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The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 4

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEWS AND OBSERVER. THE CAUCUS. TkkC Georgia MlnvtreU Toaiht. UTFRTTwrn miL I 4 SIBMIIBILTSr took courage to stand up for it. In other conventions the tactics bad boen resorted to to cut him off from debate.

1 have to repeat, he declared, tba R. A. Doughton is a m3n the 'Alliance can trust, and his party services make 'ru party owe him this speakership. And I ask the friends of Mr. Jones, hot name it is my privilege to OP THE FIRM llllWIPPSFl And after caiietissing that the latter port cf this month will take inventory of stock on handl come to the conclusion but what will interest have our G-R AND SEMI-ANNUAL CLEAR interest you very much, prior to.

that time we will ANCE SALES. Degin now.witn Of course this will not you more is this that Four hundred Boys' ard Overcoata reduced to $8 50 44 44 44 5 2.75 1 Children's Overcoats reduced as follows: bargains lor the ooys. i reduced tb 12 $12 and $10 44 7 50 3.50 $10.50 and $15 Overcoat 10 4 i. 7 There is no use dodging facts, i inave a lew moievJoys' and Uml- i "i i' .1 Iiv dren's Overcoats than we care to have at this time, and we've only one remedy cut the price-and the above figures will show you that we're sale may last a week maybe more, maybe less- not slow about it. This just as the stock holds save money and select out.

Now, mothers and an overcoat from the best ety, now's your time. Come early in order to have the best of the lot. Orders by mail must be accompanied with. the cash according to our present I price-list. None will be sent on approval and "odsitively none cnargea.

A Deep Gut in Price of Underwear. Come and select what Un- Deduct 25 per derwear vou mav need. from the lowest price and bargains. Come and see them- they 'e yours. 5 Thousands of other GREAT A Is Now Presented to the ESPECIALLY 1SLAT FTO THE MEMBERS OF T1 APPROACHING LEG-(JRE AND VI8ITORS, TO BE ATTIRED IN Richards and Pringte's troope i Georgia minstrel will apmar in city tonight i in Metropolitan Hall and a rousing gooJ show is from the artias in 'black.

ueuvar Arpiionci sava Ol ice troope The Oper House was packed to the doors last. nBht, and tho I audience was kept in the beet of hu- mor by tlie fine sineine. and dacciue ana gererauy clever work of Kichai and Pringle'B Georgia Minstrel Company. The! performance I they give is more original and better than that of many more pretentious or? TKe Pulpit mn) the Stee. Rev.

F. United Brethren Church. Bine ap.vs: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Kine's Jfew Discovery his done for me. JlyiLungs wer naoif uaseaseu, ami my parishioners thouffhtlcould live only a few I took five bottles of Dr.

King's NewOiscovory and am sound and well, caininc 2(3 lbs. in Arthur Ijove, Mannger Love's jPunny folks Combination, writes: "After a thor- ougn trial ana conviucing evidence! 4 are confident Dr. King's New Discovery ibv Con sumption, lets 'em all, and. cures when Everything else faQs. The greatest Matinee I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it.

Free trial bottles at Jno. Y. MacKae drug store. Regular siies 50c. and l.uu.

Hoard. Three; or fourl members of the Legislature cap get. board and) room ai reivsuunuie raif uy appiyiug to Mrs. vv. m.

utley, 427 Halifax street, 3 blocks north of the capital. Information concerning the! Elec- tropoiee may be obtained by address ing Southern Electropoiso Company, 4Z5 a. Blood worh street, or by call- ing between 3 and 5 p'. m. It is conceded that theBekshire will average it 6 months old 160 pound; at 9 months 230; at 12 montha, 300; at 18 400,, and at 24 months, puu.

it win be peen that the best comparative weight ia at 12 months and under. I --r" I Table Talk. It ib essential to any man cmJ fort that his table should bej ished with provisions of I thf bes nnalit.v Tfc in pnnallv oaoont Jul thai I 1 i I ae bnouiu uuot pay more ior iDeu than they are worth. We gaarante 11 I A 1. an our eooos.

Dotn in onantv am price, and give as careful attention to the orders of our castomers, as they bought in person. 1 KbKKHARDT PE83CI). I ExamlnatiOD for Teacbcn An examination to nil a tacanc in the Centennial School will i be held in the building Saturday, the 10th ins at a. m. i I 1 K.

