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National Republican from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 1

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN IS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (SCNIIAY8 EXOtrrKI),) On tierr-nth ilnet, near opposllr Ihe General Post ODlce, by IiEWIS CLEPHANJ5 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, three days $1100 One square, fonr days 1.15 One square, fire days 1.50 One square, six days One square, two weeks 2,15 One square, three weeks 3.6 One square, one month 4.00 One square, three months 10.00 One square, six months 16.00 One square, one year 30.00 Every other day advertisements, fifty per cent, additional once a week advertisements charged as new for each insertion. Inserted oily once, ten cents a Hoe. Oburch and other notices, and wants, twenty fire cents for each Insertion. Ten lines or less constitute a square.

I TERMS. To city subscribers six and a quarter cents per week, payable to tbe carriers. To mail subscribers, three dollars and fifty cents per annum, payable In advance. Vol. I.


From tho N. V. Evening Poet. BIOOltAPIIY OP A SECESSIONIST. How the Secession Plot was Hatched.

TI10 Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitmnn" comes at an opportune time. Gen. Quitman was a secessionist of the stmitcst sect, a prophet of the extremo school of Southern rights, a defender of every filibustering seheme, and an earnest advocate of the project of a Southern Confederacy. Tho whole secession movement which lias just Inkcn place has been carried in close accordance with bis plans.

Its present and future policy, as far as can bo judged, is exactly what he urged. An intimate triend and militnry comrade of Jefferson Davis, their views of Southern progress and expansion were alike. We are entitled to regard Gen. Quitman's views, as dis played in this biography by a friendly hand, as indicative of tho designs of the Montgomery Government. Yet he died over two years since, and his plans and policy were of no recent date, len or fifteen years ngo they were plainly given out, and they add another proof that the destruction of our Federal Unton bos been plotted and prepared for a long time, without reference to any fancied grievances of the present.

John A. Quitman, like many of tho bitterest opponents of freedom, first drew the breath of me at me tree nuriu. xiu wua uyfu ui imiuu-beck, N. in 1793, and laid the basis of his robust frame by enrly rambles among hills and fields. When about twenty years old, furnished with a fair sharo of school learning, a stout heart, and a scauty purse, bo set out for tho far wot, men no turiner man umo, to stuuy law, and carve out his future.

Here he traded his pistols for Cruise's Digest, an! studied law to good purpose, acting also as agent Land Office, lie foresaw tho future wealth of Ohio, and the wonderful effects which would be produced by tho grand New York canal," which was then in progress. But money was scarce, and professional duties hard in that half-settled region, ill supplied with roads and markets, and without largo towns. The prosperity of tho cotton regions invited bis intelligent gaze, and in the fall of 1821 ho bade farewell to tho community at Delaware, where be was generally esteemed nud respected, and set out on horseback for Natchez. There be settled, obtained, by great good fortune, a hare in tho prosperous law business of William B. Griffith.

Natchez was a small place, but considerable trade centred there, and it was not an ill prospect for an active young lawyer, when there were one hundred and twenty indictments tried at the first term after his arrival. From early life he was Democrat, oppose 1 to what wera then called Ilamiltonian views of tbe Federal Government, and he entered into politics with vijror and determination. Like most of the frontier politicians, a story is related of him that he won an election by his skill at a shooting-match. lie was elected to the Leg islaturc, and was afterwards made Chancellor. His taste for military pursuits resulted in the formation of an excellent volunteer company, under his own care, and ho received various commisssions in the militia of Mississippi, which brought him into notice when the Mexican war broke out.

His services in that struggle were valuable, aud are related by his biographer in a spirited stylo. nEl-UUIATION. In 1813 the great question of repudiation arose, the final decision of which has fixed a lasting stain upon Mississippi. Fivo millions of dollars worth of State bonds wcro issued and disposed of in the ninikct, under an act of the Legislature loaning tuo credit ot tho state to the Union Bank. Much logic was chojrped upon the question whether the issue was made in conformity with tho constitutional provisions upon the subject but the grand fact was and is undisputed, that the Stato received and used the money, and then refused to meet the obligations whilo tho very Governor who issued and signed the bonds was foremost in the cry of repudiation.

