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The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 3

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i I THE SALT LAKE HERALD TUESDAY APRIL 23 1889 3 THE NEWS IN OGDEN How Sunday Was Spent by the Colorado Visitors HE JUNCTION CITY IN BRIEF i Unhappy Ending of Love That Was Not WiseReal Estate Transfers SALT LAKE HERALD BUREAU 1 MAIN STREET OLDEN April 23 1SS9 The trip to Hot Springs turned out a most enjoyable feature to the visiting excursionists Two trains of about five hundred people in all went out to the resort starting shortly after oclock and during the day any number of conveyances tool out nearly as many more The baths were enjoyed by a large proportion of the jleasure seekers and the trotting exhibitions I iibitions claimed the attention of nearly everybody The trains returned to the city in good season and during the evening the churches were very generally attended What with the Hot Springs drives through Ogden carton and other suburbs church attendance and the quarterly conference I at the tabernacle the visitors were made to pass as many of them were heard to say a very delightful Sunday Real Estate Transfers The following transfers of real property have been recorded since noon on Saturday Austin Powers and wife to David Peery Sr of Ogden and James Mack of Smithfield Cache county part of lot 3 block 00 plat one acre also onetenth of one acre in same locality 75 Cobabe a widower to Co babe part of lots 7 and 8 block 4 south Ogden survev JCxlS4 feet S100 Charles Krauch and wife to Co babe part of lot 7 block 4 South Ogden survey 52x110 feet S100 William Jenkins of Egin Idaho to Ephraim Jenkins of the same place part of the northeast quarter of section 4 township 5 north of range 1 west three and a half acres 73 Rome Moffitt and wife of Almond Wyoming to Ballard and Fred Ballardof Montrose Colorado lots 1 3 and 4 of Moffits subdivision west half of block fS p1atC5O0 A John lt Malan and wife to Moroni Brown part of block 5 plat one acre 5300 William Dieter and wife of Arapahoe county Colorado to Reinhold Goette of the same place lots 40 and 41 block 1 Thompson Dieters subdivision 20 UWilliam Dieter and wife of Colorado to Albert Dieter lots 14 and 15 block 2 Thompson Dieters subdivision 250 Emill1 Fancy and wife to Edward A Reed and Andrew Warner part of lot 7 block 1 plat A 5x8 rods 1000 Joseph Jenkins to Joseph Mctzler of Denver Colorado part of northeast and northwest quarter of section 4 township 5 north of range 1 west acres 0COO Thomas Manning and wife to Joseph Metzler of Denver Colorado part of northeast quarter of section 4 township north of range 1 west 12 acres 12000 Almost a Fire Sunday afternoon about 145 oclock an alarm of fire was sounded and the department turned out with commendable promptness The blaze was traced to the rear of Wright Sons store on Washington avenue where a pile of empty packing cases and old barrels together with straw and other rubbish had accumulated and vvhich had caught fire either from the JfciHks of mischievous boys or from discarded cigar and cigarette stumps Among the worthless trash were three eases filled with glass fruit jars and these were destroyed as well as a portion of the rear fence and an outhouse The promptness and efficiency of the fire brigade alone prevented what might have resulted in a disastrous conflagration as the location of the blaze was in the heart of one of the principal business blocks and the day Sunday EH A Heartless Scamp Sunday morning Deputy United States Marshal Ward arrested a young man named Frank King on a warrant sworn out by Mrs Forgerson charging King with fornication committed with the complainants sister Mary Larsen King was permitted to go at large on his own promise to appear for examination Monday but when the time set fo ji to be before the commissioner arrived King turned up missing It 11 has since been learned that he has jumped itfie town and the poor girl who relied Jrupon a scoundrels promise to protect her 5 good name is left to face a hearties world alone The intmacy between the parties thJias 01 been going on for the past six