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Anti-Slavery Bugle from Lisbon, Ohio • Page 3

Lisbon, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE A I A It JJUGLE. MR. GILLETT'S SPEECH. The New York Evening gl'ng an Mcoont the discussion in the Senate on the bill to further aid in the enforcement of the fugitive slave law, jtWes the following account of Mr. Gillette speech ten thj occasion Qillette, of Connecticut, gladly embraced tlie cession of hie colleguc's revival of the slavery question, to read so elaborate essay on slavery in the District of Columbia, the horrors of the institution being detailed end characterized in term that 'would have evoked1 the Admiration of an abolition conventicle.

The strength of In epithets, and the evident heartness with which he applied them, had a reviving effect on drowsy eouthern eenatore, (not to speak it pro-fauely.) like a long pole in a cage of monkoys. Tbiy gathered around him as if he were a natural curiosity, asking aH sorts of derisive questions, about as germaue to his remarks as bis remark were to the precise subject presented in tho bill bo-fore the Senate. Gillette, however, sailed on in his lecture 'with upright unabashed, ntteiing ort rotundo every "hurrid particular," and every npalatable conclusion, tarnished with snatches of aoVsUvory poetry, and in periods of ornate de-1 Buociatlon, as smooth and Well-rounded as the theme of a collegian. The Connecticut senator is a man of rather singular appearance, tall, thin, with pointed feature, black hair and eyes, exhibiting a highly excitable temperament, apparently jposseisin more moral than physical courage. The Senate never was regaled with such an entertainment before, and were it not fur tho lute political demonstrations at the North, I doubt if it would have swallowed it with even the bad grace they did.

Junes, of Tennessee, a western stump orator, who snys little, but talks a grant deal, followed. As might have been expected, tlio theme of his remarks was suggested by the outrageous statements of Mr. Qillotte. Pcttit, of Indiana, mentioned by Mr. Benton as "a dirty dog," discoursed passim on the difibront races of men, in-feriorand superior, neither affirming nor donylng tbt eanine attribute charged upon himself.

A Black Woman aw White Legislators. -A Jate New Orleans paper gives tho following. The -chivalry are a oourageous ret to fear for their throats for doing justice to such poople. This woman had not learned to appropriate other poo-plei clothe, notwithstanding the example of white church members around her in appropriating the purses, the garment and the. labor of her companion and herself: "Tbckx On Tuesday morning a negro 'woman, who was passing along Oalvez near the Canal, found a leather trunk broken open well filled with clothing, papers, The trunk also contained six or seven gold watches, a lump of California gold, about a hundred dollars in gold coin, and a number of other valuables.

With a rare honesty, the woman closed the trunk and went in search of a policemen, whom she informed of the discovery, and then returned and watched the trunk until he came with a dray. It was taken to the First District Police Office, nnd this morning the trunk was claimed by a man named Johnson, who lives, we believe in in the rear of and who stated that the trunk had bcon stolen from his room. He proved his property, took the trunk away. The honest old negro woman who had discovered and guarded the property, supposed as every one else did she would receive a handsome reward, but the penerous own-er very cooly informed her that he would not give her a cent. The shout of derision which went up from tho admiring crowd around would bave brought the blush of shame to any less hardy check than the undeservingly lucky owner of this recovered treasure" How the legislature of Louisiana honor and encourage such honesty as the above we learn from a fact recorded in the same paper as the above, in its legislative proceedings "Also a bill to prevent colored persons from -testifying against whites." Wixr at Tnc Sacrament.

Most preposterous, i the adliesi'on of our professodly temperance -churches to the use of intoxicating liquor, on their sacramental Occasions. Our experience is, that if any one is desirous of loosing cast in tho temperance cause, be has only to rebuko in merited terms thi flagrant inconsistency, and it is effectively done. Horace Grecly in a recent letter to a Universalis! paper, give this sacramental use of alcbolio wine, -at a reason for not being a communicant in that church. lie ay: Believing the ordinance of the Lord's Supper ai now celebrated among us, a fearful impediment to the rrogres and triumph of the principles of total abstinence from all that can intoxicate, I have for some time past felt it my duty to abstain from it, awaiting and hoping for the day when Christians of every name shall realize that the blood of our Savior is nut truly represented by tho compounds of vile and poisonous drugs commonly sold here as wine, nor yet by any liquid essentially nlchoholic, therefore intoxicating. If a few more would unite in this pro.est, we should soon have no other wine used in the Eucharist than that freshly and wholly expressed from grapes a liquid no more intoxicating or poisonous than new milk or toast water.

And then we shall cease to hoar of reformed drunkards corrupted and hurled back into the way of rain by a vicious thirst reawakened at the TIPTON, March 3, 1855. Editor Anti-Slavery Buglet Diab Sia In your paper of the 24th Feb. 1855, which was sent mft by you for which I am under great I notice an article headed "A kidnapping ease in Indiana," in which my name i associated, which accounts for thicomuiumca- tion. What object my old Friend Rigg, could -bave had in making this connection I am unable to define, and refrain from alluding to any thing so far as I am Concerned, as an individual in that association, until I hear from him. There was a slave captured, in this oounty about the time alluded to in Rigg's communication by his a I have-since learned, and, too process," so fur as 1 know.

