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The Herald and Torch Light from Hagerstown, Maryland • Page 3

Hagerstown, Maryland
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WM a diagaated boy. He had exer- great caution and had finally ane- in crawling nnobeerved under the into the tent. And he found it WM not a bat a rerival meeting in A I On the 4th in by the W. H. Keith.

BARIOCT FLOUT, to Mrs. XLIZABETH SHILLING, both of this county. On August 14th, at Sprint- Garden, 111., by Klder Tennteon. GEO. H.

WITMBR, of Wash- Inglon to Hiss ROSB BERNARD, eldest daughter of Dr. Bernard, of JeOerson County, Ilf. InralrPlay, on gnnday, September 7th, by Rev. 8. W.

Nalll, of the Church of Ood. Mr. WM. W. MONAOAN, to Miss IDA MYERS, both of Sharpsburg.

On the 4th near Locust Orove Cnreh, by Rev. J. W. kiraeofe, Mr. SAMUEL M.

HATNE8 and Miss OLIVIA A. KEEDT, both of this county. On the 7tb at the U. U. Parsonage in RohrernviHe, by Rev.

J. W. Kiraeofe, Mr. SAMUEL POWELL and Miss BALLIE V. 1)1068, both of Boonoboro, Md.

At Oakland, in Uarrett county, on Wednesday moraine, Sept. 10th, 1879, RICHARD HA- OAN, Infant son of Dr. O. H. W.

and Annie M. Hagan of this place. In the arms a baby lay From his tiny coffin far away, lu the realms of love and light-The angels a garment had folded about Ilia little form, that will never wear oat, seamless robe of white. At Mt. Lena, September 8 tb.

DANIEL MEL- VIM, son of John and Kate Irwln, aged 3 years. 4 months and days. In Sharpsbnrg on Wednesday. September LEWIS BDWlft MILLER, of Frederick, aged 18 months and 18 days. On Wednesday, Sept.

10, 1879, at the residence of the late Charles SreUler, East Bethel MART M. MILLER. In the 80th year of her age. The deceased had but recently moved hero from Cleanprlng. Ou the Sth at his residence, near Wll- eon's Btore, Conoeocheagne, of typhoid fever, J.

CALVIN MILLER, In the 35th year of hb Baltimore from ttt Baltimore American. Baltimore, September 13, 187V. has been aa Improvement In the demand tbe past week both from the local trade and for export, and the tone of tbe market has been quite firm, the offerings light, and holders unwilling to sell except at vcrv full prices. To-day the market closed decidedly strong and buoyant, with an upward tendency, Indicating In some Instances an advance of per brl. The of thu week, as far as noted, were as follows: 900 Howard Street (US-ito; 400 City i Super at tofe.37X; 400 Western Super at fti.2S(43 30; BOO Howard street VOO Western do.

at lo W.SO; 3JDO Howard Street Family at to chicfl) 50; 50O do for export at private terms 3,100 Western do. at for shipment on private terms, and 100 Choice li nt WHEAT --Receipts for the week including u. Wei-tern, 134,074 bu. Southern, ami bit. No Ship- men tn from elevators bu.

Stock in elevators lu. he sali-A reported i week are as follows- 8,300 bu. common ml at U3 to 102e a 103C4106 for fair; 107W100 for good, and 110 for prime mixed and long- berry at long-berry at 100 to 110 for good and 1 1 1 to UK tor prime to choice, and to-day lit Tho sales to-day Included about 1,000 bit. common red at 10O(4 lOSc .1,000 fair to good Fultz 10X(rtl09; 5,000 prlmv to choice do. 3,000 good long berry I prtmi do and fancy do.

US At the close wt an folows Southern FulU long-berry choice do. MarylandNo. 1 Western No a red, spot, do. September 114 October November De- ceinht-r (t--. t'ORN --Reo-iptt lor tho week 260,000 bu Inrlmllni; iffil.tWO bu.

ami 7,170 bu. Southern Shipments from elevators bu. Stock In elevators 805,131 bu. After 'Change to day wo note sules of 20,000 bn. mixed for October at and 40,000 do.

at At the clokc we quote follows Southern white do. yellow Western stcnmcr, do. mixed, 8ep- October November as follows Mixed West. ern do. bright mixed 33a--, do.

white jffiniV Pennsylvania 34a--. quiet but steady. Sales light at fi'J to (He. for good to primu. The only business to-day was 100 bu.

good Southern of 68c. Baltimore Live Stock Market. the Baltimore OJIre of tke Maryland Livt Stork Scattt, I Thursday. September 11, 1879. BEEF CATTLE--The through shipments to Philadelphia and New Tork, consisting of some no do much good," In the language of a some Instances, a little moneyV mnd ln as much.

Mona gate some 850 head, and trade then, fairly active, at the figures generally prevalent on to quality. The quality of the offerings continues to be good, but few rough Hogs being among them. Only about 850 are at present In the pens, and these. It Is expected, will be disposed of before Monday. SHEEP AMD since Monday for Sheep and Lambs has bean very slow the quality of the being Indifferent, restricting sales In a measure, as there has been an outside demand for good Sheep for shipment.

We quote at for Sheep, and Lambs S'-ia4X, and very slow trade for all kinds. To the of Washington County REGISTRATION NOTICE. Revision of the Lists. OTICE Is hereby given, that the undersigned Officers of Registration, appointed for the several election districts of Washington County, will on Monday, the 6M day of October, 1879, meet in their respective election-districts aforesaid, and there attend for two successive days, On 7fh tMmym ttt Oetefce- -o'clock, P. i purpose of discharging the d'utlesTmposed'oiu them by chapter 349 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at January session, 1878, entitled "an act to provide for the revision of the lists of registered voters in this State.

The Registers at their meeting aforesaid will strike from the lists of qualified voters the names of all persons known, or made known, to them who have died or removed from said election districts respectively, or may not be a resident thereof, or entitled to vote therein, or have become disqualified under the provisions of the Second and Third sections of the First Article of the Constitution, and will deliver to any person whose name appears on the said lists of qualified voters, anil who may be desirous of registering elsewhere, a certificate of registration, (without which certificate such persons cannot be registered elsewhere,) and will register the names of every person who shall apply to said officers to be registered as a qualified voter, who shall satisfy them that he possesses, or before the day of election next ensuing will possess, tbe requisite qualifications under the Constitution of the United States and the laws made In pursuance thereof and of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, the qualifications of age, citizenship and residence, and is not disqualified under the provisions of tbe second and third sections of the first article of the Constitution." the aforesaid, and on the etai tlavya October next, aforesaid, the Officer of Registration for the 1st Election District will attend at R. W. Grove's Office, In WM. F. BLACKFORD, Register for 1st Election District.

