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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 13

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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1 Exclusive Associated A 46Lonfn DAILY AND SUUDA Press Senice VOL. LXXXI. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, 1914. NO. 20.

FLAMES SWEEP PORTLAND WATERFRONT 1 ni nr pitv di ammimp forsake tango for bread-making -Cr- GIRLS LEARNING 'THE ART OF COOKING JIEMBFRS OF OAKLAND'S VOrXGER SOCIETY SET WRO ARE jiTOAIXIXG IX THE ART OF COOKERY: LEFT TO RIGHT, MISS ADELE SCOTT, MISS AI.I.EXE EDOFE, MISS PHYLLIS KENT, MISS LYXD.Y WIGHT, MISS KATHERIXE THOMPSON. MISS MADELINE CUAM-!), UKACK MUlUSO AAi-MlSSitLikaUULiliS. GREAT SHIP FDL TLH mm BATTLE 1 1 1 11 "I' 1,1. il, 11.8a -I DlftGE WORM Texas, Most Formidable AVarship Afloat, Departs From Yards Carries Battery of Ten Fourteen-inch Guns 'f h-ZYilK i f4VfV SECURITY BANK ELECTS Household Art Not Memory, Some Suppose; This Is Proven by Y. W.C.A.

TWO NEW DIRECTORS It themselves, and to turn out meal jthat Is as tasty as If they had been Who says 'that -Milady Up-to-date is only Jk butterfly? Or that the "houshold arts nre but I UI I that wan's Digestion Tetinper Disposition Health. wln be and Irrevocably In- JuVed if lie trusts to the cooking; abil- ities of a "popular belle" of the "ex- elusive set" (matrimonially speaking, of Certainly not, the debutante of Oakland's ultra fashionable set, who are demonstrating not only to -their -L- nwn uHePai.MAn Kttf i tViat Ve tViAti friends as well, that there still Is BUin iuuik as me orrau inai iiiutunr tv- ih. J. Wonea doughnuts, ana biscuits I New Municipal Building Will Will Also Bq Thrown Open the-Ruplic: The following city plan nl no pro. gram has been suggested for Oakland: Tc obtain, a comprehensive city plan for remedying existing evils and for.

future I. Gather complete knowledge of facts about the city, at to (1) Physical conditions Contours and grades; streets, main traffic arteries, sauares, and minor residence thoroughfares: water supply jnd scant-tatlon; (2) Economic conditions 1 Transportation; shipping, harbors and docks; railroads, ttrminala throunh and local freight; local and Interurban' rapid transit; surface lines, vehicles and pedestrians; business, factories, warehouses; food rupN. ply, markets and deliveries; relative districts and rones for above: (3) Social conditions Housing, tenements vs. single dwellings: recreation facill ties, playground schools: park, and boulevards; (4) Aesthetic conditions Attractiveness vs. Repulslveness city; architecture, placirq and, grouo-Ing of public bulldlnas; street adornment; and planting: (5) Legal and nd-mlinistratlve conditions Lenal obstacles end lax enforcement; resources of city; financing Improvements.

II. Employ eomretent experts to study facts and lay out the solution In a City Plan for the future. III. Secure execution of the City Plan by estnbllshlno a CI" Plan Com-mission, which shall be 1) Repository for surveys, facts and all suggestions for" city; Imorovemerftf. (2) Interpreter of Clty'Plan to che-Jr'up r'atlon of all.

proposed Improvements. f3) Amender of City Plan, keeping abreast of progr ress and changes in conditions. IV. Fducate the public to the City Plan Get pressure of nubile opinion behind cltv officials, and secure leili-latlve authority and appropriations to cerrv it Into effect. The public will he Invite I So Inspect the Interior of the $2,000,000 City Hall tomorrow for the first time since Its erection when th Cltv Planning exhibit opens.

