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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 12

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EL PASO HERALD jl2 Thursday, June 19, 1919. ITOGKS SLOW GDRNREAGHESA COPPER STOCKS 'COTTON HflARKETiNAMES TADLOGK AND HESITANT NEW HIGH MARK ARE IRREGULARjREACTS QUICKLY Professional Interests' Ac tivities Transferred to Obscure Specialties. New York, June 19. Standard stocks were hesitant and relatively today on the stock market! Professional interests transferrins tnelr activities to some the more obscure specialties. Sales approximated shares.

Close was irregular. Liberty bond final prices were: 7 1-2's, 99 5-8; first 4'e. 95; second 4s, first 41-4's. 95 30; second 4 1-4's. 94 12; third 4 1-4X 95.26; fourth il-4's.

94.24; Victory 3-4's, 100; Victory 4 3-4's. Bullish Activity Resumed. The recent revival cf bullion ctlviry Jn Ttcuiative teaces resumed at the Mfoitff of todays etoek market, though i mora moderate degree. Of a. totters nd food cbarec were In eepeclal demand, -ai's ajfo showing substantial improve-trnt.

Outstanding features tnaluded Sin-'air Oil. Pan-American Petroleum, Ocn- ral Motors, studebaker, American Sugar, Food Products, Texas Pacific and Northern Padflc. it r-alns of 1 to 2 hlppinirs also strengthened trader lead of Marino preferred, and Atlartie Gulf, coppers and equipments were only M.ghuy changed. Undertone Denote Caution. Trading on the Etock market today the activity and eccpo of yester-dav'a early session, the undertone denoting caution.

Reactions of 1 to points In motors, oils, steels; American International. American Woolen, Alcohol and tobaccos suggested short selling rather than "quidation and these losses were largely Ttzrieva before noon. Texas Pacific, Atlantic Guir and Marine, pret-re-d. extended their gains, also the food, leather, hem lea la and fertilizer Issue. United States Steel made full recovery and equip' meats Rise rallied, -with marked strength minor me tale, notably International Nike! Call money opened at 6 percent.

N. Y. LISTED STOCKS (Br the Associated Press.) New York, June 19. Following were closing quotations at the -New TorK stock exchange ror the stocks mentioned All Deliveries Attain Top Prices for Season; Offerings Are Scarce. Chicago, I1L.

June 19. All deliver les ofi corn reached today new high top prices for the season. Scarcity of offerings was responsible. Opening figures, which ranged from 1c lower to He advance, with July at tl-793 ISO. and September at S1.721.72 were followed by material unturns all arouna.

ew Uoturns Follow lrnn. Iter tbe market drcooed to beiow yes terday's tlntob, but buylnc on country ac count orougnc aoouz iresa upturns. Tbe close was firm at r10c net ad- vance. with July at SL8101.S1H and Sep. temner s.

Oats Follow Corn's LpniL Oats parallJled tbe action of corn. After opening unfihanged to lie off. Including July at 71 5i 71t. the market scored general gains. Lower quotations on hogs weakened provisions, especially lard.

Renorts of minor labor troubles at tbi stockyards here bad only a transient bear- American uar ATT Anaconda Atsison Cbino r. z. Inspiration Northern Pacific Reading Southern Vnloa Pacific rnited States Steel Ill 71 9 41 SIX 1t 8T-A leSTs IBS IK MONEY AND METALS (By Associated Press.) Vw Tork. June 19. Mercantile paper, percent.

Sterling. 60-day bills. $4-59 coram er- rtal 60-dav bills on banks. I commer- rial 60 -day bills; 34.58; demand, and canies enrnangen. TSrce loans, strong; all dales, S06 per cent.

money, easy; high, low. ruling rate, 6 closing bid. 4 offered at last lean, per cent. Bar silver, 91-32. Mexican dollars, tic Copper, firm; electrolytic, spot, 17 ITc.

futures, 17 5218c. Iron, nominal; No. 1 northern, No 2 northern, 28; No. 2 southern. ,328.

Topper, iron and spelter, unchanged. Lead, firm; spot, 35-15 bid; July. .20 1 685-40. LONDON MET AT MARKET. i London, June 19.

Closing quota-( tions cn the metal exchange today were as follows: PtadJird copper, 84, 7s fid. -Tin. 242 5s. hers unchanged. Grains and Provisions.

Chicago Grain, Ooe. Com July. SL81; September, 3L74i. Oata July, 70c; September, Chicago Provisions, Close. Pork July.

September. S48.C5. Lard July. 334.35; September, 33.90. lUbs July.

337.57: September. 827.70. Chicago Produce, Clow. Chicago, I1L. June 19.

Butter Unsettled. Creamery. Eess Receipts. 24.353 cases higher. Firsts.

40elc; ordinary firsts. at market, rases Included. 39940c; storage packed, firsts, 4243c; extras, 43043 He Poultry Alive, lower. Fowls ZS'hic Potatoes Arrivals, 63 cars; weak. Old, Northern "White, carlota.

United States No-1. new, unsettled; Bliss Triumphs, sacked, 32.7563.25 cwL; Irish Cobblers. 50. Kansas City Produce, Close. Kansas City, lire June IS.

Butter Un- changed. Creamery. 48c; firsts. 46c; sec onas, tc; paeiung, -tic. Eggsr higher.

Firsts, 38c; aeeocdaJ jCacezari 32 He. Poultry Irre gult hers. 15c; broilers. 35 43c 25c; roosters. MEXICAN MONEY.

Xa'-ionaies, 24c Lnndres, State bills. ceSDc Mexican gold. 59c "Jxican pesos, old. S4c; new, 45c Tostones, old. Se; new.