Tbe Officer of Registration tor the 2d Election District will attend at his office In Wll- llsMMpetrf. ALFRED 8CHNEBLY, Register for 3d Election District. The Officer of Registration for the 3d Election District will attend at his residence opposite the Court House in TM JOHN E. WHITE, Register for 3d Election District. The Officer of Registration for the 4th Election District will attccd at his office lu Clear- evrlstsj.

HENRV W. REEDER, Register for 4th Election District. The Officer of Registration for the Sth Election District will attend at his office in Hun- W. J. BOVD, Register for Sth Election District.

The Officer of Registration for the Oth Election District will attend at his office In J. C. BRINING, Register for Sth Election District. The Officer of Registration for the 7th Election District will attend at office, Hotel, in JOSEPH A. WISllARD, Register for 7th Election District.

The Officer of Registration for the Sth Election District will attend at his office lu Rob- remvllle. JNO. I. GRIM, Register for Sth Election District. The Officer of Registration for the 9th Election District will tend at his office, Store, In Lelterabarar.

JO8EPHUS GROUND, Register for Oth Election District. The Officer of Registration for the 10th Election District ill attend at his office (Residence) In fnnkatown. A. F. McCOY, Register for 10th Election District.

The Officer of Registration for the Election District attend at his oflico nt We- vertoia. s. B. PRESTON, Register for llth Election District. The Officer of Registration for the 13th Election District will attend at his office in Tllg-b- Jos MILLER, Register for 13th Election District.

The Officer of Registration for the 13th Election District will attend at his residence near OnrfoM' froee) BosMta. PHILIP H. NEIBERT, Register for 13th Election District. 'I In-Officer of Registration for the 14th Election District i attend at his office, (the office of Dr. V.

Barkdoll,) in KteajffoM. A. F. MULLKN, Register for 14th Election District. The Officer of Registration for the 15th Elec tlon District will attend at his office vlllr, Isultsts) Spring; DIMrtrt.

DENNIS CAIN, Register for 15th Election District. The Officrr of Registration for the 16th Election District will attend at his office, his resl- dence at thu Toll gate Beivrrr Die- JNO T. KIN3KY, Reglntcr for 18th Election District. "RED HAT" "BIG GLOVE 1 STILL PREVAIL. Fall or A A AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, NOW READY.

All the latest Styles in Stiff, Felt, and Wool Hats. As regards Styles and Prices we need say but little, as every one knows our reputation as to Keeping a Pull, Clean Stock, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OUR GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT, Is always supplied with the Latest Novelties in Linen and Paper Collars, Hose, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Ties and Bows, Shirts and Underwear. We have exclusive control of the A 1 DUPLEX SHIRT. Every Shirt comes In ao envelope with our name on it, giving a guarantee as to fit and quality.

A FULL LINE OF Janes, Umbrellas, Robea, Horse, Buggy and Sleigh Blankets. Ladies' and Cent's Furs A Specialty. Ladies Furs from the commonest Coney to the finest Seal. Cient'8 Beaver Collars and Ciloves. The Gloves warranted with XX Buck Palms.

TRUSTEES' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE I The Officer of Registration for the 17th Election District will attend at his office (Henneberger's Furniture Btore) Hsurcretown. WM YOrnfiJ teflThlblt the sajng, KrtBtne voSchSrt thereof, to the subscriber on or before the Oth lay of April next, otherwise they may by aw be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to cer of Registration for the 18th Election District will attend at his office (L. D. Belts Son's Store) In JNO.

B. BACUTKLL, Register for 18th Election District. The Officer of Registration for the Election District will attend at his office In Kee- (SKO. W. MILLER, Register for 19th Election District.

The Officer of Registration for the 2Oth Klcc- tlon District will attend at his office. In DowuBvlllv. I I A WOOLFOKD, Register for 20th Election District. September 17, TRUSTEES' SALE OF A VALUABLE JFA11M! Charlet M. futtfrer, Aiiftionrer.

virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for Washington county sitting as a Court of Equity, the undersigned as Trustees will olferat public sale, in front of the Court House in Hagerstown, on TuvaMluy, October 14th, at 11 o'clock, A. till thut farm or tract of land, lying about ten west from Hagers- i Washington County, Mar)land, and about three lulled north of the Turnpike running to Cliurvpring. adjoining the lands of Da- Md C'UKUwn and others, containing 179 O-w of Acre, of the brut Limt stone Land, divided Into nine Jlelds, undtr good The Improvements coualitt of a largo two-storiwl Brick Dwelling House, with Basvinent below, Wash House, Smoke Iloune, large a WISHER BAKU, WA VOX SUED with Corn Cribs, Hog Pens, BLACKSMITH SHOP. and all other necessary out houses, with a well of good und novcr falling water, with mimp near the buildings. There Is a stream for stock flowing through tho farm that stock get to from all the fields a large Fruit Orchard on the place, aad a Tenant llouau lu-ur the Barn.

About 9V Acres of thi farm In cut oil bj a public road and may be sold separately from the main tract if any persons drain- to purchase It. On this part Is a good LOG HOUSE, with a well of uood water, and a young the main tract are about ft ACRES of good TIMBER. About 73 acres are in wheat growing In the ground, on said farm, one-half of which la reserved for the uso of the tenants and the balance to pass to tbe purchaser. This is one of the finest and most inviting homes now offered for sale lu Washington eonntjt, and Is the same formerly owned by Baronet Btrlte, and purchased by George Keener not quite three years ago, at 970,00 per acre from Strlte's Trustees. The title full and complete, free from all dower.