P. MOi-Eft, pt. A Ladies' club at 8t. Lbi las protested again at the tax tim 'of bachelors on the grcand that tl ey are necessities, not luxuries. iv W.

H. S. TuqKKB A Lrfidies' and Children Wraps ao not wisn 10 carry a single gar. meni. unuauai values are now given.

W. II. U. 8. Tucker Co.

MARKET KiiFURTS. Mew Tork Financial Market. New York, January 6. lonjr iey quiet, closing heaTT and eay at 4a5 per cenUV long4.81ia4.tU; short 4.85JaLS5i. raments neglected, btate txndsl steadr.

Exchange active and sfone 4.86). Money easy at 8a4 perc nt, offered at 8. Sub-treaBury balances jrold currency Uovern- menu dull and barely steady; 4 per cent coupons 12Q; 8 per cents 1 STOCKS AMD BOJTD8. New YoRi, Jan. bonds dull and featureless; Ala.

"(class A) 102; (class JJ) 1U4; lia. 778, mortgage V. con' sols 120; N. C. 4's S4; S.

C. Browns 99; Tenn. 6'a 101; Tenn. Tenn. aet- 4s 871; Va.

6'J50rVa. consols 40; O. lOCj; Northwestern pref. 13; D. L.

134; ex. div. T. 7: lake Shore 107: L. N.

74; M. C. 40; O. 27); C. 94: N.

Paclst 8tti; N. C. 1021; N. ft W. 63; N.

Pac. 221': preferred 67: Pac. Mail 84 Heading 83; R. W. P.

16J; a. l. oot; pi. raui oz; prererroa loo; Tex. rerroa job; Tex.

Mu. Pac. 441; W.U. T7; (O. 4's I65J; W.

Pac 14U Ten. C. T. I. Mu.

JN.J. Uen. 110; Mo. Pao. O.

O. cer. 17; li. 16; M. N.

Bank of N. Y. certificates Issued on' de posit of bullion 1041. I 9 eer Ver OottTu Warketj New Yoas, Jan 8 Cotton ouiet; mid dling 9 5-16; Orleans Of: ilea toirlay 201 bales; net receipts at all parts bales; exports to Great Britain 10,841 bales; to France 16.228 bales: to the continent 15,007 bales; stock baits. uotton net Teceipu luaws; gross 7, Mi nales.

PYitUFas clowd dull Lut steady; sales 74,600 bales; January 9.0latf.!l Feb ruary 9.10a9.20; March 9.80a9.8:; April 9.43a9.44; MAT 9.03r r4; June July and August 9 719.72; September 9.55a Jan. 6.1 Cotton, middling: Galveston steady, 9 5-16, 8,12 Norfolk steady, 9, 2,273 bales; Baltimore firm, 9, 779 bales; Boston steady, demand firm, 9 5-16, 601 bales; WDinmctno quiet, 8f, 251ftales; Phil adelphia firm, Of, 157 bales; Savanr-ih quiet, 8f, 2,769 bales; Mobile quiet and steadr, 9, 25,454 bales; New Orleans 3,780 bales; Aupusta qniet, 9, 2,642 bales; Memphis firm, 9a9J, 521 bales; Charleston firm, 9J, 687 bales. Baltimore jeroaus Market. BiLTmoaK, January 6. Flour quiet and easier; Howard btreet and iWettern super extra family S4.50a5.00; city n.

ills Kio brands 1 extra VVTieat- Southern quiet; Fultx Longberry i western firm; No. 8 winter red spot and January 97 Ja97J. Corn Southern quiet; white and yellow 66a59. Chicago fruaaee Market, Chicago, Jan. 6.

Cash quotations weis as follows: I i i Flour quiet. Wheat No' 8 spring 90. No. 3 red 91a92. Corn--No.

1 2, i 48J. Oat No. 2, 42a42. Mess pork: 10.62 J. Lard.

5.t(21. Short ribs, loose, dry-salted shoulders short dear Whisky $1.14. WUmlakto Kaval Store Market (Closing WiLiiiirsTow, January 6, Spirits turpentine steady, 80 1 10 15 1 43 ltd 1 90 Bcrainea rosin arm, Good strained, Tar firm, TSuyentine (studs) firm, A- Douffkton, JSpeaVor Other Nominees. The caucus of DewUcratic mem hers of' the House of Representatives met in the hall of the House of Rep resent stiver last night at 8 o'clock and was called to order by Mr B. Hoi man.

of Iredell. Mr. Watson, of Robeson, wa? elected chairman of the iuaaca'a. Mr. Hall, of was made secretary of the caaens.