months nand Miss Larsen is in a fair way to become a mother in the ordinary course of time The Easter Services I 4 Ogden churches very generally observed TCe festival of Easter Sunday The several congregations were all large and many of the Coloradons joined in the services At the Baptist church the pastor Rev Frank Barnett preached in the morning from the text Malichi fourth chapter and second verse and in the evening Mr Scott Anderson of England delivered a temperance address which was followed by sbort addresses by Thomas Goune of Fansas and 1 Hayden of Colorado live of the visiting excursionists The negular attendants at this church have deV Sded to expend 1500 in improvements ont the building At the church of the Good Shepherd lEniscopal Rev Samuel Unsworth preached the morning from first of 5 John third chapter and second verse and in the evening to an overflowing house from Acts second chapter and thirtysixth verse The Knights of Pythians in full regalia attended the evening services and a special feature was the first attempt of the boy choir The little fellows did remarkably well and prested an unique hdwhf gli appearance in their white surplices The Methodist church was as usual crowded Rev Hill preached from First Corinthians fifteentn chapter and twentieth verse The evening was devoted to a Sunday school concert which was largely attended At the Presbyterian church Rev Josiah ilcClain tookforhismorningtext Matthew twentyeighth chapter and sixth verse and lin the evening the 103d verso of the 119th psalm The tabernacle was densely crowded the Occasion being the session of the regular quarterly conference of the Weber Stake of Zion Meetings were held at 10 am and at 2 pm and in the morning Apostle Moses Thatcher was the speaker In the afternoon Apostle Franklin Richards spoke at considerable length In the evening the several ward meetinghouses were well attended Monday at the tabernacle Apostp Wva ls wain spoke in the morn ru ngfollOWedaby President McDonald ofT np hih1hua Mexicc who has charge of the Mexican missions At the Congregational church Rev A Bailey pester the vt of the morning sermon was from Johns gospel fifth chapter and twentyfiftn verse and in the evening from the same text 1h Father Cushnahan preached In the Catholic church from the twentjeighth chapter of Matthew and sixth verse Police News John Redding for assault was fined S3 and costs6 in all Second offenss within a week I John Kellogg a tramp was arrested by Officer Brown Monday and will have an amination today 4 Precell was arrested by Officer Pe ames gL iboc yesterday charged by row of Wilson lane with stealing a air of blankets The examination was ot concluded The City In Brief I Bennett of Salt Lake Citywas in the city yesterday on legal business Ho went home in the evening Fred Kung and Leo Bunckle both of Helena Montana are at the Broom Ben Sheeks was up from the capitalyes terday Judge Boreman was also in the city VV Bristol of Pittsburg Pa is registered at the Broom The Second ward dramatic association will go to Plain city on Tuesday April 30 and give a performance of Our Boys The Ogden city and Willard baseball clubs will contest a friendly game at Plain city Tuesday April 30 Sunday the Dearer Rio Grande Western put on another through train westward known ai No 3 and eastward as No4 No 3 arrives in Ogden at 845 am and No4 leaves at 630 pm Tho visiting Coloradans were busily engaged yesterday in inspecting and buying real estate The flags were still floating over the city and citizens generally were devoting their time to the entertainment of the guests Monday morningwas fine and warm but it clouded up in the afternoon threatening rainGround Ground was broke Saturday for the foundation of the new Corey house and Monday work was progressing rapidly The intention of Mr Corey is to push matters to a completion of the hotel In the First district court yesterday the arguments in the water case of Slater vs Cragun were concluded and a non suit was granted Shocks Rawlins and Smith Smith for the defendant and Kimball Allison for the plaintiff Captain McKenney editor and proprietor of the Pueblo JYes called at THC