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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 7

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
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2' ''W- jfv Halifax Photographs Received v. -ii i rw -a ii fcV r- sshi i iv.i. '-iii). r- a li 1 jL-i" vlC ii it. 'lyfa? SE.W5-iV -v tr '4 -Vies 'rmzrjr- ITalifax City Market NO GENERAL FURLOUGH FOR NATIONAL ARMY Kb eenerat furloughs for drafted mea In the national army canipi will be granted during the Christmas holidays, according to a ruling; of the War Department.

Secretary of War Baker explained that the railroads are already overburdened and that to throw 600,000 men on the railway systems would wreck them. Discipline of the camps, he said, would also be shattered by a central furlough. Thursday Exquisite METr I fflitTJrP r.y tHBlHB Over 900 of Them, in Newest Styles and Lovely Models, Values to $2.00 This is the first Camisole to enter the big Thursday Special Sales. We bought a manufacturer's surplus stock at a special price, and that makes this wonderful camisole value possible. Such a chance never happened before, and it is not likely to happen again, so women should take 81 I TKafkoS -i, ll" as 3 -r 'V.

jr- c--3 -3Bfg isSiS' 111 ii'Ji IiiJll iiBli 1' SmMWIjI Sltiiv Forty children were killed building, a mile and a naif west 01 FIRE IN D0G.P0UND SETS LOOSE YEI10W PACK RICHMOND. Va, Dec 12. More than half a hundred worthless dogs were released from the city pound by firemen when an overheated store set the office ot the poundmaster afire. The blaze caused 52SO damage before it was extinguished. The dogs are still at large.

Special! Camisoles 88c --------iHaMManaiiBa the fullest possible advantage of the Thursday savings as well as to remember the Christmas gifts they will soon be making to women friends. All kinds and all styles that are new and pretty; cut full, ample in size and designed to fit. The very garments that arc indispensable with the prevailing styles of frocks. Every Camisole in this display is absolutely new and fresh. There is no limit while they last, and particular women are invited to choose for themselves and their friends.

Special 88c at Z5ftittb THE WASHINGTON TEilES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, rKmmmmm in this school building-. tne Eene ot tnb eAp.oo.uji. GAIN STRONG HOLD NEW Dec. 12 football, baseball, track and field athletics all the sports known to America aro run ning the gamut of. approval In every cantonment In the United States.

Never before in the history of the United States army and navy has such a flocking to the colors of sport taken place. After the war ends sports should have such a firm grip on the youth or tne land that It should enjoy the greatest patronage It ever saw. The reason Is the war. and the effect is to loosen the tense seriousness of getting ready for this Job of ridding the world ot Kaiserlstic war maniacs. From California to New York, and for the same Inclusive expanse up and down thft map, sports are gripping the attention of youngsters.

Hoys who never before saw a first-class football game, a star boxer, a record-holding ainieie, a siar uaii players, anu me other Idols of youth are enjoying glimpses of the hlgest type of athletics. They are learning to do the things In athletics the way they are done by theest athletes In the world because these men are teaching them. These new army men of Uncle are living clean, healthy lives. They are strengthening their mnscles and quickening their eyes by a course of athletic sprouts that has lis place right along with squads rlchtlng and shouldering hummmms. It's paying because It's keeping the men healthy and affording them playful recreation.

Recreative athletics and competitive athletics each have their place in these camps. The Newport Naval tteserves. In fact, had one of the best football teams in the East during the season Just over. Camp Sheridan, Camp Dlx, Camp Devens, Camp Upton, In fact, nearly all the camps had football teams and they had a lot of fun out of It. They probably will have good -baseball teams, and they probably will show Just as much loyalty to baseball as they showed to football.

At one Southern training camp two of the beat football teams In the West played r. tie game the Saturday preceding Thanksgiving Day, and the soldiers were the only spectators. Sport Is being elevated to a place In the national life It never enjoyed. And when It comes back from war It will literally be all over the place. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Clear the Skin "SPORTS A IIP Today Show Results of Munitions; Ship Tt Bl I Mi Residence in district where ADVENTISTS SEE ARMAGEDDON IN TUftM' DEFEAT Especially iiileresfrif in the dertlopmctitt of the ralettlne campaign and the taking of Jerusalem are the membert of the Seventh-Day AdventUts, tehoao national headquarters at Takoma Park.