The roll of counties was called and it was found that ninety-nine Democratic member were present. Mr. Harry Skinner, of 'Pitt, intro duced a resolution that all Demo crats in good standing be allowed to remain in the hall and that all Republicans rbe requested to retire. Au amendment was offered that such Democrats be allowed to remain as could be vouched for bv members Democrats in good standing. After consideration the resolution as amended was withdrawn and the gallery was opened to those not members.

The caucus then proceeded to the nomination a candidate! for the Speakership. I i Mr. John. I Bryan, Wayne, first arose to nominate A. D.

Jones, of Wake He referred to the time when Mr. Jones led a forlorn hope to triumphant victory in this county when he was' elected Treas urer in Mr ake county in loo. lie had watched his career since then with pride and pleasure. He had seen him again placed in charge of the Democratio banner in VV ake in 1890, and with glad hearts' every good Democrat's heart had been made rlad 1 by Democratio Tictory. Everyone was familiar with his record, and he hoped that me would be honored with tho Speakership ol this House.

He as. in sympathy with the movement to return to the people the rights which had been partially taken from thea by class oppression'. Mr. Gurnet, of ilay next arose. If loyalty ana devotion to party, if coiuervatisuL were a test he would point with pride nd pleasoro to the gentleman toe name he proposed to present He was a man of ability, a man of probity, 'and a man of conservatism.

He would discharge his duties faith fully and impartially. He i referred to Mr. R. H. Houghton, ol Alle ghany.

Mr. Terrell, ol Alexander, next rose to place in nomination a man who, he said, had served in the Gen eral three times. His county in the last election rolled up a majority of over 1,800, which was proof of his ability. His voice had been heard upon the floor of this House in favor of the toiliDg people of the State. He had confidence in his ability to serve in the chair faith- iaiiT idu compeitiuuT.

a mo served in other capacities. He nom inated Thos. H. Sutton, of Cumber land. M.r.

Grier, of sec onded the nomination of Mr. It. A. Doughton. Mr.

J. B. Phillips, of Nash, also seconded the nomination of Mr. Doughton. Mr.

ol Mecklenburg, sec onded the nomination of Mr. Sutton. Mr. Hall, of Orange, seconded the nomination of Mr. A.

D. ones, 'iti Mr. Long of Columbus seconded the nomination of Mr. Sutton. Mr.

Adams of Granville seconded the nomination of Mr. Jones. Mr. Brinson of Pamlico seconded the nomination of Mr. Jones.

Col. Pickett of Anson said that the Alliance had held a meeting, this cT3riing but that tonight no member of the Alliance had: boon presented for speaker. He wished to heartily second the nomihaiion of Mr. Sutton; THE BALLOT. 1 It was then movedand carried that the.

ballot be proceeded with McClure of Clay and Bass were appointed tellers Mr. Doughton announced that he was paired with the gentlemen from Cumberland and Wake. iC First ballot -Doughton 34, Jones 29, Sutton 34; no election. i Second ballot Doughton 30, Jones 30, Sutton 35. Third ballot Doughton 32, Jones 25, Sutton 38.

i Fourth ballot Doughton 33, ones 20, Sutton 43.. i Fifth ballot Doughton 34, Jones 17, Sutton 45., 1 -Sixth ballot Do aghton 3d, Jones 14, Sutton 44. Serenth ghton 42, Jones 42, Jones 16, button 3d. i Eighth ballot Djughtou 57, Sutton 39, Jones 1. After the seventh ballot was announced Mr.

Skinner, of Pitt, made a strong app al to Alliance men to vote for Mr. saying that all remembered the time when he proposed in the ate convention to bring forwatd the sub-treasury bill and have it put in iho platform. Oq thai occasion debatts was stifled, ttijd Sutton was present and aided iu stifling debate and stifling his voice. Mr. Sutton begged to iuTefrupt him, and said that the question was one whether resolutions should be discussed in open session, or referred to the committee on resolutions; and he had followed the precedents in all the State Conventions, as Gov.

Jar-vis himself in the Convtntion. Ue appealed to kis cauvase; to' the president of his County Alliance, to bis collt-agceto bear him out that he was sounu on the Sub-Treasury bill. He appealed to the 1,855 majority the farmers of Cumberland tad given him. Mr. Skinner in reply said he was glad of that but he knew that the preliminary motions made in the couvention were but tactics toicut him off and prevent any dtfbate on the sub-treasury.