At least oar Sheriff informed me that no writ had ever been placed in his hand, nor was there any excite. here or in the country about the matter. The lave owned himself he belonged to the claimant, nor has any minister bere proclaimed his anti- slavery principles publicly as represented in the communication nor 'is it necessary bere, because there are but few pro-slavery men here, not with standing that, they are law abiding; but would resist any attempt, and at all haizards pre vent any attempt, to jeopardise the liberties of men, be tbey block or white. Yours truly; HIRAM PRATHER. Remarks.

There are two statements made above which don't seem exactly in harmony. The man was arrested without process and taken into Slavery, and there was no excitomont in Tipton or the country round, Such coolnoss, is not to the credit of any community. How to reconcile it, with the subsequent statement, that the "law-abiding peo-pie of that region would resist any attempt to jeo-pardiie the liberties of men be they black or white," we don't exactly understand how to Beside it would have been vastly creditable to one or all of tbe ministers of Tipton, had tbey spoken out against kidnapping "without pro. cess," especially when the whole oommunity look, ed on without excitement. For their credit we are sorry Mr.

Rigg's etatement is oalled in question. From Mr.rrather't statement it would teem 'kut ill tbt clcrjy ef th Jt r'jfloo art Me the men described by the Prophet, "Dnrub dog which cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slum-ber" and that too where tnon are robbed of their liberty, without process of law, and in the midst of law-abiding citizens. UNDERGROUND RAILROAD EMERGED. A friond in "the West" sends us the following letter, marked "pi-irate." For tho very good reason he assigns for communicating It to us, we venture to give it to our roaders, making it sufficiently private by suppressing dates, names, and such facts as would lead to an identification of porsons and places 24,1833. Editor Bugle Dear Sir: You may be glad to hear that that the Underground Railroad has suddenly emerged through an extont of fifty miles east and west of this place.

Yesterday a mombor of Mr. church at brouzht to mv house, at midday, in an open sleigh, with spirited horses nnd plenty of bells, a noble looking colored man, 35 years of ago, who left his master in Ala bama on the of March last, and fearing the bloodhounds nnd professional slave-hunters in N. Alabama and Mississippi, he sought the less populous regions of Western Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri, guiding himself northward acrors tho tributaries of tho great river, till he encountered, tho severe storm.of Jan. 21st, which con fined him six days to one camp, lint lie hau mutches ana a little food, and did not porieh, believing, ns ho had along done, that his prayers wcro heard and re garded. At length, after completing eleven months" in which no human dwelling had sheltered him' a whito woman, to whom he had appealed for food told him that he was in and that few if any men there would betray him to.

his master. Following hor direction, he was soon in the the cice of Mr. who clothed him cleverly aud for. warded himto Ho was to-day taken to the principal hotel in this city, thenco to the rail road depot, and forwarded with other passengers to Many in this State said to hira "Good luck to you, my God bloss you," Ac. Not one put any obstacle ir.

his way, or said to those arouufl him Why do ye so Many have passed this way before, but in darkness and anxiety, on their own part and that of their friends; never one in this public and fearless manner. Truly, I record a change. May it tend to your encouragement in a most important and efficient labor. Vory respectfully yours, CASSIUS M. CLAY'S LECTURE.

A large and intelligent audienco convened at the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening last, to listen to the address of 0. M. Clay, on the "Despotism of Slavery." Tho speaker drew a true and startling picture of tho relentless and almost resistless tyranny of the sluvebolding oligarchy that rules at the South, and throughout the nation. Mr. Clay's early espousal of the tho cause of emancipation, his untiring zeal and industry hi the jrk in which he has engaged, and his lung resi dence in the midst of the evils against which he is so bravely warring, peculiarly fit him task of enlighteuing tho public mind as to tho character and workings of slavciy.

Ho closed his address with a stirring and eloquent appeal to the friends of freedom to do their utmost to arrest the ravages of a system that is hastening the nation towards hopeless despotism and ruin. The lecture, which occupied an Hour ana three quarters, was listened to with tho deepest attention, and made an imprcs sion on those who heard it that will, we trust, be enduring. J. Congress adjourned at about twelve o'clock (noon) on Sunday, Here is a part of its closing proceedings: It is now 8 o'clocck A. and there is no quorum present.

Mr. PRATT wanted to know whether it would be in Older to direct the servant to bring in breakfast. Mr. WALSH askod if whisksy punches could nut be iutroduced. Loud laughter, and cries of "Good "Good 1" "Well put the question," A VOICE Send a biscuit to Pratt.