The land is moderately level and almost entirely free of roeks, and of tke beet quality. Tht Ttrmt of Salt, atprttcrUml bg Zferrw, ttrt of the purchase money la to be paid cash on the ratification of tke sale, and the residue In two equal payments, payable In one and two years respectively from tke day of sale, the purchaser to give his notes with approved security bearing Interest from tke of sale for the deferred payments; and on payment of the entire purchase monejr a good and sufficient deed win be executed by tke Trustees, conveying the land to the pureheeer. JOHN KEKNXR, HKMBT KEENER, Trustees. KaVAny further Information desired will be given by addressing tke Trustees at Falrvjew, or D. H.

WlLEaibelr Attorney, at Uagers- SALE EXEC TORS' OF A VALUABLE Small FARM, NEAR UAUERSTOWN, MD. Charlet M. Futtertr, Auctioneer, HE undersigned, Executors of tho last will and testament of Nancy Stouffer, late of Washington county, deceased, by virtue of a power of sale therein contained and in pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court for County, will offer at public sale, in front of the Court House, In Iiagerstown, on 1 L'KSDA OCTOHEK 7th, 1879, between tbe hours of 10 30 A. M. and 3 P.

all the following Estate, whereof Nancy Stoutler, died, seized and possessed, being a farm containing One Hundred Twenty-one (121) Acres of Land, situate In tho Ilagcrstown District, of town, Md. Sept. 17, Washington county, and on the'wests'ido of the llagcrstowu and Middleburg turnpike, about 3 miles trom Hagerstown, adjoining tho lands of Benjamin J. Jacob W. Clalr, John Trovinger, George Petrie, Mrs.

Salllo Lewis and others. Tbe improvements upon said farm consist of a two story Weather-boarded Mo use llougt. Smote Ilonte, Hog Pen, Wagon Shed aud a large Stone Bank is also upon the premises an Excellent and never-failing Well of water at lie dwelling house aud one at tho barn. Near the dwelling house is a good Orchard of Poach- and Cherries. The farm Is under good fencing and is now laid off into 7 Holds.

There Is also thereon between and Six Acres of most Excellent Timber, and tho entire farm Is of Limestone Laud. This farm, from its size, the neighborhood in which it is located and its accessibility to Hagerstown, is a most desirable one and well worthy tho attention of purchasers. crop growing In the giound on the day of sale Is reserved, with tho right to secure tho same. Possession i be irivon on tbe 1st of December, 1879. Ttrmt of Salt --One-third cash ou tho day of sale or on the ratification thereof, tho balance In two equal Instalments, payable in one aud two years from the day of sale, with interest from the day of sale, the purchaser to give his notes for the deferred payments with security to be approved by the undersigned on tbe payment of the whole amount ol the purchase money a good and sufficient deed will be executed to the purchaser therefor.

JOHN C. 8TOUFFEH, ALEXANDER NEILL, 17. Executors. Constable's Sale. virtue of two writs of Fieri Facias, issued by Thomas Taggart, a Justice of the Peace, and to me directed--one at the suit of M.

Landwehr A and the other at tbe suit of Jacob Ash, against James Little, and against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of said Little, I have seised and taken in execution all the right, title, interest, claim and demand and estate at law and in inlty of the said Defendant in and to all that or parcel of land, situate in the Indian ng District of Washington County, Maryland, containing a-4 Acres Perches of Land, more or less, near the land of J. McAllister, and being the same land conveyed by Benjamin Balr to said Little, by deed dated March 3nd, and recorded in Liber No. 74, folio 849, one of the land record books oi Washington Md. I hereby give notice that On Tuesday, October 14th, 1879, between the hours of 11 o'clock, A. M.

and 8 P. Jn front of the Court House In Hagerstown, I will proceed to sell the aforesaid Defendant's entire right, interest and estate. in the aforesaid land, Improved by a LOU DWELLING HOUSE AND STABLE, the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy ilms. WASBEft. Sept.

Constable. and Oeiit's GLOVES! In all qualities and styles. In our patent Spring Tops and Buck we defy competition. A lot of tkat won't pass inspection to ship, very cheap, bat we i guarantee every pair. GEO.

UPDEGRAFF SON'S, Hat, Glove and Fur Factory, Hagerstown, Maryland. September 17, 1879. ESTATE OP Elic Hloudy, Deceased. OTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Washington County, Letters of Administration ou tbe personal estate of ELIE MOUDY, Late of said county, deceased. All perei estate are requested to make immediate JOHN D.

YODNO, Sept. 17, Administrator. A Important Notice TO THB TAX-PAYERS OF Washington County. TAX COLI.ECTOBS Orrica, liagcrstown, Md. HE undcrRlgned Collector of State and Cocnty Taxes, gives notice that all parties paying their Taxes for 1879.

during the month of SBITBMBEK, ill, under the provisions of tho Act of Assembly, be entitled to a Discount of Two (2) per cc-ht. on County tax, and a Discount of Four (4) per cent, on State tax. CHARLES W. ADAMS, Sept. Collector.

PUBLIC SALE OF A HOUSE AND LOT IN HANCOCK, MD. virtue of an order ot the Circuit Court for Washington countj the undersigned will sell it Hancock, In front of Light's Hotel, On Saturday, September 27th. 1879, between 10 A. M. and 3 P.

the Interest of Louis Board lu the HOI SE A I LOT, situate on Main street in Hancock, adjoined on the West by tho Presbyterian church, on the Bast by the property formerly owned by Miss Juliana Duke, the said lot fronting about forty- three feet on said street and being bounded on the South by the O. Canal. This Lot is improved by a two-story URICK DWELLING with a two story Frame Addition and a Back Building. The property Is subject to tho contingent dower right of Mrs. Louis Beard.

Posseaslon will be given after the ralideation of the sale. of the purchase money cash ou the of sale, or the ratification thereof by the Court, and tho balance lu two equal instalments, payable respectively in six and twelve months from the day of sale; the deferred payments to bear Interest from the day of sale and to be secured by note or notes with sureties to be approved by said Trustee, and upon the rat ideation of the sale and the payment of the entire purchase money (and not before) the bald Trustee shall execute to the purchaser a good and sufficient deed for said property. WM. U. PERKINS, Sept.

Trustee. Trustee's Sale! A FARM IN DISTRICT NO. 4, Washington County, Md. Col. Richard Sfuxilet, Auctioneer.

