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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 8

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THE lOLA DAILY REGISTER. FRIDAY EVENING, kARGH 17,1916. A New tlDEHMNO OFRCMLS RESI6N Baking Cakes Nevada Briggs, the baking expert, says: ''There ia just one way to make your cakes rise high and give them.time to rise before.a crust is formed and the batter la 1 IT or oil stove, light you put caice in and the flame low until the cake has doubled in bulk; then increase th'e 'Hfekt uiitil it is evenly browned and will respond to the pressure of the finger. If using a coal or wood range, leave.the oven door open until'the cake is in; then turn on the drafts and by the time the pvch is at bakiug raised sufiiciently. temperature, the cake have For rich, moist, feathery cakes Mrs, Briggs always recommends It is double acting and jsiutains the raise.

You can open and close the 'oyen door, turn the tin around in the oven or dp anything else necessary, without.any| danger of making the cake fall. i 'Try your favorite cake next time with Baluogr Powder and see how niuch higher it will rise. Make it just as you aiwaya uo, with the same quantity of baking While ia leas expensive than the old baking powders, it has even greater leavening Strength and it is guaranteed pure and healthful. Try a can and be convinced CHANDTK C'HVRfiKH niTII iRKKGrLARITIKS. Acciisntloiis of PaTliiif and Gas Graft -Made l.j T.

K. Evans. Deputy Sift the riianre.s Tho CUanute city, ccmniission is in for -t ailing- as to its action lo paving and gas contracts, a -orriing to a first covamn, f.rst page Ktnry in the C'aannite Tribune, piiblish- IjKt Mftyor Clover is not invrlvef! in any I Liit Ims hueii Manfcrdi liJarbee, rofr.niit;f;ibnpr of Htreeis and ri itioM and' K. Finance j'Cornihlssior we.M linown herpi I rpfiign at fxnce. Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit open elulces of the.cyttem each morning and waeh away the poisonout, stagnant matter.

Those of us who are accuatom'jed to feel' dull and heavy when we 'arise; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, ccid stomach, lame back, can Instead, both-look Piihlif fresh as a daisy always by washing the poisons toxins from the body with phosphated' hot water each morning. should drink, before brealffapt, gihss of real hot water.with aUea- Tlie Tribune 's story foi'ovs- Fonna! deniaiu: for thP at once of Coinmissioni 1 )G0 and K. Sams iiibrninsr by T. It. assi.otaiK couiily and oity attorney.

Biirbpp and -Mr. ref.isa:. to eom- and poisonous toxins; thus cleans- 'piy wiin ihp rpqucst. the demand was presented in tho itrcjent 'O of Manl'ord phosphate in it IS made I the stomach, livei-, kld- and ten yards of the, previous daVs indigestible waste, sour or M. Clover S.

Brown. "1 Kvans I'en in- tf-iit'on of'brinciiig a civil acjiioii in the i iinl urr for ousting i NEXT Many An- "Mentioned" But Who Will Chosen Remains to he I fourteen of the sixteen district delegates to the llepublicaii coiiventioii eljacted, jntoresi is tered'on the "big fouV 'j to elected at trie state convention in. Topeka next.Tuesday^ ThusLiai'lnq particular slat 5 seems to have been prepared. Charles F. Scott, of lola, and W.

Y. Morgan, of generally as two of the four delegates at large. L. Bristpw and: JGov. Willis J.

Bailey, are much talked of for the other two places. The Third disti'ict convention in- It's Dr. Olive Tablets For Yovil Beware of the li'abit of constipation. develops from jiist a few constipated day.s,..unle.s.s you take yourself in Coax ihp jadeil bowel rnuscle.x back to riCiriiial action with J)r. Udwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel.

iJon't force tlreai to unnatural actlori Avltli I sefvc'o medicines or by merely llushiiij? out the Intestines-With nasty, tickGiiltiBr cathartics. I believes in gentleness, persistency D.r.d Nature's assistance. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the bowels: their action I's gentle, yet positive.) There i.s never anypaln orpripin? when Dr. Edwar'Is' Olive Tablets are I'sed.

HJ'ust the kind of- treatment old Fhoiiid i Tablets arp a dorsed AIR Williaitts, of Colutnbus. e'ablo compound with oHye oil. tjte Geo. W. Ilanna, of lUay Cenfer; Pirst.

your or sto: T. ID. Smith, of Many i Bailt'y; Tliei Bailey sentiment to be cry.siarizing rapidly, there was: no evidence in aiiy of district color, lave DO stomacli. lUc aud 25c pel- bux. All ingi sweetening and purifying the en; lire ailraentary tract before p'utting more food into stomach.