That ho had been for the sab-treaiturj when it i WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7, 1891. I ii nil 0. AKiKwa. City Editok I WCATHKK IKIMCATIONSV Washhijcotos, D. North fair, variable winds, slightly wr rmer tne eastern, stationary temperature ia the western portion. Orrr. -Maximum temperature 43; ra'n-imum temperature 22: rainfall 0.00, HaHIOh. N. C.

Jan. 6 Local forecast fur Raleigh and Ticnity. for today: Fair weather, continued cold. i'j-v'f 1 i ')'. Metropolitan Hall Fabio RomanL NOTES AUOU'i' TOWN.

jA german will be given by the the" Capital Club on next Friday uot. Dowle and iaraily are now established in the new Governor's Mansion" rf Blount street. Among the pages, who hare already been appointed in the Senate, is J. Rainey Wilkerson, a bright boy from lioxboro. number of large men in the present legislature is a striking fea ture.

Many or the mem bers are much aboTe the average in corporos- The annual meeting of the Capital Club at which the annual election of officers will take place, will be held toniehtat the club rooms at 8:30 o'clock. Some citizens complain of a break in the water main at tae corner cf Harrington and Cabarrus streets, causing mud and slush and great annoyance to pedestrians. Got. Fowle yesterday commuted I to life imprisonment the death sen tence of Puxdy Jaoobs, of Robeson county, who was one of the murder era of Mrs. Earp in that county.

Capt. J. B. White of Vance County is a candidate for enrolling clerk of the legislature. He is one of the l'ioneers of the Democracy of his county and has done gallant fighting for the party.

The funeral of Mrs. A. Pauli took place yesterday evening, Dr. M. M.

Marshall officiating. The following acted as pall-bearers: Messrs. (J. Lumsden, J. E.

Ferrall, W. W. Up- church, N. B. Brooghton, E.

C. llaskett, F. H. Lumsden. Mr.

A Daghi hat tot up on Fay- etterille street a decided novelty the way ol a peanut ana pop-coru roaster, macnine is run oj a steam engine, which runs a little cylinder and purches the "peanuts. I he whole machinery can be; seen through the glass, and the 'hot "goobers" and. pop-corn go like hot cakes. IUaea Sir. GtUav The many friends of Mrs.

John Gatlinir will trrpatl repret to I learn nf her vnrv uvioni illnofM. ad mitt in cr of no expectation of recovery lMHrtk Km. Mary MmbMd. Mrs. Mary Morehead, daughter of the late Richard Smith died in Phila delphia on Sunday night.

She was a resident of this city lor many years and leaves large property interests here, Her estate is probably worth between two and three hundred thousand dollars of which about half consists of some of the most valuable property in Raleigh. Mr. -J. S. Wynne was summoned to Philadel phia by a telegram announcing her death and was expected to leave there yesterday with her remains for this city wheie the interment will take place.

Bald She Had There was a ripple in police circles yesterday caused by a boy. running to the police station and reporting that ia woman who claimed that she had been poisoned was at out to die at a home at the comer of Morgan and Blood worth Streets. A pohce-ment was sent there and found a white woman whose name is Nancy Duns ton, carrying on in a great state af mind and crying out that she had teen poisoned by her sister Putsy Dunston. bhe said that she was swelled up and that her sister had poisoned her with snails and had conjured her. She is seventy years old and her mind is thought to be growing weak.

At last' accounts she was getting along all right aad no tteps have beea taken police. 'I in -e i 1 1 inn rable Reenaal Te-Kerrow lhU This brilliant drama will be presented at Metropolitan Hall to-morrow night, and will probably be about the best theatrical attraction that had appeared in this season. The Oiew York JStar, speaking of the play, says The spectacular Eomarii, by Aiden, was produced for the first "time in the metropolis last evening at ihe Third Avenue A large au-dienoo witnessed tCs production, 'and their appreciation of the play's merits was shown by the repeated encores the star aotres received. Walter Ijawrence impe.rsduated the dual character of Koinani and Comte Olivia wil great effect, while the work of Alias Frances Field, in the part of Nina, well done. aaerai ef He, rael Cametew.

