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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
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ZZtZiA THE WASI.TNUTOS TLUES. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1915. IT SUPPORT TO RELY UPON OF PROGRESSIVES Nomination of Senator Begins to Seem Possible, Party Leaders Believe. OLD GUARD'S POSITION Would Nominate Borah or Had-ley for Second Place on the Ticket. Friend of Senator Kllhu noot.

of New Tork. nre pnstng along the word that hi room for the Republican Presidential nomination next year will have to be taken seriously. Moreover, they are engaged In trying to show that the Root strength throughout the country Is much areater than might be supposed and Includes the support of many of the Republicans who are regarded as progressive. In this connection. It has developed that a number of Republican leaders Jwho are for Root will soon wait upon him and try to Induce him to enter the Presidential race, either becoming; an active- candidate or encouraging those who are seeking his nomination.

Is Making Headway. Washington has believed that the Root movement would not be pressed hard because of the objections of pro-gresstve-mlnded voters, but It appears that some of the most powerful of the conservative Republican leaders In various parts of tho country are working hard for Root, and that many of the progressive Republicans are saying they will support him. It Is said today that Republicans of all brands. Incredible as It may seem, will unite In support of the man who was chairman of the convention which renominated William II. Taft and who carried through tho parliamentary program for the Tuft forces.

The Root leaders are banking on promises of this kind. They meant to attempt to nominate Root at the head of the ticket and put Into second place some man known as a i-gresslsn Republican, like Ilorah of Idaho or Had-ley of Missouri. Need Strong President. They arc making the appeal for Root on the ground that the country needs an extremely strong man to act as Chief Executive In the next Administration, In tho period, presumably. when the world will have stopped the war and started on a reconstruction and rehabilitation period.

One of the difficulties they encounter Is the certainty that If the Old Guard should succeed In naming him the Democrats would proceed to make a nationwide attack on the ticket on the ground that it represented an effort of the reactionaries to return to power. This would be made to drive progressive republicans and Progressives away from the Republican ticket. It would unquestionably cost the Republican party many votes. How many. Is a matter of opinion.

That It would alto enable the Progressive party to make a lgor-ous campaign is clear. The Root nomination. It Is contended here, would De such a nomination as would enable the Progressives to continue In the held and mako a largo showing of otes. Old Guard's Position. Whether the Old Guard leaders name one of the men who Is entirely satisfactory to them will depend largely on tho attitude of the progressive Republican leaders.

At the convention no one candidate will have anything like a majority or delegates. A lot or confe-ence-i and powwows will held, in theso conferences, unles the progressive Republicans flatly announco that the nomin-t-tlon of ono of the old Ouard candidate will mean a split, tho Old Guard will probably proceed as It chooses. Freilcoff to Represent Hebrews of Washington Representative-! of thirty-two Hebrew societies In Washington gathered at the Pythian Temple last night and elected Morris FrWlcoff as delegate to the Hebrew conferenco In New York city. November 21. Mr Freilcoff presided the meeting yesterday, and D.

II. Alpher waa secretary. Another meeting of the local societies will be held November 16 to further consider the work at the conference, and at the congress some time In December. It is hoped by many that It will be decided at the New York mut-Irlg to hold tho congress li Washington. St.

Louis Publisher Takes His Own Life BT. IOUJS. Nov. 1. Col.

Edwnrd L. Preetorlus. president of the Qerman-Atrlcrlcan. Publishing Company, of St. Ixul.

ended his life In his home here early today by shooting himself In the head. Preetorlus, aa lied of the publish ing nrm. nrm an interest in tno Bt I-ouls Times, and thi Westllch Pnat. HU Louis German newspaper. He was Injured two ears ago In un automobile accident and never fullv recovered.

Prcetorlua was member of the staff of Herbert s. Hartley when tho latter was governor or Painful Swollen Veins Quickly Relieved and Reduced Mre. F. M. llemler.

of Federal. Knn. aas, writes an Interesting account of her success In reducing a severe case of enlarged veins that should bo en couraging to others similarly afflicted. She suffered with badly swollen and Inflamed veins (In fact, one had broken. for more than seven years before she became acquainted with Absorblnc.

Jr and used It. Absorblnc. was faith fully applied for several weeks, and, tn quote from her letter. "The large knots in the veins left. It was all nlcejy and has not bothered me since." Absorblne, is an antiseptic liniment healing, cooling, and soothing flafe and pleasant to use.

