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The Reidsville Review from Reidsville, North Carolina • 6

Reidsville, North Carolina
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THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE TUESDAY 22 1916 PAGE SDL County News as Told By Correspondents PROESSIONAL CARDS WAR OR NO WAR RANCIS MAYODAN WANTED! Sold by Gardner Drug Co 8OUI Honor Henry High caller In Bears Scorched Hairless BORLAND ORD Gladstone Leaksville Phono 131 231 PRITCHETT HENDERSON ARCHITECTS 692 Danville Va Charles etzer A CATALOG CATALOG How about your subscription? 1 Wire of Win A Loftis and Geo Danvillle bring about their control OR sus Ala Prisoncrs Trail and Capturs Two Men Who Escaped honor convicts wh broke their Dependable It or Over 30 Years 4 A Office over Burton Pearse Shoe Store games served de ALAMANCE COUNTY IGHTING CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Tango ootball the Latest Tango football is being popularized in of the dance halls of Chicago The principle of the game is the same as in soccer football and the players have to tango to music at all times while In action A silver trophy has been offered for a contest between the Majestic Bette volent association and the Hamburv Athletic association In this sport was this occa loath to Polen Maximllb tu the per ai American $430 1 ih has 1 and valuable to every menu is sure to please your ticket for yourselt at one Get a tag wear JOYCE Attorney at Law Office in old Citizens Bank Buildlnj Practice in State and ederal ourts Loans negotiated Charles private zoo which he maintained at San Springs near Tulsa Okla for the instruction of sev oral score of orphans whom lie lias adopted was destroyed by fire Twen ty five alligators escaped death by seek Ing refuge in water filled pits The bears were scorched hairless and the entire dock of fifteen ostriches per ished Is a millionaire oil producer whose philanthropies have taken the form of adopting orphans and provid ing homes for widows McMICHAEL RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice In all ooarU Mr McMichael will be In the Held Hile office on Tuesdays Wedneadayi Thursdays ridays and In Madlsotn Saturdays MOST PROMINENT 5 LAWYERS DOCTORS ETC How the millions of dollars raiseu by the American Jewish relief commit tee are being distributed among the Jewish war sufferers In the various 1 If you have not already done so get your ticket now to the and A banquet on ebruary 22 The guests will be seated at 7:30 sharp No long waiting for the hungry man Come as you happen to be right from your place of business or work or men only The speeches by Judge Cassells and Messrs Smith LaBaume and Brooks will bo live interesting man The you Get and guests your tag DR MEADOR DENTIST Office over New Citizens Bank Residence 188 282 $100 Reward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh baling a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundations of the disease and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in do ing work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address: Cheney Co Tole do Ohio Sold by all druggists 75c Take amily Pills for con stipation We will be glad to plan your home We furnish plans and specifications for churches schools and all kinds I of structures RUIN Misses Etta and Nannie Brown vi sited 'Miss Carrie Lovelace Sunday Miss Lucy Hyler of Danville is the guests of friends in this section Mrs Jennie Martin of Sadler is vi siting her sister Mrs John Txivelace Nr Willie Taylor was a visitor in this section recently The rook game given by Mrs Blackwell was enjoyed by a largo crowd We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs Hattie Windsor after a long illhes of consumption She was laid to rest at Lltekfork Sunday Choppings are all the go ia this sec tion Mrs John Lovelace who has been confined to her room tor the past two weeks is some better wo are glad to note Mrs Sue Lee is visiting friends in Reidsville this week Mr Richard Dickens spent Sunday at the home of Mrs Soyars Mr Charlie Lovelace has returned from a pleasant trip to Danville We are sorry to learn that Mr and Mrs Willie Smith of this section are going to move to Danville WILLIAM REID DALTON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reidsville General practice of the law in State And ederal Courts Money loaned on real estate Es tates administered on and settled Real estate bought and sold RUIN ROUTE 1 We are glad to note that old Cas woll has again lifed her eyelids and resumed her old duties Given at the homo of Mr and Mrs Powell on Monday night eb Insurance