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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas • Page 6

Corpus Christi, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CORPUS CHRIST1 CALLER TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1921. TODAY IN "77 ffOlS fffi4r JAZZ BUILT" What waul I yen do with a wife that developed "den't ereM plril allow.d horsed te bream indelent and Utah, wlie atept fate tn tha marnlrta-- whe did net Mind the metdenta ef III day? Would you fui au h.Vi rur wife beeome m- uolant? Wenld yen blame y.rIM And If you attempted la make her ulul abeut the heme and falledf What wax Id yeu dof Wentil yaw Tha auaet.en have rnnth in emmen will Wanda Haw ay newett nfetura ALSO A TWO-REEL COMEDY Pricco 10c and 25c i Piohib.l.o h.i 1 la 1 eta whtrn hi'ai-a ni where, eirl office IH I.MI 1 1, Ik I iki II ltk" )l Aflm lntfM I I In anlmala wilt be knock down la the HIHIleM ulddeta. On reaching Cerpua Chniti attar tn moiniiiK 1 tefk of the 1. I 1 nun win 1 Ihi lioin for arni "light rkithea' In traneinlU Bcn (III' mrimir lead light mat A rain i-oat arrUrd by flret esin-eea Mr Maatareon waa a mm bird, and wired In MRS. KELLEY TAKES ADVICE OF HER PASTOR Mrs.

Kcllcy Thought She Was Beyond Hope Says Tanlac Restore Her to Spelcndid Hcnlth. Flrit PrwbyUrlan Auxiliary The wumaa'g aHxtllftrv of lif Hmt ii-rinn ehtiirli will meet 31 lurk ihla nftrnoon in the elrurflli. mm v. c. iHoiin win Ih iiiMiwm mu" Jiuililrl will lio In i-luirgn of (lie levnflniial Mra.

II tlrlffln Iff III rhaixo nf the progr-Hm for I he Tha women will coinliirt cla.1 m-nyer erIoe fit IIiIn mollMR. I had long thought thai no medicine Queen Theatre TODAY EARL WILLIAMS IN "IT CAN BE DONE" ALSO fATHC REVIEW AND PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE Library OtattU i-mim i-uniir uiiary will bJ cloned frum Mny II until ftirthpr Be. Ik. Tin. llWrnry la bring inevml Jtpm lh neconil floor of Um Claitillalt ffdfl.l.

berk "Hid thle. auit in ih m.u a tiff to (tartars (a Um Slain ruifW f1rl mail Ultra raatcrwd the court ttahi- fur ma In jtial a little while what irtrawt. It la ira)Mba) lr1lun k-i a dalnly llltla ii- at with a I hud tried for yfar t.i rt nthar rimU-. rr Wl iNfltv admonlaklnit him 11 'an mIow mi i iv IM uajra. pj Ihoao tea, partita," 1.

wn the atalvaM-nt m.ide liv Mm Kellry, wife of Tha illamand no qivan by tha laaal Kethv well known of fcMlffe tf Rika wna warded In MJaa the Weal Vlralnta 1'olp IMner Vn (rartriate Ma nay The wrl walch nnd renhll'ia at 4o Hlchlaml Ht Cnvlnalim ev7 Hwiirw nniii nni own un vi Mv ainmnch pained und worried ma TMBr wiiii my nincn uaineu una wurriea ma luM be lompWIad until tnday and (hi. 'all time r. .1 rum yen in ever) wtnnera will Ih n'inounred tonlahi Tha Da Ul win Land Cam pa ny hat ronannted a deal wharaby A It Market tora miner uf I hi- final FOR THE CHICKENS Ralston Checkerboard Scratch Feed WEIL Grocers Phono 2000 Mexquilo. Street If An Invitation You arc invited ro call at our ijnlcs- rooni and sec the decorated Kash in which rhe Queen of "Splash Day" rode. Emmeri iofor Company GEO.

EMMERT, Mnnnger 723 Mesquite Street Phone 1212 ilium 1 am. mr nwftll rnimia, At llmiw I alrala-hl Ktn-11 lid i-m-i, 11 'i Hal nf di) wnllld in nil into nn Intn annanm mid I had aut-h Ktiaalna m. I waa afraid I 1 1. mi Kut-n aiiaama aMna i vn Nome, la the onrnar nf trla viiu would tnnai a t.l.mrf vnaaol 1 and nVvenlh at reel PuaaeaMliiii Ilia1 lu-rvnua I mid mv f.ue- -iwfully mv and nVvenlh at reel Puaaealii Ilia lu-rvnua I mid tn nrnptty la tn be given In a few daya, head nwk and lm huri ,1 II la atated Mr Froat la rnnieinplat- Mnmatlmea I enutdn't aim tab 1 l.i I I IP, lilf n. PURE DISTILLED WATER DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME OR OFFICE MURPHY WATER CO.

