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The Lordsburg Liberal from Lordsburg, New Mexico • Page 3

Lordsburg, New Mexico
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WESTERN LIBERAL. W. L. DOUGLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" S3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 $8 aSBWh monoy oy wcnnng w. Douglas hoes.

For nalo by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Beat Known Shoes In tho World. W' L. Douglas ruuae id the retail price is stamped on the bet. torn of all shoes at the factory.

The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retad pnces are the same everywhere. Ttm icfaeo than they do in New York. Thev are alwava unnl. Frani price paid for them.

TTie quality of, V. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years erperience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. JX -equipped factory at Brockton, Mau-by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest wwtuuutun rn marts th hr .1 fc can buy f'" money nula 'Wiifr wmns, mo no otner Shoei, LOOK FOR W.

L. Douglas tJIf a 7 BsitlnlhsVorld nnie end tno retail price WfW $3.00 $2.60 $Z00 stamped on the bottom. nnw i i vm ill je auuit 183 Spark 8t Brockton, Mass. Catarrhal Fever Pink Eyo, Shipping Fover. EDlzootlo And all diseases of the horse ffectlnp his throat speedily cured; colts and horses In same stable kept from having; them by using; Spohn'a Distemper Compound, 3 to 6 doses often cure; one bottle guaranteed to cure one case.

Safe lor brood mares, baby colts, stallions, all ages and conditions. Most skillful sclentlMo compound. 50c and It per bottle; 15 and 110 a dozen. Any druggist or delivered by manufacturers. SPOUN MEDICAL, Goahen, Ind.

Lumber Consumption St. Louis has one factory which will this year consumo 100,000,000 feet of lumber. Seotlnnd devotes 4,000,010 acres to onts growing. Right. Teacher Wlint Is the capital of France? Johnnie Ouess they havent got any.

Dad says they're in debt to bent the cars. W. N. DENVER, NO. 16-1917.

Died of Premature Old Age How many times wo hear of comparatively young persons passing away when they should havo lived to be 70 or 80 years of age. This fatal work is usually attributed to the kidneys, as, when tho kidneys degenerate, it causes auto-intoxication'. Tho more injurious tho poisons passing thru the kidneys the quicker will those noble organs bo degenerated, and the sooner they decay. It is thus the wisest policy, to prevent premature old age and promote long life, to lighten the work of tho kidneys. This can be dono by drinking plenty of pure water all day long, and occasionally taking a little Anuric before meals.

This can be obtained at almost any drug store. You will find Anuric more potent than lithia for it dissolves urio acid aa water does Bugar. WITH YOUR HANDS TIED by some chrome "temaio complaint" or weakness, what can yon expect? There's nothing you can accomplishnothing you can enjoy. And no good reason for It. Doctor Plorco's Favorite Proscription will cure you, safely and certainly, If you'll glvo it faithful uso.

For overy one of these womanly troubles, this Is the nnW ram. edy In periodical pains, beurlng-down sensations, organic displacements, and overy kindred allmont, and in ail tho norrous disorders caused by functional derangements. An easily procured vcgctablo pill It mado up of May-apple, tho dried Juico of the leaves of aloes, and tho root of Jalap, mado Into a tiny pellet and coated wltb sugar. It was first put Into rcady-to-ust form by Dr. Pierce nearly SO years ago Almost every drug store In this countrj sells these vegetable pellets In vials foi 85c simply ask for Dr.

Pierce's Pleasan Pellets. Thoy have Dr. U.V. Plerco stamp The supports for a recently constructed New Zcnland whnrf Include 20-ton concrete piles 100 feet long. THE 3 D'S IN DODD'S Mr.

Robert W. Ferguson, HInghnm, writes: I suffered from kidney disorder for yenrs. Had Incessant backache and trouble. Nearly died from It at one time while In Vnncouver, but overcame It by persistent uso of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Finally I was completely cured.

I occasionally use tho remedy now In order to keep the kidneys regulated. I have the-hlghest praise for Dodd's. Bo sure to get "DODD'S," the name with the three D's for deranged, disordered, diseased kidneys, Just as Mr. Ferguson did. No similar named article will do.