Man DISSOLUTION NOTICE The firm of Borland ord has been mutually dissolved the business and goods of the firm being taken over by Borland All persons to said firm will please come forward and make immediate settle ent and all persons having bills against said firm are requested to present them to ord for settle ment ires Keep Coming And We keep paying HUGH SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW Ipecial attention to negotiation loans oonduct and settlements estates buying and selling real tate Office Citizens Bank Bldg 1 New Tetanus ound Professor Laveran of the Pasteur in stltute described at a meeting" of the Academy of Sciences a new form of tetanus which lias been Investigated by Dr Bazy The new tetanus appears fron! thirty to fifty days after the wound has been received whether the patient has had preventive injection of serum or not The attacks can occur without ap parent cause although they manifes themselves more frequently Jfter op tuition or on the fresh outbreak of in tlammation in wounds The disease is serious death occur ring in from one third to one half oi the cases To guard against this form of tetanus Dr Bazy recommends that Injections of serum lx? given every week from the time the wound is first dressed High Grade Building BRICK After La Grippe What? Prevo Bedford Ind writes: "An attack of la grippe left me with a severe cough I tried everything I got so thin it looked as if I never would get well inally two bottles of Honey and Tar cured me I am now well and back to my nor mal A reliable remedy for coughs colds croup Sold by Gard ner Drug Co GLIDEWELL ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt attention to all matter Intrusted Practice in all courts Office In Citizens Bank Building IRA HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling estates Practice in all courts except Record Court Office in Pels Building over A Price Store DRUG STORE Reidsville CALLTODAYANDINVESTIGATEH0WY0UCAN PROCURE BEAUTIUL AND USEUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIICATES ISSUED WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID BY 5TH0M0NTH PERCY STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law Reidsville Special attention to negotiation cz oans settlement ot estates buylajnd selling real estate In suraace vdjusted Practice in all courts Office in Lambeth Building Over iffs Office JAS HOPPER ARCHITECT Two pledges to the state and eseaped from San Quentin (Call penitentiary on New day have been chased captured and returned to prison by two fellow honor convicts who were sent from the const met ion camp to search for the fugitives merely giving their word that they would return Although nccompanied by one of the guards from the camp the two men Charles Taggart and Herbert Primrose were often miles distant from each otli er They found their quarry in a cabin in a remote hilly section where they had taken refuge The two men who broke their pledges are Thomas Cowan serving a five sentence from Los Angeles and Alfred Sanchez serving five years fron Riverside EDGAR WRENN JR LAWYER Reidsville Office Over A Price Store MAJOR SMITH LAWYER liminarv statement issued by the com inittoe The statement has been com DR JULIUS WELLS DENTAL SURGEON Jfflce over etzer Tucker's Dnm Store 'Phone 100 CUT THIS IT IS WORTH MONEY MISS THIS Cut out this slip enclose with five cents to oley Co Chicago Ill writing your name and address clearly You will receive in return a trial package containing Honey and Tar Compound for coughs colds and croup oley Kidney Pills and oley Cathartic Tab lets TheProtectionist To Everyone Believ ing in Protection and Prosperity a copy for the asking GILLIAM GRISSOM Editor GREENSBORO NC ruary 14 in honor of her sister Miss Ola Pryor a Valentine drawing and an old time candy breaking It was greatly enjoyed by all present Mr JJoseph Allison has returned to his home in North Dakota after an extended visited to friends and relatives in Caswell county Mr Somers spent Saturday and Sunday in Reidsville Miss Ola Pryor has returned to her home after spending a week end with her sister Mrs Powell LMrErnest Stanley visited friends near Reidsville S'unday Mr Joseph Alison Sr spent Sun day with his daughter Mrs Harrelson NOTICE Having bought Mr ord's interest in tho firm of Borland ord I wish to thank my friends and the public for your patronage In the past and hope to be able to continue to merit same in the future I shall endeavor to serve you promptly and at the lowest possible cost to my pa trons In order to reduce my stock I will sell at and below cost a great many things that I have