Mi PRATT I am hungry. Many voices in succession "So am "So am Tho Sergeant-at-Arras was then dispatched in search of members. Other bills were then passed, under a suspension of rules, and during the taking of the Yeas and JN ays, the Clerk called Mr. lieuton name, when that gentleman ahpeared at the door of the main aisle, and protested, with violent gesticulations, ngainst his namo being called. He said he was an ex-member, and that the session to-day was a libel on the Sabbath.

Some confusion followed this episode, when the SPEAKER, pro Mr. Orr, told the gentleman he was nut of order. Mr. BEN'TON' I am not a member. The SPEAKER Then if the gentleman is not a member, the liuorkeepor will put him out.

Loud laughter followed, with exclamations of "Pretiy good" "That's the talk." The galleries are densely crowded. It was now 11 A. M. Mr- OUR Moved, at 10 minutos to 12, that the Hourse adjourn. Agccd to.

The appropriation to the Collins Steamers, was vetoed by the President, but finally passed, in spite thereof as an amendment tj the navy appropriation bill. The Thus American, of Erie Pa. publishes Wendell Phillips' speech in New York, entire and commends it to the attention of its readers not withstanding the difference of opinion of its Edi tor with the speech on the question of disunion. The American advocates the unti-slayory charac ter of tho Const'rfation, and is a straight-out, earn estanti-slavery Paper. New Hampshire.

Tho Election in New Hamp shire takes place on the 13th inst. John P. Hale is Stumping the State, and aided by Lewis D. Campbell and others. The Anti-Nebraska men and the hunkers are waging a vigorous battle.

Toe EsfEnN War is nt a stand still. Tbe suff erings nnd destruction of the beseigers are still reprcsontcl as torriffic. What is the condition of the Russians we know not. Tho allies seem to be doubtful of their success in tuking Sevastopol. JrsNT I.vnd to visit England next month on a professional visit.

Senator Atchison, is hurrying on to Kansas with General Stringfellow to regulate the spring olection there, Toe W. C. Advocate publishes slave stories in its "Oenoral Miscollany" on the first page. That's progress. Miss Martineaa is so dangerously ill as to leave do hop fo- her recovery, llei disease is enlarge-iuDt 'A tbe heart.

From the Ann Slavery Standard. RIGHTS OF COLORED PEOPLE VINDICATED The hardships and insult si long tufT'-red by tho colored people of this city, In consequence of tho general refusal of omnibus nnd railroad pro- iivioia tu ui'iuiib iiiuu. io enjoy uuuiii riiruis ua 1 passengers arc, we hope, nearly nt an emit the nocKwcu Supremo Court (Brooklyn Circuit, Judo presiding) having made a decision which places that class of our citizens upon an equality with all others. Tho deoision referred to was made in tho caso of Elizabeth Jennings vs. tho Third Avenue Railroad Company.

Tae circumstances attending the expulsion of Miss Jennings from ono of the cars of tnat company, last Summer, as published in tho Standard at tho time of their occurrence, wore briefly these, vis. MissJennings ho is teacher in one of the public schools, nnd organist in one of the oolorod church', got upon ono of tho Company's cars on the Sabbath, to ride to' church. Tho conductor finally undertook to get her off, first alleging the car was full; and when that was shown to be false, ho pretended tho other passengers wero displeased at her presence but she saw nothing of that, and insisted on her rights, tie took hold ot her by lorce to expel her. Sho resisted, thev cot hor down on the platform, jnmincd her bonnet, soiled her dress, nnd injured her person. Quite a crowd leathered around, but she effectually resisted, and they were not able to gut her off.

Finally, uf'ter the car had gone on turthor, they got the aid of a policeman, and succeeded in getting her from tlio car. She instructed her attorneys, Messro. Culvor, Parker and Arthur, to prosecute the Company, togetlior with the driver and conductor. The two latter interposed no defence, the Company took issue, and the cause was brought to trial on the 22d ult. Judp llocktrcll gavo a very clear and able charge, instructing the Jury that the Company wero liable for tho ucts of their agents, whether committed carelessly and negligently or wilfully and niuli-ciously that they wore common carriers, and as such bound to carry all respcctnblo persons: that adored persons, if aohcr, teell Miaeed, anil free from discasei had the mime rights as others; and could neither bo excluded by any rules nf the Company nor by force or violence and in case of Buch expul sion or exclusion, the Company was liable.

Tho plaintiff claiinoJ $500 in her complaint, and a majority of the Jury were for giving hei tho full amount but others maintained some peculiar notions as to colored peoplo's rights, and thoy finally ngreced on $25, on which the Court added ten per cent, besides tho costs. Tho Tribune well says: ''Itivilroads, steamboats omnibuses and ferry-boats will bo admonished from this as to tho rights of respectable colored people. It is high time the rights of this class of citizens wero ascertained, and that it should be known whether they nro to be thrust from our public conveyances, while German or Irish women, wiiii a quarter ot inuttoii or a loau ot couilsh, can bo admitted." It seems, however, that the Eiylith Avenue kailroad Company is not yet williug to to abolish its barbarous and inhuman rule. Th following was reported in tlio 7'i'6ieon Monday: A New York Scene. A little before 0 o'clock on Saturday evening, i decent-looking colored wo man cnterea one ot the JjiiMitli Avenue car? in tanal street, and had reached the middle of it.

whou the conductor observed her nnd ordered her to jo out, which she refused to do. teilinc him that she wished to ride and had a right to do so, as nuu recently occn established by a Judicial decision in Brooklin. The conductor replied that his ordors were imperative, and again ordered her out. She still refused to go, when he clinched her, and, with the aid of tho driver, after a desperate struggle of some minutes, forced her into the middle of the street where she was left in the bitter cold, her clothes badly torn nrd herself injured. Tho passengers throughout the fray manifested disgust at the outrage and sympathy with its victim.