11.00 and 12.0) at your druggist's or postpaid. IJbcrnl inai Dome postpaid ror ioc in stamp W. Fr Young. I) ttt Temple SprlitMeld, Mass -Advt RO ERS BLANCHE WALSH DIES IN HOSPITAL IN OHIO Famous Actress Has Relapse on Tour After Operation at Cleveland. CLEVELAND, Nov.

Walsh, In prlat-) life Mrs W. II. Tiav-erft. died at L'ikcVdo Hospital last nlilit. Her determination to fulfill her vavdo- tilt engagements In "The Spoils of War" cost her her life.

Miss Walsh was strlcl.en while play- Ih Ik- tllnnnrfrnmn hnrn turn WlfS IIM ago. and went lo the hospital for an ciieratlon. She Insisted on keeping en gagements at youncsiown anu mIia hml rntlrelv rccoerod and was comirellcd In return here, where Wie rapiuiy Dccsmo worse, iier usi nnurs weic wmiuui inin. li M'llllim II. Trnverff.

wna with her when she died. Corporation Counsel to Address Single Tax Club Corporation Counsel Conrad H. Byrne will he tho principal speaker at the meeting of the Woman's Single "Tax Club at the Public Library this evening. Mr. Byrne will speak on "Property and Its Relation to Hoclcty." Halloween Dance Will Be Given by Elks' Lodge A Halloween dance Is to be given this evening hy the Washington Lodge of Klkf.

Music will be furnished by the Marine Band orchestra. The first oyster roast of tho season will be given Thursday night. Ten days' trial befofe purcnase Special Service Offer Upon request by mall or phone wo will send a representative to your home with a complete line of samples, including any articles you may specially mention. FORM CONVENTION Exhibits of Modern Equipment Will Be Feature of Gathering Here. More than two thousand delegate are accredited lo the twenty-second annual convention of the Hunday School Association of tho District of Columbia which will open Its sea-slons nt the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church with a special meeting and devotional services this evening at 7:30 o'clock.

Today the members of tho committee of arrangements have been busy completing the final details of tho program of the two days of three sessions each to follow the opening this evening. A feature of this year's convention will be the exhibition of Bunday school equipment which has been secured and arranged in the Hunday school room of the church. Attendants will be on hand to explain the various appliances and the methods of work. The principal feature of the pro-gram for this evening's meeting will be an address on the responsibility of the whole church to the Sunday acnooi, Dy the nev. Josepn i.

watts, Hunday school secretnry of the Baptist Genaral Association of The meeting will be called to order at 7:30 clock by President A. Hostetler. Thn opening song service week to $15to20 These $20 models are the convertible style which can be worn on a chain or pin. The movements are of the finest American manufacture, full jeweled and fully guaranteed. Models at the lower prices are handsome styles and thoroughly reliable as timepieces.

The cases are gold stiffened and permanently guaranteed. by Dr- William It. I is. -iauae nonunion, or-KIV. ihe Hav l)r- Wallace wl" conduct the riciotonnl the annual report of tho Jporl I'resJent will be r.rnn..rh w- Melvln will pronuonce tho benediction.

Puppy of Gaby Deslys Has Diamond Ear-Rings NEW YORK. Nov. 1 -A Chihuahua duppv that wears diamond ear-rings. suite with daby Deslys at ft nroadway hotel today. The French actress arrived estordav to take part In a new revue.

Resides the hairless pup she brought about inn trunks, a pair of betassled poots, a Japanese servant, secretary, two molds and her dancing partnor, Harry pllcer. Woman Too Big for Cell, So Court Releases Her BT. JOSEPH, Nov. 1 -Tho criminal court here was compelled to take Judicial cognizance of a physical peculiarity of Mrs. Clara Cochran Bho was fined 110 and costs for selling liquor and was unable to pay.

ler Prevented her Incarceration in Jail and sho was given tlmo In which to raise the money. Mrs- Cochran weighs CIO pounds. Judge Ryan was Informed It would be a. physical Impossibility for her to enter a Jail isell. To Talk on Africa.

Dr. Edmonstono Rarnca, former minister of public works for tho republic of Liberia, will tectum on "Africa As It Was, As It Is, and As It Will He," at o'clock tomorrow evening at the meeting of the Rethel IJterary and Historical Association In the A. M. Church, street northwest. tfJSJ v2' as? VM We Give You a Watch To Carry for Ten Days Wc deliver a watch to you without any payment whatever and allcAv you to make a trial test for ten days.