bn hand Call and take advantage of this while they last Good roasted coffee 3 1 2 lbs for 50c 7 1 2 lbs for $100 cash only Paloma California Peaches 10c can a good 5c soap will sell at 4 cakes for 10c 25 lbs sugar for $165 River side Cotton Plaids the best made 10c kind for 7 2c All feed sttiff at rock bottom prices and many other things too numerous to mention for cash only CASH STORE Thelma Lucile Nina Alley Addie Paul Schiff is acting its rv i resen tn five of themittce In Vienna and cn cent to him He ha is amount in eo opera tiou with the Isiaelitisi he Allianz zt Wien The American committee ha already sent to Palestine bill 243 foi general relief and $5000 for soup kltch ens in Jerusalem and contributed $90 toward provisioning the Vulcan which was sent out to Pales tine ns a food ship last March Until recently all funds were forwarded tu Dr Arthur Ruppin bflrl cf the Pains tlna Amt at Jaffa vlv distributed the money among various local commit tees The funds are now being sent to Dr A Glazebrook United States consul at Jerusalem The actual work of distribution is being done by local committees jointly designated by the three American relief committees and the provlsmal Zionist committee or a Bilious Attack When you have a severe head ache accompanied by a coated tongue loathing of food constipa tion torpid liver vomiting of partly digested food and then bile you may know that you have a severe bilious attack While you may be quite sick there is much consolation in knowl Ing that relief may be had by taking three of Tablets They are prompt and effectual Ob tainable everywhere OLEY KIDNEY PIUS OR BACKACHE KIDNEYS ANO ADDER HOW JEWISH RELIE UNDS ARE EXPENDED IN EUROPE 4 A IVIE TROTTER JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE TROTTER JOHNSTON Attorneys at Law Offices in the new Irvin Buildingtext to Bank of Reidsville OITROLAX I I A Bost thing for cmstlpation stomach lazy liver and sluggish bow els Stops a sick headache almost at once Gives a most thorough and satisfactory no pain no nausea Keeps your system cleansed sweet and wholesome Ask for Citro Sold by Gardner Drug Co Sanitary Plumber Repair Work Promptly Done PHONE XM ot of 98 BAGS BRASS BONES WAX TALLOW METALS ALL KINDS AND IRON WE ARE INTERESTED SECURING A SHIPPER My Companies Are lots more Able to bear a Loss than you are Therefore BE PRUDENT And insure With We Will Supply Anything Wanted IN PERECT GALVANIZED IRON ROOING CRIMP ROOING TIN ROOING GUTTERING AND SPOUTING CHIMNEY PIPE BOTH ROUND AND SQUARE WELL TUB ING AND SEWER P1PKL STOVES RANGES HEATERS LAUNDRY AND COOKING STOVES IRE BOARDS AND PIPINGS PLUMBING GOODS CLOSETS LAVORATORIES BATH TUBS AND BATH ROOM SUPPLIES ALL KINDS GET OUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMB ING AND SEWERAGE CONNEC TION3 the established yy association in the serving the Jewish people and loan ass sdntlons and adapted to the distribution of relief To Germa ny German Poland etc $iifotHH ha thus far been sent to of Hamburg and has been i iidd under the direction of l)is hied lie lliifskomite fuel were we! II quality appeals to you write os tad get our quotations Shipments Made promptly WILLIAMSON HEDCECOCK Im Martinsville Va There are 2228 school children in Alamance county yet to have measles 1386 yet to have whooping cough and 4109 yet to have scarlet fever to say nothing of 542 little tots under two years of age who have yet to go the whole 15sr of these diseases that is is the old fogy notion holds sway in that county that every child must have these baby diseases sometime and the sooner he has them the bet ter But all these children are not going to be so ill fated Alamance it will be remembered was the first county to adopt the rules and regu lations prepared by the State Board of Health tor the control of contagious diseases and from the present indi cations a large majority of these children are going to escape these illnesses and many young lives will not only be saved but will be the better tor not having had measles whooping cough and scarlet fever These diseases have high death rates particularly for children under two years of age and are often the cause of many serious defects that last through life The above figures showing the ceptibility of the children of malice county to the most common contagious diseases were compded by Mr Williams of Burlington quarantine officerr of Alamance and are for the purpose of effectually en forcing the law controlling such in fectious diseases in that county The State Board of Health makes the statement that this county is to be commended for this forward move ment which it is