None of them had in dicated a wish that she should be exnellcd. Of course tho -conductor was but obeying orders; but where docs this place those who gave these orders 1 Tho Rev. Pr. Pennington lias complained to the Mayor of another similar case, which occurred on the Kighth Avenue Knilroml, on Monday; Miss Larolu.e feteilninn, of Urooklyn, seamstress, on l.n 'I' i j' i i her way to lw'titictli street, being forcibly pre VPntpd nut ui Iwtrttw. ll.n ovtmuia EArA.ilv ril the weather from entering a car.

Dr. Pennington calls upon the Mayor "to restrain said Company and its conductors from such a course of conduct in future, and require them to observe the laws." We hope the Mayor will comply with his reason able request. The, following which we copy from the Pitts burgh Dispatch exhibits the hardship to which oolorcd persons are exposed on our Western Steam boats Colored Passengers in Western Steamboats. The officers of Steamboats on our Western rivers are placed in a dilemma by the following deois ion I Judge tarter, ot the Cincinnati Court or Common pleas. If they take passenger who may afterwards prove to be a chattlo si ive, they are liable in heavy damages to tho claimant of such chattel, unless they hand him over to some jail, for rc-delivery of such property.

Hence the usnge has boon to land every colored man, who does not produce a proper pass, or free papers, nt the first slave port officers being thusiniciuitouslv compelled to become spies and slave-catchers to search insult, aud soize passengers suspected of bavin" African blood in their veins, and hand then over to the slave pens. In pursuance of this shanietnl, degrading usage, Oliver black ami an other colored man were seized and sent buck to to Concord, (Ky,) by the officers of the Mary Stevens, nfter thoy had paid their fure to Ports mouth, Ohio. The caso before tho Cincinnati Court is thus stated in the Commercial Oliver Black vs. tcamboat J'ary Stevens. In January, 1848, the plaintiff and another person, both colored, got on board the defendant, at Concord, Kontucky, to go to Portsmouth, Ohio, mid paid their faro to hat place.

After their fare was paid, the officers of the boat tied them, took thorn beyond Portsmouth to Greenupsburg, Kentucky, where they tried to havo them imprisoned as runaway slaves, but the jailor refused to roceive them; the officers of tho boat put then, on another boat and had them taken back to Concord. recover damages for these injuries the suit is brought. Tho case was originally brought in the old Superior Court, mid on trial vordict and judgement wore had for ten dollars for the pla'ntiffs. This judgement was reversed by the District Court for the reason that tho Superior Court erred in admitting proof of a usac in mitigation of dam ages that officers of Boats wero in the habit of imprisoning persons of color who came on board from slave States, without record evidence of their freedom. The jury returned a verdict for plaintiffs for $100.

Ball for plaintiff. Miner fur defendent. The Rights of Colored People. In the case of a respcctablo colorod woman, ejected from the car of the Third Avenue Railroad, in iN'ew York city, by the conductor, on account of her color, Judgo Rockwell, of the Curcuit Court chargod as follows: That the Company wcro liable for the acts of their agents, whether committed carelessly and negligently, or willfully ami maliciously that they were common carriers, and as such hound to carry all respectablo persons that Joied persons, if sober veil behaved awl free from disrate, hail thesime rights as others; and could neither be excluded by any rules of the company, nnr by force or violence nnd in caso of such expulsion or exclusion, the Company was liablo." Tho complainant obtained a verdict of $225, (half the amount claimed,) to which the Court added 10 per cent, besides tho costs. The "Anti's" hold a meeting at Rochester, New York, Feb.

28, and the Hindu K. came in, and by yells and nsolonee sought to break it up. Old citizens were put down, and the adopted were most brutally assailed. The Hindoos, indeed, showed a mob spirit. But the citizens bolted, and very soon shamed them into silence.

Su.h conduct will not help nj cause cr party. SENATOR CHASE OF OHIO-MOTION FOR A COMMITTEE. IN SENATE, Feb, 23. 1855 i nrocure to on rr'au" TliO State of Michigan haii rpernllr law requiring ail prosecuting at'-ornics in their a prosecuting nt'-urniGa in thnir ro- epectiie dit-tiicts, diligently to protect, d-Tvud, and arrested e. It also irivcs to such alleged ftmitive all Iho hon ofits of tho writ of habeis corpus, and of trial by jury and prohibits, under scioro penalties, the imprisonment of su jli fugitive iu any jail or prison in tho State.