27c. TV1LL REPORT ON INSPECTION OF PAVING AT SAN ANTONIO Semrjle. chairman of the pnb li rorks department, returned "Wed-resday night freni a business trip to San Antonio, where he Inspected pavements constructed by the Uvalde Rock Aspnait company. Mr. bempie ex pressed himself as being pleased with this type of pavement- Ho reported tnat tnere are two competing compan ies now constructing- pavements in San Antonio, bltullthlc and rock asphalt Both of these types are excellent results, sam iir.

sample. OnA- thing I learned in San Antonio." said Mr. Sample, "is I am oft of "wood "block pavlne for life. This pavement decreases in usefulness when it be comes wet. Mr.

Semple will make formal re port of his investigation of asphalt paving proDawy jj'riaay rooming. LIGHT RAIN HERE AND IN EASTERN N. M. AND PANHANDLE The rain of "Wednesday night In El Paso, WMca was tne iirst measuraoie jirecip.tation for the month of June, was .20 inch, according to TL il. Shaver, local weather observer.

Light rains were reported in eastern New, Mexico, tne rannanaie ana north Texas, while clear weather prevailed over south Texas. The heaTy ruins cf the year for El Paso are due io start at this time, it was announced by Mr. Shaver. The lcaviest precipitation for the year normally is in July with 5.13. However, only 1.52 inches were recorded for July.

1918. There were 18 rainfalls then, IS of which were thunder storms. The precipitation for 1919 so far is 3.1 inch less than normal which is 2 16 inches. Livestock Market CMcaao XJvestoek. Close.

Chicago. I1U June 19. (United States Bureau or Markets.) Hos Receipts, market ouened about nickel lower. but weakened further; sales mostly 50 75c under esterdays generad trade. Top, 129.40; ttuiic.; neavywcigir. S19.65e2fl.lf: mediumwelght. JlS-tO 20-20: lightweight. 13.4)20.15; light-lights, heavy packing sows, smooth, 319019.50: packing sows, rough. I1S.75&19: nigs.

Cattl ReceintB. 1000: beef steers and butchers steadr to Etrone: calves and feed- era, steady. Eeef steers, medium aaid heavyweights, choice and prime. IIS ICS; medium and good. 812-25 15: com mon.

310.75912.35: butcher cattle, heifers. 87.20 ft 12: cows. 37.S0ffel2.50: eanners and cutters, -2567-. veal calves, ltht and nanayweignts. Vi6-vt7l5; ieeocr steers.

SS.5O012.7S: stocker steers. 3S012. Sheep Heceipts, 20,000: slow; killing classes, lower. Latnbs, 84 pounds cown, cuiis ana common, 15.50. 'Kansas City Iirestoek, Clnse.

Kansas City. Mo-. June 19- (United States Bureau of Markets.) Koga Re-j celpts, 7000; lower. Heavies. 819.35620.10; lights.

319.20929.15; packing, J13 01V75: pigs. 31S.506rl9.59. Cattle Receipts. 250; weak. Steers, 39.3S015.35; heifers.

3S.0ei2-35; cows. 3S.19ei2; calves, 313615.25; stockers, 37 40 tt 50. Sheep Fecelpts. 3000; lambs, 511017.75: ewes, DenTer livestock. Cloe.

Denver. Juna 19. Cattle tRe- eeipts; 1200: beef steers slow. JJeef steers. 312.7514.50; cows and heifers.

10611.75; calves, S13.5Cei&25. Hogs Receipts, 1600; market. arly, 2Sc lower. Top, 320.40; bulk, 319.75020.10. Sheep Receipts, 400; market steady.

Lambs. 317.7rl?JS: ewes. 38.7590. Ft. Worth restock.

Close. Fort Worth. Texas. June 19. Cattle "Receipts.

500: market steady. Beeves, 37.5091350; stocKexs. S7Ct9.d: cows, heifers. 6 12.50; calTes, 34.50 0, 14: bells, res.2&. Hogs Rectli'ts, 5000; market 50c de-; cline.

Heavy, 3 1 9. 35 19.8 5 medium. 319.SO019.C5. light. 319.25019.50; mired.

318019; common, 312018; pigs. 312018. Sheen Rectrlnts. 1500: xuarket steady. 1 Larmbs.

114617: Tearllrgs. 312013: weth ers, ewes, tuiu, goats, xuss. BOY SCOUTS SEEK MORE ROOM IN LIBERTY STATUE Kepresentatlvea of the El Paso branch oZ the Boy Sconts of America conferred -with mayor Charles Davis relative to their quarters in the Iifbertv statue. The statue was orig inally turned over to the scouts' organization and later the central employment bureau was given the privi lege or. occupying part 01 tne quarters.

Due to the crowded conditions now existing, the reDresentatives of the Boy Scouts are seetmg- to provide a change to secure more room. This inatter was brought ud at a meeting: of the city council Thursday morning. JJr. w. 01 tne Paso- Eed Cross offered the central emrjlovment bureau the use of the gift shop in Pioneer plaza, and the council reauesteC the city cleric to communicate with the bureau regard ing Dr.

Brown proposition. PALM THEE CATCHES FIRE. A nalm tree, used for decorative purposes in a confectionery In the 300 block on son Antonio street, caught fine at 4:30 oclock Thursday morning. causing a run by the lire department. The blaze was extinguished with a few buckets of water.

This was the second fire of a similar nature in the place. Only Fractional Changes Recorded the Leading Issues. Coppers were irregular In Thursday's market, showing fractional gains and losses, according to J. S. Curtiss Co, Sheldon hotel.

Dealings were smaller than during the past few days and as a result only fractional changes took place in most of the red metal issues. Most of the best prices were made in the first hour. Utah ooening at SSU. selling down to 8Hi and then rising again to lis opening price. Dntte Snperior Declines.