Owing to delay in Betting the various parts of the exhibit unpacked, the City Planning show will open tomorrow Instead of today, as was originally planned. great harbor model was Installed the City Hall today cqincldent with the delivery of three tons of packing rases of drawings, photographs and diagrams from Hamburg. London, New-York and Toronto. mt City officials. Chambers of Commerce, Commercial Club, Commercial Exchange.

Women's Clubs, and a large number of merchants and-citizens are lending a lianrj to make this a great object lesson of permanent Improvement on. this side of the bay. Mayor Mott and Superintendent Anderson yesterday-supervised -the preparation of the new municipal building. When the doors of Oakland's new City HaJJ are opened for the first time at 11 arm. tomorrow the rush1.

of. citizens to the building and the exhibit Is ex pected to he so great that the Chief of policemen to 1 Police is detailing extra handle the situation. Expressions of interest of many proml-neht citizens yesterday took the form of demanding that something "of permanent good should! come to each of the bay cities from the holding of such a show. C. H.

Cheney, secretary of the Oakland City Planning Committee, "who arranged the exhibit, Issued this statement today: carrylnsiout any campaign for civic Improvement which is to lead to the achievement of lasting results. It Is only odThmon sense to start with careful program of procedure and tlfl science of city planning Is founded upon qommon sense and forethought. A city plan that is worth anything can onIy under our pregent 'form of government, by persistent effort; by the enthusiasm of a group of workers, who have the foresighlj to see the great good that can come to the city from coordinating all the and expenditures of the different departments for physical changes Into one consistent scheme of city -the that eastern cities are making in city we must enthuse and convince the cfty officials in ur east bay cities until an appropriation is made for a program study or preliminary' survey of the city's condition and need of correcting existing evils as well as for the sure doubling or even tripling the population on this side of the bay during the next generation. If then ther are progressive city officials who will take up the -work, experts can be employed, first to make this survey of the facts; second, suggest-a solution, and third, work the solution Into a city plan that will live as a permanent scheme for all future development of the city. WOULD LET.

CITY PLAN FRST. "Then the greatest and most Important part of the work to do to secure the execution of the city plan. While a progressive and energetic mayor" or member of the city council may for a year or two make tli'e execution of the plan hls: chief business, the changes of political, and other local conditions eventually in time bring somebody else in charge of the city's affairs more interested In itomevother problem of city government, "The most successful method Ih this country that has been found Is to have a permanent city planning commission or bureau, composed of public spirited and well-informed citizens of the community, who act without pay, with terms of four or five years each, one going out each year, thus forming practically a permanent force, always on guard. Such a body naturally becomes a repository for all suggestions facts and surveys of the Kcity, sifts and collates what is for the most good, interprets ine plan, checks up the relation of all proposed Improvements and advises the city commission thereon, and lastly, so amend the plan, after due. study and consideration, that it-wlll keiep abreast of the progressive city and changes In conditions, which years of growth alone bring about.

"Oakland and the other east bay cities can well louow oi over litty eastern cities of the United States, in establishing an efficient conservative and constructive city plan commission." ad of ove: Six BlocKs Razed and DocKand Steamships Destroyed Flames Spread With Great Rapidity to Tons of Sulphur PORTLAND, March 12. Fire A-vept early today all that section of the Portland wu.terfront on the east side tfotri the upper to the lower Al- Mna ferries, completely destroying Columbia dork No. 2 and Montgomery dock No. 1, the steamships Cricket. and 'iJlenroy? and much other entailing a Toss "estimated at The area burned covered six blocks.

Starting in 'the lower end of the Columbia dock No. 2 from some un- Vnoivn cause the fire spread with rapidity and long before the f-emen arrived on the scene the flames had reached tons of sirlnhur asphalt, which added additional The flames spread both north prid south from the starting ptnt and son the dock In which the fire started and Montgomery dock to the north were burning. rw th steamships destroyed. The steamships Cricket and Glen-roY. moored at the docks, caught fire lis the flames spread and wern both (Vjstroyed.