HERALD bureau yesterday Captain McKenney is a southern gentleman of the old school and bas a line paper in Pueblo Transactions in real estate yesterday were very heavy largely exceeding those of Saturday but it was nnpo iblo to get at the figures owing to dealer being so busy driving their guests about ton A Nelson reports sales since Saturday i500J Swan Holmes Co Mondays sales 550a A Reed J4OOO Preshaw Siwtc 3000 and Cross Co b000 It is said that Mondays transactions will foot up 20000 Trains were on time on all the roads yesterday The Rose of Death Before the Hectic flush which has been poetically called The Rose of Death appears on the wasted cheeks and the cough which always precedes it arrested with Hales Honey of Horehound and Tar the most powerful antidote to pulmonary disease ever offered to the world in any age or country It is a perfect balsam to the irritated lungs and throat and relieves hoarseness and all affection of the breathing apparatus with a rapidity almost be oud belief Sold by druggists everywhere Great saving to get large size Pikes Toothache Drops cure in one minute PeoplesEquitable sells roller flour way down FARRELL A Co plumbers and gas fitters opposite Teasdels store 137 South Main Street Telephone Send your orders Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria Special Bargains in Flatware 1 ROGERS BROS TRIPLE PLATE Knives Forks Spoons AT A BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS AT Eliasons 220 MAIN ST OPP POSTOFFICE SAML WESTEKFIELD WM LYNCH Salt Lake Real Estate Residence Lots Dwelling Houses Acre Property and Farms BUSINESS LOTS AND Lots Adjacent to Business We will cheerfully answer correspondence in relation to Salt Lake City and Utah AVc believe that a better time will never come to invest in Salt Lake If you will look at the map of the Western States you will find that the railroads that have extended their lines into Colorado are destined to build to Salt Lake City This means a genuine BOOM for our city in the near future Call on or write to Westerfield Lynch REAL ESTATE AGENTS I i Office No 203 Main Street near the Walker House THE WASATCH PATENT ROLLER MILLS Best Grades of Roller Process Flour DRANDS HIGH PATENT AND STRAIGHT BRANDsmGH warranted as good as any made in Utah TUE HIGHEST CASH PlUm paid for Good Whellt Telephone to the Mills 105 Office at Idaho Bakery No 20 Second South Streets HUSLER co Props EDWARDS CO J3tttchers 9 ALL KINDS OF MEATS BOTTOM PRICES TRY XJ TRY US No 72 First South Sears Jeremy Co holesale and Retail Dealers la FLOU Produce Grain and Provisions 46 FIRST SOUTH STREET Opposite Dinwoodeys Furniture Store Spring Disorders I have used two bottles of your Fames a Shattered nerves tired Celery compound and It has given entire satisfaction tom brain Impure blood as an appetizer and blood purl ler BKKNEE Watertowu Dakota debilitated system all the natural out are I come In the spring A Paines i modiclne must bo used Celery Compound and nothing equals Pains Celery Coin is prescribed by physicians recommended by druggists endorsed by ministers praised by others 1fht Rr pound We let others users and guaranteed by the manufacturers praise csyou cannot asa spring medicine which will do all Mint Is claimed for it Use it this spring and see hoW help belaying a disinterested Jff quickly it tones you up terested party BrlsadlerGeneral Greenleat Burlington Purifies the Blood I Vt writes I have used Painea Celery Full accounts of wonderful cures made by Compound on several occasions and always Paines Celery Compound alter other medicines with benefit Last spring belnc very much rundown and the best physicians had failed sent tree and debilitated I commenced taking Theres nothing like It Two bottles mode me feel Lke a new man As S1CO Six for sCO Druggists a general tonic and spring medicine I do not know of Its equal Writs lueusmnsox Co Burlington Vt sm 14ivrroing 1no i IT IS EASY TO DYE WITH DIAMOND DYES fo a i NEW GOODS THE FOUR STORES READY FOR VISITORS New Dress Goods New Dry Goods New Groceries NEW EVERYTHING Ve are Ready for you FRESH AND CLEAN New and Bright Bottom Prices Always THE EAGLE HOUSES JGI TEASI ELL 4 KARRICK9 