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Anti-Slavery Bugle from Lisbon, Ohio • Page 3

Lisbon, Ohio
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"lhubjoctln tho family circle, Inpubllo iwera. blic and through the press. Ict us flood tho Convention with memorinls and addresses, trustina to truth and a rmhtrou cause for the aucccni ot our effort. LETTERS. From Mercy L.

Holmes. SELMA, April 12th, 1850. To the Women's Convention, assembled in Salem, April 19th. Dear Suiter There arc ntiiini-', ber of ua in this vicinity who would rejoice to be with you nny more, wlm would feel it among the proudest nets of our lives, could Wo hdnr and be henrd in this first jrrent meet-i Ingof Western rehe's," but circumstances do i bolder TIV J' teeof yo ur intme teO.retl.0 I dogate. nh 'oxl ccmlikor at her 11,0 i';" B'V 'iii ofiiiuiiiiii aim uiscus on woi iii no i that a Conm.itln of mil (J.hI..

1. 1 I .11 thw iVi. iT I' Mehavo' "wg lry- thev tend lo Lu Jnn.i i it Scene nnd rtilrrnr u-if. Itnt ltt fn tlm nlnfwifh Siem s.r I :7nr.m''1 rational nnd who among u. can predict the it would i ii i occ.sion-.lm ihn would elicit, nnd the that would be given to tho "eru rcciiom i.ini criiam Ration Should such a course bo deemed prudent, do not let u.

shrink from it because of unpleasant consequence to which it may mihjcct us. Wo must these they are the ntctiuary attendants to healthy action on the hurt of morbid mid diseased organs. Hut pcrhnps it may be wiid, a majority even of our oim sex would revolt nt such move. Whut if they do what does it arguo A melancholy truth one that a true womnjtf uu. never record without blush.

these, sla very and degradation have done their work, liave made sad liavnf-Cod', holy image; Vet lhcren isstilrTTi.Yiiiy even there, 'i'he hood may be rekindled resuscitated. Tho moral and intellectual heavens will yet glow with bright world, from these obscuro nnd Unresolved Let ua then bo hopeful, confident in the omnipotence of truth, and victory will crown our dibits. TJiero may betliose iu rxistctico to-day who will bask in thesunshino of this dawning orb of liberty who will bear home to the spirit-laud glad tidings of a practical recognition of the universal brotherhood of the race. The origin nod design of tho right, of humanity, as suggested in the cull, is un important question lbr discussion. It i.

indued Pie question, for it f. only by going back to the common source of all our rights, that wo fh.ll piuve nmchmivcly tlio position we tike. The query there arises, what i. it thnt give, u. a right to the use of any faculty or organ we possess? Evidently tho end to be achieved.

We were never placed hero by a good nd wise Father for a specified purpose, and then forbidden the use of such Instrumentalities a. would enuble us to attain that purpose. This I presume will be grunted, i'hn question then occurs, whut evidence have we that the end to lie achieved is the same in the different aexe. I answer, the common inslrmnentatitiu conferred upon them. Woman possesses every faculty that mnn docs, and, moroovor, these fucultic.

are auli- jeef to tho same luw. of development. If then we have a Common destiny, aro endowed with common instrumentalities tor tho achievement of that destiny, nnd our right, have i their origin there, how dure man presume to wrest them from us? It is impious is assuming prerogative that neither Cod nor man bus a right to, while we aro constituted o. we arc. To admit such a right in our good Parent, would bo to admit in lliin aright and power to do wrong, something wholly inconsistent nnd at variance with hU nature.

If tho position takon bo true, then, whence comes man's boasted suneriurity, the intellectual pre-eminence ho claims? Clearly from bis superior circumstances superior discipline. Extend to womnn equal privilege, and discipline, and she will not lag behind him, and those equal privilege, must and will be extended. Nothing short of this will ever satisfy tho demands of a nolde and dignified spirit one in which tho spnrk of Divniity has indeed been kindled. This question, so vitally important to us nil, i. too olteu discussed from wrong premises.