I Anaconda was up to 71 but Chile and Butte Superior showed declines, the latter selling down to ae-altut a closing price oi last nignt. Kennecott advanced early in the morning to 33. selling back to 39. inspiration lor a tew minutes crossed 60. only to fall back again to 59 Shattuck-Arizona held firm at 14.

a rany in steel ana industrials and substantial buying of Texas Company neia tne marxet firm at noon. Southwestern Stocks Quiet- In outside securities south-western copper stocks were quieter than in several days past. Gadsden was in demand being quoted 4 to li. Unlisted OH stocks were active, Island being quoieu if to liienrocK sold at 6 with sales on SapulDa at SU. Grand Island was offered for sale at 13c and there was not much demand for the other Jerome issues.

The market at noon was- firm, with a good demand ior motors, oils and specialties. Curb Copper Steeki. Arizona inrhamton U0 Arkansas Arizona 10 9 IS uic iuee Via Caiamet Jerome a.g Consolidated Arizona ......1 3-1C01 S-1S Dundee Ariztna 1 1H Green Monster KG 7-1S Hull Copper 3i 6 40 Howe Sound 4K 4 Jerome Verdo alama Chief. Magma Miami Consolidated New Cotnella Kay Hercules United Eastern Superior Boston i-ise i 30 0 60 is 3S IS 4K9 SS9 Verde Extension 41 0 37 9 3H 4 4K 13 Verde Combination 9-iee Cosden 10 Gadsden 4 Cresson 4 Heda 5 Iron Cap 10 "9 Forpbyry lie Okmule-ee sua silver Kins 1 01 1-14 zenn 36 zs Itaflraad Stocks. St Paul Fenna B.

O. New Tork Central Southern Railway Erie Industrial Stocks. S.nnMI American Car 1 American Can American LocamotlTM Baldwin XAcomotlvea Bethlehem Steel Mld-rals Crucible Jnd. Alcoh6l Goocrieh UJ S. Robber Central Leather General Motors Studebaker -Westlnchous.

listed Copper Stocks. American Smelter Chlr-o Utah Miami Kay Butte ChU. iKennecott Saattnck 4 "ew York Oils. Mexican. Petroleum Pan-American Texsa on Sinclair Fierce Advance on Better Cables And Showers, Fails To Last.

New Orleans. June 13. Better cables than were due and the scat tered showers over the belt caused rise of 7 to points In the early trading In cotton today, but the ad vance did not hold welL Room traders sold on the hard spot and quick reaction followed. At the end of the first half hour of business prices were only 5 to 11 Dolnts higher than yesterday's close. Cotton opened steady.

July 31.30 October 303; December Z9.S5; Janu air I9.S7: March 29.45. A more favorable view of the nolltlcal situation -was responsible for a buying ware late In tne mornrnc on wnlcn prices were sent 91 to109 points, nigher than the last quotation, ot yesterday. Snot cotton, steadr. 7S point, un Sale, on the spot. 1044 bales: to arrive.

Ill bales. Low S26.S8: mia dllng. JJM3; good middling-. 133.13. Be- celDti.

5715 bales: stock. 434.37! bales. Various reports and rumors encouraged the belief that Germany would sign the peace treaty and tbe demand for contract, increased, sendlna tbe market up strongly until the most active mouths were is a bale up. tc iraaing monins at 1 were at net advances ot iss to 165 points. Cotton closed steady Wednesday at an advance ox seven to is points.

High. 'Low. Closi October 329.9S $39.40 SI9.9 December 29.S0 29.10 29.55 January 29.00 29.00 29.27 March 29.02 28.70 29.0: Cotton futures. Close. New Tork, June 19.

Cotton futures closed Irregular. July. 33.0S; October, 31.6s: December. 32.4s: January, March. 31.17.

DN GOMMTTEE 43S so 4 39 IIS S9H 109 4H 534 99 57 1H 91 1S1 78 133 1034 2324 102 -i. 56S 81 45 1H zs 23 Si 2 35 H'i in 93 22S S3K 24 OJMVlJNrtllSTQM OIL QUOTATIONS These quotations fitrntshed dally br J- S. Cnrtisa it Hotel sneiaon. Fort TVorth Oll. BH.

Burk Kins 1-10 Burk Extension LSO British Arceiican 1.10 Caldwell Comanche Chief Comanche Northern Contractors Doke of Dttlln Duke- Extension. Fern Gladstone Qolconda, No. 2 King Peerless Royal Duke Rangrer Cisco 1.S0 7.50 3.25 131.0 .35 1.19 SO.tJO 1.S0 4.2S lt.00 .40 Summit Fet 33.00 Tarrant 12.00 United SiO Union 20.CO Walker Caldwell S0." "Waurlka 20-00 A-ked. 1.2 1.J5 L20 1.S0 10.00 10.00 1.0.00 1.S0 1.25 1.S0 143.00 4.7 18.00 22.0. 40.00 1X50 6.00 21.00 72:00 22.00 FUNERAL HELD FOR SOLDIER HONOR SYSTEM GOVERNING BOYS IN Y.

M. AJs CAMP W. A. Tonne, director of the boys' camp at Mountain park, sends message that the boys are kept busy during their spare time working on tne nonor system, wnicn is tne xoun datlon of camn disci Dline, The cams Is a self governing: body. A camp fire council elected each week by the boys nasses on all matters of disc Inline.

The campers are well Drotecteu irom tne weatner or Jinnir in onnic houses. A large fire has been built In the mess halL where tne dots (rathe on stormy nights. When the weather permits, they make a big fire out of doors ana a program is staged. Mr. Toung reports that the tennis courts win soon oe completed ana that a tournament will then be staged.

