB Frenciseo. ia' E. in ISM. let ''Sgffitreatment off Sexual ana diseases, suoh Gonorrhea. Gleet, Syphilis ia forms, Seminal Weakness, Impotency vi Lost Manhood per.

manently ourvd. The sick vi afflicted sho ql4 not fait to call upon bin. Tbe Doctor has etid extensively in Europe and inspected onghly the varlona hospitals there, obtalnlas a great deal of valuable information, which br.if competent to Impart tt taasula need of ha Tbe Doctor where others fail. Try bim. GIBBON will make no cbtrge unless he effects a caret Persons at a dir'Anoe 1)0 BED AT HOlil.

Al) strictly confidential. All latter, answered la slain envelopes. Call or write. Andreas DR. J.

F. GIBBON. Boa Fan Francisco, Gal. usetlaa LaiAaaalaaHaaaiJ. 12-17 Painless Dentistry Fine Gold Filling.

Crown and Bridge A er, tlon, Painless, 4 IHIbY Rooms 18-19, VtOfiX A-H 107 K. SPRING BT. TF YOU I TBIS WINTER SEND FOR A COPY OF The Palace Hotel Souvenir It will aid you ln the choice of a hotel. Secure apartments in advance by telegraph. PALACE HOTEL BAN FRANCIRCO, CAL.

12 26 0 Hotel Arcadia. The beautiful Hotel Arcadia at Santa Monica will be cnen throughout the year. It is to be under a new and efficient management, It has been refurnished throughout with modern furniture, and guests will be furnished with a faultless cufdne. Terms moderate. Santa Monica ia tbe queen of tue Pacific Coatd water ing places; beautiful sea views; agreeable win tor climate; fine sea bathing.

lm J. Griffith, Pres't. J. T. Griffith.

T. E. NlchoK Secy and E. L. Chandler, Superintendent.

J. M. Griffith Company, LUMBER DEALERS And Manufacturers of DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS A STAIRS Mill Work of Description. 934 N. Alameda Loa Angeles.

It: tf BRYSON LUMBER CCX Successors to Clark A Bryson, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Office 123K West Second Burdick block. Yards at Hedondo snd Los Augelea. 1-18 ly R. W. PRIDHAM, BLANK BOOKS AND PAPER COXES.

REMOVED TO 110 AND 112 N. LOS ANGELES STREET NEAR FIRST. TEL. 043. 7-10 I BANK; Stimson illock, Third and Spring T.

W. Brotherton, President. T. H. C.

Lowe, Vice Pres't. D. Hall, Cashier. T. D.

Stimson, L. Hf. Blinn, Andrew Mullen, J. M. Hale.

K. J. Waters, J. Percival. Robert Hale.


Hellmau. Pres't. J. K. Plater, V-Proa't.

W. M. Caswell, Cashier. w. Hellman, R.

s. Bsker, it. W. Hellman, t. K.

Plater, 1. VV. Hellmau, jr. interest paid on deposits. Money to loan on nrsc-clatsteal es ate.

11-1 tf STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION THE LOS ANGELES SAVINGS BANK At the close of business December 30, 1893. RESOURCES. Red estati t.ken for debt 9 69,858 It I'tilted States and other 203,337 60 Loans 821,426 98 Vurnlturi! and fixtures 2,500 00 Cash on hand and in other banka 152,335 00 Total resources 91,289,167 US LIABILITIES. Capital paid ln coin 9 26,000 00 Undivided profits 33,705 56 Duedepositora 1,180,468 10 Total liabilities 91,239,157 68 Slate of California, County of Los Angelea, ss, Herman W. Hellman and W.

M. Seawall, being each separately duly sworn, lays: That Herman W. Hellman is President and W. M. Caswell is Cashier of the corporation above mentioned, and tbat the foregoing statement la true to tbe best ol tbeir knowledge and belief HERMAN W.

HELLMAN, President. W. li. CASWELL, Cashier. Snbsctibed and sworn to before me thia 24 day of January, 1894.

A. C. TAYLOR, Notary public in and for the county of Los Angeles, State of California. 1-3 14t T7IARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK Ot Loa Angelea, Cal. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southern California, Capital (paid up) 9 600,000 Surplus and prottu 780,000 Total 91,280,000 officirs; W.

HELLMAN President HERMAN W. HELLMAN Vice-President SOHN MILNER Cashier H. J. FLEISHMAN Assistant Caahier DIRICTORAI W. H.