For instance, it i. contended thnt because certain orgnus, as a class, me lurger in mules than in females, (wholly tho result of a dilier-nice indiscipline,) therefore men have rights that ie have not; just as though the size of the organ determined the rilit to its use. We might just ua well say, that because oue man i. mora intellectual than another, therefore be lias superior rights. The argument i.

as applicable in one case as tho other. Hut Oh! what a scene would ensue, should a practical application of this doctrine bu made among the self-created despots! Nut one of them from the cowardly tnieiling spirited ff'ebstcr down to the veriest idiot thut can run at lurgo, but whut would leel himself iu-aulted ut audi a suggestion. The truth is, they do not believe what they It is only a kind of sophistry, resorted to to blind those whom they huvo already ontdaved and degraded. It mutters not how little mental capability i. possessed, (provided it belongs to the pantaloon sex,) all tho rights of humuuiiy are claimed tor it nyo, unit more.

Should he be fortunate enough, or some benuuihed, distorted spirit unlnrluuate enough, to Income hi. wedded wile, he bus almost exclusive right and control over her ulso, Ilow many thousands of inlrlUctuid and nuhlt-min-dnl women aro this day owned us it were by petty tyrants, not half us good or Mthemselvesl. We are slaves abject slaves, for what else do we inouu by the term than 1 one whose acftom and earning uro nutter tlio bitrary control ot another Just read Mansfield, or another writer 011 tho legal right." of Ah! what a picture it make, me-shriiik back ashamed nnd disgus-. led, when I see myself in such a horriblo mirror. A.

unmarried women, we have taxa-ttoo without representation labor almost i williont remuneration a married women We are more machines to lie used ot the disConititutional of our owners. Should wo posscK W0. nil control over it, ami a vo l.mlmrno ted toon iVl '6' worth nny thing in one case, it is in the stature asde-fiiHJ, or t.llemitillg influence general thing nil riald or title to it. Our per soni.l rights pro wrested from us to thnl extent tlmt limy le used to compel obedience to tho demands, just or unjust, of our to-called prohrlnrt. Heaven save us fl out Bimli protection i Again, ns if to ndd insult to injury, tho marriage contract, ns it is false-ly ciilleil, is such thnt womnn in nddition to being degraded by previously existing law to tho condition of a slave, is pledged to obey her husband.

Whut cool nnd deliliernto wickedness! Is it not enough thnt nil the laws and physical strength of tho hind enn be commanded to compel this obedience What" need of this hem lies insiilt This i even stamped" upon tho victim, of additional bndire of degradation nnd servili TBftrt, pot, this humiliating picture? niv soul sickens ut siglit-vrs, rrrur to tUo hollow despotism nrc olteu cited to tho ves and the enso anil inilulciico their torpid, I 1 1 i i i i i. 1 'I nlaves in king's palace im in a peanut's cot. Tim same hing, degrml- laiv. meet us there clHeivhcre. That b.iiimii l.aturo the I- ly ol srll-gnvcriiiiient still (leiucil us; Willi it tll0 and noble-minded cannot ex- it.

Thev will either nine nwnv and die, or nhatcu risk, break the bonds 1 Another ol jretion frcptently urpe.1 to our rulo to ity is, our phpfcnl,.. ity. woman Vst there aro thousands to-day, in this enlightened lili-crty-loving Republic, who kissoi. no larger physical structure, tlinn or imrci 01 my sex do; nevertheless thry ore clothed with nil tho right, of humanity, nnd would feel thejr little ditnitics greatly insulted should any one presume to plnce them on no higher platform tlinn thut occupied by tho women und niggers." In conclusion, dear sisters, let me ngnin exhort you to nohlo and indcicnleiit action. Let not tho fear of man or hi.

vile thrent. restrain the expression of a single word of truth that ye may deem it right to utter. In tho language of tho poet: llo yo liko tho first Apostlrs Do ye liko heroic I'nul If a free thought sock expression. Speak it boldly 1 speak it all 1 Fe your enemies accusers Scorn the prison; rack, or rod I And if yo have truth to utter, SrcAK I and leave tho rest to God." Yours for equal human rights, MERCY L. HOLMES.

From Emma Steer. Pr.ns. Bistkks! Permit an ancient and feeble, sister to aldres. you, and bid you Godspeed in the work wherein you are engaged lbr the elevation of Woman. Impressed with a sense of the importance of a better moral and literary training for her to whoso care the earliest and most important part of the education of both sexes is assigned, wo cannot wonder that tho world abounds with men deficient in goodness and true great ncs.

of when tho "first impressions that seldom are cllaced," are not of a chnrncter tending to this important event. Con it lie expected that their first tutors cau he able to give them such instruction, when the greater part of their life to this period hu. been directed and employed to adorn tho exterior, unit tit them to pleuse the eye, and become tho toy. ol the other sex? And further, wo cannot look lbr such mother, to give their daughter, better training than they themselves have received. Let this subject, dear bo fully canvassed let woman's early education bo improved; nnd tho seed sown in good prohnd will spring up nnd grow then will slio be able to labor lbrtlielin tlier improvement and elevation of her sex, and thereby assist in promoting the welliire of the whole human race.