Adv. Its Class. "Wnsn't It scene when the Smiths brought all their old battered furniture out of tho house?" "Yes, quite a moving picture." As a locomotive puffs, the ear can count up only to ten second then nil that Is heard Is continuous roar. A red sunrise, with clouds lowerlnp later In tho morning. Indicates rala.

Smile on wash day. That's when you ust Red Cross Bag Blue. Clothes whiter thar now. All grocers. Adv.

Wise Ma. Mabel Rainbow chaser, Is he? Mu Why, he'd chase cloud for the sliver lining. Important to Mothers Examino carefully every bottle ol CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of CfJ In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Couldn't Say Much. "You have sworn to tell nothing bul the truth." ''Nothing but the truth, yout honor?" "Precisely." "Then, Judge, with tlmt limitation upon me I might ns well warn you that I'm not going to have much tr say." A Difference.

"How much nro potatoes worth now?" "They're worth no more now thnn they ever were, but they'ro costing about six times ns much." No Eggs, Milk or Butter he following recipe shows how an appetizing, wholesome calce can be made without expensive ingredients. In many other recipes the number of eggs may be reduced one-half or more by using an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. EGOLESS, MTT.KT.TinS, BUTTERLESO CAKE 1 cup brown sug-sr 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1M eup wster 1 teaspoon clnnsmon 1 cup seeded raisins ii teaspoon salt ouncee citron Bour ii cup shortening teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder The old method (fruit cake) called for 2 eeea DIRECTIONS Put the first eight Ingredients Into saucepan an II three minutes.

Whan cool, add the flour and baktng powder which have been e'W togetheri mix welL Dak In moderate oven In Joeipan (round tin with center Is best) for 33 or minutes. Ice with white Icing. Booklet ofreclpss which eeonomlie In eggs and ether eipenslve Ingredients mailed free. Address 1003 Independence Boulevard, Chicago, 111. DrPrices Sixty Years the Standard Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from crapes.

No Alma No Phosphate No Bitter Taste HOUSE PASSES WAR LOAN BILL REVENUE BILL IN HISTORY PA38ED BY HOU8E BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. $7,000,000,000 FUND FIVE AMENDMENTS ADDED AND LOANS PERMITTED TO ALLIE8 ONLY FOR WAR PERIOD. Western Newspaper Union Neva Service. APr 16. Without a dissenting voice the House, amid tho plaudits of members and tho galleries, Saturday pasBcd the war revendo authorization measure.

One member Representative London of New York, the only Socialist In Congress voted "Present." Owing to pairs and absentees, only 389 votes wero recorded for the bill, but both Democratic Leader KItchtn and Republican Leador Mann announced all their tnctnbors would have voted affirmatively If present. The formality of a roll-call would have boon dispensed with If several members who voted against the war resolution had not Insisted upon 'Opportunity of recording themsolvcs In favor of providing money to carry on hostilities, now tho nation la at war. The bill authorizes $5,000,000,000 In bonds, of which $3,000,000,000 will be loaned entente countries, and Issuance of treasury certificates for $2, 000,000,000 ultimately to bo met by increased taxation. Discussion In tho House was confined chiefly to proposed amendments. Flvo of theso were adopted.

The most important, drafted by Representativo Lenroot of Wisconsin, would confine tho proposed $3,000,000,000 allied loan to countries at war against Germany and permit loans only during the war. Others would prohibit the sale of the United States bonds at le3s than par, permit the purchase of foreign bonds "at par" and limit the cost of disposing of the $5,000,000,000 worth ot bonds to one- tenth ot one per cent, of their total. BRITISH BITER LENS Desperate Onslaught by Germans Drive British From Key to Hlndenburg Position. London, April 17. Apparently the city ot Lens, tho great coal center ot northern Prance, has fallen before the British drive.

British troops are tightening their grip on the outskirts ot St. Quentln. The night British official report speaks only ot progress "cast ot Llevln, whero our troops are approaching the outskirts ot LenB," but the correspondent of Lloyds News with the British army telegraphs that British patrols entered tho city between 4 and 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Germans ordered the civil population from tho town on Friday, preparatory to their own departure, and seized three months' provisions accumulated In Lens by tho American relief commission. The German trench system among the slag heap3 in front of tho city has been virtually pulverized by the blast fire from Gen.