By virtue of a decree ol the Circuit Court for Washington County, sitting in Equity, passed on September 3rd, 187V, In No. 3019 Equity, the undersigned Trustee will offer at public sale, at Hagerstown, in front of tho Court House, On Tuesday, OCTOBER 7th, 1879, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. the life estate of David Brewer, in and to the following farm, and also the undivided half intereat of which David Brewer was seized hi the following farm, situate in Clearsprlng District, on the West side of the road leading from Clearsprlng to Mercersbnrg.

adjoining the lands of Knfus Wilson, Daniel Huyett, Rebecca Cnehwa and others. This farm contains 125 1-4 Acres of Land. more or less, comprises fine farming lands, well fenced and cultivated, also excellent TIMBER; and la Improved by a Log Dwelling House, a Barn, Spring House attached to a large Spring, Ac. The farm has abundant running water. crops growing in the ground on the day of sale are reserved.

on the day of sale or upon ratification thereof ty the said Court. When the purchase monef is fully paid toe undersigned will good and sufficient deed to the purchaser, LOUIJ X. MCQOMA8, Trostee. Sept. rpHE undersigned.

Trustees, by virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for Washington county, sitting as a Court of Equity, wfll offer at public sale, in front of the Court House In Hagerstown, on Tuesday, October 14th, 1879, between the hours of 10:80 A. M. and 3 P. the following valuable real estate, of which the late Rev. Henry C.

Fouke died, seized and possessed No. 1-- Being a farm situate in Downsvllle District, Washington county, adjoining the lands of Joseph Poflenberger, Alfred Showman, William A. Hagerman, John H. Reynolds, Peter Canffman and Andrew Rench, and containing 95O Acres of Land, more or less. This farm is situated in one of the nicest and most prosperous neighborhoods in the county, sceessable by good roads, within 3W miles of Downsvllle and Bakersvllle, within the same distance of Boyer'e warehouse and Avis' mill on the Chesapeake Ohio Canal and within miles of another shipping point on said Canal.

There is within a few hundred yards of the Mansion House, on said farm, a School House, and Churches. Post offices and stores are within a convenient distance. The arm is of the best quality of limestone land and is in the highest state of cultivation, much money, care and labor having been bestowed thereon by recent owners. The land is smooth and every acre of it arable. The entire farm Is under good fencing and is now laid off into six fields of nearly equal acreage.

The consist of a large and commodious two-story BRICK DWELLING, with Basement and Attic, in good repair, i large Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, Granary and Hog Pens, all in good repair; Stabling for horses and cattle, Blacksmith Shop. Meat House and other out-buildings. There is also standing in the midst of these improvements and convenient to all, a well constructed Wind Pump and Water Tank, in flrst-rate order, which gives a never failing and ample supply of water for household and farming purposes, and for any and all stock which might be kept OB said farm. There is upon the farm and near the dwelling house an Orchard of choice apples and peaches, iu a nourishing condition. The said farm is divided Into 3 parts of about A OF Valuable JKeal Estate! will be a public sale In front J- of the Warnesboro' Hotel, intftetojrttof on Acres Each, by a good public road leading from tbe Manor road through Bakersvilie to the Sharpsburir turnpike, the south half of said farm containing all the above mentioned buildings.

And on the day of sale the farm will be sold as a whole or In the two parcels as divided by said road, according as may be deemed most advantageous by the Trustees. This farm Is In all respeats one of the most beautiful and desirable in the county, and is worthy of the special attention of purchasers. Crops growing lu the ground at tho time of sale are reserved, with the right to secure the same. No. H-- Being a tract of Timber Land, Containing 56 Acres, 1 Rood and 5 Perches, more or less, situate about one mile southwest of No.

1, and adjoining the Chesapeake and Ohio character of the timber Is white oak, black oak, hickory and cedar--the cedar being large enough for posts. A small log house and about 1 acre of enclosure of No. 2, is reserved from the sale. No. 3--Being a tract of Mountain Land, Containing 24 Acres and.9 Perches, more or less, situate in Sandy Hook District, of this county, and ou the west side of Elk Kldge, being part of Lots Nos.

173 and 174 ot the tract of laud known as An tie tain Works, as surveyed by the trustees of John McPher- Bon Brien. Terms of Sale, as prescribed ly the Decree, are --One-fourth ot the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale or on the ratification thereof by the Court, and the residue in three equal instalments, payable In one, two and three years from the day of sale, with interest from tbe day of sale, the purchaser or purchasers to give his or their notes with approved security for the deferred payments; and on the payment of the whole amount of purchase money a deed will be executed by the Trustees therefor in accordance with the decree of tho Court. F. M. DARBY, ALEX.

NEILL, Sept. 10. Trustees. OF Valuable Real Estate I Charlet M. Futterer, Auctioneer.

virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for Washington County, sitting as a Court of Equity, iu No. 3060 Equity, the undersigned Trustee, will offer at nubile sale at 1 o'clock, P. on Tuesday, October 7th, 1879, in front of the Court House in Ilagerstown, Maryland, all the following described parcels of land: No. 1--Being all that parcel of laud, situate In Washington WITH BLACKSMITH SHOP THBKEON, adjoining the lands of Martin Baughley, David Lambert and others, on the road leading from Downsvillo to Willlamsport, at present occupied by George D. Lyddsuo.

No. 2--Being a parcel of land, containing ACRES, more or lesu, adjoining and others, and lying near Downsvllle, In said county. These lands are well Improved--being under good fence, and with a young Orchard of good Fruit. The buildings consist of a new two- story Weather-boarded House, A good Frame Stable, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, andjother out buildings. This parcel of laud can be divided and will be ottered in lots to suit purchasers.

Tertnt of Sate at pretcribed by (fit Decrre, art: --One-half of the purchase money to be paid in hand on the day of sale, or ratification thereof, and the residue In one year from day of sale with Interest theren from day of sale, tho purchaser giving his note for tho deferred payments with sureties, approved by the Trustee. Upon the payment of the whole purchase money a good and sufficient deed will be executed and acknowledged by the Trustee conveying the lands to the purchaser. ALEX. ARMSTRONG, Trustee. September 10, Valuable OF Real Estate Col.

Richard Auctioneer. virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Washington County, the undersigned surviving Executor of Abraham Strite, deceased, -will sell at Public Sale, in front of the Court House lu Hagerstown, on Tuesday, October 21st, 1879, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, that VALUABLE FARM, situate in Leitersburg District, Washington County, on the road leading from the Hagerstown and Leitersburg turnpike to Jacob's church, and adjoining the lands of Messrs. F. K. Zeigler, D.