Alen, having received their fust impression, mid continued instructions from noblu-miiided Mothers, will grow up in intelligent goodness, be willing to assist in releasing woman from tho chains with which custom ha. held her bound, and join baud in hand with her u. natural ullies in tho great work of rclorm. Thero aro such men and women now; and wo hope, through the faithfulness of tlioso engaged to labor liir Woman', elevation, thut noble pliahmx will arise, and that tho time will come, when, instead of a community resembling briars and thorns, pricking against each other, fund encouraging War, Slavery, ccc, thero will bo peuco on earth and good will to 111011," bearing resemblance, lo garden of flower, and precious fruits. And now, dqnr winters, who may como to hear this very important discussion, In) entreated to enter deeply into.

tho examination of the momentous suhjert, that you may see its beariiiL. and bo ablo to luborlbra change in the education of Vuiiimi, II you coultl seo tho benefit that tho world of mankind would derive from such an improvement, wo aro persuaded ou would go forth ns nil ar my with banners, regnrdlcr-s of the world's 1 1 1 1:. 1 1. (head laugu ill jour Kiiiipiieuy, 1111110 seen-ing to enrich your minds with useful knowledge, instead of spending jour time in adorning the exterior. Let this subject of the elevation of Woman lie considered and discussed und intelligent nnd virtuous men will aid in exposing tho futility of the education wliich females generally have heretofore received, flight not their remarks, but endeavor to improve your time let the search extend from mother to mother, nnd Irom sister to sister; for if tho season of youth can Is? spent la gaining tnoro moral nmi literary instruction tluiu bus been generally attuinul by Womnn, sho ill not only shino with more lustre in whut is culled her proper sphere, I but be able to labor for the attainment ol her ill lull ttikftU IlI'M 1 jusi ngnm ui rHJ crowned with success.

Adieu, dear sisters, and tuoy the tJod of Love and Peoco be with you, aim crown your assembly. Your friend, EMMA STEER. Colerain, Belmoni 0H) v. 4thmo.llth,1850. From Elizabeth Wilson.

CADIZ, Ohio, April 12th, 1850. Mas, Robi.iso: I for tho kind and earnest invitation you nave honored 1110 with 011 behalf of the Committee of Arrangements, my much esteemed friend your husliand uniting 111 the solirita tion to nttend tho Convention of Women to assemble in Salem on the and In stant. It is perhaps unnecessary for me to say, that I heartily concur in tho measure, ns my opinions on this question are already lie-fiire tho public, lint I reirret lo sny it will be out of my power to hnvo tho plcnsure of attending 011 thnt occasion. The object ol tlm Convention, the Elevation of Wo man, i.

one in which I take an intense interest, ns it deeply involve, the interest nnd well-being of the hole human family. Woman bus been long the eirtim of oppression and ii-rong-, nnd God has so ordered matter. 111 tin. world that we cannot indict nn injury on our fellow-rrentiirc. without inllicting a greater injury mi ourselves.

Man bus m-llieteif greater injury on himself by the assumption ofnrbitrury poivcrthnn lie bus on woman, though it is extremely injurious to IhiiIi. Arbitrary power has nlways been a ruiM) both to tho Possessor nnd it. victim. woman is lilt lo mora than an automaton, well nieh pushed oil' the platform of human ity, 00 tlmt she is Hot "nil help-meet for tins lays responsibility 011 limn hich ho is unqualified to meet. rln no department of li to doc.

man iiiniiilest this moro stiikiugly, than ill bis administration of civil government moro ticularly bis moral iimi'ittiicy is manifest to a humiliating extent. J'lie contaminating moral inllucuce of tho political arena is urged, ns rensoii why woman hlionld not engage i.i it, I vt she would become contaminated like majority of I'oliticul man thus men yield, to her the supremacy in morals. Would not wo-man's moral influence he a corrective of its contaminating effects? "It is not pood for mnn to be alone," and tho Great Sovereign of the Universe has assigned woman political duties. What! doe. God require) political duties of women yes, political duties.