Home's batteries. East of tho city thoy have another network of trenches In which It Is believed they will make a temporary stand before retiring to tho supplementary Hlndenburg lino between Drocourt and Queant. A powerful counter assault launched against the nowly.formed British line converging on St. Quentln and Lens Monday gained the Germans a foothold in tho village ot Lagnlcourt, according to word recolved from Gen. Halg's headquarters in France.

Several divisions wero hurled upon tho British, tho onomy's attack being do-liverod with desperate ferocity because of tho extremely Important strategic value ot Lagnlcourt, which commands the principal approachos to the Bapaumo-Cambrnl highway, possession ot which Is necessary for the defonso of both Lens and St. Quentln. At all points whoro countor attacks wore dollvored the Gormans were thrown back with sanguinary losaos. Tho Turks havo sustained another defeat at the hands ot tho British in Mesopotamia. Tho war offico announces that tho Turks aro In retreat after a battle In which they suffered heavy losses.

Two German attacks in Verdun sector repulsed. Seventeen "British, Fronch and American" airplanes destroyed by Germans. Says Mexico Will Stay Neutral. Mexico City. Gen.

Carranza In his address to Congress declured that Moxlco would maintain a strict neutrality In tho werld war. H. von Eok-hardt, tho Gorman minister, was seated In a box with Austrian, Spanish and other diplomats. Henry P. Fletcher sat with the British minister.

Gen. Carranza also read to tho Congress, which held Ita first formal session Sunday night, a completo report ot his administration as first chief. The narrativo extended from tho time of the Madero revolution in 1910. U.S. TO BE ONE IN WAR 8UPREME TEST HAS COME, 0AY8 WIL80N, APPEALING TO ALU TO 8AVE THE NATION.

Aid of Every Citizen Needed to Maks Victory Certain, He Declares. Fighting Forces Only Part of Those That Must Wage War for Liberty. Western Newspaper Union News aervtee. Washington, A p.r 1 1 17. "Th Supreme tost of tho nation hns come.

We must all speak, act, and servo together!" In theso solemn words President Wilson concludes an address to the nation Issued from the White House Sunday night. In which he appeals to "My Fellow Countrymen" of both soxos, to enroll themselves In a vast "sorvlce army" to marshal and tncrenso the economic resources ot the United States for the most effective use in the war with Germany. "Wo nro fighting," says tho President, "for what wo believe and wish to be tho rights of mankind, and for the future peaco and security ot tho world. To do this gret thing worth-lly and successfully, we must devote ourselves to tho service without regard to profit or material advantage and with an energy and Intelligence that will rise to the level of the enterprise Itself." As soon as Congress passes the administration nrmy bill providing for "selective conscription" to military sorvlce, tho nation's man-power will bo appraised and apportioned, being told off or reserved for the fighting forces and tho remainder being assigned to tho economic "services nrmy." "Thousands, nay hundreds of thousands, ot men. otherwise Hablo to military service," Bays tho of right and necossity bo excused from that servlco and assigned to the fundamental, sustaining work ot tho fields and factories and minos, nnd they wilfbo as much a part of the great patriotic forces ot the nation as the men under fire." Tho President's appeal tho nation's defense may bo thus summarized: To Farmers: Incrcaso the production of your land and co-operate in the sale and distribution of your products.

To Men and Boys: Turn In hosts to the farms to help cultlvato and harvest tho vast crops Imperatively needed. To Middlemen: Forego unusual profits and "organizo nnd expedito shipments ot suppllos. To Railway Men: See to it that thero shall bo no "obstruction of any kind; no Inefficiency or slackened power" of tho "arteries ot tho nation's life." To Merchants: Take for your motto "small profits and quick service." To Shipbuilders: Speed construction of ships, for "the Ufe of the war depends upon you." To Miners: If you "slacken or fall, armies and statesmen are helpless." To Manufacturing Men: "Spoed nnd perfect every process" for your "service is absolutely Indispensable" to the nation. To Gardeners: By creating nnd cultivating gardens you can help "greatly to solve the problem of feeding tho nation." To Housewives: Ellmlnato wastefulness and extravagance. To Editors and Advertising Agencies: Give widespread circulation and repetition to this appeal.