The Cricket, loaded with I'sphalt for the, Barber Asphalt Pav-'ng Company, which arrived In the harbor from San Francisco last night, burned flur'celjr The firemen cut her lnoe early for the purpose of permitting her to float down the river so they could better combat the flames on the dock, but the big ship Instead of going to the center of the stream along the docks, spreading the flames. TOWED TO MIDSTREAM. The re boat David Carripbetr went after the vessel and towed her to m'dstream. where she was anchored she was still burning at noon. Tier crew was rescued before the ship cut loose from the dock.

The first mate of" the Glenroy was Mkfn to the emergency hospitaLwjth a broken arm. Several Chinese bailor also were taken FIREMAN-SERIOUSLY INJURED. four firemen barely escaped death under the collapse of a bulkhead and one fire fighter was seriously injured when carried downward by crumbling Un.herjfT The two great wharves. Columbia No. and Montgomery No.

,1, are nothing but i harred Tiling and smouldering grain. The steimer Glenroy is an empty Bhell, with nil her inner works gone, and the steamer burned to her water's edge. The new Ferry hotel, a three-story time building at Randolph and River "'wets. damaged, "ut the 50 or more l'nirs Inmate" were aroused and made err '-escape. The Star Sand Company, -Montgomery dock No.

2. the Albina Fuel Company and a number tf lester properties-were saved from doom by the, shifting of the wind after the fire had got ei-oiid control. The- Northwest Door Company and' a string of two-story frame l.ulldlngs at Alblna avenue and River Afreet were only nominally damaged. The conflagration Was aued, It Is believed, by a cigarette butt thrown by some tramp who had sought lodging in the shelter of Columbia Dock No. 2.

RESCTED WITH DIFFTCTLTY. PORTLAND, 'March 12. The filenroy cauglffejlre nearly as soon as the Cricket. jl was wun aimcurry- that the Chinese crew was rescued by the firemen and a number' of them iurnped overboard to escape the flames. The entire crew was takqn to the police station where a number who had suffered burns were given attention.

The Chinese members of the crew were 'herded by the fedTeral -authorities ta prevent iheir-fscapa. FIRE CLAIMS SETTLED. NEW YORK, March 12. Twenty-three suit's began by those whose relatives were among the 148 killed in the Triangle shirt waist factory fire and by persons who were Injured were setjled yesterday, so far as the owner of the building was concerned, by the payment of $75 In each case bv-the company that carried the accident Insurance for the owner. It was said the settlement was made because It did not appear that the suits against the owner of the building would be successful.

1.00Q PUPILS ENDANGERED. BALTIMORE, Md' March 12. One thousand pupils of public school No. 20, at Eden and Preston streets, were marched from the building in good order by their teachers today while a fire was making rapid progress through the structure. The building was destroyed.

COMPLAINS AGAINST SWIMMERS. ALAMEDA. Mnrch 12. L. Taylor of Fernside boulevard, near the High-street bridge has filed a with the local police against th actions of hoys pnd voting men who swim In the tidal i-Hnnf near his home.

Taylor also charges that a pair of car locks ami a pair of friovo t-r trlgri from his Pn'TTMyPS Thomson Building Reservations can now "be made In one of the most superb Clas's A office structures on this const. Completed April 1st, 1914. Located N. E. corner Broadway and 17th street, opp, postoffice.

A Handsome prospectus of buiWing mailed on jiemand. i ivmvrr. rf rsTvrr, ro 1432-34 Broadway, Ageint5i appleples and mutton stews NEWPORT NEWS, Va March IS. All ready for "fight or frolic," the superdreadnought Texas, most p6wserfu1 battleship afloat In the world. left the yards of her builders here, the Newport News Ship Building Company, for the Norfolk navy yard, distant only a few miles, there to be turned over to Rear Admiral t'sher, commandant of the Norfolk station.