THE HATTER Will PIP a You an and Knox Hats ALSO CHRISTYS HAT YOlTDON ENG LATEST NOVELTIES IX Gent1ernens Fb1e FurnisI1 1tgs TROY STEAM LAUNDRY AND DYE WORKS No 142 Main Street Cuts and Reductions CoombsJ Hamlin Keate Are In on all Reductions Made in Prices of WALL PAPER9 PAINING AND ANDHe Japer IIangi11g CALL AND SEE OUR WALL PAPER AND DECORATIONS 107 First South Street Opposite City Hall The A Tuckett Candy Co 2 cio llEs SALT LAKE CITY UTAH a 8 Att of 01 ltOW CURE I PUR i IOl1EH1Df DIES Wjoi frft I 5 4 8 INBoXfSAtIDPAlLS pIT ti1 POf t6 gridcsi i Cksr a iQ PNwr i 3 Coons rcrmr a C9 00 AMS C9cL ETC cL I OCd OUR 300 SHOES TAILS THE XEAX Exclusive Boots Shoes DUNFORDS 124 MAIN STREET Prompt and careful attention given to orders from town and country Reliable Goods countryPRICES Largest Shoes Childrens HENRY WAGENER Salt Lake City Utah California Brewery La 1 erBeer fie Porter WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Second South Street Three Doors East of Main Street KELLY COP RINTERS BLANKBQOK AND STATIONER MAKERS No 4C SECOND SOUTH ST Salt Lake City TOUR facilities for doing firstclass Job Printing are of the newest and best Ruled Printed and Bound to Order BOOKS I dB Samples of Railroad Mining Bank and Mercantile Work always on hand COMPLETE line of Office Supplies embracing rb Er i the most approved laborsaving and economical inventions PRICES LOW CALL CW U3 Electrical Supplies For Hotels Residences Offices Stores Mills Mines Etc United Electric Co 46 SECOND SOUTH STREET Telephone 116 Box 277 I PROFESSIONAL CARDS MUSICIANS KENTS MILITARY BAND A ND ORCHESTRA A 1 Office at Calders Music Palace WCCLIVE mEACHER OF PIANO ORGAN VIOLIN TEACHER First South Street JOSEPH DAYNES PIANO TEACHER AND TUNER ORDERS JL at John Paynes 66 Main St Box 433 ANTON PEDERSEN mEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN TEACHER 106 Centre Street PROF DOBRANICH PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER TO THE PIANO it i JL royal families of England and Spain Leave orders at Coalter Snelgroes 74 Main street TACGART DIANOTUNER LEAVE ORDERS AT MAR plt flR JT Betts Bros 76 Main Stand 156 Third So JOSEPH MINTYRE EACHER of PIANO TEACHER Calders Music Palace THOMAS RADCLIFFE mEACHER OF PIANO TEACHER JL Professor of Great Organ S38 South Temple GEORGE CARELESS mEACHER OF MUSIC VOICE CULTURE TEACHER 1 JL Piano and Violin 205 Second South MAGNUS OLSON mEACHER OF GUITAR AND VIOLIN TEACHER 8 8AY JL Leader of Olsons Band 85 St or music stores WEIHE T7IOLINIST PUPILS AND CONCERTS yrOJ citoSi c1ig 1 Studio at Calders Music Palace PROF ANDRE INTERPRETER USIC LANGUAGES AND FENCING M1 lll 43 Second South I Should Smile TiTLe Latest SPRING STYLES Prepare to be Pleased THE BEST i OF EVERTHING IX THE C1 thi11g Li i 1eG A Fine Nobby New Stock the Finest Patterns at the OLD ESTABLISHED PIONEER CLOTHING HALL Nobby Suits for Men Youths Boys and Children REMEMBER Selling at 25 Per Cent Less than Any Other Clothing II House in the City Call and See Ours FLLVE SPRJ SUITS I Also Our I 2 BOYS SUITS Ages 5 to 13 Years AT THE OLD MAMMOTH CLOTHING HALL 1011 ThfJain StreetS NATHAN Prop Established 1SOG Buena Vista Addition CHEAP LOTS SURE INVESTMENT ater Soil Schoo1 I epoi 2 JUST OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS TRAVERSED BY THE UTAH NEVADA RAILWAY Price Advanced AprU 1 TO 2 r00 for CORNERS 6000 INSIDES Will be Further Advanced May 1st NOTE THE TE 500 Cash and 5 per month NO INTEREST Ten per cent Discount for CASH Buy now and get Choice Location Call at my office and see Maps and Plats Take a look at Buena Vista and then you will buy BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE A ctttIt1e1Iv 0 Box 1148 Room 29 ScottAuerbach Block PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNEYS RICHARD YOUNG ATTORNEYATLAW 142 Main Street Up Stairs FRANKLIN RICHARDS pITY ATTORNEY ATTORNEYAT LAW CllJ cH 49 Main Street Hooper Eldredge BlockS DARKE A TTORNHYATLAW TTORmYATL dv OL Land Attorney 110 Main Slreet Salt Lake City BARLOW FERGUSON A TTORNEYATLAW Ji 49 Main St Hooper Eldredge block Telephone 426 JAS MOYLE rtOUNTY ATTORNEY ATTORNEYATLAW 49 Main Street Hooper Eldredge Block WALDEMAR VANCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE HOOPER OL and Eldredge Block MAURICE XAIGHN A TTORNEYrrATLAW Jx Rooms 4 5 and 0 Tribune building comer West Temple andSecond South streets HENANY A TP rEYATLAW SCOTT VEnnAOK J3L building Collections solicited 0 POWERS A TTORNEYATLAW J3L Opposite Cullen Hotel Second South St SUTHERLAND A TTORNEYATLAW 11 Romney Block ARTHUR BROWN A TTORNEY ATLAW 11 Romney Block CRITCHLQW A TTORNEYATLAW Lt South Main Street 8W DRIGGS JR A TTORNEYATLAW t1 Over Deieret National Bank CHAS STAYNER A TTORNEYATLAW East of Deherct National Bank PHYSICIANS HYSICIRI PRATT MidE AJTliITTING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON FITTING Spectacles a specialty Office Deseret Hospital DR HUGHES OFFICE CORNER SOUTH TEMPLE AND State Road EYE EAR HOSE THROAT SPECTACLES ACCURATELY FITTED DJ Freeman Burrows 347 Main street opposite Walker house DRESSMAKERS MADAME WILCGX DRESSMAKER 103 West Third South MISS MICKELSEN TKRESSMAKER log East First South Street Satisfaction guaranteed MISS SADIE THOMAS DRESSMAKER PERFECT CUTTING AND JU Fitting guaranteed 142 Main Street MISS HARGROVE TkRESSMAKER JL7 HEKALD Building Satisfaction asaurSd illSCELIzA EOUS HCOY lL HARMON Lnr AND BOARDING STABLE 20 and 23 Seccnd SouthST Telephone 81 GEORGE BROOKS WHOLESALE DEALER GROCERIES 1 2G First SoJth WILLIAMS BROTHERS ANDSCAPE GARDENERS LAWNS CUT 1J and takeacare or bytheseason Address 666 West Temple street or 175 street PG BROWNING lL CO HE GREEN GROCERS First South Telephone 285 SALT LAKE OIL COMPANY OIL AND sgkISE 46 FIRST SOUTh Telephone 20i Silverwood Mgr PAGEISOM STEW AND SECOND FURNITURE LI Buy and sell everiythng 10ti10V let South IVULCAN POWDER CO IFCALIFORNIA JOHN WILLLM SHELL Agent Idaho Store Box 519 CLAWSON PORTRAIT PAINTER 39 First South JOHN SHELL AGENT PHICAGO SCALE co SALT AND BLUING kS fo Depot Building Hock Idaho Store Uox519 CLAWSOfi BROS DENTISTS TOHNSON LUNDS WESTERN DENTAL Si Depot 47 First South HERALD JOB OFFICE TINE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING i 4 Callister Bros Proprietors HMIDGLEY fODERX ART PAPER HANGER SIGN IO i rii il ir III writer etc 5i5 Third South street DALLAS HEDGES RCHTFECTS Rr rl Deseret Bank Building Salt Lake City ADOLPH HAUERBACH lL SONS PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS A 1C First South Street YOU CAN SAVE MONEY PURCHASING YOUR SUPPLIES through the Utah Supply Purchasing Agency 3oG Fourth Street THE COLUMBIA BICYCLES ARE THE FAVORITES SAFETIES AND 1 Pt Tricycles Perfection Buy only the best Gushing Agent BUTLERS SECONDHAND STORE A NYTHING EVERYTHING BOUGHT 11g1 Wo rTe sold and Exchanged Highest Pnco No West TVrrmlo Qtt Temple Street HEBER GRANT CO TjUKE AND LIFE INSURANCE JJ Oaice HERALD Building DRCVNUNH jrANUFACTURER AND PROPRIETOR III Nunns Black Oil Balsam 71 1st South ANDERSON BROTHERS CITY BILL POSTERS SIGN WRITERS Next Door West Grant Bros GEORGE SAVILLE FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER JJ 21 Second South STEPHENS SCHOOL SONG BOOK TUST OUT SPECIAL RATES TO SCHOOLS tJ For sale by COalter SnelgroTe JOSEPH HYRUM PARRY 1 TUNE JOB PRINTING New Location i72 I South Temple St EMIGRANT TICKETS SOLD TO AND FROM ALL POINTS OF Europe at the lovcst rates by A Petersen I Merchant and Emigrant Agent East Second South I BURTOH DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR JLJ Civil Engineer Hooper EMredse Block I 3 KROUSE II MUSICAL grfr OMU510 HI Polders Music Palace WORKIHGMEHS COOP GENERAL MERCHANDISE S80 TT FIRST USouth George Arbuckle prW JESSE FOX JR CITY SURVEYOR Roam 10 Hooper Eldredge Block OODDARD lL JAMES LADIES AND CHILDRENS HAIR CUT I ting Private room Temple barberShop oppOHlle Temple THOMAS SLEIGHT TyrANUFACTURER OF PAPER BOXES lll 2 West Temple WALKER SMITH CONTRACTOR BUILDER AND JOBS EH Shop 66 Second South Salt Lake Utah JSJENSEN WATCHMAKER YORE IN ALL BRANCHES AGHOT crAt Xt Victor Bicycle Best Known 40 Main St SPENCER lL BYWATER miNNERS ROOFING AND FPOUTINa A ngoJ JL specialty 28 Third South trpNG Shield Oysters I SALMON AND FISH ALL KINDS OF GREEN GROCERIES FRESH DAILY AT BOWRINGS JMcxrlcet Row.

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