G. Wolflnger, David Strite and others, containing 1445 Acres, more or less, improved by a large, two-story stone with a Well of never falling water and Cistern convenient, a large BANK BARN, WAGON SHED, CORN CRIB, aud all necessary out-buildings, one old and one tine young Orchard of choice Fruit Trees. There are also on the farm two excellent Frame and Weather-boarded TENANT HOUSES, wlth'good Stabling and all necessary appurtenances. This property Is so situated that It can easily be divided into two tracts, and if it should go suit purchasers, the tenant house on tho North-east end of farm with 85 acres of land, lying East of the public road will bo sold separately. All tho land Is of good quality, in good condition, under good fencing, convenient to churches, school houses, mills and stores, and the buildings are in good repair.

are Invited to inspect the premises and any information will cheerfully be given by the undersigned. will be given on the 1st of April next, but the growing crops will be reserved with the right of present tenant to return and cut and thresh the same. The Ttrmt of Salt, of the purchase money cash in hand on the day of sale or the ratification thereof, and tho balance in two equal annual payments of one and tw yean, with interest from the day of sale, deferred payments to be secured by purchasers be approved Executor. giving their notes with security to by the undersigned. ABRAHAM 8TRITE, September NOTICE! would respectfully announce to the citizens ot Hagerstown and vicinity that I have changed iny place of business! I am now with Mr.

John F. feehtiy, aid Stand, where all work entrusted to me will receive Prompt Attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. I would solicit a call from all my friends and the public in general. Thanking all customers for past favors, I ask a continuance of your patronage in the future.

Respectfully, Sept. 10, 1870--1m. E. HIGHBEROER. bnveet Yet.

Owing to the Increase in trade M. F. TECH- TIG ft have been compelled to buy this year, just double the quantity of Zephyr Worsteds, Woolen Yarn, Germantown Tarn and Fall and Winter Underwear. Thayhave received over 1000 Ibs. of Zephyrs and Tarns which they intend to tell at the old price, aa they bought them before the raise.

Full weight Zephyrs only 18 cents per oa. Best quality Germantown Yarns only 10 cents per OL. They have built up a big trade on these goods, ana It will pay any one to call and see them before purchasing-, aa they always keep mry tbmdt that Is in the market. Ordere by mall promptly attended to. Bent, go, 1379, at 10 o'clock, A the following valuable Real Estate, situated In Washington township.

Franklin County, within two and a-half miles of the town of Waynesboro', one-fourth of a mile west of Leltcrsbnrg turnpike, belne the property of the widow and heirs of the Rev. D. Byler, dec'd, and formerly the property of Michael Kyler. The farm consists of 103 ACRES, and allowance, of the best LIMESTONE LAND and with the exception of about 30 Acres of Woodland is all under the highest state of cultivation. At the East end of the farm ia a meadow containing about 13 acres, which Is connected with a piece of Woodland, and through the en.

tire length of which flows the West branch of the Antletam, making it peculiarly adapted to the grazing of cattle. OB the South a raetdow containing 8 acres of the finest bottom land which alto is traversed Its entire length by the Antfetatn. THE IMPROVEMENTS. The Improvements conaist of a large 2-story Brick Dwelling House, 30x55 feet, containing 8 large rooms. Within a few steps of the dwelling Is a two-story stone Spring House, suitable for tenant house, with Wash House attached.

In the Spring House is a magnificent never failing Spring of the finest water. There is on the premises a large stone Double Sank Barn, with fine Granerles connected; a large Wagon jjhed, Carriage House and Corn Cribs. Also, a Smoke House, Blacksmith Shop, and other nc- cesaarv outbuildings. Within 100 of the barn is another never-fUUng large SPRING OF FRESH WATER, to which the stock can have easy access from the barn or from any field on the farm. It Is situated on the main lane leading through the farm and extends into the fields on either side.

There are two ORCHARDS, one of 50 young just beginning to bear, one of 80 trees, beside a number of scattered fruit trees. It is not necessary to go through one field to get to another, every field on the farm being accessible from a lane. The entire premises is wider fence and the stock is confined to the limits of the farm by gates. For farther Information Inquire of JOS. II.

CRBB8, Agent. G. V. MONO, Auct. Aug.

18. Whether you II Tn Colorado or Pejnnnyl "nla, you can, with the utmost' Satisfaction, sTOOda for the lowest city prices at the" 1 GRAND DEPOT, Tke Larisst GOODS ABO Outftttfny HOUM A A A A Booda the) etxact lavon then. If or or prices), i a i lCe)lpt of postal card and no obligation to purchase If prices are not satisfactory. Address MAIL DEPARTMENT are) and I wtUlrtaTly monoy with forj postpaid upon Sheriff's Sale. virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias on Belfa, issued out of the Circuit Court for Washington County, and to me directed at the suit of Wm.

W. Hyyctt vs. Daniel Huyott. Sarah O. Huyett, Wm.

M. Huyett, Eugene O. Huyett, Mary W. Huyett, David Y. Huyett, Emma M.

Huyett, Louisa Huyett--children and heirs at law of Daniel i. Huyett, dec'd Eakle Colllfiower and Sarah M. Colliftower-- against the goods and chatties, lands and tenements of the said Defendants I have soiled aud taken in execution all the right title, interest, claim, demand and estate at law and in equity of the said Defendants, in and to 3 Pieces or Parcels of Land, viz: No. 1--11 ACRES, more or less, of Mountain Laud on South Mountain lu Beaver Creek District, Washington County, Md adjoining the lauds of Jona. Stottlemyer, David chin del and others, and being the same property conveyed by Z.8.

Claggett and wife to Daniel G. Huyett by deed bearing date Sept llth, 1869, and recorded in Liber Wm. McK No. 3, folio one of tho land record books of Wash. Md.

No. 2--16 ACRES, more or less, of land, (called the Brier Field) situated lying and being in Cavetown District, Washington County, near the road leading from Chewsville to Pondsvlllc, adjoining tlio lands of H. Colliflower, John Frank, Silas Alsup and others. No. 3--10 ACRES, more or less, of Mountain Land, situated Ij iug and being in Cavetown District, Washington County, ou the mountain road running from Cavetown to the Mount rood, adjoining the lauds of George Funk, Wm.