Qiicciib shall lie your nursing mothers' is a scripturo prediction, a. well a. King, bo your nursing Where might we most naturally have expected the fulfilment of this prediction to commence, but in (ViifiVm, lie publican the world'. Iiest hope. As tho sovereignty is vested in tho pcoplo in a liepublican form of government, ull who enjoy political rights in a Republic nro constituent parts of the Sovereignity, and limy lie culled kings or queens; nnd in tho churactur of queen, does God require service of woman.

Hut our model Republic tells God thnt queen, shall not bo a constituent part of its sovereignity, to be uursitig mother, to his Church and people, and bus denied women politicul rights iu to-to. Tho government of tho United Huitos-w ilh respect to women is but a great hereditary aristocracy, hich govern, them by arbitrary laws without their own consent; thus giving tho lie to their own principle, thut government receives its legitimate powers from tho consent of the governed. 1 las any person lilicrty hen lie is governed liy laws lie has no voice iu making It i. a direct step towards enslavement. It would bo an anoniuly, that such class would he govem-wi Hr Jusiutd i.p.i.ili ius) neiK 1110 1111- equul and oppressive raws wlilcli govern women, It is said that the richt of suffrage, is a conventional right, not a natural right and people may bo lawfully divested of conventional rights.

Tho principle thut government receives its legitimate jiowers Irom the consent of the governed overturn, this opinion. We deny that the right of suffrage i. a conventional right it is a natural and iu-uloniuble right forming conventions give, no right lo exercise authority over those who ore not members of the association. Conventions can givo no rights it is God that gives us our rights. Tlie provinco of civil government is to protect 11.

in our God-given rights. And women have inherent and inalienable, rurht. the sumo as men, and have corresnoiidiui! duties, and should have a di rect voice in un matters wnicu eucci uiyir interest. It is said thnt women's rights are safe in tho bunds of their affectionate fathers, husbands and lirothers. Do the (act.

iu the cuso testily thut this is truo? After a womnn liecomcs a wile, 8ho or wer totality iu tho eye. of tho luw, sho is a being of the law own creation a monster, liciitious not having human rights a. belbrc. The laws that govern the wilo und tho slave dill'er in degreo, but not iu kind. Insteud of the civil luw being tho protector of the wife, or widow, it is her adversary, her tyrant und oppressor.

We uro convinced thut if thero were no organized civil government, iu our present onlightoucd civilized condition, the wilb nnd widow would enjoy moro rights from the common sense of tho community thuii they do from the civil Hwcrs. Tho common senso of an enlightened community would award to the wilb a right to acquire and own property. Tho virtuous woinun spoken of in the good old book, considered a field and bought it. Prov. ill, Hi.

An enlightened community would brand a man ns 11 despicable tyrant, who would exact the personal labor of his wife and pocket her earnings it would brand a man un suvngo, who would bind his wifo with cords, lock her up in closet, and if sho resist his lordly authority and brute force, muiui bur! Tho husband a licensed woman-whippcr! Magnanimity sustained by our Republican chivalry Sho 11 nursing mother queen! Alas! slio is stripped of her crown and dignity. A most shameful violation of 11 constitutional guaranty, that no person shall bo deprived of liberty without duo process of law. And were it not for legal enactments, who would ever think of pouncing 011 tho poor widow's property, wresting it fiom ber, dealing out her apportionment, us if sho were asulnried domestic, und inukiug such a disposition of tho residue ns they seo proper? No, the common senso of uu enlighted community would sny, thnt the widow was tho proper person, uilcr the husband's exit, to hnvo the solo control and iiiunugemontof that property, und that she is the God-ordained guardian of her children, the sumo us tho husband, idler tho wife's death. Aro nut the moral and intellectual training of the children under their mother's control, and why ennuot she niuuage their pecuniary interests? This interference of the law is professedly for the purpose of securing to children their inheritance. This is only a mere prolsxt.

When there aro no children to provide for, the husband's relations come in as legal heirs to two-thirds of all real estate, the same as when there are children. In many iustances, turning tho widow out of bouse, and home, a dupendaiit on tho cold charities of at) unfeeling world. Thus we ace that the civil law is the wife and widow's tyrant and oppressor. These are some of the fruit, of women being denied the right of sulTrage. Ilow gnllant our republicans are to the fair sex." Aro they governed by the golden rule A government thnt is entitled to allegiance will have no rlns legislation.

