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The Holt County Sentinel from Oregon, Missouri • Page 2

Oregon, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BY D0BYN8 GURRY. Entered at tho Postofttce, Oregon, as Second Class Matter. A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Best County In the Union. TERMS: $1.40 Per Yar Watoh the data following year aaae (he argln or the paper. It tella the date which ytar wktcrlptUn la.

Friday, May 10, 1011 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Circuit Court. first Mimiluy In fourtli Munilny In April miif Auttiit. William (J. Klllvm.

clh'iiU Jmliio. Ilftiry T. AUdre, Jmi'fi-tlliu iillnnicy. Kilnlu A. Ilunlintiii ri'iilt i'lrrl.

A. I In try M. Irwin, lciiiiitriilicr. 1 Pi olatt Court. Coiivi'tit mviiihI Mnii'l iys In lYIiruary.

May. Auttut mill XnirtiitH-r. It, I'orii inilKit Jwlirr. CiMinly CimiiI. llcmilnrTi'iniit Vim In IVIirit nry, Mnv, AiimM mill Not i'IiiIht.

1 1 en ry K. WrlKlilj in'lllui Jmlic, ilMrli't. I'mnrl. .1, lliisklll. JiiilKn 2il ilUtrli't.

I'raiiU Zi'llrr, t'li'tk u( county iimrt. ('unity Hviitil ii llmllti, Henry Wrlitlit. I'lilllpsVlilnwIiaui'r. 1'rnin'N .1. (lasklll.

-Jd C. Kriins, ('(unity iiliyiili'liku. Krutik sti'rrtary. ('utility lluanl ut KUuratlmi. Upo.

W. ItvHvIo, OrrK'in. W. K. (Iwlnn.

Minimi Oily. Mullli'l'alniiT, Crilif. Collts'toriif llfiri-iiiii, lliiwnnl H. Ti'iiri'. Coiinly Tri'inurer.

NVvlllt llli'kwin. lleinrtlrr tit Herd. Joint M. Illlilianl. Coiiitnlttlonrr SVIiiN, l(ii.

W. lltavla. I'lililln AdmliilnlritliiKtl. W. tMitninltit.

iiH'rliiti'iiili'nl uf I'luir, sYlmiirn Carson. Surveyor. II. IVrrl. Awivir, IVrry W.

llamsay. Cnmiicr. liny It. Miller. Mullliiinl.

Unit County iwpuliittnn. Stall' tu, lii-on IIOO triiliiNlliiii. County tun, Mi! on 1100 mini tax, Itv on lluo valuulliin. AvrrHRuKliool la lrry.4i; rwrflOO tratua-tlon. County ensiled liy ui't of IciiUlutuTf, January Ill.

County niiuii'il for' ll.nili'l Itlrv Holt, of finite County. tlN'iriin. County Srati liy iiHi'fc- VI, lill.ii I'lipulllllllll, AsMMlluV HI'llltll, filiv.lso. uimiIiIi, limit, town lots ami l.antN Town lulu l.lreMix'k Other iii'tMiinil Tol it I (Iri'iii'ii. I'liiiuly seal.

Waterworks kykti'tu. City tin. f.Voii li. Ho I ii ml tax. iti.

MiUM) I.IIW.M) Arrival nnil Doparturo of Mnil nt tho PoatoHlco, Orogon, Mo. I'nYctUe Noti'inlier-J. MAILS IIKI'AUTt 7 I'M ii. in, I'or Omaha uni. Iiiternieitlitte ilnt, mill point north, vast mill west, Bilo a.

m. I'or St. mnl Inturmi'illati) nlntt. tHiOOni. I'or nil ixiltitu soul niM mnl writ, rti'vut TnrUlo mid Vllllwii 1 in, I'or nil points imrtli, Ht -l mnl east.

io p. m. I'or VUIIm'm, mirth, mall to all pnluU north, oust, aoulli and west, tsm'iipt Interiiu'dlnle be twi'i r'ori'ntUlty Jiilnp. tu. I'or nil polutk north, Miutli, eiut ami wpkI.