Elder G. Daniels in the president of the world conference and from him The Times sought an interpretation of recent events and their bearing on the BIMcal prophecies as viewed in thd Adrentist faith, Elder VanieU prepared tho following; By ELDER A. G. DANIELS. In closing his preat prophetic out-, views, exorbitant demands, and con- line recorded In the eleventh chapter of his book, tho 1'rophet Daniel foretells the destiny of the Turkish empire.

He says: "He shall plant the tabernacles ot his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to bis end, and none shall help him." Daniel Two things are here foretold of the Turk: Klrst, he shall establish his palace In the "glorious holy mountain:" second, ho shall then "come to his end. The palace, it Is fair to presume.1 stands for the dwelling place of the soverelgn-tho capltol. At present. the palace of the Sultan Ii in Con- stantlnople. Dut that is not "the glorious holy mountain" of the Bible.

That mountain Is Mt. Zlon. where Jerusalem stands. This Is made plain by a nrevlous a statement of the I'rophet Daniel In one of his recorded prayers, in which hi- says: Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech Thee, let Thine anger and Thy fury be turned away from Thy city. Jerusalem, Thy holy mountain." Daniel With this.

agree the words of Zccharlah: "Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth: and he mountain of the Lord of hosts, the holy mountain." Sees Jerusalem As Capital. The capital of Turkey has never yet been located at Jerusalem, "in the glorious holy mountain." IJut It Is to be placed there. If wo correctly understand this prophecy. Without Question. JerimiUm 1.

most likely city In Asiatic Turkey for n.o .10 capital or tne government. Just when Turkey will be compelled to leavo Constantinople, no one can Jvllt what or my bo made the new temporary capital, no one knows. The prophet said the palace would finally be planted "in the glorious holy mountain," where Jerusalem Is located; and everything in present-day conditions points to an early fulfilment of the prediction. How wonderfully time fills In the prophetic lines of the word of God! put the prophet saw beyond the establishment of the new capital of Turkey at Jerusalem. "In the glorious holy mountain." He foresaw and foretold tha end the utter ruin of the government of Turkey.

Predicts Colossal Tangle. Looking at the serious complication! already existing and tha worse tangle that Is certain to follow this 1, lT "hort of colossal nsUon'' "Clllement of accounts? Divergent 1 explosion, was onost severe. incline claims, are sure to prove In surmountable obstacles to me main- tenance of peace, This is the outlook presented by the propnet. After foretelling tho dish tegration of Turkey, the transfer of her capital to Jerusalem, and final overthrow and ruin, the prophet says: "At that time shall Michael stand up, tho great Prince, which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time th ep'r ha" bo wriuen in tne "uu ol see Baptism of Troubles. By the connective "at that time." events the end of Turkev tnelwo vcn- or Turkey ana lne or trouble are Immedl- ana "nseparaoiy associated.

The sign of the end of Turkey's reign will be the herald of tho time of trouble. When the worlJ sees Turkey coming to an end, all may know that the human race Is about to receive a baptism of trouble such as it has never known "since there was a nation." This Is surely a sad, dark outlook, but It is exactly what the world faces today. But this is not all that the future has In store for sinful, sorrowing, ruined humanity. Thank Cod. deliverance is promlsed'to all who will accept It on the conditions required by the Deliverer.

Here is the promise: "At that time shall Michael stand up. the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people. And at that time thy people shall be delivered, every One that shall be found written in the book." Daniel 12:1. Michael, thi! Prince of Peace. Is the Lord Jes'is Christ.

The standing up of the Prince of Peace is the beginning of His reign over His glorious kingdom of peace. The beginning of His reign Is In connection with the time of trouble the time of the world struggle of tho nations. Then, In the midst of this trouble, when the Prince of Peace begins Ills reign, all whose names are at that hour found written In the book of life will be delivered. They are the redeemed and will receive the protectrbn of Him who "standeth for tho children of Thy people." A Glorious: Consnmmatloa. This Is the all-Important feature of the prophecy.