A lame ctoud of bovs will ro to camp next week under the leadership or v. x. TUomas. The boys go ana come every week. The camp is open to all El Paso boys 13 years and more, but Mr.

Toung announces that the camp will continue only until July 12, after which the seniors will take charge. However, an older boys' camp wui oe neia August is-so. The strike and lockout of 3000 milk waron drivers In Chicago was settled by conceamff an aa -anee in wages, ana in prlco of milk the next day was raised one cent a oart. From Ivilie's. WANT AD RATS CARP.

One cent per word each dally Insertion. Two cents per word eacn Saturday in- lertion. Three consecutive insertions. Including Saturday, 3 cents per word. Six consecutive Insertions, cents per word.

The above- rate is based, on a minimum of a 20 word count. Ada containing less ican tms numDer or woras wiu do counx- ea as zq words. One dollar and thirty cents per line per montc. Bold face lines double urice. No ad run for an indfflnite period (T.

taken orer tne teiennone. orders to discontinue (T. ads most be made la writing. Accounts for classified ads are due after! first Insertion. Not responsible for more tnan one incorrect insertion.

In order to trlve time for uroiter classi fication It Is necessary to close The Herald classified pare at 12:30 n. m. dally, wan; ads received after this hour will auoear tne next cay. uraers to aisconunue want ads must be in Herald office before 9 a. m.

of day of publication. ADVERTISERS. ATTENTION. Entire state Texas can be covered at tne lowest possible raie with the largest most inorougmy uistnciutea circulation. cenis per wora nunaays 6 cents per word Daily 20 word minimum.

A guaranteed circulation 250.000 Sun days: 22S.0OO dailr. Tills is tne combined circslation ox Tne Dallas Times-Herald. Fort Worth Star- Telegram. Tne san Antonio Ugnt, El Paso Herald and Tne Houston cnronieie. Tour ad cent to any of th above papers with cash will be handled for you and your ad will appear in ail or tnerxLt Wednesday noon should tee your copy.

in any one or tne oxxices xor your aa to appear tnese papers tee zouowmc Son- aar- Lost and Found LOST Stake side for truck. Phone Carl Fisher. 1CSC 7030. Reward. IXOsT Gold monogram watch fob.

initial KILLED BY MEXICAN Kewara. t-nou. i5 or lfe Kadrer at de ifonL Four years ago today, June 19, 1915, tbe Kaiser assumed personal direc. tion of the Galidan campaign. Find the Crown Prince.

Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle Left side down noje at waist coat. Military funeral for Pvt. Sam Tosco, si. headauarters comDany. 82nd tleia artillery, who was shot early Sunday moraine during me oomDaramem oi the Yllllstas.

was held Thursday morn ing. Chaplain w. B. Zimmerman latins. The S5nd artillery regiment took nnrt in (be nroeessioTi which was led by a double band ot the Fifth cavalry and the 85nd artillery.

Went E. J. Lacock directed the band. The body was forwarded to Elwood city, 1'a. W.

P. IIRANCn DIES. Jfews comes of the death in Bock- dale. Texas, or w. if.

Hrancn, Droiner-inlaw of T. H. -Rofrers, of this city, and trio father of Miss Olive Branch. who taught in the public school ot xsieta tor two years, franca naa been in ill health for some time. He with his wife and family moved to Dallas several months ago from the old home In Rockdale.

Texas, but tus death occurred in Kockdale at the home of a daughter. Mr. Branch is surrived by his wife and 11 sons and daughters. Two of the sons are at present serving in the army. niES SCDDEXIi" OJf STREET.

Annarentlv sufferintr from a hem- orrage ot the lungs. Angel Salazar was louna lying on tne siaewaiK at iiin and El Paso streets about 11:50 oclock Wednesday nignt by patrolman A. v. Jvlxon. The man died before an ambu lance arrived.

He was apparently middle aged and was Doorlv dressed. The deceased resided with a son. Ignacio salazar, at 614 Santa Fe street- IaST Female Colli, white ruff. Kevard. Rodes.

dog, yelloir coat. 1'none all. A. iu LOST tn business district Sunday eve ning; cameo Drooen. itewara returcea 418 Mesa Ave or phone 2007 or Use.

LOST Burro and Uttle brown dog, Monday sight: answers to name Hags. Re- turn to Ucata. I71Z dsbee or phone 1S0. Reward. lOUND Oil stock fertltlcates at ball park Sunday.

Owner can have same by calling at 401 Martin BIdg, describing same and paying for notice. lX)Sr Leather wallet cn valley road. Contents sSS In currency. Masonle pa pers. Raymond O.

Bmlth. Uarble 'Falls, Texas. Return to Magnolia Petroleum for reward. LOJ.T Dark brlndla Boston bnll terrier. Responds to name Dlnty Moore.

Stub kinked tall: weighs about SS pounds. white spot between ears. Finder tele. phone 1SSS or return to 171? Mesa Ave. ana receive rewarq.


IIST DISTRICT COCItT. I A. Dale Presiding; As Special Judge. Kerr Cattle Co. vs.

Williams, suit on note; filed. Dor; Equels vs. Harry Equels, divorcer petition filed. CoTII DISTRICT COUnT. Judge Ballard Coldnell rrraldlng.

James Hogan vs. Lenoro Hosan. divorce petition filed. '34TII DISTRICT COURT. udge D.

Howe Presiding. State vs. A. J. Hall, conversion of funds, on trial (jnrv out).

State vs. Miguel Vargas, murder, on trial. COO TV COURT AT LAW. Judge Will P. Brady Presiding.

Workman vs. El Paso Electric rail way, damages: on trial. frincie vs. saivint. suit on contract: verdict for plaintiff.