Perry, Ozro W. Cbilds, J. B. Lenkershim, C. E.

Toom, C. Ducnmmun, H. W. Bell, man, T. L.

Duqne, A. Glassell, I. W. Hellman. Exchange for sate on ail the principal, citlee of th.

United Europe, China and Japan. Formerly LOS ANGELE-) COUNTY BANK, Temple Block, Capital stock paid up officers: JOHN E. PLATER President ROBT. S. BAKER Vice-President GEO.

H. oTKWART Cashier directors Joiham Blxby, Chas. Froman, L. Garaeey, I. Huej, E.

i. Baker, Jjha E. Plater, Gto. H. Stewart, SOU i HERNOALIFO RNIA NATIONAL BANK 101 S.

Spring N.tdcau block. N. BREtSD Prea'devt WM. F. Vioe-President C.

N. FLINT Cashier W. H. HuLLIDAY Assistant Caahier Capital paid in gold cain 8200,000 Surplus ard undivided profits 26.000 Authorized capital 600,000 L. N.

Breed. H. T. Newell, Wm. H.

Avery, Silas Holman, W. tf. E. V. jjoaby.

shell. M. Frank Uadcr, D. Bemink, Tbomss Wm. F.

Bosbyshell. 7-1 tf THE UNIVERSITY BANK OF LOS ANGELE southeast corner of Firdt and Broadway. Capital stock, fully paid $100,000 Burplus 75 000 R. M. WIIiNKY, President D.

0. MILi'IMOKE, Vlce-Prcs'f. GEO ARNOLD, Cashier. R. M.

Wldney, D. O. Mlltimore, B. W. Little, 8 McKiulay, John McArlhur, JH Nil ii, 1- J.

P. Mortlll. General banking business iv loans on first. clots real estate -o Icite.i. Buy ami sell Uraiclaas stocks, bonds and Par.ies wishing to invest in securities 08 either long or short time, can be acr.o.ii:.indatei.

aa UNITED STATE! DEPOSITORY. Capital 9600,000 buralus 67,600 Total 557,500 GEORGE H. BONEBRAKE, President. F. 0.

HOWES, Cashier. W. COE. Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS.

George 11. Bonebrake, Warren Giilelen, P. M. Green, Chas. A.

Marriner. W. C. Brown. A.

W. Francisco, E. P. Johnson, M. T.


Ki.LIOTT. lent. W. KERCB-HOFK, Fha.VK A. GIBsON, Caahier.

G. B. SHAFhEtt, Ass't Cashier. DIRKCIOKB: J.M.Elliott, J. D.

Bicknell, S. F. Mott, 11. Jevne, J. D.

Hooker, W. 0. Patter.on, Wm. Kerokhofl SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, S. E.

Cor. spring and Court sts Los Ange'es, Capital stock. 9100,000 surplu 10,000 OFFICERS: J. H. Braly, Prssldent.

Frank a. Gibion, V. Pres't John Hall, Cashier. Arthur H. Braly.

Ass't Cashier. Directora-H. Jevne. J. M.

Klllott C. W. Hateon, Hiram Mabtirv, Frank A. titbsoo, J. H.

Braly, K. Polndexler, W. G. Pat erton, L. Drew, Simon Mai', r.

Interest paid all deposits, 11-29 tf CAPITAL STOCK, $200,000 223 S. Spring LOS ANGELES. crriccise and oiacoToaa: M. W. Stimson Wm.

W. E. McVay Vis-, C.G.Harrison S. H. Molt R.

m. Baker A. E. CKCURITV SAVINGS "BANK AND TBOtIT 00., 148 Main st. Capital stock 000 F.

N. Myers, Pre M. 9. Hellman. T.

W. ps, Casi.ier. w. ii. Lnngyoar, Ass't Cashier.

Dlrec.ors. T. Luqne, Maurice 8. Hellman, J. Mi.

Mat J. Uravfs, H. L. Planer, F. Sitrto 1.

C. H. J. H. barrla, 1.

K. F. N. Myers. T.W.

Phelpa. 11-158 ALN aTHaiaT SAvISgT" BANK AND Trust Com any. Capital $200,000. Man. st, Los Angeles, Oal.

J. B. LAN KKRHiII tt Prealdenl H.C. il Vice-President J. v.

WVHiBL Cashier B. W. II K. i ohn, J. H.

Jones. O. I. Johns if, w. G.

Keiek'iorl, H. W. O'MelTeney. Inter. paid on all depotlla.

10 39 tf..

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