Not soul dreamed of such a con summation till after the money was squandered in extravagance and party corruption, and then, when innocent holders in Europe were to be tbe chief sufferers, tho unhullowed yelp arose. General Quitman was of opinion that tho bonds wcro illegally issued, but that they ought to be paid upon principles of general justice. But it seems that his sense of justice was much modified by the tone in which it was asked. Humble petition did very well. But, on the bond-payers' side, it was argued that England would mako reprisals, and seizo the cotton of the State in compensation.

"This roused the pride of our people. Millions they might havo been prevailed upon to concede; liberally they would have given, had the application been put in soiuo other form than a peremptory demand for payment, but Dot a dime would be yielded to insult and menace. It was on ono of these occasions, in a public meeting, after Quitman had pronounced a warm appeal for tho payment of tho bonds, that the speaker who followed him spoke of English cruisers in the Gulf, and tho right to seize our cotton. The patriot orator immediately rose, and, with a voice of indignation, and bis whole frame trembling with emotion, said Sir, in that event, 1 join my countrymen who oppose the payment of the bonds. My sword ay, sir.

the last drop of my blood, shall he spent in resisting the demand. My State, sir may she be always right; but, right or wrong, the State, sacred, intangible, and uuprofancd, for ever WAB WITH MEXICO. At tho outset of tho war, by tho earnest soli-citions of many distinguished Southern gentlemen, Quitman received tho appointment of Brigadier General, and joined the little army of General Taylor. lie rendered gallant service at Monterey, whero a horso was snot under him. "On tho 22d, Quitman, with Bidgcley's battery, was ordered to hold the woiks he had stormed on tho preceding day.

Tho position was uncomfortable they were exposed to an incessant cannonade, and the corpses of tho slaughtered Mexicans had become offensivo the weather was wet and cold they had neither blankets nor fire. Tho general shared the faro of bis troops, and established his quarters Life and Corresnonilence of John A. Quit man, Major General U. S. and Governor of the State of Mississippi.

Ily J. F. II. Claiborne. New York: Harper Brothers.

1SC0. on ono of ltidgeloy's guns. It was rere his faithful "ervant Harry, who had followed the assaulting colninn, was heard remonstrating with his master, and imploring him, for tho sake of mistress and tho not to ex-poio himself no much. 'Take care of yourself, snid the general. Help tho wounded keep ai near mo as you can.

I must push 011 with tho foremost, und trust to As to the conduct of the war, General Quitman's fixed opinion wn, that it should bo one of conquest aud occupation, and not a war on what he styled Polk's feeble maxim, to conquer a peace. He regarded, and justly regarded, the great bulk of the Mexicans as a bastard and robber race, incapable of self-government, and fit only for servitude and military rule." His desiro wus to subdue and annex the whole of Mexico, and govern it by tho sword until the people were tutored and improved by immigration enough to be incorporated with the Republic. The writer of this biography, himself an earnest Southern Bights mtn, thus expresses one argument of the aggressive school: "Humanity and interest, tho stability of our institutions, and a wiso forecast for the future, demand of us more than the intervention of nn abortive diplomacy. Civilized communities provide guardians for the helpless and imbecile, and defences against the lunatic and the outlaw. Mexico is, and long has been, in this relation to us, and as her next neighbor aud nearest friend, and for our own safety, we should establish these relations with her, with or without her consent.

American protection and immigration would soon restore peace, and be the guaranty for her future prosperity." Till. FLAN OF SECESSION. It seems now well established, and is believed, both by our citizens and by observing foreign ers, that the secession of tho Gulf States is but the execution of a conspiracy which has been ripening for years. This movement has been occasioned partly by tbe belief, real or assumed, that great pecuuiary gain would result to the cotton States by forming a separate Government, and partly by the pertinacious plotting of hungry demagogues, anxious for spoils and honors which they saw wcro avoiding their grasp in the Federal Union. As early us 1850, and.