Tho lows will not b. nindo for mnn, nor for womnn, but for mankind. A right to acquire and own property is most emphatically a natural right and inalienable and right which distinguishes man from the brute. If life itself is a natural right, the mean, to support it aro also natural rights. And God gave woman an inheritance iu the earth and all it contains, the sumo as man, Gen.

1 1 2, nnd she bus obligation, to perform to her fellow creatures, urising nut of these rights, tho some ns mnn. I wns nn hungered nnd ye gnvo 1110 meat," Math. 25; itf, 45. A woman of correct information nnd sound judgment, who would acquiesce in such ex actions does not deserve to enjoy Iter lilierty she does not know how to appreciate it, nor the exalted position sho occupies as a human lMiing, and tho consequent responsibility. It is time tlmt womnn should arise from her tomb and let men know that womnn cannot, more than man, lie divested of any of her rights by tho marriage contract- Marriage is intended to extend her influeneo duties, not to curtail them.

Slio bus in- a'ienabh rights, the same n. man, nnd has politicnl Jutie. assigned her by her Crentor; cnuscqui ntly, she must hnvo political rights: the first of which is tho elective franchise. Whitr. innlo," must lie Blrickcn out of our htato Constitution us a nunlificatioii lor tho right of suffrage, nnd person substituted in its place.

Does not woman leel that she is tlegr iiled by Is'iuir divested of her rights, and lo lie placed 111 tho same category, Willi orthc insane, or those who have committed flagitious crimes, inch as robbers, malefactors and other gross offenders Are women too deuraded to have any aspirations after a higher and better condition Wo know a goodly number aro not thus degra ded. Let women arise in the majesty of their womanhood and assert their rights, and we huvo no doubt they will be placed in a position in which they could ierforni their duty as nursing mothers to the people of God, in the character ofnueetis. a constituent part of tho sovereignty of the United Stutes of America. Coming events cast llicir shadows before them. Public sentiment is rapidly chuniMiiii 011 this micstion i many distinguish ed men ore taking an interest iu it, and it ia still deeiiening.

Men will be powerful aux iliaries, hut on woman rests the Inn den ot this conflict. We do not supjmse that women will obtuin their rights without a strug gle, nnd a great effort liotween moral and physical Kver. Jtut the promiso is, As thy days, so shall thy strength Yours, for progress and liiuunn liberty, ELIZABETH WILSON. From R. M.

Sanford. CHAGRIN FALLS, April 10th, 1850. OTulrtand Women of Hit Convention: Un- avoidfiljlo duties at home will prevent my leinnTMo tuattiud Session, of your 011 It H'ii6ta sudden and evauescont iinntilso. attributed so generally to our sex, which now mures woman to think and act for civil lilierty, fbr citizenship. ixoK through lie history ot the mighty past, and you will find that a lung train of circumstances, linked to somo uiiiiiqiortunt movement at first, brought about a stupen dous result.

Every national question, which heaped event upon event una joined resolution to resolution, rose from the sole voice or act of ono person. Reform's last clarion- sounds havo ulwuya swelled from a flute-like note. Woman's voice years ago whisiiered entliralmenL' and though ridicule, intellect, defiance and ower have sought to smother it, yet, higher and higher tho tone has risen, till State alter State now catches tho chorus, and to the tenor call for freedom is joined tho clear full boss of man's justice. If from the events of the pust we can draw a conclusion, .0 from tho excitement of tho present thero will lis a result worthy our deepest consideration. It is for us to tnuke the present tend towards equality, justice, goodness and religion for tho whole human race.

That is a grand and boundless duty, to prepare mankind for eternity. It is not exclusively to enfranchise nnd elevate white women, but it is through that totelevnto nnd culighteii the enslaved and licnightcd of every race nod nation. The sphere nnd destiny of woman. The most succinct way to appreciate this subject is touuswer the objections usually raised. 1st.

"Woman's constitutional delicacy has formed lies sphere." Tho tusto of man nnd the restrictions of the luw havo formed her sphere, and thut sphero bus formed her constitutional delicacy. It has been proved by emigration that in ull tho hurdships of tho wilderness, in nil the dangers of tho border wnrfiire, nnd all tho trials common to both sexes in domestic life, woman's "constitutional dulicucy" endured ns much ns man's braver', generated by bis freedom to act in nny mid every direction. Fact ling written with pen of iron upon the liice of Timo woman energy against than', energy, with her constitutional delicacy operating to the contrary. 2d. It ia improper for her to legislate, speak and vote." Why llccauso sho is 11 womnn.