PHONE 600 lua .1 Irln tfi New Meairo The CHIneta pheasant at tha fira alnllon la davening Intn a rval prn-durer The bird ha a had one nf het eggn hatrhed In )ajb Inruhatnr. ha a tbhteen undrr a netting bantam hen, Willi frk In the i rt on n-w 4il tl la nalit tn miulre II ilnya to hnt.h Ihi- agga. TI10 output of Um InriilHitur la grnwlna well IhnM- Who lAlm to aimw any the phaaaant pro-du rgga nn wiiann'a lAylng Tha marina band la having regular tm 1I11 nii'i'ta mm aptM iira be dn-Ina well li ha a rmaltlnnn fur iwn mu uii' In tin miirki'l fin lam men whu dealri- to Jnln Thi Klwana and tlaUetuni will at hnM thrlr week I lunchenn tlna I llli' wavk Kililav ik. nlulu Will liiiltl a Iiimi bean, when a tnembei of the Han Antonio f'nMtner. elal awMH'lmiiiii will be the gueat of linnnr The propoiod hand graatita af tha toy fk-oula did not take phN-e at Arle-alnn park aa aniiounrod All iiHuitbara 4W not underatand tin.

arranitiuitant, and tht laltaaraal waa hehl at gcot hnM Th eaffnri lo rmruit a paintrtng parly did not develop autflahriit num. liei wnn wire nlda to lake tha trip at ime tima. aim the dMte waa ronllnueij 10 Matktamber 1, It waa alnt-J at Iwad. niarleia hut nbjlil tllal a faw of tha unya will iia nt tha hall lila morrttng nnu arrange ror a amall parly lo go oat on the rtver far a faw Un it wi annaunatd vaatardav 11 w.m iMtihable a meeting the Connie fhilatl IWp Water IS'il Committee K'WliI be held PYldav Thla la in. aiii mi the meeting of the Mouth anil ei Tea.ia Deep Walei MarlMir na- anelallnii In tha evatii the meetingM lite held II Trnrv.

the Ind.iai engineer recently amployint to muke nn innuatnal aurve of purl fn. lilt limit Haalhltlila will Ik. ireiient IJe. fliillo aiinoumeinani of the itronoavd me. iingk will Ite laad.

todav It la a tood Twa tatai in whlah tinaa ware a. ataaud wt're tried In corHiration mart neek. anil mv luaek waa rieaten i tlma I i-ouldn atan dairaUfht rtn-ally I got ao bad off I juat had to unit doing any nf my hnuaewoik and aHm moat of my time tying down "Well, aftrr everything that aeemed noaallile waa done for me. the Hv Rlehnrdann. a Mvthodlat mlnlatei.

tnld na he thought Tanktr wtta Whai I needed nn I atarled taking It and while nn my ft rat bottle I gnt an murb UaUeir that I knew Tnnlae wna )uat whal I had bean needing, and now I'm In BUrh fine health I'm really enloylng Hie for Ihe flral time In vanra I have a wonderful niieilte. never have tnui-h of indlgeatlnn. and run ke-p nl hoiiaewnrk nil diiv lung Mllhiiut alt ling down at men I time, nml allll feal good Tnnlai la altnply grand Tanta. la anld by the Bluff lirug Htore and by the lending drugglat In every town 1 Adv City Depository Case Completed -Itgurm-tit III the atilt of the rity Hank agnlnat the rtlv Orpiia t'tirlatl. wherein the luinh la aulruj tn anfnn-e the award nf ifinlrai-t na miy nepoaunry.

waa innrluded yv. tanlay. The ant Ire ilav waa numiuii by attorneya In iireaonllng the mmmi of anie iiupgma. Judge John r. Heotl npened Hign- ror ie bang, folhweeil by I'm Altfienatv liv I Iak i m.

'aula a. inriur, Rbaaelt Hnvngr preaented ihe i-nae for iih- f-nrpua hrlall National Rank followed Knhert rllaylnn for the anme eiieiu. II Ward I'toaltia Oily Nnlliiiuil The i-loae nf Mr argument waa mnde at rl Judge llopklna took the laae undii udvlae-Itienl C. L. MACMANU8 DIBS AT HOMfl IN HOUSTON A telegram waa received by j.

MavHianua finin Mra. t'hailaa I. Marina una of Muuaion Mating thai her huaband, I. Marmanua had died in that i.ty yeatt-rdny afternoon Mra Miii'inanua will niciimiHinv the iMalv 1 1 a. mni ra ORANGE NIT hot wtalltor bevei igr mmlr nf true fruit Megltllful Hnd 1 in H'Jltlaa '1 Ka-n -eveml iM.ttle..