Huyett, Wm. D. Reynold, (Nos. 2 and 3 arc parts of "Mount and being part of the same property conveyed Edward Ingram and others to Daniel G. Huyutt and others by deed bearing date October 20th, A.

U. 1809, and recorded in Liber Wm. McK. No. 2, folio 402, one of tho land records of Washington County, lid.

1 hereby ghe notice that on Tuesday, September 30, A. D. 1879, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and a in front of the Court House in Hagerstown, I will proceed to Bell the aforesaid Defendants entire right and interest in and to the aforesaid pieces or parcels of land to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said claim.

U. F. RE1CHARD, Sept. 3. 187U.

Sheriff. Trustees 7 OF A VALUABLE FARM, Near Sharpsburg, Washington Md. Col, Richard Sfieekles, Auctioneer. virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Washington county sitting as a Court of Equity passed In No. Equity, on September 8rd, 1879, the undersigned Trustees fttsHacerBtown, in front of the Court Caution Farmers are cautioned against purchasing Bone Meal from venders of Fertilizers upon the supposition that it ia our Celebrated Buffalo Bone Meal, which we have been manufacturing for to great expense in procuring pure and supplying oar farmers with a several years past under our trade mark.

As we have been to Bonos from the western plains, and manoCsetmtlng pure and unadulterated article, we cannot now allow the reputation of our CeUbrattd Otiffaln Bont Meal to suffer by reason of the introduction of another article In this market, claiming to be such, and advertised under onr wording, BeAalo thus naturally leading those not fully Informed in the matter, that they are purchasing onr Bone. To correct this impression, and protect the terser against imposition, we publish tlon. this eau- We are now manufacturing, and are prepared to nil orders for a limited time, for our the purity of which has nevtr M( been questioned. We therefore advise farmers, when giving orders for BstiTiBle to be sure that each and every bag so ordered bears our JCcyuttrtd Traft as any infringement upon our rights will be prosecuted. Wo also have in warehouse at 4ur manufactory, besides our CELEBRATED BUFFALO BONE MEAL, DISSOLVED BONE HEAL, DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE, DISSOLVED SOUTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATE, BLUE WINDSOR NOVA SCOTIA PLASTER.

Our attention having been called to an advertisement of C. M. Kcedy, of Keedysvlllo, offering for sale "Celebrated Buflalo Bone Meal," we take this medium to inform the public that he Is not selling our Celebrated Buffalo Bone Meal this season. We are impressed that his advertisement is designed to convey such an idea, and therefore wish to correct that Impression. AMES, MANNING AMES.

N. would here state that any of our customers living In the vicinity of Keedysvllle will be, if desired, furnished with our Celebrated Buflalo Bone Meal at that station, at the same price that we are charging at onr manufactory In liagcrstown. thanks arc due to the many Farmers iu tills county who have favored us with their constant patronage during past ears and the assurance of a continuance of thu same by given their early orders lor this fall's seeding. Hagerstown, Aug. 13--tOct PRIVATE SALE.

HE undersigned, agent lor thu heirs of Daniel Bell, dec'd, otter at I'llvatc Sale, tho follow inir described real entate, situated about ai miles Southwest of Wnynesboro, near tho Lt-itcrsburg turnpike. In Washington county, Md consisting of a farm containing 1.10 ACRES, more or best quality of limestone land, In a fine state of cultivation, about 10 acres of are well set with CM) I a Hprlnt; ol noil water runs through a portion of tho luiul The improvements consist of a tu and a half story Stone Dwelling HOIIMC with Hack Building, good Dank Darn and a hoi necessary out-buildings, in good repair. There are also lu thu yard a er failing well ot line water, and a flue Orchard of Grafted Fruit Trees on the premises, embracing al) tho different varieties. The above property is pleasantly and nlently located and regarded as ouoof the best grain-producing farms lu the count). For further information James B.

Kreps may be consulted on the premises, or Danlol 8tover In Hagcrstouu JAMES B. KKEl8, DANIEL'STOVEH, A LI SifE 18 5 5 Tuesday, between 10 A. M. and 3 P. the following described lands, known heretofore as the Saml Keel farm.

No. 1--A parcel of land containing 19 ACRES, more or less, adjoining the lands of William B. Ramsburg, David Reel, Anthony Roe's heirs, and the County road leading from Sharpsburg to Williamsport, distant IK miles from Sharpsbnrg. This parcel is limestone land divided into two fields well fenced. It is very productive and desirable as an addition to an adjoining farm, or as heretofore part of the Reel farm below mentioned.

No. Si--The home farm containing 92 Acres, more or less, improved by a Stone Dwelling House, with a Basement, containing four good rooms and a kitchen below. A summer kitchen has been annexed to the house. The premises include also a good Smoke House, an excellent arched cave 14 feet deep, A Blacksmith Shop, a Stable, a small Tenant House, a Hog Pen, a new Corn Crib, Ac. Beside there Is a constant well of water at the door, a good Orchard containing peaches, apples, pears, 11 ACRES is excellent Timber Land, the farm having also au unusual quantity of locust and walnut trees.

The land is all of the beat quality and is very well stone fence, rail fence, parcel adjoins the lands of David Reel, Samuel D. Piper, Oeo. Pottenborger, and others and is one mile distant from tho first parcel aud Is within a half mile of 9harpsburg, and is located on the Sharpsbnrg and fiagerstown road. There Is a 16 feet road belonging to this (arm and leading out to SharpsburgandHagcrstown turnpike through the farm of David Reel. The tenant's shares of crops growing at time of sale reserved with right to the tenant to cut, thresh and carry away the same.

Ttrmt of Sale, at pretmbnl by tht Deerte, of thu purchase money to be paid in baud on tho day of sale or tne ratification thereof, and tho residue in two equal annual payments thereafter ith interest thereon from tho day of sale, the purchaser or purchasers to givo his or their notes or bonds with a surety or sureties to be approved by said Trustees. When the purchase money is fully paid the undersigned Trustees will execute to the purchaser or purchasers a good and sufficient deed or deeds. LOUIS E. McCOMAS, FREDERICK F. McCOMAS.

Sept. O. F. copy. Trustees.