The vessel's officers and crew had been so that she was ready to be placed officially In- commission 1 Immediately after being turned over hy the fculldcrs to the authorized government representative. The dreadnought was launched here almost two years ago, Miss daughter of Colonel Cecil A. Lyon of Texas, doing the honors. This monster of the sea carries an It principal lighting equipment a baltory of ten 14-Inch guns, be-In" (tic Hrst warship In the worldl to be llttexl out Vith guns of such largo caliber; and in addition lias In its mala battery twenty-one 6-Inch Runs. Since tho 14-Inch (runs ucro placed on the Texas a Japanese battleship has been equipped with 'similar sized ones, although 13.6-Inch guns are the largest which have yet been placed on any British dread-.

nought. The big puns on the Texas are arranged In five turrets, all on a ccntrHl line from stem to stem, and are so placed that they can be fired 6ver each other. In length the fighter Is 673 feev with a beam 95 feet i "-i Inches, so that In passing through the Panama canal locks she would have almost 15 feet spare. Although her designed' speed was 21 knots. In her trials off the Maine coast last October she did her fastest mile in II.

2S knots. She has a displacement of tone, a horsepower of 35,000 and draws feet Inches. Her armor belt la 11 Inches thick. Twin screws vertlcle, triple expansion engines send the steel-plated terror sizzling through the seas. The contract price of the Tessel for hull and machinery was Jnt with armament added the total cost was, swelled by several millions.

A sister ship, the New Tork, rapidly approaching completion. Is now in coiirse of construction at the navy yard at New York. Brands Graduates 1 'Educated Fools' SPRINGFIELD. 111., March 12. Russell Conwell, minister of th Philadelphia, said vesterdav at the Winona" nihln snn re "educated fools, and, therefore Incompetent to lead others in the Interpretation of the Bible." "I believe In higher education," Dr.

Russell said, "but lt sometimes sc robs a person of his higher instincti that he is unfitted to Serve either God Tne man wnQ (hlnk9 h( knows It ail-Js Ignoramus and good many of our corlege graduate! are guilty a liberal quantity of self- esteem. In speaking of the two-fold-- do- Lvelapment at.Jiian hfl A person who has his brain de veloped atuhe expense of his- heart as dangerous as dynamite 1324 Hay Cor. 14th, Take lUovatrtr. A special dish Is learned at each llesson. Sometimes It Is a favorite salad, again a loaf of bread, or a layer cake, and what-perhaps seems to the PuPil" tle best part of the 'un tnM delicacies, when finished.

are eaten by the class at the Informal luncheon that follows each deraon- stratjon. Marketing, the selection of good bargains based on the knowledge of the worth of meat, vegetables and irruit th' JprM.nru- nf 1 accessories of both marketing and cooking, are also taught at these classes. A salad is not merely piled any aM n-au nn a nlnt urrA In fm- portance only to Its mixing Is its the table, and innthino I. nn.idr nni.h.H ainiinscinBiii lor has also tne stamp of dainty serv- DOMESTIC SCTENCE, Officially the classes are for the purpose of learning "domestic science," -and science is the proper name for the way In whlfch they are going uiiukb. ino ti" win irnntlnnad throiiB-hout the year, and until they nave learned from A to oil tv.

-mnrlr hnd this group of girls plan to continue the mM nn. course. Whatever else may "be said of her, the girl of today Is go-ahead and per- slstent whether It be in bridge play- ling, dancing or domestic science. i ineuAUT I lul aafC DC MBPT The regular -meeting of the Ctaremont Improvement Club 111 be held this even-' lng in the assmbly hall or tne ware- mont Counter Club, where Stephen E. Kleffer, bresident of he organization, will preside.

The session' will be open to the 'nubile; Residents--of -the Claremont district will take part In the proceedings 0f jneetlng." whrre matters of Jm to that section will he discussed. i -bhhmmmm We Cordially Invite you to inspect our display what constitutes the newest ideas IS to Is 'Dr. or Is give any time to h-ink s.ffalrs: that he desired to retain his- ftxm. suggestlhg it 1', "0f''r Z'L VB1UC the. MAYOR'S RETIRINQ LETTER.