In your li box F. S. BQNHAM GROCERY AND PEED CO. Leo-rod Phana 984 im riian win iif-ireamny tne maty yeaterdny afternoon Unv waa the Of I'Ulll iUMMn PllUrVltfl tvllh aaa.L laaaa. Ml itM- In I lit ill.

lilla. IM.u.e.1,. e. afH fn dMMng. In whl.h a fine of 10 nml will be held at the Caihidh hui.

niiuinia waa inai of win m1 una at the nth- 1' Kill. aiMHMllna. In ih ia oik eamatarv ai vi.b n.i. I iMatnir, 1 1. imu.1 i ant Ma drew Ml fine, ha thinl What we can do for you in a Clothes Way TJ.U ilhHfiianad.

I1erl. from ttaU th aa'mt hua taen aat la illraniln and uftar thnrougtily "aeHllrur" the wall ar.n ue urougni III II Ul Btaled Bf- forl will tie matte tn wmk Ihe wnlt un Ul the v-aalng la wall aat. Thla will i-qub alaiui i-lghl daya It la brllavad Me. H. W.

Hlr Oaepy. QhHati la la flalaaaalAai 1 im- men nail vanillin .4 Ule 1'hiIhiIIi- 11m ugh Iwn Vnierlea The ortMnalaltou waa ilonnerly known na the Uaughieta or jlanlMilla Mra annle Nuaun. Mra. Kilt. Hi.

mke mid Mlaa Jualina Muniaro jalao mi 'itteiidlng the tla-vtlng A pnnwry l)olnnr' alati In the iioimal la to be conducted by Mlaa Citrle Haberann i'nrenla de-altlng to I'litet their ihlldren are re iUi- te.1 1.. Mlaa H1.I1. I I'hiute No. UaO. not la lei than June Ul 1000.

SlaainantM waa a ir MneniaHHa. a former aenator of thla tUgtriol, ti tloath oocurrad nuotit twenty yeara giro, inn- of Cla will be luturied In the fnmlly dm lifMjIdr lila fiithii Uam arrival liar Hie bwly will Ih taken tn MhiwvII Itunn'a undertaking Kirl-lora. A train traveling lu mllea an hour wimhl vln.a lha Hlnbe In IT ilny We'll give you the fine all-wool quality mid lh boft tyle to be had. We'll roduco your olothBS ox- HART AKPNUR MARX outwonr other elotlio. We'll give your monoy bnak If vou ara not 8iitlsfIo(l.

HBLPS AUTO DliALEflfl Awlomoldle manofnrturara who have featlnga with goveriuanii teafwrtmanta, maw go in Um autrnnottlta vugliievrlng ufflaa In VuaklikHt. U. r. The of. fli hoa juat Iwwei aalabllaheit In ac rimiwtuoate aula Uaalera, U0Y8 WHO AREN'T M0Y iuy st I nuiriiul fro'n a vaiutlon In I ini.i'iita Thev 1 .1.

i Wtaikey. Thev i-ht-li-d ti- u-bera in their own ranka and mbool kvH ua uaitaL Get the HabitGo to Loving White Clo. Co. "For Man or Boy" MEDAL PQH DOC HERO LONDON, lliiv uuuidun LiMiaa tt wulklng ulmiK a country ruHil Willi hla dog. SuilOanly the drn: aelgwt I1I111 and Ihriw bill) Into a heilgv.

Just that) an unto lnvl nf Joy rltlera v.hlivt pgat un tha ila gut inwlai for bravan. 't-cvjUi'iy I v. I 1ut Sduffot' tt Man Ballfl" Read The Culler Classified Advertiriementg. Thoy Pay, BAN ON TURKISH FEZ 1 ANMUltA. JIIimh.

Tilt' -80 yeuia ihe Vitrkbili iim((biiiiI la ibHiniiMl TurhUli iiilUt))Trtl in irbly hwv hu li i-n-eil thai 'I irk -lh aitbjgou aliul! weiu "huliuka'1 81 iihUI t'lai'k eui yolii mi, an ynn nwty give the imiIh thiimiigli If in aluli'ii. The miiilni), iiliuaala unit limly 1, inn', 11 nil' lull nf thla tUHtvrliittuii. OVER' the COFFEE CUP 1 111 5KB 0V MODEL CHOCERY "Uow'a lha coffer bualneaa. tbeae dayaf" A aoati aakMMMan. kxiklag over Wr laspad tha atack of the ro tinier.