apropos of the question of admitting California, General Quitman's letters, while Governor of Mississippi, foretell the movement of last winter. He asserts that secession is necessary and unavoidable, and ad vises a Convention to annul connection with the Union, and to adapt the organic law to the new state of things, "aud that, meanwhile, an effective military system be established, and patrol uuues most rigiaiy emorcea. ne recommenas Ihe formation of central committee to arrange Elans, referring to Colonels Davis, Thompson, rown, and others. In the mean time, every patriot should leave no point untouched where his iuflucuco can be exerted. Cheer on the faithful, strengthen the weak, disarm the sub-missionists with instructions, send the fiery cross through the land, aud summon every gallant son of Mississippi to the rescue." When Lopez was preparing for his ill-starred Cuban expedition, he had, as is well known, the most active sympathy and aid of Gen.

Quitman and other ultraists. The plan, like Walker's expeditions, which met with like sympathy, was but a step in the scheme of secession. It was supposed and contended by these plotters that, to use tho words of our author, Cuba, once free, and her resources nut in motion by an energetic will, the regenera tion of Mexico and of tho distracted Governments to the South of it would follow, and a new empire, the centre of the world's production and commerce, governed by the great principle of unrestrained free trade, would soon be established." In 1851 and 1832, tho correspondence between Quitman and various editors and politicians of the extreme school lays down rules of conduct which fully explain and account for tho recent scenes in the Charleston Convention, and separate secession of South Carolina iu advance of any similar movement elsewhere. An extended und active organization was kept up in tho counties uieetiucs wcro held, and the question of secession discussed year after year. All the arguments of interest and prejudice which ingenuity could devise were sounded in the eais of the impetuous Southern yonth.

Candor could not deny nor art explain away the backwardness of the South in the arts and practical application of mechanics, in commercial enterprise, in popular wealth and improvement. But ull this was persistently attributed to the fatal effects of the Federal Union. The institution of slavery, of course, was a blessing, aud could not for a moment bo admitted to have anything to do with producing this backwardness. On the contrary, it was an element of sure prosperity, if it could only bo extended westward and southward over the warm cotton regions of Mexico and Central America, and reinforced by now importations from Africa. Tho whole blame of tho comparative failure of the South to keep pace with the North in the race of improvement was laid upon the anti-slavery sentiment, which retarded the growth of slave labor in tho natural way of importation, and prevented or embarrassed the acquisition of more.

territory, and upon tho alleged inequality of taxes produced by the tariff system. These derived strength only from the Federal Union, which wus thus represented as a huge upas tree, distilling deadly poison upon Southern hopes and enterprise. The present generation ot Southern men has grown to manhood iu the midst of such teachings. Is it to bo wondered at that many have imbibed erroneous notions of political economy and Ameri can policy, which nothing but experience will correct We have not time to notice the other features of General Quitman's life. He served a term or so in Congress, and died in July, 1838.

His Congressional course was of the extremest school, and his great speech 011 Southern rights, as his biographer calls it, seems to us one of the most cloudy and illogical attempts at frittering away the Constitution which even that school has ever achieved. In it we may perceive, however, tho indications of that belief iu Comontions, und acquiescence iu their overriding tho Constitution nud laws of the State, and the principle of seeking tho opinion of tho people, which has so singularly characterized all tho secession movements. The sovereignty of the State, that mysterious entity winch is always rampant in tho secessionist mind, and always ready to be offended, exists, it would seem, not in tbe Constitution, not iu tho Legislative or Executive department, not even in the.peoplo of tho State, nor in all of these together; hut in a Convention, which may be deemed to compromise the sublimated quintessence of democracy, and is paramount to all the others. We may be pardoned for suspecting that the real secret of this theory is, that the Conventions are moro easily managed by designing politicians, being assembled on short notice, and in the midst of popular excitement and passion. Such seems to be tho teaching of history.

These volumes aro prepared in a creditable manner, and published in attractive form. They present the topics discussed from the extreme point of view, and as such are not without especial interest at thts time. It is evident that all of General Quitman's connection with the conspiracy to withdraw tho cotton States from the Union is not hero unfolded. It is not yet time to disclose the plot and its workings; we can us jet only pick up hints here and there, and judge from, manifest results. PREMIUM TRUNK, SADDLE, J1JVD IMRJVESS MANUFACTORY, 499 Seventh street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, WASHINGTON, D.