Ask man hat it is that legislates, and he will unswer justicn, kuowledgu, common sense what it is thut speaks, nnd he will answer, intellect, morul powc.r; whut is it thut votes, und ho will reply, understanding. To sustain bis objections nnd bis answers, woman is un idiot, or less than 11 chattel. His position in rculity upon this point is confused and ridiculous. As citizen she would lose her present innternnl duties and her many charming graces." That position man nor woman cannot sustain from experience, fbr, wherever oiiian bus acted she bus thrown nil tho dignity of a mother and all tho refinement of her sex nrounii uie rauso aim cireuuisimii e. Ill fashionable I to sho has lost her maternal duties, und tho chnrming grace of simplicity and trutlk Iter better nature must lie culled from thU desecrating contact und applied whero tho refinement and purity of woman is needed.

It is not necessary for her to go to the sumo bullot-box, balbro the same Judges nnd Jury, before the same Sneakers und President with man. Hut her voles, derisions and enactments should le secured for future peace and blessing to the worm. I will to controvert it cannot, lor tho law-axe, is beyond her reach, slavery, thnt might lie hurled from the American pedestal once raised to lilierty, ill rest in masterly inncti-legnl for there is a wwcr lying powerless in woman's hands. Kul take courage. Calhoun onco remarked, thnt ho had watched tho nbolition cause from its first agitation, a rii-nnd tile then, expecting it would become nn over- 1 1 I i 4th.

"Woman's duty is her sphere, and her duty is to stay nt borne, mind her bouse, and keep qulot." There we agree, as well ss join issue. Woman', duty is to mind her domestic concerns, and it is to make ber better in that, that we wish to elevate her. It i. her duty as a wife to olicy and seek to le taught in all things pertaining to her moral, social, and spiritual welfare. A judiriou.

liuslMind should stand next to (Soil a. a direc tor. A. a mother she should toacli and lie kind, a. a considerate and oliedi-cut, as a sister loving and watchful.

Ftill God gve woman charity, and sho must exercise it he gave her judgment, it must come into action bo gave her graeo and energy, harmony of action and puriose; he endowed her with refinement, intellect and tnorol streirirth. and it is not (or man to say, "wo mnn shall be restricted." Woman's destiny is a blank as she now stands in relntion to civil privilege. Hie sec. immorality degrading the human rnce, nnd ith nil perception nnd energy to check it, cannot lilt finger; she sees intemperance pushing her kindred nnd neigh-Isirs into the grave, and with all desire und whelming wave. Ho it ill bo ith Woman's Rights a tiny bubble now, but it may, ye.

und will bo an overwhelming current. The convention to be culled in May will be one of vital interest to the triumph of theso rights. May Strang nnd earnest voice, nnd petition go up from tho women of Ohio. Puss it not idly by, you who huvo been lup- ped in tlio sent ot dependence mid 11011-111 lerierence. Intel icieuec is now our If God ever planted equality of thought and equality of right in nil portions of bis human creations, it is time that 0110 portion should stand by the Magna Churter the Crentor gnve.

Tho riu lit cannot bo denied to any person of legislating, if legislated upon, of taxing if tuxed, of voting if counted. The woman who ridicules or flinches now thut the groat trial is coming, is sunk below tho power of appreciating hiuiit. It is not mm womnn ha. been forgotten thnt 1 siienk so strongly. i.

1 1 -c It is because revolution is surging, and if ef fort is not greater and continually greater, 11 ill (lie away unu woman lose uie viiumy of liroirrcss. The rock "iiovc. euse not ex ertion, combine nnd push on, und tho New Constitution will bo one lbr man to venerata and God to bless. It is not iiccossnry for mo to admonish yon to be moderate and prudent, or urge you to firmness aud resolution. Ue troo in the rioht.

Yours, for equul laws, R. M. M. SAN FORD. Miss A.

E. Lr.s. From Lucretia Mott. To the "Woman's Convention," to be held in Salem, Ohio, on the 19th inst. The cull for this Convention, so numerously signed, is indeed gralilying, and give hope of lurgo attendance.