"Heal I k.a lual will hM 1.1 Kif jib voh'wm vh it ib Uave to go without aomatMng ebe "rh-a that alack Uiar Wall thai ahJumaut rame In Mg Mtorn mg and by tomorrow li will be Hour nevi 1 iv, the HImi the v. .11 that iHiffae iloa. galL I v. ry atora I uu into ban tha aii' atoiy to tell," ha aa)'. Wlmi a tht big awrway.

Well, I tell him, It'a illfftraMt ooffi e. und tut butter'." TUAaTbU). ui)l roARlcHL to duvaloim the (liivoi. 11 hag 11 rliri mllil, ini'llow flavor, Unit libit iiiilurulli I't'TH A HMU.R IN HVHItV IM'P PiHiph- will havn II MODEL OROCEMY 1105 Railroad Avo. ftc Store that Sells GOLD.

PJLLIME Mltaianary Auxiliary Tha wouian'a tiilealuHarv auxlkwT nt tha IlrM Ilapllel riiureh' wlU iltMt Ih tha rhun-h at 1 oclook that after-iieen for the regMbir IHlila tagawn, emi ducted by Mra. W. at. tluilntM and Program The wnman'a rnhMtonary MrMf of the Hret Mathndlal ohHreh wlU Mfel In lha church annac at n'aWak thla afternoon The month KtitJlMat meeting wilt be helil and an littattaatlnt lirtHfram given. The devotional win be led by Mr.

Oiatflald Olatt Party The mambera of Mra It Hjan'a Hum lay aelionl etaaa of the Ilrai Melhodlal church will hnve a nailv rrt, 'VHlng Im lha church annet It Waclkert. H-hnehler and Wllllnm Mm. I lie city WOMAN'S PART IN MAN'S CESS Often the strongest impulso to srtvc comes from the woman of the household. 19 wy tnnN utmM mjHahler intiiiielf feflUftnU tfiift bag a wife methor who tiali Ulm U) anve mniihy. 't linjiartam part aUniu mrini is net His nmounl of money ymi et itald eaoti wrk.

Tfl thlgff la Um Ami (lacHthjii to aura 4 deflolte. ratllnf aaiH, rte nmttar how aetwul it may be. ttm II, aWhMl r-ttrtgrif tMb Wth, will trvfttfe ywtir wvlrnw rfrow aiaavalnirty. Corpus Christi National Bank Get Your Mafazines frum The Swafford Co. n-rinigiin Mm DRIED FRUITS PruneR.

60-00 size, per pound 16c Dozen Peaches, per pound 22c Dozen Apples, per pound 15c Bulk Rui'mi'iih, per pound 25c W. T. HARRIS, Grocer 307-309 Mesquite St. Phone 995 gj gjggj mmmmm klgaagaaaBgalaaaaaejaaaaaMaaaaag faEa Caller Classified Ads Get Result $22.50 to $92.50 Silk Dresses at to $69.38 $7.50 to $37.50 Lingerie Dresses $5.63 to $28.13 Opportune Sale of Summer Dresses Fashioned of Oman dies. Swisses.

Voiles Ginghams, Nets, Fo la rds. Geo rp canton crepe, Crepe de Chine, reduced Lusos and racks are filled with the very smartest frocks imaginable. Becoming atylea for all typoa and to moet every requirement. Practically the entire gar-modela fashl0s run in the widely varying assortments of colors and The very timolinots of tho event moaiiB the bonofit of a full season's wear nt a.sav-mg of 2d per cant. Special Group of Summer Blouses Up ro $10 00 values, Fashioned of Georaerre, Tricolette Crepe de Chine special at, $495 JaC A great special feature of our Blouso Section for this week.

Truly worthy of your attention if you are interested in unumiil vnlue You save up to half the former reasonable price in somo instance. That' our loss and overv-one's gam that takes advantage of this offer. Absolutely now stjles and colors in Ovor-Blouuea, Smocks and Shirt Waists Clever trimmings 1,1 the way of fringe, frills, laces, braid, hamBtitehine and ent broidery embellish them. Special values up to $10.00, today $4 95 Choice of Entire Slncl of Women's Sport Coats at 1-4 Off Chojee of Entire Slock of Women's Silk Coats at 1-4 Off Choice of Entire Stock of Women's Silk Skirts at 1-4 Off Chaice of Entire Stock of Women's Wash Skirts at 1-4 Off Choice of Entire Stock Women's Woolen Skirts at 1-4 Off Uioicc of Entire Stock of Women's Blouses at 1-4 Off Choice of Entire Stock of Children's Dresses at 1-4 Off Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Strictly Cash Sale -a-. -am WIT aT "OuTffTTffU To'EvirtynoDY Continues -One Week, Only i 3 If- iBfjrttij.

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