To neutralize as fur ns possible this law, Mr. StiTnrt, of Michigan, on the B2d of February, uU'or-ed the following resolution of inquiry Its consideration wns defeated by the well-timed objection ol Mr. Chase, who took occasion at tho sauio time to present a nuiiibcr of nioiiioriuls on the subject of slavery, which had been accumulating iu Lis hands. UNITED STATES BUILDING IN MICHIGAN. Mr.

Stuart. I aslMcave to Introduce a resolution to refer a subject to the Committee on Judi ciary. It is to instruct them to inquiro into tho propriety of eieotinir a Luildine in tlio citv of Lo- foil, tti the State ot Michigan, for the confinement oi iuuii persons as snali become neccssnry to confine umier tlio laws tho United States. To show its necessity, 1 ask tho Secretary to rend the resolution, and a law recently passed by the Legislature of tho United States. Tho rcsolutiou is as follows: licsolvcd, That tho Coromittoo on the Judiciary bo instructed to inquire into tho propriety of providing for the erection at Detroit, in tho Statu of luiciiigun, ot suitable build in iur saia Keen- iiiiiof snub riersun.

i fiuenient under tlio laws of the United Mr. Chase. I object to the consideration of the resolution. 1 hold in mv hand. Mr.

President, km erul petitions of citizens of New York in relation 1 to slavery. It is my duty to present them to the ounniu, iinu mo present seems a lilting time. I purpose to state briefly the purport of each, nnd thon to move that thoy be referred to a select Committee. They present various phases of tho slavery question. In one, the petitioners ask that the protection of Congress may bo extended to citizens of ono State traicling in anothor; in another, they pray for the prohibition of the traffic in slaves among the several Status in a third, thoy recommend the abolition of slavery in this District; in another, they insist on the repeal of the fugitive slave act; in another, they demand that slaves be no longer sold under judicial process for tho payment of to tho United States; in still another, they remonstrate against payment, out of the Federal Treasury, for the negroes of tlio Amistad, ho were declared freemen bv the Snnrnmn but claimed to be property by the Spanish Government; and in the last they tisk for the prohibition of slavery nnd the slave trade in the territories ol tho lilted Mates.

These several petitions are signed, in part, by the same, uud, in part by different individuals. They were committed Iu my charge by a gentleman of distinguished worth and high social position. The signers are men of character and substance, intelligent ai.d patriotic. They have a light to bo respectfully aud fairly-heard. I move tho reference of these petitbns to a select commijtee for sevoral reasons.

First, the importance of the general question of o.iivury, wnicn nicy present under i lie rent nsnects justifies such a reference. No one here can fail to observe Iho immense, not to say overpowering influence which slavery exerts over almost every act of the Government. It was hut yesterday that the Senator from Pennsylvania Mr. Broadhcad) in voked the aid ot Senators from tho slave against the proposed credit for duties on rai I lies on rai rnau iroiu and intimated, not obscurely, that the bo affected In of Pennsylvania to tho South mi'irht (Mr. Stuart) caused to bo read at tho Clerk's table their To-day.

the Senator from Michigan an act of the Legislature of his State, for thn nrn. -t--- iu. it. i i r-oSuonc 1...: ns icsouiuoii oi inquiry into the necessity ol providing United States jails at Detroit. Thus, on every side, we confront this question.

Hardly a question, indeed, I may say, no subject comes before Congress which is not, nearly or remotely affected by considerations and influences grow ing out ol tlio institution of slavery. No attempt io nettie mis slavery question has yet succeeded. Adjusted by One Compromise, it demands another; settled ajjain, it is again renewed. Tho very Compromises, by which it was adjusted, aro broken by 'itu power. Such a question, so important, and so importunate, so persuasive and so controlling certainly deserves tho consideration of a select Committee.

Secondly, I submit that the ordinary rule of legislative proceedings requires such a reference. All memorials and all propositions, according to the common courso of parliamentary action, should be referred to a, or, at least, to an impartial committee, hvery senator knows that tho stand ing eoinmittcs of this body to which these petitions might be otherwiso appropriately referred, are so constituted, that the petitioners could not expect from them even nn impartial, much less a favorable consideration. A reference to a select committee is therefore necessary to secure for these petitioners that candid and liberal hearing which American citizens havo a right to domaud from the national Legislature. Thirdly. I beg Senators to consider whether justice to brothor Sonltors and members of the other House of Congress, who share, in greater or less degreo, the sentiments of theso petitioners does not require the reference which I propose.

It. is very common to impute to cartain Senators, myself among them, fanatical notions on the subject of slavery. A groat deal of I0060 representation, and not a little gross misrepresentation of our opinions, is propagated through tho country. Certainly it is but fair, and I hopo Senators from all sections will agree to this, to give us an opportunity for stating, in the authentic form of a report, our real views, and our plan for the final settlement of this great question, for tho consideration of Congress and the country. Let it be soen whether we are fanatics, or whether we aro sincere men, holding only in good faith the opinions of Washington and Jefferson, of Franklin und Adams, and seeking only uicir just nna impartial application to legislation und administration.