The letter of invtiniloii was duly received, arid -f -need scarcely sny, how gladly 1 would lie present if in my power. Engagements in another direction, as well aa the dilliculty of travel, at this season of the year, will prevent my availing myself of so great a privilege. You will not, however, be at a loss for speakers in your midst lbr among the signers to the Cull are the names of muny whoso hearts believe unto out of their abundance, therelbre, the mouth will muke confession unto salvation." The wrongs of Woman have too long slumbered. They now begin to cry for redress. Let them be clearly pointed out in your Convention and then, not ask as faxor, but demand as rigid, that every civil and ec clesiastical obstacle be removed out ol tho way.

Rights are not dependent upon equality of mind nor do we admit inferiority leav ing that question to be settled by future developments, when a fuir opportunity shall be given, for the equul cultivution of tho intellect, and tho stronger powers of tho mind shall be culled into action. If in accordance with your cull, you ascertain tho bearing which the circumscribed sphere of woman hu. on the greut jiolili-cul und social evils thut curse and desolnte tho land," you will not have come together in vain. Muy you indeed, gain strength" by your "contest with Muy the whole armor of Right, Truth, and Reason" be yours! Then will tho influence of tho Convention bo iu tho assembled wisdom of men, which is to follow; und tho good results, as well usyourexuinplo, will ultimately rouse other Suites to uetion iu this most important cause. 1 herewith forward to you 'u Discourse on wliich, though brought out by lo cal circumstances, may yet contaiu principles of universal application.

Wishing you every success in your nonio eflbrt, I uiii yours lor womuu's redemption und consequent elevation, LUCRETIA MOTT. Philadelphia, 4th, mo. 13th, '50. From Lucy Stone. For the Il'omcn's Rights Convention Dear Friends The friends of human freedom in Massueliiis'MW rejoice thut a Woman's Rights Convention is to bu held in Ohio.

Wo iiuil it us a sign of progress, und deem it cscci. illy lilting, that such a Convent ion should be held tin iv when a new Statu Constitution is to bo formed. It is easier, when tho Old is destroyed, to build tho New right, than to right ilaj'ter it is built. The stutiile books of every Statu In the Union ore disgraced by an article, which limits the right to the elective uuiichiso to "nude citizens, of twenty-one years of age and upwards," thus excluding one ball thu population of the Country from ull political influence subjecting Woman to laws, in the making of which she bus neither vote, nor voice. Tho lowest drunkard may come up from his wallowing iu tho gutter, und, covered with filth, red up to tho ballot-box, aud deposit his vote, and hi right to do so is not questioned.

Tho meanest foreigner who comes to our shores who cannot speuk his mother tongue correctly bos secured far him the riidil of sullruco. The Negro crushed und degraded as if he wero not a brother man mudo tho lowest of the low even he insotn of the States can vote but Woman, in every State, is politir eslly plunged in degradation lower than) hit lowest deep. Womnn ia taxed under laws made those who profess to believe that taxation and representation are Inseparable, while ir the use and imposition of the taxes, a. iiv representation, she ia absolutely without influence. Should she hint thnt the profession and practice do not agree, she ia gmvelr told, that Womnn should not talk jlitio.v In most of the States, the married Womnn-loses, by her marriage, the control of her person and iho right of property, and if she is a mother the right to her children also; wlula she secures whnt the town psupen hnvo, the right to be maintained.

The legal disabilities under which women labor have no end, I will not attempt to enumerate them. Let the earnest women, who Scnk in your Convention, enter into the detail of this question, nor stop to pntrh fig-lenvcs for the linked truth," but before all Israel and the sun," expose the atrocity of the laws rclativo to women, until tho ears of those who hear shnll tingle, nnd so tlmt the men, who meet iu Convention to form the new Constitution, for Ohio, shall, for very shame's sako, tnnke-hnste to put nwny the Inst remnant of the bailMirism which your common ith those of the other States) retains, in its inequality, nnd injustice to woman. Wo know too well tho stern reform spirit of thoso who havo called this Women's Rights Convention, to doubt fur moment thut what can bn done bv you, to sccuro equnl rights for ull, will bo done. oucAf to hnvo tnken the-, lend in the work you are now doing, but if" she rhooses to linger, let ber young sister of the West set here worthy example; and if "the Pilgrim spirit ia not dead," ue'll plcdg. Miissaehutrtts lo follow her.

lours for Justice end I.qnal Rights, LUCY STONE. At Southampton, April 10th, 1850. r7 Letters of Habaii Peon and Harbist X-Tobiikt omitted because the paper would not contain them. fjy'er the Letters of Ltdia Ja5 Tiik- so, Elizabeth Cadt Sta.itox, Rctr Diodale, and Fra.icei D. Gaoe, tee Fourth Pus- At Southampton, April 10th, 1850.