C. Silver Medal awarded by Maryland Institute of Baltimore, November 7, 1860. Also, Medal by Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute, Washington, D. 1857. I AM CONSTANTLY making, and have on hand, of tbe best material, erery description of Fine Sole Leather, Iron Frame, Ladies' Dress, Wood Box, And I'ackinr Trunks, Carpel and Canvas Travelling Sags, School Satchels, Saddles, Harness, Whips, AT LOW I'BICtS.

Superior Leather and Dress Trunks also, Cedar Trunks, (for keeping Moth out of Furs and fine Woolen Goods,) made to order. Repairing, and Trunks covered, neatly and with promptness. Goods delivered in any part of tbe city, Georgetown, and Alexandria, tree of charge. mar 22 JAMES 8. TOPHAM.

JUST LOOK AT THIS I irifO WANTS A PLEASANT IIOMEt THE undersigned offers for sale or rent his place, known as Grove Cottage, in tho rural villago of Falls Church, Fairfax couuty, Virginia. It is on tbe Alexandria and Leesburg' turnpike, and within a few minutes' walk of the depot on the A. L. II. railroad, about fire miles from Georgetown, ten from Washington, and eight from Alexandria.

The place contains some ten acres of choice land, In good cultivation, with meadows, pasture, plow land, and garden, in good proportions. Also, about sixty bearing peach trees a variety of young apple, apricot, pear, plum, cherry, and quince trees; also, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, and asparagus, besides any amouut of ornamental shrubbery and flowers. Grove Cottage stands in a beautiful grove of oak and chestnut, with some evergreens, and is convenient In every respect, and in good condition has a first-rate cellar, and a well of good water by the door; also, a fine spring in the pasture. Convenient to the house Is a large carriage barn, stables, yard, shed, and all necessary outbuildings. Possession can be given immediately.

H. W. READ. Refer to George W. Broy, No.

BIO Seventh street, opposite the National Intelligencer. apr 5 lm A. MEINERS, Paper-Hanger and Upholsterer, 3G7 Seventh street, between I and streets, WASIILNGTUN, 1). C. B.

Constantly on hand a large assortment of Window-Shades, Curtains, Fancy Papers, Upholstery Goods, 4c. mar 18 3m NEW GOODS. WE are now adding to our stock a large and desirable lot of New comprising everything that is new and desirable, which we proposo to sell at a small price. All persons in want of Dry Goods will always find our stock complete iu all Us branches, and at the lowest prices. We would impress upon those of our citizens who have recently taken up their residence with us, that we have but one price," marked in plain figures on each article, and offer a discount of five per cent, off for all sales for cash.

We ask an examination of prices, so that customers can satisfy themselves in regard to the saving by purchasing for cash. W. M. SnUSTER 4 No. 33, opposite Centre Market, between Seventh und Eighth streets, apr 6 lOtlf Star NOTICE.

REMOVAL. Having removed to 623 Seventh street, directly opposite my old store, I earnestly solicit a coutiuuanco of my old patronage. M. D. RUSSELL, Bookseller and Stationer.

N. B. By special arrangements, I will supply tho New York Express, tho greatest newspaper In the world, Immediately after the arrival of the 6 A. M. train from New York, at New York prices, wholesale and retail.

M. D. UUSSELL, 625 Seventh street, under the Avenue House, apr 5 Iw two doors above Pa. avenue. TO INVENTOUS AND PATENTEES.

MUNN AND COMPANY. Proprietors of the Scientific American, and Agents for procuring American and Foreign PATENTS, WilA Sixteen Years Experience in the Business. Refer to Hon. Judge Mason, Hon. Joseph Holl, Hon.

W. D. Bishop, ex-Commissioners of Patents, and to more than fifteen thousand inventors who have bad business done through Munn It Patent Agency. Pamphlet of advice sent free by mall. Patent Laws uud Regulations, 100 pages, 3a cents, mail.