Gordon Jones, Financier, Dead. Denver. Gordon Jones, president of the United States National Bank, died at a hospital hero following an operation for stomach trouble. NEW SOURCES OF TAXATION. Washington.

Administration suggestions as to possible new sources of taxation through which to ralso approximately one-half ot tho estimated cost of tho first year of tho war, or $1,807,250,000, woro submittod by Secretary MoAdoo. Tho otllor half of tho cost Is to be provided by $2,000,000,000 of tho bonds authorized by tho war rovonuo bill. Outstanding In the suggestions nro groutly Increased inconio and excoss profit tax rates, taxing of many Important nrticles now admitted freo, and stamp, liquor, amusement, sugar, coffeo, tobacco, soft drinks, freight and passengor transportation receipts and automobile taxes. Probably the most far-reaching proposal concerns Income taxes. Tho secretary estlmatos that B0 per cent In-ciease on both Individuals nnd corporations for 191C, collectable noxt June, would yield $105,000,000 additional.

For 1917 ho points out that to lower Income tax exomptlon from $3,000 to $1,500 tor unmarried persons, from to $2,000 for married persons, would produco $340,000,000. Five Thousand Plotters Arrested. Washington. More than C.000 suspected Germans have boon arrostod in this country, and the numbor Is ex-pocted soon to reach 10,000. Fifty-two ot the slxty-flvo known "master spies" havo been taken.

Sovoral men who aro seeking commissions as reservo officers ot the army nro said to be under suspicion. A Gorman spy blew up tho Eddystono plant, says an official report filed. Tho police have arrested several, and are searching for tho master plotter, whose diabolical crime killed 100 In Pennsylvania. He's telling her that nothing he received from home brought more joy longer-tasting Pleasure, greater relief from thirst and fatigue, than WRI GLEY FLAVOR LASTS She slipped a stick in every letter and mailed him a box now and then. Naturally he loves her, she loves him, and they both (ove WRIGLEY'S.

CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL Three of a Mnc Keep them in mind xnrrr -i un nn iS2gX nil A PE 0 On High Gear Does the Work of Four Big Horses WORKS DAY AND NIGHT PULLFORD only $135.00 F. O. Qulncy, Illinois Attached to any Font or practically any other cor In 80 minutes. Ite-roovcri In less timo. No boles to drill.

Alt steel construction. Note steel wheels, 10 inches wlJo. Does all your heavy hauling coal, wheat, hay, potatoes; does your plowing, harrowing, seeding, harvesting, etc. Lugs can be removed from wheels, and a larger sprocket is furnished for road hauling. I.lvo agents wanted in every county la Colorado, Wjomlng, new Mexico ana western iMeurasKa.

Pullford pulling two plows, plowing 8 Inches deep, with Ford Automobile Write or wire at once for circular, or come to Denver. Immediate deliveries guaranteed. THE HEADINGTON AUTO Distributors 1636 BROADWAY DENVER, COLO. Farm Hands Wanted Western Canada Farmers require 50,000 American farm labourers at once. Urgent demand sent out for farm help by the Government of Canada.

Good Wages Steady Employment Low Railway Fares Pleasant Surroundings Comfortable Homes No Compulsory Military Service Farm hands from the United States are absolutely guaranteed against conscription. This advertisement is to secure farm help to replace Canadian farmers who have enlisted for the war. A splendid opportunity for the young man to investigate Western Canada's agricultural offerings, and to do so at but little expense. E3f Only Thoso Aooustomod to Farming Nood Apply For particulars as to railway rates and districts requiring labour, or any otner information regarding Western Canada apply to W. V.

DENNETT, Room 4, Dee Ornaba, Nebr. Canadian Government Agent Carter's Little liver Pills For Constipation The Great Vegetable Remedy Genuine bears signature Puts Yon Right Over Night Small PUI Small Dose Small Price rui 1 usually Indicate tho absence of Iron la vviui icbb vi a uic uve tbe blood, -i nn condition which will be greatly helped by barter SlronruU.

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