SJOOO.OO REWARD I hereby offer SS00O.O9 (five thousand dollars) rewsrd for authentle information leading to the arrest and.convlctlon of the person or persons who shot to death my son. Linnci Anarew uownia on ins evening of May 12th. 2919, near tho pump house at Sanderson, Texas. Address all communications to Judge G. J.

Henshaw. Sanderson. Texas. Charles pownle. aanaerson.

Texas. Legal Notices. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AM) CREDITORS: State of Texas, Connty of El Paso. To those Indebted to or holding claims against the estate of W. M.

Laughlln. oeeeasea: The undersigned, having been duly appointed Independent executors ot the wilt and estate and trustees under the will and of tbe estate At v. M. Iughun. de ceased, tat.

of EI Faso county. Texas. by E. B. McCllntock.

Judge cf tbe County court oi saia county, on tne stn day oz May, 1919, during a regular term thereof. nereby notify ail persons Indebted to saia estate to come forward and make settlement, and those having claims against said estate to present them to the under-j algnea al tneir restaence, tne city ana county of Paso, state of Texas, the same being their postofflee address, within one year from said 9th day ot May, 1919. witness our nanus mis aay oi aiay. 1919. El Paso Bank Trust of El Paso, Texas.

Tt I. Nichols. Independent Executors acd Trustees Freight Committee Works On Changes; Will Re-Ice Cars at Deming. A. TJ.

Tadlock, manager of the traf fic department of the chamber of commerce, has been appointed chair man of the local subcommittee on less than carload freight, by chairman F. M. Lucore of the main L. L. freight committee for the southwestern region of the United States railroad ad ministration.

Other members of the local committee are W. B. Bower. F. E.

Summers. E. TJ. Morris. W.

Mccormick. E. Bray. W. R.

Brown. Richard TVarren, E. A. OUonnell and A. E.

Pistole. Tnis committee win hold regular monthly meetings. Knf Ica ha been received bv Sir. Tad- lock that a hearing will be held today urjon bis protest to the western freight traffic committee against the proposed advance in the minimum car. load weight on cement, lime, plaster and stucco.

The Santa Fe has given notice that If has arranged to relce at Uemmg. jr. when necessary, the refriger ator car which that line operates from El Paso to points on their Silver City Drancn. .1 snippers oi pensn-able freight will now be able to get their stuff through to destination in good condition. SENATE DEFEATS MEASURE TO LIFT BEER-WINE BAN Wahlnirtnn- 1).

June 19. Cer tain defeat for efforts to have con-ctmk AxemDt beer and wine Xrom od- eratton of the war time prohibition law was seen in an overwhelming vote of 55 to 11 In the senate late Wednesday against an exemption pro- rwinw 1. Bv that margin the senate tabled a motion by senator Phelan. Democrat, of California, to add a rider to the agricultural appropriation bill for application of the war time prohibi-tlon law to distilled spirits alone. Roommg Hordes For Sale and Renl 8 ROOMS and sleeping porch, good nice Income: clos In.

Phone 7541. rUKNIslilNGS of 11 apartments for-sale or trade. -The Louise. 1118 Myrtle. 10-KOOM rooming house facing Cleveland Square.

Good home and good income. For particularly phone 2HS. FORCED SALE or trade. 22 rooms rood furniture: best reasonable offer In three days accepted. Call after 1L Xo dealers.

Hli iz. cjrenapq. XpR SALE By owner. Hotel Eoilxn. ureaon.

53 rtomi. clean placet. dolnc good business, heart of cltr. eood lease. Cash or terms.

No agents, fix. 25M or write Mrs- Lula Marsh. Oil and Mining Resorts. MOUNTAIX PARK or vidnltr. reasonable room ana board for mother and two boys.

aces 4 ana 7 Tears, xa tictness. Ad dress P44. care- Herald. 00 and Milling OIL LEASE BLANKS -t Kills Sros. Print.

lug Co. Stock certificates and seals. bPiXlAL UAUOA1N for 19 dars onlr. i of Ik undiTided Interest in royalty in 1SS acres Kercison survey Duke field well drllllns around 22119, Teet on tract to bo In in i days; scrroonded by tne Xlxie peer less Wilson tad Phoenix. 'Wire.

R- I. Ale-Daniel. Carlton. Texas. WE ARE IX TIIH 3IARKET for prodnc- tlon.

Gtv fall first letter. stating location and amount of acreage. are, flush, end present trod action, jrrav- Ity. sands prices, terms and other Information. J.

EL Sherldsn Col, Slaughter uaiiae. Texas. TEXAS COLONEL Owhur to a typdrraphlcal error, no doubt. in an aa ot one ot tne croKerage uonres In this morning's paper the statement is made that Texas Colonel is IS mllei northwest of the Texas Chief. Now the fact is Texas Colonel Is neither la Oklahoma.

Tennesse or New Hampshire, but Just 100 yards northwest of the Texas chief, the biggest well la the Northwest uurKDurnett wonder Fool and risht In line with largest production. Double F. Burk Senator and Bark PeL on adlolnlnr prop erty are all cold out and over subscribed. Texas Colonel Is cne of tht few companies in this neighborhood selling at par and it can only be a few hours until Texas Colo nel is oversubscribed. GILBERT-TRUE, $L50 Order from us and get instant service.

Tou can wire at oar expense. ORDER rnoM cs Any oil shares you see advertised, or send Us tbe amount of money you want io invest, ana we wui any zor you jus as we would for ourselves. We are responsible. "Better aafs than iorry.M IF TOU ARE ANNOYED BY UEN In frost of our office trying to seU shares piease rem ember that these men are not em cloved br us. We employ no one tc solicit people, on tue streets.i ion can come into our mce ana we wUl give you any information that wt can about tbe different oil stocks and you will not be asked to buy.