No charge for consultation, orally or by mall. Preliminary Examination iu United States Patent Office, $5. Offices No. 37 Park Row, New York Washington, corner of aud Soveuth streets, oppo-site the Patent Office. mar 1-1 Cm H.

0. NOYES'S MACHINE SEWING ROOMS AD SHIRT MANUFACTORY, A'o. 604 Ninth ttreet, 2 doori above Ptnn. avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C.

Every description of Sewing done with neatness, promptness, and dispatch, and warranted to please. Shirts made to order, mar 20 3m ICE I ICE I ICKI PURE BOSTON ICE! WALTER If. GODEY, of Georgetown, has now on hand a large supply of the above desirable article, which, he respectfully Informs the citizens of ihe District, will be delivered to them by his wagons, during the ensuing jeason, at prices to suit the times Orders left wlili the drivers, or at my office, corner of Green and Dumbarton streets, Georgetown, will be promptly attended to. WALTER n. 00DEY, apr Ira Georgetown, D.

C. Gentlemen's Ready-made Clothing. OUR present assortment of GENTLEMAN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING offers to citizens and strangers wishing an immediate outfit superior inducements, embracing, at this time, all styles and qualities of Dress and Business Garments and Overcoats, in all varieties. Fine Sbirta and Under-clothing of alt kinds. Kid and other Gloves of best quality.

Scarfs, Ties, Cravats, Stocks, Hosiery, ic. All of which we are offering at our usual low prices. Clothing made to order in the most superior manner. WALL, STEPHENS, 4 nm 27 tf 322 Penu. avenue.

B. FINLEY HUNT, DENTIST, WASHINGTON CITY, No. 310 Pennsylvania avenue, bet. Ninth and Tenth ttreett. mar 18 Cm GEORGE EINOLF, BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, No.

370 street, bet. 10 and Ulh WASHINGTON, D. O. mar 16 6m JUST RECEIVED, at Smith's, No. 4G0 Seventh street, a large lot of Spring Clothing, Hats, and Caps.

All for sale, at very low prices. All persons in want of goods in our line will find it greatly to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere, as our prices are lower than at any other house in town. feb 28 6m DR. SCHENCK, the Lung Doctor. The Proprietor of SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, the inventor of SCHENCK'S RESPIROME-TEH, the only instrument that can to a certainty detect the slightest murmur of tho respiratory organs.

This is of great importance to Dr. SCHENCK, to know the exact condition of the lungs, whether it is Tuberculous, Pulmonary, Bronchial, Pleuritic, or Dytpcptic Consumption, and whether it is both lungs or only one that aro diseased. It requires constant and long practice to become familiar with every sound or rattling of a diseased bronchial tube. Patients come to Dr. SCHENCK to get examined that have been examined by their family physician, who told them that their lungs were almost gone when, by a closo examination with tho Respirometer, it is often found that it Is an affection of the bronchial tube, and, by getting a healthy action of the liver and tone to the stomach, the sufferer is soon restored to health.

Sometimes medicine that will stop a cough Is certain death to the pa tlent. It locks up the liver, stops the circulation of the blood; hemorrhage follows, and, iu fact, stopping the action of the very organs that caused the cough. Liver complaints and Dyspepsia are the causes of two-thirds of tbe cases of Consumpllon. Persons are at this time complaining with dull pain In tbe side, bowels sometimes costive and sometimes too loose, tongue coated, pain in the shoulder blade, feeling sometimes very restless, and at other times drowsy; everything that is eaten lies heavy on the stomach acidity, belching up wind. Hundreds are complaining at this time in this way.

Let them take a heavy cold, and, before they get rid ot it, then another, then is the time to know what to do, then is the time to go to Dr. SCHENCK and get your lungs examined, then is the timo to know what cough medicine to take. Stop that cough sudden, und then tho lungs, liver, und stomach, are all put into an Inactive state, and, before tho patient is aware of his situation, the lungs ure a mass of sores, and death must soon follow. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP" Is an ex-pectorant which does not contain any opium, nor anything calculated to check a cough suddenly, but, when assisted by tho SEAWEED TON 10, to Improve the tone of the stomach, and restoro a healthy action of tbe digestive organs, with the MANDRAKE PILLS, to bring about a healthy action of tbe liter. When these are taken together, or as indicated, they are sure to bring the constitution back to a healthy state when affected by any of the above diseases.