Mayor. Mott voiced his reasons for r- tiring, and his strong belief In the- futurt pf the institution, in the following letter. 0f resignation' 0 the officers and Directors of the Security Hank, Oakland. Cal. Gentlemen: I hereby tender to you my resignation aa a director of 'the Security Bank, to take effect Immediately.

The reason for my action Is solely for the pur- pose of enabling you to elect In my place a representative of the ew interests that i are identifying themselves with the Se- I curltv Bank. VPV fnrtht that cur Wak fl Bt.tA i "hour to afnitate with it. for they experience and financial, worth, that will and srreatlv to our resnnrce. and verv materially contribute to. a larger success for the institution.

Under the circum- 4.nT;rt-. i.u thp ghom h8Ve representation up0B the board, and I feel that no time should be lu" electing mem iq eucn a position. int.rfsst not lfrseneo i i.T I take this opportunity of thanking the unicorn anu uneciuro. uuoubii uito the stockholders, for the kindly consider- anon ana courtesies ini nave ueeu e- tended tome. i reel tnat a rusn nonor wan cunierreu electing me to a place on the director- rugn nonor was conierrea Bte of the bank, and I am greatly appre- ciative of it.

in retring from the board of directors, want lt creany understood that Tin no; ni Ki ca.1 ticnnri iui ii-o luini-v at anv time be of service, to the bank in any particular I shall be glad to be commanded. With renewed assurances of my very highest esteem I beg to remain Yours veF respectfully. (Signed) FRANK K. MOTT. G.

WTVanderbiU Will filed for Probate NEW YORK, March 12 The will Vanderbilt, who died of George Friday In Washington, will be filed for probate totlay. A -statement cov- ering the importanLpoint-Ln- lha documents is to be made by the family solicitors when the will Is filed. The estate, It is said, is valued at about It is understood that the" document Is In the handwriting of. the testator and that lt Is remarkable for Its brev lty, taking Into consideration' the vast wealth bequeathed. The widow Is said to have been left the greater share of te millions.

Half Million for Protestant Cathedral WASHINGTON, March 12. An anonymous gift of $500,000 toward the construction of the great national cathedral of the Protestant church at St Albans, In the suburbs of Washington, was" announced today. The' structure when completed will rank among the famous temples of the world. The bequest was made through the New York, chapter of the Natllonal Cathedral Association. OTIC ASSOCIATION TO HOLD MEETING TONIGHT To discuss the park project and several other matters of importance to Oak.

land and Alameda, county the Civic Association will meet1 tonight at the rooms Several matters important routine bus-I lness are scheduled, as wU as discussions I tux current Issues. i At meeting of the directors of the Security Bank, held yesterday afternoon, Mayor K. Mott and P. J. Walker retired from the direi turite.

and v.ere replaced hy E. Biddle of Alameda. and Arthur Xing, recently from IjHlrers- field. By the chance, Biddle becomes vice-president and manager of the bank. The advisability, of a change In the.

directorate nnl the taking in of new blood has for some time been before thei directors of the institution, the change effected yesterday the outcome of a long and! thorough On account of many strong accounts halng offered to the bank recently, and because of the rapid development of. tho city and surrounding territory ard the many de-, mands on the necessarily at-1 tending. It was thought a3VlSame in capital othe? a contemplated. strengthen the hank by- an but of tneP the orTlfiais are nui yie-i pared, to talk at present. IS ABLE FINANCIER.

BidrilA has tor many years; been yce-1 tnidfnt and manager of the Citizens. bank-of Alameda, and Is ranked hiRh in I rll'lon thel i.iT ti no-itnKat nf TlaVm. Arthur D.King, a capitalist of BaKers- fled, and who Is ldentitiei wun me Rang ZwlmMnv nf city, owns an estate of some 600 acres aoltolnliig tne nr Tinmn nisra tiHir t. e- a'ndro, and is well known among njen of ffnlr nn hnth BldB of the bay. We want It understood inero been no friction whatever in 'the dlrec-! torate," said President H.