I'liuclios will l. pxi'Iiuiiki'iI lM-lwi't'ii liri'itou and 1'nrext Oily potoDlrr, hi lollowxt lA'tivodri'tion ul 7 ii. m. umj ret tint at ii. ni.

liivi'Dri'iion ul mnl rrliirn ut 'SilU p. III. MAII AUIIIVR Jl il.t a. in, from alt point, north, eakt.kouth und wet. lOiftlt a.

m. Vllllkca and Tarkln Vallai brauchva. Malla fnim north, uiist, aouth and wet. I tlt.t p. in, Mull from nil point north, ami eitxl.

Mnln line K. Joe. C. II. nulla front all point north Miulh, aid wut, tl itl.t p.

in. r'nini Ht. Jmepli. ItllllAI, 1UIUTKH. ttian in.

Iturul lloutu No. leave, lie- tern at p. nt. i40a.m. Kural Koute, leavea.

He turns, m. 30 a. nt. Iturul ltoul, No. 3, leave.

Ite turua at4tU0p. ni, ViSO in, tin nil Itoute, No, Ivuvea. He turim at an p. ni. tSO a.

in. Hunt) Itoute, No. leavea. Ka turim ut 40 m. Haiti are rninle up IS rnlnutea be fore departlmt time.

Mall Forteiwue, Hulo and points on the M. In Nebnwka within 100 mile, of tbli ofBce, ihould be atalled liefore 8i41 a. m. In order to reach IU destination the tame day. New I'olnt hupplled by Currier, Itouto Numlwri'.

Mrs. A. L. McNulty and daiiRh ter, Ituth, and Mrs. Neville Dickson were St.

Joseph visitors this week. V. 's cWtif. if. ii liiriaiii'inBMftlirii tks Mfr Porter Holds Hit Mar Torn e( Probate Court.

The May term of our probate court while not as busy as some terms, there was enough business to keep the court out of mischief, and prevent him from playing tennis It. C. (illlls Hied his loth settlement as the guardian 6T Fred mills', a nit nor, showlitif a balance of Mamlo S. Hoblnson, as guardian of Itocoo K. ltoblnson, tiled her lL'tll sett lenient, show ing a balahct! of $1, llowlctt, guardian of and William Hewlett, made his llrst set lutiicnt, showing a balance or Wit, n-t.

I), A. fSelvIn, who Is thu guardian of Frances V. nelvln, Hied his llrt settlement, and ai-kcd for an. appro prlatlott for schooling lii.M ward. W.

II, ItlohariH, administrator of the Joseph WNu vM'atn, tiled report of sale of .11 1 acres lit Holt' cnun'ty to Mary llnitMitng and a half Interest In to acres and of :r.i acres In lianiion Jctntnty, to I'n-ton WIhj, Jor ff.usti. The Mini of was app'roprialeil fnim the l.uliiiUa Nolalid e.tate, for a iiioiuuiK'iil. I'or I ilollaH'tvas aniiroiirlalrd out of the (Miar estate for duett lonal This order pf sale, of real estate lie-longing to the dep. W. Zook estate was renew settlement was con-tinned.

(i, W. Cuiuuilns, gtiardlanof tieorge and Allct! AndcrMiu, ittlnors, tlletl his annual Vettlcmifht, showing a balance of Tire sum of iKn was appropriated for uilucatlotial pur poses. The report of sale uf dower Interest of Mary Iteel In east lots 'J anil 3, block Oregon, was approved by the court. The fourth annual settlement In the estate of Karl and Kritcst Will-latnson was made by their guardian, A. II.

OnodpaMiirV, showing tl.iHCI tine Krncst and 1,171 due Karl. Wi was appropriated for support of Kr-ne-st. A. Vaulltisklrk, guardian of Itertha Cropp, now Lew Is, a minor, 'tiled his final showing a balance of tnh.a'i. 1 I'attll Howell, admluNtratorof the Addle Howell estate.

Hied his final settlement, showing no balance due thu'ittatu. T. S. Illnde, executor of the Kdllh lllntle annual M'UlciiietlU balance City Cummins In charge of the An-tliew Oreluer estate, Hied his llnal an nual settlement, showing a balance of till.lil belonging to the estate. The court granted an appropriation of tliNi for educational purposes for the beuetlt of Murt Herst.

The sum of tl.TMU'Wits found to he due Clara l.usk, a minor, as per Hual set I lenient Hied by W. llodgiit, curator. It Casuii, executor of Melviua I'asonV estate, made his third settlement, show lug a balance of The coin I refused lelleisof admin-Nt rat Ion on the W. Carder estate. V.