Dr. SCHENCK believes that too much cannot be said in favor of the curative powers of the MANDRAKE PILLS. Their action Is peculiar, but certain, in ull cases of torpid bowels or diseased liver, which is too frequently the primary cause of a broken-down condition of the whole system, and often passes under tho name of CONSUMPTION, when that disease docs not exist at all, or if It does, is readily curable by a proper attention to restoring a healthy action of tbe stomach, liver, and other functions, whose duty it Is to eliminate and carry off the unhealthy deposits which clog and render sluggish the wheels of the animal organism. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup will prolong life sometimes several months, by keeping the bronchial tubes free from the putrid matter which impedes their functions, when the lungs are too far gone to cure. There is no medicino that can cure Consumption when both lungs are much diseased, and Dr.

Schenck would rather every one would know their true condition before taking bis medicine. Ho treats no diseases but those of tho Lungs, Liver, and Stomach, aud makes no charges tor advice, or examining lungs iu the ordinary way, or as physicians generally do but for a thorough examination with the Rt spirometer he charges three dollars, and wishes every one, rich or poor, that has a Cough, Pain in the Side or Shoulder-blade, troubled with Cottiveness or Diarrhoea, Sallow Complexion, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Restlessness nt Night, or any other disease leading to Consumption, to call ou him as above ana get nls advice. Often, a twenty.fite cent box of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS will riruove the cause of this great terror of the country Consumption. All of Dr. SCHENCK'S uitdiclues are prepared under his own supervision, nud sold, wholesale and retail, at his principal office in Philadelphia, No.

30 north Sixth street. Price of tho PULMONIC SYRUP, $1 per hot-tie, or six bottles for $-5. SEAWEED TONIC same as SYRUP. MANDRAKE PILLS, twenty-five cents per box. Dr SCHENCK can be seen in Washington city tho third Wednesday of each month, at his rooms at the Avenue Houic.

S. B. WAITE, curuer of Seventh street aud Louisiana avenue, is his sole agent in Washington. mar 22 lm GREAT ATTRACTION! LADIES' good Lace Heel Gattcrs, at $1.00. Ladles' Button Heel Gaiters, at $1.25.

Ladies' good Heel Boots, nt $1.25. Misses' good Heel Poota, at 75 cents. Gists' Lastino Knots, at $1.25. Gents' neat Shanghais, fit $1.50. Gents' neat Oxford Ties, at $1.25.

Gems' Calf Gaiters, silk gore, at $2.50. apr 8 3teod UENNING'S, Island. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. Piano, Voice, and Violin. PROF.

W. A. LOVELAND, continuing his vocation as Music Teacher in tbe city of Washicgtoa, would announce to strargers coming here to reside that ho offers his pupils the superior advantages of a thorough and greatly-improved system of instruction, Including the departments of Harmony and Composition. Having had nearly thirty years' experience in teaching, he Is ablo to adapt the lessons pleasingly and philosophically to the comprehension of the scholar, so that much of tho tediousness common in musical discipline is obviated, and study and practice rendered highly attractive. Prof.

L. has taught in this city several years, and is pleased to refer to numerous patrons for the most favorable testimonials. Terms moderate. Prof. L.

will keep in tune the plano3 of his pupils without extra charge. Orders may be left at his residence, No. 432 Seventh street, near at Mr. Adamstm's book store, Seventh street, opposite the Post Office or at Mr. J.

F. Ellis's music store, Pennsylvania avenue, near Tenth street. mar 15 Fowle's Pile and Humor Cnre. A SURE CURE for Bleeding, Blind, and Itching PILES, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and Diseases of tbe Skin. One bottle warranted to cure in all cases If not, dealers are particularly re-queited to refund the money.

Only five bottles in a thousand returned, and these were cases of Fistula. Hundreds of letters and certificates are now in the proprietor's possession, which can be seen upon application. Send for circular. Prepared by HENRY D. FOWLE, Chemist, 71 Prince street, Boston, and for sale by JOHN WILEY, corner 3d street and Penn.

avenue, Washington House, sole agent for Washington city and vicinity. Certificates with each bottle. "Price One Dollar." mar 20 3m INTERIOR ADORNMENTS. 4SG. 4S(J.

