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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas • Page 6

Corpus Christi, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1918 PAGE SIX THE CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER mm St 1 i THE AMUSU THEATRE Charles Ray O'clock Town ll M(H i Pit Kl- 'V rich' 'ip 'Mi oin hind le 'nd root for K.i tliKnioh i li loot ot thi. film lie brings "big oi idea-, to horse town. I.ivs low the plans ol tin hmmtf vampire' and at the English-man would sny, woid' He's corker' AISO A SUNSHINE COMEDY FREE TRANSFERS TO THE QUEEN THEATRE. Queen Theatre Today Km Stewart "Red Haired Comedy" ston ot the west that are bound to like. DRAFT-AGE MEN FROM OTHER COUNTIES REGISTER TUESDAY AT OFFICE OF LOCAL BOARD Vix.

'smi nn iiirn MYt iw.n fiein their homes nn Thar-dm 1ml rcaimor- (SI win. Hi' Nnww I'miitljr Draft Ooanl ui Tliesdni All but IMJ i'-' inimlii'i men from othet unties inn! mulct, win. aio now I In Coi I'll Chi lH nml who will not bei ttielt hoiiw address on registration I Tin- tumid ha rtttnpli nil" I'lui- r.M i 'if Ion of Nuccesl mn between ih iimi'k ISi nut em. tomorrow ili- will immted etch of the) iu.ui. voting pieclnrls of tin', I-.

atrmiat without exception. in ml leB'ntrintx will lw tlie' i pri shlttiR ji. ii tlu prlmnrt election of Inst li.i. li iKtinmiol thru nt. proximately .11..

te. r.llltlM Will lw listed .1 in iiih II i il.i 'I'm. i. v. a i.I.viiIhh) i-puI- I li.itlun in IhK i it 1 1 i ii.

i li ill the 1'Misnnii military i In 11. in irtct'tifi in i man fnmi tlif nf his l.iiiii iHHUu lilnti llfi, from Hi" ii.iillt' in the irmklnir bint retrtfttri at rv i.loiv uf evidence, nml following him around fi.iiii door in and fruiti) Mown in inxx'ii. In unlw in nblt lu. i.iiiin.'f upiin him nml put rlfl In IUI linml wIim thp tltnu cnmi' fur in "i i i iillo till' vorli! ne'fi limi any uf till. now wtmn Hit-In.

in (tf luilloiinl ni wl lint, mitIvimI in.ii iriift in A tiutrlt-M ii mill liknitlfy llnclf System Oanpd on Honor 'I'll.'i' Si i 'li' Stini In re ll Ififil nn Iwinur 'fit it i thf illi.ii Km itn' nin. Half niUliitim ivlui iiglolcreil In ISl? No ntiti know JiimI win) lio ln tin' OKI'S of ml SI. Uvury-nil(t, ol rOtln. ktirV Bjiino of lliPlll.

Illlt niiliiiily, ri)i( tlm Aiiki'I. knew nil nf llicm limy all cm imp fimvanl. tin' I'll-tht- nlni' nml ft liiilf inillluim of llirni. nml ihcniM-lvi'ii. Tlif Ilnu1 li come lo rrpont tlint miPconN.

mid thli tliiii. II will ho on Ini'Ki'r emit' Tin- OmilH IliirfSU tells its Hint thPtc arc nliout thirteen millions of mi'ii l.i'lU't'H ilii' tiKt'K ot to 20 mul In If. nn; tlioy? Wio nm thyT (ton't know Hut they know. Daoli or them Uniiwii who lie is. and ieh ot tliem koIhb lo mm ii fnrwrtl nml Hlmw up nnd rcclslfr rn the apiioiutMl lny.

Of ruuisc, tluiro will lie a few who will not insponil to thr rnll of honor, thl'ii- ii fpw iciiinrVdililv kiiihII iiimiiIi.t tlimlKli- lio hud to ho uHiii.lMl op nfti'rwnrd. tu 1 1 1 1 1 Law Provldot For Thm Thf Inw provides fully for Unit few, liiwfvor. In tho followlnB extrnct from the sHlortlvr snrvlec Inw. "Any piirson who hIiiiII wilfully fall or reftiM' to hlnisi-lf for iokIh-trutlon or mibmlt tlii'ii'lo ns hrri'in prni'ldcd. vliull tin guilty of 11 inlmlo-monnoi' find shall, upon rnnvlrtlmt In a dlstrlrt court of the t'nltt'd Stntt'H jiirlmtirtldii Ihen-of.