C. Capwell. in discussing the chpnge. "it nras made slmplv to stremtthen onr institution. The old directors recognized the need of ad-1 22tf7h.niS rearet exooedifH the loss of the retiring triemners.

tor 1 1 i n.A iaA nnA the most nlous and-acieeabie boards of dlreetors-ln anv city In the world. Thore htw hoen no elling out of interests; no- stocK nas changed hands. We hive slmplv taken up treasury stocK, ana inereoy r.ijwi. to broaden and extenn our riieiiieiu. SEE PROSPEROUS FUTURE.

At a welcome liomer dinner' given-Hi ector Carl evening by Henry at which both the old and new members of the directorate were present, a very strong spirit of optimism was shown and many of a hrtffht and prosperous future oloeni. Mr. Plaut has been In Er.rope for some five months, and comes home full nf hope ana faith in our Institution ana our city. In tendering his resignation yesterday. WPtpr Rt.ited flint, owing to Press or r-nslnp" in firm.

i-fh to AUCTIOSAt J. A. MUNRO a CO. AUCTIONEERS. 1007 Clay street, icorner Tenth street; phone Oakland 467-1.

Will pay highest price paid for merchandise, fu-nlture, or will sell on -nmission. SaJ verv Friday. Furniture Auction Sale We. have received Instructions to sojl the furniture, carpets, piano, of A. Scott and M.

Brown and a lot of plumbing goods. Sale, at 1007' ClaySTTCbr." 10th St. Oakland Friday, March 13th at 10:30 a. m. Open for Inspection Thursday afternoon and evening, comprising In part: 1 mahogany Emerson upright piano, anttqim furnltftre, leather upholstered parlor pieces, hall trees, lace curtains, portieres, pictures, electric reading lamp, library -tables, bookcases, typewriter, weathered oak ainlng tables, chairs to match, buffets, chlnaware, silverware, sewing ma chines, brass and lrgn beds, oldlng beda, CKid bedding, cook stuwiii, ges slsin.i a jt nf piubiliing goods from a transportation company, etc.

All must and will be I nultA am mUh in lin rtf anm. plishments as the Argentine, the andthe healtation waltz. --vt OR NOR IS IT AUj TALK. At the headquarters of the Young women vnnsuan jvssociraion at -H ir-mma nf these girls assemble twice every week nr.iAn retlcally. all about food, Its value from Dotn tne nutritive ana tne financial standpoint, and Hs preparation for the table.

MiS3 Allene Edoff. Miss Adele Sott. Miss Lynda Wight, Miss Phyllis st mv. neien uias, Misa-urace Morrisoto and Miss Madeline Oharn- bers are among the most faithful and persistent In their attendance at these classes whoch are conducted by Miss Katherlne-Thompson. Others who assemble "for similar Instruction are Miss Ethel Olney, Miss Phellna Miss Manthay Bead, Miss Charlotte Cockroft, Miss Carmen Ghirardelll, Miss Claire Palztel, Miss Jessie Hall and, Miss Ruth Holt.

The gentle aft of making one egg1 look like three, the transforming of left-overs Into appetising entrees, and tne practlcai transforming of all'sorta of everyday griUps and meatBi and fish, tuke up during two mornings of each week. "niETT ookr mvtr- When the cook leaves suddenly, and the maid develops possibilities of anoclexv If given extra do. 'there Is no fear of dining on tea and toast until the aforesaid Is replaced; nor of tearing out one's hair In operation over the puzzle of making anything palatable out of the contents of the kitchen bantry. These clever girls not only know hovy to direct the work, hut If need he to do Friedman's Styles AND VALUES are attracting the keenest" buyers. Quality and the helghth of fashion" nre maintained In the new Cllrls', Misses' and Ladies' Suits, Conts and Dresses.

Extra large women fitted. Charge accounts opened. 524 TWELFTH STREET. "between Washington and tiaj Oakland. Ladies' Outer Garments EOIl Spring and Summer Wear Suits Coats Dresses Displayed on Living Models, Friday and Saturj(iy i J.

A. MUNRO Auctioneers..

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