PAPEB HANGINGS, Or ILL CRADX8 AND PB1CKS. WARRANTED Gold Band Window Shades, Buff, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all sizes, made to order. Also, a handsome assortment of Picture Cord add Tassels, all sizes aud colors. Purchasing fur caBb, and allowing no old stock to accumulate, persons needing the above goods will find it to their advantage to give me a call. All work executed and superintended by practical men, who have served a regular apprenticeship at their trade.

Satisfaction guarantied, or no pay required. Please give me a call. Remember the nuinlwr. JOHN MAHKH1TER, No. 486 Seventh street, eight doors above nov 20 Odd Fellows' Hall.

THE UNION WILL STAND, NO MATTER WHO'S PRESIDENT I CONSEQUENTLY, I shall remain in Wash- ington, and continue to pursue my occupation of HOUSE, SIGN, and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Gilding in all its branches. Old Glazing promptly attended to. Painting and Ornamenting Cottage Furniture in the best style. I also call attention to tbe Painting of Roofs and Brick Walls.

All of tbe abovo I will do as cheap as the cheapest. I therefore solicit the pationage of my friends and fellow citizens of tbe District. Punctuality strictly observed, and work done in the best manner. You will please mind your stops, and stop at M. T.

PARKER'S Painting Establishment, No. 63 1 5311 53 II I Louisiana avenue, north side, between Sixth and eventh streets. P. S. Signs put up freo of charge, as usual.

noy 26 NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE, (Medical Department of Columbian College,) WASHINGTON. D. C. rpilE Fortieth Annual Course of Lectures In A this Iustltu'lon will commence on Monday, uctoner 21, isiii, and end ou the 1st ot March, 18C2. FACULTY.

THOMAS MILLER, M. Emeritus Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, and President of the Fatuity. JAMES J. WARING, M. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.

JOHN G. F. HOLSTON, M. Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery, and Clinical Surgery. JOHN C.

BILEY, M. Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Hygiene. NATHAN SMITH LINCOLN, M. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. A.

Y. P. GARNETT, M. Professor of Clinical Medicines. GEORGE M.

DOVE, M. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medl-clue. GEORGE C. SCHAEFFER, M. Professor of Chemistry.

WILLIAM E. WATERS, M. Demonstrator of Anatomy. FREDERICK SCHAFUIRT, Naturalist, Janitor, and Curator of Museum. Daily Clinical Lectures will bo delivered bv the Professors ot Clinical Medicine and Surgery, iu iuu warus vi me iiusniiut, uuuer me same roof with the College.

lens. The entire expense for a lull course of Lectures by ull Ihe Prolcssors, is $90 Single tickets 15 Practical Anatomy, by tho 10 Matriculating fee, payable only once 5 Graduating expenses 25 No charge made for Clinical Lectures. For circulars, or fuller information, address JNO. 0. RILEY, M.

Dean, No. 453 Ulh street, Washington, D. 0. mar 22 JOSEPH SHAFFIELD'S BALTIMORE CONFECTIONERY, No. 308 Kizth between and IT WASHINGTON.

D. C. FRESH CAKES ererj day; Candles of all kinds Wedding cakes, Fancy cakes, Pyramids of all kinds and sizes, Charlotte Russe, Blanc Mange, and Jellies, made to order. Parties, Suppers, Balls, Excursions, Weddings, and other entertainments, furnished on tbe most reasonable terms. Ice Cream and Water Ices, $1.25 per gallon.

feb 16 Cm DRS. LOCKWOOD DARRELL are prepared In Ini-t TKt'TIT An Vm A vitd i a ob. a new and Improved mode. When made on this pian, mry are comiortable to wear, and much eliPAner tlmti am nlht. ll.n r.

-T i--cneuon Gold plate, and all Dental operations of any kind ",7 ir. uiuco room, no. 6, Iu the Washington Building, corner of Pennsylvania avenue aud Seventh street. feb 15 3m M. SMITH, Fashionable Tailor, A'o.