Stnhbs, guardian of ihet'ath-erliitt Klklnliiiiis estate, Hied Ills ilth annual set I lenient; balance The executors of tho Shatter estate Hied their llrst annual settlement, show lug a balance of tT.NHi, A distribution of fiMi to each of the seven legatees under thu will was or-del ed Anna Austin tlletl report of sale or Ml inti'icst lit lots 14, HI, block Craig, to David L. Lambert for tlim. Herman Summer In charge of the. John Summer estate, tiled his Hrst settlement, showing balance of III. A balance of fl-H was found to be tine the Sam Kahu estate, according to the llrst settlement tiled by Mrs.

Anna Kahu, who has charge of the estate. Under the terms of the will, the administrator of the.lolin .1. Adams estate, was ordered to make a distribution of The guardian of John 0. Limpp was authorized to grade and construct a sidewalk along lot 7, block 1, In Mound City. It.

C. Henton, as guardian of the Stegmaler heirs estate, Hied his llrst annual settlement; balance due the heirs, 12,435.37. Martha Wilson made her fourth settlement as guardian of Marlon Wilson; balance Upon examination Into the affairs of tho estate of John I). Williams, the court ordered the administrator, discharged, and the case stricken from the docket. W.

T. Crews Hied his llnal settle-iiient as administrator of the II. L. Ward estate. A balance of 45ti.41 I was shown, with unpaid demands amounting to the balance I was ordered apportioned among tho creditors at 43.4 per cent on the dol lar.

The court ordered continuances In tlia nut at An nt T). TV Parkin. Wise, Morton heirs, Dan. P. Lewis, e.rUk i.l iwumiiiM-iiiii i mam ttrw 95 Pairs of Ladies and Misses' Low Cut Shoes in Patent, Gun Metal and Suede Leather Walk-Over make, that sold for $3.50 and $4.00.

Price stamped on the bottom of the Shoe. We are going: out of the Lady Shoe, business, and we are selling them at $2.45 A PAIR They will not last long, and if it's a BARGAIN you want it's here for you GO IN WANTED! Oregon. Saturday, May 27; 1 1 Bring all your Fat Horses and Mares-the nice, tasty stuff, from 1200 to 2,000 pounds. I want a carload, but will consider only sound and healthy stuff. The plain, thin stuff will not do, so leave them at home.

THE OLD RELIABLE Crovcs heirs, Larry Chiming, Hubert Patterson, John Kaltenbach, Joseph Groves, Matilda M. itamsay, John .1. and Inghram, Myrtle llulatt. Some of these continuances was for good cause shown to the court, and some by reason of neglect of the parties in charge of the estates, who are legally liable to be cited to show cause why their reports were not made, which would cause additional costs for some one to pay. The court will hold an adjourned term May 22.

The demand of M. M. Mclntyre against the John Sommer estate for $20.28 was allowed. The demand of F. K.

Allen against the Maria Mclntyre est at for was allowed. Mary Heeler's demand for 12.75 against the James Vaughn estate was allowed. Drs. Flndley and Itowlett for W2.75 was allowed against the John Lewis estate; so also In favor of II. It.

E. Kelley for 1204; Willie Doblns for I.K); Frank Petree for $20; Milton Hopkins for $57.50. Wm. Morris' demand for against the Sain. Kahn estate.

Kapler vs. Arkansaws at Iden's ball park, Big Lake, Sunday, May 21, 1011, at 1:30 p. m. KOOCK'S OREGON, MO. I WILL BE IN PUBLIC I will sell at Public Sale at the Lawn Hotel, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1911, beginning at 2 o'olook p.

nu kitchen furniture, such a Bedsteads. Bureaus, Chairs. 2 Ex tension Tables. Queens ware. Cooking Utensils, a fine Piano, a large Safe, lot of Garden Tools.

Etc. TERMS OF sums of $10 and under, cash; all sums over $10, 12 months' able note. MRS. BELLE HATT0N. R.