DON'T GET MIXED WITTI SOMEDODV ELSE We are not connected In any way with any concern or individual havinir a eimi lar name. Any etock recommended by us throueh advertlslnr. letter or otherwise wiu mesxionea in these columns. WE ACCEPT LIBERTT AND CTORV BONDS at full face value shares that we sell. for any fiounrwEST investment co.

LICENSED BROKERS J. E. LANE, llgr. Members El Paso Stock Exchange. 111S N.

Oregon St El Paso, Texas. Phone WILL EXCHANGE cither on share Oi- senbeck and five Lulu Pearl or 100 Texas Control and five Lulu Pearl for one W. W. Cox. Ossenbeck par 1100.

'Lnln Pearl 110. Texas Control SLOft. Address SO, De Sota HoteL Dalhart, Texas. NEW TOOL SO. 2 OIL CO.

Two tracts Just northwest of the Texas unier, rancer. at. f. Burk gushers: acres. 3125.030 capIUHxatlon: S10 par.

31 all 16 perctnt of amount with vonr or- utr suiu uii vet luiva.a wui ur erui tu the bank you mention, with draft at tached tor tne su percent balance due. Phone 1SSJ or order from JAY CALDWELL BKO KER.GE OFFICE SIS E. San Actonio Et Pav Texas. OIL Tularosa Basin, El Paso and Hudspeth counties. Price SOc.


north west of Durkbcrnett, which anr la al 1000 barrels and Is now making 1930 bar rels dally production. SECOND: WE HAVE THREE-ACRE FCIL ROTALTT up divided on the Norwood welL which Is the largest well that ever came In. making 14.090 barrels pro duction, and now making 7800 barrels per day. and aa tbe tract contains 7il acres and the Texas Company own the lease Is under contract to drill a vrell on every ten acres ot this trast thus making the royalty on this tract of landy almost priceless In value, i (NOTE Based on the above estimate the Gilbert-True Company should receive a net profit of 521,500 a year from the Norwood well alone. When yon consider that the Texas Company Is under contract to drill 76 more wells on tbe NORWOOD i tract.

It Is apparent that the royalty owned by the GILBERT-TRUE OIL COX- PANT Is priceless). THIRD 5 We have 100 bsrrels daily pro ductlon In the Burkburnett townslte. This well la fully equipped1 and la not Initial production, as the well has 'bees in for some time, making the production settled. thus assuring our DIVIDEND. (NOTE Basing the estimate on the above statement the GILBERT-TRUE OIL COMPANY stould receive net profit from this one veil ranging from $70,500 to 175,000 a Signed, GILBERT-TRUE OIL COMPANT The above production will pay CO per cent on the capitalization with unlimited possibilities.

We recommend and advise the purchase of this stock. EL PASO OIL EXCHANGE James L. Stephens, Manager. N. Oregon.

El Paso, Texas. Oil and Mining FOR SALE Some valuable oil leases in McMullen county. Texas. PEACOCK BROTHERS 711 MIUs Bid p. Phone 1L OIL MAPS Special maps made to show your holding.

Geological and sectional county maps. VJm a Va 'Ttm. METCALFE BLUE PRINT Coles Bid. COTTON" STATE OIL CO. SfilOOA esmtalizatlon: S10 per snare.

Situated, in the heart of the producing rushers. Just rorthwest of Burtburuett. It It-a five-acre tract that if aold at today's market price would bring $0,000. It Is only 200 feet east of the Summltt gusher and 1200 feet southeast of the Golden Cycle, 1200 fet southwest of the Vauahn. toEE XOTTON STATE DISPLAY ADV.

ON PAGE 5, and mall tout order to JAT CALDWELL BROKERAGE OFFICE 31S e. San Antonio m. rhone 1183. El Paso, "Texas. FOR SALE -LEASES IN LAMPASAS COUNTY Acreage near ten deep tests.

Two wells now showing- oil. P. W. WILLIAMS AGENCY General Insurance. 31 First Nat.

Bank. PECOS OIL LEASES SUREST WAY TO FORTUNES We offer for Immediate sale oil leases on to 100 acre tracts in the heart of the Pecos field near the Laura and El Paso-Sunshine wells. Prices $10 to 150 per acre. We firmly believe that this acreage wUI be selling in 30 days from 8500 to 81000 per acre and if the Laura or El Paso-Sunshlne weUs prove to be 'gushers-JS009 to 110.000 per acre win be the value. America's most famous geologists claim that Pecos will prove to be the biggst oil field la Texas.

We believe It. These leases are going fast. Get yours now. CARLOCK A DREBEN Licensed Brokers. 309 City NatL Bank Bldg-Phone 1870.

El Paso Texas. Money to Iom SEE US for any kind of loan. Equitable Loan Assn W. a MlUer. Mer- 315 Trust.

Help Wanted Fesiak GIRLS can make 310 per day. 2G2H E. San Antonio. Room 10. TUU WAITRESSES at St.

Regis HoteX Must be experienced. 813 per week. WANTED An experienced stenographer. Phone 7700. Peyton Packing Co.

WANTED Girl dispensers aid. waitresses; experience unnecessary, bit preferred. Potter's Confectionery Martin BIdg. WANTED Girl for general houxawora and cooking. Must be able to speak some Egfrlish and stay nights.

IS IS TL Nevada. YOUNG voBcs to train for nurses, blxh school graduates preferred. Apply Rclston School for Nurses. Mrs. W.

M. MeDonald, superintendent. WANTED Woman bookkeeper and stn ographer with practical experience. Ont also willing to do general office work. Apply with references, to Koghes-Bui Company.