C18 Garrison street, belueen I and Vir ginia avenue, Navy Yard. CONSTANTLY on hand full supply of Ready-Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnlshinir Sii Jan 10 H. HOFFA, 337 Pennsylvania avenue, oppotile Brown's Hotel, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER A JEWFlTFn RecOmmnrljl lilmalf (- l-u 1 a 11111 general to do all kinds of work in his line, and guaranties vinn iu feb 15 NEW PAPER-HANGING STORE. FRANCIS WILLNER, UPHOLSTEREB, French, English, and American Papor- HanLTinPS n.nd Winrinor Hlio J-. No.

305 New York bet. 10th and llt'h All work nttn.init torily Kunrantled. feb 18 PENWICK STEWART, SAWED SPLIT WOOD. And Coals of all kinds, ALSO keep constantly on hand Building such as LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, ASPIiALTUM, WHITE BROWN SAND, nm "AIR, NAILS, GRAVEL. Office, west side of Seventh street, at Canal "''K- feb 16 3m PUBLIC BATHS.

HENRY SCHAEFER, DARUEll AND HAIll-DRESSER, STRI-XT, NEalt bEVlami, Opposite the Pott Office Department, HAS fitted up, in connection with his b.mmm.j.ii j-- niivuiuiuunuuus lor affording to his customers and tbe public tho lllTlirv MlTlTf.n A nil ITHU -1 u. vvu v. .1 nu untuo, at any nmo during business hours. His charges will be moderate twenty-five cents for a slagle bath, or five baths for a dollar, when tickets for that number are purchased and paid for in advance. Mr.

Schaefer lukes this opportunity to Inform his customers that this desirable addition to his establishment will in no manner Interfere with his regular professional business. On the contrary, he hopes to add to his present facilities for insuring prompt attention to his numerous patrons in the lius of SHAVING and HAIR-DRESSING. Aud to the Ladies who patronize him in the Hue of Cutting or Trimming their own or their children's huir, he bc ta say that he has provided for tUrn better accommodations, In baying fitted up a small room und ap; rjprlated It exclusively to their use. mar 20 lm THOMAS K. GRAY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, street, between Seventh and Eighth straits, nov 28 Washington, D.

0. House Decorators Upholsterer. We would reipjctfully notify all in want of nn Upholsterer or Paper Hanger that we are prepared to execute all work mtrusled to us in the most superior manner and on the shortest possible notice. All work done by us is under our own immediate supervision, and satisfaction is guarantied in every case. JOSEPn T.

K. PLANT 350 bet. Ninth und Tenth. Refer to Messrs. Louis F.

Perry 4 Dealers in Carpets, Oil-cloths, ic, corner of Ninth street and Pennsylvania avenue. feb 20 ly l- a ED S5 a pi 5 W. O. BERRY, TIN, COFFER, SHEET IRON WORKER, A'o. 487 Stvinth street, between and streets, WAMJINC1UX, D.

feb 20 Cm E. WHEELER, laiNT ron tuc balk or Au1n1c4.11 and rouiiax HARDWARE. No. 67 Louisiana opposite Rank 0 Washington. BAR, Sheet, and Hoop Iron; Horse-shoe Iron, Norway Nail Rods, Burden's Patent Horso Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel Anvils, Bellows, and Vices Sheet Lead, Bar Lead, and Lead Pipe Leaded Roofing Tin Bright Tin of all kinds Block Tin, Zinc, und Copper; Irou, Brass, and Copper Wire.

Carrlngo Bows and Curtain Canvas, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, and Axles, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Brads, Sash Wrights, Sash Cord, Pullojs, Planes, Saws, Chisels, Files, Boring and Mortice Machines, and Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Ac. DEPOT FOR PLANT'S NEW PATENT BLIND HINGE. All at tbe lowest prices for Gash, or to pnno-tual customers on Bbort credit. nor 26 LOT FOR SALE Lot Five, In Square 1032, containing about 13,000 square tret. Price, three cents per foot.

Apply at this office, "iSS is 1 i 1.

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