It is simply our conlidcnce in the great values we are offering. For men we have a number of different models in permanently guaranteed, gold-stiffened cases lliat will last a lifetime, but their greatest real value is in the 1 7-jewel Rockford movement, which we know to be one of the finest pieces of mechanism ever manufactured. In the west, and particularly the middle west, the Rockford is the standard timepiece of the great railroads. For a few years past a few roads have experimented with one or two other makes, but the Rockford has been the recognized movement for many years and it still hoi is its place. The different Rockford models offered during this sale are priced from Si 8 to $25, payable So cents a week.

We guarantee them absolutely as reliable timepieces and agree to keep them in repair for one year free. Think about the waich you may want to buy for Christmas and come in at once to take advantage of this chance to save a good part of its price. In addition to the low prices we give you Profit Sharing Certificates which are worth 5CC of the full amount of all payments you make. CASTELBERG'S 935 Penna. Ave.

1 MADE TRADE ADVISER Secretary Lansing Announces Appointment of Consulate Attache to Succeed Here. Rerrctary of Slate Lapsing today officially announced the appointment of Dr. Charles Adams Holder, of New York, as tiade adlscr of the Htato Department. Dr. Holder Is one of the ablest members of the consular service aand will succeed Itobert P.

Rose, who held the position of trade adviser under Secretary Uryan and resigned 'to go Into business on his own account, Laey, Dr. Holder has been connected with thn American consulate In London, ns vice consular and assistant to Consul General Skinner, He la credited with an expert and exceptional knowledge of traAn matters, gained through years' of consular service. He will sail for this country Wednesday and will lane up his duties In a short time. Dr. Holdi-r Is at once a trado expert and a full-fledged physician and sur-gcon.

He was born In Now York city In 1S73 mid was graduated from the New York public schools. Ho attended St. I'aul'a School at Garden City and other educational Institutions, Including JefTerson Medical college, at I'lmaaei-phia. He was graduated from the latter placu and was assistant demonstrator of therapeutics at the college for two ears For two yesrs he was editor of Progressive Medicine and for nine Ten 12 10 lA 19 PS 30. years practlcel.

medicine In Colorado Springs. In 1909. ha entered the consular ser vice. Ho was consul at Jtouen. France; consul general at Christiana, Norway; and consul at Cologne.

In his consular service. Dr. Holder has made a deep study of trade aub- iecta and conditions. He knows the European trade situation from top to bottom, and' will be especially qualified from this fact to advise American shlp- fera In the handling of trade with the countries at this time when commerce Is troubled and hampered by war conditions. Reception for Bishop.

tlon from to 10 o'clock tomorrow een-St. Paul's Church will give a recep-Ing to Bishop Harding, who for more than twenty years was rector of the church. S. S. S.

Greatest Gives Results Nature's Remedy for Blood Troubles. Th purifying and curative properties of Nature's great remedy havo made M8. 8. S. for tho Blood" a household saying.

Thousands today enjoying perfect health owe their recovery from blood or skin diseases to this universally used blood purifier. 8. 8. 8. Is made entirely from roots, herba and barks, which possess cleansing and healing Ingredients.

You cannot be well when your blood la Impure; you lack strength and energy natural with health; your complexion becomes pale and sallow; your vitality Is weakened. When waste or refuse matter, which Nature Intends shall at days' trial before purchase $18 to Farmers Are Holding Back Grain for Better Market 'MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, Nov. 1. Less than 1 per cent of the rjlganllc grain crop of tho Northwest has reached the martlet. Four million bush-la less grain has been maarlccted thus far this year than at tho same time latt year.

Lumber dealer report nn unparalleled demand for cheaper lumber and this, coupled with low grain receipts, grain dealers say, meuns that the farmers of the Northwest are holding their grain. That the farmer Is prepared to hold until he gets 11.21 bushel, la a statement often heard. Blood Remedy When Others Fail thrown off. Is left In the system, It Is absorbed Into the blood and bolls, pimples, rashes, blotches and other eruptions of the skin appear. 8.

8. 8. goes Into the circulation and removes every particle of blood taint or poison of every character. All skin diseases and eruptions pass away, and the smooth clear skin, glowing with health, shows that the body Is being nourished by rich, pure blood. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagloui Blood Poison, all are deep-seatel blood disorders, and for their treatment nothing equals 8.

8. 8. Get 8. s. at any drug atore.

If yours Is a peculiar case write 8. 8. 8. Atlanta. Ga.

Advt. a week Mail This Coupon to Us Castelberg's You may send me for ten days' free trial one of the Watches, as advertised. Name Address Kindly mention style and price desired. I.

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