The action of limestone phosphate iMri hot on empty stcmacb i is wonderfully Invigorating, ft cleans fermentations, gases, the two ccmb "aste and acidify, and gives one a from o'f'cel for breakfast and it sliail al institute criiiiinal pro-isaid to be but a little while until cped be continued, "aiixl. Shan de- 1 appear in the an of the books inarter pound of limestone from the time that the Commission 'tte will cost very little at tlio foiiii uli iiVio for a to that and Mafx What Started It. "I am acting as tlio result-of infor-' inationhihtfh I obtained by an inve.s- tjyatioii of iacts by tlie two commis- in regard contracts and' otiior affairs," he ''rivls bad its as a result! evidence which transpired in tlie lai.gatlon to settlte tiie Democrat (las and Oil Company's affairs. This sold gas to tije city froni part of the holding.x whichi sold to it and the Southern Kanjsas Oil and Gas Conipan.v, This traii occurred re Barbee wa.s a member of the city boardi." Tlie infoimation to which Mr. Kvans referred wis called to the attention of Mayor Olo or.

The mayor consulted with City -Attorney Brown, then ap- poinrtcd Mr. Evans assistant city attorney Ke was also, made assistant-l county attorn'ey by Covinty Attorney R. drug store, but is sufficient to anyone who is bothered with bilioiis- constipation, stomach trouble or rneumatism a real enthtislast on tVie s'lbject. of internal sanitation. Tr.V 't and yoii ore assured that yon will Irok betler.

iind feel hotter In every way shortly. Miis writiiis; Js ivit thai there was a ir.s. VanCan.p. Grandthu T-i Jn unil Vcnable uiotored to Hu.ida aftorttoon thihi to have Bailey, on the delega- Uu- doctor, And that sentimeni was prob-; WP pardon bat this rbuort ably expressed a score of times in foriiotlon last week. Koport of Prairie Tuesday and Wednesday.

scnool for tlie sixtli month end 'ng Morgiin. Bristow, Williams and o'lniary of scholars Smith are all out.with statements tliat! 2'i; nimiber of days taught. they Ciuvdidates. Cnarley Scott is a candidate, his annoilncei.nent being, eimply '-that he Avonld like to go If the iboys him. Governor even indicated that he but it is not antici- would refuse a place.

1 Bailey has not would like to pated that he A'l Williams announced Jail he wanted to go to Chicago from the state, at large. He hffB a large and avopage daily 2C.T; namJcr ab.sent nor tardy, 2, Fiancis and Violet Harman. diiiiug ihc were .1. C. Grif- fiVts aiid R-ay Warner.

Hound, Teacher. (Irandina VanCamp of lolia spent a few week at the home of.her decided "following. Morgan at several district convenjtion'ji called upon "for a speech arid-somewhere in liis remarks stated that he would' appreciate support for delegate at large. Smith anuQunced his candidacy sas Day and has been, working hard -for place ever since. Seiiator Bristow yesterday formally announced" that he wanted to be a Some one had started a ru- mor that Bristow didn't care to go.

"I would like to be one dule- gaites) at large tojthe Rcptiblican na- -tlonal conveiition," said. On the plan generally agreed' on of giv- ing. all, factions, of repre- senkation on the delegation, there, are many who hsive been opposed to Bristow wlio lioM that if; he wants to go. he'ie entitled place. Thdre was'talk fall of putting iSenator CharlesCurtis and Governor Caliper on.

tlie but neither (evinced any desire-to go to Cliicago vias W. Air. Bryant brother of' is for Prank at tills "Mr. aiidMrs. CTess.aiid family calkd PI t.hf 1, Pa and iiaUor homes 'day afternoon.

-Mr. and Mr.s. .1. of Jola spput night with the daiiirh- and Crook. day'they all riiotored to Ihiiiiloldt to rulativos: spent Sunday with her father and mother.

and Mrs. VanCamji family Grandma VanCamp to Lola and. attended'chiirch serv- ivos at the Grand. Ati Margaret Bpund spent dav and Sunday in home folks: Mr. Cress- and atteinded nippting at Centerj last Friday niaht.

Cress and children s.i.r'ui the evening with Mrs. and Gladys. i Rev. Oliver took dinner Sunday at Mr. VariCarap's.

il'RAIRIE HALL. I Wo hope the people in tlie scutheast Franlt Myers) l(da nci.chborhood will call on their school neishbrrs tlip llarman's. They jiig services were quite well attendi'd from our neighborhood-tip liiere Oliver preached! his iaud wo know our loss is Its cold d'scing lust before confetepce. Monday, was sure a beakiUftil day. Some o'f'the farmers, were quite en- thus'as over their.

oats sow.ed jiit along caine" Tuesday with, iwave a.nd' it was not pleasant them In. I Mr. and Clarence Anderson and Willi'-Anderson were Sunday vis; Baker of helped Mr. Cress 'put in oats Kcveral da.w hist week. i Has Children -Mrs: Rehkamp, 2104 Herman St, Covington.