Equality of Woman---A Voice from Men. Immediately after tho ailjoummcnt of the -1 Ohio Woman's Convention, at Solera, April .1 2pth, tho men who hnd attended a spectators- organised a meeting by appointing 1 STEAnuAX, of Randolph, Chairman, and Lswu T. Park, of Salem, Secretary. Tho following resolutions were ottered by Oliver Johnson, snd unanimously adopted Resolved, Thnt the Convention of the of Ohio, whose sessions hare now been brought to a close, by its exalted aims, its brave enuncia- tion of long suppressed truths, its nnblo devotion to Duty, and by the talent, courtesy and dignity of its debates, and Uie practical wis-' dom of its measures has, awakened in our minds, as mrn, emotions of profound satiafac-tion and Joy, and kindled new hope of the speedy political enfranchisement and moral and intellectual elovation of tho Human lUce. 1 Itcaolvcd, That ws hereby record over sol- mn ifrn, Ynmr" tho laws of fiature and of Uod to the am rights, civil, social, political and religious, which belong to men and that as husbands, sons snd brothers, we rejoice st the cheering; ovidonco afforded by the Convention Just closed, that they are at length awaking to a sense ot' their dignity as unmortol and responsible bo ing, and manifesting a calm determination to-throw off th trammels of a fulie education and asiume tho high poaition for which they wore created.

ltMolved. That heroby avow the firm, and unalterable purpose to co-operato with Women In attaining an acknowledgement of their rights in Church and State, to cheer them in th conflict with Oppression and Wrong, and to hare with thero alike th peril of the atrogKl and. tho joy of th victory which must ultimately- -crown their labor. Hosolved, That a friends of Universal lib' rty, wo proclaim our detestation of that purl-out Democracy which denies to human beings tho lUghtof Suffrage on account of 111 or color and that we will never relax our exertion until a perfect Equality of Itighu shall be acknowledged a tho foundation of all our social, and religious institutions. I "I -x WM.

STEADMAN, Chairman. Lewi T. Farr, Secrttmry. MARRIED Johm C. Armstrong to Elizabeth 1L Alxxah-dku, both of Columbiana, Col.

Ohio. Notices. Columbiana and Mahoning A. S. Society.

Tlio Pint Quarterly Meeting of the Columbiana and Mahoning Anti-Slavery Society will be hold at tho GROVE mccting-houie, near New Garden, on SATUKDAY and SUNDAY. Muy 4th and 6th, commencing at 2 o'clock, P. on the day first named. A general and punctual attendance ia desired. 11 RACHEL TRESCOTT, Sec.

EtHALi; Having long entertained tho opinion, that f- moles should have all tho privilege of which tho opposito sox aro poascsnod, and cspeciniy that they should have every facility lbr acquiring usci'ul knowledge, and making it and knowing something of tho want of tho community as now constituted, In regard to the treatment of disease, 1 hnvo frequently expressed a desiro to havo them cducntod a Physicians, and as a concqucnco have, during th pant few year, had numerous applicant to study, but owing to a want of facilities for rendering instruction a thorough a I could deaire, I have refused. Now, however, many of the dif- tiuullic aro removed, and I have dotennined to bo preparod by tho first of April to givo uch advantugo a aro possessed by few physician. I am the moro encouruged to do this from the information just received, that the Medical School at Clovoland i heroafter to be open lo -womon on tba mine term a to men. Other school will no doubt upoedily adopt the aan courso. Thoso desirou to ontor upon a course of atu-die of this kind under my guidnnc will ploaaei communicate, by lotter or otherwise, and all inquiries ahull rcccivo prompt attention.

li. U. TUOMAS. Marlboro', 1850. C.

DONAIJ1SON Co. WhalaM id Retail llardwart UtrchtmU. KEEP contnntly on harl general ort ment of HARD WARS ad CUTLERY. No 18, Main Stroot, Cincinnati January, 1819. 'i i t1i 1.

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