Im punish-l by Iniprlsonnn'tit for not more tlmti uiii' nnd hIiiiII thereupon In' duly rpKisti'ied. pmi'ldt'd, tlint In tin. call uf the dorkt't picorulcncc shall ho kIvimi. uirts trvlnit the nnnn to the trim of rimliinl prticfedlUBs under this net IPOULTRY RAISERS PICK DALLAS MAN TO JUDGE C. Van Winklr Will Officiate at tli Sixth Annual Nurcm County r.xlilbitlon to hfflJ in Dicumbrr (l I' Van Winkle of Dalian wnsj fu'li'oii'il Inst iiIkIk at a iiieetiiiif of) (lie N'iiiti'S t'ouiit l'oultry mid ret Stock Association, nn JiiiIki' of thu sixth atimuil exhlhlllon of the nsso-rliitlon olie held in ('orpus clirlstl 17 to 10 Ineluslvii.

The icpoits at tho mcetltiK Indicated tlint the In ritlslnir heller lueeds of chlokonw In -uonHlnnlly on Ihc Incrense In Nueces County and the fni'iiibfirs look forwaid to Ihn I)i-ceinher exhibition as the lnrKOftt and most successful they hnvn ever held The necretary was niithorlzyd to pur chase 100 who rdnops lo liolp house the entries. V. C'hcrryhouso was elected to mumbefihlp In tho nssorln-tlon. Ahnoiinremeiit wan made that the ralihlt breeders of the county thlsi your wilt hold an exhibition from tho poultrymen. The date for the flrsl annual exhibition of thu Nueces County Hnhblt llreedurn ssoeln-tlon will bp announced Inter It Is likely that Noi'omber dates, will be selecled MACHINE GUN RANGE NEAR KINGSYILLE FOR FLYERS FROM HOUSTON mtiii- fimn KllliiRton I'lclil Houston will K-t tiiiliillUT In the art ul Kiln flrliur from plnnes, at tar- City News in Brief Grocer Up Ayalntt It.

"I have liven up HHaliiHt it for pust .1 years sufferiuK from pain In my stom ach anil side until was coitslderlnK givliiK up my Rrorery business. Uorlorsj mid mcillclne dht not help me. I )i(mrd of Mayr's Wonderful ltemeily through friend in lluffalo. The first dpsul cave me more hnnefit than all the med icine I had Inken before and mn now feellriK as wpII as ever In my life." It Is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal Iran and allays tho Inflama-tion which causes practically all stomach, liver and ailments, ln-cludlliK nppendicltls. One dose will convince or money refunded.

Sold bv iltilKliistn everywhere- Adv ARCHDEACON WEBBER WILL PREACH TONIGHT First Service of the Epiacopal Mission I is Scheduled for Toniuht at 8.15 O'clock Mm. Amo Robinson it opnina at Archdeacon Webber who in In the i.lti street, In the room for-I city to conduct a mission at Hie Kplf merli occupied by Hut city ticket office copal Church of the Oood of the fJulf Coast Miles, a waffle par- Complete assortment of Garden Seed Plant our fall gardens now WEIL BROS. GROCERS I Mule-. I'imiiI Atllni nihl ral nm Ci ll-117r! I et raiiue that has been established six ur. The new placqgiylH ho open for miles south of KliiKHvlile.

business within Hie present week. Ki'imrts from Klliftsi'lllc st'ltu that aj bmeni of sixty men hv been or-1 Born to Mr, anj Mrs. Joe Goniales il-nd in the rniiKO to keep it in lt Tk Caldwell avenue, a i fivers and that from four to titx iilnneh at the new imiijc doll I piiu'tlclnif. I'laniiM me able to make the trip from Houston to Corpus Chrlsli mul Kmusvlllc In a ttyliiK time of from I tlnec to four hours mid almost every S.ituiihiv five or Mix of the machine? 1 here for Hie week-end. TODAY'S CALENDAR in nn Weather Oullotln riil forecast for toihiv Not much fhiinb'c tempera At the Theatres I i let- Km in Prnye.

Seivipc Tomght i In ii" r.i i i AlH 1 Til. 'I I .1. .1 I. I I. III I II II.