successfully carry ing out It adds that if parents and physicians report every case of con tagious disease to the quartuitine offi cer and if all do their duty as regards tin law controlling contagious diseas es that it is possible to keep down tho spread of contagious diseases and finally bit this section hands working piled ns in answer to inquiries as to the maimer of distribution and the re liability of the persons co operating with tho committee in the war zone Russia has so far received $1085000 of this money the nnimint having been sent through Kuhn Loeb A Uo to the Azov Don bank of Petrograd for the Jewish Colonization as iit ion The money has then Ix en turned over tv the central relief committee of Petro grad which Is composed of 100 repre seiitatlves of the Jewish community there Before the evacuation of Rus slim Poland Lithuania etc by the Russian troops the relief was distribut ed through tiie boo co operative socle the Colonization riois towns ami ieties Intd been STACEY The singing school at Stacey school is progressing nicely Our friend Mr Alvis Soyars of the Lawson ville section was a this section Sunday Messrs Johnnie Lovelace Brown visited friends near recently Mr and Mrs Whit Prown and baby of the section spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here The condition of Miss Joe Alice Tate who has been confined to her room with la grippe some better wo are glad to learn Miss Ettle Brown lias returned to her home after spending some time with relatives in the section Miss iSluo Lee is spending some time with her sister Mrs Jones of Rcldsvile Misses Carrie Lovelace and Ettie and Nannlo Brown were the guests of Miss Annie Soyars of Lawsonville Sunday afternoon Mr Geo Brown and sister Miss Sue Lee spent Saturday in Reidsville Mr and Mrs letcher Corum visit ed in this section Sunday YOU HAVE THE COUGH WE HAVE THE CURE TELL THE PHONE 28 TOR BOTTLE REXALL CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP SATISACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REUNDED WOMACK The OR CASH GREEN HIDES AND URS CHICKENS EGGS COPPER RAGS WOOL RUBBER EED MADISON That was truly an appalling acci dent which befell David Troy Joyce an old Madison boy at Hopewell Va on ebruary 1 He was employed by the DuPont people There was an explosion and he made a dash for the door He stepped on some acids which had leaked on the floor slipped and fell Both legs from the hips down as well as the right arm were saturated and the deadly stuff began to get in its work at once There is no way to stop its eating and it kept on until It reached the very marrow of his bones He suffer ed untold agony but bore it with great fortitude until death relieved him of his sufferings Ho was 32 years old and besides his father Joyce leaves a young wife and little (laughter as weB as four broth ers The remains arrived in Madison Tuesday and were tenderly laid to rest Material is being received and work I is now in progress on the new South countries of Europe Is shown in a pre er depot Until the cold wave Sunday the tone of on the fill just North of the and depot had been making rapid progress Hov ever the work is be ing pushed and it is safe to say the job will be on schedule time the managers having anticipa ted just such Messenger IN WASTE AND SCRAP MATERIAL IN EVERY LOCALITY AND WOULD APPRECIATE HEAR ING ROM YOU AS TO WHAT YOU MAY HAVE TO OER OR SALE 1 WITTE 3 ENGINE 1 TWO CYCLE 2 ENGINE 1 EIGHT II ENGINE 1 WHITE STEAMER Walker Hide and Junk to Reidsville PHONE 137 Wednesday afternoon proved to be i very charming when a number of friends met it the home of Miss Nan 1 aie Walters to enjoy her seventeenth birthday anniversary The guests were graciously wel coined by Miss Gertie Walters i After several interesting were played the hostess lightful refreshments The old saying "times truly said and shown on sion for tho guests were leave the home Those present were Misses Mills Elsie and Lemma Martin Turner Claudia McCollum Highfill Hester Vester and Whitten Crriistine and Annie Kate Gilbert Kate Burgess Johnston and Susie Highfill Messrs Robert Draughn Turner Jr Rosamond Turner Samuel Jones rank Tulloch Houston Highfill and Mr Heath Mr Tom Vernon and little sons Reginal and Alfred of Hobgood spent the week end with his sister Mrs A Highfill Rev Swain and ston Salem visited Mrs Monday and Tuesday Born to Mr and Mrs fill on (Sunday ebruary 13th a son Give Pwit Shabing Coupons Reduce the HidhCost of Living by Trading with ONECERTIICATE lif VJ a wk 1 1 i I rC I Ofc 8 I I i 1 8 WO CP "IB Mvi 4 ll Ki Wp' A.

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