This Is Its climax. Its glorious consummation. This Is the great objective from the first verse to the last. There Is the closest possible connection between the historical events foretold In tho prophecy and tne things uf- thc-kingdom which, 1 One of the many 'ch sssssssBSHHPT. iWjfflR VHbssssssssssslssssssf SJssSclllSlssssssslssssssssssBIS Plsssssssssi? VHpViHLsssssssssssLssssW i "Sf Lssssssssssssssssssssssssfl ssssB stssstlssssssssl iV VT Ti ri" T' HHBI Ml lssssMsssM lfcsssssB.sssssBfeSiMBK&WpgMM tyjlBS5ggislgE JUT'! Wt itsssssssssssJPJ1FHy-Tfy "ssTTa sssLsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! riassssssssl Prince of Peace la establishing.

The prophecy points out thesemovemenU In the world which In 'one 'way and another touch the work of God. When thus set forth by'-the prophets, these events In the world become signs or heralds of greater and more Important events relating to the kingdom of God. Accordlpr to the prophesies, the whole world will th'eownt into tumult, and war over' disputed po litical questions relating to the Near East. rt so happens that Turkey Is the nation in possession of the territory and the Interests of the Near East at the time of this conflict. To reach a settlement of these problems means to dispossess Turkey.

That means her downfall. First Step Is Strife. The first step in, the accompllsh-ment't' this end Is to foment strife and war. This has been going on for hundred years. The next step is to wrest territory from her.

This has been done, until now all her possessions In Africa and nearly all In Europe are gone. The great deciding blow wilt be to drive her from Constantinople, the capital of her empire. The war now I raging In) Europe ls'deslgned to ac-j compllsh this; and when it is brought! about thertf will but one more great act In the drama the final andj utter destruction of the Ottoman em-1 plre. A number of the great powers havo agreed to and publicly an nounced this last act. The universal belief Is that this will soon be accomplished.

But the clash of nations that will bring Turkey's end will be the Armageddon, the battle of the great day of God fqretold by John In Kevelation That will be the time of trouble that the prophet Daniel aaya wlll.attend Turkey's overthrow. And at. that time Christ, the Prince of Peace, will establish His everlasting kingdom. Then deliverance from'all the sin, suffering, and sorrow of this world will come to the people of God. Events Seen As Heralds.

The events now taking place before our eyes are sure tokens, cheering heralds, that that glorious day Is almost here. Whichever side In the conflict wins Turkey must leave Constantinople. As Turkey Is allied with the central powers, the loss of her territory contributes to the defeat ot the central powers. The success of the allies on the Tigris and at Jerusalefi Is a hard blow to the mighty project of the central powers to establish an empire extending 'from the North Sea to the Persian Gulf. It the victories won by England In the Euphrates Valley, and In Southern Palestine can be held, Germany's project must fail.

As to the effect of British possession of Jerusalem on the prophetic view that it Is yet to be the capital of AsIatlcTurkey. we do not see any serious difficulty In'thls. The Turkish government represents Islamlsm throughout the world. There are 80,000,000 Mohammedans in India and many millions In Egypt and northern Africa. The religious views and sentiments of this people can not be.

entirely overlooked or set aside. Tur key can not be wiped oft the map In a day. It wilt bo to the Interest ot Great Britain, and her allies. toAmcet arches demolished. Interior of a pnotorrrapn studio nearly two miles fromtne scene' 01 tne explosion.

as, far as possible the religious sentiment of her Mohammedan subjects. In the final settlement of Turkey must be given a suitable seat of government. If Great' Britain holds the strategic ground she has' gained In southern Palestine, she can easily arrange for Turkey to locate at Jeru 3g SB MSI We Will Back Our Men In Service Tp the Limit Mi isi 3 mm IL rkXstT Vk Veaf 10 Discount On All PurchasesTo MEN IN UNIFORM Washington Representative For KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES .40 UK WHOtE QUAUTY COUNV A3 Grosner? IF 1043 PCNNA AVE MVA SgB-JLJLJD 7 1 Explosion 'c-'. v. tk, salem; By doing- this she will hold tho sympathies and the loyal support of her Islamic subjects.

WeNlook upon the passing of Jerusalem to Great Britain aa an omen of good, and believe that the future win develop In harmony with the forecasts of the prophet Daniel. i tin ill II Is II ii.

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