SELLING OUT TO QUIT BUSINESS. 37 Wett Washington Street, HAGERSTOWN, Will sell their entire stock AT COST AND LESS THAH COST FOR CASH. This sale Is positive and must be closed in less than SO days. This stock is large, comprising handsome Black and Colored Silks, Black and Colored Cashmeres, and a great variety of Dress Goods, ranging in price from 5 cents to 50 cents, Men and Boys wear. Fall and Winter Shawls, Elegant Cloth Coats, Waterproof Cloths, Flannels, Canton Flannels, Tickings, Crashes, a large lot of White Goods to be sold very cheap; Ribbons, Corsets, Wool and 811k Fringes, Towels, Napkins, a large line of choice Hosiery a large lot of elegant Kid Gloves to be sold for 85 cents and upwards; Merino Underwear.

Suspenders, Parasols, Umbrellas, Ac. All are cordially invited to examine this stock and a sale is sure. Great Bargains ofler- ed to country merchants. AEaynard Landf s. P.

Great Hale will commence MONDAY, 1st. This stock will be closed at once. M. A L. September 10,1879.

GEORGE 0. STEVENS, No. 49 Light AI.TI IHORE. FOR I Septembers, 1879-- 3flt. WHEN YOU TO CALL AND SEE EI1VSTI1VE.

Who has just received a largo lot of Fall and Winter Clothing, Which will be sold cheaper than over. Good Heavy Suits from up. Also, a full line of Boots and Shoes, Hats, TriinkH and Valises, at panic prices. M. EINBTINE, ASjiiPt received a choice and stylish lot of Clothing, suitable for Fall and Winter, which will be sold at bankrupt prices.

All persons in want of such goods shonld by all means him a call. The largest and cheapest assortment of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas, can be found at EiivsTirvE's The Little Han Around the Corner, who determined to keep up his reputation PUMPS' Reliable The Old STANDARD PUMP For Wells IO to Toot Deep. New Price List Jan" 1, 1879. ADDKKSS BX.ATCHl.KY, 440 Market St Philad'a. April coar FEC TIOX.E BY, Fruits and Toys Ho.

41 Waahington Street. IIK undcralgucl respectfully informs thu public that he liar, now mid on hand tho nioi-t tonmli and stock of the and as he docs not deal in trash he cannot (or ill he promise) to soil cheaper than any one, but he will promise' to sell an cheap as any one can tbo best of goods--believing the best is alwsje the cheapest. A tine asDortment of "liildrrn'n Carriages will be sold at coot or below cost to close them out. Call and be convinced. As heretofore, the public's humble servant, U.

R. BOWMAN. Watches, Clockn, and Jewelry, No. 43 West Washington Street. The undersigned wonld also most respectful- ibr Jpftrn the public that he has now on4Wa4 a "THmitlfnl and complete stock of WATCHES, and which will be sold at bottoril prices.

As tin were all bought for eaub, 1 can sell them very low. 1 wonld also respectfully Inform the pmbllc that am prepared to do all kinds of REPAIRING. Having employed a FIRST-CLASS WORKMAN, parties can now have their Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac repaired in the very best manner at the very lowest possible price, and no disappointment. OM Nllver Bravht the Cwb A trial respectfully asked. Yours, in earnest, G.

K. BOWMAN. To TBH hereby notify the public that P. M. CONNER alias V.

M. CORNELL, Is lu no way connected, nor has any Interest in the above business. U. R. BOWMAN.

July ly. Valuable Town ILL be offered at public sale, on ft my, ateptmaiawr 13 Valuable Buildf Situate on North Potomac Street In Hagerstown, fronting tbe residences of Col. Hy. Kyd Douglas, Messrs. MeCotnae and others.

Bald Lots aru feet In width by two hundred and forty feet deep to an al Icy twelve feet wide. Sale to commence al '4 w'o'ock P. M. In front of tbe premises. TRKMS or BALB, third ot the ehaoe money cash, residue In twe equal annual ia) mmts of ene and two years, with Interest from the day of sale, the purchasers to give their notes with approved secnrltj Upon payment of the wholu purchase money, a good ana sufficient deed, or deads, free of all wuu IP ULUM miueu in Keep up am reputation i TM vw both as regards good goods and low encumbrance will be executed Notwithstanding tho advance on goods at the present time, ho will sell as cheap as ever.

It OCR before pur- Aug. 27, 18TO. Sept. JAB I. HURLRY will pay you to look at his stoc chasing elsewhere.

New Windsor College, SSENTIALLY two Institutions, male and female, In the management. logue. Rev. Windsor, Md. same vicinity, under one Open Sept.

10. Send for Cata. M. Jelly, D. New July Medicine dlanec.

A USEFUL article for every family. sale by February 19,1879. BLEW A A A UR attention baviuu been called to an advertisement of C. M. Kecdy, of Kcedje- ville, offering for sale "Celebrated Buffalo Hone Meal," we take tuts medium to inform the ablic that lie ia not selling our Celebrated uflalo Bono Meal this season.

We are Impressed that his advertisement is designed to convey such an idea, and therefore wish to correct that Impression. AMES, MANNING AMES. N. would here state that any of onr customers living in the vicinity of Kccdysvillc will be, If desired, furnished with our Celebrated Buffalo Bone Meal at that station at the same price that we are charging at onr manufactory in Hagerstown. M.

A A. August IS, 1870--tf. 1 8 7 9 Celebrated Buffalo Bone Meal Very Fine Ground (38,00 Dissolved Raw Bono 38,00 Ammoniated Bone Phosphate 39,00 Acid Phosphate, or South Carolina Bone 38,00 British Mixture 38,00 Several other grades of Bone Meal, ranging from $31 totSS Hova Sootla Blue Windsor Platter $7,00 EVERAL other Grades of Phosphate at Exceedingly Low Prices! All of which are guaranteed Strictly Pure and of the Highest Grades. You are Invited to call at my Ware House and examine the above named Fertilizers before money mad and it behoves me to sell a strictly PURE article--which I claim to do--if I wish to continue in the trade. Call early; tke demand is neat and these goods may ad vanes, aa they did two years ago.

C. M. KEEDT. Keedysvllle, Aug. 1870--St.

putchaalng elsewhere. Money aaved la ay made. lam permanently located here. A A GREAT variety at astonishingly low prices, at BLEW JCUCAB'8. February 19,1879.