WANTED Girl at one for general ofCc wcrk, with some knowledge of stenog- rasay. Accuracy ana poo xncxaazy uii. esSentlah Work very llgtit. Salary month. Address C34.

car Herald. WANTED Girl for general housework is family of two, 4n best let a tlon six miles down the valley on Interor'nn. Fhcna Mrs: White. 17C1-RL MEXICAN or colored gtrl to do cooking and housekeeping for small family. Per- manent.

Most live oa pace. Have excellent quarters. Phone 272. 3381 Moun-taln Ave. SHnaooBs Wanteil Male HOUSE painting, an kimls; gocd labor and materials.

Ph. 37(3. Ralph P. Chi ft z. ANTED Position as chemist In mine or smelter.

Will go anywhere. Address 017J. care Herald. DISCHARGED scldler wishes work In garage to learn trade. Address C35.

care Herald. WANTED Small set of books to keep after p. or assist eti set of books. References. Address T40 care Herald.

DISCHARGED soldier with rood record, desires position with chance for advancement. Will consider anjthing. Phone 5U0J after YOUNG UNIVERSITY M.IN, American, speaking Spanish and Fretch. knowledge of bookkeeping- and typewritings References. Address D4L care Herald.

ANTED Position in or i sit of city br sober and steady man, experienced in i-Tnthlr fnmlirilnn mil Best of references. Addrey C30. care Herald. Wasted raale PRACTICAL NURSING Ph in 724LL TO $3v loaned honest employes, cheapest rates, confidential. Quick.

Satisfactory emce. Drake. 301 Roberts-sanner. MONEY TO LOAN Mocer loaned on diamonds, watches, jew- eiry, ana aaiomooiies. ax uiv wwni oc interest.

Kr.rrrRiTY loan Co. Cor. San Antonio and El Paso. Ph. 3754, Help Wanted Male P1GGLY WIGGLY store manarer wanted.

Address H. is. Brownwood. Texas. MAN with automobile experience.

Applj isxice Battery Etatlcn. UP Wyoming. WANTED Good man cook for New ilix- icq mining cuap. Apply CIS Mills Bldgi WE HAUL the cheaocat. Barrasre hanled ana moving a specialty, pnone la.

WANTED Lor cutters and tl makers. Apply Chris Wise, nare of McGaffey Co-. xgrea, x. ja. PRESSMAN WANTED On familiar with cylinder presses preferred.

Burk Printing company. WANTED Wide awake man- give you the best proposition In EI Paso, itoom. anemon noti. to p. m.

Dl CHARGED bOLDIERS with rood rte- orus can secure employment on the street cars in Los Angeles. Beginners guaran-- ieea 190 a monxn. APpiy at aoom erne Eaeetnc aniidicc. xe Angeles. WANTED yonnr man as head meat cut ter; large retail market.

Must have had experience, be capable and of good reputa tion and be able to rive bond. Good sal ary to start. Chance for advancement. Address p. G.

Box car. El Paso. WANTED Collector for installment ac count El Paso. Do not answer unless you can 'make small bond and are wlIILng ana able to handle these collections promptly each, month. Give full Informa tion regarding yourself.

Advise whether wllllnsr to make bond. Address R- JIc-Henry. 1121 Great Southern Life BIdg-, Dallas. Texas. Help Wanted AreaU EARN sv -weekly lneome ddresslnc en velopes in spare time at home, either rex.

young or old. Full particulars. 10c WANTED Live, energetic salesman to travel west Texas, southern New Mexico and Arizona. Splendid noealblUtles. This "proposition intended only for reliable, suh- WANTED Salesman to sell PennsvlTMia vacuum uap Tires and Ton Tested Tubes; west Texas and New Mexico territory.

Must live in El Paso and furnish best of references as to sales ability. Address Pennsylvania Rubber Co, 1504 Young street. alias. Texas. SALESMEN "Just out," the only check protector doing high-class work that can be carried in pocket; Jnks and perforates equal to high price machines; retails 32.S0: state, district and county manairers.

Call or write W. H. CuCen Ccl. 2024 Main, Dal las. HERE'S QUICK MONEY Our men in cleanlnr un: we have 11 pro ducing wells, a refinery, over 4000 acres oi noiainra.

two amimr rus. ccr anu ing campaitTs almost ready to start. Our ao jut. xor salesmen masies sales easy. We want a.

live wire In every town. Mary Owens Oil messy. Bex 123. Houston. xrxai STOCK SALESMEN We hare a ble S10.fi0Q.a0O cammrr.

cstab. usnea more tnan a year ago. oxueereo. cy hlrh grade men. with a former Standard Oil man for manager of operations.

Owns aoout 09.003 acres leases; Texas. Has 17 producing weUs. We expect to build up a tremendous concern in time. We want salesmen who are looklnx for nerma- nent connection with high grade people. Our men have placed about 3890.000 In MEXICAN GIRL wants with family going to California.

Address 408 E. Fifth St. Room 11-B. Real Estate Wasted 100 PERCENT resvIU frext tenements; TURNER, KEMP COJ1WELL WANTED Good tenements, iSoee in only LEE NEWMAN Tenement SpeeJaHet. Phone 4C04.

905 S. 32 Paso St. WANTED Small apartment iouxtil tn. do slrablo location. Must shov liberal net annual Income.

Address. Apartment, care Tho Herald. WANTED AT ONCH Good 4-room bungalow or cottage. Must bo a bargain and sot over 32T00. Terms equivalent to rash.

Phone 730. WANTED TO BUY FOB CASK Good Income or rental property up to 18096; close in preferred. Please state location, income and lowest cash price tn first letter. Address care Herald. TENEMENTS WANTED Must, he paying proposition.

Give full particulars, actual receipts, disbursements and vacancies for one year- Address Tenements. care Herald. Waaled ta Rest WANTED TO RENT Four or -3t room bungalow July 1st. A. EL Tork.