Ky. writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey and "Tar for neatly two. years and can firid no bet- Itors ati the parental home, ter cough syrup. I have eight children Mr. arid Mrs.

Sears andi family give it- to all of them. They were Sunday at Mr. L. Page's. subject; to croup from babies on." It Fern YanCajiii) sfient aft- is a safe and reliable medicine.

Evans ernnon -Myrtle at Bros. Druggists. GLENDALE oleomargarine 'f i The Goveifnment Inspected spread for Spread it on thick. The price permitis' it Pure, wholesome, healthful, ecdnomicaL Ask your dealer Glendale. B.

Smith. Tho mayor and Glty AttorneyT Brown co-'operatedf in the matter for the general good. -Major Wants the Truth. -aiions of Mrrezuiarities Vicre to my saidi Clover toda.v. 'I ihad; no of anything irregiilar, but wiiat was revealed to me looked bad and the cha -s were FO serious in tiro 1 consfderod It was.

my duty to them thoroughly It innkes no is Involved. I want to know tlie truth." att was taken "by Citv Attorney Brown. 'We waiif to find the fads in the' case," he give those iigainst whom those charges ar a cliance to vindicate tbem- cr to the party if tiiero has been wrong-doing." To Start at Once, -Mr. ICvafijS announced thatj it was his iaienticn to besin the preparation afternoon of' his petition for ouster of. the city officials against wlicm he iinakos the charges.

Sanis'is commissioner of finance an reveriie. He lias been a member of board ever since the commission form of government went into effect liere, bein.gj in the first year of ins pp-r-ond tertn." Barbee is commissioner strpcts and piibric utilities, lie w-as electee! tAvo years ago next month. To Attorney! firnoral. i The ouster proceedings 'will be under I the 'statute" providing or proceeijiings. This statute re- that the matter be subiiiifted to lie- attorney general for 'his sugges- tioiis and He may, if he sirp take entire charge of the prose- ctition, or ho tnay allow the matter to be by the coirnty attorney.

This wiH cause a days' delay In filing thl' action; The law further that the matter may hd presented to i.he district court or the of FORTUNES IN A TURKEY BOOK Aljiha Kiisminser rnhlishei! His Srerets of Facts ft-r in Hnndy Volnriie, the same, and fori good cauac shown, officals soughi'to 'be ousted may be suspended, a.ndi appointing power, provided by tli'e law, may fill the";:e during t'me of such HIS AUDIENCE WELL IN HAND "The Turkcyi Raiser's Guid'e," a book toljing' in- detail the story of Alpha Ensminjger's splenidld success in the business has been issued finni the Register press. The boolt has the attention of Charltes E.jMay, in charge, oP the job depart- itidnt. and is deciaredi by competent critics to be one of attractive printed produced by any printing establighitient. "The Turkey Raiser's Guidie" points the way to wealth in tlve turkey business. It.

is not theoretical, but practical One of the of the prac- is, has the one who essays to give advjce himse'f been srceessful'? In -Mr. case, t'le answer to that-question is an em- Iiliatlc yes. He is jnow actively engaged in very buifliness concerhihg which he offers and he not only is in that husineas but he is successful. Kach season at leaf.t turk.iys are raised.for the market at the Bnsminger farnn near Moran and for years like this average lias been maintained'. larger flock.s, as Knsmihger points out.

could be raised on larger quarters. The turkey ranch is doubtless largest one in the soiith- wpst. Mr. Ensminger began at determined) to-find out by practical experiment'ahd investigation jijst what were the proper methods to Now that he has achieved positive success, rand in response to many requests, he has putMshec' the results of his vears of e.xiperience in the turkey "The Turkey Raiser's Guide," contains chapters on such important sub- jc -tK OS and' Yards, Bis-' e.i^es, Domestication, F'eediing, Herding, Hatchine; Incubators Brooders. XoslUng, Poults; Boosts, Range, Breeding and Marketing.

Each siib-divls-ion deals with its con- cifely hut completely and' in a tlyo ftyle tliat is pleasing to It is'a work and; so far a.s known the onl.v puibHcatlon of Its kind: in the southwest. It Is profnseb' lUaistrated and suhstantiail.v bound'. Mr. Ensmimger. will setidi tiie book to any address upon receipt cf nicd- est of n6 at the Banner Turkey Ranch, R.

F. I). Kansas. They're Here and the mere announcement ought to you toithis store at a high rate of speed, for it's an unmatchable combination clothes. If you're hard to fit want you, for (jur pride lies in the fact thiit we fit all men, besides giving you the greatest value and style for your money.