The funeral of -Hon. Paul U. Cameron will be held to-morrow, Thursday morning, at 10:30 o'clock, at Hillsboro. It is understood that a spial train will be ruo irom Kaleieh to Hills boro in time for the funeral; return- ingxm the same evening. The following notice has been issued: To ths Trtiilcct of ihe University There will be a meeting of the Ex ecutive Committee 1 this morninjr at 11 o'clock at the Executive OflQce.

All trustees in the city are invited to W. L. SxuiroKBSSec'y, By order of the Qorernor. 1 AT HALF 33RJCE. tbdraw, to vote for i-n.

R. A. Douirh-1 McGill, the colleague of Mr. Sutton, said he had not intended to take part lin this caucus for the speaker dhip, but Because of this attack which was so unwarranted and unjust to Mr. Sutton he would speak.

attack is unjust. His majority ehows how ihe people who know Mr. Sutton feel toward him. He could not have ii xi i ii. ai gviiwu luis great majuritj uie nance had not been entirely satisfied; Such an attack made at.

this time is unjust. Mr. Skinner-Is telling the trnth making an attack Mr. McGill You might have deferred it to another time. It is made now to subserve a purpose.

Mr. Jones then indicated that his name being withdrawn he was no longer, a candidate. The last ballot then was taken with the result as above. Hj THE SEXATK CAUCUS. The Democratio Senators met in caucus In the Senate Chamber last night.

Lieut. Gov. Holt called the caucus to onler, and was made permanent chairman. The caucus first proceeded to the nomination of a doorkeeper. Five ballots were taken before a choice was reached, and Mr.

J. H. Hinnant, of Wayne, was elected doorkeeper. Mr. George P.

Pell, of Forsyth, was elected Reading Clerk of the Mr. Mike Brad shaw, of Randolph, L'ngrosemg Clerk, and Mr. R. M. Furmari, of Bancombe, Chief Clerk.

Mr. A. M. Noble, of Johnston, was ejected assistant j-'; 1 THE OmKALAMEHBll Will Coaraue Today at NoonThe Member About all Here. Both houses of the General Assembly of North Carolina for 1891 will be called to ordertod.Cy at toon, as provided by law.

Nearly all the xnembers had; arrived by last night, and the campaign which-was carried on the Yarboro office all day yesterday surpassed all precedent. A new detachment of candidates came in yesterday, swelling the number already here, and it was positively stated yesterday that there were fifty, applicants on the grounds for the various posi tions in the two houses, i ri Lieut. Gov. Holt is ex-officio President of the Senate, and will call that body to order today at 12 o'clock, when the Senators will be sworn in, and the organization will be completed by the election of clerks and other officers. At the same hour the House of Representatives will be called to order by Hon.

T. B. Womack, who was chief clerk, of the last House. The Representatives will 'then be sworn in and the organization perfected C'-i Wake Superior Court. The following business was dis posed of in this court yesterday, Judge K.

WVWinston preeiding: State TS. Hobt. P. Perry indictment 1. and r.

(larceny of horse); defendant pleads guilty; judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State Ts. Mittie indictment concealing birth; udgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs. Eliza Powell and Mollie Ball; larceny; not pros as to Mollie Ball; Verdict not guilty as to Eliza Powell.

State vs. Lizzie. Burns; indictment and ri verdict not guilty. State Vs. C.

H. Stonebanks II. Adams; indictment affray; judgment suf pended upon payment of State vs. Colonel Lewis; indictment and pleads guilty; nine months on public roads. State vs.

Bennie Goodwin assault with intent to rape; defendant pleads guilty; three yeais. on public roads. State vs. William Jasper; indictment burglary; defendant arraigned; pleads not guilty; jury; not guilty of burglary but guilty of larceny; sentenced to eigb tiyears at hard labor on public roads of Wake county. State vs.

Walter Bryant: indict ment a. d. pleads guilty; judgement suspended npon payment of CuStS. State vs. Maggie Haynes; indictment larceny; verdict 'not guilty.

State vs. T. O. Fucette; a. d.

pleads guilty; judgment reserved. State vs. James Stewart; indictment selling Ifquor to miners; pleads guilty judgment suspended npon payment of cuts. 1 State vs. Willie Turner; indict- menc larcenj juror State vs.

Clinton Davis; indict ment cruelty to animals; verdict not guilty. State vs. Charles Walton; indict meut ebisiing officer; pleads guilty; judgment suspended upon payment of co4s. si State vs. Squire Person alias Squire Parsons; violating election law; pleads guilty; two months On road.