A Thtsiar. The Fame Sold only by BYEK8, Druggist. Corner Square and WasUnctoaBt. 1 AM offering for sale arict of guaranteed to bo as represented.

Attention is called particularly to an Ammoniated gupcr-Pliosphatc rf $30 per ton, equal In results to many of the liigb grade srtlclos. Of tho latter I have as good ax can be manufactured i'f 938 per ton, and dissolved PURE BONK, at same price. Will bo pleased to snow samples at my office Corner Antlutam and Jonathan Streets. JOHN K. REYNOLDS.

July 33, ISTit. The Oenuine Jtlason BOYD'S PORCELAIN LINED CAP. The genuine Mason Jar has been In use some Twelve years, and still retains its popularity aa the most reliable Fruit Preserver. For sale by GAB8MAN Grocers. July 9-- tf.

TIME TABX.X8. NOTICE "VTOTICE is hereby given to tbe members of IN the Farmers and Mechanics Mutual Insurance Company of Washington County, that an Election for 8XVEN DIRECTORS to manage tbe affairs of said Com: year, will be held at the office of the Company In "Mealey's New Row" on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 83rd. 1879, between the hours of one and three o'clock, P. M. By order of tke President.

Test: GEORGE A. DAVIS, Sept. 8,1879. Secretary. Glassware Glassware Just received from PitUburg Olau Works.

Jellies Jelllee, rims JeUlee of all tor sale cbeap by GA88MAN A BBO. Ang. 10,1879. ARD OIL- LUBRICATING OIL, tor Reap- eraendMowen, June la, ism MtO. Baltimoreand OMo Railroad TBS QRXAT TRACK NATIONAL ROUTS AND SHORT LJVM TO rnn NORTHWSST, WXBT AND kO UTH.

SUNDAY. MAY 18, A. M. LKA VS VAMDKH STATlQK and Way Stations. Express.

Ve. Midland. Lr.chburic, and Southwest, Richmond, la. Uuautlco.) City and Way and Way Stations. tSt.

Louis, Plttsburg and Washington Express. (Annspollv and Valley Branch, except Sundaj.) Strasbdrg, Winchester, He- gvrstow Frederick and Way Stations, Via Main Mem. (On to BUI- cott City only.) and Way Stations. (Annapolis on Sunday.) Anuai and Way. JOn Sunday onlv, for Way.

Sunday only, for Washington aud EUicott Clt and Way Stations. 3,05 Washington uud Wuv Stations. Washington Rx. Richmond, via Qnan- tlco. Winchester, Hagvrstown Frederick and Way Stations.

5,00 tWashlngton, Annapoltoand Way tFrederlok and Stations. ff.lK-- Mnrtlusburgand Way tWasbington and Way 7,00 Columbus, Plttsburg end Washington Express. (PitUburg, ex- Sundai.) Washington Express. (Va. Midland, Ljnchburg, Danxillv, South and South- tst.

liv 7,00 P. M. on Sunday.) JOu Sunday only, for Mt. Airy and way, tSt. Louis, Cincinnati aud Washington Express.

Mt. Airy aud Way Stations. Leave for Rockvlllv, Gothenburg. Germantown, boyd's and Barnes vfllet7, 10 A. M.

and tf.OO P. for Metropolitan Branch, tt.SO and 9,05 P. M. Alltralns stop at Relay. Lnvn wASBiKOTon ron BALTIHOM 0,50, t8.00, 8,80, 10,00 A M.

11,10. 1,80, 880, 4,80, tt.OO tUslly. tSunday only. Other trains dally. except Sundaj.

W. M.CLEMENTS, Master ofTransporkathm. M. COM, Gon'l Ticket Agent. 18T9.

B. Wantt'Ktoii county Branch. CHASUK Off TIMS. and after MONDAY, MAY IHIh, 1878. Trains on the Washington County Branch will depart and arrive as 6,10 s.

for Frederick arrK-e 8,80 a. m. tor Washington, arrive U.45 a. Baltimore, er- rUt 10, a. and local points East.

a. for Staunton and Valley Branch. Aluo for through and local points West. p. m.

for Baltimore, arrive 5.30 p. Washington, 5,05 p. Frederick, arrive p. and local East. 4,00 p.

m. for Frederick, 7,20 p. Washington arrnc p. in Baltimore vie Washington r. m.

(1,3.1 p. m. for through points West aud Win- Chester Branch. Arrive ItswrretowB), from WinchfRtcrand WrM. 1,00 p.

m. fpoin Baltimore. leave 7,00 a. m. tie Wacblngton, S.OOa in la Main Stem Washington, leaxc 8,40 a.

Aleo fr.tiu locslpolnts East. 2,50 p. m. from local points Wvtt. from Baltimore, leaxe p.

Washington j. Frederick leave and loon! points KnM, from through points Went C. E. A Agent Hugvrstown. Mayjft, 1K7S.

Reichard Funk, North-west Corner Public Square. IRON, STEEL, Heavy Hardware of every description. Wagon and On ri Baiylloop and Band Iron, Swediali Iron Spring, and Plow Steel, Cut Nails, Harrow Teeth, Steel and Iron Crow Bars, Philadelphia Carriage Tire Bolts, American Screw CO'B Wood Screws Henry Diston Sons Hand, Crew- cut, Mill and Circular SAWS. Axe, Sledge, (Pick Fork Always have a full line of fi rat-claw goods. Corn Choppers and Apple Parers.

We tho best A I in the Market for Hoiutc und Barn Painting, being strictly pure tinted Lead requiring more oil than any other Paint in the market, making it thu cheapest as well as the belt. It is not chemically prepared, REICHARD Jb FUNK. D. W. RBICUARD.

3. S. Wvmm August 87, 187V. rout or SAMUEL MASON, on Licking Creek, Washington County. Maryland.

A Fine BlacTsiate HE SLATE may be need either lor or boose purposes. The jnarry extende over Mine Acres. Is about MO net deep, aad crape oat on the surface. It la only about a mile distant from the Chesapeake and OMe Canal. MASON Is willing to eltker sell tne Quarry or leaee It to some lesuueslMe Company.

August aa, Mlf FRENCH FATBHT NITURE POLISH. Olvea a and brilliant gloss pollen to fare sale by February PURB IMK them. Kvery sale by February SPAPFRf.

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