I'll- 11 1 It Ml. .1. 'I 1,111 fit I UK ii Iii ti Hi. i-iitiiili Amusu i nine i iCiock Tow ii i OilPen Stewinl in M( i itneil TiLniKle l.ibl'in (ilmlyx I-phIu, in II. A N'lne will preach KmlKht at 1.

16 o'clock this belpir Irst service. The mission will continue dally until 22nd- The speaker Is snid to he preacher ol rare power and the sermons that be will deliver during his stay In Corpus ChrlHI doubtless will ho followed Willi close attention mid Interest. A full schedule or the services will bo announced Inter. Archdeacon Webber has accepted nn Invitation to iit-llver mi address be- foie the Itotnry Club at their weekly 'niirsdny noon at the Nu ll. Haired Tin l-lt- A.

A. Fiske, district representative for tho War Department Conimlsiion mi TmlniiiK Camp Activities, and if.K. Hllkey, his assistant, Wt last niul.t for 1'aso after speudliiK a veek In the nntliii CbrlHtl illulrli'l V. Wlll'll! is now In oliarK" tho work of the uion cummlsslun In this district. siiccecdltiK i 'pes Hotel Mr.

llllkey who has been traiisferrcd SAVINGS STAMPS Major A. M. Barnes yest yesterday I for lluiistmi, where he will make his home with Ids dnUKllier, Mrs. .1 II Hosier. Major Iiarim.

vho for mmiy years has his home in Coipus, chiistl. today will celelirattt his 97th lilt thilny. CAMPAIGN ENCOURAGING I um It tell Ho Wno.t 11 III I Mil Spe I olMllI Today's Calendar ii' iet tin Ainu 'V it J. Ju White Sewing Splendid offer on WING MACHINES or it bhorl period of hint- we are making a speciul i on L.ui slot of Machines 1 hese machine, were purchased before the prices advanced and we are able to offer, for a limited time machines which today would he worth from $65 to $70 for $35 and $38 There is no better machine than the White, It's reputation ranks high and has for many years been a standard in many homes. The machines offered at these prices are New.

If you need a machine if you can use one, then you certainly cannot afford to overlook this offer. Take advantage of it at once. We have but Iwenty-live machines to offei and because of their splendid value they will nut last long. Tho United States Civil Service Cam-mission aniKiuucoN an oxamlnatioii fur Inspector uf ciiiiiiIiik operations (ve-etnble an i fruit) for vacancies in the iuiii tiirmaster's corps of the army, New Orleans, anil thiuiiKhout the Tenth civil Service District, Texas and Louisiana, at fl.r.nn to tl.HOO a year. An examination is also uniioiinc-oil for September 27 for clerk with knowledne of NtonoKruphy and typewrlttiiK fur duty in "tiMiiiiKUui.

D. C. This itx-amination is considerably easier than tlie rcKiilar stenographer mid typewriter examination which Is held every Tuesday Competitor- making mi av- erane of to per cent III either the stenography ot typewiltliiK tests and least Tu per cent In the clerical Htib- Ijeeit. are assured cxcolletit prospoi ts of appointment. Information and application blanks can be secured from II lv in 11 at the poaliifflce at Corpus Chi 11 1 HIM i- CORPUS CHRIST 8 HDW.

COl Four Committees at Work Tuesday Report Total Sales in Corpus Christ! For the Day of $600 War SnvliiKS Stamps In nn amount exceedim; fliUO wore. Bold yeHtorduy by committees of woiuon stationed at thu War SavlitBs llootlis Dial have been established in the hank lobbied and at the Nueces Hotel Total suit's ihioiiKh this method within tho past thiet' tlnss exceed Mosdmtles Henry Baldwin and May Clicnney al tho City National Uank led the list with total sulci of $206. Mrs. W. li.

I'opo and Misses Anna Mao. oibsoii mid Mao Dunn at tho Corpus Chrlstl National Uank sold $172.76 stamps. Mrs. 1'. V.

Habcoek and Stella Ciirruth al the Statu Dank repotted sales totalling tlliO.OO. Al the Nueces Hotel booth -Mrs. riill lloworton and Misses Marie I'arr mid Kern Hclschci had sale-nmoiintinK to This plan will lio continued dally W. C. Dallcy, intiiiaKnr of the Nueces County War Having Coinmlltee Is J.