We have the new materials and patterns in the new in fronts and lapels, the right sleeve and shoulder effects. Probably you'Jl Utid just what you want in one of the variations of the famous ''VARSITT 55" Suit the smartest thing knpwn. Our Hats in Stetson's for men who require style and quality, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes for Bostonian Douglas $2:75 to $5.00 Globe Shoe and Go. Co. The Store for Good Values; NO BULLMOOSE TICKET HERE Wniiani Allen White Says! the Parly Mill Pat L'p No State Ticket in Kansas This Year.

man for and th-s tiieir first The selec- tion of a national is jonly incidental, and wftenit to choosing him 1 liave jno doubt thoy will make what to them seems the wi.sest select on. I believe they will use their best judgment and that tlieir. judgiiient. will be .7. A.

iScherrer, who has been spending several months with, her mother, Mrs. A. .1. Wright of Ga.s,:lpft for licr home in W.islii.ngton, D. C.

Sl'e visited in RJPaso, this winter. Member British Parliament, With "Gift of Gab," All Hia Own, RBlgned Supreme. When Ml. Gibson Bowles was In thf British hotiss of commons he was never pedantic or dull, despite the fact that he was reputed to breaUfasr off Blue-books. 'It anyone started ii point in connection with naval niat there was Bowles" ready to- make him look foolish.

Mr. M.un della once tried his hand and got man than he expected. thun deretJ-Mr. Bowles across the houfie iastonlshrtd. Mr.

Muiidella, ''the right honorable gentleman were at set in heavy weather close followed a complicated problem oi naval tactics. What, Mr. Mundellr would have done inder the clrcum stances remained a mystery. What he' did under, Mr. Bowles' Interrogat tlpns wae to sit silent and look gloomy.

TAKE 'CJISCIIRETS' IF OR GONSTIPATED I Rest t'ur LIrer and Bowels, Bad Breath, I Bad Colds, Sour Stomvcb. I Get a 10-cent box. i Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, head and nose clogged up with a trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy i stomach. Poisonous matter clogged In the Intestines, instead of being cast out of tiie; system is re-absorbed Into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that (lull, throbbing, sickness Topeka Capital: Candidates for Cdngress and presidential electors are all that the Progressive party in Kan- sa.s probably will try to bring out this campaign, according to William Allen White, of Emporia, Progressive National Committeeman froin Kansas, and the plan is, to withdraw these if the national convention at Chicago gets together, Whfte says.

attempt will be I to place a state ticket In the field, said VVhjte, in autliorizing a statement as to the i)lans of tlie third party in Kansas. "Of course this is only tentative," isaid White to a visitor at the Fourth district convention, "I want that understood. The state central committee' will meet in Emporia March 2i. Tlie date for a state convention will be set, late in May, according to this tentative outline. "Probably we will select candidates for the August primary-for congress from this district, and also recommend candidates tor electors.

-Petitions for these wilrbe the nomination papers filed the Chicago convention. 1 don't belit ye there is any intention of placing a state ticket, in the field: Governor papper's atlministration has been so geneirally satisfactory that iio one wishes to suggest opposition." For Vdiir Cough --If vour child has a cold, noso or coiitrhs'mucib get a small bottle, of Piue-'Tar-Money. its a' lileasant Pinp-TarViioney syrup, justj what JiTte'and'just the medi-j cini; to soothe the cougjt a'vd check the; colli. After taking stop fret-' ting, socd and are soon v.e;i. oh fir.

Bell's Pine-Tar-' lione.v. yo'ur Druggist IS NOT WORRIED Topekan Soys hey ill Do Best Towards Selecting Most Available Candidate for President- Topeka Capital: David W. Mulyane Republican National Committeeman of Kansas, expressed himself as highly pleased with the delegates selected by the five conventions this week to attend the Republieani nat'onal convention. They and those already selected are' all" high class men and good Re-, publicans. 1 know every one of-them personally except one, and I know that, he is a fine man, too.

As io what these men will do concerning the selection of national committee- man' do not know. As I have never announced myself as a candidate and have not talked with any of, them the selection of a nation- headache immediately cleanse the Sir Will am once, remove the sour, undigested ial committeeman, naturally 1 do not f.y complained that Mr. Bowles had food and foul gases, take the excess know. have taken no part in the him a political Mr. Stlggtns.

bile from the liver and carry out all' right homirable gehtleinan will I the waste matter and pols- pardon me," replied Mr. "He 1 onsi in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night wHI surely la not correct. 1 called him an inflated i Mr. Stiggln8 Guardian.

'f you out by morning: They whi'e you 30-cent box i figure paper for sale cheaR 4x4 sheets In pads of 50.. Hegls- tar niudery. your druggist your head clear, sweet, breath right, matter and so no jclaims to; make. There are two othbr avowed and each has two delegates instructed for him, so one should look' them for any claims that might made. "The conventions haje selected I mighty high class fellows, and 1 complelon rosy' anU your liver and think they will do the very best they I bowels regular for months.

can toward selecting.

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