SOS Ray-nolds BIdg. Phone li. WANTED TO KENT nicely rarniafad5 apartment or buncalow with gttrage, tn best residence section. No childrva. Ph. WANTED' tennis court for two evenings each week. Preferably rar Five Points. Mr. RldeU care Fll-Parkex Co. Phone 1852.

roosa WtUl WANTED To rent two or thrte house, pea manent. Prefer Place chicken house and yard. Addrav F. O. Hall.

310 Sacramento St. WANTED To purchase or rent-jl 1 room furnished house, close In preferred-Good location. No sick. Statcf terms. Best references given Address Pi Ot Bos 514.

WANTED TO SENT Have yon a 2ur-nished house or a house and sorie small cottages, in cr near AlamogordoC N. that would do ror taking tore, or four boarders, or have you any othsr work or- nrrestlons that would make' it Pos sible for a wife to support twr? children ana a side aut cargeetione will be gladly received; L. DsfenderlV TtoT 301, Alareoirordo. N- M. Wanted ForKtsre CASH PAID for old furniture.

Phene-1393. USED OFFICE FURNITURE Desks. chairs, filing cabinet, safe. Phone S024W. VSTX3 2d hand household goctx.

Er-vln Furniture 100 San JaclntajPh, tlC WILL PAY the best prices for rour sec ond hand household and office Tursitur. TEXAS flSMIlUU. CO. 4j Jl VE PAY hizhest cash, nncea ftr second hand furniture and sewing maclilneav WE PAY highest cash prices fcr second hand furniture, carpets, etc. Phiine 1337 Standard Furniture (X 419 8.

Stanton. WE MUST HAVE 200 heaters void coal ranges and all kinds of cook stoves la the next 10 days. TEXAS FUKNIIUSE CO. Phone 4097. WANTED All kinds used household xnr nishlngs.

Will pay highest cash idea. AiU UltrtJ iKA -K AUs. Phono 3802. DON'T SELL your furniture untU you rat our prices. Pncne 915.

THE AXE ZEAI XXLSNXTVS LU. 517 E- San Antonio St. WE NEED A CAR OF USED FURNITURE 4. at once. Call is; we pay rash, any amount.

Tn.on Furniture Co. Fh. 814. WE PAY more for good furnitnrs than stock and we expect to eell another mH-i SSSeSff sSKS lion as rapidly as possible. Our men are making big money, as high as $3500 pe month.

The right man can make a very profitable, congenial connection with peo ple who appreciate success. The public is, rxav await to xact that stocx in big com panics is safest and pays best. B. B. Hatcher.

Vice P. O. Box 692. Fort worm. reTSX.

Help Wanted Male and Femak WANTED Ucen checker, experience ore- jerreo. Jippiy in perscn. Acme xa unary. MARRIED COUPLE or man and woman to no work cn ranch out ox, town. Call Hotel.

Koom zjq. Help Wantej-FeaaTe WANTED Americas hosscEeemr. piy person, iongias. Ap- GlKh WANTED for housework and plain WANTED Exrerienced cafe waitress. Apply Harvey House.

Unloa depot. WANTED Youns lady for clear Appiy in person to An iv. Oregon. WANTED Crlcred xirl to cook for fam- uy or two; e-ood wages. Phon 7050.

ONE 4-ROOM modern apartment. No children. 1409 N. Stanton. Ph.

2050. nTEN OGRAPHER By tarxe wholesale company, state age. experiene and sal- ary expected. Address B25. care Herald.

WANTED Experienced Enrllsh sneaklnc wuuiau lu ucip iu ovnusE uouse. ituQb S637. WOMAN For general hourework. Mexi can preferred. Must stay at nlchL Ref erences required.

Arply 2718 San Diego. WANTED Enrltsh speaklnr Mexican girl to cook and clean house. 3113 Fed eral Phone 3042. CO. Phone 4110.

WE WILL PAY more spot caah for Tour furniture than any firm in the city. Can call on short notice. BERJvYHILL FTJRNXTUBE COL 401-403 Texas St. Phone' 3544. WANTED 600 STOVES RANGES AND HEATEH Win pay the highest cash prices In town.

We also want used furniture of all description. See us flirt before yon eelL Our reprexentatxve will caU, RIO GRANDE 1XRNTTURE CO. 109-111 S. Staron St. Phone 3893.

Wanted Mceaaaeost WANTED Six fcot cigar case. P. O. Box 201, dint Texas. PAIR OF GOOD FIELD GLASSES cheap.

Describe and price. Address A12. caa WANTED Two or three refined ladies; rood money. Call Room Sheldon Ho tel. 3 to 4 p.

m. DRi EDWARD AUEK, rRUSTBdg. Chronic diseases. Diseases of women. Especially equipped for treatment of all Ner vous disease.

Phone 4642: WANTED --Six experienced dining room waitresses. 310 week; two lunch counter waitresses, 311 we. Apply Modern Baaement MUls buildlnc WANTED to buy. a half size violin, rood tone and to good condition; one slighter used metal tiling cabinet; set of -porch furniture. Phone 5172: 2331 Mountain avenue.

DraeaaBsc HEMSTITCHING 15c yd. Phones 379330. Union Dye Works. 41V N- Stanton Street. DRESSMAKING seasonable.

Phono SMltf DRESSMAKING reasocablft. 016 Magoffin, DRESSMAKING, remodel lag. Ph. W.VNTED For aimmer on modern farm. white woman, general hosewArk andi SEWING foi wtlldren.

layetta. Ph. 3113. cooKing po wasnmc. rexereuces DItESMAKlNG Phone 134 101 East DDI.

sVC. A sV. aV i. Nevada,.

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