W. Pittman has returned from I nuiklnir mi eutirKutlc effort to hriiiB wlieru nn piesidont of ihethc counlv -aloft totals to (2SO.O00 by T. xas Iilindryineu'H Association he tepiescnleil Texas at coiifereiiei' between luiiiidryineu of the nation and the W.ii liulustrlei Hoard. Friends of Robert Oats, of North Caiubiiii whu spent the slimmoi tterc liave I. ikIvIho.I that Mr (Juts' sou Who n-i- i.

polled as lulsliiK in In l''iinii'r( in now tiiported us a mih hi ie i w.ii in (lermiin iitis.ui i.imp. tlctober 1. The nuotu for the county to be reached by Deccmlier Is $.112,000 Mis llestei Mel dmiKhter Helen l. ii v. tor San -Vinonin wIiiti Hi.

diiuKliti i will enter olleue. Special services are announced for tonlKbl it 311 o'clock It the Ainu ul Camp Seurri SIhkIiik will In- eon In til 1 1 (I'ilriun of the C.iinn who ih vIsUIhk in the city will be made 1 Cliapl'ilu of I In I 'oiirlh Arlllleiy Sec i ret. us t.od.hii.l uf the Ainu VoiiilKl Menu Assoclatioti NUECES COUNTY WILL APPEAL GU5SETT CASE! Commissioners Court Orders Attorneys to Cirn the Case to Fourth Court of Appeals Tin- No. i county Commissioners Coin i II.I-. isMiied an ordet inxtructliiK atioiii.iM for lite county to proceed wlili ippeul in (ho Coin Ih Court uf Civil Appeals, in the CI ii nm' it case.

Iter, nil, the county win the plaintiff In a suit to recovur from bondsmen of funnel county treasurer 11. D. Oum-sott. an alleged shot'tUKC. the "lit being based on uiidlt of the county IiooHm made in Auditor I.

II Musii.t wax of lloiiHioii A luiy in tlie civil court of the 2Klh ImtrKt tltat heard the evidence, utter being out but minutes, returned vi rdit that Miey had found no ebortiiKO in Mr CiUHsetl accounts, Krimi this dcclsloii tho county lu now tnklntr uu Magazines Being located at the point where you catch your car we saw the wisdom of carrying all the first class magazines nnd papers just as convenience. If you've a favorite magazine, the chances are we'll have it if we haven't it we'll get it. Our service is INTENTIONALLY GOOD The City Drug Store W. C. Brandies, Mgr.

PHONE FOUR FOUR Good Fishing Good Fare WRIGLEYS LaaaaaaaaaVLaaaaaaaaaV I aiaaaaaaaaaaaaaV MSLJMW We will win this war Nothing else really matters until we do! The Flavor Lasts TO OUR PATRONS AND THE CITIZENS OF CORPUS CHRISTI GENERALLY. We take pleasure in presenting copy of the statement of THE CORPUS CHRISTI NATIONAL BANK at the close of business Auuust 3Ut, 1918, as called by the Comptroller of the Currency: RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans Capital Sloik U. H. Honds (Iar i ii I mid Vitluit) lOO.Quo no dlMde.l I'loiiin i.Jii 18 Liberty lloiids. Cortl- circulatluii iissnuiK) flcatos of Iiulebt Kills luuiiouOU cdiiOHS and Win It I I I Savlnh's Stiintlis l.tvor..ll It Cithor Honds, Cpv ounteil with the Warrmils, Ktc r.w,iftt 1 i'edpral Hesem- HankliiK House and Hunk 91 Ileal Kstnto Acceptnnces Kedii Slock Kodonil He- eoonU.i soivo Uank 10.500.00 Deposits 20 Cash and I'ixolionRU.

IJeiimiul Cotton Hills' or Kxchuime J74.RaS.K8 Trade Acceptances l2f.2Sl).7k Total 'iO Tots! 10J mi R. J. KLEBERG, President PHIL HOWERTON, JOS. HIR8CH, Vieu Prosident Lumber Southland Lumber Co. PHONE 18- 901 LEOPARD ST.

CORPUS CHRISTI, TEX. tj For years I have made a specialty of salt water angling. I know where the big ones lurk. I endeavor to set a table that satisfies. ED CL1NE, FLOUR BLUFF Phones 0512-F4 tippcul, ST- i.

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