1 State vs. lihas. U. Smith! and Ru ins Montague; indictment a. a.

w. and forcible entry; continued on affidavit for defendant; set for Wednes-dav of first week of March term next. State vs. Mary Crenshaw; indict ment a. d.

verdict not guilty. Court adjourns until 9:30 o'clock this morning. i Labor, though it was at first inflic ted as a curse, seems to be the gentle-lest of ill puttie hmtati and rtilt fnl of a thouiind blceiingi, i. A wise man said once: "Any The reason is rjlain and simnle. Onr rlnthinp atnrn im th nat in the State.

'YVn will find all rmvfessiom and re.llinr hnn'nir fmm ni. XL. i.OVt VI VI J( WU IM TlSlMUjJ UUI IUSUI LUUIU i (D ii. im (B The balancq of Winter Goods, embracing everything pertaining to the Clothing Line, also Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats, will be closed out daring this monjth. i i A call is respectfully solicited, 11 ATTT TffSTHiVlH A 1 guardians; if you care to stock and largest ivari- tiLEARAuGE SALE.

man in North Carolina who lires in or rs- 1 my CLOTHING HOUSE. BALEIGH, N. 0 W. M. Hi XXAb.

Late of Baanah Co. R.C.BYRD, Late with the RaxaU HANNAH; BYRD, Real Estate Agents, 65 Commerce St, Norfolk, 06 Lots ia the-City for sale cheap. Terms asy, apply at once. Selling fast. $000,000 being spent in improvements on adjoining property.

1 1 Buy and rail improved and unimproved property in Norfolk, Suffolk and other cities. Any boshicss entrusted to us will reouir onrersonal attention and be promptly exe- We buy sell strictly on Commission. Agents for Lambert's Point Improvement Cow, RiTerslde Land and Investment of Suffolk, Ta and other God i Conwpoi dence solicited. urennhaw Vo. ABLEP 15.

HELMS WnXIAU J. NXXH8 Utturney-ai-law. i te of Bltimor4 O. B. NELMS REAL ESTATE AND General Insurance Agents, NfiWTORT NEWS, A.

1 $135,000,000 Represented. Refer to "Bank of Newport News. THE YARBORO HOUSE B. RANSY, Preprietor, Rlsmbi f-C RjiUi $2.50 per day. $10.50 to $15 per week.


a Boom, with meals at Yarboro House, per.dTJ$13rtwk. Epscial raves ta lawyers Supreme Court, OPPORTUNITY Public 1.1 City Vottoa Market. coasicTsn DAILY. Ralsi3H, K. Jan.

67 P. M. i Uood. middling, 9 8trict middling, 9 Strict low midilling, 84 Ijox 8 SUins. 7Ja8 METROPOLITAN HALL Thursday, Jan.

8th. i Latest New York Success, AIDEN BENEDICT'S SPECT ACDLAK DRAMA, Fabio Romani. Presented by Mr. WALTEll LAW-BKNCB. F1KL1, and a Company of Players.

Beserred seats for sale at Cross Linehan s. Bingham THE SPRING. HALF TERM OF 1 1891 OPENS JANUARY 28. -Addrpss i IAJ. B.

BINGHAM, i Bingham School, N. O. KTtt01OL.lTAN HALL. ONE NIGHT, JAN. 7., EICHABDS AND PRINGLE'S FAMOUS Ileaded by the Emperor of the Miiustrer Workif Billy Kersands.


129 and 131 FaretteVilh Street. choo Georgia Minstrels JB at- auw -v C. LEADING ANDREWS BUILDING. ST. MARY iS.

SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1842. The Easter Term of St? Mary's Begin 4 JANUARY For catalogue and information ad dress the Rector, Rev. BENNETT SMEDES, A. RALEIGH, XT.

C. W.H.&R.S our Annual Clearing Sale ON MONDAY, JANUARY Cth, we begin oaj annual clearing sale. Now, we do hot mean by this that every piece of tnfl! we hare is marked i down, but cirrying the enormous stock we do, the amount of iraods in cluded In this sale will probably amount to $50 ,000. The iroods included in this 'l sale we wished placed be fore February 1st, as then we take oar RNNUKL INVENTORY A ND we had rather hare these goods t- Sold at eTenj (rreatly reduced prices, than hare then upon our shelves at time. This is a golden oppor tunity for economical Luytsrs, and when shopping at tne different department', ask for the coods included in because we have lota of stuff that rill be turned into money by February 1st.

I H. R. Tucker Oo, 1.

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