We are uo longer able in nunioer here, and we represent a majority it the voting population of the t'nioti. Under such circumstauccs, 1 respectfully ask, how can a reference to a select committco be denied with propriety or justice. Finally, sir, it is duo to tho people of the slave States, nnd to the slaveholding class iUelf, that this reference should be ordered. Thoy ounht to havo coircct and authentic information ns to the views nnd purposes of those who agree in tho general with these petitioners. I have already said that I believe they constitute at this momenta ma jority of the electors of the country.

Parties have hitherto restrained their action. ISut party tics, as we have been made to see clearly, duiing tho debates of the lust two days, visibly decay, wax old and are read to vanish away. Instead of the old partios, now organizations arise. Through these new organizations, or over them, the people will assert their supremacy; und the people are against sluvory. We are uo longer incunsidcr-l Under these circumstances, what interest can the slave States have in suppressing the clear expression of distinct opinions on this subject 7 Is it not bettor for them to know what the opponents of slavery in the free States really propose to do? Why should they fight shadows and phantoms I Why not inform themselves accurately and carefully of real facts and the actual situation Surely, sir, it is hotter that each section of the country shorfld fully understand what the other sections wish or propose in reference to matters of suoh interest, if real dangers exist they can be best encountered when clearly seen and fully understood.

If no real danger exist, true information will dispel needless alarms. It is not my habit, Mr. President, to make long speeches. I confess to some reluctance even to make this motion, and to say what I have said. But I seek no debate.

I morely propose a refer- tncts that a dommitre my and report. For this sufficient time remains, and I trust that my motion may ue agrcec to. Tho petitions nnd the motion of Mr. Chase to re-for tliom to a solou committee, were, on motion of Mr. nler.

laid on the table, by tho follow inj I rt a-obs, 4-J ays, n. veto: DioxiTTor Coior. Some men have no other dignity than that of a palo face. As is natural, persons make the most of their small capital. One of those male bipeds, was seated in the car, nt Albany, and, as the manner of some of the meanest is ho squatted on the whole territory while others were standing in the car.

IUv. J. V. Loguen, a he can, In a vory gentlemanly manner enquired "Is this teat beside you taken." "Yes it is." (Lie No. 1.) Whore tho gentleman who claims itr "He hot tpt out." (Lie No.

2.) "Then I will take it until he return." "You will hsve to give it up pretty quick." (Lie No. 3.) "Oil very wen a win uo so. Woii ik. i ell the lying gentleman sat in a pout for om 1 tuuo bristling up monstrously, with a sort nf imr-1 cupine tour-li-nio-no1 sort of a stare. But the di' mcnsions or Loguon longitudinally, are quite expansive, so he did touch tho thing, "Keep your foot off mine will you" growled the hedge bog.

"Certainly, sir. Kxcuso mo," said L. cfiioking his loft pedal evtremity slightly. But nothing would avail. Bustling up the touchy said, "Let mo out of here." "Do you wish to move your seatt" said Lnsruen with a bland nir.

And off nushed the Little one With a quiet subdued respectful air that iniif.u have wrought marvellously umiii the! man's mind remarked. "I'm afraid if you go ateny, I sha'ut know the man whose git, ichen he romcs 1" Oreuted with a laugh of do- rmon, the fu.low went o9 by thestovo saying something that brought dowu upon hi neau a lernuio uooa ol iiaanl reuiiKe troin or. i 1 "'-Jr UJ kuew A-ogucn io ue a Mor.s Ltr.n. Snrs are in progress in Na a York. In the of Fl'V VS.

Bennett. whirh A Tnrdii'l 510,000 was given against tho bitter, a now trial has been trained uron some technical noint Whereiipun Mr.Fry addresses a letter to the public, and prints it in the Tribune, in which he accuses Bennett of extorting $13,000 from a merchant who was in the house of Kosina Townscnd on the night Helen Jewett was murdered, nnd of finally driving thai shall sue Fry'and tbTaUZ I r- AnnaJ at.AmnM fieri i n.v tti oinivuiUHVi UUU VettlUI vJ1-'i 000 damages. "SusQuiPEDALlAn Words." Tho Boston Atla. in alluding to Senator Houston's lecture usee tho' l'ol-1 lowing lansruago Certainly, a weaker defence of slavery than Gen Houston's wo do not remonibcr to have road. The amiable apologies of Dr.

Adams rise into marvels of logiu when compared with thoso of tho Texan Senator; and even Dr. Cox that wonderful compound of garrulity nnd grammar seem rational in spite of his sesquipedalian word sand unrelenting butchery of the English tongue. The lecture was weak, wandering nnd inconsistent; it urjed nothing now, but utcd tho old points, in no very novel way. Horace Mann- tv tiie PctPiT. We hear that the Hon.