O. BENTON, Auctioneer. JifiaCSSttJBSL V't ITHS SALE! all my hotiHeliold goods and credit with bank ruath haa an In visited OUf COlil- rvw- munltv anrl rlalmprt a.q his OWfl 0118 of Forest City's old citizens. Char lotte Ann Lawrence was Dorn in L.a-vanna-on-Cayuga, N. March 27, 1844, and passed this life to her re ward, May 10, ion, at ner nome in Forest City, Mo.

She was united In mirrlatrn to Jacob Allabac In Laran- na-on-Cayuga, March, 1800. To this union there were born ft children, 1 boy and. 4 or wnom her, 1 girl having died In' early childhood. She was left a widow, March 10, 1U05. Mr.

and Mrs. Aliauac icii tlifilrbomn In Now York In 1W71 and came to Holt' count', locating on a farm near i-orcsi uuy. in isiti tiu.v nun eil to i lie homu In Forest City she occupied -at the time of her death. Mrs. Allabac was converted In early childhood and united with the Presbyterian church, of which church she retained her membership until when she united with the M.

K. church, South, of Forest City; of which church she was a faithful member at thu lime of her death. The cheerful and loving spirit her 111 the hearts of a la rue circle of fi lends and neighbors, who will inks her and who Join the relatives to mourn her loss The funeral services were held at the home at 10 a. May lull, conducted by IteV; C. II.

Warner, of Hamburg, her former pastor. Interment In the Forest City cemetery. X. Appreciative. flic gaiuu lietwecti Oregon and White Cloud High schools, resulted a vlctori for While Cloud.

The wind greatly interfered with the playing of both tcams but the game was very Interesting and both teams showed up well. It pleased the boys very much to be able to play a team ho large with such results. The Imys have but little time for practice at this season of the year, hence sonic errors. Clias. iiurKiianer itmpirea the game.

Neither side showed any disposition whatever to question the! decisions of the umpire. The Oregon Isiys are line fellows and their conduct while in our city showed them to lc gentlemen. The Oregon team was greatly handicapped, as their regular catcher was unable to accompany them on his trip. The lllgli hciiooi neierminca 10 support the team In the good, old- fashioned way. With Cecil Melloln as yell master, the High school and many of hite Cloud loyal citizens, gave Hie.

team great siippott, and helped them very mucii ai an times throughout the game White Cloud May II, mil. P. E. 6. Ptoflram.

Friday, May ll, lull, Hostess Mrs. Frances Montgomery Hull Call-Current, Kvents In India Lesson Ucvlcw-Chap. XV-XVI- i.arrie i anon Maga.lnu liellglon of India" Mrs. Iteavls All tnumbtirs of chapter are urged to lie present, as a question of great Importance will bo discussed. Friday, May 20, Hostess -Mis.

Iteavls Hull Call Indian Missions Lesson Itevlew Chap. XVII-XVIll -Mrs. Ilnuker Itevlew Mrs. Duiigau Pauline Is on the sick list. Two Fresh Milk Cows for sale.

Call on Wes Unstuck. -Treasurer Dickson was visiting In St. Joseph this week. Xapler vs. Arkansaws at Iden's ball park, llig Lake, Sunday, May 21, 1011, at 1 p.

in. For Salk Thoroughbred Scotch Collie. Pups. Call on W.J. Kachman.

Farmers' Phone, 321. Walter Springs, und Delia M. Legg, of Forties, obtained a marriage license In St. Joseph Monday, of this week. Wm.

M. Morris has purchased tho Lawn hotel property from Mrs. Hat; ton, and will remodel It for residence property. -W. A.

S. Derr, A. II. Ilalley and Chas. Ansehnent shipped Tour cars or cattle from our depot, Wednesday of this week.

Dr. T. A. Long, accompanied by Frank Kelffer, was in Kansas City this week, for the purpose of Investing In a Regal automobile for Mr. letter Dr.

Long being the agent here in Oregon and at F.I mo, Noda way county. The many friends here of Miss Anna Shepherd will be delighted to know that she was united In niar-v rlage on Thursday of last week, May 11, at Denver, to Mr. Win. J. Marlon, of that place.

Hearty congratulations am extended. Mrs, Christina Slpes, who had resided In our county for 70 years, died, at her home In Forties township, Monday of this week, May 15, at the age of (HI years. She came here from Kentucky with her parent, Valentine Worley and wife, in 1840. Her husband, Noah Slpes, died In the Union army. We hope for an obituary next week.

A 1.

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