Horace Mann, the President of Antioeh College, has become a communicant in the Church known in the West as "The Christian Denomination," nnd line recently officiated as a preacher in several of the Christian and Unitarian Churches Ohio, with grent acceptance. He conducts the en tire exercises, and his services as a preacher arc sought in tho liberal Churches of the West. The institution over which he presides it represented as King in a flourishing condition. Boston Trans- cnpl, teo. 4.

N.AVKRr oi mo journal oj commerce snys: "iho Vicroy the introduction of slaves iuto his provinces: but -i i IV in Eovrr. The Paris correspondent mat of Commerce snys "The Vicroy me in. i. -a. aver orincinie.

now. uu. ujpiiura uiiiiue lesillUO' ns ot travelers, that there is a n- The lot of ,1, ill a large nnmber of majority wretched enough The new Tostage Bill provides that for going less than 3,000 miles the postage shall be three over that distance it shall be five cents, except here tho postal treaties with other shall prevent. It further nrovides that, after the 1st of January, 1S50, all tho letters shall be pre-paid, and that done with stamps; also, that labium iiriiiiiiiiiug mui.ey vbu uo registered, so as to show that they have been sent, but in no instance to make tr.e Department responsible fur them.

Philadelphia. March 5. Yesterday morning a female slave, belonging to a geimcuiuii 01 Liouisiana was taicen irom a vessel of Newcastle, by the pdice of this citv, and a kidnapper mimed R. Warwich was arrested, and had been committed. The money market is growing easier and easier on the seaboard.

At Boston tho suply is ample at percent, in 1110 naiiKs, inrge houses refusing to pay that on call. In New York the money market is reported "very easy," and "the supply of liiouev on call increasing." Homeopath? in Michigan. A bill has passed both branches of tho Legislature of Michigan, requiring the Board of Regents of the Michigan University to establish a Chair of Homeopathy in that institution. Sty Anthony Burns was in New York on Friday, and made a modest, sensible speech, at Dr. Pon-nington's Church.

The Indiana Legislature have passed the State Bank Bill, and the Free Bunk Bill over the Govern or veto, and thoy aro now laws. Rccoived into the Treasury of the Michigan Anti-Slavery Society, for tho month ending Feb, 4th, 1855. To redeem pledge. Mrs. Lewis, $3,00 J.

II. Parker, 5,00 Asa Wilson, 1,00 Priscilla A. Lukins, t00 Collection taken by tho Griffings at the Covo- nnntors Church, near Brackvillo. Indianu, 2.42 Collection at alcottsville, A oble county, Ind. Collection at Lima, Indiana, 2,82 SAMUEL HAYBALL, Treasurer.

Receipts Bugle for the week ending Mar. 7. Samuel Myers, New Lisbon, Cyrus Mercer, New Wntoifurd, Simon Meredith, Akron, James Craig, Lima, John Meok, G. L. Gale.

Northport, Amos Fowler, Ann Arbor, L. A. Bonr.ey, Linesvllle, H. B. Rice, Lydia Gardner, Northville, 1, "0-533 25-484 1.50543 1.50-543 1,50 542 50-504 25-500 3G-4cS Boarding and Day MRS.

H. BIBB WOULD inform her Friend and former Patrons that she has resumed her school at Windsor, where she has made arrangomeuts to Board in her family, Pupils from a distance. Having procured an Assistant in the Sowing Department, instruction will be given iu the follow ing utuncnes Reading, Plain Sowing, Writing, Knitting, Arithmetic, Worsted Work, Geography, Leather Work, Grammar, Pencil Drawing, Phisiology, and Philosophy, Colored Crayon Painting. History. Person In the States wishing to co-operate with Mrs.

Bibb, will please addrcts her at Detroit, Michigan! In Ceoadri, Windsor, Canada Woe. Jan. 20.1&5J. PROSPECTUS OF THE UNA. 1..

-a nng aimosi every vanei vol ni uion nna upoo eii 1 unl and natural, the science of association ijr the re-orgftni(ation of Sjoiety, and individual dev-l ip In annonnoitig a new Volume of we doeni it essential to rail the attention cf tit reading publlo to the claims it tndj have, upon them for patronage. The woman' right movement Laving become ono nf eo much importance a to enlist almost very variety cf character and ehnde pf cpltioai it has been deemed needful that a correct of Its progress might be preserved; it demand truthfully presented end it philosophy theft oughly treated that there should be one pcrtilici through which those most interested could litit utterance. Political pApers or tWo devoted special re forms are alike unsuilcd to present a question 1M rolling so much ol truth ns this, ore which need, the fairest the most candid end careful examine tion and consideration. Our paper ha been free tn It character ejmiij Peter, Lizzie Linn whose story of J'mnrriage tl. "'v 'opens with ibe- first numlKir ft ment, will oauh receive their due bai of attcn tiun.

Our contributors a fnw of whose nnmrs we glvi will bo warmly greeted by our readers Mr. Dell," Mrs. E. Oakes Smith. Mr.

J. Lames, Mra. t. D. Gage.

Mr. E. Cheney, rjiw in. l'aris, Mr the New Year and is ijuitu worth the prire of the Tho department i the pnpor l.aylorf passed into other band wiih eicry prospect ot permanence, wo feci a confidence in pressing hj claims fjr support ar.d attention. Its ii one dolUr per annum, peynblo fn variably in advance.

All business letter, chouid, bo addressed potd-paid to S. C. Hewitt, 16 Frank lin St. Boston Maes. Communications designed for the pnpCT to 1'JT Editor, P.

W. DAVIS. THE EMPIRE. tu A ited 1: FIRST-CLASS BRITISH JOURNAL, F.I by George Thompson, lute M. 1.

tng policy, the politics, and the institution of England. and with European affairs generally. It will be faithful of popular progress, aud the. chronicler of all the important reformatory move, ments of the ago. Constant and ample notice will be taken of the stuto of the anti-slavery question, on both sides of tho Atlantic.

The following ex, tract from the Editorial Address embodies the fuit damcntal principles of the Empire: 1)7(1 1 hart letn during the whole curse if my public life, that I shall inflexibly remain, the ardent friend nnd supporter of Fice-trade and tha, rights of industry of the absolute and perfoct. equality ol nil religious sects ot the largest practicable increase of the independent political power; of the poople of Justice to our colohies, and especially to the conquered subjects of our vast In, diun Empire of the exercise of tho moral influ enco of this nation in favor of tho total and universal extinction of slavry nnd the slave tradp and, finally, of the Christian principle of peace, especially the substitution of pacific arbitration in all international disputes, for the present sense. less, absurd, and bloody appeal to the sword: anil the gradual overthrow of gignntio militart. institutions of Europe, which menace the tranquil-ty of thi world, are the strongest bulwarks o( despotism, and the most formidable obstacles to. the advancement of civilization, and the triumphs of pure and undcfiled religion." Tho terms to American Subscribers are Five Dollars per Annum, to be paid in advance.

Subscriptions will bo received by tho of tbe Bugle, Salem, Ohio. others in durability, beauty of finish and srtistie style. Our facilities for operation nre of the most ample and improved order, consisting in pert of ma-countries chincrv to rjolish the rdnte. Bv it we- nre Miiihln! TIIE PLACE TO GET YOUR LIKENEStf nUNT BOONE, Have opened, in Johnson Horner's block, til largest nnd finest Dnguerreian Rooms in Eastern Ohio, where they nre constantly taking picture (exclusively on Galvanized Plates) surpassing all to givo the highest polish, without which a fine fila ture cannot be taiccn. uur OUR SKY-LIGHT IS OF MAMMOTH SIZE ASD SVFFICIENt TO TAKE SIXTY PEBSOXS OX A SIXGLE PLATE.

PRICES RANGE FROJI 37 CTS. TO DOLIAU. Ladies and gentlemen are requested to call and examine our specimens. Salem, Dec. 17, 1853.

BUCKEYE FOUNDRY; EXOS L. WOODS, CO LI' COLIJIEIANA CCIMI, ClIllT Steam (Engine BuilDcr; STEAM ENGINES of various sixes, constrbet-" ed upon the latest approved plan, that cannot faijf to give as good satisfaction as any now Patterns of all kinds, made to order. All work made of good material, nnd warranted to give a good satisfaction as any other eb. 11, HANLEY I CARPENTER'S REUlCa DAGUERREAN GALLERt! IS now completed, and ready for reception. have gone to considerable expense in fitting up, U) operate with advantage! and ith rcfcieuce to the, comfort and convenience of those who may favoj.

us with a call; in short, we aro perms uoully located Our rooms nre in the AMERICAN HOUSE, SALEM, 6." Call and see us. You will Cud our reception rooms neat and comfortable. OUlt SKY-LIGHT Can be eurpassod no where in the State. Otf'f CAMERA, is a powerful quick-worker. We war rant our work.

Likenesses of all taken uri like, or no charge 1 1 Our prices range from 4Q cents, to .0 dollars. I'ast experience, and present, advantages, enable us to take Good Likeuestts, at very reasonable Bates. Being, posted, in alt tho rocent improvements of Iho art', our time ani entire attention shall bo to render full satisfaction. Sick or docoased persons taken at their rooms. Our motto, is EXCELSIOR.

N. B. Porsons wishing Pictures taken on Gal vanized Plates, can do so without extra charge, open irom clock, A. until 0 P. M.

June 31st. 1853. J. C. W.

SAYERY, WholesaleDruKsistsStManufacturlntChemista: No. 311, Market Street, above Philadelphia: Offer for the attention of Country general bsaortment of DRUGS, MEDICINE CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, YA NISHES, Ac, Ac August 5, JAMES BARNABY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Xorth Side fine Door lYest of tieSalim Book-Store, Salem, Ohio. Coate, Teste, Pants, Made to Older and Wei rantea to uive tistaetion. i The Tailoring Business In all his BrancbM' li." vied on ae heretofore..

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